By Homeland Security NTARC News | June 8, 2007

Family members of people killed by militant groups in Colombia are suing Chiquita Brands International. The lawsuit accuses the banana company of sponsoring terrorism.

The suit, filed anonymously in Washington, contends that ten unnamed Chiquita employees and a Colombian subsidiary aided and abetted terrorists by providing arms, funding and other support to paramilitary forces responsible for 144 murders.

A Chiquita spokesman says the company hasn’t seen the lawsuit, but denies the allegations. The spokesman says the company paid to protect the lives of employees and their families.

In March, Chiquita admitted to paying terrorists to protect its banana operation in Colombia. A Justice Department investigation into Chiquita’s financial dealings with paramilitary groups resulted in a corporate conviction for one count of doing business with a terrorist organization and a $25-million fine.
