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Thread: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

  1. #61
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Hmmm... I think the video shows something we all pretty much suspected with various leftist groups working together.

    They'd better be careful asking for revolution in America. It might not work out just the way they expect. Right now there are a lot of people who are only restrained because of the rule of law.

  2. #62
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    I am not surprised, but somewhat aghast that we have truly evolved to where these twisted people from all manner of ranks of government and orgs, can openly state their traitorous goals and not be prosecuted.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    []MEDIA BLACKOUT: Socialists and Muslims turn Paris into a war zone (video)

    'Summer Of Rage' Anyone?

    Submitted by renee nal on April 16, 2016 – 6:42 pm EST2 Comments
    Migrant Battle at Stalingrad (YouTube Screenshot)

    It all happened on April 14, just two days ago in Paris. Between the destructive force of socialists and migrants, the once-beautiful city appears to be doomed if nothing changes. A brutal battle among migrant groups was caught on film by terrified residents, while on the same day students and workers led by labor unions continued their ongoing battle against extremely limited labor reforms proposed by the socialist government, leading to violence and arrests (see below for video).
    On the same day migrants war in Paris, violent socialists hurl chair at riot police. (YouTube screenshot)

    Afghan, Somali, Eritrean and Sudanese gangs of migrants went to war with one another, attacked the riot police who were called on the scene, terrified residents and additionally trashed the Stalingrad Metro in Paris on Thursday.
    The “running battles were filmed by horrified locals,” as reported at the UK-based Sun.

    A drunk man “who is thought to have thrown the first missile” was arrested, as reported at the UK-based Daily Mail, who further reported that “almost 1,000 migrants” have come to this area in the past several weeks. When police have cleared out their camps, evidently the invaders return.
    Police were “pelted with bottles and debris when the arrived at the scene” when they arrived.
    From the Sun:
    Disbelieving residents called police twice as the fighting, which broke up some time after 9pm, kicked off again at 11.30pm on Thursday night.
    Men can be seen hurling pieces of wood, bags and other missiles.
    At times the fighting is at close quarters but groups of the men later splinter apart, before police move in and tear gas is seen filling the air.

    Dozens of men attacked each other armed with planks of wood and metal bars YouTube
    The spot, underneath a rail bridge at Stalingrad station, was until the end of last month the temporary home of nearly 1,000 migrants in a makeshift camp.
    The camp of Afghan, Somali, Eritrean and Sudanese migrants was cleared on March 30 by police and immigration authorities, but many have returned.
    Watch the video:
    As far as the socialists, the New York Times reports that the uproar is “against a new government plan to make firings slightly easier and France’s trademark shortened workweek slightly longer.” The socialist government is desperate to reduce the country’s unemployment rate, which has stubbornly been stuck at 10 percent.
    Employers are so “fearful of long-term hires,” according to the article, “that 90 percent of jobs created in France last year were unstable, poorly paid and short term.”
    Here is an excerpt:
    “Firing an employee in France often means a court date, months of hearings and hefty payouts under the country’s 3,400-page labor code. Employers hate the thick book.
    But workers — those lucky enough to have jobs — love it. On Wednesday, thousands went into the streets across France to protect it, demonstrating against a new government plan to make firings slightly easier and France’s trademark shortened workweek slightly longer.
    Nothing for years has so revived labor tensions — or divided the Socialist Party — as the government’s plan to overhaul the voluminous labor code, removing, ever so slightly, a few layers of worker protection.
    Desperate to reduce a nearly permanent unemployment rate of more than 10 percent, the Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls, has risked taking a delicate paring knife to the labor code, a step that members of his party consider a heresy.”
    The irony is that the minimal changes to the labor code would hardly bring much relief to employers. Yet the socialists refer to the plan as a “betrayal.”
    For weeks the Socialist Party’s rank and file has cried betrayal. Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition demanding that the government scrap its plan.
    How does France not buckle under her own weight?
    While the “protests” have been ongoing, this video is from April 14, the same day the migrants went to war at Stalingrad station (the screenshot above was captured at around the 8:29 minute mark):

    It is not a stretch to consider that what is happening in Paris could happen in America. In fact, the socialists are quite reminiscent of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy movements, as well as the failed “Democracy Spring” movement that is being pushed by the same creepy communists.

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  4. #64
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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Florida: Orlando retailer arrested in $863,000 food stamp fraud bust

    Posted on May 11, 2016 by creeping
    Ashraf Maged Mostafa Ismail

    Source: Orlando retailer arrested for cashing food stamps,… h/t: Diversity’s Dark Side
    ORLANDO, Fla. – The Pines of Orlando Market, a tiny, family-owned grocery store located in a strip mall, has a relatively small customer base. That’s why state investigators found it suspicious the retailer was redeeming a surprisingly high volume of SNAP benefit transactions, commonly known as food stamps.
    “A store that size, anywhere else, that is doing legitimate business is making about $8,000 a month (in food stamp transactions),” said Jack Heacock, the director of the state’s Public Assistance Fraud division.
    At the Pines of Orlando Market, the owner was redeeming about $86,000 in benefits each month, according to investigators.
    Suspecting fraud, undercover agents made six visits to the store over the past few months. Each time, they swiped an EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card as if they were buying food.
    But instead of selling the agents groceries, the store owner handed them cash, according to authorities. The payout was a little less than 50 cents for every dollar the store owner was later reimbursed by the state.
    “It’s the taxpayer who is losing out, because those funds are intended to purchase food,” said Heacock, who is leading a charge to crack down on food stamp fraud. “This is a renewed focus to pursue these types of crimes here in the state of Florida.”
    On Wednesday, state agents arrested Ashraf Maged Mostafa Ismail on charges of credit card fraud, public assistance fraud, and grand theft. He has owned the Pine Hills grocery store since at least 2015, records show.
    Over a 10-month period, investigators said Ismail redeemed $863,000 in food stamp benefits, an amount similar to some large supermarkets.
    Although agents do not know exactly how much of that money may have been given to customers as cash, they suspect a large percentage may have been used by customers for a variety of non-food expenses, possibly including clothing, rent, or even drugs.
    “We’re going to make an impact and fight this type of fraud,” said Evangelina Brooks, a captain with the state’s Division of Insurance Fraud. Her team assisted with the investigation into the Pines of Orlando Market.
    After executing a search warrant on the grocery store, agents seized several boxes of items they hope will aid in future investigations.
    “The second phase is going after the (cash) recipients we can identify through their patterns of transactions at this store,” said Heacock. He indicated agents may try to identify whether some of the customers may have exchanged food stamps for cash at other retail locations.
    “If you participate in this, we’re coming after you,” said Heacock

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  6. #66
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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    The Disease of Modern Liberalism

    Posted on June 13, 2016

    Like most everyone, I woke up Sunday to the news that a lunatic had shot up a gay bar in Florida late Saturday night. Also like most people, I figured it was just another example of the old adage, “nothing good happens after midnight.” Then it became clear it was something more than just the usual trouble and I braced myself for a full blast of crazy from the Cult of Modern Liberalism. I just knew that they would swear this was the fulfillment of prophesy and demand reparations like after the black church shooting.

    It did not turn out that way, obviously, as the shooter was a Liberal Democrat and a member of a sacred group. It’s hard to blame the honky when the shooter is a Muslim. Muslims are not real high on the totem pole for the Left, but they still rank higher than whites, even gay whites. The Left is afraid to elevate them too high on the piety pole as even Lefty understands what that means. Once we have a critical mass of Muslims they will start pitching lesbians off the roof at colleges around the country. That’s their thing.

    After getting caught up on the details of the story I figured, like a lot of people, I’m sure, that the next play for the Left would be guns. Instead of blaming the Religion of Peace™, they would blame the magic of metallurgy and polymers for making the poor Mohammedan go bonkers. It was either that or Donald Trump creating an unfriendly atmosphere. It did not take long for the Cult to settle on guns since Hillary Clinton plans to run on gun grabbing this fall.

    That’s the thing. Normals all know the drill now. President Obama could walk out of the White House, shoot a couple of pedestrians, rape a nun and then take a dump on Abe’s lap and the Left would find some way to twist it into proof their cause is just. If the Muslim had used a suicide vest instead of a gun, the Left would have blamed climate change for sending him over the edge. No matter what happens, the war on normal people must continue. It’s what defines them. It’s who they are.

    That’s what’s important to understand about the Progressive mind. These are not people who think like normal people. Instead, they are completely immersed in their secular religion, in the same way the Muslim fanatics are consumed by Islam. No matter what happens in the world, the Left looks for a cause in the tenets of their faith. In this case, it is Magic Shape Theory that says shaping metal into a gun imbues it with the power to take possession of a human, making them into a killer.

    This is why they never seem to lose focus on their causes, no matter how many times their cause has been rejected. Disarming the sinners, the bad whites they imagine are holding up the final ascent into the promised land, is a defining goal. After the Civil War, they wanted to murder all the bad whites. They still do, but they need to get the guns first. That’s what matters, not the dead gay guys lying on the dance floor or the Muslim lunatics running loose in the country.

    It’s one reason the Left always wins. They never quit. Like all fanatics, they cannot be reasoned with or bargained with, because they can never accept anything but 100% of their goal. Getting within ten miles of the promised land is no better than being a million miles from the promised land so they break whatever deal they made and demand to get a little closer and then a little closer. Before long normal people are getting thrown in prison and having their property confiscated because they did not show enough enthusiasm for sodomy.

    It’s an important lesson. There can be no deal struck with these people. There’s no truce to be had or a balance to be struck. What defines American liberalism is an unquantifiable hatred of the sinner, the bad whites they see as the reason the prophesies have not been fulfilled. When you define yourself by the moral distance between yourself and the bad people, you can never embrace the bad people. You can never accept them. You can only lie in wait, for your chance at revenge and glory. That’s why they spring to action right after these events.

    When the deranged white kid shot up the black church, the Left demanded the removal of every Confederate flag. That caught normal people by surprise as the Civil War has been over for 150 years. To the Left, however, it never ended. It just moved into different phases over time. The old hatreds are still there and any chance they get to exact vengeance on their sworn enemies, they take it. It’s all that matters to them. It is their reason to live.

    I’m fond of pointing out that civilization exists in the space between barbarians on one side and fanatics on the other. The fear of the barbarian forces civilized people to do what they must to keep the fanatics under control. America has lost control of the fanatics and they are running amok at a time when barbarians are pouring over the border, abetted by the fanatics who see an advantage. Exploding Mohameds are a symptom of a greater disease, the disease of Modern Liberalism.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Feminists Embrace Sharia: The Liberated Woman Covers Up

    Posted on June 16, 2016 by Baron Bodissey
    The following op-ed from a German news magazine discusses the banning of sexy advertising by London Mayor Sadiq Khan (as described here on Monday by Paul Weston) and the trend towards the same restrictions in Germany. The merger of feminism and Shariah is happening before our eyes: in order to avoid becoming “objects”, women are covering up.
    You’ve come a long way, baby — all the way to purdah!
    Egri Nök, who translated the article, includes this note:
    The news here is not the content of the op-ed, but that a mainstream news magazine says the two words “Sharia” and “feminism” in a single sentence.
    The translated op-ed from
    Ban on sexist advertising:
    What Sharia and Western feminism have in common
    June 15, 2016
    by Focus Online Expert Birgit Kelle

    Photo caption: this poster in the London Underground caused a stir and led to the ban on sexist advertising
    The mayor of London banned sexist advertising. There are similar plans in Germany as well. The columnist Birgit Kelle argues that it is fatal that the “women friends of Islam” and Western feminism have aligned.
    The new and, incidentally, first Muslim mayor of London has banned sexist advertising in the city. The plug was this poster, as it supposedly pressures young girls to adapt to ideals of beauty that they might not meet. And who does not experience this before summer? The love handles protrude from the jeans and we feel so fat when we look at women who did not fatten up.
    (Caption under the second photo: Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas)
    Being overweight demonstrates genuine feminist convictions
    “Body shaming” is the key feminist phrase here. Cheerfully also called “lookism”, the expectations of the male-dominated beauty ideal for womankind. Because we women do not really want to look good; as usual we only fulfill the expectations of society, namely, the men. It’s a good thing we women are able to rule the world, but need to be regularly reminded that unfortunately we are intellectually unable to evaluate our appearance or even to shape our looks adequately.
    Note that it is pooh to be slim and sporty. Real feminist convictions are adequately demonstrated only by obesity. In case you are wondering where you heard that before — our Impersonator of a Federal Minister of Justice is doing exactly the same at the moment, at the behest of the feminists in his party (Social Democrats) and in this country.

    It is only for our protection
    In Germany, also, sexist advertising is to be banned. Districts in Berlin that are ruled by the Green party are already successfully testing it; only modestly dressed women appear on posters. Because advertising is sexist when women look good and are lightly dressed. I am always pleased that the Social Democrats are so cosmopolitan and tolerant, and finally fulfill what has long been practiced in many countries across the world: half naked women have no business in public. But I’m sure they don’t mean it that way.
    It is only for our own protection as women.
    That is also what the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, says. He thinks young women should be protected from “endangering themselves and their health, only to live up to a certain beauty standard”.
    This is what connects the women’s friends of Islam and Western feminism
    Young girls are constantly putting themselves at risk. For example, when they walk the streets alone, without the company of their fathers, cousins and brothers, and maybe even look like the poster and are lightly dressed.
    It is great to see how Europe has finally developed uniform standards about the question of how women are permitted to look and what they may wear. Yes, this must be the true emancipation and freedom that we heard so much about. It is wonderful the way in which the women friends of Islam and Western feminism have finally aligned.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    David Brooks @NYT: We must let the terrorists in or they will kill us

    June 20, 2016

    By Sierra Rayne

    At the New York Times, Canadian-born commentator David Brooks writes one of the most illogical statements made lately by a supposed "conservative" (although, granted, the list of absurdities is long and distinguished this election cycle):

    Donald Trump is abhorrently wrong in implying that these [Islamic terrorism] attacks are central to Islam. His attempt to ban Muslim immigration is an act of bigotry (applying the sins of the few to the whole group), which is sure to incite more terrorism. His implication that we are in a clash of civilizations is an insult to those Muslims who have risked and lost their lives in the fight against ISIS and the Taliban.

    We'll tackle the low-hanging fruit first. Given how ISIS is supposedly vastly outnumbered in the Middle East by so-called "moderate Muslims," why haven't these "moderate Muslims" put up much of a real fight? There are large numbers of supposedly "moderate Muslims" with advanced militaries in nations all around ISIS controlled territory. Why aren't they coming to the direct defense of "moderate Muslims" attacked in this region?

    Imagine if all the other forces of good -- assuming that's what these "moderate Muslims" are -- just ran away whenever the fight came their way?

    Imagine if Britain's entire population sailed across the Atlantic and tried to claim refugee status in the U.S. and Canada rather than standing to fight the Nazis? And why aren't all the "moderate Muslims" in Europe and North America clamoring to go back and fight ISIS -- armed, of course, by the "moderate Muslim" nations in the Middle East -- and reclaim their "homeland" from the "Islamic extremists," rather than hiding in the West?

    To ask these questions is to obtain the answer. If you are not willing to fight for your freedom, and die for it, you don't deserve it. The West should not be doing the dirty work for the "moderate Muslims." A shocking afterthought: perhaps these aren't "moderate Muslims" after all.

    As Sarah Palin wisely said, "let Allah sort it out."

    We are indeed in a clash of civilizations between the Christian West and Islam and its precursors. This has been ongoing for millennia, and it never ended. The West already paid in plenty of blood and treasure for its freedom over the past several centuries. If "moderate Muslims" really do value the type of freedoms our ancestors and current freedom fighters died for in the West, they can fight for it back in their homeland, rather than running away. If we in the West had run away from our fights for freedom, there would be no free West for the "moderate Muslims" to hide in.

    The time for freeloading is over. Freedom is never free, and the millions of "moderate Muslims" pouring into the West need to go back to the Middle East and fight for the freedoms they supposedly cherish. These are tough statements, but we live in difficult times.

    Back to Brooks's claims: He states that if the United States attempts to ban Muslim immigration, this will result in more terrorism. If so, doesn't that prove the point that these are exactly the type of individuals we do not want living in the West?

    What kind of people will resort to terrorism against a nation that refuses to let them immigrate to it? I'll answer the question for Brooks: they are terrorists. What Brooks has unequivocally admitted is that the United States is being blackmailed by Muslim immigrants, who are saying "let us in or we will kill you." This translates into blackmail by terrorists posing as "moderate Muslim" immigrants.

    Thus, what Brooks has finally done is give politicians such as Trump another piece of ammunition for why all Muslim immigration should be halted until we "can figure out what is going on." The immigrants that the West wants are those who will not kill us if we don't let them in. By the way, many in the West have also been killed by Islamic terrorists that we did let in as immigrants, so Brooks's argument fails on all possible angles.

    In our current state, we have Scott Baio -- yes, Chachi from Happy Days -- who has perhaps best said what everyone reasonable in the West is thinking:
    [President Barack Obama's reluctance to say] Islamic terror [means] he's dumb, he's Muslim or he's a Muslim sympathizer ... And I don't think he's dumb ... [what is the] end game? ... Is it to totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now? I'm baffled by the lack of anything happening.

    And now word is coming out that the Attorney General will be "scrubbing" the 911 calls made by the Orlando Islamic terrorist of any reference to Islam.

    The days in the West grow dark indeed.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Downfall coming through coalition of Islamists and Marxists?

    'If we're going to get a grip on this, we have to know their narrative and understand it'

    Anita Crane About | Email | Archive Anita Crane is an independent writer who enjoys contributing to WND. She has a B.A. in Catholic Theology from Christendom College. In November 2012, she was honored when the first interview she ever conducted was re-published in “A Spiritual Autobiography” by Venerable Father John A. Hardon, S.J., who is up for canonization and prefaced the interview by saying, “Anita Crane drew statements from me that I have never made before.” Anita’s background includes working as a network TV producer and magazine editor. She's also contributor to and editor of Ron Miller's book "SELLOUT: Musings from Uncle Tom's Porch". To contact Anita, visit


    The Muslim Brotherhood

    A noted specialist on Islamic law and ideology from the Center for Security Policy, who has been cited as an expert for the Pentagon, says a coalition of Islamists and Marxists is working to destroy the United States.

    The comments come from Stephen Coughlin, a lecturer for leading Department of Defense institutions such as the Naval War College, Marine Corps HQ-Quantico and for the FBI. Coughlin is a retired major in the U.S. Army reserves and was assigned to USCENTCOM, with a military intelligence specialty.

    His assignments included the Pentagon’s National Military Joint Intelligence Center, the National Security Council’s Interagency Perception Management Threat Panel and the intelligence staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so he has the credentials required for such assessments.

    He recently addressed the Northern Virginia Chapter of ACT! for America, where he quoted terrorist Carlos the Jackal, who said, “Only a coalition of Islamists and Marxists can destroy the United States.” Thus, Coughlin said, “If we’re going to get a grip on this, we have to know their narrative and understand it. We know that when the other side has language that’s locked into doctrine, we need to hold them to it.”

    He showed al-Qaida’s agenda for lone jihadists too.

    He cited the case of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, killed during a confrontation with police.
    Tsarnaev reportedly sent a text message to his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, saying he was “ready to die for Islam.” ABC News Radio reported that his surviving brother and fellow suspect told investigators both “were ready to die.” According to The Christian Post, “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev indicated that his older brother hated America and Christianity, especially for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

    Al-Qaida is one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s many branches and it preaches that individual Muslims should act as lone jihadists, lone terrorists. Therefore, after the bombings in Boston, after the two Muslim Tsarnaev brothers were named as the primary suspects, Coughlin made an in-depth video on the Muslim Brotherhood’s narrative on this subject.

    In it, he says, “A couple years ago, in June 2010, I was asked to brief a couple members of Congress about what this concept of the ‘lone wolf’ was. It’s the first time I brought the fact that what the FBI and DHS call ‘lone wolf’ is actually a formal part of jihad.”

    In the video, Coughlin also highlights the cold calculation of al-Qaida’s leaders telling their followers who to murder and where to murder them.

    And there are some surprising details. For example, he said al-Qaida urges against killing Jews in their synagogues. Coughlin believes that’s because it’s bad publicity that damages the Muslim Brotherhood’s deceptive “interfaith” dialogues with Christians and Jews.

    He quotes an article from the al-Qaida magazine “Inspire,” which says: “The confrontation with America is fundamental, while the confrontation with Europe is secondary, aimed at making Europe lead the alliance by putting pressure on her.”

    His presentation follows:

    The U.S. government has known of the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of defeating the U.S. since 2004, when federal investigators raided a terrorist’s home in Virginia and found “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.”

    That was written in 1991 by Mohamed Akram for the Muslim Brotherhood’s Shura Council.

    The FBI’s discovery of the memo led to the 2008 federal trial entitled the United States of America v. Holy Land Foundation, through which the federal government shut down HLF for sending millions of dollars to the terrorist group HAMAS, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.

    In the memo, Akram addresses his fellow Muslim Brotherhood members with various titles, including the organization’s official name: the Islamic Movement, the Movement and Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Arabic.

    Akram wrote: “In order for Islam and its Movement to become ‘a part of the homeland’ in which it lives, ‘stable’ in its land, ‘rooted’ in the spirits and minds of its people, ‘enabled’ in the [life] of its society and [have] firmly-established ‘organizations’ on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain ‘the keys’ and the tools of this process [to] carry out this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country. …

    “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their [own] hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes…”

    The 1991 memo lists 29 of the Muslim Brotherhood’s public organizations working to conquer the U.S. and North America. Subsequently, other front groups were established, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

    Coughlin pointed to Tariq Ramadan as a protégé of “Rules for Radicals” author Saul Alinsky. He is the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Sheikh Hassan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna.

    Among his many occupations, Ramadan is a professor at Oxford University, where he concentrates on “Islamic revival in the world and Muslims of the West.” He’s president of the European Muslim Network, and Ramadan is widely published and widely received as a charismatic speaker of English, French and Arabic.

    Coughlin said Ramadan wasn’t allowed in the United States because he was on the terrorist watch list, but last July 27 he went to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Circle of North America fundraiser in Dallas, Texas, and said, “We should all be very careful not to be colonized by something which is coming from the consumerist society. It should be us with our understanding of Islam, colonizing positively the United States of America.”

    “It’s very important to hear the Alinskyist narrative,” said Coughlin. “What do they do? How many times do you hear them talk about core values? Part of Alinskyism is to take core, hallowed terms, both in the sacred governmental space of our Constitution and religiously because they are just as virulent and powerful in the interfaith community. Take core ideas, use them but redefine them.”

    Apart from Coughlin’s lectures, WND columnists have written about Alinsky developing the strategy of infiltrating government through “community organizers,” and the fact that some of his most successful students are former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Barack Hussein Obama.

    WND also covers the Islamist infiltration of our government and school systems.

    Ironically, some 10 hours before the bombings in Boston, Coughlin’s CSP colleague Clare Lopez, a former CIA staffer, released “History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government.”

    In the report, Lopez shows how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated presidential administrations from Bill Clinton to Obama. For example, Bill and Hillary Clinton welcomed Muslim Brotherhood operatives, including Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was convicted during the Bush administration in 2004 for financing terrorism.

    Lopez also reveals that Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin, wife of the leftist philandering former Congressman Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., is rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood. Lopez further shows how Muslim Brotherhood officials infiltrated President George W. Bush’s administration, and how they influenced his speeches on Islam as a religion of peace, plus his policies.

    Both Lopez and Coughlin point to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is the Islamist version of the United Nations. Lopez says: “Another senior affiliate, Rashad Hussain, is the Obama administration’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Hussain’s background is replete with Muslim Brotherhood associations… In his official capacity, Hussain is responsible for providing advice on national security and Muslim outreach. He assisted in writing the president’s June 2009 Cairo speech, in which Obama announced a new approach to the Muslim world and essentially declared war on his host, then-President Hosni Mubarak, by publicly signaling his recognition of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Hussain also acts as point man for the Obama administration’s cooperation with the Istanbul Process, the OIC effort to criminalize internationally any criticism of Islam. The current administration’s weeks-long duplicity in the aftermath of the 11 September 2012 terror attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, when it repeatedly and mendaciously claimed that an internet video trailer sparked a protest there that got out of hand, appears to have been carefully scripted not just with the OIC but Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the U.S., as well.”

    As one FBI official anonymously told WND, he saw the “scrub” of Muslim words from his agency’s lexicon take place in 2007.

    The most obvious victory for the Islamist/Marxist coalition is Clinton’s and Obama’s reaction to the murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans by Islamists at the embassy in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.

    Months prior to the 9/11 anniversary, Stevens expected terrorism on that anniversary and he asked for help. Stevens alerted State Department officials when he was under attack but no military assistance was sent.

    After the murders in Libya and more Islamist attacks on other American embassies on 9/11, Obama and Clinton apologized to Muslims for an obscure video on YouTube that portrays Mohammad in unflattering terms, even though the video had nothing to do with the reasons for the attacks.

    Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, allowed protesters to mob, threaten and vandalize our embassy there. And, according to Islam expert Robert R. Reilly, Morsi was recruited to the Muslim Brotherhood while he was a doctoral engineering student at the University of Southern California.

    The Islamists and Marxists built their coalition with the common agenda of killing both Christianity and Judaism. It’s an odd coalition because Marxists despise God and religion, while Islamists intend to impose their religion on everyone.

    But the evidence is mounting. On April 4, the Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services USA and the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty together announced they had uncovered a U.S. Army Reserve “Equal Opportunity” training brief that identifies “Evangelical Christianity” and “Catholicism” as examples of “religious extremism” along with al-Qaida, HAMAS and the Ku Klux Klan.

    A slide from that training brief and its corresponding script reveals that in addition to grouping Catholics and Evangelical Christians with real terrorists, the Army Reserve added Islamist/Marxist propaganda by classifying “Islamophobia” as extremism.

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    Maybe the fucking Government ought to share this information with the pubic.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Black Lives Matter defends platform accusing Israel of ‘genocide’

    August 10, 2016 11:41 am By Christine Williams

    Jihad Watch has reported on the growing alliance between opportunistic, victimology-manipulating jihadists and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

    It should now come as no surprise that Black Lives Matter platform co-author, Ben Ndugga-Kabuye, is defending a platform that delegitimizes the state of Israel, in unison with Palestinian propaganda-pushers who label Israel an apartheid state and accuse it of genocide against the Palestinian people. The BLM platform, which states the goals of the movement, references Israel as an apartheid state and calls for ending U.S. military aid to Israel.

    Direct lying is part of the propagandist modus operandi, as is lying by omission. Israel is not an apartheid state, as it does not remotely fit the definition of apartheid. Palestinians living in Israel have equal rights, and there have been Muslim Arab members of Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The Palestinian territory, on the other hand, is unwelcoming of Jews to the point of being potentially dangerous for Jews even to wander accidentally into Palestinian-controlled areas, as was seen in the famous Ramallah lynching case. Abbas has also declared that there will be “not a single Israeli” in a future Palestinian state.

    Jihadists are fixated on delegitimizing and obliterating the state of Israel, as well as subjugating Western society, and they are proficient in using the victimology narrative as an aid. What better partnership in that endeavor than with the Black Lives Matter movement?

    Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for the murder of police last year in the name of Islam, and he invoked the Quran; while this is what the Nation of Islam thinks of Jews:

    “Jews have been conclusively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor ever undertaken against an entire race of people … the black African Holocaust. … The effects of this unspeakable tragedy are still being felt among the peoples of the world at this very hour.”
    Ben Ndugga-Kabuye and the Black Lives Matter movement seem to also have “forgotten” the racist genocide by Muslims in Darfur, as well as black slavery in Islamic states. And it seems that they also “forget” that Israel is a state that has been fighting for its existence since its founding in 1948, so that measures taken against the Palestinians are in self-defense, and that Israel has given back all of the lands taken in defensive wars except those locations that are needed for strategic defensive purposes.

    “Black Lives Matter author defends platform accusing Israel of ‘genocide'”, Jerusalem Post,

    August 9, 2016:

    NEW YORK — The co-author of the Black Lives Matter platform passage accusing Israel of “genocide” defended the term, saying Israel’s actions fit in its wider definition.

    Ben Ndugga-Kabuye co-authored the statement along with Rachel Gilmer, the former board member of a Zionist youth group. Ndugga-Kabuye told JTA he understood why Jewish groups disagree with the statement, but was perplexed that it has received so much attention.

    He compared it with the accusations of genocide that black activists have leveled at the United States and called the Israeli-Palestinian conflict one of many international conflicts US black activists feel connected to.

    “The way we look at it is, we take strong stances,” Ndugga-Kabuye, a New York City organizer for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, told JTA. “The demand we’re making is we’re against the US continuing funding and military aid to the government of Israel. These are all things that are going to be in debate.”

    The platform, released Aug. 2 by The Movement for Black Lives coalition, is largely a statement of the goals of a movement that coalesced around police violence directed against black people in the United States, mass incarceration of African-Americans and other domestic issues.

    But it also calls for ending US military aid to Israel and accuses Israel of being an apartheid state. The platform includes a link to a website promoting the movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israel called BDS.

    “The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people” reads the “Invest/Divest” section of “A Vision for Black Lives.”

    A string of Jewish organizations, from the Anti-Defamation League to the Reform movement and National Council of Jewish Women, has condemned the genocide and apartheid language as well as the BDS endorsement. T’ruah, a rabbis’ human rights group that opposes Israel’s West Bank occupation, also criticized the document.

    Most of the organizations took pains to note that they are sympathetic to other parts of the platform, many of which jibe with liberal Jewish positions on the criminal justice system, economic justice and immigration.

    “While we are deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and the human rights violations directed at both Israelis and Palestinians, we believe the terms genocide and apartheid are inaccurate and inappropriate to describe the situation,” NCJW wrote in a statement. “Further, BDS is too often used to de-legitimize Israel’s right to exist.”

    Jewish Voice for Peace, which supports BDS, was the rare Jewish group that endorsed the platform in its entirety.

    Ndugga-Kabuye said state actions don’t need to rise to the level of the Holocaust or other historical genocides to deserve the term, which he said could connote unjust state killing of a disadvantaged group. He compared his usage of the word to We Charge Genocide, a group that opposes police violence in Chicago.

    “We’re talking about a structure of violent deaths that are state sanctioned, that are without accountability, and that are ongoing,” he told JTA. “We can say this is what’s happening in Palestine and not equate it with what’s happening in South America. It doesn’t say it’s the same number of people being killed or the [same] manner of people being killed.”

    Ndugga-Kabuye said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is just one of many international issues the platform comments on — including the dangers African migrants face in crossing the Mediterranean Sea, or conflicts in Somalia, Colombia or Honduras. He said the passage on Israel is longer because “there’s a certain prominence to it, and that may require us to go a little more in detail.” But he said the statements about other conflicts, charging the United States with imperialist actions, are just as strong as the language condeming Israel.

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    Lesbian CNN commentator all in for sharia

    By Carol Brown

    August 17, 2016

    Here’s a tidbit from the oversized trough of absurdity courtesy of the left: Sally Kohn is a political commentator on CNN and a lesbian who, last year, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post where she announced: “I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.”

    OK. So this piece isn’t about that tidbit from the oversized trough of absurdity, but it gives you a glimmer into that which is Sally Kohn (who, by the way, is also self-consciously sweet in an I’m-innocent-and-trying-my-best-but-I-am-right-and-you-know-it type of person who lectures on the need for mutual respect while, for example, referring to Newt Gingrich during one interview as “peach pit”).
    But I digress.
    Yesterday, in response to Donald Trump’s (excellent) speech on national security, Kohn tweeted the following:
    Hey @realDonaldTrump, many *progressive Muslims* -- the ones we should support in ideological fight against extremism -- believe in Sharia!!
    — Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) August 16, 2016

    So Sally Kohn thinks a subset of Muslims who call themselves “progressive Muslims” believe in Sharia. And apparently that’s a good thing. (I wonder what part of sharia law is her favorite. Burqas, stoning, or throwing homosexuals off of rooftops?)
    That’s how far gone the brains of leftists have become, marinated such as they are in a slop of lies, misinformation, and a worldview disconnected from reality.
    I don’t care what descriptor comes before the word “Muslim.” If a person believes in Sharia, they do not believe in liberty. Certainly a female and a member of the LGBT community should be alert to that fact since women and homosexuals don’t fare to well under the Sharia. To put it mildly.
    So as of Wednesday, August 17th, count Ms. (?) Kohn all in for sharia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Germany devises quick fix to thwart Muslim sexual assault

    August 25, 2016

    By Carol Brown

    Germany’s a mess thanks to Angela Merkel and others who breathlessly embrace those who wish to destroy the country – killing, raping, and wreaking all manner of havoc as they go. No matter how much violence Muslim imports heap upon the populace, immigration policy does not shift. The policy seems to be founded on the idea that the sooner the country can be destroyed, the better.

    Go figure.

    Among countless issues along the path to hell is that of rising sexual assault perpetuated by Muslim barbarians against German women and girls.

    But not to worry. Germany has devised an answer to nip this escalating problem in the bud: temporary tattoos.

    Yes, that’s right. Temporary tattoos are being placed on the arms of young girls in public swimming polls to fend off would be attackers. The terrifying tattoo says: “No!” The potentially life-saving message (/S) is bracketed by an image of angel wings.

    If only Germans would realize that their new Muslim friends are more concerned with 72 virgins than angels, but that’s beside the point.

    Is this insane? (Answer: Yes.)

    And as a quick aside, Muslim colonizers in Germany are referred to as the “new citizens.” Gee, that was quick. They went from being “migrants” to “immigrants” to “citizens” in a heartbeat. Then again, as noted at the outset of this blog, Germany is in a rush to get her demise over and done with, so I guess it makes sense to get these barbarians on the citizen fast track.

    But I digress.

    The genius who came up with the tattoo idea is quick to point out that she doesn’t want her tattoo campaign to be associated in any way with migrants because, you know, there have always been problems with sexual assaults in swimming pools across Germany. Translation: I love dishonest moral equivalence and please, new citizens, don’t target me.

    This dumbbell also said she hopes the tattoos will serve as an incentive for young girls to think about what is normal and what is abnormal interaction and what does or doesn’t need to be reported.

    Right. Great. Put the onus on girls who just want to go swimming and have fun without having to worry about some Muslim goons trying to grope them. Or worse.

    The Daily Caller reported that “[i]n July, a manager of 6,000 pools in Germany commented on the migrant sex assault epidemic” and that a leaked police report from one German city stated that “sexual offences are recording a huge increase” while singling out a “significant” uptick in “rape and sexual abuse of children at bathing establishments.”

    But, but, but the tattoo brain said Germany has always had problems with sexual assault at swimming pools, well before “migrants” started arriving. Damn reality! It really messes with the leftist-Islam-apologist-cowardly-dhimmi meme.

    Looping back to unreality and in closing: Who knew a person could fend off a sexual assault simply by having the word “no” written on their arm? Leave it to the left to figure it out, clever little lads and lassies that they are. (Or is it vads and vassies?)

    Editor's note:
    Richard Terrell offers his own commentary on effective methods:

    Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs, UK Express

    Look at the INSANE Idea Sweden Just Announced to Prevent Muslim Sexual Assaults By Michael Ware June 30, 2016

    Sweden has unveiled its latest attempt to stay the rising sexual offenses of young women. They, like the rest of Europe, are suffering from a rise of rape and public molestation. Most of this can be attributed to the rise in Muslim immigrants.

    They unveiled this plan to the public.

    Breitbart reports
    Sweden’s police chief unveiled the force’s latest weapon in the fight against sexual assault: wristbands reading “Don’t touch me”.

    The press release announced that police intend to equip young women with wristbands with the slogan “don’t touch me”. This will happen over the summer, at festivals and other events for young people. “By wearing these wristbands,” Sweden’s police chief said, “young women will be able to make a stand”.

    It is unclear how effective the wristbands, which read “don’t touch me” in Swedish, will be in preventing attacks, as the majority of sex attack perpetrators are thought to be recent migrants who are unlikely to be able to read them.
    Let’s give the chief the benefit of the doubt. Let’s assume that these offenders could read the bands. They see the words, “don’t touch me,” and what? Are they frozen by the words? What happens in the attackers mind that will suddenly cause him not to do what he intended?

    This is another foolish sign of the humanists failure to understand humans. The problem is not that these people do not know that their actions are wrong. The problem is that they do know and do not care. They like all people were born with a wicked heart. No form or amount of education will change this behavior.

    And to cover up this fatal flaw in their thinking they cover up attacks and seek to “educate” offenders.

    And now wristbands that pronounce what the offender already knows he should not be doing.
    We will see how this works as the summer festivals begin in Sweden.

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    uhm, these muslim savages have the ability to read anything? Aren't something like 80% illiterate?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    It is called the "Red Green Axis" because red = socialist and green=Islam.

    Islam, Revolution, and Black Lives Matter
    The alliance between jihadists and the opportunistic, violent movement Black Lives Matter has already been addressed on Jihad Watch, and the role of the Nation of Islam was discussed. Jihadists — violent and stealth — will use any and every opportunity to gain ground. They are particularly “good” at soliciting and manipulating angry youth – from every class and race – who are misfits or underdogs looking for a sense of purpose and personal power.

    The victimology narrative is a prerequisite for joining the ranks of jihadists, and look which group is featured below promoting Black Lives Matter: the unindicted co-conspirator to terrorism financing, CAIR

    Muslim Leader Rallies The Black Lives Matter To Declare JIHAD On America

    The Western socialist left detests the United States and its capitalist economic structure, and seeks to facilitate that structure's downfall by any means necessary -- including the formation of whatever alliances will further that ultimate objective. One seemingly unlikely alliance that the socialist left has forged is its alliance with radical, fundamentalist Islam, which emphatically and unambiguously rejects virtually everything for which the socialist left claims to stand: the peaceful resolution of international conflict; respect and tolerance for other cultures and faiths; civil liberties; freedom of expression; freedom of thought; human rights; democracy; women's rights; gay rights; and the separation of church and state.

    There could be no stranger bedfellows than Western leftists and Islamic extremists. Yet they have been brought together by the one overriding trait they do share -- their hatred for America; their belief that the U.S. is the very embodiment of evil on earth and must consequently be destroyed.

    The Left's Unlikely Alliance with Islam

    The Left’s Unholy Alliance with Islam
    Their philosophies are antithetical, but the common ground of their contempt for liberty, free speech and all who disagree has spawned an alliance of convenience. How much longer can a supine West tolerate the erosion of institutions, values and public safety?

    The Left’s Alliance with Islam

    Why is the left so blinkered to Islamic extremism?
    A report calls out the left for embracing fundamentalists

    European Socialists, Radical Muslims United by ‘Mutual Hatred for Judeo-Christian Culture’

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    Muslim Brotherhood-linked Congressman Keith Ellison announces run for DNC chair

    November 14, 2016 6:53 pm By Robert Spencer 59 Comments
    Ellison has spoken at a convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Yet ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Justice Department actually classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.” It gets worse. In […]in

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam



    There were many losers in the election. Hillary would seem to be the biggest but in the great scheme of things she is not. She may turn out to be a bit player, after all.

    The Democrats and liberals, in general, were set back exponentially and now control less of the government than at any time since the 1920s or perhaps even in the history of their party founded in 1828.

    They lost not only the Presidency, The House, and the Senate but will soon see the Supreme Court transformed into a bastion of Constitutionalism for at least a generation to come. The GOP will hold governorships in 33 states, the most in nearly a century.

    Some are predicting the end of a liberalism that threatened the very nature of the Republic. It may take decades to realize the full impact of what has happened, but America has been put back on the “right” path after decades sliding into a moral and economic abyss.

    The Media lost “bigly”, especially CNN and the New York Times as did many others who did all within their power to ensure Trump never entered the White House. They are now hoping they will see the inside of the White House in days to come. “In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity”- Winston Churchill

    Some of those that should have lost did not due to the magnanimity of Donald Trump. Paul Ryan waited until the last second to express tepid support for Trump and many called for his exile.

    He now fauns over Trump proclaiming him the greatest thing since “mother’s milk” and Trump has embraced him fully as his partner in the House.

    Mitt Romney did all he could to undercut Trump’s victory exceeded only by Hillary for his acerbic remarks. He has now reportedly been considered for Secretary of State.

    “Lying” Ted Cruz has been mentioned as a possible Supreme Court nominee. He has argued as an attorney before the Court many times and is certainly a Constitutionalist which fits Trump’s primary requirement. It turns out Trump may be far more astute a politician than anyone imagined.

    Cruz in the Supreme Court means no Cruz four years from now in a run for the Presidency. Trump is already thinking far ahead of the game.

    Trump’s now materializing cabinet gives insight into the thinking of the man who was resolute in war, defiant in defeat and now appears to possess the air of magnanimity in victory, that is the mark of all great leaders. * * *


    The leader of the Los Angeles office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for the overthrow of the government in the wake of Donald Trump’s election as president. Hussam Ayloush last week called for an Arab Spring-like revolt. He Tweeted a popular Arab Spring chant,Ok, repeat after me: Al-Shaab yureed isqat al-nizaam.” (Hussam Ayloush@HussamA). According to Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, the Tweet translates, “The people want to bring down the regime.”

    Islamics were poised to place Huma Abedin (a Fundamentalist Muslim who supports Sharia Law) in the most powerful staff position in the White House – Chief of Staff. It is ironic that Abedin contributed significantly to the downfall of her mentor Hillary Clinton. Think about it- Muslims came within a hair’s breadth of placing an ally in a position to know the most sensitive secrets of our nation and influence the direction of our nation as the keeper of the door to the President. The result would have been nothing short of an Islamic coup in the White House.


    The Islamic strategists are not crying on TV or cuddling their service dogs in remorse. They are in the back rooms of our inner city and rural Mosques, in the halls of power in Iran, and the caves of Afghanistan, carefully planning their next move. It will come soon and, in fact, is already being revealed. As usual, Islamics are using a two-prong strategy: Part I) hit America with violent acts to keep us off guard and change the way we live and Part II) undermine our society through the occupation of important elements of government and educational systems. PART I – America may be hit violently soon by Islamic Fundamentalists bent on sending a message to America in the wake of Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States. His ascendancy and commitment to take action against Islamic Jihadists and impede those who would do us harm from entering the USA demand action. It is not merely ISIS that is threatened but an entire plan put in place decades ago by organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), The Saudi Wahabis, and others.


    Dates are important to Christians. Dates are important to Islamic terrorists. Islamics attack on anniversaries. They also attack to send messages related to important events. 9/11 was not an arbitrary date. It was chosen to commemorate the loss to Islam on September 11, 1683, when Christian armies defeated them outside the gates of Vienna. It was meant to send a message that the battle may be lost but the war has just begun. The victory of the “Muslim hater” Trump must be answered and another message sent. I pray the Secret Service does their job well as Trump will not survive if they do not. Imagine an inexhaustible supply of men and women ready to die trying to kill the one man they believe is their greatest enemy. The reward for this person would no doubt exceed the standard seventy-two virgins. (I’m not sure what a woman would get as the Koran has no specified reward.) * * *



    Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) wrote, “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

    Part II – Islamics have not given up on the second half of their strategy to place Islamics in the highest reaches of the American government. Former 2016 presidential Democratic contender Bernie Sanders (along with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and several others) said he would be backing Keith Ellison – the first Muslim to be elected to the US Congress – for the Democratic party’s leadership position. This would place a Muslim at the top of one of the two major parties in America and give Islam incredible influence over future positions in the party and the government. Bernie Sanders has no clue what a Muslim is or at least what a Muslim is supposed to be.

    A true Muslim embraces the Koran and life of Mohammed, the sum of which gives us Sharia Law. A true Muslim cannot swear allegiance to the Consitution unless he/she is practicing the art of Taqiyya (deception).

    If they can aswear to uphold the Consitution placing it and the ideals of American Democracy above those of Islam, he or she is not a Muslim whatever they may call themselves. They are, at best, Muslims in name only. Just as likely, however, they are seeking to weasel their way into power and subvert the United States from within by lying about the compatibility of Islam to the U. S. Constitution. The Muslim Congressman will not win the position in all likelihood (unless the Democrats are truly suicidal), but it is a testament to the fact that Muslims are bent on infiltrating the highest reaches of government and in spite of their loss in the White House (Huma) are making considerable progress. * * *


    HUFFINGTON POST WASHINGTON September 7, 2016 ― President Barack Obama made history on Tuesday by nominating the first Muslim person to the federal judiciary, Abid Qureshi. “I am pleased to nominate Mr. Qureshi to serve on the United States District Court bench,” Obama said in a statement. “I am confident he will serve the American people with integrity and a steadfast commitment to justice.” It’s unlikely Qureshi’s nomination to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia will go anywhere.

    With just months left in Obama’s term, Senate Republicans have all but stopped confirming his judicial picks. But the nomination carries a symbolic value”

    This appointment has far more than “symbolic” value. It is an indication of how far Islamics have come in infiltrating the government and its courts. If Abid Qureshi is a “true” Muslim, there is no way he can uphold the oath of office he must take to occupy the office of Federal Judge. If he can – he is a Muslim in name only or, like many others, is practicing Taqiyya and deceiving those around him. If so, it is all part of the Islamic strategy – Part II.

    One of the most important reasons I supported Donald Trump for President was his stand on Islam. His rhetoric started out much stronger and waned as political realities settled in. President Elect Trump does not understand the true nature of Islam but often states what he knows, “Something is wrong?” It is. There were few (if any) during the campaign that accurately portrayed Islam. Even those who are considered experts and scholars maintained the answer to “radical Islam” is “moderate Islam.” It is not.

    There is a move afoot in America seeking to convince us that Islam can be “reformed” and this new reformation will resolve the issue of terror. It will not. In a recent correspondence with one of the leaders of the Islamic Reform Movement, I suggested that by the time they “reform” 1.6 billion Muslims we will all be dead or wearing little white beanies saying the evening prayers. The enormity of the task does not take into account that it is impossible to reform a Book (The Koran) that categorically states it cannot be changed. Couple that with the life of Mohammed who was a Jihadist himself, as well as many other things contrary to the principles of a democratic society, and one is faced with two choices: admit Mohammed was wrong and his actions need “reform” or, as Islam demands, accept his life as the example for all and admit Islam cannot be
    reformed. You cannot have it both ways. HATRED OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL RUN DEEP IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD

    I believe most Muslims are not violent but most in the Islamic world are “volatile.” Most American Muslims are law-abiding citizens who have no thought whatsoever of doing ill to their adopted nation. However, it is difficult to tell the ones that wish America harm from those that do not. The issue is exasperated because of the Islamic principle of Taqiyya that permits lying about one’s faith in the face of persecution or to win the ultimate war against the infidel world. As my dear old mom used to say, “Better safe than sorry.”

    In my view, if a person does not subscribe to the tenets of Islam which deny freedom of religion, equality for women, tolerance for homosexuals and which commands its followers to wage Jihad until the rest of the world submits to Allah, let him or her leave the Islamic faith and join another or none at all. Why people continue to call themselves Muslims when they are not, escapes me. Actually, I know the answer.

    It is either because they are deceived about what the Koran teaches and how Mohammed lived (a Jihadist), they are afraid of leaving due to family and societal pressure or … they are lying. I am continually compelled to post a disclaimer when I write on this subject.

    I have spent most of my adult life in the Muslim world, raised millions of dollars for Muslim refugees, don’t hate Muslims and, in fact, many of my friends are “nominal” Muslims. Some are even what would be considered “radicals. I call them Fundamentalists – that is, they act as they say they believe. I respect them and they respect me.

    If they believe the Koran is the word of Allah and Mohammed is the example they should follow, they act accordingly and do all they can to bring the world into submission to Islam as they are commanded by Mohammed in the Koran to do. I, on the other hand, believe Islam is a danger to the world and that its adherents suffer as much or more than anyone. I am not an “Islamophobic”.

    Phobias are based on unfounded, irrational fears and anyone who understands Islam or has lived in the Islamic world as have I has plenty of rational reasons to fear.

    Just after 9/11 I wrote a short book titled, Deceiving a Nation: Islam in America. The deception has grown since then and become ever more sophisticated.

    My next book titled Jihad: The End Game (due out in summer of 2017) will detail the intricate strategy of Islamics to overthrow every nation in the world and what must be done to stop them. It is much more complicated than the simplistic idea that if ISIS is defeated, the problem will go away.

    America is the highest priority, but Muslims have a plan for every nation. if America falls, the rest will be comparatively easy. Every Nation in the World Faces the Threat of Jihad.

    There is much discussion about Russia and Putin’s involvement in Syria. Most speculate it is merely the “Bear” exercising it’s newly recovered muscle in the Middle East arena thanks to the ambivalence of Obama.

    There is another more basic reason. Russia has a huge potential problem with Islam at home. Islam is the second most widely professed religion in Russia, and there is a vast Jihadist movement which has only been contained by an unrestrained ruthless regime. The truth- Putin is afraid and is doing all he can to stop the Islamics on every front outside his nation before they become untenable in his own. Assad is no radical Muslim and Putin -like many others – believes a ruthless secular dictator is far more acceptable than a ruthless religious dictator.

    A 2009 study done by the Pew Research Center, based on China’s census, concluded there are 21,667,000 Muslims in China. If even 1% (216,000) of these are Fundamentalists (“radicals”) China also has a serious problem. Europe is awash in, Paris terror attacks, London bombings and German and Swedish rape epidemics. Islamic “no-go” zone are now found in Belgium, France, and nearly every EU country.

    The problem is worldwide and growing by the day.

    The thinking that defeating ISIS will resolve the issue is naive. ISIS Is merely the “flavor of the day.”

    Yesterday (and perhaps again tomorrow) it was al Qaeda. Before that, it was Islamic Jihad.

    The Muslim Brotherhood and its ally Hamas dates to the thirties and is stronger now than ever. Boko Haram in Africa and Abu Sayef in the Philipines remind us the problem is not restricted to any particular region.

    Fundamentalist Islam is a world power and it has declared war on the world.

    * I call on Mr. Trump and his now forming cabinet to take care.

    * Take care that tragedy does not end the dream of “Making America Great Again.”

    * Take care that politically incorrect but correct promises
    do not fall by the political wayside.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    NY Daily News Columnist Justifies Killing Of Russian Ambassador By Comparing Putin To Hitler

    by Tyler Durden
    Dec 20, 2016 9:35 PM


    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,
    As such, the media still can’t let the election go. In its obsession with “fake news” and Russia, the U.S. press is once again betraying the public trust. It is once again demonstrating that the primary purpose of American mass media is a perpetuation of the status quo narrative. The media can’t let the election go, because any acknowledgment that Trump’s victory was a reflection of public unease indicts the media for failing to validate and report on the extent of this unease and its causes. After all, it’s so much easier to just call 63 million Americans racists, misogynists and Putin stooges. Which brings me to the final point.

    As is the case with the vast majority of our problems, if we want to zero in on the much bandied about “threats to democracy,” we don’t need to look abroad. Moscow didn’t force the DNC to sabotage Bernie Sanders, and it didn’t force Donna Brazile to hand debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign either. Putin didn’t nominate Hillary Clinton in an election year that was obviously amenable to populist messaging. No, the Democrats did all that, with a huge heaping of assistance from the mainstream media. Which is precisely why neither group can let the election go in order to focus on our very real, and very extensive national problems.

    From yesterday’s post: The Election Never Ended
    In a more quaint time, I’d express shock at the fact the New York Daily News published an article in which the columnist defends the killing of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey because he worked for Putin; who as we all know, is literally Hitler. With so many Hitlers running around at the moment (remember Trump is also Hitler), it’s becoming harder and harder to keep track of all the hysterical narratives being pushed around by the billionaire-owned mass media.

    Since I’m a fierce advocate of free speech, I defend the author’s right to voice his opinion, irrespective of how hyperbolic and reckless it may be. That said, I would ask readers to think about the sort of frenzy that would ensue if an article with a similar line of reasoning, but directed at an ambassador of a U.S. government ally instead of Russia (say Israel or Saudi Arabia), was written and published by some prominent alternative media blogger. Can you even begin to imagine the outrage that would be unleashed upon that person and the offending website?
    With that in mind, take a look at a few excerpts from the piece in question, written by Gersh Kuntzman, and published by the New York Daily News:
    As Vladimir Putin’s man in Turkey, Karlov was the public face of that murderous dictator’s war crimes around the globe and of oppression at home. Andrei Karlov is the human embodiment of policies that deployed bunker busters to kill babies, sent fighter planes on scorched earth bombing runs that destroyed a whole city, aided Syrian madman Bashar al-Assad in his campaign that has killed hundreds of thousands, and even ordered attacks on UN aid workers.
    Is he talking about U.S. or Russian foreign policy here?
    So I, for one, am shedding no tears for Andrei Karlov. Frankly, I’m surprised his murder didn’t come months ago. After all, this was the lede sentences of a Washington Post story from Oct. 9: “There seems to be no way for the international community to stop the ongoing war crimes being committed by the Syrian regime and its Russian allies, especially in Aleppo,” the newspaper reported. “But by brazenly flouting international law, leaders and rank-and-file officials in both countries are opening themselves up to future justice in multiple ways.”

    Justice has been served.

    After watching the death of Karlov, I could not help but remember the case of Ernst vom Rath, the Nazi ambassador to France, who was gunned down inside his consulate by a Jewish student in 1938.

    Like Karlov, Rath was the public face of atrocity — in this case, Adolf Hitler’s genocide, anti-Semitism and coming global aggression.

    Was Rath an innocent victim? Certainly not. He had not only defended Hitler’s oppression of the Jews as “necessary” for Germany to flourish, but he stood idly by as Hitler devoured Europe and murdered its innocents. Rath could have stood up to the Nazi leadership when it would have mattered most, but he did not.

    Which brings us back to Andrei Karlov.

    Karlov’s job in Turkey was to ease tensions over Russia’s atrocities in Syria and its incursions inside Turkey itself — meaning his job was to enable and normalize Vladimir Putin. Given that role, he wasn’t a diplomat, but a soldier, and his death is the same whether it came on a battlefield outside Aleppo or in an art gallery in Ankara. His killer was also a soldier — not a terrorist, mind you, but a soldier. Terrorists kill innocent people with trucks in Christmas markets or with planes in skyscrapers. Soldiers kill their fellow soldiers.
    The New York Daily News is owned by billionaire Mort Zuckerman.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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