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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama’s Muslim Founding Fathers

    July 30, 2014 by Robert Spencer

    In his message to Muslims on their holiday Eid al-Fitr, issued Sunday, Barack Obama asserted that “Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” He did not, unfortunately, provide even a single example of these “many achievements and contributions” that Muslims have made to “building the very fabric of our nation,” but he said that there were many, so they shouldn’t be hard to list a few, right?

    You remember a few of them, don’t you? Remember the Muslim signers of the Declaration of Independence? With Yahya al-Hanqoq’s large signature front and center, so that the infidel King George III could read it without his spectacles? And then there was Ibrahim Clark of New Jersey and El-Bridge Gerry of Massachusetts. Remember also the Muslims who gave James Madison information about Muhammad’s Constitution of Medina – which, as we all know, granted equal rights to women and religious minorities, predating such documents in the West by 1,000 years. Madison, of course, used the Medina Constitution as a model when framing the U.S. Constitution.

    Then there were the Muslims who fought so valiantly during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. And in the titanic struggles over slavery, Muslims were front and center: remember the Muslim abolitionist Senators who faced down the South in the antebellum Senate, the Senate chamber ringing with their oratory about how the Qur’an says to free slaves and so the U.S. government should, too? Remember the Muslim regiments in the Civil War (all on the Union side, of course!)? Then in the aftermath of the Civil War came the Muslim industrialists who brought us railroads, the telegraph, the telephone.

    Not to be forgotten are the Muslims who also fought courageously in the Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II, and the Muslim entertainers who kept us laughing on the Vaudeville circuit and on the home front during those terrible world wars with their jokes from the Hadith.

    None of this rings a bell? Not to worry. Before too long it will be taught in all the textbooks. Absurd? Maybe – but no more than Obama’s statement itself. And even if they don’t go so far as to Islamize John Hancock and imagine Muslim Americans fighting against slavery and defending America in world wars, public school textbooks already present a ridiculously rosy picture of Islam. A study by the American Textbook Council, an independent national research organization that evaluates the quality of textbooks, found that ten of the most widely used middle school and high school social studies textbooks “present an incomplete and confected view of Islam that misrepresents its foundations and challenges to international security.”

    The books present highly tendentious constructions as undisputed truth, making common cause with West-hating multiculturalists to bowdlerize the presentation of Islam, denigrate or downplay Christianity and Western civilization, and transform numerous public school textbooks into proselytizing tracts.

    Meanwhile, even though the Constitution of Medina is of highly doubtful authenticity and is contradicted both by Islamic law and by Islamic traditions about Muhammad’s actions, it is already becoming common for Islamic apologists to invoke it as evidence that Islam and democracy are not only compatible, but that Islam originated the idea of republican rule.

    Ahmadi Muslim apologist Qasim Rashid recently wrote in the Huffington Post that “when Prophet Muhammad was popularly appointed Medina’s ruler, he entered into a pact with the Jewish communities of Medina. Through this pact, he granted equal political rights to non-Muslims. They were ensured complete freedom of religion and practice.” Undercutting Rashid’s case are the facts that Muhammad ended up exiling two of the Jewish tribes of Medina and massacring the third, and that the Qur’an mandates that Jews (and Christians) in the Islamic state, rather than enjoying “equal political rights,” must “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (9:29).

    But facts just get in the way of the narrative, and so the facts must go. It feels so good and multicultural to imagine Muslims at the founding of this nation, contributing to its very fabric, doesn’t it? Heck, speaking of fabric, probably Betsy Ross was a Muslim. And doesn’t the flag of South Carolina have a crescent moon on it?

    Likewise regarding slavery – I imagine Muslim abolitionists above in pre-Civil War America above, in trying to give some substance to Barack Obama’s absurd statement. In reality, of course, there were no Muslim abolitionists, or Muslims, in the antebellum United States. What’s more, there were no Muslim abolitionists anywhere. Islamic apologists in the West routinely claim that Islam forbids slavery, but in fact the Qur’an takes slavery for granted, and according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad hallowed the practice by owning slaves himself. In some Muslim nations, it is still practiced, even though it is against the law (laws that initially began to be adopted in Muslim countries under Western pressure). Mauritania, for example, abolished slavery in 1981 and made it a crime in 2012, but it is still widespread — because it has Islamic sanction. Yet I myself remember being taught in high school, way back in the 1970s, that the last country to abolish slavery was Brazil, in 1889. There was no mention of Saudi Arabia’s abolishing slavery in 1962, or of the persistence of the practice in some Muslim countries. And that was forty years ago, showing that whitewashing of Islam in the textbooks, now rampant, had begun even then.

    So when it comes to Barack Obama’s claim that Muslim Americans have made contributions to “building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy,” if there were no Muslim Founding Fathers scrutinizing the Constitution of Medina for material they could use in the charter document of their new nation, then they have to be invented. The textbooks have already departed from reality regarding Islam – what could possibly be the problem with a few more steps into fantasy? What difference, at this point, does it make? Yahya al-Hanqoq, grab your quill!
    Bracken: The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula

    Posted on August 20, 2014 | 75 Comments

    The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula

    By Matthew Bracken
    August, 2014

    Mohammed’s unchanging formula for conquest is time-proven; variations were also used in history by the invading Mongol hordes among others. Emissaries ride forward of their advancing armies, offering to spare the lives of the targeted population in return for their unconditional surrender and explicit submission to their new rulers. In the Islamic context this submission is exemplified by the fresh converts repeating the Shahada prayer before Muslim witnesses.

    There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger.

    The Shahada prayer is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Shahada prayer is also what is written on the black battle flags of Islamic jihad. Along with Allahu Akbar—our God is greatest—the Shahada is the battle cry of advancing Islamic armies. In fact, the very word Islam means submission, and not peace, as it is often intentionally mistranslated by duplicitous Muslims practicing taqiya, or sanctified lying for the cause of advancing the spread of Islam.

    It’s purposefully made very easy for a town or a city to submit and convert to Islam. But the entire city must surrender without posing any resistance at all. In the event of any violent or even physical resistance, a new formula applies: the Islamic jihad conquest formula. From the time of Mohammed until today—as we are seeing in the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq—the formula has not changed.

    1. During the battle and immediately afterward, there is a period of unbelievable savagery and wanton hyper-violence.

    Any of the defeated population from infants to grandmothers may be subjected to the most extreme cruelty, including beheading with knives or swords, crucifixion, being burned or buried alive, or thrown down wells or off cliffs or high walls. During this period, women, girls and boys are routinely gang-raped by frenzied jihadists, to the point that survivors almost always suffer lifelong crippling internal and external injuries. Suicide among the survivors of these savage gang rapes is common. The Christian and Zahidi girls and boys in Northern Iraq are only the most recent victims of this traditional Muslim depraved cruelty.

    Those who survive until the victorious jihadists have consolidated their hold and sated their blood-lusts are the fortunate ones. They may have caught a potential protector’s eye, or hidden themselves until the jihadists’ most bloodthirsty passions have subsided. No jihadists will ever be called to account by Muslim jihad leaders for their atrocities committed during the battle and victory consolidation phase.

    For the first time in history, today we are seeing what the previous millions of victims of Muslim conquests have experienced for 1,400 years. The recent beheadings and crucifixions in Syria and Iraq are not new or novel. What is new and novel is that today these Muslim jihad atrocities are being filmed and transmitted for the purpose of spreading the propaganda of Islamic State terror, to encourage their next intended targets to submit and surrender without resistance.

    2. Captured men will be beheaded, shot or enslaved.

    Following a fresh conquest, when the defeated men are tied up, imprisoned, or held under the barrels of Muslim guns, they may either be murdered or enslaved. Their fate depends upon the tactical situation and the best advantage as perceived by the victors. If the Muslim victory is thought to be temporary, the jihadists will immediately murder all of the men and boys over the age of twelve, eliminating them as future threats. They may be beheaded if there is sufficient time, otherwise they will be shot in ditches as we have recently seen in Iraq. The heads of the decapitated will be stuck on poles, fences or walls as a gruesome public warning against further resistance by the living.

    If the latest jihad victory is thought to be secure and slave labor is desired, the captured men and boys will be fettered in chains and put to work under conditions similar to those experienced by slave laborers under the Nazis during World War Two. They may be fed or starved at the sole discretion of their new overlords. They may be worked fifteen or more hours a day, every day, in all weather and climates with no shoes, gloves, coats or hats. Often they will be both starved and overworked to the extent that a significant percentage of them will perish every month. When these wretched slaves are too weak to haul boulders or dig trenches, they may be executed at the sole discretion of their overlords. No discipline will ever be meted out for starving, beating or killing “infidel” slave laborers.

    3. Women and teenage girls will be kidnapped as sex-slaves, to be sold at auction to the highest bidders.

    The prettier young women and girls will be fortunate to become the concubine of one powerful man. The plainer women and girls will be sold as house or field slaves, doing fifteen or more hours of hard work every remaining day of their lives: hauling water, cleaning floors, cooking and so on. They may be raped, starved, beaten or killed at the whim of their owners. They may be subjected to forced female genital mutilation—the razor-blade excision of their clitoris and other horrors—depending on the whims of their new masters. No discipline will ever be applied to their masters. They are chattel property with no rights at all.

    4. Children younger than twelve will be kidnapped and raised under Sharia law by the very men who murdered or enslaved their parents.

    Girls may be assigned to the victors or sold off as future house slaves, beginning their arduous life of toil as soon as they are able to gather firewood or haul water, often by the age of seven or eight. Young girls showing the promise of becoming pretty teenagers may be assigned to harems for sex-slave indoctrination. At the whim of their owners, the luckiest might even be adopted and raised as family members. From starvation, beatings and overwork, to being assigned to a harem as a sex-slave, to being adopted and raised in some comfort, the relative misery of the kidnapped and enslaved girls will be entirely up to their new masters.

    The young kidnapped boys will be sent to madrasa schools to memorize the Koran by repetitiously chanting it, in order to become fully brainwashed Islamic killer zombies as adults. Perhaps most perversely cruel, in time they may join with the murderers and enslavers of their very own forgotten parents, while engaged upon new missions of Islamic jihad conquest. Black slave boys from sub-Saharan Africa will routinely be castrated, turning them into placid adult eunuch slaves.

    5. Conquered property will be looted as legitimate war booty.

    Buildings and homes will be occupied by the victorious jihadists after the murder or enslavement of their former owners. Any moveable property will be stolen by the victors. Concealed money, jewelry or other valuables will be found by serially torturing family members until someone breaks and reveals the hiding place. This looting, like the rape and murder of enemies in battle, is fully sanctioned by Mohammed’s Sharia Law. This is nothing more than the worst kind of piracy codified into practice and called a “religion.”

    It is worth noting that before Mohammed descended into the desert cave to hear the messages of Allah, he was an actual desert pirate, falling upon caravans and plundering them—after beheading the men, and raping and enslaving the women. He later applied the same formula to conquer the Arabian deserts in the name of Allah. If it was good enough for Mohammed, Islam’s perfect man, then it is good enough for any believing Muslim, then, now or in the future. Thus the Islamic jihad conquest formula is unchangeable and Islam can never be reformed. Would-be reformers are beheaded as apostates to true Koranic Islam.

    6. The promised Islamic reward for dying in jihad is a perpetual orgy in “paradise” with 72 virgins.

    For impoverished Muslim men with little hope of finding a women to marry during their earthly lives, this is a strong inducement to engage in violent jihad. If they are victorious in jihad, they might capture, rape and enslave actual living, breathing infidel girls (and boys). If they die while engaging in jihad, they are vaulted to the front of the line into paradise, and immediately obtain their 72 virgins. This is why suicide bombers often rush toward their “infidel” enemies to blow themselves up:
    they are convinced that their perpetual orgy will begin the instant after their self-detonation. The Islamic promise of 72 virgins in “paradise” means that jihad is a win-win proposition for a fervent Muslim man. They may well enjoy their jihad rape-fest in this world, but if not, they will enjoy it in the next world immediately following their violent jihad deaths.

    7. The Black Flag of Jihad has been the battle flag of Islam from the time of Mohammed until today.

    The Saudi Arabian flag also carries the Shahada prayer, but on a green field, indicating that the home of Mecca is part of the Dar al Islam, or House of Submission. Outside of nations living under Sharia Law, in the Dar al Harb, or House of War, Muslims fly the Black Flag of Jihad to indicate their clear intention to violently force that country to submit to Islam.

    Islam began with a cruel desert pirate named Mohammed, and it soon took to the seas. In the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Flag of Jihad was simplified to show only a scimitar sword or an arm holding a scimitar, indicating to the crew of the “infidel” ship being attacked their simple choice: surrender and submit to Islam, or face beheading at worst, or enslavement at best.

    During the Corsair era, lasting into the 19th Century, many captured Europeans chose to convert to Islam by repeating the Shahada prayer, rather than to be killed or enslaved. Many of these “renegade” Europeans even signed on as crew aboard Muslim pirate vessels, some even rising to the rank of corsair captain. Islam is always welcoming of converts, and under Islam what we call piracy is fully sanctioned as “sea jihad.” Some of these European converts-of-convenience to Islam later escaped and took up piracy on their own accounts. The Black Flag of Jihad was the origin of the familiar non-Muslim black pirate flags, borrowing its fearsome reputation to cow and terrorize targeted ships into surrendering without resistance.

    Simply put, the Black Flag of Jihad is the black pirate flag of an evil pirate “religion.”

    8. The lure of capturing male and female slaves and obtaining other forms of loot and plunder is the Islamic jihad conquest formula.

    Average men in polygamous Muslim societies have little hope of obtaining a wife, not when the wealthy and powerful already have several wives apiece. Jihad offers ordinary Muslims a chance to obtain wives or sex-slave concubines by force in battle, or 72 virgins in the afterlife. Jihad also offers poor Muslims a chance to obtain a home and other forms of wealth by force, as we are seeing today in Iraq.

    Unlike Christianity with its Golden Rule, Islam has always appealed to the worst desires of evil men, and the most ruthlessly evil men, like its originator Mohammed, are its greatest beneficiaries. Normal human beings ask the question: what kind of a sick and twisted so-called “religion” promises its highest rewards in exchange for engaging in organized looting, mass murder, mass rape, torture and slavery in the name of its god? Only Islam, which has been an insane rape and murder cult since Mohammed crawled out of the bat cave and barked at the crescent moon.

    Moses and Jesus are reported to have climbed to the tops of high mountains to communicate with God. Just who was whispering the gospel of plunder, rape and murder into Mohammed’s ear, deep under the surface of the earth in that dark Saudi Arabian cave?

    Who taught Mohammed the Islamic jihad conquest formula?

    UPDATE 2245 EDT 20 AUG 2014: Bracken sends this addendum:

    This was a good question on the Free Republic thread about my essay,“The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula.” The question and my answer should be included as an afterword to the essay.

    Q: The case has been made, even by some conservatives, that the Moorish period in Spain was a golden period. Jews and Christians were treated with tolerance, but the Spanish people that pushed out the Moors, treated them with contempt and intolerance. I wonder, is this revisionism, or is there some truth to it?

    A. Under Islam there have been varying high and low periods, also varying from place to place. For example, under the rule of Sultan Mulay Ismail in 18th Century Morocco, the hard labor was all done by black and white slaves who perished in droves in extreme misery, under conditions like those experienced by Jews under the Nazis. He was a Hitler who survived as absolute ruler for more than 60 years. Great miles-long palaces were built on the bones of slave labor.

    Or an absolute ruler might turn out to be a gem, an enlightened gentleman for the age, yes, that happened and the hard edge of Sharia was sometimes blunted. But always and every time, in every century, the end of a ruler meant the high chance of a bloodbath, and the next ruler could be a blood brother of Mohammed, or al Queda, or IS.

    It is always a danger that this 7th Century fanaticism will break out, it has happened over and over through history. Islam cannot have a reformation that “sticks” beyond an enlightened ruler or two, because there are always determined mullahs of the Khomeini or Bagdadi stripe ready to grab power as the new Sultan or even Caliph. Bagdadi is merely the latest in a long line. Eruptions of 7th Century fervor are always a risk in Islam.

    I’ll give you a real world example. Morocco is presently very politely Westernized, insofar as any Muslim country can be. The hip young king even married a red-headed Berber wife who looks like Maureen O’Sullivan, God help me. She appears with him in Western dresses with flowing tresses. He is making a point. One wife, hair out, shoulders in dress like Paris. It is a signal, one of many.

    Surfers from Europe flock to Moroccan wavs, tourists flock along the promenades. European bathing suits and customs are tolerated along the beach strips. You can buy wine and beer at shops run by Christians, near the beaches.

    But brother, it could turn on a dime, and the enlightened king can beheaded and replaced by a spiritual brother of Bagdadi, swearing allegiance to the new IS caliphate. Don’t rule it out, ever.

    Every century or two there is a new self-proclaimed Mahdi. Bagdadi is calling himself the Caliph, and all must swear loyalty to him. The black flag with the white ball logo is his personal mark, to distinguish it from generic Al Queda or Hamas black flag with the shahada all on one line.

    Islam is unreformable. Its blueprint always gives a handle to maniacs who can recruit armies of brainwashed killer zombie mutant humanoids.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley may be Londoner named John

    Hostages of three ISIS British-accented militants came to call the trio 'The Beatles' — and the militants' ringleader called himself John, the Guardian reports.

    BY Larry Mcshane
    Thursday, August 21, 2014, 12:34 AM

    The ISIS killer who beheaded James Foley may be from London and goes by the name John, a report claims.

    Previous Next

    Meet the killer Beatles — led by a jihadist named John.

    A terrifying trio of British-born militants, including one suspected of beheading an American journalist, became known by the legendary band’s name among their hostages in Syria, The Guardian newspaper reported Wednesday.

    Oddly enough, their murderous ringleader called himself John.

    The foreign-born captives bestowed the musical alias upon the cruel trio because of their British accents and upbringing, according to the newspaper.
    FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/EPA British PM David Cameron called the slaying by English-accented jihadi 'depraved.'

    The three are long-serving guards for hostages seized by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists, with one of them suspected of murdering freelance journalist James Foley.

    A former hostage described the man who appeared in the graphic beheading video as smart, well-schooled — and a true believer in radical Islam, The Guardian reported.

    Linguistic experts studying the voice on the YouTube clip believed the voice bore a definite British accent, most likely from London.

    He and the other two members of his gruesome group were charged with overseeing captives held in Raqqa, Syria, a stronghold for the ISIS forces.

    The Guardian also reported that the main British suspect handled negotiations with families for possible hostage release. Foley’s parents said Wednesday that they were raising money for ransom when their son was brutally killed.

    US Mission to Rescue Hostages in Syria Failed

    President Barack Obama sent special operations troops to Syria this summer on a secret mission to rescue American hostages, including journalist James Foley, but the mission failed the Obama administration disclosed Wednesday....

    Youtube The man believed to be James Foley's killer is in charge of foreign hostages in Raqqa, Syria.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron cut his vacation short to chair emergency meetings on the ISIS crisis.

    “If true, the murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved,” he posted on Twitter.

    Scotland Yard was involved in the international manhunt for Foley’s murderers, indicating that “John” had some type of criminal or terrorist past, according to The Guardian report.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Interpol Urges World Response To Iraq Extremists

    PARIS — Interpol says the killing of an American journalist kidnapped in Syria shows the need for a coordinated international effort against the stream of foreign fighters joining extremists in the Middle East.

    The international policy agency said in a statement Thursday that James Foley's death shows the "depravity" of the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq and "highlights the ongoing plight of other innocent people across the region."

    France-based Interpol is particularly concerned that a man who appears in a video of Foley's death may be British. Interpol says this highlights "the need for a multilateral response against the terror threat posed by radicalized transnational fighters traveling to conflict zones in the Middle East."

    More than a thousand radicals from Europe have joined militant fighters in Syria and Iraq.
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    Is President and his crew “waking up” to the dangers of Islam?

    by American Patriot
    I hope so.

    I think that they have finally figured out that the world is not a nice place, that you can’t just talk people into playing nice. Sometimes an unruly child NEEDS a spanking. Sometimes punishment is required for bad actors.

    Terrorists need to die. Period, plain and simple. If the American Government does NOT shut down and obliterate ISIS, no one will and eventually we will have hoards of “Mongrels” at the front door.

    Kerry Condemns Murder of James Foley, Says ISIS Must Be Destroyed

    6:35AM Thursday

    August 21, 2014

    (WASHINGTON) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the murder of American James Foley at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, video of which was posted online Tuesday, heartbreaking and unfair.

    In a statement released Wednesday, Kerry recalled that in 2012, Foley was captured while on assignment in Syria. Kerry was a senator at that time and had the opportunity to meet Foley’s family. “The sheer unfairness and unlikely odds that this young journalist would again find himself in captivity in another conflict was almost unimaginable,” Kerry said.

    “There is evil in this world,” Kerry said in light of Tuesday’s video, “and we all have come face to face with it once again.” Also on Wednesday, Kerry tweeted strong words for ISIS.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    However, these good foreign policy intentions have backfired on the Obama Administration in a big way. Especially since the President declared an end to combat operations in Iraq nearly four years ago.
    Seriously? Good foreign policy intentions? That's about the most ignorant, head-in-the-sand evaluation I've ever heard. What's happening now is exactly what Obama and his handlers intended to happen.

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    Hey, I don't write this crap, or make it up. I just copy and paste. LOL!

    I'd say that Obama is a clueless "leader". He has NO foreign policy. He has only Chicago Politics, criminal mentors, Chicago Bad-Cop mentality, and organized crime behavior to look to for his training.

    He's a black man who thinks he's African, thinks he's a Muslim, is confused, conflicted, narcissistic, and is hateful of America itself.

    The citizens of Chicago have not elected a Republican mayor since 1927, when William Thompson was voted into office. Brian Doherty was the only Republican council member in recent decades.

    Chicago suffers from the worst possible example of what Democrats, who believe they are better than all others, cause when they allow their vanity and their belief in "human nature" to take over.

    Criminals run wild there. Chicago is nothing more, in my less-than-humble opinion, than a small African run state.

    Obama is merely the influence of the party placed into the highest office to convert America in to a giant Chicago and eventually, into a backwoods, third world African country.
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    Holder Says U.S. Actively Pursuing Justice in Foley Case

    August 21, 2014

    Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder says the U.S. is "actively pursuing justice" over the beheading of journalist James Foley by Islamic extremists. The Islamic State released a video on Aug. 19 of Foley’s beheading, saying in the Internet posting that he was executed as a result of U.S. airstrikes against the group in Iraq that began earlier this month. (This is an excerpt from Holder's news conference. Source: Bloomberg)
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    They're saying now that the US implemented a military operation, I'm assuming in the near past, to try to rescue the hostages, Foley included. Reports say that when the operators arrived, the hostages were not there.

    Sorry. I call BS on this one. It's an obvious fabrication to make Obama look good. Or, if the operation did go down, most likely everyone was moved due to a tip off from the inside of the Obama Admin.

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    It was supposedly a "leaked secret report".

    Wonder who leaked it (The WHITE HOUSE DID).
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Released By Obama from Camp Bucca in 2009

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, June 12, 2014

    Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has transformed a few terror cells on the verge of extinction into the most dangerous militant group in the world.

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Abu Dua was once held by the US in Camp Bucca Iraq.
    abu dua

    (The Telegraph)
    But the Obama administration shut down the Bucca prison camp and released its prisoners, including Abu Dua in 2009.

    The Telegraph reported:

    The FBI “most wanted” mugshot shows a tough, swarthy figure, his hair in a jailbird crew-cut. The $10 million price on his head, meanwhile, suggests that whoever released him from US custody four years ago may now be regretting it…

    …Well-organised and utterly ruthless, the ex-preacher is the driving force behind al-Qaeda’s resurgence throughout Syria and Iraq, putting it at the forefront of the war to topple President Bashar al-Assad and starting a fresh campaign of mayhem against the Western-backed government in Baghdad.

    On Tuesday, his forces achieved their biggest coup in Iraq to date, seizing control of government buildings in Mosul, the country’s third biggest city. Coming on top of similar operations in January that planted the black jihadi flag in the towns of Fallujah and Ramadi, it gives al-Qaeda control of large swathes of the north and west of the country, and poses the biggest security crisis since the US pull-out two years ago…

    …“This guy was a Salafi (a follower of a fundamentalist brand of Islam), and Saddam’s regime would have kept a close eye on him,” said Dr Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

    “He was also in Camp Bucca for several years, which suggests he was already considered a serious threat when he went in there.”

    That theory seems backed by US intelligence reports from 2005, which describe him as al-Qaeda’s point man in Qaim, a fly-blown town in Iraq’s western desert.

    “Abu Duaa was connected to the intimidation, torture and murder of local civilians in Qaim”, says a Pentagon document. “He would kidnap individuals or entire families, accuse them, pronounce sentence and then publicly execute them.”

    Why such a ferocious individual was deemed fit for release in 2009 is not known. One possible explanation is that he was one of thousands of suspected insurgents granted amnesty as the US began its draw down in Iraq. Another, though, is that rather like Keyser Söze, the enigmatic crimelord in the film The Usual Suspects, he may actually be several different people.

    Al-Qaeda ISIS members from ISIS celebrate in Diyala Province, Iraq.

    Democracy Now added this on the closing of Camp Bucca in 2009.
    The US meanwhile has closed Camp Bucca, once its largest prison in Iraq. The Pentagon says it’s transferred Bucca’s remaining 180 prisoners to two jails near Baghdad. US Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King said the prison’s closure comes as part of the US-Iraq security deal.
    Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King: “As a show of progress for the security agreement and moving forward the government of Iraq, we’re going to put the theater internment facility as a piece of history. And we’re going to — it will be history, and we’ll move forward from here and progress.”
    Camp Bucca once hosted thousands of prisoners without charge, with many allegations of torture and abuse by US guards.

    Iraq crisis: the jihadist behind the takeover of Mosul - and how America let him go
    The march of al-Qaeda-linked militants towarsds the Iraqi capital is a coup for the shadowy leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - a former US detainee
    Obama Funds Al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels And Imports Syrian Refugees to U.S.
    Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Tuesday, June 18, 2013
    Guest Post by Mara Zebest

    In an article about Obama-backed Syrian jihadists who beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs, Pamela Geller stated it best:

    “If you need a fail-safe formula for determining who the bad guys are — ask what side is Obama on: [...] Christian Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped and beheaded by rebel fighters in northern town of Ras Al-Ayn on the Turkish border [...] Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists. She said his headless corpse was found by the side of the road, surrounded by hungry dogs. He had recently married and was soon to be a father.”

    Every day presents more proof that Obama is on the side of the Islamic caliphate to rule the world and destroy Western civilizations which includes Israel and America. Obama is the enemy within.

    Obama recently announced he will be giving away another $300 million of our taxpayer money to the al-Qaeda Syrian rebels which now brings the total to $815 million. Proof that these rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda presented by USA Today.

    JihadWatch reports the following:

    “Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of” — New York Times, April 28, 2013

    Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda — USA Today, April 11, 2013

    Bringing the total to $815 million for the allies of al-Qaeda and proponents of jihad and Sharia. “Obama announces extra $300 million in aid for Syrians, refugees,” by Ian Johnston for NBC News, June 18:

    The U.S. is to give more than $300 million in additional “life-saving humanitarian assistance” to Syrians caught up in the country’s civil war, Barack Obama has announced, taking the total amount given since the conflict began to nearly $815 million.

    At the G-8 summit in Ireland, President Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss his goals in intervening in the Syrian conflict. Meanwhile polls show the American public does not want to arm Syrian rebels. NBC’s Chuck Todd reports.

    And if this wasteful and dangerous use of our taxpayer dollars isn’t infuriating enough, also consider Obama’s plans to import 9,000 of these Al-Qaeda “refugees” into the U.S. What are the odds Obama will give a background check on these Syrians when he refuses to allow the NSA to spy on the mosques.

    The Hill reports the following on the Syrian refugees to settle in U.S.

    The Department of Homeland Security on Monday issued new regulations that will allow more Syrian refugees to temporarily settle in the United States.

    The department estimates that about 9,000 people will be eligible to come to America under the 18-month extension to March 2015 of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Syrians. Another 2,600 or so Syrians already here will be able to apply to renew their status. The Obama administration first gave TPS designation to Syrian citizens and residents last year, and the status was set to expire on Sept. 30.

    Related Articles:
    Obama-Backed Syrian jihadists beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs
    Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
    Obama gives $300 million more to the Syrian jihadists
    Robert Spencer Jun 18, 2013
    Obama allows more Syrian refugees to settle in US
    By Julian Pecquet - 06/17/13

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    We have enabled these assholes too?

    We - meaning the Obama Administration.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Tell me something, how is this even possible? Why isn't there a moratorium on Muslims entering the West now? Seriously. Close them down. Deny access to airplanes, boats, ships, ingress to your country, or egress from the country. Shut down the Muslim population. Prevent them from leaving on "pilgrimages" unless they choose to REMAIN in their "country of origin" - or the "Holy Lands".

    Screw them, their religion and their bank accounts.

    You want to kill a plant? You prevent it from getting water, food and light. If you cut off their ability to communicate with the "radicals", visit terror training camps or prevent their entry to your country, they can't bomb can they?

    If you lock their bank accounts (cuz you KNOW they would seize ours for back taxes...) they can't spend money. They will starve.

    So - notice to Muslims.... get out of America now, before we get a President in office with balls. I promise... if *I* am elected to the Presidency, I'll put a stop to the senseless slaughter - of Westerners.

    More British Muslims fight for Islamic State than Britain

    LONDON — It is likely that there are now more British Muslims fighting for the Islamic State than for Britain's military.

    Britain's Ministry of Defense confirmed to USA TODAY that there are approximately 600 British Muslim soldiers in its armed forces of almost 200,000 people. Official government estimates put the number of British Islamic State fighters operating in Syria and Iraq at 500 to 800. The Foreign Office cautioned Thursday that it is difficult to provide precise numbers.

    The militant who beheaded American journalist James Foley in a horrifying video released this week spoke with a British accent. United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged that the militant shown in the video could be a British national.

    Khalid Mahmood, a British member of Parliament from an area with a high proportion of Muslim residents, said government estimates of the number of British IS fighters currently in the Mideast is far too conservative. He told Newsweek magazine this week that at least 1,500 extremists are likely to have been recruited to fight in Iraq and Syria over the last three years. "There are an unacceptable number of Britons fighting for jihadist forces," he said.

    Raffaello Pantucci, a researcher at Royal United Services Institute in London, said many young men facing poor job prospects in the U.K.find the IS narrative of defending Islam hard to resist. Americans who are radicalized have a long way to go to join the fray. Syria and Iraq are relatively accessible from England.

    "These people can go look online and just decide to participate," he said. "With it's proximity to Europe it's just so easy to do."

    Ghaffar Hussain, of the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank in Britain, said the lure could be empowerment for many Muslims with grievances over their treatment in a predominantly non-Muslim society.

    "It makes them feel like they are part of something that is important to the world," he said. "If you feel like you don't really fit in or if Muslims are being attacked and a narrative comes along that explains all that away in a simple way, that is attractive."

    Hussain said a task force was set up – called Channel – to identify people who have been flagged in schools and institutions as being at risk of being drawn into extremism. Channel then pairs them with a mentor who assesses their needs and tries to offer support. But he said that a major failing of the program is that it only works if you are flagged by the system.

    "When it comes to the hard-edge, counterterrorism stuff, a lot of good work has been done by the government in terms of thwarting a hell of a lot of plots in recent years, but there are a lot of gaps outside of Channel," Hussain said. "Taking it seriously is one thing. Knowing what to do is another," Hussain said.

    Hussain said that extremism of the kind that is leading British nationals to Iraq and Syria is not limited to Britain but is a Western European phenomenon seen in Holland, France, Denmark and other places. He said would-be fighters probably enter Syria through Turkey, though it's not clear exactly how.

    Christopher Davidson, a Mideast expert at Durham University, said there's been a massive lack of attention to the flow of Westerners headed to the region. "As long as they have been supposedly fighting the (Syrian President Bashar) Assad regime authorities have turned a blind eye to it. Now that they are going to Iraq we are starting to experience the blow back," he said.

    "This is something we have been tracking and dealing with for many, many months and I don't think this video changes anything," Foreign Secretary Hammond said. "It just heightens awareness of a situation which is very grave."
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Is this a prediction?

    The article has now vanished!
    AP: ISIS Militants Launches Attack On The U.S.

    History repeats itself. Actions taken following ISIS attacks.

    September 11, 1899 3 Comments

    — If the Ferguson riots couldn’t have stressed Americans enough, a group of terrorist militants working for ISIS have launched a strike in U.S. locations. [sec. continue...] C. 1 – C.2 –

    The Associated Press has confirmed reports of ISIS militants who crossed the U.S./Mexico border [sec. continue...]
    The death toll is expected to rise [sec. continue...]

    President Barack Obama is expected to have a retaliatory strategic plan on the table within the next 2 hours, as the president will be addressing the nation alongside General Charles Jacoby Jr.

    The Deputy Chief Counsel of the FAA Pat A. McNall had announced earlier to ground all flights in and out of the U.S.

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]


    Source: AP

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Rick Perry "ISIS Could Be In US, Need To Be Eliminated Now"

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/21/2014 15:21 -0400

    Amid his corruption indictments, Texas Governor Rick Perry is making more headlines today. During a CNN interview, Perry exclaimed "it's possible ISIS may have crossed into The United States from Mexico." Speaking earlier at The Heritage Foundation, Perry blasted, "they need to be eliminated, and they need to be eliminated now."

    As The Daily Signal reports, Rick Perry said of the growing threat of the Islamic State, a “terrorist army” formerly known as ISIS rampaging through Iraq. After speaking at The Heritage Foundation on border and homeland security, Perry was asked whether he’d support putting U.S. troops on the ground again in Iraq to “eliminate” the Islamic State terrorists.

    Watch the video for his response.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    September 11th huh?

    I guess I'll carry my cane that day....

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Is this a prediction?

    The article has now vanished!
    AP: ISIS Militants Launches Attack On The U.S.

    History repeats itself. Actions taken following ISIS attacks.

    September 11, 1899 3 Comments

    — If the Ferguson riots couldn’t have stressed Americans enough, a group of terrorist militants working for ISIS have launched a strike in U.S. locations. [sec. continue...] C. 1 – C.2 –

    The Associated Press has confirmed reports of ISIS militants who crossed the U.S./Mexico border [sec. continue...]
    The death toll is expected to rise [sec. continue...]

    President Barack Obama is expected to have a retaliatory strategic plan on the table within the next 2 hours, as the president will be addressing the nation alongside General Charles Jacoby Jr.

    The Deputy Chief Counsel of the FAA Pat A. McNall had announced earlier to ground all flights in and out of the U.S.

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]

    [sec continue...]


    Source: AP

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    And then there's this....

    Ex-CIA Officer: 'There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In This Country'

    Thursday, 21 Aug 2014 08:23 PM
    By Cathy Burke


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    A former CIA officer said Thursday he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil.

    An unnamed U.S. intelligence official told CNN there's already an indication of ISIS sleeper cells in Europe that could target U.S. embassies and other American interests.

    Vote Now: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance?

    Story continues below video.

    But former CIA officer Bob Baer told the network ISIS is already on this side of the Atlantic.

    "I have been told with no uncertainty there are ISIS sleeper cells in this country," he said.

    Though CNN said two U.S. officials had refuted the claim, they're worried ISIS militants with passports might travel to the United States to launch attacks on American soil, CNN reported.

    One ISIS fighter already has hinted as much.

    In several telephone conversations with a Reuters reporter over the past few months, Islamic State fighters suggest their leader, Iraqi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is planning something for the West – and that attacks could take place through sleeper cells in both Europe and the United States.

    “The West are idiots and fools," one fighter taunted, according to Reuters. "They think we are waiting for them to give us visas to go and attack them or that we will attack with our beards or even Islamic outfits.

    "They think they can distinguish us these days – they are fools and more than that they don’t know we can play their game in intelligence. They infiltrated us with those who pretend to be Muslims and we have also penetrated them with those who look like them."

    About 100 Americans are being tracked by the FBI because of their travels to Syria, some to join ISIS, analysts say. And ISIS is actively recruiting Westerners and European Muslims who could easily enter the US.

    "Clearly ISIS, if you're interested in that ideology, that's the most exciting thing to go and join right now," CNN analyst Peter Bergen told CNN.

    But Haras Rafiq of the Quilliam Foundation told CNN al-Baghdadi is "a narcissistic psychopath" on a barbaric mission.

    "He wants to be bigger than Osama bin Laden, and one of the ways he will measure that is how effective and how big the terrorist activities he can carry out in the West are compared to what bin Laden was able to do," he said.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama State Dept Again Claims ISIS Has Nothing To Do With Islam, “They Don’t Represent Any Religion”…

    Which I’m assuming will come as quite a surprise to ISIS.
    Via Breitbart:

    Thursday at the daily briefing, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf declined to acknowledge ISIS’ declaration of war with the Untied States of America.
    When a reporter said,”The reality is ISIS has announced it’s in a war against America,” adding, “Right or wrong that is what they are saying.”

    Harf replied, “Well they can say whatever they like. But what I am making clear that is not what ISIS represents and they don’t represent any religion. They are at war with everyone they come in contact with.”
    Previous: State Department: “ISIS Does Not Operate In The Name Of Any Religion”

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Full text of the last email the Islamic State sent to the Foley family

    The GlobalPost releases last email the Islamic State sent to family of journalist James Foley - @GlobalPost

    August 21, 2014 17:56

    The last time James Foley's parents heard from their son's captors was on Aug. 12. They received this email.

    BOSTON, Mass. — American journalist James Foley was murdered by Islamic State militants, who on Aug. 19 publicized the killing in a graphic video uploaded to YouTube.

    On Tuesday, Aug. 12, Foley’s parents received an email from their son’s captors stating that Foley would be “executed.” The Foley family, GlobalPost, government authorities and private security consultants had been investigating Foley’s whereabouts and attempting to secure his release since he was kidnapped on Thanksgiving Day nearly two years ago.

    The terrorist group declared Foley's death would be in retaliation for recent US airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq.

    The Islamic State, which is now holding three American hostages in Syria, has since threatened to kill one of them, freelance reporter Steven Sotloff, if the US continues its bombing campaign in Iraq.

    The Foley family has agreed to release the email from Foley’s captors. GlobalPost has chosen to publish it in full in the interest of transparency and to fully tell Jim's story. We believe the text offers insight into the motivations and tactics of the Islamic State.

    In addition to the extreme views it espouses, the email contains factual inaccuracies. For example, the Foley family was not “given many chances to negotiate” for Jim’s release. After more than a year without contact, the Foleys received their first message from Jim’s captors on Nov. 26, 2013, asking for money, fast. After the militants had proved to the Foleys and investigators that they were in fact holding Jim, they made their sole demand for a ransom of 100 million euros (about $132 million) or the release of unspecified prisoners held by the United States.

    The next time the Foley family heard from the captors was on Aug. 12, 2014. They received this email:



    A message to the American government and their sheep like citizens:

    We have left you alone since your disgraceful defeat in Iraq. We did not interfere in your country or attack your citizens while they were safe in their homes despite our capability to do so!

    As for the scum of your society who are held prisoner by us, THEY DARED TO ENTER THE LION’S DEN AND WHERE EATEN!

    You were given many chances to negotiate the release of your people via cash transactions as other governments have accepted,
    We have also offered prisoner exchanges to free the Muslims currently in your detention like our sister Dr Afia Sidiqqi, however you proved very quickly to us that this is NOT what you are interested in.

    You have no motivation to deal with the Muslims except with the language of force, a language you were given in “Arabic translation” when you attempted to occupy the land of Iraq!
    Now you return to bomb the Muslims of Iraq once again, this time resorting to Arial attacks and “proxy armies”, all the while cowardly shying away from a face-to-face confrontation!


    You do not spare our weak, elderly, women or children so we will NOT spare yours!

    You and your citizens will pay the price of your bombings!

    The first of which being the blood of the American citizen, James Foley!

    He will be executed as a DIRECT result of your transgressions towards us!

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    I take that as a personal and direct threat.

    I will act accordingly. While I am not in the active military anymore, I took an oath of office that I believe in and will continue to keep. If these fuckers come across the border to hurt American Citizens, I will act and so will many others.

    I am an American fighting man. I serve(d) in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

    I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender my men while they still have the means to resist.

    If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

    If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information, or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades.

    If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

    When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to give only name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

    I will never forget that I am an American fighting man, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    How the U.S. and Europe Failed James Foley

    America doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Should it?
    David Rohde



    Louafi Larbi/Reuters

    Somewhere in the desert of eastern Syria, a militant from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria beheaded the American journalist James Foley this week. The killer and his terrorist group are responsible for Foley’s death. They should be the focus of public anger.
    But Foley’s execution is also a chilling wake-up call for American and European policymakers, as well as U.S. news outlets and aid organizations. It is the clearest evidence yet of how vastly different responses to kidnappings by U.S. and European governments save European hostages but can doom the Americans. Hostages and their families realize this fully—even if the public does not.
    “I wish I could have the hope of freedom and seeing my family once again, but that ship has sailed,” Foley said moments before he was killed in a craven video released by the militant group on Tuesday. “I guess, all in all, I wish I wasn’t American.” Foley clearly spoke under duress. But his regret at being an American captive, real or not, reflected grim fact.
    This spring, four French and two Spanish journalists held hostage by Islamic State extremists were freed—after the French and Spanish governments paid ransoms through intermediaries. The U.S. government refused to negotiate or pay a ransom in Foley’s case or for any other American captives—including my own abduction by the Taliban five years ago. With the help of an Afghan journalist abducted with me, I was lucky enough to escape. But today Foley is dead and Islamic State militants now say Steven Sotloff, a journalist for Time magazine whom the group also captured, will be killed if the United States does not stop bombing its fighters in Iraq.
    There are no easy answers in kidnapping cases. The United States cannot allow terrorist groups to control its foreign policy. One clear lesson that has emerged in recent years, however, is that security threats are more effectively countered by united American and European action. The divergent U.S. and European approach to abductions fails to deter captors or consistently safeguard victims.
    Last month, a New York Times investigation found that al-Qaeda and its direct affiliates had received at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008—primarily from European governments. In the last year alone, they received $66 million. “Kidnapping hostages is an easy spoil,” Nasser al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, wrote in a 2012 letter to the leader of an al-Qaeda affiliate in North Africa, “which I may describe as a profitable trade and a precious treasure.”
    Publicly, European governments deny making these payments. But former diplomats told the Times that ransoms have been paid through intermediaries. Kidnapping as a fundraising tactic is thriving and rates are going up. In 2003, a ransom of roughly $200,000 was paid for each captive, the newspaper found. Today, captors reap millions per captive. Abductions have become so lucrative that al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan help oversee negotiations for affiliates. Militant groups spread across North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia are now following the same rough protocol. Hostage-taking by extremist groups is now so pervasive that at least one major aid organization is not sending U.S. aid workers to areas where they might be abducted. Instead, the group is sending citizens from European countries with governments that will pay ransoms.
    The cases have taken on a grim pattern: Hostages are abducted, months pass with no news from the captors, and a threatening video or email is then sent to families. In some cases, the militants ask that cases not be made public so ransom can be paid quietly.
    This was the case in the Foley’s tortuous, 21-month abduction. For the first 16 months after Foley was taken captive, his family had no information regarding his whereabouts. They learned he was alive from two Spanish journalists who were freed by the Islamic State in March after a ransom was paid. In a subsequent email message, the captors instructed the family to keep the case quiet and not identify the Islamic State as the kidnappers. Fearing for Foley’s life, the family obeyed. Other American families with loved ones taken captive by militants have done the same. Privately, the Foleys and other families have grown intensely frustrated with the failure of American officials to negotiate with the captors. U.S. government officials also refused to coordinate their response in any way with European governments.
    In the days and weeks ahead, the Foley family will speak for themselves about their ordeal. But the payment of ransoms and abduction of foreigners must emerge from the shadows. It must be publicly debated. American and European policymakers should be forced to answer for their actions.
    Foley believed that his government would help him, according to his family. In a message that was not made public, Foley said that he believed so strongly that Washington would help that he refused to allow his fellow American captives to not believe in their government.
    A consistent response to kidnapping by the U.S. and Europe is desperately needed. The current haphazard approach is failing. James Foley must not die in vain.
    Libertatem Prius!

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