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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Here... I just wrote this a few minutes ago and posted it.

    ISIS: Coming to a City Near You

    by American Patriot

    Today is 16 days away from September 11th, 2014. Exactly thirteen years after September 11th, 2001. Americans are superstitious to a great degree. So are the fascist Islamic terrorists who are also into “numerology”, threats and of course the destruction of the West.

    Check this out:

    Over the past month or so images like the above two have been appearing in Social Media.

    ISIS/ISIL/IS or whatever they want to call themselves (names to change on Thursday of every third week apparently) has declared war on Americans. No, not America, AmeriCANS.

    You, me, all of us.

    We’re at war with them. Even if the President is on Vacation (again) and Congress is (on vacation) ignoring the situation.

    Let us repeat this, and let it sink in carefully.
    WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISIS. Americans. Not the American Government. Sure, they are sending drones over Syria today. But we should be bombing the living shit out of these terrorists NOW. They have OUR equipment over there, they are murdering thousands perhaps daily. They have flat out declared war upon AMERICANS.
    If you read the links below, you will see what we’re talking about:

    Let us quote directly from one of the previous links:

    In June, for example, Spanish officials arrested eight men attempting to recruit militants to fight for ISIS and then return to Spain.
    Last fall, Britain’s MI-5 domestic security service stopped a plot to conduct an attack in London on the scale of the one conducted in Mumbai, India, in November 2008.

    In that attack, some 164 people were killed by 10 Pakistanis from the Sunni Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group, which is an instrument of the Sunni Pakistani government.

    The developments pose a serious problem for the U.S., since many European countries have visa waivers with the U.S., allowing their nationals to fly to the U.S. with a minimum of background checks. The problem is compounded since security officials in Europe and the U.S. are unable to identify most of the jihadists who hold valid passports.

    There would be no record of their having fought for ISIS, since they can travel through Turkey to link up with the jihadists in Syria.
    The intelligence sources tell WND that officials in Europe and the U.S. are unprepared for what could be large-scale attacks in the U.S. and Europe.
    They add that ISIS recruiting of European and American Muslims suggests a long-term plan in the making.
    Friends. This is no plea for you to “prepare”. This is not a “scaremongering tactic” so loved by people on both sides of the political spectrum. This is not a suggestion to do violence to anyone. It’s not even a request to “be alert”.

    It is a plain, simple warning. The time has come. America HAS been invaded, our own Leftist Government has allowed it to happen. You will soon be fighting for your very lives and life and memory of this country and all of those who’ve gone before us for the past 239 years since the battles of Lexington and Concord. Think not about those who’ve died before. Think not about yourselves.

    Think instead of the stature that America once held in this world.

    Think instead of the beautiful children of America, the grand children, YOUR children, the innocents among us who brought NONE of this on themselves.

    Think instead of the man in the White House who vacillates, whines, blames others for his problems and ignores the threat of Global Islam storming the keep.

    Think instead of what your children will lose, including their heads to these vile, ignorant, backwoods, backwards 3rd Century-thinking, anti-social, West-hating fascists.

    And then take the necessary action required to keep America…. America.

    God Bless America.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Welcome to the real world, Chuck Hagel

    Welcome to the real world, Chuck Hagel, Times of Israel Blogs, Ben Levitas, August 26, 2014
    Had Hagel been awake he would have noticed that Hamas, complies with all the traits that concern him about ISIL.
    The American Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, seems to have been given a wake up call by The Islamic State (IS) or The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or The Caliphate, as it wants to be known. Clearly he has been in a deep slumber not to have noticed that IS is no different to the numerous Jihadist groups now sowing death and destruction over wide tracts of North and Central Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia.
    Is it truly “beyond anything that we’ve seen’? Does it pose a greater terrorism threat than Al Qaeda, as claimed by the Defense Secretary on Friday, the 22nd August?
    “ISIL is as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen,” Hagel said in a news conference one day after President Barack Obama lashed out at the militant Islamic group.
    “They’re beyond just a terrorist group,” Hagel said. “They marry ideology, sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess, they are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything that we’ve seen. So we must prepare for everything. And the only way you do that is take a cold, steely, hard look at it and get ready.”
    If Hagel had not been as prepossessed by Al Qaeda, he would have noticed that all the traits that he ascribes to ISIL exist amongst many nascent organizations, and he would have woken from his sleepwalking a lot earlier. While he and President Obama, have been disengaging from the world, a myriad groups bearing the ISIL signature have been gaining pace. While US policy has vacillated, failing to support allies or potential allies in Syria, even when ‘red Lines’ were crossed with the use of chemical weapons, not once, but repeated times, extremists have taken note and gained courage to step into the breaches. While America, wavered to support and supply arms to allies, like General Sisi in Egypt, who took an unequivocally strong stand against the destructive forces of Islamic fundamentalism, he had to turn to Russia for arms to wage his battles.
    Had Hagel been awake he would have noticed that Hamas, complies with all the traits that concern him about ISIL. Hamas is a sophisticated terrorist group. It has adopted training methods from Iran. Iran has Hizbollah have also supplied technical assistance in designing tunnels. It controls every facet of life in Gaza. It demands complete loyalty and the public execution of 18 so-called traitors this week, is merely the latest in a continuing history of such callous and barbaric acts. Children are forced to dig tunnels and metalworkers are conscripted by force to make rockets. Hamas controls all the trade through the tunnels and the taxes collected provide a steady income into its fiscus. Hamas has an ideology which it has ‘married’ to Islamic religious sources and its Charter quotes liberally from the Quran. It is dedicated to ethnically cleansing the land of Israel of Jews and is specifically committed to the genocide of Jews everywhere.
    Despite Hamas being considered a terrorist organization, according to Forbes “international aid organizations and many countries kept on sending money to Gaza, purportedly for humanitarian aid. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, raises money for Gaza through its Web site, with payments going through WorldPay (part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group ), the Arab Bank PLC in Gaza and HSBC in Amman, Jordan. Those funds come in addition to UNRWA’s annual budget of $400 million.
    The $7 billion to $10 billion that the Palestinian Authority has received since 1993 has come from the European Union, the U.N., the U.S., Saudi Arabia and other Arab League countries. France alone has sent more than $3 billion. This influx of cash has done little to advance the development of a viable Palestinian state or of peace in the region. Rather, it has helped to fuel the Palestinian leadership’s terrorist agenda, and kept the Palestinian people oppressed and disenfranchised.”
    Hamas is committed to fighting Israel until the latter is destroyed. It sees this as a divine mission. It is a nihilistic ideology, because any cost endured by the Palestinian people, is irrelevant. It prevents civilians from vacating buildings which Israel has warned it has earmarked for attack-it cynically sends them back onto the roofs. It fires its missiles from schools, mosques and private dwellings. It inverts the truth to create its own mythology and narrative. It justifies arming itself as resisting the occupier, whereas the so-called ‘occupier’ has no interest in war with the Palestinian people and has vacated every last centimeter of Gaza land. It justifies the tunnels as a means of obtaining food and medicine, whereas all of these are supplied continuously through official crossings by Israel. It overlooks completely the aggressive intent of the tunnels that burrow well into Israeli territory, with the sole intent of killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians. It deliberately fires missiles and mortars into Israel with the intent of killing as many civilians as possible. Mashaal latest lie, is to ask for more sophisticated missiles, so that they can be targeted more accurately to avoid civilians. Unfortunately there will be a willing audience to believe him.
    Despite Hagel’s alarm, the best that he and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey could proffer, was that the U.S. role in eliminating ISIL will remain limited to air attacks and that unless they expanded operations to Syria, their efforts were likely to be pointless. A more appropriate solution was posited by. Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) who encouraged Obama to go after ISIL in Syria as well as Iraq.
    “We must get beyond half-measures, tactical responses, and defensive actions,” the senators said in a statement. “We need to develop a comprehensive strategy — political, economic, and military — to go on the offensive against ISIS, both in Iraq and Syria.”
    With Jihadis joining from Western countries in large numbers, the West’s vaunted secular and human rights lifestyle will come under increasing attack. If the Western military leaders, continue to remain largely powerless and directionless in confronting these dark and barbaric forces, they may just wake up too late!
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Islamic State demands $6.6mn ransom for female American hostage

    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    Islamic State militants are holding a third American hostage, a 26-year-old humanitarian worker kidnapped last year in Syria. The jihadist group is demanding a ransom of $6.6 million and the release of a Muslim woman from a US prison.
    The kidnapped woman, whose family asked not to be identified, is the third of at least four Americans known to be held by Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS), currently terrorizing large swaths of northern and western Iraq after years fighting in Syria’s civil war.
    American journalist James Foley, allegedly executed by IS militants, was the fourth hostage. Another known hostage, fellow journalist Steven Sotloff, was seen alive but under duress in the video footage that signaled Foley’s decapitation.
    IS is calling for $6.6 million in exchange for the American woman, ABC News reported, as well as the release from US custody of Aafia Siddiqui, convicted in 2010 of targeting US officials in Afghanistan.
    Groups critical of US policy in the Middle East have regularly demanded the release of Siddiqui, an MIT-trained neuroscientist. But, seeking to distance themselves from IS, Siddiqui’s family said via supporters that they were “very distraught” that Siddiqui was part of the ransom request.
    An image grab taken from YouTube video ‘ISIS Beheading of Journalist James Foley Captures World’s Attention’An image grab taken from YouTube video ‘ISIS Beheading of Journalist James Foley Captures World’s Attention’
    “If the issue is true, we would like to state that our family does not have any connections to such groups or actions,” Siddiqui’s family wrote in a letter. “We believe in a struggle that is peaceful and dignified. Associating Aafia’s name with acts of violence is against everything we are struggling for.”
    “While we deeply appreciate the sincere feelings of those who, like us, wish to see the freedom of our beloved Aafia, we cannot agree with a ‘by any means necessary’ approach to Aafia’s freedom. Nor can we accept that someone else’s daughter or sister suffer like Aafia is suffering,” they added.
    The Siddiqui family has been traumatized by the thoughts that someone else could be harmed in the name of Aafia,” according to Mauri Saalakhan, of the Peace and Justice Foundation.

    Saalakhan held a press conference Monday to speak on behalf of the Siddiqui family.
    “They’re opposed to it. In their letter to ISIS they made it very clear, this is not the way, these are not the conditions under which we want our loved ones released,” Saalakhan said. “Nor did they want harm to come to anyone else’s loved one in the name of Aafia… They conveyed that message loud and clear.”
    “The most important message that I could convey to ISIS or whoever it is that’s holding these innocent people captive abroad is that at the end of the day, this type of approach in response to an injustice that you feel, is not only not the inappropriate way to go, but, properly understood, it is a violation of the tenets of the faith that we claim to believe in,” Saalakhan said.
    “We just have to do the right thing because it is the right thing, without any strings attached.. And the right thing would be to let this young woman go back to her family, go back to her life. And the right thing for America to do, for our government… would be to do the same with Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.”
    Pakistani protestors from the hard line Sunni group, Pasban, hold portraits of Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui during a demonstration marking International Women’s Day.(AFP Photo / Rizwan Tabassum)Pakistani protestors from the hard line Sunni group, Pasban, hold portraits of Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui during a demonstration marking International Women’s Day.(AFP Photo / Rizwan Tabassum)
    Saalakhan and a family friend of the kidnapped aid worker revealed the ransom demand and news of the American hostage to ABC News.
    Meanwhile, American officials said Monday the United States is prepared to use a variety of options to weaken Islamic State, including airstrikes in Syria without Damascus’ consent, if backed by regional and European partners.
    “With Central Command, (General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) is preparing options to address ISIS both in Iraq and Syria with a variety of military tools including airstrikes,” Dempsey’s spokesman, Col. Ed Thomas, confirmed on Monday.
    “The bottom line is that our forces are well postured to partner with regional allies against ISIS,” he added, stressing that a coalition of “capable regional and European partners” is needed to tackle the issue.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Photos of ISIS flag at key sites send chill through Israel

    Photos of ISIS flag at key sites send chill through Israel
    By Paul Alster Published August 26, 2014

    ISIS likes to recruit the young.

    (As if Irael didn’t have enough crap to deal with.-LS)

    HAIFA, Israel – The chilling black flag of the Islamic State is popping up on social media in Israel, including one image of the terror banner snapped against the backdrop of the nation’s holiest site — prompting fears the ultra-violent jihadist group could have sympathizers inside the Jewish state.

    A photo that recently appeared on Twitter showed the flag held aloft on the Temple Mount, the most sensitive religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem, that includes the Golden ‘Dome of the Rock’ mausoleum and the ‘Al Aqsa’ Mosque, sacred to Muslims, adjacent to the Western Wall, the holiest place for Jews. Other online postings have shown the flag being flown in Nazareth, where the fast-growing Muslim community lives side-by-side with Christian Arabs in a sometimes tense environment, and also in Acre, the ancient port city close to Israel’s border with Lebanon in the north. The images have stirred fears the terror group previously known as ISIS has sympathizers in Israel

    “If you look at ISIS as a code, a brand name, or a symbol to identify with, then you can find people in the area [who identify with it] not just in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, but around the region, because it symbolizes some kind of victorious pro-active Islam — a compensation sometimes for a sense of disappointment, failure, or marginalization,” Yoram Schweizer, head of the Program on Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies, told

    “If you look at ISIS as a code, a brand name, or a symbol to identify with, then you can find people in the area [who identify with it] not just in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, but around the region.”- Yoram Schweizer, Israeli terror expert
    The black flag predates Islamic State, but the terrorist army has co-opted it as a battle banner. The words inscribed on it, known in Islam as the Shahada, translate to “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

    In another disturbing development that raised the specter of the Islamic State in Israel, a YouTube clip aired on an evening news program showing a young girl believed to be from the Israeli Arab village of Taibe. In the video, the girl is encouraged by an adult off-camera to decapitate a doll with a long knife to the cries of ‘Allah Hu’Akbar,’ The video ends with a photo of the moment immediately prior to the recent execution by ISIS of U.S. journalist James Foley, leaving the viewer in no doubt where the inspiration for the macabre indoctrination of the vulnerable child comes from.

    In a written response to questions from, Israel’s Justice Ministry confirmed that ISIS has been declared a terror organization, and that the ministry is “concluding the examination towards declaring ISIS an unlawful association”, a move that could render any support for the Islamic State illegal in the State of Israel.
    Islamic State has vowed to expand its so-called caliphate into Israel and “liberate” Jerusalem.

    “This is not the first border we will break, Inshallah [God willing]” an English-speaking Chilean recruit to ISIS, (who goes by the name of Abu Saffiya), states in a video allegedly filmed at an abandoned army post on the Iraq-Syria border earlier this summer and originally highlighted by the Jerusalem Post. “Abu Bakhr al-Baghdadi [leader of ISIS] says, ‘God will break all barriers… Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon…all of them until we reach Al Quds [Jerusalem].’”

    Support for the bloodthirsty group is far more overt in the Palestinian-controlled territories of Gaza and the West Bank, where it may even be seen as an eventual threat to current Palestinian leadership. In June, Islamic State supporters held a rally in southern Gaza to celebrate the early successes of Islamic State in capturing key Iraqi cities such as Mosul and Tikrit,” according to the Tel Aviv-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

    “During the support rally, held on June 12, 2014, ISIS and Al Qaeda flags were waved, and slogans were heard in favor of establishing an Islamic caliphate (the Islamic State), and against the Jews,” stated a report by the center. “The support rally was dispersed by the Hamas police.”

    For now, experts who spoke to do not believe Islamic State poses a clear and present threat to Israel, but they acknowledge the group’s appeal and rapid growth in the region is worrisome.

    “Up to now we haven’t seen ISIS infrastructure in Israel, in Gaza, or in the West Bank” Schweizer said. “You may find it in future, but right now they’re too busy [in Iraq and Syria] to invest in Israel itself, or in the West Bank.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Media Confused as Boko Haram Claims to Join the Islamic State

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    Center For Security Policy, By Kyle Shideler:
    In a video released over the weekend, AbuBakr Shekaku, head of the Nigerian jihadist group known as Boko Haram, appears to have declared allegiance to the Islamic State, proclaiming lands currently under Boko Haram control in the province of Borno part of the “Caliphate.”
    Despite this, much of the Western media seemed confused about the nature of a Caliphate and what it means. From the AFP report:
    In a July video, Shekau voiced support for the leader of the Islamic State and the Levant (Isil) militants Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who in late June declared himself “the caliph” and “leader of Muslims everywhere”. But there was no indication from Shekau in the latest video that he was associating himself with Baghdadi, whose Sunni Muslim fighters have taken over parts of Iraq and Syria. As such, it was not clear if Shekau was declaring himself to be a part of Baghdadi’s call or if he was referring to a separate Nigerian caliphate.
    The position of Caliph is one with purported dominion over the entire “ummah” the total collective of the Muslim faithful.There can only be one legitimate Caliph, and one Caliphate, as Shekaku is no doubt aware. Given that the laudatory language Boko Haram has in the past offered towards the IS Caliphate, the most likely conclusion would be that Boko Haram either has joined, or intends to join the Islamic State of Al-Baghdadi. It would be incongruous for Shekaku to praise IS, and then negate its primary achievement by denying it legitimacy by claiming he was the true Caliph.
    It’s worth noting that while this confusion over whether or not Boko Haram was declaring for the IS Caliphate or declaring its own Caliphate was echoed in all the western reporting which followed from the AFP report, the same confusion is not at all present in an report, which draws from the same AFP wire. The report also ignores the extraneous historical detail of the Sokoto caliphate, a 19th century Nigerian Islamic state which laid claim to the Caliphate title. This is a classic example of how the disinclination to study Islamic law on matters leads to injecting unnecessary complexity into the analysis of events.
    If it is the case that Boko Haram has acknowledged the territory it controls as part of the IS Caliphate, this is a major development for the Islamic State. The claim of authority by its “Caliph” Al-Baghdadi has largely been rejected by other Jihadist groups, with only minor exceptions. Yet being recognized as receiving the bay’at (oath) of notable scholars and jihadi emirs who hold actual territory is central to Al Baghdadi’s claim of legitimacy. Of course whether either group is capable of meeting the perceived obligation of such an oath, sharing and exchanging resources, personnel etc, is an entirely other matter.
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    The Islamic Terror Orchestra

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    Center For Security Policy, By Nonie Darwish:
    It has been 13 years since 9/11 and the West is still reluctant to link the non-ending parade of jihad groups with Islam. The West is also in denial about the similarities all radical Islamic groups share. It is important for the West to realize that there is a natural division of labor between the different terror groups. Some groups specialize in terror against non-Muslims and Western governments while others specialize in terrorizing Arab governments that refused to follow Sharia. But the truly sophisticated groups are those who reside in the West, calling themselves ‘moderate’ while at the same time defending and controlling the direction of Islamist goals through advocacy, diplomacy, negotiation and PR.
    All of the above types of Islamist groups work together in perfect harmony like an orchestra that sings to the tune of “Allahu Akbar.” And when Islamic terrorism and beheadings anger the world and turn public opinion against Islam, that orchestra starts playing a different tune to confuse and prevent the world from uncovering their coordinated handy work. While one group proudly takes credit for the terror, another publicly denounces it. But most groups, while enjoying the power and attention the terrorists have bestowed on them, stand by with a look of victimhood saying: “I am a victim too because you condemn me and my peaceful religion when I did not do anything. That is not Islam and you are an Islamophobe.”
    Not only is there division of labor amongst Islamist groups, but these groups also often change roles, tactics and appearances — after birthing other more radical terror groups to do the dirty work of terror. Because the West and some Arab governments refuse to deal with terror organizations, these organizations play a game of presenting a face of rehabilitation and moderation, while delegating the terror and assassinations to newer groups. Old guard terror groups like the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and Fatah were able to change color and they assumed a new, but only cosmetic, appearance of moderation, but not before birthing the more violent Al-Qaeda and Hamas.
    The West was told the MB and Fatah were now the moderate and humanitarian face of Islam that could be counted on and that could run Islamic government. Islam will present itself as working with the rest of the world only for the sake of establishing the Kalifate. The West has been only too happy to welcome the new face of the old terror groups to the camp of moderation. But the new face of evil after the MB became Al-Qaeda.
    When the MB won the Egyptian elections, Islamists believed the Kalifate could be achieved through elections, avoiding the usual violent jihad. But when Egyptians realized they had made a mistake by electing the MB and 35,000,000 Egyptians revolted against Islamist rule, the dreams of a Kalifate through peaceful elections were defeated. The only solution for Muslims to achieve their Kalifate is the old fashioned way of 7th century Islam: pure violence, savagery and terror; thus the rise of the newest Islamist terror group, ISIS, while the MB takes a back seat.
    When Al-Qaeda’s reputation tanked after 9/11, even inside the Middle East, the terror jihadists were forced into working under a new name — same goals, but with a more ferocious appetite for terror and torture. After the defeat of the budding Islamist State through elections in Egypt in 2013, the restrained beast of public beheadings hidden in the Islamic genie bottle finally exploded for the world to see in the form of ISIS; an organization that declared itself as the true long-awaited Islamic State. Force became the only choice. Coincidentally, this follows the example of Mohammed who tried to peacefully Islamize Mecca for 13 years but failed and could only Islamize Arabia by force, terror and the sword when he became a warrior in Medina.
    ISIS rushed to declare itself as the Islamic State even before finishing the job of conquering all of Iraq and Syria. It was flaunting its savagery to the world in the hope of giving the message to reluctant Arab countries that they will be next. The plan is very similar to what Mohammed and his followers did in the 7th century: conquer Arabia quickly by force so they could move to more important goals of taking over the outside world, now the West and Israel. By doing that they are confirming to Muslims around the world that terror works and that their prophet Mohammed was correct when he said: “I have been victorious through terror.”
    Bottom line: What legitimate Islamic organizations must adhere to is obeying Islamic commandments to conquer the world for Islam, defeat and humiliate non-Muslim nations and establish the Kalifate — to be ruled by sharia. That is the plan. It is not the opinion of the writer of this article, but it is the basic objective of Islamic law books, scriptures and preaching, which explicitly define jihad as a war with non-Muslims to establish the religion of Islam. To facilitate this mission, Islamic law freed Muslims from any restrictions on their behavior; they can wage offensive wars, kill, terrorize, behead, lie, deceive, humiliate, slander, use corporal punishment on women and children, and sacrifice the well being of the family, all for the purpose of the empowerment of Islam.
    But instead of properly facing the 21 Century Islamic challenge, the West has chosen denial. Obama is being criticized for resorting to golf in a time of trouble, but that is perhaps his only outlet when he feels paralyzed, because what he believed and advocated Islam to be and what it is turned out to be polar opposites.
    Also, instead of facing the incompetence and many obvious weaknesses of Islamic terror groups, the West has chosen to appease an enemy that only respects power. Thus, the Obama administration decided to be more concerned with appearances and saying instead of doing the right thing. For example, Obama likes to correct Americans on the proper pronunciation of Arabic names and expressions such as Pakistan and ISIL instead of ISIS, etc. But when the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria was declared the West was too embarrassed to call it what it called itself, the Islamic State, and found the English abbreviation ISIS more appropriate than the Arabic name that linked the new terrorist state to Islam.
    I was recently asked by visitors from Egypt, “What is ISIS?” My answer was, it is the preferred name the US administration and media use to refer to the newly declared Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Their response was, “Why? In Arabic they call themselves ‘The Islamic State?’” I told them it is a long story, but the West does not want to offend Muslims who believe that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, tyranny and hatred.
    Obama insists on presenting himself as more of an expert on Islam than the founders of ISIS when he stated, “ISIL speaks for no religion.” It is not appropriate for the US government or media to define what is or what is not Islam to Muslims who are reading from their books statements that command them to kill infidels. All we should do is take them for their word.
    Both the US government and media have decided, long before Obama, that it would be the wise thing to do to keep US citizens uninformed about the true goals of Islam. The goal of this policy was partially to convince Islamic terror groups to leave the West alone and perhaps in the long run Islam will reform on its own one day. But unfortunately history was not on the side of this theory. Appeasement did not work for Coptic Christians in Egypt nor for Zoroastrians in Persia when in the 7th century the two ancient civilizations fell to the Arab Islamic invasion in the same year. Both Egypt and Persia tried to appease but failed to win hearts and minds of the Muslim invaders who used the most barbaric forms of terror and tyranny to Islamize and Arabize both civilizations. Both Egypt and Persia never saw their glory days again and today they are incapable of ruling themselves without the usual Sharia-enforced oppression and tyranny.
    What everyone misses here is the right of the American people to know the full truth about their new enemy directly and honestly from their politicians and media. By caring about the feelings of Muslims more than American citizens’ right to the truth, and without naming Islam by name, the US government and media will usher America into a dark phase marking the beginning of tyranny and the end of liberty.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Old And Busted: Obama Nearly Goes To War With Assad In Syria – New And Hot: Obama Giving Intelligence On ISIS To Assad…

    Posted on August 26, 2014 by sundance
    This represents Obama’s foreign policy in a nutshell. In 2012 we armed ISIS in Syria with the goal to destroy President Assad. In 2014 we are giving President Assad the intelligence information to destroy ISIS, and the weapons we gave them to kill him.
    (Hat Tip WeaselZippers) You just can’t make this stuff up.

    In Libya – Egypt and the UAE are attacking President Obama and Hillary’s “rebels”. You remember, those folks we had a responsibility to protect. The one’s we ARMED.

    In Syria – We are now assisting Russia and Assad, to attack President Obama, Hillary and John McCain’s “rebels”. Yes, yet again – the one’s we ARMED !

    The Benghazi Brief

    - The U.S. has begun reconnaissance flights over Syria and is sharing intelligence about jihadist deployments with Damascus through Iraqi and Russian channels, sources told AFP on Tuesday.

    “The cooperation has already begun and the United States is giving Damascus information via Baghdad and Moscow,” one source close to the issue said on condition of anonymity.

    The comments came a day after Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Syria was willing to work with the international community against the jihadist Islamic State group, and U.S. officials said they were poised to carry out surveillance flights over Syria.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said foreign drones had been seen over the eastern province of Deir Ezzor on Monday. (read more)

    Where’s Kerry ?

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama Warns of Extended Campaign Against ISIS

    President Barack Obama speaks about veterans issues at the American Legion’s 96th National Convention at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C., Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014. Charles Dharapak—AP
    The President makes his first public comments on the U.S. military campaign in Iraq since returning from vacation

    President Barack Obama pledged Tuesday that the United States would not rest until it brought to justice the killer of American journalist James Foley at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).
    “Rooting out a cancer like [ISIS] won’t be easy and it won’t be quick,” Obama told an audience of veterans and their families at the American Legion National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. a week after the extremist group released a video showing the graphic execution of Foley by an ISIS fighter. These were Obama’s first public comments on the conflict since returning from vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
    “Our message to anyone who harms our people is simple. America does not forget, our reach is long, we are patient, justice will be done,” Obama said, referencing Foley’s killing. “We have proved time and time again we will do what’s necessary to capture those who harm Americans to go after those who harm Americans. And we’ll continue to take direct action where needed to protect our people and to defend our homeland.”
    As he weighs expanding the fight against ISIS into Syria, Obama warned that “history teaches us of the dangers of overreaching and spreading ourselves too thin and trying to go it alone without international support, or rushing into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday that Obama has yet to decide whether to authorize the expansion of the weeks-long American air campaign in Iraq against the group.
    Obama said that the strikes against ISIS have been limited to protecting U.S. forces and diplomats in Iraq, reaffirming that U.S. troops would not be sent back on the ground beyond an advisory capacity.
    “Let me say it again: American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq,” he said. “We’ll not allow the United States to be dragged back into another ground war in Iraq because, ultimately, it is up to the Iraqis to bridge their differences and secure themselves.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    American Douglas McAuthur McCain Killed Fighting for ISIS in Syria
    Mid East Faces ^ | 08/26/2014 | Mideast Faces
    Posted on 8/26/2014, 12:45:52 PM by Fali_G
    Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, of San Diego California was killed over the weekend in fighting between the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and a Syrian opposition group, according to the Free Syrian Army.
    After the battle, McCain, along with his American passport and the bodies of three other foreign jihadis were found.
    McCain, who referred to himself as “Duale ThaslaveofAllah” on Facebook made his allegiance to Islam apparent on his social media pages. His Twitter bio read: “It’s Islam over everything.”

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Who's next George Patton Reid?
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    I was kinda hoping it would Barack Obama Smith.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    No, no, you've got it wrong.

    The first name is that of a historical military figure. The last name is someone currently in government.

    Mao Zedong Obama for example. Oh, wait, that one's accurate.

    How about... Charles Nimitz Obama ?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    AH! I see...

    John Smith was a historical, military figure. Obama is someone in government. I just had it backward. lol

    See my insider threat thread.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    This is what the world has come to.

    James Foley execution ‘re-enacted’ by child in haunting Twitter post

    Wednesday 27 Aug 2014 1:55 pm
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    WARNING: Images some may find disturbing
    The ‘re-enactment’ images have been called ‘child abuse’ by one expert (Picture: Twitter)
    Social media sites have vowed to halt the spread of extremist propaganda after disturbing images of a child performing a ‘re-enactment’ of the James Foley execution was posted on Twitter.

    One of the images, posted by pro-IS (Islamic State) Time of the Caliphate account, shows a young child in a black balaclava holding a knife and a blonde-haired doll in an orange jumpsuit, and bear the message: ‘Teach your children to cut necks, tomorrow there will be a lot of rotten heads.’

    A second picture shows the doll lying on the ground with its head cut off.

    A leading figure in propaganda and communication called the images ‘child abuse, pure and simple.’
    There are concerns extreme groups are targeting younger demographics through social media (Picture: Twitter)
    ‘They are a way of exploiting the original death imagery in a new, creative and utterly foul manner,’ Professor Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, of Queen Mary University in London, told MailOnline.

    ‘It is so utterly sick and perverted and depraved that it guarantees global visibility.’

    Experts have voiced concerns that radical groups are targeting younger demographics through social media.

    13-year-old schoolboy Younes Abaaoud is believed to be the IS’s youngest recruit after he left Belgium for Syria earlier this month.

    One of the youngest foreign fighters we know of, Younes Abaaoud, who was 13 when he left Belgium to join ISIS.
    Shiraz Maher (@ShirazMaher) August 19, 2014

    Meanwhile, social media chiefs have vowed to do what they can to disrupt the spread of extremist propaganda.

    ‘We have been and are actively suspending accounts as we discover them related to this graphic imagery,’ said Twitter CEO Dick Costolo.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Neutral? Then he is a complete and total asshole, and he's not neutral.

    He's a lying sack of shit.

    Tell him I said, "Either denounce what is happening or go back to that region and LIVE there... but GET out of MY country because you're not wanted here."
    Well he is in a 'Western' country, and he isn't neutral either. Other websites I go to of a political nature have EXPLODED with barely concealed sympathy for these IS vermin.
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    ... EXPLODED with barely concealed sympathy for these IS vermin.

    barely concealed sympathy?

    Any sympathy is sympathy, concealed or not concealed. If these so-called "moderate" muslims can't flat out denounce this behavior, then they are no better.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS


    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    Threat is two-fold because of ISIS
    By Douglas Ernst – The Washington Times – Thursday, August 28, 2014
    The U.S. intelligence community has observed a “significant increase” in chatter among terrorist organizations as the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks nears.
    “We’ve noticed a significant increase in chatter among Islamic terrorist organizations overseas both on the Internet and phone lines,” a U.S. government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Blaze.
    SEE ALSO: ‘We are in your streets’: Chicago gets chilling Islamic State terror tweet
    While the intelligence community can not pinpoint whether or not an attack is planned, the official said that agencies “did see this kind of increase in chatter before the September 11 attacks.”
    Deciphering chatter is more difficult than in previous years because of the rise of the Islamic State group, which threatens to drain al Qaeda of resources as it asserts dominance Iraq and Syria. Like al Qaeda, Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has openly declared its intent to bring terror to American interests around the globe.
    “The threat is two-fold because ISIS is in war with core al Qaeda,” former CIA case officer Brian Fairchild told The Blaze. “ISIS was kicked out of al Qaeda in February and they’ve been fighting each other internally for leadership. ISIS is winning right now. They have captured the imagination of young Muslims from around the world and depriving al Qaeda of its own fighters. Al Qaeda is split down the middle and now you have 9/11 [anniversary approaching]. It would be beneficial to both camps that on 9/11, some great attack in the United States takes place,” he added.
    The Islamic State executed American photojournalist James Foley on Aug. 19, and has used social media platforms to threaten terror attacks on American soil.
    SEE ALSO: ISIL to U.S.: ‘We will raise the flag of Allah in the White House’
    Chicago’s WGN network recently reported that a tweet from the terror group on June 20 includes a picture taken on Michigan Ave. The tweet reads “Soldiers of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria will pass from here soon.” An Arabic message held up in the picture was translated “We are in your streets.”
    Read more:
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Damn it.

    Obama is home from vacation.

    He's going to speak shortly about IS.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    "I consulted with Congress, I don't have a strategy, I'm about as fucking clueless as they come...."

    President Obama on ISIS: 'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet'

    'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet' to Defeat ISIS, Says Obama

    NBC News

    President Barack Obama on Thursday pumped the brakes on the prospects of U.S. airstrikes against Islamic militants in Syria, saying “we don't have a strategy yet” to deal with the growing threat to the Middle East.
    Obama said defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will require an organized regional response, and announced Secretary of State John Kerry will soon travel to the Middle East to help build a coalition to stand up to the militants.
    “This cancer that has developed is one that they have to be just as invested in in defeating as we are,” Obama said during a White House press conference.
    The U.S. has carried out airstrikes against ISIS in northern Iraq and the president has been considering similar strikes in Syria. Obama indicated that such strikes were not imminent, saying “we don't have a strategy yet.”
    The president will huddle with his national security team at the White House to discuss options Thursday evening.
    Obama also addressed the growing tensions in Ukraine as officials say Russian troops entered the country to aid pro-Russian separatists. The president said he will meet next month with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and that additional sanctions will likely be taken if Russia does not change its behavior.
    -- Andrew Rafferty

    First published August 28th 2014, 1:34 pm
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