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    Iraqi Helicopter Shot Down By ISIS “Rocket Launcher”…

    Posted on October 3, 2014 by sundance
    Really? A “rocket launcher”. Perhaps it would be a tad to disconcerting to admit that ISIS actually has multiple surface-to-air missiles courtesy of, well, you know.

    (Via Sky News) Fighters from the Islamic State extremist group have used a rocket launcher to shoot down an Iraqi military helicopter, say officials.
    The pilot and co-pilot of the Mi-35 aircraft were reportedly killed in the attack which happened between the towns of Beiji and al Senniyah in northern Iraq.
    The shooting down of the helicopter showed the insurgents’ ability to hit back against air operations by Iraqi authorities and the US-led coalition.
    The IS jihadists have taken over large parts of western and northern Iraq in recent months after government forces melted away in the onslaught and left behind US-made military equipment including tanks.
    Beiji, which is 130 miles north of Baghdad, is home to Iraq’s biggest oil refinery. (read more)
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    ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown to Have Origins in U.S. and China

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    By C. J. CHIVERSOCT In its campaign across northern Syria and Iraq, the jihadist group Islamic State has been using ammunition from the United States and other countries that have been supporting the regional security forces fighting the group, according to new field data gathered by a private arms-tracking organization.The data, part of a larger sample of captured arms and cartridges in Syria and Iraq, carries an implicit warning for policy makers and advocates of intervention.It suggests that ammunition transferred into Syria and Iraq to help stabilize governments has instead passed from the governments to the jihadists, helping to fuel the Islamic State’s rise and persistent combat power. Rifle cartridges from the United States, the sample shows, have played a significant role.“The lesson learned here is that the defense and security forces that have been supplied ammunition by external nations really don’t have the capacity to maintain custody of that ammunition,” said James Bevan, director of Conflict Armament Research, the organization that is gathering and analyzing weapons used by the Islamic State

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS


    Odder and odder.

    by xbradtc | October 6, 2014 · 10:37 am
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    US airstrikes target French turncoat : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here

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    Two European intelligence officials described the former French officer as the highest ranking defector ever to go over to the terrorist group and called his defection one of the most dangerous developments in the West’s long confrontation with al Qaida.
    The identity of the officer is a closely guarded secret. Two people, independently of one another, provided the same name, which McClatchy is withholding pending further confirmation. All of the sources agreed that a former French officer was one of the people targeted when the United States struck eight locations occupied by the Nusra Front, al Qaida’s Syrian affiliate. The former officer apparently survived the assault, which included strikes by 47 cruise missiles.
    via US airstrikes target French turncoat : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here.
    This is pegging my weirdo-meter.
    And its interesting that we took the shot, on behalf of the French.
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    Trojan horse: ISIS militants come to Europe disguised as refugees, US intel sources claim

    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    Islamic State militants are planning to insert operatives into Western Europe disguised as refugees, claim US intelligence sources, who unencrypted locked communications of the caliphate’s leadership.
    The militant organization is afraid of using aircraft due to strict security rules, so they use land as an alternative, the US sources told Bild Am Sonntag, a German national Sunday newspaper.
    Disguised as refugees from Syria, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) operatives will cross the border to Turkey. Then, using fake passports, they will travel further to European countries to conduct attacks.
    “In view of the chaotic conditions on the Syria-Turkey border, it is nearly impossible to catch ISIS-terrorists in the wave of refugees,” wrote Bild Am Sonntag.
    Because hundreds of refugees cross the Syrian-Turkish border every day, the jihadists have a good chance of remaining unnoticed in the crowds.
    Turkey is also used by jihadists who want to join the IS in Syria, as they don’t need a visa to get there. They go on ‘vacations’ as tourists and upon arrival have almost no trouble finding a way to cross the border.
    According to one of Iraq’s foremost security experts with unique access to intelligence, at least 100,000 jihadists were fighting in the ranks of the IS in August.
    There are some 15,000 foreign fighters from the IS in Syria alone, including 2,000 Westerners, a US intelligence official told AFP in September.
    Germany continues to be one of the main goals of IS
    An official from the German Interior Ministry told the paper that the country is in the “focus of jihadist terrorism,” but there is no indication at this time of any concrete attacks.
    German security says that about 450 extremist German Muslims traveled in the direction of Syria.
    But it is still nearly impossible to track their country’s radicals when they are heading from Germany to Syria, as they don’t need a visa to travel to Turkey, a German official told the Jerusalem Post.
    About 150 Islamic fighters have returned from Syria to Germany.
    Last week it was revealed that German authorities encouraged some jihadists to leave the country. Ludwig Schierghofer, the chief officer in charge of counterterrorism at Bavaria’s LKA investigative police department, told public broadcaster Westdeutscher Rundfunk that such measure is aimed at “protecting our [German] population.”
    The issue was “to get people out of the country” if there was evidence that “the danger existed that they might commit attacks.”
    “If somebody had become radicalized and wanted to leave the country, then we tried to either let him depart, or even sought to accelerate their departure using legal means,” Schierghofer said.
    The measure was introduced in Bavaria, southeastern Germany, in 2009, but then abandoned in 2014 after the authorities understood that they were actually helping IS militants.
    IS continues Middle East advance despite US strikes
    US-led airstrikes on the Islamic State are failing to stop the advance of the jihadists.
    The militants are reportedly approaching the outskirts of the city of Kobani, a town in the Aleppo Governorate in northern Syria near the Turkish border.
    The situation in the town prompted some 186,000 Kurds to flee the area across the border into Turkey, and groups of Kurdish volunteers wishing to cross into Syria to defend the town against the IS on Saturday clashed with tear gas-firing Turkish security forces refusing to let them pass.
    Around 100,000 people remain in Kobani amid the violence.
    Enemy tactics: Kurdish female suicide bomber ‘attacks ISIS jihadists’ in Kobani
    “Those who stay in the area are living in very poor conditions, there is drastic shortage of food,” Muhammad, a Kobani resident, told RT.
    According to Osman, a Turkey-Syria border resident, Turkish security forces prevent them from helping the Kurds, but the residents of Kobani will continue to assist them where they can.
    “We are eyewitnesses of the event. It seems that the whole world has abandoned Kobani,” he told RT. “If the Kurdish forces don’t get the supplies they need there will be a mass slaughter among the Kurdish population.”
    He added that so far the local residents “haven’t seen any results of US strikes against the Islamic State.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    These guys are NOT another group. They are a made up name for Al Qaeda... cuz, you know, "Al Qaeda" was on the run... etc

    Khorasan terrorists will attack US ‘very, very soon,’ FBI director warns

    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    The Khorasan Group, the Al-Qaeda-linked cell that just landed on the US intelligence radar last month, allegedly has Americans in its ranks fighting in the Middle East whom the FBI cannot prevent from re-entering the country.
    Last month, the world was introduced to yet another terrorist group – the Khorasan Group – a veteran group of Al-Qaeda-affiliated radicals purportedly running amok in the Middle East, which the head of the FBI says is “bent on destruction” – and most specifically in the United States.
    “Khorasan was working and you know, may still be working on an effort to attack the United States or our allies, and looking to do it very, very soon,” James Comey said in an interview with 60 Minutes, a CBS news program.
    The FBI chief, who has kept a low profile since becoming head of the internal intelligence agency last year, refused to put a time stamp on when an attack would occur.
    “I can’t sit here and tell you whether it’s their plan is tomorrow or three weeks or three months from now,” he said. “Given our visibility we know they’re serious people, bent on destruction. And so we have to act as if it’s coming tomorrow.”
    Perhaps most shocking, Comey revealed that there are about “a dozen or so” American citizens fighting in Syria on the side of Islamic fundamentalist groups. Moreover, the government knows the identity of the individuals who, as American passport holders, are free to reenter the United States.
    “Ultimately, an American citizen, unless their passport’s revoked, is entitled to come back. So, someone who’s fought with ISIL, with American passport wants to come back, we will track them very carefully,” he said.
    Comey admitted that he knew the identity of the Americans fighting alongside radical groups in the Middle East, while suggesting there could be others he is unaware of added, “I hesitate only because I don’t know what I don’t know.”
    For many Americans, such revelations may sound incredible for a group that nobody had heard of before the United States starting bombing northern Syria last month.
    Reuters / Stringer Reuters / Stringer
    While all of the media chatter prior to the September 22 aerial attacks in northern Syria focused on eliminating the Islamic State (IS formerly ISIS/ISIL), the US Department of Defense announced the next day that it is attacking other groups in Syria as well.
    “Separately, the United States has also taken action to disrupt the imminent attack plotting against the United States and Western interests conducted by a network of seasoned Al-Qaeda veterans – sometimes referred to as the Khorasan Group – who have established a safe haven in Syria to develop external attacks, construct and test improvised explosive devices and recruit Westerners to conduct operations,” the statement said.
    Journalist Glenn Greenwald argued that the Obama administration, lacking justification for a bombing campaign in Syria, was forced to invent the group.
    Obama administration officials “suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland,” Greenwald wrote in the Intercept.
    The Khorasan Group suddenly appeared on the scene on September 13, as first detailed by Associated Press and anonymous US sources:
    “While the Islamic State is getting the most attention now, another band of extremists [Khorasan] in Syria — a mix of hardened jihadis from Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Europe — poses a more direct and imminent threat to the United States, working with Yemeni bomb-makers to target US aviation, American officials say.”
    What is the ultimate purpose of this shadowy group?
    According to the AP report, the Khorasan militants did not travel to Syria to fight the government of President Bashar Assad, but rather “they were sent by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to recruit Europeans and Americans whose passports allow them to board a US-bound airliner with less scrutiny from security officials.”
    That is a threat the FBI chief, considering the destruction that terrorists wrought on the United States on September 11, 2001, will certainly be taking very seriously.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Chicago-Area Teen Arrested – Accused Of Attempting To Provide Aid To ISIS

    October 6, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Al Qaeda, CIA, DIA, FBI, Intelligence Community, Iraq, ISIS in Iraq, national security, Syria, terrorism, US Military · Leave a comment

    From: CNN Breaking News

    Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 13:02:44 -0400

    Subject: CNN Breaking News

    A teen from the Chicago area was arrested at O’Hare International Airport over the weekend and accused of attempting to provide aid to ISIS, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois announced today.

    Mohammed Hamzah Khan, 19, is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. According to a criminal complaint, a round-trip ticket was purchased for Khan from Chicago to Istanbul.
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  8. #268
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    This is a huge one, makes me really think.... If you guys know what I mean. Read on;

    Breaking news
    Kurdish protesters storm Dutch parliament in The Hague

    ISIS grand plan: Bribe Putin for Iran’s nuclear secrets

    Published time: October 06, 2014 07:17 Get short URL

    Reuters / Stringer


    ISIS in Iraq Tags
    Iran, Iraq, Middle East, Nuclear, Politics, Syria

    An alleged policy plan of the Islamic State outlines some chilling, if unrealistic, plots of the would-be terrorist state, including bribing Russia with access to oilfields in exchange for nuclear technology, and digging a canal across the UAE.
    The document reported by Britain’s Sunday Times is believed to have been written by Abdullah Ahmed Meshedani, a member of the highly secretive six-man war cabinet of the terrorist group, which wants to build an Islamist state, or caliphate, in parts of Iraq and Syria.
    It was captured by Iraqi special forces during a March raid on the home of a senior Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) member and confirmed as authentic by Western security officials.
    The 70-point plan provides an insight into the grandiose, if somewhat far-fetched, strategy aimed at undermining Shiites in the Arab world and Iran as that branch of Islam’s powerhouse nation.
    One of the goals listed in the documents is to offer Russia access to oilfields in Iraq’s Anbar province in exchange for Moscow severing ties with Tehran and sharing secret nuclear technology known to Iran with the IS.
    The bribe is also meant to convince the Russian government to stop supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad and ally with Sunni states of the Arab Gulf in their confrontation with Iran and Syria.

    A security official stands in front of the Bushehr nuclear reactor, 1,200 km (746 miles) south of Tehran (Reuters / Raheb Homavandi)

    A security source familiar with the document told the newspaper, “Nothing shocks Western governments these days in relation to ISIS and its fanatical aspirations.
    “We’ve known and feared for some time that they want to obtain chemical and nuclear weapons… So when you place their future aspirations against their current achievements, this document which purports to be the group’s manifesto does stop and make you think.”
    Another bizarre plan to undermine Iran’s powerbase involves building a canal across the United Arab Emirates “like the Panama Canal in America’s hands,” which would allow oil tankers travel to and from the Persian Gulf, bypassing the Iran-controlled Strait of Hormuz, the newspaper reports.
    In addition to the Iranian nuclear program, the document suggests hitting its caviar industry “because it is a national treasure,” and urges to flood the carpet market with products of Afghan carpet makers to cripple their Iranian competitors.
    The IS also envisions itself as a regional naval power, with bases built on islands bought from Yemen and the Comoros.
    Domestically, the self-proclaimed state has a program of ethnic cleansing, eugenic programs, assassinations of defectors – including IS officials – and other brutal policies that would ensure a population united in purpose, according to the document.

    An oil tanker cruises towards the Strait of Hormuz (AFP Photo)

    The caliphate’s security for foreign forces would be provided by targeted hits on senior officials and officers in Iran and Iraq as well as attacks of any armed Shiite groups.
    In the long run, the IS wants Sunnis from Pakistan and Syria to migrate to lands with mixed Sunni-Shiite populations, “marry early and have many children,” who would become the core of a future extermination campaign to wipe out Shiites in the Gulf.
    The IS “are not focused on merely supporting themselves with ransom activities and oil theft, they know that in order to survive they have to generate income in legitimate ways,” Veryan Khan, director of Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium, a US-based terrorism monitoring group, told the Sunday Times.
    “I am convinced this was passed out among senior personnel of Islamic State,” she added. “To fully explain a 100-year plan is completely unique — they are proving that they are visionaries to the rest of the senior staff.”
    Last edited by Avvakum; October 6th, 2014 at 22:03.
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    I suspect the Iranians are scared shitless about now, which might explain several other things. They have ordered the Iranian forces to "Leave the Americans alone" in Iraq. They are trying to make a deal on the nuclear stuff.

    They are AFRAID these ISIS assholes will get over there and get hold of the nuclear material.

    Think about it.
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    Islamic State Raises Black Flag On NATO’s Doorstep; Slaughter Is Feared As Militants Close In On Key Syrian Town Near Turkish Border — 12,000 Civilians Trapped

    October 7, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Al Qaeda, Britain, China, CIA, DIA, Europe, foreign policy, France, Germany, Intelligence Community, Iran, Iraq, ISIS in Iraq, national security, NATO, POTUS, Russia, Syria, terrorism, Turkey, US Military · Leave a comment
    Islamic State Raises Black Flag On NATO’s Doorstep; Slaughter Is Feared As Militants Close In On Key Syrian Town Near Turkish Border — 12,000 Civilians Trapped
    Islamic State (IS) militants raised their flag overnight in the southern district Syrian town of Kobani near the Turkish/Syrian border, — as fears grow of an impending massacre of some 12,000 civilians trapped there. Rooz Bahjat, who identified himself as a senior security official with the Kurdish Regional Government, said “as many as 9,000 Islamic State militants now control three sides of the town of Kobani;” and have cut off Kurdish supply lines into the city. The fourth avenue of approach lies just across the border in Turkey — where Turkish military forces are deployed; and whom, are preventing Turkish and Syrian Kurds from joining their comrades in the fight to save Kobani. Kurdish fighters continue to desperately appeal to the U.S. and others for more weapons and military support on the ground. Turkey’s President Erdogan warned that “airstrikes alone will not enough to halt [ISIS's] momentum; and, Kobani is about to fall.” Should Kobani fall to the Islamic State, militants will control key terrain along the Turkish/Syrian border; and, thus, enhancing their logistical supply lines; no doubt garnering more recruits; and, making the U.S. and the coalition appear weak and feckless.

    Karam Shoumali and Anne Barnard, writing in this morning’s (October 7, 2014) New York Times note that “Kurdish officials have been warning for days that without more military aid — Kobani was likely to fall. Video from the front lines in recent days has shown ISIS fighters advancing across fields in formation, well equipped, in camouflage flak vests, Some militants,” the New York Times said, “have posted pictures of themselves holding the severed heads of what they claimed were female Kurdish fighters.
    ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown To Have Origins In U.S. And China

    C.J. Chivers, writing in the October 6, 2014 New York Times, writes that “a sample of captured ISIS arms in Syria and Iraq,” reveals that much of the ammunition and arms the group has been using have U.S. and Chinese origins. “Rifle cartridges from the U.S, the sample shows, have played a significant role.” According to Mr. Chivers, “one Syrian rebel commander said ISIS has often picked where and when to fight by measuring the potential spoils that might be gained in a local victory.” “When battling against the Syrian Army, ISIS chooses to fight in a specific battle, on a specific front…only when the investment is appealing, i.e., warehouses to capture,” said Fouad al-Ghuraibi, Commander of the Kafr Owaid’s Martyrs Brigade in Northern Syria. Commander Ghuraibi added that “a portion of the Islamic State’s ammunition had come from black-market deals with the group’s enemies, including the Syrian Army;” but, he added, “the numbers in these deals couldn’t be high, as the officers on the regime side have had to keep it low…to keep it hidden.”

    ISIS ammunition appears to have come from 21 nations, with more than 80 percent of it either manufactured in China, the former Soviet Union, the United States, post-Soviet Russia, or Serbia, according to the New York Times. V/R, RCP
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    Dogs are offensive to Mussies.

    Now we know why.

    7 Oct
    Aussies Catch Terrorists at Airports in Sydney and Melbourne

    Posted 07/10/2014 by sfcmac in Homeland Security, Terrorism. Leave a Comment
    This is why muzzies are demanding an end to bomb-sniffing dogs, body searches, and TSA screening, because it’s supposedly against their “religious rights”.
    From the Herald Sun:
    COUNTER-terrorism officers *intercepted 11 suspected terrorists at Melbourne and Sydney airports in less than a month in a multi-agency security crackdown.
    Officers who searched the grounded suspects found images of beheadings and other violent Islamist propaganda on electronic devices and seized tens of thousands of dollars in *undeclared cash allegedly being smuggled out of the country.

    A twelfth man, 19-year-old Ahmad Saiyer Naizmand, of NSW, allegedly flew out of Sydney on his brother’s passport before Australian officers raised the alarm and had United Arab Emirates authorities deport him back.

    ……ONE suspect’s luggage was deemed “inconsistent with his stated planned travel movements’’, and he missed his flight after he was searched.

    SIX people were caught with violent or objectionable material. Of them, two were issued with infringement notices and three had their electronic devices seized.

    ONE man was refused entry to Australia after arriving on a flight to Melbourne from Malaysia and found to have “visa inconsistencies’’.

    THREE of the suspects copped infringement notices.

    OTHERS were caught committing visa and passport fraud.

    Customs and Border Protection said the Australian Government had changed the instruction to its officers from “facilitation as a priority to security as a priority’’.

    “That means that on occasion, flights will be held, people and baggage will have to be unloaded … but this is important for our national security,’’ a spokesman said.

    The terror suspects were intercepted by Customs and Border Protection, the AFP or the new Counter-Terrorism Units.

    The CTU came into force in late August less than nine months after Sydney man Khaled Sharrouf escaped Sydney Airport in December on his brother’s passport to fight for Islamic State in Syria.

    Sharrouf caused international outrage by making his seven-year-old Australian-raised son, with him in Syria, pose for photographs holding a severed head.
    The Australian government is implementing some common sense and proper scrutiny of vermin traveling from known Islamic terrorist nation-states. They’re a hell of a lot more successful than our Transportation Stupidity Agency, which refuses to profile and has NEVER prevented a muzzie terrorist from boarding one of our planes. But they utilize x-ray scanners, metal detectors, pat-downs, sexual molestations, strip searches and federal air marshals to target Kinder Eggs, whistleblowers, thermoses, refusniks, white middle class Americans, elderly people, mentally retarded people, leukemia patients, children, and Soldiers.
    Feel safer?
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    ISIS herds hundreds of women for sale as sex slaves

    This entry was posted on October 7, 2014, in ISIS, Islamic State and tagged ISIS, Islamic state. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment

    ISIL herds hundreds of women for sale as sex slaves: UN

    on October 4, 2014
    The ISIL Takfiri militants are selling as sex slaves hundreds of Izadi and Christian women they have captured in a bid to tempt buyers to join their ranks, the UN says.
    According to the latest report by the UN mission in Iraq, nearly 500 Izadi and Christian women and girls have been given to the ISIL or trafficked for sale at markets in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria,
    “Women and girls are brought with price tags for the buyers to choose and negotiate the sale. The buyers were said to be mostly youth from the local communities,” the UN says.
    “Apparently ISIL was ‘selling’ these Yezidi women to the youth as a means of inducing them to join their ranks,” the 29-page report pointed out.
    The Takfiri group has also summarily executed several women in professions, it added.
    At least 8,493 civilians have lost their lives in the course of the violence in Iraq so far this year, and 1.8 million others have become homeless, the UN says.
    The ISIL controls large areas of Syria’s east and north. The group sent its militants into Iraq in June, seizing large parts of land straddling the border between Syria and Iraq.
    They have carried out heinous crimes in the two countries, including mass executions and beheadings of people.
    The West and its regional allies, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, are reportedly giving financial and military support to the militants.

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    Turkey Calls For Ground Invasion Into Syria Near Kobane

    Near the Syrian-Turkish Border: As Islamic State jihadists continue to make gains in key Syrian border town, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls for a ground operation to slow their advance

    Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, seen from near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province on Tuesday.
    By Ruth Sherlock, Middle East correspondent, and Agencies

    The president of Turkey has urged for ground troops to be deployed in Kobane as the key Syrian border town teeters on the verge of falling under the control of the Islamic State and of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

    The town has been under assault by Isil jihadists for more than three weeks and has become a focal point for the West’s air strikes against the terrorist organisation.

    The fall of Kobane to Isil would mark a major victory for the jihadists, who are fighting for a long stretch of the border with Turkey for their self-proclaimed “Islamic caliphate”.

    At least 412 people, more than half of them jihadists, have been killed in and around Kobane since mid-September, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group.
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    Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that a ground operation is needed to defeat the militants, fuelling concerns that US-led air strikes are doing little to halt Isil’s advances.
    “The terror will not be over… unless we cooperate for a ground operation,” president Erdogan said in a televised speech in the eastern city of Gaziantep, adding that air strikes were not enough on their own.
    “Months have passed but no results have been achieved. Kobane is about to fall.”
    His comments came as Dutch F-16s joined the fight in northern Iraq, possibly killing Isil militants with their first aerial strikes, the country’s defence ministry said.
    “Two Dutch F-16s this morning used weapons for the first time in Iraq against the IS terror group. They dropped three bombs on armed IS vehicles that were shooting at (Kurdish) Peshmerga fighters in the north of the country,” a statement said.
    “Vehicles were destroyed in the attack and Isil fighters possibly killed.”
    Despite an initial slowing in the jihadist’s advance on Kobane last week, the renewed offensive had by late Monday seen Isil penetrate the town for the first time.
    Local residents reported seeing to Isil flags on top of buildings at the eastern entrance to the town.
    The battle moved from one of shellfire to urban guerilla warfare: “We can hear the sound of clashes in the street,” said Parwer Ali Mohamed, a
    translator for the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

    Gunfire rang out loudly as soldiers from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) fought hard to defend the city centre.
    The battle sent more than 2,000 Syrian Kurds including women and children fleeing from the border town into Turkey.
    Turkish border guards had last week tried to stop the mass exodus of panicked locals from crossing the border by firing teargas into the crowds.
    The battle for Kobane is an example of the complexity of foreign intervention in the Syrian war: whilst the US and allies have sought to stop Isil by bombing it from the air, they have been reluctant to arm their YPG allies on the ground.
    Turkey, a NATO member, has sought to block the supply of arms to the YPG for fear they will bolster their sister group, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) – an organisation proscribed as terrorists – which is fighting for autonomy in Turkey’s southeast.
    In a sign of mounting desperation among the Kurds defending Kobane, a Kurdish female fighter blew herself up at an Isil position east of Kobane on Sunday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, said.
    It was the first reported instance of a female Kurdish fighter employing a tactic often used by the jihadists.
    The bomber, in her 20s, was a full-time YPG fighter identified as Dilar Gencxemis, alias Arin Mirkan, from Kurdish-controlled Afrin in northwestern Syria.
    “She killed dozens of gang members and demonstrated the YPG fighters’ determined resistance,” her group said in a statement carried by the pro-Kurdish Firat news agency.
    On another front, twin Isil suicide truck bombings killed at least 30 YPG fighters and security officers on Monday in the Kurdish town of Hasakeh, northeast Syria, the Observatory said.
    Sunday’s fighting around Kobane – also known as Ain al-Arab – was said to have killed at least 19 Kurdish fighters and 27 Isil jihadists.

    Strike: This morning journalists on the Turkish side of the border heard the sound of planes before two large plumes of smoke billowed just west of Kobane (pictured here and in the below image)

    Claim: Despite promising not to let it happen just days ago, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pictured) this morning said the fall of the city is imminent, adding that airstrikes will not be enough to stop ISIS
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Soldiers’ families and homes may be IS targets, Army threat center reports

    06 Monday Oct 2014
    Posted by Anna J. Sasin in Headlines
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    Syria, United States Armed Forces, Veteran

    Please pass this on. There are social media precautions for military members and their families listed below.
    always watching

    Soldiers and their families should be warned the Islamic State is calling on its followers in the United States to use social media sites to “find the addresses of service members, show up [at their homes] and slaughter them,” according to the Army Threat Integration Center.
    “ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] has called on lone offenders in the U.S. to use the “yellow pages,” social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter to find the addresses,” states the ARTIC special assessment published Sept. 25.
    The warning is “based on a law enforcement bulletin citing a jihadist tweet,” ARTIC states.
    After U.S. began air strikes in Iraq in August and Syria in late September, IS supporters launched a Twitter campaign threatening to retaliate with violence in the U.S., according to the report.
    “A recent audio message from an ISIL spokesman called, for the first time, for lone offender attacks in the Homeland in retaliation for U.S. military operations in Iraq and Syria,” the ARTIC report states. “According to the U.S. Government as many as 300 Americans are fighting with ISIL. … There is concern that these Americans could return to the U.S. and commit attacks using the skills they learned overseas.”
    Even before the U.S. airstrikes began, ARTIC said, Twitter posts showed Islamic State supporters in front of the White House and other spots in the U.S. states with the message “We are in your state, We are in your cities, We are in your streets” and “we are here #america near our #target…sooooooooooooon.
    The attacks may be “small scale” and targeting individuals with little advance planning or advance warning, rather than large-scale terrorist events, the report cautioned.
    That means it’s important to watch out for any signs of surveillance or planned attack, and to take precautions online and particularly on social media, according to ARTIC, which advises taking these steps:
    Social media precautions

    ■Think before you post and assume everyone in the world will be able to see what you are posting, or tweeting, even if the site limits your posts to your friends and family.
    ■Limit who can view your social media sites; but do not trust these settings as absolute.
    ■Avoid posting your home or work address and phone numbers; and any government or military affiliation.
    ■Avoid providing detailed accounts of your day (e.g., when you leave for or return from work).
    ■Never allow applications to geolocate your location.
    At home

    ■Always lock doors, windows and garages.
    ■Make sure home entrances are well-lighted, and minimize bushes where intruders can hide before their ambush.
    ■Use the peephole before opening the door to anyone. Don’t use the chain latch to open the door part-way. Don’t open the door to solicitors or strangers.
    ■Install solid-core doors, heavy-duty locks and window security systems.
    ■Establish a safe haven.
    ■Hold a family meeting to work out home security plans.
    What to watch for

    ■Unusual interest in sensitive information about security measures, personnel, entry points, peak days/hours of operation, and access controls such as alarms or locks.
    ■Someone engaging in overtly suspicious actions to provoke and observe responses by public safety personnel.
    ■Discreet use of cameras or video recorders, sketching, or note-taking consistent with surveillance.
    ■Observation of, or questions about facility air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems.
    ■Repeated visits by the same subjects, including attempts to disguise appearance from visit to visit.
    ■Attempted or unauthorized access to rooftops or other sensitive areas.
    ■Observation of or unusual questions about security measures, such as staffing, barriers, restricted areas, cameras, and intrusion detection systems.
    ■Multiple false alarms or fictitious emergency calls to the same locations or similar venues.
    ■Unusual interest in speaking with building maintenance personnel.
    ■Observation of security reaction drills or procedures.
    ■Attention to or avoidance of surveillance cameras.
    ■Garments not appropriate for weather/seasons.
    If you notice suspicious activity, report it to the appropriate authorities, ARTIC says. Report criminal threat information and suspicious activity to local law enforcement authorities and your chain of command.
    According to ARTIC, its special assessment was a collaborative effort with Army CID Command Intelligence Operation Center (CIOC), and the Army CI Center (ACIC), and “does not represent the coordinated views of the U.S. Army.”
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    Mother Stunned at Her Daughter’s Class Assignment on ISLAM

    Posted on by Tom Fernandez

    by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

    Michigan mom Jennette Hall was stunned when she saw the assignment her daughter Brianna received in her 10th grade ‘World History’ class — on Islam.

    Under the heading, “Introducing Islam,” her teacher presented a whitewashed, lie-filled version of Islam that could have been produced by the radical Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

    And if that wasn’t bad enough, the assignment compelled students to create Islamic propaganda — in the form of an “informational pamphlet “which would then be created to fit curriculum suitable for third graders, reported Inquistr.

    The assignment’s “rubric” said Islam is a “religion of peace and unity”, which promotes living “in peace with the creator… with other people, and with the environment.”
    Not only was the assignment riddled with inaccuracies where it states that Christians, Jews, and all other religions worship the Muslim “god” “Allah”, it also stated that Allah is the “ONE and ONLY GOD,” as detailed by blogger Prissy Holly.

    Said Holly:

    The assignment then goes on to paint the prophet Muhammad as the wonderful and peaceful messenger of “God” whose spiritual revelation produced Islam. They leave out the historical FACTS, however, that Muhammad was a mass murderer, terrorist, misogynist, cult leader, rapist, torturer, assassin, narcissist, and not to mention a pedophile — who married his child bride Aisha when she was just six years old.

    Mrs. Hall posted the assignment on Facebook, and reported her shock and dismay:

    “It was an assignment given to my 10th grade daughter in her World History class. The assignment was to make a pamphlet geared toward a third grade audience. They did not actually hand them out to third graders. This assignment upset me because they are teaching that Allah is the same God of the Christians and Jews. This paper, in my opinion, is promoting Islam by describing Allah’s names as beautiful. To me this is not simply factual as it should be. I have a meeting on Tuesday with the principle of Jenison High School to discuss my concerns.”

    Here is the propaganda “pamphlet” Brianna was forced to make:

    Below is a the text version of the assignment the students received:

    Part 1: Introducing Islam

    Islam and Muslims- The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is SILM and SALAM, which means “peace.” SALAM may also mean, greeting one another with peace. One of the beautiful names of god, is that he is the peace. It means more than that; submission to the ONE GOD, and to live in peace with the creator within oneself, with other people, and with the environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any person, anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to god, the LORD of the universe.

    Part 2: Muslims and Arabs

    The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be confused with Arabs. Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or other nationalities.

    An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, or an Atheist. Any person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab. However, the language of the “Quran” the holy book of Islam, is Arabic. Muslims all over the world try to learn Arabic so that they can read the Quran and understand its meaning. They pray in the language of the Quran; namely, Arabic.

    Supplications to god to be in any language. While there are 1 billion Muslims in the world, there are about 200 million Arabs. Among them, approximately about 10 percent are not Muslim. Thus, Arab Muslims constitute only about 20 percent of the Muslim population of the world.

    Part 3: Allah The One and the Only God

    Allah is the name of the one and only god. Allah has 99 beautiful names, such as: the gracious, the merciful, the beneficent, the creator, the all-knowing, the all-wise, the lord of the universe, the first, the last, and others.

    He is the creator of all human beings. He is the god for the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Atheists, and others. Muslims worship God whose name is “Allah.” They put their trust in him, and they seek his trust and his guidance.

    Part 4: Muhammad

    Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver his message of peace, namely Islam. He was born in 570 CE (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was trusted with the message of Islam when he was at the age of 40 years. The revelation that he received is called the Quran, while the message is called Islam.

    As Holly noted: “If students are taught anything about Islam, it should be based on facts and current events. If the school wants to show the truth about Islam, perhaps they should show the students a couple of beheading videos so they can see first hand what this “peaceful” religion is truly all about.”

    Amen. Can you imagine the outrage if a 10th grade public school teacher were pushing Muslim, Jewish or athiest students to create propaganda about Christianity? The ACLU would parachute in 100 lawyers into the school’s football field the next morning. But when it comes to Islam, those Marxist hypocrites have nothing to say.
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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    by #AceNewsGroup

    DAWN2DUSK: ‘ Kobani Ready to Fall As Both Sides Fight it Out ‘

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    #AceNewsServices – October 07 – The US-led coalition is conducting airstrike assault on positions of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) organization in Syria and Iraq.

    ‘ Anti-ISIS coalition bombing terrorist positions in Iraq and Syria LIVE UPDATES’

    The strikes involve a mix of fighter, bomber and tomahawk land-attack missiles.

    Tuesday, October 7

    15:48 GMT:

    Dutch F-16 jets have undertaken their first strikes on ISIS in Iraq, according to the country’s Ministry of Defense. “Two Dutch F-16s this morning used weapons for the first time in Iraq against the ISIS terror group. They dropped three bombs on armed ISIS vehicles that were shooting at (Kurdish) Peshmerga fighters in the north of the country,” a statement from the department said, according to AFP. “Vehicles were destroyed in the attack and ISIS fighters possibly killed,” it added.

    13:19 GMT:

    Clashes have erupted across Turkey as Kurdish protesters have taken to the streets against the Islamic State’s advances on the town of Kobani on the Turkish-Syrian border, and what they said was Ankara’s inadequate response to the threat.

    Protesters are burning statues of Atatürk, the first President of
    — Rekka (@Rekka_K) October 7, 2014
    12:49 GMT:

    Pro-Kurdish demonstrations calling for support of the town of Kobani in Syria, which is besieged by Islamic State militants, swept through Europe.

    In Belgium, some 50 activists made their way into the European Parliament building in Brussels.

    #Kurdish protesters broke through security, stormed into EU #Parliament, made “VoxBox” area true stage of vox populi
    — Tomasz Rusek (@T_Rusek) October 7, 2014
    In London, Kurd protesters occupied Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 2.

    Kurds have Occupied Heathrow airport in London #BerxwedanaKobane @BBCWorld@guardian @nytimes @cnnbrk @David_Cameron
    — neşe kayacan (@tigramed) October 7, 2014
    Demonstrations also took place in Berlin and Rome.

    11:30 GMT:

    At least 412 people have been killed during three weeks of fighting between Islamic State and Kurdish fighters in and outside the Syrian border town of Kobani, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The estimate, coming from sources on the ground, includes fighters from both sides and civilians, but real figures may be bigger than that.

    08:52 GMT:

    Tokyo police are investigating reports that a Japanese student tried to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State militants, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told the media.

    Local Asahi Shimbun daily reported that a 26-year-old man, a student at Hokkaido University, was questioned by police after taking a leave of absence. His passport was confiscated, the newspaper said.

    02:52 GMT:

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged “all those with the means to do so” to protect the residents of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) in Syria amid the assault from the Islamic State.

    “In light of the gross and extensive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law the terrorist group has committed in areas that have fallen under its control in Syria and Iraq during its barbarous campaign, he [Ban] urgently calls on all those with the means to do so to take immediate action to protect the beleaguered civilian population of Ayn al-Arab,” UN said in a press release.

    Ban is “following with grave concern the ongoing offensive by ISIL [IS] on the northern Syrian town of Ayn al-Arab, which has already resulted in massive displacement of civilians, including into Turkey, and numerous death and injuries,” the statement continues.

    01:38 GMT:

    The US has been carrying out the majority of bombings against Islamic State positions in Syria and Iraq since the initial air campaign against the extremists began on August 8, US defense officials told AFP.

    US war-planes have conducted 1,768 air-strikes, while Arab and other allied countries have launched 195 strikes against IS jihadists.

    Sources: Reuters – RT – AFP – Twitter – Media


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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    by #AceNewsGroup

    SYRIA: ‘ Franciscan Priest and 20 Christians Kidnapped by Al-Qaeda Near Turkish Border ‘

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    #AceNewsServices – SYRIA – October 08 – A Franciscan priest and 20 other Christians have been kidnapped by Al-Qaeda-linked militants in a Syrian village near the border with Turkey, the Franciscan mission to the Holy Land said Tuesday.

    The Custody of the Holy Land said it was not able to say where Fr Hanna and his parishioners were now

    “On the night of Oct. 5, Father Hanna Jallouf of the Custody of the Holy Land, parish priest at Qunyeh, Syria, was taken by some brigades linked to the Nusra Front,” AFP quoted a statement from the Custody of the Holy Land as saying. Following their capture, an unspecified number of Franciscan nuns had taken refuge with the villagers, the statement said.

    Catholic news agency Fides, quoting Bishop Georges Abou Khazen, the Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo in Syria, said around 20 Christians were taken along with the priest, Reuters reported.

    “Among the kidnapped are young people, both boys and girls,” he was quoted as saying.

    Qunyeh is a village of several 100 people in the Syrian province of Idlib and lies some 8 kilometers from the Turkish border.

    Franciscan official Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custody of the Holy Land, confirmed the kidnapping of the 62-year-old priest and 20 villagers to AFP.

    “They are accusing them of being collaborators” with the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Pizzaballa told AFP in Jerusalem, expressing deep concern over the fate of the priest, a Syrian who has worked in Qunyeh for 12 years after a posting in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

    “We don’t know what to do.

    We don’t know with whom to talk, we’re totally unable to get in touch with anyone,” added Pizzaballa, the guardian of the Catholic Church’s sites in the Holy Land. AFP quoted a source linked to the Franciscan Order in Aleppo as saying that Nusra Front rebels had forced their way into the convent and “looted everything.”

    The source said Nusra Front rebels were “angry with Father Hanna because he refused to give them some of the olives harvested from trees on the convent’s land.”



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    Spanish officials mystified how nurse contracted Ebola – ‘we followed protocols, she was in a full body suit’

    Posted on October 8, 2014 by The Extinction Protocol

    October 2014 – SPAIN – The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says details on the measures to screen air passengers for Ebola, mentioned Monday by President Obama, will be announced this week. Thomas Frieden, in an interview with All Things Considered, says he’s “confident that you’ll hear about it this week. When we tell you about it this week, we’ll tell you when we’ll start,” Frieden says. Obama said Monday that the U.S. would step up screening for travelers with the disease at airports in the United States and West Africa. The CDC director’s remarks come as doctors say a man being treated in Dallas for Ebola remains in critical condition but has stabilized somewhat, and that he is receiving an experimental drug. And, in Spain, a nurse who cared for an Ebola patient there has tested positive for the disease — the first known instance of a transmission of the virus outside West Africa. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital announced Monday that Thomas Eric Duncan, who apparently contracted Ebola in Liberia before coming to the U.S., is being treated with brincidofovir, an oral medicine developed by Chimerix Inc. North Carolina-based Chimerix announced Monday that “brincidofovir” has been provided for potential use in patients with Ebola Virus Disease. These requests were made by treating physicians. “Chimerix is working closely with the FDA to finalize a clinical trial protocol early this week to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of brincidofovir in patients who are confirmed to have an infection with the Ebola virus,” the company said.

    Duncan began receiving the drug Saturday, according to a spokeswoman for Texas Health Resources, which operates the hospital where Duncan is receiving care. Another patient, Ashoka Mukpo, a freelance cameraman who contracted the disease in West Africa and is being treated in Nebraska, is also receiving the experimental drug. In Madrid, the health of the 40-year-old nurse with Ebola is said to have stabilized. Health officials said the woman, who has not been identified, had no symptoms besides a fever, according to The Associated Press. The infected nurse had assisted in the treatment of a 75-year-old Spanish priest who had been flown from Liberia. The priest died after being treated with the experimental Ebola medicine ZMapp, the AP says. NPR’s Lauren Frayer reports that a few months ago, Spanish officials were touting the country’s ability to handle Ebola patients. “But last night, the tone abruptly changed,” Lauren reports on Morning Edition. Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato urged the country to remain calm. “We followed the protocol and we don’t know how she got infected,” Mato told a news conference. We know she entered the infected priest’s room twice — once to treat him and once after he died to collect some of his things,” said Dr. Antonio Alemany, a health official from the regional government of Madrid. “As far as we know, she was wearing a protective suit the whole time and didn’t have any accidental contact with him.”

    Alemany said the nurse went on vacation for a week after treating the priest, but he didn’t say where. He said that all of the woman’s co-workers were being monitored twice a day for fever. The World Health Organization issued a statement saying: “Spanish authorities are conducting an intensive investigation of this case, in order to determine the mode of transmission and to trace those who have been in contact with the health care worker. WHO is ready to provide support to Spain, as and if required.” The Guardian reports that health officials in Madrid have blamed substandard equipment and “a failure to follow protocol” for the nurse’s infection. –NPR

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    ISIS is threatening American servicemen and women. They've "attacked" a Facebook account or two now.

    Americans are responding.

    Especially the Vets.

    Veteran’s Respond..

    MaddMedic Leave a comment

    To ISIS threats…

    Daren SorensonFormer USAF Officer and F-15E Fighter Pilot

    This current generation of enemies has never actually seen a fully energized American war machine. Even after 9/11, the American public was told to “go back to work” and resume life as normal. Fully awakening the sleeping giant is not the desired effect ISIS wants to have to deal with.”

    Jordan Charters – Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran and Former U.S. Marine

    “ISIS should be completely eliminated. I’m all for unity and equality, but you cannot coexist with people who want to behead you because of your differing beliefs.We need to be more bold about standing up for our veterans and all the things they have sacrificed. And if ISIS is targeting military families, those families have every right to defend and protect themselves.”

    Jonathan GilliamFormer Navy SEAL, FBI Special Agent and Federal Air Marshal

    Then, military members and their families will know how to respond to the threat and be prepared.

    Kurt Schlichter – Desert Storm – Kosovo Veteran

    Kill them until they beg to surrender. That’s not a flippant answer.

    Marty Skovlund Jr- Former Army Ranger

    “Unfortunately, the leadership on this issue is poor. The hands off approach to national defense doesn’t work. We are America. We are the beacon of hope for the world. If we see a wrong happening in the world, we have a moral imperative to do something about it.”

    Dale Comstock – Former Green Beret, Delta Force Operator

    “We need to go in there and get the job done. ISIS doesn’t respect surgical strikes. They respect blunt trauma. When you level an entire village, that’s what they understand. They only understand the language of force. Don’t punch them in the nose, go in there with a baseball bat and take their head off with one swing.”

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    Default Re: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - ISIS

    This American Patriot says:

    "If you come to my house, or you threaten my family, or harm one of my children or wife, I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth and then I'll kill your family, one at a time."
    Libertatem Prius!

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