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Thread: Election 2020

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Election 2020

    Well, I guess with the Dems having had their first official debate (which I didn't watch), I guess we should get an Election 2020 thread started.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Since I couldn't deal with watching the Dem debate I made sure to listen to a couple talk radio shows to give me a run down.

    I heard Glenn Beck on his show compare Kamala Harris to the Left's version of Ted Cruz with a likeable personality. Interesting what the Google Trends map indicates considering...

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election 2020

    2020 Is Trump's To Blow with Gun Owners

    By David Codrea
    July 9, 2019

    "We did it once and now we will do it again, and this time we’re going to finish the job, and this time should be a lot easier because we have done so much with our military, with our vets, with the Second Amendment," President Donald Trump told wildly enthusiastic supporters at his 2020 campaign kickoff rally in Orlando. "In the face of new threats, we will defend privacy, free speech, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. We will protect our Second Amendment."

    Those are great words, aren’t they? When was the last time you heard a president say them? That alone is a refreshing change.
    So how’s he doing on actions to back them up?


    Before we explore that, let’s get some things stated right up front, because “experience hath shewn” that any criticism of the president on guns draws no small amount of furious “Would you rather have Hillary”?” diversions from a faction of apologist gun owners ready to eviscerate anyone who suggests the emperor’s new clothes are anything short of magnificent. Besides, any perceived reversals of campaign pledges can always be rationalized as 3D chess moves by a guy playing at a level the whiners just aren’t savvy enough to understand.

    Let’s stipulate up front that if Trump loses the presidency to any of the Democrats who have thrown their hats in the ring, successful attacks on the Second Amendment will go through the roof. The balance of power in the Supreme Court and lower federal courts will go through a polar reversal. And the tens of millions of illegal immigrants moved to the fast lane on the – forget “pathway” – superhighway to citizenship could just mean the Republican Party will be doomed as a credible counterweight.

    Gun owners will be screwed. The hope for peaceable means of redress will be just that. This time, when Dianne Feinstein says “Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all,” your choice will be to obey or become a “gun criminal” at risk for life-destroying penalties with the choice to either fight or hope the amped-up assault team coming through your door allows you to surrender.

    Are you ready to go outlaw, and domestic “Red Dawn,” with no end in sight until resulting festivities are over? No? Then you’d better hope the Democrats can be held back.

    Which makes it fair to ask “At what cost?”

    Unsatisfied Customers

    OK, so if that’s the case, why bring up Donald Trump back-sliding on the Second Amendment and jeopardize his chances? Would I rather see Dopey Joe, or Fauxcahontas, or Bernie the Bolshevik, or (an as-yet unannounced but don’t be surprised) Marxist Michelle win?

    If the betrayals we’ve seen from Trump so far are indicative of a willingness to infringe even further, we’re entering frog in heating pot territory. Slow sellouts rationalized as “necessary compromises” might get us to the same place as out-and-out full frontal blitzes, but they’ll do it in such a way that most won’t think to jump until it’s too late.

    Unlikely? Based on what? Besides, don’t tell me, tell the gun owners threatening to sit the election out because the president has already shown what they’re convinced are his true colors. Many insist he still ultimately believes in his past statements when he expressed support for bans on semi-automatic firearms, waiting periods, and ending private sales. Many have not forgotten his past actions, when he made substantial contributions to the likes of the Clinton Foundation, Chuck Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Charlie Rangel.

    Has everyone seen the acronym “TINVOWOOT”? It stands for “There Is No Voting Our Way Out of This,” and it’s being expressed in a growing number of internet comments following political articles, on blogs and in forums. Lest you think it’s just a handful, of bellyachers, consider the reality that the upcoming election promises to be another close one again decided by electoral votes, with highly-motivated Democrats out for blood. The president can’t afford to douse the fire in any bellies.

    And a growing number of RKBA influencers are noticing.

    • “How Trump can lose in 2020. Keep up the anti 2A talk,” Gun Talk Radio host Tom Gresham advised his Twitter followers. “Gunnies won't vote for your opponent, but they will just stay home.”
    • “We need to warn him that if he bans suppressors, not only will he be waging war on the Second Amendment, he’ll be waging war against his own political base,” Gun Owners of America alerted its members. “After all, because of the President’s actions, gun owners in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Florida, and other must-win states may not show up to vote for him again in 2020.”
    • “President Trump is running for re-election as a pro-Second Amendment President,” Breitbart News Second Amendment Columnist AWR Hawkins noted. “He has already banned bump stocks and he risks the loss of pro-gun voters if he goes after the suppressors they have acquired by jumping through bureaucrats’ numerous gun control hoops.”
    • “President Trump stands to lose voters in 2020 if his administration undermines the Second Amendment,” GOA’s legislative counsel Michael Hammond elaborated in a warning published by Daily Caller. “Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening.”

    No one can restore receptivity to another Trump term with these disaffected gun owners but the president himself. Understand these are freedom-minded Americans who “won’t be fooled again,” and who will remain unmoved by yet more insincere “happy talk.” Think of the character Fletcher from “The Outlaw Josey Wales”: “Don’t p*** down my back and tell me it’s rainin’.”

    The Litany of Sins

    If we’re to attempt to pull Trump out of a hole of his own digging, first we need to understand where the president has fallen short of his repeated promises: “[W]e will protect your Second Amendment. Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I’m your president.”

    How’s he doing on “shall not be infringed”?

    We’ve seen the “bump stock” outrage, where upwards of a quarter million probable Trump voters have been turned into felons with the stroke of a pen. As I’ve noted before, anyone who thinks this is about bump stocks has missed the point: This is about arbitrarily changing legal definitions and assuming undelegated powers, something a Democrat successor will be more than happy to expand on, as some of the current crop of candidates like Kamala Harris have already threatened to do.

    We’ve seen support for “red flag” gun confiscation where the target has not even been charged, let alone convicted, of a crime, and the president’s sentiment has been “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    We’ve seen the president tell English gun-grab zealot Piers Morgan that he’s considering a ban on suppressors after one was used in a “mass shooting” (in yet another “gun-free” zone). In the same interview, the only reason he could think of for owning an AR-15 was that “people feel that the rifles are fun to shoot” and “hunters need guns.”

    We’ve seen tough talk but little effective action on illegal immigration (not to excuse an obstructionist Congress, Democrat vote-seekers, GOP cheap labor frauds, and “activist” judges). We’ve seen Trump sending unelected Jared out to cut deals on “legal” ones (with no thought paid to how those on a “pathway to citizenship” and their future “birthright citizen” children will vote, which experience shows to be overwhelmingly Democrat).

    And let’s not forget that Trump's suggestion to deny all gun purchases to Americans under 21 would lead to declaring decorated soldiers not yet of age "prohibited persons," as well as effectively disarm a major part of the "unorganized militia" as defined by U.S. Code.

    But What about Appointments?

    That’s a strong argument for keeping Donald Trump in office, particularly for the courts. But the fact is, we still don’t know how faithful Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch are going to be on Second Amendment cases, we’ve been astoundingly betrayed by past Republican appointments, and the odds are new cases are going to be influenced more by stare decisis (court precedent) than by our favorite quotes from Sam Adams and Tench Coxe.

    Gorsuch’s opinion that “the Second Amendment ... may not be infringed lightly” hardly rises to the level of “shall not be infringed,” and “[d]uring his confirmation hearings, Justice Gorsuch assured Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, when asked specifically about the banning of M-16 rifles and the like, that he would follow the law in Heller.” Similarly, Kavanaugh appears supportive of a rationale for licensing, and does not appear to agree that “in common use” should apply to arms a militia would need to be an effective counterforce, not just to what is commercially “popular” for civilian uses.

    As for executive appointments, let’s review the bidding:

    • FBI Director Christopher Wray has, under oath, adopted the same language as arch- gun foe Richard Blumenthal on “commonsense gun reform legislation” to address “gun violence.”
    • Attorney General William Barr, also under oath, has stated his support for Brady Bill waiting periods, semi-auto bans, magazine limitations and “reasonable steps” to regulate transfers. He told Dianne Feinstein “red flag” laws are the "single most important thing we can do in the gun control area." He is fighting to defend the so-called “bump stock ban while his DOJ sandbags on a related Freedom of Information Act request. Moreover, gun owners with long memories have not forgotten Ruby Ridge, when Barr “was top cop during the federal siege and killing of Randy Weaver's wife and [12-year-old] son.”
    • ATF Director nominee Chuck Canterbury, in his capacity of President, Fraternal Order of Police, is down with nationwide concealed carry for cops, but opposed it for the rest of us. He also supported anti-gun Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, and of Eric Holder’s nomination for Attorney general testified: “His positions, his policy work, and the official acts were consistent with the goals of the FOP, and we have every reason to believe that he will be an exemplary U.S. Attorney General with whom we will have a very productive relationship.”

    State of the States

    “Where is President Trump as some states reduce RKBA to sub-foreign levels?” this column asked a year ago. Aside from staying silent and not using his bully pulpit to be a leader in condemning an endless onslaught of infringements, his support of Republican “extreme risk protection order” legislation actually encourages multi-pronged innovative attacks.

    "I think passing a federal law is probably beyond what the market will bear,” Lindsey Graham ruefully admitted, as if marketability is the issue. “But creating an incentive at the federal level for states who want to go down this road...I think that's the best way, at least initially to solve this problem."

    Well, it will deflect blame from the enablers. It will also allow those states to get creative at seeing just how far they can push the envelope courtesy of your tax dollars. Any challenges will be tied up in the courts for years, with precedents created and upheld by activist judges who would like nothing more than to issue unchallengeable orders.

    What about laws the states pass without subsidies? Let’s look at the higher-profile efforts reported by NRA-ILA just for June:

    • As this article “goes to press,” California’s “ammunition background check” bill is set to take effect and a host of other edicts is working its way through the system.
    • Washington State is making shooting ranges prohibitively expensive to operate with draconian lead exposure rules for workers that exceed federal and state standards. They’re also holding hearings on rifle transfer fees. As of July 1, the draconian I-1639, making all semiautomatic rifles “assault rifle,” raising the minimum age for purchasing them to 21, imposing a 10-day waiting period on rifle purchases, and expanding background checks to require a waiver of medical privacy rights, takes effect.
    • The New Hampshire House of Representatives is choosing “die” over “live free” with a bill that restricts self-defense on school grounds.
    • In New Jersey, both chambers of the legislature approved so-called “smart gun”legislation and there’s “a package of anti-gun bills” in the works.
    • Nevada just enacted infringements that will “create red flag/pre-crime protective orders ... impose mandatory storage requirements [and] criminalize certain firearm modifications.”
    • Virginia, under Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam, is going nuts, with efforts underway to criminalize private transfers, ban semi-autos and suppressors, impose one-gun-a-month, confiscate guns without due process, mandate one-size-fits-all storage, require “lost or stolen” reporting and weaken preemption/create a “patchwork quilt” of diktats.
    • Maine is following suit on that, “to allow local municipalities to create a patchwork of laws, including prohibitions on where law-abiding citizens may carry.”
    • In Illinois, Democrat politicians intent on banning commonly owned firearms as “assault weapons” are open in their arrogance, with State Sen. Julie Morrison smugly threatening confiscation instead of fines.
    • In Connecticut, the governor signed three bills before the 2019 Legislative Session adjourned, requiring “lock up your safety” when a minor is in the residence, essentially ending manufacturing firearms for personal use and requiring locked safes in vehicles where firearms are transported.
    • In Vermont, the “Republican” governor vetoed a waiting period to buy a gun, but he has approved “gun control” before. Count on the proponents of this latest infringement to rework it and be back. After all, Phil Scott has already signed bills “to remove guns from people at ‘extreme risk’ of violence or people who have been arrested on suspicion of domestic violence ... expand gun background checks, limit magazine capacity, ban bump stocks and require people under 21 years old to take a hunter safety course before they can buy a gun.”
    • Rhode Island is going after “3D printed guns” as its “solution” to a non-problem that will have the added effect of threatening “the home manufacture of firearms or accessories.”

    OK, but those are the states. What does that have to do with President Trump? He’s not the king and we do have (or are supposed to have) federalism.

    True, but the Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land,” and as Commander in Chief of “the Militia of the several States,” he not only has an interest but a duty to ensure “the security if a free State” is not endangered due to neglect, deliberate indifference or outright sabotage by domestic enemies. That’s a whole ‘nother topic requiring exploration because it really is at the crux of where we’ve gone wrong.

    For now, let’s just focus on the fact that Donald Trump was elected under the promise of leadership, so how about showing some? What’s stopping him from making an occasional comment to his gun-owning supporters alerting them to dangers from their states and urging them to mobilize and oppose infringements? It’s not like a staffer couldn’t routinely monitor this stuff and pass on developments that would literally only take him seconds to comment or “tweet” on.

    Taking it a step further, a president who was truly “pro Second Amendment” would expect his Justice Department to enforce it just as surely as it would were states violating the First, Fourth or Fifth Amendments, or anti-discrimination laws.

    So What’s to be Done?

    He hasn’t done everything wrong, and credit is deserved where due.

    Did I mention Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the UN Arms Trade Treaty? True, he was never going to sign it anyway, but the largely symbolic gesture with the stirring rhetoric about “never surrender[ing] American sovereignty” resonated with the NRA members when he announced it, and the crowd, as they say, went wild. The thing is, his Directorate of Defense Trade Controls may have offset much of that by banning the export of magazines with an original capacity of over 32 rounds.

    He also did good rolling back the Obama rule disarming people who need help with their finances, which the antis were quick to paint as letting crazy people have guns.

    I have another small show of good faith he can perform that would cost him nothing. For whatever reason, probably ignorance and laziness on the part of staffers who don’t know any better, the White House website section on the Constitution has not been updated since Barack Obama left, and it claims “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.” I’m asking readers here to help by signing and sharing a petition asking him to take a few seconds and order that fixed.

    OK, but what else can we get him to do? We know the man didn’t get where he is by having a small ego or self-doubts, and he doesn’t appear the type to “take it back” on “bump stocks,” on “red flags” and on the other infringements he believes he can get away with.

    “Who else are they going to vote for,” the late RNC Chair Lee Atwater is reputed to have said about gun owners. He’s been proven “right” time and again as desperate gun owners prove there’s no amount of betrayal they won’t tolerate because “otherwise a Democrat will win!”

    The problem here, as mentioned above, is that 2020 is going to be close. He can’t afford to lose any gun owners due to alienation, and it remains to be seen if a critical mass of TINVOWOOTers mean it when they say they’ve had it with elections.

    What’s certain is, if Trump loses, we’ll get to see how serious many are about noncompliance and “Molon Labe!

    I’m sure some of you are going to be angry with me for bringing all this up, and with Firearms News for hosting it. Sorry, but I believe in making important choices only after exhaustive due diligence. If you just want to hear superlatives, you came to the wrong place. Besides, who here would buy a damn used car without a thorough examination and history check?

    Only by being aware of what the problems are and where course corrections are needed can we make sure that no opportunities are ignored and that efforts to press for those corrections are timely. Plus, it is the responsibility of an electorate to be informed – anything less is citizenship malpractice.

    The election is Trump’s to blow. If you don’t want to see him do that, work on him and work on your gun owner friends who have had it.

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Trump WINS by a Landslide.

    That's my prediction.

    If it's false, then "Second American Civil War erupts as Socialists attempt government take over, and behead Conservatives"
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Trump WINS by a Landslide.

    That's my prediction.

    If it's false, then "Second American Civil War erupts as Socialists attempt government take over, and behead Conservatives"
    ''Behead'' is an apt description for what the Enemy is; an Alliance of Liberal Degenerates and Islamic or future-Islamic foot soldiers. Everything that I have seen recently convinces me that pretty much every adult man and woman of good will in America will be voting for President Trump!
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Michael Moore urges Michelle Obama to run against Trump

    By Rebecca Klar - 08/01/19 09:12 AM EDT

    Filmmaker Michael Moore said in a new interview that there is only one candidate up to the challenge to “crush” President Trump in 2020, “and her last name rhymes with Obama.”

    “In fact, it is Obama — Michelle Obama,” Moore said on MSNBC. “Everybody watching this right now knows she is a beloved American and she would go in there and she would beat him.”

    Moore said it is not enough to have a Democratic candidate who will defeat Trump, noting that his 2016 Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, won 3 million more votes nationwide.

    “The only way to remove trump is to crush Trump. And that’s the question that has to be asked, who can crush Trump? Who’s the street fighter?” Moore said.

    He said four of the Democratic presidential candidates — former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) — could beat Trump. But he said that is not enough.

    Obama, he said, would be able to crush Trump.

    She would beat him in the debates, he wouldn’t be able to bully her, he wouldn’t be able to nickname her,” he said.

    Moore cited Obama’s popular tour for her memoir “Becoming."

    “She takes the stage and she’s so powerful and so good you just look at that and think of course she could win,” he said.

    Obama, however, is not among the vast field of two dozen Democrats looking to face Trump in 2020.

    “Well, has anyone asked her?” Moore said. “If asked to serve, I believe she would serve.”

    Obama is the most admired woman in the world, according to a July YouGov poll, beating out Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie and Queen Elizabeth II.

    A former lawyer and University of Chicago dean, she has made no indication that she intends to run for the presidency or any other office.

    The Obamas are likely to hold out on endorsing a candidate until one is chosen by the party.

    A spokesperson for the Obamas did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Young Beto O'Rourke wrote 'murder fantasy' about running over children, was part of hacking group

    Posted Mar 15 2019 02:13PM MST

    Updated Mar 15 2019 04:03PM MST

    FOX NEWS - A 15-year-old Beto O’Rourke once wrote a "murder fantasy" short story about running over two children with a car, according to a new report that also revealed the now-presidential candidate was a member of a famous hacking group.

    The details were uncovered in a Reuters report on the “Cult of the Dead Cow,” a famous group of hackers credited with inventing the term “hacktivism.” Reuters revealed that O'Rourke, who joined the Democratic presidential primary race on Thursday, was a member, while reporting, "there is no indication that O’Rourke ever engaged in the edgiest sorts of hacking activity, such as breaking into computers."

    But the report also revealed that teenage Beto, in connection with the group, wrote stories under the name “Psychedelic Warlord” -- writings that remain online.

    One piece in particular detailed the narrator's murder spree, as part of his goal seeking "the termination of everything that was free and loving." The piece described the first kill as the murder of two children crossing the street.


    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    cDc communications

    [ x x ]
    \ /
    (` ')

    Visions From The Last Crusade

    by Psychedelic Warlord

    >>> A CULT Publication......1988 <<<
    -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc-
    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    The catacombs of my head produce the most wonderful dreams and visions.

    I feel that I am one with my intellect and my soul. It was during these
    dreams and visions that I concocted a notion. It started as something
    small at first, but after every dream it grew stronger, until the urge
    had become too great. No longer could this strong desire in my mind be
    suppressed. Recognizing this fact, my one and only goal in life became
    the termination of everything that was free and loving. Only I could
    realize the true value of loving and expression. Only in my dreams.

    This feeling pervaded everything in my life, yet the first few months
    after realizing my goal, I had done nothing. Then one day, as I was
    driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They
    were happy, happy to be free from their troubles. I knew, however, that
    this happiness and sense of freedom were much too overwhelming for them.

    This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams. As I
    neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping
    the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the
    two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of
    the two
    . I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped
    my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.
    dream was abruptly ended when I heard a loud banging on the front
    window. It was an old man, who was using his cane to awaken me. He might
    have been a witness to my act of love. I was not sure, nor did I care.
    It was simply ecstasy. As I drove home, I envisioned myself committing
    more of these "acts of love", and after a while, I had no trouble carrying
    them out.

    The more people I killed, the longer my dreams were. I soon quit my job,
    and stayed at my house in an almost comatose state. My dreams grew longer
    and more vivid. They kept me alive and proved to be the only thing
    to live for. I had killed nearly 38 people by the time of my twenty-third
    birthday, and each one was more fulfilling than the last.

    I was never really surprised at how I evaded the police. My dreams
    had taken over my life, and they guided me through the right path, and
    I never had need for fear of police. Or anything, for that matter.

    ================================================== =============================
    (c)opy-write 1988 cDc communications by Psychedelic Warlord 8/28/88-73
    All Rights, Of Course, Are Shit In Their Worth

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    5 Joe Biden Campaign Promises He Says He'll Fulfill on 'Day One'

    Joshua Caplan
    August 6, 2019

    Former Vice President and 2020 White House frontrunner Joe Biden has vowed he will use executive powers and other means to accomplish an ambitious set of campaign promises on his very first day as president.

    Here is a list of five proposals that the former vice president vows to get done on “Day One” of a Biden administration:

    1. Repeal President Donald Trump’s tax reform law.

    Appearing June 22nd before the South Carolina Democratic Party Convention, Biden detailed his plans to combat income inequality in the United States, claiming economic disparities are at an “all-time high and made worse by Trump’s tax cuts and enormous giveaways to the top one-tenth of the 1 percent.”

    “On Day One, I will move to eliminate Trump’s tax cuts, as well for the super-wealthy,” he vowed.

    In December 2017, the House voted 224-201 to pass the overhaul, with all Democrats and 12 Republicans voting against it. The $1.5 trillion tax bill is the first major overhaul of the tax code in 30 years; it cuts corporate taxes and gives temporary cuts to individual tax brackets that will return to current rates after a few years to help pay for the tax cut.

    The tax bill slashed corporate taxes from 35 percent to 21 percent. For individuals, it reduces the top income tax bracket from 39.6 percent to 37 percent and doubles the size of inheritances protected from estate taxation to $22 million for married couples.

    2. Close billions in dollars worth of tax loopholes.

    In the same June speech before the South Carolina Democratic Party Convention, Biden said he will move on “Day One” to close up to $500 billion worth of tax loopholes in an effort to allocate the money for what he described as “good use.”

    In another speech, Biden said he would close loopholes to help pay for universal access to Medicaid.

    “I think everyone is entitled to have total health care,” he told the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Action Congress at Trinity University. “Every single person in the United States should have access to Medicaid right off the bat.”

    3. Sign climate change-focused executive orders.

    According to Biden’s campaign website, the former vice president, as president, will sign a series of executive orders “with unprecedented reach that go well beyond the Obama-Biden Administration platform and put us on the right track.”

    The object, the candidate claims, is to “achieve a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050.”

    Biden calls for $1.7 trillion in federal spending over 10 years, with the rest of the investments coming from the private sector. He proposes covering the taxpayer costs by repealing the corporate tax cuts that President Donald Trump signed in 2017, while eliminating existing subsidies to fossil fuel companies.

    Biden’s plan — a mix of tax incentives, federal spending, new regulation and more aggressive foreign policy on climate issues —comes as he pushes back on rivals’ assertions that his environmental agenda isn’t bold enough. Climate activists largely praised his pitch Tuesday, although some said the Democrats’ 2020 front-runner still hasn’t gone far enough to challenge the fossil fuel industry.

    His proposal calls the Green New Deal pushed by some Democrats on Capitol Hill “a crucial outline” but stops short of some of its timelines for weaning the U.S. economy off power from fossil fuels, even as he promises a “clean energy revolution” nationwide and internationally.

    At the pro-Green New Deal Sunrise Movement, executive director Varshini Prakash called Biden’s plan “a good start.”

    As president, Biden has said he would start by reversing many actions of the Trump administration, then turn to necessary congressional action and executive branch regulation, while using U.S. political and economic muscle to limit emissions from other nations.

    He acknowledges that such an overhaul would affect existing U.S. energy workers — coal miners and power plant operators, especially. He calls first for pension and benefit protections for all such workers and promises an “unprecedented investment” in retraining and redevelopment in those communities.

    4. Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.

    Biden’s campaign website states Biden will re-enter the Paris Agreement on day one of his Administration and begin leading “a major diplomatic push to raise the ambitions of countries’ climate targets.”

    Then-President Barack Obam and more than 190 countries adopted the Paris accord, hailed as most ambitious climate change agreement in history. Among its chief objective, the pact aimed to limit global warming well below 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. President Trump announced in June 2017 that the U.S. was pulling out of the agreement. In his announcement, the president said: “The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers — who I love — and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.”

    In June 2017, Biden said that it is “overwhelmingly” in the interest of future generations to deal with climate change, “notwithstanding what some of the folks in this administration may think.”

    Biden explained his first report from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when he took office, identified global warming as the greatest danger to U.S. physical security — through population displacement and war.

    Speaking at a conference in Athens, Biden, without citing any specific poll, proclaimed: “The vast majority of the American people do not agree with the decision the president made.”

    French president Emmanuel Macron has claimed that President Trump signaled possible interested in rejoining the agreement, though the administration has shown no signs of doing so.

    5. Make all DREAMers legal in the United States.

    In his first interview with a Spanish-language television network, Biden on Tuesday discussed his proposals to fix the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and other immigration issues. The former vice president told Noticias Telemundo that he would legalize all DREAMers in the country. “The day I get elected president I’m going to — DREAMers are going to be legalized, number one,” he said.

    “Number two,” he continued, “we have to provide a pathway to citizenship for 11 million people. Thirdly, we have to, in fact, welcome people who are seeking asylum and make a judgment about whether or not their claim is relevant and real, and not lock them up in the meantime or not keep them from even getting to the border.”

    Then-President Obama used an executive order to create DACA in June 2012 to provide protections for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children. It gives them the ability to obtain work permits and study in the country, provided they meet certain guidelines like graduating from high school and do not present a risk to national or public safety. Some 800,000 so-called Dreamers are protected under the program.

    President Donald Trump announced in 2017 plans to wind down the DACA program, saying it would give Congress a chance to pass “responsible” immigration reform.

    Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions determined the program to be unlawful on the grounds that President Barack Obama did not have the authority to adopt it in the first place. Sessions cited a 2015 ruling by the federal appeals court in New Orleans that blocked a separate immigration policy implemented by Obama and the expansion of the DACA program.

    Texas and other Republican-led states eventually did sue and won a partial victory in a federal court in Texas. Civil rights groups, advocates for illegal immigrants, and Democratic-led states all have sued to prevent the end of the program.

    In May, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that ending the DACA program was a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act since it was “arbitrary and capricious.” It also is being challenged in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

    The Supreme Court declined a Trump administration request in June to speed up its review on whether it will take up a case on the president’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program.

    The court’s order does not mean it won’t eventually hear the case, only that justices refused to speed up the process, which the Trump administration requested last month.

    BONUS: Make LGBT rights his first legislative priority.

    In June, Biden pledged to prioritize the Equality Act as his first piece of legislation if elected to the White House. Passing the Equality Act “will be the first thing” he would “ask to be done” he vowed in a keynote address before activists at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual Ohio gala.

    The Equality Act would make “gender identity” a protected minority class, thus forcing private businesses to accommodate transgender individuals in virtually all forms of commerce or else face penalties for “discrimination.” It recently passed the Democrat-run House, but will not become law under Trump and the Republican Senate.

    “It will be the first thing I ask to be done,” the presidential candidate declared at the time.

    The Associated Press and UPI contributed to this report.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  9. #9
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election 2020

    #Expose2020 – PART 1: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

    January 14, 2020

    A Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme left-wing fringe views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders’ radical policies. Kyle Jurek, who works out of the Sanders campaign Iowa office, has been paid at least $9,775 since starting in his official campaign role. Project Veritas Action Fund’s undercover journalists secretly recorded Jurek’s statements for months; recording footage on multiple occasions where he lashes out against Sanders’ Democratic opposition, President Trump’s supporters, and others. The recordings give insight into the mentality of many Sanders staffers and what they truly believe. In the video, Jurek details his expectations for the 2020 Presidential election and emphatically states that cities will “burn” if President Trump wins re-election.

    Kyle Jurek believes that Democrats who oppose Bernie Sanders are also enemies of the socialist revolutionary cause, not just conservatives and Trump supporters. In exchanges with PVA journalists, Jurek unloads:

    “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion).”

    “The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee. They’re gonna call up the National Guard for that sh*t. I promise you that.”

    “I’m ready to throw down now. I don’t want to wait and have to wait for f*cking DNC…The billionaire class. The f*cking media, pundits. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.”

    “Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”

    In another conversation, Jurek berates Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren’s supporters who apparently like Warren due to her being a woman, stating:

    “Like, yeah, you know, I like Bernie, but I really want a woman to be -, it’s like, wait, so like you’re okay with a woman if she has worse policies. Like just because she’s a woman, because she has a vagina, that’s why you’re going to vote for her? They don’t like it when you say that because it makes them look like f*cking stupid because they are stupid. They’re like, ‘oh yeah, I’m going to go for…because she’s a woman.’ It’s like, okay, like…”

    “Like, f*ck if we can beat Donald Trump, as long as we nominated a woman. Like f*cking idiot. Like what the f*ck? Like the world is on fire, this is an emergency situation, and you’re (Warren supporters) hung up on vaginas.

    Jurek wholeheartedly supports Bernie Sanders and is upset that Warren supporters equate Sanders to Warren:

    “Yeah, like we’re not on the same team guys. Like you know, like I know you guys like to say like, ‘Hey, Warren’s just like Bernie but a woman.’ But guess what? We’re not on the same team.”

    Jurek is also disappointed by Sanders’ judgement of character, citing Bernie’s long-time friendship with Elizabeth Warren:

    “Bernie’s a bad judge of character, so like he has like, uh, (Jeff) Weaver who is his like, one of his like campaign, like, like senior advisors, uh, is a sh*tty f*cking human. But he likes him. You know, Bernie likes him. Bernie’s, you know, he’s 78 years old, he’s like set in his ways. You know, if that’s one weakness that Bernie has it’s he’s a bad judge of character with some people. Like he loves Elizabeth, like he’s friends with Elizabeth Warren. He’s friends with f*cking (unintelligible) some f*cking, you know. What can you do? Uh, I mean Bernie has started opening up lines of attack against Warren. But he keeps it policy based.”

    PVA journalists asked Jurek about his views on Donald Trump’s re-election bid and free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Here are a few responses from Jurek regarding those subjects:

    JOURNALIST: “So if Trump gets re-elected, what—”

    KYLE JUREK: “F*cking cities burn.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Whatever it takes. And that’s why they’re like “oh, Anti-Fascists are violent” it’s because we’re willing to go above and beyond what the law says is acceptable. Like oh free speech, yeah, they try to be like “oh you’re against free speech” and no, we’re not against free speech, we’re against hate speech. And if your free speech is something that these people shouldn’t exist, then I don’t give a f*ck if it’s free speech or not, you don’t need… free speech has repercussions.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah there are consequences to your f*cking actions, right? And if your speech is calling for people to be eliminated on the base of race, gender, religious… like for whatever reason, things that people can’t change, then you should expect a f*ckin’ violent reaction. And you deserve a violent reaction. Because that’s just an unacceptable thing. It’s not acceptable.”

    KYLE JUREK: “The only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence.”

    Project Veritas Action Fund will continue its investigations into 2020 campaigns in order to bring candidates’ and their staff’s true political views and policies to the public light.

  10. #10
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    #Expose2020 – PART 1: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

    January 14, 2020

    A Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme left-wing fringe views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders’ radical policies. Kyle Jurek, who works out of the Sanders campaign Iowa office, has been paid at least $9,775 since starting in his official campaign role. Project Veritas Action Fund’s undercover journalists secretly recorded Jurek’s statements for months; recording footage on multiple occasions where he lashes out against Sanders’ Democratic opposition, President Trump’s supporters, and others. The recordings give insight into the mentality of many Sanders staffers and what they truly believe. In the video, Jurek details his expectations for the 2020 Presidential election and emphatically states that cities will “burn” if President Trump wins re-election.

    Kyle Jurek believes that Democrats who oppose Bernie Sanders are also enemies of the socialist revolutionary cause, not just conservatives and Trump supporters. In exchanges with PVA journalists, Jurek unloads:

    “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion).”

    “The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee. They’re gonna call up the National Guard for that sh*t. I promise you that.”

    “I’m ready to throw down now. I don’t want to wait and have to wait for f*cking DNC…The billionaire class. The f*cking media, pundits. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.”

    “Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”

    In another conversation, Jurek berates Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren’s supporters who apparently like Warren due to her being a woman, stating:

    “Like, yeah, you know, I like Bernie, but I really want a woman to be -, it’s like, wait, so like you’re okay with a woman if she has worse policies. Like just because she’s a woman, because she has a vagina, that’s why you’re going to vote for her? They don’t like it when you say that because it makes them look like f*cking stupid because they are stupid. They’re like, ‘oh yeah, I’m going to go for…because she’s a woman.’ It’s like, okay, like…”

    “Like, f*ck if we can beat Donald Trump, as long as we nominated a woman. Like f*cking idiot. Like what the f*ck? Like the world is on fire, this is an emergency situation, and you’re (Warren supporters) hung up on vaginas.

    Jurek wholeheartedly supports Bernie Sanders and is upset that Warren supporters equate Sanders to Warren:

    “Yeah, like we’re not on the same team guys. Like you know, like I know you guys like to say like, ‘Hey, Warren’s just like Bernie but a woman.’ But guess what? We’re not on the same team.”

    Jurek is also disappointed by Sanders’ judgement of character, citing Bernie’s long-time friendship with Elizabeth Warren:

    “Bernie’s a bad judge of character, so like he has like, uh, (Jeff) Weaver who is his like, one of his like campaign, like, like senior advisors, uh, is a sh*tty f*cking human. But he likes him. You know, Bernie likes him. Bernie’s, you know, he’s 78 years old, he’s like set in his ways. You know, if that’s one weakness that Bernie has it’s he’s a bad judge of character with some people. Like he loves Elizabeth, like he’s friends with Elizabeth Warren. He’s friends with f*cking (unintelligible) some f*cking, you know. What can you do? Uh, I mean Bernie has started opening up lines of attack against Warren. But he keeps it policy based.”

    PVA journalists asked Jurek about his views on Donald Trump’s re-election bid and free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Here are a few responses from Jurek regarding those subjects:

    JOURNALIST: “So if Trump gets re-elected, what—”

    KYLE JUREK: “F*cking cities burn.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Whatever it takes. And that’s why they’re like “oh, Anti-Fascists are violent” it’s because we’re willing to go above and beyond what the law says is acceptable. Like oh free speech, yeah, they try to be like “oh you’re against free speech” and no, we’re not against free speech, we’re against hate speech. And if your free speech is something that these people shouldn’t exist, then I don’t give a f*ck if it’s free speech or not, you don’t need… free speech has repercussions.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah there are consequences to your f*cking actions, right? And if your speech is calling for people to be eliminated on the base of race, gender, religious… like for whatever reason, things that people can’t change, then you should expect a f*ckin’ violent reaction. And you deserve a violent reaction. Because that’s just an unacceptable thing. It’s not acceptable.”

    KYLE JUREK: “The only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence.”

    Project Veritas Action Fund will continue its investigations into 2020 campaigns in order to bring candidates’ and their staff’s true political views and policies to the public light.

    Sounds familiar from the Leftist (Useful Idiots) long term plans to fundamentally transform while grinding America down into their Socialist Utopian Dream...

    Larry Grathwohl: Bill Ayers Planned to Kill 25 Million Americans in Re-Education Camps
    With the help of Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua and other allies to help subdue the resistance (2:20)

    Basically Ayers followers believe the biggest problem in American is education. So the answer to that problem was to round up 100 million people and ship them by train to the Southwest and re-educate them in Marxist ideology. Out of that 100 million they were ready to kill 25% off the top they estimated could not be re-educated. This is the mentality of Stalin killing hundreds of millions of peasants because it would take too much time and effort to re-educate them to Marxist thought. If given the chance these people would turn the US into the Cambodian killing fields.


    Obama & Friends: "Goals to Re-educate or Eliminate 25 Million Resistors"? "Re-education Camps"? (6:32)
    Some of the most radical left wing Marxist that can be imagined. They have plotted the overthrow of the government and the extermination of at least 25 million non-conforming unrepentant capitalists. And these are the people with whom Obama started his political career with. The big question is whether or not Obama shares their beliefs. If not, then the next question is whether or not they hold any power over him.


    Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on Saul Alinsky "There is only one Fight" and also had more Leftist radical connections through Michael Lerner.
    Last edited by vector7; January 15th, 2020 at 20:48.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election 2020

    #Expose2020 – PART 2: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek: “There Are Things That Are More Important Than the Rule of Law in the United States”; Declares That His Views Are Shared by Many Others Within the Sanders Campaign; Secret Service Notified Over POTUS Assassination Concern

    January 15, 2020

    In an earlier video, Project Veritas Action Fund exposed the radical left-wing views of an Iowa Field Organizer for the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, Kyle Jurek. In this new video, Jurek is secretly recorded praising Gulags and speaking favorably about forcing Americans who oppose Sanders’ radical policies to be re-educated. Jurek, a self-described Anarcho-Communist, reveals that several of his colleagues are also farther left than the Democratic Socialism the campaign presents to the public. Jurek also implies that there are plenty of Antifa group members who are part of Sanders’ campaign, a group known for its violent actions in the streets across the United States. The recordings give insight into the mindset of many Sanders staffers and what they truly believe.

    On several occasions, Jurek expressed his fringe views by suggesting that Americans with opposing viewpoints should be re-educated in Gulag-style camps or maybe even put to death:

    “There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had Gulags, right? And actually, Gulags are a lot better than what the CIA has told us they were…”

    “…So, that, that was the intention, of Gulags, right? not only to elim- like, remove, like people where were like insidious to the state from the state, right? Like “hey, you guys are all causing problems, you’re like, working against the revolution; we’re just going to remove you and put you in Siberia, where you learn the f*cking value of like being a comrade.” Like, and that’s what it has to be. Like our prisons, in the United States right now, are far worse. Far worse than anything that they experienced in a f*cking Gulag. Like people get raped. People get f*cking, work 12 hours a day. People have to go fight fires in California for a dollar. You know what I mean? That’s f*cked up. that’s super f*cked up. Soviet Union didn’t do that sh*t.”

    “Yeah, you’re not gonna get Bernie to say “Gulags” but like, I’m all aboard for Gulags, like, I feel there needs to re-education for a significant portion of our society…I mean, but running for president in the United States you can’t say anything like that right?”

    “…Putting them up against a wall. I mean the alternative, instead of trying to like…re-educate these people and put them back into society the only option is, the only other alternative is to f*cking *makes shooting gesture/noise* you know what I mean?”

    PVA journalists also asked Jurek about his involvement with violent groups such as Antifa, and what political ideologies he and his colleagues identify with. Below are some of the responses from Jurek:

    JOURNALIST: “That’s just crazy, what that guy said. I mean I know we have a lot of the Communists, the Marxists on our side but…”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, I’m one of them.”

    JOURNALIST: “Yeah?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah. In fact, there’s, that I know of, one two three… four, four of the organizers in this office are leftists, of some degree, further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    JOURNALIST: “Right.”

    KYLE JUREK: “The degree varies but many of the organizers are, actually, I didn’t even count Justin, so Justin, me, Derek, Danielle, Jessica… we’re all further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    KYLE JUREK: “We’re all further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    JOURNALIST: “Yeah. What would you consider yourself? Like where on that spectrum…”

    KYLE JUREK: “I’m an Anarcho-Communist. So, I’m as far to the left as you can possibly get.”

    KYLE JUREK: “…Sometimes I get up and I feel pretty authoritarian and sometimes I get up and I feel normal like my Libertarian self. One thing I say is “if you can’t handle me at my most Communist, you don’t deserve me at my most Libertarian. If you can’t handle me at my most Communist, you don’t deserve me at my most Anarchist.”

    KYLE JUREK: “I mean the whole basis of Communism is like people and planet above property. Like we’re here to preserve the planet, to preserve people, right? We don’t want to have to, but if we f*cking, if people are going to try and fight back against the revolution, so when you hear about like atrocities committed in Cuba by like Fidel and Che, like killing people, those people who were actively like, they were like anti-revolution. They were fighting against the revolution. Like in any war, like you guys were in war, and you encounter people who were fighting against you, what did you do?”

    JOURNALIST: “Kill em?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Right. Same thing holds true in a revolution. Right like you can’t abide people actively working against your f*cking revolution. Like you can give them a choice like hey, you can join the revolution, you cannot be a bootlicker, you could sit idly by and allow it to happen, but if you’re going to take up arms against the revolution, then you should expect a violent response. Right? Like it’s f*cking natural.”

    JOURNALIST: “Fight or die. Yeah. That’s what they said in the Revolutionary War.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, and that’s where we’re at right now. We’re at one of those moments in human history, we’re fighting for survival, we’re fighting for both survival of the entire human race, we’re fighting for the survival of living creatures on planet earth, and there’s some people who will stop at nothing to preserve that, right? Like to see, to see the human race continue into the future. Right? To try and save the planet from f*cking destruction. Like and no matter what country and what laws were, that exist, they’re irrelevant to, there are things greater than those systems, right?”

    JOURNALIST: “Right.”

    KYLE JUREK: “There are things that are more important than the rule of law in the United States, when it comes down to the existence of the human race.”

    JOURNALIST: “So, I know you have an Antifa sticker on your laptop, have you ever done or been in any of those crazy…”

    KYLE JUREK: “There was a couple things…events that they came to. They came to Lansing and Ann Arbor… I was there for those.”

    JOURNALIST: “Did you ever like, help out or participate in any of it?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, I mean, so, I didn’t help organize any of it, but I was there in support. I’ve yet to punch a Nazi, but I will, one day.”

    JOURNALIST: “Are there Antifa people here?”

    KYLE JUREK: “There are some here, a lot of them are probably on the Bernie campaign, but there is a DSA chapter here so like some of the DSA folks would probably… we’ve been looking for an action to like participate in…like in regard to immigration and ICE, we’ve been looking for something to pop off so we can f*cking pop right back off.”

    JOURNALIST: *laughs*

    KYLE JUREK: “But I will, one day. One day I’ll get a chance.”

    Since our report, we have received several anonymous tips from people who know Jurek. One from a campaign staffer, who says Sanders Iowa State Director Misty Rebik knew of Jurek’s radicalism and should have never hired him.

    Even more disturbing is a tip from people who know Jurek personally. They say Jurek is dangerous and becoming more radicalized. They worry he might try to assassinate President Trump. Our General Counsel has reported this information to the US Secret Service.

    Project Veritas Action Fund will continue its investigations into 2020 campaigns in order to bring candidates’ and their staff’s true political views and policies to the public light.

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Russian Election Hack 2.0 (2020)

    A new Russian hack story has just been conveniently leaked to the NYT as the articles of Impeachment are delivered to the Senate.

    This new story connects dots with the Articles of Impeachment while implicating more possible unfair influencing in the 2020 election results.

    This story supports the Left's relentless Russian collusion narrative once again implicating Trump with Russia and Ukraine to unfairly handle the Democrats primary opposition candidate
    in the 2020 election.

    Watch how the MSM is reporting this below.

    Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

    Offices in Kyiv of a subsidiary of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Security experts suggest the hackers may have been looking for damaging information on Joe Biden.Credit...Sean Gallup/Getty Images

    By Nicole Perlroth and Matthew Rosenberg

    • Published Jan. 13, 2020Updated Jan. 15, 2020, 7:03 a.m. ET

    With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

    The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

    It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

    The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

    Then, as now, the Russian hackers from a military intelligence unit known formerly as the G.R.U., and to private researchers by the alias “Fancy Bear,” used so-called phishing emails that appear designed to steal usernames and passwords, according to Area 1, the Silicon Valley security firm that detected the hacking. In this instance, the hackers set up fake websites that mimicked sign-in pages of Burisma subsidiaries, and have been blasting Burisma employees with emails meant to look like they are coming from inside the company.

    The hackers fooled some of them into handing over their login credentials, and managed to get inside one of Burisma’s servers, Area 1 said.

    “The attacks were successful,” said Oren Falkowitz, a co-founder of Area 1, who previously served at the National Security Agency. Mr. Falkowitz’s firm maintains a network of sensors on web servers around the globe — many known to be used by state-sponsored hackers — which gives the firm a front-row seat to phishing attacks, and allows them to block attacks on their customers.

    “The timing of the Russian campaign mirrors the G.R.U. hacks we saw in 2016 against the D.N.C. and John Podesta,” the Clinton campaign chairman, Mr. Falkowitz said. “Once again, they are stealing email credentials, in what we can only assume is a repeat of Russian interference in the last election.”

    Listen to ‘The Daily’: The Russian Hacking Plan for 2020
    Kremlin-directed hackers infiltrated Democratic email servers to interfere with the 2016 American election. Emboldened by their past success, new evidence indicates that they are trying again.

    The Justice Department indicted seven officers from the same military intelligence unit in 2018.

    The Russian attacks on Burisma appear to be running parallel to an effort by Russian spies in Ukraine to dig up information in the analog world that could embarrass the Bidens, according to an American security official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence. The spies, the official said, are trying to penetrate Burisma and working sources in the Ukrainian government in search of emails, financial records and legal documents.

    The Russian government did not immediately respond to requests for comment, nor did Burisma.

    American officials are warning that the Russians have grown stealthier since 2016, and are again seeking to steal and spread damaging information and target vulnerable election systems ahead of the 2020 election.

    [Read: Even as American election defenses have improved, Russian hackers and trolls have become more sophisticated.]

    In the same vein, Russia has been working since the early days of Mr. Trump’s presidency to turn the focus away from its own election interference in 2016 by seeding conspiracy theories about Ukrainian meddling and Democratic complicity.

    The result has been a muddy brew of conspiracy theories that mix facts, like the handful of Ukrainians who openly criticized Mr. Trump’s candidacy, with discredited claims that the D.N.C.’s email server is in Ukraine and that Mr. Biden, as vice president, had corrupt dealings with Ukrainian officials to protect his son. Spread by bots and trolls on social media, and by Russian intelligence officers, the claims resonated with Mr. Trump, who views talk of Russian interference as an attack on his legitimacy.

    With Mr. Biden’s emergence as a front-runner for the Democratic nomination last spring, the president latched on to the corruption allegations, and asked that Ukraine investigate the Bidens on his July 25 call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. The call became central to Mr. Trump’s impeachment last month.

    The Biden campaign sought to cast the Russian effort to hack Burisma as an indication of Mr. Biden’s political strength, and to highlight Mr. Trump’s apparent willingness to let foreign powers boost his political fortunes.

    “Donald Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into lying about Joe Biden and a major bipartisan, international anti-corruption victory because he recognized that he can’t beat the vice president,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the Biden campaign.

    “Now we know that Vladimir Putin also sees Joe Biden as a threat,” Mr. Bates added. “Any American president who had not repeatedly encouraged foreign interventions of this kind would immediately condemn this attack on the sovereignty of our elections.”

    The corruption allegations hinge on Hunter Biden’s work on the Burisma board. The company hired Mr. Biden while his father was vice president and leading the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy, including a successful push to have Ukraine’s top prosecutor fired for corruption. The effort was backed by European allies.

    The story has since been recast by Mr. Trump and some of his staunchest defenders, who say Mr. Biden pushed out the prosecutor because Burisma was under investigation and his son could be implicated. Rudolph W. Giuliani, acting in what he says was his capacity as Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, has personally taken up investigating the Bidens and Burisma, and now regularly claims to have uncovered clear-cut evidence of wrongdoing.

    The evidence, though, has yet to emerge, and now the Russians appear to have joined the hunt.

    Area 1 researchers discovered a G.R.U. phishing campaign on Ukrainian companies on New Year’s Eve. A week later, Area 1 determined what the Ukrainian targets had in common: They were all subsidiaries of Burisma Holdings, the company at the center of Mr. Trump’s impeachment. Among the Burisma subsidiaries phished were KUB-Gas, Aldea, Esko-Pivnich, Nadragas, Tehnocom-Service and Pari. The targets also included Kvartal 95, a Ukrainian television production company founded by Mr. Zelensky. The phishing attack on Kvartal 95 appears to have been aimed at digging up email correspondence for the company’s chief, Ivan Bakanov, whom Mr. Zelensky appointed as the head of Ukraine’s Security Service last June.

    To steal employees’ credentials, the G.R.U. hackers directed Burisma to their fake login pages. Area 1 was able to trace the look-alike sites through a combination of internet service providers frequently used by G.R.U.’s hackers, rare web traffic patterns, and techniques that have been used in previous attacks against a slew of other victims, including the 2016 hack of the D.N.C. and a more recent Russian hack of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

    “The Burisma hack is a cookie-cutter G.R.U. campaign,” Mr. Falkowitz said. “Russian hackers, as sophisticated as they are, also tend to be lazy. They use what works. And in this, they were successful.”

    Russians Hacked Burisma, Ukrainian Gas Company At Center Of Impeachment - Day That Was | MSNBC (4:38)


    Russians hack energy company that played a major role in Trump Ukraine scandal (3:12)

    Russian military hackers have successfully infiltrated the Ukrainian gas company at the heart of the impeachment drama surrounding President Donald Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden and his family, according to cybersecurity researchers. Employees of the gas company, Burisma Holdings, were tricked into giving up their computer credentials by a sophisticated network of fake websites set up by Russian military intelligence, the GRU, said Area 1, an online security firm.


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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    #Expose2020 – PART 2: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek: “There Are Things That Are More Important Than the Rule of Law in the United States”; Declares That His Views Are Shared by Many Others Within the Sanders Campaign; Secret Service Notified Over POTUS Assassination Concern

    January 15, 2020

    In an earlier video, Project Veritas Action Fund exposed the radical left-wing views of an Iowa Field Organizer for the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, Kyle Jurek. In this new video, Jurek is secretly recorded praising Gulags and speaking favorably about forcing Americans who oppose Sanders’ radical policies to be re-educated. Jurek, a self-described Anarcho-Communist, reveals that several of his colleagues are also farther left than the Democratic Socialism the campaign presents to the public. Jurek also implies that there are plenty of Antifa group members who are part of Sanders’ campaign, a group known for its violent actions in the streets across the United States. The recordings give insight into the mindset of many Sanders staffers and what they truly believe.

    On several occasions, Jurek expressed his fringe views by suggesting that Americans with opposing viewpoints should be re-educated in Gulag-style camps or maybe even put to death:

    “There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had Gulags, right? And actually, Gulags are a lot better than what the CIA has told us they were…”

    “…So, that, that was the intention, of Gulags, right? not only to elim- like, remove, like people where were like insidious to the state from the state, right? Like “hey, you guys are all causing problems, you’re like, working against the revolution; we’re just going to remove you and put you in Siberia, where you learn the f*cking value of like being a comrade.” Like, and that’s what it has to be. Like our prisons, in the United States right now, are far worse. Far worse than anything that they experienced in a f*cking Gulag. Like people get raped. People get f*cking, work 12 hours a day. People have to go fight fires in California for a dollar. You know what I mean? That’s f*cked up. that’s super f*cked up. Soviet Union didn’t do that sh*t.”

    “Yeah, you’re not gonna get Bernie to say “Gulags” but like, I’m all aboard for Gulags, like, I feel there needs to re-education for a significant portion of our society…I mean, but running for president in the United States you can’t say anything like that right?”

    “…Putting them up against a wall. I mean the alternative, instead of trying to like…re-educate these people and put them back into society the only option is, the only other alternative is to f*cking *makes shooting gesture/noise* you know what I mean?”

    PVA journalists also asked Jurek about his involvement with violent groups such as Antifa, and what political ideologies he and his colleagues identify with. Below are some of the responses from Jurek:

    JOURNALIST: “That’s just crazy, what that guy said. I mean I know we have a lot of the Communists, the Marxists on our side but…”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, I’m one of them.”

    JOURNALIST: “Yeah?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah. In fact, there’s, that I know of, one two three… four, four of the organizers in this office are leftists, of some degree, further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    JOURNALIST: “Right.”

    KYLE JUREK: “The degree varies but many of the organizers are, actually, I didn’t even count Justin, so Justin, me, Derek, Danielle, Jessica… we’re all further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    KYLE JUREK: “We’re all further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

    JOURNALIST: “Yeah. What would you consider yourself? Like where on that spectrum…”

    KYLE JUREK: “I’m an Anarcho-Communist. So, I’m as far to the left as you can possibly get.”

    KYLE JUREK: “…Sometimes I get up and I feel pretty authoritarian and sometimes I get up and I feel normal like my Libertarian self. One thing I say is “if you can’t handle me at my most Communist, you don’t deserve me at my most Libertarian. If you can’t handle me at my most Communist, you don’t deserve me at my most Anarchist.”

    KYLE JUREK: “I mean the whole basis of Communism is like people and planet above property. Like we’re here to preserve the planet, to preserve people, right? We don’t want to have to, but if we f*cking, if people are going to try and fight back against the revolution, so when you hear about like atrocities committed in Cuba by like Fidel and Che, like killing people, those people who were actively like, they were like anti-revolution. They were fighting against the revolution. Like in any war, like you guys were in war, and you encounter people who were fighting against you, what did you do?”

    JOURNALIST: “Kill em?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Right. Same thing holds true in a revolution. Right like you can’t abide people actively working against your f*cking revolution. Like you can give them a choice like hey, you can join the revolution, you cannot be a bootlicker, you could sit idly by and allow it to happen, but if you’re going to take up arms against the revolution, then you should expect a violent response. Right? Like it’s f*cking natural.”

    JOURNALIST: “Fight or die. Yeah. That’s what they said in the Revolutionary War.”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, and that’s where we’re at right now. We’re at one of those moments in human history, we’re fighting for survival, we’re fighting for both survival of the entire human race, we’re fighting for the survival of living creatures on planet earth, and there’s some people who will stop at nothing to preserve that, right? Like to see, to see the human race continue into the future. Right? To try and save the planet from f*cking destruction. Like and no matter what country and what laws were, that exist, they’re irrelevant to, there are things greater than those systems, right?”

    JOURNALIST: “Right.”

    KYLE JUREK: “There are things that are more important than the rule of law in the United States, when it comes down to the existence of the human race.”

    JOURNALIST: “So, I know you have an Antifa sticker on your laptop, have you ever done or been in any of those crazy…”

    KYLE JUREK: “There was a couple things…events that they came to. They came to Lansing and Ann Arbor… I was there for those.”

    JOURNALIST: “Did you ever like, help out or participate in any of it?”

    KYLE JUREK: “Yeah, I mean, so, I didn’t help organize any of it, but I was there in support. I’ve yet to punch a Nazi, but I will, one day.”

    JOURNALIST: “Are there Antifa people here?”

    KYLE JUREK: “There are some here, a lot of them are probably on the Bernie campaign, but there is a DSA chapter here so like some of the DSA folks would probably… we’ve been looking for an action to like participate in…like in regard to immigration and ICE, we’ve been looking for something to pop off so we can f*cking pop right back off.”

    JOURNALIST: *laughs*

    KYLE JUREK: “But I will, one day. One day I’ll get a chance.”

    Since our report, we have received several anonymous tips from people who know Jurek. One from a campaign staffer, who says Sanders Iowa State Director Misty Rebik knew of Jurek’s radicalism and should have never hired him.

    Even more disturbing is a tip from people who know Jurek personally. They say Jurek is dangerous and becoming more radicalized. They worry he might try to assassinate President Trump. Our General Counsel has reported this information to the US Secret Service.

    Project Veritas Action Fund will continue its investigations into 2020 campaigns in order to bring candidates’ and their staff’s true political views and policies to the public light.

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    Biden: Trump, Republican Party Has 'Savaged My Surviving Son'

    Pam Key
    14 Jan 2020

    Former Vice President Joe Biden said on Tuesday during the CNN Democratic presidential debate that President Donald Trump and the Republican Party have “savaged his surviving son” Hunter Biden with “lies” about his business dealings in Ukraine.

    Wolf Blitzer asked, “Vice President Biden if you’re the nominee, is it going to be harder to run against President Trump if he’s been acquitted and able to claim vindication especially after what he said about your family?”

    Biden said, “It’s irrelevant. There’s no choice but to for the Nancy Pelosi and the House to move. He has, in fact, committed impeachable offenses. Whether the Senate is for them to decide, by the way, I’m told that I say we have to unite the country, and it will be harder after this trial. It may be.”

    He added, “But look, I understand how these guys are —this Republican Party —they have gone after, savaged my surviving son, gone after me, told lies your networks won’t carry on TV because they are flat out lies and I did my job. The question is whether or not he did his job? And he hasn’t done his job. So it doesn’t really matter whether or not he is gone after me. I have to be in a position I think of the American people. I can’t hold a grudge. I have to be able to not only fight but heal. And as president of the United States, that is what I will attempt to do. Notwithstanding, there is going to be a more division after he’s defeated by me this next time.”

    Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

    James Carville: Trump 'Greatest Threat' America Has Faced Since Fall of Communism

    Pam Key

    Former lead strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign James Carville said on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball” that President Donald Trump was “the greatest threat this country has faced since the fall of communism.”

    Carville said, “I think that Trump and Trumpism is the greatest threat this country has faced since the fall of communism. And the only way to deal with it is to defeat it. If Michael Bennet is a Democratic nominee, you’re going do get 55 percent of the popular vote and pick up 55 Senate seats. It will be the end of Trumpism. Trumpism doesn’t have to just be defeated at the polls. It’s got to be decimated. It’s got to look like a beat — it’s got to look like Clemson looked like night. Beat and ready to quit. Michael Bennet is the best choice among any Democrat to accomplish that.”

    He added, “This is not a normal environment. These Democrats know it’s their responsibility to save this country. If that’s what you want to do, then Michael Bennet is your choice.”

    Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
    Last edited by vector7; January 15th, 2020 at 23:02.

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    Watters' Words: The Media's Getting Desperate (6:02)

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    Hillary Clinton: "Nobody Likes Bernie"

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    One of the most curious things to watch after the 2016 election was the unrelenting reclamation project called Hillary Clinton.

    It seems the unending work of powerful figures in the Washington and Hollywood establishment. The project now has a name: “Hillary.” It is the latest documentary on Hulu that seeks to show how Hillary was a victim of sexism but remains the oracle of our age. The work was the brainchild of producer Howard T. Owens and Washington power broker Robert Barnett who represents Clinton. Barnett offered undisclosed footage as an enticement for another effort to repackage Clinton’s historic loss to Trump.

    The film by Nanette Burstein apparently will be largely devoid of critical voices, except Hillary’s of course. Lashing out at her critics, she takes particular aim at Bernie Sanders who she seems to blame for ruining her coronation but making the 2016 Democratic primary competitive. In an ironic projection, she declares that “no one likes Bernie” — a curious view since it took the help of the DNC to rig the primary against his surging support in 2016.

    The interview is classic Clinton. She feigns reluctance to criticize Sanders during the primary. She insists “I am not going to go there yet” and then goes there. Her attack on Sanders is read to her and then she strongly eludes to his sexism and his cabal of supporters.

    After the election, Clinton alternatively blamed sexism, racism, self-hating women, domineering boyfriends, Russian hackers, Bernie Sanders, and of course, James Comey. The most obvious reason is that Clinton remains a highly unpopular figure and was viewed as inauthentic on the campaign by many. Many of us were critical when the Democratic establishment (and virtually every Democratic member of Congress) all but guaranteed the nomination of Clinton despite every poll showing her to be unpopular and the voters seeking an anti-establishment choice.

    Now her ire appears directed at Sanders. In an embarrassingly one sided interview on documentary, Lacey Rose quotes Clinton in saying:

    “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”
    She goes to say that “people got sucked into” his campaign and strongly suggests that he is himself sexist.

    “I’m not going to go there yet. We’re still in a very vigorous primary season. I will say, however, that it’s not only him, it’s the culture around him. It’s his leadership team. It’s his prominent supporters. It’s his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women.”
    It seems like powerful figures will not stop in this reclamation project until people relent and agree that Hillary lost because of sexism, Comey, Sanders, self-loathing women, a conservative cabal, and other late additions to the Clinton black list. It simply cannot be that she was universally viewed as inauthentic due to her refusal to answer questions directly or her changing her positions on core issues from gay marriage to war powers to suit the polls. It cannot be that she remained one of the biggest war hawks in Washington or that she and her husband cashed in on speeches and deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

    The problem is that it has not worked. She remains highly unpopular with voters so the public is being called to yet another reeducation on the life and continuing times of Hillary Clinton. The question is whether a general statement of concession will end this never ending reclamation project. Even Sanders might be willing to sign on to such a collective capitulation in the interest of just moving on.

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    Part 3: 2nd Bernie Staffer "I'll straight up get armed" "Guillotine The Rich" (13:25)

    Jan 21, 2020

    • Martin Weissgerber, South Carolina Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “Leave it to the Soviets to Make the Most Badass F***ing, Most Effective Gun in the World…AK (47)…The Destroyer of Imperialism and Colonialization…That’s Why I Want to Get it (AK-47) Tattooed on Me.”
    • Martin Weissgerber: “I’ll Straight Up Get Armed, I Want to Learn How to Shoot, and Go Train. I’m Ready for the F***ing Revolution…I’m Telling You. Guillotine the Rich.”
    • Weissgerber: “Let’s Force Them (Billionaires) to Build Roads…Rebuild Our Roads, Rebuild Our Dams, Rebuild Our Bridges. Let’s Force Them…”
    • Weissgerber: “What Will Help is When We Send All the Republicans to the Re-Education Camps.”
    • Weissgerber: “So, do We Just Cease - do We Just Dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the Judicial Branch, and Have Something Bernie Sanders and a Cabinet of People, Make All Decisions for the Climate? I Mean, I’m Serious.”
    • Weissgerber: “The Soviet Union Was Not Horrible…I Mean, for Women’s Rights the Soviet Union - I Think - the Most Progressive Place to Date in the World.”
    • Weissgerber Reveals That His Father is a Belgian Marxist Who Participated in the May 1968 Civil Unrest in Paris, France.
    • Weissgerber Says That His Mother is “Really Left as Well, but She Can’t Make Her Views Known Because She Works for WBUR, which is NPR…”

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    Trey Gowdy blasts Schiff's arguments as the election can no longer be decieded at the ballot box as 'wildly stupid trial strategy' (3:50)

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    Hillary Clinton admits she feels the 'urge' to run against Trump and says she would win - as she doubles down on Bernie criticism, imploring voters to examine his record

    • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes she could win against President Donald Trump were she to run in November's election
    • She believes Trump's 'broken promises and the failed actions of this current administration' should ensure the Democrats have a path to victory
    • Clinton has said she was not thinking about the 2020 Democratic primary or the effect on voters when she said 'nobody liked' Sen. Bernie Sanders
    • Clinton said her comments about Sanders's likability and whether she would support him if he's the Democratic nominee, were made more than a year ago
    • She claims that she was not thinking about the 2020 election when she spoke
    • New Hulu docu-series about 2016 campaign contains interview in which Clinton was critical of Sanders, a top contender for the 2020 Democratic nomination


    PUBLISHED: 02:48, 28 January 2020 | UPDATED: 08:39, 28 January 2020

    Hillary Clinton has returned to the political stage at the Sundance film festival and says she believes she could beat Donald Trump if she were to run again in November.

    In a wide-ranging interview with Variety about her new Hulu docu-series she was asked if she felt the urge to beat the president.

    'Yeah. I certainly feel the urge because I feel the 2016 election was a really odd time and an odd outcome,' Clinton replied.

    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes she could win against President Donald Trump were she to run in November's election. She is pictured during an interview with Variety

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    'The more we learn, the more that seems to be the case. But I'm going to support the people who are running now and do everything I can to help elect the Democratic nominee.'

    Clinton also addressed the blistering remarks she made about Bernie Sanders when she said 'nobody likes him' in the docu-series and said she was not addressing the election when she made the remarks.

    'I think we did that interview about a year and a half ago. I wasn't thinking about the election by any means. I've said I'm going to support the nominee. But I do think it's important to look at somebody's record and look at what they've gotten done and see whether you agree with that or not. I think that's what every voter paying attention should do.'

    In the clip from the Hulu series, which is due to be released on March 6, she says: 'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician.

    'It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.'

    She said that she did not feel much support from Sanders after his own primary challenge failed in 2016 and encouraged voters to examine the Vermont senator's record.

    'Nobody likes him' Hillary Clinton slams Bernie Sanders

    She believes Trump's 'broken promises and the failed actions of this current administration' should ensure the Democrats have a path to victory.

    As she promotes the show, Clinton has managed to keep her focus on Trump, whose shock victory a little over three years ago cut short her seemingly unstoppable political ascent.

    'I just think we have to win. I don't think we can afford another four years by the current incumbent,' Clinton said. 'I think that would be absolutely dangerous to our democracy, and I'll do whatever I can to make sure the Democrats win this time,' she continued.

    'We have to be better than the other side, because they are highly organized and incredibly well funded, and they have foreign help,' she told reporters, vowing to work to defeat her Republican antagonist Donald Trump in November.

    'We should win, because I think people can see the broken promises and the failed actions of this current administration and so we should win, but we're gonna have to overcome all of the obstacles they are throwing our way,' she said.

    Clinton remarked during an interview for documentary, Bernie Sanders had been in Congress for years but 'nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done'.

    Clinton has said she was not thinking about the 2020 Democratic primary or the effect on voters criticizing Sen. Bernie Sanders. She is pictured here on the 2016 campaign trail.

    Hillary Clinton unloaded on Bernie Sanders in new documentary due out in March.

    Clinton, who beat Trump in the popular vote, favors the abolition of the Electoral College.

    'The person who gets the most votes should win,' she said. 'The Electoral College is an anachronism that foils the rights of the majority of Americans to choose our leaders.'

    Clinton also cited the role of social media platforms and, in particular, Facebook, in a potential repeat of Russian interference.

    'The attacks on the fundamental right to vote and run our elections free from illegal, unconstitutional and certainly foreign interference is going to be even more sophisticated today than it was four years ago,' Clinton said.

    But Clinton does think some things have changed in the last four years, especially for Trump.

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    Default Re: Election 2020

    Joe Biden Suggests Making Michelle Obama Running Mate, Appointing Barack to Supreme Court

    IM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images
    Joe Biden suggested on Tuesday that the Obamas would be appointed to high office if he were elected in 2020, telling voters the former first lady could be his running mate, while her husband was destined for the Supreme Court, provided he wanted the appointment.

    The former vice president made the promise during a campaign town hall in Iowa, where he was asked by a voter if he would consider appointing Obama to the Supreme Court.

    “Yeah, I would, but I don’t think he’d do it,” Biden said in response. “He’d be a great Supreme Court justice.”

    When the voters clarified that he had not stipulated which member of the first family he was referring to, Biden asserted he meant the former president, since he had other plans for the former first lady.

    “Well, I sure would like Michelle to be the vice president,” Biden said to laughter from the crowd. “They’re both incredibly qualified people. I mean and they’re such decent honorable people.”

    Tuesday marked the second time in recent weeks that Biden has floated the idea that one or both of the Obam’s would play a leading role in Washington, DC, if he were to be elected. During an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in September 2019, the former vice president joked that he had already broached the idea of asking Michelle Obama to be his running mate. A few months later in December of that year, Biden went further by telling voters in Iowa he would appoint Barack Obama to the Supreme Court, provided the former president would “take it.”

    The suggestions have come as many of the Obamas’ friends and supporters have remained cool on backing Biden. Obama, himself, reportedly is not big on his former vice president’s chances, allegedly telling a rival 2020 Democrat that Biden lacks an “intimate bond” with voters.

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