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Thread: JIHAD! Watch and learn....

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    Default Re: JIHAD! Watch and learn....

    I normally wouldn't post this.... I don't like posting images and crap like this.

    But it's time the world saw what this animals do to people

    Saudi Arabia: Girl’s Lips & Eye Sewed Shut for Calling Jesus Her Savior

    Posted on July 1, 2014 by Mike | 6 Comments

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    You will never hear this on the lame street media and really Fox news will not report it for fear that the Islamist will feel offended that it was reported
    Originally posted on sharia unveiled:

    Young girl in Saudi Arabia that professed ‘..Jesus Christ is a Savior..’ Photo courtesy of:

    by, J. Schuyler Montague | sharia unveiled

    This young girl that was employed in Palmelkh, Saudi Arabia had the audacity to say ‘..Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is a personal Savior..’

    This angered many officials at her work and they ordered men to carry out the process of sewing her mouth shut, in order to stop her from expressing her love for Christ Jesus. Additionally, they sewed her left eye shut as an added form of punishment. The process utilized was not only inhumane but unsanitary. The plastic thread that was used contained chemicals, for the sole purpose of intentionally causing infection.

    This story has been confirmed through Human Rights Organizations that called this report: ‘..not only a reflection of the deadly Saudi Arabian Human Rights System, but a clearly flagrant violation of…
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    There will be those considered faithful enough to suffer for the cause of Christ. It is truly barbaric behavior. Similar treatment to those throughout history deemed martyrs. There will also come a time when the martyrs' blood will flow in the streets regularly. In places like Syria and Iraq, it already does.

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    I think it is time to send some martyrs to Allah, MMCO.

    Patton said something like, "It's not your job to die for your country, it's your job to make the other poor sunofabitch die for his!"
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    As they arrive on my doorstep or anywhere within my sphere of influence...

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    Jihadi “Students” (6,000 +) On The Loose In America! MSA Its Spearhead:Boston’s Terror Attack Their Template…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

    Posted on

    IN NO uncertain terms, this investigative reporter has ZEROED in on all the major ingredients required for a cocktail of “student jihad” in America. Of course, they are aided and abetted by seasoned Islamists.
    YES, while we must focus on those who have been granted open sesame via student visas, we must never lose sight of all the student Islamists who fly under the radar. You know, those who are citizens by birth or through immigration status and hate America with a vengeful passion.
    BE that as it may, it cannot be stressed enough: the Muslim Brotherhood’s student arm, MSA, Muslim Student Association (and all their comrades…GUPS and SJP in the forefront…they have other offshoots too) is their student jihadi spearhead. They operate ala dual messaging; frontal and stealth via their da’wah approaches. Ahh…the ubiquitous “iftar” festivities, and they are a sight to behold. Having witnessed them up close and personal, this much is for sure: they are designed for the impressionable college student and other non-Muslims in close proximity who are desperate for “peace” lullabies. They deliver.

    The Arab-Islamic terrorist organization’s strategy against the Free World is comprised of two parallel but coordinated arms: Jihād – a holy war against the infidels, and Da`wah – the persuasive methods used to convince people to join Islam. Both arms are intended to achieve the same objectives, yet both are used at the same time by different activists and are aimed against different targets. However, between both, Da`wah is more dangerous to the Free World. Jihādappears 41 times in 18 Suwar (plural of Sûrah) in the Qur’ān, mostly coupled with fi-Sabīlillah(in the way of Allah; for the sake of Allah), which transforms it into a religious sanction.Da’wah is the Islamic concept of missionary activity, aimed at persuading all human beings to believe in Allâh. Da`wah is the moderate and graceful opening address used to approach non-believers and convince them to submit to Islam, and if it fails, it is the duty of Jihād to achieve the Islamic goals.

    AND if straight from the horse’s mouth is required, well, so be it:

    Iftar would be a good time to not only invite Muslims but non-Muslims. Food is a universal common lure : ) With such incredibly prevalent negative views of Muslims bombarded in the media, we can tell them something unique, and non-threatening about us. Something they would have a positive curiosity about.
    If you are interested in inviting non-Muslims to your iftar at home or at work, CAIR has put together a package. They intended a larger gathering at a masjid with publicity, but I think we can use this package to suit our own capabilities. You can print the CAIR hand- out information about Ramadan for them. It is a good opportunity for them to ask you questions about something as non-controversial (phew) as Ramadan : )
    The CAIR website is:
    Specifically pages 7-11 could be used as handouts that you can leave in a pile for people to pick up IF they are interested (they will be).
    You have to judge for yourself the situation at work, ie can you reserve a room at iftar and have food catered, announce it to people several days before, and then leave this handouts on the table without ‘any issues’? Or is it too sensitive to have something semi-religious at work, and would you do it better without hassle OUTSIDE of your work, ie. at home, the masjid, reserved room elsewhere… There are countless opportunities but there is not much time left in Ramadan.
    Remember, we may be the only Muslims your friend, co-worker etc ever interact with! If each of us brings ‘Izlam and Moslems’, this esoteric religion and people they hear about misconstrued in the media, ‘home’ to people who we interact with everyday, it could go a long way towards breaking down misperceptions and creating not only tolerance, but being welcomed inshallah.
    CAIR has really made things easy for us, alhamdulillah by going through all the effort to put this together. Now we just have to take it out to our community.
    For those who want to know more about the great work CAIR is doing for us, and want to donate online, their website is
    Remember when coordinating and preparing for iftars etc, let it not distract us too much for our main objective in Ramadan which is to take advantage of the extra blessings offered in this special month. We should not be preparing at the risk of missing prayers. There is reward in feeding others in Ramadan in the way of iftars, but we shouldnt excessively spend time in cooking etc b/c the precious hours of Ramadan will slip us by. Everything must be done with balance.
    IN the main, one must familiarize with their coded language to understand what the above link really entails. However, there is nothing subtle about their message re CAIR, except for those who are still living with blinders on.
    “The growth of hate groups against Israel and Jews on campuses is being advanced by groups like CAIR. They are giving MSA (Muslim Student Association) funds and support. The money and marching orders is coming from Saudi Arabia. This is a part of the indoctrinating of our children. The Muslim Brotherhood presence is growing in America.”
    FOR the absolute record – with many highly qualified contacts in this arena - original documents have been received on this end and accordingly reviewed, re the actual goals of the MSA. Let there be NO doubt: the Brotherhood controls their campus arms in America, with much of their orders emanating directly from the Mid East. As mentioned, Saudi Arabia is in the forefront, but not without heavy assists from other regional actors. This is NOT a fairy tale. Moreover, its essence DIRECTLY affects America and the rest of the free world.
    AS a result, the following bears the utmost scrutiny:
    Scrutiny One:
    BACK in Aug. 2012, at the inception of this blog, a siren was emitted re the MSA and its absolute dangers to American security. Included within were the MSA Brotherhood/Sisterhood bonafides of Huma Abedin and several of the plotters of 9/11/01, featuring an MIT MSA leader (while a grad student) Ms. Aafia Siddiqui! (Un)holy jihad…
    Scrutiny Two:
    MOVING right along to Boston’s jihad…which has become a fading memory for far too many…but the following was highlighted: bomber’s Cambridge, MA mosque tied into MIT and local U’s. A front and center part played by the MSA!
    POISONS, if not uprooted, will continue to kill…
    CATCHING up to what is assuredly not news on this end (nor to those of us who pursue the jihadi muck) yet, all of a sudden officialdom “be scared”:
    The Obama administration is unable to locate 6,000 foreign nationals who have entered the United States on student visas, raising concerns about the government’s ability to track potential terror suspects who may already be in the country.
    “My greatest concern is that they could be doing anything,” Peter Edge, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official who oversees investigations into visa violators, told ABC News. “Some of them could be here to do us harm.”
    The news comes as Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans to block British jihadists with passports from re-entering Britain as the threat of violence from the Islamic State intensifies.
    The move builds on a pledge he made Monday to withdraw passports from those within the United Kingdom suspected of having traveled abroad to fight alongside terrorist groups.
    According to ABC News, U.S. immigration officials have had difficulty keeping track of the escalating number of foreign students entering the United States. In the past year alone, 58,000 students overstayed their visas.
    “They just disappear,” Oklahoma GOP Sen. Tom Coburn told ABC News. “They get the visas and they disappear.”
    Since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 26 student visa holders have been arrested in the United States on terrorism-related charges, ABC News reported. The 9/11 Commission had recommended that the student visa program be tightened to combat future threats but the system continues to remain vulnerable to abuse.
    There are currently 9,000 institutions of higher learning which are on the government approved list certifying them to accept overseas applicants. But Congress has raised concerns that immigration officials have continued to grant schools certification even when they lack accreditation, state certification, or other measurable academic standards.
    “When schools are not legitimate that enables terrorists to come here under a fraudulent basis and disappear into the fabric of society without anybody knowing that they are here for illegitimate reason,” Janice Kephart, counsel to the 9/11 Commission, told ABC News.
    “Because the system itself will say they’re here legitimately when in fact they’re not.”
    Schools are ultimately responsible for keeping track of visa holders and are required to report to the government if students fail to attend class, but a number of institutions have been more focused on selling visas rather than educating students.
    “We know we have a lot of non-accredited universities that are using this system to bring people in, collect money, and not educate them at all,” Coburn said. “To me, it’s a mess.”
    Edge said that while immigration agents are attempting to locate missing students, there is “a lot more work to do” to tighten the student visa program, ABC News reported.

    REGARDLESS, and aside from all the jihadi dangers duly demonstrated, Americans (parents in particular) must internalize what the MSA’s presence on their offspring’s campus stands for, despite all the “inter-faith”, kumbaya purposeful propaganda designed to cover up their main goal: jihad against America!
    IN this regard, a MEGA CLARION CALL is issued to millions of readers: for the safety of your children, for America as a whole, a concerted campaign must be waged to rid campuses of the infectious jihad pouring out from the so-called “student” group, MSA! If MSA falls, so too will related offshoots. Said patriotic effort is long overdue. Indeed, everyone has a part to play, however small.
    AND if you throw up your hands, resignedly opining: what can parents (non-parents as well, especially alumni) do, after all, campus admins will turn deaf to our demands? Well, they too have financial bottom lines to angst over. As such, it should be the FOCAL point of any of your demands. Money talks.
    IN other words, if enough parents, alumni et al. – on any given campus – bombard school officials for accountability, warning them that a “cease and desist” order, re the MSA, must be forthcoming, let’s just say that it will get their attention. That’s the very least every concerned American should be doing.
    KNOW this: the goal is not to “temper” the MSA, that would be like trying to rein in a rabid pack of beasts. The upshot is to vanquish them from U.S. campuses in toto!
    BUT if you need any mental visual aids to spur you on, just think of the recent beheading videos and internalize that MSA’s Brotherhood benefactors/bosses are FULL square behind this type of final submission to their pagan Allah. Such a window into their blackened souls ought to enrage all folks who claim to be civilized, regardless of locale or political persuasion.
    DECAPITATORS do not distinguish between left and right. They just go in for the kill.
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    A Muslim Proposes The Only Reasonable Way To Deal With ISIS

    Posted on September 4, 2014

    Fox News has a video clip on their home page today from the Kelly File, in which she is interviewing an American? Muslim on the question “Are Muslims doing enough to combat ISIS”.
    His response to the question was a resounding no! He then went on to point that many Muslim organizations and Muslim leaders from the Muslim world are speaking out against ISIS every day; but he admitted that’s not enough. When Kelly point out that the only countries talking about going to Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS are non-Muslims countries, he said it should be the UN peace keeping forces that take on ISIS and the majority of those forces should be from Arab countries.
    Yes! This is what Asylum Watch has been saying for a long time. It’s high time the US and others stop being the proxy warrior for the Arab countries. I hope Obama and his NATO counter parts are listening.
    It’s a rare day indeed when I find myself agreeing with a Muslim and with the UN.
    Well, that’s what I’m thinking. What are your thoughts?
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    #AceNewsGroup 06:56 on September 4, 2014 Reply | Follow
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    UNITED NATIONS: ' Report Finds Leadership of Al-Qaeda Witnessing Generational Shift of Recruitment '

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    #AceNewsServices (Exclusive) – The leadership of some al-Qaeda affiliates is witnessing a generational shift from older men to men in their 30s and 40s, a UN report says.

    ​Younger fighters can generate propaganda that "chimes with their generation more easily", the report says
    The study also found some cells were now recruiting members as young as 12.
    It warned of new international networks emerging from foreign militants in Syria meeting the local al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.
    The report concluded that the global terror organisation remained "a threat" despite losing "its former strength".
    Continue reading the main story
    “Start Quote

    Younger commanders and fighters have a different perspective on international affairs, and can challenge their own leadership on tactics and targets”
    UN report on al-Qaeda
    "The ideas, inspiration and networks generated by al-Qaeda continue to reverberate," according to the report submitted to the Security Council by the UN’s Analytical and Sanctions Monitoring Team.
    ‘Different perspective’
    ​Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri (L) is seen here with his predecessor Osama bin Laden in 1998

    The study on al-Qaeda trends observed a global generational change away from leaders in their late 40s to 70s in recent times.
    "Mid-level commanders, in particular, are shaped by a different historical experience than their predecessors," it said.
    The report added that "those gaining the most operational terrorist experience today are younger in age, primarily consisting of individuals in their teens through to early 30s".
    "Younger commanders and fighters have a different perspective on international affairs, have the potential to generate propaganda that chimes with their generation more easily, and can also challenge their own leadership on tactics and targets," the UN experts found.
    They noted that this was particularly evident in groups fighting in Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, Mali, and Syria.
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    A whole country built by Jihadis...

    How does one build a country when you kill all the women, or make them slaves, kill all your "opponents" and kill everyone around them? How do you not end up killed yourself if you piss off the people following you?

    But - there is a BRIGHT side to all this.

    They are all going to be in one place soon. One country, a few cities.

    A few nukes, and bit of bombing from the air, maybe a nuke dropped from space...

    I'd say bomb them back to the 3rd Century, but... hell, they are already there....

    #AceNewsGroup 06:47 on September 4, 2014 Reply | Follow

    SYRIA: ‘ Al-Qaeda Under al-Baghdadi Builds Infrastructure of Control Over Public Services and Institutions ‘

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    #AceWorldNews – SYRIA (Raqqa) – September 04 – In the cities and towns across the desert plains of north-east Syria, the ultra-hard-line al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State has insinuated itself into nearly every aspect of daily life.
    The group famous for its be-headings, crucifixions and mass executions provides electricity and water, pays salaries, controls traffic, and runs nearly everything from bakeries and banks to schools, courts and mosques.
    While its merciless battlefield tactics and its imposition of its austere vision of Islamic law have won the group headlines, residents say much of its power lies in its efficient and often deeply pragmatic ability to govern.
    Syria’s eastern province of Raqqa provides the best illustration of their methods. Members hold up the province as an example of life under the Islamic "caliphate" they hope will one day stretch from China to Europe.
    In the provincial capital, a dust-blown city that was home to about a quarter of a million people before Syria’s three-year-old war began, the group leaves almost no institution or public service outside of its control.
    "Let us be honest, they are doing massive institutional work. It is impressive," one activist from Raqqa who now lives in a border town in Turkey told Reuters.
    In interviews conducted remotely, residents, Islamic State fighters and even activists opposed to the group described how it had built up a structure similar to a modern government in less than a year under its chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
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    Perfect Timing: Cameron Opens Door to Syria Air Strikes 48 Hours After ISIS Beheading Threat

    September 4, 2014 Qronos 16 Leave a comment Go to comments
    Source: Paul Joseph Watson
    The ISIS threat to behead British hostage David Haines couldn’t have been more impeccably timed for David Cameron, arriving less than 48 hours before a speech by the British Prime Minister in which he began to build a case for air strikes targeting Syria.
    Haines appeared at the end of a video released on Tuesday which purported to show the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. The ISIS militant in the footage threatens to kill Haines if the US and the UK do not “back off” from fighting ISIS.
    At the start of the NATO summit in Wales this morning, Cameron cited the video as one of the reasons why air strikes on Syria cannot be ruled out, as he began re-building a case for military aggression that failed last year following dubious claims about who was responsible for the Ghouta chemical weapons attack.
    For Cameron, who has been struggling to build political support for air strikes on ISIS, the threat to behead Haines couldn’t have been more timely.
    And therein lies the completely illogical foundation of the alleged beheading videos. The release of the footage does nothing to encourage the US and the UK to “back off” fighting ISIS, it achieves the exact opposite, creating a casus belli for expanded western military operations in the middle east.
    British forensic experts who analyzed the footage of the alleged beheading of James Foley concluded that the video was probably “staged” using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques,” and that no blood was seen even though Foley was supposedly being decapitated.
    The Steven Sotloff video bears all the same hallmarks – same setting, same ISIS militant, same editing techniques. Like Foley, Sotloff’s calm and composed demeanor as he reads out his statement belies the notion that he is about to be brutally murdered. There is also a total absence of blood as Sotloff begins to have his throat cut.
    The fact that both videos do not actually show either individual being beheaded contradicts other ISIS footage which underscores the fact that the militant group is not squeamish when it comes to exhibiting the gruesomeness of its barbarity.
    Whether the ISIS videos are genuine or are part of a crude propaganda campaign being contrived by the west, they are clearly being exploited by the US and the UK to grease the skids for a military assault on Syria. But as Tony Cartalucci notes, the timing of the videos means it would be naive not to consider that they are being directly produced by the west as part of a propaganda false flag.
    If the Pentagon had an office dedicated to starting wars, and were in particular looking to create a war with Syria, it could not do a more effective job at corralling the American people with fear and hysteria behind the cause of war better than ISIS. With the NATO summit in Wales unfolding, ISIS’ timing with the alleged execution of a second US journalists, stokes the fires conveniently just ahead of public decisions that will be made regarding the military conglomerate’s many conflicts raging around the globe. Pressuring members to join a “coalition” will be all the easier with Sotloff’s alleged execution still making Western headlines.
    Simultaneously threatening Russia’s interests in Syria, while seeking to counter Russian opposition to its agenda in Ukraine, strengthens NATO’s hand – all thanks to ISIS’ impeccable timing. For the uninformed, if they had not suspected ties between ISIS and the West’s agenda before, they should now.
    Indeed, it appears as though ISIS are turning into the best enemies money can buy given the fact that the group was bankrolled and armed by some of the United States’ biggest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan, while ISIS militants were also trained directly by the U.S. at a secret base in Jordan in 2012.
    Many of the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels backed by the west also went on to defect to ISIS, while the insurgent group also obtained firepower as a result of the Obama administration’s policy in Libya in arming radical jihadists using weapons smuggled out of the Benghazi consulate.
    During his NATO speech, Cameron made it clear that air strikes within Syria will not need the approval of the Syrian government, which the Prime Minister asserts is “illegitimate.”
    Whatever labels the west slaps on Assad’s government in an attempt to justify a clear violation of national sovereignty, the fact is that Syria has made it clear that any military operation within its borders will be treated as an act of war.
    Syria’s next step could be to activate Hezbollah units to attack western interests throughout the region, setting the stage for a wider conflict which could have devastating consequences for the entire middle east.
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    Slip-Up? McCain Says “National Security Team Recommended Arming ISIS”

    September 4, 2014 Qronos 16 Leave a comment Go to comments
    Arizona Sen. John McCain made an interesting comment regarding the federal government’s policy towards the ISIS terrorist group Wednesday evening during an appearance on Fox News.

    At the 1:00 mark in the short clip with Greta Van Susteran, McCain mentions a meeting the President held with his national security team in which all members reportedly “recommended arming ISIS.”
    “Hillary Clinton has described already the meeting in the White House over two years ago… everyone in the national security team recommended arming ISIS and the President, by himself, turned it down,” McCain said.
    The comment follows a question from Susteran regarding the arming of the “Free Syrian Army,” making McCain’s statement appear to be a simple Freudian slip. While that may be the case, McCain’s unintended statement regarding ISIS actually remains completely factual.
    Despite McCain falsely claiming that the President declined to arm the group, the pairs’ direct involvement in the rise of ISIS, a name simply referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq, is undeniable.
    McCain has worked feverishly with the Obama administration for the last several years to arm radical jihadists across the region in an admitted decades-long plan to overthrow the governments of several countries including Iraq, Libya and Syria.
    As far back as March 2011, McCain was cheerleading the CIA’s plans to provide support to the “Libyan rebels” even as Libyan rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi admitted to working with Al Qaeda. Only months later, those same “rebels” would place an Al Qaeda flag on top of the courthouse in Benghazi.
    Just last year, McCain traveled to Syria to meet with senior members of the Asifat al-Shamal Brigade as well as the Free Syrian Army, two group’s that have admittedly “pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda” as well. Widespread controversy was sparked after several of the men at the secret meeting were found to be radicals accused of recently kidnapping 11 Lebanese pilgrims.
    Despite McCain and Obama’s never-ending claims of only supporting “moderate rebels,” Free Syrian Army commander Jamal Maarouf admitted in 2014 that his fighters regularly fight alongside Al Qaeda, the same Al Qaeda now “merging” with ISISon the Syria-Iraq border.
    Thousands of jihadists were even trained by US instructors at a secret base in neighboring Jordan before fleeing to Iraq to join ISIS according to one Jordanian official. Similarly, a recent PBS News report featured jihadists who admitted to being trained in Qatar by US forces.
    The backlash against McCain’s unfettered support of radical jihadist terrorists came to a head in 2013 when a U.S. Marine confronted McCain at a town hall meeting in Arizona and accused the senator of treason.
    Only hours before McCain’s statement on Fox News, retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney stated that “we helped build ISIS” during a similar interview with the network.
    “We backed I believe in some cases, some of the wrong people and not in the right part of the Free Syrian Army and that’s a little confusing to people, so I’ve always maintained… that we were backing the wrong types,” McInerney said.
    Now, with ISIS gaining ground and new fighters by the day, McCain and President Obama remain fixated on bombing Syria to allegedly stop the ISIS threat they helped create instead of the reported ISIS threat at the US-Mexico border.
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    Indian states on alert after al Qaeda announces local wing

    By Rupam Jain Nair
    NEW DELHI Thu Sep 4, 2014 7:57am EDT
    (Reuters) – India ordered several provinces on Thursday to be on increased alert after al Qaeda announced the formation of a wing of the militant group in India and its neighborhood, a senior government official said.
    In a video posted online, al Qaeda chief Ayman al Zawahri promised to spread Islamic rule and “raise the flag of jihad” across the “Indian subcontinent”. The government believes it is authentic and has warned local governments, said an official who attended a security briefing in which the video was discussed with the home (interior) minister.
    “This matter has been taken very seriously,” the official told Reuters. “An alert has been sounded.”
    Indian security forces are usually on a state of alert for attacks by home-grown Islamic militants and by anti-India groups based in Pakistan. It was not immediately clear what additional steps were being taken.
    Until now there has been no evidence that al Qaeda has a presence in India.

    Jama Masjid Mosque, Delhi
    The timing and content of the video suggests rivalry between al Qaeda and its more vigorous rival in Syria and Iraq, Islamic State, which anecdotal evidence suggests is gathering support in South Asia. According to media reports, Islamic State pamphlets have been distributed in Pakistan in recent days.
    Zawahri’s announcement also made two references to Gujarat, the home state of India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist.
    Modi has long been a hate figure for Islamist groups because of religious riots on his watch as chief minister of the state in 2002. More than 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, died in the spasm of violence.
    “In the wake of this al Qaeda video, we will be on a higher alert. We will work closely with the central government to tackle any threat posed to the state,” S.K. Nanda, the most senior bureaucrat in the home department of Gujarat, told Reuters. A high security alert in the state involves activating informer networks in sensitive areas.
    A senior police official said that Gujarat has been high on the list of militant organizations, including al Qaeda, since the 2002 riots.
    “It will be more so now because Narendra Modi is prime minister,” the official said, requesting anonymity.
    Zawahri described the formation of “Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent” as glad tidings for Muslims “in Burma, Bangladesh, Assam, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, and Kashmir” and said the new wing would rescue Muslims there from injustice and oppression.
    Ahmedabad is the main city in Gujarat state, which borders India’s arch-rival, Pakistan.
    Assam is an state in India’s far-flung northeast where religious tensions are high after massacres of Muslims by tribal populations in the past two years. A senior intelligence officer in the state said security forces there were “well prepared” to face any threats.
    Muslims account for 15 percent of Indians but, numbering an estimated 175 million, theirs is the third-largest Muslim population in the world.
    Tensions between Hindus and Muslims on the subcontinent have grown since Pakistan was carved from Muslim-majority areas of India in 1947, a violent partition in which hundreds of thousands were killed.
    Kashmir, which is claimed by both India and Pakistan, has long attracted foreign mujahideen fighters as well as home-grown separatist militants. In June, al Qaeda released a video urging young radicals in Kashmir to draw inspiration from militants in Syria and Iraq and join the “global jihad”.
    Intelligence sources in Indian-held Kashmir told Reuters on Thursday that they had so far detected no traces of al Qaeda in the Himalayan region that borders Pakistan and China.
    The appearance of Islamic State flags at recent protest rallies in Kashmir was the work of an individual and did not point to any involvement of the group there, one said.
    India has suffered several large-scale attacks by Islamist militants, most recently the 2008 Mumbai rampage by Pakistani fighters that left 166 people dead.
    Smaller domestic militant groups regularly detonate small bombs, but have so far failed to launch a major attack. Earlier this year, Indian intelligence agencies said a handful of Indian men had joined the militancy in the Levant, among the first known cases of Indians joining foreign jihad.
    Hindu nationalist groups sympathetic to Modi have been stirring sectarian tensions in recent weeks, claiming there is an Islamist conspiracy to seduce Hindu women and convert them to Islam.
    At one of the world’s most influential Islamic seminaries, Darul Uloom Deoband, in northern India, an official said that extremist groups routinely try to recruit young, uneducated and poor Muslim boys as militants.
    “We inform our students about the dangers faced by Islam, and rising militancy is one of the key subjects discussed in the seminary,” said Ashraf Usmani from the seminary, which is known for its conservative Muslim thought.
    “I can say this with confidence that no student from Deoband can be recruited by al Qaeda or any other terror groups.”
    (Additional reporting by Fayaz Bukhari in SRINAGAR and Biswajyoti Das in GUWAHATI; Writing by Frank Jack Daniel and John Chalmers, Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)
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    Default Re: JIHAD! Watch and learn....

    The Muslim Agenda - Full Movie Documentary

    Published on Sep 23, 2013
    NBT Films presents 'The Muslim Agenda', a movie which exposes the shocking truth about islam, it's incompatibility with western ideals and it's cult-like ideology. The contents of the film exposes the evil verses and teachings taken directly from the Quran and Hadiths and demonstrates it's sick doctrine of hate, gender inequality, intolerance of homosexuals, anti-semitism, racial discrimination and permission for muslim men to indulge in sex slavery, child rape and molestation.

    The Muslim Agenda also exposes other diabolical facet's of the faith, including islam's culture of psychological indoctrination, guilt complex, and mind control which is imposed on young impressionable muslim men to commit jihad. The final end game through acts of jihad, is a worldwide controlled caliphate whereby Sharia law is forced upon all mankind and subjugation of all non-muslims must take place. This is the ultimate desire of all devout muslims who remain faithful to the divisive and destructive religious tenets set by Muhammad, the prophet of islam.

    Please help NBT films by donating with Paypal on our channel.

    Chapter contents:
    1. Introduction
    2. Islam 101
    3. Sharia Law
    4. Jihad
    5. Islamic Caliphate
    6. Legal enquiry

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