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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #1361
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Looks like the second trial against University Of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing, who was involved in shooting a suspect that attempted to flee and nearly ran him over, has thankfully resulted in a mistrial.

    Even better, it's been raining buckets today (home weather stations says almost exactly 3.75" so far today!) so the local wildlife has been pretty quiet. I was actually downtown in the city when the trial was declared a mistrial. Made sure I got out to the Green Zone as quickly as I could.

    Weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend though so who knows what the local community agitators have planned. Just so it doesn't happen when I'm down there...
    Looks like we're already in a pre-revolutionary ferment that reminds me of 1917 in Russia, complete with an alleged government that formally holds power, and another parallel government of revolutionaries that aims to overthrow it...
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  2. #1362
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Chicago Police Unable To Control Thousand-Strong Gang Party Lasting Hours

    June 25, 2017

    At last we know why Chicago’s homicide level is so out of control: Gangs, not police control the streets. The gangs know it; the police know it; and now, thanks to, we know it. A week ago, Chicago street gangs held a huge party in a park, with a thousand people attending, some brandishing firearms, terrifying neighbors for hours. The police sent 25 squad cars, yet were outnumbered and unable to really do anything. Stephanie Lulay wrote:

    A raucous and "very dangerous" gang party that brought 1,000 people to a Near West Side park late Sunday was so out of control, Chicago police struggled to shut it down, one alderman said.

    Despite calling for police and politicians to address notoriously loud and sometimes violent gang parties for years, neighbors living near Touhy-Herbert Park report that this weekend's massive all-night party that spilled over into the streets was worse than ever. (snip)

    One area neighbor called the out-of-control party "Armageddon."

    "Sheer madness, chaos, bedlam, insanity!!!!!" she wrote on Facebook. "It was literally like '[a] calling in the National Guard and SWAT team' situation. It was a party riot."

    "It looks like a club ... but in the street," another neighbor remarked.

    There is a lot more in the article worth reading. It appears that open gang celebrations have been a fact of life in Chicago for some time.

    Obviously, there is no political will to take back control of the streets. So everyone gets the message that gangs rule. No wonder the murder problem isn’t getting solved.

    It would take a lot of money and even more guts to really address what ails Chicago. Effective countermeasures would be called police state tactics and worse. I see no reason for any optimism. Chicago will remain a meatgrinder for urban youth. It is very hard to think of this city as "functional."

    Hat tip: Peter von Buol

  3. #1363
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Chicago Police Unable To Control Thousand-Strong Gang Party Lasting Hours

    June 25, 2017

    At last we know why Chicago’s homicide level is so out of control: Gangs, not police control the streets. The gangs know it; the police know it; and now, thanks to, we know it. A week ago, Chicago street gangs held a huge party in a park, with a thousand people attending, some brandishing firearms, terrifying neighbors for hours. The police sent 25 squad cars, yet were outnumbered and unable to really do anything. Stephanie Lulay wrote:

    A raucous and "very dangerous" gang party that brought 1,000 people to a Near West Side park late Sunday was so out of control, Chicago police struggled to shut it down, one alderman said.

    Despite calling for police and politicians to address notoriously loud and sometimes violent gang parties for years, neighbors living near Touhy-Herbert Park report that this weekend's massive all-night party that spilled over into the streets was worse than ever. (snip)

    One area neighbor called the out-of-control party "Armageddon."

    "Sheer madness, chaos, bedlam, insanity!!!!!" she wrote on Facebook. "It was literally like '[a] calling in the National Guard and SWAT team' situation. It was a party riot."

    "It looks like a club ... but in the street," another neighbor remarked.

    There is a lot more in the article worth reading. It appears that open gang celebrations have been a fact of life in Chicago for some time.

    Obviously, there is no political will to take back control of the streets. So everyone gets the message that gangs rule. No wonder the murder problem isn’t getting solved.

    It would take a lot of money and even more guts to really address what ails Chicago. Effective countermeasures would be called police state tactics and worse. I see no reason for any optimism. Chicago will remain a meatgrinder for urban youth. It is very hard to think of this city as "functional."

    Hat tip: Peter von Buol
    I've got family there, some of whom are still liberals- but then again don't live in certain neighborhoods. Chicago isn't nicknamed " Chicongo" or " Chiraq" for nothing. " Land of Lincoln", indeed.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  4. #1364
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Looks like the second trial against University Of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing, who was involved in shooting a suspect that attempted to flee and nearly ran him over, has thankfully resulted in a mistrial.

    Even better, it's been raining buckets today (home weather stations says almost exactly 3.75" so far today!) so the local wildlife has been pretty quiet. I was actually downtown in the city when the trial was declared a mistrial. Made sure I got out to the Green Zone as quickly as I could.

    Weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend though so who knows what the local community agitators have planned. Just so it doesn't happen when I'm down there...
    Just heard on local radio there are supposed to be "protests" in several neighborhoods around the city tomorrow night.

    Why would they have them on a Wednesday night? Don't they have to work in the morning?

  5. #1365
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Oncoming Racial Doom: The Clash of Cultures

    Posted on June 15, 2017 by Fred Reed

    Curiously, what made me give up all interest in the problems of blacks was not their virulent racism, the horrendous rates of crime, or the parasitism. Instead it was the assaults by blacks and their fellow travelers on Confederate monuments, particularly in New Orleans. Similarly, the banning of the Confederate battle flag at Gettysburg, for God’s sake. For reasons doubtless opaque to the historically ignorant, this annoys me. Why should the least productive, most criminal, most dependent of the population rewrite history that in any event they don’t know? The erasure of the South and the Confederacy by people most of whom couldn’t spell it, of Washington and Jefferson and Lee by grifters, race hustlers, wanton illiterates and the Brownshirts of Black Lives Matter…enough.

    How many think this but won’t say it?

    Now I find the black mayoress of Baltimore–a city lovely and livable in the time of Mencken before being made a decayed war zone by blacks–threatening monuments in that city. Enough. Too much.

    I was not always sick of the misbehavior of blacks. In the now infinitely remote early Sixties, when I was a student in the last all-white class in Virginia’s rural King George High–graduated ‘64–integration was just beginning. To the extent that I thought about race, the question was abstract, a matter of moral principles, of ideals and fairness, unrelated to an actual people with actual characteristics who might not integrate well. Blacks had been mistreated. If given the opportunity they would rise and join American civilization. That they might not occurred only to those with experience, which did not include me.

    When my parents, wiser than I–if it is possible to be wiser than a seventeen-year-old–said that integration would not work. I didn’t believe them.

    Time went by, and it didn’t work. Trouble began. Blacks became hostile, .demanding this and demanding that. Neighborhoods became dangerous. Schools, newly mixed, encountered The Gap, intractable and immortal, that is the heart and cause of our racial disaster. The riots arrived. Racial attacks on whites became common, covered up by the media. This censorship possible in the days before the internet.

    The country began, though I didn’t recognize it at the time, as n.either did the country, treating blacks as a different category of humanity who could not be expected to obey the laws and rules or the expectations of civility.

    For a while my sympathy held. I was very young. Further, I had no experience of a school with a large black population. I justified the behavior of blacks as consequent to former privation. Surely it would change.

    It didn’t. Years passed. We saw corrupted schools, lowered standards, white flight, and journalistic dishonesty. More cities burned.

    For decades white America made a desperate attempt to raise blacks to the level of the First World. It didn’t work. Instead saw a dragging down of society to the culture of the ghetto. Blacks were behaving as usual as spoiled brats. Anything that upset them, as everything did, any expectation that they behave, led to cries of racism and depredations by such as Black Lives Matter.

    As I mentioned, my parents had said that blacks were could not function in the First World. It seemed that they were right. Desegregation had not worked, nor integration, nor quotas nor affirmative action nor Head Start. What didn’t work was turning blacks into members of a European civilization in which they had no interest. It would have worked no better had blacks lived in China, Japan, or Russia.

    Nothing worked and nothing is going to work. There is clarity in this realization, a clarity to admitting what is actually happening. It avoids tortured reasoning to show that the dysfunction of blacks is due to anything and everything but blacks themselves. One need not make endless excuses for endless bad behavior, for the crime and dependency, the racial attacks, and the degradation of society.

    The culture of the ghetto opposes everything usually believed proper in an advanced society: high academic standards, equality of opportunity, good English, minimal obscenity, equality under the law, low rates of crime, reasonable self-reliance, freedom of speech. Black culture, intensely racist, encourages none of these and opposes most. It is tribal, based on identity, instead of principle.

    For many, this is a difficult realization. Decades of unrelenting propaganda have trained us that blacks bear no responsibility for anything. Are they gunning each other down in city after city? It is because of guns, though whites have guns and do not kill each other. Do they perform abysmally in schools that they themselves control? It’s because of slavery, though there hasn’t been a slave in the country for 150 years. Are they irresponsible in their reproductive habits? It’s because of poverty, although they are not poor.

    In this they differ from the rest of humanity as I have known it. I have lived in China, Thailand, Mexico, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and have traveled in some fifty other countries. All shared what might be called the core values of civilization. Blacks seem not to. Yes, many exceptions, varied degrees, but as a culture, they were, are, different. Would that it were not true, but it is.

    Look at the foundations:

    Education is the keystone of any modern civilization. Blacks alone care nothing for it. Exceptions, yes, but again, overall? No. The countless schools entirely controlled by blacks are the worst in America. They do not improve.

    Fox News:6 Baltimore schools, no students proficient in state tests” (of reading and arithmetic.)

    Maybe the mayoress of Baltimore should pay more attention to this and less to statues she doesn’t like. She will not. If she were going to, she would have.

    Accounts like the foregoing are routine, normal, expected. We have heard them for fifty years. Usually they include boilerplate about terrible obstacles, murdered relatives, addicted mothers, incarcerated youth, etc. These accounts invite pity and try to blame everything on whites. There is mandatory wonderment: What can be the cause of the academic gap? Doubtless white privilege, slavery, invisible discrimination, microaggressions, something, anything but blacks themselves. But whites can’t make black children do their homework, their daughters of thirteen avoid reproduction, their young males refrain from killing each other. Whites are not their mother.

    75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards

    What is going on here? Learning to read is not difficult. Elsewhere poor people, people of color–I loathe that phrase–and poor people of color do it routinely. According to the CIA Factbook, literacy in Thailand is at 97%; Malaysia 95%; Mexico, 95%; and Colombia, 95%. The possible reasons for not learning in twelve years what white and brown kids do in three are low intelligence and lack of interest. Take your pick. The failure to learn imposes a heavy burden on society. Wild thought: Make welfare dependent on literacy.

    Ask yourself, “Now what?”

    Whether academic failure is cultural or genetic makes no difference, since neither is subject to change. Instead of requesting more rigorous textbooks and disciplining their children to study, blacks insist that courses be enstupidated for their benefit, that they be admitted to schools and courses for which they cannot qualify, that they get grades they did not earn. This is now normal. Nobody, black or white, liberal or conservative, expects blacks ever to do anything for themselves.

    Of course one might ask why blacks would have any interest in most of what has been taught in American schools. Europeans trace their intellectual lineage from the invention of writing in Sumeria in the mid-Fourth Millennium BC through Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, their literary heritage from the Gilgamesh Epic through Tolkien. Blacks had no connection with this and did none of these things. It isn’t of their culture.

    Cities have been the heart of the intellectual and artistic in all civilizations, as for example Athens, Rome, Florence, Vienna, New York. By contrast, blacks have destroyed city after American city after American city. Trenton, Camden, Newark, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Flint, St. Louis, New Orleans, Milwaukee.
    At one time in all of these one could live, walk at will, send one’s children to the schools. Now, no. Violence, crime, racial attacks,and illiteracy drive the civilized to remote suburbs. This is not my culture and I see no reason to apologize for it.

    Manners have been part of all civilizations. Civil societies everywhere impose a degree of control over obscenity. Everyone knows about sex and excretory functions. We leave them out of conversation. We can speak a sentence of three words without saying “mother****er” five times.

    Some perfectly ordinary rap “lyrics”:

    “Then you roll your tongue, from the crack back to the front
    Then suck it off ’til I shake and cum nigga
    Make sure I keep bustin nuts nigga
    All over your face and stuff”

    This offal is excused because “it is their culture.” Exactly. When you cannot control abominable behavior by one group, you cannot control it for any group. Here is perhaps America’s gravest problem.

    Virulent racial hostility–i.e., racismis deeply ingrained in black culture. Blacks hate whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Jews. Not all blacks of course, or to the same degree, but it is the centerline of black culture. It is what counts and shapes the future.

    Anyone doubting the universal racial hostility of blacks might read White Girl Bleed a Lot, or Chinese Girl in the Ghetto by Ying Ma. She arrived in Oakland with her family, dirt poor, speaking no English. She recounts–as do many white kids in black schools–endless racial abuse, taunting, stealing of food by blacks. (All on her own, incidentally, she worked her way up and ended with a law degree from Stanford. Apparently she found no lack of opportunity.)

    One may see the depth of the hostility in the regular practice of making heroes and martyrs of blacks, usually criminals, killed by white police while utterly ignoring the many hundred of blacks killed every year by other blacks. This is a memorial to Freddie Gray of the Baltimore riots.

    Headline: “Trayvon Martin’s parents accept posthumous aeronautical science degree”

    A measure of the fairyland world of American politics is hat a criminal, killed attempting to beat a security officer to death, should solemnly be awarded a posthumous degree in something he probably could not spell. It is amusing–why not quantum chromodynamics?–but pathetic. The canonization reveals the separation from reality of, apparently, most of an entire race. It is of one cloth with affirmative action and racial quotas. No substance, much pretense.

    Dependence on whites is the backbone of black culture. Free breakfast for their children, free lunches, subsidized housing, free housing, AFDC, affirmative action, racial quotas, waivers. Nobody, not blacks, not whites, not the most dewy-eyed liberal expects blacks ever to live without charity from whites. Don’t believe me? Ask an ardent civil-libertarian when he expects blacks to have caught up and not need affirmative action. Never. It is just another entitlement. Whah mah free stuff?

    Political correctness ensures that we cannot even talk about the problem. If you suggest that blacks stop shooting each other, you are a racist. If you suggest that they study, you are a racist. If you suggest they get married before reproducing, you are a racist. It will continue until either America slowly deflates or hell breaks loose.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    The Eternal Barbarian, immune in general to any sustainable call for civilization, and determined in their innermost hearts out of envy to pull anyone (including their more intelligent and cultured brethren) else down to their level or lower.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Trayvon Martin was a fucking criminal. He was going to rob that "white Hispanic" guy and got shot for it.

    I got berated over on twitter because I said he was a "criminal" and got called a "racist fuck face" hahahaha I dared them to come say it to my face. Never heard from them again.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    And what the fuck is wrong with cops today? Couldn't "control" an out of control party? Water cannons? Do they not exist any more? There's always nets, sticks and mace....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Trayvon Martin was a fucking criminal. He was going to rob that "white Hispanic" guy and got shot for it.

    I got berated over on twitter because I said he was a "criminal" and got called a "racist fuck face" hahahaha I dared them to come say it to my face. Never heard from them again.
    I just don't care anymore what people say. Are we going to let a fear of being called names destroy our civilization? It's what the spineless and the secret enemies of the truth have done and encouraged us to fear being called names also. We trusted the politicians, they always told us; "we really think as you do, trust our tactics in dealing with it'', with a nod and a wink they fooled us for decades.

    So yeah, Trayvon Martin, the undead aeronautical engineer, was a subhuman scumbag who got put down like the two-legged mad dog that he was. And there's more where he came from, the savages. Don't doubt, they envy us and want to kill us.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Dunno who you're talking to, but I've never trusted politicians, ever. Not even the ones who appear on my side.

    I am not afraid of someone calling me names. I call them back.

    They ask me "Why are you calling them names?"

    Me: "Because they called me names...."

    Them: "But, AP, you're getting down on their level!"

    Me: "Yes, I'm not afraid of getting in the mud and killing a pig in the mud..."
    Libertatem Prius!

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  13. #1371
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Dunno who you're talking to, but I've never trusted politicians, ever. Not even the ones who appear on my side.

    I am not afraid of someone calling me names. I call them back.

    They ask me "Why are you calling them names?"

    Me: "Because they called me names...."

    Them: "But, AP, you're getting down on their level!"

    Me: "Yes, I'm not afraid of getting in the mud and killing a pig in the mud..."
    Lol, I wasn't speaking of you personally, but of some of our fence-sitting friends out there who still cringe and feel guilty for wanting to survive, when they see or hear the liberal propaganda in places like America and even more so in Western Europe.

    Comes to it, like you i'm not afraid to have to wash my hands clean.

    Edit; Oh, and hello American Patriot!
    Last edited by Volk; July 4th, 2017 at 18:03.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  14. #1372
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Thousands March In L.A. For Impeachment Of President Trump; His Supporters Hold Their Own Rally

    July 2, 2017

    Sunday's march began at Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles

    Thousands of protesters marched down 5th Street and Broadway in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, chanting, “Down, down, down with Trump — up, up, up with the people” as they urged Congress to impeach the president.

    John Meranda, 56 of Long Beach, held a sign showing Trump's face on the body of a chubby baby, with the word “impeach” spelled out in wooden blocks.

    “Every day when I wake up, something is more terrible than it was yesterday,” Meranda said. He has attended all five of the recent anti-Trump marches and plans to keep coming, he said.

    He said he’s been most recently frightened by the Republican proposal to cut billions of dollars from the Medicaid program. Meranda is insured privately, he said, “but I have friends who are kept alive by it.”

    Further down Broadway, Allen Levenson, 55 of Redondo Beach, and two of his friends clutched a plastic frame supporting a 15-foot-long banner reading, “Illegitimate Corrupt Puppet.”

    “It cuts to the heart of his personal insecurities and fears,” said Levinson. “And we wanted something G-rated.”

    Levinson has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy, but chose to attend the march Sunday because showing his displeasure with Trump — “who aspires to be a despot” — and the Republican Congress “is that important,” he said.

    The march is one of dozens planned across the country, with demonstrations in California scheduled in Fresno, Orange County, Ventura, San Diego and San Francisco.

    The Los Angeles event began about noon at Pershing Square, with the route ending at Fletcher-Bowron Square at Main and Temple streets.

    At a counterprotest before the pro-impeachment march, about three to four dozen Trump supporters gathered on the sidewalk outside Los Angeles Police Department headquarters, in an area roped off by yellow police tape.

    Matthew Woods, a 55-year-old street musician from West Hills, spoke into a microphone before the crowd, who had American flags hoisted over their shoulders or tied around their necks, and encouraged them to sing along to “God Bless America” and make signs.

    He dismissed the scandals that have swirled in the early months of the Trump administration, including an investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign or the president’s associates cooperated with Russia during or after the election.

    “It’s all been disproven,” Woods said. “He has a right to terminate this inquiry. … I think it’s magnanimous of him to let them go on with it.”

    At a rally just north of City Hall, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Porter Ranch) stood on a makeshift stage and urged his colleagues in Congress to start the process of impeaching Trump.

    "We have to act now to protect our country from abuse of power and impulsive, ignorant incompetence," Sherman said.

    Former FBI Director James B. Comey's testimony that Trump asked him to drop his investigation into the president’s former national security advisor is evidence of a “federal felony,” Sherman said.

    The crowd cheered and began chanting “lock him up.”

    The San Fernando Valley lawmaker has put himself at odds with House Democratic leaders by drafting and circulating articles of impeachment, accusing Trump of trying to thwart an FBI investigation of former national security advisor Michael Flynn.

    Flynn is a focus of a widening investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign or the president’s associates cooperated with Russia during or after the election.

    In February, White House officials said the president fired the former three-star Army general because Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence and other officials about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

    A day later, Trump met with Comey and told him he hoped “you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” according to Comey.

    Trump has disputed Comey’s account. The president and his aides have denied any wrongdoing.

    “Why shouldn’t they have talked to Russia?” said Hollee Garcia of Cathedral City, who drove in for the pro-Trump counterprotest. “I don’t agree with Putin, but I respect him as a man who has a country behind him. Though does he have them under lock and key? Maybe.”

    Nearby, a vendor held up a sign reading, “Trump 2020: Better crazy than stupid.”

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Idiots. If they were ever to unseat Trump, that would surely open the floodgates and the cities would burn. The 'Deep State' of America as it's been called, is like a madman throwing lit matches in a fireworks store.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  16. #1374
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    First of all, they started calling for impeachment before he was even elected. You can't impeach someone who isn't even in office.

    Secondly, you can ONLY impeach a sitting President through an act of the House of Representatives. That isn't going to happen any more than it happened with Obama (and he SHOULD have been). It is an "Enumerated Power" of the Legislature ONLY. Not the people themselves, and not the media.

    Thirdly, for the House to DO it in the first place, there have to have been high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Fourth, the dumbasses calling for impeachment can't even cite one legitimate reason for impeachment, other than "he's a fascist" and similar catch phrases. The whole idea of impeaching a President who has not even been in office for a full year yet is laughable. Even OBama hadn't quite gotten to the point where he SHOULD have been impeached.

    Obama was involved in the who Fast and Furious scandal, among others. There is STILL no proof of his actual citizenship. There is a LOT of evidence he is beholden to the Muslims. But, Congress wouldn't step on that land mine.

    And yet assholes like Maxine Watters is calling for his impeachment. She can't even SPELL "impeachment".
    Libertatem Prius!

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  17. #1375
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    First of all, they started calling for impeachment before he was even elected. You can't impeach someone who isn't even in office.

    Secondly, you can ONLY impeach a sitting President through an act of the House of Representatives. That isn't going to happen any more than it happened with Obama (and he SHOULD have been). It is an "Enumerated Power" of the Legislature ONLY. Not the people themselves, and not the media.

    Thirdly, for the House to DO it in the first place, there have to have been high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Fourth, the dumbasses calling for impeachment can't even cite one legitimate reason for impeachment, other than "he's a fascist" and similar catch phrases. The whole idea of impeaching a President who has not even been in office for a full year yet is laughable. Even OBama hadn't quite gotten to the point where he SHOULD have been impeached.

    Obama was involved in the who Fast and Furious scandal, among others. There is STILL no proof of his actual citizenship. There is a LOT of evidence he is beholden to the Muslims. But, Congress wouldn't step on that land mine.

    And yet assholes like Maxine Watters is calling for his impeachment. She can't even SPELL "impeachment".

    They are out to get him, one way... Or another. He absolutely must fight back and win, and the American people must stand with him, or we're going to face living under a Totalitarian Dictatorship. It's that simple.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  18. #1376
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    The residents of and City of Cincinnati love to constantly tell us how safe the downtown business/entertainment district is...

    Real safe with all the feral humans clearly roaming around!

    Video Shows 'Shocking' Attack In Downtown Cincinnati

    July 5, 2017

    Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV

    Cell phone video from the Fourth of July captured a mob of people assaulting a young man near The Banks in downtown Cincinnati.

    Cincinnati Police Lt. Steve Saunders called the video "shocking and a horrible scene."

    The video shows a group kicking and hitting the victim as he appears helpless on the concrete. The young man stumbles and falls twice as he tries to flee the attackers. Bystanders can be heard laughing in the background.

    “How do our children get to this state,” said Pastor Peterson Mingo with the Cincinnati Human Relations Committee. “Somebody should be trying to help the kid."

    Police said they are aware of the video but, as of now, no victim had come forward to report an assault. The video sparked outrage and spread on social media Wednesday.

    A man who identified as the victim's cousin did not return a call for comment on the video.

    “He needs to come forward, he needs to name names,” Mingo said of the victim.

    Police said security camera in the area will provide a better idea of what happened.

  19. #1377
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    “How do our children get to this state,” said Pastor Peterson Mingo with the Cincinnati Human Relations Committee. “Somebody should be trying to help the kid."
    Because of YOU Pastor, because people like YOU aren't honest with your community or desirous of their salvation, just earthly things.

    “He needs to come forward, he needs to name names,” Mingo said of the victim.
    I'd say the 'good pastor' is trying to intimidate the witness, to do the exact opposite, if I didn't know any better. I mean, what the hell is this anyway;
    "Cincinnati Human Relations Committee."
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  20. #1378
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Inside source has informed me that the BLM protest in downtown Cincinnati could be turning violent. Molotov cocktail has been thrown...

    If it starts getting too out of hand I may have to start up a thread.

  21. #1379
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    No other updates as of now. Things must not be getting terribly exciting. Will keep my ear to the ground though...

  22. #1380
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Some more information on my post last night. Still a little light on the details.

    Westwood Man Tried To Torch Cincinnati Police Headquarters, Complaint Alleges

    July 9, 2017

    Martay Simpson

    A 26-year-old man tried to torch Cincinnati Police District One headquarters Saturday, according to court records.

    A criminal complaint alleges Simpson lit a can of gasoline on fire and put it against the back of the building on Ezzard Charles Drive, causing it to catch fire.

    District One houses many administrative offices for the police department, including the police chief and his staff.

    Simpson is scheduled for an arraignment hearing Monday.

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