Since the HTPC is coming up on 4 years old, I'm doing a bit of a hardware refresh.

I'm now up to 4 Drobo units, 3 of which are Gen 2s and 1 a Gen 1, with about 30TB of total usable storage space to house my library. The HTPC library is up to 2,237 movie titles and 273 TV titles, using up about 13TB, and is large enough it's really slowed down the HTPC trying to access it all.

So, I just dropped in 32GB of Crucial Ballistix Sport RAM and will be picking up a 4GHz Devil's Canyon i7 the next time eBay has one of it's 15%-20% off site wide sales.

That should get it ready to handle 4K so when my Panasonic plasma 1080p TV goes tits up, I'll just need to snag a decent video card, since I'm only running off the onboard mobo graphics, and a nice 4K TV.

The Hauppauge Colossus is still going strong but, I may upgrade that to a Colossus II if I come across one at a good price.