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Thread: Will America Break Up?

  1. #641
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Gun-Totin' Left-Wingers Demonstrate at the Arizona Capitol: Is Bloodshed on the Horizon?

    March 26, 2017

    At least, that was my first impression upon seeing about 40 or so assorted anarchists, Brown Berets, and members of a group calling itself the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club across the street from the state Capitol, openly armed to the proverbial teeth.

    I was late to the pro-Trump "Make America Great Again" march, which began at Cesar Chavez Plaza — after some confusion about the demonstration's starting at the now past-tense "Patriots Square Park" — and ended at the lawn of the Arizona Capitol.

    So I headed straight to the Capitol, but the pro-Trump event was petering out. One of the cops present told me that the MAGA march consisted of a group of about 100.

    However, across the street, on the Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza-side of 17th Avenue were the left-wingers, some of them masking their faces, some not. Many of them were armed with long guns. You know, just like the "patriot" groups.

    While I was taking photographs of them, a woman approached me and told me that the group would not be granting interviews. She gave me a flier with a statement from something called the "Redneck Revolt," which according to the flier aims to "put the RED back in redneck."

    The flier directed people to a Facebook page and a website, and the woman said that I could contact them after the fact to ask questions.

    About that time, the group lined up, double-file, and began walking toward 19th Avenue.

    Since you don't every day see groups of left-wingers totin' semi-automatic rifles, strolling down the sidewalk, I figured I would follow them and record this odd phenomenon via Facebook Live.

    Earlier, the spokeswoman told me that someone with the Brown Berets might talk with me, but she later came up as I was recording the group with my iPhone, and told me the Brown Berets were keeping it zipped as well.

    She also asked me to stop filming. And I told her I wasn't going to do that, because we were on public property.

    As I walked next to them, we would encounter obstacles, like parked cars, and so forth, and I mostly would go around the other side of the obstacle, and then catch back up with the group.

    But at one point, I walked next to a dude in a yellow headscarf, whom I'd tried to talk with before, and I brushed against him, unintentionally.

    I didn't think much of it, as the sidewalk is only so big, but he apparently took offense, because in retaliation, he walked backwards into me, pushing me aside.

    This is the sort of thing that I would normally expect from the right-wing militia-types, but, in reality, the group was little more than an ad hoc left-wing militia. So I shouldn't have been surprised.

    Needless to say, this ticked me off and my language was a tad salty. Eventually, the group stopped, and a guy in sunglasses demanded to see my credentials.

    I told him I was with Phoenix New Times, but I wasn't going to show him anything unless he identified himself to me.

    He would not do this, and the conversation went back and forth, with him asking me to stop filming and leave, and me informing him that we're in a public place and I'm not going anywhere.

    "I'm just going to warn you that we're not responsible for anything that might happen to that phone," he told me, meaning the phone I was holding.

    The spokeswoman approached, justifying their request that I not film because they were "trying to protect the safety and identity of our members."

    Since many were hiding their faces already, I didn't see this as much of an issue. But I informed her that we live in a free society and that means, when you are demonstrating in a public place, the press gets to film you.

    Amusingly, a couple of them were filming me with their iPhones as I filmed them. The spokeswoman then raised a new issue: They did not want me to follow them to their cars and film their cars.

    After some more back and forth, they told me that their real concern was that I might film their license plates and that's the reason they were acting this way.

    Till this point, filming their license plates hadn't occurred to me. Nevertheless, I told them it was a dumb request because they were likely parked in public spaces, and I could almost guarantee that the cops had all of their info. So why worry about me?

    Plus, a license plate is supposed to be in plain view. It is not "private" information. You display it on your car, for Chrissakes.

    By the way, I did the same thing to the Arizona Liberty Guard at the March4Trump a couple of weeks ago. I followed them, watched them get into their Army surplus trucks, and filmed them until they drove away.

    While I was talking to a handful of the lefties, some ran off, got their cars, and came back to pick up their comrades from the south side of Adams Street.

    These progressive goons with guns tried to block me, but I did film some them driving away. The denouement of this encounter was especially ludicrous, as you will see if you watch the video that I have posted.

    All apologies for my fumbling with my iPhone at the end. When the sun is beaming down on you, it's somewhat difficult to find the "Finish" button.

    I made a comment on the video that this entire event proved that the far left can be as hostile to the First Amendment as the far right.

    And that's coming from a big, fat liberal.

    In hindsight, it occurs to me that if a left-wing militia and a right-wing militia, such as the ALG, cross paths at an future demonstration, there very easily could be bloodshed.

    Both sides are loaded for bear. And I get the feeling both sides can rationalize their behavior after the fact, even if it comes down to killing someone.

    I'm reminded of the 1979 shootout in Greensboro, North Carolina, when a "Death to the Klan" rally held by the Communist Workers Party was crashed by Klan and Nazi members.

    Five people lost their lives, four of them CWP members.

    It may be just a matter of time before history repeats itself.

    However, this being Arizona, there's a lot more firepower on both sides, and I suspect, if it goes down, the body count will be higher.

    More pics if you're interested:


    John Brown Gun Club on FB:

    Counter Intel:


  2. #642
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Oregon: Terrebonne Man Jailed After Clashes Erupt At Salem Trump Rally

    March 26, 2017

    Clashes broke out Saturday at the Oregon Capitol when about 200 people gathered for a rally to support President Trump and about 50 anti-Trump protesters showed up. Oregon State Police said a Terrebonne man was arrested after he used pepper spray on a trooper and was found to be carrying a concealed gun, in violation of his status as a convicted felon.

    Troopers responded around 11 a.m. to the area just outside the Capitol where some of the 200 to 300 people of opposing groups were involved in a disturbance, said Sgt. Kyle Hove, OSP public information officer.

    Officials say up to 300 participants took part, with one rally called the "Oregon Make America Great Again March," and the other called "Salem Stands for Love."

    (Update adding details)

    One rally started at 9 a.m. and the other an hour later with both lasting until 2 p.m.

    Police say the groups clashed at about 11 a.m. near the Oregon World War II Memorial.

    Hove said Matthew Curtis Heagy, 31, of Terrebonne, used pepper spray and sprayed a trooper. He was detained and found to be carrying a concealed firearm, though Hove said the gun was never displayed during the event.

    Heagy was arrested on charges of felon in possession of a firearm and carrying a concealed weapon, Hove said, adding that it's an active investigation and no further information is available.

    KGW reported about 200 supporters of the president had gathered near the Capitol for what they intended to be a peaceful rally.

    Less than a half-hour after the event began, they reported, about 50 anti-Trump protesters arrived, many wearing all black with their faces covered,

    Less than 30 minutes later, a fistfight broke out and a crowd swarmed the area, backing away when an OSP trooper and others yelled, "He's got a gun." The station reported that one man, who appeared to be a Trump supporter, was quickly detained.

    Organizers of the rally, who work with the newly founded Northwest Trump Alliance for Change, told KGW they were disappointed with the turn of events, though they knew counter-protesters were planned.

    "We are really looking to work with everybody and not just people on our side," Frank George IV said.

    Marion County online jail records indicated Heagy was being held without bail, and also faces Deschutes County charges of first-degree theft and computer fraud. Online court records indicate past charges have included fourth-degree assault and coercion.

  3. #643
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  4. #644
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Will The Second Civil War Turn Violent?

    May 2, 2017
    By Dennis Prager

    In a recent column, I made the case that Americans are fighting the Second Civil War. The deep chasm that has opened up between the left -- not liberals, the left -- and the rest of the country is so wide and so unbridgeable that there is no other way to describe what is happening. But I noted that at least thus far, unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.

    Unfortunately, there is now reason to believe that violence is coming. In fact, it's already here. But as of now, it's only coming from one direction.

    Left-wing thugs engage in violence and threats of violence with utter impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block highways, bridges and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitals; and terrorize individuals at their homes.

    In order to understand why more violence may be coming, it is essential to understand that left-wing mobs are almost never stopped, arrested or punished. Colleges do nothing to stop them, and civil authorities do nothing to stop them on campuses or anywhere else. Police are reduced to spectators as they watch left-wing gangs loot stores, smash business and car windows, and even take over state capitals (as in Madison, Wisconsin).

    It's beginning to dawn on many Americans that mayors, police chiefs and college presidents have no interest in stopping this violence. Left-wing officials sympathize with the lawbreakers, and the police, who rarely sympathize with thugs of any ideology, are ordered to do nothing by emasculated police chiefs.

    Consequently, given the abdication by all these authorities of their role to protect the public, some members of the public will inevitably decide that they will protect themselves and others.

    This ability of the left to get away with violence is one of the gravest threats to American society in its modern history. Since the Civil War, I can think of only two comparable eruptions of mob violence that authorities allowed. One was when white mobs lynched blacks. The other was the rioting by blacks, such as the Los Angeles riots 25 years ago, and the recent riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland.

    Today, authorities in what we once proudly proclaimed the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" are intimidated to the point of paralysis.

    And exactly what do they fear? Not violence -- they have made peace with left-wing violence. What they fear is the left-wing media. If the Black Lives Matter movement is forcefully prevented from blocking tens of thousands of cars from entering or leaving San Francisco, the police and local authorities will be labeled racist by black leaders, a smear that will then be echoed by The New York Times and rest of the left-wing media.

    Likewise, if a college president requests enough police to come to a college campus so that a Heather Mac Donald, a Charles Murray or an Ann Coulter can deliver a lecture, some of the student-gangsters engaged in violence might be injured -- and that college president will then be pilloried by the mainstream media.

    Furthermore, left-wing violence doesn't only succeed where it takes place. It succeeds where nothing happens. The left can now shut down places and events just by threatening violence. This is what happened last week in Portland, Oregon. One leftist called in a threat to the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade, saying that the Republican Party contingent marching in the parade would be beaten up. The business leaders organizing the parade canceled the whole event for the first time in its 10-year history. If they'd had any reason to believe that the police would have adequately protected the marchers in left-wing Portland, one assumes (hopes?) that they would not have canceled the parade.

    An email sent to parade organizers perfectly summed up the left's dominance of America through violence. It said, "You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely."

    Meanwhile, the press lies about alleged white supremacists in President Trump's administration and an alleged massive surge in anti-Semitism in order to do what the left has done since Lenin: blame others while it alone organizes violence.

    So, here's a prediction: If college presidents, mayors and police chiefs won't stop left-wing mobs, other Americans will. I hope this doesn't happen, because electing conservative Republicans and not donating money to colleges will be more effective. But it is almost inevitable.

    Then the left-wing media -- the mainstream media -- will enter hysteria mode with reports that "right-wing fascists" are violently attacking America.

    And that's when mayors and college presidents will finally order in the police.

  5. #645
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Today, Representative Poncho Nevarez threatened my life on the House floor after I called ICE on several illegal immigrants who held signs in the gallery which said "I am illegal and here to stay." Several Democrats encouraged the protestors to disobey law enforcement. When I told the Democrats I called ICE, Representative Ramon Romero physically assaulted me, and other Democrats were held back by colleagues. During that time Poncho told me that he would "get me on the way to my car." He later approached me and reiterated that "I had to leave at some point, and he would get me." I made it clear that if he attempted to, in his words, "get me," I would shoot him in self defense. I am currently under DPS protection. Several of my colleagues heard the threats made and witnessed Ramon assaulting me.

  6. #646
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    "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." John Parker, Captain, Colonial Militia, Revolutionary War.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    'The War of Two Americas' -- A New Freedom Center Pamphlet By Daniel Greenfield

    The essential guide to understanding America's new civil war

    May 16, 2017

    Editor's note: The David Horowitz Freedom Center has recently released "The War of Two Americas," a timely new pamphlet by Shillman Journalism Fellow Daniel Greenfield that crystallizes the country's current political divisions and the battle for the ideological soul of America. The brief introduction of the pamphlet is printed below.

    To download the full pamphlet, click HERE.

    America is in the middle of a civil war. It’s not just a struggle between political parties. It’s a clash of political civilizations. The totalitarian left has rejected the outcome of two presidential elections and our entire system of government. It doesn’t believe that sanctuary states and cities have to obey the law.

    But it demands that we obey its will. And if we don’t, its thugs will audit us, boycott us and beat us.

    It has spied on President Trump and lied about him. It has used every agency of the government, from the IRS to the EPA, to punish its enemies and enforce its radical agenda.

    The left rules as a shadow government of judges and reporters, bureaucrats and activists. Its tactics range from riots in the streets to subversion in government agencies.

    And it must be stopped.

    Today there are two Americas. One has free speech and the other doesn’t. One has elections and the other doesn’t. In one America, the people elect their leaders. In the other they are appointed for life.

    If the Unamerica of the left isn’t defeated, there will be only one America. And it will be a place without the Constitution, without free speech or free elections.

    This is the war of the two Americas. And only one America can survive.

    To download the full pamphlet, click HERE.

  8. #648
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    Are We Nearing Civil War?

    Patrick J. Buchanan

    Monday - June 12, 2017

    President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot through with disloyalists plotting to bring him down.

    We are approaching something of a civil war where the capital city seeks the overthrow of the sovereign and its own restoration.

    Thus far, it is a nonviolent struggle, though street clashes between pro- and anti-Trump forces are increasingly marked by fistfights and brawls. Police are having difficulty keeping people apart. A few have been arrested carrying concealed weapons.

    That the objective of this city is to bring Trump down via a deep state-media coup is no secret. Few deny it.

    Last week, fired Director of the FBI James Comey, a successor to J. Edgar Hoover, admitted under oath that he used a cutout to leak to The New York Times an Oval Office conversation with the president.

    Goal: have the Times story trigger the appointment of a special prosecutor to bring down the president.

    Comey wanted a special prosecutor to target Trump, despite his knowledge, from his own FBI investigation, that Trump was innocent of the pervasive charge that he colluded with the Kremlin in the hacking of the DNC.

    Comey’s deceit was designed to enlist the police powers of the state to bring down his president. And it worked. For the special counsel named, with broad powers to pursue Trump, is Comey’s friend and predecessor at the FBI, Robert Mueller.

    As Newt Gingrich said Sunday: “Look at who Mueller’s starting to hire. … (T)hese are people that … look to me like they’re … setting up to go after Trump … including people, by the way, who have been reprimanded for hiding from the defense information into major cases. …

    “This is going to be a witch hunt.”

    Another example. According to Daily Kos, Trump planned a swift lifting of sanctions on Russia after inauguration and a summit meeting with Vladimir Putin to prevent a second Cold War.

    The State Department was tasked with working out the details.

    Instead, says Daniel Fried, the coordinator for sanctions policy, he received “panicky” calls of “Please, my God, can you stop this?”

    Operatives at State, disloyal to the president and hostile to the Russia policy on which he had been elected, collaborated with elements in Congress to sabotage any detente. They succeeded.

    “It would have been a win-win for Moscow,” said Tom Malinowski of State, who boasted last week of his role in blocking a rapprochement with Russia. State employees sabotaged one of the principal policies for which Americans had voted, and they substituted their own.

    Not in memory have there been so many leaks to injure a president from within his own government, and not just political leaks, but leaks of confidential, classified and secret documents. The leaks are coming out of the supposedly secure investigative and intelligence agencies of the U.S. government.

    The media, the beneficiaries of these leaks, are giving cover to those breaking the law. The real criminal “collusion” in Washington is between Big Media and the deep state, colluding to destroy a president they detest and to sink the policies they oppose.

    Yet another example is the unfolding “unmasking” scandal.

    While all the evidence is not yet in, it appears an abnormal number of conversations between Trump associates and Russians were intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

    On orders higher up, the conversations were transcribed, and, contrary to law, the names of Trump associates unmasked.

    Then those transcripts, with names revealed, were spread to all 16 agencies of the intel community at the direction of Susan Rice, and with the possible knowledge of Barack Obama, assuring some would be leaked after Trump became president.

    The leak of Gen. Michael Flynn’s conversation with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, after Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for the hacking of the DNC, may have been a product of the unmasking operation. The media hit on Flynn cost him the National Security Council post.

    Trump has had many accomplishments since his election. Yet his enemies in the media and their deep state allies have often made a purgatory of his presidency.

    What he and his White House need to understand is that this is not going to end, that this is a fight to the finish, that his enemies will not relent until they see him impeached or resigning in disgrace.

    To prevail, Trump will have to campaign across this country and wage guerrilla war in this capital, using the legal and political weapons at his disposal to ferret out the enemies within his own government.

    Not only is this battle essential, if Trump hopes to realize his agenda, it is winnable. For the people sense that the Beltway elites are cynically engaged in preserving their own privileges, positions and power.

    If the president cannot rewrite Obamacare or achieve tax reform, he should not go around the country in 2018 wailing about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. They are not the real adversaries. They are but interchangeable parts.

    He should campaign against the real enemies of America First by promising to purge the deep state and flog its media collaborators.

    Time to burn down the Bastille.

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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Can a Divided America Survive?

    Victor Davis Hanson
    Posted: Jun 15, 2017 12:00 AM

    The United States is currently the world's oldest democracy.

    But America is no more immune from collapse than were some of history's most stable and impressive consensual governments. Fifth-century Athens, Republican Rome, Renaissance Florence and Venice, and many of the elected governments of early 20th-century Western European states eventually destroyed themselves, went bankrupt or were overrun by invaders.

    The United States is dividing as rarely before. Half the country, mostly liberal America, is concentrated in 146 of the nation's more than 3,000 counties -- in an area that collectively represents less than 10 percent of the U.S. land mass. The other half, the conservative Red states of the interior of America, is geographically, culturally, economically, politically and socially at odds with Blue-state America, which resides mostly on the two coasts.

    The two Americas watch different news. They read very different books, listen to different music and watch different television shows. Increasingly, they now live lives according to two widely different traditions.

    Barack Obama was elected president after compiling the most left-wing voting record in the U.S. Senate. His antidote, Donald Trump, was elected largely on the premise that traditional Republicans were hardly conservative.

    Red America and Blue America are spiraling into divisions approaching those of 1860, or of the nihilistic hippie/straight divide of 1968.
    Currently, some 27 percent of all Californians were not born in the United States. More than 40 million foreign-born immigrants currently reside in the U.S. -- the highest number in the nation's history.

    Yet widely unchecked immigration comes at a time when the country has lost confidence in its prior successful adherence to melting-pot assimilation and integration. The ultimate result is a fragmenting of society into tribal cliques that vie for power, careers and influence on the basis of ethnic solidarity rather than shared Americanness.

    History is not very kind to multicultural chaos -- as opposed to a multiracial society united by a single national culture. The fates of Rwanda, Iraq and the former Yugoslavia should remind us of our present disastrous trajectory.

    Either the United States will return to a shared single language and allegiance to a common and singular culture, or it will eventually descend into clannish violence.
    Does the unique American idea of federalism still work, with state rights and laws subordinate to federal law? We fought a Civil War that cost more than 600,000 lives in part to uphold the idea that individual states could not override the federal government.

    Yet sanctuary cities declare that they can freely nullify federal immigration law. The California Senate passed a bill earlier this month that would prohibit the state from contracting with any firms that work on the federal government's wall at the border with Mexico.

    States such as California vow that they will ignore Washington and work directly with foreign nations to promote their own policies on global warming. Read carefully what some prominent Californians are saying about the federal government: It is not much different from what influential Confederate South Carolinians boasted about in 1860 on the eve of secession.

    The national debt has almost doubled over the last eight years and at nearly $20 trillion is unsustainable.

    Entitlement spending rose even as new taxes increased. The have-nots claim the haves make far too much money; the haves retort that they pay most of the income taxes while nearly half the country pays nothing.

    Most Americans agree that the present levels of borrowing and spending cannot continue. But many believe that the tough medicine to cure the disease of chronic annual deficits and mounting debt is unacceptable.

    America's infrastructure and military are vastly underfunded, even though some voters want more subsidies for themselves and apparently others to pay for them.

    America's once-preeminent colleges and universities are fatally compromised. Universities charge far too much, resist reform, expect exemption from accountability, and assume their students must take on huge amounts of debt. Yet campuses can't guarantee that their graduates are competently educated or that they will find jobs.

    Illiberal attempts to end free speech, to sanction racial and gender segregation, and to attack rather than argue with opponents are disguised by euphemisms such as "safe spaces," "trigger warnings" and various -isms and -ologies.

    Behind the guise of campus activism and non-negotiable demands is the reality that too many students simply are unprepared to do their assigned work and seek exemption through protests in lieu of hard studying.

    America barely survived the Civil War of 1861-65, the Great Depression of 1929-39, and the rioting and protests of the 1960s. But today's growing divides are additionally supercharged by instant internet and social media communications, 24/7 cable news, partisan media and the denigration of America's past traditions.

    All Americans need to take a deep breath, step back and rein in their anger -- and find more ways to connect rather than divide themselves.

    They should assume their opponents are not all sinners, and that their supporters are not all saints.

    Things are bad now. But our own history suggests that if we are not careful, they can get even worse.

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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Several Shots Fired At Truck Flying ‘Make America Great Again’ Flag On I-465

    June 15, 2017

    Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday.

    Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.

    The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

    Police say no one was in injured in the incident.

    The driver of the Malibu was described as a black male around the age of 23. The passenger was described as a light skinned black male with a sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

    State police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident to call 317-899-8577.

  11. #651
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Several Shots Fired At Truck Flying ‘Make America Great Again’ Flag On I-465

    June 15, 2017

    Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday.

    Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.

    The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

    Police say no one was in injured in the incident.

    The driver of the Malibu was described as a black male around the age of 23. The passenger was described as a light skinned black male with a sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

    State police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident to call 317-899-8577.
    Clearly this is but one incident of many in which our disloyal media is inciting violence against the sitting President of the United States and those who elected him in a free and fair election, an election in which the millions of dollars spent against Trump and his movement, the opposition of the elites of both political parties, and the black propaganda of the MSM were simply not sufficient to stop him.

    So now his opponents are preparing their pawns to go violent and overthrow the government, or rather, to prevent the elected government from reigning in the liberal elite Deep State.

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    Inside the new ANTIFA/Leftist training program...

    Training with the Haymaker Collective from Unicorn Riot on Vimeo.

    A shame they don't realize it's going to end up a lot like this:

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    Lol, if those are the storm troops of the American Left I feel pretty safe, they look terribly out of shape, pasty skinned slack jawed candy asses.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  14. #654
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Armed Antifa Group Offers Training Manual On Terrorism And Guerrilla Warfare

    July 31, 2017

    An Antifa organization called Redneck Revolt is advocating for “revolution” against the rise of “fascism” in the United States, and the end of capitalism. To facilitate these goals, the group offers a variety of resources, including a training manual for conducting guerrilla warfare with sections for “executions” and “terrorism.” In the wake of the targeted shooting of Republican members of Congress earlier this year, nothing is more concerning than extremist organizations calling for armed revolts against civil society.

    Redneck Revolt is one of several organizations to spring up following Trump’s victory at the 2016 polls, and is purportedly one of the largest of these Antifa organizations currently operating in the United States with over 30 chapters across 20 states.

    It describes itself as a group made up of “working class and poor people” with declarations of taking “meaningful action” against “our common enemy: the rich.” It lists “militant resistance” as one of the group’s guiding principles.

    Antifa members have been labeled “anarchist extremists” and listed among “domestic terrorism” groups by the Office of Homeland Security in New Jersey. Daily Caller deputy editor Scott Greer compared antifascist groups to terrorists in a Fox News appearance.

    Much of the group’s official website includes rhetoric pulled straight out of Marxist publications, echoing various talking points often spouted by leftists about the evils of capitalism, property ownership, “artificial borders,” and basic systems of social order, including police, prisons, and courts.

    Redneck Revolt refers to these public institutions as “systems of social control [that] only exist to serve the rich,” and calls for the end of the “nation-state project.” It lists the US Armed Forces alongside the Ku Klux Klan as having “undermined the struggle for freedom among all people.”

    The “Resources” page of the group’s website offers a number of publications that promote violence, including a 36-page manual called the “Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla,” which advises readers on how to conduct urban warfare, with sections on “sabotage,” “kidnapping,” “executions,” and even “terrorism.”

    Other publications include “Piece Now, Peace Later: an anarchist introduction to firearms”—a how-to guide for weapons handling—and a variety of intersectional feminist and anarchist essays.

    “Redneck Revolt” is more than just a website or a call to action. VICE News did a short documentary on a chapter of the armed group when they marched through Asheboro, North Carolina to protest a scheduled rally by the Ku Klux Klan. In the documentary, they yelled chants against both the police and the KKK, to the ire of residents who support the authorities.

    “Racist. Sexist. Filled with hate. America was never great,” chanted members of the group in the filmed protest.

    “Redneck Revolt” has gone beyond simply protesting far-right extremist groups, organizing armed rallies alongside other Antifa groups at the Arizona State Capitol to counter a Trump rally. The group reprinted its report, “It’s Going Down,” which received funding through Patreon until its account was suspended last week for Terms of Service violations.

    Interviewed by The Guardian, members of the leftist organization declared their opposition not only to the far-right, but to liberals in general. Mother Jones praised the group for its pledge to “resist right-wing extremists by any means necessary.” Little mention was made of the group’s plans to conduct armed warfare in either interview, however—depicting them instead as white working-class individuals who care about social justice.

    Emboldened by progressive rhetoric in the media, Redneck Revolt’s call for violent action against “fascists” may eventually reach a crisis that’ll result in more than sore jaws and hurt feelings.

    Redneck Revolt did not respond to requests for comment at the time of publication.

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    ‘Calexit’ Backers Confident About Latest Plan To Leave The United States

    July 31, 2017

    The people behind California’s latest effort to leave the United States are confident this time and are preparing to fan out across the Golden State to collect signatures for a 2018 ballot initiative.

    It would repeal a provision of the California Constitution stating that the state is “an inseparable part of the United States ... up to and including agreement establishing California as a fully independent country,” the ballot language reads.

    “We feel like this current initiative is more feasible and will hold up more to scrutiny and legal challenges,” said Steve Gonzales, a member of the group California Freedom Coalition. A first attempt fizzled and was withdrawn.

    Gonzales said the group is beginning to raise money to hire signature gatherers. It has until Jan. 22 to collect 585,407 signatures, according to Secretary of State Alex Padilla.

    Still, secession is a long shot. It faces legal and constitutional challenges, and would have “unknown, potentially major fiscal effects,” according to an assessment from the the state Legislative Analyst’s Office and the Department of Finance. And it would cost at least $1.25 million per year in additional state costs to fund a new independent commission that would oversee research and make recommendations on “ways of increasing California’s autonomy and independence,” according to the ballot language.

    It directs the governor to work with California’s 53 members of the House and both U.S. senators to “continually negotiate greater autonomy from the federal government.” The idea appears directed at retaining California’s share of federal tax revenue and operating its own independent government. Instead of spending money on military operations overseas, for example, the idea is to boost state funding for infrastructure repair, schools and more. Backers also say it’s about representation.

    “We feel that California has been neglected and left out of the political process for many many decades,” Gonzales said. “With current politics the way they are, clearly there’s a recognition that many in the United States have disdain for Californians. They call us ‘out of control.’ So this is a time for us to take back those tax dollars and really unleash the potential California has.”

    Gonzales pointed to the state’s total economic output. California’s economy ranks sixth largest in the world, according to economists. The state also sends more dollars to the federal government than any other, including New York, according to a July analysis by the California Budget and Policy Center.

    State taxpayers contribute one in every eight dollars of total federal tax revenue, and California’s economy comprises nearly one-seventh of the nation’s total economic output, the analysis found.

    The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled it unconstitutional for states to unilaterally secede from the U.S., and any move allowing secession would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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    Violent Brawls Erupt in Portland, Left-Wing Antifa Pepper Spray, Attack Trump Supporters

    Portland, OR – Far-left masked Antifa members showed up at the Patriot Prayer ‘Freedom March’ Sunday to disrupt and attack Trump supporters.

    August 6, 2017

    Antifa must be designated a terrorist organization. Masks should also be banned for public protesters.

    Portland Police announced that anyone breaking the law will be subject to arrest.

    KATU News captured footage of the march and the violent brawls:

    Bloodied man being tended to:

    Trump supporters chanting ‘USA! USA!’ while left-wing Antifa (the real fascists) scream ‘Nazi’s go home!’

    More fighting and more pepper spray:

    Antifa burning an American flag:

    Although nobody was arrested Sunday, Portland Police announced that they are reviewing video feed and people involved in unlawful activity are subject to arrest today or a later date:

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    When a smart man like MENSA member James Woods sees the writing on the wall, you should probably take note...

  18. #658
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    GOP Senator: 'It Feels Like Violence Is Coming'

    August 19, 2017

    A GOP senator on Friday evening warned that "it feels like violence is coming" and the president won't be able to calm the nation in the face of it.

    In an extensive Facebook post, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) shared thoughts he said were prompted by the violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Va. that left three dead and multiple injured.

    He unloaded on President Trump and his administration over the response to the incident, which Sasse called out as motivated by white supremacists. Sasse charged that some of Trump's closest advisers see racial division as an opportunity.

    However, he also blamed misunderstandings - some deliberate - on both sides of the aisle and argued that the current national debate should not be "a fight about historical monuments." Many state and local governments are taking steps to remove Confederate statues in the wake of the Charlottesville violence, which was originally organized to oppose the removal of a Gen. Robert E. Lee statue there.

    Trump has criticized the removal of Confederate monuments, citing their historic value.

    Sasse also said that he doesn't believe Trump can bring the country together after the violence, both what was caused last weekend and what may come in the future.

    "I doubt that Donald Trump will be able to calm and comfort the nation in that moment," Sasse wrote. "He (and lots of others) will probably tell an awful combination of partial truths and outright falsehoods."

    "On top of the trust deficits that are already baked so deeply in, unity will be very hard to come by," he added.

    According to Sasse, Trump's advisers are "whispering" that racial division would serve his agenda.

    "Besides ability and temperament, I also worry that national unity will be unlikely because there are some whispering in the president's ear that racial division could be good politics for them," Sasse wrote.

    "I worry that some on the left are also going to salivate over these divisions. Like the president's ear-whisperers," he continued. "They see a divided nation as good for their political objectives."

    Sasse blasted white supremacy as a "cancer" and 32-year-old Heather Heyer's murder last Saturday as "an act of terrorism." Trump's response in the immediate aftermath of her death has been criticized for failing to blame white supremacist organizers.

    "White supremacy and racism are un-American, period," Sasse wrote. "The heartbreak in Charlottesville was the fault of the ‎white supremacists. Heather Heyer was murdered by an act of terrorism. The driver used his car to target public marchers."

    Sasse's words were just the latest from Republicans rebuking Trump over a wild press conference Tuesday in which Trump doubled down on his initial remarks and blamed "both sides" for the violence.

    "Nobody wants to say that. But I'll say it right now. You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit, and they were very, very violent," Trump said of counter protesters on Tuesday.

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    Rush Limbaugh: ‘We Are on the Cusp of a Second Civil War’

    August 18, 2017

    Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said given the state of affairs in the country, particularly in the wake of last week’s events in Charlottesville, VA, it could be said the country was on the cusp of a second civil war.

    Limbaugh insisted much of the angst was being driven by forces from the outside wanting to see the United States cease being a “super powerful nation.”

    Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of

    America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.

    I’m thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.

    Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us, in order to defend America, you have to begin knowing our history. If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.

    None of this that is happening on the left is random. None of the riots, none of the protests. They are not the result of the left being offended by individual acts. Antifa didn’t show up in Charlottesville because they found out something was going to happen that offended them. They showed up in Charlottesville to create mayhem and cause hell. They showed up in Ferguson, Missouri, to do the same thing.

    They showed up in Baltimore to do the same thing — and wherever they show up today and tomorrow and next week, it’s by design, on purpose, has an objective and an agenda. And that agenda is to erase American history. That agenda is to distort, erase, and impugn our history. It is crucial if they are to succeed. Because, you see, if enough Americans can be persuaded that America, as founded, is unjust — if enough Americans can be persuaded that America as founded is inherently racist and immoral and illegitimate — then it will be all that much easier to erase America as founded.

    The two go hand in hand, which is the objective of all of these groups on the left. Whatever they’re called and wherever they go and however they organize and whatever their day-to-day purpose, their objective is to erase the history of America. It’s to restate it, to recharacterize it in such a way as to convince a majority of Americans that their country is illegitimate and has been from the get-go — is unjust and racist and bigoted and has been from the get-go.

    If enough Americans can be persuaded of all of that — that America is inherently racist, that America is and has been a lie — then it’s over. That is the objective, and we are in the midst of it. Sometimes you’re so close to the forest you don’t see the trees. That’s what we are in the midst of here: An ongoing effort to erase America by discrediting the entire premise of our culture, our history, our founding. The objective is to create in as many American minds as possible that America as founded is not worth defending. Serious times.

    This is a very, very serious effort that is underway. Sadly, it has a lot of allies. It has a lot of people helping it that ought to be opposing it, but they are choosing what they think is the path of least resistance, which is defined by the media. You’ve got several Republicans who I believe are unwittingly participating in the effort to cast America as indefensible, particularly with Donald Trump as president. Trump as president is, in their view…

    The attacks on Trump, the characterization of his presidency, is designed to show how really flawed America is. That somebody like this could be elected, that means it’s time to get rid of the Constitution. That means it’s time to get… Whatever made Trump possible, it’s time to change it and get rid of it. This is very, very serious stuff happening here, and it has the aid and support of the media, which means it has the aid and support of the worldwide left and the Democrat Party.

    America’s profound morality, kindness, widespread prosperity, and design for equal opportunity should be self-evident. But that assumes that factual, historically accurate reporting in education is taking place, and we know that it isn’t. It is a shame and a near crime that the profound morality and greatness and kindness and widespread prosperity and equal opportunity that is America isn’t known. It is a crime that those characteristics of our country are in the process being recast and erased. We are getting hysterically inaccurate reporting.

    We have been in the midst of hysterically inaccurate education for generations. America is unique. America copied no other country. Every other country was a copycat of others, with governments that denied individual freedom, denied opportunity, denied sovereignty. That’s what was copied. Tyranny was copied, nation to nation, people to people. That is the history of humanity: Living in tyranny, living under authoritarianism, living in poverty, living in sickness — until the United States came along, which copied nothing.

    The United States and its founders rejected all of that tyranny, oppression, poverty. In America, the individual was the supreme power. That is being erased under the premise that the individual is corrupt. The individual is likely a racist or a transphobe or a homophobe or some other ill-prepared sack of humanity, and so we need to overcome the corruption that is the individual, that incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States of America.

    There’s no place on this planet that human beings would rather be than the United States of America. And yet people born and raised in this country have been persuaded that America is a sinkhole, a hellhole, a sewer, a garbage dump, or a dungeon, and they’re in the process of actually creating all of that — under the guise that civil rights, equality, and liberty. The incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States is under attack. Leftists, Democrats seek control over 100% of the population. They accomplish this with lies, such as the Affordable Health Care Act.

    They accomplish it with one lie after another. The lies being told today are the lies designed to convince people their country is not worth maintaining as it is, their country is not worth maintaining as founded because it was founded as racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic (you know the drill), immoral and illegitimate. Ignorant people will not remain free for very long. The media is working on a path parallel with school systems to actively and passively distort information to wipe out from the vestiges of our history and our memory any collection of stories that testify to the greatness of America and her people.

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    I've come across a couple other documentaries by Trevor Loudon related to the last one I posted, America Under Siege: Antifa.

    This one is titled America Under Siege: Civil War. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

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