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Thread: Will America Break Up?

  1. #781
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    THIS Should Scare the Hell Out of Every American: Democrats Promise to Persecute Trump Supporters if They Take White House… AND THEY MEAN IT!

    by Jim Hoft January 29, 2020


    Far left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) unveiled a new campaign plan Tuesday. She must have come up with this idea while sitting through hours of sham impeachment testimony in the US Senate.

    Warren’s plan calls for the creation of a Justice Department task force to investigate and prosecute corruption and immigration “violations” committed by the Trump administration. This plan is hatched while the Democrats/media excuse the Biden corruption entirely.

    Warren threw red meat to her fascist followers.

    She is promising to persecute Trump officials.

    According to National Review Warren promises to go after the Trump administration.

    The Massachusetts senator says she will move to establish a task force to probe whether Trump officials broke any “federal bribery laws, insider trading laws, and other anti-corruption and public integrity laws” during their time in office.

    Warren also proposed a DOJ task force to investigate possible violations of law committed in the course of enacting the Trump administration’s immigration agenda.

    One year from today, the next president will begin her first full day of work. She’ll inherit a government in crisis, infected by corruption, and will need the expertise and drive to rebuild it and ensure it works for the people. I've got a plan for that. …

    Restoring Integrity and Competence to Government After Trump | Elizabeth Warren
    Donald Trump has corrupted our government and sent our country into crisis. We need a president with the energy, expertise, and vision to rebuild our government.

    Democrats in her comment section cheered the plan to get back at Trump officials.

    This should scare the hell out of EVERY AMERICAN!

    When Democrats threaten tyrannical control over their opponents — THEY MEAN IT!

    Democrats — even though they are out of power except for the US House of Representatives — Have been on a mission to DESTROY their opposition since November 9, 2016, the day after the election of President Donald J. Trump.

    Democrats illegally spied on Trump, his family, his children, his transition team, his administration since early 2016.

    Democrats, with the help of Jeff Sessions, launched a Special Counsel to investigate President Trump and his administration for collusion with Russia despite already knowing this was a debunked conspiracy theory.

    Democrats cheered as Paul Manafort was sent to prison for life for his role as Trump campaign manager — when his business partners, the Podestas, walk free.

    Democrats in the Deep State went after Trump officials to ruin them financially.

    Democrats went after General Flynn to destroy his reputation, threaten his son, slander his good name, bankrupt him and jail him, based on lies.

    Democrats charged Republican operative Roger Stone with process crimes in the hope of jailing him until death.

    Democrats eliminated prominent conservative voices online and on social media.

    Democrats in the tech world eliminated conservative voices on Facebook — eliminated conservative voices on Twitter — eliminated conservative voices on YouTube and Google. This top Trump-supporting website has suffered greatly as a target of the Left.

    Democrats are starving conservative publishers from advertising dollars.

    Democrats are beating Trump supporters in the streets.

    And of course, the leftie fake news media is cheering on their violence and hiding their brutality.

    When Democrats promise to persecute Trump supporters…


    Part IV: Two More Bernie Staffers Promote "Extreme Action" and Property Destruction (17:05)

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  2. #782
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

  3. #783
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    America's Expiration Date: The Fall Of Empires And Superpowers … And The Future of the United States

    February 6, 2020

    If you knew that America as we know it were to end by July 4, 2026, what would you do? In America’s Expiration Date, author and longtime syndicated columnist Cal Thomas explores the validity of this possibility by analyzing the rise and fall of former empires and investigating the parallels to the United States. Drawing from a thorough understanding of history and an oftentimes prophetic ability to predict future national events, Thomas lays out what Americans need to understand about the current condition of our country and what they can do to prevent its dismantling.

    With a humble sense of urgency, he summarizes America’s progression as a nation so far to highlight what could be coming should we fail to course correct before it’s too late. In this timely and compelling book, Thomas provides readers a road map to preserve the country they know and love, instilling hope for a better tomorrow.

  4. #784
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    The Coming Civil War

    June 20, 2020

    Matt Bracken breaks down the things to know about the coming civil war; where we are now; how we got here; and what we can expect in the coming months. He also gives some good advice about how we can push back against this Communist Insurgency. Matt is a former Navy SEAL who graduated from the University of Virginia in 1979 with a degree in Russian Studies. He was commissioned in the US Navy while at UVA, and then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training class 105 in Coronado, California. He served on east coast UDT and SEAL teams, taking a Naval Special Warfare detachment to Beirut in 1983. After Lebanon, Matt remained in an active reserve status through the remainder of the 1980s. He's now an author and regular guest on numerous talk shows and news programs.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  5. #785
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Democrats’ ‘War Game’ for Election Includes West Coast Secession, Possible Civil War

    August 2, 2020

    Democrats are contemplating secession and potential civil war as they game out possible scenarios for a closely contested election, according to a report by Ben Smith in a New York Times column Sunday.

    The bulk of Smith’s column is devoted to the question of how the media will handle Election Night coverage, given that the result may not be known for weeks. Vote-by-mail, which many states have only recently adopted — ostensibly, to prevent the spread of coronavirus in polling places — could lead to an uncertain result.

    However, buried near the end of Smith’s column is a report that Democrats have participated in a “war game” in which they considered several possible outcomes of the election.

    In one scenario, John Podesta — the former chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and a leading figure in party circles — played former Vice President Joe Biden, and refused to concede the election.

    The result: the threat of secession by the entire West Coast, followed by the possible intervention of the U.S. armed forces:

    But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

    But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

    In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.

    Notably, on Election Night in 2016, Podesta publicly refused to concede the election to President Donald Trump.

  6. #786
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    Lockdown Warning: 'Our Families Are Starving,' They'll Become 'Revolutionary Citizens Real Soon'

    August 18, 2020

    A military veteran business owner in Northern California lit into his county's leaders at a board of supervisors meeting, warning that restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic are threatening the lives of his family and many others.

    "This is a warning for what's coming; it’s not going to be peaceful for much longer," Carlos Zapata told the Shasta County board in Redding, California, on Aug. 11.

    Zapata, who said the families of business owners who have been shut down are "starving," was one of about 80 citizens who spoke at the meeting. reported that after the meeting, officials in Shasta County, which tends to vote Republican, blamed Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for the restrictions.

    "Our local health officer has not made any restrictions over and above what the state of California has, so we are doing all that we can to keep the county as open as possible," said Donnell Ewert, the county's Health and Human Services Agency director.

    At the meeting, nevertheless, Zapata directed his animus to the county board.

    "I'm pretty appalled at what's going on. At first we sat as concerned citizens, and we all wanted to best figure out how to navigate our way through this COVID thing," he said. "As we realized that it's not as quite as dangerous as we thought it would be, I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice — and you guys are sitting here with your masks on — I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face if I was you for what you’re doing," he said.

    "I'm a business owner and I'm telling you, our families are starving," Zapata continued. "You guys can sit here with your jobs — you’re gonna sit here and get paid to fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman’s doing behind his mask right there," said Zapata.

    He then issued a warning.

    "Right now we're being peaceful, and you better be happy we're good citizens, that we're peaceful citizens, but it's not gonna be peaceful much longer. And this isn’t a threat — I’m not a criminal, I've never been a criminal but I’m telling you real good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon," he said. "And nobody else is gonna say that. I’m probably the only person that has the balls to say what I’m saying right now.

    See the speech:

    "We’re building and we're organizing and we’ll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement," he said. "but you won’t stop us when the time comes because our families are starving!

    Zapata said he went to war for the United States and is willing to fight again to save the country.

    "If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen," he said. "And there's a million people like me, and you won't stop us.

    "Open the county. Let our citizens do what they need to do. Let owners of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families."

    Zapata said he knows six veterans who have committed suicide after losing their jobs.

    "How do you feel about being complicit and perpetuating that -- the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people?"

  7. #787
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    A House Divided

    August 29, 2020

    There must be something wrong with me.

    The fireworks closing off the Republican National Convention were sensational. The music was inspiring. The speakers throughout the entire convention did well—no major screw-ups that I saw. The stories worked. And through it all, Trump and his proxies articulated a clear case for re-election. As conventions go, it felt like a success.

    And yet as the last firework fizzled out, some melancholy seized me, and I wondered if the real story of the week wasn't the convention at all, or the upcoming debates, or even the winner of the 2020 election. I wondered if the real story was an irrevocable, worsening rupture no election victory could cure.

    After all, it's one thing for citizens to differ on a sales tax initiative or what to name the new highway. It's another for them to differ, and differ deeply, on whether it's okay to murder full-term newborn babies, burn down buildings, or release hordes of violent criminals to the streets to resume their psychopathic predations. And as it happens, the clash between the rival world views underlying those disagreements has spawned nightly, real-world battles—complete with actual casualties—within a country called the United States.

    The truth is, there's nothing particularly "united" about the United States these days. Even basic perceptions now differ. After watching the same video of 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse, half the country thinks he committed pre-meditated murder, while the other half thinks he justifiably defended himself against weapon-wielding attackers. Same with the McCloskeys over in St. Louis: half the country saw them illegally threaten peaceful passersby; the other half saw them legally deter a mob of trespassers threatening their safety.

    Half the country can't glance at Trump without envisioning him in a Nazi uniform shouting from the Luitpoldarena podium in Nuremberg; the other half just sees a pragmatic, commonsense guy, albeit of eccentric appearance, who just wants to make America great—hell, even just functional—again after decades of mismanagement.

    Half the country sees Joe Biden as a mentally sound, principled, independent man who'll "calm everything down"; the other half sees him as the increasingly senile, corrupt, amoral puppet of cunning corporatistas and violent leftists. And we could spend another three hours thinking of examples just of the perceptual differences.

    The moral divide is even more striking. Aside from all the real-world examples we could recite, just consider this: If, God forbid, mobs broke into the White House tomorrow and massacred the duly-elected Donald Trump and his entire family live on television, half the country would begin wildly celebrating, and everyone knows it. And that's all we really need to know to begin to grasp the depth of moral difference between the two diverging tribes here.

    As a result, we must say that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron revealed a dangerous naiveté during his Tuesday night convention speech when he concluded that "we all just want the same things in the end". No, we don't. Some of us want to live in safe, clean communities, populated by strong families, pursuing meaningful, shared, morally-grounded lives of noble purpose. And some of us—quite a lot of us, actually—don't.

    Those that don't have been obsessively destroying lives, careers, educations, reputations, property, everything they could, for months now, under protection from Democrat politicians. And remember that this ongoing destruction is only the most recent manifestation of a multi-decade effort to sow dissension, and co-opt or destroy every institution of influence necessary for healthy civic order.

    No country can remain intact and democratic with moral and perceptual divides this great, nor with this many citizens actively or passively trying to destroy it. A house this divided just can't remain standing for much longer, at least in its current form.

    So where does that leave us?

    Three main possibilities present themselves.

    The first is a return to something like antebellum levels of federalism (minus the slavery).

    In this scenario, the states would recover a huge amount of their sovereignty; Congress's legislative jurisdiction would correspondingly shrink; the 14th Amendment (and maybe the 17th) would be rescinded; the US Supreme Court would lose its power to veto actions taken by state legislatures or governors; and in short, the United States would take a big step back toward what the American founders originally designed (which has proven successful in Switzerland).

    I like this option. The problem is, it'll never happen. State politicians love all that federal money. They love blowing it to boost their popularity, and they love siphoning it into their own bank accounts. They'll never give that up.

    And so, I move on.

    The second option is some form of dictatorship which imposes a uniform order from above.

    Obviously, a dictatorship would represent the end of America's republican form of government; but then, one might argue that American republicanism, in many ways, has long been on its way out already.

    After all, the now-routine practice of five unelected Supreme Court justices vetoing any democratically-passed laws they wish—for any reason they want or no reason at all—is incompatible with any intelligible conception of republicanism. So is government retroactively assenting to bureaucratic coup attempts, presidents issuing blatantly unconstitutional Executive Orders, governors unilaterally ordering the house arrest of millions, and dozens of other now-routine practices.

    We might add that any federal government which rejects its constitutional and statutory boundaries, grants itself license to intrude into every corner of life, and exterminates every check against that intrusion, qualifies as a genuine Leviathan far more hostile to representative democracy, federalism, and limited government than King George III ever was. DC's entrenched, elitist, control-freak swamp monsters make Mad King George and his indifferent parliament look like paragons of Jeffersonian populism.

    All that aside, the post-constitutional, military-backed Strong Man option is, shall we say, high-risk. Yes, it's possible some great man could rise and rule with wisdom and equanimity, notwithstanding his insulation from democratic accountability.

    But even if that happened...what would happen when he retired or died? Another Strong Man? And then another? And what are the odds of even a small number of them governing well?

    Yet even as I type those words, I can't help but remember the colossal mismanagement of the past 32 years, all accomplished under the present system of ostensibly republican government. And I confess I wonder whether any man—like some guy chosen at random at the local mall—could have done any worse, governing alone, than the thousands of "expert" politicians and bureaucrats actually did.

    I wonder, because it was those "experts" who gave us endless, ill-conceived wars; deindustrialization; dependence on communist China; thousands of war casualties; intelligence failure after intelligence failure; the First World's worst immigration laws; exploding debt; the export of millions of working class jobs; welfare programs which financially reward social pathologies like illegitimacy; government-created recessions; botched coup attempts; illegal spying; open corruption, and a hundred other failures. They all raise legitimate, if uncomfortable, questions about the value of whatever we might choose to call America's actual system of government these past thirty years. (Swampocracy?).

    To be clear, I'm not here supporting the Strong Man option. I'm only trying to put it in context. The fact is, the self-styled experts who actually ran American government the past three decades did a poor job. Would an American Lee Kuan Yew, or even the janitor over at the local elementary school, really do worse?

    The third option is national divorce.

    In that scenario, the country would divide into new nations—two at least, and probably more—based mostly on their world views.

    In the newly-created People's Republic of Leftistan, for example, citizens could live out their political fantasies without being hindered by the gap-toothed, cross-burning, Bible-thumping, flyover-country yokels they believe populated most of their previous country, or by their orange, evil, racist, Nazi Klansman Führer hero, Donald Trump.

    They could ban electricity, cars, straws, diapers, soft drinks, meat-eating, Christianity, heterosexual marriage, the English language ("the language of the slave owners")—anything they wanted.

    They could expand upon their infanticide fetish by offering Sunday morning child sacrifice rituals in their town squares.

    They could import all 652 million Latin Americans and all one billion sub-Saharan Africans, then give them all guaranteed-incomes for life.

    They could legalize crack cocaine, human-animal marriage, and even cannibalism. Come to think of it, they could appoint super-Democrat, author, and real-life cannibal Reza Aslan as their official Cannibalism Czar. He could visit Leftistan's elementary schools to tell the kids all about the wondrous multiculturalist bona fides he earned after snacking on human brains during his CNN special. They could do anything they wanted.

    And here's the thing: Why not?

    Yes, in ceding territory for Leftistan, the United States would be giving up some great California beach front, the New Jersey Boardwalk, Manhattan, and a few other valuable patches of land; but then, they'd also be excising a malignant demographic cancer comprised of demented, destructive humans which no healthy nation can tolerate. Without them, the United States would actually have a chance at being united again.

    Not only that, but shorn of its would-be destroyers, America would begin to thrive like never before, building great families, great communities, great schools, great parks, great recreational activities, great churches, and great businesses. For my money, getting a lunatic-free country for a few beaches would be a damn fine trade.

    But even if it weren't a fine trade up front, once Leftistan weakened due to its own insane policies, New America—if it wanted—could promptly annex it, expel the bad guys, bring the rest to heel, and make it better than before, all without any real fight.

    Now, I admit a national divorce would be sad for some. Breakups, even the necessary ones, usually are. No one wants a beautiful dream to die.

    I only say that the beautiful dream of Idaho, Alabama, Wyoming, and Mississippi one day seeing the world the same way as California, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey, and then unifying to forge a brilliant national future, was never going to come true; and more importantly, that beautiful dream has transformed into a real-life nightmare. Without a hard demographic reset (like violent lunatics all moving—or being moved—to Leftistan), the nightmare will never, ever end. If Trump wins in November, the riots, the delegitimizing of the victory, the refusal to accept the results, the false accusations, the pernicious media will all continue. And if Biden wins, the managed deconstruction of the United States—largely halted the past four years—will resume. Again: As long as these people are around, the nightmare will never, ever end.

    The good news is, it ends as soon as they're gone. Then a new dream begins—and that dream is one that, maybe, really could come true.

  8. #788
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Powder Keg: 61% Say United States ‘On Verge Of Civil War,’ 52% Already Preparing

    October 1, 2020

    A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, according to a new survey shared with Secrets.

    In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment.

    And 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages.

    “This is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with,” said Rich Thau, president of Engagious, one of the three firms, along with the Sports and Leisure Research Group and ROKK Solutions, that conducted the “Back-to-Normal Barometer” survey.

    Secrets has been following the series of surveys that have been sizing up the state of the nation and business since the coronavirus crisis hit. Of all the studies so far, this is the first to raise majority concerns about a potential war.

    It comes as the 2020 presidential race is getting hot, with both sides ginning up support from radicals, and clashes a regular thing. It also comes as the Black Lives Matter movement continues to conduct heated protests to the point of riots in some cities.

    During the first presidential debate, President Trump, while agreeing to decry racially-motivated groups, told the so-called Proud Boys, a militarized group that supports him, to "stand back and stand by." The president also repeated his concerns that Democrats are scheming to steal the election.

    Predictably, it’s the political extremes who are most ready for war, with 52% of very liberal, 52% of very conservative, 32% of somewhat liberal, 34% of moderate, and 35% of somewhat conservative respondents saying they believe the statement “I’m concerned that the U.S. could be on the verge of another civil war.”

    The virus is also playing a big role in the nation’s anxiety. A majority of those who are stockpiling food and essentials are doing so because of concerns COVID-19 will spike, as many in government are predicting.

    'They want to abolish the suburbs': St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters speak at RNC

    — WSMV News4 Nashville (@WSMV) August 25, 2020

    Already in several cities, including in the Washington suburbs, major stores including Sam’s Club and Costco, are reinstituting limits on items such as canned foods, bottled water, and paper goods.

    “We have been conducting surveys of consumers and employees since the beginning of April in order to help industries make strategic decisions in the month ahead. The current data shows an alarming trend that that extreme political polarization of our country has a majority of Americans concerned that our country could be a powder keg ready to explode into a Civil War,” said Ron Bonjean, a partner at ROKK Solutions.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

  10. #790
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Very interesting times when talk like this goes mainstream.

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    American Patriot (January 12th, 2021),vector7 (January 14th, 2021)

  12. #791
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    I'm just going to try to ride out the Apocalypse.

    Moving to Florida in at the end of March. At least I'll be out of occupied territory for the time being.

    I may have to move to Texas if it secedes.

    I don't know if you've read Kurt Schlicter's Kelly Turnbull books, but geezus they seem to be like a past history.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Come join me in wild and wonderful WV

  14. #793
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    I'm just going to try to ride out the Apocalypse.

    Moving to Florida in at the end of March. At least I'll be out of occupied territory for the time being.

    I may have to move to Texas if it secedes.

    I don't know if you've read Kurt Schlicter's Kelly Turnbull books, but geezus they seem to be like a past history.
    Awesome Mal! Can't tell you how glad for you I am you're getting somewhere free!

    I'm supposed to be closing on a new place next week (was supposed to be this week but things...). Unfortunately it's not out in Northern Idaho like I wanted but at least it will be my slice of Free America in Ohio, which as much as it sucks, ain't no California or New York.

    And yes, huge fan of Schlichter's books! I'm working my way through Crisis now, still early on in the book.

    Here's a couple pics of the new digs...

    The main part of the house was likely built in the 1830s-1840s according to the owner. It's not perfect and needs a number of things done but it's very updated.

    Nice thing is it's tactically sound. The old section's walls are super thick brick (that's actually had studs, insulation, and drywall done inside), it sits at the top of a hill, and even though it's on municipal water it has a working cistern system. Despite the second floor ceiling height being better suited for kids, the floor is level with the bottoms of the windows so not tough to lay prone with a rifle on a bipod while being surrounded by brick.

    The shop is 32x72 (no insulation or HVAC though ) and the owner has a 2 post 9,000lb lift not installed that's included. There's 2 other garages as well; a ramshackle 2 car that's good for keeping stuff from getting rained on and a nicer 1 car with attached carport. It's on just a hair under 3 acres. Location is nice and central to the rural areas east of Cincy.

    Top priorities are getting a wood burning insert installed into the fake fireplace and getting the "fruit cellar" (the cinderblock structure on the end of the house) directly accessible from the kitchen for a walk-in pantry/laundry.

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  16. #794
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    I can finally use real magazines!

    I have had a FL and Utah carry permits for years now, so I'm all set there.

    I'm going to start on some cans too. Can't wait.

    It's going to be tough to walk away from a 6 figure job, but fuck NJ. I may be able to get some consulting kind of thing going with my current job since I'm a key figure. There is no one that does what I do or has even close to my experience.

    I just hope I'm somewhat insulated by Desantis from the blue madness that's coming.

    Congrats on the new place!

    It's hot down there a lot of the time, but I find I don't mind it. It often rains mid day, cools everything down and it's dry an hour later.

    Unlike Ohio and NJ. When it rains up north, everything is damp for 3 days. I really have come to hate it.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  17. #795
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Added pics to the last post.

  18. #796
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    Unlike Ohio and NJ. When it rains up north, everything is damp for 3 days. I really have come to hate it.
    This is what I think I hate the most.

  19. #797
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Cool pictures. Nice space!

    Your outdoor images remind me of that Tool song "Jimmy" "under a dead Ohio sky".

    Geeze, I'm getting flashbacks and PTSD.
    Last edited by Malsua; January 15th, 2021 at 01:11.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  20. #798
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    Cool pictures. Nice space!

    Your outdoor images remind me of that Tool song "Jimmy" "under a dead Ohio sky".

    Geeze, I'm getting flashbacks and PTSD.

    It's funny because it's true!

    The last two weeks it's been "Mostly Cloudy" almost everyday.

  21. #799
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    The Zogby Poll: Will The US Have Another Civil War?

    February 4, 2021

    Nearly half (16% very likely and 30% somewhat likely combined) of likely voters believe the country will have another civil war, while 42% (24% very unlikely and 18% somewhat unlikely combined) did not think we were headed for another civil war; 11% of survey respondents were not sure. It's quite astounding that nearly half of voters think we are headed for bloodshed! If we are to judge by the last four years of divide and vitriol, among, voters then maybe it's not too surprising. At the moment Republican and Democratic congressmen and congresswomen won't have offices next to each other for fear of their lives. Biden hasn't exactly made things calmer on Capital Hill. In all fairness the Capital riot was a terrible and a scary situation for those involved, but are Republicans really going to attack Democratic colleagues and vice versa?

    Are we really close to citizens hurting each other on a large scale basis? The violence that happened from both sides of the political spectrum the last year is significant. Violent protests in cities across the country during the summer, white supremacists, hate crimes on the rise, and tensions between two political parties have put the country on the brink.

    Still, not everyone was on board for all-out war. There were differences in opinion when it came to age-younger voters aged 18-29 (53% likely and 39% unlikely) and aged 18-24 (51% likely and 41% unlikely) were much more prone to think we were headed for civil war than older voters aged 65+ (31% likely and 55% unlikely).

    For once, political parties-Republicans (49% likely and 40% unlikely), Democrats (45% likely and 44% unlikely), and Independents (42% likely and 44% unlikely) were somewhat in agreement, but the fact all political stripes think a civil war is inevitable is not the bipartisanship we were hoping for. Most of the sub-groups surveyed were in line with the overall figures, especially when it came to breakdowns of intensity-very likely/somewhat likely/somewhat unlikely/very unlikely.

    Where there were major differences, were where people lived. People in large cities (55% likely and 38% unlikely) were much more likely to think the country will have another civil war than respondents living in the suburbs (36% likely and 48% unlikely).

    Region was another area where there was a difference in opinion on the likelihood of another civil war. Voters in the East region (39% likely and 44% unlikely) were much less likely to think we would have another civil war compared with respondents in the Central/Great Lakes region (48% likely and 43% unlikely) and South region (49% likely and 39% unlikely).

    When it came to race, whites (43% likely and 44% unlikely) were not as convinced that there will be another civil war, while Hispanics (53% likely and 43% unlikely) and African Americans (49% likely and 39% unlikely) thought another civil war could happen.


    Zogby Analytics Poll Methodology
    US Likely Voters
    1/18/21 - 1/19/21

    Zogby Analytics conducted an online survey of 873 likely voters in the US.

    Using internal and trusted interactive partner resources, thousands of adults were randomly invited to participate in this interactive survey. Each invitation is password coded and secure so that one respondent can only access the survey one time.

    Using information based on census data, voter registration figures, CIA fact books and exit polls, we use complex weighting techniques to best represent the demographics of the population being surveyed. Weighted variables may include age, race, gender, region, party, education, and religion. The party breakdown for this survey is as follows: 37% Democrat, 35% Republican and 28% Independent/unaffiliated.

    Based on a confidence interval of 95%, the margin of error for 873 is +/- 3.3 percentage points. This means that all other things being equal, the identical survey repeated will have results within the margin of error 95 times out of 100.

    Subsets of the data have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that subset we can make estimations based on the data, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative.

    Additional factors can create error, such as question wording and question order.

  22. #800
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Majority For First Time Says US System Of Government Is Not Sound: Poll

    February 8, 2021

    Fifty-five percent of those surveyed in a new poll by Monmouth University said the American system of government was either “not too sound” or “not sound at all” and needed improvements or significant changes.

    It's the first time Monmouth has conducted the poll and found that a majority did not believe the current system of government is sound.

    “Since Monmouth started asking this question in 2017, between 50% and 55% said the American system of government was basically sound and between 45% and 49% said it was unsound,” Monmouth University said in a statement. “This question was first asked in a national Opinion Research Corporation survey back in late 1980, when a clear majority of 62% of the public felt our system of government was sound while 37% said it was not.”

    The percentage of people who believed the American system of government was "not too sound" jumped by nearly 10 percentage points from when the university conducted the poll in February of 2020. At that time, just 24 percent said the system was not too sound.

    The findings come after a traumatic few months in the country in which former President Trump and his allies insisted without evidence that widespread fraud caused his loss in the presidential election. A series of court decisions and rulings by state officials ruled against the president, but his attacks on the process led millions to believe the election was stolen.

    The culminated in the Jan. 6 mob attack on the Capitol, when hundreds of people overwhelmed Capitol Police and breached the building, briefly stopping the certification of the Electoral College results.

    In the Monmouth poll, 7 percent of those who said the system of government was sound said it needed "no changes" and 37 percent said it needed "some changes," a 9-point drop among those who said it needed "some changes" from February of last year.

    The majority of both Democrats and Republicans said the system of government was not sound. Monmouth University noted that this was a shift from last year when only 28 percent of Republicans and 65 percent of Democrats felt this way.

    “The increased lack of confidence in the American system is built on a foundation of partisan hostility. Those differences are no longer limited to views on policy. They now extend to an underlying distrust of our democratic institutions themselves. Partisan tribalism is coming home to roost in a way that threatens the very stability of our system,” said Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, in a statement.

    When asked how much they felt the American way of life is under threat, 79 percent of respondents said they felt it was, with 45 percent saying “a great deal” and 34 percent saying “some.”

    The amount of those who felt the American way of life was under a threat “a great deal” dropped 4 percentage points from when the poll was conducted in September of 2019.

    The poll was conducted from Jan. 21 to 24 with a sample size of 809 people over the age of 18.

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