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Thread: Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform)

  1. #221
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Nothing is going to happen. No one is going to go to war over Obama's migrant invasion.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  2. #222
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Breaking: Citizen Militia Units From California & Texas Are Joining Together to Defend US Border

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, July 4, 2014, 7:27 PM

    Free Republic founder Jim Robinson posted this on the popular conservative internet forum on Friday evening.

    Militia units from California and Texas were joining together to defend the US southern border.

    Ok, this is just the germination of the plan.

    We have independent units from the Bolinas Border Patrol and the Central Valley Citizens militia joining forces with independent citizens militia units of Texas to defend our southern border in Texas, to protest Obama’s lawless open borders policies and to rally support for Governor Perry to officially call out Guard units and Texas militia units at his disposal to defend the border!! Lawsuits will not cut it. The invasion is happening now. Action must be taken NOW!!
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Not sure I'll take that bet today Mal.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States

    10 Thursday Jul 2014
    Posted by Mary W. in CDC, Death, DHS, FEMA, HHS, Illegal Immigrants, Pandemics, Police State, Tyrannical Government, United States, US Border Patrol

    I am presently vacationing at Ground Zero, the location of the greatest pandemic threat in American history and it is all related to unscreened immigrants.

    I am reading and watching the local news and gathering information in a manner that most across the country are not seeing because of the national censorship in the MSM. This week alone, I have referenced related immigration stories from San Diego’s Channel 5, 10 and 15. When contrasted to the national media, the crickets are chirping.
    What I have learned from these local reports is that sick and diseased immigrants are being placed in the general population of the United States. I have also learned that there is a conspiracy of silence associated with DHS and HHS and what they are forcing the Border Patrol to do with these new immigrants. There is also a Gestapo and East German Stasi mentality that is permeating this series of events. And since I am invoking German parallels, let’s add in a Reichstag false flag moment as well. These events and what is to follow have been carefully planned for and the evidence trail goes back almost five years. Along these same lines, the CDC and HHS have tipped their hand and are plainly telling the American public what is coming and how we are all at risk.

    How a Pandemic Gets Started

    Late last week, at approximately 1AM, a busload of illegal immigrants pulled out of the Chula Vista checkpoint and onto a local San Diego freeway. There were two Border Patrol agents sitting behind the driver wearing surgical masks. A San Diego 10News vehicle tried to follow the bus onto the freeway, but Border Patrol SUVs blocked the entrance to the freeway. We now are finding out that 10 people were transported to local hospitals in the San Diego area for treatment of such ANNOUNCED maladies as scabies and head lice (This Sunday evening, from 11pm-Midnight, Central, I am interviewing Barb Peterson as she will be describing how scabies can be used to transmit far more serious illnesses).

    This official Border Patrol admission marks the first time that the American people had official confirmation that sick and diseased illegal immigrants are being knowingly and purposely being moved into the general population of the United States. An American child, who is in the hospital to have their tonsils removed. along with his visiting parents, attending nurses and physicians, may unwittingly become carriers for a for more serious illness with the potential to rip through the general population as a result of these irresponsible actions which are placing all of us at risk.

    Border Patrol union representative, Ron Zermeno, told San Diego 10News the influx of detained undocumented immigrants pose a significant risk to the health of agents as well as national security as a whole.
    FOX News Has a Rare Moment of Clarity

    Todd Starnes, FOX News contributor and talk show host, has interviewed unidentified sources including doctors, nurses and counselors who say that while working with the new illegal immigrants at the Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX., and he found that these civilian employees are being threatened, by the East German Stasi contingent of the Department of Homeland Security, with prison if they report how bad the health conditions are and how much at risk the American public is being placed under.
    Here is an excerpt from the Starnes report:

    “We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness – all this stuff coming into the country,” she (an unidentified nurse) said. “We were very concerned at one point about strep going around the base.”
    Both the counselor and the nurse said their superiors tried to cover up the extent of the illnesses.
    “When they found out the kids had scabies, the charge nurse was adamant – ‘Don’t mention that. Don’t say scabies,’” the nurse recounted. “But everybody knew they had scabies. Some of the workers were very concerned about touching things and picking things up. They asked if they should be concerned, but they were told don’t worry about it.”

    The Starnes report issued an ominous warning:
    “My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.”

    Key Arizona Officials Speak Out
    While appearing on Hannity, Sheriff Joe Arpaio stated that the border patrol crisis is a deliberate ploy designed to force amnesty. I would suggest to Arpaio that with the definitive spread of illnesses among this population, there may be a much more sinister possibility such as the one that one of Arizona’s most prominent physicians, Dr. Jane Orient spoke of when I interviewed her 10 days ago. Dr. Orient used words such as “collusion” and “bioweapons attack” during the course of our conversation. Dr. Orient expressed concern that the Border Patrol is being threatened with prosecution for speaking out about the looming health crisis. Further, she stated that the Border Patrol has taken on casualties as a result of their close contact with immigrants as they have one confirmed case of drug resistant TB and a multiple cases of Border Patrol agents contracting scabies, which could carry very serious diseases and viruses. Dr. Orient is also appearing on the aforementioned, July 13th show from 9-10pm. The show can be accessed here by clicking on the “listen” icon in the upper right hand corner.
    Where Is All This Headed?

    Also appearing on this week’s talk show is Alana Cook, who first brought to my attention a memo from the Health and Human Services (HHS) as administered by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in which it is abundantly clear that the CDC is planning for mass casualties. By the way, it was HHS that denied Congressman Bridenstine entry into Ft. Sill to see what going on with illegal immigrant children in a story that appeared in this column, yesterday.

    The date of the memo is July 1, 2014 and this makes the timing of this release, with regard to the above reported events, a little more than coincidental.
    HHS has awarded more than $840 million to continue improving emergency preparedness of state and local public health and health care systems. HHS claims that these health systems are vital to protecting health and saving lives during a disaster. “The programs provide resources needed to ensure that local communities can respond effectively to infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or chemical, biological, or radiological nuclear events”. With regard to the infectious disease outbreaks, HHS and the CDC are a day late and a dollar short. The damage has already been done.
    This Has Been Planned for Long Time

    In early 2009, the News Director for The Common Sense Show, reported the following events on a broadcast of The Common Sense Show which applies to the story at hand.
    From the Daily Newscaster inside sources reveals that FEMA & DHS are preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago

    • In late December 2008 municipal officials were invited to Indianapolis for a briefing on the state of Indiana. There were told if industry were to collapse for example GM going bankrupt resulting in mass unemployment, that a depression would soon follow and municipalities could expect to lose 40% of their funds.
    • Every county in the nation would be required to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan.
    • The county should prepare a plan to vaccinate the entire population within 48 hours and practice the plan several times.
    • FEMA inquired to where mass graves could be placed in the county and would they accept bodies from elsewhere.
    • The sheriff’s department via the state sheriff association was told that no .223 ammunition rounds would be available as the military would be purchasing all stocks.
    • The county was asked to make plans for “hardening” of police and fire stations, putting in hardened bunker type buildings around town.
    • The county was asked to make plans for the possibility of up to 400,000 refugees from Chicago

    At about the same time,
    ******** reported the same kind of observations in Houston, Texas and later in Phoenix, AZ.

    Sherrie Wilcox went looking for FEMA Camps and found this outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

    What is being reported here is the fulfillment of a long-standing plan.

    Last week, it was revealed in this column that the government was advertising for “escorts” in order to bring unaccompanied illegal alien minors across the border. The date of this advertisement was January, 2014, seven months ago. It was also reported that there are multiple sightings of UN vehicles in our country. It was also reported here that the UN has been advertising for the position of “resettlement officers who are experienced in gun confiscation”.

    When we look at the posed health risks by this “sudden” influx of illegal aliens, along with the evidence of the planning for mass casualties dating back at least 51/2 years ago and more evidence that this planning and funding is still ongoing, the conclusions are not hard to reach.

    Now that Israel seems intent on invading Syria and the UN trucks are on the move near Brownsville, TX., as of this writing, perhaps some serious dot connecting is in order and that will be the topic of the next installment in this series.

    By David Hodges who is the Editor and Host ofThe Common Sense Show.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    This is all Congress' fault you know.

    Obama said so.

    Obama on Illegal Alien Invasion: “It’s Congress’ Fault!”

    Yesterday, the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, (mm mmm mmmm) said the following in a news conference concerning the “Humanitarian Situation on Our Southern Border”, which his policies have caused.

    (Text courtesy of
    Hello, everybody. I just had a good meeting with Governor Perry, local officials, and faith leaders to talk about the steps that we have taken and that we need to take to address the humanitarian situation on the border. And I want to thank everybody who’s been involved for taking the time to talk to me.

    It’s important to recognize two things. First, the surge of unaccompanied children, and adults with children, are arriving at one sector of the border, and that’s the Rio Grande Valley. Second, the issue is not that people are evading our enforcement officials. The issue is that we’re apprehending them in large numbers. And we’re working to make sure that we have sufficient facilities to detain, house, and process them appropriately, while attending to unaccompanied children with the care and compassion that they deserve while they’re in our custody.

    While we intend to do the right thing by these children, their parents need to know that this is an incredibly dangerous situation and it is unlikely that their children will be able to stay. And I’ve asked parents across Central America not to put their children in harm’s way in this fashion.

    Right now, there are more Border Patrol agents and surveillance resources on the ground than at any time in our history. And we deport almost 400,000 migrants each year. But as soon as it became clear that this year’s migration to the border was different than in past years, I directed FEMA to coordinate our response at the border. Members of my Cabinet and my staff have made multiple trips to facilities there. And we’re also addressing the root of the problem. I sent Vice President Biden and Secretary Kerry and Secretary Johnson to meet with Central American leaders, as well as working with our international partners to go after smugglers who are putting their kids’ lives at risk.

    And earlier this week, Mexico announced a series of steps that they’re going to take on their southern border to help stem the tide of these unaccompanied children.

    Last week, I sent a letter to Congress asking them to increase penalties on smugglers and to give us flexibility to move migrants through the system faster.

    Yesterday, I asked Congress to fund these efforts. About half of the resources would go to border security, enforcement, and expedited removal of people who don’t qualify for a humanitarian claim. About half would go to make sure we’re treating children humanely. We’d also make investments to further tackle the root problems in Central America.

    So right now, Congress has the capacity to work with us, work with state officials, local officials, and faith-based groups and non-for-profits who are helping to care for these kids — Congress has the capacity to work with all parties concerned to directly address the situation. They’ve said they want to see a solution. The supplemental offers them the capacity to vote immediately to get it done.

    Of course, in the long run, the best way to truly address this problem is for the House of Representatives to pass [Amnesty] legislation fixing our broken immigration system, which, by the way, would include funding for additional thousands of Border Patrol agents — something that everybody down here that I’ve talked to indicates is a priority.
    In other words, Scooter is, once again, placing the blame for his policy failure on somebody…anybody else.

    And, when he does not get his way, he jumps up and down, yelling at the top of his lungs, then holding his breath until he turns blue, all the while looking around to see if any adults are watching him.

    Texas Governor Rick Perry appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Program last night. He and Obama did not quite see things eye-to-eye, no matter what Scooter says.
    The Republican governor spoke out after meeting with Obama in Texas Wednesday afternoon. Both sides called the meeting “constructive” and said they agreed philosophically. However, Perry said he is concerned that Obama did not indicate he will take the immediate action he requested: to use his power as commander-in-chief to send the National Guard to secure the border.

    “You know, I was like, Mr. President, you can deal with this. You can unilaterally direct the Department of Defense to put those troops on the border…” he said, later adding, “The president needs to understand that the single most important thing that he can do is put the National Guard on the border to coordinate with local law enforcement, with state law enforcement, with the border patrol…”

    Obama said Wednesday that he is open to the National Guard suggestion, but that he believed it would only be a temporary fix.

    Perry also criticized the fact that Obama is not visiting the border on his trip to Texas so he can witness the crisis first-hand. Obama said in a press conference Wednesday that doing so would be engaging in political “theater” and not productive.

    “I said Mr. President, I really want you to come and see this,” Perry said. “I said this is important for you to absorb as a father, but more importantly as the president of the United States to see the humanitarian crisis.”

    Perry said Obama’s refusal to do so is no different than the criticism President George W. Bush received when he chose to fly over New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina instead of visiting the city on the ground. He said Obama sending Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is not enough.

    “I’m pretty sure that if George Bush had said ‘well I sent my FEMA director multiple times’ he still would have been criticized greatly,” Perry said. “Because you need to go. That’s what governors do, that’s what presidents do. When there are natural disasters, when there are crises like these, a president needs to be there to show the American people number one that he understands.”

    In the press conference, Obama called on Congress to approve the more than $3 billion in emergency funds he requested to help with the crisis, but Perry claimed less than $100 million of those funds would be going toward border security.

    “It’s the same president that said Al-Qaeda’s on the run and I don’t know whether he’s inept, or there’s something else going on, as I’ve said before,” he said. “But the fact is, the border is not secure.”

    Perry said that if the National Guard was made available to help secure the border, it would send a powerful message to Central America.
    “That’s the most humane thing we can do,” he said.
    I swear, ya’ll. In all of my 55 years on God’s green Earth, I have never seen a more arrogant PO…err…jackwagon, representing our country as its president, than Barack Hussein Obama.

    During Scooter’s moment of denial and self-adulation last night, I almost threw my Samsung Cell Phone at my Samsung Television.

    I used to have difficulty listening to Bubba Clinton, also. However, the Former Philanderer-in-Chief pales in comparison to the present Prevaricator-in-Chief, in terms of being positively un-listenable.

    First off, Obama is always 30-45 minutes late to his own press conferences, a habit born out of a sense of self-importance. In fact, Obama’s huge ego arrives in the room before he does.

    Obama’s sense of self-importance is exceeded only by his over-estimation of his own intelligence. The former University of Chicago “Guest lecturer still believes that, whatever audience he is addressing, including the American people, all are less intelligence and less educated than he is.

    This arrogance gives every speech he makes, a stilted, didactic tone. Obama does not talk TO the American People, as President Reagan did…HE TALKS DOWN TO US.

    And, as if Obama’s overbearing arrogance was not bad enough, he doubles-down on the un-listenability factor by lying like a Persian Rug.

    Obama reminds me of the children in the old cartoon strip, “The Family Circus”. Every time the children would break something, or do something that they were told not to, they would answer their parents, when asked what happened, “Ida know” and “Not me”, as smiling specters with those words printed on their chests appeared on the strip.

    I thought I saw those ghosts floating across the screen as Obama spoke last night. Although, on second thought, if might have been dimwitted ol’ Joe Biden, grinning like a mule eating yellow jackets, as usual.

    Growing up, I and members of my generation, were always taught that accepting blame and responsibility for your failures, was a sign of maturity.

    That being the case, last night, the President of the United States sounded like he was around 8 years old.

    Until He Comes,
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Allen West....

    When the time comes to fight for our survival, will we have the resolve?

    Written by Allen West on July 9, 2014
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    Image: Gruntworks

    If there’s one thing I know about it’s the human cost of war. I felt it in the two lumps on my dad’s head. I saw it when my mom had that sullen look on her face as she prepared the travel orders for the fallen Marines during the Vietnam War. And I also experienced it as a youngster praying each night for my older brother while he was in Vietnam.
    During my 22 years of active duty service, and my two-and-a-half years as a civilian-military advisor, I saw it up close. My wife Angela knows of it as a daughter and as my battle buddy. And now I fret over my nephew and all my friends still serving.
    It has been said by many that, “only the dead have seen the end of war.”
    If that maxim holds true, then what can we do in these troubling and perilous times?
    I ask that question as I read about the sermon delivered by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Mosul. I watch the growing conflagration between Israel and Hamas — knowing that Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah have signed a reconciliation agreement with Hamas.
    Japan has recently decided to abandon its constitution precluding them from having a large military beyond self-defense. China and Russia are building a modern day axis supported by client states such as Iran, Syria, and North Korea. And even here in our own hemisphere and along our southern border, we are witnessing a collapse of the rule of law and our sovereignty.
    A growing darkness threatens the safety and security of our Republic — and possibly the existence of Western civilization. Our gathering enemies are firmly declaring their intent, and what is our response? Certainly not “peace through strength” — it is an eerie silence that serves to embolden those evil forces and sends chills down the spines of our allies.
    History shows there are three reasons to choose the strategic choice of last resort — annihilation, attrition, or assimilation. So in the face of a deliberate threat that seeks our destruction and extermination what shall we do? I know, more “coexist” bumper stickers — that will remedy the situation, more compromise, acquiescence, and perceived subservience — yes, that’s the ticket.
    Those of us who have seen the human cost of war know the price that has to be paid. And that is why we know limited war yields only limited results. If we are not committed to our own existence what have we devolved into?
    This cannot be dismissed as “warmongering,” it is about the survival of our nation and ourselves — unless that’s no longer important.
    Yes, I prefer a strong defense that serves as a deterrent, but when the time comes to launch, it must be done fully with complete commitment, as Clausewitz termed the “paradoxical trinity,” combining the will of the government, the people, and the military.
    We are facing a crisis in leadership in America at a time when our apparent weakness has become an enticing aroma for the dictators, theocrats, autocrats, and despots worldwide — as demonstrated by the boldness of al-Baghdadi appearing in public to deliver a sermon. We fought for people in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, but never again. Our benevolence is seen as undesirable and rejected.
    We have come to a point in this nation where the only way is up. We must not apologize for our achievements, nor should we hang our heads in shame.
    I do believe the time is coming when we will have to fight – with rules of engagement that allow our troops to succeed.
    I choose survival of our Republic for future generations – will you choose to stand with me, or sing kumbaya with Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood?

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Obama’s speech: smells like bull in Texas

    Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on July 9, 2014

    Obama’s speech in Dallas was just another opportunity for him to politicize and attack Republicans, especially House Republicans.

    Houston, we have a problem, a President who takes no responsibility for anything — and you cannot count turning folks around at the border as a deportation.

    Obama threw out a $3.7 billion figure without a specific policy plan of action for this current crisis — and notice how Valerie Jarrett has changed the language to be a “humanitarian situation.”

    Obama wants a deliberative judicial process and is using the specter of Bush to hide behind — which will benefit LULAC and La Raza.

    The only answer, the bottom line is seal the border, priority the sector in the Rio Grande Valley, and return everyone back to their country of origin.

    I believe Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn stated that $8 million purchases first class tickets for everyone home.

    There is only one person playing politics and using this crisis as a means to extort more taxpayer dollars — his name is Barack Hussein Obama.

    And why not meet with the folks, not in Dallas, but those at the border — guess that would have upset his fundraising schedule.

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    La Bestia Derails!!

    Posted on by Juan Roberto Peron
    El Bestia the Death Train

    A freight train commonly known as “La Bestia” or the “Death Train” has derailed in Mexico. The train is often used by illegal migrants to get near the US-Mexico border. The train derailed in the southern Mexican State of Oaxaca yesterday stranding 1300 people who were riding on top of its boxcars.

    Many of those who were riding atop the train were young people yet no one was apparently injured this time which is amazing. The train came off the tracks according to Mexican officials. Heavy rains in southern Mexico might have caused the train to derail officials speculated.

    1300 people were riding this train on top of the boxcars. That’s shocking!

    Rain... Too far south for anyone to have derailed it on purpose. At least not US people.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Ryan, I think we have some "operators" out there doing things no one else wants to think about....

    I have a strong suspicion that train didn't just fall off the rails.

    We have a huge contingent of people moving toward the southwest - American citizens, who are armed. A command post has been set up. Somewhere near San Antonio I hear.

    I also hear they are "recruiting" "large numbers of patriots".

    The shit is about to "get real".

    I have absolutely zero facts on which to base this but, the truth is there are a lot of patriotic special forces guys that have cycled through our armed forces in the last 10+ years. No reason to think the porous border doesn't flow both directions.

    At least I can hope this is the case...

    ETA: Just saw your last post.

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    I had to hunt down where that train runs - well south of Mexico City (been there, during a massive quake once)... So it's considerably south of where I thought it might have derailed.

    However.... I won't put it past guys to make things happen.

    Why? Because the system is broken right now. It needs to be fixed and there aren't any maintenance guys around to do it. So, that leaves an "insurance agent" to come in and "condemn" the whole building, or total the car.

    Once that is done, then you can begin the process of purchasing a new building/car.

    Metaphorically speaking of course.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Coming from Democrats

    Dem. Rep. Rips Obama: 'Aloof,' 'Bizarre,' and 'Detached'

    12:34 PM, Jul 9, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER

    Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar ripped President Obama for being "aloof" and "detached" by not visiting the Texas border to see first hand the immigration crisis. Cuellar made the comments on MSNBC:

    "He's so close to the border. And let me say this: when I saw, and I hate to use the word bizarre, but under the circumstances, when he is shown playing pool in Colorado, drinking a beer, and he can't even go 242 miles to the Texas border, and plus, if he doesn't want to go down to the border, there's the Air Force Base where HHS is holding some of the young kids from the border. He could at least make that trip to San Antonio, but again, border community leaders wants to see him down there on the border, and I think the optics and the substance of it is that he should show up at the border," said Cuellar.

    And he had some advice for the White House."If they are worried about putting a face, the president's face, to this human crisis, humanitarian crisis, I think it's worse if he doesn't even show up. Either way, he's going to be tied into this humanitarian crisis. he either can roll up his sleeves and go down to the border, or he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there, and say that he's got everything under control."

    He adds, "It Just floored me, because if he's saying he's too busy to go to the border but you have time to drink beer, play pool."

    The president was in Colorado last night -- drinking beer and playing pool.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Dem. Rep. Cuellar: WH Called Me For Speaking Out against President

    By Andrew Johnson
    July 9, 2014 9:35 AM

    Representative Henry Cuellar (D., Texas) hasn’t been shy about speaking out against the Obama administration’s handling of the border crisis, and that apparently earned him a phone call from someone at the White House.

    “Yes, I have,” Cuellar said on Fox & Friends on Wednesday when asked if he had received a talking-to. “But let me just say that I’m more concerned not about who gets angry at me at the White House; I’m more concerned about my constituents who want to find a practical solution to this question that we’re facing down there at the border.”
    “Who called you?” host Brian Kilmeade asked.

    “We’ll just leave it like that,” Cuellar responded.

    “Did they tell you to pipe down?” Kilmeade pressed again.

    “We’ll just leave it like that,” the congressman repeated. “But notice what I’m doing: I’m still talking about it.”
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Houston Immigrant Shelters Anger Residents

    Tweet ?

    07/09/2014 10:58 AM
    07/09/2014 11:00 AM

    (KPRC) As officials from three government agencies toured a vacant Houston, Texas middle school, residents from the surrounding neighborhood showed up to express their anger.

    The Houston Independent School District's Terrell Middle School is being considered as a possible temporary shelter for unaccompanied Central American children.

    "I'm sorry that the parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever is going on out there, I don't care," said resident Bernadette Lancelin. "I care about what's going on right here, in my own backyard, my neighborhood."

    "What's going to keep them from escaping here and just moving around? Around Houston, around Trinity Gardens? What's going to keep them behind these gates? Security, really? They can't even control the border," Lancelin added.

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Think I posted this already. Confirmation through news of militia command post.

    Militia Sets Up Command Center South of San Antonio

    There are multiple updates to this story. Please click here to get the latest information.

    Posted: Jul 8, 2014 6:16 PM
    Updated: Jul 8, 2014 6:24 PM

    Tweet ?

    VON ORMY - A militia is gathering south of San Antonio to prepare for what they say is a mission to secure the border.

    A leader with the group said they will deploy to Laredo first and spread from there to other parts of the border. The group set up a command center in Von Ormy to train and get organized.

    The group has a website called Patriot Information Hotline. The group will not say how many members make up the militia.

    The commander is a man named Chris Davis.

    "We have patriots all across this country who are willing to sacrifice their time, their monies, even quit their jobs to come down and fight for freedom, liberty and national sovereignty," Davis said.

    Border Patrol officials sent CHANNEL 5 NEWS a statement about the group.

    "Customs and Border Protection does not endorse or support any private group or organization from taking matters into their own hands as it could have disastrous, personal and public safety consequence," the statement said.

    "CBP appreciates the efforts of concerned citizens as they act as our eyes and ears. Securing our nation's borders can be dangerous. Interdicting narcotics and deterring and apprehending individuals illegally entering the U.S. requires highly trained law enforcement personnel," the statement said.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    I missed this one yesterday

    Ben Shapiro: Feds Hoping for Violent Incident in Murrieta [AUDIO]

    Posted on 7/9/2014 9:53:00 AM

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    Ben Shapiro: Feds Hoping for Violent Incident in Murrieta [AUDIO]

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    Federal agents are still attempting to bring buses of illegal immigrants in to Murrieta and the residents are still succeeding in blocking them. Busloads of 140 immigrants were supposed to be brought in to the Border Patrol station every 72 hours but instead have been diverted to San Ysidro after protests by locals. It doesn’t look like the citizens will be giving up any time soon.

    Morning Answer host Ben Shapiro felt that the idea that the Federal government can’t figure out that there might be some protesters is ridiculous. “What they’re hoping for is for some kind of violent incident they can use against people who oppose the shipment of illegal immigrants in to places like Murrieta,” explained Ben.
    Brian Whitman offered a hypothetical to Ben, asking if he was injected with truth serum would he think that the people protesting with the American flags would just go away.

    “Actually no. As time goes on, I don’t even care whether they look better. As time goes on, I want them doing this. I’ve actually shifted a little on this,” admitted Ben. “Once the media already has its images…to portray the idea that it’s a bunch of crazed white folks who are trying to stop little brown children from entering… So you have your images, so now my feeling is this: The images are already out there, I don’t care. I want people standing up to the Federal government and telling them to enforce their own laws!”

    “Really!” continued Ben. “Because the greater danger to me is not people telling the Federal government to enforce their law – the greatest danger to me is the American people not caring whether the Federal government enforces laws currently on the books.”

    Click on the player above to hear more!

    Tags: Ben Shapiro , Brian Whitman , The Morning Answer , AM870 , AM 870 The Answer , Elisha Krauss , illegal immigrants , immigration , border security
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    ‘WHAT A FREAKIN’ LIE’! Reuters, Yahoo busted for bogus headline about Obama at border [pics]

    Posted at 12:24 pm on July 10, 2014 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

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    President Obama visits the border… via @YahooNews WHAT A FREAKIN LIE, #zerointegrity @yahoo

    (@jakdogg) July 10, 2014
    President Obama really gets around. After all, those funds aren’t gonna raise themselves! In a short span of time this week, the president has spent time in Denver, Dallas, and Austin, where he’s shot pool and raised money for the DSCC, DCCC, and DNC.
    But if you ask Reuters, he’s been busy at “the border”:

    That photo was taken in Denver. As in, Colorado. As in, not even a border state.
    President Obama visits the border (Umm this is not the border… this is Denver.)… via @YahooNews
    Matt Rowell (@MattRowell3) July 10, 2014
    Scroll through Reuters’ slideshow posted at Yahoo! News, and you’ll see pictures Obama in several places — none of which could remotely be considered “the border”:
    The liars at Reuters covering for their man Hint: Obama went to Austin, not anywhere near border #tcot #reuterslie
    Eric Redding (@NoWayGray) July 10, 2014
    Yahoo LIES!! –> President Obama visits the border… via @YahooNews
    The 57th State (@The_57th_State) July 10, 2014
    Yahoo apparently has no idea where the border is. "President Obama visits the border… via @YahooNews "—
    KatCara (@Ktcarang) July 10, 2014
    President Obama visits the border… *If there is a pic of him @ the border, it is photoshopped. Austin-NOT the border—
    Rhonda Rushton (@qnoftherealm) July 10, 2014
    President Obama visits the border… * you are as dishonest as Obama- @YahooNews -Austin is not the border.—
    Rhonda Rushton (@qnoftherealm) July 10, 2014
    Yahoo news is running a headline "President Obama visits the border" with photo taken in Austin TX. BIG lie by yahoo—
    Dale Johnson (@djohnsonsimms) July 10, 2014
    President Obama visits the border… via @YahooNews Look at this total lie from Reuters. Unreal! He did not go to border—
    Bill Whyte (@billywhy) July 10, 2014
    Great example of how the liberal media works. This headline states that he actually visited the border!…
    Rick Campbell (@BMENministry) July 10, 2014
    President Obama visits the border…? Wow! Not a whiff of truth, starting with the headline! Reuters shld b ashamed—
    Sherm (@ProudAmerican15) July 10, 2014
    Lapdogs gonna lapdog!
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Citizens assemble to voice opinions on housing Central American refugee children at Wolverine Human Services

    Posted by Bill Petzold on July 9, 2014
    Photos by John Cook • Emotions ran high as protestors opposed to Wolverine Human Services housing Central American refugee children made their beliefs known Monday on the front lawn of Vassar City Hall. Other demonstrators also showed support for bringing Central American immigrants to the Wolverine Human Services camp in Vassar.

    By Tom Gilchrist
    For The Advertiser
    VASSAR — Wolverine Human Services officials say Central American child refugees could arrive here in “a couple weeks,” though protesters didn’t roll out a welcome mat outside Vassar City Hall on Monday night.
    “I want them to go home where they came from,” said Julie Blossom Hunt, 48, of Vassar, one of several dozen people at a pro- test held by Michiganders for Immigration Control and Enforcement, or MICE.
    “I’m a big believer in going (to their home countries) and ministering to them, and helping improve their quality of life for them and for their future.”
    Monday night’s gathering featured a number of counter-protesters who said they support housing refugees in Vassar, where about 115 jobs will be created if Wolverine lands two contracts to house 120 refugees at its Vassar location, according to Wolverine Senior Vice President Derrick McCree.
    Neither contract is signed and official yet, he said, but he added that refugees could arrive within “a couple weeks” if contracts get signed without any setbacks.
    McCree said about 15 people have been hired recently who could work with the refugees. He said he’ll answer questions tonight at a 6 p.m. public forum at Vassar High School.
    Tens of thousands of children have crossed illegally into Texas in recent months from Central American countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Most are males and older than 14, according to federal sources. The federal government reports the youths flee to the U.S. to join family members already here, escape abuse or exploitation, or seek employment or educational opportunities.
    McCree said the youths housed in Vassar will be males from ages 12 to 17. Wolverine will “provide medical care, feed them, teach them some survival skills and do trauma counseling” until federal officials can place the children with family members in the U.S., McCree said. At that point, Wolverine workers also would travel with the refugees to the youths’ new residences.
    Hunt, however, used a megaphone Monday night to urge protesters to oppose bringing refugees to Michigan.
    “We can’t stop it once they’re here,” said Hunt, who said she moved back to her hometown of Vassar from the Los Angeles area last year.
    “We were told that out at Wolverine (off Enterprise Drive), it’s not going to be a locked-down facility,” Hunt told the crowd. “If those kids choose to walk away and start roaming around our community, we’re going to start having an increase in crime like we saw in L.A.”
    Dan Zuzula, 55, of Vassar Township, said he opposes using taxpayer money to pay to house illegal immigrants.
    “I’d love to have my grandchildren get better schooling here in Vassar instead of having to pay for illegals,” Zuzula said.
    While grocery stores and other businesses might see increased revenue associated with feeding and caring for 120 refugees, Zuzula said “I won’t see any residuals in my pocket.”
    McCree said Wolverine officials told Vassar city leaders that “if we land these two contracts, we could see 115 more people coming into the local economy, spending money at the McDonald’s or the gas stations, or everywhere else.”
    Rev. Monica M. Villarreal, pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Flint, said refugee children must be treated with respect, dignity and justice once they arrive here. She said the Bible indicates Jesus Christ and his family fled to Egypt when threatened by violence from King Herod.
    “That’s how I see it — to remember that Jesus himself was a refugee and experienced something like what these kids are experiencing,” Villarreal said.
    Ryan Bates, Dearborn-based executive director of Michigan United — which bills itself as fighting for the rights of illegal immigrants — also came to Vassar on Monday as a counter-protester.
    “We want to get out the message that these are children fleeing horrible violence in Central America,” Bates said. “They are refugees who deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. Honduras has become the murder capital of the world. It’s more dangerous than Afghanistan or Iraq.
    “Young boys are being forced to join drug gangs. There is an epidemic of rape and sexual assault — girls as young as 10 years old being raped and becoming pregnant.”
    If federal officials can’t reunify the refugees with a relative already in the U.S., they would seek a foster parent willing to care for the children, according to McCree.
    Bringing refugees to Michigan won’t help an already struggling economy, according to Nick Schlatter, 26, of Tuscola County’s Wells Township.
    “We have people here in Saginaw, Flint, Bay City and Tuscola County who don’t have jobs, and we’re bringing people who are going to undercut their wages,” Schlatter said.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    DHS closing roads to keep reporters away.

    Border Patrol Official: DHS Ordered Illegal Immigrant Holding Facility ‘Cleared Out’ Before Congressional Visit

    Sara Carter

    We will be discussing this story and all the day’s news on our live BlazeCast with Editor-in-Chief Scott Baker (@bakerlink) beginning at 3:15pm ET:

    Department of Homeland Security officials are stonewalling lawmakers who try to make unannounced visits to immigrant detention facilities throughout the country and are closing off public roads along the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to keep journalists from reporting on the growing illegal immigration crisis, federal law enforcement officials told TheBlaze.

    The officials said senior supervisors have made scheduling visits ahead of time mandatory at detention facilities, turned back officials from unannounced visits, and that Border Patrol agents have been forced to clean up facilities and transfer illegal aliens from unauthorized holding cells before they are inspected by lawmakers. Reporters have also been stopped by DHS officials from traveling along public access roads near the Rio Grande, where most of illegal immigrant children and groups are crossing into the U.S.

    Border Patrol agents and police in Mission, Texas, rush down a public access road in the Rio Grande Valley to intercept a group of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. The roads are now being monitored and journalists are being asked to leave the area by federal law enforcement officials. (Photo: Sara A. Carter/TheBlaze)

    The media crackdown along the Rio Grande happened shortly after TheBlaze visited the region last month and traveled along some of the more secluded roads along the river’s edge. TheBlaze witnessed dozens of illegal immigrants turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents after making the crossing into the United States and interviewed many of them before they were taken away.

    While in McAllen, Texas, TheBlaze made multiple requests to have access to the facilities where illegals are being held. Border Patrol spokesman Joe Gutierrez said all requests needed to be approved by senior DHS officials in Washington, D.C., and all were denied. A tour of a facility in Brownsville, Texas, was given to reporters who were forbidden from speaking to agents or immigrants. TheBlaze chose not to participate in the tour.
    Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera said supervisors in his sector cleared more than 200 illegal immigrants being detained in the sally port, a garage used to load and unload illegal immigrants, last Wednesday when a group of bipartisan senior lawmakers made a planned visit to the McAllen Border Patrol station.
    House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va) and House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.) traveled to the Rio Grande Valley Sector to inspect the facilities where the majority of illegal immigrant children and adults are being detained.
    Miriam and her son Daniel, 1, took seven days by bus and car to reach the U.S.-Mexico border from Honduras. She said they paid a trafficker more than $1000 to make the crossing; Miriam turned herself into Border Patrol officials along the Rio Grande Valley sector. They were being processed on one of the public access roads that has since been closed off by federal law enforcement to journalists attempting to report in the region. (Photo: Sara A. Carter/TheBlaze)

    “They don’t want people to know what’s going on here, or for that matter anywhere, when it comes to the surge of illegal aliens and when [Congress] went to visit, the place was cleared out,” said Cabrera, who is the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council’s Local 3077. “The night before the group of lawmakers arrived the senior supervisors loaded up a couple hundred people being held in the sally port and shipped them out to Laredo. If everything is so fine and dandy, why not let the lawmakers in just the way it is?”

    DHS officials in Washington, D.C., did not immediately return phone call requests for comment. More than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed into the U.S. illegally this year. Up to 90,000 are expected to cross into the country by year’s end.

    Cabrera, along with several other Border Patrol agents who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said the Obama administration is covering up the difficult working conditions that Border Patrol agents are confronted with, as well as the detrimental situation to the nation as the flow of illegal aliens continues to increase.
    A group of illegal immigrants turn themselves into Border Patrol agents June 17, 2014, in Mission, Texas. (Photo: Sara A. Carter/TheBlaze)

    “It even frustrated some of the mid-level management,” Cabrera said of the order by DHS officials to move the illegals the night before the congressional visit. “How are we supposed to get any help out here if we’re hiding the facts from the people who are supposed to be here to help us?”

    The clamp down by DHS on information and access in the Rio Grande Valley is also being being felt at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where more than 1,000 unaccompanied minors, mainly from Central America, are being housed. Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) said Monday that he was denied access to the facility housing the children when he made an unplanned visit on July 1.

    Brindenstine said he was told by a manager from the Department of Health and Human Services that the next opportunity for him to visit would be July 21, but was later told that a July 12 tour was possible.

    The congressman sent a letter to HHS officials Monday protesting the administration’s demand that visits be planned and prescheduled.

    “It is unacceptable that any representative of the people be limited to pre-planned, showcased visits to a facility so critical to the well-being of children,” he wrote. “Ordinary Americans have a right to know what is happening in these facilities, how the children are being treated, and what is being done to stop this human tragedy.”
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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    As Expected Homeland Security Announces Anticipation of 90,000 Illegal UAC’s This Year Alone…

    Posted on July 10, 2014 by sundance
    April 2009 - After a Mid-East trip to Egypt to deliver his Cairo speech, President Barack Obama travels to South America for the “Summit of the Americas“. The summit included thirty-four South American countries. Obama wanted to promote his point that relations in North and South America can be heavily improved, especially after age old ideals on immigration and commerce are dropped. Hugo Chavez warmly embraced Obama and provided a gift, a book titled “The Open Veins of Latin America“. (link)

    December 2009 – November 2010 – 100% of all political effort was leveraged to create and institute the ACA or ObamaCare. All media oxygen is focused on ObamaCare 24/7.
    November 2010 - President Obama is “shellacked” in Mid-Term elections. Loses control of the House of Representatives to Republicans. Biggest electoral defeat since 1918.
    January 2011 – Emphasis, and political strategy changes. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform“, ie. “amnesty” becomes the mainstay approach toward retention of political power. Throughout a contentious Republican primary season, to assist their ideological traveler, the U.S. media kept the issue on the front burner.
    November 2012 – Election year campaign(s). Using wedge issues like “War on Women”, and “Immigration / Amnesty”, candidate Obama promises to push congress for “amnesty”, under the guise of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, if elected. President Obama wins reelection.
    December 2012 - Immediately following reelection President Barack Obama signs an Executive Order creating the “Deferred Action Program”, or DACA. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to avoid deportation. (link)

    May 2013 – President Barack Obama visits South America. Following a speech Mexican entrepreneurs, Obama then travelled to Costa Rica, his first visit as president. In addition to meetings with Costa Rican President Laura Chincilla, Obama attended a gathering of leaders from the Central American Integration System, (CAIS). The regional network includes the leaders of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. (link) President Obama meets with the leaders of the Central American Countries.

    Summer 2013 – Numbers of Illegal Unaccompanied Minors reaching the Southern U.S. border from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua doubles. 20,000+ reach U.S. Southern border by travelling through Mexico. Media primarily ignores. (link)

    October 2013 - At the conclusion of the immigrant travel season. White House receives notification that tens of thousands of illegal Unaccompanied Minors should be anticipated to hit the Southern U.S. border the following Summer [2014]. An estimated 850% increase in the number of UAC’s (from 2012′s less than 10,000) was projected. (link)

    January 2014 - In response to the projections, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) posts a jobs notification seeking bids to facilitate 65,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children. The posting outlines DHS and Health and Human Services (HHS) requirements for contractors to fulfill the job. (link)

    February 2014 – President Obama visits Mexico for “bilateral talks”, in an unusual one day visit (link):

    Spring 2014 - With a full year of successful transport and border crossing without deportation - DHS begins to notice a significant uptick in the number of criminal elements from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua; which have joined with the UAC’s to gain entry. Internal DHS documents reveal the “refugee” status is now being used by both criminal cartels, and potentially by Central American government(s) to send prison inmates into the U.S. (link)

    June 2014 – As expected tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua hit the border and the headlines. Despite the known planning, and recently discovered prior internal notifications, the White House claims it did not see this coming. By July the media have picked up the story and it’s called “A Border Crisis”. However, the White House is desperate to avoid exposure to the known criminal elements within the story. (link)

    July 2014 – President Obama requests $3,700,000,000 ($3.7 billion) in supplemental budget appropriations to deal with the border crisis. Only $109 million is for actual border security or efforts to stop the outflow from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Growing concern amid Democrats brings out a defense position that George Bush created the crisis in 2008.

    Hidden inside a massive budget request is President Obama seeking legal authorization to spend taxpayer funds for lawyers and legal proceedings on behalf of the UAC’s and their families. In essence congress is being asked to approve the executive branch’s violation of previous immigration law. Section 292 of the Immigration and Nationality Act prohibits representation of aliens “in immigration proceedings at government expense“.

    It becomes increasingly obvious the spending request is to facilitate President Obama in expanding the services toward ALL illegal immigrants throughout the U.S.

    The stealth nature of the request is brilliant. Once the funds are established and appropriated the administration can then use millions of taxpayer funds to essentially integrate not only the UAC’s but any illegal alien currently within the system.

    The $3.7 Billion becomes the amnesty program Obama has sought but been blocked from achieving.

    July 9th 2014 – Fearful that U.S. political interests might bring a halt to the outflow already in place, and/or actually result in a backlog of travelling migrants stuck at the border inside Mexico:…

    …Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

    The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico’s border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor’s Card, according to El Universal. (link)

    July 10th, 2014 - TODAY – Facing pushback from congress as well as sticker shock at the amount he is requesting, President Obama sends his DHS team to Capitol Hill to ramp up anxiety, and threats of consequences:

    Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Thursday that as many as 90,000 unaccompanied child migrants could cross the southwest border before the end of this fiscal year in September.

    That will place a huge strain on immigration agencies, which will badly need new money to get through the summer, Johnson says.

    The 90,000 number — the highest yet given by the administration — is spelled out in written Senate testimony by Johnson as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, who must also deal with the border crisis.

    “We are preparing for a scenario in which the number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border could reach up to 90,000 by the end of fiscal 2014,” Johnson’s testimony reads, and he bluntly warns that without an infusion of new funds, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will run out of money in August. (read more)
    It would have been more direct and honest if DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson were to say: ‘pay us this extortion money or we’ll use our pulpit to call you haters, racists and bigots amid all the news broadcasts – and we’ll be joined by the likes of Glenn Beck to proclaim how insufferable and hateful you are for not caring about the children’.

    ….. the poor children.

    yes, ….. the poor children.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo


    Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Feinstein Amendment to Protect Unaccompanied Alien Children

    Washington, DC – The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that would reform the treatment of unaccompanied immigrant children who are in federal immigration custody.
    The bill was approved as part of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (S. 3061) authored by Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.). It passed the committee 17 to 2.
    Every year, more than 7,000 undocumented and unaccompanied children are apprehended.
    “This legislation will ensure that unaccompanied children receive humane and appropriate treatment while in the custody of the United States government,” Senator Feinstein said. “It would give unaccompanied minors access to pro bono legal counsel and someone to look after their best interest. I’ve been working on this legislation for seven years. It is time for it to become law.”
    As under current law, if a child has committed a crime or poses a national security threat, that child will still be held in secure custody and deported.
    The “Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007” is supported by:
    • The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
    • National Immigrant Justice Center,
    • The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
    • The Women’s Commission on Refugee Women and Children,
    • The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and
    • Immigrant Children’s Advocacy Center at the University of Chicago

    The legislation is also co-sponsored by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.)
    In 2002, as a result of Senator Feinstein’s efforts, Congress transferred the authority over the care and custody of unaccompanied alien children from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). This transfer took effect on March 1, 2003, but, the transfer of authority to ORR, by itself, is not enough to ensure that these children are properly protected.
    Senator Feinstein introduced this legislation seven years ago to provide clear direction on protecting these children from human traffickers and smugglers; isolating criminal juvenile offenders from other children; and ensuring that each child, including refugee minors has access to a guardian ad litem and pro bono legal representation in immigration proceedings.
    The Senate approved this legislation three times, however, it has stalled in the House of Representatives.
    Bill Summary
    The “Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007,” as incorporated in the “Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act” would do the following:
    • Build on the Unaccompanied Alien Child provisions that were enacted in the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which transferred responsibility for the care and placement of unaccompanied alien children to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
    • Provide guidance to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ) and ORR on how to handle unaccompanied alien children whom it encounters.
    • Establish procedures to ensure that unaccompanied alien children from Mexico or Canada who do not have claims of asylum can be safely returned to their countries without delay.
    • Require, whenever possible, family reunification or other appropriate placement for unaccompanied alien children.
    • Provide the Director of ORR with discretion to engage the services of child welfare professionals to act as child advocates and make recommendations regarding custody, detention, release and removal, based upon the best interest of each child.
    • Provide pro bono legal representation for unaccompanied alien children in their immigration matters where possible.
    • Requires that children who are detained be placed in the least restrictive setting possible in accordance with the best interest of the child.
    • Requires that the Office of Refugee Resettlement conduct a home study before placing a trafficked – or other special needs – child in a foster home to ensure the safety of the child.

    This legislation would not:
    • Expand immigration benefits beyond the current scope of U.S. immigration law.
    • Remove the jurisdiction and responsibility for adjudicating immigration status from the Department of Homeland Security or the Executive Office for Immigration Review, where such jurisdiction and responsibilities currently reside.
    • Interfere with the custodial rights of a parent or guardian in situations where a parent or guardian seeks to establish custody and make family reunification possible.
    • Interfere with the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s authority to determine how and where children with a juvenile justice history are cared for and detained.


    Dianne Feinstein Compares Sending Illegals Home to Turning Away ‘Boatloads of Jewish Immigrants…During Nazi Germany’

    Jul. 10, 2014 1:23pm Erica Ritz

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) reportedly compared sending home the wave of illegal immigrants flooding into the United States to turning away “boatloads” of Jewish refugees during World War II.

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) speaks about student loans for women during a news conference on Capitol Hill, June 4, 2014 in Washington, D.C. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

    Via On the Democratic side, Sens. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the chamber’s No. 2 Democrat, and Dianne Feinstein of California, have expressed deep reservations about sending the children back to potentially dangerous situations.

    “I think we’d better think twice,” Durbin said. Feinstein likened the situation to the “boatloads of Jewish immigrants trying to come to this country during Nazi Germany and getting turned back.”

    “That’s not what this country is all about,” she said. “This, in my view, has to be handled in a way which is compassionate.”

    MS 13 Being Paid $50,000 Per Person To Smuggle 'Special Customers' Into US

    Posted on July 11, 2014 by stella

    Dennis Michael Lynch (DML) On The Blaze.

    MS-13 Actively Recruiting Illegal Alien Minors at U.S. Shelters

    JULY 10, 2014

    The nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha—are actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors and they’re using Red Cross phones to communicate, a Homeland Security source tells Judicial Watch.

    JW has reported extensively on the crisis created by the sudden influx of mostly Central American minors that have crossed into the U.S. through the Mexican border in recent weeks. It has created havoc and will end up costing American taxpayers billions of dollars to house, process, medically treat, feed and inevitably educate the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) which are being dispersed throughout the country. They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis— and occupying our military bases as shelters.

    As if all this weren’t bad enough, the invasion is also supplying the nation’s most dangerous street gangs with new soldiers. The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and the 18th Street gangs are on a recruiting frenzy at the various facilities housing the newly arrived illegal aliens, according to JW’s source. The MS-13 is a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that’s spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes. The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

    The 18th Street gang is considered the largest organized gang in Los Angeles County with about 15,000 members that operate a number of criminal enterprises throughout the region. Last year ten of its leaders were indicted for running a large-scale methamphetamine and drug trafficking business in South Los Angeles. A local newspaper report about the case says 18th Street gang leaders deported from the U.S. in the 1990s helped spread the gang across Central America and into Mexico. It’s not unreasonable to conclude that some of the members are among the tens of thousands of UACs that have entered the U.S. recently.

    In fact, last month the president of the Tucson Border Patrol Union, veteran agent Art Del Cueto, confirmed to JW that the UACs are not all little kids as the media was largely reporting at that point. Many are in their late teens and have possible ties to gang members, Del Cueto said. After seeing the first few batches of UACs, Del Cueto immediately expressed concern that the illegal aliens would be relocated in the U.S. with family despite affiliations with criminal enterprises.

    That makes this week’s insider report of violent gangs openly recruiting UACs—with the help of phones provided by a well-known charity—all the more appalling.

    JW’s inside source is on the ground and has received first-hand reports from federal agents at the scene. “MS-13 and 18th Street gangs are actively recruiting new members at our detention centers,” the source confirms. “The new gang members then use the Red Cross phones to sign up.”

    Mexico and Guatemala made a deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S.

    July 9, 2014

    On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

    The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico's border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor's Card, according to El Universal.

    Officially, the program will grant the cards to only illegal aliens from Guatemala and Belize, allowing them to remain in Mexico's southern states for 72 hours (more than enough time to reach the U.S./Mexican border by train). While, those two countries share a border with Mexico, the program will undoubtedly benefit anyone who makes it to the border, which would explain why our Border Patrol stations are currently overflowing with illegal aliens from El Salvador and Honduras as well.

    The program will also give special protection and even financial assistance to unaccompanied minors now pouring across our border. Of course, these efforts, chiefly by the Mexican government, will only increase the number of illegal aliens coming to this country by the thousands, now on a daily basis.

    The official announcement only confirms what many of us have known all along...the current chaos on the border which the Obama administration has sympathetically (and dishonestly) characterized as a "humanitarian crisis," only exists due to collusion between the governments of Mexico, Guatemala and likely the United States.

    You see, unlike the United States, Mexico actually defends their southern border...

    In September 2010, the head administrator of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, told the Inter-Press Sevice (IPS) that his government was building a wall in the state of Chiapas, along the Mexican/Guatemalan border. The official reason given was to stop contraband from coming into Mexico, but as Diaz readily admitted: "It could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants."

    Furthermore, Article 33 of the Mexican Constitution states:
    The President of the Republic shall have the power to expel from national territory any foreigner, according to the law and after a hearing. The law shall establish the administrative procedure for this purpose, as well as the place where the foreigner should be detained and the time for that. Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country.
    Of course, in the U.S. illegal aliens are not only free to stay without fear of deportation, but they now protest openly, regularly invading Congressional field offices to demand amnesty legislation, as well as actually physically blocking the entrances and exits of the Washington D.C. headquarters of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in 2013.

    Obviously, the American people are under daily assault from foreign invaders, bringing with them crime and disease, but the bigger threat is from government corruption, both foreign and domestic...governments that manufacture crises which threaten to "fundamentally transform" ours into a Third World nation in less than a generation.

    Exclusive: Ad Promises $6,000 a Month Tax Free To House Immigrant Children

    By: Ben Swann Jul 10, 2014 8

    Murreita, CA- An ad in the local Penny Saver in Murreita, California caught the...|By Ben Swann

    Murreita, CA- An ad in the local Penny Saver in Murreita, California caught the attention of residents today. The ad, which was put up by the Crittenton Services and Foster Family Agency or (FFA) claims to be looking for families who will help provide homes for foster children as well as for “unaccompanied refugee minors”. called Crittenton FFA, which is located in Orange County and provides services for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, and found that for those willing to a take in a child under the age of 16, you can receive up to $854.00 tax free per month. For those taking in a child over 16, the total is $1,008.00 per month in reimbursement. If you have a 5 bedroom house and can take in as many as 6 children, you can receive reimbursement of up to $6,054.00 per month tax free.

    We questioned the person on the line about the requirements for those who would sign up. Any applicant must pass a criminal background check and take 4 classes, the next of which will be two days from now. As for who is paying for all of this? We were told that for normal foster services, the reimbursement is provided by a series of state and local grants but in the case of the “unaccompanied refugee minors”, 100% of the reimbursement will come from the federal government.

    According to the ad, if all goes well, families will be able to begin housing children for that tax free money within 45 days.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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