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Thread: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U.S.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U


    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Barack Obama: NASA must try to make Muslims 'feel good'

    The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.

    By Toby Harnden in Washington
    Published: 8:00PM BST 06 Jul 2010

    Barack Obama wants Nasa to acknowledge Muslim achievements and contributions to science maths and engineering Photo: AFP/GETTY

    Charles Bolden, a retired United States Marines Corps major-general and former astronaut, said in an interview with al-Jazeera that Nasa was not only a space exploration agency but also an "Earth improvement agency".

    Mr Bolden said: "When I became the Nasa administrator, he [Mr Obama] charged me with three things.

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    "One, he wanted me to help reinspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."

    He added: "It is a matter of trying to reach out and get the best of all worlds, if you will, and there is much to be gained by drawing in the contributions that are possible from the Muslim [nations]."

    Byron York, a conservative columnist for the Washington Examiner, characterised Mr Obama's space policy shift as moving "from moon landings to promoting self-esteem"

    Earlier this year, Mr Obama announced the scrapping of the moon programme in favour of an aspiration to visit Mars, cancelling the Constellation programme for manned space flight, the successor to the Space Shuttle.

    It means Nasa would not be able to travel beyond the Earth's lower orbit without international assistance and need the help of allies to make it to Mars.

    The proposal angered Neil Armstrong and Eugene Cernan, the first and last men to walk on the moon.

    Along with Jim Lovell, the Apollo 13 commander, they issued a statement denouncing the decision "devastating" and a plan that "destines our nation to become one of second- or even third-rate stature."
    President Obama Meets ‘Clock Kid’ Ahmed Mohamed During White House Astronomy Event

    Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

    by Charlie Spiering19 Oct 20151,312

    In spite of the hubbub surrounding the appearance of “clock kid” Ahmed Mohamed at the White House, President Obama didn’t make him the center of attention during an event that was squarely focused on astronomy.

    The president made brief remarks at the White House’s “Astronomy Night” before peering through a telescope and visiting briefly with a few of the attendees.

    “We have to encourage those glimmers of curiosity,” Obama said during his remarks which highlighted the scientific curiosities of children around the country, but he did not refer to Mohamed’s experience.

    According to the White House press pool, Ahmed Mohamed was in the third row of the audience.
    White House reporters confirmed on Twitter that he spoke with Obama briefly as he shook the president’s hand.

    In September, President Obama invited Mohamed to the White House after hearing about the event, posting an encouraging message to the student on Twitter.

    Mohamed willingly accepted the invitation to visit Obama, tweeting afterwards that he couldn’t wait to get his clock back and show it to the president.

    But the White House hinted on Monday that it was unlikely that Obama would personally visit with boy or look at his clock. “I don’t believe that the president will have the opportunity to meet with meet one-on-one with Ahmed Mohamed,” Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.

    In an interview with reporters this morning, Mohamed admitted that he didn’t bring his clock to Washington D.C. “because he’s been too busy traveling to pick it up from home,” according to the Dallas Morning News.

    During his visit, he also attended a Council on American-Islamic Relations gala while he was in Washington D.C., according to the same report, and visited the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

    Since obtaining his newfound celebrity, the 14-year-old boy has been traveling the world visiting major tech groups and world leaders.

    Just recently he posed for a photo with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, a known dictator accused of waging genocide in Darfur.

    During his globetrotting, he also had the chance to visit Mecca with his family, as part of a Saudi government sponsored pilgrimage.

    ‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed boosts the Butcher of Darfur

    By Post Editorial Board

    October 19, 2015 | 7:58pm
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    Irving MacArthur High School student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, at his home in Irving, Texas, on Sept. 15. Photo: Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News via AP

    Teen “clock-maker” Ahmed Mohamed’s tale just got a whole lot murkier.

    Ever since his arrest last month, when teachers at his Texas school mistook his clockwork device for a bomb, 14-year-old Ahmed has been on a whirlwind global tour, feted as a victim of Islamophobia.

    That was capped off last night by a visit to the White House at the personal Twitter invite of President Obama.

    But it comes just days after Ahmed gleefully posed for pictures in Khartoum with Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

    OK: Ahmed and his family are Sudanese immigrants; his dad has twice run for the nation’s presidency (despite being a US immigrant), including as recently as last February.

    But Bashir is a mass-murdering warlord, indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    His atrocities have Sudan under US sanctions. Bashir was behind the genocide in Darfur — once a huge cause on the left.

    In 2006, thousands gathered at the National Mall for a “Save Darfur” rally at which then-Sen. Barack Obama declared, “If we act, then the world will follow.” Now the latest cheerleader for the butcher of Darfur is a welcome guest at Obama’s White House?

    All this is just the latest twist to this tale, which has seen the Council on American-Islamic Relations hail young Ahmed as “American Muslim of the Year.”

    Questions have even surfaced about the device itself — now widely reported as just the inner workings of a commercial clock.
    From the start, this affair was bound to be politicized. But the use Ahmed Mohamed and his family have made of his notoriety is appalling.

    Did America Get Trolled By Ahmed And His Clock?

    J. D. Gordon
    Executive Director, Protect America Today

    3:31 PM 09/21/2015

    WFAA screenshot

    It was the story that sparked outrage across America.

    A bright 14-year old student brought a homemade clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas to impress a teacher. But instead of earning praise for his engineering skills and innovation, he was handcuffed, hauled off by police and suspended from school.

    Since he’s a dark-skinned Muslim, the political left cited it as evidence that America is a racist and xenophobic country. Just like they’ve said all along.

    Thus the child prodigy became a national hero. VIP invites poured in, ranging from individuals like President Obama and Mark Zuckerburg to prestigious agencies and institutions such as NASA and MIT. So did generous donations.

    But what if it was all a scam? Based on a hoax? Irving’s version of Ferguson’s infamous, “hands up, don’t shoot.”

    Well, the more we learn about Ahmed Mohamed, his clock, family and friends, and most importantly this year’s bitter struggle between Muslim community leaders and Irving government officials over Sharia Law, it seems a certainty. No offense to Ahmed, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out.

    Let’s start with the clock. It doesn’t remotely resemble one. No, it resembles a briefcase bomb. Photos show a vintage Radio Shack clock, dissembled and put back into a case, with a wire sticking out. Once it began beeping inside a back-pack, that’s when the trouble started. When police questioned young Ahmed, they said he was “passive aggressive,” stubbornly repeating it was a clock and stonewalling other questions. But here’s the thing, even if the Pope or Dalai Lama brought that device into a school, and then played games with teachers and police, they’d get arrested too.

    Unfortunately, most people’s attention span started and ended with just the clock incident. As if it happened a vacuum. Poor Ahmed.

    But there’s much more to this than meets the eye.

    Turns out that Ahmed’s family and friends are activists and provocateurs. They’re front line warriors in battling so-called “Islamophobia,” a term coined by the Muslim Brotherhood and since used to silence any criticism of Muslims, no matter what they do. His dad, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed has engaged in publicity stunts before, like defending the Koran in Florida Pastor Terry Jones’ mock trial in 2010. In a 2011 television debate with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch entitled, “Does Islam Respect Human Rights?” Mohamed identifies himself as President of Al-Sufi Islamic Center in Dallas and former presidential candidate of Sudan. It’s the country where the Muslim Janjaweed militia carried out genocide against non-Muslim black Africans in Darfur.

    During the interview, after “correcting the record” that Islam does not abuse human rights, Mohamed tells us, “even when Prophet Mohammed used a sword, he used it like the doctor used a knife, to heal you and to cure you.” That’s reassuring.

    Ahmed’s handlers include the Council on American Islamic Relations, a.k.a. CAIR, an organization founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in the early 1990s to advance the Islamist agenda. To them, “if you see something, say something,” equals racism. What a great way to disarm America.

    And now, we turn to Irving – America’s battleground in the clash over Islam’s Sharia Law.

    Following an honor killing in which Egyptian taxi driver Yaser Said shot his two teen daughters Sarah and Amina in his cab because they became “too Westernized,” and refused arranged marriages including to man nearly triple in age, Irving officials took a hardline position to help stop repeats.

    In March of this year, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne made national news by pushing a Texas legislature bill, “American Laws for American Courts” which would stop judges from using foreign law in their rulings. She vocally opposed Sharia mediation at a local mega-mosque too. The Mayor knows that even under lenient interpretations, Sharia treats women and girls as property and thus prone to domestic abuse. In the most extreme cases, honor killings.

    Well, guess who’s been out to get the Mayor ever since?

    If you guessed Ahmed’s family, friends and CAIR, you’d be right.

    So, enter the fresh faced, nerdy kid with the NASA shirt, who tinkers with go-carts and just wants to be an engineer someday. Hollywood couldn’t have cast him better. Just three weeks into high school, he secretly carries in a device that any TSA agent at airport security would think is a bomb. Then provokes police to get arrested, leaving the cuffs on just long enough for his sister to snap a photo.

    My fellow Americans, we’ve been trolled. And if we don’t get wise to it, the next Ahmed may very well blow up his school. That’s the inevitable result of silencing teachers and disarming police. Time to face truth, or forever live with the consequences.

    J.D. Gordon is a retired Navy Commander and former Pentagon spokesman who served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2009.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    A Fact Unknown to Obama's Refugee Chief: Boston Bombers Were Refugees

    Kind of important to know that…

    Trey Sanchez

    Barbara Strack is President Obama's chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service of the Department of Homeland Security. That's a fancy title that would at least indicate some cursory knowledge about refugees. But that couldn't have been further from the truth, as evidenced in Thursday's Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest investigating Obama's plan to open our borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees over the next two years.

    One of the top concerns about any refugee coming into the United States is whether or not they have ties to terrorism or are radical Islamists. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, also the Congressional subcommittee's chairman, knows the importance of knowing and monitoring these connections with these asylum seekers. He asked Mrs. Strack if she could confirm that Dzhokhar and Tamerian Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bombers, were in fact refugees. Her response was a bit on the shocking side:

    I would need to check with my colleagues, sir.
    As a help to Strack, The Daily Caller published a bit of background on the Tsarnaevs to freshen her memory.

    ...the Boston bombers actually were refugees, with their parents arriving in the U.S. on tourist visas in 2002 and then claiming asylum on the basis that their ties to Chechnya could expose them to persecution back in Russia. Once their parents were given asylum, the two boys and their sisters were able to also receive asylum by extension.

    That asylum was upgraded to legal permanent residency in 2007. In 2013, the brothers bombed the Boston Marathon, throwing the city into panic and ultimately killing five people.

    In all, the Obama administration is allotting for 200,000 refugees over the next two years, and at least 10,000 from Syria. They will begin arriving next year. Looks like they have the right people in charge over these asylum seekers to make sure Americans will remain safe.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    What is the cost to admit (and care for!) refugees in the US?

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 23, 2015

    Nobody really knows, nor does the refugee industry want you to know!

    We just now reported on a leaked report in the UK that puts the figure at around $36,000 per refugee per year in the UK, but as far as we have ever seen, no official government estimate has been made of the cost of resettlement in the US. That is why the bill introduced by Rep. Brian Babin of Texas is so important. Update: See more on the Babin bill, here.

    Starving Syrian refugees arrive in Kentucky earlier this year. Do Mitch and Rand know that KY is so far this fiscal year the leading Syrian resettlement state? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wor...lamic-charity/

    Here Jessica Vaughn (Center for Immigration Studies) writing at National Review (‘Help Refugees, but Stop Feeding the Refugee-Resettlement Industry’) references a Heritage Foundation report:

    The Heritage Foundation has calculated that the 10,000 Syrians who would be admitted under the president’s plan would eventually collect about $6.5 billion in services over the next 50 years. Much of that would be borne by local communities.

    Read it all.

    And see here at The Atlantic someone did a quick and dirty calculation, but this number only represents the cost of bringing 70,000 refugees in to the country and does not include the welfare benefits refugees receive, the healthcare or the cost of educating the children.

    The process of bringing refugees to the U.S. is handled by three agencies: the State Department, which leads the program, USCIS at the Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services.

    Together, the three agencies spent about $1.1 billion last year. That’s $1.1 billion for 70,000 refugees, which comes to about $15,714 per person.

    Getting at the real costs to federal, state and local taxpayers is an important goal going forward, but be prepared for all involved in the industry to stonewall such an effort.

    Photo caption: Go here to see how KY is Numero uno so far in October for receiving Syrian refugees (97% of those who have arrived so far are Muslims).

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Peduto: Bring us Syrian Muslims!

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 2, 2015

    The Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA is one of 18 mayors who recently wrote to Obama asking the administration to admit 100,000 Syrians to America in the coming year. By the way, 97% of those admitted in FY2015 were Muslims, not persecuted Christians.

    Not concerned about security warnings, Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto “welcomes” Syrians to the city where they need more diversity we are told!

    Here is a story at

    Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is committed to providing safe harbor for Syrian migrants, despite security concerns raised by top government officials.

    Peduto recently joined 17 mayors from across the county urging President Obama to accept more than his proposed number of 10,000 Syrians this fiscal year. The mayors said they would work to find space for refugees in their cities.

    Peduto said he has asked four resettlement agencies — Northern Area Multi-Service Center in Sharpsburg, Jewish Family and Children’s Services in Squirrel Hill, Downtown-based Catholic Charities of Pittsburgh, and AJAPO Refugee Immigration Services in the Hill District — to determine whether Pittsburgh has space for 500 Syrians.

    What! He only wants 500 of the 100,000 he is begging Obama for? It seems to me that if 18 mayors ask for 100,000 that means that each of their 18 cities gets 5,555! All of you in pockets of resistance should be saying, send our allotment to the 18! Including to Baltimore!

    From Left: JF&CS Refugee Services Director, Leslie Aizenman, Secretary of State for the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard and Allegheny County Chief Executive, Rich Fitzgerald. Photo:

    Get the facts straight!

    The government pays about $1,100 per refugee to house, feed and provide basics for the first three months, Mugwaneza [Kheir Mugwaneza, director of the Northern Area Multi-Service Center’s refugee program] said. After that, they must be employed and start paying bills on their own, he said.

    They aren’t telling readers that when the refugee gets the $1,100 per refugee the resettlement contracting agency gets about $800 dollars per refugee and that the agency’s job is to get the refugees signed up for all forms of welfare! Get them their healthcare, housing and sign the kids up for school. See here.

    Now look at this! How many times are we told that refugees are self-sufficient in 3-6 months! What! Without jobs!
    It’s tough to find entry-level jobs for refugees and even harder to find housing. Few landlords are willing to accept families who have no immediate income, said Leslie Aizenman, director of refugee and immigrant services at Jewish Family and Children’s Services.

    She said refugees help rebuild downtrodden city neighborhoods and attract young residents looking for residential diversity, Aizenman said.

    I bet those young inner city African American residents are eagerly anticipating the arrival of diversity, competition for jobs and housing!

    There is more, continue reading here. I wonder why the reporter never mentioned that Peduto and the other 17 mayors specifically said Obama should bring in 100,000?

    Click here for our complete Pittsburgh archive.

    UNHCR has almost 20,000 Syrians picked out for us, lists our resettlement commitment as “open-ended”

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 1, 2015

    Thanks to reader Sheila for sending this UN High Commissioner for Refugees “pledge” list (dated the 7th of October) for Syrian refugees. Note that the UNHCR has chosen 19,646 Syrians for us and has listed our commitment as “open-ended.”

    So why isn’t the Obama Administration’s pledge of 10,000 listed here? Why “open-ended?”
    I urge you to also visit an earlier pledge list (from December 2014) by clicking here.
    Who is running the show? As of December 2014 they already had over 9,000 selected for us!

    Clarion Project: 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 1, 2015
    This should be no surprise!

    From The Clarion Project (Hat tip: Diana):

    The survey was done among Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan which is exactly where Syrians destined for America are coming from.

    A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group. The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.

    The poll surveyed 900 Syrian refugees equally split between Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The think-tank found that 4% expressed a positive opinion of the Islamic State (ISIS) and another 9% expressed a “somewhat positive” opinion of the terrorist group. Another 10% only view the group negatively “to some extent.”

    Continue reading here….

    97% of the Syrians admitted to the US in FY2015 were Sunni Muslims.

    Director of the FBI James Comey told Congress recently that we cannot properly screen them.

    Here are the states where Syrians have been resettled this month (the first month of the 2016 fiscal year

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    100 cities vying for immigrants (legal and illegal) expecting them to boost local economy

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 3, 2015

    No, they won’t boost the economy. The whole idea is a myth! The only boost I can see is that the local economy might benefit from the welfare dollars and other federal government supported programs to build low income housing (boodle for local developers!) and to give immigrants special loans to start businesses (that aren’t offered to low-income Americans)—dollars that arrive in the struggling cities from Washington. Oh, and of course (almost forgot) bring in cheap labor to satisfy big business and the Chambers of Commerce.
    Wealth redistribution?
    Washington doesn’t grow money on trees—it is just your money being recycled for the benefit of the expanding immigrant population and the Left-leaning local governments.

    This article reminded me of Nancy Pelosi. Do you remember when she famously said an expanding food stamp program helped the economy? She is essentially saying that the government needs to take your tax dollars and redistribute them to immigrants and then your money enters the economy of these struggling cities.

    Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily features Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as his opening ‘star’ of the story. We told you about Rawlings-Blake here on Sunday.

    Hohmann found this list of 100 cities vying for your money (collected by the IRS in Washington and doled out to myriad local welfare programs and through grants to state and local governments and to non-profits).

    Please look at this list! Is your city on it?

    Hohmann goes on to report on the 18 mayors looking for a large allotment of Syrian refugees.

    ….a coalition of 100 immigrant-supporting cities seem to be in competition with each other to see which city can offer the most services and benefits to attract foreign-born residents.

    They help them find jobs, overcome language barriers and work around employers’ demands for birth certificates or drivers’ licenses. There are also grants to help them get set up in a business venture.

    So it’s no surprise that Rawlings-Blake is one of the 100 U.S. mayors asking the Obama administration to send her city a fresh wave of Syrian refugees. She is one of 18 mayors who have written a letter to the administration expressing their desire for more refugees. The 18 mayors who signed the letter represent a total of 100 mayors with Cities United for Immigration Action.

    Continue reading (almost 1,000 comments in less than 24 hours). Hohmann reports some very good research by the Center for Immigration Studies on welfare use by immigrants, and he quotes me saying that this whole notion of boosting a local economy makes no logical sense if you include all the COSTS associated with the resettlement of third worlders and if you take out the federal taxpayers’ contribution.

    York County, SC resolution fails, but public gets educated!

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 3, 2015

    Efforts to head off possible resettlement of refugees in York County, SC was slowed when a resolution put forth by one member of the council failed (although it was never put to a vote), but remember that we are up against powerful forces in some states.

    In South Carolina the Republican Governor has already signaled her support of more refugees being resettled in a state which heretofore hasn’t been overloaded (unlike most states surrounding SC). And, the powerful Senior Senator of the State—Lindsey Graham—is openly advocating for the resettlement of Syrian refugees to America. I suspect that when Graham says “jump” the R’s (who desire upward political mobility) in the state do what he says.

    So…. this effort is not wasted because it has obviously generated a discussion (and a controversy) that other local citizens are now learning about.

    Here are a couple of short snips from The Herald:

    Joe Newton came from Georgia (a state that is seriously strained by the refugee flow) to tell the South Carolinians what they can expect. His website is here:

    ….the ordinance worries refugees will receive federal assistance to resettle in the U.S., that they might not work or learn English, become burdens on the taxpayer and “build enclaves, preserving the language and culture of their countries of origin rather than fully integrate into the surrounding community.”

    The motion drew support from speakers at Monday night’s meeting. Joe Newton of Norcross, Ga., spoke before the council wearing a “Stop Refugee Resettlement” T-shirt. He told the council that schools in the Atlanta area have been “overwhelmed” by previously settled refugees who speak 150 languages.

    New refugees would “increase that to 200 languages, plus 18 dialects spoken by the Syrians,” Newton said.
    Governor Haley could stand up for the Tenth Amendment and against federal dumping of the costs of this program on the states if she had any backbone.

    She might not succeed (yet), but the state’s rights issue is one she, as a Republican, should be championing. This is a very reasonable proposal.

    If it had been approved, the resolution would call for Gov. Nikki Haley to stop resettlement until its effects are studied separately by the State Law Enforcement Division and several state departments: Social Services, Labor, Education, and Health and Environmental Control. Resettlement should not resume until every refugee is cleared by the Department of Homeland Security, and “Each South Carolina State Senator holds several Town Hall meetings in his or her district … to determine that there is not substantial public opposition.”
    More here.

    Go here and see the locations of resettlement contractors in the US. If you are within 100 miles of any of them, your town is fair game. I suggest going on the offense and alerting your local elected government that this expensive and potentially risky resettlement of third worlders might be coming your way.
    See our growing archive on South Carolina by clicking here. This post is filed in our ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category, here.

    Asylum scammers: fake passport business booming

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 2, 2015

    That’s what the Wall Street Journal is reporting, thanks to Jeff for sending the story.

    The ‘stars’ of the WSJ piece landed in the UK, but I wonder how many are landing at an airport near you as we speak?
    ISTANBUL—Somewhere over Europe, Kassem went to the airplane’s bathroom and flushed his fake Italian passport down the toilet.

    When he landed in London’s Heathrow Airport a few hours later, Kassem presented his Syrian ID to U.K. immigration officials and requested asylum. The trip wouldn’t have been possible using his actual, Syrian passport—the country’s four-year civil war has turned it into a burden for anyone fleeing the conflict.

    When asked where his passport was, Kassem told the officials: “It’s in the toilet.”

    While hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees make the dangerous sea voyage to Europe followed by arduous treks across the continent, some of their countrymen have used fraudulent Western passports to board planes to countries where they can request asylum. Winter’s approach, turning seas colder, stormier and more dangerous, is expected to increase the practice.

    Continue reading here.

    This chart shows how many successful asylum cases were processed in 2013 in the US. Source: Migration Policy Institute. (I would love to know what countries are represented in that 7,776 (30%) from “other countries,” wouldn’t you?)

    For new readers the difference between refugees and asylum seekers is that we fly the refugees in after the UN selects them for us and asylum seekers get in on their own steam—either illegally across a border or come legally on another type of visa—then ask for asylum, claiming they will be persecuted if returned to their homeland. Once granted asylum however, the asylum seekers get all of the same welfare goodies that refugees receive.

    Are refugees taking from federal programs for American poor and homeless, sure looks like it

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 2, 2015

    This is short and sweet (well, maybe not so sweet). Reader Brenda is trying to figure out what is going on in her state and came across this document from the Department of Health and Human Services that sure looks like the welfare needs of refugees are being met by dipping into resources meant for Americans in poverty.

    Click here, and then see if you can find out if this is going on where you live.

    When the Refugee Act of 1980 was passed by Congress, a promise was made that the refugees would not simply bring more poverty to America, but that is exactly what is happening. Refugees should not be part of our combating poverty programs!

    I wanted to see where the most homeless US military veterans are located and found this map. Fascinating! Most of the largest refugee resettlement states correlate with the states that have the greatest number of homeless veterans—NY, FL, TX and CA. See map!

    Americans first!

    Sacramento to welcome large number of Syrians says resettlement contractor

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 2, 2015

    There is nothing unexpected in this news article about the new CEO of ‘Opening Doors’ another resettlement agency contracted through Church World Service (one of nine major resettlement contractors working for the UN/US State Department), but I bring it to you because it makes some points we have been making lately.

    Deborah Ortiz to be the new CEO of Opening Doors. Photo:

    Yes! They are contractors!

    I had to laugh when I saw this line on their website. South Carolina readers will recall that when Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, Anne Richard, came to Spartanburg she said that they were not “CONTRACTORS,” but had signed “agreements.” Someone needs to tell ‘Opening Doors:’

    Refugees come to us through our affiliate, Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program that is under contract to the United States Department of State.

    First and foremost I was interested in the fact that Opening Doors (largely funded with taxpayer dollars)*** doesn’t just resettle refugees, but works with and for illegal aliens as well. That is a point I have been making lately. Many who want to see illegal immigration brought under control say “legal immigration is good,” but these groups we fund—like Opening Doors—are perfectly fine with promoting the rights of illegal migrants right along with their resettlement work that is paid for by you!

    Here is the story from the Sacramento Bee:

    Deborah Ortiz, a veteran public servant who spent years trying to help immigrants and refugees in Sacramento and the state, will soon be aiding hundreds of new Sacramentans fleeing violence or persecution in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and more than half a dozen other nations.

    On Jan. 1, the former city council member, assemblywoman and state senator will take over as CEO of Opening Doors, a nonprofit agency that helps refugees, immigrants and human-trafficking survivors achieve self-sufficiency through job training, small-business loans and access to legal and social services. Last year, the agency served more than 650 immigrants and refugees and helped resettle 423. It also assisted 94 human-trafficking survivors.

    Since 2011, when the Syrian conflict started, 1,500 Syrians have been resettled nationwide. Sacramento ranks third in the nation among cities receiving them. Since April, Opening Doors, one of several resettlement agencies here, has resettled 25. [97% of those arriving in FY2015 are Muslims, does Church World Service not advocate for persecuted Christians? Guess not!—ed]

    Is Opening Doors keeping a huge chunk of the refugees cash?

    Then this (below) gave me pause. Refugees are given cash by the federal government in the amount of $1,975 per person and the contractor usually pockets around $800 of it (per refugee) for their overhead (they are paid by the head for their work, thus they have every incentive to never slow the flow).

    Does this mean that Opening Doors is pocketing an even bigger chunk?

    Note again, that the contractor’s job is to sign the refugees up for their welfare goodies. You can be sure that no matter how hard they wish it, the refugees are NOT “independent” in three months as they claim.

    Refugees receive $925 in federal funding for the first 30 days. It helps pay for setting up their households, food, housing and nominal expenses. Their refugee status many help them qualify for other income-based public assistance programs including cash assistance, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh (food stamps) for up to eight months for adults without dependent children. Families with children are eligible to receive benefits for four years.

    Opening Doors supports them for three months from the date of arrival in Sacramento. The agency enrolls refugees in ESL classes, human services and employment services to help them to become independent at the end of the three months.

    Maybe it’s the reporter’s fault, but someone needs to see if this contractor is keeping a big chunk of the refugees’ cash.

    *** Here is Opening Doors’ most recently available Form 990. They are a $1.3 million a year business with just about $1 million coming from your wallets.

    Endnote: An Iraqi refugee wrote this criticism of Opening Doors in 2010.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Myth: Refugees get free cars explained; not free, but taxpayer subsidized

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 4, 2015

    One more mention of North Dakota and then I have to do a whole bunch of other things (I expect posting may be sporadic in the coming days).

    Yes, the federal government runs a piggy bank for refugees and cars are one of the permitted goals for the special savings account. The resettlement contractors manage the money.

    When we told you about the myth-buster meeting in Fargo earlier this morning, here, one line in the news account jumped out at me (one of several), but I want to tell you a bit about this one:

    She added that refugees are not given free cars. “They get, at most, a four-month bus pass,” she said.

    For years I’ve been seeing the “free cars” line. There really is an explanation to it, but because whoever asked about it at the meeting probably didn’t ask the right question that allowed Ms. Thomasson to dismiss it as she did.

    In fact, the Office of Refugee Resettlement has a special grant program called ‘Individual Development Accounts (IDAs).

    We told you about it here recently (sorry for daily readers that we have to go over these things, but on some days we have a couple thousand new readers who have never been here before, so we have to repeat information).

    For every dollar the refugee saves for one of 4 possible savings goals, you, the federal taxpayer match them a dollar. This whole program is managed through resettlement contractors like Lutheran Social Services.

    Here is the gist of the program:

    Individual Development Accounts (IDA) are matched savings accounts designed to help refugees save for a specific purchase. Under the IDA program, the matching funds, together with the refugee’s own savings from their employment, are available for purchasing one (or more) of four savings goals:

    Home purchase
    Small business development
    Post secondary education or training
    Automobile (for employment purposes)
    Public or private non-profit organizations administer IDA programming.

    IDA grantees provide matched savings accounts to refugees whose annual income is less than 200 percent of the poverty level and whose assets, exclusive of a personal residence and one vehicle, are less than $10,000. Grantees provide matches of up to $1 for every $1 deposited by a refugee in a savings account. The total match amount provided may not exceed $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for households. Upon enrolling in an IDA program, a refugee signs a savings plan agreement which specifies the savings goal, the match rate, and the amount the refugee will save each month.

    I must mention that there was a time when Catholic Charities was taking donations of used cars and there were some stories about cars going to refugees that way, but I haven’t heard of it in recent years.

    I am guessing that the “free cars” claim is based on the IDAs.

    If the question had been asked in this way: “Do refugees get car purchases subsidized through federal grants?” I would hope Ms. Thomasson would explain the program.

    Incidentally, you can imagine that when word gets out in communities that refugees are getting ‘goodies’ like this and the average low-income American isn’t getting these special deals, some tension likely builds in the community.

    More on the North Dakota poll: Lutheran’s refugee program opposed by 57%

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 4, 2015

    In my previous post I mentioned that in Fargo, ND yesterday, the major refugee resettlement contractor spoke to a gathering hosted by the Chamber of Commerce to dispel the “myths” about refugee resettlement in the US.

    Gotta keep the refugees flowing into North Dakota because LSS has a fancy new building to pay for. LSS is paid by the head to resettle refugees AND they receive other federal grants for all sorts of additional “programs” for their special charges. From a recent FORM990 we learned they received over $10 million in government grants. Here is what we said in August: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wor...-north-dakota/

    After posting it, I came across this news account from Valley News Live which commissioned the poll. And, I want to commend them for taking this initiative!

    Perhaps all of you in ‘Pockets of Resistance’ should encourage a respected news outlet to commission a poll like this.

    The story begins:

    Refugees coming to the United States is quickly becoming a defining issue for the field of 2016 presidential hopefuls. It’s an issue too that directly affects us here in the Fargo-Moorhead area. This is a major resettlement region, and Fargo is home to the largest group of refugees in North Dakota.

    This is the first in a series taking a deep dive into this issue, exploring your opinions, the impacts to our schools, our neighborhoods and our infrastructure, how your tax money is being spent and how this issue extends well beyond supporting or opposing refugee resettlement.

    We, at Valley News Live, wanted to really understand your viewpoints when it came to this issue so we had a solid starting point from which to work. We commissioned a study by Mason Dixon Polling and Research out of Jacksonville, Florida, paid for it and now have those opinions.

    I’m not going to snip the poll results because I want you to go visit Valley News Live yourself by clicking here. Note that Independents made up the most number of respondents indicating very clearly that this issue is not a Republican v. Democrat issue.

    Fargo, ND poll: Most citizens do not want more refugee resettlement

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 4, 2015

    But, almost more interesting to me (in this news account) was the fact that the local CHAMBER OF COMMERCE hosted the event to try to convince the citizens there that they are wrong.

    Readers, if you don’t know it already—The Chamber of Commerce throughout America is FOR more migration to America and lobbies FOR amnesty and obviously is now openly out in front promoting more refugee resettlement. Can you say cheap immigrant labor! And, look at the Republican members of Congress and Senators who are wimps on immigration and you will likely find the Chamber behind them (and funding them!).

    From the Grand Forks Herald (emphasis is mine):

    FARGO — The head of the nonprofit agency tasked with resettling refugee groups in North Dakota gave a presentation Tuesday hoping to dispel misconceptions about refugees.

    Jessica Thomason, CEO of Lutheran Social Services in ND. Photo:

    “Today, we are going to be clearing the air,” Jessica Thomasson, CEO of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, told a crowd of about 200 people at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Fargo.

    Among the notions that Thomasson sought to debunk was the idea that refugees are responsible for increases in crime. “We know there is no correlation,” she said, citing a study that showed: “Immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born population.”***

    Thomasson, whose talk was hosted by the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, said the U.S. Department of Homeland Security screens refugees before they enter the country. “The United States has as one of its policies that we don’t resettle people who have been aggressors in the conflicts,” she said.

    Thomasson’s talk came at a time when refugee resettlement is a hotly contested issue in North Dakota, which leads the nation in refugee resettlement per capita.

    The day before Thomasson spoke, Valley News Live aired the results of a poll the TV station commissioned. Of the 625 adults surveyed in Cass and Clay Counties, 57 percent opposed the continued resettlement of refugees in the area, 28 percent supported it and 15 percent were undecided. The poll had a margin of error of no more than 4 percentage points.

    Continue reading here.

    ***Update*** Here are the survey results. And here is my post on the poll. And, one more update here—“myth” about free cars explained.

    Go here for all of our previous posts on North Dakota. This post is filed in our ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category, here.

    By the way when you check our archives on North Dakota you will see several horrible crimes committed by refugees there—the one that jumped out at me was the Somali mass murder of native Americans, here. Then there was the “hatchet man”….

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    White House wants to speed up Syrian resettlement, wants more than 10,000 asap!

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 7, 2015

    Obama doesn’t have much time left—he has to get as many refugees resettled (seeded!) in your towns and cities as he possibly can before January 2017.

    Here is Reuters yesterday on news that the US State Department is gearing up to open more processing centers in the Middle East so as to speed up the relocation of more Syrians to your towns.

    WASHINGTON, Nov 6 (Reuters) – The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

    Asst. Secretary of State for PRM, Anne Richard, is the likely official who “spoke on the condition of anonymity.” Why not just speak on the record?

    The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 refugees in 2016 from Syria, torn by four years of civil war and disorder.

    The U.S. State Department confirmed the plans to open a refugee settlement processing center in Erbil, Iraq, before the end of 2015, and to resume refugee processing in Lebanon in early 2016, said spokeswoman Danna Van Brandt.
    The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.

    “We want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals,” said one of the officials, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity.

    The State Department runs nine screening centers worldwide that serve as meeting points for refugees and U.S. Department of Homeland Security employees who have to decide who is suitable for resettlement in the United States.

    And get this, we will re-open the processing center in Lebanon (guess those security concerns have disappeared)!

    Homeland Security workers stopped traveling to Lebanon to meet with refugees when the facility there closed over a year ago due to security concerns.

    Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall as the US Department of Homeland Security (FBI) says Syrians can’t be properly screened yet Homeland Security is speeding up the process of getting those not properly screened in here faster to satisfy the White House and UN/US State Department and the contractors.

    UN Dispatch: Top 4 countries in the world for refugees

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 9, 2015

    From the UN Dispatch last week:

    What makes a country a ‘good’ country for refugee resettlement, fairly assuming their burden in the global community?

    Here are four countries on three continents that both quantitatively and qualitatively stand out.

    Antonio Guterres has been the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for almost ten years. While he nags the western world (and particularly the US!) to take ever greater numbers of refugees, he hasn’t been able to persuade the country he once led as its Prime Minister to take more than a handful each year. In 2014 we learn Portugal took a whole 14 refugees!

    With as many refugees arriving in Europe last month than all of last year, this question of where they can and should resettle is all the more urgent.What makes a country a ‘good’ country for refugee resettlement, fairly assuming their burden in the global community? Here are four countries on three continents that both quantitatively and qualitatively stand out.

    With as many refugees arriving in Europe last month than all of last year, this question of where they can and should resettle is all the more urgent.

    The UN goes on to say that the top 4 countries are (drum roll!):

    United States

    Continue reading here to see the rationale.

    US took 67% of the refugees resettled around the world in 2014!

    If you haven’t yet had a chance to look at the State Department’s report on the Proposed Refugee Admissions for FY2016, I highly recommend it (as a matter of fact, I have to stop posting now so I have some time today to continue studying it).

    In the report we learn that the US aims to take 50% of the refugees referred by the UN each year, but what a surprise, in calendar year 2014 (Table VIII p. 70) we took 67% which was 48,911 refugees!

    Germany took 3,467 (4.7% of the total resettled)

    Sweden took 1,497 (2.1%)

    Brazil took 44 (.06%)

    And, just for fun! The UNHCR Antonio Guterres is the former Prime Minister of Portugal and that country took 14 refugees in 2014! So he couldn’t convince his own home country to WELCOME more? (Portugal has promised to take 23 Syrians!)

    Wisconsin state legislator wants state to take in 937 Syrian Muslims, with federal grant money

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 9, 2015

    I don’t know where to turn this morning—already I have 5 states from which we have refugee news (see NJ and Kansas so far). So, in order to get through them, here is a quick report from Wisconsin.

    Why 937 says Milwaukee state legislator? Because that is the number of Jews that were reportedly turned back from America’s shores in 1939. We know that 97% of the Syrian refugees the UN is picking for us are Muslims, so it makes perfect sense doesn’t it that he is proposing 937 Muslims to make up for the mistreatment of the Jews in WWII—-NOT!

    Rep. Daniel Riemer wants the State of Wisconsin to resettle 937 Syrians. Note that he is looking for federal grants for the state. Why not ask the taxpayers of Wisconsin to pony-up? Where does he think Washington gets its money—growing on trees? Or from China? Pick one!

    Showing a complete misunderstanding of how refugee resettlement in America is monopolized by nine federal contractor (four of them have already staked territory in Milwaukee***), Rep. Riemer is recommending that the state of Wisconsin become a resettlement contractor for his 937 symbolic Syrians (presumably in addition to those the federal contractors are already bringing to Wisconsin).

    From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

    It is now time for states such as Wisconsin to take action. That is why I have introduced a bill in the state Assembly that requires Wisconsin’s Department of Children and Families to apply for additional grant funds from the federal government to enable at least 937 additional displaced Syrian refugees to resettle in Wisconsin. The bill already has Republican and Democratic legislative co-sponsors.

    If granted, Wisconsin would use these federal funds to assist in handling the initial cost of settling Syrians fleeing terror. Local religious and nonprofit organizations that receive state funds would continue their good work running existing programs to help refugees, their children and families, to resettle, find work and achieve economic and personal self-sufficiency.

    More here…..

    Any pockets of resistance’ in Wisconsin, if so you need to let Rep. Riemer know what you are thinking.

    ***Four of the nine major federal refugee contractors work in Milwaukee (see list here). They are already being paid by the US taxpayer to resettle refugees to Wisconsin and surely it is just a matter of time before the Syrians are brought in to help colonize Wisconsin (some have already been resettled in Oshkosh).

    ECDC (Ethiopian Community Dev. Council)
    WI-ECDC-01: Pan-African Community Association
    Address: 4063 N. 64th St. Unit A
    Milwaukee, WI 53216
    Phone: 414-442-5864 Fax: 414-535-8829
    LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service)
    WI-LIRS-03: Lutheran Social Service Of Wi & Upper Mi
    Address: 5300 W. Lincoln Ave.
    Milwaukee, WI 53219
    Phone: 414-325-3117 Fax: 414-325-3208
    USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)
    WI-USCCB-04: Catholic Charities
    Address: 6033 W Loyd Street
    Milwaukee, WI 53213
    Phone: 414-771-2881 EXT 121 Fax: 414-475-6541
    USCRI (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants)
    WI-USCRI-01: International Institute Of Wisconsin
    Address: 1110 N Old World 3rd St, Suite 420
    Milwaukee, WI 53203
    Phone: 414-225-6220

    Wichita: School district desperate for more money due to refugee overload, appeals to Governor

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 9, 2015

    Every community contemplating “welcoming” refugees, please pay attention!

    Your schools will be feeling the impact first and the costs will fall on local and state taxpayers!

    (We’ve told you about Wichita here previously. And, btw, Wichita is getting Syrians already, here.)

    This is the news from the Wichita Eagle on Saturday. Refugee kids need “emotional support” and you are being asked to pay for that (whatever that is).

    Gov. Sam Brownback and legislative leaders will weigh a request from the Wichita school district for extra money to help students arriving as refugees from war-torn countries.

    Kansans serious about investigating the history of refugee resettlement in Kansas need to begin with Governor Brownback’s own role in encouraging it as an open-borders Republican who signed a letter last year asking for MORE refugees to be resettled in the US.

    The State Finance Council, which is chaired by the governor and includes lawmakers from both parties, took no action on the district’s request for nearly $1 million to offer language and emotional support to students arriving from Somalia, Myanmar and other countries when it met in August. The council will take up the issue Monday.

    Many of the students arrive with limited English skills and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

    If the district’s request is approved, the money would go toward hiring new teachers and paraprofessionals to assist the teachers in special classrooms for students with high needs and limited English skills.

    Gjerstad said refugee agencies began receiving new families in October with the beginning of the federal fiscal year.
    Two nonprofit groups, Episcopal Wichita Area Refugees Ministries and the International Rescue Committee, have been working with the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement to resettle families in Wichita.

    Lawmakers said in August that they were sympathetic to the district’s request but wanted to wait for more information on the refugee students.

    There are only a few comments. I guess Kansans being colonized aren’t as vocal as those New Jersey commenters are, here.

    Any ‘pockets of resistance’ forming in Kansas?

    If so, you must research the role your governor played in promoting more refugee resettlement to America—he has a long history of involvement!

    In February 2014, Governor Brownback signed a letter (here) with other open-borders Republicans and ginned-up by Grover Norquist to request MORE refugees be resettled in the US. He and the others said:

    Our policies toward refugees are at the heart of our American values.

    And then here we learned that during Brownback’s time in the US Senate he was all for MORE Somalis to be admitted to the US, but just not to be resettled in Kansas. Serious researchers follow links back to VDARE articles from ten years ago. (He failed to keep Somalis out of Kansas, however.)

    Also, see that we have many many posts about Kansas, click here for more.

    Atlantic City: That crazy refugees-to-Revel story isn’t dead yet

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 9, 2015

    We told you the other day that the owner of the shuttered Atlantic City casino—the Revel—is offering it up as a home for a massive number of Syrian refugees and now the NJ Star Ledger is chiming in with an editorial supporting the idea.

    The New Jersey readers of the Star Ledger sure don’t like developer Glenn Straub, the owner of the bankrupt Revel. Photo here:

    This really isn’t worth writing about except for one thing. I spent a few minutes reading the comments and am always surprised to see how vehemently Americans are opposing the resettlement of more refugees, especially those from Syria right now. And, for the most part the commenters (141 at this time) have some understanding of the impact the program will have on their communities. Almost all oppose the idea.

    So read the editorial, here. And, then below are a couple of comments that jumped out at me, and I didn’t even read them all! Go visit yourself, to see which ones strike your fancy:

    646 11 hours ago

    Can you imagine what impact that would have on AC’s infrastructure? More people in schools, more police services, more social welfare programs. Section 8 would probably pay for most of the tenants. That in itself could bankrupt AC.

    whatevernj 7 hours ago

    @Golden Tornado @Jimmytown Trash is the least of the worries. German villages along the border are being destroyed with refugees stealing food, walking into private residences, and non-stop harassment of any female over the age of 10. No thank you.

    RFC123 15 hours ago

    Before setting refugees up in an Atlantic City hotel, how about getting more of the rich Persian Gulf countries (you know, the ones in the region around Syria) to take some of these refugees in? Specifically, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain. These countries have accepted ZERO Syrian refugees

    greg102 16 hours ago

    “This is not a question of practicality or physical space, but a question of our will as Americans to help a people who are in dire need.”–Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ)

    Accepting and housing unvetted Syrians at the Revel is NOT good for America and NOT good for Atlantic city. We should not be manipulated into taking large numbers of potentially violent and assimilation-resistant refugees with a totally alien culture into our country. It is not in our national interest –but Predident Obama has historically done little that’s in our national interest as far as I can tell. One last question for the SLEB/ Pascrell cartel: why are we hearing nothing about the Christians –true refugees that are being slaughtered in Syria –that are barred from entry into the U.S.?

    Stop feeding the r-selected 17 hours ago

    To quote myself from below…

    THis idea has nothing to do with altruism. As you’ve noticed there are plenty of ways altruism can be used to benefit our own citizens.

    Nope, this is all about importing foreigners. Have to think about and ask “why would they want to import foreigners?”
    Is there something about the current US racial and cultural mix they don’t like and want to change?
    If their words and deeds are any indication, the answer is a resounding YES. Your kids are in for a rough future.

    Stop feeding the r-selected 18 hours ago

    Just what AC needs: more unproductive poverty to further drain the welfare system, while those in favor of imposing the burden sit in their gated communities and send their kids to safe non vibrant schools.

    LOL! I especially like that last bit about “non vibrant schools.” Apparently ‘Stop feeding the r-selected’ has read a bunch of the Left/No Borders propaganda about how immigrants and refugees make communities more VIBRANT. Huh? Who says?

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Multi-million $$$ Lutheran group lobbies Congress/White House, demands more Syrian Muslim refugees be admitted to US

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 8, 2015

    It is Sunday morning and if you are a Lutheran you need to have a talk with your pastor—ask what is being done in the name of your faith in Washington.

    LIRS lobbyist (right) Brittney Nystrom with unidentified man delivering demand for MORE SYRIAN REFUGEES at White House meeting. Recently Nystrom said LIRS wants 100,000 Syrians admitted in the next year here:

    Here we learn that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) helped put on a two day lobbying initiative in Washington. Did they do it on your dime?

    Before you read on, have a look at the most recently available Form 990 for LIRS. They took in $48,392,082 in gifts and grants and $46,414,735 (p.9) was from GOVERNMENT GRANTS (TAXPAYER DOLLARS!)—that is 96% funded by you.

    They have at least six employees in the six-figure salary range! See LIRS ritzy Inner Harbor of Baltimore headquarters, here.

    Here is the news from Washington:

    Syrian refugee champion advocate: Representative David Cicilline (D-RI) spoke to the Lutheran lobbying contingent.

    On October 26–27, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) brought together over 30 Lutheran bishops, pastors, service partners, and leaders for the annual Lutheran Immigration Leadership Summit (LILS). This event draws leaders who commit themselves and their communities to the mission of welcoming migrants and refugees. This year, LILS focused on welcoming refugees in the midst of the global refugee crisis.

    Advocacy Training Day

    LILS kicked off with a day of in-depth advocacy training led by noteworthy experts and advocates. LIRS staff prepared participants to call on Congress and the Administration to champion positive refugee resettlement legislation, protect families by rejecting the practice of family detention, and invest in robust resources for refugees. The day drew to a close with a dinner reception that included remarks from Robert Carey, Director for the Office of Refugee Resettlement, who praised and inspired LILS participants for their dedicated work. [By the way, Carey came to his government job from a VPs perch at another federal refugee contractor, International Rescue Committee. They keep it (the flow of your money) all in the family!—ed]

    Read all about their Hill visits and then this when they had an audience at the White House:

    ….and delivered petitions from thousands of Lutherans asking for the resettlement of more Syrian refugees.
    More here if you can stand it!

    No where is it reported that they make all those millions of dollars from resettling refugees where they are paid by the head (by the US State Department) to do it.

    Nor is it mentioned that 97% of the Syrians resettled in the US so far are Sunni Muslims.

    We are not saving the Syrian Christians because the UNHCR is picking our refugees and he told an audience in Washington recently (we were there) that Syrian Christians are not being persecuted and are not in need of protection (I kid you not!).

    ***Update*** If Christian Syrians aren’t being persecuted why are hundreds of them in Jordan being taken care of by one priest, here.

    Therefore….LIRS is lobbying for Syrian Muslims to be resettled in your towns. Go here to see where LIRS works. Is your city one of their targets?

    More on Nystrom and the “cash leeches” here by Rick Wells.

    Lucky Europe! Louseborne Relapsing Fever among East African Refugees, Italy, 2015

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 11, 2015

    That is the title of an article at the Centers for Disease Control which reminds us that it isn’t just the Islamic terrorists that Europe has to worry about, but diseases that had long been eradicated in advanced western countries. Lucky taxpayers too!

    For more than you ever wanted to know:

    More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news……

    From the CDC:

    During June 9–September 30, 2015, five cases of louseborne relapsing fever were identified in Turin, Italy. All 5 cases were in young refugees from Somalia, 2 of whom had lived in Italy since 2011. Our report seems to confirm the possibility of local transmission of louse-borne relapsing fever.

    Louseborne relapsing fever (LRF) was once widely distributed in all geographic areas, including Europe and North America, occurring in association with poverty and overcrowding. In Europe, it virtually disappeared after World War I in parallel with improved living conditions that led to substantially decreased body lice infestations in humans (1). Currently, LRF is reported mostly from Ethiopia and surrounding countries, where it is endemic (2): in this region, it is an extremely common infection with substantial mortality. The causative agent is the spirochete bacterium Borrelia recurrentis. In nature, the only relevant vector is the body louse, which feeds only on humans; no other reservoir for this infection is known (1,3). The incubation period is 3–12 days. We report 5 cases of LRF in refugees to Italy from East Africa that occurred during 2015.

    Italy has recently received large numbers of refugees from East Africa, particularly from Somalia. These refugees come from and travel through countries where B. recurrentis is endemic; along the way, they are often sheltered in crowded conditions with very poor hygienic facilities. Two of the patients reported here indicated that, while staying in Libya, they were held with many other persons in a close environment, and all refugees housed together reported severe itching.

    Many of these refugees enter Italy through Sicily, from where they are sent to reception centers throughout the country. Some of these reception centers have grown to substantial size and now house a more stable population, with continuous input of new arrivals. In these conditions, local transmission can occur with a possible risk for epidemics: 2 of the 5 patients reported here were long-term residents in Italy, and they denied recent travel to Africa, so they probably acquired the infection while being housed in the same facilities as the newly arrived refugees. Although it is possible that they denied recent travel for fear of legal consequences, they are unlikely to have had the opportunity to travel out of Europe for economic reasons.
    More here.

    For future reference this post is filed in our ‘Health issues’ category, here (285 previous posts), as well as in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archives, here.

    Obama Administration to Supreme Court on DAPA (amnesty for parents)

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 11, 2015
    We told you yesterday that a decision by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to stop a portion of Obama’s amnesty would actually be welcomed by the NO Borders lobby as they see it as an opportunity!
    Remember the famous line: “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”

    “This is the moment we have been waiting for.”

    If the Supreme Court accommodates the Leftist community organizers like Marielena Hincapié there will be a major battle on the steps of the Supreme Court early next summer just in time for the Presidential convention campaign kick-offs.

    For those of you in the immigration restriction movement, better plan next summer’s vacation around a trip to Washington especially if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee (the No Borders agitators say they will bring out hundreds of thousands)

    Here the New York Times spells it out:

    WASHINGTON — President Obama will ask the Supreme Court to clear the way for his far-reaching overhaul of the nation’s immigration system, administration lawyers said Tuesday, setting up a battle in the nation’s highest court over whether nearly five million undocumented immigrants can legally live and work in the United States.

    A year after the president asserted the power of his office to provide work permits and protection from deportation for those immigrants, his plan remains under assault by conservatives who have tied it up in legal limbo. On Monday, a federal appeals court said the president had exceeded his authority.

    If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the president’s case during the current term, a ruling could come by next summer, just days before the two political parties hold their nominating conventions for the 2016 presidential campaign. A June decision could ensure a fierce debate on an issue that is critical to partisans on both sides.

    “This is the moment that we, along with millions of families, have been waiting for,” said Marielena Hincapié, the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center. “We are more than ready to take this case to the Supreme Court.”

    Continue reading here.

    And, pray that the Supreme Court drags its feet and does not play politics by giving them the organizing opportunity they so greatly desire.
    Just so you know, Hincapie’ bragged about her connections with the press at the Georgetown event we attended. I’ll have to watch the tape, but I think she specifically said the NYT.

    German Chancellor now wants to return to the old European asylum rules

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 11, 2015

    Invasion of Europe news…..

    After dispensing with the EU rule earlier this year that required that asylum seekers register and apply for asylum in the first country in which they arrive, Angela Merkel now says the rule is back in force. Of course, her earlier “welcome” set in motion the massive flow of migrants that now stretches throughout many countries in especially eastern Europe.

    Merkel reluctantly trying to put the Genie back in the bottle.

    Here is the Wall Street Journal on the reinstatement of the rule. I bet some European leaders, like Orban in Hungary, are further enraged.

    And, who is going to tell the moving masses they must return to the country they first set foot on in Europe.

    Go here to see how many were on the move just yesterday as “Mama” Merkel made the announcement.

    BERLIN—Germany said Tuesday it could reject Syrian migrants if other European countries are officially responsible for their asylum requests, a move that in practice will affect few people but illustrated the government’s mounting efforts to signal that its ability to take in refugees was reaching its limits.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been trying to balance her continued message of welcoming refugees with responding to growing pressure from local and state governments, as well as senior members of her own party, to stem the continuing inflow of thousands of migrants a day.

    The change in policy announced Tuesday was an example of that balancing act. The Interior Ministry said that since Oct. 21, it was again applying to all migrants EU rules that require the country in which a person first registers an asylum request to process that request.

    In August, Germany had announced the suspension of those rules for Syrians, a move that officials say helped spur hundreds of thousands of refugees to make their way to the country.

    There is more here.

    Note to Antonio Guterres! Terrorists do use refugees as cover to get into Europe

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 10, 2015

    When we attended the Georgetown gig the week before last, the UNHCR Antonio Guterres brought the audience to laughter as he went through a little pantomime about why on earth would an Islamic terrorist bother to get into the migrant stream flooding Europe when he might simply fly in, to say, Germany.

    Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

    Surprise! Not! We see that in fact an Al-Qaeda bigwig did attempt to get into Italy hidden among ‘refugees.’

    Here is one of several accounts, this one from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily.

    I want you to pay particular attention to the fact that only because he had been PREVIOUSLY FINGERPRINTED was he caught. So the next time you hear a US State Department official say with all seriousness that refugees are screened using “biographic and biometric data” for security screening—remember if there is no database with names and fingerprints (the most common biometric information) they have no way of cross-checking anyone, let alone the hundreds of thousands of migrants on the move out of Africa and the Middle East.


    Warnings about terrorists infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim boat people washing ashore daily on Europe’s beaches are no longer just warnings.
    For the second time in the past few months, a known terrorist with direct ties to an international terror organization has been caught trying to enter Italy posing as an asylum seeker.

    Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi came to Italy on migrant boat from the failed state of Libya (thanks Hillary!).

    Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi was discovered among 200 refugees in a migrant boat off the coast of Sicily on Oct. 4. He was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with a group that has since been linked to ISIS. He tried to return to Italy last month in a boat that was attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

    But authorities tried to hide the story, fearing their political opponents would use it to create “panic” among the population, the German channel n-tv reported. The story finally got out several weeks after Mehdi was detained last week.

    “This is a totally predictable story to everyone but Angela Merkel and her supporters in Europe (which group includes most of the EU governments and media),” wrote blogger Thomas Lifson for the American Thinker.

    Although he gave a false name, migration officers identified Mehdi through finger print records, according to the Independent.

    If he had not already been arrested and convicted, he would not have had fingerprints in the terrorist database.

    Continue reading here.
    On October 29th, at Georgetown, wouldn’t Guterres already have been aware of the Italian arrest on October 4? How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

    Another South Carolina County Council says no to refugee resettlement

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 10, 2015

    Sorry I’m in a hurry and can’t do this story justice, but wanted to get it posted while it is still breaking news. Berkeley County, SC elected officials passed a resolution last night stating their displeasure at the possibility of refugees being resettled there. Although, remember readers that the US State Department still has the power to foist the program on any community they wish because there isn’t much towns and cities can do to deter them other than to express their views and hope the federal government and its contractors will go somewhere else.

    Berkeley County is just north of Charleston.

    I urge the County Council to make sure SC senior Senator Lindsey Graham and Rep. Trey Gowdy (chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for the Refugee program!) be informed of their opinion.

    From The Post and Courier (thanks to all who sent it):

    MONCKS CORNER — Berkeley County officials made it clear Monday that they do not want refugees resettled here.

    The Republican-majority County Council, following the lead of a some Upstate counties, unanimously approved a resolution saying it does not approve of the Refugee Resettlement Project, a federal program designed to resettle refugees from the Middle East.

    There are not currently any plans to resettle Syrian refugees in Berkeley County, officials have said. Some Republicans say it is hard to perform background checks on Syrian refugees because of the turmoil in their country.

    Richard said in an earlier visit to South Carolina that they would not send refugees to communities that were not “welcoming.”


    “I don’t know what they anticipate in South Carolina,” said state Sen. Lee Bright, a Republican who represents Greenville and Spartanburg counties. “They haven’t brought any Syrians (to Spartanburg) yet, but it’s one of those things where, once they’re here, it’s a little late. I’ve been hearing about a lot of grass-roots movements opposing this and I hope that continues.”

    He said Monday he met with Richards [Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard—ed] and “she basically said if it was an environment that was not welcoming, they would have to rethink it, so as far as that goes, if the county councils pass the resolution, they’re going to be less likely to be affected, at least based on what Anne Richards has said.”

    We will see if the State Department honors that promise because they are scrambling now to find enough places to resettle 85,000 refugees in the next twelve months, 10,000 of whom will be mostly Muslim Syrians.

    Go here for all of our many posts on South Carolina.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    First load of 10,000 Syrian refugees arrived in New Orleans to be dispersed throughout America

    'Breaking! They’re heeeeeere! First load of 10,000 Syrian refugees has arrived in New Orleans, being resettled into 180 unsuspecting US communities

    by Thomas Madison November 13, 2015 muslim invasion

    By Thomas Madison

    President Barack Hussein promised that he would be sending thousands of Syrian refugees to the US. Well, he is keeping that promise!

    Photo, above: Muslim refugees arriving in New Orleans. See any women and children in this group?
    By Thomas Madison

    President Barack Hussein promised that he would be sending thousands of Syrian refugees to the US. Well, he is keeping that promise!
    The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. See the list below to find a town close to you.

    So, it costs $16,000 a copy to resettle these Islamists into the United States. What the hell, we can afford it, right? NOT! We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in federal debt. Stop the bleeding!

    From John Binder, The Hayride

    After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.

    Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.

    There are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:

    US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

    by zerohedge

    US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

    The 10,000 Syrian refugees are first flown to the United States, according to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, with the State Department paying the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the airfare.

    Then, once the refugees arrive in the country, they could be dispersed across the 180 cities listed above, where they are to aided within the first 30 to 90 days in settling and finding employment in the area.

    After approximately 90 days, refugees are no longer eligible for the State Department-funded support that they were receiving through migrant and refugee services. However, they are able to join support programs through the Department of Health and Human Services.

    Additionally, it is unclear how much the screening process for the 10,000 Syrian refugees will cost American taxpayers.

    The State Department spent $1.1 billion resettling people from around the world in the country last year. That’s about $16,000 per person.

    FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees


    Obama plans to bring 10,000 additional Syrian Refugees to the U.S. this year, yet the FBI has already said they do not have a way to properly vet the refugees, which could cause a threat to national security.

    "We don't have it under control," Mr. Michael Steinback, Assistant Director for the FBI told the House Homeland Security committee in February.

    "Absolutely, we're doing the best we can. If I were to say that we had it under control, then I would say I know of every single individual traveling. I don't. And I don't know every person there and I don't know everyone coming back. So it's not even close to being under control."

    The chairman of the Homeland Security committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), asked officials from DHS, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), "if bringing in Syrian refugees pose a greater risk to Americans?" Steinback responded, "Yes, I'm concerned. We'll have to go take a look at those lists and go through all of those intelligence holdings and be very careful to try and identify connections to foreign terrorist groups."

    Last week Rep. McCaul renewed the concern that ISIS wants to use the refugee crisis to sneak into western countries. "The President wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone. We also know that ISIS wants to use refugee routes as cover to sneak operatives into the West," he said in a statement.

    McCaul continued, "I implore the president to consult with Congress before taking any drastic action and to level with the American people about the very real security challenges we face."

    NumbersUSA has called for passage of Rep. Brian Babin's (R-Texas) Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, H.R.3314, that would immediately suspend the refugee resettlement program in the United States until the Government Accountability Office can further examine its costs and potential threats to national security. In the meantime, NumbersUSA and other leaders, including Virginia Senator and former Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine have called for the establishment of refugee camps closer to the region.

    Read More at the Daily Caller.

    DHS admits we have no screening process for 'Syrian refugees'

    October 8, 2015

    By Carol Brown

    Should we screen “Syrian refugees”? Yes. And no.

    Yes, because this administration will continue to import Muslim invaders. As such, having a way to vet them would be better than having no way to vet them. But it turns out we have no way to vet them. Investor’s Business Daily reports:
    … As the White House prepares to dump another 10,000 Syrian refugees on U.S. cities, it assures us these mostly Muslim men undergo a "robust screening" process. Not so, admits the agency responsible for such vetting.

    Under grilling from GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, head of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, the Homeland Security official in charge of vetting Syrian and other foreign Muslim refugees confessed that no police or intelligence databases exist to check the backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.

    "Does Syria have any?" Sessions asked. "The government does not, no sir," answered Matthew Emrich, associate director for fraud detection and national security at DHS' U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    Sessions further inquired: "You don't have their criminal records, you don't have the computer database that you can check?" Confessed Emrich: "In many countries the U.S. accepts refugees from, the country did not have extensive data holdings."

    While a startling admission, it confirms previous reporting. Senior FBI officials recently testified that they have no idea who these people are, and they can't find out what type of backgrounds they have — criminal, terrorist or otherwise — because there are no vetting opportunities in those war-torn countries.

    Syria and Iraq, along with Somalia and Sudan, are failed states where police records aren't even kept. Agents can't vet somebody if they don't have documentation and don't even have the criminal databases to screen applicants.

    So the truth is, we are not vetting these Muslim refugees at all….
    Well how about that? The “robust screening process” is a fiction.

    But screening (or lack thereof) aside, to answer the question I posed at the beginning of the piece, I also say “no,” ideally, we do not need a screening process.

    Because (ideally) we would not even consider accepting a single one of these people pouring out of Islamic countries like a plague.

    Because we know that their culture and values (such as they are) are diametrically opposed to our own.

    Because we know from recent history they do not assimilate. Because we know that far too many of them want sharia law.

    Because we know that jihadists will be among them.

    Because we know that many more will become jihadists once they arrive in here.

    Because we know they are wreaking havoc in Europe as criminals, rapists, thugs, terrorists, and soon-to-be terrorists swarm across the continent, descending on cities and towns with screaming demands and hate for the very people (idiots) who are welcoming them.

    Because we know about hijrah and Muslim conquest.

    So here’s the deal: even if we had a good screening mechanism, we still should not be accepting any of these invaders. Not a single one. None. No one. The accept-not-a-one plan is smart and simple. It circumvents the need for a screening process and keeps us safe at the same time.

    There. Problem solved.

    Hat tip: Jihad Watch

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama Administration moving in Somali Refugees from our Southern Border in Homeland Security Buses to undisclosed locations inside CONUS.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    If ONE of these assholes does ANYTHING, Americans need to hunt every, last one of them down and remove them from the planet.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Thanks Catholic Social Services for helping Obama import people potentially cutting the heads off of Catholics overseas.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    New York Senator Wants to Take in 1.5 Million Syrian Migrants

    How many of those 1.5 million can we dump on her lawn?

    November 12, 2015
    Daniel Greenfield

    Kirsten Gillibrand is the least qualified person in the Senate. Picked by Schumer as part of some local political payola, she beat out the even more unqualified Caroline Kennedy (whom Obama instead inflicted on the long-suffering people of Japan) to be the other Senator from New York.

    You know, the one who doesn't do anything except make awkward efforts to pretend that she has some idea of what she's doing.

    So CBS had to go and ask her about Syria. Which is like asking a marmot about nanotechnology. And she gave the stupidest possible combination of answers.
    Obama recently announced plans to send fewer than 50 Special Operations troops to Syria in an advisory role.

    “I don't think it's a strategy that will work long-term,” Gillibrand said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

    She also noted that she is opposed to escalating military involvement and sending in more troops. Instead, she favors an increased focus on countering the humanitarian crisis, saying the United States could be taking in more refugees, as Germany is.

    Syria's humanitarian crisis is military in nature. Taking in more people doesn't solve anything. It just moves the problem and the violence and terrorism over to us.

    We're talking about a country with a population of 22 million. Germany may end up taking in 1.5 million. How many would the least qualified senator in America like to take in? If Kirsten Gillibrand wants us to take in more refugees like Germany, how many of those 1.5 million can we dump on her lawn?

    And if ISIS expands further into Iraq, or Jordan, Libya and Yemen, how many of those millions should we take?

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama: We ‘Stand Shoulder to Shoulder’ with Turkey, Europe to Help Import Syrian Refugees to America

    by Pam Key15 Nov 20153,770

    Sunday in Antalya, Turkey at the start of the G20 Summit, President Barack Obama said that Americans should still take Syrian refugees even after reports that at least one man linked to the Paris attacks was smuggled in as a refugee.

    Obama said, “The United States the largest provider of humanitarian assistance stands shoulder to shoulder with Turkey, Europe and others in trying to help those who need help right now even as we hope to reduce the flow of migrants because of the situation inside Syria.”

    Importing ISIS: See Where Obama Is Resettling Syrian ‘Refugees’ In The United States …

    Here is a map of the power transmission grid in America...interesting parallels.

    But Obama calls it containment.

    Via Doug Ross:
    Mr. Obama’s impeccable timing was in full feather this week. No sooner than he had uttered the words ISIS is “contained” and “not gaining strength” that the world watched in horror as Paris bled.

    Closer to home, the news is also ominous.

    Obama’s “first load of 10,000 Syrian refugees arrived in the U.S., where they will be resettled into 180 unsuspecting U.S. communities.

    Coincidentally one of the Paris suicide bombers had a Syrian passport and used the refugee crisis to enter Europe.

    There is no question that ISIS is using the refugee crisis and a feckless (or malicious) administration policy to smuggle terrorists into the country.

    Where are the Syrian refugees and/or the ISIS terrorists being relocated? The pathetic stooges at The New York Times were kind enough to publish a detailed map.

    Keep reading…

    Insane: Hillary, O’Malley Would Bring In 65,000 Syrian Refugees, Despite FBI Director Saying They Cannot Adequately Check Them…

    When asked about the problem of Syrian refugees and how they would each approach it, both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley said even after the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris that they would welcome at least 65,000 Syrian refugees. “I was the first person on this stage to say that we should accept the 65,000 Syrian refugees that were fleeing the sort of murder of ISIL,” O’Malley said. “And I believe that that needs to be done with proper screening.”

    Clinton agreed, “The administration originally said 10,000,” she said. But she wanted even more than Obama. “I said we should go to 65,000 but only if we have as careful a screening and vetting process as we can imagine, whatever resources it takes.”

    Neither acknowledged that at least one of the Islamic terrorists in Paris was carrying a Syrian passport and came in the ‘refugee route’ through Greece. Nor have they acknowledged ISIS specific threat to smuggle people in with the ‘refugees’.
    Neither acknowledged that the FBI Director, James Comey, has already said there is no way to adequately vette the refugees who are coming in. There are no records and as Europe shows, you have people buying Syrian passports to get in.

    According to the Daily Caller:

    FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on in October that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.

    “We can only query against that which we have collected,” Comey said in response to a line of questioning from Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson.

    “And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them.”

    Former FBI director James Kallstrom also reiterated this after the Paris attack, saying that the refugee policy was ‘crazy’ and that the FBI did not have enough manpower to watch the people that needed to be watched ‘by the thousands’. He asked, why would politicians want to put more weight in the packs of the FBI by bringing in people who could not be vetted.

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    Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes: Our Refugee Plan Will Proceed, Despite #ParisAttacks

    ‘Robust vetting’ that your FBI director has already said is inadequate.

    Via The Hill:

    President Obama still plans to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country over the next year, despite terrorist attacks in Paris, at top aide said Sunday.

    “We’re still planning on taking in Syrian refugees,” White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said on “Fox News Sunday.” “We had very robust vetting procedures for those refugees.”

    “There are women and children, orphans of this war, and I think we need to do our along with our allies to provide them a safe haven,” he added.

    Rhodes said France should take the lead in how to respond to the attacks that left 129 dead in Paris on Friday. At least one of the Paris terrorists reportedly entered France by posing as a migrant.

    “I think we would stand shoulder to shoulder with France in whatever decision they make,” he said. “In any case, we’re going to be cooperating with them militarily going forward.”

    November 16, 2015
    You will never guess how the U.S. is 'vetting' Syrian refugees

    By Ed Straker

    Both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio have called for the US to accept more Syrian refugees, as long as they are properly "vetted", of course. But what does it mean to "vet" a refugee?

    Normally, if someone wants to come into the United States, say, from France or Germany, our government can check with the French or German government to see if this person has a criminal record, or even is who he says he is.

    But when it comes to refugees from Syria, what is called "vetting" relies mostly on one source of information: the refugee.

    The UNHCR referral is a crucial first step to gaining admittance to the U.S., but the candidate must then pass “the highest level of security checks conducted on any category of traveler to the United States,” a State Department official said.

    The highest level of checks! And then only after the United Nations has assured us that each refugee is okay! Very reassuring!

    The State Department will first collect biographical information about the candidate and determine whether they qualify for refugee status.

    Since there is no government to consult (unless the State Department wants to check with ISIS or Hizb’allah), there is only one source of information: the refugee. As long as the refugees don't lie, I expect this system will catch all would-be terrorists.

    The case is then passed to the Department of Homeland Security, which will send a representative to conduct an in-person interview to further screen the applicant for security concerns and to determine whether the applicant is otherwise admissible, a State Department official said.

    You see? A terrorist would have to lie to not one but two branches of government to get into the country. So we're perfectly safe.

    And that's the complete process. That's all the vetting. As long as the terrorist isn't an awful liar, anyone can get in.

    I want a president who is going to look out for the security of the United States first. That means Donald Trump, Ben Carson, or Ted Cruz. All have said that they would not take in more Muslim refugees. Jeb and Marco either don't know what they're talking about, or they are being purposely disingenuous because they don't care if we are "love-bombed" by Middle Easterners.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    EXCLUSIVE: Secret Taped Phone Call With ‘Refugee Services of Texas’ Reveals How Texas is About to be Overwhelmed and a Massive Transfer of Wealth from American Taxpayers to Syrian Refugees is Underway (VIDEO)

    Border Invasion, Economy, Middle East, Today's News, War on Terror November 3, 2015 Like Get the LibertyNEWS Report FREE!

    7 Eric Odom

    The U.S. Government’s meddling in the Middle East has created a massive problem that is now eating its way across the globe like an unstoppable cancer. Thanks to State Department and CIA efforts to topple governments in the Middle East, the entire region is now being ripped apart by war. As a result of war hundreds of thousands (If not millions) are fleeing for the West.

    Unfortunately, the West is in no way capable of dealing with such a massive influx of people who cannot take care of themselves. Not financially, not morally and not mentally. Europe is on the verge of economic collapse and the U.S. is not far behind.

    It’s bad enough for Europe (financially) that hundreds of thousands of people are flooding in and European nations have no capacity to deal with them. For the U.S. it’s worse, however, because we’re transferring billions of dollars to roll out the red carpet for Muslim refugees when our own citizens are struggling to make ends meet.

    Here in the U.S. we’re not shuffling people into camps. No, here we’re setting Muslim refugees up with a better life than many taxpayers have. And these same taxpayers are footing the bill.

    Everything I’ve said so far shouldn’t come as a surprise. Barack Obama recently announced he’s raising the refugee cap from 70,000 to 85,000 to make room for 15,000 Syrian refugees. His plan for next year involves the cap shooting to 100,000. This means some 45,000 Syrians, most of whom are likely Muslim, will enter the U.S. between now and the end of next year.

    This you probably already know. What you might not know, though, is that every single one of them will likely get flights, a furnished apartment, monthly cash, education, healthcare, job placement assistance and more. This all starts the day they arrive.

    When Obama says he’s bringing in 45,000 from Syria, he leaves out the part about how much it will cost taxpayers. He makes the announcement as if Syrians will find their way here, be allowed in and sent on their way to figure life out like the rest of us. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Truth is, Obama’s federal government has been bankrolling organizations with billions of dollars in preparation for this invasion of foreigners. And he’s been doing it all right in front of us. None of it is hidden. Well, thanks to media it is hidden… but in plain sight.

    Exactly how much are we talking here? Well, the State Department spent about $3 billion on refugee services for the fiscal year that ended September 30th of 2015. That amount is expected to increase this year.

    Again, Obama spent $3 BILLION of our dollars moving foreigners into the U.S. as refugees last year.

    How is all of this money being spent and through what process? The answer is not easy to explain. In fact, the money flows through a vast network of organizations via the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The ORR is a division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

    For this story we’re going to focus on Texas. The state of Texas is in for a wild ride over the next few years as its conservative, free market environment has created a gold mine for the fed when it comes to refugees.

    Texas leads the nation in refugee resettlement because unlike most states, Texas has a bustling economy, a great job market and sustainable state government. Additionally, Texas has a vast network of resettlement agencies and astroturfed (Paid grassroots) refugee communities.

    Texas has 26 organizations/agencies who plan on receiving Syrian refugees. We haven’t gone through each of them to see what kind of taxpayer dollars are flowing in, but we’ve pulled enough to know the sum is enormous.

    In 2013/14, for example, the ORR funneled nearly $34,000,000 in mandatory spending and another $7,000,000 for the ‘Refugee Social Services Program.’ This funding was for Texas alone… never-mind the 49 other states and the funding pumped their way. And ALL of it is earmarked for refugees.

    One of the largest networks set to receive Syrian refugees is the Refugee Services of Texas. $1,243,000 was redistributed to RST last year and that amount is expected to increase significantly this coming fiscal year. $1.2 million may not sound like a lot, but consider that RST only handles a small percentage of the refugees coming in.

    The cost per refugee is unknown, but we know the Syrians coming will get flights, apartments, furniture, education, healthcare, a welcome kit that includes a lump sum of cash, monthly cash payments and job placement programs. We know this because it was all explained in a secretly recorded phone call obtained by a source in Texas.

    The caller dialed one of the RST offices as a potential volunteer looking for information. During the course of the call the representative described the program along with the benefits that come with it.

    Listen to the call below.

    The United States already has an overwhelming immigrant problem. With most immigrants illegally coming our way they do get access to our social welfare system, but they don’t get an instant new life paid for and funded by you and I. With Syrian refugees, however, they get transportation, a home, furniture, money, education and healthcare.

    All of this while the U.S. economy teeters on the verge of collapse.

    How is that “representative” government working out for you these days?

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    Obama 'Fast Tracks' Potential Terrorists Into America As Police Warn: 'It's Only A Matter Of Time'

    Will ISIS Black Friday Terrorist Attacks Upon US Shopping Malls Lead To The 'Grand Finale'?

    By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

    With Barack Obama now 'speed vetting' potential ISIS terrorists into the US while ISIS claims responsibility for the horrific slaughter in Paris and warns that it's merely the 1st of the storm, we take a look at words spoken by Senator Ted Cruz who warned yesterday that Obama has no intentions of defending this country ahead of warnings from ISIS on social media that Washington DC will be one of their next targets. Meanwhile ISIS also vows there will be blood.

    We find it extremely alarming that Mr. Obama will be fast tracking potential terrorists into the US; speed vetting will lead to nightmares as we learn they'll mainly be vetting men of fighting age, 18 to 45. Meanwhile, one of the Paris terrorist suicide bombers was merely a 'child' of 15. We also take a look below at a new ISIS warning that has come out threatening to poison the food and water of their 'enemies' and that Washington DC, Rome and London are now in danger.

    This is very concerning. It would appear most of the “refugees” are economic jihadist males between the age of 18-45 years old. They have recently arrived courtesy of President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the State Department.

    New Orleans – […] The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. (Pictured below: Hillary Clinton's 'rebels' arrive in New Orleans.)

    All America needs is ONE of these 'children' to slip by and launch a successful terrorist attack upon America for all hell to break loose here on the civil liberties front and as Susan Duclos showed us yesterday, we know that ISIS terrorists are already in America preparing to unleash their deadly hell here.

    Telling us that the Paris massacre was likely only the beginning as at least one national security analyst has claimed that ISIS has begun a 'dangerous new phase' of their terrorism following France.

    With ISIS having forecast their future intentions just months ago when they promised that they would bring their terror attacks to America and Obama letting potentially hundreds of terrorists into the country unabated, we have to ask if what we're now watching is the 'calm before the storm' for America?

    We also are putting out a major heads up alert to everybody who goes shopping on Black Friday, be cautious, be prepared, be ready, because as even presidential candidate Donald Trump recently commented, there is no target for terrorists as easy as a 'soft target', gun free zones such as many of our shopping malls here in America are. As CNN's Deborah Feyerick recently tweeted, "it's only a matter of time" according to her police source.

    Such an attack upon America, especially during the Christmas season, would surely lead to martial law as the attacks did in France with possible disarmament of the American people following, putting Americans in even more danger with terrorists being allowed to flood into the country and the government disarming the American people. In the 2nd video, we learn why the Paris attacks increase the threats to America.

    We find it imperative that the government immediately halt all Syrian refugees from coming into the country and immediately begin shipping those out who are already here as has been suggested by several presidential candidates. As France recently learned, closing the borders AFTER terrorist attacks is a little too late. While we know that not all Syrian refugees are ISIS terrorists, America cannot afford to make the same poor mistakes and decisions.

    The fact that ISIS also recently vowed to 'repeat 9/11' in America by sending a fleet of suicide bombers and truck loads of explosives into the country as shared in this NY Daily News story and an ISIS warning back in July of a future 'bloody Friday' leads online forums and others to believe the terrorists may already be planning such 'bloody Friday' attacks here on 'black Friday'.

    We also take a look at another new warning coming out from ISIS who are imploring their followers to carry out attacks upon others using poisons. Eerily enough, in the 3rd video below we see the official 2013 trailer of Tom Clancy's The Division game. In it, we learn of 'Dark Winter' and a deadly pandemic that spread across the world killing countless millions. Coincidentally, or not, that pandemic began on Black Friday and the means of transferring the pandemic: money.

    We know that terrorists have previously targeted shopping malls such as the Somalian terror group 'al-Shabaab' that released a video calling for attacks upon the Mall of America in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area earlier this year.

    ISIS Threatens Attacks On Washington DC In New Video

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/16/2015 10:15 -0500


    As "details" and "intelligence" surface regarding the attacks that left 129 dead in Paris on Friday, and as French warplanes drop bombs on Raqqa, you had to have known it was only a matter of time before ISIS released another Hollywood special to, i) do some more gloating about the "successful" assault on the French capital, and ii) threaten France and anyone assissting them with still more attacks in retailiation for retailiating.

    In short, this is an endless loop of attack-retailiate-attack-retailiate that, if both sides want it to, could easily end up seeing American, French, and British boots on the ground in eastern Syria, setting the stage for - you guessed it - the final battle for the political future of Assad once the ISIS distraction has been relegated to annals of terrorist history. After all, the West has always hung on to the "Assad's brutality attracts terrorists" line and so, it would be easy enough to claim that in order to keep Syria "ISIS-free," Assad has to go.

    Well sure enough, on Monday we get the latest video from ISIS' media arm and the group has now threatened to strike Washington. Here's Reuters:

    Islamic State warned in a new video on Monday that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington.

    "We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day God willing, like France's and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington," one man in the video said.

    It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video.
    Earlier, you could have "verified" it for yourself, but video hosting sites are playing the usual game of whack-a-mole with the ISIS videos and it appears that as of now, most of the hosting is down. Here are some stills:

    (the guy on the right falls asleep about four times througout)

    Expect more of this chest beating in the days and weeks to come as the collateral damage from French airstrikes in Raqqa mounts and expect Western intelligence to insist that no more "credible" threats exist right up until officials are yet again picking up a charred - but mostly intact - Syrian passport off the streets.

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    13 governors now declaring they won’t take Syrian refugees

    November 16, 2015 4:11 pm By Robert Spencer 11 Comments

    A laudable concern for national security. One hopes the other 37 will soon follow suit.

    “After Paris attacks, governors refuse to accept Syrian refugees,” by Mary Troyan, USA Today, November 16, 2015:

    WASHINGTON — At least 13 governors say they will not accept Syrian refugees in their states in response to Friday’s attacks in Paris.

    The Republican governors — in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin — are concerned that resettlement could open the doors to terrorists.

    “There may be those who will try to take advantage of the generosity of our country and the ability to move freely within our borders through this federal resettlement program, and we must ensure we are doing all we can to safeguard the security of Americans,” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said.

    In Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal tweeted that, “I just signed an Executive Order instructing state agencies to take all available steps to stop the relocation of Syrian refugees to LA.”

    At least 132 people were killed and hundreds injured in a series of attacks that took place around Paris on Friday evening. Several of the attackers have been identified as French citizens. According to French prosecutors, a bomber who targeted the national stadium was found with a Syrian passport.

    The passport’s discovery raised concerns that Islamic State militants may be crossing into Turkey before moving to Western Europe alongside the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who have entered Europe this year, many of them fleeing the civil war in Syria.

    In Michigan, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder said he is suspending his efforts encouraging resettlement of Syrian refugees in his state. But he he did not make any blanket statement on Monday that refugees would not be allowed into Michigan.

    “Michigan is a welcoming state and we are proud of our rich history of immigration,” Snyder said in the statement. “But our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”

    Comments that Snyder had made Sunday were widely viewed as an indication he would not allow Syrian refugees into the state.

    About 20 Syrian refugees already in the pipeline for resettlement in the U.S. either recently arrived in Michigan or are expected to arrive soon, and Snyder said Monday he is not asking that they be stopped or vetted again

    Detroit-area Arab-American leaders and refugee advocates argued the Department of Homeland Security already does extensive security checks before allowing any refugees into the U.S.

    “The United States should be a safe haven,” said Dr. Yahya Basha, a Syrian-American advocate from West Bloomfield, Mich., who has family members who are refugees. He was at the White House recently to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis with U.S. officials: “We should welcome them.”

    Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson issued a statement saying the plan to resettle Syrian refugees in the United States is “is not the right strategy.”

    Despite such reactions, President Obama is continuing with plans to accept refugees from Syria. Responding to calls to admit Christians but not Muslims into the country, he said, “That’s shameful. That’s not American, it’s not who we are.”

    “We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” he said, speaking from the G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey.

    But Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in a letter to the president that, “Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity. As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril.”

    One refugee advocacy organization said the governors are setting themselves up for a discrimination lawsuit.

    “You can’t restrict certain nationalities coming to your state,” said Jen Smyers, director of policy and advocacy with the Immigration and Refugee Program at Church World Service….

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    That's about 37 short.

    I guess we should maybe send them to Nome Alaska. They're all crazy up there, it's cold most of the year and there are no roads from there to the mainland. That should keep them Isolated.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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