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  1. #1
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Lost

    This is one of my favorite shows on tv, just wondering if anybody else watches it. It kind of reminds me of XFiles back in the day. Great writing, great characters and lots of intrigue.

  2. #2
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Man! This first thread to this forum was fast! I literally just put this forum up right before it was posted!!

    But to answer the question: Hell yeah!

    Lost is one of only two network television shows I make an effort (videotape when I can't watch) to see. The other being 24.

    I started watching Lost right after someone suggested watching the first season on DVD. Rented it, watched it, and thought it was awesome!

    I also lurk on an ARFCOM thread about Lost to see what other similar viewers manage to catch – "Lost" Season 2, Part 2.

    The 6 week break sucked but I am glad it is back! Can't wait to catch the next episode!

    "How long would it take to train an army?"

  3. #3
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Well, I just got done watching tonights episode...

    Not sure what to say about it as it all seemed to be a little disjointed.

    Charlie tripping out without drugs about baptizing Aaron. Locke acting very oddly namely with Claire and Aaron. Eko marking trees he "liked". And Sayid building something large with metal.

    But, judging from the preview of next weeks show, it looks like some of these things might be explained like Locke changing the combo to the weapons safe (WTF?) and what Sayid was building (an antenna?).

  4. #4
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    It was a little weird, even for Lost. But like you said Ryan, I'm sure we will get some answers next week. Thats the thing with this show though, for every answer you get a half dozen more questions. As far as Locke changing the combo, I think it had to do with Micheal taking guns to go look for his son. What was up with sticking the herion in there though. I get the feeling he will pull it out later to test Charlie maybe. Eko marking tree's, that was different, I like that guy though. Great back story on him 2 weeks ago. Who would have thunk it, some kind of bad ass killer from Africa and also a priest.

    Looks like Hurley has got the hots for the blonde. Saw a funny commercial the other day where someone said "whats up with Hurley, he's gained weight on the island".

    Last week was a good one. Whats up with the "others" anyhow? Are they part of the original Darma Project?

  5. #5
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Thats the thing with this show though, for every answer you get a half dozen more questions.
    Ain't that the truth! LOL!

    As far as Locke changing the combo, I think it had to do with Micheal taking guns to go look for his son.
    Did you catch the preview for next week?

    There is a big blow up between Jack and Locke about Locke not letting anyone have the firearms so I don't know if that is the sole reason. I have heard speculation by some that Locke is an "Other". Don't know if I buy that but, you can't put anything by the writers!

    What was up with sticking the herion in there though. I get the feeling he will pull it out later to test Charlie maybe.
    I don't know... Did you catch Lockes line about how before he would have let Charlie make the right choice and now he was going to make it for him? I'm not so sure he is going to "test" him again.

    Then again, an interesting possibility is that the heroine if administered properly by Jack is an effective pain killer.

    And about Charlie... I'm really feeling sorry for the guy! Here he is trying to get clean and everyone thinks he's a whack job and goes beating on him!

    Eko marking tree's, that was different, I like that guy though. Great back story on him 2 weeks ago. Who would have thunk it, some kind of bad ass killer from Africa and also a priest.
    And I believe that the fire Charlie set burned them all up. Eko looked dissapointed as he was walking through the charred remains near the end of the episode.

    You are right too. Eko is definitely one of the more interesting characters on the show. That episode before last was pretty good. Lot's of Chinese AKs too!

    Looks like Hurley has got the hots for the blonde.
    I liked how Sawyer was giving Hurley a helping hand trying to break the ice between Hurley and Libby. It definitely seems as though the relationship is mutual.

    One thing I noticed in the laundry scene between Hurley and Libby is that Libby commented on how new the washer and dryer were compared to everything else. This was something I noticed when they first found the bunker. It's surely a sign of another facet of the story.

    And speaking of Sawyer... Seems like since his near death experience, he has softened up a bit.

    Saw a funny commercial the other day where someone said "whats up with Hurley, he's gained weight on the island".
    It could be! I've heard other say that the Island seems to be giving everyone their own challenges. Perhaps Hurley's is his weight?

    Last week was a good one. Whats up with the "others" anyhow? Are they part of the original Darma Project?
    That is a very good question. One that I haven't figgured out yet myself.

    One thing I took note of is that "Zeke" (no idea what his real name is but that is what Sawyer called him) was holding an old German Luger to Kate's head.

    Now, knowing the shows writers, that is either an important detail or doesn't mean a thing. It is odd though in the fact that it would be such an old firearm while all of the others in the bunker are so new.

    Speaking of firearms in Lost though, have you noticed how small the magazines on the AKs from the bunker are? That is because they are restricted single stack WASR AKs. Hawaii has restrictions on "assault weapons" and those neutered magazines are a sure sign they are filming in Hawaii! Just some interesting trivia...

  6. #6
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Another repeat, what the hell. Found this though:

  7. #7
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Ok, been digging around and found some cool stuff.

    More to come!

  8. #8
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Ok, this is just creepy:

    After the page opens click on the writing and something comes up underneath. Highlight it for a secret message!

  9. #9
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    First, I'm going to start out with a comment on last weeks episode… Anyone remembers the scene with Sawyer and the one bald-headed guy in the diner? Well, guess what? The waitress was Kate's mom!

    Now, with this weeks episode… I've got to say, this was one of the better episodes in a while!

    Kate's step-dad was the soldier with Sayid (not the spec-ops type guy, the one with the camo). You know, the one with the picture of her near the end:

    And the hieroglyphics on the counter!! What was up with that! And what was the rumbling type noise we heard? Here's a shot with the glyphs on the counter:

    And a likely translation:

    "Cause to die"

    Also, an intrepid ARFCOMer noted that the captured guys name was "Henry Gale". Anyone here seen The Wizard of Oz? If you have, Henry Gale is the name of Dorothy Gale's uncle! And, guess what Dorothy's aunt's name is… That's right… Emily!

    So, we have this new guy saying that he is Henry Gale and his wife is Emily Gale. And guess what else… They left on a trip in a hot air balloon just like Dorothy!!!!

    Now, is there anyone else who still thinks "Henry Gale" is not a lying bastard Other?

    In honesty, since I hadn't watched The Wizard of Oz in years I missed this. But, I did notice another discrepancy in "Henry's" story about the balloon. When Sayid asked him to describe the balloon, he basically described your standard hot air balloon. Now, if anyone has seen video of these rich guys going around the world in balloons (as "Henry" claimed he was), I'm sure you noticed that the balloon was more like a weather balloon and the basket was more like a capsule. Henry's description talked about a smiley face on top and a "basket". No way you would be making a trans-oceanic crossing in a balloon like that! By the way, anyone else get the feeling that the Sayid-Henry interrogation was a lot like "The Usual Suspects" Kaiser Soze interrogation with Henry playing the role of Soze?

    And to wrap this post up, some screen caps from the next episode:

    Compliments of The Tail Section.

  10. #10
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    By the way, any one else seen all the other websites associated with Lost?The Hanso Foundation was also linked with this website which changes content regularly. When the group first found the hatch, it had an optical illusion with the Mamas and Papas song that Desmond was listening to playing. It also had a Morse code message that read "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope!" (also note that one of The Hanso Foundation's programs is "The Hanso Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute") When the group encountered the polar bear, it had a picture of a polar bear with some weird audio message about the Easter bunny playing. Another time it just had the word "Smartdust" (see this link) and a Morse code message that said "Let's catch fish all day then throw them away." This week, going to takes you right to a book about Symbols (i.e. the glyphs on the counter)!

    Also, check out this thread on The Tail Section about next week's episode: Maternity Leave. Interesting connections with the symbols and the Orientation film!

  11. #11
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Ryan, awesome info dude! Man this show is a freakin trip. Last nights episode was rockin!

    First, kudos to you for seeing that whole Hurley thing coming. Can you say "Dharma Project ranch dressing"?

    Second, the backstory on Sayid was something I have been waiting for since last season. He is one of my favorite characters hands down.

    Third, the timer ran out! I had been waiting all week, ever since last week, to see what would happen. But in typical Lost fashion, we only got a brief glimpse. Grrrr. I have put some thought into this though. Remember when the guy in the bunker took off running when the computer was broken? The fact he was running away makes me think that what ever does happen will be localized and perhaps not island or worldwide. Ryan, I would love to hear your thoughts on this, you got this show clocked.

    As far as the guy and the balloon. I too had doubts when he was describing the ballon. Helium and hot air?!?!? Im no expert but this sounded wrong. And what did he say about his former business? Non metallic metals? Did I hear him wrong?

    Cant wait til next week. I heard rumors about a second bunker, looks like that may be true.

    Finally one more observation. It seems to me that almost everyone that was in the crash and ended up on the island was supposed to be on the island. The faint Dharma glyph on the plane reinforces this thought. I would like to talk more about this in the future, especially concerning Emily and her baby and also Walt.

  12. #12
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    Remember when the guy in the bunker took off running when the computer was broken? The fact he was running away makes me think that what ever does happen will be localized and perhaps not island or worldwide. Ryan, I would love to hear your thoughts on this, you got this show clocked.
    That would be Desmond that ran off… Speaking of, I really wonder where he went to…

    I do remember that when the group first found Desmond, he spoke of another individual named Kelvin that found him when he crashed on the island. He said that (and I had to look this up) Kelvin said to him, "My name's Kelvin. Would you like to save the world? Just until my replacement comes." Then Desmond said, "And we saved the world together for a while, and that was lovely. Then Kelvin died, and now here I am all alone. The end." (emphasis mine)

    So, those statements about saving the world would lead one to believe that this is something bigger.

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    And what did he say about his former business? Non metallic metals? Did I hear him wrong?
    He said non-metallic minerals. I noticed that he said this as he was staring at the concrete floor. That is what made me think of the Kaiser Soze interrogation from The Usual Suspects. You remember, where Soze was looking at things throughout the room and making up the story as he went along.

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    I heard rumors about a second bunker, looks like that may be true.
    Actually, this would be the third bunker. Remember, bunker two was the one where they found the remaining tail section survivors!

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    It seems to me that almost everyone that was in the crash and ended up on the island was supposed to be on the island.
    Oh yes… And that is the million dollar question!

    Also, to add to my posts above… I found something interesting at that site (which incidentally, works fine if you load it in IE)… Try this link out (it doesn't work in Firefox but does in IE). It is a replica of the computer in the hatch that you can type on and interact with. I have compiled a list of commands it accepts. I'm sure there are more but, I just don't feel like trying to find them! LOL! It seems that it is some sort of ALICE chat bot that is extremely restricted to what it says and does.

    Command List:
    • 4 8 15 16 23 42
    • HELLO?
    • LXICON (add 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 to the end [i.e. LXICON2] to read more about the computer)
    • FOCUS
    • TEAM
    • NAME
    • POWER
    • MUSIC
    • STOP
    • RABBIT
    • BUTTON
    • MOOD
    • FIRST
    • LXTP
    • RPS
    • LOTTO
    • LUCK
    • WEB
    • DANCE
    • GUESS
    • FUNNY
    • ROBOT
    • TAIL
    • BUNNY
    • HORSE
    • GOD
    • WHERE AM I?
    • DATE or TIME
    • GHOST
    • LIST
    • SHH
    • SSSH
    • MORSE (and then enter what you want to see in Morse code, also if you enter Morse code [with spaces between each "letter"] it will convert it to regular text)
    • COMPY
    • WHO AM I?
    • CHANGE ME (this changes the position of the keys on the keyboard, repeat to change back to normal)
    • DHARMA
    • KARMA
    • WHO ARE YOU?
    If you don't enter the numbers when the time runs out, it all goes dark and there is some sort of noise that sounds like the island's "security system" and there is an odd graphic on the computer screen (the link says it is something like game.over.html or something). You know, I just had to see what would happen if I let it go to zero!

    Also, some of the above commands will bring up graphics or text that is clickable. If you click on them they will load in another window. I have also compiled a list of those new windows:As with the commands, there are likely more.

    So, have fun with that! I'm sure there is more to be discovered there!

  13. #13
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Not a bad episode this past week. Too bad, the next one won't be until (I believe) the 22nd…

    We saw the third bunker (3 down and possibly 3 more to go) which is apparently some sort of medical bunker and, learned a little (and I do mean little) more about the "infection" and quarantine.

    Speaking of the infection, I'm wondering about the vaccines (that has the "numbers" on them). The Others from the medical bunker took theirs with them when they stripped the bunker and, Desmond took his when he fled the original bunker. But, if the vaccines need refrigeration where are they all taking them? Is Desmond with the Others in another bunker where the vaccines can be refrigerated???

    Also, we found out where Danielle's daughter Alex went to. Now, the question is, why is she still with the Others and why hasn't Danielle tried to rescue her?

    And what was the purpose of the Others dressing up with the theatrical stuff like facial hair, etc.? Strange…

    Also, I wonder about that "Escape Hatch". They never really had them investigate that.

  14. #14
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    It was nice to finally get a new episode of Lost! I just had a chance to watch it last night.

    So, it turns out Sun is pregnant. Is she to be believed that she didn't sleep with Mr. Lee as she says or, is Jin's new ability to make children his "island miracle" like Locke's ability to walk?

    And, the story about "Henry Gale" gets deeper. I thought that was pretty dumb of Jack to bring him out of the safe to eat. And, with the previews for next week, it shows Anna Lucia, Sayid, and Charlie finding Henry's balloon in the trees. But, someone correct me if I'm wrong since it's been a while between episodes, didn't Henry say he buried the balloon with his wife? Or am I remembering something that he didn't say? I still think that with the whole name thing as I pointed out earlier, he is an Other. I will be very surprised if I am wrong.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Lost

    I think Henry's story still stinks. Even if they found the balloon. They found the occupents dead and sent Henry as an infiltrator.

    Next week should be interesting.


  16. #16
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Fans of Lost?

    DEA: Smugglers Hid Cocaine in Virgin Mary Tombstones
    WASHINGTON — Federal agents on Thursday said they had broken up a ring of drug smugglers who used tombstones featuring the Virgin Mary to move hundreds of pounds of cocaine into the United States from Mexico.

    The Drug Enforcement Agency announced arrests of 12 people as part of an alleged conspiracy stretching from New York to Mexico City.

    Four of those arrests came Thursday, one in Houston and three after an early morning raid on a warehouse in New York's Brooklyn borough.

    At the warehouse, agents found bricks of cocaine packed inside tombstones, some decorated with figures of the Virgin Mary, the DEA said.

    "Like grave robbers who have no respect for the dead, this drug organization used revered tombstones to smuggle millions of dollars worth of cocaine into New York City," said John Gilbride, the special agent in charge of the New York DEA office.

    At the Brooklyn warehouse, agents found eight tombstones, five of which were packed with 20 to 25 kilograms each of cocaine. They also found remnants of smashed tombstones.

    An earlier seizure at a Long Island stash house netted 84 kilograms of cocaine and nearly $500,000 in drug proceeds, officials said.

    The investigation, dubbed Operation Omni Presence, began in May 2005 based on a tip from Long Island's Nassau County investigators, and it eventually drew in law enforcement personnel in Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Florida.

    The DEA said the raids dismantled the entire supply chain, from the source in Mexico to the New York street dealers. A New York grand jury has indicted the suspects on charges including money laundering, possession with intent to distribute, and conspiracy.

    Last month, the DEA said it had arrested a separate group of suspected smugglers who surgically inserted drugs into puppies as part of another scheme.

  17. #17
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    What an awesome episode this past week!

    So much stuff that went on!

    I didn't manage to get any screen captures of that image on the inside of the blast doors that is seen when the black lights come on. But, my thoughts are that they are of a diagram of the 6 bunkers and a big "?" regarding some central nexus. And, I wonder, did they appear when the counter reached 000 or, did Henry reset it before that or, was he off doing something else that made them appear (after all, we see him come from some other area of the bunker)?

    Speaking of Henry, it looks like he is in a heap of doo doo since he sure doesn’t look as black as that driver's license photo!

    I did get a good chuckle about how Jack hustled Sawyer in poker.

    And what was with the air drop of the supplies?!?! Talk about crazy!!!

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Lost

    Yeah, that last episode was crazy. Talk about pretending to answer questions just to bring up several more.

    Yeah it does look like bunkers, the only thing I could read was at the bottom it says "I am Here"

    I'll try to up a better screenshot after my HR download is done.

  19. #19
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Awesome job MagnetMan!

    Looking at that screencap, it appears to show not 6 but 7 “bunkers”!

    I suspect that the X’s are blocked pathways that lead to the central “nexus”. If you will recall, I’ll bet that that is the cemented over doorway we saw when the group first discovered the bunker (remember, Jack’s key was magnetically drawn to it?).

    Other interesting observations… Notice there appears to be another, smaller blocked off hallway off of the “Swan Bunker”. Could this have been the direction that “Henry Gale” was coming from when Locke was slowly making his way over to the computer on last week's episode?

    And, also notice that there are 3 rectangular things drawn on the S-SE side of that map. I wonder what those are? They almost look like they could be "rooms" with a person drawn in them but, it looks like they could also be words written inside them. If they are people, could those be tombs with the remains of the previous inhabitants of the “Swan Bunker”? Remember, Desmond had a partner in there with him that died and, there were likely at least two previous partners. Very, very odd…

    I wish this was in HD so I could make out the symbols drawn on each of the "bunkers" better.

    Thanks again!

  20. #20
    Active non-poster MagnetMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Image is updated! But look what I found that's even better!!

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