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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama sets prime-time address on ISIS, as Congress demands strategy


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    President Obama plans to deliver a high-stakes prime-time address on Wednesday to discuss his plans for combating the Islamic State, as he faces mounting pressure from congressional leaders to explain a clear strategy they say is long overdue.
    “We have a very serious problem and what we need is a strategy,” House Speaker John Boehner said.
    The White House announced Tuesday that the president will deliver his address at 9 p.m. ET from the State Floor.
    The White House says he will discuss the threat posed by the Islamic State militants and a strategy for "degrading and ultimately destroying" the group.
    Prime-time addresses typically are reserved for major announcements, and the president has in the past used them to discuss everything from the drawdown of forces in Afghanistan to – one year ago tomorrow – the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
    Obama has set a high bar in scheduling such an address for outlining his ISIS plans.
    In advance of the speech, he’s facing pressure from lawmakers on all sides, most of whom want the U.S. to aggressively counter the Islamic State but diverge on how to do it and whether Congress needs to take a formal vote.
    "I think we need to be going after the terrorist threat wherever it is and anyone who thinks this is just an Iraq-Syria issue is not paying much attention to what's happening around the world," Boehner told reporters after a House Republican caucus meeting with former Vice President Dick Cheney.
    Ahead of his address, Obama is meeting with congressional leaders at the White House Tuesday. Officials have said the president is seeking "buy-in" from lawmakers but they have not specified whether Obama will seek an authorization for use of force.
    The U.S. is already launching airstrikes against militants in Iraq, actions taken at the invitation of the Iraqi government and without congressional authorization.
    Boehner said Tuesday that no decision would be made on whether Congress votes until Obama lays out his plan. There is no consensus in Congress on whether Obama needs new authorization to attack the militants. Some lawmakers say the president has the authority under the Constitution and no new vote is necessary. Others are reluctant to vote weeks before midterm elections.
    Despite the disagreements, Republicans have seized on Obama's concession last month that the administration had no strategy, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell using that statement in a campaign ad.
    In a speech on the Senate floor, McConnell set the parameters for Obama, saying the president needs to identify military objectives and explain how they will be accomplished.
    "He needs to present this plan to the Congress and the American people, and where the president believes he lacks authority to execute such a strategy, he needs to explain to the Congress how additional authority for the use of force will protect America," McConnell said. "The threat from ISIL is real and it's growing. It's time for President Obama to exercise some leadership in launching a response." ISIL is an alternative name for the militants.
    In the House GOP meeting, Cheney stressed the importance of American leadership in the world to a Republican caucus that's split between hawks and tea partiers.
    "His message primarily was that he sees the pattern of this president leading to a less safe world and a much more problematic relationship with our historic allies, whether they're in the Middle East or Europe," Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said.
    Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., said he saw no legal need for Obama to seek congressional approval for military action at all.
    "He already has the authorization," he told reporters. "But I think if he chooses to come to Congress, I think it will pass overwhelmingly and it may be to his benefit."
    Kinzinger said Obama had options, from seeking lawmakers' blessing for a specific use of force, amending his current authorization or simply asking for money to be appropriated for an ongoing battle.
    "The big thing is to make sure that he follows up those words with action," Kinzinger said. "That's been an area that's been lacking lately."
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    ISIS Threatens to Assassinate Twitter Employees for Closing Jihadist Accts

    09 Tuesday Sep 2014
    Posted by bydesign001 in Uncategorized

    Twitter, SF Headquarters. Photo: Wikiepedia, CC 3.0.

    Twitter employees, the majority of whom are likely Progressives are starting to realize that Islam is not the religion of peace since Al Musra Al Maqdisi, an affiliate of the Islamic State located in Jerusalem is threatening to assassinate Twitter employees who shut down their Twitter accounts.

    Al Musra Al Maqdisi is asking lone wolves across the USA and Europe to target Twitter staff. The designated primary targets are Twitter employees in the Silicon Valley headquarters. I was right, Progressives.
    One of the calls is believed to have come from Al Musra Al Maqdisia, or The Supporters Of Jerusalem – a Jerusalem-based group that pledged its allegiance to ISIS in February.

    The tweets from the now-suspended account, translated by Vocativ, read: ‘#TheConceptOfLoneWolfAttacks The time has arrived to respond to Twitter’s management by directly attacking their employees and physically assassinating them!! Those who will carry this out are the sleepers cells of death.’

    It continued: ‘Twitter management should know that if they do not stop their campaign in the virtual world, we will bring the war to them in the real world on the ground….’

    Read full article

    Is Facebook next? Yes? No?

    That being said, if these barbarians had spent their history creating technology instead murder, raping and maiming everyone in their path, they would have no need for the West’s social media.

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    Obama's ISIS Strategy: Wednesday Speech To Lay Out International Coalition's Plan To 'Degrade and Destroy' ISIS

    By Erin
    on September 08 2014 3:59 PM

    President Obama has said the U.S. is "reviewing options" in Iraq. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

    For the past two weeks, President Obama and other senior U.S. administration officials have been putting together an international coalition to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but have revealed few details about how that coalition will function. Obama said in an interview with MSNBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday that he would finally reveal his strategy in a speech Wednesday.

    “I just want the American people to understand the nature of the threat and how we’re going to deal with it and to have confidence that we’ll be able to deal with it,” he said in the interview broadcast Sunday.

    Given what we have heard so far, what can we expect in Obama’s speech Wednesday about the international coalition’s strategy to “degrade and destroy” ISIS?

    1. More funds and weapons for local fighters
    In the case of Iraq, U.S. and other international coalition partners, including other western countries such as Britain, may ramp up funding and distribute more weapons to the Iraqi and Kurdish (peshmerga) military forces to fight ISIS in Iraqi Kurdistan and Anbar Province. Last week Obama approved the deployment of an additional 350 U.S. troops to the country, bringing the total to 1,100. The troops stationed in Iraq will serve no combat role, he said, but would work with the Iraqi and Kurdish military as advisors. The U.S. will continue to work with these forces in Iraq and work toward pushing back ISIS from key areas including those near Kirkuk, a major oil-producing city, and dams.

    2. U.S. airstrikes on ISIS convoys and military strongholds
    Those are already happening in Iraq -- but not in Syria. The U.S. has already launched more than 100 airstrikes in Iraq on ISIS convoys and other targets. Obama has said those airstrikes will continue as long as ISIS still poses a threat to Americans in the country. Obama will most likely provide an update on the exact number of strikes launched in Iraq and how much more we can expect.

    3. Addressing the humanitarian crisis in Sinjar
    Yazidis have been besieged there by ISIS, and the persecution of other ethnic minorities in Iraq. One of the reasons Obama authorized targeted strikes against ISIS was to prevent a “potential genocide” against the Yazidi people living in the Sinjar Mountains.

    4. Naming all, or some, of the partners who have signed on to the international coalition to fight ISIS
    Obama, as well as spokespeople at the State Department and Pentagon, have alluded to the fact that several countries in the Middle East, and some in the west, had already agreed to sign on to the coalition. But it is not yet known in what capacity they will help in the fight against ISIS.

    “We are going to systematically degrade their capabilities. We’re going to shrink the territory that they control. And ultimately we’re going to defeat them,” Obama said in his interview with Meet The Press.

    The Arab League on Sunday agreed to take all necessary measures to confront the Sunni militant group. The group did not explicitly back U.S. military action against the group, but did endorse a U.N. resolution issued last month that imposes sanctions on a number of the group’s fighters and "act to suppress the flow of foreign fighters, financing and other support to Islamist extremist groups in Iraq and Syria."

    U.S. rhetoric between the president’s speech at West Point in May and now could give us an indication of how the U.S. and the international coalition will play out.

    “We should not go it alone,” Obama said in his speech at West Point in May. “We need to mobilize allies and partners to take collective actions. We need to broaden our tools to include diplomacy and development, sanctions and isolation, appeals to international law and, if just and effective, multilateral military action.”

    State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a press briefing Monday that more than 40 countries have already contributed to the effort in Iraq over the past several months. She said the U.S. would build on this already established effort. Psaki gave some indication in her briefing of countries that are already helping fight ISIS in Iraq, but said that the U.S. did not consider Iran as one of them. She said some Arab League members are already involved in the fight against ISIS in Iraq.

    U.S. officials have said that Britain and Australia were potential candidates to include in the new coalition, as well as Turkey, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Germany.

    5. Setting a timeline for the international coalition's fight against ISIS
    President Obama said in his speech at West Point in May that “for the foreseeable future the most direct threat to America at home and abroad remains terrorism.” Obama will most likely lay out a loose timeframe for when the international coalition will begin the offensive against ISIS, and how long it will last.

    6. Details on how the international coalition will operate and in what capacity
    The international coalition could align with the strategy Bush adopted in 2001 to fight al Qaeda. His policy included a coalition that would fight terrorists diplomatically and militarily, and would work to stop finances from flowing to the terrorists. The coalition would most likely include countries that could help quell the ISIS threat not only militarily, but also by cutting off aid or ramping up efforts to secure border crossings.

    7. Reliance on Sunni counterparts in the Middle East for possible military intervention in Syria
    Last week Obama noted that the international coalition would rely heavily on Sunni partners in the region “that reject the extremists, that say that it is not what Islam is about.” In the past, the U.S. has relied on Jordan and Saudi Arabia to support its mission of propping up the moderate opposition in Syria. Both countries could be key partners in the fight against ISIS, along with other Gulf states like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, experts say.

    8. Helping the moderate opposition in Syria
    The U.S. administration has been training and giving weapons to the moderate opposition in Syria for more than a year. During that time, leaders of the Free Syrian Army have asked that the CIA-led U.S. program provide more sophisticated weaponry such as MANPADS, portable anti-aircraft missile launchers. But so far, the U.S. has not fulfilled that request for fear that powerful weapons could fall into the wrong hands. In his speech Wednesday, Obama is most likely to address the need to send more money to the moderate opposition in Syria, but he will most likely not approve the deployment of MANPADS.

    9. Counterterrorism funds
    At his speech at West Point in May, Obama called on Congress to approve a $5 billion counter terrorism partnerships fund. According to the White House, the fund would "build on existing tools and authorities" to establish a "more sustainable and effective" counterterrorism approach, focusing on building the counterterrorism capacity of partners worldwide through "train-and-equip" and other activities. The White House said Monday that Obama wants Congress to inject money into that fund.
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    Is ISIS Already IN Texas?

    Posted on September 10, 2014 by RightyPunditry
    “ISIS supporters, possibly members, have also been spotted at a Jason’s Deli at 290 and 34th in Houston.
    Note the patch on his right shoulder. That is the ISIS shahada, a statement of faith, that says on the top line: “There is no god but Allah.” The circular field below it reads: “Muhammad, messenger of Allah.” A friend of mine posted this pic below, asked her friends to repost, and hers and theirs were deleted by Facebook shortly thereafter.”
    I can’t vouch for this person or his Post (and I won’t divulge his name) but I thought it might be worth passing on, due to the Obama’s regime’s intentional failure to secure our borders.
    Living in Texas and frequenting Jason’s Deli, does give me reason to wonder if this is accurate. Obama’s Open Border assault on our Constitution and rights as American citizens to expect our government’s protection, is likely to be his biggest failure and legacy.
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    A Mismanage-able Problem

    Posted on

    Obama’s belief that he can “manage” the Islamic State may collide with reality.
    National Review, By Andrew C. McCarthy, Sep. 10, 2014:
    President Obama says he intends to shrink the al-Qaeda-spawned Islamic State into a “manageable problem.” Perhaps we’ll learn more about how when he speaks to the nation on Wednesday evening. Still, the question presses: Is he the manager for the job?
    In answering that question, past performance is more a guarantee of future results than is any statement of newfound purpose from a president whose innate dishonesty has turned his signature phrase “Let me be clear” into notorious self-parody.
    In late September 2012, Mr. Obama’s administration quietly approved the transfer of 55 jihadist prisoners out of the Guantanamo Bay detention center. As Tom Joscelyn explained at the time, most of the detainees had previously been categorized as “high risk” because they were deemed “likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies” if released. Almost all of the rest had been assessed “medium risk” — still posing a threat, albeit one less certain than the “high risk” jihadists.
    But Obama officials overruled those judgments. Rife with members of the Lawyer Left vanguard who had stampeded to volunteer their services to al-Qaeda detainees during the Bush years, who had smeared Gitmo as a gulag, and who had fought bitterly against the Bush/Cheney paradigm that regarded al-Qaeda’s jihad as a war rather than a crime wave, the administration determined that the anti-American terrorists were fit to be sprung from American custody.
    Wait a second . . . two years ago in September . . . what was going on then? Why yes, the Benghazi massacre — whose second anniversary we mark this Thursday.
    The Obama administration would like us to forget that bit of old news since “dude, this was like two years ago.” You may nonetheless recall it as an act of war in which al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadists attacked a sovereign American government compound. The terrorists murdered our ambassador to Libya, killed three other Americans, and wounded many more in an eight-hour siege during which President Obama declined to take any meaningful responsive action. Indeed, agents of the U.S. security team in Benghazi say they were prevented from trying to save Ambassador Stevens.
    Among those carrying out the attack were operatives of Ansar al-Sharia. That’s the al-Qaeda affiliate with cells in Eastern Libya’s jihadist hotbeds, Benghazi and Derna.Ansar is led by Sufian Ben Qumu, a former Gitmo detainee who, inexorably, went right back to the jihad.
    News of Obama’s approval of the mass transfer of Gitmo detainees came less than two weeks after the Benghazi massacre. Let that sink in: The Obama administration knew that a former Gitmo detainee was complicit in the most humiliating defeat suffered by the United States since the 9/11 attacks that took the nation to war; yet, the president approved the transfer of dozens more Gitmo terrorists. Just as, only a few months ago, he approved the transfer of five top Taliban commanders even as the Taliban was (and is) continuing to conduct terrorist operations against American troops in Afghanistan.
    Shocking, yes, but how surprising from Barack Obama? Mind you, this is the president who, though AWOL (and still unaccountable) while terrorists were killing and wounding American personnel in Benghazi, had the temerity not just to fly off to a Vegas fundraiser the very next day but to pick that setting, and that moment, to declare victory: “A day after 9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but al-Qaeda is on the path to defeat and bin Laden is dead.”
    Yes, bin Laden is dead. But the terrorist hordes chanted, “Obama, we’re all Osama!” as they torched our embassies and raised the black flag of jihad — the flag the Islamic State vows to fly over the White House. And just two days after Obama’s “Mission Accomplished” fundraiser, Ansar al-Sharia’s Tunis cell attacked the American embassy there. That al-Qaeda franchise is led by Seifallah ben Hassine, long-time jihadist confidant of bin Laden and his successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Some path to defeat.
    Of course, the Benghazi massacre would never have happened had Obama not switched sides in Libya, dumping the Qaddafi regime — theretofore an American counterterrorism ally — and partnering with Eastern Libyan jihadists. The president’s strategy ensured that enemies of the United States would acquire much of Qaddafi’s arsenal, empowering jihadist cells throughout North Africa and the Middle East, growing al-Qaeda and what would become the Islamic State. And as we have seen in just the last few weeks, Obama’s “lead the jihad from behind” strategy has resulted in the near complete disintegration of Libya, with Ansar al-Sharia and its allies now controlling much of Tripoli.
    Nor is that all. Hours before the Benghazi attack began on September 11, 2012, there had been rioting at the American embassy in Cairo. It was stoked by al-Qaeda leaders — including Zawahiri’s brother, Mohammed. The latter had called for attacks against the United States to avenge the recent killing of the network’s leader in Libya. The al-Qaeda leaders had also been threatening to besiege the embassy to extort the release of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman, imprisoned in the U.S. on terrorism charges. These jihadists had been enabled in their incitements against America by the Muslim Brotherhood–controlled government — a government the Obama administration had pressured Egypt’s military leaders to make way for.
    When the Left says it intends to make the challenge of international terrorism “manageable,” that is usually code for saying it wants to return counterterrorism to the law-enforcement paradigm, in which terrorism is a crime addressed by indictments. Crime — petty theft, graft, racketeering, and the like — is a constant that society manages. National-security threats, on the other hand, cannot be indicted into submission. And they are not “managed” by imagining that if we ignore them they will go away.
    President Obama probably does believe the Islamic State could become a manageable problem. Unfortunately, he also believes that when his ideology collides with reality, it is reality that must give. Reality does not see it that way.
    — Andrew C. McCarthy is a policy fellow at the National Review Institute. His latest book, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment, was released by Encounter Books on June 3.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Rat Patrol....

    Reverse Rat Patrol

    ISIS™ Drives Texas-made Toyota Trucks Apparently Modified for U.S. Special Forces

    Posted on September 10, 2014 by willyloman
    by Scott Creighton
    “We’ve got Iraqi army battalions driving around in Toyota trucks,” General McCaffrey, 2007
    This you have to see to believe: the now iconic white Toyota trucks we see ISIS™ driving around look scarily familiar to ones purchased here in the states and outfitted by special forces which puts to rest the notion that ISIS™ simply ran up to a dealership in Iraq and made off with 30 or so vehicles. They aren’t even SOLD in Iraq and certainly not with these modifications. At least not as an entire fleet.

    Isn’t it strange that “ISIS” just happens to be pictured along with a convoy of Toyota trucks that at least appear to be modified the exact same way special forces has them outfitted before shipping them from the factory in Texas?

    When you combine this latest discovery with the fact that “ISIS” has 1. U.S. military small arms 2. U.S. military Humvees 3. U.S. military artillery 4. U.S. citizens running their online social media campaigns 5. John McCain met with destabilization campaign terrorists in Syria including someone from the newly formed “ISIS” in March of 2013… what conclusion would a reasonable person come to?
    From the Wikipage for Toyota trucks:
    After the bankruptcy of GM, GM ended its joint venture with Toyota. Toyota, needing additional production volume at its Texas and Mississippi plants, ended Corolla and Tacoma production at the Fremont plant. In 2010 all Tacoma production was moved to Toyota’s Texas plant in San Antonio. The Tacoma will be built alongside the Tundra. This brought a total of approximately 1,000 new jobs to San Antonio…

    During Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, multiple Toyota Tacomas have been observed in use by special forces units of the U.S. Army. Typically, they have been Double Cab models, with SR5 and TRD packages.

    Despite the fact that the Hilux, from which the Tacoma is descended, is extremely common in the Middle East, the special forces found it to be easier to purchase Tacomas from American dealerships, modify them appropriately, and ship them to their areas. The gasoline engine used is significantly quieter than the diesel engines used in the HMMWV and some Hilux models. These were modified by eliminating the factory radio, along with almost all exterior lights and door buzzers. The front headlights have been modified to work in IR, in order to work with night vision. The engines are unmodified, but the vehicles have been fitted with brush guards, Warn winches, and a rollbar with a machine gun mount.[21]
    Here, a blogger writes about military Toyotas and how special forces brought these in specially from the U.S.
    So, the obvious question is, why ship brand new Tacomas all the way from the United States, when Middle East, Europe
    and Asia is full of Hilux trucks, which include a heavier duty frame, suspension and diesel engines. The answer is that
    was simply easier for the Special Forces to buy them from local U.S. dealers, outfit them as they needed and ship them
    over.” Military Toyota
    That blogger, after confirming what I had found on Toyota’s Wiki page, also left this note at the bottom of that same page which I found to be extremely interesting:
    A reader sent me this link, which shows a number of combat Toyota Tacomas that were apparently put into
    storage and are being ready to be surplussed or scrapped. Note that most of the equipment has been removed
    and note their extremely worn condition and even numerous bullet holes. Very interesting pictures. I wish I
    could put them directly on my site, but so far, I’ve been unable to locate the owner of the pictures to ask
    permission. So for now, here is the link. Hopefully the link will remain up there for some time.
    ******This link was removed at the request of the link’s owners….sorry******
    Why would someone specifically request the removal of a link to surplussed or scrapped trucks? Is ISIS™ driving around in surplus special forces Tacomas? Are they from the Iraq army? Is “ISIS” nothing more than a trick by the Maliki government to help justify Obama bringing in troops and bombs to keep him in power? That would explain the trucks, wouldn’t it?
    “ISIS” and their special forces edition Toyota trucks

    By itself, this doesn’t prove anything. No one here is suggesting U.S. special forces are running around waving black flags and pretending to behead U.S. journalists.

    However, it is worth mentioning and investigating how it came to be that these guys with all their fake videos and U.S. military weapons came to ride around in these photo ops with those nice, modified, Special Forces Edition Tacomas. That has to be a valid question. One worthy of a serious response from someone in authority.Seems to me someone should answer for that either here in the states or over in Maliki’s government.

    Personally, I seriously doubt these ragtag misfits could take one special forces ranger’s personal truck from a Piggly Wiggly parking lot, much less a whole fleet of them in a combat zone. Very odd indeed, ain’t it?
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Former U.S. Amb. To Iraq/Syria: ‘Islamic State Getting Stronger; And, It’s Targeting America
    September 10, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Al Qaeda, CIA, DIA, Egypt, espionage, spying, Europe, foreign policy, Intelligence Community, Iran, Iraq, ISIS in Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, national security, Palestinians/Occupied Territories, POTUS, Saudi Arabia, social mdeia, Syria, terrorism, US Military · 1 Comment

    Former U.S. Ambassador To Iraq/Syria: ‘Islamic State Getting Stronger; And It’s Targeting America

    Ryan Crocker, former U.S. Ambassador to Syria and Iraq; and, currently Dean of The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University had an Op-Ed in yesterday’s (September 9, 2014) Wall Street Journal with the title above. “The enemy has no doubts,” Amb. Crocker writes. “They are not going away. They are getting stronger. The war, ladies and gentlemen, is truly on. We’re just not a meaningful part of it yet.”

    “A name can say a great deal about the intentions of our enemy today,” Mr. Crocker observes. “The group on the march in the Middle East began calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Then, it chose the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the latter term including Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories, as well as Syria. Now, its simply the Islamic State, geographically unspecified.

    They already are a state in that they carry out government functions in occupied territory. You can bet their aspirations include Saudi Arabia; and, its holy cities of Mecca and Medina. With their gains in Iraq, nothing but sand separates them from the Saudi border.”

    “It is hard to overstate the threat that this organization poses. I call it al Qaeda Version 6.0,” he writes. The Islamic State is far better organized, equipped, and funded than the original. They are more experienced and more numerous. Several thousand carry Western passports, including American ones. All the terrorists have to do is get on a plane and head west. But, perhaps the most important asset they possess is territory. For the first time since 9/11, a determined and capable enemy has the space and security to plan complex, long-range operations. If we don’t think we’re on the list, we are deluding ourselves.”

    “So,” Amb. Crocker asks, “how do we deal with a looming regional and international disaster?” “First,” he writes, “we must understand that we are facing an army that will have to be confronted militarily. The pace of airstrikes in Iraq, needs to be increased dramatically. Our actions thus far are not extensive enough to change the balance.”

    “Second,” he says, “we need to move immediately to strike Islamic State targets in Syria. These terrorists cannot be allowed a haven anywhere.”

    “Third, we need to increase special forces advisers with loyal Iraqi units, with the Kurds and with Iraqi Sunni tribes who have been fighting the Islamic State for months. As we proceed with an air campaign in Syria, we need to look at possibilities for similar deployments with moderate opposition forces there.”

    “Finally,” Amb. Crocker argues, “we have to understand that military force is necessary….but, not sufficient. We will need to continue an intensive, high-level political effort to help the Iraqis form an inclusive government that will bring Sunnis, Shi’ites, and Kurds into a unified front to confront a common enemy. We will have to ensure that they have the weapons to prosecute a successful campaign.”

    “There are several things that we should not do. We should avoid any appearance of cooperation with Iran and extremist militias they support. Otherwise, we would further alienate Iraq’s Sunnis, already disaffected by the sectarian policies of the government of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. It also would estrange key regional allies such as Saudi Arabia. Similarly, we must also avoid giving the impression that military action in Syria is intended to support the regime of Bashar Assad.”

    “The Islamic State has arguably done more damage to other elements of the Sunni opposition in Syria than Assad. And, they’re many Syrians who stand with him — not out of loyalty; but, fear of the alternative: an ascendant Islamic State. Degrading the forces of radical Islam may change the political dynamics among the different factions in a way that may make it possible to begin a political process. Moderate Sunni forces should be strengthened — and, with a lessened threat from the Islamic State, those around Assad may be persuaded that it is time for him to go.”

    “Neither in Iraq, nor in Syria — can stability come through military force alone. But, military force my create conditions that enable political deals.”

    “Just as the Islamic State is a threat to the region and the world, it must be met by the region and the world. The decision at the NATO Summit in Wales last week to form a Western coalition against the Islamic State is encouraging. The planned visit of Secretary of State Kerry is equally important, Our partners there face the most immediate threat from the Islamic State…and, they must be in this fight too. Among other reasons, it is crucial to show that this is not the Muslim-Christian confrontation. Instead, show that it is a fight with a truly evil enemy against which the forces of moderation and order, both Muslim and Christian, will stand.”

    “But, all of this,” Amb. Crocker concludes, “military action, political engagement, effective coalition building — will require something that has been in short supply in this growing crisis — American leadership. The country, and the POTUS personally, must step forward and show the world that we can; and, will move decisively, collectively, and immediately.”

    Ambassador Crocker is absolutely right that the Islamic State is a threat to the American homeland. Just yesterday, I posted an article laying out the Islamic States clarion call for ‘lone wolves’ to attack the social media giant — Twitter — its management and employees. With the 13th anniversary of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on Thursday, we need to be especially vigilant to potential terrorist attacks here at home — especially against new, U.S. free-market behemoths in social media such as Twitter.

    With the annual Muslim pilgrimage known as the hajj set to begin next month, the Islamic State threat to Saudi Arabia will be front and center; and, an attack against Saudi oil facilities may well be on the Islamic State’s radar screen.

    Over the longer term, a major issue is what Saudi Arabia and other Muslim states allow to be taught in the Madrassas to their youth, Unless things have changed, their ‘school’ books are full of hatred for Israel and many things western. Without seriously addressing their education sector — especially among the young — this problem will never be properly or adequately solved. V/R, RCP
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    NATO member Turkey openly aiding ISIS
    September 10, 2014 / Country Christian

    Comes as Western alliance considers military options.


    WASHINGTON – As the North Atlantic Treaty Organization considers what action to take against ISIS, concern is mounting about the response of Turkey, a NATO member that continues to allow its borders to be crossed by Islamic fighters and launders money to finance jihad.

    Informed sources tell WND that Turkey continues to keep open its borders to allow jihadists seeking to join ISIS, or Islamic State, to cross into Syria. Many of the fighters are from Europe and the United States.

    Turkey has been a major gathering point for fighters throughout the world to obtain training and logistical support to join various jihadist groups and the Syrian opposition fighting Shiite-Alawite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Now, many fighters from various Sunni jihadist groups have sworn allegiance to ISIS, although some openly oppose the group. The opposition, however, now appears to be waning because of ISIS’ spectacular gains in recent months and its declaration of a Sunni caliphate ruled by Islamic law.

    In addition, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Turkey remains an even greater conduit of money laundering to ISIS than Qatar.

    Qatar and Saudi Arabia are known financial sources to ISIS, and the funds generally are channeled through Turkey to ISIS in neighboring Syria, sources tell WND.

    Analysts say Turkey is afraid of cutting off ISIS because of threats of reprisal the group has made through Turkish media.

    In addition, sources say, ISIS continues to hold hostage some 49 Turkish diplomats who were captured when it took over Mosul last June. The development has been one reason for Turkey to go along with ISIS demands.

    However, there appear to be more compelling reasons for Turkey to continue working with ISIS.

    Turkey’s backing hasn’t gone unnoticed by ISIS, whose leadership now is considering rewarding Turkish businesses with contracts in ISIS-occupied Sunni areas of Iraq.

    Turkey’s minister of economy, Nihat Zeybekci, is receptive to the notion and has been open about encouraging Turkish businesses to invest in ISIS-occupied portions of Iraq.

    ”Our exports to Iraq are now down to 35 percent, but Iraq cannot easily substitute other sources,” Neybekci said. ”We think there will be a boom in demand soon. We also know that IS (ISIS) is contacting individual Turkish businessmen and telling them, ‘Come back, we won’t interfere.’ That is not easy, of course. But when it the future Iraq is rebuilt, it will be Turkey doing it.”

    Written by: F. MICHAEL MALOOF- continue reading at WND
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    Breaking.... kind of....

    ISIS declares war on Twitter: Terror group warns employees they will be assassinated for closing down Islamist propaganda accounts

    • Jerusalem-based group connected to ISIS tweeted threat to Twitter
    • Called on 'lone wolves' to assassinate employees for closing accounts
    • Issued specific warning to staff at headquarters in Silicon Valley
    • The social media site is a key platform for the group's propaganda

    By Mia De Graaf for MailOnline
    Published: 08:04 EST, 9 September 2014 | Updated: 09:21 EST, 9 September 2014

    An ISIS-affiliated group has threatened to assassinate Twitter employees that close down their accounts.
    Users linked to the extremists tweeted a series of messages on Sunday urging 'lone wolves' in the US and Europe to make the firm their target.

    A specific warning was directed at staff at the Silicon Valley headquarters, warning they would 'bring the war' to San Francisco.
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    Threat: Twitter employees at the San Francisco office have been threatened with death for closing accounts


    The warning came from the now-suspended account of Al Musra Al Maqdisia, an ISIS-linked group in Israel

    One of the calls is believed to have come from Al Musra Al Maqdisia, or The Supporters Of Jerusalem - a Jerusalem-based group that pledged its allegiance to ISIS in February.

    The tweets from the now-suspended account, translated by Vocativ, read: '#TheConceptOfLoneWolfAttacks The time has arrived to respond to Twitter's management by directly attacking their employees and physically assassinating them!! Those who will carry this out are the sleepers cells of death.'
    It continued: 'Twitter management should know that if they do not stop their campaign in the virtual world, we will bring the war to them in the real world on the ground.'


    The user then directly threatened workers at the Silicon Valley headquarters: 'Every Twitter employee in San Francisco in the United States should bear in mind and watch over himself because on his doorstep there might be a lone wolf assassin waiting'.
    And finally, they urged Europe to join the pledge: '#AttackingTwitterEmployees is on the agenda of mujahedeen and lone wolves who are across Europe'.
    The social network has been a crucial platform for the jihadis to promote their warped interpretation of Sharia law.
    The freedom of speech premise that underlies Twitter makes regulation of extremist propaganda almost impossible.


    Clampdown: Twitter has worked to shut down any accounts sharing details of Steven Sotloff's assassination



    Tweeting: Salma Halane (left) and her twin Zahra (right), from Manchester, have been tweeting from Syria

    Tactics have included Twitter storms, spamming the site with their beliefs and calling on Western recruits to join them.
    Many of the British and American jihadis that have fled their native countries to join the faction in Iraq and Syria have been tweeting their experiences.
    An 18-year-old British girl yesterday tweeted 'I want David Cameron's head on a spike' in a slew of ISIS messages.
    One of the twins from Chorlton that fled to join ISIS in Syria has been tweeting messages to the UK, mocking concerns for their welfare.
    Either Salma or Zahra Halane has taken the name Umm Ja'far and tweeted a slew of fanatical messages, including several revealing she still plans to be a doctor - but only so she can treat ISIS fighters.


    Attacks: ISIS has taken a mass of land the size of the United Kingdom across Syria and Iraq

    She wrote: 'I love the name Terror Twin because it makes me sound scary. Isis love it when they make us sound scary because it makes us a big threat so I love it.'
    She added: 'I support the executions of Syrian soldiers. It's self defence.'
    However, in the wake of the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff at the hands of ISIS, the firm has worked to shut down accounts that permeate the organisation's message.
    Now, the group is reacting.
    Twitter has bureaus across the world.
    There are 12 in the US, including the headquarters, and five in Europe.
    A further two are in Latin America, three in Asia, one in Australia and two in Canada.
    A Twitter spokesman said: 'Our security team is investigating the veracity of these threats with relevant law enforcement officials,'
    Shocking footage of ISIS militants as they march onto Baghdad

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    Iran slams 'ridiculous' US coalition as Congress funds arms against ISIS

    House approves arming of Syrian rebels; Kerry defends broad mission before Senate; Obama recommits to air-exclusive campaign.

    US President walking into the White House. (photo credit:OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO / PETE SOUZA)

    WASHINGTON -- Without committing ground troops to the cause, a coalition led by the United States against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria is a "ridiculous" enterprise, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday.

    Rouhani made the damning comments to NBC News the same day senior Iranian and US officials met privately in New York over its nuclear program, and as US President Barack Obama, in Florida, recommitted to a campaign against Islamic State exclusively using air force alone.

    "I want to be clear," Obama said from MacDill Air Force Base. "The American forces that have been deployed to Iraq do not and will not have a combat mission."

    Also on Wednesday, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted to approve the president's plan to arm and train vetted Syrian rebels to fight Islamic State until December 11. The Senate is expected to vote swiftly on the measure.

    In the NBC interview, Rouhani suggested the US government is cowardly to commit to "unmanned" air power without the combat forces required to eliminate the group, which he agreed is an inhumane terrorist organization.

    "Are Americans afraid of giving casualties on the ground in Iraq?" Rouhani asked. "Are they afraid of their soldiers being killed in the fight they claim is against terrorism?"

    "If they want to use planes and if they want to use unmanned planes so that nobody is injured from the Americans," Rouhani said to journalist Ann Curry, "is it really possible to fight terrorism without any hardship, without any sacrifice? Is it possible to reach a big goal without that? In all regional and international issues, the victorious one is the one who is ready to do sacrifice."

    Throughout the Iraq War of the last decade, Bush administration officials accused the Iranian government of targeting and facilitating the targeting of US troops. Tehran denied direct involvement in the fight.

    Rouhani also said that air strikes in Syria required the permission of the Syrian government– the embattled regime of Bashar Assad, specifically, which the Iranian and Russian governments support. And he said that Sunni insurgent control over Baghdad and southern Iraqi territories was a "red line" for his government.

    Both Moscow and Tehran have said action in Syria without Assad's permission would constitute a violation of international law, and an act of aggression. Washington has ruled out collaboration with Damascus or Iran in its fight against Islamic State.

    On Capitol Hill, as the House was passing authorization for arming in Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, touting the breadth of the US-led coalition.

    Nations in the Middle East and Europe have committed to contribute air power to the fight, Kerry said. But the US has not asked any nation to commit combat troops.

    Air strikes conducted thus far by the US military, however, have proven to be "astonishingly" accurate, Kerry told the panel. He repeated US President Barack Obama's commitment to refrain from sending ground forces.

    "No country has been asked to put boots on the ground," he said, but added: "the United States will not go it alone."

    Bilateral talks between senior US and Iranian officials in New York concern Iran's nuclear program exclusively, US officials said, and will continue through Thursday.

    Full negotiations will begin with officials from the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany on Thursday.

    "The nuclear issue is so huge in its consequences," it cannot be conflated with the fight against Islamic State, Kerry said in his testimony.

    "Strange bedfellows," however, are inevitable, he added.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    FBI knows the identity of ISIS ‘Jihadi John’ executioner who beheaded James Foley, Steven Sotloff

    FBI Director James Comey said the agency had zeroed in on the masked killer with a British accent, but did not publicly name the Islamic State terrorist on Thursday. Speculation has swirled the man is Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a 23-year-old failed rapper who left London and joined the radical ISIS militants in 2013.

    BY Sasha Goldstein
    Published: Thursday, September 25, 2014, 2:14 PM
    Updated: Thursday, September 25, 2014, 2:39 PM

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    Known as 'Jihadi John', the masked executioner of James Foley, shown here, is believed to have been identified by the FBI.

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    The FBI knows the identity of the Islamic State executioner responsible for beheading two American journalists on video, Director James Comey said Thursday.

    But the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not publicly named the British-accented terrorist, dubbed “Jihadi John” for his English roots.

    Agence-France Presse first reported the killer had been unmasked by American officials.

    Speculation has swirled for weeks about the identity of the masked knifeman - seen on video completely covered in a black cloak and threatening President Obama - responsible for the gruesome killings of 40-year-old James Foley and Steven Sotloff, 31.
    Mike Groll/AP FBI Director James Comey said Thursday the agency has identified the masked killer.

    British officials also believe they have named the barbaric thug, identified by several UK papers as Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a 23-year-old failed rapper who left London and joined the radical ISIS militants in 2013.

    The man’s father, Adel Abdul Bary, 54, pleaded guilty last week in Manhattan Federal Court to conspiring to kill Americans and participating in a 1990s terror attack that killed 224 people.

    Other suspects include Razul Islam, 21, and 30-year-old Aine Davis.

    Failed British rapped Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, is believed to be the ISIS terrorist who beheaded US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

    The three British militants are known to their captives as the “Killer Beatles” for their country of origin.

    Obama has condemned the killings, which helped spark the decision for the United States to begin air strikes against the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.
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    Why American Jihadists Returning To The US Aren’t Arrested Immediately?

    Posted on September 26, 2014 by chainsoff
    On September 22nd, Obama administration officials confirmed that the FBI is monitoring Americans who have returned to the US after fighting alongside the militant Islamist group ISIS.
    An official speaking to reporters at the White House said the National Counterterrorism Center estimates that more than 100 Americans were fighting for ISIS and other terrorist groups such as al-Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate.
    When pressed for details on the returned fighters, the official deferred to the FBI, but another said that no-fly lists, tougher screening at airports, and passport seizures were all under consideration.
    The US doesn’t have the same foreign fighter problem as several European countries — 500 people from the UK have traveled to join the war in Syria and Iraq, along with nearly 1,000 from France. Earlier this month, UK Prime Minister David Cameron called for “targeted, discretionary power to allow us to exclude British nationals from the UK.” Dozens of people from the UK have already been arrested for their actions in the region.
    A similar discussion is underway among Franch lawmakers. Earlier this week, three French citizens who had traveled to the Turkish border with Syria were transferred to Paris by Turkish authorities, a French newspaper reported.
    European countries are obviously concerned that their citizens could return from Iraq and Syria to commit terrorist acts back home. US decision-makers are aware of the problem, even if it isn’t clear how it’s being dealt with at the moment.

    Moner Mohammad Birth Registration Card
    The Florida birth registration card of Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, who died in a suicide bombing in Syria in May 2014. A US security official said US agencies were aware before the suicide bombing that the American had traveled to Syria to join militants.
    Last week, New York Democratic congressman Tim Bishop said in a speech outside of Congress that up to 40 fighters had returned to the US from the ISIS ranks, but that the organization didn’t yet pose a threat to national security. US officials quickly dismissed the figure.
    With this more recent and higher-level announcement that ISIS fighters are back on US soil, some are asking why they haven’t been arrested yet. It’s possible that they might actually be more valuable as surveillance or human intelligence targets — something that the ex-fighters’ arrest would preclude.
    “The FBI and the NYPD have dozens and dozens of people under surveillance all the time that they could probably indict under material support of terrorism charges. People can be charged for up to 20 years for writing a check to a known terrorist organization,” Stuart Gottlieb, who teaches courses on counterterrorism and international security at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, told Business Insider.
    If that person actually picked up a weapon for ISIS, the charge could escalate to an act of terrorism or even a war crime, Gottlieb adds.
    Gottlieb wouldn’t speculate as to the administration’s motivations in revealing the presence of former ISIS fighters in the US. But as a blogger at Hot Air notes, this week’s announcement doesn’t make much sense if it came in the course of an ongoing surveillance effort: “The revelation that the FBI is conducting an ongoing investigation into suspected American jihadist fighters who have returned to the United States would seem to compromise that investigation.”
    Terrorist attacks have plotted on US soil before. Two Saudi citizens had been living in San Diego, California, for a year before 9/11, helping plot the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It’s now understood the CIA had failed to inform the FBI of evidence against two future hijackers and one of them, Khalid al-Mihdhar, had gotten a new multiple entry visa from the State Department just four months before the attack.
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    ISIS Promises “Brilliant Attack” In New York Soon, Vows To Fight America “Until The End”

    09/26/2014 ICA Leave a comment Go to comments

    Prophetic words if you think about it. These cave-man terrorists will indeed fight until the end, right up until God Himself sees to it they are no longer able to make a stand for “Allah” and his false prophet …

    Matthew 24:29-30, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

    Revelation 6:15-17, “And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?'”

    Syria: Islamic Terrorists Praying To “Allah” Inside A Cave

    By Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times – “An Islamic State terrorist bluntly told a VICE News journalist that his group is going to strike New York City any day now and that his radicalized ‘brothers’ are mobilizing at this very moment.

    On the video, Farah Shirdon — also called Abu Usamah Somali — said: ‘[We] will make some attacks in New York soon,’ VICE News reported. ‘A lot of brothers there are mobilizing right now. … Mobilizing for a brilliant attack, my friend.’

    Mr. Shirdon is a Canadian citizen who went to Iraq to fight with the Islamic State. In a different video that was released previously, he is seen burning his passport and vowing to wreak havoc on the United States and on Canada, The Blaze reported.

    Mr. Shirdon also had a message for President Obama: ‘I hope Barack Obama listens to this message. I swear you infidel, I swear to almighty Allah, we will fight you until the end.’

    He also made a couple of other points, saying that he knew that ‘thousands upon thousands’ of individuals in the West were ‘ready right now’ to strike, and that the Islamic State might stop its terror if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘crucified for his war crimes,’ the video shows.” Source – The Washington Times.

    Revelation 13:4, “And they worshiped the dragon [Satan], for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?’”

    Revelation 20:10, “The devil [Satan], who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

    Flashback: ‘A Waste Of Time': Experts Say Obama Plan To Rely On Airstrikes And Iraqi Troops To Combat ISIS Is Doomed To Fail – “Trying to uproot and destroy the Islamic State’s army of terrorists in Iraq without American ground troops, as President Obama promoted Wednesday night, is doomed to failure, national security experts say. At the least, the president needs to get ground troops closer to the fight, say some politicians and analysts. He should introduce special operations units to advise and join the Iraqis on hunt-and-kill missions against Islamic State leaders, as well as insert controllers to point out targets for warplanes. ‘What a waste of time,’ said Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst and counterterrorism official at the State Department.” Read more.

    Flashback: ISIS Jihadist: ‘This Is The War Muhammad Promised Us, The War Of The Great Tribulation’ – “These fighters who gather in Iraq and Syria are not there for the primary goal to fight Maliki and Assad. Abu Omar, a Sunni jihadist fighting in Aleppo said, ‘If you think that all these mujahideen came from around the world to fight Assad, you are mistaken. All of them came here as it was foretold and promised by the Prophet. It is the war He promised us; the war of The Great Tribulation.’ The Jihadists have a set of belief that one third of the Muslims in the world will be killed.” Read more.
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    I am going to say something here. I want it clear. I abhor violence. All of it. But I have had to be violent to those who've been violent to me and my country.

    I will personally NOT sit still for these fucking cave creatures coming here and/or converting here to attack us in our home. I will take up arms and fight back. I'll back our police and military forces ALL THE WAY in stopping these guys. But the military and police, Justice Department etc, better get their ACT TOGETHER and root these bastards out because if they don't and more incidents like Moore Oklahoma happen, there will be NOTHING the police and other "authorities" will be able to do to stop the millions of pissed off civilians here in the United States from taking the law into their own hands.

    I don't condone such things - but this is a clear warning to the cops. Get off your asses and find these guys. Call the shit in Moore for what it was, TERRORISM, NOT "workplace violence".

    If this shit happens at MY job, you can bet your ass I won't sit still and cower waiting on cops to come "save me" or my co-workers and the people here.

    IF you are attacked or your co-workers are attacked, BE PREPARED.

    This is coming to your work place, the mall, our schools, businesses and the streets of America. There is nothing we as individuals can do to STOP it but there is something we can do if it happens.

    I urge ALL of you within the "sound of my typing" to awaken to the threat. It's aimed at you personally. You're an American and it matters NOT if you're white, black, male, female, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, libertarian, stone-cold teetotaler or pot head. If you're an American, living in America, if you're an illegal alien, you're a TARGET.

    Even MUSLIMS are targets if they aren't fanatical, nut cases.

    Either way, anyone in the West from the USA over to anywhere in Europe.... .you're a target. Be prepared to fight.
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    But did he have his hands up in surrender?

    Posted by DNW on 2014/09/26

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    Guest Posting from: The Progressive Center for Liberal-Islamic Solidarity and Sharia Justice.

    “You have all seen this picture.
    Greetings from the religion of peace

    It is not the same picture we see!
    Yes, so you say a woman was slaughtered with a knife, being decapitated in fact. So you say the Muslim man who did this was caught in the process of attempting to slaughter another. So you say he was shouting Islamic slogans as he engaged in this activity.
    What’s any of that prove?
    How can we Progressives who stand in solidarity with the oppressed and ignored of the world expect anything less, in this, a country so rife with injustice and bigotry and white hetero-normative privilege?
    The important question, the question all good Progressives will instantly want to know is: “How come Alton Nolan was shot three times? And with a rifle!
    Was it because of his religion? Was it because he was black?
    Imagining for a moment that there is some shred of truth to the corporate media line, did he not pause long enough to receive a fair warning? Were others proven to be in immanent danger of being harmed? How do those who say so, claim to know for sure? Can their bigotry give them the power of reading minds?
    What exactly has the alleged killing of one person, got to do with leveling lethal force against Alton Nolan when we do not yet know if there were any witnesses to the alleged first killing?
    Why was Alton Nolan then made the repeated victim of potentially lethal force, when it has not even been proven that he intended to kill the one person with whom he was actually (and allegedly) witnessed to be in a tussle with?
    What right had some uninvolved third party to interfere in this dispute and then to level potentially fatal violence against Alton, when they could not possibly have known what led to the altercation in the first place, and whether his actions in allegedly striking back against the power, were undoubtedly justified?
    Instead Alton was ruthlessly gunned down … shot three times when he was virtually unarmed in comparison to a trigger happy corporate lackey with a rifle!!!
    Alton had only, allegedly, a knife. The so-called knife was not even his own according to the initial reports. It was owned by the CORPORATION!
    We suspect that what we have here is another instance of some rent-a-cop taking advantage of a power imbalance in order to lash out and victimize a person of color and a member of a maligned religious group, just because he was able to do so.
    We demand information on exactly who the shooter was, and why he was armed in the first place! We demand to know who his parents are and where his wife and children live!
    Who gave the would-be murderer of Alton Nolan a rifle? Who told him he was allowed to shoot Black men and Muslims? What right had the gunman to assume that the first (and remember it is only alleged) “beheading” was the work of Alton, and that the altercation which he did witness was not merely Alton defending himself, while uttering sacred prayers for deliverance, against an insufferable systemic provocation and disrespect?
    Was the shooter even properly trained and licensed? Has he any indications in his background that he might be prejudiced against Muslims?
    WHY … why we demand to know, did he shoot three times?!!! Was not one shot tearing into the helpless body of this poor, marginalized victim of capitalism, racism, and western imperialism not enough?


    We demand the immediate involvement of Eric Holder, and the avenging of the attempted murder of Alton Nolan: victim of capitalism, religious bigotry, western imperialism, and hetero-normative race privilege!!! “

    The above opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of Truth Before Dishonor, its writers, contributors, employees, nor any sane person in the universe.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Obama says underestimated Islamic State; Qaeda says West will be attacked

    By Mariam Karouny and Jonny Hogg
    BEIRUT/MURSITPINAR Turkey Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:45am EDT


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    Militant Islamist fighters on a tank take part in a military parade along the streets of northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014.
    Credit: Reuters/Stringer

    (Reuters) - The head of Syria's al Qaeda branch said militants will attack the West in retaliation for U.S.-led air strikes in Syria and Iraq, and President Barack Obama acknowledged U.S. intelligence had underestimated the rise of Islamic State fighters.

    U.S.-led air strikes hit a natural gas plant controlled by Islamic State fighters in eastern Syria, a monitoring body reported, part of an apparent campaign to disrupt one of the fighters' main sources of income.

    The monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said planes also struck a grain silo in northern Syria killing civilians. This could not be immediately confirmed.

    U.S.-led strikes have so far failed to halt an advance by fighters in northern Syria on a Kurdish town: fighting raged between Islamic State militants and Kurdish forces near Kobani on the border with Turkey, where the past week's battle caused the fastest refugee flight of Syria's three-year civil war. Turkey returned fire after shells hit its side of the frontier.

    The United States has been bombing Islamic State and other groups in Syria for nearly a week with the help of Arab allies, and hitting targets in neighboring Iraq since last month.

    European countries have joined the campaign in Iraq, where the government has asked for help, but so far not in Syria.

    Islamic State, a Sunni militant group which broke off from al Qaeda, alarmed the West and the Middle East by sweeping through northern Iraq in June, slaughtering prisoners and ordering Shi'ites and non-Muslims to convert or die.

    It is battling Shi'ite backed governments in both Iraq and Syria, as well as other Sunni groups in Syria and Kurdish groups in both countries, part of complex multi-sided civil wars in which nearly every country in the Middle East has a stake.

    The head of Syria's al Qaeda branch, the Nusra Front, a Sunni militant group which is a rival of Islamic State and has also been targeted by U.S. strikes, said Islamists would carry out attacks on the West in retaliation for the campaign.

    "Muslims will not watch while their sons are bombed. Your leaders will not be the only ones who would pay the price of the war. You will pay the heaviest price," Abu Mohamad al-Golani said in an audio message posted on pro-Nusra forums.

    The U.S. strikes have created pressure on Nusra to reconcile with Islamic State, a move that would potentially create a single Sunni Islamist force in Syria and widen territory under its control.

    Obama has worked since August to build an international coalition to combat the fighters, describing them last week in an address to the United Nations as a "network of death".

    His acknowledgment in an interview broadcast on Sunday that U.S. intelligence had underestimated Islamic State offered an explanation for why Washington appeared to have been taken by surprise when the fighters surged through northern Iraq in June.

    The militants had gone underground when U.S. forces quashed al Qaeda in Iraq with the aid of local tribes during the U.S. war there which ended in 2011, Obama told CBS's "60 Minutes".

    "But over the past couple of years, during the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swathes of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos."

    Some of the U.S. president's opponents at home have seized on a remark he made in January using a sports metaphor to dismiss Sunni militants in Iraq and Syria, comparing them to a low-level school basketball team posing as professionals.

    "If a JV (junior varsity) team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant," Obama told the New Yorker magazine in January.


    Islamic State's advance has not been halted in Syria, where it is fighting Kurdish forces near the border city of Kobani, where 140,000 refugees fled a week ago.

    Gunfire rang out from across the border and a plume of smoke rose over Kobani as periodic shelling by Islamic State fighters continued. Kurds watching the fighting from the Turkish side of the border said the Syrian Kurdish group, the YPG, were putting up a strong defense.

    "Many Islamic State fighters have been killed. They're not taking the bodies with them," said Ayhan, a Turkish Kurd who had spoken by phone with one of his friends fighting with the YPG. He said Kurdish forces had picked up 8 Islamic State bodies.

    At Mursitpinar, the nearby border crossing, scores of young men were returning to Syria, many saying they would join the fight. Other returning refugees hoped fighting would soon end.

    "If there's no fighting we'll stay, but if the fighting starts in Kobani we'll come back. Of course we're afraid," said one man, Khalil, crossing with his young daughter.
    Turkey has not permitted its own Kurds to cross to join the battle: "If they've got Syrian identity or passports, they can go. But only Syrians, not Turks," said one Turkish official at the border where security has been tightened.

    The Turkish general staff said on its website two mortar shells fired from Syria had strayed across the border on Sunday afternoon. The Turkish military "responded with fire in line with its rules of engagement".

    A NATO ally with the most powerful army in the area, Turkey has so far kept out of the U.S.-led coalition, angering many of its own Kurds who say the policy has abandoned their cousins in Syria to the wrath of Islamic State fighters.


    The U.S.-led coalition includes Sunni Arab states who oppose Syria's Assad, but does not include Assad or his main ally Iran, even though Islamic State's sway in Syria grew from the revolt against Assad's government .

    Obama, who nearly ordered air strikes against Assad's government a year ago only to cancel them at the last minute, said he recognised the apparent contradiction in opposing Assad while bombing his enemies. He still wants Assad to leave power, but considers Islamic State the more urgent threat.

    "For Syria to remain unified, it is not possible that Assad presides over that entire process," he said in his interview.

    "On the other hand, in terms of immediate threats to the United States, ISIL, Khorasan group, those folks could kill Americans," he said, using an acronym for Islamic State and the name of a separate cell of al Qaeda figures targeted last week.

    Saudi Arabia, the regional Sunni power which has joined the U.S.-led strikes, blamed other countries for supporting Islamic State, although it did not name them. Riyadh has in the past criticised Qatar for supporting Islamist movements.

    Islamic State was formed not in a "haphazard fashion but under the auspices of states and organisations with all their capabilities and bad intentions," Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef said. "We will firmly face this organization and others."

    The Syrian Observatory, which monitors the conflict with a network of sources on the ground, said U.S.-led strikes had hit a Conoco gas plant controlled by Islamic State outside Deir al-Zor city in eastern Syria, wounding several fighters.

    The plant feeds a power station in Homs that provides several provinces with electricity and powers oilfield generators, the Observatory said.

    The observatory also said warplanes had hit mills and grain storage areas in the northern Syrian town of Manbij, killing civilian workers. It was not immediately possible to verify the information and there was no immediate comment from Washington.

    U.S.-led warplanes also hit areas of Hasaka city in Syria's north east and the outskirts of Raqqa city in the north, which is Islamic State's stronghold. Syria's state news agency also said U.S.-led forces had carried out strikes in Raqqa province.

    Some of Assad's opponents worry that the U.S.-led bombing will help the Syrian leader stay in power by hurting his most powerful Sunni foes. Syria's military has intensified its own bombing campaign in the country's west, even as Washington has struck in the east. Overnight, Damascus carried out air raids in Aleppo province and in Hama, the Observatory said.
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    ‘ British Citizen Arrested for Suspected ISIS Recruitment ‘

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    #AceWorldNews – BANGLADESH – September 29 – Bangladeshi authorities have arrested a 24-year-old British citizen on suspicion of recruiting people to fight alongside ISIS militants in Syria, Reuters reported.

    ‘ British-born Samiun Rahman has been arrested on suspicion of recruiting for Isis ‘

    Samiun Rahman, a resident of London, arrived in Bangladesh in February to recruit for both ISIS and the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front, the Detective and Criminal Intelligence Division (DCID) said.

    Rahman reportedly had plans to recruit and send a team from Bangladesh to fight in Syria.


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    Morning Joe: FBI labels Oklahoma Beheading ‘Workplace Violence’ – “I mean, come on…”‘

    Scarborough Scalds FBI for Labelling OK Beheading ‘Workplace Violence’.
    By Mark Finkelstein | September 29, 2014 | 8:36 AM EDT

    Score one for Joe Scarborough. The Morning Joe host today unleashed a tirade against the FBI for treating as a case of “workplace violence” the beheading by a fanatical Muslim convert of a fellow worker in Oklahoma. Scarborough lashed out at the FBI’s political correctness in claiming that there was “no indication” that the suspect, Alton Nolen, was copying the recent ISIS beheadings.

    Said Scarborough: “how stupid does the FBI really think we are? Who exactly are they afraid of offending?” Political correctness, in its more innocuous manifestations, can be good fodder for humor. But when our government becomes so hobbled by PC that it cannot call Islamic fanaticism by its name, then political correctness becomes a grave threat to our national security.

    JOE SCARBOROUGH: A 54-year-old wife and mother and grandmother, Colleen Hufford, was attacked and actually beheaded by a former co-worker who spent the last few weeks trying to convert the other fellow employees to Islam. Local news outlets reported that he was shouting Muslim phrases during the attack. So the feds were called in to investigate. Their response according to the Washington Post: that there was no indication, quote, no indication that Alton Nolen was copying the beheadings of journalists in Syria by the Islamic State. Adding that they were treating this as quote workplace violence. Workplace violence. Really? Despite the fact the attacker’s Facebook page had pictures of Osama bin laden, the Taliban, gruesome beheadings by ISIS, pictures celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers and his promise that America would go up in flames and also his declaration that, quote, Islamic terrorists behead their victims because the president was bestowed by their prophet. Can you believe this?

    The FBI says there was no indication that Nolen was copying ISIS? I’m not saying like ISIS has infiltrated us and this is going to happen. Seriously? FBI — how stupid does the FBI really think we are? Who exactly are they afraid of offending? ISIS? Moderate Muslims? Because moderate Muslims are just as scared as moderate Methodists. And as political correctness now so pervasive through our government that the FBI can’t tell Americans the truth of the beheading of a grandmother in the middle of America out of fear of offending Muslims? No, no: trust me. Muslims are offended by this creep’s actions. But if the FBI now is so weakly resorting to political correctness after the beheading on U.S. soil can they really confront the evil that America faces and the threat of copycat killers?

    I mean, come on…
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS/Islamic Threats To America:Jihadi Compounds Their Frontal Spear.Canada Imperiled Too. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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    IT is important not to embellish the facts at hand, and this is the case whether the intent is for positive or negative spin. Besides, tragically, when it comes to Islamic jihad, what the public thinks they know is barely the tip of the dangers in play. Thus, there is hardly a need for exaggeration.

    IN line with said understanding it is equally intrinsic to arrive at the following conclusion: do NOT become mired down in this and that jihadi hydra’s name! Why? Because doing so only aids the enemy. Just leave it to those of us who make it our business to know what’s what and who is who. Besides, by the time you figure out the confusing acronyms and where they fit into the terror axis, well, your focus on the real issue becomes muted. Indeed, just internalize that ALL of them fly under the banner of obedience to the pagan Allah via Shariah law dictates. They are, in one way or another, aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. This connection and fact is irrefutable.

    Don’t even try to challenge this point, you will just lose the argument. Moreover, recognize that their Koranic strictures are non-negotiable. All who subscribe to Islam, as their driving and guiding force, are basically in sync with Islam’s overall objectives – the imposition of Shariah law via a Caliphate. Period.

    IN this regard, as a companion explanation, please refer to the proofs by Dave Gaubatz. Pay rapt attention!

    More Americans are beginning to catch on that there are very evil people who in the name of Islam commit atrocities unimaginable to the human mind. ISIS represents Islam in its purest form. Mohammed would be smiling from ear to ear if he were able to see ISIS carrying out his planned agenda for world domination. For years I have been conducting first-hand research at mosques around the world. For years I have been warning innocent people that Islam in its purest form is being taught in the mosques. Most people have ignored the warnings and blamed the violence on just a few ‘radical Muslims’. Many people continued to believe there are moderate Muslims and Islam is being hijacked.

    In plain terms a moderate Muslim is a non-practicing Muslim. They do not exist and these people who claim to be Muslims are actually Apostates of Islam. Indeed they are good people who do not desire physical Jihad and world domination. Nevertheless they are ignoring the true teachings and basic beliefs of the Islamic ideology. These people are subject to death in accordance with Shariah law and groups such as ISIS are fulfilling the deeds of Mohammed. Around the world practicing Muslims are killing men, women and children who have departed from Islamic teachings.

    If you were to ask any Islamic scholar they would tell you to faithfully practice Islam you must to the following basic principles:
    1. A Muslim must adhere to all aspects of Shariah law, not just ones they feel like following. The acceptance of Shariah law cannot be separated. It is not a pick and choose system. For those who neglect portions of Shariah law they have left Islam and became Apostates.
    2. A Muslim must have in their heart a desire to engage in physical Jihad in all places and all times. For those who can’t fight they must provide financial and other support to the Mujahadeen (fighters). If they do not have the means to do this, at the very least they must support Jihad in their hearts.
    3. A Muslim must desire a Caliphate. This is for Islam to be the dominate ideology in all parts of the world. You will hear numerous Muslims say this is not true, but basic common sense and Shariah law prove this to be accurate. Does not every Christian desire the world to accept Christianity and follow the beliefs? The same is true for Islam and Muslims.
    4. The basic fundamentals of Islam dictate that slavery is authorized under Shariah law. This is why all of the Islamic terrorist groups kidnap and sell girls into slavery.
    5. The marriage of girls as young as six years old is a standard practice within Islam. Mohammed married Aisha when she was six years old and all practicing Muslims state that Mohammed is an example for other Muslims to follow, and they do. Child marriages are not only being conducted in the Middle East in the name of Islam, but there are numerous mosques in America that advocate to the Muslim men to marry children.
    6. Shariah law authorizes the Muslim man to beat his wife or wives.
    7. Shariah law is not compatible with any man-made law and the Islamic ideology declares man-made laws do not have to be followed. Islamic leader’s state Shariah law and the U.S. Constitution are not compatible.
    8. Islam teaches that the Quran and Shariah law are applicable to all, and they can never be changed.
    9. The Islamic ideology teaches that Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims are the enemies of Islam.
    10. Islam teaches that the land currently Israel belongs to the Muslim people and Shariah authorizes the destruction of the Israeli state and all Jews.
    Now for the important question. Are ISIS terrorists in America? The best way I can answer that is to advise people not to get wrapped up in the dozens of Islamic acronyms. All of the Islamic terrorist groups follow the 10 points I mentioned above. All practicing Muslims follow the 10 points. Remember non practicing Muslims are apostates of Islam.
    This means my analysis is that there are approximately 6 million Muslims in America (no one knows for sure how many). There are around 2300 mosques and Islamic Centers in America. I have been to hundreds of mosques in America and outside of America. I estimate only about 25% of people who identify with Islam are practicing Muslims. This correlates to mean that about 1.5 million Muslims in America practice Islam as Prophet Mohammed dictated 1400 years ago.

    When ISIS started rumbling through Iraq they had a couple of thousand people. Soon they had several thousand because the practicing Muslims knew ISIS is the true example of how Islam must be practiced. In America if there are 1.5 million practicing Muslims it is only a matter of time when they feel comfortable and secure about trying to form a caliphate to include America. 1.5 million Islamic terrorists can do a non- recoverable amount of damage to our country. So, yes ISIS and their supporters are operating in America and we will soon be provided proof in the way of isolated terrorist attacks simultaneously all across our great country.

    Could our country have survived twenty 9-11 types of attacks being conducted at the same time? Our government was not prepared for even a natural disaster as in New Orleans (hurricane Katrina). We could not withstand several major attacks at the same time. If we don’t stop the Islamic ideology from being spread in America, we will have ISIS and there followers placing a black flag of Jihad at the White House in the near future.

    Final Analysis: The Islamic ideology itself must be destroyed by continuously calling it for what it is…Evil. We must have the vile taste in our mouths when anything Islamic is mentioned, just as we do when anything Hitler is mentioned. He had an ideology and we were able to destroy it. We can do the same in regards to Islam.
    WITH this info and invaluable understanding in mind, do you believe that Islamists – whether inside or outside America – are talking smack when they bray: “we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House”?

    AND while we are on the subject, listen to this chilling interview with an ISIS terrorist!
    IN this regard, couple Oklahoma’s beheading (don’t forget to factor in the enumerable acts of jihad on U.S. soil (coined “workplace violence”, even the recent beheading!…others, well before 9/11/01, ignored in toto…and so on…) with numerous OPEN calls to assist ISIS in America and the message couldn’t be any starker. More dire.

    Alton Nolen, the suspect in the brutal beheading in Moore, Oklahoma Thursday, posted a beheading on his Facebook page, has ties to Al Qaeda and is linked to the same Mosque as the Boston Bombers. What else do you need to know?
    MSNBC is already saying the authorities see no connection to terrorism? No surprise there, but.. has five “fast facts” pertinent to the story you should be aware of, including the 911 call….

    DESPITE all of the horrific information cited above, the attendant dangers are much worse, if you dare imagine. They include “hidden cells” operating out of plain sight and waiting for the orders to strike, when least expected. This is not hooey and phooey talk. It is America’s dire reality…burrowed in its heartland and in all points in between!

    AND aside from all the known jihadi compounds/cells (detailed in the aforementioned links), how about the newly discovered ones:
    The depositions revealed that MOA has a previously unknown property outside of Anchorage, Alaska. They also confirmed the existence of an additional New York property, as well as California and Michigan locations.
    The Deputy Director of MOA, Hussein Adams, is the son of terrorist Barry Adams. During questioning he was unable to provide evidence which would indicate a lack of reasonable basis for the defendants’ claims.

    While MOA officials denied assertions that they are a terrorist organization, they refused to provide basic information regarding the group and their activities.
    They contended that the group kept no records, with director Adams asserting that he did not know the names of those on the town council at their flagship location, Islamberg. The identity of the person entrusted to issue checks to pay the organization’s bills was also unknown, according to director Adams.

    MOA is the umbrella organization operating 22 “Islamic villages” nationwide, including “Mahmoudberg” in Sweeny, Texas.

    Other “communes” dotted around the U.S. and Canada include not only the Islamberg facility in Hancock, NY but also Holy Islamville in York County, South Carolina; Islamville in Dover, Tennessee; Hasanville in Barry’s Bay, Ontario, Canada; Madinah Village near Commerce, Georgia; Aliville in Odum, Georgia; Ahmadabad West in Red House, Virginia and one with an unknown name in Meherrin, Virginia.

    Less precise information was offered regarding the location near Anchorage, AK, as well as “Mariaville” which is supposedly “just down the street” from Islamberg, a Deposit, NY location, an Oak Hill, CA camp as well as Coldwater, MI.

    Adams declared that only three of the locations, Islamberg, Mariaville and Holy Islamville were official MOA properties, with another nine described as unofficial. When questioned on the disparity between the twelve he identified in his deposition and a propaganda DVD which states there are 22 villages, Adams replied, “Well, maybe there were other locations included.”

    The plaintiffs maintained throughout their testimony that the group does not engage in jihad training and dismissed as insignificant the content of two MOA videos. Both show ongoing training, one is a recruitment effort and the other shows women in training.

    IN tandem, recall this investigative journalist’s “delicate” foray to Islamberg:

    Jamat ul Fuqra are awash in infidel blood. Most infamously, they are the head choppers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. They are particularly fond of beheadings. Say what? Too close for many fellow New Yorkers (my home state) comfort, the group receives some of their paramilitary training at their Islamberg compound in New York State.

    Not to get too specific – as part of a “research” project in 2006 – this blogger accompanied a trusted contact to the outskirts of the compound, knowing full well that this was as far as we would get. No matter. We came, we saw, we went…..hearing constant sounds of gun popping, and intermittent shouts of “allahu akbar” – god is great – in broad daylight !! Roaming guards dressed in (Islamic) combat fatigues, and watch towers on each side, were clearly visible.

    DEAR readers, are you convinced yet? If not, why not? If yes, what’s a concerned patriot gonna do, in order to counteract the growing threats to the homeland?
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS


    Fired Oklahoma City nursing home worker threatened beheading, police say

    Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, a native of Kenya, was arrested Friday in Oklahoma City on a terrorism complaint.

    by Nolan Clay Modified: September 28, 2014 at 11:43 am • Published: September 28, 2014


    In a bizarre coincidence, a fired Oklahoma City nursing home employee was arrested Friday after a co-worker reported he threatened to cut her head off.

    Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a terrorism complaint. His bail is set at $1 million.

    “We take these threats very seriously,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said.

    The arrest came on the same day police in Moore revealed fired Vaughan Foods worker Alton Alexander Nolen beheaded a co-worker after he was fired Thursday. Nolen is a Muslim convert.

    Muriithi was identified as a native of Kenya who is living in Oklahoma City. He worked at Bellevue Nursing Home in northwest Oklahoma City, police reported.

    The co-worker reported Muriithi threatened her while they were both working at the nursing home Sept. 19, a police detective wrote in an arrest warrant affidavit.

    The woman was not identified.

    She said Muriithi identified himself as a Muslim and said he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the detective told a judge in the affidavit. The two had not worked together before.

    ISIS is a reference to Islamic State militants responsible for highly publicized beheadings in the Middle East.

    The woman said she asked him why they kill Christians and he replied, “This is just what we do,” the detective reported.

    “The victim said Jacob asked her what time she got off work and she replied by asking him in a joking manner if he was going to kill her,’ the detective wrote. “Jacob told the victim, ‘Yes,’ he was going to cut her head off. The victim asked Jacob what he was going to cut her head off with and he said, ‘A blade,’ then told her after he did it he was going to post it on Facebook.

    “The victim said Jacob was serious when speaking and never made any statements that he was joking or playing around.”

    The woman reported Muriithi repeated the threat as she left work, saying in front of another employee that he was going to use a blade, the detective reported.

    The FBI said Friday about the tragedy in Moore that there is no current indication of any additional threat to residents of Oklahoma related to that incident.
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