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Thread: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Women’s March Organizer Recently Met Ex-Hamas Operative, Has Family Ties To Terror Group
    12:37 PM 01/21/2017

    Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

    Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

    While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

    Salah Sarsour (left) with Linda Sarsour (right) at MAS-ICNA convention. Via Facebook

    Salah Sarsour, who is also a board member of American Muslims for Palestine, served as a bodyguard of sorts at the convention for Sumeyye Erdogan Bayraktar, the daughter of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    The Muslim Veil, not pink p**sy cap was the real symbol behind Big Women’s March

    By Judi McLeod —January 22, 2017

    Despite the sea of pink p**sy caps seen on worldwide streets during the Big Women’s’ March yesterday, the pink cap was not the real symbol of the march—the Muslim veil was.

    The Muslim veil and a hijab made out of the highly revered American flag were the real symbols of the day.

    There was one march organizer far more worrisome than Mama Michael Moore, the blow-the-White-House-up wishing, F-bomb spewing Madonna, or any of the other screaming meemies out on the streets, who, in the grander scheme of things, were only the bit players.

    Veil wearing Linda Sarsour, who has ties to terrorist organization Hamas and who openly advocates for Sharia Law in America, was well hidden by the mainstream media, who kept bit players like Moore in the spotlight.

    For all of their noise, for all of the sea of pink p**sy caps, the 2-million strong worldwide march was never really about getting even with the 62 million who voted in Donald J. Trump as president, even though some of the naive protesters may have been totally unaware of it, it was about bringing Islam into the power of the White House.

    Sarsour, who has provable ties to the terrorist organization Hamas, wants to bring America under the strictures of Sharia law and wants President Trump replaced by Democratic National Committee chair, Rep. Keith Ellison.

    Mama Moore, Rosie O’Donnell, Madonna, Ashley Judd, Jane Fonda et al are merely her foot-soldiers.

    Mama Moore voiced his support for Rep. Keith Ellison yesterday while on the march, saying that he is “a great organizer and the only Muslim member of congress.”

    Yesterday Moore asked the gathering crowds to call their congressman every single day. “Every day!” he stressed, informing them of a number they can call to find out the number of their congressman. (PJ Media, Jan 21, 2017)

    Moore ignores the baleful fact that calls from millions of Americans to their congressmen over the past eight years went unanswered.

    As a Canada Free Press letter writers advises today, given the intentions of Rep. Keith Ellison supporters, citizens would, be better advised to keep the numbers of their field offices for Secret Services handy.

    Moore’s veiled leader Sarsour, has been a member of Barack Obama’s failed drive for ‘Hope & Change’. The head of the Arab American Association of New York, she’s an original Obama White House “Champion of Change’.

    “Approximately 200,000 people participated in a ‘Women’s March’ in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Linda Sarsour is a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist. (Gateway Pundit, Jan. 21, 2017)

    She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.

    “Linda Sarsour is very vocal about her support for Palestine and her utter hatred for Israel. She has ties to the terrorist organization, Hamas as the Daily Caller reports:

    “Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

    “Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

    “While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.
    “Linda Sarsour is very active on Twitter. She is pro Sharia law and a couple of her tweets even have a seditious tone to them where she romanticizes Sharia law and hints at it taking over America whereby we would have interest free loans.

    “The fact that an Islamic faction was one of the organizers of the Women’s March is laughable at best. Islam is responsible for the worst abuses of women and children not only throughout history, but at present day. Islamic supremacists who wish to impose Sharia law in America have infiltrated various leftist movements in order to appear as an oppressed minority.

    “Here is bizarre tweet from Maya Shwayder who is a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post in New York…is she really celebrating a Hijab? Wearing an American flag as a Hijab also goes against the U.S. Flag Code.

    “I reached out to Linda Sarsour on Twitter to confront her about the utter abuses of women under Islam. I also brought up the fact that child marriage is abhorrent yet sanctioned under Sharia law. When I asked her if she denounces these abuses, below was her response to me…

    You almost feel sorry for them,” wrote Rick Moran. “Making a black Muslim the face of the Democratic Party not because he is the best spokesman or even the best “organizer” but because he’s “the only Muslim member of Congress” is truly a pathetic appeal to identity politics in the aftermath of an election where the American people rejected such politics.”

    Meanwhile the ideal should not be “almost” feeling sorry for them, but organizing a strong resistance to protect America from a Muslim president, forced upon it by the hidden agenda of a so-called Big Women’s March Movement.

    Alex Jones live cast being photobombed

    Whoa: DC march champion’s “women’s rights,” but look who one of the organizers is…

    By Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief

    Knitted pink “p****y hats” are out in full force today in our nation’s capital and in major cities across the fruited plain as liberal women march in solidarity for…um…not exactly clear?

    Here’s the mission statement on the official website:

    The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us – immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault – and our communities are hurting and scared. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.

    In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

    That is, you have a human right as a woman – unless you’re still in the womb. But let’s not get into nasty details. Here’s more helpful info:

    Q: I’m not a woman, am I invited?
    A: Yes, the Women’s March on Washington (WMW) is for any person, regardless of gender or gender identity, who believes women’s rights are human rights.

    Q: Is the Women’s March on Washington inclusive for women of color?
    A: The WMW is an evolving effort originally founded by white women. Recognizing the need to be truly inclusive, the National Co-Chairs and Organizers were established to reflect a balanced representation. The team of organizers and volunteers are committed to ensuring that the march reflects women and femme expressive people of all backgrounds.
    “Femme expressive people?”

    In any event, one member of the organizing team has some questionable ties.

    Per the Daily Caller, Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

    Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

    While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, (apparently no relation, the gentleman on the left in the picture) a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

    Linda Sarsour has risen to national attention recently. She served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and she is one of four lead organizers for the Women’s March.

    The event is expected to attract 500,000 people and will feature several high-profile progressive speakers. But it has been heavily criticized for excluding pro-life women’s groups. Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights group which opposes abortions past 20 weeks, was asked to take part in the event.

    Linda Sarsour has close ties to that organization, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) terrorism case.

    HLF was found to have funneled money to Hamas, which was designated a terrorist group in the 1990s.

    Small world, isn’t it?

    Of course we wouldn’t want to jump to any conclusions, would we? After all, it’s wonderful when Muslim women speak out on behalf of women’s rights, but when they have ties to Hamas and CAIR, it does make you wonder.

    A couple other interesting tidbits about the DC Women’s March which should give us all a sigh of relief: there are “gender neutral portable bathroom facilities” and “lactation tents” along the march route just in case the urge hits…

    Ivy League Students Support FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, Want Planned Parenthood to FUND

    Jim Hoft
    Jan 3rd, 2017 3:28 pm


    The kids support female genital mutilation and want Planned Parenthood to fund this brutal technique.

    The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) released video today of Columbia University students endorsing female genital mutilation and proposing that Planned Parenthood pay for it.

    Female Genital Mutilation comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons (WHO). It is also sometimes referred to as female genital cutting or female circumcision. The practice in common in Muslim countries.

    Pamela Geller reported:

    NEW YORK, January 3: The human rights advocacy group the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) today unveiled an alarming new video, filmed at Columbia University, showing that at Columbia University, an Ivy League school and one of the nation’s foremost centers of higher learning, most students are willing to condone female genital mutilation.

    AFDI President Pamela Geller noted: “Students were asked if Planned Parenthood should fund and support female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM involves partial or total removal of the clitoris causing injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It has no health benefits for girls and women, and removes all possibility of sexual pleasure. It is the worst kind of misogyny. Procedures can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later cysts, infections, as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.”

    Read the rest HERE.

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    Madeleine Albright 'ready to register as Muslim' - Fox News

    Published January 26, 2017

    Madeleine Albright the former secretary of state, tweeted Wednesday that she is prepared to register as a Muslim in ‘solidarity’ as reports say President Trump plans on suspending the U.S.'s refugee program for 120 days.

    Albright said that there is no fine print on the Statue of Liberty and America must "remain open to people of all faiths & backgrounds."

    She went on to say that she was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian and “found out later my family was Jewish.”

    “I stand ready to register as Muslim in #solidarity,” she tweeted. The Hill reported that she is following in feminist icon Gloria Steinem’s vow to become Muslim if there is ever a registry.

    Albright was a vocal critic of Trump in the election and lended her support to Hillary Clinton. She made headlines last year when, at a rally in New Hampshire, she said there's a special "place in hell for women who don't help each other."

    She later clarified those remarks and called it an "undiplomatic moment."

    A draft executive order obtained by The Associated Press showed that Trump intends to stop accepting Syrian refugees and suspend the U.S.'s broader refugee program for 120 days.

    He also plans to suspend issuing visas for people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen for at least 30 days, according to the draft. All are predominantly Muslim countries.

    Trump is expected to sign the order this week.

    The order says the government will give countries 60 days to start providing the information or citizens from those countries will be barred from traveling to the United States.

    Exceptions would be made for diplomats, NATO visas or those people traveling to work at the United Nations.

    During the campaign Trump, said vetting procedures were inadequate and suggested that terrorists could pose as Syrian refugees to infiltrate the United States.

    Trump has the authority to determine how many refugees are accepted annually and he can suspend the program at any time. Refugee processing was suspended in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, restarting months later.

    During the last budget year, the U.S. accepted 84,995 refugees, including 12,587 people from Syria and President Barack Obama had set the refugee limit for this budget year at 110,000.

    Trump, according to his yet-to-be-signed executive order, will cut that program by more half to 50,000.

    The order said while the program is suspended, the U.S. may admit people on a case-by-case basis "when in the national interest" and the government would continue to process refugee requests from people claiming religious persecution, "provided that the a minority religion in the individual's country."

    That suggests that would allow the admission of Christians from Muslim-majority countries.

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    Leftist Organized Protest At JFK On Temporary Refugee Halt

    Behind Enemy Lines ‏@BushwackCA 2m2 minutes ago

    #MuslimBan #JFK protests are the same protesters wearing vagina hats in DC. Same organizer who is an anti-semite, hate USA with passion.

    Oh look -- muzzies!!

    ~ a l e x ~ ‏@broadgood 4m4 minutes ago

    these women dancing in front of riot police are amazing.
    #JFKTerminal4 #jfk


    The irony. One of the refugees who was detained in JFK airport came out & said he likes Trump and understands the reason for the policy.

    In reply to Justin Amash
    William Paxton ‏@Truthseer1961 2m2 minutes ago

    @justinamash Hey stupid! It is us vs. them. Always has been. It always will be. Until Islam reforms. Quran. Hadiths. #ReadAF*ckingBook #JFK

    Harris Doran ‏@harrisdoran 3m3 minutes ago

    PROTEST ERUPTING RIGHT NOW at Howard Beach subway station as the NYPD block AirTran acccess to protestors.

    Makada ���� ‏@_Makada_ 2m2 minutes ago

    ISIS has openly said they will infiltrate the refugee program, why would we allow these terrorists into America?

    #Dulles #JFK

    Matthew Main ‏@matthewpmain 43s43 seconds ago

    Crowd erupts with chants of "impeach" after announcement that the stay was granted. #noban #MuslimBanprotest #jfk #cadmanplaza

    Christopher Lehman ‏@iChrisLehman 3m3 minutes ago

    Next step would be @SCOTUS. If they go 4-4 then it becomes permanent and Trump EO is dead. ...until next fight #MuslimBanprotest #JFK

    Of course Antifa is there, miserable rags:

    Mlle Nuit Debout Ⓐ ‏@WatsRllyGoingOn 4m4 minutes ago

    NYC: #Antifa at #JFK in support of #MuslimBan protests.
    #antireport via @NYCAntifa. #NoBanNoWall #RefugeesWelcome

    Sally Baker McCarty ‏@sallybmccarty 49s50 seconds ago

    Thanks to those quality Americans at #JFK proving to the world that Americans are better & kinder than @POTUS & @VP would indicate.

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    Terror-Tied Group CAIR Causing Chaos, Promoting Protests & Lawsuits as Trump Protects Nation

    LEE STRANAHAN 28 Jan 2017

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations, aka CAIR, has helped launch a series of protests across the country and plans lawsuits related to President Trump’s recent executive orders on immigration.

    The orders are designed to keep Americans safer from terrorism by temporarily barring visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the U.S. without “extreme vetting” and banning refugees from these countries for at least 30 days.

    CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation.

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations is also increasingly a part of America’s institutional left infrastructure and was one of the partners behind the recent Women’s March in Washington that drew hundreds of thousands, along with feminist groups like Planned Parenthood.

    On Saturday, protests broke out at airports around the country, including New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. Saturday morning, two Iraqis were detained at JFK.

    Over 1,000 now at Terminal 4 at #NoMuslimBanJFK to say refugees and Muslims are welcome here!

    — Daniel Altschuler (@altochulo) January 28, 2017

    CAIR chapters were actively promoting the protests on social media and acting as spokesmen for the issue.

    Protests at John F. Kennedy International Airport after #refugees were detained following Trump’s #MuslimBan…

    — CAIR-MI (@CAIRMI) January 28, 2017

    #CAIR-Dallas: Immigration order halts travelers at DFW airport

    Alia Salem, executive director for DFW Chapter of…

    — CAIR National (@CAIRNational) January 28, 2017

    ABC News reports on the Chicago chapter of CAIR’s involvement:

    (Video - can't embed.)

    At least one person was detained at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago today, and it is expected that she will return to Saudi Arabia, according to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

    Sahar Alghnimi, a Syrian woman who came to the U.S. on tourist visa to see her mother who had just undergone cancer surgery, was detained when she arrived from Saudi Arabia at 8:48 AM on Eithad Airlines, CAIR Chicago executive director Ahmed Rehab told ABC News.

    Meanwhile in Boston, CAIR is is planning another rally for Sunday at 1 p.m. on Boston’s Copley Square.

    CAIR-Massachusetts Executive Director John Robbins said Trump is playing on “religious bigotry and intolerance” and will end up turning away men, women, and children fleeing violence and persecution.

    Time magazine says that CAIR was behind a protest that happened earlier in the week at New York City’s Washington Square Park:

    The demonstration, led by the New York Chapter of the Center for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was hastily organized in response to Trump’s executive orders restricting immigration from Muslim countries and efforts to curb undocumented immigration within the U.S. On Wednesday, Trump green-lighted the construction of a wall along the southern border, ordered the Department of Homeland Security to build more detention centers, and ended federal grant funding to so-called “sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with federal anti-immigration efforts.

    CAIR has announced on their website that they will hold a news conference at its Capitol Hill headquarters in Washington, D.C. to announce the filing of a federal lawsuit on behalf of more than 20 individuals challenging the “Muslim ban” executive order. CAIR’s news conference will be live-streamed on its Facebook page.

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    George Soros-Financed Groups Scheme to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order

    AARON KLEIN 28 Jan 2017

    TEL AVIV — Immigration lawyers from groups financed by billionaire George Soros, a champion of open border policies, were signatories to a lawsuit filed Saturday to block President Donald Trump’s executive order halting visas for 90 days for “immigrants and non-immigrants” from Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq.

    The executive order further suspended the entry of all refugees for 120 days, indefinitely blocks Syrian refugees from entering and lowers the ceiling to 50,000 for refugees allowed to enter the U.S. during Fiscal Year 2017 .

    The New York Times first reported on the lawsuit:

    At least one case quickly prompted a legal challenge as lawyers representing two Iraqi refugees held at Kennedy International Airport in New York filed a motion early Saturday seeking to have their clients released. They also filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and other immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.

    The suit was filed by lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project, the National Immigration Law Center, the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization at Yale Law School, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) at the Urban Justice Center.

    The ACLU is massively funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundations, including with a $50 million grant in 2014.

    The National Immigration Law Center has received numerous Open Society grants earmarked for general support.

    The Urban Justice Center is also the recipient of an Open Society grant.

    Taryn Higashi, executive director of the Center’s International Refugee Assistance Project, which is listed on the Trump lawsuit, currently serves on the Advisory Board of the International Migration Initiative of Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

    Over the last decade, Soros has reportedly provided some $76 million for immigrant issues.

    In 2014, the New York Times credited “immigrant rights groups” financed by Soros and a handful of other donors for influencing President Obama’s immigration policy.

    The newspaper reported:

    When President Obama announces major changes to the nation’s immigration enforcement system as early as next week, his decision will partly be a result of a yearslong campaign of pressure by immigrant rights groups, which have grown from a cluster of lobbying organizations into a national force.

    A vital part of that expansion has involved money: major donations from some of the nation’s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. Over the past decade those donors have invested more than $300 million in immigrant organizations, including many fighting for a pathway to citizenship for immigrants here illegally.

    In August, Breitbart Jerusalem first reported hacked documents from Soros’s Open Society Institute boasted that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually.

    The documents revealed that the billionaire personally sent President Obama a letter on the issue of accepting refugees.

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    Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’

    Reporter, Associate Editor

    3:31 PM 01/31/2017

    A hot microphone picked up House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi instructing a Democratic congressman to tell a crowd of anti-Trump protesters that he is a Muslim.

    Pelosi’s slip-up took place in front of a group of protesters demonstrating outside the Supreme Court against Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration.

    Pelosi ceded the microphone to Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, whom she introduced as a “Muslim member of Congress.”

    Do You Think Nancy Pelosi Should Apologize?

    “Greetings from the great state of Indiana. I’m Congressman Andre Carson!” Carson said, prompting Pelosi to badger him. “Tell them you’re a Muslim,” Pelosi mumbled. “Tell them you’re a Muslim.”Carson complied. “Not only do I represent Indiana’s seventh congressional district very proudly,” he said, “but I happen to be a Muslim and a former police officer.”

    Read more:

    DNC Leadership Boots Candidate From Chairmans Race For Criticizing Ellisons Islamic Faith

    Source: The Hill

    The Democratic National Committee is kicking a candidate out of the chairman’s race after he told The Hill that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) should not be the party’s next leader because he is Muslim.

    In a Jan. 5 email to The Hill, Vincent Tolliver, a former House candidate in Arkansas, said that Ellison, the first-ever Muslim elected to Congress, should not be chairman because of Islamic positions on homosexuality.

    “His being a Muslim is precisely why DNC voters should not vote for him,” Tolliver wrote. “Muslims discriminate against gays. Islamic law is clear on the subject, and being gay is a direct violation of it. In some Muslim countries, being gay is a crime punishable by death.”

    “Clearly, Mr. Ellison is not the person to lead the DNC or any other organization committed to not discriminating based on gender identity or sexual orientation,” Tolliver continued. “I'm shocked HRC has been silent on the issue. A vote for Representative Ellison by any member of the DNC would be divisive and unconscionable, not to mention counterproductive to the immediate and necessary steps of rebuilding the Democratic Party.”

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    “Kill Christians”: The Real Refugee Protest Agenda

    What they really want is the continuation of Obama’s Christian refugee ban.

    February 3, 2017
    Daniel Greenfield

    The President of the United States announced that refugees fleeing persecution by a totalitarian regime would be deported. It did not matter that they had risked their lives to come here.

    They would be sent back.

    No leftist lawyers crammed airports. No protesters chanted at terminals. No celebrities offered sanctimonious lectures about “who we are”. No one dared to call the lying thug behind it un-American.

    Because his last name was Obama and the refugees were Cubans fleeing socialism.

    Their arrival irritated the leftists gleefully going on tours of Havana while worrying that capitalism would ruin all the poverty, misery and oppression they were showing off on their Instagram pages.

    The same leftists howling over Trump’s refugee pause from Muslim countries cheered loudly for Obama’s Cuban refugee ban. A majority of Cuban Americans had voted for Trump.

    So the left wanted to keep them out of America.

    The media outlets selling sniveling sob stories of Muslim families cheered when President Clinton sent in an anti-terrorist unit brandishing submachine guns to abduct a little Cuban boy at gunpoint from his family. "We literally wanted these people frozen with fear," a BORTAC commander boasted.

    That is how the left treats actual refugees.

    When they lecture us on “who we are,” remember that this is who they are.

    While Obama and the left have been lecturing us on the poor Syrian refugees, they have done everything possible to keep real Syrian refugees, Christians and Yazidis, out of America.

    Christians made up 10% of the population of Syria. Two thirds of Syrian Christians were displaced by the ongoing Muslim religious war. But only 1% of the Syrian refugees admitted by Obama were Christian.

    98.8% were Muslim.

    Of the hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrian Christians, Obama took in 125 in his final year.

    While real refugees were kept out, Obama threw open the doors to Sunni Muslim migrants: many of whom sympathize with their Sunni Islamic terrorist side from Al Qaeda to ISIS. Obama had armed and aided the Sunni Islamic “freedom fighters” in Syria who were oppressing and displacing Christians.

    These are the fake refugees on whose behalf the left is protesting at airports.

    President Trump has pledged to overturn Obama’s covert ban on Christian refugees. The leftist protesters aren’t there to support refugees, but to oppose his plan to help Christian refugees.

    These aren’t pro-refugee protests. They’re pro-migrant and anti-refugee tantrums. Their real message is to keep Obama’s ban on Syrian Christian refugees while importing more migrant Muslim terror.

    The left does not support actual refugees because the majority of those are fleeing either leftist or Islamist regimes. And the left is the unofficial lobby for the former and supports the latter.

    Joe Biden, Jerry Brown and other leftists fought tooth and nail against bringing Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees to America. George McGovern insisted that they “would be better off going back to their own land.”

    Amnesty International, which beats the Muslim refugee drum louder than anyone else, joined in the effort to cover up Communist genocide in Cambodia. "Allegations made by refugees must be examined with care in view of their possible partiality," the left-wing organization warned. It claimed that it did not want to “embarrass” the Communist mass murderers by exposing their misdeeds in public.

    Cambodian genocide denial lived on until the bodies could no longer be covered up.

    The left has shamelessly invoked the plight of Jewish refugees from the USSR and Nazi Germany.

    It was FDR, the great hero of the left, who sent Jewish refugees to die in Nazi concentration camps. While leftists like to place the blame on Congress, the FDR administration went to great lengths to keep out even those Jewish refugees that could have been legally admitted with security reviews.

    These tactics were used to keep out as many as 117,000 Jews.

    An administration memo called for removing “discretion” from consuls so that there would no Raoul Wallenbergs or Chiune Sugiharas on FDR's watch while “advising our consuls, to put every obstacle in the way and to require additional evidence and to resort to various administrative devices which would postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of the visas.”

    The FDR administration even pressured other countries in the region not to accept Jews.

    FDR had a long history of anti-Semitic remarks. He had even defended Nazi anti-Semitism in private conversations. The most horrifying of his remarks came when Stalin and FDR were discussing the “Jewish problem”. Stalin had already been engaged in massacring the Jews. FDR quipped to Stalin that he would give the six million Jews of the United States to King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia.

    Meanwhile the left had spent a long time denying that Jews were even persecuted in the USSR.

    The first boom in Soviet Jewish emigration occurred under Nixon. More Jews were able to leave the USSR in one year of Nixon than during LBJ’s entire term in office. In Nixon’s last full year in office, 35,000 Soviet Jews were allowed to leave. In Carter’s first year, the numbers were barely half that. There was an equally dramatic difference between Carter’s last year in office and Reagan’s first year in office.

    Nixon’s Attorney General, John Mitchell, had intervened to offer parole to Soviet Jewish refugees while Carter had sought to suspend Jackson-Vanik which was forcing the USSR to free Soviet Jews.

    It is the left that stands on the side of the leftist anti-Semites who oppress and persecute Jews.

    When the Marxist Sandinistas persecuted Jews, they were the toast of the left. John Kerry lobbied for them and Bill de Blasio supported them. But President Reagan courageously denounced them.

    “The Nicaraguan Communists claim that they're not anti-Semitic, they're just anti-Zionist. Well, as anti-Zionists, they desecrated Managua's synagogue and drove the small Jewish community into exile,” President Reagan said, describing graffiti reading, “Death to the Jewish pigs.”

    Who cared about those Jewish exiles? Reagan. Not the left which glorified the Marxists scribbling, ‘Death to the Jewish pigs’ on synagogue walls.

    Today the left is doing the same thing to Christian refugees that it did to Jewish refugees.

    Obama’s people fought hard to prevent the Boko Haram terrorists who were massacring thousands of Christians and bombing churches in Nigeria from being named as a foreign terrorist organization. He sided with the Muslim Brotherhood church bombers in Egypt and with Palestinian Authority Jihadists killing Jews in Israel.

    Everything Obama did is the policy of the left. Not just in America, but also in Europe and in Canada.

    The left has formed an alliance with Islamic terrorists. Some of the lawyers who rush to airports to aid Muslims detained on immigration charges also rush to prisons to help Muslim terrorists detained in plots to massacre Americans. They don’t love refugees. They hate America. They hate us.

    The left hates real refugees. It hates them because real refugees want freedom.

    Cuban and Soviet Jewish refugees voted for Trump because they know what it’s like to live under the left. The Christian refugees fleeing the Middle East are the first to warn about the dangers of Islam.

    That’s why the left will do everything it can to keep them out of this country. There is nothing that a totalitarian movement hates and fears more than people who love freedom.

    Behind the moral theater of the editorial page and the sanctimonious circus at the airport is a horrific crime. The left has aided and abetted genocide from the USSR to Nazi Germany, from Asia to the Middle East, while providing aid and comfort to the monsters behind these horrors. The greatest intellectuals of the left defended the horrific crimes of Communism as they whitewash Islamist crimes today.

    Nothing has changed.

    Leftists are really protesting at airports for the continuation of Obama’s Christian refugee ban. They are screaming their lungs out to keep the Christian refugees fleeing Islamic terror out of this country.

    The left hasn’t turned out in force to save Muslims. It has marshalled its haters to kill Christian refugees.

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    White House issues list of 78 attacks Trump says ‘very dishonest press’ gave short shrift


    WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House has released a list of 78 attacks it describes as “executed or inspired by” the Islamic State group.

    The White House says most did not get sufficient attention.

    The list includes incidents like a truck massacre in Nice, France, that killed dozens and received widespread attention, as well as less high-profile incidents in which nobody was killed.

    The AP could not verify that each of the incidents had connections to the Islamic State group.

    President Donald Trump claimed during a speech earlier Monday that the media was deliberately ignoring attacks.

    Trump said that, “in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it,” adding, “They have their reasons.”



    Dan Merica

    Here are the last two pages of the WH list. They were cut off the initial tweet.
    8:07 PM - 6 Feb 2017[/COLOR]




    Dan Merica

    A White House official says "most" of these 78 attacks since 2014 have not received enough attention from media.
    6:51 PM - 6 Feb 2017

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    Muslim Leader: “We Celebrate Our Way of Life Until Their Way Dissipates Under Our Feet” (Video)

    by A. DeSimone/ February 7, 2017

    A group of protesters organized by Canada’s Toronto branch of Black Lives Matter met in front of the American Consulate of Toronto and spewed outcries of American white supremacy, capitalism, liberalism, and the policies of President Trump.

    The BLM Toronto chapter is a group that describes themselves as a “coalition of Black Torontonians resisting anti-Black racism, state-sponsored violence, and police brutality.”

    On Saturday, thousands of people showed up to hear Syed Hussan’s attempt to “rally the troops” to “dismantle the current government system in the West” by “breaking down borders, prisons and detention centers, seizing farms and factories and becoming the enemies of the authorities.”

    Hussan, who is a representative of ‘No One is Illegal in Toronto,’ accused President Trump and Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau of being “two sides of the same coin.”

    Hussan shouted, “We must celebrate our way of life, what they called barbaric cultural practices on our streets and in our homes until their way of life dissipates under our feet.”

    A video of his speech is below:

    Syed Hussan's speech at Toronto anti Trump protest 04 02 2017

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    Louis Farrakhan Leads ‘Death to America’ Chant on Solidarity Trip to Iran

    by Benjamin Kerstein
    November 4, 2018 1:54 pm

    Nation of Islam leader and prominent antisemite Louis Farrakhan chanted “Death to America” and claimed that “America has never been a democracy” on Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran, ahead of the re-implementation of US sanctions this week.

    According to Iran’s semi-official state news agency Mehr, Farrakhan said at a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei that America is conspiring against Iran.

    “I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots,” he said.

    He also blasted American support for Saudi Arabia, Iran’s arch-rival in the region, and added, “Satan seeks to divide Muslims and wants them to kill each other, while God tells us in the Quran to be united.”

    Farrakhan has referred to Jews as the “synagogue of Satan.”

    In his remarks, he condemned the new American sanctions on Iran that will take effect on Monday. “Today, I warn the American government that sanctioning Iran is a big mistake,” he said.

    In addition, he stated that African-Americans are part of Iran’s Islamic revolution.

    According to the Farsi news outlet IRIB, he also spoke to students at the University of Tehran law school and fulminated against Israel, praised women’s rights in Iran and the laws demanding they cover themselves in accordance with Islamic law. He claimed, “America has never been a democracy and has always leaned towards the wealthy and powerful class.”

    At the end of his talk, Farrakhan chanted the common Iranian slogan “Death to America,” and was joined by members of the audience.

    Farrakhan, perhaps the most notorious black supremacist in America, has a long history of antisemitic statements. Most recently, he referred to Jews as “termites.”

    Several prominent American activists and politicians have been linked to Farrakhan in recent years. Tamika Mallory, a leader of the Women’s March, praised him as “GOAT” or “Greatest of All Time.” Linda Sarsour, another leader of the March, attended an event with Farrakhan and has repeatedly refused to condemn him.

    Illinois Democratic Representative Danny K. Davis said of Farrakhan, “I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people.”

    Recently, a photograph surfaced of former President Barack Obama meeting with Farrakhan in 2005 while he was a senator.

    Farrakhan compares Trump to Satan during visit to Iran

    “The Christians say that Satan is a liar, and every day they keep a count of Trump’s lies,” Farrakhan said.

    By Samuel Thrope

    November 5, 2018 01:00

    Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan compared US President Donald Trump to Satan and encouraged Iranians to resist American “plots” against Iran, during a visit to Tehran, according to a report by the semi-official Islamic Republic News Agency.

    “The Christians say that Satan is a liar, and every day they keep a count of Trump’s lies,” Farrakhan said at a meeting with Mohsen Rezaee, a conservative politician who is secretary of Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council, a body that advises Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

    “Only Satan was created by a lie,” Farrakhan said.

    Farrakhan is leading a group of Nation of Islam members on a tour of Iran as the Islamic Republic celebrates the anniversary of the seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran during the 1979 Islamic Revolution, just days before the Trump administration reimposes sanctions on Iran’s key oil sector.

    Thousands of students in the government-organized rally in the capital Tehran, broadcast live by state television, burned the Stars and Stripes, an effigy of Uncle Sam and pictures of Trump, outside the leafy downtown compound that once housed the US mission.

    This is not Farrakhan’s first visit to the country. He was in Iran in 1996 as well as 2016, and has long been a vocal supporter of the Islamic Republic.

    In his speech in Tehran, Farrakhan said he was enjoying his visit to Iran and that “I am here to show my friendship” with the Iranian people. He also warned Iranians against “American plots” against the Muslim world.

    “The American government is plotting against you every day,” Farrakhan said, saying he knew of American plans to attack and occupy seven Muslim nations. “Because it is impossible to change the way of thinking of Islamic Iran, they never sleep and are always working to create an internal enemy in Iran.”

    Farrakhan also referred to the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and to Trump and his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner’s involvement in Saudi affairs.

    “Trump cannot clear his account with Muhammad bin Salman because of the killing of Khashoggi,” he said, “because of the large amount invested in the Saudis and the interest that Trump’s son-in-law and his family have in the country.”

    “Israel has taken very clever steps in Abu Dhabi, and wants to gain control over Muhammad bin Salman,” Rezaee added, “but the Khashoggi affair has foiled their plans.”

    “When I met Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud at the Saudi Embassy, I asked him why there are American troops in the holy places [Mecca and Medina],” Farrakhan added. “He assured me that we have a treaty stating that any time we want, we can remove the Americans. I told him that treaties have not stopped the Americans in the past. They also had treaties with the Native Americans, which were never honored.

    “Gaddafi also trusted them and gave everything to the Americans,” he said, referring to former Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi, who gave up his nuclear program but who was toppled in the Arab Spring uprisings just a few years later. The statement was also an obvious reference to the confrontation between Iran and both the United States and Israel over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

    Rezaee responded to Farrakhan in a statement aimed particularly at the American Muslim community: “Iran is the home of all Muslims, and I hope that your journey and your meetings with the leaders of this country will strengthen the unity between the Muslims of America and Iranians.”

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    Todd Starnes: Pennsylvania Democrats: Allah is fine, Jesus is not

    Todd Starnes

    William Penn established a colony where people of faith could practice whatever religion they desired. Pennsylvania became the only colony without a state-run church.

    Penn’s gift to America was freedom of religion, the right to practice one’s faith in the public marketplace.

    "All Persons who also profess to believe in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, shall be serve this Government in any Capacity,” the Charter of Privileges declared.

    Nearly 318 years later, that fundamental bedrock of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has all but crumbled. And the statehouse has now become a place where those who profess Jesus Christ face public rebuke.

    In March, State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz was invited to deliver a prayer at the beginning of the legislative day. Mrs. Borowicz, a freshman lawmaker and the wife of a Christian minister, gladly accepted the invitation.

    By chance, the state’s first female Muslim lawmaker was scheduled to be sworn into office on the same day. There were many Muslim visitors in attendance. Also on the agenda was a prayer that was delivered by a Muslim cleric.

    But it was Mrs. Borowicz’s prayer that made national headlines when she invoked the name of Jesus Christ numerous times.

    “Jesus, you are our only hope,” she prayed. “At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus, that you are Lord.”

    Movita Johnson-Harrell, who was sworn into office after the prayer, and her fellow Democrats were enraged, calling the prayer demeaning, degrading and Islamophobic.

    “It blatantly represented the Islamophobia that exists among some leaders — leaders that are supposed to represent the people,” Johnson-Harrell said in a statement published by the Pennsylvania Capital Star. “I came to the Capitol to help build bipartisanship and collaborations regardless of race or religion to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the Commonwealth.”

    Gov. Tom Wolf, also a Democrat, said he was “horrified” by Borowicz’s invocation.

    House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody said the prayer should’ve been more inclusive and inspirational.

    “This morning on a very important day, on a day when we’re swearing in a new member, the first woman Muslim serving in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in history, there was a prayer that was not meant to inspire us,” he told

    He went on to tell a local television station that the prayer was “beneath the dignity of this House.”

    I invited Mrs. Borowicz to appear on my radio program so she could provide some context for the prayer. She told me she considered it a great honor to stand before her fellow lawmakers inside the ornate House chamber and deliver a prayer upon the assembled.

    “You can see the Scripture as you stand up there and pray, that we all know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” she said referring to an inscription of John 8:32 in the House chamber.

    I have to imagine the Democrats were equally troubled by the fact that their government buildings are inscribed with numerous Bible verses and religious references.

    A kind and gracious woman, but she is steadfast in her faith and she flat-out refused to apologize to anyone who took offense at the name of Jesus.

    “I don’t apologize for it because that’s how I pray almost every day,” she said. “It doesn't matter who I'm standing in front of -- I'm standing for Jesus no matter what.”

    Mrs. Borowicz faced a national firestorm of hate fomented by the Mainstream Media and Democrats. But their outrage was rather selective. Just a few minutes after the Christian prayer, a Muslim cleric delivered a prayer in Arabic and reportedly quoted from the Koran.

    There was no condemnation from Democrats or the Mainstream Media even though the Muslim prayed to a higher power.

    So if a Muslim can pray to Allah in the Pennsylvania statehouse, why can’t a Christian pray in the name of Jesus?

    “That's what my 15-year-old son said last night,” Borowicz told me. “There’s a double-standard.”

    The freshman lawmaker said she prays to Jesus every day and reads her Bible and quotes Scripture.

    “As Christians we don't pray differently based on who we're standing in front of,” she said. “So whether that would have been in front of a crowd at my church and Christians or before Muslims or before Hindus I stand for Jesus no matter what and no matter who I'm in front of.”

    Borowicz dismissed accusations that praying in the name of Christ is somehow Islamophobic.

    “That’s ridiculous. I said I’d pray to Jesus. It’s not directed towards anyone,” she said. “But Todd, we know that there’s power in the name of Jesus and so I think that it becomes offensive because there’s power behind it.”

    Instead of capitulating to the hateful mob of Democrats, the state lawmaker stood her ground.

    “It’s time for Christians and other people to start standing up and speaking out,” she said. “I think we've been silent for too long.”

    As Tyler Perry’s Madea might say, “Halleluyer!”

    You can watch "Starnes Country" exclusively on Fox Nation. Sign up for your free trial now.

    Adapted from Todd Starnes' monologue on Fox Nation.

    Join Fox Nation today and watch the video. Fox Nation is a subscription streaming service offering daily shows and documentaries that you can not watch anywhere else. Watch from your phone, computer and select TV devices. Join and start watching for free now.

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    Interesting interview, need to watch the whole interview. The Unholy Alliance is around 21:30 min mark.

    The Candace Owens Show: Imam Mohamad Tawhidi

    Published on May 26, 2019
    Imam Mohamad Tawhidi and Candace Owens discuss the Muslim community, Christianity and whether Islam can be reformed.

    Last edited by vector7; July 15th, 2019 at 18:29.

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    The Left Shows How Insane It’s Become With This Ludicrous Piece On Ilhan Omar

    Posted at 12:00 pm on August 16, 2019 by Brandon Morse

    Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., listens as Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russell Vought testifies before the House Budget Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 12, 2019, during a hearing on the fiscal year 2020 budget. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

    The cult-like support for Rep. Ilhan Omar has generated some fascinating stances from her supporters, and when I say “fascinating,” I mean absolutely insane.

    Take, for instance, this article from Tasmiha Khan of The Independent.

    Right off the bat, you can tell this article is going to be a lesson in how political zealousness can literally alter the way you perceive reality. She titles the piece “No politician in living memory has been treated as badly as Ilhan Omar.” Without reading any further into my arguments, I’m sure you already have solid examples as to how this article is just plain stupid.

    I’ll continue anyway.

    Trending Babylon Bee Posts the Definitive Take on Omar's and Tlaib's Reactions to Israel Deciding to Bar Them

    Sister Toldjah

    Khan starts off the article with the usual “orange man bad” spiel about how President Donald Trump is a racist and hates Muslims. He doesn’t, but nuances seem to escape Khan. She then proceeds to victimize herself as a Muslim woman of color in a white society, painting herself as a person in danger. Self-victimization is pretty par for the course when it comes to anti-Trump screeds.

    After some time, Khan finally gets around to the point by comparing herself to Omar:

    It makes me feel that I, like Omar, am also under the magnifying glass. I should not have to fear for my life or that of any other Muslim. If we allow such cruel rhetoric to snowball, we are contributing towards our own demise.

    Moving forward, normalizing the hijab would be the first step towards removing stigma and pressure against women like myself and Ilhan. Engaging in dialogue about topics that make us uncomfortable, such as the hijab, can also help to dismantle stereotypes and increase understanding.

    It is certainly no coincidence that the two US congresswomen reportedly barred from entering Israel are women of colour, with one of them wearing the hijab and following the Muslim faith. This ban was allegedly made at the president’s request, and is the reality of how Muslim women are stigmatized. It seems the defenders of free speech grow quiet when it is Muslims who are being unfairly silenced.
    In short, Trump hates Muslim women of color because they’re Muslim women of color according to Khan.

    It’s been said to death at this point, but Israel barred Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Omar from their nation because they supported the BDS movement. Israel has hard and fast rules against that kind of thing, and shouldn’t have been surprised that Israel disinvited them.

    What’s more, even if Trump did have a hand in it, it wouldn’t matter. As I discussed previously, Tlaib and Omar had nothing but antagonism toward Israel as their goal, and Trump’s advice was solidly taken. It turned out to be the right call, especially given the fact that Tlaib essentially admitted she was going as an anti-Israel activist with her recent refusal to visit the West Bank to see her grandmother at Israel’s invitation under the condition that she leave her politics at the door.

    (READ: Even If Trump’s Tweet Shifted Israel’s Decision On Omar And Tlaib, It’s Still The Right Call)

    But let’s put that aside for a second and focus on Khan’s claim that Omar is the worst treated politician in living memory.

    She’s not. In fact, she’s on the low end of the totem pole considering things that have happened even just recently.

    If the left truly believes Omar is the worst treated politician in living memory, then their memory is incredibly short and narrow.

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    Default Re: The Left's Unholy Alliance with Islam

    Democrats Always Choose America’s Enemies Over America

    Kurt Schlichter
    Posted: Jan 13, 2020 12:01 AM

    Here’s an idea that our Democrat politician friends might want to try if they want to stop being back-stabbing garbage people. It’s kind of a radical notion and a little outside the box, but here goes: How about, just once, you stop sucking-up to the foreign bastards who are attacking our country and take America’s side?

    Maybe you should not back and excuse the gay-hanging, women-stoning, airline-downing, Obama check-cashing, Israel-threatening, American-murdering cultists ruling Iran. Just a thought.

    It’s kind of crazy, but it just might work.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking what your man-bunned grad student TA taught you, that “Hey, America sucks and these foreigners have a good point about America’s history of imperialism and general badness.” Well, this is a stupid thing to think and you Democrats should stop thinking it. Instead, you should stand with your own country all the time, no matter what.

    I know siding with America will infuriate a huge part of your base, since America-hating leftist pieces of Schiff are a key Democrat constituency, but you should try courageously standing up to the trash that forms the foundation of your reeking party instead of collaborating with those fifth columnist communists.

    It’s called “character.” Get some.

    Yes, I know it’s a proud Democrat tradition stemming back to when your party started, and then ensured the communists won, the Vietnam War. During the last decades of the Cold War, which the Republicans won, you sided with the Russians – for you younger Democrats, Russians only became bad to Democrats sometime in 2016. Still today, if there is a Third World USA-hating potentate or terrorist leader, that dirtbag can count on you. Say, does your vintage Che tee still fit?

    But this act is getting old, like your leading presidential candidates.

    Perhaps in your blue city/faculty lounge circles, concepts like “patriotism,” “loyalty” and “not allying yourself with communist and Islamist butchers” are character defects that, if you drones had the capacity to breed, you would attempt to breed out of the pack. But here in America, we like them. And we prefer Americans who side with America.

    I know you don’t like Donald Trump. You have a right not to like Donald Trump. And if you feel it necessary, because you want to fix the skyrocketing stock market and rock-bottom unemployment problems he caused, you can campaign against Donald Trump and support his opponents, whether it be the senile pappy of the promiscuous crack connoisseur, or the fake Indian, or the crusty communist, or that insufferable little weasel who is mayor of the Indiana equivalent of Barstow. That is your right as an American. But you are total garbage if you choose to side with our enemies because you don’t like the guy who the American people elected over your objection.

    Donald Trump is your president.

    Let me say that again.

    Donald Trump is your president.

    He is the President of the United States of America. You don’t have to like that. You don’t have to like him. Feel free to run around the country shouting about how “He’s not my president!” But don’t ever side with our enemies because you are mad at him for crushing the Venezuela 2: The Quickening dreams of your idol Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

    You spent the last three years babbling like idiots about “traitors” and “treachery.” Well, head docs call that “projection.” You are siding with the enemy in a war against the United States. And yeah, Iran has been at war with the United States for 40 years, ever since your peanut-farming, half-wit fellow Dem handed over the keys to the country to a bunch of Seventh Century Pennywises. The least you could do is show a little respect to the people trying to clean up your party’s mess.

    Your party’s latest triumph is blaming Donald Trump because these drooling morons shot down a passenger airliner the night they launched missiles at our American soldiers. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick? Are you stupid? Are you huffing that funny powder you found in Hunter Biden’s medicine cabinet? What would ever have possessed you to start making excuses for people trying to kill Americans?

    There’s a term in the military for people like you: “Blue Falcons.” It derives from the initials “BF.” The initial “B” is for “Buddy.” I’m not going to spell out what the “F’ is for. But you’re Blue Falcons if you sided with Iran’s mullahs against your own country because you got the sadz that mean old Trump is president and not Stumbles McMyturn.

    You know, this Soleimani guy, before Donald Trump turned him into a wet bag of disarticulated chunks, murdered over 600 Americans and who knows how many more foreigners. It’s okay to say that he’s bad, and that smearing him across a Baghdad boulevard was pretty damn awesome. Hell, it’s mandatory. You should break out the champagne to celebrate his close encounter of the Hellfire kind. But you won’t. You can’t.

    I understand this when it comes to that ridiculous AOC and her brother-curious grifter pal Illin’ Omar. I expect nothing from them except treachery. But a lot of Democrats have spent time in positions of power in Washington or otherwise have some credentials that might lead one to expect that they might resist the radical #resist nitwits. Some of them even served in uniform – Audie Buttigieg never shuts up about his adventures in the Squid Force. They should know better, and they should tell the morons in the Squad and the rest of their America-hating pals to shut their collaboration holes.

    But that won’t happen. And it’s a disgrace.

    Among the Democrat voters, there are patriots, including those who have served our country with honor and who continue serving today. Those Dem voters are disgusted with you and, if I was cynical, and I am totally cynical, I would issue them a heartfelt invitation to join the Republican Party, where people who love America are welcome. Walk away, Democrat patriots. Welcome to the GOP.

    Regardless, you don’t take our disagreements outside of the country. You don’t fight in front of foreigners. And you don’t ever take the enemy’s side. These are just basic, threshold requirements to call yourself a “patriot.” Unless you don’t want to be a patriot. You Democrats who don’t, at least be honest and just come right out and admit that you hate America. And the rest of you should admit that you are just too weak to stand up for it.

    Speaking of liberal treachery, my newest novel Collapse touches on how leftists would eagerly welcome the assistance of a pack of commie foreigners to help suppress American freedom. Check it out, along with the other entries in the series, People's Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire. It mocks the complicit Never Trumpers too, who in real life call my books “appalling.” That’s a blurb on the cover!

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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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