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Thread: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Companion Thread: Eric Holder: Banning Homeschooling Doesn’t Violate Fundamental Rights

    Obama Administation Wins Battle to Deport Christian Home School Family

    Courtesy: Home School Legal Defense Association (COURTESY ROMEIKE FAMILY)

    STARNES: Obama Admin. Wins Battle to Deport Christian Home School Family

    By Todd Starnes, Todd's American Dispatch

    Uwe and Hannelore Romeike came to the United States in 2008 seeking political asylum. They fled their German homeland in the face of religious persecution for homeschooling their children.

    They wanted to live in a country where they could raise their children in accordance with their Christian beliefs.

    The Romeikes were initially given asylum, but the Obama administration objected – claiming that German laws that outlaw homeschooling do not constitute persecution.

    “The goal in Germany is for an open, pluralistic society,” the Justice Department wrote in a legal brief last year. “Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen in Germany.”

    On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Romeike’s appeal – paving the way for the Christian family of eight to be deported.


    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Jihad Migrating to Red States — With Obama’s Blessing

    February 10, 2014 by Nonie Darwish 24 Comments

    President Obama has unilaterally changed the immigration law to allow asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists, to immigrate to the US. This is happening at a time when force is being used in Egypt — and elsewhere in the Middle East — against the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, terrorists and their sympathizers. This is a time when Islamists have few places to go to in the wide-open desert atmosphere of the Middle East, except perhaps to join the mess in Syria and Iraq, or otherwise reform and become ordinary citizens.

    Obama could not have picked a worse time to ease immigration requirements for those linked to terror, and who have nowhere else to go and have suddenly found themselves, after the counter-revolution in Egypt, as targets for imprisonment, contempt, or even shooting.

    Islamists are now undoubtedly celebrating Obama’s decision to ease the pressure on immigration of terror-linked individuals. Indeed, where else can they go to practice their fanaticism and find newly found respectability and hospitality? To America.

    By weakening immigration laws that protect Americans from Islamic terror, Obama is now sending the wrong message both to his own citizens and to the Muslim world. He is basically saying that he does not mind taking in fleeing terrorists and their sympathizers. And he does not seem to care at all about appearances or if he this casts more suspicion on his reputation, despite the constant rumors we all know about, that he is a secret Muslim and that his brother Malik has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    What is also strange is the US State Department is not welcoming fleeing Christians in the Middle East as they should. Most of the visa applications submitted by the desperate and oppressed Egyptian Christians are denied. It was reported that only about 800 to 900 applications were approved by the US for Christian Egyptian immigrants out of 20,000 applications.

    This also comes amidst accusations and rumors in Egypt that President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are aiding terrorists and conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood. One would think that the US would be happy that the Egyptian government and others are clamping down on radical Muslim groups who are ruining the lives of the ordinary citizens in the Middle East. But instead, the Obama administration changes immigration laws for their “eyes only” to welcome escaping Muslim troublemakers whose activities are now unwelcome in Egypt.

    Obama is doing this not only amidst claims that he is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, but he also appears to the Muslim world as responding positively to the radical Sunni Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who recently called on the US government to wage jihad for Allah, to help support the “freedom fighters,” meaning terrorists, in Syria, and adding that “Allah willing, your [US] aid will increase.” This is the first time in history that a radical Muslim leader publicly asks America to join in the jihad for the sake of Allah.

    This is also the same administration that revoked the asylum visa already granted to a German Christian family by a Memphis immigration judge. Obama’s Department of Justice is forcing the deportation of a peaceful Christian German family that seeks refuge in the US to home-school their children. It is the same administration that is allowing the illegal immigrant relatives of Obama to live in US public housing and that granted Obama’s Kenyan brother a 501c3 non-profit status within 30 days of his application, while patriotic Tea Party citizens have not received theirs yet after a three and four year wait.

    Reverse discrimination is being practiced in the open by the Obama administration against Christians, whites and other patriotic citizens like Dinesh D’Souza and the Tea Party.
    To the savvy analyst of Muslim culture, Obama’s immigration policy is clearly supporting the Islamic jihad agenda and helping to transplant jihadists’ activities in a new unsuspecting land. It is aiding the spread of the “Religion of Peace” propaganda in our public schools and making the questioning of Muslims taboo even for our homeland security. This administration is creating a new generation of Americans that is being indoctrinated at a similar level of indoctrination that is occurring to Arab kids in the Islamic Middle East. All the while, the Islamists to claim their supposed victim-hood as an excuse for their belligerence and dominance. And they use and abuse US fears of being called racist or Islamophobic every time an American objects to Islam as oppressive. This way they can build mosques everywhere, including on the ruins of 9/11, while churches are being destroyed in the Middle East.

    One can’t help but marvel at how easy America has capitulated after only one major terror attack.

    The reckless and dire situation regarding Islamic immigration and penetration — and putting certain foreign interests ahead of American citizens — has really gotten out of hand. Most sane-minded Americans are frozen, defeated and helpless. America, with Obama’s blessings, is slipping away and surrendering to the Islamic invasion. And if anyone objects, they are called the “R” word: Racist.

    In whose best interest is Obama working for? Not even the liberals should celebrate this. While pacifying the radical left with the failed Obamacare and other environment and energy projects, the president keeps them busy defending him against the big bad Republicans. What need does the US meet when it welcomes in those who had some connections with terror groups? Who is America pandering to or targeting to give asylum to? Why gamble with the safety, security and peace of American citizens to that extent?

    If this situation continues, the American people will wake up one day with Muslim-only zones across the US, women and gays harassed and persecuted in every US city that will be prone Chechnya-style terrorism and calls for a separatist movement. This is the history of Islam repeating itself wherever it goes.

    It is time for a Tahrir ‘freedom’ square movement in America against the progressives who put Obama in office.
    Don’t miss Jamie Glazov’s video interview with Walid Shoebat, who sheds disturbing light on the Obama administration’s Islamist odyssey, the terror links of Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, The Case for Islamophobia, and much, much more:

    Obama Grants Asylum-Seeking Aliens Who Gave Terror Groups ‘Limited Material Support’ Easier Access to U.S.

    Feb. 10, 2014 5:34am Elizabeth Kreft

    The Obama administration relaxed its rules this month for potential asylum seekers and refugees to the U.S. who may have terrorist links or who have given “limited material support” to groups classed as terrorist organizations, the RT Network reported.

    The move is one of the first executive actions on immigration following President Obama’s promise to use more executive directives in his State of the Union address last month.

    The new notice relaxes limitations under 8 U.S.C. 1182 for persons seeking asylum who may have helped terror organizations without realizing it (Image via Shutterstock).

    The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new notice, dubbed the “Exercise of Authority Under Section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act” Wednesday in the Federal Register.

    The notice reads: “Following consultations with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State have determined that the grounds of inadmissibility … bar certain aliens who do not pose a national security or public safety risk from admission to the United States and from obtaining immigration benefits or other status.”

    The goal: if those seeking asylum gave unintentional support to the terrorist network, they can enter the United States.

    The ease in restrictions may – for example – allow someone who inadvertently delivered correspondence for a terrorist organization to pursue asylum in the United States (Image via Shutterstock).

    The measures were introduced in the wake of 9/11 and affected everyone seeking to enter the US or extend a visa, if they were believed to have given such limited support and no exceptions were made, RT Network reported. Now, the Obama administration now wants to examine whether support could have been either limited or part of “routine commercial transactions or routine social transactions.”

    According to 8 U.S.C. 1182, “material support” can include things like providing a safe house, transportation, communications, funds, false documentation or identification, weapons, explosives, or training, to any individual the actor knows or has reason to believe has committed or plans to commit a terrorist activity.

    As a refresher, the code also defines “terrorist activity” as:
    “… any activity which is unlawful under the laws of the place where it is committed (or which, if it had been committed in the United States, would be unlawful under the laws of the United States or any State) and which involves any of the following:

    (I) The highjacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle).

    (II) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue to detain, another individual in order to compel a third person (including a governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or detained.

    (III) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person (as defined in section 1116(b)(4) of title 18 ) or upon the liberty of such a person.

    (IV) An assassination.

    (V) The use of any—

    (a) biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or device, or

    (b) explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.

    (VI) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.”
    The House and Senate Foreign Relations Committees did not immediately respond to TheBlaze for comment, but RT Newtork reported the Homeland Security Department said the rule change will not open the country to terrorists, as those seeking refugee status or a visa will still be subject to “thorough security checks

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama Administration Eases Restrictions On Asylum Seekers With Loose Terror Ties

    The Obama administration has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers with loose or incidental ties to terror and insurgent groups, in a move one senator called "deeply alarming."

    The change, approved by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry, was announced Wednesday in the Federal Register. It would allow some individuals who provided "limited material support" to terror groups to be considered for entry into the U.S.

    Supporters of the change, including Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., argued that the current ban on anyone who has ever aided terrorists has unfairly blocked thousands of refugees.

    "The existing interpretation was so broad as to be unworkable," Leahy said in a statement. "It resulted in deserving refugees and asylees being barred from the United States for actions so tangential and minimal that no rational person would consider them supporters of terrorist activities."

    But critics say despite the good intentions, the change raises security concerns, particularly after a report published Thursday on asylum fraud.

    "In light of these and other facts, it is thus deeply alarming that the Obama administration would move unilaterally to relax admissions standards for asylum seekers and potentially numerous other applicants for admission who have possible connections to insurgent or terrorist groups," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said in a statement on Thursday. "We need to tighten security standards for asylum, not relax them even further."

    Sessions also complained that the administration was, on its own, altering the Immigration and Nationality Act. "What is the point of Congress passing a law if the administration abuses its 'discretion' to say that law simply no longer applies?" he said.

    The change would apply to people the U.S. government does not consider a threat but could nevertheless be tied to terror groups, and therefore barred from entry. A Department of Homeland Security official said these individuals have been "adversely affected by the broad terrorism bars of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."

    The official offered several examples of how the change might help otherwise innocent refugees -- including a restaurant owner who served food to an opposition group; a farmer who paid a toll to such a group in order to cross a bridge or sell his food; or a Syrian refugee who paid an opposition group to get out of the country.

    "These exemptions cover discrete kinds of limited material support that have adversely affected refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants and other travelers: material support to non-designated terrorist organizations that was insignificant in amount, provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, or humanitarian interactions, or provided under significant pressure," the official said.

    The official said the change would let the administration apply the exemptions on a "case-by-case basis" after a review that already includes rigorous security screening. "Our screening procedures check applicants' names and fingerprints against a broad array of records of individuals known to be security threats, including the terrorist watch list, and those of law enforcement concern," the official said.

    Though the change would apply to those who helped non-designated terror groups, Sessions noted that Al Qaeda, for example, was not officially designated as a foreign terror organization until 1999.

    Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, claimed the change was another effort to maximize the number of people being allowed into the country.

    "This administration no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt in making these kinds of rule changes," he said. "The consequences are potentially dire for ... public safety."

    The Washington Times also reported Thursday that a 2009 fraud assessment found at least 70 percent of asylum applications had signs of fraud.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama’s Columbus, Ohio Somalians want more free stuff

    Hundreds of Somalians blocked traffic and become violent to get new lavish taxpayer subsidized apartments. The Obama administrations gives “grants” to private “charities” to bring Somalians to Columbus, Ohio. The vast majority live on welfare. The Somalians and blacks hold regular gang war in the Columbus, Ohio public schools. Somalians cause mayhem on the roads and routinely let off the hook as long as they pretend not to speak any English. The population of Somalians in Columbus, Ohio receive some of the most lavish welfare benefits of anyone in the state.

    This includes free vans that are paid for with Federal grant money.
    They also get section 8 housing, all the electricity they want for $5 a month, food stamps, free medical care, and virtual immunity from prosecution for traffic offenses. They also receive preferential treatment in hiring, though few take advantage of it. The left-wing media is constantly demanding that more resources by diverted to benefit the Somalians.

    Columbus, Ohio spends $12,890 per year, per Somalian in the public schools. This per pupil spending is 39% higher than the state average! This per pupil spending is even 18% higher than the public schools in Dublin, a wealthy upper class suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Since Somalians pay virtually no taxes, tens of millions of white tax dollars are being diverted away from their own children to go to the Somalians. Somalians are now being bused to overwhelmingly white suburban schools as well.

    The Obama controlled state department currently has a goal of relocating 50,000 “African Refugees” to the United State each year at a cost of hundreds of millions. Then hundreds of millions more is spent each year on welfare for these “refugees.” Most are taken from the most violent areas of Africa like Somalia and Sudan. Large numbers of the young male “refugees” immediately begin a life of violent crime in the United States as well. Democrats bused the Somalians to the polls on election day with instructions on who to vote for.

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    I saw the German immigrant family deportation story earlier and thought the same thing. Deport them but allow filth in? Really? A sad sad state of affairs.

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Rise in anti-government violence, eh?

    I wonder if this counts...

    Probably not. That would be racist.
    Black Racism is Politically Correct

    By Kevin Jackson
    August 19, 2014

    I'm amazed at how openly racist black Liberals have become, and how few non-blacks are willing to call them out on it.

    I was waiting to be interviewed on CNN the other night, and I was listening in advance of my appearance to an interview of a Missouri legislator said to Don Lemmon, [pp] "The way for Ferguson Missouri to improve public relations is to have more black cops."

    Can you imagine the reaction if a city asked for more white cops?

    This call for "blackness" as an answer to what's plaguing the black community is happening a lot, and quite frankly is disturbing.

    Pretty soon when we go to a store, black people will only be able to be helped by black people. Imagine a warped world where only somebody of your same COLOR could help you?!

    "Colorization" seems to be the answer to all things for Liberals, and is most important to black Liberals. More black is supposed to be better. It never is!

    For the life of me, I don't understand why on Gore's green Earth black people would want more black people controlling their lives.

    Cities are replete with black folks in charge of other black folks: Black aldermen, black city councilmen, majority black school boards (maybe one token white), black mayors, and the real shot-callers known as the Congressional Black Caucus.

    Add to this a black president and a black attorney general, and you have a cornucopia of black power, all of which has led to devastation in the black community. And how is the life of Michael Brown celebrated in the black community? Looting.

    You'd think by now black Liberals would have had enough of black leadership, because all they need to do is look at the evidence.

    Obama has run the nation into the ground; and as I wrote a while back, if you want a recipe for failure in a municipality, elect a black Liberal.

    When will black people select who is best for the job, regardless of color?

    I have a friend who has been to prison twice. He left high school in the eleventh grade unable to read. He started committing armed robberies shortly thereafter, and was sent to prison the first time.

    Upon his first release, the inmates bet on when he would be back, and an "OG" in the prison predicted my friend would return in less than six months. "You ain't learned nothin' in prison. You still a thug," he told my friend.

    My friend returned to prison almost six months to the day, again for armed robbery.

    While in prison the second time, my friend learned to read. He was taught to read by an old white lady, and she taught him to read from the Bible.

    He explained to me that this woman was his first real interaction with a white person, as he had robbed all the others. He described the care in which she took to make sure that he learned how to read properly.

    He said that learning to read from the Bible taught him lessons beyond putting words together, lessons he would apply the next time he was released.
    He's out of prison and a solid citizen, because of an old white woman.

    My friend says this old white lady made the most impact in his life to date. Up to the point of meeting this old lady, my friend thought of white people as evil. He learned upon reflection that many of his black "friends" were not friends at all. They were enablers of his self-destruction and catalysts to his destruction.

    This idea that having more black people is the answer is the most racist mentality one could have. That said; I understand it.

    What black Liberals are saying inadvertently is white Liberalism isn't working. White Liberals do NOT help the black community, because they won't tell black people the truth. As Thomas Sowell said about truth,
    "When you want to help people, you tell the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell people what they want to hear."
    America will change when Americans have the guts to tell black people the truth.

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    White Marine Vet In Medically Induced Coma After Attack By Black Group Angry About Mike Brown Shooting…Update: AP Updates Story, Takes Out Info About Racial Slurs During Attack

    Told they weren’t welcome in the restaurant because they were white, anger over Mike Brown, followed from one restaurant to another, racial slurs yelled from the crowd, but according the the police chief, “it doesn’t appear to be a hate crime”.

    WEST POINT, Miss. (AP) — West Point police said a man received life-threatening injuries in what they are investigating as an aggravated assault at a restaurant.

    Ralph Weems IV, who was injured early Saturday, was in fair condition Sunday at North Mississippi Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Genie Causey said without elaborating.

    A relative, Bradley Barnes of Madison, told The Associated Press by telephone on Sunday that his brother-in-law was in a medically induced coma following brain surgery. “They’re going to try and wake him up tomorrow and see what damage was done,” Barnes said, describing Weems as a 32-year-old former Marine who had served in Iraq.

    David Knighten of West Point told AP earlier by phone that he and Weems had gone to a Waffle House early Saturday. He said a man waved him over outside the restaurant and told him politely that people were upset by the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and it wasn’t a safe place for whites. When he went in, he said, Weems was inside and was arguing with other men.

    They left after an argument that brought police, Knighten said. He said he showed those officers his .45-caliber handgun and his concealed carry permit.
    Keep reading…
    Here’s a local account, which usually are more detailed. Notice how no race is mentioned, who slung the racial slurs is deliberately obscured.


    The AP updated its story taking out the allegation that racial slurs were used during the attack. They also took out the information about the attack itself, including the attack on Knighten. Here is a copy of the full original story. They forget – the Internet is forever…

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Thanks for posting that vector! I heard about that a couple days ago and forgot to hunt that story down.

  6. #46
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    Cops Shoot 18 Year-Old Kansas Teen 16 Times – Media Ignores Story Because He’s White (Video)

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, August 30, 2014, 11:35 PM

    18 year-old teen Joseph Jennings was shot dead in Ottawa, Kansas.

    The troubled teen had been released from the hospital after taking a bottle of pills when police gunned him down.

    He was shot 16 times.

    There will be no rioting, looting and protests in Ottawa, Kansas for Joseph Jennings.
    Jennings was caucasian.

    Raw Story reported:

    Family members of a teen who was shot at least 16 times by police in Ottawa, Kansas said this week that the 18-year-old was unarmed and suicidal when he was gunned down.
    Brandy Smith told KCTV that police were there when her nephew, 18-year-old Joseph Jennings, had tried to kill himself with pills last week.
    “Tonight is the night goodbye everyone!!!!! It was truly a good ride! And I’m sorry for who I might of hurted (sic) and people that I may of offended, But I love all my family and I hope you don’t hold this against me,” he reportedly wrote on Facebook before trying to overdose.
    About 10 minutes later, Jennings swallowed 60 pills. And Smith said two officers took him to Ransom Memorial Hospital.
    Jennings survived, and was released from the hospital two days later. But only three hours after that, he was on a “suicide mission” when he walked to Orscheln Farm and Home, according to his aunt.
    Smith recalled that around six officers responded, and two of them had helped save Jennings’ life by taking him to the hospital after his overdose just days before.
    “It was like six — six officers, and one cop yelled, ‘Bag him!’ And they bagged him,” she said. “And he kind of puffed up a little bit, and then they bagged him two more times, and then like 16 shots rang out, and they shot him. And he fell to the ground.”
    Jennings was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.
    Jennings was engaged to be married.

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    Teacher Group: Math Is ‘The Domain Of Old, White Men’

    September 12, 2014

    According to a Teach for America website, culturally responsive teaching in math is important because “math has traditionally been seen as the domain of old, White men.”

    As reported earlier this week, Teach for America groups across the country are committing themselves to “culturally responsive teaching,” a radical pedagogy used by communist Bill Ayers and other blatant anti-American indoctrinators.

    The site, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Teach for America, says that because math is seen as a domain for old, white men, many students cannot identify with it. Therefore, educators should find ways to relate math to the lives of their students.

    Judging from the math curriculum recommended, this TFA group, like all other social justice educators, wants minorities to believe that what relates most to their lives in America is racism and oppression.

    For example, the site recommends “Critically Conscious Mathematics” and “Radical Math.”

    Radical Math was created by educator Jonathan Osler several years ago while teaching at El Puenta Academy in New Jersey. Osler taught Radical Math along-side Cathy Wilkerson, a former member of the Weather Underground Organization (with Bill Ayers) who once participated in a plot to detonate a nail bomb at a dance for military personnel at Fort Dix.

    Radical Math provides hundreds of social justice math lessons obviously meant to indoctrinate. For example, lesson titles include “Sweatshop Accounting,” “Racism and Stop and Frisk,” “When Equal Isn’t Fair,” “The Square Root of a Fair Share” and “Home Buying While Brown or Black.”

    Today, Osler is director of the San Francisco Teacher Residency, a teacher training and job placement program created by the San Francisco Unified School District and Common Core assessment creator and validation committee member, Linda Darling-Hammond.

    Astonishingly, in proudly promoting ‘cultural competence’ and ‘critical consciousness’ in education, the TFA website’s home page links to a Wikipedia definition of critical consciousness that describes it as a concept developed by Paulo Freire and grounded in post-Marxist critical theory.

    As recently reported, the site also contains letters from 5th grade students asking text publisher Houghton Mifflin why they did not include in their textbook the fact that Christopher Columbus ‘burned, slayed and hanged’ Native Americans who would not find gold for him.

    In keeping with their racism-of-evil-white-men theme, the site uses a story, involving racism against African Americans, of course, to suggest that the idea that math is neutral, rational, and logical is a myth and the premise that 2 + 2 = 4 is “naive.”

    Here’s the story:

    … a European explorer (presumably Francis Galton, the man who invented eugenics) agrees to trade an African shepherd two sticks of tobacco in exchange for one sheep. When he offers four sticks of tobacco in exchange for two sheep, however, the shepherd declines; the explorer later tells this story as evidence of the shepherd’s inability to comprehend simple mathematical reasoning and as “proof” of intellectual inferiority on the African subcontinent. But, if sheep are not standardized units, as there is no reason to believe them to be, then doesn’t it make sense that the second sheep might be worth far more than the first? And then doesn’t our premise of 2 + 2 = 4 look awfully naive?

    If Teach for America, as a whole, does not agree with the content of this particular website that bears its name, now would be a good time to say so. Although TFA’s reputation has not been stellar as of late, the ideals and methods expressed in this particular website are beyond fringe, not to mention senseless.

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    The Department of Social Justice

    Federal officials lectured Ferguson residents about “white privilege.”

    By Ryan Lovelace
    December 8, 2014 4:00 AM
    National Review Online

    When Department of Justice officials arrived in Ferguson, Mo., one day after the death of Michael Brown, it wasn’t just to conduct an investigation on potential civil-rights violations. In fact, officials from one Justice Department office were conducting meetings with Ferguson residents to educate them on subjects such as “white privilege.”The DOJ’s Community Relations Service arrived in Ferguson purportedly to lessen the tension between protesters and city officials. But sources who attended the DOJ’s private gatherings with Ferguson residents tell NRO that the Justice Department also sought to educate and question the community about the issues of white privilege and racism. The political nature of the Justice Department’s intervention in Ferguson may not be exclusive to its interactions with residents; it also might have affected its ongoing investigations into the Ferguson Police Department and officer Darren Wilson.

    As investigators combed through Ferguson, DOJ’s Community Relations Service began holding the town-hall meetings, which excluded press and everyone from out of town. Ferguson resident Audrey Watson, 47, attended one of the meetings. She says federal officials organized the attendees into small groups and asked questions such as “What stereotypes exist in our community?” “How does white privilege impact race relations in our community?” and “Is there a need for personal commitment to race relations?”

    Hundreds of people attended the fall meetings, including Ferguson mayor James Knowles III, who says many people at the initial meetings were angry and screaming. Knowles says the Community Relations Service officials told him they had previously responded to Trayvon Martin’s death in Sanford, Fla., and that they were there to help. During the meetings, he says, the DOJ officials talked about underlying racism that people may not perceive, and the issue of white privilege.

    “I mean, I think it was really just trying to get people to understand what that [white privilege] means, because the average white person wakes up and says, if you’re just a middle-class white person, you say, What privilege do I have?” Knowles says. “But until you really understand the systemic issues and maybe some of those not-visible things that exist in society, which affect African Americans or other persons of color, you may not really understand what that is.”

    In an e-mail to NRO, a Justice Department spokeswoman said the meetings were designed to ease tension. The spokeswoman requested that NRO not quote her e-mails and added that it’s not the role of Community Relations Service officials to take a position on issues of race. Robert Driscoll, who from 2001 to 2003 was the DOJ Civil Rights Division’s chief of staff, says it’s not standard for these officials to educate the community about white privilege, and he called such action unfortunate.

    “Their function is supposed to be on the ground . . . and to talk to people and let them know what the processes are at the Department of Justice,” he says. “The hope is that it’s a way to channel public sentiment to avoid civil unrest.” Rioters still managed to burn down much of the town in the aftermath of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Wilson, but Knowles says he thinks the Community Relations Service’s involvement has been constructive nonetheless.

    However, the mayor says he thinks the DOJ’s investigators misled him from their very first encounter, and he has concerns about DOJ’s ability to conduct a fair investigation. He says the investigators, including Jonathan Smith, the Civil Rights Division’s special litigation chief, told him that the purpose of their first meeting was to determine whether an investigation was necessary. But by the time Knowles got home from the meeting, Attorney General Eric Holder was on television announcing the investigation. “Clearly the decision was already made before they even met with me,” he says. “And later on they apologized to me for that, but of course nobody could say who [made the decision] and why that decision was made.” He adds that, based on his interactions with them, he thinks the investigators he spoke to did not intentionally mislead him and were unaware of Holder’s plans.

    Driscoll, the former Civil Rights Division chief of staff, says the Justice Department may have rushed to announce its investigation. “It’s not unprecedented to open [an investigation] that quickly, but that’s certainly unusual,” he says. “Politics factor into that decision, and then, certainly, you have community unrest, and you have people that don’t have a great relationship with the PD.”

    Unlike other parts of the Justice Department that operate behind a cloak of secrecy, the DOJ spokeswoman says, the Civil Rights Division often acknowledges or announces investigations into individuals or police departments. But the spokeswoman did not say how the department decided an investigation was necessary.

    While the Community Relations Service town-hall meetings with Ferguson residents have concluded, DOJ officials remain in the city. Before, during, and after a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson, the officials met with protesters and other key stakeholders such as Mayor Knowles about how to keep the peace.

    But Knowles says he thinks the public statements of Attorney General Eric Holder have built an expectation that the Justice Department will deliver the retributive justice that protesters in Ferguson seek. The Civil Rights Division’s pattern of behavior elsewhere indicates that Ferguson is not the only community receiving special attention from the Justice Department. During the past five fiscal years, the Civil Rights Division has opened more than 20 “pattern or practice” investigations into police departments throughout the country — such as the one involving the Ferguson Police Department — which is more than twice as many as were opened in the previous five years, according to a statement from Holder on Thursday. These investigations are conducted to determine whether local law-enforcement officers have engaged in a pattern or practice that deprives people of rights protected by U.S. law or the Constitution.

    While a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson in November, the Department of Justice seems to be hunkering down for the long haul. Holder pledged in a Post-Dispatch op-ed published earlier this summer that, “long after the events of Aug. 9 [Brown’s death] have receded from the headlines, the Justice Department will continue to stand with this community.” He did not say what it would take for DOJ to walk away from Ferguson, and that remains to be seen.

    The force behind the Justice Department’s lasting presence in Ferguson may be Vanita Gupta, who was selected to lead the Civil Rights Division in October after heading up the American Civil Liberties Union’s efforts on Ferguson. Before beginning her new job, Gupta advocated for the Justice Department to take a more proactive role in its independent federal investigations and called for racial-bias training for forces that receive federal grants. A week ago, Holder announced his intention to “institute rigorous new standards — and robust safeguards — to help end racial profiling once and for all,” which were specifically directed at police. He said the Justice Department is preparing to implement these changes in the coming days.

    After announcing the changes, Holder went on to say, “In recent weeks, there have arisen great sparks of humanity, and hope, that illuminate the way forward.” Perhaps it’s time the Justice Department stopped igniting fires and started putting them out.

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    College Panel: White Students Should Not Be Allowed to Speak Before Black Students

    January 20, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield 8 Comments

    Can you feel the tolerance? We’re almost at peak social justice. Next we need special rules for white people to ride only in the back of the bus and use special drinking fountains.

    To combat supposed misogyny and racism on college campuses, a recent panel of professors and “gender justice” warriors said women and black students should get to speak first in class.

    I do think, in general, there are a lot of studies that indicate women, girls are socialized not to speak first… And so to make a conscious rule, a deliberate rule that is explicit, that ‘no, men are not allowed to speak first,’ is certainly a strong way of addressing that issue…” said Jacqueline Warwick, a professor of musicology and former coordinator of the Gender and Women’s Studies Programs at Dalhousie.

    Jude Ashburn, who identifies as a “non-binary trans person” and serves as an outreach coordinator at a local gender and sexual resource center, told UNews after the panel that she thinks black students should also be given priority when contributing to classroom discussions.

    “When I do activist circles or workshops, I often say, ‘OK, if you’re white and you look like me and you raise your hand, I’m not going to pick on you before someone of color,’” said Ashburn.

    I suspect there’s no one on the planet who looks like Jude Ashburn, but if there were, they probably should not be picked on for anything. And that especially includes Jude Ashburn.

    But it does look like we’re approaching equality. Any day now social justice will mandate selling white people into slavery. To give up their white privilege. Of course.

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Jude Ashburn, who identifies as a “non-binary trans person” and serves as an outreach coordinator at a local gender and sexual resource center, told UNews after the panel that she thinks black students should also be given priority when contributing to classroom discussions.
    So now we are looking to non-binary trans people as the foundation for reasonable behavior and acceptable social mores in our contemporary culture? We have, I think, skipped off the rails and are beginning to impact our surroundings, just prior to where we explode into a whole lotta smoke and fire.

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    WTF is a non-binary trans person?

    Someone who reads octal or hexadecimal and isn't truly human????

    I'm for binary.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Obama: ‘We’re the Slaves Who Built the White House and the economy of the South'

    8:48 PM, Mar 7, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER

    President Obama, speaking today in Selma on the 50th anniversary of the historical Bloody Sunday march:

    "Look at our history. We are Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea, pioneers who braved the unfamiliar, followed by a stampede of farmers and miners, and entrepreneurs and hucksters. That’s our spirit. That’s who we are.

    "We are Sojourner Truth and Fannie Lou Hamer, women who could do as much as any man and then some. And we’re Susan B. Anthony, who shook the system until the law reflected that truth. That is our character.

    "We’re the immigrants who stowed away on ships to reach these shores, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free –- Holocaust survivors, Soviet defectors, the Lost Boys of Sudan. We’re the hopeful strivers who cross the Rio Grande because we want our kids to know a better life. That’s how we came to be. (Applause.)

    "We’re the slaves who built the White House and the economy of the South. (Applause.) We’re the ranch hands and cowboys who opened up the West, and countless laborers who laid rail, and raised skyscrapers, and organized for workers’ rights.

    "We’re the fresh-faced GIs who fought to liberate a continent. And we’re the Tuskeegee Airmen, and the Navajo code-talkers, and the Japanese Americans who fought for this country even as their own liberty had been denied.

    "We’re the firefighters who rushed into those buildings on 9/11, the volunteers who signed up to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. We’re the gay Americans whose blood ran in the streets of San Francisco and New York, just as blood ran down this bridge. (Applause.)

    "We are storytellers, writers, poets, artists who abhor unfairness, and despise hypocrisy, and give voice to the voiceless, and tell truths that need to be told.

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    He doesn't even care how obvious his race baiting and shit stirring is.

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    Obama was never a slave. His family wasn't even American. They were communists. What kind of shit is this from this man? ALL LIES.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    March 26, 2015
    The Old Man and the Sea of Black Mob Violence

    By Colin Flaherty

    They didn’t count on the Old White Dude with a bat.

    But when 55-year old Eddie Motley saw ten black people beating, stomping, kicking, and punching his neighbor and her two teenage boys, and laughing about it, he did not dial 911.

    He grabbed a baseball bat and charged.

    “Eddie hit the bat on the ground and told them to get off of us,” said Gina Herring, who was observing the assault from the fetal position amid a tangle of kicking boots in front of her Concord, North Carolina home. “If Eddie didn’t step in, I am sure my boys and I would be dead. I was the most scared I have ever been in my life.”
    One of the attackers said he had a gun and was going to “blow my head off,” said Herring. “Another, a 14-year-old named Nijel, said ‘I’m tired of y’all white people killing my brothers,’ then he spit on me.”

    Herring met Nijel and several other members of the mob three months before when she moved into the neighborhood. Her teenage boys had invited them over to play videogames.

    “I made them all grilled cheese sandwiches,” Herring said. “But after they left, we discovered they had stolen several things from our house. So we did not invite them back.”
    But they came back anyway, once trying to break in, not knowing that Herring’s son was at home.

    Finally, after three months, on March 16, Nigel and a 16-year-old girl met Herring’s 14-year-old son at the bus stop, threatening him with violence. “They chased him to our house, saying ‘get that white boy, get that white boy,’” Herring said.

    Herring’s other son ran outside to defend his younger brother. The group of two attackers swelled to ten, many much older. Gina Herring is now charged with a crime for trying to pull the attackers off her sons, before getting knocked to the ground herself.

    Enter the Old White Dude with the bat. “I yelled, ‘Stop, stop,’” Motley told the local Fox affiliate. “But they would not stop.”

    Several members of the mob, including 18-year-old Isaiah Faggert, let Mr. Motley know they did not appreciate his interference in what, up until then, was a standard case of black-on-white hyper-violence, involving characters with the standard Facebook posts glorifying – and bragging about – crime, violence, drugs, and the thug life.

    On Faggert’s page, the grinning young man shows off his gold dental grill and tats. “Fear Me,” said one. All on full display when “they went to attack Motley and they busted out the windows on his car and house,” as Herring put it.

    Mr. Motley then hit Mr. Faggert in the face with the bat, breaking his jaw and taking all the fight out of Faggert, and the other nine members of the mob as well. All with one swing.

    That is when the media and public officials gathered around Motley and congratulated him for his heroism. For saving the damsel in distress from a case of wicked racial violence.

    Oh, yeah – that last part did not happen.

    In fact, when police arrived, they arrested Motley for assault. Ditto for Gina Herring. A couple of members of the mob were also served with warrants.

    The local media ate it up, especially the TV news station with the anchor who is an active member of the National Association of Black Journalists, who took turns manufacturing outrage with the black reporter who could scarcely believe the bad things that had been visited on the angelic Mr. Faggert.

    Soon after, Faggert’s mother got into the act. It was all a big misunderstanding, she said on Facebook. Her son was alternately trying to help his “little cousin” as Herring and her two boys beat them unmercifully. Or her son was trying rescue the Herring family from an unmerciful mob beating.

    Either way, her son was the victim of a hate crime at the hands of the evil Eddie Motley, who targeted her son only because he was black. Another Trayvon. Another Michael Brown. This is a long list. And as for that mishmash of recent charges against him for drugs and violence, well, that’s easily explained, too – a result of more of the same racism relentlessly directed at black people.

    She insists that Isaiah – Zay – was not an eager participant in another episode of black mob violence, the kind documented in that scintillating best-seller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

    The book has a chapter documenting victims of black mob violence charged with a crime after defending themselves.

    Soon the rest of Concord and the region picked up the drum beat of victimization: this was just another example of relentless white racism and violence, directed at black people, all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything.

    “He was beaten by a 55-year old KKK member while he was trying to help his cousin who was being pushed around,” said one friend of the family on Facebook. “This wasn’t Ferguson. This was right here in Concord.”

    Of course, Motley is not a member of the Klan. Even so, the posting garnered at least 11,688 shares on Facebook.

    The threats followed soon after: “Let’s set their house on fire,” suggested one supporter of the Faggert family.

    Others posted Motley’s address, with an admonition: “It’s clear the police didn’t do much,” said one. Motley is “continuing to show his hatred by continuing his attacks on this woman’s kids. I’m starting to believe in the popular saying ‘protect and kill’ because I don’t see too many innocent people being served. Racism is very much alive.”
    “It’s war now,” said Isaiah’s mom.

    Soon after the assault, the usual suspects had the usual community meeting to complain about the usual relentless white racism and violence. But this time with a twist: the organizer of the Justice for Zay rally had to hold the meeting in a white church because he said all of the black churches were afraid of church bombings.

    Which apparently happen all the time whenever black people complain about the relentless white racism and violence against them. And anyone who knew anything about Martin or Malcolm or Tupac or any of the other icons cited at the rally would know that.

    Since the assault, large groups of black people have been congregating near the homes of Motley and Herring, threatening and throwing things at them.

    Motley has had to call the police several times. His landscaping business is suffering after the adverse publicity. Gina Herring has pulled her children out of school because of the threats, and several of her friends have opened a account for Motley and her to cover their legal expenses. And her moving costs.

    For psychologist Marlin Newburn, this racial violence and denial all have a familiar – and disturbing – ring.

    “The worst elements of the black community, and those that use them for power and profit, now know they have widespread (and mindless) support and defense for whatever violence they feel the impulse to commit,” Newburn said.

    “In the eyes of this black mob, Ferguson – and the glaring national support, defense, and even adoration of the thug Michael Brown – proves that lying works as they assault non-blacks with a now-perceived impunity. The highest levels of government continues to speak on behalf of Brown, a violent young black man who was assaulting a police officer, even though said government found the officer did nothing wrong. This is gross aiding and abetting of racial violence like this.”

    In light of thirty years as a court-appointed psychologist and prison psychologist, this episode of black mob violence in Concord is not Newburn’s first rodeo: “Through the MSM, the popular culture, and liberals in government, the message to black people for years has been that they are not responsible for their actions, nor will there be serious consequences for their violent behavior.”

    “The result of this has been disastrous for black people. To the assailants in this crime, their violent assault was righteous, and now know they are backed up all the way to the White House. Adding fuel to this insanity fire is the tragic/comedic myth that the reason for their collective life failures and the gross decay of their communities is due to white people.”

    “They had no conscience as they inflicted great violence on these helpless people, and they attacked because they believe they have legitimate license to do so.”

    Read more:

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Derbyshire's 10b is quite applicable here.

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    Army Soldiers Lectured On ‘White Privilege’ At Equal Opportunity Briefing


    A diversity training session for the Army turned into a lecture on “white privilege” Thursday.

    The Equal Opportunity briefing, which was presented to approximately 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion in Fort Gordon, Ga., garnered attention after a photograph of a PowerPoint slide of the presentation was posted on Facebook.

    The slide, titled, “the luxury of obliviousness,” states, “[R]ace privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them.” It adds, quoting, “To be white in American [sic] means not having to think about it.”

    The quote appears to be from James Baldwin, as referenced in sociologist Allan G. Johnson’s book, “Privilege, Power, and Difference.” The popular book teaches readers how to examine the implications of their privilege.

    Cpt. Lindsay Roman, a spokesperson for the Army, told USA Today the presentation material was not authorized and not part of the standard presentation. The Equal Opportunity instructor, instead, chose to incorporate the topic of white privilege into the presentation.

    On Facebook, people expressed outrage over the inclusion of the topic of white privilege. Some individuals even joked that they would file an Equal Opportunity complaint against the Equal Opportunity course, pointing out hypocrisy of singling out white people.

    As a result of this situation, Roman said, “To prevent further instances, all unit instructors will receive additional training on the importance of following Army EO training requirements.”

    This is not the first time a discussion of white privilege has made its way into Equal Opportunity material. The Equal Opportunity Advisor Student Guide, which was used to train Equal Opportunity instructors during a 3-month course at Patrick Air Force Base, also explicitly discussed the topic of white privilege. The manual was provided through the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, which is affiliated with the Department of Defense.

    According to USA Today, Army officials are currently investigating the matter at Fort Gordon.

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    Five-Percenter Racists Talking Crap At Union Square

    JoeyBoots (promoted)

    A couple Black Supremacist racists from the 5-percenter-nation who call themselves Kings and Gods talking crap to white people at Union Square, NYC

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    I'm happy to see the guy on the camera not taking any flack off the urban youth in black shirt and dreads. He doesn't seem to have any idea about what to do with the cameraman's accusations regarding racism and ignorance. It's a good example of what's happening in realtime out there. There is no reasonable debate. Personal and factional ideologies rule. Truth doesn't seem to matter. They are a bunch of pawns, useless idiots for someone else's massive agenda.

    Kinda liked the little white guy in the cap coming out of nowhere to put the hurt on the older loudmouth. Took some huevos.
    Last edited by MinutemanCO; May 22nd, 2015 at 15:52.

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    Colorado Restaurant Plans "White Appreciation Day"

    May 8, 2015

    The Hispanic owners of a Milliken, Colorado barbecue restaurant say they plan to host a "White Appreciation Day" next month.

    What started as a joke is now on the calendar. Edgar Antillon and Miguel Jimenez recently purchased Rubbin' Buttz BBQ. On June 11, they plan to offer a 10 percent discount to all white customers and no one else.

    "We have a whole month for Black History Month," Antillon said. "We have a whole month for Hispanic Heritage Month, so we thought the least we could do was offer one day to appreciate white Americans."

    The men expect they might receive backlash, and say they realize there's a history of racism in the America.

    "It's a perpetuation of racism," Weld County civil rights activist and community organizer Ricardo Romero said. "It's wrong. If you're going to give a discount, give it to the whole community."

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