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Thread: Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform)

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead

    Posted by TheSurvivalGuy on July 30, 2014
    Posted in: How To Prepare, News/ Current Events, Prepping, Whatever Your Opinion. Tagged: America’s Militia Movement, current-events, Joshua Krause, Militia, militia movement, News/ Current Events, Prepper, preppers, Survivalism, Whatever Your Opinion. Leave a comment

    Joshua Krause
    The Daily Sheeple
    During the 1990′s the growth of the militia movement surged at the heels of several national events. The Cold War had finally ended, but suspiciously, the United States’ global military apparatus did not shrink away. Domestically, the police state we know and love today began to assert itself. It could be argued that this new force in American affairs manifested in the events that transpired at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Suddenly the American public came face to face with the true nature of their government in a very publicized and horrifying way. Most people talked about it, and promptly went on with their daily lives as usual. As for the rest, that tiny vocal minority…they joined militias.
    For the most part, it was also an extension of the survival movement of the 80′s. Perhaps with the threat of nuclear war no longer plaguing America’s psyche, they began to see that the invader was not some ushanka wearing commie from Siberia. The real invader had been in our back yard the entire time, busy infecting every layer of American society, and it had been around for a long long time. Those who were aware of this encroaching tyranny did what most humans do when they feel threatened by something bigger than themselves. They banded together. Under the banner of several different ‘right of center’ ideologies, they prepared for the possibility that they may have to go to war with their government someday.
    However, the movement was short lived. After the events of the Oklahoma City bombing transpired, the public’s view of the militia movement soured in big way (though the official version of those events are questionable). For the rest of the 90′s, most of the militia movements had been infiltrated and provocateured . As the most extreme examples of this anti-government movement received the most media attention, the moderates got cold feet and left in droves. This process continued well into the election of George Bush Jr., which managed to placate the moderate conservatives enough to believe that the tyranny experienced under Clinton was a thing of the past. At this point the militia movement was “dead on arrival”.
    For the most part the movement had been silent for many years, with the setup of the Hutaree militia, and the Minutemen’s arrival on the border being the exceptions. But the situation that developed at the Bundy Ranch earlier this year officially ended the silence and decline of the militia movement. They turned a situation that most people (myself included) were certain was going turn into Waco, and instead, they forced the Federal authorities to stand down without bloodshed. It was a rather decisive moral victory, and probably helped the militia “image” so to speak.
    Now this new fledgling militia movement appears to be heading south. According to the San Antonio Express, various militia groups are pouring onto the Texas border to help deal with the influx of illegal aliens. So far these aren’t the Minutemen, but about a dozen other similar groups with names like the “Central Valley Militia”, and “Operation Secure our Border”.
    Of course the Minuteman haven’t disappeared completely. Jim Gilchrist is attempting to revive the movement with the current border crisis. They’re hoping to recruit 3500 members in the next year with what they’re dubbing, Operation Normandy. Of course, the usual suspects at the SPLC have come out to condemn the Minutemen, and criticize the wider militia movement with the typical claims of racism and extremism.
    These new movements however, appear to be playing it safer than their 90′s counterparts. Gilchrist is instructing the resurgent Minutemen to basically carry kid gloves:
    “You do not put a hand on anyone, you do not talk to anyone, you do not confront anyone,” Gilchrist told the network. “You report to Border Patrol.”
    Meanwhile the border groups in Texas are being instructed on their rules of engagement.
    “(Rules of Engagement) is if in fear of bodily injury, weapons free, if fired upon, return fire. Real simple,” member KC Massey posted along with a photo on Facebook. “We are not worried about an “International” incident if they shoot at us.”
    They appear to be taking a purely self defensive stance, which is what put them on the moral high ground at the Bundy Ranch. It’s a recipe for success. And who could forget that the bizarre Las Vegas cop killers were forced to leave the Bundy Ranch for reasons that haven’t been fully disclosed. It appears the movement has learned its lesson from the 90′s, and is successfully keeping the crazies out.
    This new breed isn’t playing toy soldiers. They’re getting very serious about quality control and hopefully, keeping informants out. If they can do all that and keep from fighting each other, then they stand a good chance of making a difference. Most importantly, they need to maintain a self defensive stature. That’s ultimately what destroyed the militia movement nearly 20 years ago. Going out and bombing buildings and robbing banks is a fast path towards bringing the full weight of the Feds down on you. It’s a failed strategy, and if this generation can avoid it, they stand a decent chance of protecting our freedoms in the long term.
    Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

    Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.
    Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Exclusive: Leader of Scout Troop Confronted by Armed Border Patrol Speaks Out

    By: Joshua Cook 743

    "And for our government to take these young men and illegally search them and illegally seize and pull a weapon on these kids -- something is wrong."

    In an exclusive interview with, Jim Fox, the scout leader of the Mid-Iowa Boy Scout Troop 111, explained what happened earlier this month at a checkpoint along the Alaska – Canada border.
    At the check point, one of the boys took a picture of the border agent and “threw the agent into a frenzy.” According to Fox, the agent immediately confiscated the camera, told the boy that he could be subjected to 10 years of prison or a $10,000 fine. The boys and driver were escorted inside the border patrol station.
    “The border agent tried to bait me. He wanted to get a reaction out of me and I did not give it to him,” said Fox. The border agent didn’t want Fox to follow him while he searched the van because Fox might turn over “search techniques to the undesirables.”
    One of the agents asked to see one of the bags of the scouts. One scout knew where the bag was and tried to get the bag to assist the agent. That’s when Fox said an agent had a loaded pistol pointed at the boy.
    Fox said that the boy thought the agent was going to shoot him and got back into the van. “They were sitting there scared to death,” said Fox.
    “And for our government to take these young men and illegally search them and illegally seize and pull a weapon on these kids — something is wrong.”’s Joshua Cook asked Fox, “Did you feel at that moment that you still lived in America?”
    “No,” said Fox. “I didn’t and neither did the boys.”
    Fox said that they have experienced this type of intimidation before with the TSA in Orlando, FL. In the Orlando one of the eagle scouts accidentally dropped his boots after going through a full search.
    One of the officers said, “..if that boy doesn’t calm down I will arrest him and remove him from this airport.” Fox asked the officer, “what did the boy do?”
    “He dropped his boots in a threatening manner, said the officer.”
    The border patrol agent asked Fox, “I suppose you’re wondering why we are doing this?” While pointing at the teenage boy the agent told Fox, “It’s our job to protect this border, It’s our job to keep terrorists from crossing the border.”

    Senator Chuck Grassley told Fox News, “It’s outrageous that a border patrol agent would point a gun at a boy scout just for taking a picture,” he told the television station. “It just doesn’t make sense.”
    Cook asked Fox if he thought his Fourth Amendment was violated?
    “Totally,” answered Fox.
    Fox had a meeting scheduled with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) this week to discuss the event, but will not attend without a constitutional attorney from the Rutherford Institute. According to Fox’s Facebook page, The Rutherford Institute offered to represent him.
    Cook asked, “Is there any video footage of this event?” According to Fox, the DHS will not send a copy of the video it to him, media organizations or Sen. Grassley.
    Fox told Cook that the Rutherford Institute will submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to access the video. DHS claims there is no audio of the event.
    Cook asked Fox, “In light of the open borders and drug cartels going back and forth at the southern border freely, does it anger you at all that the focus of border security is on patriotic groups like the Boy Scouts?”

    ”It’s frustrating,” said Fox. “It’s frustrating that we give these thugs that kind of power.”

    “And for our government to take these young men and illegally search them and illegally seize and pull a weapon on these kids — something is wrong,” said Fox.
    “But they’re questioning whether or not they can go back into their own country…something’s not right!”
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    Obama Administration Still Refuses To Say Where Illegals Are Being Housed…

    Posted on July 30, 2014 by sundance

    In our estimation the bottom line reason for the secrecy is simple. There are few, very few, unaccompanied children. If reporters actually went to the facilities -which only house people for 30 to 35 days average- they would find families, and/or women with children, not unaccompanied alien minors.
    The administration wants to keep up the ruse of tens of thousands of poor innocent children. That false impression is what gives the administration public support and simultaneously keeps their opponents from undermining them. That’s why Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch were so stupid in the teddy bears and footballs tour. They gave credibility to the false claims, undermined opposition to the illegal influx and as a direct consequence, undermined the rule of law.

    WASHINGTON DC - The Obama administration is concealing key details about its response to the surge of unaccompanied children illegally crossing the southern border, including where the unaccompanied minors are being sheltered and the circumstances under which some are set free inside the U.S.

    Lawmakers on Capitol Hill say the lack of information has handicapped their push to pass legislation to gain a handle on the surge — a debate taking place this week in both chambers.

    “We’re getting almost no information, and there is all kinds of conflicting information,” said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, who for months has been hounding the administration for answers about where unaccompanied minors, who crossed the border without their parents, are detained and released.

    The Department of Health and Human Services, which is bound by law to house and care for unaccompanied children and teens from Central America, rebuffed repeated inquires from The Washington Times about the location of shelters where many of the children are detained.

    “We do not identify the approximately 100 regular/permanent Unaccompanied Alien Children program shelters for the safety and security of minors and staff at the facilities,” Kenneth Wolfe, deputy director of communication for HHS’ Administration for Children and Families, said in an email. (read more)

    Using information within the TAGGS system for Health and Human Services we are able to identify the recipients for Grants specifically designated for “Unaccompanied Alien Children”, or UAC’s.

    With that data, a few more search tools, some time and a little more research, we are able to identify the locations of facilities throughout the country where the HHS grants are being directed and the UAC’s are being transferred/housed. There are essentially two broad types: Residence Care, and Transitional to Foster Care Services.

    From the FY 2014 HHS Grants we can identify the communities where direct HHS UAC funds have been sent. We can identify the specific facility, or the organization supporting the foster care placement. If you live in, or close to, one of the listed cities below, the UAC’s transfers are already in your community.

    It should be noted that where possible we have tried to find out the number of children within the agency unit. For some it was easy, some were listed on the grants, for others it was not possible. Some are housed in Juvenile detention camps; some are in hospitals with specifically designated beds and dorms. A large percentage are/were in transitional housing during placement to foster families, and some appear to have gone directly to foster families as the transition to their permanent family takes place.

    We have also included the exact amount of the HHS grant for two reasons. Number one, so that you can see how much this is costing you, the taxpayer. However, there is a more valuable secondary reason. We have identified (through extensive research) that each UAC, each individual, is estimated/evaluated at a HHS cost level of around $40,000 per grant (give or take). So if you see a grant for $2,325,000 you can divide by $40k and find out that’s about 58 (people) UAC’s in that facility or process for the quarter (3 month period), or time they are being transitioned/processed in that facility or organization.

    2014 Meza Arizona – 1 Facility – New Leaf Inc. Dorothy Mitchell [Residence Facility for UAC] Address: 868 E. UNIVERSITY DRIVE MESA, AZ 85203 HHS Grant $387,936

    2014 Irvington, New York – 1 Facility – Abbott House Residential Services [Residential facility for UAC "Unaccompanied Alien Children"] ABBOTT HOUSE 100 N BROADWAY IRVINGTON, NY 105331254 HHS Grant $ 2,983,200

    2014 Windsor Mill, Maryland – 1 Facility – BOARD OF CHILD CARE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, INC [Residential Emergency Housing and Care for UAC's] Address: 3300 Gaither Road BALTIMORE, MD 21244 HHS Grant $2,387,200

    2014 Miami, Florida – 2 (possibly 3) facilities each housing 60 children – CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI INC Address: 9401 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138-2970 Most recent HHS Grant(s) $1,675,094 and $748,740

    2014 Houston, Texas – 2 facilities – St. Michael’s Homes for Children [Residential Housing via CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON] – Address: 1111 LOVETT BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TX 77006 Most recent HHS Grant(s) $2,792,549 and $1,396,274

    2014 Galveston, Texas – 2 facilities – Galveston Multicultural Institute/The Children’s Center [Residential Housing CHILDREN'S CENTER, INC] Address: 2127 AVENUE M GALVESTON, TX 77550 HHS Grants $4,826,682

    2014 Valhalla, New York – 1 Facility – Cardinal McCloskey School & Home for Children [Long Term Housing while awaiting Foster Care Program for UAC's] – Address: 115 Stevens Avenue VALHALLA, NY 105951252 HHS Grants $1,477,330

    2014 New York, New York – 1 Facility – Catholic Guardian Services [Looks like a placement service not a facility] Address: 1011 First Avenue NEW YORK, NY 10022 HHS Grants $2,663,492

    2014 Clearwater, Florida – 1 Facility – GULF COAST JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES, INC [foster care placement service] Address: 14041 ICOT BLVD CLEARWATER, FL 33760 HHS Grant $958,424

    2014 Auburn, New York – 1 Foster Facility – Cayuga Home for Children DBA Cayuga Centers [In-Home Foster Care Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children] Address: 101 Hamilton Ave AUBURN, NY 13021 HHS Grants $8,376,471

    2014 Elizabeth, New Jersey – 1 Foster Facility – County of Union New Jersey Department of Human Services [Foster Placement not a facility] address: 10 Elizabethtown Plaza ELIZABETH, NJ 07207 HHS Grants $825,576

    2014 La Verne, California – 1 Facility – David & Margaret Youth and Family Services – [Basic Emergency Shelter Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Program] 1350 THIRD STREET LA VERNE, CA 91750 HHS Grant $3,750,000

    2014 Redmond, Washington – 1 Facility – FRIENDS OF YOUTH [Transitional Living Facility] Address: 16225 NE 87TH A-6 REDMOND, WA 98052-3536 HHS Grant $1,730,955

    2014 Fullerton, California – 1 Facility – Florence Crittenton Services of Orange County [Placement Service] Address: 801 E. Chapman Ave., Ste. 230

    FULLERTON, CA 92831-3847 HHS Grant $8,172,157

    2014 Chicago, Illinois – 1 Facility – HEARTLAND HUMAN CARE SERVICES, INC [Staffed Shelter Facility] Address: 208 SOUTH LASALLE STREET CHICAGO, IL 606041156 HHS Grant $20,809,351

    2014 Opa Locka, Florida – 1 Facility – (Miami Dade) His House Inc. [Residential and Long Term Shelter Facility] Address: 20000 NW 47th Avenue MIAMI, FL 33055 HHS Grant $6,514,232

    2014 Los Fresnos, Texas – 5 or 6 Facilities – Driscoll Shelter Care Program, Hidalgo Foster Care Specialized Program, Harlingen Foster Care Program, Brownsville Foster Care Program, Emergency Shelter Care Program, INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. Address: P.O. BOX 112 LOS FRESNOS, TX 78566-0112 HHS Grant $55,024,914

    2014 Alexandria, Virginia – 1 facility – Juvenile Detention Commission for Northern Virginia [23 Beds -various security levels- Assigned for UAC's] Address: 200 S. Whiting Street ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304 HHS Grant $1,992,900

    2014 Schnecksville, Pennsylvania – 1 facility – KidsPeace National Centers, Inc. [Staffed Shelter Facility] Address: 4085 Independence Drive SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078 HHS Grant $6,909,809

    2014 Baltimore, Maryland – 1 facility – LUTHERAN IMMIGRATION & REFUGEE SERVICE [Foster Care Placement] Address: 700 LIGHT ST BALTIMORE, MD 21230-3850 HHS Grant $14,957,523

    2014 Austin. Texas – 2 facilities – LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH,INC. [Emergency Shelter and Transitional foster Care] Address: POST OFFICE BOX 49589 AUSTIN, TX 78765 HHS Grant $8,389,270

    2014 Mahopac, New York – 1 facility – Lincoln Hall [Temporary "Reunification" Shelter] Address: 145 Lincolndale Road LINCOLNDALE, NY 10541 $12,067,942

    2014 New York, New York – 1 facility – Lutheran Family & Community Services [Residential and Foster Care] Address: 308 West 46th Street NEW YORK, NY 10036 HHS Grant $1,858,700

    2014 Syosset, New York – 1 facility – Mercy First [Residential Care] Address: 525 Convent Road SYOSSET, NY 11791 HHS Grant $3,773,763

    2014 Portland, Oregon – 1 facility – Morrison Child & Family Services [Residential Care] Address: 9911 SE MT SCOTT BLVD PORTLAND, OR 97266 HHS Grant $3,694,729

    2014 Daytona Beach, FL – 1 facility – Neighbor to Family [Residential and Transitional Foster Care] Address: 955 Orange Avenue, Ste M DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32114 HHS Grant $2,727,525

    2014 Seattle, Washington – 1 facility – Pioneer Human Services [Foster placement] Address: 7440 W. Marginal Way, So. SEATTLE, WA 98108-4141 HHS Grant $2,075,820

    2014 Jupiter, Florida – 1 facility – Sandy Pines Hospital [Residential Care] Address: 11301 SE Tequesta Terrace TEQUESTA, FL 33469 HHS Grant $1,384,703

    2014 San Antonio, Texas – 1 facility – Seton Home [Residential Housing for Pregnant and Parenting UAC and their Children] Address: 1115 Mission Road SAN ANTONIO, TX 78210 HHS Grant $2,717,801

    2014 Staunton, Virginia – 1 facility – Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home [Residential ORR/DCS Secure and Staff Secure] Address: 300 Technology Drive STAUNTON, VA 24401 HHS Grant $3,282,893

    2014 Manvel, Texas – 1 facility – Shiloh Treatment Center, Inc. [Emergency Medical Housing, Treatment and Transition Facility] Address: 3926 Bahler Avenue MANVEL, TX 77578 HHS Grant $5,103,561

    2014 San Antonio, Texas – 1 facility – St. Peter St. Joseph Children`s Home [Transitional residential Housing] Address: 919 Mission Road SAN ANTONIO, TX 78210 HHS Grant $7,086,020

    2014 Dobbs Ferry, New York – 1 facility – THE CHILDREN`S VILLAGE INC. [Domicile Care Facility - Longer Term UAC's] Address: WETMORE HALL, 3RD FLOOR DOBBS FERRY, NY 10522 HHS Grant $12,525,435

    2014 Phoenix, Arizona – 1 facility – TUMBLEWEED CENTER FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT INC [Residential Shelter and Long Term Foster UAC Care] Address: 1419 NORTH 3RD ST, SUITE 102 PHOENIX, AZ 85004-1639 HHS Grant $1,557,966

    2014 Kingston, New York – 1 facility – The Children`s Home of Kingston [Residential Shelter and Long Term UAC Housing] Address: 26 Grove St KINGSTON, NY 12401 HHS Grant $999,200

    2014 Poughkeepsie, New York – 1 facility – The Children`s Home of Poughkeepsie, Inc. [Residential Shelter and Long Term UAC Housing] Address: 10 Children`s Way POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12601 HHS Grant $775,361

    2014 Woodland, California – 1 facility – YOLO COUNTY DEPT OF PROBATION [criminal detention center - Secured UAC Housing] Address: 2780 E. Gibson Road WOODLAND, CA 95776 HHS Grant $1,682,520

    2014 Seattle, Washington – 1 facility – YOUTH CARE [Youth Homeless Shelter - "House of Friends Program" Long Term UAC Housing] Address: 2500 NE 54TH ST, SUITE 100 SEATTLE, WA 98105 HHS Grant $1,182,183

    2014 Bristow, Virginia – 1 facility – Youth For Tomorrow [Residential Shelter UAC Program ] Address: 11835 Hazel Circle Drive BRISTOW, VA 20136 HHS Grant $8,314,702

    ~ The Three Corp Entities Below Are Receiving Grants and Using Sub Contractors ~

    BRONZE MEMBER ♦ 2014 Washington DCnumerous facilities – Corporate office Facility for U.S. CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS [Working similar to BCFS structure throughout the U.S. No specific residence use available - "Safe Passages Program"] Corp Address: 3211 4TH ST, NE WASHINGTON, DC 20017-1106 HHS Grant $6,761,412

    SILVER MEMBER ♦ 2014 Austin, Texas*Numerous Facilities* SOUTHWEST KEY PROGRAMS, INC. [This is a large entity like BCFS - Emergency Shelter(?)] Address: 3000 I-H 35, SUITE 410 AUSTIN, TX 78704 HHS Grant $26,822,183 and $95,462,917

    ♦ 2014 San Antonio Texasnumerous facilitiesBaptist Child & Family Services – HHS and BCFS EMD (Emergency Management Division) Corporate office Address: 909 NE Loop 410 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 HHS Grant $280,156,954 !!

    [BCFS-EMD is the single largest facilitator of UAC transition throughout the U.S. - specific housing locales unknown] However, we do know as a result of the $190 million grant BCFS received just before the 7/9/14 Dallas meeting with President Obama they plan massive expansion. (Press Release )

    BCFS now operates regional offices in San Antonio, Miami, Los Angeles-area and Houston-area. We have outlined the massive construct behind BCFS HERE and HERE including their 2012 tax documents and the detail of the Dallas visit with the Obama administration. BCFS-EMD is bigger than ACORN was.

    The facilities, organizations and entities above all received HHS grants to care for UAC’s. However, some of those organizations may have further sub contracted the actual housing (example BCFS).

    Because HHS is not directly paying the sub contractor (grant funds) the sub will not appear on the TAGGS system. Consequently some of the facilities actually housing the UAC’s will not have been listed – only the entities being given $$ directly from HHS.

    Some of the facilities above might be included in this map which has been assembled based on “ground reports” and “media reports” of UAC transfers.

    However, many of the facilities listed above will not be on this map. Many of the recipients for the HHS grants -government dependent non profits- have quietly put the UAC’s into their community facility, or foster program.

    Subsequently the community might not even be aware of it. So both the interactive MAP and the above list should be referenced if you are researching your community:


    The methodology to update your own research is time consuming but possible with a few bits of information.
    The internal HHS coding for Federal Grants related to Unaccompanied Alien Children is #93676. The types of grants (there are thousands) are numerically listed in the HHS TAGGS tracking system.

    There is a search function which you can use to identify UAC Grants by Zip code, Date, Award or Recipient. The most useful tool for starters is the Award Search knowing 93676 is the code for UAC Grants (it’s 2/3rds of the way down the drop menu).

    You can use a reverse Zip Code Search Engine (like this one) If you are unsure of a location of a facility. Once you have identified the facility you check their “profit status”. If they are an NPO (non profit organization) you can look up their tax records in the state of their filing. That will give you details on the type of facility they are and their business context. You can also find out their organizational structure and their other business interests etc.

    You can also see their other governmental business and what additional funding they receive from the tax payers. With this information you can get almost everything you need to pick up the phone and ask specific questions.

    Here is an example of a non profit using BCFS Tax Filings for 2012:
    From the looks of things, this is not going to stop any time soon…

    Don’t forget the timeline of the BORDER CRISIS – CLICK HERE

    Even the Washington Post is CATCHING ON

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    Dead on Arrival

    Border crisis bill dies in House


    President Barack Obama walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 30, 2014.AP


    Emergency legislation meant to address the border crisis abruptly was abandoned Thursday afternoon in the House, after Republican leaders were unable to round up enough support to pass it.

    Fox News is told lawmakers plan to leave for the August recess without voting on the measure. Sources said GOP leaders were "way short" of the votes they needed, with conservative lawmakers joining Democrats in refusing to back the package.

    The Senate still has a border bill on its plate, but without action in the House it appears Congress will not vote on any border legislation at least until after the five-week recess.

    A joint statement from House Republican leaders said the "situation shows the intense concern within our conference -- and among the American people -- about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the president's refusal to faithfully execute our laws."

    In the absence of legislation, Republicans urged Obama to act on his own to secure the borders and safely deport illegal immigrant children safely.
    "We will continue to work on solutions to the border crisis and other challenges facing our country," they said.

    Fox News' Chad Pergram contributed to this report.


    House Republicans, already locked in an 11th-hour battle with Senate Democrats over border security funding, are making a last-ditch effort to prevent President Obama from wielding his executive pen to let millions more illegal immigrants stay in the country.
    The House plans to vote on a bill Thursday afternoon that would prohibit Obama from expanding a policy that lets some illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children stay. Amid reports that the administration is considering such an expansion, the bill by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., would specifically bar the president from broadening the 2012 policy.
    "Such action would create an even greater incentive for more illegal crossings and make the crisis on our border even worse, and that would be a grave mistake," House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday.
    The vote was scheduled by Republican leaders as part of an effort to win conservative support for a separate, scaled-down package giving the Department of Homeland Security an immediate $659 million to address the border crisis and making other policy changes.
    Both the funding bill and the executive action bill face dim chances in the Senate. But the latter reflects heightened concerns in the Republican caucus that the president will take unilateral action either during the August recess or shortly afterward to ease deportations.
    The move comes a day after the House voted -- mostly along party lines -- to sue the president over his alleged abuse of executive actions.
    Republicans say another illegal immigrant reprieve by the president would only exacerbate the surge of illegal immigrant children trekking to the U.S.-Mexico border from Central America.
    "We as policy makers must face the reality that the president is openly planning to use executive actions to provide amnesty and work permits to millions without any lawful authority," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said in a statement on Thursday.
    Sessions, though, voiced opposition to both the House and Senate proposals, arguing that the Senate would never take up the executive action bill being considered in the House. Sessions wants any bill addressing the president's funding request to also address the executive action issue.
    The House nevertheless plans to consider both measures Thursday afternoon - at which point the Senate will have to decide whether to proceed with its own bill, consider the House legislation or do nothing.
    Democrats have accused Republicans of playing games, with their latest strategy.
    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said: "It is extraordinary that the House of Representatives, after failing for more than a year to reform our broken immigration reform system, would vote to restrict a law enforcement tool that the Department of Homeland Security uses to focus resources on key enforcement priorities like public safety and border security, and provide temporary relief from deportation for people who are low priorities for removal."
    The tensions have only reduced the likelihood that the House and Senate can agree on any border bill before leaving for the five-week summer recess.
    Unlike the House bill, the Senate package would authorize $2.7 billion with no policy riders.
    While 11 Republican senators helped the Senate bill meet a key procedural hurdle, enough of them -- including at least one Democrat -- said they would filibuster final passage if the measure is not amended. Like their House colleagues, they want changes to a 2008 law that would require the government to treat illegal immigrants apprehended at the border the same, regardless of country of origin.

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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    Unaccompanied Minors Released on Lavish Vacation Spot, Virgin Islands

    August 5, 2014

    tags: illegal aliens, unaccompanied minors, Virgin Islands

    Kristin Tate
    Source …..

    Several unaccompanied minors who entered the U.S. illegally have been relocated to and released where many U.S. citizens cannot afford to bring their own families on vacation: the Virgin Islands.

    Subsequent to being caught illegally crossing the Texas-Mexico border, more than 30,000 unaccompanied minors have been released by federal agents in states across the U.S. While the majority of the minors have been set free in large states like Texas, Virginia, and California, a Health and Human Services (HHS) document shows that four were set free in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A spokesman from HHS verified this fact to Breitbart Texas.

    The picturesque Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean, are a thriving destination for well-to-do tourists. Many could find irony in the fact that most U.S. taxpayers, who are footing the bill to ship illegal immigrants to the tropical paradise, cannot afford to take a vacation there themselves.

    It is unclear why the unaccompanied minors would be released on the Virgin Islands; it takes more than five hours to fly there from McAllen, a border city in South Texas. That is a significantly longer trip than the flight to Central America, where almost all of the minors are migrating from.

    Money appears to be no object for the federal government, with regards to flying illegal immigrants to cities across the U.S. In July Breitbart Texas revealed that the Department of Homeland Security requested $87 million for the transportation of illegal immigrants, who are most often flown via charter plane, for Fiscal Year 2015.
    So far this year, the feds have flown and released illegal immigrants to locations as far as Alaska and Hawaii.

    The released migrants have all been placed with foster families, or “sponsors,” after promising to show up at a future immigration court hearing. As Breitbart Texas previously reported, foster parents for the immigrants can receive up to $7,400 per month in child support payments from the federal government.

    Prior to being released onto U.S. soil, most of the illegal immigrants spend a relatively short amount of time in a federal housing facilities. Some such shelters have recently come under scrutiny for providing the migrants with taxpayer-subsidized luxuries such as all-you-can-eat buffets, flat screen televisions, Internet access, and hair salons.
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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    5 Aug
    Carnage in the Wake of Illegals Pouring Into Texas

    Posted 05/08/2014 by sfcmac in Border Security, Homeland Security, Illegal aliens, Mexico. Leave a Comment
    Obama’s turd polishers in the main stream media will never touch this.
    From Breitbart.
    The death toll continues to climb in the Falfurrias death march region also known as the ranch lands and highways of Brooks County. The toll on illegal immigrants who have died attempting to cross these ranch fields and bypass the Border Patrol checkpoint located in the center of Brooks County now stands at 44 as a woman was found dead this week. A woman reported being raped by her fellow travelers earlier this week and another woman was seriously injured as she either bailed out of or was pushed from a vehicle she was riding in that was being pursued by a deputy sheriff.
    A Guatemalan woman was found dead on Wednesday along the news natural gas pipeline being constructed in the western portion of the county. Breitbart Texas previously reported on this “illegal immigrant superhighway” which provides a direct south to north navigational aide but is surrounded by very soft sand that creates extra exertion that has claimed the lives of several people who are trespassing through the area. While she had only been deceased for about one day, her body was already massively disfigured by the heat, insects and animals. The 29-year-old woman was identified by Brooks County officials as Maritza Beatriz from Guatemala.
    On Friday, a woman who entered the country illegally was captured by Border Patrol Agents who told Brooks County officials she had reported being raped earlier in the week. Because the alleged rape was reported within 96 hours after its occurrence, Border Patrol officials were instructed to take the woman to the hospital for rape testing. She reported she was sexually assaulted only in the form of oral sex. She will be examined and tested for other forms of sexual assault as well. “It is not uncommon for these women to not disclose the full extent of their sexual assault,” said Brooks County volunteer deputy Daniel Walden who is also a human trafficking instructor. More information will be made available about this case after her examination and testing is completed.
    And just think, the crimes they commit once they get into neighborhoods and communities are even more horrendous.
    This is the reason why Obama will never take his scrawny ass down to the border. He doesn’t give a shit about the consequences of his feckless stupidity.
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Eric Holder: Public Schools, You will Enroll Children of Illegal Immigrants!
    SEE: Feds to schools: You must accept children of undocumented immigrants

    ”The Justice and Education Departments are teaming up to remind public schools that they are required to provide all children with equal access to education at the elementary and secondary level regardless of their parents' or guardians' citizenship or immigration status.”

    Of course, Eric Holder, is relying upon a 1982 Supreme Court opinion, Plyler vs. Doe, in which the court intentionally misrepresented both the text and legislative intent of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment declares:

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    When the Court says "the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens” as distinguished from “persons”, it is absolutely correct. The amendment declares “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”. But the amendment then goes on to extend a specific protection to “any person” as distinguished from “citizens” and forbids “any person” from being deprive of life, liberty, or property without due process being extended. Due process must be extended before “any person” may be deprived of life, liberty, or property, which is a very reasonable requirement and not in dispute. What is in dispute is Eric Holder’s assertion that a State’s public schools must enroll a foreigner who is not a citizen of the United States or of the State in which enrollment is applied for.

    Getting back to the 14th Amendment, we come the wording which commands that “any person” within a State’s jurisdiction may not be denied “the equal protection of the laws” which have been established by a State. Note that these words do not even remotely suggest to negate the power of a State to create “privileges and immunities” for her “citizens” which are not afforded to “persons” who are not citizens. But the words do forbid a state to deny the equal protection of the laws, e.g., if a State decides to issue a driver’s learner’s permit to citizens of their state at the age of 16, then it may not refuse such a permit to any person who is a citizen based upon race or color to be in compliance with the legislative intent of the 14th Amendment. But denying the equal protection of the laws within the context of the 14th Amendment was not intended to, or does it, prohibit a State from making distinctions based upon citizenship with reference to “privileges and immunities” created by a States. A State’s public school system is within the category of “privileges” which a State may offer her citizens, and under the 14th Amendment’s legislative intent that privilege may not be denied to a State’s citizens based upon race or color. But it can be denied to those who are not citizens of the united States or of the state in question!

    In fact, the legislative intent of the 14th Amendment was eloquently summarized by one of its supporters as follows:

    “Its whole effect is not to confer or regulate rights, but to require that whatever of these enumerated rights and obligations are imposed by State laws shall be for and upon all citizens alike without distinctions based on race or former condition of slavery…It permits the States to say that the wife may not testify, sue or contract. It makes no law as to this. Its whole effect is to require that whatever rights as to each of the enumerated civil (not political) matters the States may confer upon one race or color of the citizens shall be held by all races in equality…It does not prohibit you from discriminating between citizens of the same race, or of different races, as to what their rights to testify, to inherit &c. shall be. But if you do discriminate, it must not be on account of race, color or former conditions of slavery. That is all. If you permit a white man who is an infidel to testify, so you must a colored infidel. Self-evidently this is the whole effect of this first section. It secures-not to all citizens, but to all races as races who are citizens- equality of protection in those enumerated civil rights which the States may deem proper to confer upon any race.” ___ SEE: Rep. Shallabarger, Congressional Globe, 1866, page 1293

    The bottom line is, there is no provision in the Constitution of the United States which prohibits a State from exercising its reserved powers under the Tenth Amendment and refuse to enroll a foreigner in its public school system who has entered the United States illegally and is not a citizen. Each State would do well to tell Eric Holder to go fly a kite and refuse to enroll any child whose parents are unable to show their child is a Citizen of the United States and of the State in which they reside and wish to enroll that child in its public school system.

    Feds to schools: You must accept children of undocumented immigrants

    Attorney General Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan speak during a visit J.O. Wilson Elementary School. On March 21, 2014 in Washington, D.C. Mark Wilson, Getty Images

    The Justice and Education Departments are teaming up to remind public schools that they are required to provide all children with equal access to education at the elementary and secondary level regardless of their parents' or guardians' citizenship or immigration status.

    The "dear colleague," letter to schools providing guidance to schools on their legal obligations comes as the departments say they have "become aware of student enrollment practices that may chill or discourage the participation, or lead to the exclusion, of students."
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    The guidelines do not change existing practices, but rather remind schools of obligations established by Plyler v. Doe, a 1982 Supreme Court case that affirmed all children are guaranteed equal access to a basic public education regardless of their immigration status. The Justice and Education Departments last issued guidance to schools on their responsibilities in 2011, and the 2014 documents update that guidance by stressing the need for "flexibility" in accepting documents from parents to prove a child's age and area of residence, and remind schools what kinds of documents they can and cannot accept. "We want to be sure every school leader understands the legal requirements under the Constitution and federal laws, and it is our hope that this update will address some of the misperceptions out there," said Secretary Arne Duncan in a statement. "The message here is clear: let all children who live in your district enroll in your public schools."

    Attorney General Eric Holder pledged to "vigilantly enforce the law to ensure the schoolhouse door remains open to all." Any actions to put up barriers to student enrollment, "not only harm innocent children, they also markedly weaken our leaving young people unprepared and ill-equipped to succeed," he said.

    Schools are allowed to request proof that children live within the boundaries of the district, for which they typically accept documents like copies of phone and water bills, lease agreements, and affidavits, the guidance says. While schools may accept a parents' drivers license as evidence, they may not require it to establish residency since it would unlawfully bar a student whose parents in the U.S. illegally and do not have a drivers' license. They may also not deny a homeless child access to school if he or she cannot provide documents to establish residency.

    To prove a student meets age requirements, the school may accept certificates showing a date of birth from a religious institution, hospital or physician, an entry in a family bible, an adoption record, or a parent affidavit. A birth certificate is also an acceptable form of proof of age, but school districts are not allowed to discourage children from enrolling in or attending school because they do not have a birth certificate or they only have one from a foreign country. The agencies also issue guidance on the use of Social Security numbers, which are often requested as a student identification number. If the district requests the number, the agencies say, they must inform parents and children that it is voluntary and refusing to provide a social security number will not result in their child being barred from enrolling or attending school. They also must explain what it is used for.
    Schools are also specifically advised not to inquire about a student's immigration or citizenship status, because that information, "is not relevant to establishing residency in the district, and inquiring about it in the context of establishing residency is unnecessary and may have a chilling or a discouraging effect on student enrollment," a Q&A document for school says.

    Lynn officials: Illegal immigrant children are stressing city services

    Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

    Posted: Jul 14, 2014 4:49 PM CST
    Updated: Jul 14, 2014 5:34 PM CST (FOX25 / MyFoxBoston) Crystal Haynes

    LYNN, Mass. ( -- Lynn is a municipality on the brink. Key department officials say a recent influx of illegal immigrant children and families in the city is stressing almost every service from trash collection to healthcare.

    "We have been aware of the unaccompanied children issue for quite a while, and we were able to absorb a lot of these children early on," said Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy. "But now it's gotten to the point where the school system is overwhelmed, our health department is overwhelmed, the city's budget is being sustainably altered in order of accommodate all of these admissions in the school department."

    Flanagan Kennedy says the first contact for immigrant arrivals in the city is the school system.

    The amount of new foreign born student admissions has nearly doubled in the last two years. This school year alone saw more than 600 new admissions. Among those students, 248 were from Guatemala. Flanagan Kennedy says of those 248 children, 126 were illegal, undocumented minors.

    "They are not literate in any language, so they do need some skills. And I assume they are enrolling in school to receive those skills," said Catherine Latham, Lynn's superintendent of schools

    Latham says me the increase in new students has created overcrowding, forced her to hire more staff, and has impacted state testing scores and drop-out numbers.

    Latham says that because of the age of some students, reportedly between 16 and 20 years old, they were placed in the ninth grade. Twenty years old is the cut off for high school entrants.

    But a report by the National Review Online claims at least two illegal immigrant students in Lynn who claimed to be minors are actually much older adults. That article names two people who were released to family members in Lynn by federal officials.

    In a statement to FOX 25 about the article, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) said, "To focus on a tiny minority of outliers in this group is to risk performing a grave disservice to these young people in need."

    "We have no proof that they are much older. So they will come to school. They came, I believe in April or May and enrolled usually in the system as ninth graders," Latham said. "Many of them do two years in the ninth grade."

    Though it's difficult, school administrators do attempt to verify a student's age.

    "But we are limited by the law," Latham said.

    The law states Lynn schools cannot deny enrollment to anybody solely on the basis of not having paperwork. The law also says students have to be vaccinated.

    And if any student doesn't have insurance, the city of Lynn picks up the tab for administering the injections.

    Public Health Director MaryAnn O'Connor said she estimates the department has seen a 200 percent increase in vaccinations over the last couple years. O'Connor has also had to hire two additional part-time staff members and had to start a tuberculosis clinic for a huge spike in cases over the last two years.

    It's created a percent increase in her budget.

    "We have line items that we're borrowing from in the health department's budget in order to meet this immediate demand, but somewhere down the line, I'm going to have to deal with finding the money to replace that which has been taken out," Mayor Flanagan Kennedy said.

    The mayor also says the solution is to stem the flow of illegal unaccompanied minors coming into her city on a federal level, and provide federal assistance to ease budget constraints.

    "The way this is going, Lynn looks like a microcosm of the United States, in that we have been filled to capacity and we can't take anymore without having the people who are already here suffer," she said.

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    Buchanan: Obama Will 'Set the Country Completely on Fire' with Executive Amnesty by Labor Day

    on Breitbart TV 23 Aug 2014, 1:31 PM PDT 668 post a comment

    On the Friday broadcast of “The McLaughlin Group,” columnist Pat Buchanan predicted that President Obama would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants via executive order by Labor Day and that such an action would “set the country completely on fire.”

    After Washington Examiner Chief Congressional Correspondent Susan Ferrechio argued that “Democrats could gain from Hispanic voters turning out, especially if the president decides to take key executive actions in this summer that would help Hispanics who are here in the country, perhaps living here illegally. That could boost popularity for the party,” Buchanan responded “executive amnesty will set the country completely on fire. I do agree, it might get out the Hispanic vote, but you will have red state Democrats denouncing the president for doing it, for engaging in unconstitutional action. It would be a tremendous firestorm which would really polarize the nation.”

    At the end of the show, when asked for his predictions, Buchanan said “Barack Obama will do some kind of amnesty for the illegal aliens by Labor Day.”

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    La Raza: Five Million the 'Floor' of What We Want to See Obama Do

    August 26, 2014

    The White House has indicated that President Obama will take some kind of executive action on immigration at the end of summer, but the administration has been tight-lipped about the specifics of such a move.

    Reports have indicated that the executive action could provide legalization for some five million undocumented immigrants already in the United States – something Lisa Navarrete, adviser to the president of La Raza, explained to Breitbart News in a Tuesday interview would be welcome but really the “floor” number of what her group is looking to accomplish.

    “We have been very clear with the President that if he is going to do this, he should be bold, and the population of people who would be covered under the Senate bill that’s just been waiting one House vote to pass would be a good starting point,” she said, referring to the Senate immigration bill that would have provided undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship.

    According to Navarrete, while La Raza has offered the Obama administration their wish list, the White House has not shared any details of what actions the President may take with the group.

    “All they have heard is what we would like to see, and I think that is pretty much the case with everybody who has been pushing for executive action on this,” she said. “We’re in the same boat as everybody else.”

    Navarrete explained that to La Raza and others immigration reform is inevitable, and given its inevitability, wasting time and resources waiting is not wise.

    “We believe it just doesn’t make a lot of sense for our government – if we’re on the cusp of passing comprehensive immigration reform – that we should be spending resources on people who might otherwise be eligible for relief in a larger bill,” she said. “We believe that comprehensive reform is going to happen, whether it’s next year or the year after we don’t know, but it is going to happen, and there are a number of people here who would be eligible under the parameters of the Senate bill.”

    She described how the White House has listened to La Raza but kept their cards close to the vest, not betraying any details of what Obama might do.

    “I would compare it to a kid asking his parents for Christmas [presents], and they are like, ‘Okay, here is your letter to Santa, and we’ll take that under advisement,’” she said.

    “All we know is the President wants to act; he wants to act soon. What it’s going to look like and who is going to be affected by it, we have no idea,” Navarrete continued.

    Of the political concerns with Obama taking bold unilateral action in an election year, Navarrete said La Raza is focused on the bottom-line policy issue.

    “We just feel that the situation – we’ve been saying it for some time – is at a crisis point. And that’s not our calculation,” she said.

    Navarrete noted, however, that recent exit polls among non-Latinos have not shown as much interest in the immigration issue.

    “For the Latino community, it makes a huge difference. So that’s why... for us, it’s much more a topic for 2016 and the Republican intransigence,” she said, arguing that from La Raza’s perspective they “are completely botching the issue, and that’s going to have enormous political costs. Whether it’s the midterms – probably not, if I’m going to be frank, for the Republicans – but 2016 [is] going to be ugly, and it’s going to be very problematic [for a Republican presidential nominee].”

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    Latino Conservatives Launch Immigration Group As W.H. Close To Executive Action

    By Suzanne Gamboa

    The president appears to have closed in on steps he wants to take on immigration through executive action, while a group of Latino conservatives announced a coalition advocating for immigration reform, but urged action through Congress.

    Reports from the New York Times and Fox News say that executive action could come from President Barack Obama as soon as next week, although the reports differ on some of the steps he'll take.

    Both media outlets said the action would include deferral of deportations for immigrant parents of U.S. citizen and legal resident children. Another group of immigrants who have been in the U.S. 10 years or more also could be included and more young immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children could be given deferrals.

    Both also reported possible changes to Secure Communities, under which fingerprints collected by local law enforcement officials are checked for immigration and citizenship status.

    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a news conference from Myanmar that Obama is close to a decision on what steps he'll take on immigration, but had not made one yet. In response to questions on the Fox report, which was based on a draft document the network obtained, the White House had said the president had not received final recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security.

    However, Obama met recently with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to discuss the status of options that Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder have been hashing out, Earnest said. The New York Times reported details were still being finished and the president could push off the announcement until next month, but will do it by the end of the year.

    Meanwhile, Earnest challenged Republicans in Congress to move as swiftly with immigration reform legislation as they have with a vote on the expansion of the Keystone XL pipeline."There's no reason the fact that the House is in lame duck session, that that should affect their ability or even interest in bringing to the floor bipartisan legislation that's already passed the United States Senate to deal with immigration reform," Earnest said. Obama is in Myanmar for the East Asia summit and then goes to Australia for a trip that wraps up Sunday.

    House Republicans have refused to take up the bipartisan Senate bill that was passed in June 2013 and failed to advance to a vote any of their own immigration reform bills drafted since then.

    Earnest said the president's decision timeline is not timed to when Congress might act, but he said if Congress takes up the bipartisan Senate bill, he would "happily sign that bill into law in a way that would supersede any executive action that he took just weeks prior."

    Angela Kelley, an immigration expert at the liberal Center for American Progress, said the proposals are all issues that advocates have pushed during the Obama administration. Kelley said the proposals suggest that the administration had listened to arguments advocates have made over the years on the various issues.

    "I think the big question will still be whether the deferred action is going to be big enough to satisfy people’s appetites," Kelley said.

    Separately, a group of conservative Hispanics announced Thursday they were launching the Hispanic leaders for Immigration coalition, made up of right of center Hispanic leaders who want to see immigration reform "addressed in a conservative way by the U.S. Congress."

    The launch of the group came with the release of a study by the conservative groups arguing that the Latino vote is in play politically for 2016 and Latino voters tend to be more conservative and is "a vote that deserves to be courted aggressively by all parties."

    Al Cardenas, former chairman of the American Conservative Union, noted the midterm elections marked the fourth time in four years that American voters have turned the government over to a different party. That shows that voters have both parties on a "short leash" and have been growing frustrated with inaction by Congress, he said.

    Congress needs to find a permanent solution for immigration, but he said the new Congress needs to address it next year.

    "We're going to do everything possible in our sphere of influence to see to it that this issue is fairly debated and brought to the floor for a vote," Cardenas said.

    Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principle, said Obama's plan to take executive action is a bad idea. But he said the Republican response should not be to only criticize or to rescind the order. He said they also have to pass some form of immigration reform.

    "If they don't, it's going to put us in a very tough position. A tough position that it will be difficult to win the White House. It will be very difficult for Repubicans to maintain the majority in the Senate," he said. "I think it's the message we are sending our fellow conservatives. It's not enough to oppose unilateral action. We need to lead on this issue. We have to reclaim it."

    Hector Barreto, chairman of the Latino Coalition , said the Hispanic vote lost by Democrats doesn't necessarily automatically go to Republicans, many Hispanics are independent and instead are looking at "who's going to fix this problem."
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    Who the hell does Graham think he is anyway?

    Republican leaders hope to contain outrage in the ranks over Obama immigration moves

    By Robert Costa November 20 at 1:22 PM Follow @costareports
    Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) winced as he listened to comments from Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) in reaction to President Obama’s plans to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation.
    “Unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary, unwise,” Graham said.
    Earlier Wednesday, Bachmann, a retiring tea-party firebrand, had declared that those immigrants covered by the policies that the president would announce Thursday would become “illiterate” voters.

    For Republicans the roiling debate over the president’s decision is not only a fight with the White House, but a test of whether they can contain some of the unhelpful passions among their swelling majorities in both chambers. The task is keeping on-message and away from the controversial and sometimes offensive comments that have traditionally hindered attempts to bolster support for the party among Hispanics.
    Coupled with the desire to avoid the heated rhetoric is an effort to avert another showdown over government funding, weeks after the GOP made gains in the midterm elections and a year after a 16-day shutdown significantly damaged the party’s brand.
    Ahead of the president’s prime-time address Thursday, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who will be the majority leader in the next Congress, were grappling with these swirling issues, urging calm in their ranks and considering several moves they believe would be forceful responses to the president, while also keeping the government funded.
    Filing a lawsuit over the president’s executive authority, pursuing standalone legislation on immigration policy and removing funding for immigration agencies are some of the ideas that have been floated by aides to Republican leaders.
    “We are considering a variety of options,” McConnell said Thursday in a floor speech. He suggested that his preference would be for Republicans to avoid becoming mired in a fiscal clash during the lame-duck session, shortly before the GOP takes control of the Senate.
    Many conservative lawmakers, however, are shrugging off those pleas from leadership. Furious with the president, they are planning a series of immediate and hard-line actions that could have sweeping consequences. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said Wednesday that Obama’s executive action should be met with a refusal to vote on any more of his nominees, and on Thursday compared the action to the ancient Catiline conspiracy, a plot to overthrow the Roman Republic.
    Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), likely to be the next chairman of the budget committee, has advocated for a series of stopgap spending bills, with the intent of pressuring the president to relent. And Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has hinted at possibly bringing up impeachment measures.
    But amid the chatter over strategy, it is the tone of outraged rank-and-file members that most worries GOP elders. Ahead of the 2016 presidential election, they do not want to see Republicans tagged by Democrats as hostile toward Hispanics. Even as they battle the president on legal and legislative grounds, they would like to see Republicans shore up support with immigrants and their families.

    “We’ve had numerous discussions about that it is necessary,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). “It only takes a couple” of comments for an unflattering narrative to build about the Republican response. “That’s the trouble with having some of these new young punks around here. They ought to listen to us old geezers.”
    In the House, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), who has been a prominent backer of comprehensive immigration reform, has been counseling House Republicans about the need to show empathy for undocumented workers as the party rails against the Obama administration, according to GOP aides familiar with his deliberations.
    Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), a moderate from the Philadelphia exurbs and a Boehner ally, said the leadership is asking his colleagues to “not play into the president’s hands.”
    “The president wants to see an angry and intemperate response, thinking the Republicans will do something that leads to a shutdown,” Dent said. “Don’t take the bait and don’t have a hysterical reaction. We can be strong, rational and measured.”
    Yet the firestorms have continued to flare, with some Republicans, encouraged by grass-roots activists and conservative media personalities, eschewing the party’s more incremental line and making contentious statements.
    Speaking with reporters, Bachmann had said the “social cost” of Obama’s immigration policies would be extensive, with “millions of unskilled, illiterate, foreign nationals coming into the United States who can’t speak the English language.”
    When pressed on why she used the term “illiterate,” Bachmann said, “I’m not using a pejorative term against people who are non-American citizens. I’m only repeating what I heard from Hispanic Americans down at the border.”
    In a Thursday interview with CNN, King said, “We have constitutional authority to do a string of things. [Impeachment] would be the very last option, but I would not rule it out.”
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government

    2:36 PM 12/01/2014
    Neil Munro
    White House Correspondent

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama will block a government budget bill if the GOP denies him the funds needed to provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

    “Yes,” Earnest said when asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl if Obama would veto a government-wide budget that defunded the amnesty program.
    If Obama blocks the budget to help the illegals, large sections of the federal government would shut down on Dec. 12.

    But Earnest equivocated when he was asked if Obama would shut down the government if the GOP denies amnesty just for the immigration agency.
    “I don’t believe that members of Congress or the majority of members of Congress, will go along with efforts to shut down the govern in protest over the president’s executive actions on immigration,” he said.

    Any veto would be a high-risk step by Obama, because it would brand the Democratic Party as willing to shut down the government to aid several million illegal immigrants.

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    Please, honest to God, can you PLEASE shut the fucking government down?
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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    'Fair Share?' The Typical Beneficiary Of Obama's Illegal Immigration Plan Won't Pay Net Income Taxes

    November 20, 2014

    On Thursday evening, President Obama unveiled his plan to offer legal status to approximately 5 million undocumented aliens. “If you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes,” said Obama, “you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country.” But the President neglected to mention that the income of the typical illegal immigrant is so low that he would pay no net income taxes, and become eligible for welfare benefits like Obamacare. According to a 2006 report from the left-leaning Century Foundation, “it is likely that the undocumented workers will end up receiving rather than paying the Treasury money.”

    Legalized undocumented immigrants could become eligible for significant transfer payments

    Income statistics for illegals are, as you might imagine, not so easy to discern. But the Century Foundation analysis, published in Mother Jones, estimates that in 2005, “we can be virtually certain that illegal immigrants earned less than $24,000 per year, on average, probably much less.” That’s about $29,177 in 2014 dollars. According to the Congressional Budget Office, a person making that kind of money would pay negligible federal taxes, and receive around $10,000 in government benefits.

    That $10,000 doesn’t include Obamacare, and probably understates the actual amount of government transfers that these individuals would receive. Obama’s executive order is primarily aimed at undocumented parents of U.S. citizens, which may mean that they are older than average. If so, they will gain access not only to Obamacare, but also to Social Security and especially Medicare.

    These individuals pay almost nothing in federal taxes. “Households in the lowest income quintile,” writes the CBO, “paid less than 1 percent of all federal taxes,” but are eligible for substantial tax credits under the Earned Income Tax Credit program.

    Amnesty will yield little in additional payroll taxes

    “Aha,” you might argue, “but while the newly legalized population pays no net income taxes, it does pay payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.” That’s true, but the government already receives much of that money. “In fact,” says the Century Foundation, “about $6 billion in annual payroll taxes are allocated to non-existent Social Security accounts. Experts attribute these payments to the forged documents that illegal immigrants purchase in order to find work. This $6 billion is collected each year with no future benefit-rights assigned. This sum is certainly more than any income taxes that would be owed on the earnings involved.”

    Again, the Century Foundation is one of the nation’s leading left-wing think tanks, so you might wonder why they would be calling attention to this problem. Their argument in 2006 was designed to rebut those who sought to deport illegal immigrants because they were fiscal drains on the U.S. Treasury. Because illegals pay payroll taxes but aren’t eligible for most federal benefits, “illegal immigration is likely to be a crime that delivers net economic benefits to its average ‘victim,’ even in tax revenue.”

    Are beneficiaries of amnesty eligible for Obamacare?

    One of the big unanswered questions is whether or not the newly legalized will be eligible for Obamacare’s subsidized health coverage. The Washington Post and others have reported that the executive order “apparently won’t bestow health care benefits on millions of undocumented immigrants, according to an individual familiar with the decision.” However, as of Thursday night, we don’t have details of how that restriction would be achieved.

    In 2014, two-member households with incomes below $62,920—400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level—are eligible for subsidized coverage on Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. Those with incomes below 138 percent of FPL, in states that expanded Medicaid, are eligible for that program.

    One key point is that Obamacare’s employer mandate, combined with the President’s executive order, incentivizes companies to hire amnestied illegal immigrants over low-income U.S. citizens. The employer mandate’s fines are only levied on companies that don’t offer health coverage to workers eligible for Obamacare exchange subsidies; if the amnestied population is not eligible for those subsidies, employers are better off higher those individuals over legal immigrants and citizens.

    Amnesty will make Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion less likely

    If the amnestied population is eligible for Obamacare, or if the President’s restrictions aren’t sufficiently rigorous, the President’s action gives state governments an important new reason not to expand their Medicaid programs as Obamacare encourages them to do. Conservative states that are already skeptical of expanding Medicaid are unlikely to be interested in offering subsidized benefits to amnesty-eligible individuals, because that will introduce an extra fiscal liability to those states.

    Furthermore, many conservatives lack confidence that Obamacare’s existing restrictions against benefits for illegal immigrants are being adequately enforced.

    Republicans are now free to pass border-strengthening bills

    While much of the talk on Capitol Hill has been about shutting down the government in response to the Obama executive order, what Republicans ought to do is pass the border security bill they’ve always wanted to pass. They no longer need to trade border security for amnesty, because the President has already granted amnesty. “With the family-visa issue out of the way, the new GOP majority would be free to pass immigration policies it prefers,” observes former George W. Bush staffer Juleanna Glover.

    Precedent is set for a Republican President to defy Obamacare regulations

    While progressives are celebrating today, they won’t be so happy if a Republican President uses executive orders to ignore Congressional statutes. Imagine if a Republican President were to simply declare that he wouldn’t enforce the broad swath of Obamacare’s insurance regulations and mandates. Instead of having to pass a law repealing Obamacare, a President Cruz or Romney could simply decline to enforce it.

    It’s gonna be awesome when a Republican president refuses to enforce #Obamacare’s regulations.
    — Avik Roy (@Avik) November 21, 2014

    The unintended consequences of President Obama’s actions will be far-reaching. We’ll see what happens. What we know for sure is that those Americans who’ve worked hard and played by the rules will be asked to pay more and receive less.

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    So if we're invaded by extra terrestrials... would they be "illegal aliens" and would they be entitled to some benefits for invading?
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    Default Re: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control

    Democrat NYC Mayor on IDs For Illegals: ‘Don’t Want’ Them ‘To Feel Like Second-Class Citizens’

    January 13, 2015 - 4:41 PM

    By Penny Starr
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    ( – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, said on Monday that giving identification cards to illegal aliens allows them to feel like citizens and enjoy some of the same benefits as actual citizens.

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

    "We don't want any of our fellow New Yorkers to feel like second-class citizens,” de Blasio was quoted as saying in a National Public Radio website article. “We don't want them to feel left out.”
    In addition, de Blasio is promising more than just ID cards if illegal aliens come forward and sign up.

    "A free, one-year membership to 33 cultural institutions,” de Blasio said. “That did get the attention of many New Yorkers.”

    But some liberal, pro-amnesty advocates are leery about the cards. Johanna Miller of the New York Civil Liberties Union is one of them.

    This Dec. 10, 2014 photo shows Tony Bernabe giving information to Daisy Juarez advertising an information session to tell immigrants more about President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)

    "The success of this program depends almost entirely on having a diverse pool of cardholders,” Miller told NPR. “If the card becomes a scarlet letter for undocumented people, then it fails.”

    In his first State of the City address, de Blasio said New York would become the largest city to offer identification cards to illegal aliens, making it easier for them to open bank accounts, lease apartments or borrow library books, The New York Times reported in February 2014.

    The Times said that de Blasio got the biggest applause during his speech when he mentioned his plan for ID cards for illegal aliens.

    “To all of my fellow New Yorkers who are undocumented, I say: New York City is your home, too,” de Blasio said. “And we will not force any of our residents to live their lives in the shadows.”
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    Newsflash Warren Wilhelm! They aren't even citizens!

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Obama instructs IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes

    Lawmakers fear illegals could use Obama amnesty to find ways to vote

    By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

    The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.

    “While we may disagree about whether your deferred action programs were lawfully created and implemented, we are confident that we can all agree that these programs cannot be permitted to impair the integrity of our elections,” Republican members of Congress from Ohio wrote in a letter to Mr. Obama Wednesday, ahead of a hearing on the issue in the House on Thursday.

    Mr. Obama’s new deportation policies, which carve most illegal immigrants out of danger of being removed, and could proactively grant as many as 4 million illegal immigrants work permits and Social Security numbers, are increasingly under fire for ancillary consequences such as tax credits and competition for jobs.
    Mr. Koskinen, testifying to the House oversight committee, said the White House never asked him or anyone else at the IRS about the potential tax effects of his amnesty policy.
    “I haven’t talked to the White House about this at all,” he said.

    He also clarified his testimony to the Senate last week, where he acknowledged illegal immigrants who had paid taxes using substitute Social Security numbers but who gain real Social Security numbers when they are approved for the amnesty can apply for back-refunds of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

    On Wednesday, he said even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to apply for back-credits once they get Social Security numbers.

    The EITC is a refundable tax credit, which means those who don’t have any tax liability can still get money back from the government.

    “Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.

    He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.

    That expands the universe of people eligible for the tax credit by millions. He said only about 700,000 illegal immigrants currently work and pay taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but as many as 4 million illegal immigrants could get a stay of deportation and work permits under the temporary amnesty, which would mean they would be eligible to claim back-refunds if they worked those years.

    Rep. Mick Mulvaney, the South Carolina Republican who grilled Mr. Koskinen on the tax credits, said he was stunned the White House never checked with the IRS on the tax implications of its move.

    “That’s just outrageous,” he said. “If Congress had passed a law doing exactly what the president did, we would have had not only an estimate of the costs, but we would have also been required to propose ways to pay for the programs. This is just another example of the administration operating outside the rule of law.”

    Mr. Koskinen said he didn’t know how much money the tax refunds would cost, and said the White House never checked with him before announcing the amnesty. He said the maximum annual credit is between $500 and $600 for an individual.

    Meanwhile, the concerns over voting are beginning to bubble up.

    Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, will hold a hearing on the issue Thursday.

    Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who has told Mr. Obama that illegal immigrants could find ways to vote thanks to his policy, is slated to testify.

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    Default Re: 2014 Illegal Alien Invasion (Formerly: Obama to 'Quickly' Go for Immigration Refo

    Federal judge temporarily blocks Obama's immigration executive action

    Will fight over immigration hurt the GOP?

    A federal judge has granted a request by 26 states to temporarily block President Obama's executive action on illegal immigration, allowing a lawsuit aimed at permanently stopping the orders to make its way through the courts.
    U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen granted the preliminary injunction Monday after hearing arguments in Brownsville, Texas last month. He wrote in a memorandum accompanying his order that the lawsuit should go forward and that without a preliminary injunction the states will "suffer irreparable harm in this case."
    "The genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle," he wrote, adding that he agreed with the plaintiffs' argument that legalizing the presence of millions of people is a "virtually irreversible" action.
    The first of Obama's orders -- to expand a program that protects young immigrants from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. illegally as children -- was set to start taking effect Wednesday. The other major part of Obama's order, which extends deportation protections to parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been in the country for some years, was not expected to begin until May 19.
    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, in a statement, reiterated the administration's position that Obama's executive actions were within the bounds of the law -- and indicated they would appeal.
    "The Supreme Court and Congress have made clear that the federal government can set priorities in enforcing our immigration laws-which is exactly what the President did when he announced commonsense policies to help fix our broken immigration system," Earnest said, later adding "The district court's decision wrongly prevents these lawful, commonsense policies from taking effect and the Department of Justice has indicated that it will appeal that decision."
    An appeal by the administration would be handled by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.
    House and Senate Republican leaders pointed to the judge's decision in amplifying calls to advance a stalled bill that would both fund the Homeland Security department and undo Obama's immigration plan. The GOP-authored bill passed the House, but is stuck in the Senate. "This ruling underscores what the President has already acknowledged publicly 22 times: He doesn't have the authority to take the kinds of actions he once referred to as 'ignoring the law' and 'unwise and unfair,'" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a statement. "Senate Democrats -- especially those who've voiced opposition to the President's executive overreach -- should end their partisan filibuster of Department of Homeland Security funding."
    Hanen, who's been on the federal court since 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush, regularly handles border cases but wasn't known for being outspoken on immigration until a 2013 case. In his ruling in that case, Hanen suggested the Homeland Security Department should be arresting parents living in the U.S. illegally who induce their children to cross the border illegally.
    The coalition, led by Texas and made up of mostly conservative states in the South and Midwest, argues that Obama has violated the "Take Care Clause" of the U.S. Constitution, which they say limits the scope of presidential power. They also say the order will force increased investment in law enforcement, health care and education.
    "Judge Hanen's decision rightly stops the President's overreach in its tracks," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in a statement.
    In their request for the injunction, the coalition said it was necessary because it would be "difficult or impossible to undo the President's lawlessness after the Defendants start granting applications for deferred action."
    Congressional Republicans have vowed to block Obama's actions on immigration by cutting off Homeland Security Department spending for the program. Earlier this year, the Republican-controlled House passed a $39.7 billion spending bill to fund the department through the end of the budget year, but attached language to undo Obama's executive actions. The fate of that House-passed bill is unclear as Republicans in the Senate are six votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to advance most legislation.
    Others supporting Obama's executive order include a group of 12 mostly liberal states, including Washington and California, as well as the District of Columbia. They filed a motion with Hanen in support of Obama, arguing the directives will substantially benefit states and will further the public interest.
    A group of law enforcement officials, including the Major Cities Chiefs Association and more than 20 police chiefs and sheriffs from across the country, also filed a motion in support, arguing the executive action will improve public safety by encouraging cooperation between police and individuals with concerns about their immigration status.
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