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Thread: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

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    Default Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up
    Daily Telegraph ^ | July 24, 2008 | Daily Telegraph

    FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist. And he says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions - but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades.

    Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

    He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

    Chillingly, he claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now".

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
    Libertatem Prius!

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    I just came here to post that article. Here's my link:,2933,390161,00.html

    Guess I'll just post my comment:
    I find it difficult to not believe Dr. Mitchell - considering his credentials.

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    Ex-Astronaut: Aliens Are Real and Government Knows It

    Friday, July 25, 2008
    Former NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr. Edgar Mitchell — a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission — claims aliens exist.
    He says extraterrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions — but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades.

    Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview in Birmingham, England, that sources in the federal government who had had contact with aliens described the beings as "little people who look strange to us."

    He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a "small gray" — short, slight frame, large eyes and large head.

    Mitchell also claimed human technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as the aliens' and "had they been hostile," he warned "we would be been gone by now."

    • Click here to read the full story at Australia's Daily Telegraph.
    • Click here to listen to Mitchell's interview with Kerrang! radio.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    So whaddya think Rick - do you believe Dr. Mitchell?

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    I don't know... I'm up in the air on this.

    However, let me say what I THINK...

    1) There is life in space. No question in my mind, no proof on my plate though, but from a purely scientific, and statistical point of view, there MUST be other life.

    I say this because, after over forty years of looking into space through my telescopes and studying what's out there and now knowing that not only have we discovered extra-solar planets, we've discovered HUNDREDS of them! That improves drastically the chances that life exists.

    2) I also am firmly convinced that life "began" someplace is planted here by a process known as "Exogenesis" aka "panspermia". Essentially this hypothesis states that life was started "elsewhere" but really makes no prediction of how well spread it might be. We have higher creatures on this planet, multicellular animals that are also high-brained... humans, chimps, dolphins, whales, dogs, cats... who really knows "how smart" they are? But, the fact is they are "higher organisms" and have very complex biological structures. Religious folks would say there must be some intelligent design there. Scientists will say this all came about by evolution. Regardless of HOW it happened, it DID happen.

    That there are roughly 100 billion stars in our galaxy and given that we've discovered about 200 planets already (and more being discovered) we can say there is a decent chance that there will be other planets that have water, can support life and so on.

    We also are reasonably sure that things get deposited here from comets and asteroids on our own planet. Who knows? Perhaps there are LOTS of random life forms that survive the crash landing and burn through the atmosphere? MAYBE some of the new, weird things like "flesh eating virus" is part of that?

    3) Given this information, I would say that there is a reasonable chance that we're not the ONLY intelligent life forms out there, and we're certainly not the only ones who've explored space.

    4) If we're not the only intelligence creatures - then chances are (given the age of the Universe at 13 billion years) there are some far, far OLDER races out there, and some much, much YOUNGER intelligences out there. Humans have been here for...maybe 700,000 thousand years, to perhaps one million years. Hominids are known to have walked the world as far back as 700000 years, but perhaps longer. who knows? Let's assume that given the 13 billion year limit, that 700k years is a drip in a bucket.

    This gives other places a chance to have developed as well, perhaps faster, and definitely differently. Nothing says we have to be like other creatures (however, I have my own theory on that, and I think that certain genetically viable things can develop and those that are not viable will die off quickly - as in evolution). This means in my book, most things will be SIMILAR to us and other creatures we're familiar with now.

    If you even look back as far as we can look and examine fossil records we note that, with the exception of insects, higher creatures have multiple limbs and a head, brain and organs and without too many exceptions are SIMILAR (four limbs, a head, a body)... I think most things that will evolve will be "SIMILAR" in that respect. Even creatures that are dissimilar to us, such as crustaceans and arachnids (related to one another) are similar in that they have limbs, organs and respiration.

    It's not impossible to see that IF life originates from space in the form of random molecules and proteins then finds a habitable location it might indeed evolve into something else given plenty of time. And given that time, it's not impossible to see there might be other intelligence life, not unlike ourselves.

    5) IF there are intelligence species out there that have evolved beyond ourselves, and thinks like us (in some way, like physics, math and so forth) then who is to say they have not found a way to bend space and time and travel here? Why NOT?

    So... there you have it, "my thoughts".

    Do I "Believe" Dr. Mitchell?

    Very difficult to give a yes or no answer on that subject. He's had 77 years to think and wonder. He spent forty plus years in the service of this country and probably saw a lot. Hell, he went to the MOON and was privy to some highly classified content. I've been privy to a lot of that sort of thing in MY life, in my thirty-two years with the government. On the other hand, his book reveals a lot that is second-hand only information. How is that relevant? It's not an initial, original source.

    This is something I STRONGLY think that the "Anomalies Community" needs to start looking at strongly. It behooves everyone who looks at UFOs, Big Foot and all the other oddities out there (that might or might not exist) to ask the hard questions... like "Where DID you get this information?" and "How accurate IS this data?"

    It would certainly, and irreparably for the Global Warming community finally put that crap to rest if they did this. UFOs have been observed in modern times since the Wild West days. Prior to that there is evidence things were seen and images were engraved into STONE for goodness sakes. Were all those people making this up? I doubt it.

    But, what DID they see? Look at the images we've seen take in the 1950s and 1960s.

    I'm a personal eye-witness to three separate incidents in my life that I couldn't explain (ok, one I CAN explain and could then, but it was difficult to prove without photos).

    In all three cases I couldn't be sure what I was seeing, but I was sure what it was NOT....

    I don't have physical evidence or pictures because I didn't have camera's ready at the time.

    I am only going on memory now, but I'm convinced of the three times I saw something, ONE of them I will never be able to explain.

    The other two I can explain away as "Man made".

    But not that first one in 1967.... no way, and I won't try.

    Does it make me BELIEVE Dr. Mitchell. Not completely, but... it gives me pause.

    One last thing, I mentioned that folks need to look at original sources for data. (Interview with Mitchell, I can't watch at work, putting it here for future reference)

    If Mitchell told me he "Saw aliens and they were like the Grays".. I'd say he either snapped his cookies completely or he was telling the absolute truth. He doesn't really say HE saw them though, does he?

    Here is what he said

    "I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real," Mitchell said on Britain's Kerrang Radio last week.

    "It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now," added Mitchell, who grew up in Roswell, N.M., the location of the controversial 1947 incident in which some believe the U.S. military covered up the crash scene of an alien spacecraft.

    He didn't say he SAW them, or met them, but was "in on the fact" that we've been visited.

    I'm "in on a lot of facts" that I can't, won't and probably never WILL divulge - but let me state that EVEN IF I said something unbelievable about something I know to be true, the fact is most wouldn't BELIEVE what I said anyway. Given my personal background and knowledge, and things I've been through doesn't make me any better of a witness than a fella with a Phd or a Cop.

    We're all "flawed" in our memories and nothing we see is precisely as we report it, ever. Perhaps we are close (I know I can be very accurate in MANY THINGS, especially when reporting what I am seeing RIGHT NOW). What I report after might be tainted by memory.

    What Dr. Mitchell knows is what he knows. What he reports is wholly a different issue.
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    Check that out. I can't see the whole video at work here...
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    How Will We Negotiate With Extraterrestrials?

    Ed Komarek
    July 28, 2008
    I would like to initiate an open discussion as to how open negotiations between earth society and benevolent extraterrestrial races might proceed post-disclosure. What I hope will happen is that others may become involved who have some knowledge of this either in the public or classified world and together we can wrap our collective minds around this issue. I would not be surprised if negotiations might include both sanctions and incentives similar to how we handle things on earth so as to induce earth society to cooperate with universe society and not threaten the peace and security of the rest of the cosmic neighborhood.

    I realize that many people have enough trouble accepting the testimony of high level whistle blowers like Astronaut Edgar Mitchell that we are being visited by extraterrestrials and even question the huge amount of documentation available. Most people simply don´t understand that they have been severely deceived and brainwashed by the 60 year old UFO/ET cover-up and are going to think that speculation about negotiations with aliens is way over the top. Be that as it may I believe it is important that we move forward on such speculation.

    I have endured denial and ridicule over the years in regards to expressing my views as to extraterrestrial reality but I believe in telling truth to power in this field of government lies and deception regardless of the consequences. Folks can read my free exopolitics e-book at my blog site if they desire to understand the context in which I write these articles. Another good resource for those that have an interest and wish to understand the seriousness of extraterrestrial relations can discuss these issues on the Open Minds Forum where I participate.

    Some evidence from multiple sources suggests that ethical civilized extraterrestrial races require certain preconditions to be met before there can be significant sustained contact between these civilizations and earth society. This would follow along the lines of Star Trek´s prime directive. The first precondition seems to be that only limited secret contact with world governments is possible in return for and in preparation for open disclosure of extraterrestrial reality.

    Once the first precondition of open disclosure is met then open negotiations between extraterrestrial races and earth society can begin in earnest. I suggest that further preconditions must be met by earth society before open direct sustained contact, trade and cultural exchanges are allowed.

    My impression is that these preconditions for sustained contact and interaction are:

    1. Nation-states must stop all hostile action against ethical extraterrestrial races.

    2. Nation-states must settle their differences through the rule of law and not war, as well as eliminate weapons of mass destruction.

    3. We must show major progress toward humane democratic population control.

    4. We must show major progress toward solving our environmental problems.

    5. We must show progress toward development of a civilized societal organizational structure based on cooperation not mutual predation.

    6. We must understand that we co-inhabit earth and this solar system with other races and that any ideas of manifest destiny must be discarded.

    If we meet these preconditions then I believe these would be the following incentives offered to us by the ethical extraterrestrial races.

    1. Open fair trade

    2. Cultural exchange

    3. Technological exchange

    4. Mutual defense treaties

    5. Participation in collective extraterrestrial government

    6. Enlightened guidance and advice

    The deeper I get into understanding extraterrestrial reality the more I have come to realize that it is really not all that different out there as it is here. The laws of physics and evolution seem to apply elsewhere just as they do here and so too the laws of logic and reason. The only difference I can see is in orders of complexity.

    I believe our earth based still primitive society will be able to meet the challenges of extraterrestrial reality now and in the future. We must face up to and prepare for post disclosure reality and that includes conversations such as these even if it makes uninformed people uncomfortable or incredulous. When I go out on a limb I try to base my speculations on several different sources of information. In this case a number of clues supporting this speculation can be found on this OM thread as well as multiple sources in other of my articles.

    Note: In the above article you will see some interesting comments. For instance the author has "endured denial and ridicule". He also ASSUMES instantly that Mitchell is a "high level whistle-blower" when, in fact he is not.

    This is the sort of thing I am talking about. ONE guy in a position like that can cause a LOT of consternation in the world when he lets slip certain things, which might merely be opinion only and not factual information.

    The conspiracy kooks routinely take misstatements, and incorrect data and blow it out of proportion, pointing at the originator (or the second hand information another states about what he or she heard someone else say that MIGHT have been a "high level" person) and then they use that material, OUT OF CONTEXT quite often to form a basis for an argument.

    There are a dozen articles out there already proclaiming how "The Government has lied" etc.

    I find it AMAZING that not ONE president has come forward with real, hard evidence or information, or declassified this stuff if it's true.

    That's pretty telling, considering the vast differences in idealism the Right and Left have.

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    Would this be an appropriate place to state that a couple of weeks ago, along with a couple of other people, my 10 year old son saw his first UFO?

    If not, feel free to move this.

    I tried to find anybody reporting anything at all on-line, but there was nothing that I could find about Denver at the time as far as sightings or explanations.

    At first we thought they were skydivers that were drifting, which would explain why we never saw any plane. There was one that we saw at first and it seemed like it could have been a bird that was just too far away to see clearly. I'd describe the traveling behavior as that of a glide. It is difficult to put a shape on it, oval is probably best. It was headed north, maybe northwest.

    Then a second object came into sight just the same way, catching up to it.

    Then at some distance, seeming to be where they had originated from, came a 3rd, and this one was a bit differently shaped, more like a rectangular shape. Though again, it was up too high to make out anything else. They were dark in color, and for awhile we concluded that they were hang-gliders. They did not move around like anything I'm familiar with, but just hung there after the 3 were together. I used the branch and leaves of a tree to judge their movement by, but although they appeared to continue to move slightly north, the triangle point type positions was about all we could see. Then they just became smaller as they ascended until they were just 3 dots and one by one could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

    What do you guys think that might have been?
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    MUFON... there's a local guy up in that area.

    Contact them and make a report.
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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    if you thought that was interesting, you need to read about what showed up near president bush's ranch this winter in january.

    part 1 of the story:

    part 2 of the story:

    extremely interesting.


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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    'UFO' wind turbine crash site sealed off

    The wind farm where UFO hunters believe an alien aircraft struck a 290-foot wind turbine has been sealed off.
    By Stephen Adams

    Last Updated: 8:09AM GMT 12 Jan 2009

    One of the turbine's 65-foot blades came off and another was damaged at the site. Photo: PA

    Security guards have been sent to protect the wind farm site in Conisholme, Lincs, following last week's incident.

    One of the turbine's 65-foot blades came off and another was damaged at the site, on the same night that local residents reported seeing orange-yellow spheres in the sky, which some described as trailing octopus-like "tentacles".

    Ecotricity, the company that owns the wind farm near Louth, has yet to find an explanation for the damage.

    But managers are believed to be concerned UFO enthusiasts will scour the site for debris, so have decided to restrict access.

    Dog patrols have been sent to ensure no unauthorised people can enter the site.

    Nick Pope, a UFO expert, told The Sun: "There may be something they don't want people to see."

    However, foreign debris was found at the site during an initial search.
    More rational explanations include the possibility that a secret military aircraft such as a stealth bomber might have hit the turbine during a test flight, or that the turbine blade simply fell off, damaging the other one in the process.

    Mr Pope said: "If a stealth aircraft struck the turbine, it may be made of some material which is itself top secret."

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    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    WHO sealed it off? The company owners? For good reason, to prevent idiots from getting hurt or killed, and trespassing.

    The government didn't appear to have done it.
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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....


    Two examples of verified crop circle patterns are decoded and integrated into the 31-A for overlay purposes. Jeremy was right......There is in fact a schematic in the pattern layouts of the genuine crop circles.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    ok, while that vid sort of blew my mind, i need to question something. the resulting design he showed when combining 3d representations of crop circles was not from the 2 previous he showed. he showed the first one that looked some sort of ball at the bottom with something protruding out of it. the second one looked like a double sided vortex with a ball at each end. the result he was showing us (looks like a space craft to me) does not fit the description of combining those two objects.

    but thanks for posting that!

    after watching it again he refers to another cad representation of a crop circle but he doesn't show us what the crop circle looks like. i'll have to see if i can find the one he's talking about.
    Last edited by zenbudda; November 21st, 2009 at 14:56.

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    I have a bit of a problem when we describe aliens (hereafter known as E.T.s) as being benevolent. Like the "theory" of E.T.s visiting Earth now and in the past, their benevolence is also called into question.

    If one were to tie in the ancient writings about man's relationship with God or gods, and if one were to focus a moment on how people were made "in the likeness of God or the gods" (besides just the interpretation of having souls and the like), and (finally) how the gods were fashioned to mimic mankind's own emotional states, then:

    If we humans are ever able to reach out and find an extraterrestiral civilization whose technology is far from being par with our own, would we necessarily be benevolent?

    Given our own track record with fellow humans and the environment, we tend to be exploitive. Somehow, being able to cross vast distances across the universe changing that "immutable" nature seems highly far-fetched if not belonging in the realm of fantasy. (Which is not to decry our continuing attempts to overcome the same.)

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    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    "Conditioned" isn't the right word.

    I'm already expecting any contact with outsiders to be "bad".
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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    Any race that can get here over interstellar distances can take from us anything they'd like and there's damn little we'll be able to do about it.

    If they are inter-dimensional, we might have a shot. They may have figured out one aspect of engineering to cross dimensions, but could theoretically be behind us in stealth, weaponry, armor, whatever.

    If they're flying about in space, in a self contained atmosphere, they own the high ground and they can just hang out in orbit and chuck debris at us until we're all dead.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    Since contact has supposedly already been made for over 50 years. I don't think the official disclosure is going to go well at all. I can't believe all the leading nations have decided to keep this thing secret and the Soviets, Americans, Chinese of all countries have been on the same page with this.

    If it as simple as distant space travelers showing up and the Russians or Chinese keeping that secret for the sake of no panic or religion then those two countries don't qualify, what would they care. Western culture sure if that is the reason I can sort of buy it but then why wouldn't the east disclose already and screw everything all up.

    Either the world was threatened on a level that all the leadership would understand or it is even more sinister. On that line why would space travelers do all that work just to let the visited nations keep it secret or threaten the world to keep all that work quiet. Something doesn't add up and everyone being on the same page is the anomaly.

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    Default Re: Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Time Travel and other Anomalies....

    well... what I know about is only "radio contact" not physical contact. And that was a one way thing.
    Libertatem Prius!

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