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Thread: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

  1. #41
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Las Vegas Strip Shooter Targeted Aviation Fuel Tanks, Source Says

    October 4, 2017

    Las Vegas Strip mass murderer Stephen Paddock used his Mandalay Bay hotel room to fire bullets at jet fuel tanks Sunday night, a knowledgeable source told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

    The bullets left two holes in one of two circular white tanks. One of the bullets penetrated the tank, but did not cause a fire or explosion near the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, another knowledgeable source said late Wednesday.

    The tanks are roughly 1,100 feet from the concert site, where Paddock killed 58 people and wounded almost 500. Several airplane hangars belonging to prominent corporations are also near the tanks.

    Within the past couple of days, a construction crew repaired the holes, and FBI agents inspected the tanks and took measurements of the line of fire from Mandalay Bay, the sources said.

    Paddock, a 64-year-old Mesquite resident, had broken two windows in his 32nd-floor suite — one in line with the concert site and the other with a direct view of the fuel tanks, one source said.

    The bases of private aircraft companies are also close to the tanks, which sit on property owned by McCarran International Airport.

    “Airport fueling has not been compromised,” McCarran spokesman Chris Jones said late Wednesday. “It’s functional.”

    The tanks are operated by Swissport, the company that runs the fueling operations for the airport, according to McCarran spokeswoman Christine Crews. They primarily are used to provide fuel to the private aircraft operators.

    A Swissport official could not be reached for comment.

    FBI spokeswoman Sandra Breault declined to comment. “We can’t comment on an ongoing investigation,” she said.

    A source knowledgeable about airport operations said jet fuel is hard to ignite and tanks like those across from Mandalay Bay have mechanisms in place to prevent fires.

    Mike Boyd, a Colorado-based aviation consultant, echoed those words.

    “A machine gun is not going to blow up a tank of fuel,” Boyd said. “Jet fuel itself sitting there in a big wet pile is very hard to ignite. You have to be a very amateur terrorist to think anything like that.”

    Paddock’s shooting rampage was the deadliest in modern U.S. history. He killed himself as Las Vegas police closed in on his room.

    His brother Eric Paddock, 55, who lives in Orlando, Florida, has expressed shock at his deadly actions.

    Paddock was a retired accountant who had no criminal background and a passion for video poker. He lived in Mesquite with his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, and regularly came to the Las Vegas Strip to gamble.

    Danley left Las Vegas for the Philippines a couple of weeks before the deadly mass shootings and returned to the country late Tuesday. She was interviewed by FBI agents in Los Angeles.

    In a statement released by her Los Angeles lawyer, she said she had no warning about his plans and pledged to cooperate with investigators.

  2. #42
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Dem Sen Blumenthal: ‘Significant’ Receptiveness From Republicans on Bump-Stock Ban

    October 4, 2017

    Wednesday on MSNBC, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said he had “significant” receptiveness during conversations with his Republican colleagues on legislation to ban gun modifications that convert semi-automatic guns into an automatics, such as a bump-stock reportedly used by the Las Vegas shooter.

    Blumenthal said, “I am not only supporting it, I have joined in legislation with Senator Feinstein, and I announced just literally moments ago, that would ban bump stocks. These are the carnage force multipliers. The firing mechanism that harnesses recoil energy and makes it possible to convert a semi-automatic into automatics. Yes, we should ban them, and I think it’s a point of common ground where we can come together in addition to others.”

    When asked if he has spoken to Republican Blumenthal added, “Yes informal discussions with some of my colleagues not only about this but also background checks and a ban on assault weapons, the high capacity magazines. All of those kinds of weapons and devices accelerated and enhanced the ability of that shooter in Las Vegas to kill so many people. Yes, I have talked to my colleagues, and I think on this point of the bump-stock There is receptiveness that I think is very, very significant.”

    Congressman Steve Russell (R-OK) Is Open To A Discussion on Banning Mechanical Devices That Create A Full Automatic Effect

    October 4, 2017

    Congressman Steve Russell (R-OK) joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss the renewed calls for gun control in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting. Russell, who is the only gun manufacturer in congress, believes we should look at the facts and have a discussion on gun legislation but believes the greater issue is protecting our constitutional freedoms and making sure we don't assume gun owners are guilty before proven innocent.

    Congressman Russell on if he is nervous President Trump might try to push emotional gun legislation after the Las Vegas mass shootings

    (Kilmeade) Are you nervous the President might go for some type of emotional gun legislation?

    (Russell) I think the president is correct that we should deliberate on the issue you know had the fact that he said we need to we need to look at the facts you know through the statements that Sarah Sanders made, we need to gather the facts and then you know how can we know what laws are effective what laws are not. How do we, the greater issue of protecting our constitutional freedoms all of that requires deliberation and I'm already working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle and doing just that so that we can examine the issue. Now here's what we know ,the individual apparently from the facts that we have purchased the firearms legally he used bump stock to achieve an automatic fire effect which you know these devices don't make for very well aimed rifles but at that same time when you're shooting into a crowd that didn't much matter. So you know we have we have to look at all of the facts and part of that Brian is okay just like with terrorism when we wanted to deal with terrorism we looked at who would be the perpetrators, how can they hurt us and what can the public do to protect itself. We have to approach this problem in the same way. Who are these people that end up causing mass harm how can they hurt us and then what can the public do as a collective response? It's not just about devices or gun laws I mean it take Sweden for example, they have total gun control in that country and yet you had a mass murder of seventy seven individuals nearly all of them children a few adults mixed in and see what happened in London.

    Congressman Russell on if he is open to banning devices that turn semi-automatic firearms into automatic firearms

    (Russell) I think we have to examine them absolutely because you know what we don't want to do is see semi-automatic rifles in one pull one shot which constitute ninety plus percent of firearms that the American public owns with both rifles and pistols you know we're not going to you know eliminate and do something or even support anything that's going to eliminate the right to keep and bear firearms semi-automatic firearms, military style firearms, none of those types of laws would have had any effect but what we do need to look at is like the ATF has done in the past, mechanical devices that create a full auto effect they have had the cases where they maybe something got introduced on the market and then later it was deemed illegal. I can cite you several examples of that I don't know but I think we ought to have the discussion.

    Congressman Russell on whether the gun laws that allowed Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock to legally purchase 33 firearms in last 12 months should be changed

    (Russell) You know when it certainly something we could examine but I tell you, the criteria for automatic criminality you would have to put me in prison. You know you have a lot of firearms collectors that are out there they both trade and sell and will purchase firearms on a regular basis because they're collectors. You know it's no different from sports cars or different things that you might have you can have fast sports cars.

    (Kilmeade) Would you be open to a situation Steve where I go congressman this is your 30th rifle this year and have your explanation be I'm a collector this is what I'm doing. Do you think there could be that interaction we get with the TSA?

    (Russell) I think we have to be very careful before we characterize the American public as guilty first and then have them have to defend their innocence. You know it's the same way Brian in say the First Amendment when we had the first amendment freedom of speech no one could have imagined that the first amendment laws would apply to Facebook and somebody staging their own kidnapping and then going to jail because they staged that using medium. So you got to examine things as technologies advance we're open to that however we I know me personally and many of my colleagues we are not open to assuming that the American gun owning public is guilty first and then they have to prove their innocence that's a nonstarter.

  3. #43
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Again, FWIW, body language analysis of the brother during his second presser.

  4. #44
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    More from Tony Shaffer about the existence of video with motive...

  5. #45
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    This whole family is a real piece of work...

    Not going to repost the whole thing since it's just repeating a lot of stuff we already know.

    Estranged Brother Of Las Vegas Gunman Is Wanted By Police After He Skipped Court Over A Vandalism Charge

    • Bruce Paddock, 57, is wanted by police for skipping a court hearing over a vandalism case
    • It was previously revealed he has several felony arrests for crimes including arson, theft, burglary and selling marijuana
    • In 1992, he declared personal bankruptcy in Los Angeles, California, to relieve himself of debt
    • He previously revealed that his brother, Las Vegas gunman Stephen, made 'millions' through property investments
    • Their other brother Eric said Stephen helped their mother financially before Sunday's atrocity
    • While Stephen has no criminal record, Bruce's more closely resembles that of their bank robber father Benjamin
    • Benjamin was put on the FBI's most wanted list after breaking out of prison in the 1968

  6. #46
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Wow, fucking nice... Really making me regret dropping the cash on my lifetime membership.

    NRA Calls on ATF to Review Legality of Bump Fire Stocks

    October 5, 2017

    The National Rifle Association requested on Thursday that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives review their 2010 decision declaring bump stock devices legal under federal law.

    The group's leadership said that while some politicians have called for more gun control in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, it believes new gun-control measures would be ineffective at preventing future attacks.

    "In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas, the American people are looking for answers as to how future tragedies can be prevented," Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox said in a joint statement. "Unfortunately, the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control. Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks. This is a fact that has been proven time and again in countries across the world."

    However, the organization said it believes the bump fire stocks employed by the shooter should be reclassified by the ATF and subject to stricter regulation.

    "In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved. Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law," LaPierre and Cox said. "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations."

    The group also urged Congress to pass national reciprocity legislation.

    "In an increasingly dangerous world, the NRA remains focused on our mission: strengthening Americans' Second Amendment freedom to defend themselves, their families and their communities," LaPierre and Cox said. "To that end, on behalf of our five million members across the country, we urge Congress to pass National Right-to-Carry reciprocity, which will allow law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their families from acts of violence."

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Investigators Hunt For Mystery Woman Seen With Vegas Shooter

    October 5, 2017

    Investigators are trying to identify a mystery woman who had been seen with Stephen Paddock days before he carried out the Las Vegas massacre, law enforcement sources told NBC News.

    Officials don’t know if she had any connection to the attack, but they want to interview her as they build a timeline of Paddock’s last days, according to the network.

    His longtime girlfriend, Marilou Danley, was not in Las Vegas when he turned his suite at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino into a fortress and slaughtered 58 people at an outdoor music festival.

    Danley’s sisters have said the madman sent her to her native Philippines more than a week before the mass shooting. He later wired her $100,000.

    After returning to the US on Wednesday, Danley was interviewed by the FBI and released a statement through her attorney saying she had no advance knowledge of Paddock’s maniacal plans.

    “I knew Stephen Paddock as a kind, caring, quiet man,” Danley said in the statement. “He never said anything to me or took any action that I was aware of that I understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen.”

    She also said she thought Paddock had decided to dump her when he shipped her off and sent her the money.

    “I was grateful, but honestly, I was worried, that first, the unexpected trip home, and then the money, was a way of breaking up with me,” she said. “It never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone.”

    Authorities have not described Danley as a suspect, but Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo has said she was a “person of interest.”

    She is not under arrest or currently facing any charges.

    No motive has emerged yet for the carnage wrought by Paddock, a wealthy, 64-year-old retired accountant who liked to gamble and owned an upscale home at a golf course retirement community in Nevada.

  8. #48
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Lets face it here. Who really gives a shit about bumpfire stocks? I don't. It's a gimmicky piece of bullshit with no real purpose. If they can toss it at the baying crowd with pitchforks and send them off, that's what they're going to do.

    This will affect how many people? Answer:Not enough to worry about so the NRA will toss it under the bus to look reasonable. They are already illegal in NJ and I've never felt like my life was missing something.

    I despise giving the left anything as they just move the goalposts, that said, the NRA has to compromise and if they have to give up something like this..well, so it goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Wow, fucking nice... Really making me regret dropping the cash on my lifetime membership.

    NRA Calls on ATF to Review Legality of Bump Fire Stocks

    October 5, 2017

    The National Rifle Association requested on Thursday that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives review their 2010 decision declaring bump stock devices legal under federal law.

    The group's leadership said that while some politicians have called for more gun control in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, it believes new gun-control measures would be ineffective at preventing future attacks.

    "In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas, the American people are looking for answers as to how future tragedies can be prevented," Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox said in a joint statement. "Unfortunately, the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control. Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks. This is a fact that has been proven time and again in countries across the world."

    However, the organization said it believes the bump fire stocks employed by the shooter should be reclassified by the ATF and subject to stricter regulation.

    "In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved. Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law," LaPierre and Cox said. "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations."

    The group also urged Congress to pass national reciprocity legislation.

    "In an increasingly dangerous world, the NRA remains focused on our mission: strengthening Americans' Second Amendment freedom to defend themselves, their families and their communities," LaPierre and Cox said. "To that end, on behalf of our five million members across the country, we urge Congress to pass National Right-to-Carry reciprocity, which will allow law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their families from acts of violence."
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  9. #49
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    I don't own a bumpstock either but where does it stop?

    Maybe we should ban lobed pieces of metal and angle head cordless electric drills too since I could make a very workable machine gun with those and any one of my rifles.

    You can even make a bumpstock out of a regular 6 position collapsible stock which looks just like a regular stock from the outside.

    Jerry Miculek can fire a gun faster than any other human I know of. Should he or anyone else who can fire a gun at a certain rate of fire be banned from possession of a firearms?

    Shit, you don't even need any external mechanism or special shooting skill to bumpfire or otherwise fire at a high rate of fire! I can bumpfire just fine, from my shoulder, with no bumpstock at all. Even more easily with a belt loop on my pants and hip firing.

    The only logical conclusion once you've banned devices that more easily allow fire at certain rates of fire are the mechanisms which allow one to achieve high rates of fire in the first place - standard/extra capacity magazines and all semi-auto firearm mechanisms.

    Say hello to nothing but single shot, bolt action, pump action, and straight pull firearms...

    Compromise usually involves both sides getting something? What exactly are we getting here? Not the HPA/SHARE Act, that's been tabled. National reciprocity? Only way that will happen is if it requires 400 hours of training like the blue states would love (and I'm sure the NRA would go along with).

    We have the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and a stack of recent SCOTUS wins in our corner. We should be telling the gun grabbers to shut the fuck up and go sit in a corner. Instead we're busy voluntarily ceding ground without a fight.

    The Left doesn't get to shoot us up and then use it as a pretense for more anti-gun legislation.

    But, I'm just yelling at clouds... The Dems and spineless Reps will draft and pass some sort of restrictive legislation and Trump will sign it. And then we'll have another "incident" and we'll have to "compromise" on something else like magazines, ad nauseam, continuing our slow, inexorable national march to the left with one step forward here and there and two giant leaps back when tragedy strikes.

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    See? They can't trip over themselves fast enough to give up ground.

    Kellyanne Conway Blames Obama Administration For Failing To Regulate Bump Stocks

    October 5, 2017

    Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway laid blame on the Obama administration for its failure to regulate the device Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock is believed to have used to shoot rapid-fire on a country music festival crowd.

    A bump fire stock, or bump stock, is an attachment that can be added to a rifle so it fires like a much more deadly machine gun or automatic weapon by boosting the rate of fire. Authorities say Paddock used the device during the shooting at the 91 Harvest Festival, killing at least 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

    “I did note... it was President Obama’s ATF — the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms — in 2010 that decided not to regulate this device,” Conway said during an appearance on CNN’s “New Day” on Thursday. “That should be part of the conversation.”

    Slide Fire in 2010 pitched the bump stock to federal officials as a way to help people with disabilities and “assist persons whose hands have limited mobility to ‘bump-fire’ from an AR-15 type rifle.”

    The Texas-based company and predominant manufacturer of the device has since posted the ATF’s letter of approval for the bump stock on its website.

    “The stock has no automatically functioning mechanical parts or springs and performs no automatic mechanical function when installed,” it reads. “In order to use the device, the shooter must apply constant forward pressure with the non-shooting hand and constant rearward pressure with the non-shooting hand.

    “Accordingly, we find that the ‘bump stock’ is a firearm part and is not regulated as a firearm under the Gun Control Act or the National Firearms Act.”

    In wake the deadly shooting in Las Vegas — which has been dubbed the worst in modern U.S. history — Sen. Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation to bar the selling of bump stocks. It’s the second time she’s made such a proposal after mass violence; the first time in 2013 after the slayings at Sandy Hook.

    The California Democrat has long been an advocate of the assault weapons ban and called the sale of the device a “loophole” that should be closed.

    Slide Fire alternatively advertises the bump stock as a device a patriot should own.

    “By daring to put on parchment what our founding fathers felt deep in their hearts, the long silent soul of liberty rose up from a commoner’s dream to every man’s birth right,” a narrator says in a commercial for the product.

    “As long as patriots like you kindle its flame, freedom has but one enemy it cannot defeat. And that is negligence.”

    We've officially crossed over from Ludicrous to Plaid. "Our side" is now excoriating Obama for not being authoritarian enough!

    Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

    Normally I'd post a funny picture as part of my response to news this outlandish but at this point, it's just sad and depressing.

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    Republican-Led Bill On Bump Stocks Expected To Be Introduced Thursday In House

    October 5, 2017

    Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo is planning to introduce legislation Thursday to ban the sale of bump fire stocks, an accessory that can allow semi-automatic firearms to rapidly increase their rate of firing rounds, similar to that of an automatic weapon, which are restricted by federal law.

    "I think we are on the verge of a breakthrough when it comes to sensible gun policy," Curbelo told reporters Thursday, saying his office has been "flooded" with calls from other lawmakers asking about the bill.

    He said that the shooting in Las Vegas, where the shooter appeared to modify several weapons with bump stocks to fire rounds more quickly, demonstrated that these devices, are in his opinion at the "outer limits of what the law allows, in this case something that we strongly believe should be illegal."

    "This is such a blatant exploitation of the law, circumvention of the law, that the growing bipartisan consensus is a product of," Curbelo said about the shift after years of inaction by majority of congressional Republicans on gun legislation.

    Curbelo's comments follow those of House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who signaled openness Thursday to looking into bump fire stocks, and other Republicans have shown an openness to at least discussing a ban on the devices.

    In the wake of the Vegas shooting, Ryan told Hugh Hewitt in an interview for his MSNBC show that "clearly that's something we need to look into."

    Ryan's comments come as one senior House GOP member told CNN enough House Republicans are likely to agree to a push for legislation that would ban bump stocks that something could pass in the GOP-controlled House.

    "There's enough Republicans who are looking for something that they can say 'I did something.' And the bump stock is an Obama policy. That was approved by the ATF in 2010 and 2012, so why would we defend that?"

    The ATF said in 2010 that it did not believe bump stocks to be regulated under existing gun laws because it is a firearm part.

    This source believed that there would be a GOP-sponsored bill from a group of moderate Republicans that would narrowly address the issue. While many in the GOP conference will oppose it, this member believed based on conversations with colleagues that there would not be a huge pushback to block it, even from the National Rifle Association.

    In fact, the NRA announced Thursday that it supports a review of bump fire stocks to see if they are in accordance with federal law.

    "The National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law," the NRA said in a statement. "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations."

    It's unclear how the legislation would be drafted, but the easiest way would be to simply reverse current ATF policy rather than institute a ban on the manufacture and sales of the accessories.

    In his comments, Ryan said that he -- like a lot of members of Congress -- just learned about the accessories in recent days.

    "Look, I didn't even know what they were until this week, and I'm an avid sportsman," the Wisconsin Republican said in a clip of the interview that aired Thursday. "So, I think we're quickly coming up to speed with what this is. Fully automatic weapons have been banned for a long time. Apparently this allows you to take a semiautomatic and turn it into a fully automatic so clearly that's something we need to look into."

    Asked if GOP leaders will back the bill, Curbelo said "I think leadership needs to see that there is strong support and that's my goal."

    He said he's received calls from "dozens" of his House Republican colleagues but declined to say how many would sign on and said he hoped to introduce it sometime on Thursday.

    The Florida Republican said his proposal would be a straight ban on bump stocks: "no one can have them, no one can make them, no one can transfer them." His approach mirrors a measure introduced by House Democrats on Wednesday.

    Pressed about those gun rights advocates who argue this approach could be a slippery slope to additional gun restrictions, Curbelo waved that argument off, saying, "Do the right thing every time. It's obvious that this is a flagrant circumvention of the law, and no member of Congress should support any circumvention of existing law."

    The Senate's No. 2 Republican, Sen. John Cornyn, told reporters Wednesday that he was interested in having a hearing on the matter, a change of tone for a Republican conference that has been dubious about making any regulatory changes related to the Second Amendment.

    For his part, President Donald Trump talked about bump stocks in "early stages" with members of Congress traveling with the President on Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters during the briefing. She reiterated discussions about bump stocks are something that the White House welcomes.

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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay


    Homemade Bump Fire Stock

  13. #53
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    I won't be surprised if regulation comes out that starts talking about how fast semis are allowed to cycle. Any add-on device that speeds up the native rate of the rifle is banned.

    Nevermind that bump fire doesn't require any device...that's just details.

    The hordes are baying for blood. Like it or not, they will get blood. In this case, this will include bump stocks and cranks and ANY device that will aid the shooter in speeding up how fast it shoots. I suppose steroids are next and any device that allows you to strengthen your finger.

    I know, it's absurd. The goal of the left is a complete ban on civilian ownership of firearms. A socialist government that doesn't have a monopoly on violence won't be around long.
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    Just wanted to say, I hope I didn't come across as being cross with you.

    I'm just pissed in general about this whole thing and tired of constantly being on defense.

    If the republicans had sat on their hands until next Thursday instead of proposing legislation be brought forward by then, 90% of the general public wouldn't have given two shits about bumpfire stocks.

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    I figured you were venting.

    I get it, really, I do. I loathe ceding any ground to the communist gun grabbers. That said, I also have a pretty good understanding of politics and I know that at some point you have to give ground or get shut out of everything.

    This is where we're at. If we have to give them something, and we do, bumpfire stocks, shrug. I don't like it and in my world, I'd tell 'em to fuck off. I'd also be launching missiles on "test flights" over NK, so perhaps I'm not the best judge when it comes to sane policy
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    "A socialist government that doesn't have a monopoly on violence won't be around long"

    How true.

    "Here's what actually happened in Vegas. A team of shooters went around the city shooting up hotels first. The shooters ended their shooting spree at the concert. The entire Mandalay narrative is false. The media is denying this because it does not fit their narrative. This was all real. The woman in this video was at the Bellagio, where the shooters blew the lobby windows out, injured people and killed at least one. Many hotels were involved, but the media is expunging this and Youtube is killing videos. ONE VIDEO SURVIVED BECAUSE AT FIRST THE AUDIO IS POOR. IT GETS VERY CLEAR AT THE END. Don't skip forward despite the confusing audio, because this woman gets confirmation from hotel staff that she's not B.S. when the audio is bad, and at least that comes across clear. Then at the end, she explains it with perfectly clear audio".
    Ab Urbe Condita 2761

  17. #57
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Homemade Bump Fire Stock

    Hahahahaha! That first video I linked showing that ARFCOMmers home made bumpstock has been pulled by YouTube as "violating YouTube's policy on harmful or dangerous content" despite being hosed on their site for the past 5 years!

  18. #58
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Hahahahaha! That first video I linked showing that ARFCOMmers home made bumpstock has been pulled by YouTube as "violating YouTube's policy on harmful or dangerous content" despite being hosed on their site for the past 5 years!

    lol. I suppose belt loops are next.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  19. #59
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Second one showing it in action is gone now too...

    I'm guessing some liberal handwringers are going around flagging the videos.

  20. #60
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8/2/2017: Las Vegas Shooting At Mandalay Bay

    Gunbroker has banned sales of bumpfire/slidefire and similar devices.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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