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Thread: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other iterations

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    Default Re: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other iterations

    Bigfoot lives!? Existence backed by DNA, video, claim Sasquatch Genome Project researchers
    DNA samples and video footage of an alleged Bigfoot sleeping in the Kentucky woods have been presented this week by researchers in Texas who say it all belongs to a ‘human hybrid.’
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    By Nina Golgowski / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
    Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 11:53 AM

    Never-before-seen footage of an alleged Bigfoot creature sleeping in the woods of Kentucky has been presented this week among various blood and hair samples said to be unlike anything seen before.

    A group of Bigfoot researchers say break-through DNA evidence and video like this one allegedly showing a female Sasquatch sleeping in the woods proves Bigfoot's existance.
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    Bigfoot is real, and there's now both DNA and video evidence to prove it, claims one group of devoted Sasquatch researchers.

    The group's "never-before-seen footage" of an alleged Bigfoot creature sleeping in the woods of Kentucky has been presented this week along with various blood and hair samples said to be unlike anything seen before.

    The group's startling statements are supposedly backed by 11 outside laboratories and universities, which all reviewed the findings, and which were provided with blind samples, according to the report by the Sasquatch Genome Project.

    "We want people to understand that this is a serious study," Dr. Melba Ketchum, a genetics scientist, who led the project during the course of the five-year study, told CBS DFW.

    Unsurprisingly, others are challenging Ketchum's credibility, including New York University whose laboratory Ketchum claims similarly tested a field sample and found it having usual human mitochondrial results.

    A tissue sample believed by the researchers to have been taken from a real-life Bigfoot is seen. The hair is described as far more coarse like a horse's than a human's.
    A tissue sample believed by the researchers to have been taken from a real-life Bigfoot is seen. The hair is described as far more coarse like a horse's than a human's.

    Among the genetic and visual findings presented by the group in Dallas on Tuesday is video of what is described as "a reddish brown Sasquatch juvenile" sleeping in the woods after being tracked with her mother.

    The juvenile is said to be just one of many witnessed and filmed in person by the researchers.

    Other findings presented in the report, first published in February, include photos of coarse horse-like hair and at least one tissue sample believed by the group to be from an actual Sasquatch.

    Another photo appears to show "fresh" drops of blood and large marks from "fangs" said to have punctured a metal downspout, according to the report.

    "(A)pproximately one hundred and thirteen separate samples of hair, blood, mucus, toenail, bark scrapings, saliva and skin with hair and subcutaneous tissue attached were submitted by dozens of individuals and groups from thirty-four separate hominin collection sites around North America," the report explains.

    Samples of hair collected from this wooden structure in the woods is said to have contained a never-before-seen genetic structure that is said to be human.
    Samples of hair collected from this wooden structure in the woods is said to have contained a never-before-seen genetic structure that is said to be human.

    Through a generous $500,000 donation, by Bigfoot believer and businessman Adrian Erickson, the researchers say they were able to scientifically analyze all samples collected.

    Labs said to have received them for study included the University of Texas Southwestern, the North Louisiana Crime Lab and NYU.

    But a rep from NYU tells The News that the university never dealt with Ketchum — who holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Texas A&M University — or accepted any data or samples from the Bigfoot Genome Project.

    The Louisiana Crime Lab said it worked with Ketchum on her study but all they did was extract DNA from bones she sent them that she in turn sent to be sampled elsewhere.

    "They didn't know what they were testing," Ketchum told the Daily News Wednesday by phone of the samples sent out. "I have one email from a tester saying 'what have you done, discovered a new species?'"

    A microscopic hair examination shows a variety of hair shaft profiles found. The full length of the hairs was approximately 15 cm and diameters ranged from 80 to 110 µm. Human head hairs typically range from 55 to 100 µm in diameter.
    A microscopic hair examination shows a variety of hair shaft profiles found. The full length of the hairs was approximately 15 cm and diameters ranged from 80 to 110 µm. Human head hairs typically range from 55 to 100 µm in diameter.

    Though all of the samples turned out to be human, according to Ketchum, when the samples were broadened into genome sequences, some parts of the DNA were found to be identical to no other species previously known to man.

    Instead what they say they've discovered is what they're calling a genetic hybrid that defies what scientists once believed about evolution.

    This new specifies, according to Ketchum, "originated from modern human females."

    "We have more data in our paper than ever done before to prove a new species but basic science doesn't like the results," said Ketchum who admits to once never believing in the existence of Bigfoot herself.

    Previous arguments made against Ketchum's findings include her samples' possible contamination by their collectors — intentional or otherwise.

    Dr. Melba Ketchum (r.) with members of the Sasquatch Genome Project. The group accuses mainstream science of being unable to ‘tolerate something controversial.’
    Scott Carpenter/via YouTube
    Dr. Melba Ketchum (r.) with members of the Sasquatch Genome Project. The group accuses mainstream science of being unable to ‘tolerate something controversial.’

    That's an idea she vehemently denies.

    "If you have a contamination you're going to have one profile overlapping over a second profile," she said. "We do not have that in any samples of the study."

    Instead she says all samples were provided by credible sources with the understanding of the proper method of sample collection. Hair samples were further washed to prevent contamination, she said.

    But, despite Ketchum and her team's firm belief that their evidence is credible — some said to have been personally collected after trailing the bigfoots in the field — the researcher says she understands why her findings may be disputed by so many.

    "The scientific community doesn't know what to do with this new find. I call it the Galileo effect," she said.

    Still, in order to protect these creatures that are commonly refered to as "monsters" and even actively hunted by some, perhaps it's for the better, she said.

    "The whole point of this is that these are a type of people and they have culture and there's plenty of evidence of this effect ... they should have rights like we have," she argued. "They're not going to collect welfare and they're not going to be a social burden but they don't need to be hunted or even harassed."

    On a mobile device? Watch the video here
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    "Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

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    Default Re: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other iterations

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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Hey, it's an idea. Only a pro-darwinian bias makes people these days just kind of assume that these creatures are a sort of 'missing link' primative. If they exist without being fully discovered for so long, i'd say these beings might be more intelligent than we are. Both Religions and Mythology (not the same, despite what some might think) worldwide have tales of Giant races, like the Sumerian Annunaki for example.

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    Found 'im.... The Yeti has been discovered. Kind of...

    17 October 2013 Last updated at 06:29 ET British scientist 'solves' mystery of Himalayan yetis

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    Professor Bryan Sykes: "Yeti hairs genetically identical to polar bear"

    Research by a British scientist has concluded that the legendary Himalayan yeti may in fact be a sub-species of brown bear.

    DNA tests on hair samples carried out by Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes found that they matched those from an ancient polar bear.

    He subjected the hairs to the most advanced tests available.

    He says the most likely explanation for the myth is that the animal is a hybrid of polar bears and brown bears.

    Prof Sykes told the BBC that there may be a real biological animal behind the yeti myth.

    "I think this bear, which nobody has seen alive,... may still be there and may have quite a lot of polar bear in it," he said.

    "It may be some sort of hybrid and if its behaviour is different from normal bears, which is what eyewitnesses report, then I think that may well be the source of the mystery and the source of the legend."

    Prof Sykes conducted the DNA tests on hairs from two unidentified animals, one from Ladakh - in northern India on the west of the Himalayas - and the other from Bhutan, 1,285km (800 miles) further east.

    The results were then compared with the genomes of other animals that are stored on a database of all published DNA sequences.

    Suspected yeti footprints - such as these in Nepal - are regularly photographed

    Prof Sykes found that he had a 100% match with a sample from an ancient polar bear jawbone found in Svalbard, Norway, that dates back to between 40,000 and 120,000 years ago - a time when the polar bear and closely related brown bear were separating as different species.

    The species are closely related and are known to interbreed where their territories overlap.

    The sample from Ladakh came from the mummified remains of a creature shot by a hunter around 40 years ago, while the second sample was in the form of a single hair, found in a bamboo forest by an expedition of filmmakers around 10 years ago.

    Prof Sykes said that his results were "completely unexpected" and that more work needed to be done interpreting them.

    He said that while they did not mean that "ancient polar bears are wandering around the Himalayas", there could be a sub-species of brown bear in the High Himalayas descended from an ancestor of the polar bear.

    "Or it could mean there has been more recent hybridisation between the brown bear and the descendant of the ancient polar bear," he said.

    In 2008 scientists in the US examined hairs given to the BBC which some had claimed were from a yeti.

    The scientists concluded that in fact the hairs - obtained from the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya - belonged to a species of Himalayan goat known as a Himalayan Goral.

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    Routine Bigfoot Hunt in Oklahoma Ends With 3 Arrests, 1 Person Shot

    November 5, 2013

    A Sasquatch hunting expedition in Oklahoma ended in tragedy this weekend when one hunter accidentally shot another in the back. A subsequent investigation led to three arrests: the trigger-happy hunter, the trigger-happy hunter's father, and the trigger-happy hunter's wife.

    The incident took place Saturday afternoon in Rogers County. According to Sheriff Scott Walton, two men claim they were hunting the mythical apelike creature when a “barking noise” caused one of the men, 21-year-old Omar Pineda, to turn and fire his weapon. Unfortunately for everyone, Pineda's friend happened to be standing in between the noise and Pineda, and was shot. The friend, while seriously injured, is expected to survive.

    "When you start off with an explanation like that, do you believe anything after that?" Walton said, according to Oklahoma's News on 6.

    The week just got worse for Pineda. After an investigation, the 21-year-old was arrested for reckless conduct with a firearm. No surprise there. But then sheriff's deputies arrested Pineda's father-in-law, Perry Don James. Apparently, James, who is a convicted felon, was concerned about gun charges, so he threw Pineda's weapon into nearby pond. James was booked on complaints of felon in possession of a firearm and destruction of evidence. Pineda's wife was then arrested for obstruction of justice, because she initially told police that someone else had been shooting at her husband and his friend.

    "The aggravating part of this whole deal is that their dishonesty wasted several man hours of not only the Rogers County Sheriff's Office, but our partners at the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office," Walton said. "If [they] had just been factual, upfront and truthful with us and explained that this was truly an accident, as strange as it might sound, we would have went ahead and investigated and probably nobody would have [gone] to jail.”

    Walton later added: "To our knowledge, [we've had] no Bigfoot sightings in Rogers County."

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    Bigfoot hunter claims to have killed beast and has proof

    Self-proclaimed professional Bigfoot hunter, Rick Dyer, has finally released the photos of the hairy monster he allegedly shot and killed last year.

    "Bigfoot is 100 percent real – there's no question about that," Dyer told

    Dyer says he shot and killed the mythical monster in a wooded area of California near Loop 1604 and Highway 151 in September 2012.

    Until Thursday, Dyer provided no evidence of his kill outside of a grainy video he shot of the creature. The video was included in a documentary called "Shooting Bigfoot" which failed to convince skeptics.

    Following a dispute with his investors, Dyer told KSAT he was able to reclaim the body and released a photo of “Bigfoot” on his website.

    "Every test that you can possibly imagine was performed on this body -- from DNA tests to 3D optical scans to body scans," Dyer told KSAT. "It is the real deal. It's Bigfoot and Bigfoot's here, and I shot it and now I'm proving it to the world."

    Dyer invited more than 100 people to come and see the body up close for themselves.

    "We wanted to get people's reactions, make them believers, and we did it to over a 130 people," Dyer said. "We definitely made them believers."

    Dyer promised that this time he is not simply crying wolf.

    "Bigfoot is not a tooth fairy -- Bigfoot is real," Dyer said. "The most important thing to me is being vindicated, letting people know that I am the best Bigfoot tracker in the world and it's not just me saying it."

    Dyer will take the body on tour across North American where he will charge a fee to view the body.

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    Yeah, sure. If he has a body, release it so it can be examined. IF that picture is of "Big foot" then I'd say the guy in the story above is a murderer....

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    oh... and WHO did these tests?

    "Every test that you can possibly imagine was performed on this body -- from DNA tests to 3D optical scans to body scans," Dyer told KSAT. "It is the real deal. It's Bigfoot and Bigfoot's here, and I shot it and now I'm proving it to the world."

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    videos on that one (as usual, I can't see 'em yet).

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    Abominable News: Yeti Identified As Ancestral Polar Bear

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    Samples of hair believed to be from the abominable snowman are actually from an ancestor of the polar bear.

    The discovery raises the possibility that stories of an undiscovered giant primate living in the Himalayas may be based on large and aggressive, but reclusive, bears.

    Bryan Sykes, a human genetics professor at Oxford University, and Michel Sartori, director of the Lausanne Museum of Zoology, formed the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project to test the stories of ‘anomalous primates’ from around the world.

    They and their colleagues analysed 57 samples of hair allegedly from creatures including the Himalayan yeti, sasquatch (Bigfoot) from North America, almasty from Russia, orang pendek from Sumatra, and migyhur from Bhutan, submitting 36 of them to DNA testing.

    Is this what a Yeti really looks like? (Credit Eric Berger)

    But, as they report in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, most were from horses, dogs and in one case a human, or were not hair at all.

    Two of them, however, closely matched the DNA from a polar bear fossil found on Svalbard, an island in the Russian Arctic, dating back 40,000 years to the Pleistocene period, when much of continental Asia was covered with glaciers.

    Although the Himalayan ice field did not connect with the southern-most extent of the polar ice cap, it is conceivable that an ancestor Ursus maritimus could have crossed the gap in winter.

    One of the samples, a golden-brown tuft, came from an animal shot in Ladakh, India, in the 1970s, the other, reddish-brown hair was found in a bamboo forest high in Bhutan described as a migyhur nest.

    The hairs are either from a new bear species, a colour variant of polar bears or a hybrid of polar bears and brown bears, the researchers concluded.

    The next logical step is to mount an expedition to the Himalayas to look for the animals, with the ultimate goal of catching a live specimen, said Professor Sykes.

    It should also encourage “Bigfoot enthusiasts to go back out into the forest and get the real thing,” he told NBC.

    ‘If these bears are widely distributed in the Himalayas, they may well contribute to the biological foundation of the yeti legend,’ Professor Sykes said, ‘especially if, as reported by the hunter who shot the Ladakh specimen, they behave more aggressively towards humans than known indigenous bear species.’

    The discovery is the first scientific success for cryptozoology, literally ‘the study of hidden animals’ (such as the Loch Ness monster), which is often derided as a pseudoscience because of its reliance on anecdotal evidence.

    The story of the Yeti entered Western consciousness when mountaineer Eric Shipton returned from Mount Everest in 1951 with photographs of enormous, human-looking footprints, shown next to an ice axe for scale.

    Many of the reports of similar creatures have since been proven to be hoaxes.

    “Bigfootologist and other enthusiasts seem to think that they’ve been rejected by science, but science doesn’t accept or reject anything,” said Professor Sykes. “All it does is examine the evidence and that’s what I’m doing.’

    He is writing a book about his research entitled The Yeti Enigma.
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    Default Re: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other iterations

    Tonight on the first show of season 3, toward the end they stumble upon a primitive BF burial ground that looked native American. One of the team members (Buck) starts digging in one of the several graves and shortly after BFs start whistling distress calls from every direction as the tribe descends on the trespassers.

    What is that 4, 5 of'em up on that hill? OH SH!T y'all!!! #MountainMonsters

    MOUNTAIN MONSTERS Returns, AIMS Finds Nest of ‘Midnight Whistler’ Tonight! (Video Preview)
    by Mechele R. Dillard

    Lock & load! Fan-favorite Destination America series MOUNTAIN MONSTERS returns tonight and the AIMS team is hot on the trail of a monster with whom most viewers will be familiar: Bigfoot.

    In the season premiere of MOUNTAIN MONSTERS: BIGFOOT EDITION,AIMS begins its epic quest to prove the existence of Bigfoot in Appalachia. AIMS believes that central Kentucky’s clan of so-called “Mountain Whistlers,” i.e. enormous ape-like monsters known for their ear-piercing whistle, green eyes, jet-black hair, and nocturnal behavior, were the first variation of Bigfoot to emerge from the Mammoth Cave system some 3,000 years ago.

    Tonight, the AIMS (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings) team is hot on the trail of one Midnight Whistler after discovering the most elaborate and massive nest they have seen to date (and MOUNTAIN MONSTERS fans know these guys have seen some nests in their day) and must construct a customized trap large enough to contain this 8-foot tall monster. Little does AIMS know that where there’s one Midnight Whistler, others are not far behind.

    Now in its third season, AIMS team leader Trapper and his team of expert hunters and outdoorsmen – including Jeff, Willy, Wild Bill, Huckleberry, and Buck – will be starting 2015 with eight episodes of Bigfoot hunting. The guys have spent their entire lives navigating Appalachia’s rough terrain, surviving off the land, and practicing do-it-yourself resourcefulness in preparation for this, their toughest challenge yet. But, can they defend these mountain communities from Bigfoot, the most legendary monster ever rumored to exist?

    Last seasons finale
    Mountain Monsters - S02E14 - Grassmans Revenge - Full Episode

    Published on Jul 26, 2014

    Mountain Monsters - S02E14 - Grassmans Revenge - Full Episode

    In the Season 2 finale, the AIMS team travel back to Perry County, Ohio, to settle an unfinished score with a massive Bigfoot-like creature. As they work to unravel the mystery of the Ohio Grassman's identity, they face great danger.

    Series following a group of hunters and trappers who have to find and snare the Appalachian monsters to help their local mountain community. Chupacabra, Wampus Beast, Wolfman, Mothman and Grassman - with a distinctive landscape of woods, lakes and valleys, the Appalachian Mountains are a hotbed for mysterious creature sightings. The leading researchers of these shadowy figures are The Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS). The team, founded by John "Trapper" Tice, is skilled in hunting and tracking using both traditional techniques and modern technology. Their mission is to interview witnesses, investigate the scene of the encounter, and eventually capture the creature... or prove its non-existence.

    For generations the Appalachian Mountains have had more sightings of mysterious creatures then anywhere else in the United States. Now a band of hard core hunters and trappers are out to identify these unexplained creatures. When Folk lore bites back it leaves a trail of proof. One tam of native West Virginian sons, seeks the truth. Follow AIMS (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings) as they hunt for these legendary mountain monsters.

    The entire team is made up of backwoods hunters. Each one of them grew up hunting and trapping throughout the eastern United States. They are able to take these unique mountain skills that were engrained in them from a young age, and now use them to pursue unknown creatures. No matter what creature... if it eats, sleeps, and breathes, then this team can locate it.

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    Default Re: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other iterations

    Alright, I watched the whole show.

    A bit over the top. IF they aren't making some of that shit up though, I'd say they have enough evidence that the thing is real. More than one of them.

    Many years ago some of us went on a big foot hunt down in the SE side of Oklahoma.

    We found a print, and heard the noises one of the nights (we camped 2 weeks in the woods in the middle of nowhere). I think these things exist, I've personally seen evidence of hair and foot prints, and I've seen grizzlies in the wild (up close and personal) and they are BIG. But I don't think that the BF is a grizzly. I am sure they are two different creatures.

    Of course with these shows you never know how much is made up.

    We had shiners back in Ky where I lived as a kid and they were the people everyone was scared of, including the county sheriff, and any local cops. No one would go anywhere near the areas the shiners worked. Occasionally the "revenuers" would come in and raid - I now know them to be the AFT. But all in all, they didn't bother anyone if you didn't bother them. And hell, they were local folks anyway.

    Back to Big Foot. I never heard of Ohio Grassman or the other one, but assume they are all (inlcuding from OK, to Washington State) all of the same or similar species. I'd even assume they are all individuals like humans and apes.

    But, who knows. One day, someone will get one. One will get someone....
    Libertatem Prius!

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