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Thread: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

  1. #261
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Can I just point out this asshole's tee shirt?

    Can everyone just read it a couple of times.

    Now... think about it.

    Who the FUCK starts revolutions again? Oh yeah, 99% of the time, commies.

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    National Guard was tripled in force and actually were "up front" last night, securing command center, directing traffic etc. All at direction of Governor.

    44 arrested last night.

    More than 100 arrested over the last two nights.

    City Hall boarded up now.

    Another police car burned.

    Lots more vandalism.

    FBI Agents were shot last night, not connected with riots.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    How a false media narrative made Ferguson worse

    By Howard Kurtz

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    It was a split-screen spectacle, the president of the United States appealing for calm while Ferguson was starting to erupt in flames.
    As Obama was saying “there is inevitably going to be some negative reaction, and it will make for good TV,” the images of tear gas and looting were competing for attention.
    I don’t know that anything the president said at that point could have deterred the protestors and agitators after no indictment was returned, and here’s why: They were reacting to a media narrative that hardened into cement soon after the tragedy. And we now know that narrative was filled with misinformation.
    We now know that some eyewitnesses changed their stories, or admitted they never actually saw the shooting.
    But their accounts echoed across the media landscape, that Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in the back, that Brown had his hands up, that he was trying to surrender.
    As St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCullough said in scolding the Fourth Estate:
    “The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24 hour news cycle, and its insatiable appetite for something for anything to talk about,” he said.Following closely behind were non-stop rumors on social media.”
    Now the media faced a major handicap in what became a one-sided story. Brown’s parents, understandably grief-stricken, were talking to sympathetic interviewers. Brown’s friends and allies were supporting him. And we had nothing from Wilson or the Ferguson Police Department.
    For reasons I still don’t understand, they never put out even a rudimentary statement describing Wilson’s version of events.
    The media didn’t know, until word leaked fairly late in the process, that Brown had scuffled with Wilson while the officer was in his police car, that two shots were fired, and that Wilson’s face was swollen from the confrontation. (The Washington Post and erroneously reported that Wilson’s eye socket had been fractured.)
    Without that information, with alleged eyewitnesses saying things that hadn’t been tested before a grand jury, the media had a fragmentary picture at best. We didn’t even know that Wilson had fired 12 shots during the tragic encounter.
    But something else was at work as well. A white officer killing an unarmed black kid, a majority white police force deemed insensitive to a minority community, these are racially charged themes that the mainstream media often embrace. And while these are longstanding problems in America, it doesn't mean that every officer in every such situation is guilty.
    At the same time, the initial riots in Ferguson boosted the story into a stratosphere even beyond that of Trayvon Martin. The media paratroopers invaded the Missouri suburb for the nightly clashes, their cameras drawing outside troublemakers, exacerbating the tensions and, of course, lifting ratings. (Monday’s rioting, which saw correspondents facing tear gas and rocks, is a reminder that covering such tinderbox events is risky business.)
    Finally, we’ve learned the grand jury findings, that the preponderance of shows Wilson didn’t shoot Brown in the back and that he was afraid of the much bigger man he said looked like a "demon." Wilson told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he wouldn’t have done anything differently and was worried Brown "would kill me." That doesn’t make him a hero, and I still wonder why he couldn’t have ended the confrontation without killing the man.
    But it’s also clear that some commentators could not care less about the grand jury evidence, that they consider anything less than an indictment to be a miscarriage of justice. They are clinging to the original media narrative, which turns out to have been badly flawed.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Lincoln Tunnel was blocked in NY last night between NY and NJ

    Driver in that one incident won't be charged.

    Obama should shut his fucking mouth. Going on about how this is "America's Problem, not Ferguson's problem" is NOT helping.

    His henceman, Eric Holder should be standing up for ALL Americans, not just some thug criminal who got shot. Screw the criminals. The bastard ROBBED a store and bullied the store owner or clerk. Then he attacked a cop. He got shot. Tough. Get over it. Move on.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  5. #265
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Lincoln Tunnel was blocked in NY last night between NY and NJ

    Driver in that one incident won't be charged.

    Obama should shut his fucking mouth. Going on about how this is "America's Problem, not Ferguson's problem" is NOT helping.

    His henceman, Eric Holder should be standing up for ALL Americans, not just some thug criminal who got shot. Screw the criminals. The bastard ROBBED a store and bullied the store owner or clerk. Then he attacked a cop. He got shot. Tough. Get over it. Move on.

    There are 3 car is only going to block one tube at best.
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  6. #266
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    They TRIED to block it, with people. Not cars.

    I think I heard the cops didn't stand for it. They went in and broke some heads.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    FSA a.k.a. MUY a.k.a. @#$gers on a rampage.

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Exclusive–MO Lt. Gov: Officials Must Explain 'Under Oath' Why National Guard Stood By as Ferguson Burned


    by Matthew Boyle 25 Nov 2014 734 post a comment
    Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, is demanding that the state’s Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon offer a public explanation as to why he told the National Guard which he had previously mobilized to stand down in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday night as the city burned in riots.

    On Fox News on Tuesday morning, Kinder told anchor Martha MacCallum that Nixon kept the National Guard away as Ferguson burned—and questioned whether he did so in coordination with top officials from President Barack Obama’s administration. At a Tuesday press conference in response to a question from Breitbart News’ Kerry Picket, Nixon said that Kinder’s questions were “false and absurd” and that “politics has nothing to do with what anyone up here is doing.”

    Kinder, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News early on Tuesday evening after the Nixon presser, said that Nixon owes the people of Missouri and specifically Ferguson an explanation as to why he held back the National Guard from stopping the looting, rioting, and burning of businesses and terrorizing of people.

    “All I did was ask the question, and he says it’s false. Well, okay, then explain yourself, governor,” Kinder said. “Explain why you gave the order that I supported a week ago to mobilize the guard, to declare a state of emergency, and then at the critical moment you’re nowhere to be found by the mayor of Ferguson who’s desperately calling me in the wee hours of this morning, desperately calling the Speaker of the Missouri House and the floor leader of the Missouri House, Tim Jones and John Diehl, and asking for somebody in state government to stand up and give him some help. All executive power and all command of the Missouri National Guard rests with the Missouri chief executive so none of us could do anything as Ferguson burned. So this mayor made this desperate call as he was watching from his back porch as his city burned.”

    Kinder said that Ferguson Mayor James Knowles and Nixon haven’t spoken since the first riots broke out in August.

    “Why has he not talked to Mayor James Knowles not twice since this broke on the ninth of August, in 100 plus days?” Kinder said. “Mayor Knowles, we elect non-partisan mayors in Missouri, but if you asked he’d be a Republican in a sort of marginal way. He’s an arm’s length friend of mine and the other legislators I mentioned, but we don’t know him well. I don’t know if that’s why Nixon is pushing him away? But he told me in August when we were three weeks into this, I said, ‘have you spoken to the governor?’ He said ‘I spoke to him for like a minute and a half, when there were like 40 other people in the room but he won’t take my calls.’ He didn’t take his call last night. And not only did he not take his call, but he wouldn’t have his adjutant general of the National Guard take his call. He wouldn’t have his chief of staff take the call. He wouldn’t have his director of public safety call him back. He got nothing. That’s what all of us get.”

    Kinder said, too, that Nixon has failed to provide information to even others in state government like himself.

    “I’m on the second floor, about 100 paces from his office,” Kinder said. “I sent a staffer down the hall to his door at about 5 minutes to 8 this morning. I said, ‘you tell his people that I’m on Fox News at 8:30 this morning Central.’ I want to know if there’s something you want me to say, or if there’s a brief I should be given so I have something informed to say. They fiddle farted around and trotted out the press secretary Scott Holste who handed him [Kinder’s staffer] the statement he gave last night. How pathetic is that?”

    Kinder also detailed for Breitbart News that as Ferguson burned with violent riots, Nixon ordered the National Guard to stand down.

    “The governor kept the National Guard that could have stopped this as it started, he kept them away from the scene,” Kinder said. “At the first sign of an overturned police car or a smashed window, the Guard should have been in there. If we had had 50 Guardsmen armed and standing in front of those stores, they would not be burned hulks today—smoking ruins—today. It is not just the businesses that were burned. Everyone up there was terrorized. Neighboring businesses that did survive were terrorized and are wondering if they’re next—all because the governor kept back the guard he had mobilized. Well, then, why did he mobilize them? To hold them back at the critical moment?”

    Kinder specifically said that he’s heard that Missouri National Guard Adjutant General Stephen Danner wanted to send his men in and didn’t—something he hasn’t been able to confirm at this point.

    “The question I put out on Martha MacCallum this morning is that is so inexplicable that the only thing I can think of is that the Holder Justice Department, the Obama administration and Valerie Jarrett demanded that he not deploy the Guard,” Kinder said. “None of them are the commander in chief of the Missouri National Guard. Jay Nixon is. He’s elected by the people to be the commander in chief of the Missouri National Guard. I have it on background that the National Guard up to the top, Adjutant General Steve Danner, wanted to go in. I don’t know that, but I have it on background that he wanted to send his men in and was told not to.”

    Kinder said that it doesn’t matter what Nixon does at his press conferences now because he and others in state government will be forced to answer, under oath, before long about exactly what happened.

    “All of that we’re going to be able to put them under oath in the not-too-distant future to get this record established, so Nixon dancing two hours ago at his press conference is not going to cut it,” Kinder said.

    When asked why Kinder suspects the Obama administration told Nixon to have the National Guard stand down, he said: “there’s nothing else that explains this.”

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Ted Nugent’s Blunt Response To Ferguson Madness Has Liberals TICKED

    by Robert Rich / on November 25, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    Although many in the public spotlight weigh their words carefully while evaluating the ramifications, Ted Nugent has never been one to mince words and simply says what often goes unsaid, resulting in a few ruffled feathers. Well, he’s done it again – this time regarding Ferguson and Liberals are not happy with what he had to say.

    There is no legitimate way to justify the actions being taken by Ferguson residents and protesters as they demonstrate their outrage over the Darren Wilson Grand Jury ruling. By ignoring the facts and believing whatever lies have been told for dramatic effect, it has only lead to an invalid excuse for chaos and mass destruction of their own community.

    The way in which they’re acting only further hurts the possibility of the desired result arising from any such action.

    Saying just that, albeit in a more abrasive tone, Nugent recently wrote on his Facebook page:

    Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America- Don’t let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist bullsh*t “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta *******s you hang with & look up to. It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely.

    Why is it that America has become more prone to oblige political correctness rather than face the hard problems and come up with actual solutions? What do you think – too harsh or spot on? Do we need more people like Nugent in America? Let us know in the comments.

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  10. #270
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Nugent! LOL

    Scores arrested across the country.

    It's spreading.

    Scores arrested as Ferguson protests spread to other U.S. cities

    By Ellen Wulfhorst, Daniel Wallis and Edward McAllister
    FERGUSON, Mo. Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:10pm EST

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    (Reuters) - Police arrested scores of people in cities around the United States who were protesting a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer for killing an unarmed black teenager, authorities said on Wednesday, but the town where the shooting took place was a little calmer.
    Protests in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and elsewhere came on a second night of street violence in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri, where policeman Darren Wilson shot to death 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. The shooting has highlighted the often-tense nature of U.S. race relations and the strains between black communities and police.
    There was less violence on the streets of Ferguson than on the previous night, as the deployment of some 2,000 National Guard troops to the area helped police prevent the rioting, looting and arson that erupted on Monday night.
    Police made 45 arrests in Ferguson from Tuesday night into early Wednesday for offenses ranging from a couple of dozen misdemeanors for unlawful assembly to five for assaulting law enforcement officers. Thirty of the arrested listed Missouri addresses and one was from Berlin, Germany, police said.
    In other cities, demonstrators marched through city streets, sometimes blocking traffic and scuffling with police. Police in Boston said on Wednesday 45 people were arrested in protests overnight that drew more than a thousand demonstrators.
    Wilson said he was acting in self-defense and his conscience was clear. He told ABC News that there was nothing he could have done differently that would have prevented Brown's death. But the parents of the slain teenager said they did not accept the officer's version of the events.
    "I don't believe a word of it," Brown's mother Lesley McSpadden told "CBS This Morning" on Wednesday.
    Tensions between police and black Americans have simmered for decades, with many blacks feeling the U.S. legal system and law enforcement authorities do not treat them fairly. For example, blacks account for disproportionate percentages of the overall prison population and of the inmates sentenced to death.
    The crowds in Ferguson were smaller and more controlled than on Monday, when about a dozen businesses were torched and others were looted amid rock-throwing and sporadic gunfire from protesters and volleys of tear gas fired by police. More than 60 people were arrested then.
    "Generally, it was a much better night," St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told reporters early on Wednesday, adding there was very little arson or gunfire, and that lawlessness was confined to a relatively small group.
    In New York, where police used pepper spray to control the crowd after protesters tried to block the Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge, 10 demonstrators were arrested, police said.
    Protesters in Los Angeles threw water bottles and other objects at officers outside city police headquarters and later obstructed both sides of a downtown freeway with makeshift roadblocks and debris, authorities said.
    Atlanta police made 24 arrests Tuesday night, including some in a group of about 150 people who broke away from an otherwise peaceful protest of more than 1,000 people and blocked traffic on a downtown freeway, Mayor Kasim Reed said on Wednesday.
    Reed said protesters also threw rocks at police cars and damaged property, including a bank and a taxi cab. No officers were hurt, the mayor said, adding the city police force used a strategy of “available force with a light touch.”
    “I’m not going to have the city of Atlanta look like it’s under martial law,” he said.
    Two Milwaukee police officers suffered minor injuries on Tuesday when they tried to stop protesters from entering the BMO Harris Bradley Center, where the Milwaukee Bucks were playing an NBA basketball game, police said. No arrests were made.
    In Oakland, California, protesters set rubbish on fire in the middle of a street and swept onto a downtown stretch of Interstate 980, briefly halting traffic.
    Four people were arrested for blocking a roadway in Denver, where police said several hundred people turned out for a protest march.
    As the first black president, Barack Obama has come under pressure from some in the black community to speak out more on racial issues and to assume a more visible role regarding the Ferguson shooting.
    Obama remained cautious in his comments in the immediate aftermath of the Ferguson shooting, but has been more expansive in recent days including remarks at the White House after the grand jury's decision.
    He said deep distrust exists between police and minorities in part due to America's "legacy of racial discrimination," adding that "communities of color aren't just making these problems up."
    Obama's Justice Department continues to consider bringing federal civil rights charges against the officer.
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Note the web site listed at the bottom of this pic posted earlier in this thread. It's fairly obvious what groups are infiltrating Ferguson and other street scenes in an attempt to sow chaos in America for the Revolution.

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    This feels like organized distractions from other things this Administration is doing.

    They worked to make this into a crisis to serve a purpose.

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    I concur. I'm wondering exactly from what Ferguson is acting as a distraction.

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    I concur. I'm wondering exactly from what Ferguson is acting as a distraction.
    Ukraine and the Middle East.
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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    November 26, 2014
    John Moore: They Know! Ferguson Cold Hard Truth And Oathkeeper Sgt Maj Dan Page

    By Live Free or Die

    John Moore joins Professor Doom1 in this newly released video report to issue a strong warning about the ongoing situation in Ferguson, Missouri: police know that ‘communists and muslims (ISIS?)’ are funding the Ferguson violence. Moore and Doom also talk about Oathkeeper Sgt Major Dan Page, who previously warned 1000 Russian spetsnaz were coming into America daily and who was suspended from his job for his own involvement in a viral incident in Ferguson seen across the world. Moore joins in at the 30 second mark.

    Missouri police know communists and Muslims (ISIS?) are funding the Ferguson violence.

    Oathkeeper Sgt Major Dan Page warned 1000 Russian Spetsnaz were coming into America.

    Blog comment - YOU BEEN SOLD OUT at the highest levels of government.


    Phase 1 - Began on southern border of USA.
    Phase 2 - Islamic terrorist invasion of America coalescing in Ferguson, MO.

    There is a multi-pronged Islamic terrorist invasion of America. It is beginning to look like that this invasion is coalescing in Ferguson, MO. Phase one of this insidious invasion took place on our southern border under the guise of illegal immigration.
    How Islamic Terrorists Came To America In Large Numbers

    Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated with Hezbollah and ultimately their partner, Hamas. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north to America when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah, instead of the Mexican drug cartels as one would have expected to find. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.
    The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists.

    For the past seven to eight years, the United States government has acknowledged the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have strong ties to the Mexican drug cartels.
    Further Examination Reveals the U.S. Has Been Invaded by Large Numbers of Islamic Terrorists

    At a time when Hamas continues to fire salvos of rockets into Israel while rejecting a ceasefire proposal, the United States has finalized a deal to provide the Palestinian terrorist group’s leading supporter, Qatar, with weaponry worth $11 billion worth of arms.

    Malik and his half brother, the present American President with omnipresent ties to terrorist figures.

    Qatar is also a strong supporter and financial backer of the Muslim Brotherhood, a stance that has led to tensions with some of its Gulf neighbors, who view the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat to their regime. This is where this gets interesting. Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali. We know now from investigative facts supplied by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, in which it was established that Gebali said she would like “to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Shoebat reported in May of 2014 that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which is labeled as a terrorist state by the U.S. State Department .

    The establishment of President Obama’s half brother as someone who has distinct terrorist ties was established in the Arab Spring back in 2011. The notion went unchallenged but largely unreported in the MSM. Are the dots on the wall beginning to connect? Please read on for more.
    Retired Border Patrol Head Speaks Out

    Adding fuel to this fire is a statement that comes from the chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor, who states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these West African groups have been taught to speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they will “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups. This is another piece of evidence that the coming series of pandemics has some governmental agency fingerprints on this invasion. Smart money would say that the CIA is involved. Many sources have linked ISIS to the CIA. Please connect another dot.
    Confirmation From a DEA Source

    Zack Taylor’s revelation is confirmed by one of my DEA sources, through the revelation of circumstantial evidence. My insider DEA source has confirmed that the Sinoloa and Los Zetas Mexican drug cartels receive their weapons and drugs in Peru from a drug cartel known as the SANCHEZ-Peredes. This cartel has been around since 1976 and is protected by the Peruvian army. The SANCHEZ-Peredes have strong ties to Hamas and other terror organizations including the drug trafficking corridor coming out of West Africa. The West African drug operatives are often used as couriers for guns and drugs. The SANCHEZ-Peredes also use the West Africans to transport drugs into the United States. This latter fact clearly explains why the West Africans are being taught to speak Spanish. This is why I would submit that this is an Iran-Contra style affair being conducted by the CIA. These West Africans, many of whom have settled in places like St. Louis, are becoming the vanguard of an invading army of terrorists who are recruiting home-grown terrorists from American inner cities.

    Ominous Connections

    The drug trade in West Africa is tied to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and now probably ISIS. This is an ominous discovery because it now opens the possibility that Ebola,or some other form of bioterrorism, or just plain terrorist cells could be purposely sent to the United States with West African drug couriers. An organization, such as Hamas, could arrange to have a number of West Africans to become exposed to the virus and then fast track them across the southern border under the guise of trafficking in drugs.

    According two members of the St. Louis media and one St. Louis area law enforcement personnel who have agreed to speak to me off the record, St. Louis is now home to a large contingent of West African illegal immigrants, Palestinians with ties to the PLO who are heavily recruiting young black Americans into Islam (see text later in this article) and a very large group of “New Black Panthers” with clear and distinct ties to radical Islam.
    A Key Connecting Dot

    In late June of 2014, The London Guardian described the West Africans’ role in trafficking drugs into Europe and South America (i.e. SANCHEZ-Peredes cartel). Therefore, this terrorist pathway has already been established in the media and it completely confirms what my hesitant, off-the-record sources are saying in St. Louis about the present and growing terror related climate.

    When questioned about the ongoing global chaos by the national correspondent for The Atlantic, James Fallows, then Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said, “I think we are living through one of these historic, defining times. I think we are seeing a new world order.” Many of us were in the Independent media were left scratching our heads at the Defense Secretary’s bizarre and seemingly out of context “New World Order” comment.

    The former commander of AFRICOM who tried to rescue Chris Stevens as part of a military coup to expose the administration’s involvement in gun running to terrorists in order to promote regime change through drug and child sex trafficking.

    Admiral Gayouette provided surveillance for General Hamm’s attempted rescue of theAmbassador. He was discovered and arrested by his executive officer, a CIA plant.

    Yesterday, my best source stated that this was code meaning that Hagel was siding with many military officers who are opposed to the militant Islamization of the military and the planned subversion of the United States by this administration. Hagel has allegedly told Obama he was not going to fire anymore senior level military officers and that Obama or the Joint Chiefs would have to do that themselves. And why has Obama been firing senior military officers faster than they can be replaced? Obama knows that there is a wide spread sentiment in the military to enact a coup against Obama when he moves to permanently dismantle this country. For those who will not believe this revelation, please allow me to remind you that this source already revealed to me a failed coup effort in the attempted rescue efforts of Ambassador Stevens at Benghazi. Had this plot succeeded, Obama would be in prison along with Clinton and several other high ranking cabinet officials who refused to allow a rescue of Chris Stevens.

    After I ran this story, many followed suit in the next few months (e.g. Glenn Beck) and reported the same. After the failed coup, Obama paralyzed the military with more firings. However, Hagel’s actions give rise to certain insiders who believe that another military coup is still in the works and Hagel was refusing to continue as Obama’s lap dog in the purge of high ranking U.S. military leaders. Subsequently, he was fired. My source also revealed that Hagel had to be aware of the Islamic militarization of the so-called black led protests in Ferguson and in other places.

    The Case That This Administration Is Facilitating Agent Provocateurs to Destabilize Ferguson and Other Major Urban Areas Is Strong

    On the first night of rioting, a strong National Guard could have quelled the initial outbursts from radical agitators in the crowd. Yesterday, Paul Watson reported that Lt. Governor Kinder stated that the DOJ blocked the participation of the National Guard and then Ferguson Mayor James Knowles’ complaint echoed that same sentiment that his request for National Guard assistance was repeatedly ignored by Democrat Governor Jay Nixon (on behalf of the DOJ and the Obama administration-see video at this link ). Could the agitation quotient of the DOJ be more clear? They are facing these charges from high ranking Missouri political figures.

    We have Islamic agents of agitation which have come in to this country under the guise of the Summer of 2014 immigration invasion. These individuals have ties to Middle Eastern terrorist as pointed out earlier in the article and they are heavily recruiting young black Americans and teaching them to be disenchanted with their lives, their country and are teaching them to act on their feelings at Ferguson and soon-to-be across the country. We have Islamic missionaries in this countries and they are harbingers of death and destruction. Here is an example of the recruitment tweets being circulated which are designed to recruit young black males and turn them into violent protesters.

    More Islamic Terrorist Ties to Ferguson

    Please read the tweet below and the subsequent translation.

    Message Body:
    فريد بن خالد (@nanosh781) tweeted at 8:48 PM on Tue, Nov 25, 2014:
    ‏: Islamic State
    الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر

    : Islamic State الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر #Ferguson #FergusonDecision #أمريكا_تشتعل #أمريكا_تنهار @Drake

    When the above tweet is translated, it reads “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar” and a proper name – possibly bin Khalid – as the subject.

    This tweet is paying homage to the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad. He was stripped of his position as National Organization of Islam spokesman. Muhammad became the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party. In 1997, he delivered a heated speech at San Francisco State University in which he criticized Jews, whites, Catholics and homosexuals.

    In 1985, Muhammad had become one of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s most trusted advisors with regard to the radical Nation of Islam. Muhammad’s dedication to Farrakhan and to the racist message of the NOI eventually secured him the title of national spokesman. Khalid Abdul Muhammad’s outspoken rhetoric is exceedingly confrontational. His supporters seem to view his hateful speech as expressions of inappropriate rage that traditional Black leaders did not buy into. After he was fired from his with the NOI, he started the New Black Panthers.

    Following the death of Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Malick Shabazz, an avowed racist who labels all whites as being part of the Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. As a Washington, D.C. protest at B’nai B’rith International at which Shabazz shouted: “Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets! Shabazz views the entire white power structure (e.g. courts, police, military) as being being controlled by Jews. It has been widely reported that the New Black Panthers started arriving in Ferguson weeks ago and began recruiting converts to take to the streets. In fact, did you that FOX News, on 11/24 reported that students in Ferguson were being taught how to protest in their respective schools?


    This article demonstrates strong links to terrorist elements between elements of the present administration, including Obama, and known terrorist figures. We now know that it is highly likely that the Justice Department blocked the use of the National Guard on the first night to ferment the violence. We know that the New Black Panthers with clear ties to terrorists and radical Islamic rhetoric are the “boots on the ground” in Ferguson and Melissa Melton has exposed that these actions are taking place in 83 American cities. My fellow Americans, we are being destroyed from within. Reasonable black and white Americans, regardless of their feelings related to the Grand Jury verdict and their refusal to indict officer Wilson, do not want to see this senseless violence.

    However, we are not dealing with people who are reacting to a local law enforcement matter. We are witnessing an Islamic invasion of our inner cities for the express purpose of undermining the nation to the point of starting a civil war.

    I have gone to extensive lengths to expose this invasion as having its roots in Middle Eastern terrorist groups. If you are not convinced reread the first part of this article. It is all there. Exposing this insidious plot to the light of day is our best defense.

    Former Defense Secretary Hagel is not on board and neither are large segments of the military. The next couple of months are going to be highly volatile. IT IS LIKELY TO ASSUME THAT A MILITARY COUP COULD BE FORMING IN THE WINGS.


    Alexandra Hall @chalexhall
    · 3h3 hours ago

    Military vehicle “this is unlawful assembly. You must all disperse now or you will be arrested immediately”

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)
    Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, November 16, 2014, 7:38 PM

    President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not on his daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters “stay on course.”

    What does that mean?

    And why is the president meeting with the violent Mike Brown protesters before a verdict is reached in the court case?

    The Ferguson protesters have looted over 100 businesses in the St. Louis area.

    The New York Times hid this in the 21st paragraph of their report:

    But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

    At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

    Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

    According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

    Obama wants the protesters to stay on course?


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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Farrakhan: 'we'll tear this ***damn country apart' over Ferguson

    By Thomas Lifson

    Speaking at publicly supported Morgan State University in Baltimore, a predominantly black institution of higher learning, Nation of Islam leader Luis Farrakhan issued threats over the shooting of Michael Brown and the no true bill verdict of the grand jury investigating it. The Daily Caller reports:

    Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”

    We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.

    He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.

    Farrakhan argued that violence was justified by the “law of retaliation” HE claims is in both the Bible and the Koran.

    “In this book, there’s a law for retaliation,” he said, while holding up what appeared to be the NOI version of the Koran, and repeated, “A law for retaliation.”

    I am no lawyer, but this sounds like incitement to violence to me. You can watch him below, if you have the stomach.

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Note to Farrakhan: You be outnumbered in America. This don't be no Africa. You don't have a "tribe". You ain't a tribal chief. NO ONE be liking you Muslims here. I think you need to rethink your threats.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Someone needs to wheel old Screwie Louie off to the old folks home. He's like 80 if I remember right.

    Senile fool couldn't even remember the name of Ferguson, calling it Jefferson several times.

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    Default Re: Rioting In Ferguson (St. Louis), MO Following Police Shooting (08/11/2014)

    Police consider charges against Michael Brown's stepdad

    Michael Brown's stepfather is seen in a video calling for the crowd to "burn this b**** down" after learning a grand jury didn't indicted Darren Wilson. The Brown family attorney said no one should judge Brown's parents for their emotional response. VPC

    Police are investigating Michael Brown's stepfather for his actions in the hours after a grand jury determined that the officer who fatally shot Brown would not be charged, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Tuesday.

    CNN reports that police are trying to determine whether Brown's stepfather, Louis Head, was attempting to incite a riot on Nov. 24 when he screamed "Burn this ---- down" to a crowd of protesters after St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced the grand jury's decision.

    Jackson also told Fox News that charges against Head are possible.

    "We are pursing those comments, and there is a lot of discussion going on about that right now," Jackson told Sean Hannity. "But I really can't get into that right now."
    Head's rant appeared on a video shot by The New York Times. CNN, citing Jackson, said Ferguson police have interviewed people who were with Head when he addressed the crowd, but had not yet spoken with Head.

    Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder has repeatedly called for Head's arrest. The idea has drawn plenty of buzz on social media.

    Ashley Angell, of Georgia, tweeted: "#louishead should be CHARGED immediately for the role he played in Ferguson being terrorized & property destroyed! @stlcountypd"
    Canadian Scott Wiley had this to add: "Would LOVE to see #LouisHead charged for inciting #Ferguson riots! Open and shut case from my vantage point."

    Brown, 18, was fatally shot Aug. 9 following a brief, controversial confrontation with officer Darren Wilson, 28. Brown, who was black, was unarmed. Wilson is white. The shooting touched off months of protests, some of them violent. The grand jury's decision further fueled passions, and buildings were burned and looted in the hours after the announcement.

    Jackson has said police are trying to identify the looters, who also could face charges.

    Wilson resigned from the force Saturday, citing threats made to the Ferguson Police Department. Gov. Jay Nixon has appointed an independent commission charged with making recommendations on how to deal with issues raised by the shooting and the violence that ensued.
    Libertatem Prius!

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