Well, I was waiting for my photo op pics to get uploaded to the company's website so I could post those along with the rest but as of now their site is still indicating they aren't up so, I'll have to settle for photos of photos.

But first, all of the other pics!

This greets you as you go in...

Then on to the good stuff! An awesome Ecto-1 replica is right inside the entrance:

As I mentioned, a $5 donation got you an in car pic.

I'll start out with the cosplayers.

I didn't see this guy, my brother did, but neither of us got a picture of him. My brother found one online so, no idea who these guys in the picture are.

That is not Mark Hamill. This guy just looks dead on him.

Here were two other spot on cosplayers.


(This was a top notch, Hollywood quality costume.)

And John Wick:

This guy definitely pulled off the look!

Deadpool and John Wick together! I would totally watch that movie!

Another great costume, Rorschach from The Watchmen:

And another with Logan:

Dark Knight Batman:

This guy definitely pulled off the Walter White/Heisenberg look very well and was even handing out little baggies of blue meth.

This guy was doing a pretty good Professor Snape impersonation:

This guy brought Up's Carl Fredricksen to real life:

A Mass Effect costume. Sorry I don't know the details on Mass Effect, my buddy did though.

I believe this is from the video game Destiny. Again, I don't know the details of it but my brother did.

A couple Game Of Thrones costumes. The Queen Of Dragons!

And Cersei Lannister:

Gandalf, this guy was pretty tall!

Hera from Thor: Ragnarok

The ensemble from Hocus Pocus:

Snow White, Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, and Poison Ivy from Batman:

Female Thor:

This chick said she wasn't anyone in particular, it was just a Steam Punk themed costume:

I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be Rick from Rick and Morty.

Other costumes spotted but don't know anything about:

This guy swore he was not cosplaying George RR Martin...

And this guy swore no one has confused him for Andrew Lincoln/The Walking Dead's Rick Grimes before...

I don't think I believe either of them.

Some shots of the venue, this was only a small part of it outside of the vendor area which was packed solid:

Celeb Row! Starting with the left hand side where Peter Mayhew and LeVar Burton were. The crowd directly in front was the massive line for Peter Mayhew. They asked the guy in the Chewie costume to bypass the line and get a picture.

Benedict Wong and, naturally, Dr. Strange was over there!

Like I said, his line was oddly really light for him having just been in a massive blockbuster movie.

Summer's booth with Katrina Law's next to it:

Actually in line at Summer's booth for the autograph!

And the end with Cary Elwes's oddly, overcrowded booth. Still not sure why there was so much traffic. I must be missing something...

Back in the photo op area in line for LeVar's. Caught him as he was sneaking in.

And my official pic with him:

Like I said, he was cool and decently friendly but not overly outgoing.

In line for my photo op with Summer. I was at the end of the line so that means one of these bastards had my lost ticket.

And my personal highlight of the day.

She, amazingly, wasn't repulsed by me but, I guess if you've had to put up with grown men in Pikachu onzies and Gumby costumes, and completely socially awkward dorks, a regular, fat Midwestern redneck seems pretty normal! She is a Texas girl though so she's probably used to it.

(Sorry bud, didn't pull it off... Better luck next time! Maybe ditch the Power Rangers hoodie...)

My LeVar and Summer autographs!

Like I said, I had a great time and wouldn't mind going back next year!