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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    #AceNewsGroup 05:47 on September 4, 2014

    ISRAEL: ‘ Al-Qaida’s al-Nursa Front Massing on Golan Heights in Possible Assault to Invade Syria ‘

    #AceBreakingNews – ISRAEL (Golan Heights) – September 04 – For the first time in the Syrian civil war, al-Qaida fighters are hunkered down on Israel’s doorstep, and Israelis in the lush, hilly Golan Heights who have long considered Syrian President Bashar Assad their bitter foe are now worried about something more ominous – that they could become the militants’ next target AP reported.

    The push into the Golan by the Nusra Front, as al-Qaida’s branch in Syria is known, comes just two weeks after Israel ended a 50-day war against Hamas on its southern border with the Gaza Strip, giving the conflict-weary nation another cause for concern source has said.

    This is a developing story and situation …………….. more later!

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Why don't these guys just fight? I can't imagine right now I'd willingly kneel and let someone cut my throat. No, I'd fight. Might still die. Might get shot. But you know what... so WHAT!

    Keeping a stiff upper lip doesn't keep you alive.

    ISIS is a “manageable problem,” says King Hussein. GMAFB!

    Posted on September 4, 2014 by thomas madison
    By Thomas Madison

    Managing cockroaches? Sounds like…. “Well, let’s keep just enough cockroaches around to eat our bread and crackers and crap all over our dishes, but not enough to carry off a bottle of liquor.”

    Stupid, Yes?!

    You don’t manage cockroaches, Barrack. You exterminate them! Do it NOW! You have known about ISIS for over a year, and you have done NOTHING!! Skip the golf course and attend the daily intel brief. Enough people have lost their lives due to your incompetence.

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Military Report Shows How Obama ARMED the “Islamic State”

    Posted on September 4, 2014 | Leave a comment
    Conservative Tribune
    As we watch the Islamic State continue to expand and consolidate their territory, we should take a moment to reflect on how they got to where they are today. To paraphrase President Obama, “they didn’t build that”, at least not without some help.

    In fact, Obama himself is responsible for the rise of the Islamic State, and for the fearsome and technologically advanced weaponry they wield.
    To fully understand how Obama armed the Islamic State, we must go back to Libya in 2012, before the Benghazi attack.
    According to WND, a new military intelligence report released by the West Point counterterrorism center details how the Islamic State got their hands on such advanced weapons as “recoiless rifles, shoulder fired anti-tank weapons, anti-tank missiles,” and even anti-aircraft missiles, not to mention thousands of rifles and rounds of ammunition.
    It all goes back to Libya, when Obama unilaterally waged an unauthorized war against Qaddafi. Obama gave arms to the Libyan rebels, who were linked to Al-Qaeda, and then supported them with airstrikes on Qaddafi’s regime. Ultimately, thanks to the weapons and supporting airstrikes, the Libyan militants were able to assassinate Qaddafi and overthrow his regime. Libya has yet to recover, and is now a lawless terrorist state.
    After the overthrow of Qaddafi, the US tried to quietly recover some of the many weapons distributed amongst the Libyan rebels. This was taking place in Benghazi, under the direction of the CIA. Many suspect that this is the reason for the terrorist attack on the Benghazi Consulate that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
    The weapons recovered in Libya were then sent covertly to Turkey, where they were then smuggled into Syria to arm the Syrian rebels fighting against the Assad regime. Weapons and training were also provided to the Syrian rebels by CIA assets in Jordan.
    Other Middle Eastern countries, notably Saudi Arabia, helped facilitate the arming of the rebels in Syria by procuring arms from places like Croatia. The purchase and transfer of these arms from European countries was often set up and overseen by CIA assets as well.
    Unfortunately, the supposedly “moderate” Syrian rebels have been increasingly joining forces with the Al-Qaeda linked Al Nusra Front group, as well as swearing allegiance to the Islamic State terrorists. The weapons that were so carefully obtained and shipped around the world to arm the Syrian rebels have now fallen into the hands of the premier enemy of our day, ISIS.
    Then there are the multitude of American weapons that were provided to the Iraqi Army. The Iraqi Army abandoned these weapons, including tanks and armored vehicles, as they fled their posts in the face of brutally destructive ISIS advances. Of course, the Islamic State simply gathered up all of the advanced weaponry left lying around by the Iraqis, and have now proceeded to use them for their own purposes.
    It is only fair to note that, the reason the Iraqi Army fled so quickly in the face of the terrorist army, is because they were not yet fully trained or capable of defending the country, largely thanks to Obama’s precipitous pullout of all US troops from Iraq.
    It is important to remember these facts, as the Islamic State ruthlessly expands their Caliphate, torturing and slaughtering anyone who refuses to convert to their brand of radical Islam. Even more so now, as we are told that the Islamic State is shifting it’s attention to the UK and US, these barbaric savages were set on their path to subjugate and strike fear into the world by Obama.
    The fact that he refuses to enforce the immigration laws or secure our southern border, leaving it virtually undefended, has only added to the risk that ISIS will launch an attack against Americans on American soil. When, not if, the Islamic State attacks America or the UK, Obama will bear the brunt of the responsibility.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama: Community Organizers In Middle East And Muslim World Can Stop ISIS…

    Posted on September 4, 2014 | Leave a comment
    No, you read the title right but it took me a while to post this one because I was laughing so hard.
    He really thinks people believe this BS?
    1 Dragon

    Weasel Zippers
    Each organizer will be armed with state of the art sternly worded letter technology.
    Via Charlie Spiering:
    “What we’ve got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslim world along with the international community to isolate this cancer,” he said.
    Obama added that the “particular brand” of extremism was “first and foremost destructive to the Muslim world,” by killing innocent citizens and damaging their economies.
    “They are falling behind because of this very small and narrow, but very dangerous segment of the population and we’ve got to combat it in a sustained effective way, and I’m confident that we’re going to do that,” he said.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    PM ‘not ruling anything out’ in action against Islamic State

    Posted on

    David Cameron has told Good Morning Britain he is not “ruling anything out” with regard to action against Islamic State (IS) militants.
    In a joint article in The Times today, the Prime Minister and Barack Obama said Britain and the US “will not be cowed by barbaric killers”.
    The comments come after an Islamic State extremist threatened to kill a British hostage at the end of a video showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff – the second US citizen to be murdered in two weeks.
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    Forget ISIS and Putin; Obama has identified the real enemy—the Republicans


    President Obama in the White House, November 14, 2013.

    The President doesn’t like the two-party system much…. even though everyone in Congress was elected by the people…..
    By Daniel Henninger
    The Wall Street Journal
    Sept. 3, 2014 7:42 p.m. ET
    Barack Obama went on the attack late last week. The president delivered blistering speeches at a Democratic fundraiser in Westchester County, N.Y., at the Seafair mansion in Newport, R.I., and to unionists in Milwaukee on Labor Day.
    Mr. Obama‘s purpose in these three similar speeches was to leave his audiences with one thought, one takeaway. The following two quotations are from the speech at Seafair, where some 60 people paid up to $32,400 to hear the president talk about the world. Herewith a pop quiz for readers who couldn’t be there: Who did President Obama identify as the greatest threat to mankind?
    “Internationally, we’re going through a tumultuous time. And I don’t have to tell you, anybody who has been watching TV this summer, it seems like it is just wave after wave of upheaval, most of it surrounding the Middle East. You’re seeing a change in the order in the Middle East. But the old order is having a tough time holding together and the new order has yet to be born, and in the interim, it’s scary.”
    Now this:
    “The reason government does not work right now is because the other party has been captured by an ideological, rigid, uncompromising core that ignores science, is not particularly interested in facts, is not particularly interested in compromise, but is interested in having its own way 100 percent of the time—and that way, in large part, includes dismantling so much of what has created this incredible middle class and this incredible wealth here in America.”

    As is his habit, Mr. Obama answered the question himself: “So the answer to our challenges is actually pretty simple—we need a better Congress.” That’s right, the greatest threats to America today are . . . Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. Looking at events the past five years, we’d say Mr. Obama has cut Vladimir Putin more slack than he has the Speaker of the House.

    One can understand how Mr. Obama might feel it’s necessary to campaign in the North to protect Democratic senators at risk in the South and West. And that this requires minimizing the world’s real dangers while maximizing the brawny Republican threat to the homeland. But even by the low bar of campaign logic, the speeches were filled with weird flights.
    “The reason people are feeling anxious,” Mr. Obama said in Westchester, “is that if you watch the nightly news, it feels like the world is falling apart.” And while “the world has always been messy,” Mr. Obama said, “we’re just noticing now because of social media.”
    Videotaped beheadings of American journalists, mass atrocities, rolling tank armies in Iraq and eastern Ukraine, Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islamic terrorists kidnapping and slaughtering people are bad, but TV, YouTube and Twitter are making it . . . worse than it is?
    Notwithstanding the media’s exaggeration of the world’s troubles, Mr. Obama offered solace: “Here’s the message I have for you, American military superiority has never been greater.” Besides, “Russia’s economy is going nowhere.” What’s more: “The good news is that American leadership has never been more necessary.” All true. And that leaves us . . . where?
    But it was when Mr. Obama’s thoughts turned to the home front that the most revealing convolutions appeared, especially on the economy before Milwaukee’s union members.
    He began with preposterous hyperbole: In 2008, “our financial system collapsed.” But today, despite “a lock-step opposition that is opposed to everything we do,” we’re better off “by almost every measure,” including a “booming” stock market.
    Moments after claiming credit for the Federal Reserve’s market boom, Mr. Obama took a nine iron to the upscale people who have captured most of it. He said the “average persons” in his audience aren’t looking for—his words—a yacht, their own plane, a mansion or “vacationing in St. Bart’s .” Here’s the line that came right before these targets: “I’m not stirring up class resentment.”
    Weirder still: When the president spoke to upper-bracket donors in Westchester or Newport, he sounded like one of them. Mr. Obama mocked “the crazy money that’s floating around” in politics, and then asked his moneyed audience to give him some. But when speaking to the “average” people in Milwaukee, his English downshifted: “You should want your wife to get paid fair.” “They ain’t looking for nothing fancy.” TV news is “just kind of a whole downer.” One thing middle-class people aren’t looking for is presidential condescension.
    Mr. Obama says the gridlock in Washington is the result of “a certain cynical genius.” On the evidence, who could disagree? It’s more than that, though.
    Speaking in Estonia Tuesday about the ISIS threat, Mr. Obama said the U.S. will lead “an international effort,” but “that’s going to take some time.” Speaking in Newport, he spoke of the economy’s “long-term challenges.” With Barack Obama—whether it’s friends or enemies at home or abroad—every problem is always disappearing toward the horizon. Presidential decision-making is a can that he kicks down the road. With the whole world along for the wild ride.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11

    fuzzysdad01 Uncategorized America, Benghazi terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 2012., September 11 2001, terror attacks, The Washington Free Beacon, U K, United Nations Security Council Leave a comment
    This is from The Washington Free Beacon.
    The author mentioned these planes could be used in terror attacks in North Africa.
    Why couldn’t they be used elsewhere like the U K or even America?.

    Egypt set for military intervention as Libya spirals toward failed state.

    Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa.
    Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.
    “There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing,” said one official. “We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”
    The official said the aircraft are a serious counterterrorism concern because reports of terrorist control over the Libyan airliners come three weeks before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks and the second anniversary of the Libyan terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
    Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the Benghazi attack, which the Obama administration initially said was the result of a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Muslim video.
    A senior State Department counterterrorism official declined to comment on reports of the stolen jetliners.
    A second State department official sought to downplay the reports. “We can’t confirm that,” he said.
    Meanwhile, officials said Egyptian military forces appear to be preparing to intervene in Libya to prevent the country from becoming a failed state run by terrorists, many with ties to al Qaeda.
    Libya remains an oil-rich state and if the country is taken over completely by Islamist extremists, U.S. counterterrorism officials believe it will become another terrorist safe haven in the region.
    The officials said U.S. intelligence agencies have not confirmed the aircraft theft following the takeover of Tripoli International Airport in late August, and are attempting to locate all aircraft owned by two Libyan state-owned airline companies, as security in the country continued to deteriorate amid fighting between Islamists and anti-Islamist militias.
    Video surfaced on Sunday showing armed fighters from the Islamist militia group Libyan Dawn partying inside a captured U.S. diplomatic compound in Tripoli. The footage showed one fighter diving into a pool from a second-story balcony at the facility.
    Tripoli airport and at least seven aircraft were reported damaged during fighting that began in July. Photos of the airport in the aftermath showed a number of damaged aircraft. The airport has been closed since mid-July.
    The state-owned Libyan Airlines fleet until this summer included 14 passenger and cargo jetliners, including seven Airbus 320s, one Airbus 330, two French ATR-42 turboprop aircraft, and four Bombardier CJR-900s. Libyan state-owned Afriqiyah Airways fleet is made up of 13 aircraft, including three Airbus 319s, seven Airbus 320s, two Airbus 330s, and one Airbus 340.
    The aircraft were reportedly taken in late August following the takeover of Tripoli International Airport, located about 20 miles south of the capital, by Libyan Dawn.
    Al Jazeera television reported in late August that western intelligence reports had warned of terror threats to the region from 11 stolen commercial jets.
    In response, Tunisia stopped flights from other Libyan airports at Tripoli, Sirte, and Misrata over concerns that jets from those airports could be on suicide missions.
    Egypt’s government also halted flights to and from Libya.
    Military forces in North Africa, including those from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt have been placed on heightened alert as a result of intelligence warning of the stolen aircraft.
    Egyptian military jets reportedly have conducted strikes inside Libya against Libyan Dawn positions recently, and U.S. officials said there are signs a larger Egyptian military incursion is being planned.
    Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi was quoted as denying Egyptian air strikes into Libya have taken place but suggested that military action is being considered.
    Secretary of State John Kerry last week told his Egyptian counterpart that the United States would speed up the delivery of Apache attack helicopters, although it is not clear the Apaches would be used in any Libyan operations.
    Egypt’s military-backed government appears to be seeking a more significant role in regional security after the Obama administration helped engineer the ouster of Libyan strongman Moammar Qaddafi in 2011. Since then, the Obama administration, through its announced policy of “leading from behind,” has stood by while Libya gradually has spiraled into chaos.
    The Libyan government announced Sunday that it no longer controlled the capital of Tripoli.
    “We announce that the majority of the ministries, institutions, and associations in the capital Tripoli are no longer under its control,” a government statement said.
    Libya’s parliament in August declared both Ansar al Sharia and Libyan Dawn as terrorist organizations working to overthrow the government.
    Ansar al Sharia, which is based in Benghazi, recently publicized on social media that it has obtained large numbers of more sophisticated weapons, including SA-6 surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft guns, rocket-propelled grenades, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, assault rifles, and armored vehicles. The group is closely aligned with al Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria.
    Abderrahmane Mekkaoui, a Moroccan military expert, told Al Jazeera television, which first reported the airline theft Aug. 21, the alert regarding the stolen jetliners was preventive and covers the region from Cairo to Lagos Nigeria.
    Mekkaoui said the jets are being held by the Libyan group called Masked Men Brigade, which was designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department in December.
    The Masked Men Brigade is linked to al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia—the group behind the Benghazi terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2012.
    Until the Libya Dawn takeover of the airport, announced Aug. 24, two other militia groups, known as Al Qaqa and Al Sawa controlled the airport and all aircraft belonging to Libyan Airlines and Afriqiyah Airways.
    Mekkaoui said “credible intelligence” reports given to states in the region indicated the Masked Men Brigade “is plotting to use the planes in attacks on a Maghreb state” on the 9/11 anniversary.
    Counterterrorism expert Sebastian Gorka said that if the theft is confirmed, the stolen aircraft could be used in at least two ways.
    “The first would be how commercial airliners were used on Sept. 11, 2001, literally turning an innocent mode of mass transit into a super-high precision guided missile of immense potency,” said Gorka, who holds the Maj. Gen. Charles Horner chair at Marine Corps University in Quantico, Va.
    “The second tactic could be to use the airframe with its civilian markings as a tool of deception to insert a full payload of armed terrorists into a locale that otherwise is always open to commercial carriers,” he said.
    Michael Rubin, a counterterrorism specialist with the American Enterprise Institute, said commercial jetliners in the hands of terrorists could be formidable weapons.
    “Who needs ballistic missiles when you have passenger planes? Even empty, but loaded up with fuel they can be as devastating,” Rubin said.
    “Each plane could, if deployed by terrorists to maximum devastating effect, represent 1,000 civilian casualties.”
    Among the potential targets are urban areas and economic targets, like Saudi Arabia’s oil fields.
    “Anyone who has ever flown over Saudi Arabia at night can see refineries like Yanbu lit up like Christmas trees against the blackness of the desert,” Rubin said. “One Saudi security officer once told me that they would only have about 90 seconds to shoot down a hijacked plane from the time it left international airspace to impact in one of the region’s most important refineries.”
    Rubin said in 2003 a Boeing 727 went missing in Africa fueling concerns about a terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Karachi.
    “What is striking is that more than a decade later, the United States hasn’t taken the need to safeguard what are effectively giant guided missiles seriously,” he said.
    A former Libyan general, Khalifa Haftar, has been leading anti-Islamist forces. His group has access to Libyan air force MiG jets that have conducted strikes on Libyan Dawn positions in recent days. Haftar also has conducted military raids in Benghazi.
    The United Nations Security Council on Aug. 27 announced plans for new sanctions on Libyan militias and terrorists. In a resolution the U.N. warned of the “growing presence of al Qaeda-linked terrorist groups and individuals operating in Libya.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    The Little Known Truth about ISIS’s Human Trafficking and Slave Trade

    This entry was posted on September 4, 2014, in ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State and tagged ISIS, Islamic state. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment

    by Nick Hallett
    ISIS fighters are capturing civilians and using them as slaves, transporting them enormous distances and separating them from their families forever, according to the testimony of a Yazidi girl in today’s Times.

    The 16-year-old girl, called Sama, says that she was held with other girls as young as 11, with her captors saying they would make them “marry Muslim men.”

    Sama got lucky, however, and was rescued by an unknown benefactor who ‘bought’ her and then let her go. She is now in Kurdish-controlled territory.

    She told of how she was seized by ISIS fighters when they over-ran her village, which she has asked to not be named, near Mount Sinjar last month: “We were sitting inside and we heard gunshots and shouting. ISIS came and got everybody outside.

    “They took all of our gold and our cash. My mother had a necklace and $12,000. Then they put women and children in one room and men in the other.”

    The following day, they were driven to the nearby town of Sinjar where they were transferred onto buses with women from other villages. They never saw their male relatives again.

    Sama said: “We stayed two nights in Tal Afar [a town to the east], then they took us to Badush [a prison north of Mosul].”

    After a couple of days, Sama was suddenly moved from the prison ahead of what she believes were air strikes against the complex. She and her fellow prisoners were then reunited with old women back at the town of Tal Afar, before being driven to Mosul which she says is now being used as a slave market.

    She said: “It was only the young and beautiful girls in Mosul. On the first morning, a couple of men came in and picked a couple of the girls. Then different men came the next day.”

    After three days, Sama was then transported back to Tal Afar and held along with 22 other girls, including her two younger sisters.

    She says that the day she was sold, she was called by her name and believed she was about to be killed. She said that she gave advice to the other prisoners: “I told them to look after themselves and I told them, ‘Tell the guards you want your mother. Just tell them you want your mother.'”

    However, she and another girl were then met by two men who appeared to be Turkmen. “The old man said: ‘You are my daughters.'”

    They were driven to a house on the Syrian border and then left alone, with just a telephone on the table and the door unlocked. The girls called a relative and walked through the night before they were met by Kurdish militia.

    Sama got lucky, and is now reunited with her uncle and brothers, but many more Yazidi girls remain in captivity as ISIS brutally sweeps across northern Iraq.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    ISIS in US? DHS has lost track of 6,000+ foreign nationals who entered US on student visas, overstayed welcome, then vanished!

    Posted on 2014/09/03 by Jim Lantern

    THE LANTERN JOURNAL – Special Report and Editorial Article by Jim Lantern – 9:45 p.m. CT Wednesday 3 September 2014
    Immigration and the U.S. border problem with Mexico is not the only wide open doorway into the United States, thanks to government SNAFU and law enforcement FUBAR. The widest door of all: GREED. Money opens doors. Those who hold the doors open for money are guilty of treason against the United States of America. That’s my opinion, my conclusion, and this posting explains why, with proof.
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Shocker: Soros-Funded Group Behind Course for Journalists That Downplays “Jihad”…

    Evil incarnate.
    Via Newsbusters:
    A new course on Islam designed for journalists tries to minimize the impact and importance of “jihad” by comparing it to the number of murders in America each year. That same course claims “right-wing activists” tried to tie American Muslims to terrorism and doesn’t mention examples of Islamic attacks on press freedom.
    That’s the way a prominent news organization is teaching journalists in a three-hour online course. The Poynter News University, part of the Poynter Institute, launched the free course “Covering Islam in America” to guide the media on their coverage of Muslim communities.
    The George Soros-funded Social Science Research Council, which received $50,000 from the Open Society Institute “For Initiative on HIV/AIDS and Social Transformation,” is one of the groups behind the initiative, along with the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. That fits with a theme for liberal financier Soros, who has spent more than $52 million on influencing the media. The Islamic course also links to another Soros-funded entity, the well-financed Center for American Progress.
    In about 30 pages of text with links to other reports and articles, journalists can go through and read about the history of Islam, Muslims in America, and how to cover stories on Islam. Besides learning basic facts about Muslims and their history, the course adds ways to put “jihad” into perspective, attack conservatives, and provide a list of liberal groups that can be contacted for expert advice and quotes.
    The pre and post-assessments give a hint as to the nature of the course. One question asked, “What grievances might sources associated with ‘Political Islam’ hold against Western journalists?” The answer is that “Western journalists are seen as all of the following: “hostile to Islam,” “focus too much on Islamic violence,” “viewed as water carriers for Western government agendas,” and “thought to be unable to understand Islam unless they embrace Islam.”
    Keep reading…
    ZIP | Thursday, September 29, 2011 @ 11:40 am

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Dem Congressman to keynote Hamas-linked CAIR’s fundraiser with ’93 WTC bombing co-conspirator

    Posted on October 14, 2011 by creeping via Congressman to keynote CAIR fundraiser with terror co-conspirator.

    Democratic Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia
    is headlining a fundraiser this weekend for the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations along with an imam tied to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who urges the violent overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government and the establishment of Islamic law.

    CAIR’s 17th annual banquet Saturday at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.,
    features the theme “Making Democracy Work for Everyone.”

    Imam Siraj Wahhaj, designated by the Justice Department as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the WTC bombing, is promoted as a keynote speaker along with Moran.

    The evening banquet concludes a day-long leadership conference offering workshops on subjects such as “counteracting Islamophobia,” “challenging scapegoating of Muslims in the 2012 election” and countering “the anti-Shariah campaign,” referring to state legislative efforts to ensure Islamic law is not implemented in the U.S.

    Make a donation of $25 to protect the free flow of information about threats to America’s security and get both the e-book and the hardcover edition of the book that exposes CAIR, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

    As WND reported, Moran, a longtime supporter of CAIR, was forced to step down from his leadership role as regional whip in 2003 after he blamed the influence of the Jewish community for the U.S. war in Iraq.

    Wahhaj’s presence at CAIR’s 2009 annual banquet prompted an activist group to launch a campaign to urge the hosting hotel, the venue for this year’s event, to cancel.

    As WND reported, Wahhaj, a regular CAIR fundraiser and a former member of its advisory board, initially was a featured speaker but ended up giving only a short fundraising appeal at the banquet.

    As late as nine days prior to the 2009 banquet, CAIR featured Wahhaj and White House adviser Dalia Mogahed in its promotions as its two marquee names. But on the eve of the event – after WND reports of Wahhaj’s radical views as documented in WND Books’ best-seller “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” – a press release did not even mention them.

    Read it all via WND

    Jimmy Carter meets with Muslim Brotherhood

    Posted on January 13, 2012 by creeping

    Probably not the first time. He’s been calling for Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood recognition for years. via Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood party head meets former U.S. president Carter – People’s Daily Online.

    CAIRO, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) — Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party ( FJP) chairman Mohamed Morsi met here Thursday with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to discuss Egypt’s transition process.

    Carter congratulated Morsi on the parliamentary election results achieved by the party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), noting there was international consensus to respect the results which reflect the Egyptian people’s choices, said a statement posted on the MB’s website.

    The former U.S. president called on the FJP to accommodate nascent and new parties of youth which have not achieved significant rates of victory in recent elections, it said.

    Morsi said a mixed presidential-parliamentary model was optimal for Egypt in the current transitional period. This can be transformed into a full parliamentary system after the completion of democratic process, he added.

    The FJP chief also said Egypt is a big country with vital institutions and respects the agreements signed in the past as long as all parties are committed to their terms within the framework of respect for sovereignty and independence.

    Carter, who arrived in Egypt Monday, held talks with the chief of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Hussein Tantawi, and Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri.

    More via IBD, Why Is Jimmy Carter Helping Egypt’s Islamic Radicals?:

    The worst president of the 20th century is now fomenting terrorism in the 21st century by helping Egyptian Islamists. For decades, Jimmy Carter has been legitimizing mass-murderers in the name of peace.

    The president whose infamous 1979 televised “malaise speech” blamed his own failures on Americans’ “growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives” has spent much of his life aiding some of America’s most murderous enemies.

    As president, with his U.N. ambassador, Andrew Young, calling the Ayatollah Khomeini “some kind of saint” and his own State Department suggesting Khomeini’s anti-American writings were forgeries, Carter abandoned our ally the Shah of Iran and let Khomeini conduct an Islamist revolution. For 444 days 52 Americans were held hostage.

    If not for Carter’s naive “human rights” foreign policy, an anti-American Islamofascist regime in Tehran wouldn’t be on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons.

    Why would a former U.S. president help the organization that established the Hamas terrorist group and whose Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) manifesto promises to cut off oil and gas to “the Zionist occupiers of Palestine,” establish Taliban-like Shariah law and devastate the economy by banning the supposedly Zionist practice of consumer lending?

    Related Creeping Sharia posts:

    U.S. State Department Actively Promoting Islam in Europe

    by Soeren Kern
    March 6, 2012 at 5:00 am

    The French government – which has been trying to reverse the pernicious effects of decades of state-sponsored multiculturalism – expressed dismay at what it called "meddling."
    The United States ambassador to Spain recently met with a group of Muslim immigrants in one of the most Islamized neighborhoods of Barcelona to apologize for American foreign policymaking in the Middle East.

    U.S. Ambassador Alan Solomont told Muslims assembled at the town hall-like meeting in the heart of Barcelona's old city that the United States is not an "enemy of Islam" and that U.S. President Barack Obama wants to improve America's image in the Middle East as quickly as possible by closing the "dark chapters" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Companion Threads:

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010
    Frequent White House Visitors and Radical Hate Sponsors Code Pink to Muslims: ‘Help Us Cleanse Our Country’

    Code Pink is a regular visitor to the White House. Obama Funder ‘Jodie Evans’ In White House Visitor Log days after Code Pink Hamas Trip

    When I was researching Obama's FEC documents, I discovered that Evans was a bundler. The name of Obama funder and terrorist sympathizer Jodie Evans turns up twice in recently released White House visitor logs.

    These are Obama's peeps. That this filth is welcomed at the White House is breathtaking.

    As Americans keep a wary eye on Muslim radicals in Yemen, little attention is being given to a far more dangerous enemy right in our own backyard. Under the banner of ‘anti-war’ activism, the radical group Code Pink is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”

    The ad is entitled ‘Arrest The War Criminals.’ Only problem is, Code Pink believes the war criminals are none other than George W. Bush and Co. And they’re actively recruiting radical Muslim terrorists to help them in their cause.

    A link on the ad goes to a web site that actually calls for the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush, his wife Laura, his family, and various former administration officials.

    To date, not a peep has been heard from the Secret Service.
    Maybe that’s because Jodie Evans, the co-founder of Code Pink was a top fundraiser for Barack Obama. Or maybe not.

    This isn’t the first time the rabid feminist anti-war group has had amicable ties with terrorists. As Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government reports:
    “The Muslim Brotherhood published a statement by Code Pink issued in May to promote Code Pink’s trip to Gaza that month. In December, the Muslim Brotherhood published an open letter to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak by Code Pink and the Gaza Freedom March decrying the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow the group passage into Gaza.”
    If you’re under the mistaken impression that the Muslim Brotherhood is a benign member of the ‘religion of peace,’ you might want to get the straight poop from David Horowitz’s Discover the Networks. Here.

    Once again, yet another radical group is discovered to have close ties to President Obama. Yawn.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Code Pink Invites Muslim Brotherhood: 'Join Us in Cleansing Our Country'

    Fresh on the heels of their Hamas-protected trip to Gaza, the so-called feminist, American antiwar group Code Pink, co-founded by top Obama funder Jodie Evans, is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”
    The ad, titled “Arrest the War Criminals” with a subhead that contains the invitation to “join us in cleansing our country” links back to a Code Pink site that calls for the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush, his wife Laura and other former members of his administration through ‘citizens arrests’ for defending America against terrorists in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks by Al Qaeda.
    Jimmy Carter: “Principles of Allah” Key to Peace

    By Lea Speyer

    Former President of the United States Jimmy Carter made headlines this past weekend where he spoke at the annual convention for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) on Saturday.

    Carter, who has called in the past for mercy on terrorist extremists and their organizations, said that the “principles of Allah” are the key to peace in the Middle East.

    During his speech, Carter called on the international community to bring “justice of the Palestinians.”

    “You can’t bring peace to the Middle East without justice and human rights for the Palestinians. When my prayers are answered and we have peace in the Holy Land then the Israelis and all their neighbors will be blessed to live in peace and prosperity,” Carter stated.

    Carter failed to mention previous peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinians in which two-state proposals have been consistently rejected by the Palestinians.

    Earlier in the day, at a luncheon, Carter lauded his own efforts to bring peace to the world.

    “We are all Americans in a system that allows basic human rights: peace, justice and the ability to treat each other as equals,” he declared. “I hope all of you will use the principles of Allah to bring peace and justice to all.”

    Carter’s comments come at a fragile time in Middle Eastern events as terror groups such as ISIS and Hamas carry out violent attacks in the Middle East in the name of the “principles of Allah.”

    Last month, Carter raised eyebrows when he called upon the Western world to recognize “Hamas as a legitimate political actor.”

    In an article penned for Foreign Policy magazine, the former president slammed Israel’s actions at the start of Operation Protective Edge and said there was a “need for international judicial proceedings to investigate” Israel for war crimes.

    Carter accused Israel of “deliberate attacks on civilians” and said that the West must “provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons.” Hamas is designated by the US State Department as an international terrorist organization.

    For its part, ISNA claims to represent moderate Muslims living in the US. However, according to a report in Breitbart, ISNA was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terror trial for raising money for Hamas.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama Administration Has No Plans For ISIS Other Than To Pass The Buck To Next Pres

    Image Filed under: Arrogance, Barbarism, Corruption, Fail, Foreign Policy, Hope and Change, Hypocrisy, Leadership, National Security, Politics, Shame, Terrorism, WarLeave a comment
    September 4, 2014

    White House Official: The Islamic State Is The Next Administration’s Problem

    ” Last week, President Barack Obama admitted that his administration does not “have a strategy yet” for attacking the Islamic State in its Syrian stronghold. On Wednesday, noting in the same speech that his administration would seek to “destroy” ISIS and/or “shrink” it into a “manageable problem,” he revealed that he does not really even have a single objective in mind for how to deal with the Islamic State.
    Nearly six years after George W. Bush left the White House, the Obama White House has been completely unable to even approach his ability to craft an international coalition. They ruthlessly mocked the size of the 48-member strong force that engaged in combat and nation building in Iraq in 2003 because it did not include France and Canada, but defend the execution of perfectly unilateral military action in Iraq today and demand you consider it consistency.
    “ This, as the President has said, is going to have to be a sustained effort,” Blinken said. “It’s going to take time, and it will probably go beyond even this administration to get to the point of defeat.”
    You see, not only does the White House need there to be an international coalition assembled before ISIS is engaged (a process which the president may be engaged in as we speak at a NATO summit in Wales), but he needs the consent of Congress as well. And that is a process which the White House is most assuredly not pursuing at all.”
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    Woman ‘beheaded’ at house in north London as ‘man goes on the loose with machete’

    A woman has been found ‘beheaded’ in a back garden in north London after witnesses said a man went “on the loose with a machete”.
    Police were called to reports of a stabbing in Nightingale Road, Edmonton just after 1pm today.
    They found a woman collapsed in the garden of a property.
    There is no suggestion the killing had a terrorist motive, the Press Association reported.
    Witnesses reported seeing a man running around the area armed with a machete as police gave chase.
    One tweeted: “Madman on the loose with a machete in Edmonton”.
    A spokesman for Scotland Yard would not comment on the reports of the weapon.
    He said a man was arrested in connection with the killing at the scene.
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    Of course, no information on the race, religion or anything else on the perp.

    But, he's "Black", he's "Muslim", he's an animal, and he needs to be hunted down and executed.
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    London 'beheading': Woman slaughtered by 'man with machete' in back garden of house in Edmonton

    Attack: police at the scene in Edmonton (Picture: Twitter/@Redbutdred)

    Published: 04 September 2014

    Updated: 17:05, 04 September 2014

    A woman has been found 'beheaded' in a back garden in north London after witnesses said a man went "on the loose with a machete".

    Police were called to reports of a stabbing in Nightingale Road, Edmonton just after 1pm today.

    Officers found a woman collapsed in the garden of a property.

    They later arrested a 25-year-old man on suspicion of murder.

    In a statement this afternoon, the Met said one of its firearms officers had been injured during the arrest, sustaining a broken wrist.

    It added that a Taser was discharged by officers as they attempted to arrest their suspect.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS


    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    Did you know that one of the Americans that was recently killed fighting for ISIS once cleaned planes at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport?
    Did you know that one of the Americans that was recently killed fighting for ISIS once cleaned planes at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport? His name was Abdirahmaan Muhumed, and he was a Somali refugee. Since 1975, more than 3 million refugees have been resettled in cities in the United States, and thanks to the Obama administration an increasing percentage of those refugees are Muslim. As you will read about below, Obama has even made it possible for refugees that have given only “limited material support” to terrorists to come to America. The Obama administration says that it is still trying to keep full-blown terrorists from entering the country, but it has become exceedingly clear that administration officials aren’t exactly into that whole “border security” thing. And once refugees arrive in the United States, they are fully eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance and a whole host of other welfare programs. So if you are a jihadist and you want to move to the United States legally, all you have to do is claim to be a “refugee” and you might just find that the red carpet gets rolled out for you.
    According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, “the estimated share of legal Muslim immigrants entering the U.S. each year has roughly doubled, from about 5 percent of legal immigrants in 1992 to about 10 percent in 2012.” And this rise in Islamic immigration has been accelerated by a series of moves by Barack Obama.
    For example, earlier this year the Wall Street Journal reported on a decision by the Obama administration to bring thousands of additional Syrian refugees into the country by the end of this year…
    U.S. plans to resettle thousands of Syrians displaced by their country’s civil war could hinge on those refugees receiving exemptions from laws aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the country.
    A U.S. official stated publicly for the first time this week that some of the 30,000 especially vulnerable Syrians the United Nations hopes to resettle by the end of 2014 will be referred to the U.S. for resettlement.
    Will “refugees” with ties to ISIS or other jihadist organizations be weeded out?
    Hopefully at least some of them will be. But at this point the Obama administration has set the bar pretty low. In fact, the Obama administration has decided that it is even okay for those that have provided “limited material support” to terrorists to be allowed into the country…
    The Obama administration has issued new exemptions to a law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists who are believed to pose no threat from the U.S.
    The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new exemptions Wednesday in the Federal Register to narrow a ban in the Immigration and Nationality Act excluding refugees and asylum seekers who had provided limited material support, no matter how minor, to terrorists.
    “These exemptions cover five kinds of limited material support that have adversely and unfairly affected refugees and asylum seekers with no tangible connection to terrorism: material support that was insignificant in amount or provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, family or humanitarian interactions, or under significant pressure,” a DHS official explained to The Daily Caller.
    When they arrive in the United States, many Muslim refugees are resettled in cities in the heartland of America. For instance, the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota has had such an influx of Somali refugees that it has become known as “Little Mogadishu”…
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, sits at the heart of the controversial program. Known as “Little Mogadishu” to some critics, the city has since 1983 welcomed thousands of Somali refugees, most of whom are practicing Muslims and attend a local mosque or Islamic center.
    While the Minneapolis-St. Paul area plays host to the largest Somali refugee population, it’s not the only American city that is taking in refugees from the war-torn African nation. Columbus, Ohio, and San Diego, California, have also served as refugee resettlement hot spots.
    Of course most of the refugees are law-abiding people that are not causing problems.
    But there are an alarming number of exceptions.
    It is not just a coincidence that the two Americans that were fighting for ISIS that were recently killed were both from Minnesota…
    The trend was underscored again last week when it was reported that two Americans, both from Minneapolis, had linked up with the ISIS terrorist organization in Syria and were killed on the battlefield in that country’s civil war. One was a Somali refugee and the other reportedly was an African-American with ties to the Somali community in Minnesota.
    And many more have been tried and convicted of providing money or material support to overseas Muslim terrorist organizations. Among them was one Somali woman from Minnesota who refused to rise when called upon by the judge, citing a verse in the Quran.
    “I’ll not stand for anyone except for Allah,” Amina Farah Ali told the federal judge.
    And guess what?
    If they had not been killed on the battlefield, they would have been welcomed back into the United States with open arms.
    Just check out what Congresswoman Michele Bachmann learned when she asked the FBI about this…
    Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R) was stunned when she questioned the FBI about what would happen to American citizens who have gone overseas to fight with the Islamic State, and then try to return to the United States.
    “Two from my state were the first Americans who were fighting for ISIS,” she began on The Glenn Beck Program Tuesday. “I had gone earlier this year and asked the FBI, ‘Are there any Minnesotans that are over fighting with ISIS?’ It was classified information at the time, I couldn’t reveal it. Now everyone knows.”
    “At that time, these two hadn’t been killed yet,” Bachmann continued. “So what I asked is, ‘OK, once they’re done fighting with ISIS, what’s going to happen if they try to return?’ And they said, ‘Well, they’ll come into the country.’”
    Fighting for ISIS won’t even keep people out the country?
    Are we insane?
    And while jihadists are staying inside our country, they are eligible for a free ride that the rest of us are paying for.
    The following information comes from Refugee Resettlement Watch…
    Refugee access to welfare on the same basis as a U.S. citizen has made the program a global magnet.
    The federal programs available to them include:
    ∙ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) formerly known as AFDC
    ∙ Medicaid
    ∙ Food Stamps
    ∙ Public Housing
    ∙ Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    ∙ Social Security Disability Insurance
    ∙ Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) (direct services only)
    ∙ Child Care and Development Fund
    ∙ Independent Living Program
    ∙ Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals (JOLI)
    ∙ Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
    ∙ Postsecondary Education Loans and Grants
    ∙ Refugee Assistance Programs
    ∙ Title IV Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Payments (if parents are qualified immigrants – refugees, asylees, etc)
    ∙ Title XX Social Services Block Grant Funds
    Of course most refugees are more than happy to take advantage of all of these “services”. Here is more from Refugee Resettlement Watch…
    Public Assistance Utilization Among refugees who arrived during the 5 years previous to the survey 57.7% are on government medical assistance such as Medicaid, about 25% have no health insurance at all, 70.2% are receiving food stamps, 31.6% are in public housing (an additional percentage is on a public housing waiting list), and 38.3 % are getting cash assistance such as TANF or SSI.
    The figure of 57.7% dependent upon government medical assistance is actually an undercount since it excludes children under 16.
    Yes, our southern border is wide open for any jihadists that want to come into our country illegally.
    But if you are a jihadist that wants to immigrate to America, there is a much easier way.
    Just tell the Obama administration that you are a “refugee”, and you might just find that you are soon living in one of our major cities at U.S. taxpayer expense.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Finding an ISIS Training Camp Using Google Earth

    Posted on September 3, 2014 by a12iggymom

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    Soulskill posted about two weeks ago | from the bet-you-wished-you’d-stuck-to-word-of-mouth dept.
    An anonymous reader writes: Terrorist organization ISIS has been in the news a lot lately for their hostile activities in Iraq and Syria. They’ve also been very active online, posting propaganda and photos on various social networking sites to try to recruit more members. Frequently, they’ll have pictures of themselves in nondescript locations — but even carefully selected images give clues to a real location. Citizen journalists at Bellingcat analyzed a group of these photos, comparing buildings and bridges in the background to images from Google Earth. With very little to go on, they were able to pinpoint the location of a terrorist training camp.
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    I find it deplorable that this Administration hasn't glassed that place yet.

    Group: Islamic militants killed 770 Iraqi troops

    Posted on September 3, 2014 by a12iggymom

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    Obama: Degrade and Destroy Islamic State Threat

    WSJ Video News

    BAGHDAD (AP) — Militants from the Islamic State group carried out a mass killing of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers captured when the extremists overran a military base north of Baghdad in June, a leading international watchdog said Wednesday.
    The incident at Camp Speicher, an air base that previously served as a U.S. military facility, was one of the worst atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic State group as it seized large swaths of northern and western Iraq.
    According to Human Rights Watch, new evidence indicates Islamic State fighters killed between 560 and 770 men captured at Camp Speicher, near the city of Tikrit — a figure several times higher than what was initially reported.
    “These are horrific and massive abuses, atrocities by the Islamic State, and on a scale that clearly rises to the crimes against humanity,” Fred Abrahams, special adviser to group, told journalists in the northern city of Irbil.
    The al-Qaida-breakaway claimed in mid-June that it “executed” about 1,700 soldiers and military personnel from Camp Speicher.
    The group also posted graphic photos that appeared to show its gunmen massacring scores of Iraqi soldiers after loading the captives onto flatbed trucks and then forcing them to lie face-down in a shallow ditch, their arms tied behind their backs.
    After the incident, the soldiers were listed as missing, prompting their families to stage demonstrations in Baghdad in an effort to pressure authorities for word on their sons’ fate. On Tuesday, dozens of angry family members stormed into the parliament in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone after scuffling with security guards. They forced the speaker to call a session Wednesday on the missing soldiers.
    Human Rights Watch said in late June that analysis of photos and satellite images showed that between 160 and 190 men were killed in at least two locations between June 11 and 14.
    View gallery
    The new Human Rights Watch report said the revised figure for the slain soldiers was based on analysis of new satellite imagery, militant videos and a survivor’s account that confirmed the existence of three more “mass execution sites.” The number of victims may well be even higher as more evidence emerges, it said.
    “The barbarity of the Islamic State violates the law and grossly offends the conscience,” said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch.
    At Wednesday’s parliament session, the soldiers’ families accused authorities of “selling our sons” by ordering many of the soldiers to abandon their posts and leave Camp Speicher in civilian clothes.
    Once outside the base, hundreds were captured, said Mohammed al-Assi, a representative for the soldiers’ families.
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    Pentagon Official Claims ISIS Leadership Was Unaware U.S. Special Forces Were Hunting Them — Till White House Leak

    September 4, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Al Qaeda, CIA, DIA, Intelligence Community, ISIS in Iraq, national security, POTUS, Syria, terrorism, US Military · Leave a comment
    Pentagon Official Claims ISIS Leadership Was Unaware U.S. Special Forces Were Hunting Them — Till White House Leaked It. See full article at the link below.
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    Pentagon Official: ISIS Executioners Had No Idea Special Forces Chasing Them — Until Obama Told Them

    Posted on by PatriotsBillboard
    Daily Caller 8-24-14 – On Wednesday, the White House leaked a classified special forces operation to rescue American hostages in Syria. The reason: political cover. The cost: so far, unknown.

    But this much, we know: The politicized leak of this operation cut through the fog of war to let our enemies know exactly what happened that day in the desert, and because of that, future attempts to free American hostages will be more difficult to plan, farther between, and more dangerous to carry out.

    On Wednesday, Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby confirmed reports of the U.S. military’s failed clandestine hostage rescue operation in Syria. The operation was designed to rescue a number of Western hostages, including American journalist James Foley, that were being held by Islamic State terrorists in Syria. Details of the failed raid were leaked by senior White House officials earlier that day after the Obama administration came under intense scrutiny about what actions it had taken to free Foley following, who was beheaded . The leak was designed to provide political cover for President Barack Obama, who has been taking fire from the press for failing to take more decisive action against the Islamic State in either Iraq or Syria.

    The operation involved an extremely large number of U.S. special operations forces moving over long distances. It has been described as the largest U.S. hostage rescue operation undertaken since the famed raid on the Son Tay prison camp in Vietnam – meaning it was larger in scope than the mission to free the U.S. hostages being held at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1980.

    Unfortunately, the parallels between this operation and the Son Tay raid did not stop at the size and scope of the mission: Just as in Son Tay, the hostage rescue force arrived only to find that the hostages were not there.

    When the hostage rescue force arrived at the target location in Syria, they encountered a handful of fighters on the ground, which they quickly neutralized. As has been previously reported, one U.S. helicopter pilot transporting the rescue force suffered a gunshot wound during the operation. He completed the entire mission before informing anyone that he had been shot. It was an act of heroism that would have gone unknown before yesterday’s leak.

    Following the mission, it was determined that the Islamic State did not know that it was the United States that had conducted the raid. This was confirmed Wednesday by media outlets, who quoted the leaker saying the “[Islamic State] did not know who they were fighting that night, and we assess Syria did not know.”

    As such, the decision was made to maintain absolute secrecy in the event that hostages could be located again, and another rescue operation could be undertaken. After Wednesday’s leak by the White House, this seems highly unlikely. The Islamic State is now aware that the United States is tracking the whereabouts of the Western hostages, and that the U.S. has shown a willingness to take military action to free them. They will likely increase their operational and communication security postures in order to prevent a repeat operation.

    Wednesday’s selfish, politically motivated leak has reduced the chances for a successful second rescue attempt, and has likely increased the risk to the lives of the hostages still in the Islamic State’s possession. For that, someone should be fired.

    I wish I was surprised by the decision to leak information that would endanger the lives of additional hostages in order to provide the administration with a few political points, but I am not. This is par for the course for an administration that is more concerned with domestic politics and opinion polling than they are with taking the actions necessary to safeguard American national security.

    As I have predicted for several months in pieces published here at The Daily Caller, the Islamic State has grown in size and strength, and has declared the creation of an Islamic caliphate under the governance of the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — who now goes by the name Caliph Ibrahim. The area currently under the control of the Islamic State includes large sections of territory in Iraq and Syria. It is the largest territory ever to be controlled by a terrorist organization. Every day, the area under the control of the Islamic State more closely resembles pre-9/11 Afghanistan. Every day the U.S. waits, the larger the commitment to destroy the Islamic State will be. The threat to the United States is real, as the Islamic State has both the intent and the capabilities to attack the U.S. homeland.

    For three years, the Obama administration has sat idly by while the Islamic State grew in size and strength across the Iraqi border in neighboring Syria. In that time, Syria has become a failed state, which has allowed the Islamic State to thrive while 160,000 Syrians have been killed. Syria remains the heart of the problem. Iraq is just one of its symptoms.

    But it was not until the Islamic State began to overrun Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq, and began the systematic genocide of Yazidi tribesmen, women, and children, that the Obama administration became concerned enough to take action. Obama first ordered the U.S. military to drop humanitarian relief supplies on top of Mount Sinjar in Northern Iraq, where thousands of Yazidis were seeking refuge from Islamic State militants. Then, the mission was expanded to include U.S. airstrikes to defend the Kurdish City of Irbil and U.S. personnel stationed there.

    The objective of the overall U.S. mission remains unclear. U.S. military commanders recognize the threat posed by the Islamic State, and have requested permission to target the group more broadly, but the administration is wavering.

    When White House national security staffers do see a proposal that they like from either the U.S. military or intelligence community to take action, they will take it to the president or the responsible authority for action. Normally, concepts of operations are designed to achieve policy goals stipulated by the White House. What we have here is the opposite: something we call “policy by concept of operations.” Indeed, White House staffers cherry picking individual courses of action devoid of a strategy evoke images of President Lyndon Johnson selecting bombing targets in Vietnam.

    In the absence of any discernible policy, commanders and intelligence community executives are coming up with concepts that they think should be executed based on their professional experience and judgment — they can only hope that the political operatives at the White House concur. This is not how national security decision-making should be conducted, and it is how we ended up with the current mission in Iraq: limited airstrikes and humanitarian air drops in a localized area, with no connection to a larger strategy or goal because for the White House, it does not matter. For them, it’s politics. As long as they are doing something, that’s all that matters. (MILLER: Special Forces, Not #Hashtags, Mr. President)

    During the end of the 2008 presidential campaign, Sen. John McCain charged that then-Sen. Barack Obama “didn’t know the difference between a tactic and a strategy.” The current U.S. military mission in Iraq is evidence that McCain was right. Airstrikes by themselves without a larger goal or objective are a tactic, not a strategy. What are we trying to achieve? The threat posed by the Islamic State far exceeds the localized conflict taking place in northern Iraq, on which the administration has been hyper focused. But few in the administration seems to either understand or care. It’s a reflection of the lack of experience, over-politicization of national security matters, and trying to control everything at the White House.

    At this time, the Obama administration still has no workable strategy or policy for the Syrian civil war or for the growing threat posed by the Islamic State. The White House is in strategic paralysis and seems unable to make a decision as to what the U.S. should do. Obama has publicly stated his reluctance to take on a more expansive U.S. military operation for political and economic reasons, but the current problem is not entirely of his making: Obama is only able to make the decisions that his staff bring to him for consideration. From dangerous leaks to failed policies in the Middle East, the White House is a mess from the bottom, all the way to the top.

    Joseph Miller is the pen name for a ranking Department of Defense official with a background in U.S. special operations and combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has worked in strategic planning.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  19. #159
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS Leader taken down.... air strike.
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  20. #160
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Nearly a dozen planes missing, the media is all up in 9-11's approach, chatter is high, Obama is ignoring Russia, ISIS, China - pretty much any threat.

    I need a vacation.
    Libertatem Prius!

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