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Thread: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

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    Default Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    Terror attack at Paris magazine leaves 12 dead; gunmen escape

    A French police official says 11 people are dead in a shooting at a satirical weekly newspaper in central Paris. Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly, has drawn many threats for its caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, and controversial sketches. (Jan.


    At least 12 were killed and 10 wounded in Paris on Wednesday in an apparent terror attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
    Armed gunmen wearing black hoods stormed the offices of the publication in a suburb of the city before firing automatic weapons in a scene police described as "carnage," local media reported. The attackers were heard shouting "Allahu Akbar," an Islamic phrase that means "God is great."
    Charlie Hebdo is known for its caricatures of the prophet Mohammed and other controversial sketches and has frequently drawn condemnation from Muslims.

    French Europe 1 radio said one of the attackers was heard shouting that the "prophet was avenged."
    President Francois Hollande, appearing at the scene immediately following the incident, said the shooting was "undoubtedly a terrorist attack" and said several other terror attacks had been thwarted in recent weeks.
    Xavier Castaing, head of communications for the Paris police prefecture, confirmed the deaths. The attack may be the deadliest on French soil since a wave of train bombings in 1995.
    Eyewitness images taken at the time of the attack show two men apparently abandoning a car. Luc Poignant, an official of the SBP police union, said the attackers left in a waiting car and later switched to another vehicle. A massive manhunt is now underway across the French capital to find the perpetrators, who may still be heavily armed.
    An injured person is evacuated from the office of the French satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" on Jan. 7 in Paris. Twelve people were killed and 10 more wounded when gunmen firing automatic weapons stormed the office. (Photo: Thibault Camus, AP)

    Hollande said France's terror alert level is being raised to its highest level and promised the assailants — thought to be armed with Kalashnikovs and possibly a rocket-launcher — would be brought to justice. Security in Paris was immediately stepped up in public places, retail spots, transportation hubs and offices.
    At least one police officer was shot and five people were in critical condition, Hollande said.
    Just a few hours before Wednesday's attack took place, Charlie Hebdo published a new cartoon on Twitter that appears to show Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. However, there is no evidence yet suggesting the attackers were motivated by the militant group that has captured large swathes of Iraq and Syria.
    Meilleurs vœux, au fait.
    — Charlie Hebdo (@Charlie_Hebdo_) January 7, 2015

    It's not the first attack on the publication. Three years ago, Charlie Hebdo's offices were the subject of an arson attack in response to its publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed on its cover.
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    This is the sort of attack I have been talking about since before 9-11 happened. Two or three men with guns going into a soft target, like a mall, a stadium, a public school. Yeah, we've had the school part happen, kindergartners, and it was a white American kid (whom I still don't believe DID it, I think someone else did it, and he was a patsy but that's beside the point).

    If they can do that shit in France, where guns are illegal for the most part.... think about here. Think about the Left going batfuckingshit about guns.
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    As USUAL the US Government is AVOIDING using the word "terrorism", avoiding the use of "Islamic" or "attack" and has stated they "don't yet know the motivation for the attack in Paris".

    Can ANYONE in their RIGHT mind believe this shit?
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    Default Re: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    So, these guys were "professional and well trained", yelling "Allah Ackbar!" and shooting people.

    They have "disappeared".

    Five hundred extra cops have been brought in.

    President of France is calling it a terror attack.

    A News paper (magazine) was attacked.

    10 newspaper (the magazine is kind of like National Lampoon in France) people are dead, two cops were executed in their cars.
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    Default Re: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    Obama Redefines Rush to Judgment

    Tuesday, 10 Nov 2009 05:12 PM

    By Pamela Geller

    Barack Obama has advised us not to rush to judgment about the massacre at Fort Hood, Texas.

    “We don’t know all the answers yet. And I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts,” the president said in a statement he delivered from the Rose Garden (while George W. Bush was visiting wounded victims in Fort Hood).

    Obama doesn’t want us to jump to the conclusion that the shootings at Fort Hood were a terrorist attack by an Islamic jihadist, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Obama would rather we forgot that Hasan screamed “Allah akbar” before he mowed down scores of patriotic Americans and gave away Qurans with his business card before his act of jihad.

    Hasan also gave his landlord two weeks' notice – showing that he planned this for a long time. He didn’t just snap.
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    Obama wants us to ignore the fact that Hasan went to a mosque where a jihadist imam preached hatred of America. The same imam was “spiritual adviser” for three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. Obama would rather we didn’t know that, when Hasan was asked his nationality, he didn’t identify himself as an American, but as a Palestinian.

    Obama doesn’t want us to rush to judgment about how Hasan spoke approvingly of the shooting death by an Islamic jihad terrorist of a Little Rock Army recruiter in June. Obama doesn’t want us to draw any conclusions from how Hasan reportedly was heard saying, “maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Times Square.”

    But Obama says, don’t rush to judgment.

    The president was not so circumspect when he spoke out about professor Henry Louis Gates’ arrest by Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley. Obama incited hatred on national television, rushing to judgment against a white cop who was just doing his job.

    Obama tried to incite racial division and wrongly criticized the police during a news conference: “But I think it’s fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 . . . that there’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”
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    The incident, Obama said, showed “how race remains a factor in this society.”

    A few days later, after an avalanche of criticism, Obama backtracked, saying: “In my choice of words, I unfortunately, I think, gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Crowley specifically.”

    But he did not apologize for his rush to judgment.

    Apparently jumping to conclusions is wrong only when it leads to the conclusion that there has been another Islamic terror attack on American soil.

    But to come to that conclusion really doesn’t involve any “rush to judgment” at all. What we know about Hasan makes that abundantly clear. He wrote “Allah” on his door, according to a neighbor, in Arabic. “Allah” on the door.

    During his postgraduate work at the Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences, he was reprimanded for preaching Islam to his patients and other doctors. He drew attention from law enforcement officials with Internet postings under his name that praised suicide bombing, saying that their intention was to “save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers,” and that “if one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory.”

    This was not the act of a crazy person. This was not the random act of a nutcase. Hasan committed murder execution style, at close range. He shot 44 to 50 rounds – that’s a lot of ammunition to come out of those two guns in such a short period of time. This was premeditated.

    But Obama doesn’t want us to rush to judgment. Maybe that’s because Hasan was an adviser to the Homeland Security Policy Institute’s presidential transition task force.
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    The task force was not an official White House entity, but it did make policy recommendations.

    And why not? Everyone was too scared to be called a bigot for saying Hasan was dangerous. Or they just assumed he was a “moderate.”

    Like Obama, they rushed to judgment.

    Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs Web site and is former associate publisher of the New York Observer. Her Op-Eds have appeared in The Washington Times, Newsmax, Human Events, Big Government, WorldNetDaily, the American Thinker, Israel National News, and other publications.

    White House Hiding Photos of Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack

    In an interview on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" Tuesday morning, former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson revealed that photos taken by the White House photographer taken the night of the Benghazi attacks have never been turned over.

    When asked about questions she wanted to see answered by the Benghazi special committee, she said that she had a new list of questions which she intends on publishing. However, she says that the confliction regarding what Obama did that night still remains and the photos might just give the story… that is unless, as usual, the Obama White House is photoshopping them.

    "One of the things my producer and I did early on to try to get clues, because you know they told us so little initially, we requested White House photos taken that night," she explained. "Because if you know how the White House works, a photographer is omnipresent. He would have been there taking photographs in the Situation Room. He would have been taking photographs of the president that night. So we asked for the photos, which in my view, are public information. They are paid for with tax dollars, and they release them when they want them released and they are positive."

    Attkisson said that she had requested the photos. However, though she was told by the White House photo office that she would receive the photos by the end of the day, she was then referred to Josh Earnest, who was deputy press secretary at the time, who refused to respond to both her and her producers' phone calls and emails.

    "The Photo Office indicated initially– this was probably in October or November of 2012– that we could have the photos at the end of the day, and that never materialized," Attkisson recalled. "They suddenly started referring us a White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, who is now press secretary. And they said that Josh would have to approve it, and Josh would never return a call or e-mail."

    "We tried to maintain communication with him or try to make communication with him over a long period of time, and he wouldn't even answer," she said. "We would go back to the White House press, photographer's office and say, 'You have given us an impossible task. You have told us to talk to someone who will not talk to us. You need to give us another route to follow to try and get these photos.' And they would say no, you have to talk to Josh Earnest."

    "So that just went down a dead-end road. I think that is entirely unacceptable, Attkisson added. "The press officers work for the public. They are publicly paid to be responsive to the press and the public. Those White House photos belong to the public, in my view, to the extent that they wouldn't reveal any national secrets. To this day, they remain secret."

    "I would just be interested in seeing whatever they show," she concluded.

    Attkisson, whose computer had been compromised during her reporting of the Obama scandals and who was targeted by the Obama administration, left CBS claiming that she received pressure because her reporting was overly critical of the Obama administration.

    One thing is for sure, the White House has been lying about what took place the night of the Benghazi attacks. Here are just a couple of examples:

    Obama and his administration have been lying to the American people ever since they took office and we've documented that. However, just like my Dad used to tell me, "When you tell a lie, you have to always cover it up with another lie… and then another and another and another, until eventually you don't' even know what the truth is."

    I think Barack Hussein Obama has been engaged in so many lies, that he is has become a mentally ill, sociopathic liar and wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and punched him in the face. Perhaps it's time to invoke the 25th Amendment to deal with this guy since Congress can't seem to find the intestinal fortitude to impeach him.

    As for the photos, I'm guessing they won't be forthcoming, but even if they are, they will more than likely be as fake as the birth certificate on the White House website.

    Obama Does Not Call Boston Bombings Terrorism

    by Ben Shapiro15 Apr 20131863

    On Monday afternoon at 6:10 PM ET, President Obama took to the podium to explain the current status of the White House’s efforts on the Boston bombings. “The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight, and Michelle and I send our deepest thoughts and prayers to the victims,” Obama said. He said that the government did not yet have the answers on the perpetrators. He did not label the bombings a terrorist attack or incident. He also added that “on days like this there are no Republicans or Democrats.”

    President Obama said that Boston police, firefighters, and first responders had acted heroically today. “We salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy,” he said.

    “We still do not know who did this and why,” Obama said, and urged Americans not to jump to conclusions. “Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.” President Obama mentioned Patriots Day, which he said celebrates the free nature of the United States. “I am supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together,” Obama continued.

    President Obama said the federal government was “still in the investigation stage at this point.” He did not take any questions.

    White House couldn’t be sure at first if Paris bloodshed was a ‘terrorist attack’

    posted at 11:01 am on January 7, 2015 by Noah Rothman

    White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest initially responded to the horrific attack in Paris on Wednesday like an automaton.

    In an appearance on CNN at 8:45 a.m. ET, Earnest robotically began by condemning this episode of “violence” and touting the efforts of the administration to counter the impression that Islam is a violent ideology – a staple of all Western counterterror campaigns since September 12, 2001.

    “You keep using the word violence,” CNN anchor Chris Cuomo interjected. “This is an act of terrorism.”

    “Do you see this as an act of terrorism?” Cuomo probed the representative of the President of the United States.

    Earnest’s response was perfectly uninspiring.

    “I think, based on what we know right now, it does seem like that is what we’re confronting here,” he replied. “And this is an act of violence that we certainly do condemn. And, you know, if based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism then we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too.”

    Yes, that’s exactly what this moment calls for: Lawyerly dissembling.

    Shortly before Earnest was due to appear on Fox News to discuss the deadly attack in Paris, President Barack Obama released a formal statement in which he did not display any of Earnest’s undue caution.

    “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrorist attack and the people of France at this difficult time,” Obama said. “France, and the great city of Paris where this outrageous attack took place, offer the world a timeless example that will endure well beyond the hateful vision of these killers.”

    Suddenly, it appeared that Earnest was the recipient of a critical transfusion of human blood. When pinned down by Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer just over 30 minutes later about the administration’s language regarding the nature of this attack, Earnest displayed no reservations about characterizing the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo as an act of terrorism.

    “What we’re seeing here is an event that just occurred a couple of hours ago,” he said in his defense. “But what is clear is that this is an act of violence, an act of terrorism, that we condemn in the strongest possible terms.”

    Was it really reckless speculation to call this attack an act of terrorism at 8:45 but not 9:20? Did a thorough investigation conclude in the 35 minutes that elapsed between Earnest’s appearance on CNN and Fox that assured him it was a responsible course to call this a terrorist attack? Of course not.

    By failing to call this a terrorist attack immediately, the White House was displaying cowardice. They demonstrated the fear that they might offend with the use of the term “terrorism.” It is the same impulse that leads others to dig deep within themselves to seek out a kernel of sympathy for militant Islamists who appeal to violence in order to seek satisfaction for their hurt feelings. Remorselessness, not sympathy, is what is demanded in this moment. Clearly, the White House was not prepared to meet posterity’s expectations this morning.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    Obama is truly making me sick.
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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    An Op-Ed, but sourced well and correct as I see it.

    Prepare For War

    Isn't it about time to go on offense?

    Allan EricksonJanuary 7, 2015

    Most Muslims are not terrorists. That is true, although substantial numbers of ‘peaceful’ Muslims sympathize with violent Jihad. The vast majority of the time, wherever there is trouble, murder, war, and torture, Jihadists are the aggressors.
    Decent citizens worldwide will one day have to decide if they are just going to sit and take it, or act in self-defense. It is my opinion that anyone suspected of being a terrorist, or anyone suspected of coordinating with terrorists, be investigated and arrested and tried. If found guilty, such individuals should receive the maximum penalty. At the very least, the punishment should involve deportation.

    Furthermore, this is not time for gun control. If anything, it is time for increased training leading to responsible gun ownership providing for adequate self-defense. Had those poor souls in Paris been armed, they might have survived, and three murdering Jihadists might rather have met justice.
    Mr. Obama & Mr. Holder: Instead of investigating law abiding citizens, tax payers, Tea Party activists, gun owners, police officers, intelligence agents, and military personnel, how about showing some common sense and courage by investigating the real bad guys, including the tens of thousands of Jihadists right here in America? Perhaps in so doing you’ll finally show yourselves worthy of the trust placed in you by the voters. So far, you’ve failed miserably, and in fact, you’ve been found derelict in your duty, fomenting violence and unrest, and giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Given your track record, we don’t expect improvement. Indeed, we expect you to escalate in the wrong direction. By showing cowardice and weakness, you have made war inevitable.
    The essence of the problem: in Paris today,
    -Jihadists fired about 80 rounds, killing 12 and wounding 4.

    -The French fired zero rounds, and the Jihadists escaped.
    Isn’t it about time to go on offense?
    The bottom line: either we destroy the Jihadists, or they will destroy us. We should have zero tolerance for anyone promoting terrorism of any kind in any location. Americans should organize local militia under the authority of county sheriffs, and prepare for war.
    The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by

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    Paris terror suspects reportedly spotted in northern France, police flood scene

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    Jan. 8, 2015: Forensic police officers look for evidence relating to the three suspects of the shooting attack at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo's headquarters in Paris, in an apartment located in the Croix Rouge neighborhood in Reims, east of France. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

    DEVELOPING: The suspects in the deadly Charlie Hebdo shooting may have been spotted near the small town of Villers-Cotterêts, an hour northeast of Paris, and security forces are searching the area, the AFP reported.
    Two men fitting the description of brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi stole gas and food from a gas station near Villers-Cotterets, in the northern Aisne region, Thursday morning, according to AFP.
    French authorities said the brothers, both in their early 30's, are the two prime suspects in a deadly Islamist terror attack that left 12 dead Wednesday at the offices of a satirical French magazine. Earlier Thursday, Mourad Hamyd, 18, surrendered at a police station in a small town in the eastern region after learning his name was linked to the attacks in the news and social media, said Paris prosecutor's spokeswoman Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre. She did not specify his relationship to the Kouachi brothers.
    The AFP reported that an armed robbery took place at a gas station near Villers-Cotterêts and that the two assailants, both resembling the Charlie Hebdo suspects, fled in the direction of Paris in a Renault Clio which had weapons on its back seat and its license plates covered. The robbery suspects were described as masked, with Kalashnikovs, according to the AFP.
    Cherif Kouachi was already known to French intelligence services, due to his history of funneling jihadi fighters to Iraq and a terrorism conviction from 2008. A police bulletin said the brothers should be considered armed and dangerous.
    France's Prime Minister said Thursday that authorities had made "several detentions" while searching for the men who opened fire inside the offices of the magazine around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. An overnight search in the city of Reims proved fruitless.
    Manuel Valls made the remarks in an interview with RTL radio as France prepared to observe a national day of mourning in memory of those killed at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a publication that had been threatened before for its caricatures of the Prophet Muhammed. Valls told the station that preventing another attack is "our main concern."
    France raised its terror alert system to the maximum level after the daylight attack and bolstered security with more than 800 extra soldiers to guard media offices, places of worship, transport and other sensitive areas. A nationwide minute of silence was planned for noon.
    Fears had been running high in Europe that jihadis trained in warfare abroad would stage attacks at home. The French suspect in a deadly attack on a Jewish museum in Belgium had returned from fighting with extremists in Syria; and the man who rampaged in the south of France in 2012, killing three soldiers and four people at a Jewish school in Toulouse, received paramilitary training in Pakistan.
    One witness to Wednesday's attack said the gunmen were so methodical he at first mistook them for an elite anti-terrorism squad. Then they fired on a police officer.
    The masked, black-clad men with assault rifles stormed the offices near Paris' Bastille monument in the Wednesday noontime attack on the publication, which had long drawn condemnation and threats -- it was firebombed in 2011 -- for its depictions of Islam, although it also satirized other religions and political figures.
    The staff was in an editorial meeting and the gunmen headed straight for the paper's editor, Stephane Charbonnier, widely known by his pen name Charb, killing him and his police bodyguard first, said Christophe Crepin, a police union spokesman.
    Shouting "Allahu akbar!" as they fired, the men spoke in fluent, unaccented French as they called out the names of specific employees.
    Eight journalists, two police officers, a maintenance worker and a visitor were killed, said prosecutor Francois Molins. He said 11 people were wounded, four of them seriously.
    Two gunmen strolled out to a black car waiting below, one of them calmly shooting a wounded police officer in the head as he writhed on the ground, according to video and a man who watched in fear from his home across the street.

    "They knew exactly what they had to do and exactly where to shoot. While one kept watch and checked that the traffic was good for them, the other one delivered the final coup de grace," said the witness, who refused to allow his name to be used because he feared for his safety.

    "Hey! We avenged the Prophet Muhammad! We killed Charlie Hebdo," one of the men shouted in French, according to video shot from a nearby building.

    One police official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, said the suspects were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network. Cedric Le Bechec, a witness who encountered the escaping gunmen, quoted the attackers as saying: "You can tell the media that it's Al Qaeda in Yemen."
    After fleeing, the attackers collided with another vehicle, then hijacked another car before disappearing in broad daylight, Molins said.

    The other dead were identified as cartoonists Georges Wolinski and Berbard Verlhac, better known as Tignous, and Jean Cabut, known as "Cabu." Also killed was Bernard Maris, an economist who was a contributor to the newspaper and was heard regularly on French radio.

    One cartoon, released in this week's issue and titled "Still No Attacks in France," had a caricature of a jihadi fighter saying "Just wait -- we have until the end of January to present our New Year's wishes." Charb was the artist.

    Le Bechec, the witness who encountered the gunmen in another part of Paris, described on his Facebook page seeing two men "get out of a bullet-ridden car with a rocket-launcher in hand, eject an old guy from his car and calmly say hi to the public, saying `you can tell the media that it's Al Qaeda in Yemen."'
    Police reportedly found Molotov cocktails and a jihadist flag in the car abandoned by the gunmen.
    In a somber address to the nation Wednesday night, French President Francois Hollande pledged to hunt down the killers, and pleaded with his compatriots to come together in a time of insecurity and suspicion.
    "Let us unite, and we will win," he said. "Vive la France!"

    Thousands of people later jammed Republique Square near the site of the shooting to honor the victims, waving pens and papers reading "Je suis Charlie" -- "I am Charlie." Similar rallies were held in London's Trafalgar Square as well as Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin and Brussels.
    "This is the darkest day of the history of the French press," said Christophe DeLoire of Reporters Without Borders.
    Both Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group have repeatedly threatened to attack France, which is conducting airstrikes against extremists in Iraq and fighting Islamic militants in Africa. Charb was specifically threatened in a 2013 edition of the Al Qaeda magazine Inspire, which also included an article titled "France the Imbecile Invader."
    Cherif Kouachi, now 32, was sentenced to 18 months in prison after being convicted of terrorism charges in 2008 for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency. He said he was outraged at the torture of Iraqi inmates at the U.S. prison at Abu Ghraib near Baghdad and "really believed in the idea" of fighting the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.

    A tweet from an Al Qaeda representative who communicated Wednesday with The Associated Press said the group was not claiming responsibility for the attack, but called it "inspiring."
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    Default Re: Paris: Terror Attack at Newspaper

    Just in....

    French Officials KNEW about these two brothers before the attack.
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    24 hours of terror: How the Paris attack unfolded

    Jabeen Bhatti and Angela Waters, Special for USA TODAY 1:40 p.m. EST January 8, 2015

    The youngest suspect in the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo's Parisian headquarters has turned himself in, but French police are still searching for Said and Cherif Kouachi. VPC


    The carefully planned attack at the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, where military precision and assault rifles left 12 people dead, differed from terror suicide attacks in that the gunmen had every intention of getting away alive.
    As of Thursday, suspect brothers Said Kouachi, 34, and Chérif Kouachi, 32, both French nationals, remained at-large as a massive police hunt throughout France sought to find them.
    A child lights a candle next to a poster that reads, "I am Charlie," on Jan. 8 in Turin, Italy. Twelve people were killed when gunmen attacked the publication "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris on Jan. 7. The publication had often outraged Muslims with controversial cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. (Photo: Marco Bertorello, AFP/Getty Images)

    Here is a timeline of the events based on accounts from French prosecutor Francois Molins and media reports. All times local.
    8:30 a.m. Charlie Hebdo tweets a cartoon of Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Meilleurs vœux, au fait.
    — Charlie Hebdo (@Charlie_Hebdo_) January 7, 2015

    10 a.m. Journalists from Charlie Hebdo gather for their weekly editorial meeting. A Charlie Hebdo reporter later tells Le Monde that the attackers had to know about the meeting because it was an opportunity to confront the entire staff in one place, since they don't usually work in the offices.

    Cartoonists, police among terror attack dead

    11:30 a.m. The gunmen drive up in a vehicle outside the Charlie Hebdo building in central Paris, and two men get out dressed in black balaclavas and carrying Kalashnikov automatic weapons.
    Cartoonist Corine Rey is returning to the Charlie Hebdo office after picking up her daughter from day care when two gunmen approach her and force her to type in the code on a keypad so they could enter. She later hides under a desk.
    The gunmen ask two people at the building's reception where Charlie Hebdo's office is. They fire, killing one of them.
    The gunmen go up to the second floor to the newspaper's office. They execute 10 people, including the publication's editorial director, four cartoonists, other staff journalists, a guest and a police officer providing security. Eleven others are wounded. The attackers shout "Allah Akbar" (God is great) and say "We've taken revenge against the prophet."

    Paris attack heightens European tensions with Muslims

    The gunmen had separated the men from the women and called out the names of cartoonists they intended to kill, Gerald Kierzek, a physician who treated wounded patients and spoke with survivors, told CNN. The shooting was not a random spray of bullets, but more of a precision execution, he said.
    11:40 a.m. People in neighboring offices run to the building's roof when they hear the shooting and record videos of the attackers leaving in the car left outside the building. Other office workers help treat and evacuate the wounded as police and emergency medical teams arrive.
    Shortly before noon: The attackers drive a short distance to Allee Verte and fire on a patrol car blocking their way. Another exchange of gunfire occurs soon afterward, when a police patrol tries to stop them. They drive down another street and shoot a police officer on Boulevard Richard Lenoir, first wounding him, then killing him as he lies crumbled on the sidewalk.

    'Charlie Hebdo' vows to print 1M copies of next edition

    Just before 1 p.m. The attackers flee to northern Paris, hit another car, then ditch their car and carjack another vehicle. Police find jihadist flags and gasoline bombs in the abandoned getaway car.
    6 p.m. Thousands begin gathering at Place de la Republique for a vigil for those slain.
    French soldiers patrol around the Eiffel Tower on Jan. 8 in Paris. The capital was on high-alert status as police and military units searched for two heavily armed gunmen who killed 12 people at the satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" on Jan. 7. (Photo: Bertrand Guay, AFP/Getty Images)

    Midnight to 3 a.m. Police release photos and names of the three suspects: Chérif Kouachi, 32, and his brother Said, 34. The youngest of the three, Hamyd Mourad, 18, surrenders to police at Charleville-Mézières, 53 miles northeast of Reims in Champagne.

    French terror suspects 'armed, dangerous' and could kill again

    7 a.m. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls announces "several" arrests have been made. French media report seven arrests of associates and family members of suspects.
    7-8 a.m. Two shootings are reported in south Paris. News media report that two police officers are shot in the second shooting. One of the police officers, a woman, dies. Authorities aren't linking the shootings to the terror attack.
    10:30 a.m. A gas station in the Aisne region is robbed. The manager says the attackers fit the description of the wanted brothers, armed with Kalashnikov assault weapons and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

    French police hunt door to door for terror suspects

    Midday: Police swarm an area an hour's drive northeast of Paris where witnesses say they spotted the fugitives.
    Afternoon: Prime Minister Manuel Valls puts the Picardy region, which stretches to the English Channel, on the highest alert level.
    Last edited by American Patriot; January 8th, 2015 at 19:12.
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    French police swoop on villages after Paris attack suspects seen

    * Prime minister calls attack at Charlie Hebdo "without precedent"
    * Police issue photographs of two suspected attackers at large
    * France holds day of mourning (Adds details)
    By John Irish and Christian Hartmann
    CORCY, France, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Heavily armed anti-terrorism police swooped on woodland villages northeast of Paris on Thursday in a manhunt for two brothers suspected of being the Islamist gunmen who killed 12 people at a French satirical weekly.
    About two dozen helmetted and masked officers carried out house-to-house searches in the village of Corcy, a few km (miles) from a service station where police sources said the brothers were sighted in ski masks. Helicopters flew overhead.
    The two fugitive suspects are French-born sons of Algerian-born parents, both in their early 30s, and already under police surveillance. One was jailed for 18 months for trying to travel to Iraq a decade ago to fight as part of an Islamist cell. Officials said they were armed and dangerous.
    In Paris, a policewoman was killed in a shootout with a gunman wearing a bulletproof vest. Police sources were unable to say whether that incident was linked to Wednesday's assault at the Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper, but the authorities opened another terrorism investigation.
    Bewildered and tearful French people held a national day of mourning, and the bells of Notre Dame pealed for those killed in the attack on Charlie Hebdo, a left-leaning slayer of sacred cows whose cartoonists have been national figures since the Parisian counter-cultural heyday of the 1960s.
    The newspaper had been firebombed and hacked in the past for printing cartoons that poked fun at militant Islam and some that mocked the Prophet Muhammad himself. Two of those killed were police posted to protect the paper. One witness described scenes of "carnage".
    World leaders described the attack as an assault on democracy. Al Qaeda's Algeria branch praised it, citing a threat by the militant group's founder against those who mock the Prophet Muhammad.
    Many European newspapers either re-published Charlie Hebdo cartoons or lampooned the killers with images of their own.
    Searches were taking place in Corcy and the nearby village of Longpont, set in thick forest and boggy marshland about 70 km north of Paris.
    "We have not found them, there is no siege," an interior ministry official in Paris said. "There were just some witness accounts, so we are checking."
    Meanwhile, Thursday's shooting of the policewoman on the streets of Paris's southern Montrouge district - whether related or not - set the country even further on edge.
    Montrouge Mayor Jean-Loup Metton said the policewoman and a colleague were responding to a traffic accident when the shooting broke out. Witnesses said the assailant fled in a Renault Clio and police sources said he wore a bullet-proof vest and had a handgun and an assault rifle.
    One police officer at the scene told Reuters he did not appear to resemble the Charlie Hebdo shooter suspects.
    Prime Minister Manuel Valls was asked on RTL radio after an emergency cabinet meeting with President Francois Hollande whether he feared a further attack.
    "That's obviously our main concern, and that is why thousands of police and investigators have been mobilised to catch these individuals."
    Police released photographs of the two suspects, Cherif and Said Kouachi, 32 and 34. The brothers were born in eastern Paris to Algerian parents who died when they were still children. They grew up in an orphanage in the western city of Rennes.
    The younger brother's jail sentence for trying to fight in Iraq a decade ago, and more recent tangles with the authorities over suspected involvement in militant plots, raised questions over whether police could have done more to watch them.
    Cherif Kouachi was arrested on Jan. 25, 2005 as he was preparing to fly himself to Syria en route to Iraq, and served 18 months of a three-year sentence.
    "He was part of a group of young people who were a little lost, confused, not really fanatics in the proper sense of the word," lawyer Vincent Ollivier, who represented Cherif in the case, told Liberation daily. "He hadn't really given any great thought to Islam and didn't seem all that determined."
    In 2010 he was suspected of being part of a group that tried to free from prison Smain Ali Belkacem, a militant jailed for the 1995 bombings of Paris train and metro stations that killed eight people and wounded 120. That case against Cherif Kouachi was dismissed for lack of evidence.
    Video footage of the attack suggested there may have been only two gunmen, who drove off from the scene in a black car.
    A third person wanted by police, an 18-year-old man, turned himself into police in Charleville-Mézières near the Belgian border late on Wednesday. A legal source said he was the brother-in-law of one of the brothers. French media quoted friends as saying he was in school at the moment of the attack.
    In the wake of the attack that rocked France, authorities tightened security at transport hubs, religious sites, media offices and stores.
    During the morning, there were scattered, unconfirmed reports of sightings of the assailants and police increased their presence at entry points to Paris.
    One police source talked of a type of "psychosis" setting in with various reports and rumours, but police had to take each of them seriously.
    The defence ministry said it sent 200 extra soldiers from parachute regiments across the country to Paris to take the number of military patrolling the capital's streets to 850.
    Tens of thousands took part in vigils across France on Wednesday to defend freedom of speech, many wearing badges declaring "Je suis Charlie" in support of the newspaper and the principle of freedom of speech.
    Many German newspapers republished Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
    Britain's Daily Telegraph depicted two masked gunmen outside the doors of Charlie Hebdo saying to each other: "Be careful, they might have pens."
    Charlie Hebdo's lawyer Richard Malka said the newspaper would be published next Wednesday with one million copies compared to its usual print run of 60,000.
    The attack raised questions of security in countries across the Western world and beyond. Muslim leaders condemned the shooting but some have expressed fears of a rise in anti-Islamic feeling in a country with a large Muslim population.
    France's Muslim Council called on all French Muslims to join the minute of silence and said it was issuing a call for "all Imams in all of France's mosques to condemn violence and terrorism wherever it comes from in the strongest possible way."
    Police sources said the window of a kebab shop next to a mosque in the town of Villefrance-sur-Saone was blown out by an overnight explosion. Local media said no one was hurt. (Additional reporting by Valerie Parent, Sophie Louet, Alexandria Sage, Emmanuel Jarry, Nicolas Bertin, Hannah Murphy, Ingrid Melander; Writing and editing by Peter Graff, Mark John, Ralph Boulton and Peter Millership)
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    Muslims fear backlash after Charlie Hebdo deaths as Islamic sites attacked

    Imams condemn Paris gunmen as ‘barbarians’ but fear stigmatisation could mean they ‘pay a price for the atrocity’

    Hassen Chalghoumi, Drancy mosque's imam, in Paris on Thursday paying tribute to the staff of Charlie Hebdo magazine. Photograph: Martin Bureau/AFP/Getty Images
    Jon Henley in Paris

    Grenades and gun shots have struck several Islamic targets in France following the murderous attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police and local media said, raising fears of an Islamophobic backlash among the country’s six million-strong Muslim community.

    Three grenades hit a mosque in Le Mans, in the early hours of Thursday while in Aude, southern France, two gunshots were fired at an empty prayer room.

    A Muslim family in their car in Vaucluse came briefly under fire but escaped unharmed, and a mosque in Poitiers was daubed with graffitti saying “Death to Arabs”. In Villefranche-sur-Saône, an explosion blew out the windows of a kebab shop next door to the town mosque.

    On Thursday a delegation of about 20 imams from France’s Muslim federations visited the Charlie Hebdo offices in the 11th arrondissement of Paris and fiercely condemned the gunmen who killed 12 people, including 10 of the magazine’s staff and two police officers.

    Witnesses said the gunmen had shouted “Allahu Akbar” and “we have avenged the prophet” as they left the scene after the murders.
    “These men are criminals, barbarians, satans. For me, they are not Muslims,” the imam of the Paris suburb of Drancy, said, addressing the media. “Their hatred, their barbarism, has nothing to do with Islam. We are all French, we are all humans. We must live in respect, tolerance and solidarity.”
    Abdallah Zakir, president of the Observatory against Islamophobia, told AFP news agency that he was worried that there would be anti-Muslim events. “We’ve had at least three already, and the day is not yet over. I am afraid that these attacks will only spread in the days to come.”
    With the Front National’s triumph in last year’s European elections, the growing concerns over large numbers of French jihadis going to Syria and Iraq, and the succession of divisive controversies over Islam and its place in French society, these were, said Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grande Mosquée de Paris, not easy times to be a French Muslim.
    In a recent interview with Psychologies magazine, Boubakeur suggested French Muslims felt that it was “easier for other populations from abroad – that for them the integration machine works better”. He added: “Our community lacks recognition, it feels it is looked upon with too severe an eye … unjustly attacked.”
    French Muslims, he said, were condemned to “eternally divided” lives. “That’s true, above all, for the young, who have the impression of being caught between what they feel they are and what French society would like them to become.”
    Coming out of lunchtime prayers at the Adda’wa mosque in the shadow of the Paris ring road, at Porte de la Villette, few worshippers wanted to talk. But many of those who did, braving the cold and driving rain, said they feared they would pay a price for the atrocity.
    “People just lump all Muslims together,” said Ali, who worked for Paris city hall. “They associate all Muslims with what those fanatics did. But you’ve seen us here: we are normal people, going back to our jobs. Muslims are not all the same.”
    French media have reported that the mosque, housed in a bleak collection of temporary huts while it awaits a more permanent building on a site at its former home in the rue Tanger, used to be regularly frequented by the two suspected gunmen, the brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi.
    But Ali, who declined to give his full name, said he had gone to the mosque often, for five years at least, and had never seen the pair there.
    Another worshipper, Mohammed Aklit, 37, a security guard, said he might have seen the brothers but “years ago, maybe once or twice”.
    One man, who refused to be named, said Charlie Hebdo had resorted to publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed – causing uproar in much of the Muslim world – “because they had to sell magazines, they had no money, so that’s they did”. He added: “I reject what happened. But no one should attack the prophet.”
    Nourredine, a taxi driver, said the cold-blooded attack on Wednesday at Charlie Hebdo had left him very saddened and angry. It had reminded him of his home country, Algeria, in the 60s and 70s, he said, where “journalists were often the first to be targeted” by extremists.
    “But you know, we will become victims of this atrocity,” he said. “There is real stigmatisation in France. I love this country, really I do, but this stigmatisation, this amalgamation, this tarring all Muslims with the same brush – all it does is feed the extremists. It helps the Front National, the people who hate and fear Islam.”
    Aklit said he was sure the murders at the magazine’s premises would end up fuelling more hatred of Muslims. “Which is just … wrong. Because my Islam, the Islam of so many of us, is a modern, moderate Islam. It’s about communication, respect, tolerance, understanding.”
    The French people, Aklit said, shivering under a large green umbrella, were mature and intelligent. “They won’t swallow just anything. They know when they’re being manipulated. But you know that’s just as well, really, because there are plenty out there who will be trying to manipulate this.”
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    Charlie Hebdo Massacre Sparks Worries of Copycat Attack Inside US

    Jan 8, 2015, 11:33 AM ET
    By JEFF ZELENY and PIERRE THOMAS Jeff Zeleny More from Jeff »
    Senior Washington Correspondent, ABC News

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    via World News

    Security Raised at French Consulates Across US
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    The deadly terror strike in Paris has awakened worries that such a brazen event could be repeated in the United States.
    “It confirms some of our greatest fears that these attacks are likely to happen first in Europe and then quite possibly over here,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, told ABC News.

    Paris Terror Attack: Manhunt Ongoing for 2 'Armed And Dangerous' Suspects

    Gunmen in Charlie Hebdo Attack in Paris Likely 'Well Trained,' Experts Say

    PHOTOS: Deadly Shooting at France Satirical Newspaper Office

    How the Paris Attack on Charlie Hebdo Unfolded

    Although there are no credible threats inside the country in the aftermath of Wednesday’s attack on the office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, killing 12, police in several major U.S. cities are stepping up security at French installations.
    In addition, the FBI and Homeland Security officials are planning to hold a special conference call with the nation’s top police chiefs to update them about how the attack in Paris was conducted, what weapons were used and guidance about the suspects.
    The warnings come as Congress will begin debating the Homeland Security budget and the funding of immigration programs.
    Administration officials say the attack in France is a wakeup call and homeland security funding should not be threatened by a political fight over immigration. New Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R- Ky., dismissed any concern, but offered a terse and telling statement: “At the end of the day, we’re going to fund the department, obviously.”
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    Gunman Kills Police Officer, Injures City Worker Near Paris The Day After Deadly Terror Attack

    Jan. 8, 2015 3:55am Oliver Darcy

    on the loose - hours after female police officer was shot dead and street cleaner blasted in face as he grappled with 'North African wielding rifle'

    • Office workers receive email warning them to stay indoors after 'armed man' spotted in Paris's business district
    • Policewoman had stopped to investigate a traffic accident in Montrouge just before dawn this morning
    • Two men tried to confront the gunman, who shot one of them in the face leaving him in a serious condition
    • Witnesses describe hearing at least five shots ring out during the assault in the south of Paris
    • Attacker is said to have 'used an M5 assault rifle' before fleeing scene wearing a 'bullet-proof vest'
    • New horror just hours after massacre of 12 at Paris magazine office - including two police officers
    • Masked gunmen stormed offices with AK-47s shouting 'Allahu akbar!' and 'Prophet has been avenged'
    • Manhunt is still underway for two of the suspects in the Charlie Hebdo shooting
    • Massacre gunmen, identified as brothers 'trained in Yemen as assassins', have been sighted in northern France

    Read more:
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    PARIS (AP) — An assailant opened fire on a police officer on the southern edge of Paris early Thursday, killing her and injuring a nearby street sweeper before fleeing, officials and a witness said. France’s interior minister cautioned against jumping to conclusions a day after the deadly assault on a satirical newspaper that killed 12 people.

    The attacker in the pre-dawn shooting Thursday remained at large, said French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. It was not immediately clear whether the attack was linked to the assault on the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, in which two police officers were among the dead.

    Rescue workers tend a victim after a shooting in Montrouge, south of Paris Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015. Two people were shot and gravely wounded at the southern edge of Paris, including a police officer, raising tensions a day after masked gunmen stormed the offices of a satirical newspaper and killed 12 people. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)

    In the Thursday shooting, Cazeneuve said, the officer had stopped to investigate a traffic accident when the firing started. Paris police said the second victim was a street sweeper. The officer later died of her injuries, said Emmanuel Cravello of the Alliance police union.

    “There was an officer in front of a white car and a man running away who shot,” said Ahmed Sassi, who saw the shooting from his home nearby.

    Sassi said the shooter wore dark clothes but no mask. “It didn’t look like a big gun because he held it with one hand,” Sassi said.

    Cazeneuve left an emergency government meeting to travel to the scene of the latest shooting. France is on its highest level of alert after the deadly attacks at Charlie Hebdo’s central Paris offices.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Obama Vows To “Redouble” Our Efforts To Explain What The “True Tenets of Islam” Are…

    White House to issue first-ever fatwa in 3… 2… 1…

    Via Weekly Standard:
    White House press secretary Josh Earnest explained to reporters today that the United States needs to “redouble” efforts to explain “what the tenets of Islam actually are.” He made the comments in response to a question about how the U.S. might respond to the terror attack today in France.

    A reporter asked, “On the U.S. response to the attack in France, is the U.S. concerned about any risk here from this group or similar groups, and is there any plan to raise threat levels or anything like that in response to the attacks in France?” […]

    “What I can tell you is that today’s events in Paris that are so tragic are a reminder of how important it is for everybody to be vigilant about the threats that we face. I don’t say that to hint that somehow the French fell short of needed vigilance, only that today’s tragic terror attack is an indication of just how serious a threat we face.

    And there are men and women in the U.S. national security infrastructure that are working around the clock to try to protect the American people and American interests both here at home and around the world.

    “There are some individuals that are using a peaceful religion and grossly distorting it, and trying to use its tenets to inspire people around the globe to carry out acts of violence. And we have enjoyed significant success in enlisting leaders in the Muslim community, like I said, both in the United States and around the world to condemn that kind of messaging, to condemn those efforts to radicalize individuals, and to be clear about what the tenets of Islam actually are. And we’re going to redouble those efforts in the days and weeks ahead.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    >>like I said, both in the United States and around the world to condemn that kind of messaging,<<

    Then condemn the damn Koran and be over it and it all comes from there! What a fucking idiot.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    And Islam.

    Islam is AN INSULT TO the WEST.

    Time to jihad on them.

    Submit to the west, or die.

    And if you Jihadis think "I'll die", then do everyone a favor and blow your own fucking heads off.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Fiord View Post
    An Op-Ed, but sourced well and correct as I see it.

    Prepare For War

    Isn't it about time to go on offense?

    Allan EricksonJanuary 7, 2015

    Most Muslims are not terrorists. That is true, although substantial numbers of ‘peaceful’ Muslims sympathize with violent Jihad. The vast majority of the time, wherever there is trouble, murder, war, and torture, Jihadists are the aggressors.
    Decent citizens worldwide will one day have to decide if they are just going to sit and take it, or act in self-defense. It is my opinion that anyone suspected of being a terrorist, or anyone suspected of coordinating with terrorists, be investigated and arrested and tried. If found guilty, such individuals should receive the maximum penalty. At the very least, the punishment should involve deportation.

    Furthermore, this is not time for gun control. If anything, it is time for increased training leading to responsible gun ownership providing for adequate self-defense. Had those poor souls in Paris been armed, they might have survived, and three murdering Jihadists might rather have met justice.
    Mr. Obama & Mr. Holder: Instead of investigating law abiding citizens, tax payers, Tea Party activists, gun owners, police officers, intelligence agents, and military personnel, how about showing some common sense and courage by investigating the real bad guys, including the tens of thousands of Jihadists right here in America? Perhaps in so doing you’ll finally show yourselves worthy of the trust placed in you by the voters. So far, you’ve failed miserably, and in fact, you’ve been found derelict in your duty, fomenting violence and unrest, and giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Given your track record, we don’t expect improvement. Indeed, we expect you to escalate in the wrong direction. By showing cowardice and weakness, you have made war inevitable.
    The essence of the problem: in Paris today,
    -Jihadists fired about 80 rounds, killing 12 and wounding 4.

    -The French fired zero rounds, and the Jihadists escaped.
    Isn’t it about time to go on offense?
    The bottom line: either we destroy the Jihadists, or they will destroy us. We should have zero tolerance for anyone promoting terrorism of any kind in any location. Americans should organize local militia under the authority of county sheriffs, and prepare for war.
    The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
    Great article... And as i've said, THIS is the REAL threat, Islamic Jihadism.

    God bless France! May she awake from her Revolutionary slumber, and rise up to produce a new 'Charles Martel', 'Charles the Hammer'....
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Apparently they have these guys (or some like them) surrounded in a hostage situation in France.

    I don't know the precise locations yet. Just got in after an hour drive through the ice this morning.

    Those of you East of me (Ryan!) heads up, this arctic blast brought ICE, lots of it.
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    Police pin Islamic assassins north of Paris; 2 reported dead in 2nd hostage situation

    Are terror attacks being handled correctly?

    The Islamist brothers suspected of killing 12 people in an attack on a French satirical magazine were holding at least one hostage inside a printing house surrounded by police northeast of Paris Friday morning, and at least two people were reportedly dead in a separate, but likely related hostage situation in Paris.

    Hundreds of French security forces backed by a convoy of ambulances streamed into Dammartin-en-Goele, a small industrial town 25 miles outside the capital in a massive operation to seize the men suspected of carrying out France's deadliest terror attack in 54 years. The suspects reportedly told police negotiators they were ready to "die as martyrs."

    Meanwhile, two people were reportedly dead in connection with a separate hostage situation in a kosher grocery on the east side of Paris, where a gunman armed with AK-47s was believed to be holding as many as five hostages, including women and children. The gunman in that case is believed to be the same person who shot a Paris policewoman on Thursday. Authorities believ the second hostage situation is related to Wednesday's massacre and the ongoing standoff involving the suspects in Wednesday's massacre at the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

    The two suspects in the massacre, identified as brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, were holed up Friday inside CTF Creation Tendance Decouverte. Xavier Castaing, the chief Paris police spokesman, and town hall spokeswoman Audrey Taupenas, said there appeared to be one hostage inside the printing house.

    Christelle Alleume, who works across the street, said that a round of gunfire interrupted her coffee break Friday morning.

    "We heard shots and we returned very fast because everyone was afraid," she told i-Tele. "We had orders to turn off the lights and not approach the windows.

    Officials told Fox News that there were four people inside the business when the gunmen went inside, but three people were somehow able to leave the area.

    The Associated Press reported that at least three helicopters were seen hovering above the town. At nearby Charles de Gaulle airport, two runways were briefly closed to arrivals to avoid interfering in the standoff, but were later reopened. Schools went into lockdown.

    Earlier Friday, a French security official told the AP that shots were fired as the suspects stole a car in the town of Montagny Sainte Felicite in the early morning hours. French officials told Fox News that the suspects threw the car's driver out at the side of the road. The driver, who recognized the suspects, then called police and alerted them to the suspects' whereabouts.

    French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that 88,000 security forces have mobilized to find the brothers after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday.
    On Thursday, U.S. government sources confirmed that Said Kouachi had traveled to Yemen in 2011 and had direct contact with an Al Qaeda training camp. The other brother, Cherif, had been convicted in France of terrorism charges in 2008 for trying to join up with fighters battling in Iraq. The sources also confirmed that both brothers were on a U.S. no-fly list.

    Fox News was told the investigators have made it a priority to determine whether he had contact with Al Qaeda in Yemen's leadership, including a bomb maker and a former Guantanamo Bay detainee.

    French President Francois Hollande called for tolerance after the country's worst terrorist attack since 1961, in the middle of the conflict over Algerian independence from France.

    "France has been struck directly in the heart of its capital, in a place where the spirit of liberty -- and thus of resistance -- breathed freely," Hollande said.

    Nine people, members of the brothers' entourage, have been detained for questioning in several regions. In all, 90 people, many of them witnesses to the grisly assault on the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, were questioned for information on the attackers, Cazeneuve said in a statement.

    The minister confirmed reports the men were identified by the elder brother's ID card, left in an abandoned getaway car, a slip that contrasted with the seeming professionalism of the attack.

    A third suspect, 18-year-old Mourad Hamyd, surrendered at a police station Wednesday evening after hearing his name linked to the attacks. His relationship to the Kouachi brothers was unclear.

    Charlie Hebdo had long drawn threats for its depictions of Islam, although it also satirized other religions and political figures. The weekly paper had caricatured the Prophet Muhammad, and a sketch of Islamic State's leader was the last tweet sent out by the irreverent newspaper, minutes before the attack. Nothing has been tweeted since.
    Eight journalists, two police officers, a maintenance worker and a visitor were killed in the attack.

    Charlie Hebdo planned a special edition next week, produced in the offices of another paper.

    Editor Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, who was among those slain, "symbolized secularism ... the combat against fundamentalism," his companion, Jeannette Bougrab, said on BFM-TV.

    "He was ready to die for his ideas," she said.

    Authorities around Europe have warned of the threat posed by the return of Western jihadis trained in warfare. France counts at least 1,200 citizens in the war zone in Syria -- headed there, returned or dead. Both the Islamic State group and Al Qaeda have threatened France -- home to Western Europe's largest Muslim population.

    The French suspect in a deadly 2014 attack on a Jewish museum in Belgium had returned from fighting with extremists in Syria; and the man who rampaged in southern France in 2012, killing three soldiers and four people at a Jewish school, received paramilitary training in Pakistan.
    Libertatem Prius!

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