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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS Caliphate Threatens America: “We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House”

    08/08/2014 ICA Leave a comment Go to comments

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    Considering who is already occupying the White House today, there are some days when I feel like its already been raised. Nevertheless, thanks to the Obama Administration and it’s myopic foreign policy, ISIS believes it is already well on its way to achieving that goal itself …

    Hadith, Saheeh Muslim 2889, “Verily Allah has shown me the eastern and western part of the earth, and I saw the authority of my Ummah (Islamic nation) dominate all that I saw.”

    The Daily Caller – “The terror group President Barack Obama threatened to strike in Iraq Thursday evening is itself threatening to strike the American homeland.
    ‘I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established,’ Abu Mosa, a spokesman for the terror group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), told VICE Media in a video interview posted online Thursday. ‘Don’t be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq.’
    ‘We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House,’ he added.
    The video is the first of a multipart series on ISIS VICE Media says it plans to release. VICE Media reporter Medyan Dairieh recently spent three weeks in the ISIS-controlled Syrian city of Raqqa, which the terror group has proclaimed the capital of its newly declared Islamic caliphate.
    ISIS’s threat to conquer the United States came before President Obama’s Thursday announcement that he may authorize airstrikes against the terror group in order to protect American personnel in Iraq.
    ‘Today I authorized two operations in Iraq,’ the president said in a speech from the White House. ‘Targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water, and are facing almost certain death.'” Read more.
    Qur’an Sura 58:20, “Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be among those most humiliated.”
    Flashback: ISIS Caliphate To Hamas: Before We Support Your Fight Against Israel, We Must Attack America First – “The Islamic State, or ISIS, has responded to critics who have questioned why its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not actively supporting Hamas in fighting Israel… In a statement a spokesperson for the group, Nidal Nuseiri reaffirmed that conquering ‘Bayt el-Maqdis’ (Jerusalem) and destroying the State of Israel is central to the group’s ‘jihad’, or holy war. However, he pointed out that ISIS has been taking a systematic approach in its campaign, and outlined six specific stages it said needed to be fulfilled before taking on Israel. Some of those ‘stages’ – building a firm base for an Islamic state in Iraq, and using it as a springboard to wage war in Syria and Lebanon – have already been achieved. But he said a number of other criteria still needed to be fulfilled before challenging Israel directly. Among them, Nuseiri said that the US – seen as Israel’s greatest ally – needed to be weakened politically and economically via attacks on the American mainland …” Read more.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Looks like they already succeeded.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama’s Muslim Founding Fathers

    July 30, 2014 by Robert Spencer

    In his message to Muslims on their holiday Eid al-Fitr, issued Sunday, Barack Obama asserted that “Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” He did not, unfortunately, provide even a single example of these “many achievements and contributions” that Muslims have made to “building the very fabric of our nation,” but he said that there were many, so they shouldn’t be hard to list a few, right?

    You remember a few of them, don’t you? Remember the Muslim signers of the Declaration of Independence? With Yahya al-Hanqoq’s large signature front and center, so that the infidel King George III could read it without his spectacles? And then there was Ibrahim Clark of New Jersey and El-Bridge Gerry of Massachusetts. Remember also the Muslims who gave James Madison information about Muhammad’s Constitution of Medina – which, as we all know, granted equal rights to women and religious minorities, predating such documents in the West by 1,000 years. Madison, of course, used the Medina Constitution as a model when framing the U.S. Constitution.

    Then there were the Muslims who fought so valiantly during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. And in the titanic struggles over slavery, Muslims were front and center: remember the Muslim abolitionist Senators who faced down the South in the antebellum Senate, the Senate chamber ringing with their oratory about how the Qur’an says to free slaves and so the U.S. government should, too? Remember the Muslim regiments in the Civil War (all on the Union side, of course!)? Then in the aftermath of the Civil War came the Muslim industrialists who brought us railroads, the telegraph, the telephone.
    Not to be forgotten are the Muslims who also fought courageously in the Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II, and the Muslim entertainers who kept us laughing on the Vaudeville circuit and on the home front during those terrible world wars with their jokes from the Hadith.

    None of this rings a bell? Not to worry. Before too long it will be taught in all the textbooks. Absurd? Maybe – but no more than Obama’s statement itself. And even if they don’t go so far as to Islamize John Hancock and imagine Muslim Americans fighting against slavery and defending America in world wars, public school textbooks already present a ridiculously rosy picture of Islam. A study by the American Textbook Council, an independent national research organization that evaluates the quality of textbooks, found that ten of the most widely used middle school and high school social studies textbooks “present an incomplete and confected view of Islam that misrepresents its foundations and challenges to international security.”

    The books present highly tendentious constructions as undisputed truth, making common cause with West-hating multiculturalists to bowdlerize the presentation of Islam, denigrate or downplay Christianity and Western civilization, and transform numerous public school textbooks into proselytizing tracts.

    Meanwhile, even though the Constitution of Medina is of highly doubtful authenticity and is contradicted both by Islamic law and by Islamic traditions about Muhammad’s actions, it is already becoming common for Islamic apologists to invoke it as evidence that Islam and democracy are not only compatible, but that Islam originated the idea of republican rule. Ahmadi Muslim apologist Qasim Rashid recently wrote in the Huffington Post that “when Prophet Muhammad was popularly appointed Medina’s ruler, he entered into a pact with the Jewish communities of Medina. Through this pact, he granted equal political rights to non-Muslims. They were ensured complete freedom of religion and practice.” Undercutting Rashid’s case are the facts that Muhammad ended up exiling two of the Jewish tribes of Medina and massacring the third, and that the Qur’an mandates that Jews (and Christians) in the Islamic state, rather than enjoying “equal political rights,” must “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (9:29).

    But facts just get in the way of the narrative, and so the facts must go. It feels so good and multicultural to imagine Muslims at the founding of this nation, contributing to its very fabric, doesn’t it? Heck, speaking of fabric, probably Betsy Ross was a Muslim. And doesn’t the flag of South Carolina have a crescent moon on it?

    Likewise regarding slavery – I imagine Muslim abolitionists above in pre-Civil War America above, in trying to give some substance to Barack Obama’s absurd statement. In reality, of course, there were no Muslim abolitionists, or Muslims, in the antebellum United States. What’s more, there were no Muslim abolitionists anywhere. Islamic apologists in the West routinely claim that Islam forbids slavery, but in fact the Qur’an takes slavery for granted, and according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad hallowed the practice by owning slaves himself. In some Muslim nations, it is still practiced, even though it is against the law (laws that initially began to be adopted in Muslim countries under Western pressure). Mauritania, for example, abolished slavery in 1981 and made it a crime in 2012, but it is still widespread — because it has Islamic sanction. Yet I myself remember being taught in high school, way back in the 1970s, that the last country to abolish slavery was Brazil, in 1889. There was no mention of Saudi Arabia’s abolishing slavery in 1962, or of the persistence of the practice in some Muslim countries. And that was forty years ago, showing that whitewashing of Islam in the textbooks, now rampant, had begun even then.

    So when it comes to Barack Obama’s claim that Muslim Americans have made contributions to “building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy,” if there were no Muslim Founding Fathers scrutinizing the Constitution of Medina for material they could use in the charter document of their new nation, then they have to be invented. The textbooks have already departed from reality regarding Islam – what could possibly be the problem with a few more steps into fantasy? What difference, at this point, does it make? Yahya al-Hanqoq, grab your quill!

    Mosa's statement to America starts at the 4:40 minute mark in the VICE video below

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    these guys really are asking for it, huh?

    [VIDEO] Trash-Talkin’ ISIS Punk Bitch-Slaps U.S. Leadership: ‘Don’t Be Cowards and Attack Us With Drones…Send Your Soldiers’

    Posted: August 8, 2014 | Author: Pundit from another Planet | Filed under: Mediasphere, War Room, White House | Tags: Allah, Andrew Johnson, Caliphate, Global Panic of 2014, Iraq, ISIS, Islam, United States, White House |1 Comment “I say to America, that the Islamic Caliphate has been established, and we will not stop. Don’t be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq.”

    From The Corner, Andrew Johnson writes:
    The jihadist group in control of much of northern Iraq right now is confident it can defeat the United States, and eventually take over the White House, but they don’t want the U.S. using any of its advanced military weaponry.
    “We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House.”

    The United States began air strikes, using manned fighter-bombers, against the jihadist group this morning…(read more)

    National Review Online
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    The Islamic State and it's Caliph are the greatest threat to human civilization since Ghengis Khan. They are the greatest threat to Christianity since Nero, the greatest threat to the Jewish people since Adolph Hitler. Potentially.

    We need to act against them before millions and millions of people die. But we won't.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    'How is democracy treating you guys?' Islamic ISIS militants taunt Ferguson protestors on social media

    • ISIS supporters urge Ferguson demonstrators to embrace radical Islam
    • Use social media to stir up racial hatred and encourage yet more violence
    • Militants urge ISIS sympathisers in U.S. to travel to Ferguson to join protest
    • News comes as image appears to show demonstrator holding ISIS banner
    • Man was seen holding an 'ISIS is here' placard on purported CNN footage
    • Chilling developments come on ninth night of violent protests in Ferguson following the shooting by police of unarmed teenager Michael Brown

    By John Hall for MailOnline
    Published: 04:18 EST, 19 August 2014 | Updated: 07:21 EST, 19 August 2014

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    ISIS militants and their supporters are using social media to encourage protesters in Ferguson to embrace radical Islam and fight against the U.S. government.

    Jihadists in Syria and Iraq and their sympathisers in the West have taken to Twitter to send messages of support to hundreds of demonstrators taking part in a ninth night of angry protests in the U.S. city following the shooting by police of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.

    The militants' tweets denounce local officers for the way they have attempted to quell the violence, make reference to historic acts of police brutality, and even use the hashtag #FergusonUnderISIS in an attempt to get angry young men in the city to declare allegiance to the Islamist group.

    The news comes as footage purportedly taken from the scene of the Ferguson protests appeared to show one demonstrator marching along a street holding a sign reading 'ISIS is here'.


    'Chilling': Footage purportedly from a CNN live stream of the protests appeared to show one young demonstrator marching along a street holding a sign reading 'ISIS is here'

    Salena Zito - a political columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review newspaper - described as 'chilling' the footage of a Ferguson demonstrator purportedly holding an ISIS banner while standing behind a CNN reporter


    Violence: The jihadists and their sympathisers in the West have taken to Twitter to send messages of support to hundreds of demonstrators taking part in a ninth night of angry protests in Ferguson (pictured)

    One ISIS sympathiser calling himself Mujahid Miski, who claims to be from Minneapolis–Saint Paul but suggests he is now based in 'the horn of Africa', has led the campaign to encourage those taking part in the protests to embrace radical Islam.
    In one message he tweets: 'So how is democracy treating you guys? #FergusonUnderIS #Ferguson.'


    He adds: 'I thought u guys back in #Ferguson were supposed to be Free & that u had equal rights. I'd really like to know what changed? #FergusonUnderIS'.
    Miski goes on to retweet dozens of messages by a Twitter user with the handle @AmreekiWitness, who claims to monitor and support the growth of radical Islam in the U.S..


    As officers sat with guns pointed atop armored vehicles, the authorities used LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) crowd control systems to send out a painful noise to try and disperse the crowd

    Threat: One Twitter user with the handle @AmreekiWitness, who claims to monitor the growth of radical Islam in the U.S., has led the calls for Ferguson protesters to embrace ISIS' brutal branch of radical Islam

    Encouragement: Amreeki Witness' Twitter messages focus on the treatment of black people in the U.S. and urge angry young black men to take up Islamic extremism

    Amreeki Witness' messages focus on the treatment of black people in the U.S., praise Malcolm X for embracing Islam and urge angry young black men to take up the religion as it means the police 'will fear you'.
    In one message Amreeki Witness mocks the curfew police have imposed in Ferguson to bring an end to the disorder, saying: 'We IS guys hate you for your freedom, eh? Just like that freedom uplifting curfew in #Ferguson? Wake up, or they'll never let you outside.'

    As the social media campaign began to take hold, with dozens of radical Islamists commenting on the Ferguson protests, Amreeki Witness tweeted: 'May be time to organize the Muslims in America upon haqq and mobilize to #Ferguson. Defend the oppressed, start jihad here.'
    The message attracted a large response, with one Islamist calling himself Amarka Al-Ahlam responding: 'Preach, brother. We must organize brigades in preparation for the oncoming storm. #FergusonUnderIS #JihadinFerguson.'


    A lone man walks in front of police lines in Ferguson as 31 people are reported to have been arrested

    New cause: As the social media campaign began to take hold, dozens of radical Islamists began commenting on the Ferguson protests

    Ambition: This Twitter user appears to explain the reason ISIS sympathisers are attempting to hijack the Ferguson protest is because the militant group hope it will allow them to take control of the city

    Amreeki Witness added: 'They cower in fear of us whilst they massacre and oppress you! It's time to strike fear into the hearts of the oppressors. #FergusonUnderIS'.
    News of the militants' campaign to encourage Ferguson demonstrators to embrace radical Islamism comes as footage purportedly from a CNN live stream of the protests appeared to show one young man holding a sign reading 'ISIS is here.'
    It is not known whether the banner - footage of which has not yet been independently verified - was in support of the militant group or, as seems more likely, it was an attempt to compare ISIS to the local police force or the U.S. government.
    Nevertheless stills of the alleged CNN footage were embraced by jihadists who have claimed they prove jihadists are already playing their part in the protests.

    Obama: No excuse for violence from police or protesters in...

    Worrying: One ISIS sympathiser calling himself Mujahid Miski, who claims to be from Minneapolis-Saint Paul but suggests he is now based in 'the horn of Africa', has led the campaign to encourage those taking part in the protests to embrace radical Islam


    Demonstrators have once again taken to the streets of Ferguson with their faces covered to protect against tear gas attacks by police

    Chilling images of the alleged ISIS banner being carried by demonstrators have been widely shared by ISIS sympathisers on social media, who have used them to encourage supporters based in America to travel to Ferguson to further stoke the violence in the city.
    News of ISIS' attempt to hijack the Ferguson protests come as Palestinian Twitter users sent messages of support to the demonstrators and gave advice on the best way to cope with the tear gas police are using to disperse crowds.

    As images emerged of heavily armed police and armoured tanks on the streets of nearby St Louis, many Palestinian Twitter users expressed their solidarity with demonstrators.
    The messages of support from Palestinians come amid reports that many of the Ferguson protesters were heard chanting 'Gaza Strip' as they marched through the heart of the city.

    Two people were shot during another night of violence in Ferguson as police used stun grenades and tear gas on protesters who hurled rocks and bottles and in some cases Molotov cocktails.

    The ninth night of violence since the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown had started as an evening of peaceful protests.

    But the relatively peaceful protests eventually turned nasty on the streets of the St. Louis suburb after police in riot gear and gas masks formed a barricade and stood watch over the protesters for almost two hours.


    Ferguson descended into a ninth night of violence late on Monday night as police used stun grenades and teargas after they claimed that Molotov cocktails were thrown at them


    A man is detained after a standoff with police on Monday during a protest for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer Aug. 9 in Ferguson

    As officers sat with guns pointed atop armored vehicles, the authorities used LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) crowd control systems to send out a painful noise to try and disperse the crowd.
    Around 31 people were arrested overnight as police officers struggled to keep the situation under control, according to CNN.
    At a press conference early this morning, Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson defended police actions overnight, including the decision to begin clearing the streets, during which several journalists were taken into custody.
    Johnson used the press conference to remind both police and journalists that the world is watching their actions, while vowing to do whatever it took to make the community 'whole' again.
    With no curfew in order on Monday, police were strictly enforcing protesters to keep moving along the sidewalk or they were subject to arrest for unlawful assembly.


    The scene was relatively peaceful until midnight when tense standoffs lead to police throwing teargas and stun grenades


    The Missouri National guard patrols a police command center on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, Missouri

    Eventually things deteriorated rapidly, with reports that shots were fired and Molotov cocktails thrown. One protester ripped out a Do Not Enter street sign and pointed it toward officers.

    Police responded by first throwing tear gas and stun grenades and then moving in with guns drawn to clear the area.
    CNN’s Don Lemon and Jack Tapper were presenting live from the middle of protests when teargas was thrown and they got caught up in the melee.
    Lemon was quick to put on his bullet proof vest and gas mask while continuing to present live TV. Tapper meanwhile was kind enough to give his mask to a photographer who had been on the receiving end of the tear gas attack.
    The reporters were eventually moved on by police, who said it wasn't safe for them to remain because there had been a shooting in the area where the media were presenting from.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    BREAKING: Islamic State, in video titled "A Message to America," beheads American journalist James Wright Foley

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    I have little to say about this. If America does nothing to 1) Stop this shit from happening, 2) get other hostages BACK and 3) Doesn't take revenge on these fuckers right NOW then I'm about done with talking, trying or helping.

    America has shit itself with this one. A journalist of all people?

    Thank you for NOT posting any graphic images - I have seen enough of it.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    I have little to say about this. If America does nothing to 1) Stop this shit from happening, 2) get other hostages BACK and 3) Doesn't take revenge on these fuckers right NOW then I'm about done with talking, trying or helping.

    America has shit itself with this one. A journalist of all people?

    Thank you for NOT posting any graphic images - I have seen enough of it.

    Yea the graphic pics is giving me ptsd, I have had about all I can take...I feel like I am just shutting down from all of this.

    F******* Animals life means nothing to them.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Folks.... I'm here to tell you, that if these fuckers try this shit on American soil, there will be some walking-dead m-fers that won't be long for them meeting Allah.

    They have declared war on America. The journalist is NOT a military person, not spy, apparently didn't even speak their bastard language. And they have the audacity to kill an innocent man like that?

    And we're doing nothing?

    Guess what America... they declared war on us. If they try to do anything on this soil, American public will declare war on Muslims. All of them. Good, bad, dangerous, it won't matter.

    Don't fucking try that shit on our soil you pigs.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    They are threatening another captured American now.

    Home> Investigative Unit
    ‘Apparent’ That James Foley Executioner Is British, Intel Agencies Race to ID Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 10:23 AM ET
    By LEE FERRAN Lee Ferran More from Lee »
    Investigative Reporter

    Follow @leeferran

    A video posted online appears to show a masked man killing abducted American journalist James Foley.
    Obtained by ABC News

    Next Video White House Reacts to ISIS Execution Video

    A top British official said today it was “apparent” the masked figure dressed in all black who appeared to murder American journalist James Foley on camera was from the United Kingdom.
    “We’re very concerned by the apparent fact that the murderer in question is British and we are urgently investigating – agencies on both sides of the Atlantic – first of all looking to authenticate the video, to make sure that it is genuine, sadly it appears to be, and then to see if we can identify the individual in question,” British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told ITV News British.
    Hammond was referring to a gruesome video released online Tuesday that appeared to show an armed militant, who was dressed in all black and identified himself as with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, beheading Foley. Before his death, Foley delivered a halting, potentially coerced statement condemning U.S. military efforts against ISIS, and the figure clad in black spoke directly to President Obama in fluent English with what seemed to be a British accent.
    “Today your military air force has attacked us daily… Your strikes have caused casualties amongst Muslims,” the figure says in the video.
    White House Knew of Recent ISIS Threat to Kill US Journalist
    Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley
    The International Effort to Free James Foley

    Obtained by ABC News

    PHOTO: A screengrab from a video posted online appears to show American journalist James Foley shortly before he is killed by a masked captor.

    After the figure in black kills Foley, he threatens another American hostage, Steven Sotloff, saying, “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision.”
    Prior to the video’s release, the U.S. military launched dozens of airstrikes on ISIS targets in support of a Kurdish and Iraqi military offensive against the terror group at and around the Mosul Dam, eventually pushing the extremists off the key piece of infrastructure.
    A spokesperson for the White House National Security Council said Tuesday that U.S. intelligence agencies were working “as quickly as possible” to determine the video’s authenticity, but said if real, “we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist.”

    Obtained by ABC News

    PHOTO: American Steven Sotloff is threatened but left alive in a gruesome video posted online that earlier appears to show the murder of American journalist James Foley.

    GlobalPost, the news organization for which Foley worked when he was abducted in November 2012, said today that the FBI told Foley’s family that preliminary analysis did not lead them to doubt the video was real.
    In a statement posted on a Facebook page for Foley, his mother appeared to confirm that the man in the video was her son, saying the family has “never been prouder” of Foley, who “gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people.”

    Nicole Tung/AP Photo

    PHOTO: In this Nov. 2012, file photo, posted on the website, shows missing journalist James Foley while covering the civil war in Aleppo, Syria.

    Top officials in the U.S. and the U.K. have long been aware of fighters from their nations joining ISIS. Officials have estimated that ISIS has managed to recruit more than 12,000 foreign fighters to their cause – including more than 400 Brits and at least 100 Americans.
    “Yes, we’ve been saying for years that part of the problem here, part of the reason this matters to us, is because there are significant numbers of British jihadists inside these organizations, learning skills, being brutalized, if you like, by their experiences in Iraq and Syria, many of whom will come back to the U.K. if they’re able to at some point and who pose a threat to us here, some of whom may be sent back here by ISIL (ISIS) for the purpose of conducting attacks on the West,” Hammond said. “We know that it is ISIL’s intention to launch attacks on the west when it is able.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Steven Sotloff is the threatened man.

    Austin Tice is the other.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    The US government isn't doing anything to bring them home, get them out, or stop this.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    The President just spoke on this.

    There was nothing more than a bit of 'anger' on his part, whether feigned or not, I dunno. Don't care.

    He didn't state he has done anything about it, or is going to do anything. Some vague words about "they don't belong in the 21st century" - things like that.

    More to come on it later when there's a transcript etc.

    Nothing on the White House site.
    Last edited by American Patriot; August 20th, 2014 at 17:05.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Live James Foley killing: Obama makes statement

    WARNING: This story contains graphic details

    The Associated Press Posted: Aug 20, 2014 8:10 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 20, 2014 12:55 PM ET

    LIVE event is over 11:59:59

    ISIS says it has beheaded U.S. journalist 2:00

    Reaction to American journalist's death 3:54







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    In a horrifying act of revenge for U.S. airstrikes in northern Iraq, militants with the extremist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have beheaded American journalist James Foley — and are threatening to kill another hostage, U.S. officials say.

    Even so, the U.S. military pressed ahead with its campaign, conducting nearly a dozen airstrikes in Iraq since Tuesday. The White House must now balance the risks of adopting an aggressive policy to destroy ISIS against resisting any action that could result in the death of another American.
    U.S. President Barack Obama will also confront the potentially necessary step of pursuing ISIS in Syria, where the U.S. has resisted launching airstrikes or deploying significant American firepower. The president was scheduled to make a midday statement Wednesday about Foley's killing.

    U.S. officials confirmed a grisly video released Tuesday showing ISIS militants beheading Foley. Separately, Foley's family confirmed his death in a statement posted on a Facebook page that was created to rally support for his release, saying they "have never been prouder of him."
    "He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people," said the statement, which was attributed to Foley's mother, Diane Foley. She implored the militants to spare the lives of other hostages. "Like Jim, they are innocents. They have no control over American government policy in Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world."
    Foley, 40, from Rochester, New Hampshire, went missing in northern Syria in November 2012 while freelancing for Agence France-Presse and the Boston-based media company GlobalPost. The car he was riding in was stopped by four militants in a contested battle zone that both Sunni rebel fighters and government forces were trying to control. He had not been heard from since.
    1st time ISIS killed U.S. citizen

    The beheading marks the first time ISIS has killed an American citizen since the Syrian conflict broke out in March 2011, upping the stakes in an increasingly chaotic and multilayered war. The killing is likely to complicate U.S. involvement in Iraq and the Obama administration's efforts to contain the group as it expands in both Iraq and Syria.
    The group is the heir apparent of the militancy known as al-Qaeda in Iraq, which beheaded many of its victims, including American businessman Nicholas Berg in 2004.
    The video released on websites Tuesday appears to show the increasing sophistication of ISIS's media unit and begins with scenes of Obama explaining his decision to order airstrikes.
    A ribbon is tied to a tree outside the home of American freelance journalist James Foley on Tuesday. (Jim Cole/Associated Press)

    It then cuts to a balding man in an orange jumpsuit kneeling in the desert, next to a black-clad militant with a knife to his throat. Foley's name appears in both English and Arabic graphics on screen. After the captive speaks, the masked man is shown apparently beginning to cut at his neck; the video fades to black before the beheading is completed. The next shot appears to show the captive lying dead. The video appears to have been shot in an arid area; there is no vegetation to be seen and the horizon is in the distance where the sand meets the grey-blue sky.
    At the end of the video, a militant shows a second man, who was identified as another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, and warns that he could be the next captive killed. Sotloff was kidnapped near the Syrian-Turkish border in August 2013; he had freelanced for Time, the National Interest and MediaLine.
    British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the militant fighter shown in the film appears to be British. It was fresh evidence of the insurgents' increasingly sophisticated use of Western fighters to mobilize recruits and terrorize enemies.
    The National Security Council issued a statement Wednesday confirming that the video was authentic, as Twitter and some other social media outlets tried to block its spread. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo tweeted that his company was "actively suspending accounts as we discover them related to this graphic imagery." He gave a link to a story about Foley's killing.
    ISIS recently threatened to kill Foley

    Several senior U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the situation said ISIS very recently threatened to kill Foley to avenge the crushing airstrikes over the past two weeks against militants advancing on Mount Sinjar, the Mosul dam and the Kurdish capital of Irbil.
    Both areas are in northern Iraq, which has become a key front for ISIS as its fighters travel to and from Syria.
    Since Aug. 8, there have been at least 77 U.S. airstrikes in Iraq on ISIS targets — including security checkpoints, vehicles and weapons caches. It's not clear how many militants have been killed in the strikes, although it's likely that some were.
    Journalist James Foley, of Rochester, N.H., is shown in a May 2011 file photo. (Steven Senne/The Associated Press)

    Tuesday's airstrikes by American fighter jets and drones centred on targets around the Mosul Dam and were designed to help Iraqi and Kurdish forces create a buffer zone at the key facility, according to a U.S. official. The official was not authorized to discuss the ongoing operations publicly so spoke on condition of anonymity.
    ISIS is so ruthless in its attacks against all people they consider heretics or infidels that it has been disowned by al-Qaeda's leaders. In seeking to impose its harsh interpretation of Islamic law in the lands it is trying to control, the extremists have slain soldiers and civilians alike in horrifying ways — including mounting the decapitated heads of some of its victims on spikes.
    The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says that more than 80 journalists have been abducted in Syria, and estimates that around 20 are currently missing there. It has not released their nationalities. In its annual report in November, the committee described the widespread seizure of journalists as unprecedented and largely unreported by news organizations in the hope that keeping the kidnappings out of public view may help in the captives' release.
    Most of the kidnappings over the past two years have occurred in northern and eastern Syria, where a mix of mainstream rebel factions and jihadi groups hold sway. This year, several foreign journalists were released after lengthy terms in captivity, including three Spanish journalists in March and four French reporters a month later.
    Jihadi factions, such as ISIS, are believed responsible for most of the abductions, but government-backed militias, criminal gangs and more moderate rebel factions also have been implicated. The motives range from ransom to prisoner exchanges.
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    A visibly angry President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the "entire world is appalled" by the beheading of an American journalist by the extremist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL), casting the group as a relic that "has no place in the 21st century."

    "No just God would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day," Obama, who said he was "heartbroken" by Foley's death, said during a statement from Martha's Vineyard.

    The White House's National Security Council said Wednesday that the video released by the group, which has since been removed from YouTube, was authentic. The video showed a member of the group executing American journalist James Foley, who was kidnapped in Syria in 2012.

    Obama spoke out harshly against ISIS. He compared the group to a "cancer" whose spread must be contained, saying it has and will continue to torture and kill civilians, massacre religious minorities, and rape women.

    He contrasted the group with the life of Foley. People like Foley, he said, "shape the world."

    "People like [ISIS] ultimately fail. Because the future is won by those who build and not destroy," Obama said.

    In the video, ISIS also threatened to kill another American journalist it said it was holding captive — Steven Sotloff, who was kidnapped near the Syrian-Turkish border in August 2013. He had been freelancing for Time and other publications.

    The group said it killed Foley as an act of revenge for U.S. intervention in Iraq. Obama authorized the U.S. military to conduct airstrikes in Iraq nearly two weeks ago in an attempt to aid Iraqi forces against the extremist militants.

    Since then, according to the Pentagon, the U.S. has conducted more than 70 such strikes on targets including security checkpoints, vehicles, and weapons caches. The U.S. has not specified if any militants were killed in the strikes. It has said the vast majority of the strikes had been "successful."

    Obama did not specify on Wednesday if there would be any policy or strategy changes toward how the U.S. will approach and contain ISIS. He did say, however, that the U.S. would continue to remain "vigilant" and "relentless" in the face of threats by the group.

    "The United State of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless," Obama said.

    During a news conference from the White House on Monday, Obama hailed the U.S.' role in helping Iraqi and Kurdish forces retake the key strategic point of the Mosul Dam in northern Iraq. He said retaking the dam, which supplies electricity and water to much of Iraq, represented a "major step forward" in a battle against the militants.

    The White House said Tuesday night that Obama had been briefed on the video while traveling on Air Force One. Obama returned to Martha's Vineyard on Tuesday, where he has been vacationing for parts of the past two weeks. He returned to Washington briefly over the weekend for two days of meetings.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Time to hunt these two assholes down and execute them isn't it?

    British jihadist takes to Twitter to praise execution of journalist James Foley amid growing calls for social media blackout of savvy ISIS militants

    • Cardiff-raised Nasser Muthanna mocked America's ability to defend citizens
    • Asked if U.S. couldn't save James Foley, how could it stop Yezidi genocide
    • Muthanna, who once appeared in ISIS recruitment video, praised execution
    • Other ISIS supporters joined in celebratory tweets over Foley's brutal death
    • Attention-seeking prompted Twitter campaign to ignore all ISIS supporters
    • #ISISMediaBlackout calls for users not to watch or share posts by militants
    • Savvy jihadists previously reveled in spreading fear and propaganda online

    By John Hall for MailOnline
    Published: 10:29 EST, 20 August 2014 | Updated: 12:12 EST, 20 August 2014

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    A young British jihadist has taunted the U.S. government with sickening messages on Twitter praising the brutal execution of kidnapped American photojournalist James Foley.
    Nasser Muthanna, 20, sent a number of tweets mocking U.S. efforts to defend Iraq's Yazidi minority from genocide at the hands ISIS militants, saying they 'can't even protect their own citizens'.
    The father of the Cardiff-raised militant - who appeared in a chilling ISIS recruitment video earlier this year and travelled to Syria with his brother Aseel, 17, and friend Reyaad Khan, 20 - has described Foley's videoed execution as being 'like something out of the dark ages'.
    Muthanna's provocative messages come amid a global Twitter campaign to starve media-savvy ISIS militants of the publicity they desperately crave by using the hashtag #ISISMediaBlackout.
    MailOnline is deliberately not showing much of the gruesome detail that is available elsewhere online.


    Execution: Graphic footage of the execution appeared in an video titled: 'A Message to the U.S.', in which an apparently coerced James Wright Foley, 40, describes America as his true killers


    Jihadist: Nasser Muthana (centre) is a 20-year-old former Cardiff schoolboy who featured prominently in the Islamic State's first professionally produced English language propaganda video

    Provocative: Nasser Muthanna, 20, sent a number of tweets mocking U.S. efforts to defend Iraq's Yazidi minority from genocide at the hands ISIS militants, saying they 'can't even protect their own citizens'

    Muthanna is believed to be among at least 500 highly radicalized British Muslims fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
    In the shocking footage of Foley's beheading with a small knife, his executioner addresses the camera in what appears to be a London or southern English accent.
    Muthanna's father has condemned the beheading and called for the video to be taken off the internet.
    Ahmed Muthana, 57, said: 'Any right-thinking human being would condemn this. It is brutal and like something from the dark ages.
    'The video should be taken down from the internet where it will drive other Muslims to think of this like some sort of game.


    'It could be seen by children, and beheading is so horrific I would not want to see it myself.'
    Mr Muthana, who came to Britain as an 11-year-old, said he was relieved that the alleged British executioner apparently speaks with a London accent and not a Cardiff one like his two sons.

    Desperate to provoke: One deluded ISIS supporter hoped to attract attention by posting a message attacking the majority of peaceful Muslims who consider Foley's execution a sickening and barbaric act

    Warped: Warnings of a crackdown on ISIS militants appeared to have had little impact on Islamists online who gleefully shared sickening images and videos of Foley's execution - which some branded 'hilarious'

    He said: 'I am glad my two boys are not involved - they are not together and I hope they didn’t witness this.
    'I don’t think my sons are part of this.'
    The video prompted Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond to vow Britain would 'oppose ISIS with every breath in our body', adding that British troops could be sent to help train Iraqi government soldiers to counter the growing threat ISIS militants pose.
    The warnings appeared to have had little impact on Islamists online however, who gleefully shared sickening images and videos of Foley's execution - which they branded 'hilarious'.
    Muthanna was among those leading the taunts, tweeting: 'So America wants to protect Yezidis from genocide but can’t even protect their own citizens from getting decapitated #AmessagefromIStoUS.'
    He also retweeted other messages saying they were proud' of the British executioner.

    The message said: 'I am so proud of that foreign muhajir akh, British, who climbed the ranks and shook America to it’s knees.'
    He was joined by other ISIS members and sympathisers - among them a woman calling herself Haritha, who claims to be the 'wife of a martyr' and living in ISIS' self-declared caliphate - known as the Islamic State, which stretches from north-west Syria to central Iraq.
    Posting a disturbing image of the moment the executioner begins cutting Foley's throat with a small knife, the attention-seeking Islamist said: 'If this doesn't bring a bit of comfort and ease to your heart then #checkyourself'.


    In responce to the shocking footage of Foley's beheading, which was titled 'A Message to U.S.', British Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond to vow Britain would 'oppose ISIS with every breath in our body'


    Horror: In another chilling warning, the executioner holds another man, on his knees with his hands tied behind his back, by the scruff of the neck. A caption claims it is missing American Steven Joel Soltoff

    Ignore them: Thousands of Twitter users have joined the #ISISMediaBlackout movement, refusing to engage with the attention-seeking militants or share their provocative statements, images or videos

    Shut down: Foley's execution could change ISIS' savvy use of social media, as the West finally wakes up to the fact that much of the group's digital presence is designed to spread propaganda and provoke its enemies


    'I call on my friends family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers, the US government. For what will happen to me is only a result of their complacency and criminality.
    'My message to my beloved parents: save me some dignity and don’t accept any (unclear, possibly says media) compensation for my death, from the same people who effectively hit the last nail in my coffin with a recent aerial campaign in Iraq.
    'I call on my brother John, who is/was (this part is also unclear) member of the US Air Force, think about what you are doing, think about lives you destroy including those of your own family.
    'I call on you John, think about who made the decision to bomb Iraq recently and kill those people, whoever they may have been.
    'Think John, who did they really kill? Did they think about me, you our family when they made that decision?
    'I died that day John, when your colleagues dropped that bomb on those people – they signed my death certificate.
    'I wish I had more time, I wish I could have the hope of freedom and see my family once again, but that ship has sailed. I guess all in all, I wish I wasn’t American.'

    Foley's execution could mark something of a watershed moment for savvy jihadists' use of social media to spread the propaganda of ISIS - a group considered so extreme that it has been condemned as too brutal even by notorious Islamic terror network Al Qaeda.
    Countering jihadists' provocative messages designed to upset and antagonise those in the West, one young Libyan woman used the hashtag #ISISMediaBlackout to say she would no longer refer to ISIS' digital activity - no matter how shocked and appalled she was by it.
    Using the Twitter handle @LibyanLiberty, a woman calling herself Hend tweeted:'Amputate their reach. Pour water on their flame.'
    'From here on out, I won't share any photo or video of violence intentionally recorded & released by ISIS for propaganda. #ISISMediaBlackout' she added.
    Since then thousands have joined the movement, refusing to engage with the militants or share their provocative statements, images or videos.

    Some have even adapted their profiles in order to encourage their followers to join the blackout and starve ISIS of the attention it so desperately craves and uses to help radicalize and recruit Muslims living outside its area of operation.


    Disgrace: Muthanna (right) appeared in a chilling ISIS recruitment video earlier this year (pictured) having and travelled to Syria with his brother Aseel, 17, and friend Reyaad Khan, 20 (left)


    Before they fled: Jihadists Reyaad Khan and Nasser Muthana (circled) hand out food to the needy in Cardiff last year. Both have been tweeting about their involvement with IS while on the front line


    Twitter has said it will consider the removal of images of dead people at the request of family members.
    In a crackdown on gory and upsetting photographs that have emerged on the site recently, Twitter said it would consider taking down images of deceased individuals 'from when critical injury occurs to the moments before or after death'.
    But the site said it would take into account the public interest of any content and warned that it may not agree to all requests.
    The announcement follows the shocking beheading of American photojournalist James Foley, 40, by an ISIS militant yesterday.
    Yesterday, the White House contacted social networks asking them to remove videos of his death.
    Twitter declined to say whether it had also received a request from Mr Foley's family.

    Shashank Joshi, senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi) said that the murder and video may have been designed to either weaken the allies’ resolve or force it to over-react in a way that would gain IS more Western recruits.
    But he added that the video propaganda 'is not going to work' because the number of hostages IS holds are relatively few, with no sway over policy, and the US has large interests in the area.
    'The beheadings and things like this are not going to change strategy one jot,' he said.
    'I think we will see a big US campaign.'
    He added: 'At this point we are on a collision course with IS. Nothing it does can change that unless they succeed in perpetrating a terror attack on Western soil. In which case all bets are off.'

    Photographer Paul Conroy said people spreading the video were doing IS’s work for it.
    Conroy, of Totnes, Devon, who was injured in Homs, Syria, in 2012 by a government artillery strike that killed reporter Marie Colvin, told BBC Radio 5: 'In many ways the passing around of these pictures and the videos of James is essentially doing what these people - these murderers - want you to do.
    'They want it to go viral, they want as many people in the world to look at it. So in many ways by sharing them and propagating, we fall into their hands.
    'That’s the reason why it’s such a stage-managed event.
    'What happened was stage-managed by people who are very, very media aware and they know too well that nothing can be banned on the internet so these images - the video - will go about.'
    Scotland Yard, which leads counter-terror policing in the UK, confirmed that it is investigating the video and reminded social media users that spreading extremist material is a crime.
    The force said: 'We would like to remind the public that viewing, downloading or disseminating extremist material within the UK may constitute an offence under terrorism legislation.'

    Twitter also said it will consider the removal of images of dead people at the request of family members.
    In a crackdown on gory and upsetting photographs that have emerged on the site - including dozens posted by ISIS militants - Twitter said it would consider taking down images of deceased individuals 'from when critical injury occurs to the moments before or after death'.

    But the site said it would take into account the public interest of any content and warned that it may not agree to all requests.
    Yesterday, the White House contacted social networks asking them to remove videos of his death.

    Twitter declined to say whether it had also received a request from Mr Foley's family.
    Mr Foley’s mother Diane has released a statement saying: 'We have never been prouder of our son Jim. He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people.
    'We implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages.'
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Some tactical nukes would solve this problem neatly.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    I don't know that we should go that small of a scale. I'm thinking "Roasting in Ultra-Radioactive Hell Fires with 60 MT thermonuclear weapons" over the entire middle east.

    Yeah, the Muslims have gotten to the point they are ALL a cancer on the world.

    If there is such a thing as a "moderate" Muslim, and I don't believe there is any more - just cowardly men who claim to be "moderate" in front of the world, while screaming for the death of the "Great Satan" - then they too should suffer for what their own kind are doing.

    Islam - should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Allah should be forgotten. Mohammad should be erased.

    And if there are any muslim lovers out there that think I've "insulted Islam" go fuck yourselves - You INSULT US with your existence.
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    State just requested a huge increase of troops around Baghdad.
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    Militant Islamic Group ISIS Trained at U.S. Base in Jordan

    By DNA

    (americanprosperity) – Jordanian officials recently revealed that members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also known as ISIS) were trained in 2012 by U.S. military instructors at a secret base in Jordan.

    This militant Sunni group has made violent advances through northern and western Iraq, videotaping executions of civilians and soldiers and taking over Mosul – Iraq’s second largest city.

    ISIS’ ultimate goal is to create an Islamic caliphate state in Iraq and Syria based on Sharia law.

    World Net Daily reported that in February 2012 the U.S., Turkey and Jordan ran a training base for Syrian rebels in the northern Jordan town of Safawi. This report has been corroborated by Reuters and the German weekly Der Spiegel.

    Of course, this raises the obvious question: Why did the American military train dangerous Islamic militants?

    Answer: Because they were being trained with the intent of overthrowing the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad.

    Jordanian officials claimed these Syrian rebels were screened to ensure they had no ties to Al-Qaeda or any other overly radical Islamic group. They also said that this training had no intention of being used in Iraq.

    However, these good foreign policy intentions have backfired on the Obama Administration in a big way. Especially since the President declared an end to combat operations in Iraq nearly four years ago.

    It appears that these U.S.-trained forces were better prepared than their Iraqi counterparts. Many American-trained Iraqi soldiers threw down their weapons and uniforms or didn’t offer much resistance to the invading Islamic forces.

    The Jordanian officials who spoke to World Net Daily are also concerned this sectarian violence will spill over into their country.

    It’s hard to put the outrage about this scandal into words, but we’ll give it a shot. Based on the numerous scandals before this one, the Obama Administration is the most corrupt — and either the most incompetent or treasonous — in American history.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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