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Thread: Democrats Continue To Stand Boldly With The Muslims

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Democrats Continue To Stand Boldly With The Muslims

    Loretta Lynch Stands Boldly with Muslims

    Republican candidates are rushing to brand us all as terrorists. But Obama’s brave AG swung it hard in the other direction. Brava.

    “The Muslim American community is expanding, which is beautiful.” I doubt you would ever hear these words uttered by a Republican governmental official anywhere. And we definitely know it’s not something you will hear from the 2016 GOP presidential candidates.

    But those were the very words that United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the sold out crowd on Thursday night at the Muslim Advocates 10th anniversary dinner.

    As the emcee of this event, I was excited to hear what the nation’s highest law enforcement official was going to say. I frankly expected to hear more along the lines of broad platitudes about hate is wrong, freedom of religion for all, etc. But that’s not what Lynch gave us.

    Instead Lynch, while being interviewed by Muslims Advocates executive director Farhana Khera, offered passionate words that were truly moving. In a time when we have seen a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes and increasingly hateful words directed at our community by numerous Republicans, most notably Donald Trump and Ben Carson, Lynch made it clear that we are not alone.

    “My message to the Muslim community is that we stand with you in these times,” Lynch told the audience. Addressing the specific words of people like Trump and the online hate directed against Muslims, Lynch commented that the “greatest fear is this rhetoric will be accompanied by acts of violence.”

    That point certainly resonated with the primarily but not exclusively Muslim audience. Since the Paris terrorist attacks, there has been a spike in hate crimes against Muslim Americans, with death threats, shots fired at a Connecticut mosque, and hateful graffiti sprayed on mosques in various states including Omaha and Nebraska.

    But the violence and potential terror attacks against Muslim Americans didn’t start with the Paris attack. Thursday’s dinner was attended by the mother and brother of Deah Barakat, one of three young Muslims murdered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina last February by a man who hated all religions, but especially Muslims. As the autopsy report found, the killer held his gun to the head of two of three of his victims. This was not a dispute over a parking spot as some claimed, but a hate-fueled execution.

    Also in the audience were representatives from a primarily Muslim community in upstate New York that was the target of a terrorist plot by Christian minister Robert Doggart. invoking his “commitment to our God,” Doggart had planed to slaughter Muslim Americans with an M-4 assualt rifle, armor piercing bullets, explosive devices and even a machete to cut “them to shreds.” Doggart’s trial is slated to begin next month in federal court.

    And just in August, Glendon Scott Crawford was convicted in federal court for his terrorist plot to use a weapon of mass destruction to kill Muslims in New York. Crawford, a white supremacist Klan member, was motivated, per the indictment, to “kill the enemies of Israel.” (Of course, since these terrorists were not Muslim, the mainstream media ignores these cases.)

    But Lynch went further than just speaking out against anti-Muslim hate. In stark contrast to Trump’s vow to close American mosques, Lynch made it clear that she will fight for the rights of American Muslims to “expand and build mosques.” She added that “the Department of Justice is there for you” to ensure Muslims have the same rights as Americans of other faiths to build houses of worship.

    The Attorney General, who was introduced at the event by Representative Andre Carson, who is one of the two Muslim Americans serving in Congress, also touched on the Syrian refugee issue. She made it clear that while the safety of Americans is paramount, we can’t “rush to judgment” on closing the door to people in dire need. Lynch noted that the refugees will be thoroughly vetted before they are allowed to even step foot on U.S. soil.

    As Lynch was offering us these beautiful words, I couldn’t help but to think how some conservatives would view them. Here was Lynch standing up for Muslim Americans while 75 percent of the GOP thinks Islam is “at odds” with American values. And even more startling is that 30 percent of Iowa Republicans believe Islam should be banned in America, and that number goes up to 36 percent of Trump supporters.

    ‘Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’ to be Prosecuted – US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch

    U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday defended Muslims after the San Bernardino, California, shooting on Wednesday that killed 14 people and wounded 17 others, adding that federal officials would take action in case of anti muslim rhetoric and activity.

    “When we see the potential for someone to lift, lifting that mantle of anti muslim rhetoric or as we saw after 9/11 violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims and they will suffer just as well, just as much, and when we see that we will take action,” -US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch.

    Many community members said they were concerned about a backlash against the Muslim community in view of the rise of Islamic State and some opposition among politicians and the public in the United States over U.S. plans to accept Syrian war refugees.

    The couple suspected of killing 14 people at a holiday party in California amassed thousands of rounds of ammunition and a dozen pipe bombs, authorities said on Thursday as they sought clues to the pair’s motives and whether they had links to Islamist militants.

    Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a shootout with police five hours after Wednesday’s massacre at the Inland Regional Center social services agency in the city of San Bernardino, about 60 miles (100 km) east of Los Angeles.

    Farook, a U.S. citizen born in Illinois, was the son of Pakistani immigrants, according to Hussam Ayloush, who heads the Los Angeles area chapter of the Muslim advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

    Malik, who had a 6-month-old daughter with Farook, was a Pakistani native living in Saudi Arabia when they married, Ayloush said.

    The director of the Islamic Center of Riverside, a mosque Farook attended regularly for two years, described him as a devout Muslim who made the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia a few years ago and celebrated his wedding reception at the mosque.

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    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Boldly stands with the Muslims

    Disinformation and Psyops abound.

    She's a warm and wonderful human being.

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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Boldly stands with the Muslims

    Loretta Lynch, a Muslim Lover and an Islamic cunt.

    Fuck you Loretta Lynch.

    Fuck ISIS.

    Fuck Obama.

    Fuck Islam.

    Fuck the Muslims.

    That friends is called "Freedom of Speech". I DARE anyone to try to take it from me. I will kill you dead before you do. And while I might die in the process, I will die a Free Man, not a Muslim convert or a slave in a prison of this fucking dictator.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch: “Actions Predicated On Violent Talk” Toward Muslims “Will Be Prosecuted”

    By Pamela Geller on December 4, 2015

    “My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is ‘We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on,’” Lynch said.
    What backlashes? Americans have been slaughtered at a Christmas party in the cause of Allah. This is sharia enforcement. This is sedition by the Obama administration. This should not be the response of the wholesale slaughter of American “unbelievers.”

    Loretta Lynch: “Actions Predicated On Violent Talk” Toward Muslims Will Be Prosecuted,” By John Stanton, BuzzFeed News, December 3, 2015 (thanks to Christian):

    Speaking at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner, the attorney general said, “We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on.”

    WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence” and told the Muslim community that “we stand with you in this.”

    Speaking at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner, Lynch said since the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, she is increasingly concerned with the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric … that fear is my greatest fear.”

    Following the Paris attacks, there has been an uptick in violent attacks on Muslims and threats against mosques across the country. That, combined with heated political rhetoric such as GOP presidential front runner Donald Trump’s call to register Muslim Americans, has Muslim community leaders worried that they could be facing a new era of discrimination.

    Lynch made it clear that she shares those concerns, but vowed to use the DOJ to protect Muslims from discrimination and violence. Noting the rise in violence against Muslims and mosques in the wake of the Paris attacks, Lynch added that, “When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”

    “My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is ‘We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on,’” Lynch said.

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Quote Of The Week

    Posted on December 4, 2015 | 24 comments

    From the nation’s highest-ranking law enforcement officer; h/t Insty:
    “…but I do want to express my deepest condolences and ask that you join me in standing with our colleague, friends and partners in San Bernardino suffering with this and add all of our thoughts and prayers here today now at this time. Because we’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.”
    You are about to see the fusion of the hard Left and Jihad disguised as Black Lives Matter/CAIR
    using the "Innocent Farooks" as a rally cry

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    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Mostly they're blaming guns... Another case of peace loving Muslims minding their own business when their evil guns started killing everyone all on their own.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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    That fucking AG can suck anything she wants... but she'll suck the muzzle of a gun before she takes our weapons or freedom of speech.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

    Jeh Johnson / AP

    BY: Adam Kredo

    At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

    Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”

    “Back in August, we did an investigation—the inspector general did—of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security,” Lynch told Boston Public Radio.

    “The [former DHS] director had to resign because of that,” he said.

    DHS continues to fail inspections aimed at determining the efficiency of its internal safety mechanisms, as well as its efforts to protect the nation.

    Lynch referred to a recent report that found the Transportation Security Administration, which is overseen by DHS, failed to stop 95 percent of those who attempted to bring restricted items past airport security.

    “We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate,” Lynch said. “We had folks—this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate.”

    Lynch said he has “very low confidence” in DHS based on its many failures over the years. For this reason, he voted in favor of recent legislation that will tighten the vetting process for any Syrian refugees applying for asylum in the United States.

    “I have very low confidence based on empirical data that we’ve got on the Department of Homeland Security. I think we desperately need another set of eyeballs looking at the vetting process,” he said. “That’s vetting that’s being done at major airports where we have a stationary person coming through a facility, and we’re failing 95 percent of the time.”

    “I have even lower confidence that they can conduct the vetting process in places like Jordan, or Belize or on the Syrian border, or in Cairo, or Beirut in any better fashion, especially given the huge volume of applicants we’ve had seeking refugee status,” Lynch said.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Nope, not surprised...

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Well, I have a question. Actually, several questions.

    Why are they on the watch list?

    If they are on the watch list, why?

    If they are on the watch list, why are they working for the DHS?

    If they are on the watch list, do they have clearances? If so, why?

    If they are terrorists, connected to terrorism, are Muslim then why haven't they 1) been fired, 2) had clearances revoked, 3) Named, 4) deported?

    If they are Americans, what form of due process was used to place them on a no-fly list?

    If they are actually adjudicated then why can they buy guns?

    You see, it takes a few questions to get to the meat of the matter but apparently no one is asking questions, are they? Especially not this President.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Companion Thread: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    "Hamas, an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya ("Islamic Resistance Movement"), was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric who became an activist in local branches of the Muslim Brotherhood after dedicating his early life to Islamic scholarship in Cairo. Beginning in the late 1960s, Yassin preached and performed charitable work in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, both of which were occupied by Israeli forces following the 1967 Six Day War."
    Obama Names Hamas Sympathizer as New ISIS Czar

    By Debra Heine December 3, 2015


    Obama Names Hamas Sympathizer As New ISIS Czar

    High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, right, speaks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, center, and U.S. Robert Malley, left, Senior Director for Iran, Iraq, and the Gulf States, National Security Council during a break outside the hotel at the Beau Rivage Palace Hotel as the Iran nuclear talks continue, in Lausanne, Switzerland, Wednesday, April 1, 2015. (AP Photo/Keystone,Laurent Gillieron)

    President Obama has appointed a foreign policy advisor known to be a friend of the terrorist group Hamas to be the administration’s new czar in charge of countering ISIS. The appointee, Robert Malley, has a history of sympathizing with Islamists, which makes the appointment all the more appalling.

    According to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch, the White House downplayed the controversial appointment by "burying it deep in a press briefing delivered at a Paris hotel during the recent climate summit."

    The President recently elevated Rob Malley, the NSC [National Security Council] Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, to serve now as the Senior Advisor to the President for the Counter-ISIL Campaign in Iraq and Syria,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during the briefing at the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Center. Before moving onto the next topic Earnest said the president has directed Malley to “support our reinvigorated diplomatic track toward a political transition in Syria…
    Obama raised eyebrows last year when he made Malley the senior director at the National Security Council, but according to the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat, he never really left Obama’s circle.

    Al-Hayat reported that Hamas engaged in talks with Obama for months through Malley, which among other things resulted in their receiving almost a billion of your tax dollars from President Obama.Robert Malley comes by this honestly. His father Simon was a very Marxist journalist who shilled for Algeria's terrorist FLN, Egyptian dictator Gamel Abdul Nasser, African Marxist dictators like Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sékou Touré, Fidel Castro, and of course, Yasser Arafat, of whom he was especially fond. Needless to say, Simon Malley also had an outspoken hatred towards Israel, and the apple definitely did not fall far from the tree.
    Indeed, as Judicial Watch reports, "Malley published a piecein a mainstream newspaper declaring that Israel was responsible for the failure of Bill Clinton’s peace talks with the Palestinians."

    Malley was Obama's informal foreign policy adviser during the 2008 presidential campaign until his cozy relationship with Hamas, long classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, came to light.

    Israeli security officials had expressed “concern” about Malley for advocating negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group. This came amid reportage that Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama's radical church in Chicago, had reprinted a manifesto by Hamas in its newsletter. The manifesto defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist, and compared the terror group’s official charter – which calls for the murder of Jews – to America’s Declaration of Independence.

    Fearful of losing Jewish voters, Obama severed ties with Malley in May of 2008 when it was disclosed that he had held meetings with Hamas. The campaign had been telling pro-Israel audiences that Obama would not talk with Hamas unless and until it had renounced terror, recognized Israel, and abided by previous agreements the Palestinians had signed with Israel.

    One day after the election, it was reported that Malley had been dispatched to the Middle East to work on Obama's promise to "improve ties with Egypt and Syria."

    That all worked out so well, he's been promoted to Obama's ISIS czar.

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Calling Out Islam Terrorism Truthers

    Blame everything but Islam.

    December 8, 2015
    Daniel Greenfield

    Each and every act of Muslim terrorism is followed by a wave of denial. The politicians who have done the most to cause the latest disaster are the eagerest to blame it on something, anything else.

    The San Bernardino Muslim massacre was blamed on postpartum depression at CNN. Bill Nye blamed the latest Paris attacks on Global Warming. According to Hillary Clinton, Benghazi was a movie review with artillery. Islamic terrorism was blamed by the State Department on a lack of jobs, but Syed Farook had a good government job and his wife was the daughter of a wealthy family.

    After rummaging through their big brass chest of excuses, Obama and his media allies have settled on gun control as their latest weapon of mass distraction.

    California has the toughest gun laws in the nation. Unlike Ted Kennedy, the terrorists weren’t on the no-fly list that has become the latest desperate meme of mass distraction. And, despite Obama’s claim in Paris that mass shootings don’t happen in other countries because of gun control magic, they most certainly do. European gun control didn’t stop a Muslim mass shooting in Paris that killed 130 people.

    Syed Farook and Tasheen Malik had built pipe bombs. The latest attack in the UK involved a knife. So did quite a few in Jerusalem. The Boston Marathon massacre used fireworks and a pressure cooker.

    The Muslim mass murder of 3,000 people on 9/11 was carried out with box cutters.

    If only we had some way to ban terrorists from buying pressure cookers, knives and box cutters.

    Gun control is a distraction. A way to make something other than Islam into the problem that needs solving. If we banned guns, then the problem would be foreign policy. If we spent all our time working to aid Islamist political takeovers, then it would the weather. Obama has tried to aid Islamists and lower sea levels, so he has been reduced to blaming the inanimate objects of the latest terror attack.

    Gun control, foreign policy and global warming are denialist gimmicks that reframe the problem.

    Denialists will ignore the allegiances of terrorists like Nidal Hassan and Syed Farook to Jihadists to focus on individual pathologies. If that doesn’t work, they’ll pull back to a planetary focus and blame the weather patterns of the entire planet. They’ll zoom in with great detail on weapons purchases while ignoring the ideology that motivated the attacks. They’ll have a hundred different explanations for each attack that fail to account for the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism as a whole.

    These aren’t reasonable arguments. Taken together they form a pattern of conspiracy theories.

    The most basic aspect of the conspiracy theory is that it bypasses the obvious reasonable explanation and vanishes down a rabbit hole of complicated alternative explanations that make no real sense but allow the conspiracists to avoid dealing with the implications of the actual event that took place.

    Leftists did not want to deal with the fact that JFK had been murdered by one of their own. So they invented a bunch of alternative conspiracies involving the CIA, Cubans and other “right-wing” villains. These conspiracies allowed them to avoid dealing with the violence at the heart of the left. But that violence continued to spill over anyway leading to riots and terror plots. In their alternate reality, none of it was their fault. The “Fall of Camelot” was caused by some “miasma of right-wing hatred” in Dallas.

    Their response to 9/11 flirted with conspiracy theories.

    A poll found that more than half of Democrats believed that George W. Bush had carried out the 9/11 attacks or knew about them beforehand. 1 in 4 Democrats believed that the World Trade Center attack was staged. 1 in 5 believed that the Pentagon attack was carried out by the United States government.

    Democratic politicians, with some exceptions, usually knew better than to openly air blatant 9/11 conspiracy theories. But they instead embraced a “soft” left-wing Trutherism that shifted the focus away from Islamic terrorism to alternative explanations that were meant to distract Americans from what really happened by finding sideways angles for blaming the attack on Bush and Republicans.

    Bush may not have masterminded it, but Republican foreign policy caused it. Or worsened it.

    It’s 2015 and the Terrorism Truthers have been reduced to frantically scrambling for any explanation from postpartum depression to the weather to explain the persistence of Islamic terrorism.

    Trutherism works best when the Truthers aren’t in power. Muslim terrorism can’t be blamed on the government when both France and America are run by ridiculously notorious leftists. All that’s left is a “soft” Trutherism that seeks alternative explanations without being able to consistently answer the central question of why these attacks are taking place.

    And this lack of a plausible central conspirator is the weak point of leftist Terrorism Denial.

    Leftist Truthers like Obama are forced to constantly substitute new “right-wing” villains. Today it’s the NRA. Yesterday it was a Coptic Christian who made a YouTube video. But like the USSR’s efforts to blame its economic failures on a shifting gallery of villains, these explanations are unsatisfying. And they leave even leftists, never mind ordinary Americans, uneasy about a crisis they don’t understand.

    There is something of Orwell’s “We have always been at war with Eastasia” to these deceits.

    Today Muslim terrorists are attacking us because of the NRA. Yesterday it was because it was too hot. Before that, it was because of Israel. And before that, it was because of Bush.

    But what if Muslim terrorists are attacking us because they’re Muslim terrorists?

    What if we can’t beat them by banning guns, changing the weather, supporting Islamists or any of the other magical answers that completely fall apart at even the most casual examination?

    The left’s response to Islamic terrorism has been built around a frantic effort to distract and divert us from exactly that question, blaming anything and everything but Islam, while sharply denouncing anyone who ignores the distractions and addresses that central question.

    Attorney General Lynch responded to the San Bernardino terror attack by assuring Islamists that she intended to crack down on criticism of Islam. Criticism of Islam is dangerous, not because it leads to a mythical anti-Muslim backlash that we are constantly warned about as if it were more dangerous than Muslim terrorism itself yet never actually materializes, but because it destroys Terrorist Trutherism.

    If Islamic terrorism is the problem, then the left and the Democrats who handed over their party to it are guilty of ignoring, minimizing and lying about a serious problem.

    They have to go on lying, ignoring and minimizing, and even threatening to dump the First Amendment along with the Second, because they have long since become complicit in the crimes of their Islamist partner organizations.

    Yesterday they blamed the weather. Today they’ll blame guns. Tomorrow, it’ll be something else.

    We are always at war with Eastasia, unless it’s Eurasia. We are never however at war with Islam. The issue may be anything so long as it isn’t Muslim terrorism. Those are the words that no Democrat will utter. They will call it “man-caused disasters” or “violent extremism” or “hybrid workplace Jihad”.

    It’s time to call this what it is, denialism, trutherism and conspiracism.

    The famous epigram, “Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason”, expressed the absurd hypocrisy of a government of traitors. But what happens when there is a government of conspiracy theorists? Then conspiracies exist to divert attention from the failures and crimes of those in charge. The conspiracy theory itself becomes the conspiracy.

    It’s time to take away Obama’s weapons of mass distraction and expose his Trutherism for what it is.

    Islamic terrorism isn’t caused by a thousand different problems, conditions, conspiracies and excuses. It’s caused by Islam. Every attempt to distract from that is Denialism and Trutherism.

    And we owe it to the victims of the latest attack and all the attacks to end the denial and the lies.

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    INSANE: Look What Happened After Obama Released This Terrorist From Guantanamo Bay…

    Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on December 10, 2015

    In case anyone needed hard proof that shutting down Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) and releasing its enemy combatant prisoners there is a really bad idea, here you go.

    Former GITMO prisoner Ibrahim Qosi, released in July 2012, has resurfaced in a new video. And in the category of #ShockingNotShocking, Qosi — also known as Sheikh Khubayb al Sudani — is now back in the public eye. You guessed it, preaching the jihadist gospel to inspire recruits and followers to take up the sword.

    With his personal relationship with Osama bin Laden and time in American detention — from which he’s now been released, thanks to our dear president — Qosi is a poster child for jihadist propaganda. Quite literally.

    Not to mention now one of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula’s leaders.

    As The Long War Journal reports:

    Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a new video featuring a former Guantanamo detainee, Ibrahim Qosi, who is also known as Sheikh Khubayb al Sudani.

    In July 2010, Qosi plead guilty to charges of conspiracy and material support for terrorism before a military commission. His plea was part of a deal in which he agreed to cooperate with prosecutors during his remaining time in US custody. Qosi was transferred to his home country of Sudan two years later, in July 2012.

    Qosi joined AQAP in 2014 and became one of its leaders. Qosi and other AQAP commanders discussed their time waging jihad at length in the video, entitled “Guardians of Sharia.”

    Now here’s a particularly interesting part, given what just happened last week in San Bernardino. The video preaches “individual jihad,” encouraging attacks by individuals and smaller terror cells. Again, no longer surprising and yet enough to make us all sit up in our seats.

    Islamic scholars ensure the “correctness” of the “jihadist project,” according to Qosi. And the war against America continues through “individual jihad,” which al Qaeda encourages from abroad. Here, Qosi referred to al Qaeda’s policy of encouraging attacks by individual adherents and smaller terror cells.

    Indeed, AQAP’s video celebrates jihadists who have acted in accordance with this call, such as the Kouachi brothers, who struck Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris earlier this year. The Kouachi brothers’ operation was sponsored by AQAP.

    The al Qaeda veterans shown in the video emphasized the importance of following the advice of recognized jihadist ideologues. Although AQAP’s men do not mention the Islamic State by name, they clearly have Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s group in mind. Al Qaeda has criticized the Islamic State for failing to follow the teachings of widely respected jihadist authorities, most of whom reject the legitimacy of Baghdadi’s self-declared “caliphate.”

    Qosi’s appearance marks the first time he has starred in jihadist propaganda since he left Guantanamo. His personal relationship with Osama bin Laden and time in American detention make him an especially high-profile spokesman.

    When you read up on what U.S. officials knew about Qosi before they released him, you have to figure a five-year-old would have enough sense to think releasing him is a really bad idea. Anyone could predict where he would end up once free.

    A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) threat assessment and other declassified files documented Qosi’s extensive al Qaeda dossier. In the threat assessment, dated Nov. 15, 2007, US intelligence analysts described Qosi as a “high” risk to the US and its allies.

    “Detainee is an admitted veteran jihadist with combat experience beginning in 1990 and it is assessed he would engage in hostilities against US forces, if released,” JTF-GTMO found.

    Read his full history here.

    While detained at Guantanamo in 2003, Qosi was asked why he stayed true to bin Laden for so many years. According to JTF-GTMO, Qosi explained it was his “religious duty to defend Islam and fulfill the obligation of jihad and that the war between America and al Qaeda is a war between Islam and aggression of the infidels.

    Qosi made it clear in AQAP’s new production that he hasn’t changed his opinion in the twelve years since.

    So, why on earth would U.S. officials have deemed it a good idea to release Qosi? Was it that President Obama and John Kerry felt so confident that they had “neutralized” al-Qaida?

    Or simply that, in President Obama’s mind, his ideological agenda must march on — security of the American people, be damned.

    And that may be the only reason to explain this — and the fact that the U.S. just released five more detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the United Arab Emirates, in the wake of the Paris terror attacks. What’s the definition of insanity?

    It would appear, based on this latest al-Qaida video, that by releasing GITMO prisoners, the U.S. is aiding and abetting terrorist recruitment — delivering back into their hands prime leaders and spokesman for the cause.

    Enough to make you wonder (yet again), whose side is President Obama on anyway?

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    BREAKING: DHS Just Dropped MASSIVE Bombshell About Obama And TERRORISTS… This Is INSANE

    Dean James III

    All of us on the right question where Obama’s loyalties lie, and we have good reason to. Obama has repeatedly covered for the jihad attacks in our country and abroad calling them ‘workplace violence.’ That’s not all he’s done to protect Muslims and terrorists.

    He has intentionally allowed ISIS to spread virtually unchecked.

    He has appointed Muslim Brotherhood members as judges and heads of extremely important departments to make sure that Muslims are free to destroy our country- from within.

    He’s sent billions of dollars to Muslim nations and has enabled them to build nuclear weapons for God’s sake.

    How those people on the left don’t realize what he’s doing is beyond comprehension frankly.

    Now, according to a report from Breitbart a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower, just revealed that there’s a group of Muslims that Obama considers “off-limits” to Homeland Security.

    The DHS whistleblower, Philip Haney says that the Obama administration does not want to monitor Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), an Islamist movement whose members have been linked to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and which has a strong presence in the United States.

    Haney revealed that a DHS investigative initiative, shut down by the Obama administration, had tied TJ adherents who had traveled to the United States “to Hamas, al-Qaeda, global terrorist funding… every version of however you define terrorism… financial, direct support, overseas affiliation…”

    In 2002, the FBI suspected that al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was providing support to Tablighi Jamaat.

    Haney proclaimed that President Obama’s DHS, out of concern for the “civil liberties” of the TJ network, killed the initiative even after 1,200 law enforcement actions, ranging from visa revocations to orders of deportations, were amassed against members of the movement in just the first year of the six-year effort that started in 2006.

    Tablighi Jamaat members have been involved in Islamic terrorist operations, including some in the United States, where the FBI reportedly predicts nearly 50,000 people are associated with the movement.

    TJ-associated mosques are operating across the United States, including in the states of California, Texas, and New York, according to Stratfor Global Intelligence.

    “The Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) name has come up before in connection with terrorism plots, including the October 2002 Portland Seven and the September 2002 Lackawanna Six cases in the United States, as well as the August 2006 plot to bomb airliners en route from London to the United States, the July 7, 2005, London Underground bombings and the July 2007 attempted bombings in London and Glasgow, Scotland,” reported Stratfor in January 2008. “Over the past several years we also have received several queries about TJ from U.S. law enforcement officials who are concerned about the group’s presence and activities in the United States.”

    These people have direct ties to jihads and terrorism and Obama pulls the plug on any investigations? That is completely insane.

    Is there really a question where Obama’s loyalties lie? But liberals will stand by their man. Hillary has jumped on the bandwagon as well and all of a sudden loves Muslims. And blacklivesmatter. And homosexuals. And abortion.

    Again, I don’t understand how one man born in Kenya, with a fullblown Muslim name can possibly sway what were semi normal people at some point into America hating, Godless degenerate zombies but he did. Barack Hussein Obama has done one hell of a job destroying America. Unbelievable…

    (H/T Right Wing Tribune)

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    Obama To Speak Today To Battle ‘Hateful Talk’ Against Muslims, Will Meet With Muslim Leaders This Week To Address Discrimination Against Muslims

    Has he gotten around to meeting with the families killed in San Bernardino yet? Will he even bother to stop on his way out to Hawaii for yet another vacation on our dime?

    WASHINGTON — In an effort to battle what the White House has called hateful talk by prominent Republicans against Muslims and immigrants, President Obama will give a speech on Tuesday morning at a naturalization ceremony that includes a refugee from Iraq and a Fulbright scholar from Congo.

    “The president will speak about the American tradition of being a welcoming society and the incredible contributions of immigrants and refugees to our nation,” a White House official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk publicly about the ceremony before it occurred.

    The event, held on the 224th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, will feature 31 candidates for citizenship, from 25 countries, the official said. It will be held at the National Archives, and Richard W. Roberts, chief judge of United States District Court for the District of Columbia, will preside.

    The ceremony comes as 25 Republican governors have vowed to block the entry of Syrian refugees into their states, including some where large numbers of Syrians have settled in recent years. Mr. Obama has condemned such comments as contradicting American values.

    The governors made their vow after the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last month, and fears of terrorism have risen further in the United States after the shooting this month in San Bernardino, Calif.

    The White House will also hold a series of meetings with religious leaders this week to discuss ways the administration is working to address discrimination, harassment and episodes of hate while promoting pluralism and religious freedom.

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    HR 569: CAIR’s Standard Operating Procedure

    Posted on December 29, 2015 by Baron Bodissey
    Our Washington D.C. correspondent Frontinus sends this report on proposed House Resolution 569, “Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States”, which is now before the U.S. Congress with 82 co-sponsors (all Democrats).

    HR 569: CAIR’s Standard Operating Procedure

    by Frontinus

    Your American readers who aren’t aware of HR569 probably should be, and your European and Canadian readers may be interested to learn just how successful the Muslim Brotherhood has been in its penetration of the U.S. government, and how close we are to seeing the full implementation of U.N. Resolution 16/18 in this country.

    This resolution won’t pass, of course, but that isn’t what’s significant about of it. What’s important is the process that is now underway in Washington D.C., of which HR 569 is just a small part.

    First, take a look at the text of HR 569:

    Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

    Whereas the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim;

    Whereas the constitutional right to freedom of religious practice is a cherished United States value and violence or hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles;

    Whereas there are millions of Muslims in the United States, a community made up of many diverse beliefs and cultures, and both immigrants and native-born citizens;

    Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society;

    Whereas hateful and intolerant acts against Muslims are contrary to the United States values of acceptance, welcoming, and fellowship with those of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

    Whereas these acts affect not only the individual victims but also their families, communities, and the entire group whose faith or beliefs were the motivation for the act;

    Whereas Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other religious articles of clothing have been disproportionately targeted because of their religious clothing, articles, or observances; and

    Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

    (1) expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;
    (2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;
    (3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;
    (4) recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;
    (5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;
    (6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and
    (7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.
    Once again, this will not pass. However, the fact that 82 Democrats have co-sponsored it will be used to validate the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, etc. etc.) claim that hate crimes have increased (and of course they haven’t for Muslims, although they may have increased against Jews in America, who are historically identified in FBI statistics as victimized in hate crimes five to ten times more frequently than Muslims in America).

    This is the usual modus operandi used by the Ikhwan, and it’s a consistent systems approach. (As indeed is the entire jihad-dawa approach to supremacism a systems approach. I recommend Jasser Auda’s text Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law: A Systems Approach — it’s light on the jihad doctrine, but gets to the broader implications of Shariah as a closed system with open-ended ambitions.)

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    Obama Administration to Release the First Of 17 Radical Islamic Gitmo Detainees Next Week

    Via Miami Herald:

    The first of 17 detainees scheduled to be released from the Guantánamo Bay prison in January will be transferred next week, as the Obama administration continues to reduce the population at the controversial detention center, a senior U.S. official said Monday.

    Another three detainees are slated to appear before a review board during January to determine if they can also be considered eligible for transfer to another country, the official added.

    Defense Secretary Ash Carter notified Congress earlier this month that 17 detainees would be transferred to other countries in January. Those transfers will begin with several moving out next week. The 17 are more transfers than Carter has approved all year, and they will reduce the total detainees at Guantánamo to 90, with 31 still eligible for transfer.

    In the 10 months since Carter took office in February, he transferred 15 detainees out of Guantánamo.
    Keep reading…
    More on the long history of Haji Hamidullah. There is no question this is someone who should never be let out.

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    After Paris, Obama Sends ISIS Reinforcements by Freeing 5 Al Qaeda Terrorists from Guantanamo Bay

    How thoughtful of Barack.

    November 16, 2015
    Daniel Greenfield

    How thoughtful of Barack.

    ISIS has lost a few of its people in that Paris massacre.

    So Obama just sent off some Al Qaeda reinforcements from Guantanamo Bay.

    Five men who have been held for more than 13 years at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been released and sent to the United Arab Emirates, the Pentagon said Sunday.

    The five Yemeni men were accepted for resettlement in the Persian Gulf nation after U.S. authorities determined they no longer posed a threat, the Defense Department said in a statement. Their release brings the Guantanamo prison population to 107.

    The released men, who arrived in the UAE on Saturday, were identified as Ali Ahmad Muhammad al-Razihi, Khalid Abd-al-Jabbar Muhammad Uthman al-Qadasi, Adil Said al-Hajj Ubayd al-Busays, Sulayman Awad Bin Uqayl al-Nahdi, and Fahmi Salem Said al-Asani.

    "Men" is a euphemism for Al Qaeda terrorists. That's who these fine folks Obama freed are.

    Ali Ahmad Muhammad al-Razihi was an Osama bin Laden bodyguard. There was a good deal of pushback to releasing him, but Barack Hussein Obama got his way. Again.

    BHO has released a number of OBL's bodyguards already. Al-Razihi is listed as "high risk", but ISIS needs a few good "high risk" men.
    Obama on fighting Islamic State: “I’m not interested in…America winning”

    November 16, 2015 8:14 pm By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

    Obama said: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually gonna work to protect the American people and to protect people in the region.”

    Limbaugh points out just what is wrong and odd about this: “America winning has no relationship to protecting the American people?” Indeed, how can that be?

    “Limbaugh: Obama not interested in winning against ISIS,” by Joe Kovacs, WND, November 16, 2015:
    In the wake of the Paris terror attacks last week, radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh says President Obama has no interest in winning against the Islamic terror group ISIS.

    At a news conference Monday, Obama was asked if his “reluctance to enter another Middle East war and [his] preference of diplomacy over using the military makes the U.S. weaker and emboldens our enemies.”

    Obama responded: “Some of [my critics] seem to think that if I were just more bellicose in expressing what we’re doing, that that would make a difference, because that seems to be the only thing that they’re doing is talking as if they’re tough. Folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually gonna work to protect the American people and to protect people in the region.”

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    That comment set Limbaugh off, who asked, “Did I just hear what I just heard?”

    “If America winning doesn’t have any relationship to what’s gonna work, then what the hell are we working on? What’s the point?”

    “He really makes the case here,” Limbaugh continued, “that this is bitter clinger rabble-rousing. It’s just insignificant. This idea of America winning, it’s so backwards. We intellectuals are so far beyond the concept of America winning. That’s not what this is about. We’re not in this to win. That’s not why we’re doing what we’re doing. That’s his point of view here. American leadership, America winning, other slogans we can come up with. I’m not interested in that. That has no relationship to what’s actually gonna work to protect the American people. America winning has no relationship to protecting the American people?

    “This is arrogant condescension and the whole idea here about winning and victory, intellectuals, in their world, that is blue-collar stuff, that’s hayseed, hick stuff, talking about winning and this and that. The intellectuals know there is no winning. There’s just containment. There’s appeasement, there’s cooperation, coalition. Winning? Come on, don’t waste my time. We’re so beyond winning. In his vaunted world of superior intelligence and being, winning is such a passe thing. Leadership, it’s so irrelevant to the real world today. But he wasn’t finished. He then lectured everybody on how we have to accept Muslims as well as Christians or we’re all just a bunch of bigots.”

    Limbaugh said Americans citizens are truly concerned about attacks within our borders now, especially in the wake of what happened in Paris as well as the ongoing influx of Muslim “refugees” from Syria into the United States. He says government officials, including the president, want Americans to deny reality.

    “They’re asking us to not believe exactly what we see,” he explained. “They’re asking us to deny common sense. They’re asking us to deny what’s rational. They want us to believe them. ‘Ah, it’s workplace violence.’ Really? Allahu Akbar. It happens every day.”…
    Shoe bomb inventor praised by Bin Laden among latest Gitmo releases

    Published January 22, 2016

    A legendary Al Qaeda explosives expert, whose invention of the “shoe-bomb” endeared him to Usama bin Laden and who may have known about 9/11 in advance, was freed Thursday from Guantanamo Bay, where he became a “highly prolific” source of information for the U.S. government even as his health spiraled.

    Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al Sawah, a 58-year-old Egyptian who once taught bomb-making to Al Qaeda members and created a special floating mine used to target U.S. ships, as well as the footwear explosive used by failed bomber Richard Reid, has been transferred to Bosnia, according to the Obama administration.

    “He has been compliant over the last four years,” reads Sawah’s Gitmo file, which was made public by Wikileaks. “He continues to be a highly prolific source and has provided invaluable intelligence regarding explosives, Al Qaeda, affiliated entities and their activities.”

    Officials acknowledge in the file that Al Sawah could revert to his old ways, but note his “cooperation with the U.S. government” could make him unwelcome in terror circles.

    A 2008 entry in the file noted that Al Sawah was “morbidly obese,” and suffering from diabetes, fatty liver disease and chronic pain from spinal cord compression. Still, Al Sawah, who fought with the Bosnian army in the 1990s war in Yugoslavia before making his way to Afghanistan in 2000, was once part of the Al Qaeda inner circle.

    Al Sawah was once Usama bin Laden's key bomb-making expert.

    “Detainee also associated with the planners and perpetrators of international terrorist attacks and other senior al-Qaida members, and may have had advanced knowledge of the 11 September 2001 attacks,” reads his dossier, which Wikileaks posted online along with hundreds of other Gitmo files.

    Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor who helped put blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman behind bars for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center attack, blasted both the Obama administration and Republicans for allowing the military prison in Cuba to be emptied of terror suspects.

    "There is no more despicable dereliction of duty than a commander-in-chief’s replenishing of enemy forces while the enemy is still attacking our troops and plotting to mass-murder Americans," McCarthy said.

    "The Republican Congress has fecklessly signaled that it will take no meaningful action against the president’s subordination of national security to a radical political agenda," he continued. "Not surprisingly, the president is proceeding apace: Since Congress won’t close Gitmo, Obama will simply empty it."

    The latest releases, which included Al Sawah and Yemeni Abdul Aziz Abdullah Ali al Suadi, 41, brought the number of remaining prisoners at the camp down to 91, the lowest since the first detainees began to arrive at the installation in 2002.

    Al Suadi has been described as an explosives trainer for Al Qaeda who in 2008 was still considered a potential high risk to the U.S., but also with high intelligence value. He was recommended for release by prison officials less than two years later. He has been at Gitmo since 2002, and is being transferred to the government of Montenegro.

    A third detainee, Muhammad Bawazir, a 35-year-old also from Yemen, refused to board a plane as the others were being flown out for resettlement in the Balkans. Transfer to Yemen is not an option, as the nation is in the midst of a bloody civil war, and Bawazir’s lawyer, John Chandler, said he prefers to stay in the military prison for now.

    President Obama plans to close the prison and bring the remaining prisoners, who include 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to American prisons. Last week, 10 Yemeni detainees were released and transferred to Oman.

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    Default Re: Obama Administration Stands Boldly With The Muslims

    Obama to visit US mosque to “celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation”

    January 30, 20165:57 pm By Robert Spencer 21 Comments

    “President Obama will make the first visit during his presidency to a U.S. mosque, the White House announced Saturday, as the administration tries to promote religious tolerance at a time when rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism is growing.”

    Yes, here’s some rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism: the latest Islamic State video is called “Kill them wherever you find them,” which is a quotation from the Qur’an (2:191, 4:89, 9:5). And a few weeks ago, a convert to Islam named Edward Archer shot and seriously wounded Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett, and then explained: “I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic state. That is why I did what I did.” Will Obama take up these examples (and there are many more) of Muslims linking Islam to terrorism when he visits the mosque, and challenge the mosque and other U.S. mosques to put in place honest, transparent and inspectable programs that teach against the understanding of Islam that gives rise to jihad violence?

    And what contributions have Muslims made to our nation? They’ve spurred advances in airport security, to be sure, but what else? As long as he is celebrating these contributions, could the President kindly give us a list?

    “Obama to make first visit of his presidency to a U.S. mosque next week,” by Michelle Boorstein and Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, January 30, 2016:

    President Obama will make the first visit during his presidency to a U.S. mosque, the White House announced Saturday, as the administration tries to promote religious tolerance at a time when rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism is growing.

    On Wednesday, the president will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore, a sprawling community center in the city’s western suburbs that serves thousands of people with a place of worship, a housing complex and schools, according to its website. It is one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Muslim centers and describes itself as aspiring “to be the anchor of a growing Muslim community with diverse backgrounds, democratically governed, relating to one another with inclusiveness and tolerance, and interacting with neighbors in an Islamic exemplary manner.”

    The president is making the visit “to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life,” a White House official wrote in an email Saturday. “The President believes that one of our nation’s greatest strengths is our rich diversity and the very idea that Americans of different faiths and backgrounds can thrive together – that we’re all part of the same American family. As the President has said, Muslim Americans are our friends, and neighbors; our co-workers, and sports heroes – and our men and women in uniform defending our country.”…

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