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Thread: Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform)

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Dont ask, don't tell, and don't bother us.

    HHS Will ‘Muzzle the Media’ During Tour of Immigrant Child Housing
    By Joel Gehrke
    July 7, 2014 12:55 PM
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    Health and Human Services officials will allow reporters to visit a military facility housing some of the immigrant children who have arrived at the southern border in recent weeks, but only if the media promises not to record anything, not to ask any questions during the tour, and not to talk to any of the staff members or children.
    “This violates the First Amendment,” Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.), who represents the congressional district containing the housing facility at Fort Sill, said of the HHS invitation to the media. “This is not transparent. HHS is trying to muzzle the media and hide the human tragedy that has resulted directly from the administration’s failure to enforce the law.”
    HHS attached seven rules “in order to protect the safety and privacy of the children” for the media who come to the tour, according to an HHS invitation released by Bridenstine’s office:
    - No recording devices will be allowed
    - No questions will be allowed during the tour
    - No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
    - We ask that your questions be provided via email or phone after the tour to Kenneth Wolfe
    - HHS ACF public affairs will provide answers to your follow up questions as quickly as possible
    - We will provide photos of the facility after the tour
    - There will be no on-site interviews by HHS staff before or after the tour, all inquiries go to Kenneth Wolfe
    Bridenstine was barred from entering the Fort Sill facility on July 1. He is trying to schedule a July 12 visit, in addition to unannounced visits that he will again attempt to make.
    “Ordinary Americans have a right to know what is happening in these facilities, how the children are being treated, and what is being done to stop this human tragedy,” he said in a Monday morning statement.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    July 7, 2014 4:10 PM
    More Illegal Immigrants from China Crossing Border
    Border union officials see more Chinese nationals in the Rio Grande Valley. By Ryan Lovelace


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    The influx of Central American illegal immigrants appears to have attracted the attention of Chinese nationals seeking to gain access to the United States. Border Patrol union officials in the Rio Grande Valley Sector tell National Review Online that they’ve noticed a recent uptick in the number of Chinese border crossers. While the Obama administration has sought to attribute the spike in Central Americans coming to the U.S. to poverty and regional violence, no such explanation exists for the arrival of Chinese immigrants.
    “[Traffic of Chinese-born persons] seemed to have dried up for awhile, but then maybe within the last month or so it seemed to have increased,” says Albert Spratte, the sergeant-at-arms of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley. “You see them in threes or fours, and it’s always, ‘Oh, the one-child policy, the one-child policy, don’t want to go back.’ They’re always trying to claim some credible fear.”


    China’s one-child policy was established by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 as a temporary measure, but it still exists a quarter-century later. The policy uses financial incentives, sanctions, and forced abortions and sterilizations to enforce the law, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.
    Spratte says a few Chinese nationals crossed the river into Texas via jet skis near Anzalduas Park in Mission, Texas, last week. Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, says about five or six Chinese were processed at the McAllen Border Patrol Station in just one day last week. “We’re seeing more and more exotic OTMs [Other Than Mexicans] that are coming in,” Cabrera says. “They’ve gotten word of this and they’re taking advantage of it as well.”
    Farther north, in Brooks County, Border Patrol officials have placed “rescue beacons” that provide instructions for distressed trespassers in three languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. Linda Vickers, the chief of staff of the Texas Border Volunteers — a group of people who assist law enforcement with securing the border — says she knows of approximately eight rescue beacons in Brooks County. Vickers says the beacons hold about five gallons of water for the illegal immigrants to drink while they wait for officials to respond to the request for help.
    She says one beacon is located near the highway. “It’s kind of PR,” Vickers says. “It’s in a position where it can be easily accessed and still function as a rescue beacon.” Vickers says Border Patrol officials have shown the Mexican consulate the beacon near the road on a tour of the area.
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials deported 1,678 people to China during fiscal years 2012 and 2013 combined, according to information provided by ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok. ICE shipped 20 fewer people to China in FY 2013 than it did the previous fiscal year, despite growing Chinese immigration numbers.
    Since 1960, the number of Chinese immigrants arriving in America has increased each decade, according to a Migration Policy Institute report. “The Chinese born represent the second-largest immigrant group in the country (after the foreign born from Mexico) in 2010,” the report says. Chinese illegal immigrants attracted to the U.S. alongside their Central American counterparts will likely contribute to the continued growth of the Chinese immigrant population. Spratte says he’s heard rumors that Chinese juveniles might be headed his way next, but he says he has encountered only Chinese adults thus far.
    — Ryan Lovelace is a William F. Buckley Fellow at the National Review Institute.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    In deep South Texas, a daily tide of poor migrants

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    MISSION, Texas (AP) — MISSION, Texas (AP) — The influx of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has grown so large that it now requires its own transportation system: government buses that spend each night idling on a Texas roadside, awaiting the latest arrivals.
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    The buses, joined by a fleet of Border Patrol vans, illustrate the immense and grindingly routine task facing Border Patrol agents in the 5-mile (8-kilometer) slice of deep South Texas that has become the epicenter of the recent surge in people entering the U.S. illegally.
    An Associated Press reporter recently spent several days in this arid terrain, revealing a daily tide of migration that sends impoverished families into a harsh landscape bristling with cameras, lookout towers and heavily armed patrols. Against that backdrop, human smugglers and drug cartels match wits with overwhelmed American authorities.
    Deputy Rudy Trevino was patrolling a park along the border when he spied movement in the darkness. Swinging his spotlight toward the motion revealed 14 women and children who had just sneaked across the Rio Grande in a small boat.
    The youngest, a 14-month-old boy from Guatemala, lay quietly in a baby carrier hung from his mother's chest. The oldest, a 38-year-old woman from El Salvador, cried with her head in her hands, her 7-year-old daughter leaning against her.
    Most of the immigrants hail from Central America, and many come with children. They often turn themselves over to authorities immediately after crossing the river, following the advice of smugglers, friends and relatives, who tell them they will eventually be released and allowed to continue to their destination.
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    In this June 20, 2014 photo, Cindy Jimenez, 26, from Olancho, Honduras, holds hands with her son at …

    For parents with young children, that has largely been true because the U.S. has only one long-term family detention facility, in Pennsylvania, and it's full. Most parents are handed notices to appear at the immigration office closest to their destination and dropped off at bus stations across the Southwest.
    Children arriving without their parents are transferred to custody of the Health and Human Services Department, which tries to reunite them with family members in the U.S.
    Both groups have often been allowed to remain in the U.S. while their immigration cases move forward, a process that can sometimes take years.
    Migrants' willingness to surrender to authorities has created a system in which smugglers need only to get their human cargo to the American side of the river, rather than guiding them to a populated area.
    Just since October, the Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley sector has made more than 194,000 arrests, nearly triple that of any other sector. In the first week of June alone, agents in this area south of Mission arrested more than 2,800 people, most from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, making it the highest-volume arrest zone on the entire U.S. border. More than 60 percent were children.
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    In this June 20, 2014 photo, Cindy Jimenez, 26, from Olancho, Honduras, calls family from the bus st …

    The zone is patrolled by no fewer than six local, state and federal law-enforcement agencies, including gunboats crewed by Texas state troopers with night-vision goggles and the Border Patrol's white and green trucks. Helicopters swoop above the winding waterway.
    But there's little cat-and-mouse pursuit. Every day, hundreds of immigrants walk up to agents, wave to their remote cameras or simply wait to be picked up on the side of a road like Trevino's group in the park.
    When Anzalduas Park is busy on weekend afternoons, it takes only seconds for a watercraft to dart across the river and deposit three or four people onto U.S. soil. From there, they blend into the crowd of park goers.
    Trevino said the past two months have been "chaos." He's corralled 100 people in a night and had a group of 50 walk up to him at the park bathroom.
    Downriver from the park, the landscape reverts to a band of thick mesquite and underbrush along the Rio Grande. It can feel remote, but it's just a thin buffer between the more than 600,000 residents of Reynosa, Mexico, and a master-planned community in Mission with more than 1,900 homes just a couple of miles (kilometers) to the north.
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    In this June 20, 2014 photo, immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally stand in line for tickets at …

    Across the river is a garbage dump and a Reynosa slum that reaches nearly to the bank. Smoke from burning garbage sometimes drifts across the river so thick it's difficult to see. At the river's edge, discarded pieces of clothing, orange life vests and deflated inner tubes litter the sand.
    A few days earlier, as a reporter in a kayak approached a hairpin bend in the river, a cartel sentry on a bluff 20 feet (six meters) above the river slammed a magazine into his assault rifle. He asked where the paddler had come from and who gave him permission to be there. A radio squawked at his waist. The cartel controls what crosses the river.
    That's part of why Napoleon Garza doesn't bring his kids here to fish like he did as a child. Garza recently drove through one of the many gaps in the border wall to cut a tree stump from property owned by his uncle.
    "When they built the border wall, everything ended because they left a big old gap right here that so happened to be where our land is," said Garza, 38, who sells firewood for a living. "That's where these guys have to run their dope. It's really sad."
    As Garza stood above the river, two Texas game warden boats sped by, each with a rifleman scanning the shores. A few minutes later, twigs cracked and a green-clad Border Patrol agent emerged from the brush checking to see what Garza was up to — a constant occurrence near the river.
    The city of McAllen, which draws its water from the Rio Grande, has pumps on a narrow strip of land between the border fence and the river. Workers there started carrying handguns after they came under fire.
    The water district installed street lights, erected camera-topped towers and built a road and concrete pad so the Border Patrol could erect a mobile surveillance tower.
    The district's president and general manager, Othal Brand, farmed the area for 25 years with his father. There was illegal activity then, too, and it seems likely to continue unless the Border Patrol stations agents every few hundred feet along the river, he said.
    "It's like a bad neighborhood," Brand said. "You get acclimated. You don't like it, but you understand it."
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    Cruz: 95 Percent of Unaccompanied Illegals Coming for Amnesty

    on Breitbart TV 7 Jul 2014 232 post a comment
    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that 95 percent of the unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border are doing so because they believe they will receive amnesty and be allowed to stay in the United States in an interview on Monday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”

    Cruz argued that the situation on the border a “crisis of [Obama’s] own creation and added that the surge in unaccompanied minors was a “direct result” of the president’s granting of amnesty to hundreds of thousands of children under Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA).
    He added that a report from a Border Patrol whistleblower who interviewed over 200 illegal immigrants given to the Senate Judiciary Committee said that “95 percent of them said they were coming because they heard if they get here, they get a permiso, they get a free permit to stay in this country, and they’re coming because they believe the president has promised them amnesty.”
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Anti-government citizen militia groups want to 'secure the border' in Texas

    By Kolten Parker | July 7, 2014 | Updated: July 7, 2014 2:45pm

    • Photo By Facebook

      Facebook groups share the "Operation Secure Our Border" call to action.

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    SAN ANTONIO - A slew of anti-government groups -- many of which participated in the standoff at Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch -- are recruiting armed volunteers to travel to the Texas-Mexico border as a citizen militia to participate in "Operation Secure Our Border," which aims to stop the surge of immigrants into the country.

    The groups, who identify themselves as "Patriots," "Oathkeepers" and "Three Percenters," are using social media, blogs and a 24-hour hotline to recruit and mobilize volunteers that will travel to Laredo, carry firearms and attempt to assist law enforcement agencies on the border.

    However, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said they do not "endorse or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands as it could have disastrous personal and public safety consequences."

    Chris Davis, a 37-year-old truck driver listed as commander for the militia group, told the San Antonio Express-News he believes law enforcement agencies welcome the help.
    "Everybody realizes something has to be done and we are here to look out for our fellow man while ensuring our national sovereignty," said Davis, who served in the Army and National Guard and has been involved in Open Carry Texas events including last year's rally at the Alamo.

    Davis, who lives near San Antonio, said the militia group is in preliminary stages of recruiting and training volunteers and will move to Laredo "in a few weeks" when they have "enough trained manpower" but declined to estimate a number.

    The group will secure the border in a "legal and lawful manner," Davis said. However, a 21-minute YouTube video of Davis, which was first reported by the McAllen Monitor, suggests otherwise.

    "How?" Davis asked on the video. "You see an illegal. You point your gun dead at him, right between his eyes, and you say, 'Get back across the border or you will be shot.'"
    Davis said he removed the video Monday because it was taken out of context "by a newspaper that supports amnesty."

    "If we come across a family that may have made it across the border, we will give them water and food and make contact with ICE or Border Patrol and tell them we have these people here," Davis told the San Antonio Express-News.

    Davis said he will be spreading the word about the militia Monday night in an interview on FOX News. The group is circulating a "call to action" that includes supplies needed, mission, timeline and headquarters location.

    "These missions are all a GO mission. We need Boots on the ground on all missions. I for one do not understand why our Militias and lll% Groups and Patriots are not there filling the borders. We need at least 20 thousand troops there too secure the border. We need to save America. Look to the future. Step up NOW!!," the call to action circulating Facebook and websites reads, adding that 20,000 "troops" are needed.

    Volunteers are being vetted through criminal background checks, Davis said.

    A call to the "Patriot Hotline", which said there are already "boots on the ground" in Laredo, was met with a request for a name to perform a "criminal background check to make sure you don't have any felonies", but it is unclear what documentation is required.

    Many of the groups sharing the call to action use anti-federal government rhetoric similar to that used by tea party groups in their posts.

    "We at 2 Million Bikers to D.C. believe in God, Country, our Constitution and ALL our Bill of Rights as written by our Founding Fathers. We will work to peacefully oppose any and all who wish to fundamentally transform our country from our founding Father's original intent," the group's Facebook page reads.

    Some volunteers have posted videos to YouTube describing their motive for joining the militia group.

    "We're tired of those SOB's in Washington D.C. bringing all these illegals into our country and just spreading 'em out with all their diseases all over the place," said YouTube user 1HellonHeels, explaining why she is joining "Operation Secure Our Border", which uses the hashtag #OpSOB on Facebook.

    Davis said the "influx of illegal immigrants is bringing bad elements" to the country such as "sickness."

    On Sunday, Governor Rick Perry suggested that President Barack Obama could be leading a conspiracy to bring immigrants into the country.

    "We either have an incredibly inept administration, or they're in on this somehow," Perry said in an interview with ABC. "I mean, I hate to be conspiratorial, but I mean, how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and then into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort?"
    Twitter: @KoltenParker
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo


    LAPD To No Longer Comply With Feds On Immigration Hold Requests

    July 7, 2014 10:04 AM
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    Detainer, ICE, Immigration, LAPD, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Police
    LOS ANGELES ( — The Los Angeles Police Department will no longer comply with federal immigration detainer requests issued without judicial review, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Monday.
    The Police Department will now only honor requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to keep someone in custody if there has been a judicial determination of probable cause or a warrant from a judicial officer, Garcetti said.
    “The federal government is in charge of enforcing federal immigration laws, not us at the local level,” Garcetti said in a speech at City Hall. “That responsibility can’t be forced onto local law enforcement officials who already have stretched budgets.”
    The Mayor’s office also took to social media with several tweets underscoring the policy announcement.
    “Our police dept will no longer comply w/ federal immigration requests that detract from its mission to keep streets safe.” -@ericgarcetti
    — LA Mayor’s Office (@LAMayorsOffice) July 7, 2014
    “While we wait on the federal govt to act on immigration reform. We will lead to respect dignity & keep our streets safe.” -@ericgarcetti
    — LA Mayor’s Office (@LAMayorsOffice) July 7, 2014
    Police and city officials have been under pressure from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to hold on to illegal immigrants arrested for low-level crimes.
    In October 2012, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck announced the LAPD would no longer grant an ICE Detainer Request “without first reviewing the seriousness of the offense for which the person is being held, as well as their prior arrest history and gang involvement.”
    The move came after the City Attorney’s Office advised Beck that honoring requests made by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were at the discretion of local police departments, Beck said at the time.
    Beck voiced his support for Garcetti’s announcement on Twitter, saying “There’s nothing more important to a police department than community trust.”
    Steve Soboroff, president of the Los Angeles Police Commission told KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO he and other officials remain reluctant to detain people solely due to their immigration status.
    Police Commission Pres. Steve Soboroff



    “The idea of having the government calling and saying, ‘Hold him another 48 hours for this specific purpose’, to me, I would like not to do that,” Soboroff said.
    Police arrest about 105,000 people per year, and the LAPD receives ICE detainer requests for about 3,400 of them, according to police data.
    Los Angeles police are the latest in a series of law enforcement agencies to stop honoring immigration detainers since a federal court ruling in Oregon found a woman’s constitutional rights were violated when she was held in jail without probable cause.
    California had already moved to limit cooperation with immigration authorities on detainer requests under a law that took effect this year.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to 'Be Detained'

    by Kristin Tate 7 Jul 2014 3752 post a comment

    HOUSTON, Texas--A busload of illegal immigrants is expected to show up in Murrieta, California in spite of a furious group of residents who claim their town is no place for the migrants.

    On Sunday Breitbart Texas broke the news that federal agents accompanying the bus will have riot gear and shields, in order to push back the crowd. Despite this, the protesters have no intentions of backing down--rather, the group is preparing for a showdown that one resident told Breitbart Texas "might get ugly."

    Sources on the ground in Murrieta told Breitbart Texas that many protesters have already gathered in the town this morning in anticipation of the busload. Law enforcement is there, too.

    "There are at least 60 officers here," John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, told Breitbart Texas. "Most of them are local law enforcement like the Murrieta Police and others from the Riverside Country Sheriff's Office. But I have seen at least 10 or 15 federal agents here as well."

    He added, "There was also a fire truck pulling a 20 foot trailer as well. I would assume it is for medical purposes."

    Henry said that, according to "rumors," planes carrying illegal immigrants are expected to land at 11 a.m. PST. He mentioned that it takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the protest grounds in Murrieta.

    In anticipation of riot gear being used against them, the protesters are ready to "be detained or arrested," according to a widely-circulated flier obtained by Breitbart Texas. The flier told protesters to be prepared with: "several pairs of vinyl gloves [which] protect against blood and pepper spray"; "heavy clothing to deflect rubber bullets"; and a "legal aid number written in permanent marker on both arms."

    It also cautioned the crowd to "bring a small first aid kit but leave anything that can be viewed as a weapon (scissors, blades, etc.)."

    Henry said that local police officers warned citizens "that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear. They're apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff's Department showed up last night and brought a huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet."

    Jeremy Oliver, a resident of Temecula, California--a town that neighbors Murrieta--added, "The feds are pissed that they haven't been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday--they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back."

    Regardless of what occurs on the ground today, most of the protesters claim they will stand their ground.
    "The administration thinks that if it floods our streets, in small town America, they can force immigration reform," Henry said. "These immigrants should not be here. The only reason that they are coming here is for political reasons."
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    SOURCE: Feds to Bring in Riot Squad Against Illegal Immigration Protesters

    by Kristin Tate 6 Jul 2014 16967 post a comment

    HOUSTON, Texas--As illegal immigrants continue to spill across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal authorities are attempting to relocate the migrants from South Texas to housing facilities in states across the nation. One such facility is located in Murrieta, California, where a large group of protesters recently blocked a bus full of migrants from arriving. The protesters remain there, adamant that illegal immigrants don't get dumped in their town. But soon the concerned citizens may be forced to step down--Breitbart Texas has learned that federal agents plan to arrive in Murrieta on Monday with riot gear to ensure that another busload makes it to the housing facility.

    Jeremy Oliver, a resident of Temecula, California--a town that neighbors Murrieta--told Breitbart Texas that local police officers warned the protesters that "it's going to get ugly."
    Oliver said, "The feds are pissed that they haven't been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday--they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back."
    John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, was told the same thing by local officers.
    "We're being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear," Henry said. "They're apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff's Department showed up last night and brought a huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet."
    On Friday, six protesters were arrested in Murrieta. One was apprehended for crossing "the yellow tape that blocked protesters from the Border Patrol station entrance," according to USA Today.
    Henry expressed frustration at the fact that the illegal immigrants are being "rewarded" for breaking the law--after illegally crossing the border, they receive a slew of taxpayer subsidized benefits like housing, food, education, vocational training, and legal counsel. Most are then released onto U.S. soil.
    When U.S. citizens break the law, on the other hand, they pay the price. "If any one of us were to roll through a stop sign, we'd be pulled over and ticketed," Henry noted.
    On June 4th Breitbart Texas' Managing Director Brandon Darby broke the news that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) would be relocating illegal immigrants from Texas to California. Within moments of that story being published, the official Twitter account of the San Diego CBP tweeted at Darby, insisting the report was “erroneous” and asking for it to be removed from the internet.
    Days later the San Diego CBP deleted the tweet from their official account. Subsequent reports, outlining plans to fly immigrants to Southern California, proved CBP had indeed planned the relocation all along.
    It is unclear how the border crisis will be handled moving forward, especially given that many U.S. citizens oppose the migrants being shipped by the hundreds to their communities.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Murrieta Mayor: Feds Never Contacted Us About Dumping Illegals in Our City (Video)

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 7, 2014, 10:06 AM

    Alan Long, the mayor of Murrieta, California, defended the protests in his community this week.

    Alan Long also told FOX News the federal government have not contacted him about dumping hundreds of illegal immigrant children on the streets of Murrieta.
    “We’re a very small town. It’s a bedroom community of about 106,000 and the air is clean and the people are beautiful… As far as we know, Murrieta is still a destination point. So we have every reason to expect more buses to arrive in Murrieta. Border patrol and Homeland Security has not answered any of those questions. We just anticipate more coming. Border patrol… At the national and the Department of Homeland Security, we have yet to hear from them with a short term and long term plan. So we’re really in the dark.”
    They didn’t even have the decency to give the mayor a call!
    Via America’s Newsroom:
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    Third group of migrants sent to San Diego

    Posted: Jul 07, 2014 10:59 AM MST Updated: Jul 07, 2014 8:50 PM MST Video Report By Gene Kang, Reporter - email
    Video Report By Shannon Handy, Reporter - bio | email

    SAN DIEGO (CNS) - Another group of undocumented Central American migrants arrived Monday in San Diego, continuing a process that has prompted intense opposition as well as widespread compassion for the plight of the exiles.

    The group of about 140 immigrants, who entered the United States illegally in Texas, were flown into Lindbergh Field late this morning and then bused to a U.S. Border Patrol facility in San Ysidro for processing.

    On Tuesday, an initial group of the same size arrived in San Diego and were driven to Murrieta, where crowds of angry protesters blocked their entrance to a USBP facility, prompting authorities to take them instead to San Ysidro.

    The departure of the migrants from the Riverside area marked a victory for the roughly two dozen protesters who had gathered to decry the foreigners' arrival there, many waving flags and others carrying signs reading "Stop Illegal Immigration" and "Return to Sender."

    Protesters have continued gathering at the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta. Some clashed with police on Friday while waiting to see if more migrants would be arriving.
    The migrants, many of them women and children, are among tens of thousands of citizens of Central American countries who have poured into the United States via Texas this year, according to ICE officials.

    The Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley sector has been overwhelmed by the arrivals, prompting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to seek other locations to send them until their cases can be assessed.

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials initially set Riverside County as the end point for processing the migrants.
    Murrieta Mayor Alan Long told concerned residents during a town hall meeting last week that the city had coordinated with the Border Patrol to ensure that the anticipated influx didn't create an untenable situation locally.
    He expressed frustration that the federal government was moving its "headache" to Riverside County but assured residents that those set to arrive didn't have criminal backgrounds.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Last edited by American Patriot; July 8th, 2014 at 14:56.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Updated: 11:16 p.m. Monday, July 7, 2014 | Posted: 10:57 p.m. Monday, July 7, 2014

    Obama 'would welcome’ visit with Perry to talk about the border

     Perry Critical of Obama on Child Border Crisis

    Gov. Rick Perry testified at a U.S. House Homeland Security Committee hearing in...


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    Rodolfo Gonzalez
    President Barack Obama walks with Texas Governor Rick Perry after arriving to Austin Bergstrom International Airport on May 9, 2013. (Austin American-Statesman / Rodolfo Gonzalez) POOL

    By Jonathan Tilove
    American-Statesman Staff

    Gov. Rick Perry Monday turned down what he characterized as President Barack Obama’s offer for a “quick handshake on the Tarmac” when the president arrives in Austin on Wednesday. But Perry said he would juggle his schedule to accommodate a “substantive meeting” with Obama on border security any time during his two-day visit to Texas.
    Late Monday, Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to President Obama, replied to Perry affirmatively, saying, “The president would welcome a meeting with you while he is in Texas.”

    In the two-page letter obtained first by the American-Statesman, Jarrett also invited Perry to join faith leaders and local elected officials for a round table discussion on the border that has been added to the president’s schedule while he is in Dallas on Wednesday. It wasn’t immediately clear how Perry would respond.

    The president is spending two days in Texas, raising money for national Democratic coffers in Dallas on Wednesday and in Austin on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. His only public event in Austin will be a discussion of the economy at the Paramount Theater on Congress Avenue on mid-day Thursday. There was no plan to visit the southern border while in Texas, but the newly-added Dallas round table means that he will be addressing the issue of illegal immigration head-on while in the state.

    “As you know, the administration continues to address this urgent humanitarian situation with a whole-of-government response on both sides of the border,” Jarrett wrote Perry. “This includes appropriate care for unaccompanied children, as well as aggressive steps to surge resources to the Southwest border to deter both adults and children from embarking on this dangerous journey, increasing capacity for enforcement and removal proceedings, and quick return of recent unlawful border crossers to their home countries after appropriate humanitarian screenings have taken place and they are determined to be removable.”

    The surprising turn of events came in response to a letter from Perry to the president earlier in the day in which, he wrote, “I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the Tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue. With the appropriate notice, I am willing to change my schedule to facilitate this request.”

    Perry has been harshly critical of the president on what he contends is the administration’s failure to seal the border or anticipate the growing tide of new arrivals, most of them children from Central America.

    “I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is secure,” Perry said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” charging the president was either “inept” or had an “ulterior motive” in failing to secure the border.

    The White House has been dismissive of Perry’s rhetoric on the developing situation, which has become the focus of national attention and has offered Perry, who is contemplating another run for president, a chance to go head-t0-head with the president on an issue with great resonance among the Republican Party base.

    “The truth is, it’s hard to take seriously Governor Perry’s concerns,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said last week. Instead of lecturing the president, Earnest said Perry might more usefully lobby House Republicans from Texas to support comprehensive immigration reform, which the administration contends would get to the root of the problem.

    At a congressional field hearing in McAllen last week, Perry called for swiftly deporting the illegal border-crossers. Obama is seeking $2 billion to expand detention facilities and expedite deportation proceedings.

    The president has not been to the Rio Grande Valley to see first-hand what is going on, and Perry and other Republicans — including Attorney General Greg Abbott and Sen. John Cornyn — have chided Obama for not building a border visit into this Texas trip.

    In her letter, Jarrett said that on Tuesday the president would request supplemental appropriations legislation to bolster efforts with regard deterrence and enforcement, to seek greater foreign cooperation for repatriating and reintegrating those being sent home, and to increase the capacity to detain, care and transport the unaccompanied children now in custody.

    “The President hopes you will join him in urging Congress to quickly pass the emergency funding to deal with the current situation at the border,” Jarrett wrote Perry.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Ebolla??? US? Soon? It's in EU.

    Coming To America? Ebola Outbreak. #DeportALLILLEGALS NOW.

    08 Tuesday Jul 2014
    Posted by The MAD Jewess in Illegals

    Africa, Cholera, Coming To America? Ebola Outbreak. #DeportALLILLEGALS NOW., disease, Ebola, illegals, Mexico, sickness

    Coming To America: Ebola Outbreak. #DeportALLILLEGALS

    ….Sometimes, you have to visit really strange boards to get the truth. An Ebola outbreak has spread to EU. Why has it spread to the EU? Because Fabian Marxists are insane with their open border insanity, that’s why. Leftists want everyone sick. Period. We are broke. We cannot handle any more people. I don’t care if they want to escape their country. God puts people in their countries. Live there and turn to God in your own nation.

    The Ebola outbreak in Africa may have spread to Europe despite pandemic containment efforts. World Health Organization officials have been working diligently to contain the Ebola outbreak to West Africa, but their efforts may have failed. A Reuters report on the Ebola outbreak claims that death toll statistics will no longer be released to the public to “avoid causing unnecessary panic.”
    Read more at At The Inquisiter..
    This is what Ebola looks like and there is NO cure:

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Oh my God.... 3.8 million dollars they are asking for now.

    White House to seek $3.8 billion for border control, more than previously signaled

    A U.S. Border patrol agent keeps watch outside the entrance to a facility during an anti-immigration protest in Murrieta, Calif., on Monday. (Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images)
    By David Nakamura July 8 at 10:50 AM Follow @davidnakamura

    The White House on Tuesday will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America, a far higher amount than the Obama administration had previously signaled, according to a Capitol Hill source familiar with the plans.

    The money would go to several federal agencies, including the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State and Health and Human Services. Funds would be allocated to send more immigration judges to the southern border, build additional detention facilities and add border patrol agents, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the administration had not formally made the request.

    The move is aimed at more quickly deporting the tens of thousands of women and children who have entered the countriy illegally across the souther border, most of them in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

    White House officials declined to comment.

    Administration officials had previously said that they would be requesting more than $2 billion to help stem the recent surge of women and children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors and 39,000 women with children have been apprehended on the southern border this year, far more than in past years.

    President Obama, who will leave Washington on Tuesday evening, will visit Dallas on Wednesday and Austin on Thursday. Admnistration aides said he will not visit the border while in the state, but they said he will meet with local leaders to discuss the border crisis.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    UN Urges US To Designate Immigrants As Refugees

    July 8, 2014 8:21 AM
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    United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum. (Photo by Ross D. Franklin-Pool/Getty Images)

    SAN JOSE, Costa Rica – United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

    Officials with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees say they hope to see a regional agreement on that status Thursday when migration and interior department representatives from the U.S., Mexico, and Central America meet in Nicaragua. The group will discuss updating a 30-year-old declaration regarding the obligations nations have to aid refugees.

    While such a resolution would lack any legal weight in the United States, the agency said it believes “the U.S. and Mexico should recognize that this is a refugee situation, which implies that they shouldn’t be automatically sent to their home countries but rather receive international protection.”

    Most of the people widely considered to be refugees by the international community are fleeing more traditional political or ethnic conflicts like those in Syria or the Sudan. Central Americans would be among the first modern migrants considered refugees because they are fleeing violence and extortion at the hands of criminal gangs.

    “They are leaving for some reason. Let’s not send them back in a mechanical way, but rather evaluate the reasons they left their country,” Fernando Protti, regional representative for the U.N. refugee agency, told The Associated Press.

    The United States has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Central American migrants crossing into its territory, particularly children traveling without any adult guardian. More than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been apprehended since October. Three-fourths of them are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador and most say they are fleeing pervasive gang violence and crushing poverty.

    Both Congressional Republicans and the Obama administration have called for action to reverse the trend. Among other changes, the administration wants to end a 2008 law allowing child migrants to automatically appear before an immigration judge. Instead, Border Patrol agents could decide whether to deport them or allow them an additional hearing.
    Asked Monday whether the Obama administration viewed the situation at the border as a refugee crisis, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said it was “a humanitarian situation that requires urgent attention.”
    The administration, he said, wanted to ensure child migrants were housed in “humane conditions” while authorities worked quickly to determine whether they should be allowed to remain in the U.S. If not, he said, the Homeland Security secretary should be allowed “to exercise his discretion about repatriating.”
    GOP Rep: I Think Romney ‘Will Be The Next President Of The United States’
    Many Congressional Republicans attribute the increased immigration to a failure to secure the border and recent immigration policy changes that led many to believe child migrants would be allowed to stay.
    Many of the migrants, in fact, stay for years as their cases wend through overloaded migration courts. Those who say they are fleeing criminal violence generally are not eligible for political asylum, which is reserved for groups persecuted for their beliefs or identities. U.N. officials say there is no way of forcing the U.S. and Mexico to accept Central Americans as refugees, but a broad-based change in terminology could bring pressure on the two countries to do more.
    “Unaccompanied children and families who fear for their lives and freedoms must not be forcibly returned without access to proper asylum procedures,” UNHCR official Leslie Velez said in testimony submitted to the House Judiciary Committee late last month.
    Immigration experts in the U.S. and Central America say the flow of migrants from Honduras and El Salvador is likely to rise as the two countries experience gang-related violence. Honduras, a primary transit point for U.S.-bound cocaine, has the world’s highest homicide rate for a nation that is not at war. In El Salvador, the end of a truce between street gangs has led to a steep rise in homicides this year.
    Violence by criminal organizations spread in recent decades after members of California street gangs were deported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, where they overwhelmed weak and corrupt police forces and seized control of large sections of the countries.
    Salvadorans heading north through Mexico who were interviewed by The Associated Press last month said there also was fear of the “Sombra Negra,” or “Black Shadow” – groups of masked men in civilian clothes who are believed responsible for extrajudicial killings of teens in gang-controlled neighborhoods. The Salvadoran government denies any involvement in death squads, but says it is investigating the reports.
    US General: Border Security An ‘Existential’ Threat To National Security
    In El Salvador, at least 135,000 people, or 2.1 percent of the population, have been forced to leave their homes, the vast majority due to gang extortion and violence, according to U.N. figures. That’s more than twice the percentage displaced by Colombia’s brutal civil war, the U.N. says.
    Hondurans have been terrorized by a recent wave of attacks against churches, schools and buses.
    During a recent visit to the U.S., Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez said migrants from his country were “displaced by war” and called on the United States to acknowledge that.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Wow.... read this:

    Drugs, terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, criminals, illegal aliens now flow freely across our southern border, as America has not committed the resources to prevent it by securing the border. We need military assets there NOW!!!!….

    Posted on July 8, 2014 by thomas madison
    Active 4-Star General: Obama’s Border Crisis Threatens America’s Existence

    From Capitalism Institute

    The ongoing crisis at our southern border is more than just unaccompanied illegal immigrant children crossing in search of family or amnesty.

    It is a matter of national security, as our already overworked and stretched thin Border Patrol has been overwhelmed trying to deal with the flood of immigrants, leaving stretches of the border undefended for criminal cartels, gangs and terrorists to conduct their operations, sometimes with a little help from corrupt Mexican military units.

    Texas has initiated a ‘border surge’ to increase security on their own, and numerousmilitia units are filling in the gaps where they can, but that isn’t enough. It has become increasingly clear that we need to begin deploying US military units on the border to effectively shut it down.

    Now a very high-ranking active-duty Marine is weighing in on the subject. SOUTHCOM Commander John Kelly is in charge of all US military in Central and South America, and he says the current border crisis could actually threaten America’s very existence, according to WND.

    America’s porous southern border and the recent surge in illegal immigration is more than just a “humanitarian crisis,” claims the top U.S. general in charge of Central and South America, it’s a threat to the United States’ very existence.

    Particularly in regards to the drug trade, murder rates and terrorist activity brewing in Central America, Kelly says, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into Texas presents a threat to the U.S. every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea.

    “In comparison to other global threats, the near collapse of societies in [this] hemisphere with the associated drug and [illegal immigrant] flow are frequently viewed to be of low importance,” Kelly said in an interview with Defense One. “Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree.”

    General Kelly has actually been warning about this for some time now, as he has testified before both the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. He says that budget cuts and furloughs have tied the hands of his Command, preventing him from effectively defending the country against hostile criminal and terrorist entities.

    “Last year, we had to cancel more than 200 very effective engagement activities and numerous multilateral exercises,” Kelly said, explaining that a full 74 percent of “actionable illicit trafficking events” simply go unanswered, because he doesn’t have the funds or resources to do anything about it.

    “I simply sit and watch it go by,” he continued. “And because of service cuts, I don’t expect to get any immediate relief, in terms of assets, to work with in this region of the world.”

    Worse yet, he continued, with smuggling routes wide open for business, it’s far more than cocaine or children seeking a better life getting a free pass across the border.

    “Clearly, criminal networks can move just about anything on these smuggling pipelines,” Kelly said in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee in February. “Terrorist organizations could seek to leverage those same smuggling routes to move operatives with intent to cause grave harm to our citizens or even quite easily bring weapons of mass destruction into the United States.”

    “Supporters and sympathizers of Lebanese Hezbollah are involved in both licit and illicit activities in the region,” Kelly told Congress. “Members, supporters, and adherents of Islamic extremist groups are present in Latin America. Islamic extremists visit the region to proselytize, recruit, establish business venues to generate funds, and expand their radical networks. Some Muslim communities in the Caribbean and South America are exhibiting increasingly extremist ideology and activities, mostly as a result from ideologues’ activities and external influence from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. Mr. Chairman, we take all these activities seriously.”

    Kelly also points out that the bulk of the immigrants are coming from countries like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, three countries known as the “Northern Triangle” that are routinely found at the top of the lists for murder rates, drug trafficking, and criminal gang activity.

    “Although there are a number of other countries I work with in Latin America and the Caribbean that are going in the same direction,” Kelly told Defense One, “the so-called Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) is far and away the worst off.”

    “Chairman, gone are the days of the ‘cocaine cowboys,’” Kelly testified. “Instead, we and our partners are confronted with cocaine corporations that have franchises all over the world, including 1,200 American cities, as well as criminal enterprises like the violent transnational gang Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, that specialize in extortion and human trafficking.

    “The FBI has warned that MS-13 has a significant presence in California, North Carolina, New York, and northern Virginia, and is expanding into new areas of the United States, including Indian reservations in South Dakota,” he concluded.

    The General finished his testimony with a clear warning against further disengagement from the dangers we face, and warned that the bad guys are watching us pull back, leaving ourselves undefended. He stressed the need for armed US military units to defend the border against criminal elements and terrorists seeking to infiltrate the country.

    “Some of my counterparts perceive that the United States is disengaging from the region and from the world in general,” Kelly said. “We should remember that our friends and allies are not the only ones watching our actions closely. … And in the meantime, drug traffickers, criminal networks, and other actors, unburdened by budget cuts, cancelled activities, and employee furloughs, will have the opportunity to exploit the partnership vacuum left by reduced U.S. military engagement.”
    Sadly, the General is right. Our enemies are taking full advantage of our porous and lightly defended southern border. Drug cartels, gangs, smugglers, and even terrorists are moving back and forth with ease, as our federal border enforcement is concentrated on the humanitarian crisis brought about by the tens of thousands of sick children entering the country.

    Now more than ever, we desperately need to deploy the National Guard or regular US military troops on our border. We cannot allow our national security to be threatened by people who wish death and destruction upon us, just because some politicians are trying to score political points or are afraid that they might upset their voter base.
    We cannot allow border security to be a political issue. It is much more important than that.
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    Texas Lt. Governor: We’re Shutting Down the Border Ourselves

    The Obama administration doesn’t take border security seriously. Obama has arbitrarily and unilaterally changed immigration laws to enact portions of the DREAM Act, an amnesty plan previously rejected by Congress, which only encourages more illegal immigration.
    Not only has Obama encouraged more illegal immigration, through programs like the USDA advertising food stamps in Mexico, but they have all but halted most deportations, allowing criminals to walk free instead of being deported. The Obama administration has also lied about their actual deportation numbers, fluffing them up to make them appear bigger.
    Rather than focus on protecting our southern border with Mexico, Obama seems more preoccupied with trying to seize land along Texas’ northern border with Oklahoma, or blame our Second Amendment and drug use demand for the violent problems the corrupt cartels have caused in Mexico, despite the fact that he himself helped arm those cartels through Operation Fast and Furious.
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    BREAKING: Texas and California Militia Unite to Defend the Border

    In response to the flood of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, overwhelming the Border Patrol and immigration officials, border states like Texas and Arizona are stepping up law enforcement efforts to stem the tide by shutting down the border themselves.

    There have been calls for the Obama administration to deploy National Guard or regular military troops on the border to bolster security, but President Obama has done nothing except talk about reform and amnesty.

    Citizen militia units have mobilized and stepped up to fill that void and provide much needed assistance to law enforcement and Border Patrol in Texas and Arizona.
    Now comes word that some California militia units are ready to join in too, as reported in a post on the Free Republic internet forum.

    We have independent units from the Bolinas Border Patrol and the Central Valley Citizens militia joining forces with independent citizens militia units of Texas to defend our southern border in Texas, to protest Obama’s lawless open borders policies and to rally support for Governor Perry to officially call out Guard units and Texas militia units at his disposal to defend the border!! Lawsuits will not cut it. The invasion is happening now. Action must be taken NOW!!

    This is great news. The crisis on our border is truly an invasion of sorts, and it isn’t just illegal immigrants seeking amnesty.

    As the flood of immigrants overwhelms and occupies the time and efforts of Border Patrol and Customs agents, cartel and gang members are moving unimpeded back and forth across the undefended border, trafficking in drugs, arms, money and people. Some of these criminal groups are even getting assistance and cover from corrupt Mexican military units, who have actually fired on Border Patrol agents.

    It is plainly obvious that there is a dire need for eyes, ears and guns on our border to stem the flow of illegals and criminals. This is an all-hands-on-deck situation, and a big thank you goes out to the various militia units from across the country that are responding to the call for action.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    And finally... a connection to ISIS.

    Border crisis could provide cover to ISIS operatives

    Posted on July 8, 2014 by JC | 1 Comment

    Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist, Oath Keeper and Patriot.

    This is just another reason Obama should be impeached.

    It is his responsibility not that of Congress to keep our borders safe from foreign invaders.

    Using it as nothing more that a political ploy waiting until the RINOs in the Republican Party cave , he puts the United States and the entire risk of another major war.
    You pick, WWIII or WWIV

    By Perry Chiaramonte

    Published July 07, 2014

    The border crisis could be the perfect opportunity for Islamic terrorists looking to sneak sleeper cells into the U.S., say experts.

    Patrols on the Mexican border have been stretched to the breaking point in recent weeks by a tidal wave of immigrants from Central America. Among the estimated 60,000 people who have streamed across is a small percentage of what agents term “Special Interest Aliens,” or SIAs.

    Terrorism experts say airport security is effective at keeping dangerous jihadists out, but the border breakdown could be America’s Achilles heel – providing an entry point for groups like ISIS.

    “It’s impossible to say that ISIS will soon be active on our border, but some groups will be,” said retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a security and defense analyst and Fox News contributor.

    “The one thing that all of the squabbling jihadi groups in the Middle East and North Africa have in common is that they want to strike the U.S., both for what they view as vengeance and because, in terrorist circles, striking the U.S. is how you confirm that you’re a major player.”

    “If you pay the cartels enough, they will sneak you across or assist in getting anything you want across the border.” – Shawn Moran, vice president and spokesperson for the Border Patrol Council It’s long been known that a percentage, albeit small, of illegals caught sneaking across from Mexico hail from terror-sponsoring states.

    And some of the Islamic terror groups have ties to Latin American drug cartels and gangs, including MS-13. The combination of terrorists’ desire to infiltrate the border and gangs’ know-how could prove dangerous to American security, say experts.

    “It’s obviously a concern,” Shawn Moran, vice president and spokesperson for the Border Patrol Council, told “If you pay the cartels enough, they will sneak you across or assist in getting anything you want across the border.

    “It’s definitely a nightmare scenario if they use the borders, north or south, to cross and conduct a terrorist attack,” Moran added. Texas Gov. Rick Perry said the record wave of illegal immigrants includes record numbers of SIAs.

    “We have record high numbers of other than Mexicans being apprehended at the border,” Perry told Fox News. “These are people that are coming from states like Syria that have substantial connections back to terrorist regimes and terrorist operations.

    So we’re seeing record, historic high numbers of these individuals being apprehended.” Some policy experts say that, while it’s possible for groups like ISIS to cross at the border, it may not be necessary for them to achieve their deadly means.

    “Big picture, we need to look at how terrorist attacks have evolved since 9/11,” Scott Stewart, vice president of tactical analysis for Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence firm, told “The old model was to sneak operatives in, but it has really changed in recent years.

    Entire article below.
    It’s emanating from the grassroots. People who already reside in a targeted country are recruited or those who can enter a country legally with proper documentation.” And ISIS, despite its bluster, is probably not yet capable of launching an attack on American soil, Stewart said.

    “They really haven’t shown a capacity to import their attacks,” he said. “They haven’t worked towards conditioning operatives for terrorist attacks. It’s a very different from the training for the insurgency.”

    James Phillips, a senior research fellow for the Heritage Foundation, said the U.S. can never completely protect itself from terrorist infiltration. “The real danger is Europeans that have already been recruited who could fly into the country legally,” he said. “I wouldn’t rule out the Canadian border, either. Many operatives from other terrorist groups have entered the U.S. from the north.”
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo


    Arlin Luttrell

    Murrietta counter protesters, not so bright. They would like to see the cartel come across the border and blast the racists whites. First of all morons, if you think you are going to come into this country and intimidate our people with threatening remarks it could prove to be very dangerous and costly for you and your precious cartel.

    Americans are on the edge as it is and are beginning to take things into their own hands, as they have grown impatient with the government.

    There is a legal system of entering this country, and you are not here legally, therefore you have no rights and that includes a counter protest. Playing the race card? Do your homework, not all those protesting against illegal immigration are white.

    The 3 punks in the photo above are wearing some sort of uniform with their nation’s flag on one shirt. Really? Wanting to come to our nation but you wear the flag of a nation that is so terrible you want to leave or are you only here to support those children that are coming across. I noticed as well, one of you hides his face, much like a terrorist. Are you also a member of the cartel, the uniform dress indicates you may be? You see, you are exactly what the good people of Murrietta are trying to keep out of their community.

    I get it there is a humanitarian issue here. The influx of immigrants is a difficult situation, especially with the children. They are coming here, because their families they leave behind know Americans are the most compassionate and the quality of life here is better than anywhere. However, we must protect our borders and the interior of this nation.

    Disease is spreading at the border, some of which we have not been vaccinated against in this country. The diseases will continue to spread; which brings up another problem, they will receive healthcare, free healthcare for them. Are the illegal immigrants going to get fined for not having an insurance policy under Obamacare? Nope, we the taxpaying citizens of this country will be expected to flip the bill.

    Also, those that have come here from Central America and Mexico have left a trail of where they have trashed the land. Don’t believe me, go on the internet and see for yourself, plenty of pictures; a preview of whats to come for this country.

    It’s too much for even the most generous nation to take on. We are talking about protecting our nation for the future of our children and grandchildren. I know we are a nation of immigrants, but there are limits……we have met our limit. We don’t need to always be politically correct.
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  5. Immigration Reform
    By Brian Baldwin in forum U.S. Border Security
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: April 14th, 2006, 15:46


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