ENEMY WITHIN: Ilhan Omar Threatens President Trump: Divest from Trump Hotels or You May Face “Worldwide” Attacks on Properties

by Jim Hoft January 7, 2020

On Friday morning the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport. The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike.

The Iranian regime is threatening retaliation against the United States following the death of their terror leader.

On Sunday the Iranian Regime offered an $80 million bounty for anyone who brings in the head of President Donald Trump for killing Qassam Soleimani.

Democrats blasted President Trump over the killing of the world’s number one terrorist.

And on Monday Democrat Ilhan Omar signaled Iran on potential targets — Trump International Hotels.

She truly is the enemy within.

Twitter users saw this for what it was — a signal to the Iranian regime.