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  1. #521
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    FBI is seeking information to the arrest of an individual with a north American Accent.

    FBI wants help identifying ISIS jihadist in execution video

    By Pamela Brown, CNN
    updated 3:02 PM EDT, Tue October 7, 2014

    (CNN) -- The FBI on Tuesday asked for the public's help in identifying an English-speaking militant who appeared to help execute Syrian soldiers in an ISIS recruitment video released last month.

    In the 55-minute video titled "Flames of War," the jihadist switches from classical Arabic to perfect English with a North American accent, and appears to orchestrate a mass execution of Syrian soldiers.

    The FBI reached out to the public on its website Tuesday, posting a portion of the video and asking whether anyone has information about the jihadist's identity.

    "We're hoping that someone might recognize this individual and provide us with key pieces of information," Michael Steinbach, Assistant Director of FBI's counterterrorism division, said Tuesday.

    The request is part of the FBI's broader outreach to the public to help identify people seeking to travel overseas to fight with terror groups and those who are returning from
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    FBI seeks man in new ISIS execution video

    Masked man speaks flawless English, Arabic

    UPDATED 3:27 PM EDT Oct 07, 2014

    Connecticut declares Ebola 'state of emergency'

    FBI View Large


    WASHINGTON —The FBI is looking for the public's help in identifying an English-speaking man seen in a video released last month by ISIS.
    In the video excerpt provided by the FBI, the man -- who speaks both flawless English and Arabic -- talks about the Islamic State's plan to execute soldiers it had captured. The audio was not clear enough to decipher which soldiers he was referring to.
    "And we’re here with the soldiers of (unintelligible). You can see them now digging their own graves in the very place where they were stationed," he said.
    The man, who was masked, dressed in desert camouflage and wearing a shoulder holster, then presided over the execution of the men, according to the FBI. Only a limited excerpt of the 55-minute video was released. It did not include the execution or images of the soldiers.
    "The man has what is believed to be a North American accent," the FBI said. The bureau said it hopes someone might recognize the man through his voice and/or appearance.
    The request is part of the FBI's broader outreach to the public to help identify people seeking to travel overseas to fight with terror groups and those who are returning from such fights.
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  3. #523
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    FBI wants help identifying ISIS jihadist in execution video

    Posted: Oct 07, 2014 1:09 PM MST Updated: Oct 07, 2014 1:09 PM MST
    An ISIS fighter, who speaks perfect English with a North American accent, is shown orchestrating the mass execution of a group of men in an ISIS recruitment video called "Flames of War".
    An ISIS fighter, who speaks perfect English with a North American accent, is shown orchestrating the mass execution of a group of men in an ISIS recruitment video called "Flames of War".
    An ISIS fighter, who speaks perfect English with a North American accent, is shown orchestrating the mass execution of a group of men in an ISIS recruitment video called "Flames of War".

    By Pamela Brown CNN
    (CNN) -- The FBI on Tuesday asked for the public's help in identifying an English-speaking militant who appeared to help execute Syrian soldiers in an ISIS recruitment video released last month.
    In the 55-minute video titled "Flames of War," the jihadist switches from classical Arabic to perfect English with a North American accent, and appears to orchestrate a mass execution of Syrian soldiers.
    The FBI reached out to the public on its website Tuesday, posting a portion of the video and asking whether anyone has information about the jihadist's identity.
    "We're hoping that someone might recognize this individual and provide us with key pieces of information," Michael Steinbach, Assistant Director of FBI's counterterrorism division, said Tuesday.
    The request is part of the FBI's broader outreach to the public to help identify people seeking to travel overseas to fight with terror groups and those who are returning from such fights.
    TM & © 2014 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.

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  4. #524
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    Obviously someone living out the "Evil Movie Bad Guy" fantasy.

    I hope someone shoots his fucking eyes out.
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  5. #525
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    I listened to that guy. He's not a native speaker. He enunciates too much. It's perfectly clear English, clearly learned in North America but he doesn't speak like us, not exactly.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  6. #526
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    The Campaign Spot
    Election-driven news and views . . . by Jim Geraghty.


    From the midweek edition of the Morning Jolt:
    Say What? ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across the Border’

    Rep. Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, does not seem like a nut job or prone to wild exaggerations. But last night he said something that should make jaws drop:

    Van Susteren: Hold on. Stop for one second.
    Hunter: They are going to be bombing American cities coming across from Mexico.
    Van Susteren: Let me ask a question. You say that they are coming in the southern border, which changes all the dynamics Do you have any information that they are coming in through the southern border now?
    Hunter: Yes.
    Van Susteren: Tell me what you know.
    Hunter: At least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the border in Texas.
    Van Susteren: How do you know that?
    Hunter: Because I’ve asked the border patrol, Greta.
    Van Susteren And the border patrol just let’s ISIS members come across the border?
    Hunter: No. They caught them at the border. Therefore, we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or ten of them, you know that there are going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol. That’s how you know. That’s where we are at risk here, is from ISIS and radical Islamists coming across the border. Once again, they don’t have a navy, air force, nuclear weapons. The only way that Americans are going to be harmed by radical Islam — Chairman Dempsey said the same thing. He said that’s where the major threat is here, that’s how these guy guys are going to infiltrate through America and harm Americans.

    Then add this comment by a House Democrat:
    Rep. Tim Bishop (D., N.Y.) warned during a recent speech that up to 40 radicalized U.S. citizens who have fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL or ISIS) have already returned to the United States, where they could pose a terrorist threat.

    Bishop claims that of the 100 or so Americans who have traveled to the Middle East to join ISIL’s ranks, some 40 have returned and are currently being surveilled by the FBI, according to his remarks, which were filmed and uploaded to YouTube last week.

    “One of the concerns is the number of U.S. citizens who have left our country to go join up with ISIS,” Bishop said during the speech. “It is believed there have been some number up to 100 that have done that.”

    “It is also believed that some 40 of those who left this country to join up with ISIS have now returned to our country,” Bishop said, eliciting shocked responses from some in the crowd.

    Is the threat of ISIS terrorists crossing our southern border no longer theoretical? Could the administration really successfully cover up something as big as this?
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  7. #527
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    No WMD in Iraq. Saddam didn't have any. Except those that were carried across the border to Syria during the Iraq war.

    Syria’s Hidden Chemical Weapons Spark Concerns

    October 8, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in CIA, DIA, Europe, foreign policy, Intelligence Community, Iraq, ISIS in Iraq, Israel, national security, POTUS, Russia, Syria, terrorism, US Military · Leave a comment
    Surprise, surprise.
    Syria’s Hidden Chemical Weapons Spark Concerns
    Assad regime reportedly continues to use chlorine against rebels, civilians
    Bashar al-Assad / AP
    BY: Daniel Wiser

    October 8, 2014 5:00 am

    Syria has revealed the existence of four chemical weapons facilities that were previously undisclosed, a top United Nations official said on Tuesday, raising new concerns about the government’s commitment to eliminating its chemical weapons under an agreement struck last year.

    Sigrid Kaag, a special representative of the U.N. secretary-general, reportedly told diplomats on the U.N. Security Council about the newly declared facilities at a closed meeting. Three of the facilities are for research and development and the fourth for production, but no new chemical agents are contained at the sites, according to the Associated Press report on Kaag’s comments.

    The disclosure of more facilities raises new questions about whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime might still be hiding parts of its chemical weapons program.

    Assad agreed to the removal and destruction of his chemical weapons as part of a deal brokered by the United States and Russia in September 2013, which followed the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical agents on civilians in a Damascus suburb. About 1,400 people died in the August 2013 attack, including hundreds of children.

    “Must keep pressure on regime so it doesn’t hide CW [chemical weapons] capability,” U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power tweeted on Tuesday in reference to Assad’s government.

    President Barack Obama decided not to order airstrikes on the Syrian regime last year after the announcement of the disarmament deal, despite his previous declaration that chemical weapons attacks in Syria would cross a “red line.”

    Michael Rubin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and a former Pentagon adviser on Iran and Iraq during the George W. Bush administration, said in an email that the revelation of previously undeclared chemical weapons facilities in Syria is a case of Assad flexing his muscles.

    “[Assad] is leaking new details now for two reasons,” Rubin said. “First, he wants to suggest to his allies that he deceived the West and second, he is implying that if anyone takes any action against him, he might actually use other undeclared sites to launch chemical weapons he had until this point hidden.”

    Power previously expressed concerns in early September about the Assad’s regime reliability with respect to the chemical disarmament agreement. The Syrian government missed the June 30 deadline for exporting and destroying all of its chemical arms.

    The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the group tasked with extracting and eliminating all of Syria’s chemical weapons in coordination with the U.N., said in a September report that it had a “high degree of confidence” that chlorine was used “systematically and repeatedly” as a toxic chemical weapon in villages in northern Syria earlier this year. Witnesses told the OPCW that helicopters dropped poison-filled barrel bombs on their villages, leading to accusations that the Syrian government was still employing chemical weapons.

    Rebels battling Assad’s government are not known to use aircraft.

    Chlorine itself is not a banned substance, but the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention that Syria joined last year forbids its use as a chemical weapon.

    Power warned in September that if the Assad regime is still concealing chemical weapons, they could eventually end up in the hands of the Islamic State (IS). The brutal jihadist group has seized large swaths of Iraq and Syria and is now the target of U.S. and allied airstrikes.

    “Certainly, if there are chemical weapons left in Syria, there will be a risk,” Power said. “And we can only imagine what a group like that would do if in possession of such a weapon.”

    The OPCW says all 1,300 tons of Syria’s declared chemical weapons have been removed, and the demolition of the regime’s 12 facilities will begin this month. However, Assad’s government has still not clarified all of the discrepancies in its weapons declaration, the group says.

    State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki defended the Syrian chemical weapons agreement on Tuesday at a press briefing despite the Assad’s regime failure to meet deadlines and disclose all of its facilities.

    “Without this agreement, there would—all of those chemical weapons that were removed through a cooperative effort by many countries and the international community would still be there, and I don’t see how that’s a better option,” she said.

    When asked by a reporter whether Assad could be trusted to declare all of his chemical weapons—given U.S. officials’ frequent claim that he has “lost all legitimacy to lead Syria”—Psaki said it was more important to focus on U.S. efforts to train the Syrian opposition as an alternative to Assad.

    “This has never been about trust,” she said. “And certainly, that’s why we have to boost up the opposition and empower them and increase their strengths so that they can pose a viable alternative here.”

    Critics say the United States and international community are too willing to give Assad the benefit of the doubt on chemical weapons declaration. The authoritarian leader shows no signs of losing power despite a dual threat from the Islamic State and rebel groups.

    “It’s almost as if Obama laid a red line at the 50 yard line, and Assad is juggling the ball while running back and forth across the line, just to prove how he can run circles around the president,” Rubin said.

    This entry was posted in National Security and tagged Bashar al-Assad, chemical weapons, Syria. Bookmark the permalink.
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    Congressman Says 10 ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended At US Border [VIDEO]

    Posted on October 8, 2014 by Mountain Republic4 Comments
    “ISIS is coming across the southern border”

    Chuck Ross
    Daily Caller

    California U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter made the alarming claim Tuesday that at least ten fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have been apprehended trying to enter the U.S. at the southern border.

    “ISIS is coming across the southern border,” Hunter told Fox News host Greta Van Susteren.

    “You say that they’re coming in the southern border which changes all the dynamics. Do you have any information or any evidence that they are actually coming in the southern border now?” asked the host.

    “Yes,” said Hunter.

    “Tell me what you know,” said Van Susteren.

    “I know that at least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” said Hunter, who received the information from a confidential border patrol source.

    “They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border,” Hunter continued. “If they catch five or ten of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”

    Hunter is not the first lawmaker to report such disturbing news.

    Last month Utah U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz asked Department of Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson about a report that four men with ties to terrorists were apprehended trying to enter the U.S. through Texas on Sept. 10.

    Johnson said that he had heard reports “to that effect,” but did not elaborate.

    In his interview Tuesday, Hunter cited remarks made by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who in August warned that, because of open borders, terrorist activity posed an “immediate threat.”
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  9. #529
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Is what happened in Canada spreading here?

    NYPD Officers Attacked With A Hatchet In Queens, Suspect Shot Dead

    October 23, 2014

    An NYPD rookie is in critical condition and another police officer is in stable condition after being attacked by a man wielding a hatchet on a Queens street Thursday, police said.

    Two other officers fired on the man, stopping the attack. The assailant was pronounced dead at the scene. A 29-year-old female bystander was also struck by a bullet and underwent surgery at Jamaica Hospital, where she's recovering, officials said.

    The officers, all recent graduates of the Police Academy assigned to the 103rd Precinct in Jamaica, were asked to pose for a picture by a freelance photographer at the intersection of 162nd Street and Jamaica Avenue shortly before 2 p.m. when the man attacked them from behind, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.

    The suspect "charged at the officers with a hatchet in his hand," Bratton said. "Unprovoked and not speaking a word, the male then swung at one of the officers with a hatchet, striking his right arm. After striking that officer, the suspect continuing swinging the hatchet, striking a second officer in the head."

    The metal hatchet was about 18 inches long.

    Law enforcement officials identified the suspect as 32-year-old Zale Thompson.

    While there were some initial concerns Thompson may have been inspired in part by images of radical terrorists overseas, according to two law enforcement officials, a review of some of the suspect's social media postings and interviews with people who know him paint a picture of a disturbed loner who was angry about what he said was oppression of black Americans in the U.S. (Um, no. See below.)

    The 25-year-old officer who was struck in the head, Taylor Kraft, was undergoing surgery and his family, several of whom are NYPD members, was keeping vigil at Jamaica Hospital, Bratton said. The 24-year-old officer who was struck in the arm, Joseph Meeker, was expected to be released from the hospital later Thursday.

    Following the attacks on uniformed soldiers in Canada on Wednesday, the NYPD issued a warning for officers to be in a heightened state of awareness.

    Looks like a case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome to me.

  10. #530
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    Sources: NYPD Hatchet Attacker May Have Been ISIS Supporter

    October 23, 2014

    The hatchet-wielding man who attacked four New York Police Department officers earlier today and was then shot dead by police may have had ties to ISIS, sources tell Vocativ.

    Law enforcement sources we spoke with identified Zale Thompson as the armed man who charged at a group of NYPD uniformed police assembled on a street corner in Jamaica, Queens, at around 2 p.m. today. The 32-year-old Muslim, who lived in Queens, struck one of the officers in the back of the head with his hatchet and gashed another on the arm, the police said.

    After they were provoked, two of the four cops drew their weapons and fired several times, gunning down the attacker. The gunfire struck a 29-year-old woman who happened to be walking by. Her condition was critical, authorities said.

    Law enforcement sources say a look into Thompson’s chatter online revealed he had ties to a radical U.S.-based radical Islamic leader who advocated aggression against the American government.

    Last month, Thompson, who says on his Facebook page that he graduated from the Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, commented on YouTube:

    “If you’re looking for ‘perfect’ Muslims who never make any mistakes in their Jihad, then you will be looking in vain! If the Zionists and the Crusaders had never invaded and colonized the Islamic lands after WW1, then there would be no need for Jihad! Which is better, to sit around and do nothing, or to Jihad fisabeelallah!”

    Thompson’s comment was on a video explaining the idea of creating an Islamic caliphate, or borderless kingdom, which is ISIS’ ultimate aim.

    Calls to the NYPD and FBI about Thompson and the hatchet attack were not immediately returned.

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    Video of the attack. The officers are out of frame so this is work safe.

  12. #532
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    Makes me want to have a Kevlar coat that can prevent lacerations from attacks like this.
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  13. #533
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    Actually, it started in England. Remember when they beheaded a soldier there?
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    Police: Hatchet-wielding suspect shot by officers

    By JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press

    Updated 7:26 pm, Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Photo: New York Police Department, AP

    Image 1 of 3

    In this frame grab taken from video provided by the New York Police Department, an unidentified man approaches New York City police officers with a hatchet, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014, in the Queens borough of New York. The man injured two with the hatchet before the other officers shot and killed him, police said. A bystander was wounded in the gunfire. Investigators were still trying to confirm the identity of the assailant and determine a motive.

    Image 2 of 3

    In this frame grab taken from video provided by the New York Police Department, an unidentified man approaches New York City police officers with a hatchet, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014, in the Queens borough of New York. The man injured two with the hatchet before the other officers shot and killed him, police said. A bystander was wounded in the gunfire. Investigators were still trying to confirm the identity of the assailant and determine a motive. Photo: New York Police Department, AP

    NYPD: Axe-wielding Suspect Shot by Officers


    NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police shot and killed a hatchet-wielding man on Thursday after he suddenly attacked a group of patrol officers without warning in broad daylight on a busy commercial district in Queens.

    At a news conference at a hospital where one officer was being treated for a serious head wound, Police Commissioner William Bratton said that investigators were still trying to confirm the identity of the assailant and determine a motive.

    Security videotape and witness accounts appeared to leave no doubt that the man purposely targeted four rookie New York Police Department officers, police said. Moments before the attack, he was seen on a street corner crouching down to pull the hatchet out of backpack before he charged the officers and began swinging the hatchet with a two-handed grip, police said.

    Asked if the attack could be related to terrorism, Bratton didn't rule it out. He cited the fatal shooting of a soldier in Canada earlier this week — what officials there have called a terror attack — as reason for concern.

    "This early on, we really cannot say yes or no to that question," Bratton said.

    The attack occurred at about 2 p.m. while the officers were standing together on foot patrol, police said. Without a word, the man swung at an officer who blocked the blow with his arm. Another officer was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground.

    As the man raised the hatchet again, the two uninjured officers drew their weapons and fired several rounds, police said. The bullets killed the assailant and wounded a female bystander, police said.

    The officer was in critical but stable condition and was expected to undergo surgery. The woman who was struck by a stray bullet also was hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the back.

    Associated Press writer Tom Hays contributed to this report.


    More videos:

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    Do NOT be fooled, this was not "just an angry guy". This was a fucking muslim with a jihad wish.

    Let's call these assholes what they are, TERRORISTS.

    Hatchet-Wielding Man Who Attacked Cops 'Just an Angry Guy'

    (NEW YORK) — A hatchet-wielding man who attacked two police officers in New York City before he was shot to death was likely “just an angry guy” and was not connected to any terrorist organizations, a police source told ABC News.

    The attack happened at 2 p.m. Thursday, at the intersection of Jamaica Avenue and 162nd Street in the city’s borough of Queens.

    Surveillance video released by police shows the man — later identified as Zale Thompson, 32 — wearing a heavy green jacket, raising the 18 ½ inch hatchet, prepared to strike as he walked down the sidewalk. The man was unprovoked and did not speak before swinging his hatchet, police said.

    Officer Kenneth Healey, 25, is listed in critical but stable condition at Jamaica Hospital with a head wound following the attack, police said. Officer Joseph Meeker, 24, is listed in stable condition with an arm injury.

    Additionally, a 29-year-old woman located nearby was accidentally struck by a bullet in her lower back and is recovering from surgery, police said.

    Police initially wondered if the attack was terrorism-related, but according to the police source, authorities haven’t been able to connect Thompson to any terrorist organization.

    “The initial impression is that he’s just an angry guy who’s ranting about the American government and American oppression of foreign people,” the source said.
    Police executed several search warrants and found other axes and hunting knives, the source said.
    Last edited by American Patriot; October 24th, 2014 at 15:17.
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    His name is "Zale Thompson", but apparently he has a facebook page calling himself with a muslim name - which the media won't "confirm at this time". And he has apparently pictures of himself posing with an AK or some kind, etc.

    Sounds pretty open and shut to me.

    He looks like a terrorist. He attacked like a terrorist. He swung a hatchet like a terrorist. And the fucker died like a terrorist, with a bullet in his chest.

    Good riddance. I pray the cop survives his brain injury.
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    Hatchet assault on New York police comes during fears of attacks by radical Islam

    Posted 4:48 am, October 24, 2014, by CNNwire, Updated at 05:37am, October 24, 2014

    (CNN) — A bloodied steel hatchet lay on a rainy Queens sidewalk on Thursday like an portentous question mark. Was the bearded man who used it to wound two New York City police officers motivated by radical Islam?

    Zale H. Thompson can no longer answer that question.

    His unprovoked attack on four policemen, which injured one critically in the head and sliced the other in the shoulder, was certain suicide. Thompson is dead, stopped by bullets from the other two officers’ guns.

    A chain of attacks and plots in rapid succession in the Western world by assailants with a radical interpretation of Islam have raised suspicion that Thompson’s attack could be the latest link.

    Though police say they have no concrete reason to suspect that so far in the ongoing investigation, there is a bad sign.

    And there are uncomfortable commonalities with other Islamist attacks that have law enforcement in New York and Washington on high alert.

    The bad sign

    On a Facebook page bearing Thompson’s name, an African Islamist warrior armed with spear, sword and rifle gazes out at the beholder. The vintage black and white photo is the profile picture of the user, who lives in Queens.

    A Quran quote in classic Arabic calligraphy mentioning judgment against those who have wandered astray serves as the page’s banner.

    Some of the user’s Facebook friends seemed to corroborate that the page is Thompson’s, posting articles about his attack and death, referring to him by name and linking back to the Facebook page.

    Thompson has been in trouble with the law before. He had a criminal record in California, a law enforcement official said, and the Navy discharged him for disorderly conduct.

    Target: Men in uniform

    Thompson’s attack is the third on people in uniform in North America in a week.

    ISIS has recently called to sympathizers in the West to carry out attacks against men and women in uniform.

    Two attackers touting radical Islam, in separate incidents, killed two men in uniform in Canada this week. Officers shot them both dead.

    On Monday, a radical convert ran down two soldiers in his car, killing one of them. Martin Rouleau Couture, 25, then led police on a chase before his car rolled into a ditch in the town of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, southeast of Montreal.
    He exited the car, and police opened fire on him.

    On Thursday, radical Islamist convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, shot and killed soldier Nathan Cirillo, who was standing guard at a veteran’s memorial in the capital Ottawa, then Bibeau stormed parliament and opened fire.

    Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers and police officers fired dozens of rounds, killing Zehaf-Bibeau, who had worn a scarf on his head.

    No direct connection has yet been found between any of these men and ISIS, though both Canadian homegrown Islamists had been caught attempting travel to join jihad.

    Thompson’s running charge, with an ax in hand, at the uniformed officers is reminiscent of an early Islamist extremist killing of a uniformed man in the West, the knife slaying of British soldier Lee Rigby in December.

    Radical Islamists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale first ran down Rigby in a car in southeast London, then hacked him to death on the street with a meat cleaver and knives.

    It was intended as revenge for the deaths of Muslims dying at the hands of Western soldiers in conflict regions.
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  18. #538
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    I have to ask something, how FUCKING quick would the media be screaming "TERRORISM!" if some Right wing nut job with a gun shot an abortion doctor?

    How about some white guy in his 40s with a gun who decided he was sick and tired of Obama's bullshit and went after the dick-head-in-chief?

    Would they call THAT "Right Wing Terrorism"?

    You bet your ASS they would.

    Not that I would or could condone that stuff, but you KNOW the "words" would change rapidly. Someone out there simply doesn't want to piss off the Muslims.

    I can't figure out why?

    Libertatem Prius!

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  19. #539
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  20. #540
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US


    Dead on.
    Libertatem Prius!

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