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Thread: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U.S.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    The Democrats’ Mob Rule in the House of Representatives

    Using Saul Alinskly tactics to “occupy” the House for their gun control agenda.

    June 24, 2016
    Joseph Klein

    House Democrats made complete fools of themselves with their sit-in temper tantrum this week. Shouting their demands for an immediate vote on gun control legislation – apparently their only “serious” answer to global Islamic jihad – the Democratic disrupters caused pandemonium on the House floor on Wednesday. They sought to paralyze House proceedings with shouts of “No bill, No break!”
    Representative Maxine Waters of California proclaimed, “I’m prepared to stand here until hell freezes over.” Civil rights hero Representative John Lewis of Georgia declared, “we have to occupy the floor of the House until there’s action.”

    The anarchist spirits of Occupy Wall Street and student campus occupations are alive and well in the House Democratic caucus. They shed their responsibilities by flagrantly violating the rules of the institution to which they were elected, intent on creating a media spectacle. They went so far as to use social media video tools to broadcast their sit-in, after the chamber’s official cameras had been turned off.

    Even when the House Republican leadership called it a day and adjourned the House until after the 4th of July weekend, the Democrats pressed on with their occupation. Before that, as the real adult leader in the room, Speaker Paul Ryan had managed, despite the mayhem, to push through a major appropriations bill that included funding for combating the Zika virus. At least one of the House leaders was thinking of the welfare of the American people. It certainly was not the Democratic leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who even refused to leave the House floor temporarily when politely asked to do so by an officer so that the daily security sweep could be conducted.

    In the midst of the Democrats’ theatrics, Representative Louis Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a note of sanity, shouting: “Radical Islam killed these people!” Gohmert is right. The Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, was a jihadist, who was committed to kill those he considered “infidels” one way or the other. The FBI had investigated him for possible ties to other jihadists and for terrorist threats he had made to co-workers, but let him slip through their net.

    Moreover, Mateen would not have been stopped by the sort of legislation the Democrats are seeking, which is to use a prospective gun purchaser’s presence on a terror watch list as grounds to refuse his or her immediate purchase. Mateen had already been removed from a terrorist watch list prior to purchasing the guns he used in his killings.

    However, facts are irrelevant to the Democrat disrupters. Taking a page right out of radical leftist Saul Alinsky’s playbook, they set out, in Alinsky’s words “to agitate to the point of conflict.” They eschewed debating civilly their positions with logic and on the merits, because, as Alinsky had cautioned, to do so would be “a futile procedure.” Instead, they dutifully followed Alinsky’s Rule #13 from his Rules for Radicals: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    The shouting over Speaker Ryan’s attempt to restore order to the House proceedings was in perfect keeping with Alinsky’s counsel “to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.”

    Attacking the “enemy” with “moral outrage” for supposedly failing to live up to the enemy’s “book of rules” is also one of Alinsky’s principal tactics. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) followed that tactic to a tee. He charged that the House “is drenched in blood and the only way we can cleanse it is if the speaker of the House allows us to vote on this legislation.” He added, “Every day that we don’t commit to a vote, the blood is on the leadership of this House.”

    However, it will be Nadler who will have blood on his hands if any refugees admitted in the future from Syria or other countries beset by Islamic terrorism commit a violent crime in the United States. Nadler opposed H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015, which would have required additional certification procedures to ensure full vetting of Iraqi and Syrian refugees seeking to enter the United States. He claimed, without any hard evidence, that “the Syrian refugees are running away from ISIS.” He signed a letter to President Obama last year urging the administration to admit as many as 100,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016 – ten times the administration’s own irresponsible target.

    The problem is we do not know who the purported refugees really are. CIA director John Brennan said on June 16th that ISIS “is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including in refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.”

    “I don’t, obviously, put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees, so that’s a huge concern of ours,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said last September, using another name for ISIS or the Islamic State.

    FBI Director James Comey admitted that screening of Iraqi refugees had been less than adequate and that vetting Syrian refugees would be even more difficult. “If we don’t know much about somebody, there won’t be anything in our data,” he said. “I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

    Even children may be of concern. In early June, for example, three young Syrian refugees, aged 8, 10 and 13, reportedly raped a 13 year old girl at knifepoint.

    The FBI is already strapped for resources in monitoring potential jihadist terrorists currently residing in the United States. That is one reason, along with obeisance to political correctness, that so many would-be jihadists have slipped through the cracks before going on to commit their murderous acts of terror. Greatly expanding the number of new Syrian refugees admitted to this country, as Nadler and other Democrats have proposed, will divert scarce resources to vetting those refugees in the virtually impossible task of keeping out even more would-be jihadists.

    The Democrats’ solution – more gun control – is snake oil to distract the American public from the dangerous policies they are advocating in opening up our borders to many thousands of refugees from Syria and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa.

    Moreover, the Democrats’ hypocrisy on the gun control issue itself is appalling. For example, the number of people shot and killed in the Democratic Party-run city of Chicago during 2016 to date is 281. There were 1558 people shot and wounded. In June so far, 50 people have been shot and killed in Chicago. 260 have been shot and wounded. Where is the Democrats’ outrage over the slaughter of kids on Chicago’s streets, despite Chicago’s tough gun control laws? They are using the Orlando killings to grandstand for simplistic remedies, rather than deal with the underlying causes of gun violence.

    The Democrats should stop following Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and engaging in mob rule. They are members of the House of Representatives, which has rules of decorum intended to allow the peoples’ business to be performed in a reasoned manner. If they cannot behave themselves, they should at minimum be censured for gross misconduct.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Of 2,300 Syrians Who Came to America, 8 Are Christians

    By Michael Ware July 1, 2016

    There is no doubt that Obama is striving for a goal. He is seeking to bring in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees by September. There is also no doubt that this goal will be reached and possibly surpassed.
    The Washington Times reports
    The U.S. accepted more than 2,300 Syrian refugees in June alone, sending the fiscal year total soaring past the 5,000 mark and putting the government on track to surpass President Obama’s goal of 10,000 by the end of September, but raising questions about screening out potential terrorists.

    June’s numbers set a monthly record for the Homeland Security and State departments, which committed resources received earlier this year to streamline the process — in what critics say amounted to corner-cutting — to get back on track toward Mr. Obama’s political goal.
    A vetting process that had already drawn concerns from both sides of the isle is now streamlined. There is no way to expect a troubled process to improve with speed. It is possible that the next perpetrator of terror has already arrived in America. But the other side of this is the disparaging numbers this 2,300 has brought.

    The Times continues
    Of those accepted in June, more than 99 percent are Sunni Muslims. Just eight identified themselves as Christian, eight identified as a non-Sunni form of Islam, and one reported having no religious affiliation.

    Those numbers have drawn criticism because the percentage of Sunni Muslims is far greater than that of the Syrian population as a whole, which is about 75 percent Sunni.
    With this disproportionate amount of refugees to population, it should cause us to wonder if this pattern is accidental of purposeful. Also, with the huge danger that Christians face in European refugee camps, one should wonder why they are not being given more consideration.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Of 2,300 Syrians Who Came to America, 8 Are Christians
    Once you accept that Obama is a Muslim, working for Muslim masters, is this all that hard to understand? I'm unclear why there is any continual doubt about his mission.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Minneapolis: Somali Muslim ‘youths’ invade suburban neighborhood, threaten to kidnap, rape residents

    Posted on July 6, 2016 by creeping

    Grab the video below before it is gone

    Source: Minneapolis Police Investigate ‘Terroristic Threats’ Made near Lake Calhoun | KSTP TV – Minneapolis and St. Paul

    Minneapolis police are investigating a series of alleged “terroristic threats” made against people living in one neighborhood near Lake Calhoun.

    5 EYEWITNESS NEWS talked to a few neighbors on Thursday who say throughout the week, multiple young men have been harassing them.

    After just moving to the neighborhood not too long ago, one woman, who wants to keep her identity hidden to protect herself from what happened on Monday, says she never expected this activity in that neighborhood.

    “We couldn’t get them out. We didn’t know what to do,” one Minneapolis resident told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS.

    According to a Minneapolis police report, between 20 and 30 young men showed up in front of a woman’s house about 9:30 in the morning and “the comments turned to threats.”

    “They were screaming at the house that they were going to kidnap you and they were going to rape you,” one Minneapolis resident told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. “It was a very traumatizing experience.”

    The report indicates that these young men were driving onto the sidewalk and on the lawn, all while shooting off bottle rockets and screaming.
    “It’s a scary thought especially for those who have young children,” one Minneapolis resident said.

    Multiple neighbors even took cellphone video of the aftermath; some of the video shows the police talking with some of the young men.
    “The entire neighborhood is up in arms,” one Minneapolis resident said.

    It wasn’t just Monday. Neighbors say these visitors have stopped by the last three days. But on Monday, the alleged attacks were much more personal.

    “It needs to get nipped in the bud before it gets any worse because the escalation that occurs over a matter of hours could potentially kill or harm someone,” one Minneapolis resident said.

    Residents 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS spoke with in the neighborhood say, in response, they have seen more officers in the area throughout the week.

    Residents should post those cellphone videos online for the world to see. Send them to us if necessary. Instead, the phones will probably be confiscated by the FBI and evidence deleted. More from the invaluable and required reading resource Refugee Resettlement Watch:
    This should be on the national news!
    Just envision this happening in your neighborhood!

    Six days since the initial KSTP News report however, it’s not national news and is barely even local news. Imagine if 20-30 white males went into a Muslim/black/latino/fill-in-the-blank neighborhood and did the same thing.

    The Powerline blog writes in “Minnesota men” at play:
    This has become a familiar story out of Europe, but it is something new under the sun in Minneapolis. Although it is big news, I can’t find any evidence of the story in the Star Tribune (please let me know if I missed it) — another element that gives the story a European dimension.

    Hundreds of U.S. towns are being filled with so-called “refugees” – almost every single one of them are Muslim.

    Minnesota’s Muslim ghettos are Bill Clinton’s making. Hillary Clinton has promised to continue the Islamization of America.

    Whatcha’ gonna’ do when they come for you…or your wife, or your girlfriend, or your daughter, or grandchildren?
    Please Share & Help Wake America Up

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    [quote]“The entire neighborhood is up in arms,” one Minneapolis resident said.

    Actually....if that were true, the fuckers wouldn't be back if some of them got shot.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    US Attorney Threatens Anyone Reporting on Muslim Refugee Sexual Assault in Idaho

    June 26, 2016
    Daniel Greenfield

    Another reminder how thoroughly committed the authorities are to pushing Muslim migration at any and all cost. Including at the cost of the Bill of Rights.
    You may have heard about the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho by Muslim migrant children and a teenager. The facts are still not entirely clear. And the authorities are not helping matters any by making the defense of "refugees" into their priority.
    United States Attorney Wendy J. Olson put out a press release warning, “the spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities. I urge all citizens and residents to allow Mr. Loebs and Chief Kingsbury and their teams to do their jobs.”
    Olson seems to have made Muslim refugees into her priority.
    She issued a statement on ‘building resilient communities” on July 10, 2015, after meeting with law enforcement, the ACLU and other groups to discuss “anti-refugee” and “anti-Muslim” sentiments in Idaho and across the country that she deemed were “seeking to divide communities.”

    All this is well outside the scope of what her responsibilities are meant to be, but we are increasingly seeing the politicization of officialdom in a very European sort of way. As Eugene Volokh points out,
    The federal prosecutor surely knows how to speak carefully and precisely about what very limited sorts of speech she can prosecute. Yet she chose to equally threaten federal prosecution not just for the punishable true threats — or for the deliberate lies that may be punished under state but not federal law — but also for an unspecified range of “inflammatory … statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself,” as well as for “the spread of false information” (with no limitation on the spread of deliberate lies). It looks like an attempt to chill constitutionally protected speech through the threat of federal prosecution.
    That again though seems to be the theme. We have certainly seen it as the campus level. Now we're seeing it in another sphere. But the ugly and troubling pattern remains the same

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama Vows to Stick by Pledge to Resettle 10,000 Syrian Refugees by October 2016

    President Barack Obama (Getty Images)

    By Brian Freeman | Tuesday, 14 Jun 2016 12:58 PM

    President Barack Obama has no intention of backing down from his promise to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees to resettle in the U.S. by October, even after the Orlando nightclub attack by a terrorist who swore allegiance to the Islamic State, The Washington Examiner reports.

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has heavily criticized the plan, saying it endangers American security because the screening of the refugees is not nearly stringent or reliable enough. Trump has proposed a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the country.

    A White House National Security Council spokesman said the administration remains committed to the plan, even though some 8,000 refugees waiting to enter the U.S. have not yet undergone screening.

    The spokesman insisted that the screening of the refugees is very rigorous and the checks involve multiple U.S. agencies.

    Obama has reiterated his pledge after each Islamic terrorist attack in western countries, including the U.S., even after it was revealed that at least one of those who carried out the Paris attacks this past November that killed 130 people arrived in Europe as a Syrian refugee.

    But despite the verbal commitment, The Huffington Post points out that only 2,500 have been admitted to the U.S. so far, which pales in comparison to the 300,000 taken in by the much less populous Germany and the some 30,000 sheltered by Canada, which has just a fraction of the U.S. population.

    Despite Republican attempts to restrict the flow of refugees, such as congressional legislation passed earlier this year tightening the visa waiver laws, Obama and the Democrats continue to couch the issue in terms of upholding American values.

    Breitbart reports that Democratic congressmen are pressing for the numbers of refugees to be increased, circulating a letter that says "Successfully resettling refugees from the Syrian civil war is consistent with our values as a nation, with our role as a global leader, and with the historic precedents of similar periods of conflict."

    The letter also points out that these refugees are fleeing both ISIS and the regime of Bashar Assad, both of whom are enemies of the U.S., so "We must not let these adversaries win by denying safe haven to those fleeing their savagery."

    Related Stories:

    Homeland Security Chief Says Syrians Approved for US resettlement

    (Getty Images)

    Saturday, 02 Jul 2016 08:19 AM

    About 5,000 Syrian refugees have been approved for resettlement in the U.S., Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said, with another 5,000 to 6,000 on the way if they pass security checks.

    That would meet President Barack Obama’s pledge to resettle 10,000 Syrians who are refugees from the civil war in their country by the end of the year, up from 2,000 last year, Johnson told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

    Johnson was asked about the resettlement effort by Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, who is among Democrats who have said the vetting process for admitting Syrian refugees on humanitarian grounds has gone too slowly. But Republicans have largely criticized the administration’s policy toward refugees, citing the possibility that Islamic State terrorists may slip into the country.

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has campaigned on barring Muslim immigrants from the U.S. at least temporarily, said Wednesday on Fox News that “they are letting tens of thousands of people come in from Syria, and nobody knows who these people are.”

    “A lot of these people are ISIS,” Trump said, using an acronym for Islamic State.

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    CIA Director: ISIS is Trying To Infiltrate The U.S. Through Refugee Program

    Updated: While updating the Senate intelligence committee today, CIA Director, John Brennan, said that ISIS is training operatives and attempting to enter the U.S. through “refugee flows, smuggling routes and legitimate methods of travel”.

    Brennan continued, “Unfortunately, despite all of our progress against ISIL on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the groups terrorism capability and global reach. The resources needed for terrorism are modest. The group would have to suffer even heaver loses on territory, manpower and money for the terrorist capacity to decline significantly.”

    The CIA Director also revealed that, “the number of ISIL fighters now far exceeds what al-Qaida had at its height.”

    From the information the CIA has gathered, “we judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy for operatives further attacks. ISIL has large cadre of western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. The group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West,” Brennan told Congress.

    This announcement comes as Pres. Obama pushes to reach his goal of bringing in at least 10,000 additional Syrian refugees to the U.S. this year. In order to accomplish this objective, the Obama administration has reduced the screening process for Syrian refugees from 18-24 months down to just three months. This change was made despite a warning from FBI Director, James Comey, that said the U.S. does not have the ability to thoroughly screen the Syrian refugees for terrorist ties even through the lengthy 18-24-month process.

    Read more on this story at

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    Kerry: We Will Meet Obama's Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees by Sept. 30 2016

    By Patrick Goodenough | July 13, 2016 | 1:47 AM EDT

    ( – The Obama administration will meet its target of settling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States by the time fiscal year 2016 ends on September 30, Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Tuesday night.

    Addressing an end-of-Ramadan Eid al-Fitr reception at the State Department, Kerry noted that the 10,000 figure would be a six-fold increase in Syrian refugee admissions from FY 2015.

    “Tonight, I can announce proudly that we will meet President Obama’s goal of welcoming 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States in the current fiscal year,” he said.

    “Those are refugees, which is different from normal process of migration and green card and becoming a citizen and so forth. It’s a very different category,” Kerry added. “It’s also representing six-fold increase over what we did the year before.”

    (A total of 1,682 Syrian refugees were resettled in FY 2015.)

    Obama’s 10,000 target drew strong opposition from critics concerned about the possibility that groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) may use refugee admission programs to infiltrate terrorists into Western countries.

    The fact that two of the ISIS terrorists who attacked Paris last November had – according to French prosecutors – entered Europe posing as refugees fleeing the fighting in Syria fueled the concerns.

    Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told lawmakers early this year ISIS was “taking advantage of the torrent of migrants [entering Europe] to insert operatives into that flow.”

    Dozens of GOP governors said they would not allow Syrian refugees to settle in their states. Some Republicans are also calling for Christians and other religious minorities to be prioritized in U.S. refugee admissions.

    The administration’s plan got off to a slow start: By the end of January – one-third of the way through FY 2016 – only 841 had been admitted.

    But in February the State Department set up a special refugee “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan, with officials saying processing times were being reduced from 18-24 months to just three months.

    The pace of admissions began to pick up, and then accelerate significantly: According to State Department Refugee Processing Center data, 114 were resettled in February, 330 in March, 251 in April, then a jump to 1,069 in May, and a much bigger one to 2,406 in June.

    In the first 12 days of July, another 280 Syrian refugees have been admitted, taking the total for FY 2016 to 5,491.

    The one constant that not changed over the months has been the tiny proportion of the admitted refugees who are Christians or others not of the Sunni Muslim faith.

    Of the 5,491 refugees resettled as of Tuesday, just 20 (0.36 percent) are Christians, 10 (0.18 percent) are Yazidi, and 17 (0.30 percent) are Shi’a.

    Another 38 are other Muslims, one is defined as having “no religion” and one is described as “other religion.”

    All the rest – 5,404 or 98.4 percent – are Sunnis.

    Of the 280 Syrian refugees admitted so far in July, all 280 are Sunnis.

    When the civil war began in 2011 Sunnis accounted for an estimated 74 percent of the Syrian population, and Christians for an estimated 10 percent.

    In his Eid remarks, Kerry also announced that the U.S. would immediately be contributing another $439 million to help Syrian refugees and internally displaced people – “in addition to the $5.1 billion in humanitarian assistance that we have already provided since the start of the Syrian civil war.”

    “I’m proud to say that the United States is by far the largest contributor of emergency aid, but we all recognize that still more needs to be done,” he said.

    “More needs to be done to help those who are besieged inside Syria. More has to be done to assist refugees,” Kerry added .

    “More has to be done to support Syria’s neighbors – Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey – and more to resolve this brutal conflict that has cost far too many lives and forced far too many people from their homes.”

    Kerry heads for Moscow this week in a bid to advance efforts to negotiate an end to the civil war, now in its sixth year.

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    Obama plots with United Nations to expand Syrian refugees from 10,000 to 200,000

    By Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) • 4/25/16 7:21 PM

    In a move around the standard refugee settlement process in America, the United Nations and the administration are scheming to find other ways to boost the number of Syrians entering the country, from 10,000 this year to possibly 200,000.

    U.S. officials, meeting with United Nations human rights officials in Geneva, joined in a project that looks to "alternative safe pathways" to setting Syrian refugees in America and Europe that include pushing colleges and universities to offer tuition programs and encouraging Syrians already in the country to open their homes to those who've fled the war-torn Middle East nation.

    The plan already has one victory. Last week, the University of Southern California revealed that it is offering five free tuition programs for Syrian refugees, including one in the school's journalism program.

    The effort was revealed Monday in a Center for Immigration Studies post. It quoted a Georgetown University professor and U.N. refugee policy advisor who spelled out the backdoor plan to settle thousands more Syrians past the 10,000 President Obama has pledged to OK this year.
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    Beth Ferris, a research professor at Georgetown University and U.N. advisor, even suggested a total of 200,000 at a recent Brookings Institution conference:

    "Refugees and government officials are expecting this crisis to last 10 or 15 years. It's time that we no longer work as business as usual ... UNHCR next month is convening a meeting to look at what are being called 'alternative safe pathways' for Syrian refugees. Maybe it's hard for the U.S. to go from 2,000 to 200,000 refugees resettled in a year, but maybe there are ways we can ask our universities to offer scholarships to Syrian students. Maybe we can tweak some of our immigration policies to enable Syrian-Americans who have lived here to bring not only their kids and spouses but their uncles and their grandmothers. There may be ways that we could encourage Syrians to come to the U.S. without going through this laborious, time-consuming process of refugee resettlement."

    The Geneva meeting took place March 30 and CIS had the details on what occurred.

    The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, told representatives of 92 nations that they needed to explore "alternative avenues" for the admission of Syrian refugees. He said:

    "These pathways can take many forms: not only resettlement, but also more flexible mechanisms for family reunification, including extended family members, labor mobility schemes, student visa and scholarships, as well as visa for medical reasons. Resettlement needs vastly outstrip the places that have been made available so far... But humanitarian and student visa, job permits and family reunification would represent safe avenues of admission for many other refugees as well."

    Obama deliberately 'dismantling' America's defenses

    'If we don’t face this truth voluntarily, we’ll eventually face it involuntarily'

    DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and President Obama

    The people at the very top of America’s vast defense system are endangering the nation’s security.

    It’s an astonishing warning from a national security professional who recently worked deep inside the federal government, former Department of Homeland Security officer Philip Haney.

    In a radio interview this week, Haney charged that President Obama has not faithfully carried out his duty to guard Americans against terrorism. Haney said he and his colleagues collected a vast amount of information on terrorist networks.

    “We’ve done our job,” he told host Alex Jones. “But the administration literally, deliberately and intentionally has refused to acknowledge the existence of this information.”

    Haney, author of the smash bestseller “See Something, Say Nothing,” once spearheaded investigations at the National Targeting Center, which provides information in real time to Customs and Border Protection agents making decisions about who to let into the country.

    He specialized in finding the connections between different groups and individuals before they could strike. However, an investigation into a global network known as Tablighi Jamaat was shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the DHS because of fears that it violated the civil rights and civil liberties of Muslims. Haney believes that if the case he helped develop had been allowed to continue, it might have prevented Sunday’s terrorist attack in Orlando and the attack in San Bernardino, California, in December.

    Has our own government already surrendered to Islamic jihad? A national security insider uncovers the terrible truth. Philip Haney’s “See Something, Say Nothing” is available now from the WND Superstore.

    Haney described how the Obama administration dismantled the national security apparatus painstakingly created to protect Americans from terrorism after 9/11.
    “The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, was founded to gather first-level intelligence information at the border,” he explained. “This means gathering information when you encounter people coming back from flights from overseas or when you’re preparing to depart, to go outbound as we called it.

    “We have, within the border, a greater amount of authority than the CIA and the FBI combined to gather this kind of basic intelligence information,” he continued.
    “And over the years, we have been handcuffed more and more to the point where we are barely capable of gathering the kind of information we could then share, let’s say, with the FBI, and collaborate with them for effective law enforcement.

    Haney charged the president and other officials with dereliction of duty.

    “It’s an abrogation of the basic responsibility of any elected official to uphold the constitutional mandate to protect Americans from threats both foreign and domestic,” he said. “We’re talking here about a macro-level abrogation that’s putting us all at threat. And as long as we stand by and allow the administration to misinform us and disinform us, then we’re going to see the same results we’ve seen so far over and over again.”

    One attack per hour
    Haney cautioned Americans not to make the mistake of believing they can appease Islamic terrorists. He further said America itself is not somehow more secure than anywhere else in the world.

    “The global Islamic movement is not going to tell us ‘thank you’ for allowing them to make so much progress,” he warned. “Every step forward they take, they reinforce their position and look for a tactical opportunity to make another move forward. We see it all around the world, and North America is not immune from this force of gravity.”

    He noted there have been more than 28,000 Islamic jihad attacks in the world since 9/11.

    “That averages out to about one an hour. They are happening like lightning strikes all over the world continuously,” he said. “Again, America is not immune.

    “Until the day comes when we are able to honestly and courageously have a discussion about the nature of Shariah law and how it is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution,” he said, “we’re not going to have the means to recover ourselves and stand up for the principles that this country was founded on. This isn’t really a civil rights issue at all. This is a basic survival issue.”

    Has our own government already surrendered to Islamic jihad? A national security insider uncovers the terrible truth. Philip Haney’s “See Something, Say Nothing” is available now from the WND Superstore.
    Haney compared his career in counter-terrorism to his previous career in entomology, describing the hunt for jihadists as one long effort to “find the nest.”
    “Now, the administration is telling us ‘there is no nest,’” Haney said. “It’s about as absurd as it would be going around stomping on ants one at a time while pretending there is no nest.

    “I would encourage us to re-evaluate the way we approach this problem. It’s not just individuals, it’s also networks. And these networks also exist in the United States. They’ve been built up over at least three generations, immigrants primarily. We’re not immune to the forces of Shariah law and the influence of Islamic life. We have to come to terms with this.”

    Haney pointed to the connections that have been exposed in Orlando as a graphic illustration of how the networks behind each terrorist attack are not difficult to find if you know what you are looking for.

    “The father of the shooter was the vice-president of the mosque, the Fort Pierce mosque. If you took him at face value when he started appearing in public, you got the impression he had no clue whatsoever what his son was doing. But he’s actually the vice president of the mosque.”

    Loss of identity
    Ultimately, what the United States is facing is deeper than a terrorist threat or the negative consequences of bad policies. Haney suggests Americans are losing their very identity.

    “If you lose your identity as a person or a nation, you will die,” he said. “You cannot continue to function if you lose your identity. And that’s what we’re on the verge of doing if we’re not careful.”

    Jones whispered: “You’re right. We don’t have an identity except political correctness, just a bunch of mindless fluff.”
    Haney also pointed to the problem of Muslims not assimilating into American culture.

    “We hear about assimilation as if it’s Americans’ fault that Muslims can’t assimilate or won’t,” he said. “But it’s not our fault. They have to make the choice to assimilate. But they are taught it’s an abrogation or violation of Shariah law to assimilate to a non-Islamic culture. They’re not here to assimilate.

    “They came here with an understanding that if they come here and settle in a country and implement Islam and Shariah law that they will receive the same reward in heaven as the men with the gun. That is an Islamic theological fact. They know it when they come here.”

    For that reason, Haney argues Americans need to reconnect with their own identity and also be honest about the nature of the enemy, especially its desire to implement Islamic law.

    He compared the movement to water, which can pass through whatever holes exist to penetrate an obstacle. Just as water seeks to flow forward, Haney suggested, Islamic supremacists move forward relentlessly to implement their objective.

    He turned to another metaphor to explain the threat.

    “There’s a concept that I’d like to try and share with everyone and that’s this idea of viewing this whole phenomenon like a solar system,” he said. “All the planets in the solar system rotate around the sun. Yes, they are different kinds of planets and they have moons and so on. But the one thing they all have in common is the force of gravity that comes from the sun. It influences all of them. And the thing that is driving the whole global jihad movement, global Islamic movement, the one thing is implementing Shariah law.

    “That is the macro strategic goal of the global Islamic movement. It isn’t actually jihad or terrorism or any of the other things we’re calling it. It is Shariah law. Terrorism and the rest are just tactics to implement the goal of Shariah law. It’s actually quite simple if you view it that way.”

    And Haney had a chilling warning for those unwilling to confront that reality.

    “If we don’t face this truth voluntarily, we’ll eventually face it involuntarily,” he warned. “It’s inevitable.”


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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Obama says Republicans' idea for Muslim test is 'repugnant'

    Christi Parsons

    President Obama took a shot Friday at Newt Gingrich's suggestion of a widespread ban on Muslims after the terrorist attack in France, condemning the idea of a “religious test” that was originally proposed by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and expanded on by Gingrich.

    “In the wake of last night’s attacks, we’ve heard more suggestions that all Muslims in America be targeted, tested for their beliefs, some deported or jailed,” Obama said Friday, without naming Gingrich. “The very suggestion is repugnant and an affront to everything that we stand for as Americans.”

    Gingrich said in the hours after the attack that killed scores in France that any Muslim who believes in Sharia law should be ejected from the U.S.

    “Western civilization is in a war,” Gingrich said in an interview on Fox News after the Bastille Day truck attack. “We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background. And if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported.”

    The assertion by Gingrich, who was on the shortlist to be Trump’s running mate, resurrected one of Trump’s most controversial proposals of the presidential campaign. After December’s massacre in San Bernardino, he called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

    But in an afternoon address at the White House before diplomatic officials from around the world, Obama took issue with Gingrich’s amplified suggestion. He argued that nations should try to protect freedom, not surrender in fear.

    “We cannot give in to fear or turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life,” Obama said. “We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want. We should never do their work for them. And here in the United States, our freedoms … keep us strong and safe.”

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Idaho hospital refuses to release medical records of 5-year-old raped by Muslim migrants

    July 17, 20162:14 pm By Robert Spencer 25 Comments

    The more that comes out about this appalling story, the worse it gets. Authorities appear desperate to protect Muslim migrant criminals at all costs, lest the public get a negative view of the migrant influx. This article contains a good summary of the chain of events.

    “Exclusive — Pamela Geller: Hospital Refuses to Release Medical Records of Five-Year-Old Idaho Victim Raped By Muslim Migrants,” by Pamela Geller, Breitbart, July 16, 2016:

    A five-year-old girl was raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho; one of them, a 14-year-old, videotaped the attack. After the attack, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused and targeted by law enforcement and medical authorities as if they were the criminals. The mother cannot get copies of the medical records of her own child, or transcripts of 9-1-1 calls made on the day of the attack.

    In examining notes taken of their conversations with the victim’s mother, I was taken aback by how contemptuous they are of her.

    They talk down to her, as if she were the perpetrator, not the mother of the victim of this monstrous attack.

    It is outrageous. And it gets worse. The supposedly seven-year-old rapist who put his penis in the girl’s mouth, urinated on her and in her mouth, and who reportedly owned the blue pocket knife that he used to threaten her, was never even removed from his home. That family still lives next door to the victim. For the longest time, the attacker wasn’t even limited in his access to the community’s children; now he must be supervised by someone 14 years old or older. When they stipulated this, the court had to have been aware that the boy who videotaped the rape was 14. This a gross insult against this victimized family — and a direct result of a judge’s decision.

    Meanwhile, the neighbor of the family who caught the perpetrators in the act, an elderly woman known to all as “Grandma Jo,” has been living in constant terror since she first happened upon the grisly scene. She has been stalked by the Iraqi family of the seven-year-old attacker. Her apartment is back-to-back with theirs; they peer into her windows and pace back and forth in front of her apartment in a clearly menacing manner.

    The victim’s family has received no assistance — no financial aid from federal or state programs to help them relocate. It is almost impossible to find a place to rent because of the housing shortage due to the sudden crush of refugees. Rents have gone way up as well. The five-year-old rape victim is still living next door to the ringleader of the Muslim mob that raped her. She is terrified and won’t leave the house, as the attacker’s family members walk by the victim’s family’s windows and taunt them.

    The poor girl desperately does want to play outside, but it isn’t safe to do so without parental supervision. Recently a carload of Muslim males pulled up in front of mother and daughter. The car stopped and its occupants stared them down. The mother witnessed one of the males run into the house and get something that appeared cylinder-like: at the time she was afraid it was a gun. Moments later, their house was being struck by bottle rockets. This isn’t an isolated case in Twin Falls, as there have been other reports of American homeowners having their homes struck by bottle rockets. And let’s be serious: these people are not celebrating the Fourth of July or Americanism.

    The prosecuting attorney has gone out of his way to imply that this rape was false information. His interviews have led the media and public officials to deny clear facts of the case. The U.S. Attorney for Idaho even vowed to charge anyone who made false statements about the perps. The Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has whined that the case has become “a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.”

    A source close to this horrifying case has struck back against the disinformation being propagated in the case, and sent me a complete time line of events. So here at last is what really happened, straight from someone who was deeply involved the whole time.

    On Thursday, June 2, 2016, the little girl was assaulted by Muslim migrant boys: two Sudanese boys aged around 10 and 14, one Iraqi boy around seven years old. The girl said that they used a knife and dragged her to an apartment laundry room at Fawnbrook apartments in Twin Falls. They were caught in the act by a neighbor — Grandma Jo. According to Grandma Jo, when she opened the laundry room door, she saw two boys standing over the naked victim, urinating on her and “pulling” themselves. She told the attackers to get dressed. Then she helped the victim get dressed (in her urine-soaked clothing). A neighbor arrived to help, and the victim was taken to her family apartment. Her maternal grandmother arrived, the girl was washed and dressed, and the family called 911 three times.

    Before the police arrived, the 14-year-old attacker disappeared. Eventually, Twin Falls County Sheriff personnel arrived, as well as police. They took statements. The two attackers who could be found were “scolded” and told to obey Grandma Jo. The police warned them to be good or they would come get them in a large school bus and take them to jail; they were told to obey Grandma Jo in order to avoid this.

    That evening, the little girl was taken to the Emergency Room at Saint Luke’s Hospital, where she was examined for rape and blood work was taken. The girl’s parents say that at Children at Risk Evaluation Services (CARES), she was examined by a Dr. Reese. She was told to go for second evaluation on June 6 with CARES doctors. It is unclear if at this or any other time the assailants were frisked, examined, or subjected to blood or urine tests. They were not restrained or removed from their homes.
    The next day, two police detectives interviewed Grandma Jo in her home. A police detective, J. R. Paredez, brought the victim a stuffed toy.

    On Monday, June 6, CARES interviewed the little girl while Detective Paredez and two counselors watched. Photographic evidence was taken of what was taken at the time by the girl’s parents and a doctor to be a cut on her neck, as well as of her private area. Days later, however, the girl’s mother called CARES for an update and was told that the neck cut was actually just a scratch, and that this was determined by “blood vessel” appearance – an evaluation based on examination of a photo, not a reexamination of the victim.

    The family put the victim in a day-care center in order to remove her from proximity to the perpetrators, who continued to run unrestrained in the complex. The victim’s family is poor; their sister-in-law paid the center’s $500 bill.

    On June 7, KMVT, a local TV news station, published a Facebook news story on possible sexual assault at Fawnbrook.

    Six days later, on June 13, citizens address the Twin Falls City Council during “public input” to question them about the rape of the child. The next day, a collection was taken up for the girl’s family; they were presented with the money on June 15.

    On June 16, the Prosecuting Attorney’s office called the family while the supporter who had taken up the collection for them was visiting their home. Both parents spoke to Janice Kroeger, the Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, and told her that they wanted the attackers prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    The next day, a detective called the family at 11:45 a.m. to say that warrants would be issued for the arrest of the attackers, but time was needed to process them. The family was fearful of backlash from the families of the perpetrators. Several individuals began video surveillance of the area.

    On Saturday, June 18, two of the perpetrators, both Sudanese Muslim migrants, were arrested. Kroeger called the victim’s family from the Prosecuting Attorney’s office to tell them that the arraignment would be Monday, June 20, at 1:00 p.m. The father of the victim told Kroeger that the family insisted on being involved in all the hearings. Curiously, Kroeger questioned his interest in the case.

    At the Sudanese boys’ arraignment hearing that Monday, the family of the victim and a “nonprofessional” support person were in the courtroom. Notably, Angela “Angie” Beeson, the Director of Victim Services, was not present.

    Outside of the courtroom, the parents of the victim and several of their supporters, along with Jeff Rolig, an attorney for Fawnbrook apartments, the apartment manager, Detective Paredez, and a Sergeant Wright of the Twin Falls police had a conversation about the knife that the victim (and others) said was used by the perpetrators. (The fourteen-year-old attacker had cut an eight-year-old girl two weeks before this attack; the boy used his blue pocket knife. The mother of this child had entered a complaint against him at the time of the rape, but later dropped it for fear of retaliation.)

    On June 20, the family met with Grant P. Loebs, the prosecuting attorney, and Janice Kroegar at the Prosecuting Attorney’s office.

    Loebs rambled through a “victim’s services package list” and stated that Angela Beeson would be the victim’s advocate for the family. The parents requested a restraining order, but Loebs and Kroegar appeared uncertain if a seven-year-old could have such an order filed against him. Loebs said that he had given three interviews in order to “clear up” the confusion and “set the facts straight.” Loebs stated that “the system” was “not prepared” to deal with a seven-year-old.

    Later that day, Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury made a public statement praising the police department, CARES, and the City Council. He called the rape “lewd and lascivious” and said it was a case of “boys acting out.”

    During the next week, a supporter of the family, Julie Ruf, took dictation from Grandma Jo for her sworn affidavit. Ruf typed it up as it was spoken to her. Grandma Jo reviewed the affidavit and then took it to her bank, signed it and had it notarized. She then gave it to the victim’s parents so they could give it to their attorney.

    On June 21, the Twin Falls Police Department sent an officer to search the Fawnbrook apartment complex for the knife. The officer spoke to a friend of the family who informed him that the knife was known to be a blue pocket knife that the perpetrators hid in a Russian olive tree on an empty lot nearby. Officer confirmed that the area around the tree appeared to have someone “hang out there often.” Then pictures were taken with him and kids in his police car.

    On June 23, the Sudanese boys were arraigned for a second time. They were released to their parents and a second Sudanese family. Angie Beeson discussed court procedure with the parents of the victim. A supporter of the family warned Beeson that if the boys were released, they may be a flight risk; Angie answered that they would just need to be arrested again if they fled. Papers were signed by victim’s parents, but it is uncertain what they were. An observer in courtroom indicated that Janice Kroeger didn’t appear confident and was apparently reading from a book; at one point, Kroeger actually asked the judge if she was doing okay (in reference to her actions in the proceedings).

    On the same day, Fawnbrook apartments issued an eviction notice to both the Sudanese and Iraqi families that were involved in the rape. The Sudanese immediately began to move out, and were gone by Monday the 27th.

    The next day, Wendy J. Olson, U.S. Attorney for Idaho, issued her notorious statement warning that giving out “false information” about the perpetrators could violate federal law.

    On June 24, a No-Contact order was issued, as per the parents of the victim’s request, against all three assailants. Sergeant Wright stated that it would not be entered into the Police Department’s record until days later.

    On June 27, the mother of victim called 911 offices in Twin Falls to request a copy of her public record 911 transcripts. The woman on the phone told her that she wasn’t sure that the victim’s mother would be “allowed” to have those, and that she would need to contact the prosecutor’s office. The prosecuting attorney’s office called back with the answer that no documents would be handed over until the case was closed, because it was a sealed case.

    That afternoon at a meeting of the Twin Falls City Council meeting, Twin Falls Mayor Shawn Barigar gave a soliloquy absolving the City Council of responsibility and telling the community to calm down. Julie Ruf told the council that the Iraqi child was still running free in the complex and playing among the other children. The victim and her family, consequently, were shut away in their home to protect themselves. From this evening on, the Iraqi boy remained mostly in his apartment, as did his mother or grandmother (it was difficult to determine which she was).

    Also on June 27, Nevada Assemblywomen Michele Fiore and Shelly Shelton were traveling through Twin Falls on the way home, and stopped at Fawnbrook to offer aid and comfort to the victim and her family. Fiore called Detective Paredez to ask him for the case number (which the parents did not have), and was treated disrespectfully by him.

    On June 28, Olson issued a second statement to clarify her inflammatory and authoritarian June 24 statement.

    That day, the parents met at Jaker’s restaurant in Twin Falls with attorney Bruce Skaug. The parents requested that Julie Ruf remain with them during this meeting, but Skaug insisted otherwise, and Ruf left. The parents then signed a contract with Skaug — under duress, due to their vulnerable emotional condition. They gave Skaug Grandma Jo’s affidavit. Despite their subsequent requests that he return it, he has not done so.

    In Jaker’s restaurant, Julie Ruf saw, at another table with the private investigator for Bruce Skaug, another attorney, Jeff Rolig. He was seated in a booth that placed him shoulder-to-shoulder with Skaug, with a glass and pony wall divider between them.
    On June 29, the parents of the victim told Skaug to cease work on the case and to send them a copy of their contract and his billable hours.

    The mother of the victim went with her neighbor to the Twin Falls Police Department: the neighbor intended to drop charges against same Iraqi boy who knifed her daughter two weeks before the rape. While she was there, Detective Paredez, Sergeant Wright, and another officer asked to speak with the victim’s mother. They escorted her behind two locked security doors and proceeded to grill and intimidate her until she was crying. Paredez specifically mentioned Assemblywoman Michele Fiore’s phone call.

    The victim’s mother had called Julie Ruf, but Ruf arrived after the police had escorted her to a back room. Ruf asked to be taken to her since she had requested it, but no officer was sent to unlock the double security doors.

    Upon returning to lobby, the victim’s mother was visibly shaken, but proceeded in the lobby with a written request for her 911 transcripts. She passed the written request through the deposit drawer in the lobby. No proof of the request, or denial of it, was given to her.

    On July 6, the parents called Skaug and left him a message, again to dismiss him as their lawyer. They asked him for a copy of their signed contract and billable hours, and asked him to return their paperwork.

    That same day, the mother called CARES for a copy of her daughter’s medical records. A CARES employee told her that CARES does not release records and transferred her call to a second CARES employee, identified as Sarah. There followed a discussion about counseling for the victim. Sarah said that CARES did not print out medical records and told the victim’s mother that Paredez had the paperwork, and that it may already have been submitted to the prosecuting attorney.

    The mother of the victim then called Paredez, using the police department’s general number). She asked him for the CARES medical records. Paredez responded that they were in the case file, and told that mother that she would need to fill out another public record request for the release of the CARES medical records.

    The mother then called Angie Beeson for help with the release of the public records and medical records. Beeson told her that the case was sealed, that the parents may need to be witnesses if the case went to trial, and that “everything needs to be from your own mind.” She told the mother: “You as a mother can’t be denied medical records, but CARES may not release the records,” and that the prosecuting attorney couldn’t release anything until the case was over. The mother of victim offered to file a written request for the records; Beeson said that she would need to ask Grant Loebs, but that she shouldn’t need to put it in writing, that her word should be good enough.

    The next day, July 7, Grant Loebs called the mother of victim to tell her that he had received notice from Bruce Skaug that he had been dismissed. Loebs directly asked the mother of victim why the family had dismissed Skaug; they did not give him an answer.

    On July 8, there was an Admit or Deny hearing for the seven-year-old Iraqi attacker, with Judge Thomas Borreson presiding. The boy pleaded not guilty. The Protection Order against the boy was altered from 300 yards to 100 feet, and included the supervision of someone 14 and older. He remains in his home with his “mother” and unidentified adult males.

    On July 9 at 11:00PM, the mother of the victim called Julie Ruf; she had been frightened by a carload of male Muslims who stopped in front of her apartment building and stared at her. She had allowed her daughter to play late after the other children went in — sunset was at about 9:30PM. She saw one male go into an apartment and get something before she went into her own home. As far as she could see, what he got appeared to be a firearm.

    By 11:30PM, the family was hearing loud noises. The mother texted and then called Ruf again. Something began hitting their house. Ruf advised them to call the Twin Falls Police Department. The police arrived quickly and told the family that they believed that what had been hitting the house were bottle rockets being fired by teens nearby. The family had a terrified and sleepless night.

    On July 12, Angie Beeson called father of the victim to inform him that she would no longer be acting as their advocate. She said they should contact Grant Loebs as their advocate, and also said that she would be mailing them something. Loebs later called the victim’s mother, but she did not answer. When he called again, she did answer, and Loebs talked for a very long time. He informed her that he would be their advocate now, and that they were not to contact Beeson. Loebs suggested that Beeson may have been threatened, but didn’t say so directly.

    On July 13, Susan Tully of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) met with people in Twin Falls, after which she was invited to meet the victims. She apparently called Angie Beeson to attempt to resolve the victim’s issues. It is unclear whether or not she reached Beeson, but the victim’s mother was notified later that day that Tully had spoken to the prosecutor, who made sure that Tully understood that the victim’s parents could go see the paperwork (including the 911 transcripts and medical report), but could not have or make copies.

    That night, at the Twin Falls County Precinct committee meeting, Loebs spoke to the Republican members (about 35 to 40 people). An eyewitness said that Loebs referred to “the alleged raping,” claimed that there was a “quick response of the police department,” and said that the media was making things seem much worse than they were, as the incident had been “blown out of proportion.” He said that “two of the three suspects were arrested and held for four days.”

    Loebs also said: “The victim’s family is confused; I spoke to them for twenty minutes the day before.” He added, “Twin Falls is not a corrupt place, it’s safe,” and said, that the case was not significant, as there were other rape cases.

    This travesty of justice is ongoing. It must end. Contact these people and demand justice for this poor little girl and her family:
    Grant P. Loebs (Prosecuting Attorney) 208-736-4020
    Janice L. Kroeger (Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney) (208 733-7899
    Angela “Angie” Beeson (Director of Victim Services) (208 736-4164
    Jeff Rolig (local attorney for Fawnbrook Apartments) (208 733-0075
    Jeff Passadore (Head attorney for Fawnbrook Apartments) (503) 702-0535
    Bruce Skaug (208 466-0030 Meridian, Idaho attorney
    Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (702) 985-8142
    Nevada Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton
    Wendy J. Olson, U.S. Attorney for Idaho
    We will not be letting this case go. Watch my future articles and my website for updates.

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    Obama Administration grants Syrian Refugees temporary amnesty

    This still image from Syrian state TV video shows young men with their faces covered surrendering to government forces in Aleppo, Syria, on July 30, 2016, Syrian state media is reporting that dozens of families have started leaving besieged rebel-held ... more >

    By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, August 1, 2016

    Homeland Security granted a new temporary amnesty Monday to more than 8,000 Syrians living in the U.S. right now, saying they can remain for up to 18 months longer no matter what their legal status.
    Secretary Jeh Johnson issued “temporary protected status” to Syrians, saying that if they are in the U.S. as of Monday and continue to reside here permanently, they can apply for work permits and other documents to remain and live in the U.S. without fear of being ousted.

    His order applies to some 5,800 Syrians who were granted status under the original 2012 TPS program, and 2,500 new arrivals who don’t have a more permanent status here.

    “Syria’s lengthy civil conflict has resulted in high levels of food insecurity, limited access to water and medical care, and massive destruction of Syria’s infrastructure. Attacks against civilians, the use of chemical weapons and irregular warfare tactics, as well as forced conscription and use of child soldiers have intensified the humanitarian crisis,” Mr. Johnson said in announcing the new program.

    Those eligible for TPS include any Syrian illegal immigrants who have managed to sneak into or remain in the U.S. beyond their visa expirations over the last four years.

    TPS is intended to be humanitarian relief for those whose home countries face a massive natural disaster or war that makes returning both dangerous for the individual, and a potential burden for the home country’s government.

    Some 13 countries are currently listed.

    But the Syrian listing comes at a time of heightened concern over foreign fighters who may have trained with the Islamic State and who are searching for ways to conduct attacks in Europe and the U.S.

    Those fears have already beset the U.S. refugee program, where President Obama has pledged to resettle some 10,000 Syrians in the U.S. in fiscal year 2016.

    The refugee program far overshadows what authorities expect from the new TPS designation. The 2,500 Syrians expected to receive temporary status is only slightly more than the 2,443 Syrian refugees accepted for resettlement in the U.S. in the month of July alone.

    All told, some 7,654 Syrians have been resettled so far this fiscal year. And with two months left in the fiscal year, Mr. Obama is easily on track to meet his 10,000 goal.

    Those with serious criminal records or who authorities are able to determine to be national security risks are supposed to be rejected for TPS.

    An in-person interview is not listed as one of the requirements for being approved for TPS, though officials can request an interview if someone lacks a birth certificate, passport or other primary document establishing their identity.

    Proving identity and establishing someone’s criminal history are some of the biggest hurdles for Syrian refugees, according to American security officials, who say that the U.S. lacks access to Syrian systems that are usually used to verify someone’s history and check his or her criminal record.

    Applications for TPS can be submitted at any time, though they won’t begin to be approved until October. The window for applying runs through Jan. 30.

    The protected status runs 18 months, through March 31, 2018.

    Obama’s Homeland Security Chief Just Issued A SHOCKING Order About Syrians Illegally In The US

    For this to be happening now, even as our sworn enemies...

    Norvell Rose August 1, 2016 at 12:49pm

    ISIS has certainly made no secret of its devious plans to have terror operatives sneak into Western nations among the thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing hardship and horror in their country.

    Just last week, FBI Director James Comey warned that victories in the Middle East in the war against the Islamic State could well mean more terrorism in the West — including in the United States — especially as the influx of Syrians continues under orders from the White House.

    And now — just as President Obama’s chief of Homeland Security issues an amnesty order covering more than 8,000 Syrians currently living in the U.S. — a former senior security policy analyst for the Pentagon is raising a big red flag alongside Comey’s warning. Michael Maloof tells the website RT:

    Islamic State terrorists infiltrated Western Europe through migrant flocks and the U.S. is going to have the same problem unless it does something about the visa waiver program from these countries.

    Consider the stunning nature of what’s just happened right here in the United States of America — let the reality of this move by the top Obama official who is supposed to keep the homeland safe, sink in.

    Our mortal enemies in ISIS have told us they what they intend to so — use the cover of Syrian migration to sneak bloodthirsty terrorists into America. And now DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, as though totally oblivious to that announced plan for sneak attacks, has awarded “temporary protected status” to Syrians living in America.

    According to The Washington Times, Johnson says that “if they are in the U.S. as of Monday and continue to reside here permanently, they can apply for work permits and other documents to remain and live in the U.S. without fear of being ousted.”

    In other words, these Syrians now enjoy protected status — essentially temporary amnesty — and they can remain in the U.S. for up to 18 more months regardless of whether they are here legally.

    The Times article points out that the Syrians now eligible for this protected status “include any Syrian illegal immigrants who have managed to sneak into or remain in the U.S. beyond their visa expirations over the past four years.”

    And that would, presumably, include those who have managed to sneak into America with the intent of doing her and her citizens harm.

    If it weren’t so “crazy” to think this, one might be inclined to believe that Barack Obama and his loyal, liberal comrades are more interested in protecting immigrants — and protecting the image of Obama humanitarianism — than they are in securing the country and providing for the safety of its citizens.

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    SHOCK REPORT: Military-Aged Men Extremely Over-Represented in EU Refugee Asylum Applications

    By Patrick Poole August 3, 2016
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    Recall when Donald Trump cast doubt on the intentions of many of the Syrian refugees by claiming a disproportionate number were "young, strong men"? Most media quickly attempted to debunk his claim.

    Well, Trump's claim now seems borne out by data from the Pew Research Center.

    A shocking report released yesterday on European asylum applications in 2015 shows that, indeed, the refugees are disproportionately represented by "military-age" adult males -- to an alarming degree.

    A majority of the applicants came from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq in what has become the biggest demographic shift in Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.

    From the Pew report:
    As a result, about four-in-ten asylum seekers in Europe in 2015 (42%) were young men ages 18 to 34. This was also true for most leading origin countries: 39% of those from Syria were young men, as were 38% of those from Afghanistan and 47% of those from Iraq. Young adult males made up a larger share of asylum seekers from some origin countries. For example, roughly three-fourths of asylum seekers from Gambia (80%), Pakistan (76%) and Bangladesh (76%) were young adult men in 2015.

    The demographic profile of asylum seekers in destination countries varies considerably. About four-in-ten asylum seekers applying in Germany (39%) in 2015 were young adult males, about the same level as asylum seekers to Europe (42%) as a whole. In Hungary, about half (51%) of asylum seekers were more young adult men. In Sweden, just 28% of asylum seekers were young men in 2015. Meanwhile, young adult men made up 74% of asylum seekers in Italy, the highest share of any country in 2015.

    Europe has also seen a spike in the number of unaccompanied minors (children under 18 who arrived in Europe without adult guardians) applying for asylum in recent years. Between 2008 and 2015, 198,500 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland, of which nearly half (48% or about 96,000) arrived in 2015. Among all first-time asylum applications in 2015, nearly 7% were from unaccompanied minors, the highest share since data on unaccompanied minors became available in 2008.
    Asylum seekers to Europe are largely young and male
    — Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) August 3, 2016

    For purposes of comparison, of the 4.8 million Syrian refugees the UN has registered, the population split is nearly even: 50.3 percent were men, 49.7 percent were women. And yet, the Syrian refugees who applied for asylum in Europe last year were 71 percent male to 29 percent female.

    The data also show the breakdown of UN-registered Syrian refugee men to be 30 percent. However, men 18+ arriving in Europe were 53 percent.

    According to the report, more than half of the applicants were from either Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq:
    The leading country of citizenship for Europe’s asylum applicants in 2015 was Syria, which accounted for 378,000 asylum seekers, or 29% of all applicants. Second was Afghanistan, with 193,000 asylum seekers in 2015. Well over half (53%) of all asylum seekers in 2015 held citizenship from one of these countries or Iraq.

    Roughly half of refugees in 2015 trace origins to just 3 countries: Syria, Afghanistan,Iraq
    — Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) August 3, 2016

    As CNBC notes, this is the biggest demographic shift in Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union:
    A record 1.3 million migrants applied for asylum in the Europe in 2015 – nearly twice as many as the previous high point in 1992, around the collapse of the Soviet Union, according to new research by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center. Since 1985, Europe has received about 11.6 million asylum applications, with last year's 1.3 million amounting to about one-tenth of all applications received during the past 30 years by the 28 members of the EU, Norway and Switzerland, Pew noted. It used data collected by Eurostat, the EU's statistical agency, to inform its research.
    The report finds that Germany was the top destination, with 33 percent of the asylum applications in 2015, followed by Hungary, Sweden and Austria:
    Hungary received 2d largest number of asylum applicants in 2015, abt 13% of Europe's total— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) August 3, 2016

    This is having profound a profound impact on European domestic politics, with wide majorities unhappy with how their respective country is handling the new invasion of Europe.
    94% of Greeks and 88% of Swedes disapprove of how the EU has handled the refugee issue
    — Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) August 3, 2016

    Whether due to pragmatism or political pressure, some countries are beginning to buck the EU on immigration. For instance, Finland has recently rejected 77 percent of Iraqi asylum applications.

    The Daily Express reports:
    FINLAND is facing a showdown with Brussels over its border policies after ruling three quarters of recent Iraqi asylum seekers are economic migrants and unveiling plans to send them home.The Scandinavian state has taken a tough stance on new arrivals from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia after officially declaring the three ‘safe countries’.

    The rule change has allowed Finnish ministers to deny 77 per cent of asylum applications from Iraqis last month, with those migrants now set to be deported back to the Middle East.

    The wave of recent terror attacks in Europe from asylum seekers and other immigrants is fueling skepticism of the handling of both the terrorism and immigration issues by European leaders.
    My latest:Europe terror attacks spotlight security failings amid refugee crisis
    — Benjamin Weinthal (@BenWeinthal) July 28, 2016

    33% of the French are “confident in their national leaders' ability to fight terrorism” - Le Figaro
    — Jubal E. Harshaw (@alimhaider) July 30, 2016

    Survey: Europeans fear refugees raise terror threat: In the minds of Europeans, the "refugee crisis and threa...
    — DW | Europe (@dw_europe) July 12, 2016
    Weinthal's article notes that German Interior Ministry officials note there are 59 ongoing investigations of refugees involved in "terrorist structures."
    The current flow of immigration into Europe is creating future problems:
    With present flow of 90% male refugee children to Sweden, the Swedish Teen Sex Ratio will in 4 months be like in China: 120 boys/100 girls.
    — Hans Rosling (@HansRosling) November 26, 2015
    Sweden and Denmark reportedly ALREADY have the highest rates of sexual assault in Europe.

    But it's unlikely that the EU will remain alone with its terror and immigration related issues:
    BREAKING: Obama Admin Extends Asylum for Syrian Refugees. Refugees Can't Be Legally Removed From US Through 2018— Adam Kredo (@Kredo0) August 1, 2016

    Number of girls in U.S. subjected to female genital mutilation has tripled since 1990, GAO blames immigration
    — Elizabeth Harrington (@LizWFB) August 1, 2016

    Despite the efforts of Western political officials to dismiss these issues, they're unlikely to quell citizen concerns anytime soon.

    DHS chief: US on track to bring in 10K Syrian refugees by End of September 2016

    Getty Images
    By Mike Lillis - 08/03/16 11:53 AM EDT

    The Obama administration is on track to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States before October, the head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Wednesday.

    Jeh Johnson said "over 7,000" Syrian refugees have already arrived in the country and "there are several thousand who have been approved and are just awaiting the physical resettlement."

    "So I believe we will make the commitment to resettle 10,000 refugees this fiscal year," Johnson told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor in Washington. That's "a significantly larger number than last year," Johnson noted, putting the 2015 figure at "about 1,600."

    The debate over President Obama's refugee resettlement program has raged nationwide amid an international crisis that's seen millions of Syrians flee their country since a civil war began there in 2011.

    Most have settled in the neighboring countries of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, but many thousands more have streamed through Turkey and across the Mediterranean into Europe, leaving European leaders scrambling for ways to manage the deluge.

    From the left, Obama has been criticized for accepting too few refugees; from the right, he's been lambasted for expanding the program this year amid heightened concerns about terrorism.

    Some Republican state legislators have pushed new laws attempting to bar any refugees from entering their states — efforts that have largely been rejected by the courts.

    Hoping to defuse the security concerns, Johnson emphasized Wednesday that the program's expansion has not come by cutting corners or rushing the process, but by increasing resources and personnel to handle the greater number of screenings –– an expanded capability he said he "personally inspected" during a visit to Turkey in March.

    "The process is still a very thorough, time-consuming process for each refugee applicant. On average, it has been 18 to 24 months, and we have not shortcut the process," Johnson said. "In fact, we have added security checks to the process for refugees from certain countries, which I can't really get into publicly."

    He said the refugees are resettled only in communities willing and able to accept them.

    "We don't just dump them someplace in this country," Johnson said. "They are resettled in communities that are able to absorb refugees, and want to take in refugees.

    "We have traditionally and historically accepted refugees into this country and we should continue to do so," he added. "It's a part of who we are as a nation."

    The debate over Obama's resettlement program intensified after last November's terrorist attack in Paris, where at least one attacker had entered Europe as a refugee. The tragedy led Republicans on Capitol Hill to push legislation that would have effectively halted the program –– a bill that passed the House but went no further in the face of a White House veto threat.

    As a fallback measure, bipartisan leaders pushed legislation eliminating visa-waiver privileges for any foreigners who have visited Iraq, Syria, Iran or Sudan over the past five years. It passed into law in December as part of Congress's year-end spending package.

    The refugee debate has also extended to the presidential trail, most notably in Donald Trump's call, after the November Paris attacks, to bar all Muslims from entering the country.

    Johnson on Wednesday declined to weigh in on the presidential race. But he stressed the importance of outreach and cooperation with Muslim communities living in the U.S., and warned that attacking those communities would only make the country less safe.

    "I think it's critical to our homeland security mission that we build bridges to American Muslim communities, that we encourage them to participate in our homeland security efforts," he said.

    "Overheated rhetoric [and] vilification of American Muslims is counter to those efforts."

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

    President Obama Meets ‘Clock Kid’ Ahmed Mohamed During White House Astronomy Event

    Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

    by Charlie Spiering19 Oct 20151,312

    In spite of the hubbub surrounding the appearance of “clock kid” Ahmed Mohamed at the White House, President Obama didn’t make him the center of attention during an event that was squarely focused on astronomy.

    The president made brief remarks at the White House’s “Astronomy Night” before peering through a telescope and visiting briefly with a few of the attendees.

    “We have to encourage those glimmers of curiosity,” Obama said during his remarks which highlighted the scientific curiosities of children around the country, but he did not refer to Mohamed’s experience.

    According to the White House press pool, Ahmed Mohamed was in the third row of the audience.
    White House reporters confirmed on Twitter that he spoke with Obama briefly as he shook the president’s hand.

    In September, President Obama invited Mohamed to the White House after hearing about the event, posting an encouraging message to the student on Twitter.

    Mohamed willingly accepted the invitation to visit Obama, tweeting afterwards that he couldn’t wait to get his clock back and show it to the president.

    But the White House hinted on Monday that it was unlikely that Obama would personally visit with boy or look at his clock. “I don’t believe that the president will have the opportunity to meet with meet one-on-one with Ahmed Mohamed,” Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.

    In an interview with reporters this morning, Mohamed admitted that he didn’t bring his clock to Washington D.C. “because he’s been too busy traveling to pick it up from home,” according to the Dallas Morning News.

    During his visit, he also attended a Council on American-Islamic Relations gala while he was in Washington D.C., according to the same report, and visited the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

    Since obtaining his newfound celebrity, the 14-year-old boy has been traveling the world visiting major tech groups and world leaders.

    Just recently he posed for a photo with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, a known dictator accused of waging genocide in Darfur.

    During his globetrotting, he also had the chance to visit Mecca with his family, as part of a Saudi government sponsored pilgrimage.

    ‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed boosts the Butcher of Darfur

    By Post Editorial Board

    October 19, 2015 | 7:58pm
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    Irving MacArthur High School student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, at his home in Irving, Texas, on Sept. 15. Photo: Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News via AP

    Teen “clock-maker” Ahmed Mohamed’s tale just got a whole lot murkier.

    Ever since his arrest last month, when teachers at his Texas school mistook his clockwork device for a bomb, 14-year-old Ahmed has been on a whirlwind global tour, feted as a victim of Islamophobia.

    That was capped off last night by a visit to the White House at the personal Twitter invite of President Obama.

    But it comes just days after Ahmed gleefully posed for pictures in Khartoum with Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

    OK: Ahmed and his family are Sudanese immigrants; his dad has twice run for the nation’s presidency (despite being a US immigrant), including as recently as last February.

    But Bashir is a mass-murdering warlord, indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    His atrocities have Sudan under US sanctions. Bashir was behind the genocide in Darfur — once a huge cause on the left.

    In 2006, thousands gathered at the National Mall for a “Save Darfur” rally at which then-Sen. Barack Obama declared, “If we act, then the world will follow.” Now the latest cheerleader for the butcher of Darfur is a welcome guest at Obama’s White House?

    All this is just the latest twist to this tale, which has seen the Council on American-Islamic Relations hail young Ahmed as “American Muslim of the Year.”

    Questions have even surfaced about the device itself — now widely reported as just the inner workings of a commercial clock.
    From the start, this affair was bound to be politicized. But the use Ahmed Mohamed and his family have made of his notoriety is appalling.

    Did America Get Trolled By Ahmed And His Clock?

    J. D. Gordon
    Executive Director, Protect America Today

    3:31 PM 09/21/2015

    WFAA screenshot

    It was the story that sparked outrage across America.

    A bright 14-year old student brought a homemade clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas to impress a teacher. But instead of earning praise for his engineering skills and innovation, he was handcuffed, hauled off by police and suspended from school.

    Since he’s a dark-skinned Muslim, the political left cited it as evidence that America is a racist and xenophobic country. Just like they’ve said all along.

    Thus the child prodigy became a national hero. VIP invites poured in, ranging from individuals like President Obama and Mark Zuckerburg to prestigious agencies and institutions such as NASA and MIT. So did generous donations.

    But what if it was all a scam? Based on a hoax? Irving’s version of Ferguson’s infamous, “hands up, don’t shoot.”

    Well, the more we learn about Ahmed Mohamed, his clock, family and friends, and most importantly this year’s bitter struggle between Muslim community leaders and Irving government officials over Sharia Law, it seems a certainty. No offense to Ahmed, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out.

    Let’s start with the clock. It doesn’t remotely resemble one. No, it resembles a briefcase bomb. Photos show a vintage Radio Shack clock, dissembled and put back into a case, with a wire sticking out. Once it began beeping inside a back-pack, that’s when the trouble started. When police questioned young Ahmed, they said he was “passive aggressive,” stubbornly repeating it was a clock and stonewalling other questions. But here’s the thing, even if the Pope or Dalai Lama brought that device into a school, and then played games with teachers and police, they’d get arrested too.

    Unfortunately, most people’s attention span started and ended with just the clock incident. As if it happened a vacuum. Poor Ahmed.

    But there’s much more to this than meets the eye.

    Turns out that Ahmed’s family and friends are activists and provocateurs. They’re front line warriors in battling so-called “Islamophobia,” a term coined by the Muslim Brotherhood and since used to silence any criticism of Muslims, no matter what they do. His dad, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed has engaged in publicity stunts before, like defending the Koran in Florida Pastor Terry Jones’ mock trial in 2010. In a 2011 television debate with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch entitled, “Does Islam Respect Human Rights?” Mohamed identifies himself as President of Al-Sufi Islamic Center in Dallas and former presidential candidate of Sudan. It’s the country where the Muslim Janjaweed militia carried out genocide against non-Muslim black Africans in Darfur.

    During the interview, after “correcting the record” that Islam does not abuse human rights, Mohamed tells us, “even when Prophet Mohammed used a sword, he used it like the doctor used a knife, to heal you and to cure you.” That’s reassuring.

    Ahmed’s handlers include the Council on American Islamic Relations, a.k.a. CAIR, an organization founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in the early 1990s to advance the Islamist agenda. To them, “if you see something, say something,” equals racism. What a great way to disarm America.

    And now, we turn to Irving – America’s battleground in the clash over Islam’s Sharia Law.

    Following an honor killing in which Egyptian taxi driver Yaser Said shot his two teen daughters Sarah and Amina in his cab because they became “too Westernized,” and refused arranged marriages including to man nearly triple in age, Irving officials took a hardline position to help stop repeats.

    In March of this year, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne made national news by pushing a Texas legislature bill, “American Laws for American Courts” which would stop judges from using foreign law in their rulings. She vocally opposed Sharia mediation at a local mega-mosque too. The Mayor knows that even under lenient interpretations, Sharia treats women and girls as property and thus prone to domestic abuse. In the most extreme cases, honor killings.

    Well, guess who’s been out to get the Mayor ever since?

    If you guessed Ahmed’s family, friends and CAIR, you’d be right.

    So, enter the fresh faced, nerdy kid with the NASA shirt, who tinkers with go-carts and just wants to be an engineer someday. Hollywood couldn’t have cast him better. Just three weeks into high school, he secretly carries in a device that any TSA agent at airport security would think is a bomb. Then provokes police to get arrested, leaving the cuffs on just long enough for his sister to snap a photo.

    My fellow Americans, we’ve been trolled. And if we don’t get wise to it, the next Ahmed may very well blow up his school. That’s the inevitable result of silencing teachers and disarming police. Time to face truth, or forever live with the consequences.

    J.D. Gordon is a retired Navy Commander and former Pentagon spokesman who served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2009.

    Family of 'Clock Boy' Ahmed Mohamed sues Texas school officials

    Associated Press
    Updated 9:21 am, Monday, August 8, 2016

    Family of 'Clock Boy' Ahmed Mohamed sues Texas school officials

    Associated Press
    Updated 9:21 am, Monday, August 8, 2016

    Photo: Cooper Neill /For The Washington Post

    Image 1 of 20

    EXPLAINER: What you need to know about the 'Clock Boy' case ...
    Ahmed Mohamed and his father pray at the Islamic Center of Irving in Irving, Texas. After moving to Qatar for nine months, Ahmed is home in Texas for the summer.
    Learn 5 things you need to know about the 'Clock Boy' case ...

    EXPLAINER: What you need to know about the 'Clock Boy' case ...
    Ahmed Mohamed and his father pray at the Islamic Center of Irving in Irving, Texas. After moving to Qatar for nine months, Ahmed is home in Texas for the summer.
    Learn 5 things you need to know about the 'Clock Boy' case ...

    The family of a Muslim boy who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school has sued Texas school officials, saying they violated the 14-year-old boy's civil rights.
    The lawsuit was filed Monday on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed. The teen was arrested at his suburban Dallas high school in September and charged with having a hoax bomb. He says he brought the homemade clock to school to show his teacher.

    READ MORE: A year ago, Ahmed Mohamed became 'Clock Boy'; now, he can't escape that moment
    The charge was later dropped, but he was still suspended.
    The lawsuit names Irving Independent School District, the city of Irving and the school's principal. A district spokeswoman didn't immediately return a phone message seeking comment Monday morning.
    READ MORE: Emails show tension after clock boy arrest
    The family has since moved to Qatar, citing threats and a scholarship offered to Ahmed in the Persian Gulf country.

    Family of Muslim teen arrested over clock files lawsuit

    The family of a Muslim boy who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school filed a federal lawsuit Monday against Texas school officials and others, saying the incident violated the 14-year-old boy's civil rights, prompted death threats and forced them to leave the United States.

    The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed, who was arrested at his suburban Dallas high school in September and charged with having a hoax bomb. He says he brought the homemade digital clock to school to show his English teacher.
    Ahmed showed off the clock, made out of a plastic pencil box and electrical wire and other hardware salvaged from his parents' garage, on Monday during a news conference with his parents and attorneys.

    Irving police later dropped the charge, but he was still suspended for three days. He never returned to the school; his family opted to have him take classes elsewhere.

    The lawsuit names Irving Independent School District, the city of Irving and the school's principal, and asks a jury to determine the damages. In November, the family asked the district and city to pay $15 million or else face a suit. District spokeswoman Lesley Weaver said in a statement Monday that attorneys for the district will review the suit and determine a course of action.

    "Irving ISD continues to deny violating the student's rights and will respond to claims in accordance with court rules," she said, adding that school officials for now will have no further comment.

    The Mohamed family questioned whether the boy was mistreated due to his religion but the district has denied the claim.

    The family has since moved to Qatar, citing threats and a scholarship offered to Ahmed in the Persian Gulf country. Ahmed moved back to the U.S. last month for the summer to visit family and friends, and will do some traveling around the country, but will return to Qatar next month to start 10th grade at Qatar Academy, a private school in Doha.

    "For the safety of my family, I have to go back to Qatar, because right now it's not very safe for my family or for anyone who's a minority," Ahmed said during Monday's news conference.

    While in Texas, Ahmed said, he has to wear a hat, sunglasses and a hoody. "I can't walk out of the house without being covered up because I might get shot because that happens here," he said.

    The teen's parents, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed and Muna Ibrahim, have not found work yet in Qatar, so the family of eight is living in government housing and on food vouchers.

    Among the claims made in the suit, which was brought by the teen's father, is that the boy's right to equal protection under the law was violated and that officers arrested him without probable cause.

    Ahmed was a victim of systemic discrimination by the school district and state Board of Education that has marginalized Muslims and other minority groups, the suit claims.

    "History tells us that when we have stood tall and proud for equality and freedom, we have grown as a nation," the suit says. "When we have given in to fear and hate, we flounder."

    The suit adds, "In the case of Ahmed Mohamed, we have the opportunity to take a stand for equality and for justice, two things that should prevail above all else."

    The Irving school district is also under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice over an alleged pattern of discrimination against minority students.

    The district in February sued the Texas Attorney General to keep the justice department's investigation private.

    Ahmed's story brought an outpouring of support from President Barack Obama, other political leaders, corporate executives and NASA scientists.

    "When I went to the new school, they asked me, 'are you that clock kid?' I told them yeah, I was. My identity was stripped," Ahmed said.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Refugee industry goes in to high gear for Obama/UN big show; what do you do?

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 17, 2016
    Yesterday we told you about the August 28th rally (the warm-up act) in Washington, DC to gin up media for the refugee industry as it pushes into the critical month of September and wants to be sure the money will be flowing their way to distribute larger than ever numbers of impoverished and questionably vetted refugees to your towns and cities.
    (For new readers, the resettlement contractors*** are paid by the head to seed refugees, chosen by the UN, throughout America! They can’t do their work without YOUR money!)
    Deciding your town’s future at the United Nations!

    Also, in September, Obama will send his last ‘determination’ to Congress on how many refugees we will take in FY2017.
    Congress can decide to fund those numbers or not!
    We can certainly blame lame duck Obama, but the real pressure must be on your Members of Congress!
    The big propaganda show itself will occur at the United Nations on September 19th and 20th.

    Here is the information released by the United Nations:
    The UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.
    This is the first time the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants and it is a historic opportunity to come up with a blueprint for a better international response. It is a watershed moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants.
    When and where?
    It will be an all day event on Monday 19 September 2016 at the UNHQ in New York.
    Is there a related event on 20 September 2016?
    Also on the margins of the General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President Obama is hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden, which will appeal to governments to pledge significant new commitments on refugees. While the Leaders’ Summit will focus on refugees, not migrants, the General Assembly High-Level Summit will address large movements of both. The two events will complement one another.
    Will you let the United Nations change your American towns?

    For all of you working hard to save your towns (and I’ve met many of you on my swing through the heartland over the last month), this is it! You have to direct all of your efforts from now and through September at pounding Congress on this issue. Use the problems you are having where you live as the inspiration and the catalyst for your anger.
    Your member is still at home until after Labor Day (see calendar). Find them in their districts! Tell them what you think! Tell your Senators too!
    And, while you are directing your community organizing (yes, you are community organizers!) to halt all of the funding for the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, you must work to get Hillary defeated.
    This UN stunt is geared to help Hillary! Obama and the United Nations are counting on a Clinton presidency to continue (and expand!) the work they are beginning on August 28th!
    Note to all I talked to in my travels, you still need to work locally to regain control at your local elected official level and get rid of some the mayors who have been ‘captured,’ but at this moment there is only one major goal…
    ….don’t let Congress fund Obama’s 2017 resettlement goal which surely will come in at the 100,000 to 200,000 level.

    ***These are the federal resettlement contractors. Is your church working with the UN and being paid with taxpayer dollars to bring poverty and poorly screened refugees to your town? Time to speak up on Sundays (by the way, evangelicals are not off the hook because World Relief is an evangelical organization!) So-called religious charities are in red.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Germany devises quick fix to thwart Muslim sexual assault

    August 25, 2016

    By Carol Brown

    Germany’s a mess thanks to Angela Merkel and others who breathlessly embrace those who wish to destroy the country – killing, raping, and wreaking all manner of havoc as they go. No matter how much violence Muslim imports heap upon the populace, immigration policy does not shift. The policy seems to be founded on the idea that the sooner the country can be destroyed, the better.

    Go figure.

    Among countless issues along the path to hell is that of rising sexual assault perpetuated by Muslim barbarians against German women and girls.

    But not to worry. Germany has devised an answer to nip this escalating problem in the bud: temporary tattoos.

    Yes, that’s right. Temporary tattoos are being placed on the arms of young girls in public swimming polls to fend off would be attackers. The terrifying tattoo says: “No!” The potentially life-saving message (/S) is bracketed by an image of angel wings.

    If only Germans would realize that their new Muslim friends are more concerned with 72 virgins than angels, but that’s beside the point.

    Is this insane? (Answer: Yes.)

    And as a quick aside, Muslim colonizers in Germany are referred to as the “new citizens.” Gee, that was quick. They went from being “migrants” to “immigrants” to “citizens” in a heartbeat. Then again, as noted at the outset of this blog, Germany is in a rush to get her demise over and done with, so I guess it makes sense to get these barbarians on the citizen fast track.

    But I digress.

    The genius who came up with the tattoo idea is quick to point out that she doesn’t want her tattoo campaign to be associated in any way with migrants because, you know, there have always been problems with sexual assaults in swimming pools across Germany. Translation: I love dishonest moral equivalence and please, new citizens, don’t target me.

    This dumbbell also said she hopes the tattoos will serve as an incentive for young girls to think about what is normal and what is abnormal interaction and what does or doesn’t need to be reported.

    Right. Great. Put the onus on girls who just want to go swimming and have fun without having to worry about some Muslim goons trying to grope them. Or worse.

    The Daily Caller reported that “[i]n July, a manager of 6,000 pools in Germany commented on the migrant sex assault epidemic” and that a leaked police report from one German city stated that “sexual offences are recording a huge increase” while singling out a “significant” uptick in “rape and sexual abuse of children at bathing establishments.”

    But, but, but the tattoo brain said Germany has always had problems with sexual assault at swimming pools, well before “migrants” started arriving. Damn reality! It really messes with the leftist-Islam-apologist-cowardly-dhimmi meme.

    Looping back to unreality and in closing: Who knew a person could fend off a sexual assault simply by having the word “no” written on their arm? Leave it to the left to figure it out, clever little lads and lassies that they are. (Or is it vads and vassies?)

    Editor's note:
    Richard Terrell offers his own commentary on effective methods:

    Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs, UK Express

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Look at the INSANE Idea Sweden Just Announced to Prevent Muslim Sexual Assaults By Michael Ware June 30, 2016

    Sweden has unveiled its latest attempt to stay the rising sexual offenses of young women. They, like the rest of Europe, are suffering from a rise of rape and public molestation. Most of this can be attributed to the rise in Muslim immigrants.

    They unveiled this plan to the public.

    Breitbart reports
    Sweden’s police chief unveiled the force’s latest weapon in the fight against sexual assault: wristbands reading “Don’t touch me”.

    The press release announced that police intend to equip young women with wristbands with the slogan “don’t touch me”. This will happen over the summer, at festivals and other events for young people. “By wearing these wristbands,” Sweden’s police chief said, “young women will be able to make a stand”.

    It is unclear how effective the wristbands, which read “don’t touch me” in Swedish, will be in preventing attacks, as the majority of sex attack perpetrators are thought to be recent migrants who are unlikely to be able to read them.
    Let’s give the chief the benefit of the doubt. Let’s assume that these offenders could read the bands. They see the words, “don’t touch me,” and what? Are they frozen by the words? What happens in the attackers mind that will suddenly cause him not to do what he intended?

    This is another foolish sign of the humanists failure to understand humans. The problem is not that these people do not know that their actions are wrong. The problem is that they do know and do not care. They like all people were born with a wicked heart. No form or amount of education will change this behavior.

    And to cover up this fatal flaw in their thinking they cover up attacks and seek to “educate” offenders.

    And now wristbands that pronounce what the offender already knows he should not be doing.
    We will see how this works as the summer festivals begin in Sweden.

    Swedish Police Release 'Don't Touch Me' Wristbands to Fight Migrant Sex Assault Epidemic

    Chris Menahan
    Jul. 01, 2016

    The rape crisis in Sweden has been solved!

    Via Breitbart:
    Sweden's police chief unveiled the force's latest weapon in the fight against sexual assault: wristbands reading "Don't touch me".

    A recent Swedish press release warns that groping is a crime. In it, the country's national police chief Dan Eliasson said: "No one should have to accept sexual molestation. So do not grope. And if you are groped, report it to the police."

    Mr. Eliasson mentioned a variety of actions such as "a hand tucked between the legs", "a hug from behind in the crush at a club or festival", and "one person holding somebody while another grabs their breasts", describing them as "situations many young people recognise too well".

    The press release announced that police intend to equip young women with wristbands with the slogan "don't touch me". This will happen over the summer, at festivals and other events for young people. "By wearing these wristbands," Sweden's police chief said, "young women will be able to make a stand".

    This should clear everything up!

    Especially considering how two-thirds of these migrants are illiterate in their own languages and almost none can speak or read Swedish, these bands are sure to have an effect!
    Mr. Eliasson suggested that by wearing these accessories, women would also be able to "draw attention to the issue [of sexual assault], and urge those affected to report".

    A Swedish police report released last month noted that the country had the worst rates of sexual violence against women in Europe. The report acknowledged migrants were responsible for the bulk of the problem but the police were accused of making excuses for the perpetrators.
    What great progress!

    Now we have two ways to stop rape courtesy of our leftist overlords!

    First, we can use The Force as the Finnish police recommend:

    [TD]Second, we have our rape-proof wristbands courtesy of the Swedish police!

    To think you skeptics thought the government was ignoring the problem![FONT=Georgia][COLOR=black]

    American Shuts Up Rampaging Saudi Wahabbi in Georgetown

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Courtesy of the Obama/Clinton/Soros Revoultionary Middle East Foreign Policy

    A German Immigrantion Employee Tells of Her Daily Life in Dealing with Muslim Refugees Pouring in Creating an Asylum Hell

    Posted on August 28, 2016 by Baron Bodissey

    The German acronym BAMF is short for Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. It is the agency responsible for processing the asylum applications of the millions of “refugees” that are now pouring into Germany. It also handles the housing and maintenance for the migrants while they wait for their asylum cases to be processed, which can take years.

    The following video features the reading of the words of an unidentified female BAMF employee as she describes the horrors and frustrations associated with her job. Notice that despite her extensive experience with the downside of cultural enrichment, despite her hard-bitten cynicism and realistic assessment of what is happening, she still expresses dismay that the right wing might gain political traction from the migration crisis.

    Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


    0:00 I arrive early every morning at the office. The asylum seekers are already sitting around in the hallway,
    0:04 so first I lock the door on the inside. I need to see if there are new asylum packets,
    0:08 a new safe country of origin, because of residence perspective.
    0:12 Then it begins. Somehow, in German and in English, but most can speak somewhat,
    0:16 I mean they didn’t just arrive yesterday.
    0:19 “Give my money”, “I am man”, “I f*** you”, You Nazi”.
    0:24 After the 30th or so I myself began to talk like that, I was reprimanded,
    0:27 so now I shut my mouth, it’s going to be so “colorful” in Germany.
    0:31 We could use a security service. These guys sit in front of me and masturbate,
    0:36 fumble with the zipper, play with the pocket knife, whine, get grumpy, get loud.
    0:42 Pure aggression. Not everyone, of course. That’s important for me to say,
    0:46 so I won’t be suspected of being a racist.
    0:49 But the majority, they are just like that.
    0:52 They’re young blokes, they’re fit, they have an ego, they demand, they require.
    0:55 Respect, they want. Reciprocally, there is none.
    0:59 The phones run hot in our offices. Female colleagues from the initial admission places,
    1:03 a lot of them give up the job. Even for me it just gets a bit too close sometimes,
    1:07 and I’m almost 50, and we had a meeting about how to deal with this.
    1:11 Yeah, how, then? The colleagues should wear high-necked clothes.
    1:15 The next day, two female colleagues called in sick.
    1:18 We would like to send Germans with migration backgrounds to the initial admission places,
    1:22 but women especially don’t want to do it.
    1:25 Nobody asks us, are you Muslim, are you Christian,
    1:28 because in Germany we have ‘tolerance’.
    1:31 The refugees, however, they distinguish themselves precisely
    1:34 according to their beliefs. In the camps Muslims are the majority,
    1:37 very clearly so, and the people from the security service,
    1:40 they’re almost all Muslims from Germany,
    1:43 so the Christians from Syria and Iraq have zero chance.
    1:46 They get beaten, and the Security men just watch.
    1:50 With the women it’s the same.
    1:53 At the washing machine the Christian woman gets attacked by the Muslim woman:
    1:56 ‘You have to wait, you are haram’; with Muslims ‘haram’ means unclean.
    1:59 ‘You don’t wear a hijab, you are not a human’.
    2:02 ‘Your boy is unclean, he can’t play with my boy’.
    2:05 That’s how it goes. In gyms, barracks, container camps, Islam reigns.
    2:10 Many have speakers and then everybody has to listen
    2:14 to what the Imam tells them and rams into their brains.
    2:17 The German security people are not intervening. And what could they do anyway?
    2:21 Razzias? And immediately afterwards, business will just continue as usual.
    2:24 So one has to just take that, because there are so many of them.
    2:27 They don’t want it any other way. You can try to integrate as many as you want —
    2:30 Germany can accomplish integration. But how then, exactly!?
    2:33 This isn’t dressage, or re-education. That’s something the migrant would have to want for himself.
    2:38 It’s all men, men, men. Very young, most of them.
    2:41 When at the office a woman tells them something,
    2:44 or a woman may deny them a demand,
    2:47 that just doesn’t even exist for them, and they start talking to each other
    2:50 in their own language. I’m not supposed to understand it.
    2:53 But his sneer, I understand perfectly.
    2:56 Sure, they’re all under pressure, but that’s not the problem.
    2:59 They have no respect for females, and I sit there in front of them,
    3:02 and I have power, and they develop hate, hate of us Germans.
    3:05 Everything we have fought for here in Europe,
    3:08 the equality of women and men, most of them despise it.
    3:11 And that’s why the Right gets new followers, they hate Muslims,
    3:14 yet they profit from them, and on top they have a lot of common with them
    3:17 in terms of their subjugative culture.
    3:20 And so the black African has to clean the toilets — the Arabs force him to,
    3:24 and at night he gets raped next to the toilets.
    3:27 Most of the Muslims feel discriminated against when they’re told to clean.
    3:30 In the camp, even among the men, it’s everybody’s turn at some point.
    3:33 Cleaning the community kitchen, sanitary areas,
    3:36 but it’s always the black guy first,
    3:39 and after the black guy, the light skinned Christian, that is the reality.
    3:42 We at the base, we know that, we can see it.
    3:45 This job requires a lot of strength.
    3:48 Those who are litigating right now, the Syrians and Eritreans,
    3:52 because for over a year now they’ve been waiting for an answer from BAMF
    3:56 whether they will finally be accepted as asylum seekers,
    3:59 because they want to work, because they want to get out of the camp,
    4:03 I’m okay with that, because when you, as a case worker, say even the slightest thing
    4:06 to the people above, it doesn’t do any good. (…)
    4:10 Syria, that’s clear. There’s civil war, it’s difficult for them,
    4:14 but a lot don’t even come from there, and we have to verify that.
    4:17 “So tell us, how does it look in Syria?”
    4:20 Says he, “everything kaput.” The translator is being threatened,
    4:24 right in front of my eyes, I don’t understand anything anyway.
    4:27 The young men from the Arab areas, they show us school report cards,
    4:31 immaculate, 70% of them fake.
    4:34 We know that, but one has to prove it. Presumption of innocence.
    4:38 We are a constitutional state. So you just put these people on a waiting list.
    4:42 There are some where you immediately notice that things are right,
    4:46 so you like to help, and so a few crooks get through, oh well, we need them too.
    4:52 But that’s just not how it is. More than 75% are cheating us.
    4:55 We know it; they know it.
    4:58 The men have zero perspective where they come from,
    5:01 especially the young guys. It is a mass emigration. The women have
    5:04 to bear kids, even more children, and the sons emigrate.
    5:07 They come to us and ask for asylum, because they have to,
    5:10 because Germany is not an immigration country;
    5:13 every demand for asylum is a single incident. That’s basically our assignment.
    5:17 Recording personal information, fingerprint and photo for the ID card.
    5:21 If you receive a decision to deport, you go to your community,
    5:25 get different papers, and see a colleague of mine.
    5:28 We can’t continually compare our individual records.
    5:31 The refugees supply each other with apps full of information about us,
    5:35 which are the most lenient offices, there are also apps from German Jihadists.
    5:40 Eritreans, that’s where lives have to be saved.
    5:44 The women from there are totally intimidated, they look at you with sad eyes.
    5:48 No energy, lifeless, but their integration, how is that supposed to go?
    5:52 They are thrown into our offices and remain lost.
    5:55 Their men sit down and wait until they get something.
    5:58 I never once encountered one that had a plan.
    6:01 Those from North Africa, they know what they want.
    6:04 A better life. But asylum seekers they are not.
    6:07 And there are already so many of them here, they are clogging the system,
    6:10 and on top of that they’re creating the most problems.
    6:13 Some real cute lads among them, but incredibly disrespectful.
    6:16 They send their youngest ones to steal, adolescent single offenders,
    6:19 so they don’t get punished, and they all know it too.
    6:22 “Yeah, well,” it is then said, “we have to create incentives.”
    6:25 Such rubbish. They should’ve never even been let into the country.
    6:29 Most North Africans come from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.
    6:33 They’re losers who were gang members already back home.
    6:36 Just what kind of work should they do here? This is a high-tech country.
    6:40 They submerge themselves into their communities, get a monthly allowance
    6:43 from us; that’s fine with them. They get €143 every month,
    6:46 There is concern from up high that the refugees might feel insulted
    6:49 if the money were transferred to their refugee card.
    6:52 That way they can’t save money to send home,
    6:55 and without cash, of course, they can’t bribe anyone either.
    6:58 But that would be important. There are many blacks who would accept it.
    7:01 But not Arabs. They feel discriminated against. I keep being amazed at all their demands.
    7:06 Again and again some disappear from the camps, and it’s always young men.
    7:10 Sometimes six of them, or ten, or twelve.
    7:13 The camps are empty the next morning.
    7:16 Of course they’re free humans, and not prisoners,
    7:19 so there are no indications to go look for them.
    7:22 For them we also don’t have fingerprints yet, no names, nothing.
    7:25 They may have family and go there, which would be good because
    7:28 at least then they’d be taken care of. Or not.
    7:31 Where do they disappear to? Just recently there was another train of refugees
    7:34 from Lower Bavaria northbound, 700 refugees, not yet registered.
    7:39 20 of them pulled the emergency brake, took off, what’re they going to do?
    7:42 The young girls, often still children, are almost all pregnant,
    7:46 raped while they fled.
    7:49 So the predominant attitude is: we don’t have to put them into school,
    7:52 that isn’t helpful for their integration at this point,
    7:55 and anyway we don’t have enough teachers.
    7:58 I mean are we in Afghanistan and North Africa here so we can neglect girls?
    8:01 I gained weight in the past months, chocolate treats against the frustration.
    8:04 To my colleague this all is a question of fate. Germany has to help,
    8:07 despite that we’re basically importing jihad and IS into the country, he says.
    8:12 I like that. That’s just so constructive.
    8:15 We need people, Germany has to become younger, they tell us from above.
    8:20 Is that not a summons to immigrate?
    8:23 The asylum seeker who isn’t one, for months he squats in the initial reception center.
    8:27 From there to the communal center, one more year, and another year.
    8:31 Can’t immigrate, can’t work. It’s obvious that one or the other would have bad ideas.
    8:35 It is pure insanity. We need an immigration law.
    8:38 We need quotas. And from above, they block it all.
    8:42 Does anyone know why?

    Look at the number of Muslims on the street.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    White House Celebrates Bringing In 10,000th Syrian Refugee Ahead Of Schedule

    Alex Pfeiffer
    1:25 PM 08/29/2016

    The White House announced Monday that the 10,000th Syrian refugee will arrive in the United States Monday afternoon, a month ahead of schedule.

    The Obama administration announced in November 2015 that it planned to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria before Oct. 1, 2016.

    “Today, I am pleased to announce that we will meet this goal more than a month ahead of schedule. Our 10,000th Syrian refugee will arrive this afternoon,” National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a statement. “On behalf of the President and his Administration, I extend the warmest of welcomes to each and every one of our Syrian arrivals, as well as the many other refugees resettled this year from all over the world.”

    The United States will admit at least a total of 85,000 refugees in 2016. The White House statement listed El Salvador, Iraq, and Somalia as some of the countries of origins for these refugees.

    “This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of employees across the federal government,” Rice said in the statement. Their commitment to meeting the President’s expectation that we both increase our refugee admissions and strengthen the integrity of the refugee program, including its stringent security screening protocols, has been essential to this effort.”

    Obama will convene a summit on refugees at the UN in late September where he plans to ask countries to “admit more refugees through resettlement or other legal pathways.”

    In her statement, Rice said the United States has committed to “double the global number of refugees afforded opportunities for resettlement.”

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    VIDEO – Bill Clinton: Rebuild Detroit with Syrian Refugees
    by Julia Hahn29 Aug 2016Washington D.C.

    In a previously little-noticed video from February at the Clinton Global Initiative, former President Bill Clinton suggested that the U.S. use Syrian refugees to rebuild Detroit.

    “The truth is that the big loser in this over the long run is going to be Syria. This is an enormous opportunity for Americans,” Bill Clinton said about the Syrian migrant crisis.

    Detroit has 10,000 empty, structurally sound houses—10,000. And lot of jobs to be had repairing those houses. Detroit just came out of bankruptcy and the mayor’s trying to do an innovative sort of urban homesteading program there. But it just gives you an example of what could be done. And I think any of us who have ever had any personal experience with either Syrian Americans or Syrian refugees think it’s a pretty good deal.

    It is unclear from the video why Clinton seems to think it would be better to fill these Detroit jobs with imported foreign migrants rather than unemployed Americans already living there, who could perhaps benefit from good-paying jobs.

    In the video, Clinton discusses the migrant crisis with billionaire and mass migration enthusiast Hamdi Ulukaya of the Chobani yogurt empire.

    Ulukaya has become a figure of controversy for his decision to fill his yogurt plants with foreign refugees rather than unemployed Americans. At the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year, Ulukaya encouraged other global elites to follow his lead.

    The unearthed video seems to underscore Donald Trump’s recent declaration that, “Hillary Clinton would rather provide a job to a refugee from overseas than to give that job to unemployed African-American youth in cities like Detroit who have become refugees in their own country.”

    Hillary Clinton has called for a 550 percent expansion to the importation of Syrian refugees. Based on the minimum figures she has put forth thus far, a President Hillary Clinton could potentially import a population of refugees (620,000) that nearly equals the population of Detroit (677,116). (They must have been given A LOT of BIG MONEY from the Middle East to do this!)

    Trump has previously explained that, “for the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America.” According to a September 2015 Rasmussen survey, 85 percent black voters oppose Clinton’s refugee agenda to admit more than 100,000 Middle Eastern refugees—with less than one percent of black voters (.56 percent) in favor of her refugee plan.

    Yet during the Clinton Global Initiative discussion, Bill Clinton seemed to suggest that the U.S. ought to accept more Syrian refugees—on top of the tens of thousands of refugees the U.S. already admits annually from other nations across the globe. In particular, Clinton praised Turkey for having taken in 2 million Syrian refugees.

    “Turkey, as you probably know, has by far the largest number of Syrian refugees—there are more than 2 million there,” Clinton said.

    “The Turks have done a really admirable job of taking in all these refugees,” Clinton said later in his remarks.

    “In the last two years, 24 percent of all the new businesses started in Turkey were started by Syrian refugees. I mean, these people are incredibly gifted and very hard working,” Clinton added.

    Clinton did not mention the fact that, in the United States, 91.4 percent of recent refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps, and 68.3 percent are on cash welfare,
    according to data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Department of Health and Human Services.

    During the discussion, Ulukaya seemed enthusiastic about the potential transformation of entire communities that could result from large-scale immigration.

    “There’s a town actually in the eastern part of Turkey, it’s called Kilis, [where] sixty percent of the whole town is refugees. I mean, this all happened in the last three, four years,” Ulukaya said, noting earlier in his remarks that, “I’m proud of what the people of Turkey and what people in the government are trying to do on this issue. It’s huge.”

    Clinton suggested that it’s “important” to focus on the entrepreneurship of Syrian migrants rather than address the public’s opposition to the importation of large numbers of refugees from terror-prone regions of the world. (Yea, and let Sharia law come bursting in! Hey,'ll be FUN!)

    I know what caused all the fear and reluctance. It was Paris. Because 6,000 people went from Europe to ISIS-land, [and] about 1,500 came home. If one percent of them was radicalized then sort of sneaked back in with evil intentions, that’s about how many people it took to kill all of those people in Paris. So people are thinking like that, but the tradition of the Syrians is amazing… :screw:

    Clinton apparently did not feel it necessary to in any way answer these concerns, other than to simply insists that Syrians are “amazing”. Nor did Clinton address the fact that — as the Chairman of the House Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee has explained — there is “no real way of vetting, to any extent, these refugees coming in.”

    To bolster his argument about the entrepreneurial spirit of Middle Eastern refugees, Clinton cited some personal anecdotes.

    For instance, Clinton noted that he has a friend working with the IRC who filmed and asked “several thousand” Syrians arriving in Turkey “literally coming off the boat… ‘What were you doing before you left your home?’ And they were overwhelmingly small business people, workers, and not a small number of professionals,” Clinton said.

    Clinton later added: “In America… the largest Syrian settlements are in Cleveland, [Ohio] and Dearborn, Michigan. And if you went up there and said something bad about them, you could get in a fight—not with a Syrian—but with someone who’s Irish or African American or Hispanic or Polish because they are such a part of the community. They have made such amazing contributions.”

    Clinton did not address any of the cultural or national security challenges that have accompanied large-scale migration from predominantly Muslim third world nations into these American communities in Michigan and Ohio.

    When Clinton asked Ulukaya how many refugees should be brought into the U.S., Ulukaya did not answer specifically, but pointed to the work that Germany has done in accepting large flows of refugees. Trump has previously warned that “Hillary Clinton wants to be America’s Angela Merkel”. Ulukaya said:

    I listened to Madeleine Albright the other day… She said, you know, we’re not doing enough. And I was in Germany just after. Looking at Hamburg, Hamburg took almost 90,000 refugees. And I was with the mayor and for two days we looked at the refugee centers [and] what they did. They were prepared to take 500-600, you know, that’s what they were doing for years. Now they took 90,000.

    Neither Bill Clinton nor Ulukaya mentioned the fact that the U.S. already takes in 70,000 refugees annually — on top of the additional thousands of Syrian refugees President Obama and House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed to resettle in the country this year alone.

    During the discussion, Ulukaya boasted about how he has “11 different nationalities [represented] in Chobani factories” and how he had to hire “11 different translators into the factory” because the local company employees couldn’t communicate with one another. :screw:

    “Every summer, we do our Chobani picnic and, you should see, it’s [like the] United Nations in there,” Ulukaya proudly declared about his U.S.-based company.

    Ulukaya explained that Syrian refugees “bring flavors to the community just like in… Twin Falls, [Idaho]” where Ulukaya’s yogurt factory is based.

    As Leo Hohmann has previously reported, “the state of Idaho, despite its reputation as a mostly white, conservative farm state, has been a popular destination for refugees in recent years”— in large part due to Ulukaya’s efforts to import refugees to work in his yogurt factory.

    “Ulukaya opened the world’s largest yogurt factory in Twin Falls about two years ago, and the plant now employs 600 people with about 30 percent of those jobs filled by foreign refugees shipped to the U.S. from United Nations camps in the Middle East and Africa,” Hohmann writes.

    Twin Falls is in line to receive about 300 refugees this year, many of them Muslims from Syria… The U.S. State Department has shipped more than 11,000 refugees directly from the Third World to Idaho since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Just in the past year, 989 refugees have arrived in the rural state, most of them landing in either Boise or Twin Falls. Nearly half have come from some of the world’s nastiest jihadist hot zones, including 95 from Iraq, 94 from Somalia, 47 from Sudan, 39 from Afghanistan, 31 from Iran, 28 from Syria and 11 from Pakistan, according to the federal refugee database.

    In recent months, the mass importation of refugees has become a topic of controversy in Idaho— as American communities have struggled with some unique assimilation challenges posed by large-scale migration from the Third World.

    In June, Iraqi and Sudanese refugees allegedly sexually assaulted a five year-old American girl in Twin Falls, Idaho. According to allegations, one refugee attempted to anally and orally penetrate the five-year-old, in addition to urinating on her, while another refugee watched and filmed the assault.

    In an interview with Breitbart News, the father of the American girl said he had watched thirty seconds of the tape:

    Thirty seconds showed them in the laundry room, they pulled my daughter around, pushed her up against the wall, pulled her pants off, he dropped his pants, he was trying to get her from behind… after that… [he] tried doing the front… oral [sex] with her, he shoved it in her mouth…He peed all over her in her mouth, all over her body, her face, head… [he] defiled her.

    Then in August, an African refugee, Mohammed Hussein Elda, allegedly trapped and sexually assaulted a 33 year-old mentally disabled woman in Twin Falls, Idaho.

    In order to deal with some of the challenges to assimilation, the Office for Idaho Refugees produced a brochure to help American employers who are looking to hire refugees and need assistance in dealing with the cultural differences of new arrivals from the third world.

    The brochure recommends, in some cases, avoiding eye contact with migrant employees, which for Burmese migrants can be “considered an act of challenge”. The brochure also recommends avoiding discussion about employee’s female family members, which to Afghan migrants can be seen as “an act requiring revenge”.

    Clinton concluded the CGI discussion by praising Ulukaya for his work in Twin Falls and urged other CEOs present at the Clinton Global Initiative to follow Ulukaya’s example. “We need more companies like this,” Clinton said.

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