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    Here is one of the asses they arrested this morning in London.

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    Six arrested in anti-terror raids

    Abu Izzadeen (left) heckled a meeting in east London

    Six men have been arrested on suspicion of incitement offences by anti-terror officers from the Metropolitan Police.
    They include Abu Izzadeen, also known as Omar Brooks, who made headlines when he heckled Home Secretary John Reid at an event last year.
    Five arrests took place in London and the sixth in Luton, Bedfordshire.
    Scotland Yard said the arrests related to allegations of inciting others to commit acts of terrorism abroad and fund-raising for terrorists.
    'Complex inquiry'
    The BBC understands that the arrests are connected to an alleged incident at a mosque in 2004. The men were taken to an unnamed police station in central London.
    The BBC understands that among the six arrested is Rajib Khan, a 28-year-old man from Luton.
    The other men arrested are a 24-year-old, 35-year-old and 21-year-old, all from parts of East London, and a 27-year-old from Southall in the west of the capital.
    Mr Izzadeen, a former electrician, lives in east London and is married with three children.
    Scotland Yard added that searches were continuing in connection with the raids.
    A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "The arrests form part of a long-term pro-active and complex investigation into alleged incitement and radicalisation for the purposes of terrorism, as well as alleged provision of financial support for international terrorism."
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    Switcheroo: American Minister Sends Video To Osama
    World Net Daily ^

    WASHINGTON – An American television evangelist has turned the tables on al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden – sending him a video message warning him to repent of his sins and convert to Christianity.

    "Osama, since you seem to be a fan of video messages, I thought this would be the best way to communicate with you," says Bill Keller, host of the Florida-based "Live Prayer" TV program as well as in a message being posted to YouTube and 20 other major video sites in the U.S. as well as some 50 in the Middle East.

    Keller said his goal was to reach out to bin Laden with a message of salvation.

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    Muslim Brotherhood's papers detail plan to seize U.S.

    By Jason Trahan/The Dallas Morning News (MCT)
    Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:15 AM CDT

    Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists' ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.

    A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.

    But some academics and Muslim leaders say that the ideals contained in the documents were written by disgruntled foreign dissidents representing a tiny radical fringe. The documents also pre-date the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and the 80-year-old Muslim Brotherhood is now either inactive or largely underground in America.

    The documents -- introduced in recent weeks as part of the prosecution's case in the trial of the now defunct Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers -- lay out the Brotherhood's plans in chillingly stark terms.

    A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group's U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process."

    "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions," it states. This process requires a "mastery of the art of 'coalitions,' the art of 'absorption' and the principles of 'cooperation.' "

    Success in the U.S. "in establishing an observant Islamic base with power and effectiveness will be the best support and aid to the global movement," it states.

    A transcript of a Brotherhood orientation meeting recorded in the early 1980s includes discussions of the need for "securing the group" from infiltration by "Zionism, Masonry ... the CIA, FBI, etc. so that we find out if they are monitoring us" and "how can we get rid of them." Discussions later turn to "weapons training at the Ikhwan's camps" in Oklahoma and Missouri.

    Many similar documents are among several hundred pieces of evidence that are part of the trial of Richardson-based Holy Land and the five defendants. They are accused of illegally raising money for Hamas, which was declared a terrorist group by the U.S. in 1995. The defendants are not accused of violent acts here or abroad.

    After two months, jurors will hear closing arguments in the case today.

    The evidence introduced in the Holy Land trial is "an unprecedented inside look into the history of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States," said Douglas Farah, who spent two decades as a foreign correspondent for news outlets including the Washington Post and now consults with think tanks on counterterrorism issues.

    Mr. Farah co-wrote the first comprehensive analysis of the Holy Land documents for the Nine Eleven Finding Answers Foundation.

    "The fundamental thing underlying the Brotherhood ideology is the need to establish the caliphate," or the spread of Islamic law, Mr. Farah said. "That's what the documents show: This was a structured, organized movement here."

    The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of Hamas, formed in 1987 in the Palestinian territories to combat Israeli occupation. The Brotherhood remains active in many parts of the world, dedicated to increasing fundamentalist Islamic influence. A key goal is to place nations under Shariah.

    Shariah is a Muslim system of rules and laws based on the Quran that govern all aspects of life, including food, dress and religious tithing, or zakat. In nations living under Shariah such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, there is little or no distinction between religion and state. In its most fundamental form, Shariah also mandates harsh criminal punishments, such as stonings and cutting off thieves' hands.

    In the U.S., the Brotherhood emerged as an immigrant student movement in the 1960s, but according to experts, there is no current discernible Muslim Brotherhood presence in the U.S. today, although most agree some of its adherents remain.

    Esam Omeish, president of the Virginia-based Muslim American Society, or MAS, says the documents introduced in the Holy Land trial are full of "abhorrent statements and are in direct conflict of the very principles of our Islam."

    "The Muslim community in America wishes to contribute positively to the continued success and greatness of our civilization," Dr. Omeish said. "The ethics of tolerance and inclusion are the very tenets that MAS was based on from its inception."

    His group, formed in 1993, is thought by many to be the Brotherhood's current incarnation in the U.S., although he and other MAS leaders say their group formed as an alternative to radicalism.

    "MAS is not the Muslim Brotherhood," Dr. Omeish said. The society "grew out of a history of Islamic activism in the U.S. when the Muslim Brotherhood once existed but has a different intellectual paradigm and outlook."

    Peter Mandaville, an Islamic scholar and director of the Center for Global Studies at George Mason University, says that although the documents presented at the trial are important, it may be irresponsible to place too much emphasis on them.

    "Those documents have to be read as internal communications that on some levels have elements of boasting and bravado," he said. "The writer wants to tell impressive tales about the work they're doing. Remember, these guys are affiliated with the most radical part of the Muslim Brotherhood."

    The Muslim Brotherhood was formed in Egypt in the 1920s by Islamists seeking to install a fundamentalist government there. Islamist radicals today still idolize the martyr Sayyid Qutb, the Brotherhood's most influential thinker.

    While attending college in the U.S. in the late 1940s, Mr. Qutb was appalled by what he perceived as the nation's lack of piousness and morality.

    In the early 1950s, he was jailed in Egypt, where he had worked to overthrow the secular government of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Before he was executed in 1966, he penned a scathing indictment of American culture that called for worldwide rejection of Western values.

    His writings are still credited with radicalizing countless young Muslims, including Ayman al-Zawahiri. He became al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader and the spiritual guide to Osama bin Laden.

    The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt says that it broke from its violent past in the 1970s and now favors backing Islamist candidates in the more than 70 countries where it has branches. However, the branches operate as independent groups with differing views on the role of violence, and experts say they frequently squabble over strategy, ideology and direction.

    "Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are working toward the same goal, but the Brotherhood is willing to work through it politically and take their time," said Mr. Farah, the counterterrorism consultant. "They want an Islamic state. Does that mean they're going to pick up a gun and start shooting at the [U.S.] president? No. They're going to work the system."

    The U.S. is among the countries where the Brotherhood has sought to spread its message, according to Department of Justice prosecutors in the Holy Land case.

    Prosecutors say that the Brotherhood was behind the Palestinian Committee, formed in the U.S. in the 1980s.

    The Palestinian Committee was led by was Mousa Abu Marzook, former head of Hamas and now its No. 2 political chief. He has been designated as a terrorist by the U.S., and was closely tied to the Holy Land Foundation, according to evidence presented at the trial.

    Mr. Marzook provided tens of thousands of dollars to the foundation, which also gave money back to charities that the government alleges are controlled by Hamas.

    Mr. Marzook is also related by marriage to former Holy Land board chairman Ghassan Elashi, who along with his brothers has been convicted in prior trials of engaging in illegal business with Mr. Marzook.

    The goal of the Palestinian Committee, which trial documents indicate existed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, was to raise money in the U.S. to fund Hamas.

    This was to be accomplished by forming a complex network of seemingly benign Muslim organizations whose real job, according to the government, was to spread militant propaganda and raise money.

    The Muslim Brotherhood created some American Muslim groups and sought influence in others, many of which are listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case.

    On the list are several prominent groups, including the Islamic Society of North America, the North American Islamic Trust and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. All have protested their inclusion on the list.

    Holy Land's organizers have long denied ties to Hamas. They say their foundation was concerned only with providing much-needed humanitarian aid to Palestinian families devastated by the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    Counterterrorism officials say that regardless of what anyone thinks of the Holy Land documents, the threat from radicals outside and inside the U.S. is real. A common belief among law enforcement and government officials is that after the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and post-9/11, radicals have retreated underground.

    "People who harbor the secret desire for the U.S. to become more Islamic are not going to announce themselves in the current climate," said Jeff Breinholt, a 17-year Justice Department official who until June was deputy chief of the national Counterterrorism Section, where he oversaw the nationwide terrorist financing program.

    "However, they may be willing to violate laws they view as unfair, which is what I think occurred in the Holy Land Foundation case."

    He cited a Pew study this year showing that of 1,050 American Muslims surveyed, most held moderate views. About 78 percent said suicide bombing is never justified.

    But 8 percent of Muslims of all ages said that suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified in defense of Islam. Among those under 30, 15 percent said such acts can often or sometimes be justified. The percentage was higher among European Muslims.

    "There are a lot of religious people in the U.S. who have strange geopolitical views and hopes," Mr. Breinholt said. "I think they dig themselves deeper when they try to polish eccentric views in documents that we uncover."

    Mahdi Bray, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation, which promotes Muslim civil rights, called the Holy Land documents "a throwback." He has attended portions of the Holy Land trial.

    "If those documents talk about the establishing of Shariah law in America, I'm saying that's a lot of hype: wishful thinking from an immigrant perspective. ... It doesn't reflect genuine American perspective in terms of where we're heading," Mr. Bray said.

    He said members of MAS decided in 1993, when the organization was founded, that they would pursue political and nonviolent tactics.

    "I wouldn't be candid if I didn't say there weren't some old-timers who want to hold onto the old way, who say that this is the way the Ikhwan did it, this should be our model," he said. "We said 'So what? It doesn't work here.' We've been very adamant about that."

    Mr. Bray, an Islamic convert, has been criticized by some as being an apologist for terrorists, particularly for his condemnation of Israel's 2004 missile strike in the Palestinian Gaza Strip that killed Hamas' spiritual founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

    Mr. Bray says that although his politics are controversial, he's not anti-American.

    "Those on the right and many of those who I would classify as Islamophobes, many of them have failed to realize that there is an authentic American Muslim organization here and movement in America that wants to integrate," he said. "We believe the ballot is an appropriate place to be."

    He said that he "liked the Bill of Rights" and didn't want to see the Constitution replaced with Islamic law.

    "There's a maturation that's taken place in the American Muslim community that's either not understood, or understood but viewed as a threat to other interest groups in this country."

    To argue that the Holy Land documents are old and outdated is hardly an excuse for their content, said Mark Briskman, regional director of the Dallas Anti-Defamation League, a pro-Jewish organization.

    "The Hamas charter is dated, but the terrorists have never renounced that document," he said, adding that it calls for the destruction of Israel. "The Constitution is dated, but we still follow it."

    "We've never seen a document like this," he said. "That's their plan for taking over Western civilization. This is the smoking gun. We think this is a document that needs to be understood and seen widely in the U.S."

    Aside from polling, it's difficult to determine how many Americans Muslims harbor extremist views.

    A conservative nonprofit group, the Society of Americans for National Existence, has gone so far as to sponsor a project attempting to identify jihadist radicals by visiting every mosque and Islamic school in the country. Critics have likened the approach to racial profiling.

    Dr. Mandaville, the Islamic scholar, said that although U.S. law enforcement, particularly the FBI, has been "fairly successful in analyzing and picking off the key figures in these networks in the U.S." -- they still exist.

    "The people who hold these views today don't really affiliate with any particular group," Dr. Mandaville said. "They're fluid in their social networking. They fade into the background and when necessary, produce a legitimate front to the activity they're involved in."

    While the Muslim Brotherhood's leaders in Egypt claim to have broken from violent radicalism, choosing the ballot box over bullets, the Brotherhood's English language Web site sends contradictory messages.

    On one hand, several articles and statements indicate that the group wants to reform the West, not necessarily destroy it. It repeatedly accuses the U.S. of being "anti-Muslim" mostly for its historic backing of Israeli interests.

    But a recent article analyzing the repercussions of 9/11 six years later says that al-Qaeda failed "to make Americans feel the lack of security because it failed to repeat the attacks throughout six years!"

    In response to a poll on its site that asked, "Should the Muslim Brotherhood and the U.S. engage in direct dialogue?" 51 percent answered yes.

    There are those in the U.S. government who believe that the Brotherhood is the Bush administration's best chance for reaching out to moderate Islamists internationally.

    The Brotherhood "works to dissuade the Muslims from violence, instead channeling them into politics and charitable activities," said Robert S. Leiken, director of the Immigration and National Security Program at The Nixon Center in a recent article in Foreign Affairs, a publication of the nonpartisan Council on Foreign Relations.

    While he has not studied the Holy Land documents, Dr. Leiken said that the U.S. discussion on Islamic thought tends to be polarized and that what passes for scholarship is often more selective than rigorous.

    "The more you study it, the more distinctions and differences should emerge," he said. "And scholars should see these distinctions. In Europe, these things are understood better, but in the U.S., they often get brushed aside in the heat of the debate."

    To see more of The Dallas Morning News, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to

    Copyright (c) 2007, The Dallas Morning News

    Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
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    Ahmadinejad Eyes Visit to Ground Zero
    New York Sun ^ | 9/19/07 | Staff Reporter of the Sun

    The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is in discussions with the New York Police Department to visit ground zero on Monday, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.

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    The Islamist Trojan Horse
    New York Sun ^ | September 20, 2007 | YOUSSEF IBRAHIM

    "We're fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here" has become a hymn for the American right... But drowned out by all the noise is the fact that "they" are here already and have gotten very busy indeed constructing the American wing of jihad.

    Have you watched the Arabic Channel, also known as TAC, which serves the New York region? Probably not. But if you are among the estimated 1 million viewers — legal and illegal, new and old Arabic-speaking immigrants to the tri-state area...

    TAC's ownership and funding are, to put it mildly, ambiguous. What is clear is that someone is funding this Islamist Trojan Horse already anchored inside the American fortress. Another Islamist Trojan vehicle that was once quietly thriving in America is the now infamous Holy Land Foundation...It is naïve to not recognize the fusion between such militant proselytizing and the message spread by TAC.

    ... unquestionably part of the same process of spreading militancy among immigrant Arab communities was the Debbie Almontaser episode of the Khalil Gibran School saga...The common task among all these organizations and individuals is to instill the notion there are no Arab-Americans, only Muslim Americans.

    What follows next is the "community's" eventual embrace of jihad against the values and policies of the majority infidel. This is what has taken place in Britain among native British subjects of Muslim origin...

    ...a friend in the national security community in Washington told me that there "are no vehicles nor a body of laws" to stop or monitor that other kind of slow implantation...Maybe Congress should find a way to legislate asking such well placed outfits as TAC, Holy Land, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations a question: Who, pray tell, are you working for, gentlemen?

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    The Sleeper Cell Next Door
    By Jamie Glazov | Friday, September 21, 2007 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Brian Jenkins, the Senior Advisor to the President of the RAND Corporation and author of Unconquerable Nation: Knowing Our Enemy, Strengthening Ourselves.

    FP: Brian Jenkins, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

    Jenkins: Thank you.

    FP: What do you make of Osama’s latest videos?

    Jenkins: Communications comprise a key component of al Qaeda’s campaign. We see it as a military contest. Bin Laden sees it as building an army of believers. All wartime communications are aimed at the home front. Even as bin Laden appears to be addressing us, his followers are his primary audience.

    The latest bin Laden tape informs them that, despite being the target of a worldwide, high-tech manhunt, he is alive, well, his robes are clean and pressed, he has access to a barber, he is serene, up on world events, he reads books, he is engaged and in charge—hardly the portrait of a fugitive. His acolytes see his survival as evidence of divine protection.

    The words themselves hit the recurring themes. Bin Laden’s basic message is one of incitement. Bin Laden tells his followers not to wait for the center to do something for them, but to take action on their own—only continued terrorist operations ensure the continued relevancy of al Qaeda, and continued relevancy is bin Laden’s chief concern. His invitation to Americans to embrace Islam in order to end their troubles is the traditional Muslim offer to infidels—if we refuse, violence is justified. But it is also sincere. Fanatics cannot comprehend why anyone would not join them in the joy of their certainties.

    The mesage contains no specific threats—these messages never do, but if we needed reminding, the tape tells us the violence will continue. In the eyes of our terrorist foes, this is a battle between God and evil, and it will continue until evil is vanquished or Judgment Day, which ever comes first.

    FP: The Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell said recently that U.S. authorities are worried about “sleeper cells” of would-be terrorists inside the United States. What kind of threat do “sleeper cells” pose to us?

    Jenkins: I am not sure how the DNI is using the term, “sleeper cells.” Historically, sleeper cells were agents of a foreign government or organization infiltrated into the target country or recruited inside the country. The cells would remain dormant—they “sleep”—until awakened by their masters to carry out acts of espionage or sabotage. We have very little evidence of classic sleeper cells waiting to be awakened by al Qaeda, although some fear that al Qaeda may be gradually deploying a secret terrorist army that will rise up in some future terrorist surge.

    The 9/11 hijackers were not sleepers. They were active al Qaeda operatives who came to the United States to prepare for the terrorist attack. They weren’t sleeping, we were.

    Recently, the term “sleeper cell” has been expanded to include local terrorist operatives who remain hidden until they are commanded or decide on their own to act. That changes the meaning somewhat.

    FP: How would you portray the jihadist threats inside the United States?

    Jenkins: Before 9/11, when al Qaeda had a more centralized command structure, it recruited, dispatched, and supported operatives in the field. They comprised the jihadist network that reconnoitered possible targets, helped plan operations, and supported those who would carry out the actual attacks.

    Pounded after 9/11, al Qaeda’s leaders had to alter their strategy. Continued terrorist operations remain essential, but the operational environment is more hostile now. The communications, international travel and transfers of funds that we now know accompanied the run-up to 9/11 are more likely to be picked up by intelligence. Instead of dispatching terrorist teams to carry out attacks, today’s al Qaeda’s leaders exhort others to adopt their ideology and wage violent jihad without waiting for specific instructions from the center. These are homegrown terrorists who self-radicalize and carry out terrorist attacks on their own initiative.

    The center may be able to assist them by providing instruction over the Internet, moving jihadist volunteers via underground networks to training camps, mainly in Pakistan, providing some funds, and some say, a “guiding hand,” but for the most part, the local cells are on their own, dependent on their own resources plus what they might get out of lateral connections. I should hasten to add that connectivity in the jihadist universe is always murky, and analysts debate the role of the center. Some see it as reduced to mere exhortation. Others see direct connections behind most attacks.

    FP: How successful has al Qaeda been at recruiting terrorists here in the United States?

    Jenkins: Radicalization and recruitment are taking place here. Clusters of wannabe or would be terrorists have been broken up. Others remain under surveillance. But there is no evidence of a large cohort of terrorist operatives. What we have instead are bunches of angry guys who have been radicalized by the rhetoric, who fantasize about terrorist operations, and who may be conducting reconnaissance of targets, and in some cases, seeking the capabilities to carry out attacks. These homegrown conspiracies that operate beneath our intelligence radar are currently the biggest danger we face—not centrally-dispatched terrorist teams, although al Qaeda’s leaders remain determined to carry out another major attack equal to or exceeding 9/11.

    FP: How dangerous are they if they lack capability?

    Jenkins: No doubt, some are just hotheads venting their anger by bragging about what they will do as terrorists. Some are incompetent. An example of this would be the well-educated but hopelessly inept physicians who recently carried out the failed terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow. But if they remain determined, they will eventually acquire the capability to do something lethal. Determination is the constant. Capability is the variable. Although he was not a jihadist, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh demonstrated that, with some know-how, almost any damn fool can build a big bomb and kill a lot of people.

    FP: Critics have said that FBI and police, using informants, have instigated terrorist plots, which they can then bust in order to prove there is a terrorist threat and at the same time demonstrate that they are doing their job. What do you think?

    Jenkins: The authorities are in a difficult position. They are under pressure to prevent terrorist attacks before they occur as opposed to a traditional criminal investigations approach where, after a crime is committed, investigators attempt to identify and apprehend the perpetrator. That’s unsatisfactory when the perpetrators are bent upon mass murder and may be willing to die in the process.

    If the authorities move in too soon, they reduce the chances of a successful prosecution, although sometimes breaking up a terrorist plot is more important than successful prosecution. If they wait too long, they risk missing an operation. British authorities reportedly were previously aware of at least two of the four terrorist bombers who killed 52 people and themselves in 2005. With limited resources, the authorities couldn’t track everyone and the two were considered marginal figures. The next time we saw them was on the cameras entering the subways to carry out their attack. In the meantime, at least one of them learned how to build bombs.

    FP: You assisted in the preparation of the recent report by the New York Police Department on homegrown terrorism. What is the importance of this report?

    Jenkins: I was a sidewalk engineer and technical reviewer. The report describes the trajectories of radicalization that produced operational terrorist cells in Hamburg—the team responsible for the 9/11 hijackings, Madrid, Amsterdam, London, Sydney and Toronto. It constructs an analytical framework that tracks jihadist recruits from pre-radicalization to self-identification to indoctrination to jihadization—a cycle that ends with capture or death. It then compares this model with the trajectories of radicalization observed in conspiracies within the United States. This is the most comprehensive review across national boundaries. It will become a model for comparison with future cases.

    FP: Were you surprised by the controversy the report provoked?
    Jenkins: Not at all. It touches on sensitive subjects and it was anticipated that it would provoke debate. The decision was to have that debate. That is the way our noisy democracy works. Although the report said almost nothing about intelligence operations, critics hollered “Police State.” “Big Brother!” “Stereotyping!”
    FP: Some organizations have criticized the report as anti-Muslim or anti-Arab. How do you respond?

    Jenkins: Again that was to be expected, although it was disappointing to hear one prominent Arab-American critic say on a radio broadcast the day after the NYPD report came out that he had read it “last night” when the same individual already denounced it the day before. There are approximately 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, perhaps 1.6 million in this country. The report talks about perhaps a hundred or so men, all engaged in carrying out terrorist attacks, planning terrorist attacks, or supporting terrorist operations. The decision to include them in the report was made on the basis of their actions, not their race, ethnicity, or faith. It is hardly an assault on Islam.

    FP: Still, most of them were Arabs or South Asians.

    Jenkins: The report was specifically about jihadization after 9/11. It was not about Basque separatists or animal rights extremists. It wasn’t about global warming. Look, racial or ethnic profiling to determine security measures is not only wrong, it is stupid in a diverse population like ours. At the same time, it would be foolish to ignore clearly identifiable patterns. In the 1960s, the FBI broke the violent arm of the Ku Klux Klan, which was responsible for bombing black churches and murdering civil rights workers. Not surprisingly, intelligence work focused mainly on white Southern males. If there were any African-American or Jewish members of the Klan, they were seriously misguided. Is it politically incorrect to observe that Puerto Rican separatists who carried out bombings in New York and Chicago in the 1970s were mostly Puerto Ricans? And is it anti-Semitic to note that members of the Jewish Defense League who years ago carried out a number of acts of terrorism in New York were—hold on to your hat—Jews?

    FP: How did the media handle the NYPD report?

    Jenkins: Many of those who reported on it were more accustomed to press conferences where police announce they have just saved the city by arresting eight terrorists. They were baffled when instead they were handed something that looked like a RAND report. Where were the handcuffs? Why was the NYPD doing this? The electronic medium reacted for the most predictably and reflexively, hyping the terrorist threat rather than addressing the more complicated issues of radicalization and what we can do about it.
    FP: What can we do about homegrown jihadization?
    Jenkins: How we might dissuade young men from a destructive and self-destructive course is still something we need to figure out. Clearly, we must operate within the law and in a manner consistent with our values. Clearly, it is more than a police matter—it is a challenge to the entire community. And clearly, we must not do anything that isolates, alienates, stigmatizes or antagonizes any community. The fact that we apparently do not have in this country deep reservoirs of support for al Qaeda’s ideology of violence is good news. It gives us some time to carefully consider how we approach the problem. In his latest videotape, Osama bin Laden calls for “caravans of martyrs.” We want to make sure he doesn’t find them here.

    FP: Are you optimistic or pessimistic in our struggle with radical Islam?

    Jenkins: I have no doubt that we shall prevail in this contest.

    FP: Brian Jenkins, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

    Jenkins: Thank you for the opportunity to address your readers.
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    Default Re: JIHAD! Watch and learn....

    Baharitya Pragna ^ | January 2002 | Dr. Walid

    Islamic concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and destroy kafir countries

    Author: Dr. Walid Publication: Bharatiya Pragna Date: June 2000 URL:

    This article by Dr. Walid, a top scholar at the Islamic University, exposes our so-called secular Indian Muslims. By the doctrine of Al-Taqiyah, Muslims dominate crime syndicates, increase population by massive Bangladeshi infiltration and make temporary alliances with Dalits, Christians, etc.

    In the early years of the Islamic conquest of the Arabian peninsula and in the Fatah (Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of the upper Middle East and the outside world), a Muslim concept was devised to achieve success against the enemy (non Muslims), Al-Taqiyah. Al-Taqiyah, from the verb Ittaqu, means linguistically dodge the threat. Politically it means simulate whatever status you need in order to win the war against the enemy ...

    According to Al-Taqiyah, Muslims were granted the Shar'iyee right (legitimacy) to infiltrate the Dar el-Harb (war zone), infiltrate the enemy's cities and forums and plant the seeds of discord and sedition. These agents were acting on behalf of the Muslim authority at war, and therefore were not considered as lying against or denouncing the tenants of Islam.

    They were "legitimate" mujahedeen, whose mission was to undermine the enemy's resistance and level of mobilization. One of their major objectives was to cause a split among the enemy's camp while downplaying the issues related to Islam ("Oh, I am not religious." "Oh, that is not Islam, you are mistaken, there is so much misinformation." "Oh, it is in the interpretation." "Brother, Islam is all about peace and love and music just like in the 60s.") In many instances, they convinced their targeted audiences that Jihad is not aimed at them, that indigenous people are not targeted. Meanwhile the (allegedly) "un Islamic" Muslims continued their attacks on the target's property and life (e.g. Lashkar-e Toyiba, Mujahideen and Osama Bin Laden's declaration of war against innocent American civilians).

    They convinced many Jews that they will be protected from Christians, and they convinced many Christians that Jews were the mortal enemies, because they killed Issa (Jesus). They convinced the Aramaics, Copts, and Hebrews that the enemy is Greece, and signed peace agreements with the Bysantines Greeks at the expense of Maronite Aramaics, etc.

    They convinced the knitted diversity of India to degrade into civil war by introduction of a variant Buddhist / mystical Islam (Sufism which is decried as "deviant Islam" used to ease the transition of new recruits from local communities) creating divisions (based on Muslim - Non Muslim) eventually fomenting unrest and chaos in the land to prepare it for waves of armed Invasion (Mohammad bin Qasim, Mahmud Ghaznavi, etc.).

    Even today, India is bitterly divided and getting slowly Islamised as battle lines form between hordes of overzealous Muslims (armed and trained in madrasahs) and the more pacifist civilians of urban dwellings.

    This Jihadic agency of subversion was one of the most fascinating and efficient arms of the conquest. In less than four decades, the Middle East fell to the Arab-Islamic rule [since Arab society was divided again between pagan and Muslim resulting in nephews and sons killing their uncles and fathers in cold blood] followed by North Africa and Central Asia [this was the era of hordes like tribal conquests where barbaric savages invaded pacifist civilians in towns of major civilizations; the same scenario replayed itself against the Arab-Islamic world with the Invasion of the Mongolian hordes].

    Al-Taqiyah was a formidable weapon, used by the first dynasties and strategists. Today, scholars may identify it as deception. But the Jihadic deception was and still is more powerful than the James Bondian methods of Western classical intelligence tactics, for the simple reason that it has a civilizational, global dimension versus the narrow State interest of the regular Western subversive methods.

    Al-Taqiyah is still in use today (and is widely practised and acknowledged by the Shi'ite sect) but not necessarily State- organized. Arab-Islamic missionaries are slowly converting the disillusioned criminal classes of the Western world by feeding them a western "moderate" version of Islam (at the same time denouncing the actions of Muslims in the rest of the world as Un Islamic e.g. Taliban, GIA & FIA [Armed Islamic Front] of Algeria, Hamas, Lashkar -e Toyiba, Bin Laden and company, etc.)

    It is done to prevent the new converts from seeing the real face of Islam; at least until their faith or mental conditioning is strong enough to make them turn against their own country and people.

    A good example is the growing influence of Islamists in the Americas. On the one hand, American embassies, trade facilities, soldiers and intelligence infrastructures are under attack (but denounced as un-Islamic for the benefit of the new American converts).

    On the other hand, the multiplying Islamic community (due to illegal immigration, paper marriages, religious visas granted to the religious men) attempts to pass itself off as "peace loving" and patriotic. In their own circles, the same community will liberally and violently denounce America, the West and its values (freedom, individualism, secularism, capitalism, scientific materialism, benign rehabilitation of criminals, prevention of cruelty against animals, women and gay rights).

    One can easily detect Taqiyah in the two discourses used by Islamist strategists. On the one hand, one comprehensive Islamist theory is attempting to mobilize the Middle East, and sometimes Western Christian leaders and intellectuals, against "evil Jews".

    They are forming alliances with everyone from Animal Rights' groups (to attack the Jewish tradition of slaughter which is ironically similar in cruelty to the Islamic way) to Far Right fundamentalists (to push for censorship of critiques of Islam and attack every forward thinking movement like women's rights and gay rights).

    We see considerable success on that level. And on the other hand, another Islamist comprehensive theory is attempting - with success also - to mobilize the Jews against "evil and pagan Christians".

    One can easily detect the sophisticated work of Taqiyah, for the strategic objective of Islamists is to destroy the foundations of the non Muslim civilizations, as a prelude to the defeat of an isolated Israel, India, United States of America, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc.

    Taqiyah is not a unique phenomenon in history. Many strategists from all backgrounds implemented subversion. But the uniqueness of today's Taqiyah is its success within advanced and sophisticated societies. Taqiyah is winning massively because of the immense lack of knowledge among Western elites, both Jewish and Christian.

    For interesting examples of Taqiyah methods, visit Christian discussion groups and forums and note the discourse of Islamist visitors aimed at undermining the Christian perception of Jews, and visit Jewish discussion groups and forums and note the subtle anti-Christian discourse of Islamist visitors. It is really informative and fascinating.

    Akhand Bharat Foundation © 2002 (All Rights Reserved)
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    BBC: Anger at Iran leader's NY speech
    BBC ^ | Monday, 24 September 2007, 16:39 GMT 17:39 UK | BBC Staff

    Anger at Iran leader's NY speech

    Some Americans do not welcome Mr Ahmadinejad's visit

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to speak at New York's Columbia University, despite protests in the US.

    Many Americans say he should not have been invited to speak, with local media calling him "evil" and a "madman".

    The US accuses Iran of seeking to build a nuclear bomb and arming insurgents in Iraq - Tehran rejects the charges.

    Mr Ahmadinejad has been denied a visit Ground Zero, with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice saying that "it would have been a travesty".

    "This is somebody who is the president of a country that is probably the greatest sponsor - state sponsor - of terrorism," Ms Rice told CNBC television.

    The Iranian leader is in New York to attend the UN General Assembly, where he is due to speak on Tuesday.

    Speaking to US media, he has said that Iran is not heading for war with the US and Tehran has no need of nuclear bombs.

    'Evil has landed'
    New York tabloids - and several Jewish groups in the US - have condemned Mr Ahmadinejad's scheduled appearance at Columbia, where he is due to speak and answer questions.

    In political relations right now, the nuclear bomb is of no use

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

    The New York Daily News's front page headline on Monday read "The Evil Has Landed", while the New York Post described Mr Ahmadinejad as "Madman Iran Prez".

    Dozens of protesters gathered outside the university on Sunday with placards saying: "Don't give a platform to hate," and calling the Iranian leader a "Hitler wannabe".

    Mr Ahmadinejad has called in the past for an end to the Israeli state and described the Holocaust as a "myth".

    Columbia President Lee Bollinger on Monday defended the university's invitation, saying it was a question of free speech and academic freedom.
    "It's extremely important to know who the leaders are of countries that are your adversaries," Mr Bollinger told ABC's "Good Morning America".

    "To watch them to see how they think, to see how they reason or do not reason. To see whether they're fanatical, or to see whether they are sly," he added.

    Tickets to the event were snatched up within an hour of becoming available.
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    Do You Have Any Idea What Your Web-Site Is Doing To Our Youth?
    Jihad Unspun ^ | Sep 26, 2007 | Khadija Abdul Qahaar

    On a daily basis JUS receives mail from viewers who ask a variety of questions from issues of the current war to issues of Aqeedah. Recently a viewer wrote the following letter that has application to many viewers, particularly in Pakistan and India where cultural influences are often mistakenly mixed in with the Islamic faith. Today JUS answers this pressing question.

    READER QUESTION: SUBMITTED BY A.C. (name withheld to protect reader identity)

    I don’t mean any disrespect to the noble lady Ms. Khadija but I would like to ask her one question. Do you have any idea what your web-site is doing to our youth??? Our young men who have responsibilities of their old parents, young brothers and unmarried sisters are being stolen away from their families for the cause of jihad. Don’t you think you guys are misguiding them?

    Because of your message of jihad, a young boy has been completely brain-washed and his mother has to beg him for love, affection and support but he says that he will sacrifice his family and his helpless mother for the cause of jihad. Please note that this boy belongs to a family who is in deep financial and relationship crisis. His father has zero bank balance and his parents are going for a divorce. He has a younger brother and a 22 year old sister who works and is single but this boy is ready to leave his family like this and even if he doesn’t he is not mentally and emotionally THERE for his family. And this is all because of the teachings of Ms. Khadija.


    In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

    Assalamualeikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu

    Dear Respected Brother A.C.,

    Alhamdulilah, I am pleased to receive your letter. This is an issue that many parents struggle with and inshaAllah we can lay the matter to rest here and now.

    First let me say that reading in between the lines, I am assuming that you are the father in this situation and your dialogue leads me to believe that you are either a Pakistani or Indian Muslim. Please forgive me if I have made a miscalculation here but your question is one that many Pakistani and Indian families deal with so I am addressing your question on this assumption.

    Alhamdulilah, how blessed you are to have a son who is embracing his obligations to aid our Muslim Brothers and Sisters who are being warred against in a growing number of areas; from Palestine to Iraq, Afghanistan to Somalia and now even Pakistan itself is poised to burst open another jihad front. Allah tells us that the highest reward in Paradise is for those who are martyred in the way of Allah and what Muslim Father would not want the very best for his son?

    Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees him who strives in His Cause and whose motivation for going out is nothing but Jihad in His Cause and belief in His Word, that He will admit him into Paradise (if martyred) or bring him back to his dwelling place, whence he has come out, with what he gains of reward and booty." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53 Number 352)

    It seems to me that you are confusing your own situation with that of your son. I recently spent several months living with a Pakistani family and I have come to understand that there are many cultural issues intertwined in the Pakistani and Indian cultures that have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. In some cases misinterpretations have been mixed into the Islamic faith and in other cases cultural traditions are in direct conflict with the core principles of our religion. For instance, I have come to understand that in Pakistani culture, the head of the family is served by all of the siblings in order of age and gender, who in turn pass along responsibilities down through the family chain, with the youngest often bearing the brunt of the tasks and responsibilities. The male siblings are expect to support their parents once they are of working age and obey their elders under all circumstances without question. Female siblings are required to serve the men in whatever way the males deem desirable, even if they conflict with Islamic rulings.

    The family structure that is prevalent in Pakistan and India is often not the structure of a true Muslim family. In fact, in many instances, it is a tribal structure that is no different than that which existed in the Jahiliyyah before Islam. In the Indian and Pakistani culture, the emphasizes is on building the family “tribe” and this is done is several different ways; by intermarrying to expand the core family, arranged marriages based on the status and power that will be gained by the marital alliance and a host of other practices designed to expand and strengthen the family tribe. Many tribal traditions have been mixed into the Muslim faith that keep its youth tied to a life of serving their parents and their tribe before they serve Allah.

    “We have enjoined on man kindness to parents: but if they (either of them) strive (to force) thee to join with Me (in worship) anything of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not. Ye have (all) to return to me, and I will tell you (the truth) of all that ye did.” Quran 29:8

    I can not refrain from mentioning that there appears to be one overpowering issue in your situation. It seems you expect your provision to come from your son. This is incorrect; your provision comes from Allah, and Allah alone. It is Allah who is your provider and while as Muslims we are required to help our families and take care of them as best we can, this can not be at the cost of our duty to serve Allah. Allah requires that He is first in our lives and our families come next - not the other way around. You must not look to your son, your wife, or any other member of your family for your provision. By placing this burden on them, you are in fact undertaking an act of shirk for it is Allah and not your family who is responsible for your livelihood, well being and provision.

    I have witnessed young Asian children who, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, quickly answer “Shaheed” but unfortunately the cultural constraints placed on them means that few will actually attain this most noble act for Allah because their lives are dictated by the needs of the tribe, most often lead by their fathers and at the cost of their own obligation to Allah.

    No man bears another’s sin or burden in Islam; we are responsible to Allah only for ourselves.

    “And if any strive (with might and main), they do so for their own souls: for Allah is free of all needs from all creation.” Quran 29:6

    Alhamdulilah your son is on the true and right path, for it is a fard obligation on every Muslim to support the brothers and sisters who are under occupation and oppression at this time. There is no true scholar who will contract this. Bearing in mind there are many ways to fulfill the obligation of jihad besides standing shoulder to shoulder with those on the front lines, there is no escaping that our Muslim youth are our first line of defense. MashAllah you should be overjoyed that you have a son who understands his obligations and inshaAllah you should be pleased to support his every effort to please Allah by carrying out this work as Allah has commanded for us.

    I asked the Prophet, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and to fight for His Cause." (Sahih Bukhari, 3:46:694, Sahih Muslim, 1:149)

    In Islam, your material needs are not your son’s responsibility; they are your responsibility. And while I sympathize a great deal with your situation, it is obvious that this will not be resolved until you move closer to Allah. Allah tells us that He will not change our condition until we change ourselves.

    You can start by supporting the courage and taqwa of your son who sees his responsibility to Allah clearly. I would suggest you then bring the other issues you are facing to Allah, offering true repentance for placing provision on another over Allah. If you hold tight to the rope of Allah and seek His guidance one how to resolve your current issues, Allah is faithful to those who truly seek His righteous path. This may not mean that you get all the provisions you would like to have but remember it is Allah who knows what is best for you. If you are fully submitted to Him; He promises you provision in this life and the next.

    “Ye serve instead of Allah only idols, and ye only invent a lie. Lo! those whom ye serve instead of Allah own no provision for you. So seek your provision from Allah, and serve Him, and give thanks unto Him, (for) unto Him ye will be brought back.” Quran 29:17

    As for whether I know the affect this site has on the youth of Islam, this we leave to Allah. That said there would be no purpose for this site if there was not a true awakening among the Muslim youth who have had enough of humiliation, shame and poverty. There would be no point to this site if the truth were being told in the mainstream press and inshaAllah this will be accepted as a deed worthy of our duty to Allah. Alhamdulilah, today’s Muslim youth are clear that the answer lies in returning to the roots of Islam, void of cultural and ethnic innovations, and they are hungry to engage in the Ummah’s affairs. Alhamdulilah, it is our Muslim youth who are rising; with their pens, their voices, the bodies, their finances and most importantly with their hearts for they understand that Allah has purchased their lives. The Muslim condition will not change unless we shed our weakness by returning to the truth path and obeying the commands Allah has laid down for us. Our Muslim youth that “hear and obey” are the Ummah’s great hope inshaAllah and we are grateful to Allah if He allows us to assist their struggle in some small way.

    One final point: You can not take jihad out of Islam for it is central to our faith. Putting jihad aside is how we have arrived at our weakened state. We have tried to conform to what the western world would like us to be, in return for a small reward in this world, and we have abandoned what Allah has commanded of us. It’s a losing formula as we can all clearly see. If you try to remove jihad from Islam, you will have to remove hundreds of pages of our rich history and huge parts of the Noble Quran. Jihad is as much a part of our faith as praying is and removing it from our deen is not only innovation and bida but it is simply impossible for Allah tells us that he will protect the Quran for all time.

    It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihad died the death of a hypocrite. (Sahih Muslim, 20:4696)

    My dear brother, I know first hand the challenges that come with serving Allah. I know what it is like to be hungry in the path of Allah but Allah promises ease after hardship. We either believe Allah or we don’t. Embrace your son on his noble path and return to the truth path for this is what will resolve your circumstances, inshaAllah.

    The strength of the Ummah depends on strengthening ourselves first and Allah is blessing you with an opportunity through the Imaan of your very own son to shake off cultural traditions that are hindering your relationship to Allah. I plead with you, dear brother, not to squander it.

    Peace and blessings to those who follow the Guidance.

    Khadija Abdul Qahaar 15 Ramadan 1428
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    The Hamas PR Machine in America

    By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen | Thursday, September 27, 2007 On August 8, the U.S. Treasury Department designated the al-Salah Society as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT), calling it "one of the largest and best funded Hamas charities." Treasury revealed that Hamas had used al-Salah, "to finance its terrorist agenda." The designation was one of many actions taken against Hamas front groups dating back to 1995, when Washington first designated Hamas a terrorist organization. Unfortunately, these actions do little to hinder Hamas activities in America.

    The problem is not that Treasury's actions are insufficient. Rather, U.S. companies continue to knowingly or unwittingly facilitate Hamas Internet and television services. Moreover, professors, media outlets, and even a former U.S. president, help Hamas broadcast its messages throughout America, even as Washington attempts to weaken the terror group following the violent takeover of Gaza.
    Whitewashing Hamas in the Classroom

    While Hamas represses its own Palestinian people in Gaza and continues to launch rockets into Israel indiscriminately, a legion of U.S. apologists, including Muslim lobby groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), propose that the U.S. recognize the terrorist government, so it may be influenced to modify its agenda. Leading the charge, alongside the Muslim lobby groups, are American academicians.

    Boston University professor Augustus Richard Norton and Harvard University Middle Eastern Studies scholar Sara Roy recently co-authored an article for the Christian Science Monitor entitled, "Yes, You Can Work With Hamas," encouraging Washington to recognize the legitimacy of the terrorist organization. Writer Cinnamon Stillwell notes that Roy, in particular, has "long been invested in forging the idea of a ‘New Hamas' by attempting to downplay the group's openly genocidal ambitions and picturing them instead as an enlightened group of do-gooders interested only in social services and education."

    Roy and Norton are not alone. Scores of other professors, including the University of Maryland's Shibley Telhami; associate professor of political science and international relations at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Virginia Tilley; and Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi, have increasingly sided with Hamas, blaming all Palestinian woes on Israel, despite the fact that an internationally recognized terrorist organization now governs Gaza.
    Read All Over

    The positions advanced by these academicians are also buttressed by the mainstream press, which has helped Hamas spread its propaganda. On November 1, 2006, for instance, The New York Times ran an opinion piece penned by Ahmed Yousef, an advisor to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Yousef claimed that Israel refused a Hamas-proposed ceasefire with Israel. What the Times failed to note was that Yousef's call for a hudna was essentially a call to let the guns fall silent in the near term, but did nothing to assure that Hamas' long-term goal of destroying Israel would be addressed.

    On June 20, immediately following the violent takeover of Gaza, both The New York Times and The Washington Post, America's newspapers of record, ran two different op-eds by Yousef. The Times piece, entitled "What Hamas Wants," falsely claimed that after the Hamas coup, "the streets of Gaza are now calm," promising reform and disarmament under Hamas rule. In truth, Hamas has imposed a Taliban-like regime in Gaza that includes the killing of innocents, arbitrary confiscation of property, muzzling the media, and increased links to Iran and al-Qaeda. The Times, however, insisted that running the Hamas opinion piece contributed to a greater understanding of Gaza's new rulers.

    The Washington Post, on the same day, ran a separate op-ed penned by Yousef entitled, "Engage With Hamas." The piece argued that if Gaza became "a breeding ground for terrorism," Washington would be to blame, particularly if it did not engage with the new Hamas regime. These publications handed Hamas a propaganda coup.

    Predictably, pro-Israel groups were enraged over the two opinion pieces. But the mainstream media was unmoved. On July 10, 2007, The Los Angeles Times ran an op-ed entitled, "Hamas' Stand," by Mousa Abu Marzook, a Damascus-based Hamas official heavily involved in Hamas fundraising. Marzook insisted that the terrorist group's, "militant stance cannot by itself be the disqualifying factor."
    Over the Airwaves

    The Hamas PR machine penetrates U.S. airwaves, too. The easiest venue to disseminate its message has been the Qatar-based al-Jazeera satellite television channel. While the channel is not accessible on cable or local satellites, Americans can easily access it on the Internet. The channel has helped Hamas transmit the idea that suicide operations, or "martyrdom," is approved by the prominent cleric and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, Yousuf al-Qardawi. On July 16, 2007, for example, al-Jazeera featured a program in which Hamas chief Khaled Meshal, sitting alongside Qardawi, thanked the cleric for his "support of martyrdom operations." Meshal praised Qardawi because he issued, "rulings in support of these operations, and there were times when we were in dire need of these rulings."

    American networks, for their part, have provided a platform for one of Hamas' most ardent advocates, former President Jimmy Carter. In one interview, Carter told ABC that, "Hamas leaders sent me word that what they want to do is to form, to quote them, a peaceful, united, unity government." The former president cast no doubt on this proclamation from a known terrorist organization. Indeed, he pleaded with American viewers on CNN to, "Give Hamas a chance."

    Hamas also relies heavily upon the Internet to disseminate its virulent anti-Israel and anti-American message, which arguably makes their computer keyboards as dangerous as the rockets they fire into Israel. The Internet allows Hamas to raise funds, plan terrorist attacks, maintain international communication, and expand influence and recruitment through advertising and chat rooms.

    Hamas operates a number of sites including:;;;;;;;;;;; and Perhaps the most well known Hamas propaganda website is the Lebanon-based "Palestine-info" network of 20 or more websites. Domains include:, and The operation is run from Beirut by senior Hamas activist Nizar Hussein, with instructions from Damascus-based Hamas chief Khaled Meshal.

    A page entitled "Heroic Stories" on Palestine-info is a good example of the virulent content on this website network. Here, Hamas glorifies female suicide bombers, and includes a religious ruling (fatwa) from Qardawi. Other Palestine-info pages include idealized photos and propaganda of weapons-toting suicide bombers.

    The Palestine-info websites include official Hamas news, propaganda, and chat forum outlets in eight languages targeting the Middle East, Western Muslim communities, as well as non-Muslims around the world. In addition to English and Arabic, Palestine-info publishes pages in Farsi, Urdu, Malaysian, and Turkish, as well as Russian (targeting Chechens) and French (for North Africans).
    Internet Service Providers

    Opinions vary on the exact number of American Internet service providers (ISPs) that facilitate Hamas activities on the web. According to, an activist website, Hamas purchased 18 websites (roughly 60 percent of its sites) from North American providers. However, an August 2007 report by Dr. Reuven Erlich asserts that Hamas obtained only about seven (roughly 35 percent) of its estimated 20 websites from North American ISPs.

    Either way, corporations that sell server space and Internet services to Hamas are aiding and abetting the terrorist network. U.S. companies that support Hamas via the web include,, Network Solutions LLC, OnlineNIC Inc.,, eNom Inc., Defender Technologies Group, and Canadian firms that service Hamas include: Groupe iWeb Technologies Inc., Tucows Inc., and

    The Hamas PR machine exploits the American democratic system to spread hatred and incitement through America's communications infrastructure, thereby assisting Hamas fundraising and recruitment activities. U.S. journalists, academics, and television networks that implore Washington to engage in dialogue with Hamas are providing this terrorist group with national and international platforms. Although these actions aid and abet our enemies, our Constitution protects them.

    However, we can shutter Hamas websites, especially when providers are American, by invoking the Patriot Act, which defines facilitation of terrorist communications services as a terrorist act. Congress can also help by instituting new "Know Your Customer" requirements for all Internet service providers, and specifically network access and domain name register companies.

    Some analysts argue that Hamas websites and TV broadcasts must remain operational so that the intelligence community can monitor them. This is a poor strategy. For every day these platforms remain online, hate propaganda continues to poison millions of minds, drawing recruits, and raising funds. And the terrorists go on killing.
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    The DC Snipers were JIHADISTS.

    Don't let anyone kid you.

    In their own words, Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo traveled across the country to terrorize Washingtonians on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks — first by picking off random people and then by blowing up school buses using plastic explosives loaded with ball bearings.

    Their plan was to ramp up their shootings to 25 a day before moving on to explosives, killing scores of children. Thankfully, they were caught before they could put phase two into effect.

    The revisionism and sanitization of Islam continued with O’Brien’s interview with Muhammad’s ex-wife, who insisted that jihad and hatred of America had nothing to do with her husband’s cold-blooded killings.

    Her head covered with a hijab, Mildred Muhammad claimed that she and she alone was the target of his attacks, and that the dozen-plus victims were an attempt to cover up the real target. CNN bought her story, even packaging it as an exclusive.

    But a simple check of local news stories at the time would have revealed that neighbors reported seeing Muhammad visit with his former wife and children at their Maryland town house before and during the shootings. One neighbor said he even jogged with him.

    Police even staked out her house in the hope he would visit again.

    By leaving out all these facts — never even mentioning that the subjects of its investigation had converted to Islam — CNN committed professional malpractice.

    Lee Malvo's drawing of Osama bin Laden, "servant of Allah"

    "Malvo's violent drawings and anti-American and anti-Semitic rantings show him to be every bit as blood-thirsty, hatemongering and martyr-craving as any Sept. 11 hijacker or Palestinian suicide bomber. Among Malvo's jailhouse artwork:

    "Exhibit 65-006: A self-portrait of Malvo in the cross hairs of a gun scope shouting, 'ALLAH AKBAR!' The word 'SALAAM' scrawled vertically.

    A poem: 'Many more will have to suffer. Many more will have to die. Don't ask me why.'

    "Exhibit 65-016: A portrait of Saddam Hussein with the words 'INSHALLAH' and 'The Protector,' surrounded by rockets labeled 'chem' and 'nuk.'

    "Exhibit 65-043: Father and son portrait of Malvo and Muhammad. 'We will kill them all. Jihad.'

    "Exhibit 65-056: A self-portrait of Malvo as sniper, lying in wait, with his rifle. 'JIHAD' written in bold letters. . . .

    "Exhibit 65-067: A suicide bomber labeled 'Hamas' walking into a McDonald's restaurant. Another drawing of the Twin Towers burning captioned: '85 percent chance Zionists did this.' More scrawls: 'ALLAH AKBAR,' 'JIHAD' and 'Islam will explode.'

    "Exhibit 65-103: A lion accompanies chapter and verse from the Koran ('Sura 2:190'): 'Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and slay them wherever ye catch them.'

    "Exhibit 65-109: Portrait of Osama bin Laden, captioned 'Servant of Allah.'

    "Exhibit 65-117: The White House drawn in crosshairs, surrounded by missiles, with a warning: 'Sep. 11 we will ensure will look like a picnic to you' and 'you will bleed to death little by little.' . . .

    "Exhibit 65-101: Malvo's thought for the day: 'Islam the only true guidance, the way of peace.'"

    In case anyone is interested
    Beltway Sniper Shootings FR THREAD ARCHIVES
    Maryland Area Prayer Thread: Pray for Metro area Freepers and Families

    Shooting victim Kellie Adams shows how a bullet entered the back of her head and exited her chin.

    Placing a finger from her left hand over her trach tube, the witness said the sensation of being shot was "like being struck by lightning."

    "I felt this huge knot on the back of my head, right here," she said, touching her head. "I turned my head to look and, of course, I saw this blood and I saw someone run by me, within arm's reach."

    Shooting victim Kellie Adams testified that she remembers being concerned when she was taken to a hospital because she has a disease that causes blood-clotting problems. She wanted to tell the doctors, but she couldn't talk because her jaw was shattered.

    Adams said she has undergone six surgeries already for her injuries and has more surgery scheduled.

    Kellie Adams is back at work, but on seven medications -- one for the pain in her back, another for the scars in her throat and another for depression.
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    Expert: Miami Group Ready for Holy War
    AP ^ | Oct 30, 2007 | CURT ANDERSON

    MIAMI - A group of men accused of plotting to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower were in the final stages of forming a homegrown terrorist cell dedicated to waging an Islamic holy war before they were arrested, a prosecution terrorism expert testified Tuesday. Raymond Tanter, a Georgetown University professor and terrorism scholar said suspected ringleader Narseal Batiste and the other six had nearly completed the "radicalization process" and moved toward acts of terrorism before their arrests in June 2006. Hallmarks of this process include religious conversion, operation within a military-style hierarchy and adoption of goals shared by al-Qaida and other terrorist groups to destroy U.S. landmarks, Tanter said. The final stage — which he called "jihadization" — means the group is ready to plan, recruit and prepare for an attack....

    Evidence introduced at trial shows that Batiste "was talking only about violent jihad" and not other meanings of the Arabic word, Tanter said....Tanter also testified that al-Qaida uses affiliate groups in many countries that may have local concerns but also share the terrorist organization's broader goals of imposing by force a strict form of Islamic fundamentalist government. Prosecutors say Batiste wanted to stage attacks that would create chaos and ultimately bring down the U.S. government....

    The seven men each face as many as 70 years in prison if convicted of all four charges against them, including conspiracy to levy war against the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaida.
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    20:34 , 07.09.06


    UK Parliament Photo: Reuters
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    Cleric: Flag of Islam to fly from Big Ben

    Islamic fundamentalist Omar Bakri, who led extremist group in London and escaped after bombings in city, warns that Britain will turn into 'Islamastan'
    Roee Nahmias

    Islamic fundamentalist cleric Omar Bakri has warned that "the day will come that the flag of Islam will fly over the Big Ben and the British Parliament."
    Bakri made the comments during an interview with the London-based Arabic-language daily al-Sharq al-Awsat.
    British Jihad

    UK Islamists: Make Jihad on Israel / Yaakov Lappin

    British Jihad group declares 'Israel is cancer, Islam is answer,' calls on followers to carry out holy war
    Full Story

    The interview was published over the weekend when Britain marked a year since the terror attacks on the London Underground.
    Bakri, who is originally Syrian, was the leader of al-Muhajiroun. He escaped London after the 7/7 attacks, and was banned from returning to Britain.
    Bakri presented himself as a spokesman for the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, headed by Osama Bin Laden.
    Bakri's organization supported Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the territories, and also held contacts with Hizbullah.
    In a document released by the media analysis organization MEMRI, Bakri's ideology is presented, according to which believing Muslims living in Britain will turn the country into Islamastan.
    Bakri elaborated that "what is called today Londonistan is actually Kufferstan, in other words the land of infidelity. I think that loyal Muslims in Britain will turn it on the day of days, with the help of Allah, into Islamastan, in other words into Dar al-Islam (Land of Islam), as the first Muslims did in Ethiopia and Indonesia. Then the big Islamic dream will be realized, and we will see the flag 'there's no god other than Allah' flying from the Big Ben and the British parliament, with the help of Allah."
    'Don't assimilate into infidel society'

    When asked what his advice was for Muslim youths in Britain and his students who life far away, he answered: "I advise Muslim youth in general, and to my beloved students especially, not to assimilate into the ignorant British society, but at the same time not to become distant from the people. They must work to make the hearts turn to Allah, to instruct on doing good and forbidding the evil, to obey Allah and to keep away from the infidels."
    Asked whether he thought London was safe today, after the disappearance of most of the movement's fundamentalist sheikhs, Barki answered: "The finding of the wise of Islam and the advertisers of the Islamic movement is the valve of security of Britain and not the opposite, as the naive people think."

    "Britain is not thought of as safe since it advertised the anti-terror laws in 2002. There's no doubt that the disappearance, arrest, or expulsion of most of the scholars of Islam and its advertisers will turn Britain into an unsafe country, in danger of attacks by those who think it must be fought, due to its participation alongside the Untied States in the war of the global crusaders against Islam and Muslims."
    When asked whether he planned to return to Britain any time soon, Bakri answered: "I don't think of returning to Britain as long as it does not retract its terror laws, through which it is applying terror on peaceful Muslims in Britain, with the excuse of fighting terror. The return of people like myself is forbidden according to Islamic law, since it calms under the act of 'surrendering as a hostage.' Islam has forbidden Muslims from surrendering as a hostage… to the infidels."

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    U.S.: Fort Dix Attack Plot Suspects Promoting Terror in Jail
    Fox News ^ | December 12, 2007

    HADDONFIELD, New Jersey — Federal authorities say one of the men accused of planning an attack on soldiers at the Fort Dix army base gave another inmate in a federal detention center an Al Qaeda recruitment video and another wrote a note referring to the fight "we weren't able to finish."

    The U.S. Attorney's Office made the allegations in a brief filed in U.S. District Court late Tuesday to oppose the suspects' request to be granted bail. A lawyer for one of the men said the government is misrepresenting an incident...The five men — all foreign-born Muslims in their 20s — were arrested in May and charged with conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel. Authorities said they planned to sneak onto Fort Dix, a base in New Jersey used primarily to train reservists for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. There was no attack, however. A sixth man later pleaded guilty to providing weapons to some of the five charged in the alleged conspiracy.

    In the legal filing, the government said Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer gave another inmate a copy of an Al Qaeda-produced DVD last month. Guards found the disc in a book in the detention center's law library. Government lawyers said in the filing that "the fact the defendant Shnewer and, perhaps, his co-conspirators may be spreading jihadist recruitment videos to other inmates clearly raises grave security concerns for the warden, and, again, supports the reasonableness of continued administrative detention for these defendants."...

    The government also said that suspect Eljvir Duka and another inmate were passing notes. In one note, the government said, Duka wrote, "Now you see why we were going to sacrifice all for the sake of Allah in jihad" and referred to the fight "we weren't able to finish."...

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    I am sorry to report that Youtube removed the videos. Must have been good.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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    Jihadists told 'killing women is permissable'

    Wednesday, 13 February, 2008

    Twelve men including the group's alleged leader, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, will face Australia's biggest terrorism trial today (ABC TV)

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    Resisting Islamic Law
    The Jerusalem Post ^ | Feb 20, 2008 21:32 | Daniel Pipes

    Westerners opposed to the application of the Islamic law (the Shari'a) watch with dismay as it goes from strength to strength in their countries - harems increasingly accepted, a church leader endorsing Islamic law, a judge referring to the Koran, clandestine Muslim courts meting out justice. What can be done to stop the progress of this medieval legal system so deeply at odds with modern life, one that oppresses women and turns non-Muslims into second-class citizens?

    A first step is for Westerners to mount a united front against the Shari'a. Facing near-unanimous hostility, Islamists back down. For one example, note the retreat last week by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in a dispute concerning guide dogs used by the blind.

    Muslims traditionally consider dogs impure animals to be avoided, creating an aversion that becomes problematic when Muslim store-owners or taxi drivers deny service to blind Westerners relying on service dogs. I have collected 15 such cases on my weblog, at "Muslim Taxi Drivers vs. Seeing-Eye Dogs": five from the United States (New Orleans, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Brooksville, Fl.; Everett, Wash.); four from Canada (Vancouver, twice in Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Alberta); three from the United Kingdom (Cambridge, twice in London); two from Australia (Melbourne, Sydney); and one from Norway (Oslo).

    News accounts quote Muslim cabbies rudely rejecting blind would-be passengers, yelling at them, "No dog, No dog, Get out, get out"; "Get that dog out of here"; and "No dogs, no dogs." The blind find themselves rejected, humiliated, abandoned, insulted, or even injured, left in the rain, dropped in the middle of nowhere, made late for an appointment, or caused to miss a flight. Islamist organizations initially responded to this problem by supporting anti-canine cabbies. The Muslim Association of Canada pointed out how Muslims generally regard dog saliva as unclean. CAIR on one occasion echoed this assertion, claiming that "the saliva of dogs invalidates the ritual purity needed for prayer."

    On another, the head of CAIR, Nihad Awad, declared that "People from the Middle East especially … have been indoctrinated with a kind of fear of dogs" and justified a driver rejecting a guide dog on the grounds that he "has a genuine fear and he acted in good faith. He acted in accordance with his religious beliefs."

    HOWEVER, WHEN the police and the courts are called in, the legal rights of the blind to their basic needs and their dignity almost always trump the Muslim dislike for dogs. The Muslim proprietor or driver invariably finds himself admonished, fined, re-educated, warned, or even jailed. The judge who found a cabby's behavior to be "a total disgrace" spoke for many.

    CAIR, realizing that its approach had failed in the courts of both law and of public opinion, suddenly and nimbly switched sides. In a cynical maneuver, for example, it organized 300 cabbies in Minneapolis to provide free rides for participants at a National Federation of the Blind conference. (Unconvinced by this obvious ploy, a federation official responded: "We really are uncomfortable … with the offer of getting free rides. We don't think that solves anything. We believe the cabdrivers need to realize that the law says they will not turn down a blind person.") And, finally, last week, the Canadian office of CAIR issued a statement urging Muslims to accommodate blind taxi passengers, quoting a board member that "Islam allows for dogs to be used by the visually impaired."

    CAIR's capitulation contains an important lesson: When Westerners broadly agree on rejecting a specific Islamic law or tradition and unite against it, Western Islamists must adjust to the majority's will. Guide dogs for the blind represent just one of many such consensus issues; others tend to involve women, such as husbands beating wives, the burka head coverings, female genital mutilation, and "honor" killings. Western unity can also compel Islamists to denounce their preferred positions in areas such as slavery and Shari'a-compliant finances.

    Other Islam-derived practices do not (yet) exist in the West but do prevail in the Muslim world. These include punishing a woman for being raped, exploiting children as suicide bombers, and executing offenders for such crimes as converting out of Islam, adultery, having a child out of wedlock, or witchcraft. Western solidarity can win concessions in these areas too.

    If Westerners stick together, the Shari'a is doomed. If we do not, we are doomed.
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    Islamist Forum Member Suggests Stirring Up Racial Tension in U.S.
    MEMRI ^ | February 27, 2008 | Staff

    A message posted January 20, 2008 on the Islamist forum Al-Hesbah (hosted by NOC4Hosts Inc. in Florida, USA), by a member calling himself Al-Jawfi, suggests stirring up racial tension between African-Americans and whites in the U.S. by spreading inflammatory materials on the Internet. In the discussion thread, other members proposed posting racist materials against African-Americans (such as insulting jokes and pictures) on sites frequented by African-Americans, in order to arouse anger and bitterness in their community. Another suggestion was to post, on white supremacist sites, materials that present African-Americans as a threat to American society.

    The following are excerpts from Al-Jawfi's posting and from some of the responses: [1]

    Al-Jawfi wrote: "I suggest that brothers who are fluent in English write messages, phrasing them skillfully in such a way [that they will seem to be] written by a black person slandering [the whites] or by a white person [slandering the blacks]… "

    Forum member "Abu Hamed" wrote in response: "… I'd like to suggest a very simple idea: to quote [inflammatory] stories and sayings from [American] movies in order to spread civil strife among [blacks and whites]. For example, there is a movie called I Am Legend. According to its plot... the only person left in the sane world is black, while all the others have been infected by a virus and have turned into human monsters. We should visit forums of black Americans and present whites as monsters of this kind [that] should be exterminated…"

    A regular forum participant, "'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Faqir," recommended to "collect racist images of blacks, or else materials that incite against whites, and call to take revenge upon them... translating [those materials] that need to be translated - providing that they are translated into colloquial American, preferably using expressions [characteristic of] black or white [English]..."

    A member calling himself Al-Andalusi wrote: "I am currently living in the West… I'll write racist expressions on fences in order to generate antagonism between [blacks and whites], especially with the elections coming up. I speak fluent English…"

    Forum member "Abu Suleiman Al-Sa'di" added: "One way to spread hatred is [to post] racist jokes. Here are some [examples], collected by one of the brothers. All of them are against blacks, but the brother has promised to collect some jokes against whites [as well]…"

    Another forum member provided the following list of websites as targets for posting racist materials:

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    Wheelchair Bomb Kills Officer In Iraq
    LA Times ^ | Feb 26, 2008 | Tina Susman and Alexandra Zavis

    BAGHDAD — An explosion killed a police commander Monday during a visit by a man in a wheelchair who might have been a suicide bomber or an unwitting victim of insurgents, officials said.

    If the man was used by militants, it would be the third time this month that Iraqi security forces say disabled people were used to carry explosives that killed themselves and others.

    Also Monday, sectarian attacks on Shiite Muslims walking to the holy city of Karbala for a religious commemoration killed four more pilgrims. At least 56 pilgrims were killed Sunday when an attacker wearing an explosives belt blew up a tent south of Baghdad where they had stopped to rest and eat.

    The weeklong pilgrimage, which culminates Thursday, commemorates the end of the 40 days of mourning after the anniversary of the death of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad.


    Iraqi and U.S. officials say insurgents are adopting new techniques because security measures have made it more difficult to use truck bombs and other means.


    Police said the man in Monday's bombing in Samarra, 60 miles north of Baghdad, blew himself up, but in a meeting with journalists, Interior Minister Jawad Bolani said the man might also have been an unwitting carrier of explosives.

    Bolani described the man as a regular visitor to the police station who was known to commanders there.

    Police said the man was being pushed in his wheelchair by another man. He said he needed to speak with the major general in charge of police and military operations in Samarra. He agreed to speak to his deputy, Brig. Gen. Abdul-Jabbar Rabi, because the commander was in a meeting. The man was not searched because of his physical condition. He and Rabi died in the blast.


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