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  1. #1
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default 24

    Since Brent got the jump on me on starting the official "Lost" thread, I'm going to go ahead and start the official "24" thread!

    Come on... I know I'm not the only one here that watches it!

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    Default Re: 24

    There's no doubt about it, " 24 " is the best show on television. Last season turned me around and got me hooked. This is television at it most 'current events' best.

    Jack Bauer kicks butt, takes names and sends the bad duys straight to sheol.

    The season opener last Sunday/Monday nights was awesome. looks like we've picked up right where last season left off. I really like the episodic continuity.

    Now that these baddies have assassinated President Palmer i expect Jack to really let the fur fly and give no quarter. All bets are off.

  3. #3
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    I watched the second season and at the time thought it one of the best shows on tv. Unfortunately havent been able to catch it since. One downfall of this show, to me anyways, if you miss an episode you are out of the loop.

    Ryan, did you catch this seasons opening? I heard the last 10 minutes or so was cut off by the local news broadcast in Ohio.

  4. #4
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    No problems here. Saw all 4 hours of the premier!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 24

    Brent... the way to catch up from missing the previous episode is to watch the two-minute "last time on 24..." which leads off each new episode. That two-minute reprise gives you the highlights of what you missed in the previous episode.

    To catch you up with where the story line is now...

    Most of last season (Season 4) was about Islamo-fascist middle eastern terrorists led by a Mohammed Atta look-alike leader named Marwan. This cell was in direct-action conflict within CONUS against the US President and involved a stolen nuclear warhead, the "football" and the shoot down of Air Force 1 by a treasonous F-117 Nighhawk pilot, and a missile forthe warhead. To top this off was a most necessary abduction from the Red Chinese consulate in Los Angeles of a Chinese national involved in the plot to arm the solen nuclear warhead.

    The nuke and the missile were taken care of and the entire islamo-fascist terrorist cell was dispatched to allah, but the conflict with the Chicom's resulted in the faking of Jack Bauers death.

    Now with the season openning assassination of President Palmer - who authorized the break-in and abduction of the Chinese national involved in the nuclear plot, which resulted in the Chinese head consul being accidentally shot by his own men (blamed on Bauer) - we have the first glimpse this season that the Chicom's did not believe the "Jack Bauer killed resisiting US Secret Service arrest" story. It appears on the surface that President Palmer was assassinated to bring Jack out of hiding... and a new cabal of well-resourced baddies is responsible for the resident assassination. The subplot involves another bomb and a VX-like nerve gas on US soil.

    Phew... that should give you an idea where we are today with 24


    Maybe we should make this "The Official TAA ' 24 ' Fan Club Thread"?

    The intricacies within last years espisodes and overall plotline were uncannily similar to real-world events - that's the "hook" which turned me around into viewing this show at all costs on Monday evenings.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; January 22nd, 2006 at 14:49.

  6. #6
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne

    Maybe we should make this "The Official TAA ' 24 ' Fan Club Thread"?
    That's my hope!

    I wanted to talk about the episode tonight but in difference to our friends in non-Eastern time zones, I'll wait a bit!

    In fact, that is probably a good idea for all current TV shows we discuss on here. If you really want to post something beforfe it is aired in the other time zones, make sure you preface your post with a ***SPOILER ALERT*** or some such to prevent ruining the surprise for others.

  7. #7
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Okay, now that 24 has aired in all time zones I'm going to go ahead and post some stuff about tonight's episode…


    I thought tonight's episode was great!

    1) Finally got confirmation that the guy sleeping with Chloe was a rat. I didn't like him from the beginning, way too shifty.

    2) They mentioned that the nerve agent the terrorists made off with was military grade but not American. Anyone want to bet it is supposed to be a cache put in place by the Russians during the Cold War? I didn't see any obvious entrance to vault type area where the safe with it was so that would suggest that it was completely buried for a reason. Plus the obvious Russian/Chechen connection to all of this.

    3) Anyone else think at first that the First Lady offed herself? Was surprised to see that she slipped out the window! LOL!

    4) Now, completely unrelated to the plot line… Anyone else notice that the guy that plays Edgar has put on about 20-30 pounds since last season? He was a big guy before but he has gotten a bit bigger! Maybe depression over losing his mother to that melted down reactor.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    After reading what you guys have said about this show, I tuned in and watched an episode. It wasn't at all difficult to just jump right into the middle and be able to follow. I found 24 to be interesting and have some strong action scenes, along with being suspenseful overall. The script seems to be well-written, but better acting would serve to accentuate the writing and impact the story further in terms of realism. I'll make time for this one. I already wish it was next Monday.

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    Default Re: 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck

    1) Finally got confirmation that the guy sleeping with Chloe was a rat. I didn't like him from the beginning, way too shifty.

    Spenser was duped by Cummings, the chief advisor in President Logan's inner circle. Spenser truly believed he was doing an "internal affiars" investigation of the CTU at the behest of the White House. Now that Cummings has been discovered to be a rat, Jack Bauer will go after him personally. The First Lady will be vindicated. The president will have his world rocked, betrayed by one closest to him. I smell resignation of President Logan quietly forced from within over this.
    President Logan's ineptitude of the office he holds will be highlighted as much as it was when he was thrust into office in last years plotline. He's a wuss politican who is in way over his head. Time to go for the sake of "National Security".

    2) They mentioned that the nerve agent the terrorists made off with was military grade but not American. Anyone want to bet it is supposed to be a cache put in place by the Russians during the Cold War?
    EXACTAMUNDO!!!! I THINK YOU'VE GOT IT DEAD ON CORRECT. I sense the addition to an episode or to the cast of a Russian defector, a former GRU operative who's on our side now.

    3) Anyone else think at first that the First Lady offed herself? Was surprised to see that she slipped out the window! LOL!
    Nope. I saw the look in her eyes which translated " I am outa here now!" I'd have done the same thing; I was thinking it's time for her to get the hell outa Dodge as soon as the Cummings suggested having her committed to President Logan.

    4) Now, completely unrelated to the plot line… Anyone else notice that the guy that plays Edgar has put on about 20-30 pounds since last season? He was a big guy before but he has gotten a bit bigger! Maybe depression over losing his mother to that melted down reactor.
    Maybe, but I think the truth is that Edgar is head over heels in love with Chloe and his unrequited love is driving him to binge eating. Sort of a reverse Bulemia.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; January 24th, 2006 at 17:58.

  10. #10
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    President Logan's ineptitude of the office he holds will be highlighted as much as it was when he was thrust into office in last years plotline. He's a wuss politican who is in way over his head. Time to go for the sake of "National Security".
    I agree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    EXACTAMUNDO!!!! I THINK YOU'VE GOT IT DEAD ON CORRECT. I sense the addition to an episode or to the cast of a Russian defector, a former GRU operative who's on our side now.
    That sounds like a good possibility.

    But, related to the nerve agent theft, do you get the feeling that the Chechen terrorists are really being used as pawns by the shadowy guy for reasons other than what they believe (attacking Russia for its occupation of Chechnya)? The question is, what is really going to happen with that nerve agent?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    Nope. I saw the look in her eyes which translated " I am outa here now!" I'd have done the same thing; I was thinking it's time for her to get the hell outa Dodge as soon as the Cummings suggested having her committed to President Logan.
    Then you saw it from a different point that me! I thought it looked like she was completely giving up as it seemed like she had no chance in succeeding. It didn't help that they showed that medicine bottle as a "hint"!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    Maybe, but I think the truth is that Edgar is head over heels in love with Chloe and his unrequited love is driving him to binge eating. Sort of a reverse Bulemia.
    LOL! Reverse Bulemia!!

    I do think they gave a hint that Chloe is discovering how Edgar feels for her when they had that sort of ackward moment between them about keeping secrets. And I loved Chloe's Chamomile tea comment! ROTFLMAO!

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    Default Re: 24

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck

    But, related to the nerve agent theft, do you get the feeling that the Chechen terrorists are really being used as pawns by the shadowy guy for reasons other than what they believe (attacking Russia for its occupation of Chechnya)? The question is, what is really going to happen with that nerve agent?
    I think it may have something to do with a third party playing the Russian's and US against each other. Like Tom Clancy's book version of "The Sum of All Fears". Go to Wikipedia, enter "The Sum of All Fears" as the search criteria. You'll be amazed.

    It didn't help that they showed that medicine bottle as a "hint"!
    Since I thought she was going to flee I judged that taking the med's along with her was to ensure that the person she went to would not think she was bonkers upon arrival. I expect she is enroute directly to CTU.

  12. #12
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    I like what you have already discussed on 24.

    On the Nerve Gas: It appears to be a Russian Cache, and the Chechyn dudes have the current idea it is for use against Moscow and said so. I think the twist here is our shadowy baddie will actually plan to use it on the US and it being a Russian signature chem compound, it is supposed to pit the US against Russia - and just after the signing of that document on terrorism.

    On the First Lady: When she was 'supposed' to have OD'd, recall the Pres shook the pill bottle. It rattled. That told me she did not try to OD as why would she take just a few and then re-cap the bottle?

    On Spencer: He truly seemed to think he was doing the right thing under Int Aff assignment. He looked shattered to find out otherwise. Cummings is the next BIG deal on Monday.

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    Default Re: 24

    Who remembers the movie "The Rock" (Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage, Ed Harris)

    Who remembers the color of the little balls of liquid chemical warfare agent?

    What color were the cannisters of the chemical agent the terrorists have seized?

    Since Hollywood is so very fond of portraying this chemical warfare agent in this fashion, (it is actually a clear liquid with the consistency of motor oil) I believe analysis of the dead rats will reveal the agent to be...

  14. #14
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Saw tonight's episode and thought it was pretty good.

    I was a little disappointed with Jack tonight though. What was up with him going along with the whole agreement with the bad guy who was going to reprogram the chips??? I was hoping he’d pull out another lamp cord to do some persuading!

    Oh yeah... I loved how the First Lady walloped the Prez! LOL!

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    Default Re: 24

    Yeah it was a good episode and ended with a real cliffhanger.
    Oh... btw... Jack did say it was VX nerve agent.

  16. #16
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Was just able to watch 24 last night on tape.

    Pretty good episode. I'm glad Jack ignored the order to let the terrorists release the gas!

    Now, as to what to do to stop the gas release, why doesn't anyone think outside the box! They needed to send Curtis in on his own, have him start a fire in the mall (in a bathroom, trash can, or something somewhere the terrorists will easily see it) and use that as a pretense to get the mall evacuated! There, everyone gets saved and the terrorists think it was really an accident. Problem solved!

  17. #17
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Not a bad episode. That was a heck of a start with Irwig getting knocked off! Did not see that coming...

    Rudy the Hobbit is really starting to tick me off though. If he'd just step back, listen to the people that have experience and, let Jack do his "rogue agent/loose cannon" thing this would all be over a lot sooner!

    Speaking of Lynn… Any one else get the idea that his sister's "boyfriend" is working with the bad guys? That the whole mugging was really just a setup to get Lynn's keycard? The question is what will they do with it? Seems like there are all sorts of possibilities…

    And with the Christopher (?) guy Jack mentioned… Anyone recall his name from any previous seasons? Jack said he knew the guy and I couldn't remember hearing his name before in any shows past.

  18. #18
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    I am unsure of the Christopher mention, but have a vague recollection of the name, I think from last season. If I am right, recall the company that had the nuts to setoff their emp device in downtown LA? The company that was a defence contractor that made the suitcase that could remote control nuke plants. Thats where I seem to place the name for some reason.

    As to Lynn... He is acting very odd and it struck me that he may be in league with the 'patriots for oil' gang that set this up. The key card is but a sidebar to his character and the sisters boyfriend may just be a stooge to get the card.

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    Default Re: 24

    I'm fairly convinced the loss of the "key card" will have a major impact in an upcoming episode.

    The "key card" appears to be modeled after what most Government people have nowadays - I got one also - it's called a CAC card which means its a smart chip access card that ID's you, allows remote login to Gov't computer systems and a whole bunch of other neat stuff.

    Losing it and not immediately reporting the loss will cause Rudy to be fully compromised. He knows how screwed he is, which is why he's being such a sonoffabeach to anyone and every one.

    With Rudy in the doghouse - Jack will be sprung loose on the terrorists once again.

    By the way... the new head honcho terrorist with the nerve gas... I recognize his face... he's the guy from Stargate SG-1 who playes the part of the chief priest (guy with the golden face by the wall of fire) to the Ori.

  20. #20
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 24

    Great episode!

    Lynn got sacked by Curtis! HA! Hopefully things will now start getting back to normal at CTU.

    Loved how Aaron took out those three terrs after the limo got hit! At first, I was afraid they were going to kill him off…

    And what about Robocop making an appearance!! Too bad he is with the bad guys…

    Next week, a whopping 2 hours! Woo!

    Also, anyone else notice the Prez has 3 piercings in his left ear?

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