Quote Originally Posted by Brian Baldwin
I have to agree with Ryan here. I think it comes down to inexperience more than sympathy.
Now see, I don't necessarily think it is inexperience that Ms. Rice suffers from. She has a lot of experience to be sure.

The problem is plain ignorance and naiveté. She, like many others, takes the Communists at face value because they do not realize the breadth and depth of deception the Communists are willing to go to in order to achieve their goals.

You see, if you talked to her and people like her you would find out that they think that, for example, the Russian Foreign Minister isn't all that different from herself, that the Russian Defense Minister isn't all that different from Donald Rumsfeld, and that President Putin isn't all that different from President Bush. They may have differing viewpoints because each is from different countries but she and others like her believe they are similar to them in that they only want the best for their country and the world. These people don't see the truth.