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Thread: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plot

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plot

    I know this is an older article but I hadn't heard about this until recently.

    From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plot

    October 27, 2011

    Over at the American Thinker, Professor Paul Kengor recounts the story of the Communist Party USA's plot for their own version of Southern Secession. Based on information from sources ranging from the FBI to the records of the Comintern (the entity the Kremlin used to control the "official" Communist Parties around the world) to the testimony of black former members of the Communist Party, we learn:

    From 1922-30, the Soviet Comintern and American Communist Party launched a long-term effort to relentlessly target black Americans. The Comintern ordered the American Communist Party to identify black causes in the Jim Crow South in particular. This push to recruit black Americans is one of the most salient features littered today throughout the declassified Comintern Archives on Communist Party USA (CPUSA).


    [T]he effort began when the Soviets in 1922 approved a huge $300,000 subsidy to the American Communist Party for purposes of agitation and propaganda among black Americans. Three years later, in 1925, the Comintern selected a small group of 12 black Americans to come to Moscow for training.

    That was just a warm-up. In 1930, at a Comintern conference in Moscow, a resolution was passed calling for the creation of a Soviet-directed and controlled "Negro Republic" among America's Southern states. Yes, that is correct: the Soviet Comintern, working through American communists, actually crafted plans to create a "separate Negro state," or a segregated "Negro Republic," in the South. The plan was to foment an African-American rebellion within the South, which would join forces with a workers' uprising in the North -- when the revolution was deemed ripe. Together, black Americans and communist Americans would then occupy and lay siege to the United States, reconstituting the entire nation as a Soviet sister state.

    Black Communists in the Soviet Union in the 1930s

    This has been known to Cold War historians for a long time, but only recently did we discover when and how the effort ended. Ronald Radosh was probably the first to pick this up over at PJ Tatler in August when the news broke that "the FBI has released the first in a long series of previously classified material—-that of the so-called Operation Solo effort." He explains: "SOLO referred to the secret recruitment of two bitter ex-Communists, Morris and Jack Childs. The Bureau urged them to rejoin the Party, and work within its ranks to feed information to them. Before long, Morris Childs became what in effect was the CP’s Secretary of State, traveling around the world to meet top Communist leaders, including those of both the Soviet Union and China. From his perch, he passed on to the U.S. Government all he learned first hand from Moscow’s top leaders."

    He then tells us a bit about what can be found in the released files:

    They contain many gems. One of my favorites concerns the orders from one of the chiefs of the Soviet Politburo, Mikhail Suslov, who tells the comrades that the Party has to give up its thesis that American blacks composed a separate nation and had to fight for the right of self-determination for its majority in the black belt of the South. Suslov, who under Brezhnev would become the chief ideologue of Moscow, told them they cannot make policy based on 30 year old Comintern directives, at a time when American blacks lived in urban areas and were fighting for civil rights and desegregation.

    The files themselves are more specific. The discussion took place in a February 10, 1959 meeting during the "Twenty-first Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" between some of the leaders of the Soviet Union, among them Mikhail Suslov (who, according to documents found by French police in a raid on a Communist hideout in Morocco, had previously been tasked by Stalin to lead the USSR's effort to stir up trouble in the Middle East) and a CPUSA delegation consisting of Morris Childs and a black Communist Party leader named James Jackson.

    After presenting letters detailing all the wonderful things the "various peace movements in the CP, USA" were up to, posing the idea of a "Negro magazine dealing with theoretical questions" (two years later, Jackson would co-found Freedomways, a black political and cultural quarterly, and serve as the managing editor from 1961-86) and asking for $300,000 and health care treatment in the Soviet Union for CPUSA's aging leaders, Jackson starts complaining about the leadership of the Party's National Executive Committee (which Jackson had resigned from in 1956 because he felt the Party wasn't blaming Israel enough for the Suez War - I found his resignation letter in his papers) and says that the Party's policies toward the "Negro question" need to be updated.

    James Jackson in 1959

    That is when Suslov gives his green light, saying:

    Yes, you are correct. Your CP cannot base its theories and policies on resolutions adopted by the Communist International more than thirty years ago. That would be dogmatism. Great changes are taking place among the Negro people. In the past 70 per cent were on or near the lang. Now this is reversed. Seventy per cent of the Negroes are in urban areas of the United States while only 30 per cent are in rural areas. This is certainly a radical change.

    If we do not see this change the CP can make terrible, catastrophic or abrupt mistakes. When 70 per cent of the Negroes live in the countryside and contingent territories, and are separated from the white persons -- that is one situation. At that time we could talk of self determination. Now however, 70 per cent of the Negroes live in the cities. It is therefore necessary for you to review the situation and the position of the CP on this matter. It is necessary for you to correct your policy.

    ... How could you place a slogan of self determination when there is no territory? It would be reactionary and utopian to try to bring Negro people back to the soil. It would also be reactionary to place Negro people in ghettos in the cities. We are against ghettos. So your new policy is correct.

    The Soviet Union is against ghettos? Interesting, since they had a knack for creating them - and not just in Communist countries. We find out in the files (also first pointed out by Radosh, in a follow on article written in conjunction with John Haynes and Harvey Klehr for the Weekly Standard) that Coleman Young, the long-time mayor of Detroit (1974-1993) who - with the help of his close colleague Carl Levin - turned the city into something resembling the old Eastern Bloc municipalities, was a secret member of the Communist Party. That, of course, coming on top of the fully unionized General Motors, accomplish in 1936 thanks to a violent UAW strike led by Walter Reuther, who was then also a secret member of the Communist Party. (Reuther later saw the light and kicked the Red unions, including that of Pelosi's hero, out of the CIO in the late 1940s).

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    In light of the events in Ferguson and other cities, this video was brought to my attention.

    It is an hour and fifteen minutes long so be prepared to allot that time.

    Here's the description on the video:
    This address by G. Edward Griffin, given in 1969, is as current as today's headlines. Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution. One is violent. The other is non-violent. While most people think only of violent revolution, the non-violent phase is where most of the action has been in the United States.

    Leninists call it the "Proletarian Revolution" and involves the gradual transition to Marxism (which is merely one form of collectivism) by use of the ballot box. Control is achieved through economic pressures rather than guns and executions.

    Learn how today's Leninists utilize mass-membership organizations (i.e. Occupy Wall Street), politicians, and parliamentary process to brings about totalitarianism with little opposition from those who are being subjugated.
    It is very worth the watch.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Just sharing this...

    NSFW: Language

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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Police Now Afraid to Shoot Maniac Who Chased Them With Butcher Knife

    The insane consequences of the fabricated “police brutality” spectacle that began in Ferguson are already putting lives at risk. From Milwaukee:

    A Milwaukee man has been arrested after allegedly chasing two police officers with a large butcher knife and threatening to kill them.

    Alfonso Martinez, 26, was charged with two counts of recklessly endangering safety by using a weapon on Thursday.

    Authorities said the incident occurred Monday when two police officers were investigating a double homicide.

    The officers discovered two dead bodies when they entered a home on the 3200 block of N. Richards Street.

    Once they encountered Martinez, the officers said he threatened to kill them and began chasing them around parked cars while wielding a large butcher knife. The officers eventually arrested him after Martinez dropped his weapon.

    One of the officers involved told investigators that this was “the most frightening experience” she has had as an officer. She also admitted that she was “beginning to wear out from the running” before Martinez ultimately surrendered. …

    The two officers said they refrained from shooting Martinez given the recent widespread backlash against officers using excessive and deadly force on citizens.
    Police are actually more afraid of Eric Holder and the leftist vermin who run the media than they are of maniacs attacking them with butcher knives.

    Imagine if Martinez had been a sacred black. Rather than run, the police probably would have dropped their guns and knelt in obeisance.

    Good thing he chose to drop the knife. It was entirely his call.

    On a tip from Wiggins.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  5. #5
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    There's a news clip at the link I can't embed.

    SCLC President Urges Black Families To Get Ready For War: ‘Nonviolence Hasn’t Worked!’

    April 1, 2015

    Reverend Samuel Mosteller, longtime president of the Georgia Southern Christian Leadership Conference (which was founded by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) said that Black families should be exercising their Second Amendment right, in response to all the violent and tragic police shootings claiming the lives of several unarmed Black men and children.

    “You know, the SCLC stands for nonviolence,” said Rev. Mosteller, “but nonviolence hasn’t worked in this instance.”

    “You stand there, (police) shoot. You run, they shoot. We’re going to have to take a different tack,” Mosteller passionately claimed. “Nobody is protecting the Black community! I am going to have to advocate, at this point, that all African-Americans advocate their 2nd Amendment rights,” Rev. Mosteller said.

    Mosteller’s angry request comes only a week after 23-year-old Nicholas Thomas was brutally shot to death by Smyrna police, who claimed the victim tried to run them over in his Maserati after they attempted to serve him an arrest warrant for his probation violation.

    But not everyone agrees with Mosteller’s violent tactics. Janice Mathis, a lawyer with Rainbow PUSH Coalition said, “Arming the Black community is not Rainbow PUSH’s position.” The SCLC has been historically known for their lack of violence. In fact, if you can remember from Ava DuVernay’s Selma, members of the SCLC were criticized by younger members, who wanted to continue the civil rights movement with more force. Mosteller’s would-be tactics are a departure from the usual for the SCLC, but it’s not like his feelings aren’t warranted.

    Watching the amount of Black death increase at rates we can’t keep up with hurts. We can protest and scream #BlackLivesMatter until we’re blue in the face, but until the world adopts humanity, we’re going to keep having to watch these deaths in horror.

    According to reports, Mosteller also announced plans to organize recalls of the sheriffs of any county where an unarmed African-American is shot by police. These are the types of plans that should be implemented to help effect change in our world. If our ancestors have been able to do it, why can’t we?

    If you can stand it, feel free to read the comments at the link as well. That's what's in store.

    All hail The Great Uniter, Dear Leader, Lord Obama.

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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Georgia Southern Christian Leadership Conference


    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    The Russian Bear has been patiently working behind the scenes sowing seeds to destroy America from within for decades, just as Nikita Khrushchev laid it out to Nixon in 1956.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    This falls into place, after Joseph Stalin became frustrated after FDR and the Progressives lost their hold on the Executive Branch. Nikita Khrushchev had to change the Soviet Strategy to take down the west, to 'Grind America Down' you have to erode it's strengths from within, the very pillars that made it great.

    The Communist Takeover of America: 45 Declared Goals

    Vice President Nixon and Soviet P Minister Nikita Kruschev, 1959

    Nikita Khruschev while visiting the United States in 1956 said to Vice President Nixon that his grandchildren would live under communism.

    Two months later while Nikita Khrushchev visited the United States he told U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson:

    “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands .”

    Obama was no accident either.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Companion Threads:

    I wonder if you map some of the areas they're buying you don't begin to see regional preplanned invasion routes moving toward the center of the country.

    Laying down supply lines, resources and communities along your invasion routes before you hostilely enter a nation would be extremely important during a sustained occupation.

    Just before the event if the present Administration would also green light them and a few of their friends to help in bring stability forces during transformational change in an economic down turn.

    This would give them even more opportunity to preposition hardened assets before a multinational surgical strike.

    Former under cover FBI agent Larry Grathwohl on Radical Marxist 'Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground's plan to divide and conquer America by allowing Russia and China and their allies to help stabilize and occupy parts of the US during their tratransformational plans

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    March 19, 2012

    What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

    A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back, but I paid it little mind, as the information seemed too limited to pursue.

    The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome Corsi. The video made me sit up and pay attention. The mailman is a real person. His name is Alan Hulton. He seems entirely credible, and he has a story to tell.

    Hulton delivered mail in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from 1962 to 2001 with a couple years off to serve in the military. During roughly ten of those years, he delivered mail to the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, Bill Ayers's parents. Hulton talked to Tom once, Mary several times, their daughter-in-law Bernardine Dohrn a few times, and Bill Ayers not at all. Memorably, he talked once to one of their visitors, but more on that in a moment.

    As Hulton tells Corsi -- and he has sworn an affidavit to the same -- he met Tom Ayers not long after the Ayerses moved to the neighborhood.

    Until he retired in 1980 at the age of 65, Tom Ayers was the CEO and chairman of Commonwealth Edison. Tom, however, was not your garden-variety plutocrat. According to Diamond, who knows his way around Chicago politics, Tom was a "lifelong liberal" -- one deeply involved in the same educational reform movement that engaged son Bill and, briefly, Barack Obama in 1988. Tom Ayers was comfortable enough with Bill's lifestyle to live with him in Hyde Park until Tom died in 2007.

    When Hulton met Tom Ayers, they talked about working conditions at the Post Office. "I couldn't believe how he responded," Hulton told Diamond. "He started to talk about workers having to struggle to survive and about peasants and the proletariat. It made me think later that he might be a Marxist!" Hulton would tell Corsi, "I had this uncomfortable feeling that he thought he knew about my situation as a working person better than I did, that he knew what was best for me."

    Hulton also recalls one particular conversation with Mary Ayers. "She was enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student that they were helping out," he tells Corsi, "and she referred to him as a foreign student." Adds Hulton, "I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him." Within a year of this conversation, Hulton had a fateful meeting with the young man he presumed Mary was talking about.

    According to Hulton, he encountered the fellow on the sidewalk on the front of the Ayers home. In that it was extremely rare to see a black man in this tony neighborhood, Hulton believes that the man felt the need to explain his visit to the Ayers household. Hulton describes him as friendly and neatly, although casually, dressed. Hulton tells Corsi, "I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama."

    Hulton was sympathetic. After he had come out of military service, he was a supporter of Martin Luther King, who had pressed for fair housing in the Chicago area in the 1960s. "I took some flak about my support for civil rights from my fellow workers at the time," remembers Hulton.

    Obama explained to Hulton that he had taken the train out from Chicago to Glen Ellyn in order "to thank the Ayers family personally for helping him with his education." What shocked Hulton was that when casually inquiring into the young man's plans for the future, Obama answered, "I am going to be president of the United States." As Hulton tells Corsi, "[i]t came across like this was something that's already been determined." Adds Hulton, "I was speechless."

    Hulton told Diamond and Corsi essentially the same story. What gives the Corsi interview added value is that we see Hulton tell it. Although just a year older than Bill Ayers, he seems to come from a different generation. He has little to gain -- and a lot to risk -- by going public. Corsi warns Hulton that by quoting Mary's comment that Obama was a "foreign student," he has put himself at some risk. Says Hulton, "I am only telling you what I distinctly remember her saying -- that he was a foreign student."

    Hulton's interviews with Diamond and Corsi are consistent in every major detail save for dates. Hulton suggested to Diamond that the sidewalk meeting took place in the mid-'80s, but Corsi suggests to Hulton that it was in the early 1990s, and Hulton does not correct him. Hulton clearly does not remember the date. If I were to speculate, I would guess 1988, the year Obama started Harvard Law School. Presuming Hulton actually met Obama, the "education" in question would almost surely have been law school.

    There is a good deal at stake here. According to Snopes and the other fact-check sites, Bill Ayers and Obama did not meet until the mid-1990s. This is a talking point that both Ayers and Obama have upheld. When Ayers appeared on ABC's Good Morning America in 2008, he put the date of their first meeting in 1995 at a fundraiser in Ayers's own home. "I think he was probably in 20 homes that day as far as I know," said Ayers. "But that was the first time I really met him."

    As it happens, I stumbled into my own discovery of Ayers's involvement in the writing of Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, when I was investigating how Obama got into Harvard Law School and who paid his way. What had piqued my interest was an interview with veteran New York power-broker Percy Sutton on a local New York City show called Inside City Hall. The interview took place in late March 2008 but did not surface until August 2008.

    Sutton told how twenty years prior he had been "introduced to [Obama] by a friend." The friend's name was Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, "the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men." The billionaire in question was Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. According to Sutton, al-Mansour had asked him to "please write a letter in support of [Obama] ... a young man that has applied to Harvard." Sutton had friends at Harvard and gladly did so.

    A few months before the election, it should have mattered that a respected black political figure like Sutton had publicly announced that a fanatic black separatist, backed by an ambitious Saudi billionaire, had been guiding Obama's career perhaps for the last twenty years. It did to the Obama-friendly media, but not in a way in which it would have to real journalists. Moving in swiftly to kill the story were Politico, an insider D.C. journal run by Washington Post alums, and Media Matters for America, an alleged watchdog group founded by the recovering Troopergate author, David Brock.

    Ben Smith, then of Politico, took the lead. Shortly after the story broke, Smith ran the disclaimer that "Barack Obama's campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton." After some conspicuous waffling, al-Mansour denied the story as well. A self-appointed "spokesman for Sutton's family" by the name of Kevin Wardally sent an e-mail to Smith that read in part: "As best as our family and the Chairman's closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview."

    For Smith, even though Wardally had gotten Sutton's age wrong by two years, this e-mail was proof enough that Sutton's highly specific claim was manufactured. Wrote Smith, Wardally's e-mail "seems to put the story to rest for good." Media Matters, meanwhile, scolded those conservative bloggers who did not accept the various denials at face value.

    Like the man about to be carted away in Monty Python's Holy Grail, the Percy Sutton story was not quite dead yet. Sutton's son and daughter told conservative reporter Ken Timmerman that no one in their family even knew who Kevin Wardally was, let alone authorized him to speak on behalf of the family. "I'm getting better," pled Monty Python's nearly dead man. No, he wasn't. Nor was this story. With Hillary out of the race, no newsroom in America felt compelled to dig up dirt that could sully Obama.

    About that time, I found a diary entry that caught my attention. Radical-turned-actor Peter Coyote entered it at the time of the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Coyote wrote, "I inform Martha that I'm dragging her to the apartment of old friends, ex-Weathermen, Bernadine [sic] Dohrn and Bill Ayers, hosting a party for Senator Leahy. Perhaps Edward Said will be there."

    Said had taught Obama at least one class at Columbia. I had earlier seen a photo taken during an Arab-American community dinner in Chicago in 1998 on the fiftieth anniversary of the Palestinian nakba, or disaster. The photo shows Obama sitting next to Said, seemingly engaged in an animated conversation at dinner. The intimacy surprised me. At the time of the photo, Obama was an obscure state senator while Said, according to the Nation, was "probably the best-known intellectual in the world" and the star of that evening's show. He would speak on this occasion, as the Los Angeles Times would later report, "against settlements, against Israeli apartheid."

    All of this got me to wondering whether an Ayers-Obama-Said-al-Mansour cabal had formed in the early 1980s back in New York City. If so, such a combine might have generated enough momentum to push Obama's career along. To see if Obama and Ayers had crossed paths before Chicago, I ordered a copy of Bill Ayers' 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days. It was then that I began to realize the depth of Ayers's involvement in Obama's rise to power.

    Obama would have needed help to get into Harvard. Friendly biographer David Remnick tells us that Obama was an "unspectacular" student in his two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school. A Northwestern University professor, John L. McKnight, although a friend of Obama's and a fellow Alinskyite, reinforces the point, telling Remnick, "I don't think [Obama] did too well in college." As to Obama's LSAT scores, Jimmy Hoffa's body will be unearthed before those are.

    How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants' LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and the 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.80 and 4.00 is a subject the media have chosen not to explore.

    Nor have they asked how Obama paid for that education. Maybe it is time they ask the mailman.
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

    Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question:

    1. a Palestinian state and

    2. the advancement of Islam in America.

    The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: “The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population.

    They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.”
    Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.

    Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.

    Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense.Pat Dollard

    Excerpted from Daily Interlake: Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events — or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries.

    Recently, I came across a syndicated column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the 2008 presidential campaign.

    Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself.

    The column itself had appeared in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1)

    So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the “rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions.” The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, “It’s not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states.”

    Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.

    Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the “proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz” in September 1979, and that “the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December.” Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified. (Continued after the jump)

    You would think that a program to spend “$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans” would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven’t found any other word of it.

    Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn’t, but what’s particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who “for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America’s blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students” was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.

    That tale had surfaced in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and one of the leading black politicians in the country — Percy Sutton of New York — told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama “by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.” (2)

    This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don’t believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3)

    Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary, Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, “there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

    Sutton concluded in the interview, “I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly.”

    Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan — himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour’s interest in creating a fund to give “financial help to disadvantaged students” does provide a clue that he might indeed — along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal — have taken an interest in the “genius” Barack Obama.

    It also might be considered more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House.

    It is also noteworthy that Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4)

    And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5)

    It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6)

    The nature of Vernon Jarrett’s relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years. Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7)

    In any case, it doesn’t matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason, al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn’t mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth:

    “His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there… Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That’s before Obama decided to run.) … and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That’s before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly…” (2)

    What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC’s intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:

    “The question of financial aid from the Arabs could raise a few extremely interesting questions both inside and outside the black community. If such contributions are large and sustained, the money angle may become secondary to the sociology and politics of such an occurrence.” (1)
    He was, of course, right.

    As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American “new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians” and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama’s college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest.

    Obama And Khalid Mansour

    Russia honors Obama with postage stamp for 50th birthday

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    All heroes of the Soviet Union are honored with a postage stamp!
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Russian President Says He Wants Obama To Be Re-elected To Avoid America’s “Conservative Wing”

    Why wouldn't the Russians want their advocate in the White House? They know Obama is out of his league, not negotiating in America's self interest, and giving away the store. They have outplayed Obama (at the expense of our allies) more than once. Of course they want that quisling in the White House.

    Russian President Medvedev Says He Wants Obama To Be Re-elected To Avoid America’s “Conservative Wing” (thanks to Weasel Zippers)

    Along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hugo Chavez, ChiComs etc.

    (AFP) — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he wanted his US counterpart Barack Obama to win re-election next year, fearing that the two men’s efforts to improve ties may lose steam under a new administration.

    “I can tell you directly — I would like Barack Obama to be re-elected president of the United States maybe more than someone else,” Medvedev said in an interview with the Financial Times whose full transcript was released by the Kremlin early Monday.

    “If another person becomes US president then he may have another course,” he said.

    “We understand that there are representatives of a rather conservative wing there who are trying to achieve their political goals at the expense of inflaming passions in relation to Russia, among other things.

    “But what use is criticising them? This is simply a way of achieving political goals.”

    The Leftist Communists have been working hand in glove with the Russians to destroy America within the whole time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Highest Ranking Cold War Defector: The KGB Invented ‘Liberation Theology’

    May 2, 2015

    In a startling new interview, a 3-star general and former head of Communist Romania’s secret police who defected to the United States in 1978, claims that the Theology of Liberation was the creation of the KGB, who exported it to Latin America as a way of introducing Marxism into the continent.

    Ion Mihai Pacepa has been called “the Cold War’s most important defector,” and after his defection, the Romanian government under Nicolae Ceausescu placed two death sentences and a $2 million bounty on his head. During the more than ten years that Pacepa worked with the CIA, he made what the agency described as “an important and unique contribution to the United States.”

    He is reported in fact to have given the CIA “the best intelligence ever obtained on communist intelligence networks and internal security services.”

    “Liberation theology has been generally understood to be a marriage of Marxism and Christianity. What has not been understood is that it was not the product of Christians who pursued Communism, but of Communists who pursued Christians,” Pacepa said in a recent article. In his role as doctrinal watchdog, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger called liberation theology a “singular heresy” and a “fundamental threat” to the Church.

    Pacepa says that he learned details of the KGB involvement with Liberation Theology from Soviet General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, Communist Romania’s chief foreign intelligence adviser, who later became head of the Soviet espionage service, the PGU.

    In 1959, Sakharovsky went to Romania together with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, for what would become known as “Khrushchev’s six-day vacation.” According to Pacepa, Khrushchev “wanted to go down in history as the Soviet leader who had exported communism to Central and South America.” He chose Romania as his point of export, since it was the only Latin country in the Soviet bloc and provided a logical liaison to Latin America because of the similarity of language and culture.

    Pacepa claims that the Theology of Liberation was not merely infiltrated by the KGB, it was actually the brainchild of Soviet intelligence services.

    “The movement was born in the KGB, and it had a KGB-invented name: Liberation Theology,” Pacepa said.

    According to the General, during those years, the KGB had a penchant for “liberation” movements, and a Theology of Liberation fit right in.
    The National Liberation Army of Columbia (FARC), created by the KGB with help from Fidel Castro; the “National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB with help from “Che” Guevara; and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), created by the KGB with help from Yasser Arafat are just a few additional “liberation” movements born at the Lubyanka — the headquarters of the KGB.

    Pacepa said that Liberation Theology was born of a 1960s top-secret “Party-State Dezinformatsiya Program” approved by Aleksandr Shelepin, the chairman of the KGB, and by Politburo member Aleksey Kirichenko, who coordinated the Communist Party’s international policies.
    The program mandated that “the KGB take secret control of the World Council of Churches (WCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, and use it as cover for converting Liberation Theology into a South American revolutionary tool,” Pacepa said.

    The Soviets were aware that the WCC was the largest international ecumenical organization after the Vatican, he said, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations throughout 120 countries.

    According to Pacepa the KGB followed a step-by-step procedure to bring Liberation Theology to Latin America, starting with the establishment of an intermediate international religious organization called the Christian Peace Conference (CPC), headquartered in Prague. Its main task “was to bring the KGB-created Liberation Theology into the real world,” he said.

    “The new Christian Peace Conference was managed by the KGB and was subordinated to the venerable World Peace Council, another KGB creation, founded in 1949 and by then also headquartered in Prague,” he said.

    In his work with the Soviet bloc intelligence community, Pacepa managed the Romanian operations of the World Peace Council (WPC).

    “Most of the WPC’s employees were undercover Soviet bloc intelligence officers. The WPC’s two publications in French, Nouvelles perspectives and Courier de la paix, were also managed by undercover KGB – and Romanian DIE – intelligence officers,” he said.

    Pacepa said that in 1968 “the KGB-created Christian Peace Conference, supported by the world-wide World Peace Council, was able to maneuver a group of leftist South American bishops into holding a Conference of Latin American Bishops at Medellin, Colombia.”

    Though the Conference’s official task was to seek solutions to poverty, its “undeclared goal” was “to recognize a new religious movement encouraging the poor to rebel against the ‘institutionalized violence of poverty,’ and to recommend the new movement to the World Council of Churches for official approval,” he said.

    “The Medellin Conference achieved both goals. It also bought the KGB-born name ‘Liberation Theology,’” he said.

    Pacepa said that although he has good reason to suspect that there was an organic connection between the KGB and some of the leading promoters of Liberation Theology, he has no evidence to prove it.

    “I recently glanced through Gutierrez’s book A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, Salvation (1971), and I had the feeling that it was written at the Lubyanka,” he said.

    “No wonder he is now credited with being the founder of Liberation Theology,” he said.

    Six years after Pacepa’s defection to the West, the Vatican issued its first of two scathing critiques of Liberation Theology, under the guidance of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

    The stated purpose of the first “instruction” was to draw attention “to the deviations, and risks of deviation, damaging to the faith and to Christian living, that are brought about by certain forms of liberation theology which use, in an insufficiently critical manner, concepts borrowed from various currents of Marxist thought.”

    The Vatican instruction also warned that the theologies of liberation generate “a disastrous confusion between the ‘poor’ of the Scripture and the ‘proletariat’ of Marx.” In so doing, it said, “they pervert the Christian meaning of the poor, and they transform the fight for the rights of the poor into a class fight within the ideological perspective of the class struggle.”

    In Pacepa’s words, Liberation Theology was “deliberately designed to undermine the Church and destabilize the West by subordinating religion to an atheist political ideology for its geopolitical gain.”
    Liberation Theology was “deliberately designed to undermine the Church and destabilize the West by subordinating religion to an atheist political ideology for its geopolitical gain.”
    This has been at the very core of the Democrats methods of operation for decades to divide America for geopolitical gains.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    The foundations of America are creaking and groaning from the weight of an unsustainable creature the Left has been cultivating for generations to secure their political control of a voting block.

    They've reared and fostered this behemoth by grooming and feeding it socialistic class, ethnic and minority warfare redistribution theology.

    By design, when the teat runs dry and their chains no longer contain this terrible monster, it breaks free and devours everything in its path.

    The Left are not only the tool for the Russians but they have generated the destructive force to collapse America from within.

    Liberation Theology Part 1

    Liberation Theology Part 2

    Liberation Theology Part 3

    Liberation Theology Part 4

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  9. May 26th, 2015, 22:52


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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    In light of the events in Ferguson and other cities, this video was brought to my attention.

    It is an hour and fifteen minutes long so be prepared to allot that time.

    Here's the description on the video:

    It is very worth the watch.

    Building on the original posting of this video with what has happened in South Carolina, fast forward to 31:22...

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    Russia Tried to Use Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Assassination to Start a Race War

    The plot involved the KKK, the Jewish Defense League, black militants … and a bombing


    The Cold War often brings to mind visions of cloak-and-dagger spy escapades in Eastern Europe and Moscow — or the countless coups, revolutions, proxy wars and clandestine ops that pitted Communist and Western interests against one another in developing nations around the world.

    Amid these sensational tropes of international espionage, it’s easy to forget the KGB and other intelligence agencies were highly active within the United States. Their exploits here weren’t quite as extravagant, but they went far beyond mundane intelligence gathering.

    There were, of course, Soviet operatives in the United States who did focus strictly on intelligence. In the 1980s, a German-American spy hacked hundreds of networked military computers and sold the information to Russia, and KGB field stations established a massive surveillance program that monitored U.S. radar and satellite transmissions.

    The Kremlin also ordered its agents in America to generate social unrest, undermine faith in the government and develop plans to sabotage targets in the military, energy and infrastructure sectors.

    One such campaign sought to capitalize on the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — by using it as a pretext for inciting a full-blown race war.
    Propaganda materials attributed to the Ku Klux Klan, black militant organizations and the Jewish Defense League aimed to aggravate ongoing tensions between those groups and compel them to engage in open hostilities against each other.

    From there, in theory, the violence would spread and engulf the general public. The campaign ultimately span three decades and culminated with Operation PANDORA, a plan to bomb a historically black college in New York and blame it on the JDL.

    In 1992 Vasili Mitrokhin, a former KGB archivist with the First Chief Directorate, the unit responsible for foreign intelligence gathering and operations, defected from Russia to England. He brought with him a massive trove of top-secret KGB documents, eventually sharing over 25,000 files with Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency.

    The files became the basis for two books, 1999’s The Sword and the Shield and The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World in 2005. Mitrokhin co-authored both volumes with British historian Christopher Andrew.

    The Ku Klux Klan in San Francisco in 1964. Photo via Wikipedia

    The books discuss Soviet intelligence gathering activities in the United States and elsewhere, as well as the plans to attack or sabotage dams, oil pipelines, power plants and other targets on American soil. They also provide details on the KGB efforts to inflame racial tensions in hopes of provoking a race war within the United States.

    The race war Moscow envisioned would, effectively, kill two birds with one stone. While the KKK was eventually a factor in the scheme, black militants and the Zionist JDL were the main emphasis. The Kremlin wanted black militants to become the dominant force in African American political discourse and social movements, and hoped to use them to take out the JDL in the process.

    From the Soviet perspective, King’s call for peaceful protests and nonviolent direct action had prevented a more volatile civil rights movement from emerging. If someone such as Stokeley Carmichael or a group like the Black Panther Party took control of the movement, a civil war could erupt on the streets of America.

    Forced to focus on internal conflict, the United States would at least temporarily take its eye off of its foreign interests and lose political and strategic footing on the global stage.

    Carmichael was the preferred candidate, according to Mitrokhin’s source material. Despite his early work with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Carmichael had ultimately made his name by popularizing the term “Black Power.”

    In 1967, he went on a global speaking tour, giving speeches in Moscow, Havana and Hanoi, in which he condemned racism and capitalism alike. In the speeches he hinted at an impending race war in the United States, referring, most likely, to the arming of the Black Panthers.

    “We are preparing groups of urban guerrillas for our defense in the cities,’’ Carmichael said in Havana, according to The New York Times. “It is going to be a fight to the death.’’

    Carmichael still harbored nonviolent inclinations, but he was more open to the prospect of violent resistance than King was, and his rhetoric often overlapped with that of his militant contemporaries. That, along with his popularity and influence, was good enough for Moscow.

    Even if Carmichael fell short of Moscow’s more ambitious hopes and a civil war did not commence, replacing King with someone like Carmichael would still give communism a broader audience within the African American community, and potentially America at large. Carmichael and black militants were more openly sympathetic to communism than King, though the latter was not without his critiques of capitalism.

    The KGB decided to hedge its bets anyway, or they just got greedy. Either way, it wasn’t enough for them to try to turn the black community against the white community. The Russians wanted to bring the Jewish community into the fray as well, particularly Zionist extremist groups such as Meir Kahane’s Jewish Defense League.

    If they couldn’t get black militants to take control of the Civil Rights Movement and start a race war, perhaps they could at least get them to take out the JDL.

    The Soviet Union’s propaganda department had been running an anti-Zionist and anti-Israel campaign since the early 1960s, at the latest. This was in part based on an official policy that cast Zionism as a racist and imperialist policy, but was more likely due to Soviet interests in the Persian Gulf and broader Middle East.

    Moscow wanted access to Persian Gulf oil just as badly as Western countries did. The Soviet Union made inroads with some Arab nations, but it never achieved enough power in the region to gain control of the oil supplies. The Soviets increasingly laid blame for their problems in the Middle East on Israel and its ties to the West, thus making Israel and groups who support it targets.

    With the goal of taking out the JDL and buttressing black militancy at the same time, the KGB began a disinformation campaign in the United States to target the JDL and undermine the U.S. government on the “Negro issue,” as Mitrokhin’s documents revealed.

    In 1967 Moscow authorized Yuri Modin, the deputy director of the KGB’s Service A, to implement a strategy of portraying King as an “Uncle Tom” who was working with the the administration of Pres. Lyndon Johnson to secretly pacify the civil rights movement and prevent a violent uprising from the African-American population.

    Modin, who had previously directed the Cambridge Five spy ring in England, would start the operation by using his contacts within the black press to plant articles that were critical of King. Initially, the KGB hoped to take advantage of images of the 1965 Watts riots to stir up feelings of rage. The sense was that if they could spark a certain degree of violence, King would be “swept aside by black radicals” such as Carmichael.

    A Black Panthers demonstration. State Governors’ Negative Collection photo
    Mitrokhin’s materials sited in The Sword and the Shield state that Modin was authorized to do the following —
    To organize, through the use of KGB residency resources in the U.S., the publication and distribution of brochures, pamphlets, and appeals denouncing the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question and exposing the brutal terrorist methods being used by the government to suppress the Negro rights movement.
    To arrange, via available agent resources, for leading figures in the legal profession to make public statements discrediting the policy of the Johnson administration on the Negro question.
    To forge and distribute through illegal channels a document showing that the John Birch Society, in conjunction with the Minutemen organization, is developing a plan for the physical elimination of leading figures in the Negro movement in the U.S.
    The assassination of King in April 1968 abruptly altered the KGB’s plans. Instead of portraying King as traitor to his people and an accomplice in their oppression, it suddenly became preferable to cast him as a martyr to the cause, someone betrayed by the evil capitalist system that he sought to compromise and negotiate with.

    The riots that erupted in more than 100 U.S. cities after King’s death suggested that racial tensions had perhaps reached a flash point, opening an opportunity for Moscow. The KGB revised its propaganda, but the goal remained the same.

    Despite the violence after King’s assassination, and the KGB’s attempts to expand on it, the race war didn’t really come to fruition. Moscow, however, was still not ready to abandon the plan.

    In 1971 Yuri Andropov, director of the KGB from 1967 to 1982, personally approved the production of pamphlets full of “racists insults” to be distributed to black militant groups and attributed to the JDL. The propaganda pamphlets called for a Jewish vigilante campaign against “black mongrels” who had supposedly been “attacking Jews and looting Jewish shops.” The pamphlets were distributed to 30 black militant groups in the New York area.

    Around the same time, Modin’s operatives began mailing forged letters to several dozen black militant groups with fabricated stories of “atrocities” committed against African Americans by the members of the JDL. The letters called for “vengeance against Kahane and his chief lieutenants.”

    An Aeroflot Il-14 in 1970. Photo via Wikipedia

    The Soviets’ international campaign against Zionism and Israel was not lost on Kahane and the JDL, not was the fact that the KGB had been specifically targeting their organization. While Moscow was failing to incite the race war it dreamed of, it appears that the KGB’s activities did illicit a response from the JDL.

    Though the JDL denied it, at least two bombings of Russian targets in the United States were attributed to the organization. On Nov. 25, 1970, a bomb went off in the New York City office of the Russian airline Aeroflot. On Jan. 8, 1971, another bomb struck a Soviet cultural center in Washington, D.C.

    In both instances, according to Mitrokhin, the bombings were followed by telephone calls in which the caller claimed responsibility in the name of the JDL and used the phrase “never again,” one of the organization’s slogans.

    Perhaps drawing inspiration from the bombings attributed to the JDL, the KGB drew up plans to carry out a bombing of its own. In July 1971, Anatoli Tikhonovich Kireyev, another Soviet agent, was instructed to implement Operation PANDORA, a plan to detonate a bomb at an undetermined historically black college or university in the in a black community in New York City.

    After the bomb went off, calls would be made to “two or three black organizations” claiming responsibility for the attack in the name of the Jewish Defense League.
    That bombing never occurred, and neither did Moscow’s American race war. Mitrokhin and Andrew’s books show the KGB had an elaborate and advanced network of spies and operatives within the United States for several decades, but the bureau seem to have misread something about American race relations.

    Despite their ongoing failures, the KGB continued the campaign to stir up a race war for several years. In one final — and feeble — attempt, the KGB sent letters attributed to the KKK to the Olympic committees of several African and Asian countries prior to the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. The letters were full of racial slurs and threats, and declared that Olympics held in the United States were “FOR THE WHITES ONLY!”

    The letters do not appear to have had any effect on that year’s Olympics.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Fixed your pics vector. Board software doesn't like *s in image links.

    All you need to do is repost them with and get a usable link.

    Fascinating article, by the way. Good find!

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    Yeah, the pics were getting me frustrated, thanks for the help Ryan!

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Look closely at the passengers in the pickup bed...

    If You Want To See The Growth Of The Third World Here At Home, Go To Jackson

    July 4, 2017

    Today, newly elected Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba was sworn into office. Lumumba is a “social justice” advocate and a community organizer.

    Lumumba has some big ambitions for Jackson. He is promising his supporters that he will turn Jackson into the most radical city on the planet. Lumumba made the pledge when he spoke at something called the “People’s Summit” in Chicago a few weeks ago.

    So what happens in Jackson, Mississippi, impacts each and every one of us. And so we have to make the decision that we’re going to start controlling the way electoral politics proceeds. And so we’ve made the decision that we’re going to be the most radical city on the planet, that we’re going to make certain—that we’re going to make certain that we change the whole scope of electoral politics. No longer will we allow an individual to step before us and tell us all of the great things that they’re going to accomplish on our behalf, only to find that nothing in their past demonstrates a sincerity, a willingness or an ability to do so. What we must do—what we must do in Jackson, Mississippi, in D.C., in Maryland, in Gary, Indiana, in Chicago, Illinois, is we have to start drafting an agenda for ourselves, creating an agenda, creating what we want to see, and then we draft the leadership which represents our agenda.

    What exactly is Lumumba’s agenda? To find that out, we need to do some investigating into some of his ties.

    First of all, what is this “People’s Summit” he spoke at? The People’s Summit is a gathering of the very far-left. Essentially, it is a gathering of Bernie bros and other radical leftists.

    Now, Lumumba is head of something called the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which is a black separatist movement. One of their slogans that Lumumba chanted at his victory party when he was elected was “free the land.” What exactly does it mean? It means that Lumumba wants to take parts of the South and turn them into a North America Zimbabwe.

    “Free the Land!”

    … is the battle cry of the New Afrikan Independence Movement (NAIM).

    The NAIM is part of the Black liberation Movement in North Amerikka that wants independent Black Nation on land in north amerikka. The land identified by the New Afrikan Independence Movement is primarily known as South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, as well as other areas of what is now called the Black-Belt South, where Afrikan people are in the majority or have a historical/economical/socio-cultural relationship to. When we say “Free the Land” this is the land we are talking about freeing.

    This is what Jackson voted for. They voted for a guy who wants to break away from the United States and create a new Third World nation. It voted for a loon who wants every anti-free market policy he can come up with.

    We predict that socialism in Jackson will fail, just as it has failed everywhere else in the world. But we also believe that Jackson will suffer in the next four years.

  17. #15
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Just like that douche knot Colin kaepernick, shitting on his own country. He went to Ghana for July 4. I suppose he wanted to visit the people who enslaved half his ancestors. They are all idiots.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  18. #16
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Well... I just found out the video is a fake but given the stuff in the article above, it isn't really that much of a stretch.

    My mistake for buying it but I figured since the video was sourced to instead of that blog page, it was legit.

    Here's the original.

    Dude is a big enough commie douche canoe without having to lie about it.

  19. #17
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    Default Re: From The Soviet Files: An American 'Negro Republic' - The Communist Secession Plo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Well... I just found out the video is a fake but given the stuff in the article above, it isn't really that much of a stretch.

    My mistake for buying it but I figured since the video was sourced to instead of that blog page, it was legit.

    Here's the original.

    Dude is a big enough commie douche canoe without having to lie about it.

    God-Accursed Bolshevism and it's application into practice (I say nothing against but with deepest respect for those who fought in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War) has been around since 1917, and these fools let it take root in America!

    I say 'fools' of the so-called 'conservatives' too, because surely they could have found SOMEBODY to run against this Ass-Clown and win!
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

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