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Thread: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U.S.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    African Migrants Now Headed to Mexico for Obama's Open Border

    September 5, 2016
    Daniel Greenfield

    The migrant flood in Europe happened because Merkel loudly signaled that the border was open. Migrants from as far as Afghanistan began heading there. Obama's open borders signal was also received. There are more practical geographical limitations, but those who really want to are overcoming them.
    Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week.

    The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.

    Officials call it an unusual surge and say most of the migrants first went to Brazil or Ecuador to start their journey through Latin America.

    Most of the Africans presented themselves voluntarily to immigration officials in the Chiapas town of Tapachula. They did not specify their nationalities.

    Immigration support staff in Tijuana has been aiding migrants from the Congo, Somalia and Ghana to arrive at the U.S. port of entry at San Isidro.
    It takes time to develop the infrastructure for migration. There's a reliable smuggling network to the border. The network for migrants from outside the hemisphere is still developing, but once it's in place, the process will explode tremendously.

    And another wild card is that if Europe does manage to slam the door, a lot of the smugglers and the traffic will shift to America.

    Mexico issuing transit visas to African migrants flocking to U.S.-Mexico border

    Fox News Latino

    MEXICO CITY (AP) – Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week.

    The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.

    Officials call it an unusual surge and say most of the migrants first went to Brazil or Ecuador to start their journey through Latin America.

    Most of the Africans presented themselves voluntarily to immigration officials in the Chiapas town of Tapachula. They did not specify their nationalities.

    Immigration support staff in Tijuana has been aiding migrants from the Congo, Somalia and Ghana to arrive at the U.S. port of entry at San Isidro.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

    Published on Dec 2, 2016

    Mexican Border suddenly sees massive increase in Muslim men crossing.


    EXCLUSIVE: Local Texas United Methodist Church In Waco Now Embracing Islam

    By John Griffing - on December 6, 2016

    WACO, TX – On-the-ground sources in west Texas confirm that the United Methodist Church (UMC) is potentially engaged in a massive operation designed to reprogram churches as virtual mosques in preparation for a deluge of Muslim refugees.

    While President-elect Trump announces plans to defund “sanctuary cities,” churches (especially those with far-left theologies) are declaring their intent to invoke “sanctuary” for the millions already pouring across the border, including Muslim refugees. Some churches are even getting visits from “clergy” urging them to virtually roll over and accept an Islamic future.

    Members of a congregation in the historic college town of Waco, TX were the recipients of a sales pitch replete with exposure to Islamic texts during Sunday services.

    Fearing for his safety, a member of the congregation at the Bosqueville United Methodist Church (UMC) in Waco, TX reached out on condition of anonymity.

    In a special exclusive interview just for the Geller Report, the church member explained that he became aware of the Islamic “sanctuary” plan after an interim pastor began overtly preaching Sufi Islamic parables and asking the congregation to prepare for Catholic-style “sanctuary” protections for Muslim refugees, including possible terrorists (ISIS, al Qaeda, etc.)

    Rev. Bill “Mac” Patterson, the interim pastor, installed ostensibly to take a barometer of how receptive the church might be [to taking in refugees], was reportedly fond of one particular Islamic short story, “The Scorpion and the Frog.”

    In the story, a scorpion asks a frog to carry him across a river. The frog hesitates at first, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion points out that stinging the frog would be suicidal. The frog agrees, and midway across the river the scorpion stings the frog — dooming them both. When the frog asks for an explanation, the scorpion replies, “It’s in my nature.”

    Parables of this nature are typically used to demonstrate the necessity of caution about those who would do us harm, but, disturbingly, the reverend taught parishioners that Christians are the “frog” and Muslims are the “scorpion,” adding that the frog was supposed to let the scorpion sting, kill and destroy him, because it is “the frog’s nature,” recounted the source.

    “Women in Europe are getting raped by Muslims and not reporting it,” the church-member says, clearly upset. “We need to not put up resistance, and not ‘change our nature’ and just keep getting stung over and over. It would be un-Christian to defend our families; that’s the message we were getting,” he continued.

    The source claims that Rev. Patterson spent a lot of time tying the Sufi parable to his own ever-present (but Biblically questionable) theme, of “helping the oft-forgotten stranger.”

    “Our job is to help the stranger” and “we are always encouraged that our mission is to focus on the ‘oft forgotten stranger,’” a phrase Patterson allegedly used periodically to talk about modern immigration concerns. Destruction of the church in the name of fulfilling a command is intellectually disingenuous, the source argues, saying, “A lot of churches in Europe have taken people in to sleep on floors and in a week’s time, are mosques,” he remarked, expressing his belief that churches are being “tenderized” to swallow Islamization.

    In fact, the source is more accurate than he may realize: 10,000 churches in the UK alone were volunteered to be used as mosques to accommodate the influx of assimilation-resistant Muslims.

    “We are at war with radical Islam. Europe is being overrun. To come and talk this way in this day and age … this community may be being tenderized to receive a dozen, a hundred, maybe a thousand of these people. Churches are the gatekeepers in communities. If this message is meant to soften us and tenderize us to accepting Syrian refugees we need to be aware of that, we need to have our eyes open,” he continued, urging a call to action.

    After weeks of inundating the congregation with watered down, Islamized scripture, the board of trustees at the church was later asked by the reverend to approve a (surprise, surprise) federally supervised refugee scheme, which they ultimately refused, the source added. After the church trustees said, “No,” UMC sent its District Supervisor to ask the congregation directly, “How would you feel about taking in some Syrian refugees?”

    “My gut instinct is that this could be the whole reason he [Rev. Patterson] came here in the first place,” the church-member said.

    Talking about what the whole experience felt like, the source explained that Patterson (and later the supervisor) treated the church like sample consumers in a mirrored room, checking off responses to different products.

    In keeping with the source’s assessment, Geller Report learned that the church installed state-of-the-art video surveillance systems around the same time Patterson came on board, and, unlike most proprietary video systems, what was being recorded could not be accessed by anyone at the church.

    When the source began asking questions, senior church staff told him that the content is viewed off-site at an undisclosed location; even the church staff supposedly do not know where the content can be viewed. The church is very small, raising even further questions.

    There are a number of possible explanations for why UMC supports housing Muslim refugees. These include woeful ignorance, tolerance that is blindly inclusive, and the typically hyper-partisan composition of its congregations.

    But there’s also evidence that suggests Hillary Clinton may be behind UMC’s new Islamic flavor, reports Dr. Jerome Corsi at

    Hillary Clinton’s Foundry United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church (national) recently formed a partnership with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) under the auspices of UMC. ISNA is an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing scheme in U.S. history.

    ISNA’s “interfaith partnership” is housed within UMC headquarters in Washington, D.C. FBI Director James Comey is also a member of UMC.

    In keeping with the Obama administration’s whitewashing of anything smacking of radical Islam, DHS Director Jeh Johnson spoke at an ISNA event on “Muslim empowerment.” To reiterate, the government official charged with preventing acts of radical Islamic terror at home was a featured speaker at a terrorist-financing shell group.

    Other explanations for UMC’s strange exercise in lunacy include the proactive lawbreaking carried out by President Obama and his administration on immigration, and Muslim refugees especially. Obama’s order to U.S. Border Patrol to stop arresting, deporting, or doing anything to stop Muslim refugees – no matter who they are or why they are coming in — is unmatched in the annals of presidential history.

    His only primary job is to enforce the law, specifically, “Take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” [Constitution]

    Additionally, DHS subcontractor G4S, has been caught deliberately driving Muslim illegal aliens from terrorist-sponsoring states deep into America’s heartland and giving them papers to validate their presence in the country; this same contractor hired Omar Mateen, who carried out the Orlando tragedy and later claimed affiliation with ISIS. These actions can be traced directly to the president’s lawlessness on immigration.

    DHS people-smuggling and Obama’s stand-down order to Border Patrol is not merely passive non-enforcement of obscure immigration laws or a clerical error. These actions represent “giving aid and comfort” to America’s enemies. Obama’s impending departure is also no guarantee that recent activities will be without consequences. Civil unrest is still possible.

    Much like an STD, the consequences of bad immigration policy can affect the host for many years after the “mistake.”

    Churches may host the virus long after Trump pursues a remedy. And places of worship are legally allowed to do this. With law enforcement unable to enter without a warrant, churches could easily become strategic terror centers.

    From Kool-Aid drinking gone wrong, to today’s unholy union of government, churches, and Islamic invaders, Waco is yet again ground zero for a suicidal event – but this time, every life in the country may be at stake.

    Guess they didn't see this…

    Liberal Church Houses Muslim Refugees, Horrified By What They Find In Pews

    December 7, 2016 by Dom the Conservative

    When the Church of the Holy Trinity welcomed in Muslim migrants with loving arms, they had no idea their hospitality would be repaid in the sickest ways.

    A leftist Christian church decided to show their community that they must open borders by taking in Muslim refugees and letting them live in the church building. However, as soon as they opened their doors, they were forced to call the police when they discovered the sickening thing asylum seekers left for them in the church pews.

    The West is trapped in a vicious circle of embracing migrants, being abused by said migrants, and blaming the victims for provoking their wrath. The same tolerance and acceptance is not only never returned, but the gracious hosts find that their hospitality is exploited until all resources are finally wrung dry.

    The asylum seekers who the left claims are desperately fleeing war zones for a better life are perpetuating the same violence, misogyny, and oppression rampant in their own countries. Unfortunately, it often takes their progressive praisers falling victim to this terror to realize that not all cultures, laws, and religions are created equally.

    Fria Tider reports that when the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kristianstad, Sweden embraced a group of Muslim asylum seekers, they were shocked to find that the Islamists took advantage of their generosity in the sickest ways. After housing the refugees, who are mostly men between the ages of 35 and 45, the congregants walked in to discover that the Muslims they gave food, shelter, and love were not only destroying the church property but were relentlessly urinating, defecating, and masturbating in the pews.

    “He was lying in the pew and masturbating,” church administrator Bengt Alvland said of one migrant. “He did not stop despite the fact that a female police officer asked him to. There are no limits or inhibitions for these people. It makes the staff greatly concerned.”

    Aside from leaving their offensive bodily fluids everywhere, the migrants scream Islamic chants and smash liquor bottles on the floor in an attempt to silence Christian worshippers from praying to God. They also climbed up the massive church organ and tried to steal silver instruments used during services. In one instance, a migrant even tried to kidnap a child from a baptism ceremony right in front of the mother and priest.

    Liberal Church Houses Muslim Refugees, Horrified By What They Find In Pews

    Muslim refugees have taken over the church, paying back their Christian hosts by defecating and masturbating in the pews, stealing the church’s silver, and attempting to kidnap a child from a baptism.

    The church is constantly littered with liquor bottles, bloody drug needs, and other trash. Officials have also witnessed brawls and threats of violence, according to Kristianstadsbladet. The refugees continue to inflict the most disrespectful behavior, expressing their belief that Islam is superior to all other religions.

    After ignorantly welcoming in the Muslim migrants, the church is now pleading with the government to send them full-time security guards to prevent the asylum seekers from further desecrating their building.

    Now, services attendance is dwindling and patrons are unwilling to hold their weddings, christenings, and baptisms in the once prestigious church because they are too afraid of the racist, bigoted migrants.

    While Christians are notorious for allowing their peaceful beliefs to be overrun by intolerant crowds who see their Christ-like disposition as a weakness, we know exactly what would happen if a group of non-Muslims used a mosque in such a way. Although mosques are well-known for keeping filthy kuffars out of their lavish buildings, if Christians defecated on prayer mats, heads would undoubtedly roll.

    Of course, no mosque is taking in Christian refugees, who are the prime targets of devout Muslims who understand that when Allah commanded them to slaughter the “people of the book,” he meant it literally.

    The same tolerance and love leftists are screeching at us to extend is never expected from the migrants who illegally cross into our countries, live off our benefits, and demand adherence to their religion and values. Instead, liberals excuse migrant violence and oppression by arguing that they are provoked by our own values.

    While some really are peaceful refugees escaping the torments of war, most are Muslims who are attempting to spread Sharia law. They are required to obey it, commanded to spread it, and encouraged to enforce it in the most barbaric ways.

    For leftists to expect that the adherents of an ideology that oppresses religious minorities and exacts savage punishments for failing to obey their religious laws is evident of their ignorance. Nowhere does the Quran teach Muslims to be peaceful or tolerant to anyone but other practicing Muslims. In fact, for the rest of us, there is only death if we chose not to submit to Islam. Still, leftists ironically believe that Christians are the intolerant ones.

    When churches open their doors to the heathen religion of Islam, they are inviting in the very ideology that commands their death for not bowing down to their false god.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Nearly 30,000 ‘refugees’ admitted in last 15 months from two terror-exporting countries

    Posted by Ann Corcoran on January 5, 2017

    Those two countries are Syria and Somalia*** as the Obama Administration works overtime to pour as many refugees in to the US as they can before Donald Trump takes office on January 20th.

    The numbers we have been reporting in recent weeks go way beyond anything we have seen in the last nearly ten years of writing this blog.

    Trump transition needs to know that John Kerry’s State Department is cutting corners and knocking themselves out to get as many Muslim refugees placed in US towns and cities before January 20th as they can!

    Questions are also beginning to arise about whether the refugee agencies (the non-profit resettlement contractors) can properly care for them due to those high numbers of arrivals. We have reports of refugees placed in hotels, delays in medical screening, and refugees without winter clothing, all are violations of US State Department regulations for contractors.

    I promised some maps for someone, which sent me to this morning.

    These are maps (screenshots) for the placement and numbers of Syrians and Somalis for the last 15 months. That would include all of FY2016 and the first three months of FY2017 which ended on December 31, 2016. (The fiscal year for the placement of refugees runs from Oct. 1 of one year to Sept. 30th of the next year.)

    Obama said at the beginning of FY16 that his State Department would admit 10,000 Syrians (98% Muslim) to the US that year. We are now (in the last 15 months) up to 16,153!

    No Syrians went to Hawaii or Alaska, and if you can’t read Florida the number is 847.

    Virtually all Somali refugees are Muslims. You should know we pick them up all over the world and place them in your towns and cities. So Donald Trump’s administration needs to be careful and not say we will halt refugees coming from Somalia (for example), because few if any come from Somalia directly. (We do expect Trump to halt them!)

    Alaska received 36 Somalis, Hawaii 0, and that Florida number is 148. Again the map is for the last 15 months.

    And, if you missed it yesterday, many questions remain about one Somali admitted to the US in 2016 who was free to wander the streets of Aberdeen, SD and attempt to sexually assault a special-needs woman there. See our post yesterday, here.

    ***Thousands more Iraqi, Afghan, and Burmese Muslims have entered as well during these same 15 months, but we chose to focus only on Syria and Somalia for this report.

    Obama Takes In 606% More Syrian Refugees Than Last Year, 98.8% Muslim

    by Tyler Durden
    Dec 30, 2016 4:30 PM

    Submitted by Joseph Jankowski of

    The Obama administration’s refugee resettlement program took off in 2016 with 15,479 Syrian refugees having been admitted to the U.S, a 606% increase from the resettlement numbers of last year.

    In his last month of the presidency alone, Obama admitted 1,307 more Syrian refugees to the states.

    Overall, 98.8% of the refugees the president has welcomed into the country are Muslim.

    CNS News Breaks it down:

    • 15,302 (98.8 percent) are Muslims – 15,134 Sunnis, 29 Shi’a, and 139 other Muslims
    • 125 (0.8 percent) are Christians – 32 Catholics, 32 Orthodox, five Protestants, four Jehovah’s Witnesses, and 52 refugees described only as “Christian” in State Department Refugee Processing Center data
    • 43(0.27 percent) are Yazidis
    • eight are “other” religion and one is described as having “no religion”
    • 3,904 (25.2 percent) are males between the ages of 14 and 50
    • 3,521 (22.7 percent) are females aged 14-50
    • 7,428 (47.9 percent) are children under 14, of whom 3,824 are boys and 3,604 are girls.

    While there were 13,287 less refugees admitted in 2015, the religious ratio was similarly skewed: 2,149 Muslims (98 percent) and only 31 Christians (1.4 percent).

    Sunni Muslims account for a majority of Syria’s population – an estimated 74 percent were present in the country when the deadly Syrian conflict began in 2011.

    The Obama administration has acknowledged the violence being perpetrated against Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities by the Islamic State in areas under its control but has refused to work with lawmakers to prioritize the vulnerable groups.

    Last year, Obama condemned Republican presidential candidates for considering bringing in more Christian, describing the idea as “shameful” and “not American.”

    “When I hear folks say that, ‘Maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims,’ when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefitted from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that’s shameful,” Obama said, most likely striking at sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio (R-Florida).

    As polls find that admitting Syrian refugees into the U.S. is an unpopular policy amongst the American people, fiscal year 2017 is already on pace to have more refugees enter the country.

    Through the first 11 weeks in FY 2017 (Oct. 1 through Dec. 17), the United States welcomed 23,428 individuals as “refugees,” according to the Refugee Processing Center. At this rate, the U.S. will resettle roughly 110,580 in the new year.

    Through the first 11 weeks of FY 2016, the Obama Admin. only welcomed 13,786 refugees.

    3,074 refugees who arrived in the fresh fiscal year are from Syria, putting the nation on track to welcome more than 14,500 people from the warn-torn country by year’s end.

    “Get them here before Trump takes office on Jan. 20, because you don’t know exactly what Trump will do with regard to this controversial program,” Leo Hohmann of WND said of the outgoing administration’s attitude towards taking in refugees. “The left is in panic mode because this program has run on autopilot for 35 years, and now for the first time we have a president who has expressed an interest in taking a hard, critical look at how it is run and the effects it’s had on our cities, states and country.”

    Along with the thousands of Syrians, the U.S. has also resettled 3,269 Somali refugees in FY 2017.

    Hundreds of illegal aliens, primarily Somalis, entering Manitoba near Emerson border says Canada Border Services Agency

    Minnesota: More than half of the state’s Somalis live in poverty, yet feds and contractors continue to pour them into the US


    Minnesota: Mohamed is Top 5 Baby Name of 2016 at St. Cloud Hospital

    Muslim stabs eight at St. Cloud Minnesota Mall

    Minnesota Muslims Rush to Buy Guns... Blame Trump
    “Donald Trump has directly pointed fingers at the Somali community,” Abdulahi said, referring to the president-elect’s statements before the election that Somalis are a “disaster” for Minnesota. “It’s something you don’t expect to hear from a presidential candidate. We’ve seen backlash. We are not going to stand [for] that.”

    Aberdeen, SD: Silence about pre-Christmas trial of Somali refugee (Twin Falls redux?) guilty of attempted sexual assault
    A newly arrived Somali refugee who court records show had arrived in Aberdeen, SD to work for the controversial meat packing plant there was found guilty by a jury on December 20th of attempting to sexually assault a special-needs woman.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Michelle Obama Tells Muslims, Immigrants 'This Country Belongs to You'

    Chris Menahan
    Jan. 08, 2017

    The newly devoid of hope Michelle Obama told a group of young Muslims and other immigrants Friday that "this country belongs to you."

    From The Star-Telegram:

    In her final speech as first lady on Friday, Michelle Obama singled out young immigrants and Muslims, many of whom express apprehension about President-elect Donald Trump.

    “Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story — because you do,” she said. “Know that this country belongs to you, to all of you. From every background and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition . . . that has made us the greatest country on Earth.”

    Religious diversity is “not a threat to who we are,” she said, “it makes us who we are.”

    ...“Whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh . . . I want our young people to continue to learn and practice those values with pride,” the first lady said.
    Obama signaled she's going to continue agitating despite being forced out of the White House:
    “Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered,” she said, her voice breaking. “Lead by example with hope, never fear. And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.”

    In the mind of leftists, immigrants who showed up last week are more American than the decedents of those who came over on the Mayflower.

    To think those who built the country and paid into the system for generations have a claim to it is "racist" and "xenophobic."

    An American who gets citizenship in Japan is just as Japanese as the decedents of Emperor Sujin, entitled to all the same benefits as other Japanese and "the country belongs to him."

    Hey Michael, here's a news flash: the only memory anyone will have of your husband's awful presidency is this.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Trump slams 'dumb' Obama refugee deal with Australia

    President Donald Trump criticized a deal by the Obama administration to take in spurned refugees from Australia Wednesday night, tweeting that he planned to study the "dumb deal."

    "Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia," Trump said on Twitter. "Why? I will study this dumb deal!"

    The "illegal immigrants" Trump references are predominantly-Muslim refugees who are seeking asylum and have been resettled in island camps on the Pacific nations of Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Former President Barack Obama's administration agreed to take in an unspecified number of the refugees — which have been variously reported to total from 1,600 to 3,000 in number — after they were refused by Australia.

    The tweet came after Trump reportedly spoke with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over the phone on Saturday.

    The Washington Post reported earlier Wednesday that during the conversation Trump described the refugee agreement as "the worst deal ever" and accused Turnbull of seeking to export the "next Boston bombers," a reference to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the two Kyrgyzstan-born American citizens behind the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured over 260 people.

    In a follow-up by the Associated Press, the prime minister declined to comment on the report.

    "It's better that these things — these conversations — are conducted candidly, frankly, privately," Turnbull said.

    The Australian leader also reiterated that that the relationship between Australia and the U.S. remained "very strong."

    "I can assure you the relationship is very strong," Turnbull said. "The fact we received the assurance that we did, the fact that it was confirmed, the very extensive engagement we have with the new administration underlines the closeness of the alliance. But as Australians know me very well: I stand up for Australia in every forum — public or private."

    Australia’s Turnbull Tries a Dirty Deed, Meets The Atomic Sledgehammer of American President Trump…

    Posted on February 2, 2017 by sundance

    Too funny. Australia Herald Andrew Bolt outlines “the leaker” of the phone call between Australian Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull and U.S. President Trump came from down under – Turnbull leaked it. Malcolm Turnbull tried to play a game of dirty politics with terrible results.

    Australia has their own version of the “Calais jungle” filled with economic migrants unwanted by the majority of the Australian people.

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull won’t accept any asylum seekers, migrants or refugees who arrive by boat. Instead, [Australia] intercepts such vessels and sends them to remote Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea – link –

    Prime-Minister Turnbull is stuck betwix a big rock and a political hard place. He can’t accept the economic migrants, and he’s too weak to repatriate them, so he thought he could turn to a fellow traveler in a lame-duck President Obama to bail him out.

    On November 13th, 2016 Turnbull announced he entered an agreement with exiting Obama to take 1,250 of the pesky migrants despite the U.S. election a week earlier delivering an election victory by a U.S. presidential candidate who would be antithetical to such an agreement.

    When questioned about the prudence of such a decision Malcolm Turnbull stated: “We deal with one administration at the time. There is only one president of the United States at a time.”

    Dirty deed Mr. Turnbull. Bad, bad mojo.

    That sets the backdrop for the now public phone call and President Trump’s admonishment therein… Having just had the atomic sledgehammer of Trump rightly delivered upon his grand scheme, Turnbull nervously turned his political objectives toward the media. Prime Minister Turnbull figuring he would be able to back-up his position by leaking the tone of the conversation to the media and subsequently undermine President Trump.

    However, what Turnbull didn’t anticipate is a new type of U.S. President willing to call out the scheming of the traditional political class regardless of their location:

    Oh snap, an American president actually looking out for the best interests of America? Rut roo, this is a new and unexpected dynamic. President Trump doesn’t fear transparency, he welcomes it.

    Now Turnbull has put himself, and more consequentially the relationship between the leadership in Australia and the United States, into a position of adversity.

    Prime Minister Turnbull, too weak to effectively repatriate the migrants on his own, has allowed his own weakness to embarrassingly damage a relationship with a key ally.

    […] Turnbull has a very nervous wait now to see if his boat people “solution” will survive. He’s also learned a very hard lesson: don’t try messing with Trump. (link)

    More from Sweden:

    Yet another horrific story about Sweden’s Muslim immigrant rape culture

    Sweden, now considered the “rape capital of the West” due to its leftist agenda of admitting an inexhaustible supply of Muslim rapists posing as refugees, is reporting yet another victim of multi-muslim-culturalism. Even worse, Swedish feminazis seem to have no problem with the soaring rape crisis perpetuated by Muslim invaders.

    Fria Tider
    (via MadWorldNews) h/t Susan K – After Swedish police raided a hookah cafe managed by 2 Syrian Muslim refugees, 28-year-old Khaled Azez Hegrs and 23-year-old Tareq Bakkar, they discovered a kidnapped Swedish woman chained in the shop’s basement. The brutalized victim was being kept as their own personal sex slave and had been repeatedly raped and tortured by at least 7 Arab Muslim men.

    The horrific revelation provided investigators with proof that the unnamed woman had been kidnapped at gunpoint from Malmo before a group of 4 Muslim asylum seekers transported her by car to the cafe. She was then chained to a water pipe in the basement of the lounge in Helsingborg, where the men repeatedly gang raped her.

    Authorities confirmed that as soon as the car arrived at the shop, 3 other Arab men were waiting to begin their sadistic sex spree. The men forced her onto a couch and stripped her naked before carrying out oral, vaginal, and anal rape. On at least one occasion, police say that she was raped by 2 men at once.

    Avpixlat reports that Hegrs and Bakkar were each sentenced to 4 years in prison for aggravated rape and forced to pay $30,000 in damages. Neither was convicted of kidnapping or torture. The judge has finally agreed to deport the pair, although the convicted may appeal their sentences, as most migrant offenders do. Incredibly, the court is still struggling to convict the other 5 migrants.

    “In this case,” a statement from Malmo District Court reads, “there are strong reasons to believe that an obstacle is not composed when questioning the enforcement of the expulsion decision occurs. In such circumstances, it is not considered to be an obstacle to expel Tareq Bakkar.”

    Even more sickening is the handling of the so-called refugees. After Hegrs illegally came to Sweden in 2010, he was allowed to stay as an “undocumented migrant,” despite his denied asylum application. When Bakkar arrived in 2014, he qualified for nearly $800 per month in taxpayer benefits from the Employment Service and was given free schooling.

    As previously inferred, this isn’t the first time Sweden has suffered Caliphate-like brutality from those claiming to be refugees. Just days earlier, authorities announced that they had recovered 48 different stains of semen from a gang-rape victim’s clothing after launching an investigation into one of the worst cases of migrant sex attacks the country has ever seen.

    Adding to the Swedish justice system’s shamelessness, a court in Uppsala refused to deport 5 Afghan child rapists because they deemed it would “be too dangerous” for them under Sharia law.

    Thanks to mass Muslim migration, mostly from Islamic countries, Sweden has seen a 1,472-percent increase in rapes and a 300-percent increase in violent crimes just 4 decades after opening their borders. The European country now tops the list at number 2 for countries with the most rapes, surpassed only by Lesotho. Statistics now suggest that 1 in 4 Swedish women will be raped.

    How Sweden became an example of how not to handle immigration

    We’ve taken in far too many people and we’re letting them down badly – especially the children

    For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.

    For years, Sweden has regarded itself as a ‘humanitarian superpower’ — making its mark on the world not by fighting wars but by offering shelter to war’s victims. Refugees have arrived here in extraordinary numbers. Over the past 15 years, some 650,000 asylum-seekers made their way to Sweden.

    Of the 163,000 who arrived last year, 32,000 were granted asylum. Sweden accepts more refugees in proportion to size of population than any other nation in the developed world — when it comes to offering shelter, no one does it better. But when it comes to integrating those we take in (or finding the extra housing, schools and healthcare needed for them), we don’t do so well.

    It may be news to the rest of the world, but gang warfare has been a feature of our country for years now. Stockholm has been witness to Dickensian scenes of young pickpockets and thieves playing games of cat-and-mouse with the police, who feel powerless. Until fairly recently, Sweden was admired for its progressive social policies. Today, one in seven voters supports the Sweden Democrats, a populist party until recently reviled in polite Swedish society.

    The problems relating to immigration have been building up for years, but the country’s left and right were united in maintaining employment regulations and rent controls that kept immigrants unemployed in ghetto-like suburbs. As a result, we lost valuable time.

    Three years ago, there were riots in socially deprived areas of Stockholm, and it’s only got worse since then. A parallel society is emerging where the state’s monopoly on law and order is being challenged.

    ‘Today, the gang environment is — well, I don’t want to exactly call it the Wild West, but something in that direction,’ says Amir Rostami, an authority on Swedish organised crime who teaches at Stockholm University.

    Integrating adults into Swedish society has been tricky enough, but a much more difficult problem is how to deal with all the unaccompanied children. During the Iraq war, about 400 children arrived without their parents each year — and all of them needed a place to live, social support and proper schooling. In 2014, when the number of children arriving annually hit 7,000, there were serious questions about how Sweden would cope. Last year, just over 35,000 unaccompanied children registered with the authorities.

    The children are every age and arrive from all kinds of countries. Afghans and Somalis are currently the two biggest groups. Then come Syrians, Ethiopians, Iraqis, Moroccans and Eritreans. Some are fleeing war; many are fleeing poverty and misery. Strikingly, boys outnumber girls by about five to one. And it’s far from clear how many may in fact be adults — unlike other countries, Sweden doesn’t test for age. Whatever age the applicant gives is accepted, unless it’s ‘obviously’ untrue. The definition of ‘obvious’ is unclear. During one recent interview on Swedish radio, several asylum-seekers confessed to lying about their age to improve their chances of settlement. One, called Dawood, put it bluntly: ‘If I say I’m grown-up, they’ll deport me.’

    The cost of accommodating our child refugees is enormous: £160 per child per day. That could be money well spent, if it worked. There are serious concerns, though, about children falling victim to predatory adults who have lied about their age. Earlier this year, a boy of 12 was raped in refugee accommodation by another refugee who claimed to be 15. A dental X-ray suggested the attacker was closer to 19. Later that month, a 22-year-old Swede (herself the daughter of immigrants) was stabbed to death by one of the refugees she was caring for — another adult claiming to be 15.

    Such horrific stories raise the fear that the authorities have lost control. This is reflected in the extraordinary rise of the Sweden Democrats. There have also been a spate of attacks on refugee centres, some of which have been burnt down. For many, this seems like history repeating itself — similar attacks occurred in the 1990s, after a rapid influx of Balkan refugees. Such acts cast a dark shadow over our reputation for tolerance.

    A while ago, I spoke to Lasse Siggelin, a social worker living in Gotland, who is alarmed at how many unaccompanied children are being placed in refugee care homes that seem hopelessly unfit for the task.

    Carers are instructed not to talk about the asylum process, or even to ask about the children’s backgrounds. ‘We can’t ask about their home, or about their parents,’ says Siggelin. ‘But such things occupy 90 per cent of their thoughts.’

    Child refugees are sent to Swedish schools, but they struggle to integrate and are sometimes placed in separate groups, because of their vastly different learning needs. It’s pretty hard to bond with your classmates if you have to return every night to a care home. Even if school staff want to help, they seldom have the time or capacity to offer a shoulder to cry on. Instead, the children are directed to scheduled appointments with a child psychiatrist. As Siggelin explains, ‘If we don’t acknowledge the hurt and sadness that is there, then there are always people queuing up prepared to lead them astray.’

    Those ‘queuing up’ include drug dealers, pimps, gangmasters and even jihadists. Sweden’s care homes have become a rich source of vulnerable young men who are full of frustration and hopelessness and lacking in direction. They may be open to the temptation of easy rewards, or of a path that they are promised will bring new meaning to their lives. There have been reports of Islamic State recruitment drives, not just in public places, but inside Swedish government programmes. Last year my newspaper, Svenska Dagbladet, exposed how some official schemes had been infiltrated by jihadists.

    But stories of shocking abuse, the kind that would be front-page news in Britain, are relegated to the inside pages of the Swedish press. Tragically, the reason for this is that there is so much of it. In the last few weeks, we have heard about child prostitutes being pimped out in parking lots, and a Palestinian 15-year-old who, it is feared, was forced into prostitution while living in a care home in Malmo. For some time now, children in care homes have been notoriously easy prey and many of them simply vanish — over the past five years, well over a thousand have done so. These children face a sickeningly high risk of being sucked into a life of crime or even sex slavery. As their abusers well know, there is virtually no chance of anyone coming to look for the ones who go missing.

    ‘There is basically nothing we can do,’ says the head of Skane border police. ‘In some cases, we don’t even have descriptions of the children. So there is no means of identifying them… no information about relatives. We have nothing to work with.’ Lisa Green, who monitors human trafficking in Malmo, has reported 40 cases of suspected child trafficking to the police over the past few years but says her complaints were not even recorded. ‘Nobody is dealing with human trafficking,’ says Mattias Sigfridsson, head of the police department that deals with missing persons. ‘We have no ability to do that right now — there are no staff.’

    In response to the crisis that threatens to overwhelm it, Swedish politics has become more realistic, less romantic. Passports are now being checked on the famous Oresund bridge that links Sweden with Denmark. As a result, the journey time has doubled, horrifying Malmo residents who like to regard their city as a satellite of Copenhagen, and making cross-border business more difficult. These new checks have helped fight other crimes, such as drug dealing and drink driving. (Sweden’s minister for sixth-form education failed a breathalyser test and later resigned.)

    And still the authorities struggle to deal with the problem of what to do with migrants whose asylum claims are rejected. Between January and April this year, the Migration Agency handed over some 2,645 cases to the police for deportation. Just 1,255 of these are classified as complete — two thirds were deported by force, while the rest left the country voluntarily. Police estimate they will deport 4,000 people this year, up a third from last year, but not much of a dent in the 22,000 cases currently under consideration. Many, of course, will have been summoned and then suddenly disappeared into the expanding Swedish underworld.

    As the refugees have arrived, ordinary Swedes have responded in an extraordinary way; individuals and families have opened up their homes, donated clothes and supplies, invested time and effort. Businesses have also found ways to help child refugees to integrate properly into Swedish society by offering opportunities for work. But with the best will in the world, it’s still a race against time.

    If you are not prepared, you are unprepared.’ These are the words of Fredrik Reinfeldt, our former prime minister, and perfectly sum up Sweden’s migration crisis. We still hear politicians defiantly claim that our country is a humanitarian superpower — but they don’t do so as often, and they sound distinctly less smug when they do. The Swedish Way might not shine quite as brightly as a beacon to the world.

    But anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us a visit.

    VIDEO: French Police Flee Armed Mob as Week-Long Paris Riots Spread to City Centre


    by LIAM DEACON16 Feb 2017[/COLOR]

    French police have been filmed fleeing from armed mobs as riots continue in Paris for the second week and the unrest has now spread to the city centre.

    Hundreds of violent thugs took to the streets on Wednesday night near the Barbes Metro station, close to the major transport hub Gare du Nord. Windows were smashed, shops looted, fires lit, main roads blocked, and police cars targeted during the disturbance.

    to Le Figaro, the destruction is getting worse. At the beginning of the week, on the nights of the 12th and 13th, 32 vehicles were burnt out.

    On the 14th and 15th, some 47 cars were destroyed by fire as well as 59 bins.

    Police appeared to have completely lost control at times, with unverified videos surfacing on Twitter of officers being chased out of certain neighbourhoods by rioters.

    En direct d'Argenteuil ya 15min

    — Younes 1x (@_youunes) February 15, 2017
    Chinos y japoneses descartan Francia #Par*s (islam-yihad) como destino tur*stico y se decantan por visitar Rusia
    — Isabel Católica (@IsabelCatolica2) February 15, 2017

    Des manifestants pour #Théo détruisent sa bijouterie : dévastée, une commerçante asiatique hurle "C'est ça les Français ?!" et s'évanouit
    — Bellica (@Bellica_fr) February 15, 2017

    An officer at the scene said: “Windows have been smashed and officers attacked. Small groups of protesters wearing hoods to hide their identities are causing trouble and then running away.

    “Everything is being done to try and disperse the crowds, but this could go on for a long time yet.”

    There has been heightened tension on the council estates of Paris since the 2nd of February, when a 22-year-old youth worker named Theo was allegedly beaten up and raped with a truncheon by police.

    French President François Hollande has appealed for calm and visited the victim in hospital, where he has undergone emergency surgery. Theo also made a plea from his hospital bed for calm as the attacks continued to spread.

    Last week, on the 7th and 8th, riots occurred across numerous north-eastern Paris suburbs associated with social deprivation and high immigrant populations, including Tremblay-en-France, Montfermeil, Clichy-sous-Bois, and Villepinte in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, and Blanc-Mesnil in Seine-Maritime.

    French presidential candidate and Front National leader Marine Le Pen slammed the French government for its “paralysis” on the matter Wednesday.

    “The forces of order are targeted by bands of scoundrels,” Ms. Le Pen said calling the situation “a shame for France” on the international stage. “The government is silent. A silence that reflects both its cowardice and its impotence”, she added.

    February 20, 2017

    Lord of All Editors

    Remember America: The Left and the media tried their best to bring this to our nation. Thank God for President Trump!

    Paris has been under martial law for almost 2 years. The media is maintaining a blackout, especially now that France is about to have an historic election. The left can't hide the facts of Muslim riots, rape and murder. The people know, just as we knew here in America that Trump would be our man in the White House to prevent this from happening here. WHERE THE F**K ARE THE BBC , ITV , SKY , CNN , MSNBC and the rest? it is NOT in their interest to let the people know. More details below...

    Love Game of Thrones, Fantasy and Politics and have a Kindle? Check this out. Might blow you away. Very Politically incorrect and is high fantasy/scifi. You will thank me! I stole the maps from the author's site - bad me!
    Look at names on the map. Click here

    Le Pen SLAMS Hollande's handling of Paris riots & leaving France on brink of 'CIVIL WAR'

    MARINE Le Pen has lambasted President Hollande and a union of Judges for tolerating the Paris protests in response to the police rape of a young black male.The Front National leader said the Government has been quick to "rush to the bedside of the very few victims of police violence without even waiting for… justice" – but are unable to quash the risk of a "real civil war" on the streets of Paris. More

    PARIS RIOTS MAPPED: Violence spreads to 20 areas ACROSS FRANCE

    THE ongoing trouble in Paris which has led to riots in some parts of the capital is spreading across France as vigilantes stage running battles with police in protest of the rape of a young black man. More

    VIDEO: French Police Flee Armed Mob as Week-Long Paris Riots Spread to City Centre
    French police have been filmed fleeing from armed mobs as riots continue in Paris for the second week and the unrest has now spread to the city centre. More

    There have been few reports of the ongoing, veritable Civil War in France, not only with the immigrants whom have left Calais and pitched their tents in the Boulevards of Paris but with the indigenous Muslim population in the ZUP's of the Banlieues which is ablaze on a daily basis.

    More Articles The Left Does Not Want You To See

    Blondes Are Not Having More Fun As Muslims Rape and Rampage Across Sweden - Click Here for videos and complete story

    The Truth About Trump's 'Muslim Ban' Has Left and Media Lying Again (BEST VIDEO on net to explain quickly)

    Crazy leftists Now Trying To Make Furries Normal To Attack Trump - Even MSNBC Laughed hard


    In Canada:

    Canadian PM Justin Trudeau stands with the Muslims

    EXCLUSIVE: Syrian Refugee Canadian School Sex Assault

    Faith Goldy

    January 17, 2017

    A fourteen-year-old Canadian girl has been sexually assaulted by a Syrian migrant.

    It was supposed to be a night of innocent fun and giddy excitement — her first high school dance — but for one girl at New Brunswick’s Fredericton High School, the night would go on to haunt her well after the last song was played.

    The young girl’s mother (who asked that she and her daughter have their identities protected) reached out to TheRebel.Media.

    She told us that her daughter was approached by two Syrian migrants who are enrolled at the Canadian high school. Both attempted to grind with the fourteen-year-old girl before one of the migrant students came up behind her, and aggressively touched her — her body and her breasts — before forcing his hand down her pants, touching her vagina from inside her underwear.

    Through emails and a recorded phone interview, the Fredricton mother told me that, at first, Fredricton High School belittled reports of the sex assault against her daughter, and was told to consider things from the Syrian migrant’s perspective — to consider how western girls’ clothing has the potential to create cultural tension.

    The girl’s mother informed me that the the police were aware of the sex assault and that she had hoped to press charges; however, following a questionable interaction between the young girl and one detective, there is now no sign that charges will be pressed.

    According to the girl’s mother, the Syrian migrant student was suspended for just one week and is now back at school — with her daughter. Meantime, the 14-year-old girl has missed several weeks worth of school and is now seeing a mental health professional to help her cope with the trauma.

    And it would seem this young girl isn't alone. Her mother told me that there have been complaints from other girls, too. More reports of “Syrian boys groping and touching girls’ breasts and trying to touch girls’ vaginas at previous school dances.

    She also told me that the much older Syrian students at FHS are permitted to attend school dances, which she describes as “unfair to the younger students.” But, for reasons unclear to her, the issues — despite being well known — are not being reported.

    Now, Rebel Media sought to verify the sex assault allegations before presenting this young girl’s story to you. And so, we followed up with the school. We filed an access to information request. We informed Fredricton High School of our tip and asked that they provide any information regarding the alleged sexual assault in question.

    We received shy of one dozen pages of email transactions between teachers and school administrators, all of which authenticated our source’s story.

    Over the course of the past eight months, I have presented a dozen reports, based on over three thousand pages of documents, covering five different Canadian provinces on the topic of Syrian students abusing their peers.

    In our ongoing investigation into allegations of abuse and sexual harassment perpetrated by Syrian migrant students on Canadian children, these stories out of FHS were some of the most disturbing. Some two-thousand and seven hundred pages of email transactions between teachers, administrators, and school board members painted a picture of ongoing physical abuse and sexual harassment within their walls:

    Syrian men in their twenties enrolled in the high school, successfully hitting on the much younger girls; requests for gender segregation and prayer spaces; expressions of excitement over the Brussels bombings and hobbies that included rocket propelled grenades.

    It’s happening. There’s evidence, evidence that we here at TheRebel.Media have made publicly available. Every page of every Access to Information request we’ve filed is posted in full on our website.

    And yet, there is a country-wide cone of silence on the subject.

    If you believe in our journalism and want to see the full list of my reports on the subject of Syrian migrant students bullying, harassing, and abusing their Canadian peers, VISIT

    And, if you or someone you know has a story of their own, send us a note at We'll look into your claim and, if it's true, we'll tell your story.

    Because, unlike the mainstream media, we here at The Rebel won't ignore the young girls and boys who are ultimately being affected by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's sloppy Syrian refugee policy.

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    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Update on everybody's favorite boy prodigy and future Nobel Prize laureate...

    ‘Clock Boy’ Defamation Case Explodes In Court — Ordered To Pay Attorney Fees

    February 3, 2017

    Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro did nothing wrong in questioning the motives of Ahmed “Clock Boy” Mohamed, a Muslim student who was detained by police after building a “clock” that resembled a bomb, a Texas court ruled.

    A Dallas County District Court judge this week dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed against Shapiro by Mohamed’s father, Mohamed Mohamed, over Shapiro’s comments about the September 2015 incident at MacArthur High School in Irving.

    Ahmed Mohamed was only a few weeks into school when the then ninth-grader came to class with what he described as an “invention,” which was basically a disassembled clock that was sloppily reassembled in a pencil box.

    Mohamed showed his science teacher, who advised him to put it away. Later in the day, when the clock began beeping in his English class, his teacher took action because she believed it looked like a bomb. Mohamed was detained and questioned by police and briefly charged with possessing a hoax bomb, though the charge was later dismissed.

    Mohamed’s politically active father, who has ties to terrorist-sponsoring foreign regimes, then took the boy on a world tour and was photographed with wanted war criminal and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir before visiting the White House at President Obama’s invitation. Obama tweeted support for Ahmed as police investigated the situation.

    Activist groups including the Council on American Islamic Relations and others, meanwhile, accused officials of Islamophobia while the Center for Security Policy, Glenn Beck, Shapiro, Fox News and other news organizations investigated and opined on Ahmed’s story.

    Many of those folks believe the case is an example of “civilization jihad” promoted by the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Shapiro told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly the incident “was a setup and … President Obama fell for it because it confirms a couple of his pre-stated biases against police and against people who he perceives to be Islamophobic.”

    “Within the first forty-eight hours it was clear that this was a bit of a set-up and it was clear that the story didn’t hold together,” Shapiro said.

    Mohamed “took the guts out of an old clock, you can see people do it on YouTube. He literally took the guts out of an old clock, the wiring, and he put it inside of a pencil box and proceeded to bring that into the school and this is not the first family incident that has been like this,” Shapiro said. “His sister had an incident in 2009 that was somewhat similar.”

    Mohamed eventually moved to Qatar after receiving a full scholarship to attend a school in Doha, but the boy and his father made a special trip back to Texas during the teen’s summer break last year to file a $15 million federal lawsuit against the city of Irving, the school district, and MacArthur High School Principal Daniel Cummings, EAGnews reports.

    Mohamed Mohamed followed up with the defamation lawsuit against Shapiro and other conservative commentators.

    On Thursday, Shapiro tweeted the court order on his motion to dismiss the case, which was “well taken and should be and is in all respects granted.”

    In addition, “Shapiro is entitled to recover his attorneys’ fees, court costs, and other expenses in bringing his Motion to Dismiss and defending against Plaintiff’s claims,” the order read.

    “Ben Shapiro has always been a steadfast advocate of the First Amendment and there was never any doubt he was going to stand up for his right to speak freely,” Shapiro’s attorney, Kurt Schlichter, told Townhall. “I’m very grateful that the state of Texas takes the First Amendment seriously, I only wish my own state of California would do the same, especially after the fiasco at Berkeley yesterday.”

    Ordered to pay attorneys' fees and court costs...

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    Utah Sudanese Refugee Charged With Rape After Allegedly Impregnating 13-Year-Old Girl

    POSTED 9:32 PM, JANUARY 25, 2017, BY MARK GREEN, UPDATED AT 07:52AM, JANUARY 26, 2017

    SALT LAKE CITY — A man has been charged with two counts of rape of a child after an investigation that began when a teenage girl was admitted to a hospital and discovered to be pregnant last year.

    According to charging documents filed Wednesday, 52-year-old William Piol Makuei allegedly raped a young girl on several occasions, which resulted in a pregnancy.

    The teen victim was admitted to University of Utah Hospital in June of 2016, where she was found to be 29 weeks pregnant. The girl was 14 when admitted to the hospital but 13 when she became pregnant.

    Investigators began interviewing the victim and her family, and the girl told police she had sex several times in 2015 with a man named William. She said the man was from Sudan and lived in the same refugee community as the teen and her family.

    The victim said on one occasion the man gave her something to drink, and she fell asleep. When she awoke she was nude and was bleeding from her “front part”, according to charging documents.

    The teen said on another occasion the man picked her up in his vehicle as she walked home from a market and threatened her, saying “something bad would happen” to her family if she did not do as he said. He then took her to another home and had sex with her.

    Police identified Makuei as a suspect based on the victim’s description, and earlier this month they obtained a DNA sample from the man by collecting a discarded cigarette butt. That sample was taken to a lab, which confirmed Makuei was a match to be the father of the victim’s child, the charging documents state.

    Prosecutors have requested that the man be held without bail, stating he poses a “substantial flight risk and a risk of danger to the community.” He has been charged with two counts of rape of a child, which are first-degree felonies.

    BAY RIDGE, BROOKLYN used to be a lovely community of Norwegian, Italian, and Jewish immigrant families…now it’s teeming with Muslims and no longer is lovely

    The Republican U.S. Representative, Dan Donovan, who represents Staten Island and the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn is under fire for supporting President Donald Trump’s executive order banning Syrian refugees and travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. Most of the protesters weren’t even Muslims, they were Leftists.

    Gothamist Bay Ridge has turned into Little Damascus/Little Beirut with mosques all over the place, signs in Arabic, and the putrid smell of halal food fouling the neighborhood. there-goes-the-neighborhood-filthy-islamic-halal-food-carts-in-bay-ridge-brooklyn

    Protesters disrupted a Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce forum featuring most of Brooklyn’s congressional delegation Monday, repeatedly shouting down Republican Congressman Dan Donovan for his support of Trump’s executive order. Donovan told the audience, “Our enemy ISIS has told us that they are going to compromise the Syrian refugee program,” and judging by the terror attacks all over Europe, they have.

    In late 2015, Donovan voted to pause the Obama administration’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. “This vote is about keeping our city and country safe from radical Islamic terror, a threat New Yorkers know all too well,” he said at the time. Donovan, who sits on the Homeland Security Committee, has defended Trump’s move, saying it was in the nation’s best security interest.

    Protesters, many constituents of Donovan’s from Bay Ridge and Staten Island, rose to their feet, holding up signs with anti-ban slogans like “Ban Dan” and “Bay Ridge Will Remember 2018.” An apparently sympathetic audience clapped, as a police officer informed the protesters that they would have to sit down or be escorted out.

    One protester, marching out of the auditorium, turned back to the crowd and shouted, “Black lives matter! My son has a disability. Protect the ACA! MUSLIM LIVES MATTER!”

    Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More…

    Cindy Trinh, 33, held up a large sign saying, “Daughter of Vietnamese Refugees Against The Ban,” and screaming, “No Muslim Ban, Ban Dan Ban Dan!” Trinh pointed to the significant Arab and Muslim population in Bay Ridge and blasted Donovan for what she said was a failure to represent his own constituents.

    “They live in Bay Ridge and he supports the banning of them. How can they support their own congressman? How can they live in Bay Ridge feeling safe that their congressman doesn’t even have their back.”

    The crowd was largely friendly to the four Democratic representatives, all of whom spoke against the ban. Outside the event, a small group of protesters held up their signs and chanted anti-Trump slogans.

    The protests were apparently organized independently by a number of local groups, including Staten Island for Change and Bay Ridge For Social Justice.

    Abdullah Younus, 26, a protester from Bay Ridge, echoed the theme that Donovan had left the residents of Bay Ridge out to dry. He said he was pretty satisfied with the protest. “We continue to disrupt the atmosphere, draw attention our cause,” he said. “There’s been a lot of cheering, not just from people here with the protest, but also people that simply came to attend.”

    TODAY is ‘TEXAS MUSLIM CAPITAL DAY’ – Will patriots protest this CAIR-sponsored sideshow of Islamic supremacism?

    Don’t bother visiting the Capital building today if you are not Muslim. You will have to step over prostated bodies of Muslims who commandeer the lobby to use as a prayer room where they spread out their prayer rugs and lift their asses to allah.


    “We are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of CAIR-Dallas

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    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    Did you hear about the Muslim immigrant who cut off the heads of two Christians in New Jersey?

    Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

    Hudson County View (h/t CreepingSharia) Yusuf Ibrahim (above), 31, an Egyptian Muslim immigrant from Jersey City, was sentenced by Hudson County Superior Court Judge Mitzy Galis-Menendez to two consecutive life terms in state prison.

    The Jersey City Muslim received two consecutive life sentences for shooting two men to death, cutting off their heads and hands and burying them in a wooded area in Atlantic County, state Attorney General Christopher Porrino said. Ibrahim murdered Hany Tawadros, 25, and Amgad Konds, 27, (below) in the early morning hours of February 5, 2013. Tawadros and Konds were Egyptian Christian nationals who were living in Jersey City.

    He was sentenced to an additional 48 years, to be served concurrently, on charges including desecration of human remains, theft, unlawful possession of a weapon, and hindering apprehension, officials said. The sentence also includes 127.5 years of parole ineligibility.

    Ibrahim was found guilty on June 22 by a Hudson County jury of two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of second-degree desecration of human remains, and other crimes related to the murders and mutilation of the bodies. (Looks like he brought a Muslim tradition with him when he left Egypt)

    Ibrahim shot each man once in the chest with a .38-caliber handgun inside Konds’ white Mercedes C280 before driving the bodies of the deceased victims to Buena Vista in the Mercedes. There he disposed of their remains in a wooded area behind the unoccupied home of a relative, after stealing the victims’ money and jewelry.

    Before burying the victims, in order to hinder their identification, he cut off their heads and hands using a small drywall saw and scissors, and knocked out their teeth with a tire iron.



    Denver: Muslim carrying “Islamic writings” shoots and kills transit security officer, investigators baffled

    February 1, 20177:36 pm By Robert Spencer 11 Comments

    “I seek refuge in the one God from the evils of Satan, and I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful…Wake up people. America is a failed state. It’s about to get so real.”

    And it has, at least for Joshua Cummings. But “Tuesday night’s shooting baffled investigators.” Because, you know, it’s a religion of peace that rejects all forms of violence, and no Muslim entities anywhere have called for the deaths of Americans, right?

    And if he was kicked out of his mosque in Texas, did they report him to authorities? Why not?

    “Suspect in downtown shooting was kicked out of Texas mosque,” by Kevin Vaughan and Allison Sylte, KUSA, February 1, 2017 (thanks to V.):
    A man suspected of shooting and killing an armed RTD transit security officer late Tuesday night was a former serviceman who was kicked out of a mosque in Texas, 9Wants to Know has learned.

    The man, identified by Denver police as 37-year-old Joshua Cummings, had Islamic writings in his possession when he was arrested, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation.

    Cummings was being held without bail on suspicion of first-degree murder. He is scheduled to appear in court Thursday afternoon.

    In social media postings, Cummings identified himself as a jiu-jitsu instructor. He was active on Twitter in 2016.

    “I seek refuge in the one God from the evils of Satan, and I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the …” he wrote in June 25, 2016.

    “Wake up people. America is a failed state. It’s about to get so real. …” he posted on June 26, 2016.

    And in a July 2, 2016, tweet, he called for a “former cop” in Arizona to be “put to death for treason”

    Each of the posts had a link to a Facebook page that has been taken down, so it is not clear what the tweets referred to.

    Tuesday night’s shooting baffled investigators.

    The Denver medical examiner’s office identified the victim as Scott Von Lanken, 56, of Loveland.

    Von Lanken was a contract worker for RTD from Allied Universal. According to Denver police, he was 56 years old and had a family.

    According to an arrest warrant affidavit obtained by 9NEWS, two women approached Von Lanken just after 11 p.m. Tuesday to ask him whether they might be able to catch a light rail train. Just then, one of the women told police “she observed the suspect approach the victim from behind a place a gun near his neck.” The woman said “she heard the suspect say something to the effect of, ‘Do what you are told.’”

    A moment later, the gunman fired, then ran off as the mortally wounded security officer crumpled to the ground.

    Responding officers were searching the area when a security officer at a building at 1400 Wewatta St. told them there was surveillance video of the suspect leaving the area.

    After watching the video, the officers continued their search, locating the man about 11:50 p.m. on a patio of a complex at 1628 14th St….

    Meanwhile in Times Square:

    Loud Muslim Call To Prayer In Times Square As Muslims Protest Trump, Shout ‘Allahu Akbar!’ (VIDEO)

    Cristina Laila Feb 19th, 2017 8:14 pm 230 Comments
    Muslims and Muslim sympathizers protested Donald Trump today in New York’s Times Square. Chelsea Clinton boasted about being there with her daughter, Charlotte. Hamas darling, Linda Sarsour was also there spreading hysteria and propaganda about President Donald Trump.
    In Sarsour’s speech, she reminded people about the executive order that Democratic President FDR passed which put Japanese Americans in internment camps implying that Muslims and minorities could possibly suffer the same fate under a Trump presidency.
    There was also a loud Arab call to prayer during this protest in NYC. In an Islamic call to prayer (adhan), the Muslim is shouting Allahu Akbar which translates to ‘God is greater’ or ‘God is greatest’. They mean that their ‘god’ is greater than your God and or the government. This is a blatant act of Islamic supremacy.
    Call to prayer at #iamamuslimtoo rally in Times Square, New York
    — Jason Stern (@IbnLarry) February 19, 2017


    Dearborn Michigan Has Been Taken Over By Muslims – This Video Is SHOCKING!

    Dearborn, Michigan is now a city overrun by immigrants, as it’s now being filled with mosques and Islamic stores.

    This has happened because of President Obama’s liberal immigration policy. Now they have become rooted in our communities and as they begin to grow their hated of Christians and our way of life grows.

    Many of these people are refugees are on welfare and using entitlement benefits which puts an added burden on the American taxpayers.

    These communities are not integrated and also see a higher incidence of violence and religious crimes. With traditionally majority people being treated as minorities. Such is the case in the example of Christians having stones thrown at them as seen in the video below.

    Being allowed to move the United States is a privilege and this is how they treat us in return. If this is how they behave then why did they want to come here in the first place unless it’s because they want to take over.

    Hopefully under the Trump administration will can clean up these neighborhoods up and ensure no new ones are established.

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    Trump and The Truth about Sweden

    Donald Trump gave a speech in Florida and remarked "look at what happened last night in Sweden", which was met by immediate mockery. The Embassy of Sweden in the US even tweeted Trump saying they looked forward to informing him on Swedish immigration and integration policy.

    Don't bother. I'll do a better job explaining that disaster than you ever could. Please share this video and make a fool out of the fake news media. Trump is not lying.

    "It Looks Like A War Zone": Trump Vindicated After Violent Riot Erupts In Swedish Suburb

    by Tyler Durden
    Feb 21, 2017 10:13 AM

    As we reported last night, just days after the media mocked Trump for his allegations of major problems with Swedish migrant policies, the president was vindicated after a violent riot broke out in the borough of Rinkeby, also known as "little Mogadishu." Now that the incident is over, in their "post-mortem" Swedish officials confirm that riots erupted in the "heavily immigrant Stockholm suburb" Monday night, as masked looters set cars ablaze and threw rocks at cops, injuring one police officer, Swedish officials said.

    The violence erupted just days after President Trump was ridiculed during a Saturday campaign rally for mentioning Sweden alongside a list of European targets of terror. Trump later said his “You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden” remark was in response to a Fox News report on the country’s refugee crime crisis that aired on Friday evening.

    "Sweden. They took in large numbers [of refugees],” Trump added at the Florida rally. “They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

    Sweden’s official Twitter account – which is operated by a different user each week – tweeted at Trump on Monday morning: “Hey Don, this is @Sweden speaking! It’s nice of you to care, really, but don’t fall for the hype. Facts: We’re OK!”

    Events just hours later refuted that optimistic assessment.

    The violence in Rinkeby began around 8 p.m., when officers arrested a suspect at an underground station on drug charges, The Local reported. A group soon gathered, hurling rocks and other objects at officers and prompting one cop to fire his gun “in a situation that demanded he use his firearm,” police spokesman Lars Bystrom said.

    View image on Twitter

    Hours later, the Rinkeby riots began, with a second wave starting around 10:30 p.m. Seven or eight cars were set on fire and many stores saw looting, The Local reported. A photographer from media outlet Dagens Nyheter said a group of 15 people beat him as he tried to document the chaos. Swedish Police were forced to fire warning shots at the unidentified group of rioting protesters, who set cars on fire, throwing stones at police and looting local stores.

    A police officer was injured during the clashes, forcing law enforcers to fire several warning shots at the crowd, Swedish public service broadcaster SVT reported, citing a local police spokesperson.

    A policeman investigates a burnt car in Rinkeby, Sweden February 21, 2017

    The silver lining is that “nobody has been found injured at the scene and we have checked the hospitals and there hasn’t been anyone with what could be gunshot wounds,” Bystrom added.

    “I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,” said the photographer, who was not named. "It looks like a war zone" he added.

    The rioting ended just after midnight.

    No arrests were made; however, reports were filed on three violent acts, violence against a police officer, two assaults, vandalism and aggravated thefts, authorities said.

    As we reported last night, Rinkeby is the same area where an Australian "60 Minutes" crew was attacked by a group of men in April 2016. The film crew was attempting to enter a so-called “no go zone,” which authorities deny they use as a label. Rinkeby, however, has been officially classified as one of 15 “particularly vulnerable” areas across Sweden.

    The country's prime minister, Stefan Lofven, said Monday, "Yes, we have challenges like all other countries. There's no doubt. We have a situation in the world where 65 million people had to flee their countries last year, the year before that. 65 million. So that's a war for us together." He also said Sweden was investing more in housing, technology and its welfare system.

    Reports of rapes in Sweden jumped 13 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, and reports of sexual assaults were up 20 percent, according to preliminary data from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. Recent migration to Sweden hit its peak in 2015 with more than 160,000 asylum applications. It dropped to almost 30,000 in 2016.

    The mainstream media, so eager to mock Trump's "error" on Saturday, has been oddly delayed in reporting on last night's Swedish violence.

    Iraqi Christians Flee Islamic Terror, Get Rejected By German-Muslim Immigration Employee

    Think about that... Do you think that employee is totally unbiased? No way! What a glaring conflict of interest!

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    Woman Who Attends UN Meetings Risks Life To Expose What Obama’s Muslim ‘Sleeper Cells’ Are Planning For US Neighborhoods

    March 21, 2017 by usapoliticsnow admin

    As liberals continue to fight President Trump tooth and nail on his migrant ban, a woman who’s been sitting on many of the United Nations’ meetings regarding refugee resettlement to the United States is risking it all to raise alarm bells to those willing to listen. The information she has about a literal Muslim invasion is so disturbing, that it proves that we are intentionally being taken over thanks to the malicious actions of those at the highest levels of our government. And if our president is unable to stop what is happening with an executive order, America as we know it will soon be lost forever.

    The woman’s identity in the following video is kept private due to the damning information she exposes about the hordes of terrorists being flown into America as we speak. She reveals that there is a blatant war on American sovereignty taking place, being orchestrated by Barrack Hussein Obama who continues to violate the law through by blocking President Trump’s ban with judicial activism. Obama is secretly planting his Muslim foot soldiers in America, as thousands of these unvetted vermin continue to come to America under the guise of the “refugee” program.

    After attending many meetings with the United Nations’ Office of Refugee Monitoring, she was able to drop the following bombshell on the sickening invasion taking place in America. She reveals that not only are these individuals flown into America at night so they go under the radar, but that they’re being thrown on a plane and flown into our country with absolutely zero vetting process. She notes that many of them have many highly-contagious archaic diseases that were once eradicated from the United States, including leprosy, tuberculosis, smallpox, polio, and giardia.

    She also dispels the propaganda that the invaders are primarily women and children, a tactic to pull on the heartstrings of the American people, stating “The vast majority of ‘refugees’ that we’ve received here in Missouri have been males, between the ages of 15 and upwards towards 40, 45 years old.” Josh Tolley notes the similarity to the situation we seen playing out in Europe.

    She reveals that the invaders are brought in at night, supposedly because the air fare is cheaper, but also because there is “less public at the airport.” In other words, it’s easier for them to hide what they are doing to us. “It’s almost like they’re making money running refugees,” was a comment by the host.
    The guest says the agencies are responsible for setting the new arrivals up with a place to live, welfare, food, Medicaid and welfare and a housing allowance, in addition to the cash they receive on arrival. She states that the new invaders don’t have any documentation, that they are in essence being given new identities upon arrival, many of them coming in with no more identity than a description as “FUNU” full name unknown. They were also pressured to identify the refugees in such a way that they would be qualified for Social Security long term disability.

    What’s even more disturbing is that after immediately given Social Security benefits once they get to America, these invaders are then given complete new identities through social security cards and US passports. And if states refuse to exercise their rights and refuse to play ball with these invasion programs, the Federal government has a backup plan for that too. The Wilson-Fish Program gives the federal government “legal” authority to go in and violate state sovereignty, dropping off these Muslim invaders wherever they damn well choose. With these terrorists now free to roam, sleeper cells can then be activated at a moment’s notice to carry out terror attacks on Americans.

    Obama did a wonderful job not only creating ISIS, but allowing them to rise to power. Now all that is left for his plans to come to fruition is to invade America with his Islamic foot soldiers, and through judicial activism and blocking Trump’s travel ban, this is how Obama will succeed. What makes it even more infuriating is that the liberal media will continue to cover Obama’s treasonous ass, blasting concerned Americans as “racists” and “bigots” who want to implement a ban on these vermin as a way to keep terrorists from infiltrating America.

    Here we go again, refugee numbers jump, 342 since Wednesday

    Posted by Ann Corcoran

    As we have said repeatedly, and most recently here, the Hawaiian judge did not have the power to slow the flow of refugees entering the US, nor did he have any power to set the ceiling. That said, a week after the 120-day slowdown was to go in to effect, the numbers entering the US picked up dramatically since we reported 38,111 as of Wednesday (for FY17).

    Who is calling the shots on refugee admissions? Career bureaucrats or Sec. of State Tillerson? Either way, why the big jump in admissions over last two days? And, what is taking Trump so long to choose Asst. Sec. to oversee refugee program?

    Today data at Wrapsnet indicates that another 342 refugees arrived in the US in the last 48 hours. We are now at 38,453!

    If the US Department of State had been preparing for a 120-day pause to begin on March 16th, how is it that this large number of refugees was ready to board planes? Is there anyone in charge (other than the career people) at the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration? Are they still calling all the shots? Or, is it possible that the White House isn’t willing to fight on this portion of the EO (assuming we wouldn’t notice)?

    The top five nationalities among the 342 newly arrived are as follows:

    Syria (55 and 51 of those were Muslims)

    Somalia (50 and all are Muslims)

    Burma (44 and a surprisingly high number of those—17—are Muslims)

    Iraq (41 and 32 are Muslims)

    Ukraine (32 and zero Muslims)

    The top five states receiving Syrians over the last two days are: Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee, Idaho and Ohio.

    The top five states receiving Somalis since Wednesday are: Massachusetts, Georgia, Maine, Minnesota, and New York.

    This post is filed in our Trump Watch! category as well as ‘refugee statistics’ and ‘where to find information.’

    The Architects of Western Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism
    This is the long overdue study of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxist philosophy which now controls Western intellectualism, politics, and culture. It was by design; it was created by an internationalist intelligentsia to eradicate Western values, social systems, and European racial groups in a pre-emptive attempt to spark global, communist (think liberal) revolution. Andrew Breitbart's historical notes are taken into the narrative

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    U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

    May 26, 2017

    Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

    The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.

    The State Department’s decision was conveyed in an email on Thursday to the private agencies in countries around the world that help refugees manage the nearly two-year application process needed to enter the United States.

    In her email, Jennifer L. Smith, a department official, wrote that the refugee groups could begin bringing people to the United States “unconstrained by the weekly quotas that were in place.”

    Although it came the same day as an appeals court ruling that rejected government efforts to limit travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim nations, the move by the State Department had nothing to do with the court ruling.

    The department’s quotas on refugee resettlement were largely the result of budget constraints imposed by Congress in a temporary spending measure passed last fall. But when Congress passed a spending bill this month that funded the government for the rest of the fiscal year, the law did not include any restrictions on refugee admissions.

    A State Department spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, said the department had consulted the Department of Justice about its refugee quotas and had decided to adjust them.

    President Trump has sought to lower the ceiling on the number of refugees annually allowed in the country to 50,000 from 110,000. Mr. Trump’s executive orders on immigration, the first of which he issued on Jan. 27, also sought to suspend all refugee admissions for at least four months. Federal judges stayed those orders, but the confusion over them has contributed to a falloff in refugees entering the United States.

    While 13,255 refugees were admitted in August, that number plunged to just 2,070 in March. So far during the 2017 fiscal year, 45,732 people have been admitted, just a few thousand short of Mr. Trump’s proposed cap.

    Refugee groups now predict that entries into the United States could increase so rapidly that the total number of refugees admitted by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year, could exceed 70,000. That is well below the 84,994 refugees admitted in fiscal year 2016, but not by nearly as much as many advocates had feared.

    Refugee advocates were delighted by the State Department’s decision.

    “This is long overdue, but we’re very happy,” said Mark Hetfield, president and chief executive of HIAS, an immigrant aid society.

    But many of the advocates said they were worried that any reprieve would be temporary.

    “The president’s proposed budget cuts for 2018 would mean we would have a much smaller program next year no matter what happens with his executive orders,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service.

    Perhaps even more worrisome, refugee advocates said they had seen a slowdown in security screenings by the Department of Homeland Security, whose checks are required for refugees to enter the United States.

    Still, even Republicans in Congress have said that few of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget cuts to foreign aid and the State Department’s budget would be adopted into law.

    In a visit this week to Syrian refugee camps in Turkey, Nikki R. Haley, the United Nations ambassador, all but urged Congress to reverse Mr. Trump’s proposed cuts in aid to refugees.

    “It’s starting the conversation,” Ms. Haley said of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget, according to The Associated Press. “It doesn’t mean that’s where it will end up. He’s going to have that conversation with Congress on where we should fall on this.”

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    Warren Promises to Import at Least 700 Percent More Refugees to U.S.

    Nicolaus Czarnecki/Associated Press
    Democrat presidential primary candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is promising to import at least 700 percent more foreign refugees into the United States if she becomes president.

    In her national immigration plan released this week, Warren broke from her economic patriotism agenda wherein she has committed to holding multinational corporations accountable for outsourcing American jobs overseas and shifting to a permanent nationalist trade policy that puts the needs of American workers first.

    Warren’s immigration plan now includes drastically increasing legal immigration and refugee resettlement to provide businesses and corporations with a never-ending stream of cheaper foreign workers that America’s working and middle class will be forced to compete against.

    Specifically, Warren wants to increase the number of foreign refugees currently arriving in the U.S. by 700 percent — eight times the rate of President Trump’s refugee total last year, in which about 22,000 were admitted.

    “At a time when 70 million are displaced around the world, President Trump has abused his authority to lower the refugee cap for the United States, admitting just over 22,000 refugees in total last year,” Warren writes. “I’ll welcome 125,000 refugees in my first year, and ramping up to at least 175,000 refugees per year by the end of my first term.”
    U.S. Resettled More Refugees in a Decade than Entire Population of Philadelphia

    — John Binder 👽 (@JxhnBinder) May 22, 2018

    The U.S., thanks exclusively to Trump’s reforms, helped lower the total number of foreign refugees to about 22,000 admissions last year. This is a 76 percent decrease in foreign refugee resettlement from President Obama’s 2016 totals that reached almost 100,000 admissions. Trump also cut Obama’s surge of Syrian refugees arriving in the U.S. by more than 60 percent.

    Warren would reverse that reduction of foreign refugees, adding another at least 154,000 refugees to American communities every year who would be forced to absorb nationals at the mandate of the federal government.

    With her support for majorly increasing refugee resettlement to the U.S., Warren sides with the business lobby, multinational corporations, and tech conglomerates like Nike, Google, Facebook, and Starbucks, and Chobani.

    For Fiscal Year 2019, a cap of 30,000 refugee admissions has been set — the lowest cap since 1980 — which is merely a numerical limit and not a goal intended for the federal government to reach. The cap has made the U.S. no longer the top refugee spot for the world’s migrants, with Canada and the nations of the European Union now leading the globe in refugee admissions.

    Over the last decade, the U.S. has resettled more foreign nationals through a variety of humanitarian programs than the entire population of Philadelphia, totaling more than 1.7 million refugees admitted to the country in less than ten years. Simultaneously, there have been more than 4.1 million legal immigrants admitted to the U.S. from refugee-producing countries since 2000.

    About 56 percent of households headed by foreign refugees who arrived in the U.S. between 2011 and 2015 are using taxpayer-funded food stamps, Breitbart News previously reported.

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    Killing Europe A Documentary

    by WEare138 Productions

    Published by Canada United We Stand

    Sun, 24 Feb 2019 14:39:31 GMT

    Killing Europe - A Documentary by WEare138 Productions

    More info here -

    Europe is being killed day by day, people are getting raped and lynched. Streets are being militarized, yet people act like there is no problem

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    YouTube Censors Lauren Southern Documentary 'Borderless'

    Breitbart Tech

    25 May 2019 YouTube censored ‘Borderless,’ a new documentary about mass immigration from independent filmmaker Lauren Southern, on the day of its release.

    The feature-length documentary was taken down from YouTube less than 24 hours after it was uploaded, and is currently unavailable. YouTube has yet to give Southern an explanation for its removal.

    Southern has since uploaded a backup version to YouTube, although the loss of the original is likely to skew the documentary’s view count. Southern’s previous documentary, about the racially-motivated murder of white farmers in South Africa, accumulated over 2.3 million views on the platform.

    Southern says she received a message from YouTube saying the video had “stopped processing.” But Southern points out that processing errors take place before a video has been uploaded, not after.

    Lmao it’s saying the video stopped processing. So it stopped processing 12 hours after it was available and fully updated in 4K 😂😂😂
    — Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) May 25, 2019

    The Google-owned video platform initially appeared to “soft-censor” Southern’s documentary. YouTube users attempting to access the video found it marked as “deleted” in their favorites feed, and disappeared from their subscription feed, which is meant to show videos from subscribed channels.
    You were right. When you try adding it to your favorites it shows up as a [Deleted video].
    — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 25, 2019
    I followed a link to see #Borderless, but I just checked my sub feed and it’s not actually there
    Weirdly enough, it’s also not showing up in your channel’s upload page for me, but it is on your channel’s homepage in the #Borderless playlist…
    — Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) May 25, 2019
    Really heartbreaking when our team has put months and months of work into a project just to have it censored by @YouTube. It can’t be a coincidence that it’s not in notifications, shows as deleted, not on my videos list, doesn’t show in recent history…
    — Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) May 25, 2019

    “It can’t be a coincidence that it’s not in notifications, shows as deleted, not on my videos list, doesn’t show in recent history…” wrote Southern before the video was fully taken down.

    There have been documented cases of Silicon Valley giants using deliberately triggered “errors” to interfere with politically disfavored content creators. A leak from Facebook earlier this year revealed that the company uses “forced glitches” against right-wing users.

    Before the documentary was released, Southern’s team successfully exposed an NGO, catching its executive director admitting on camera that it encourages migrants to lie to EU border officials about their reasons for entering Europe.

    Southern reported that the UN High Commission for Refugees responded to her report, calling it “alarming.”

    Borderless (2019) | Official Documentary

    Lauren Southern
    Published on May 25, 2019

    PRE-ORDER NOW: Pre-order your DVD now packed with exclusive content! They may be able to take our videos off their websites... but purple haired Mandy from the "hate speech" review department at some big tech giant can't kick down your door and take your DVDs.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  14. #194
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    JoeBama Administration Preps To Receive Thousands of Afghan Refugees In Wisconsin
    Thousands of Refugees coming
    Staging is beginning

    JoeBama Importing thousands of fighting age males...

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  15. #195
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Admin invites tens of thousands of radical Muslims to relocate inside the U

    It's a tough position because there's certainly a number of legitimate refugees that need brought in.

    If I were in charge... It would definitely be women, children, and the elderly/infirm with nearly no issue. Military aged males, however, are a different story... If they served with our guys and it can be proven, they get the option to be evac'd or stay to join up with anti-Taliban forces. All other military aged males can kick rocks. If they want freedom, they can pick up one of the many firearms laying around and shoot their way to it.

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