It's just me opining about my personal observations on the subject of war. As indepth as I have sought to study this subject over the decades, It is by no means perfect. Many military men agree with me and many also do not. There are variables amongst variables when it comes down to any conflict of this nature and no one could write all of them out. Instead each of us seeks to apply our own rationale to the understanding of those variables that make up the conflict. The why's and Wherefore's. Religion I won't discuss outside the religon forums and can't comment on it here but I do agree that any kind of fanaticism is dangerous.

What I wrote above is in the spirit of open dialogue here in this thread alone and would never put forth as facts in the other threads and forums. My thoughts and observations lend little to factual discussion. Once we decide to allow it, then we would be no better than some of those sites out there like and DailyKOS or even the extreme religous sites.

I figure that while my "book" studies of war are helpful to me for understanding what's coming, they can't answer the whole of the question. We could easily compile a long list of variables that lend themselves towards war as an outcome and still be short by several thousand I'm certain. So my above post is but a super condensed group of thoughts that drive my thinking of what's to come. In the end it would still be 50/50. I'll either be right or I won't.