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Thread: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

  1. #81
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    You're trying to post images from your hard drive Aplomb. Just click on the link up in the message board navbar that says "User Photo Album". There you can upload those photos and then post them with BBCode.

  2. #82
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Silly me. Let's try this and listen to #78:
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  3. #83
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    The day after the new president’s election, al Qaeda issued a little-noticed statement declaring Barack Obama a murtad, i.e. an apostate whose betrayal of Islam is judged the most heinous. Believers have the duty to execute a murtad unlike other non-believers whose death sentence is optional.

    This is troublesome- it gives bama a 2 edged sword.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  4. #84
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Here's the ad for the New York Times that I was trying to post. Well, the link anyway:
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  5. #85
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Al Qaeda says order given for US attack “far bigger than 9/11”

    DEBKAfile - Here's the full article which will give bama cover for "SUPER SECURITY".
    I pray and hope he will not be assasinated. However, it is very probable that his revamping of the patriot act, control of media and National Security Force will silence, harass, investigate critics. He has a double edged sword- to protect from and inflict- NOSPEAK, islamic dominance and communist tyranny.

    Updates DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive
    November 16, 2008, 4:43 PM (GMT+02:00)
    Osama bin Laden plans to test Barack Obama like two former US presidents

    DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources report that US president-elect Barack Obama, European and Russian heads of state in Washington for the G20 conference over the weekend were briefed about a probable early al Qaeda attack.
    Obama and his team have been advised that a new al Qaeda strike is highly probable in the United States or against a key US target in Europe, North Africa or the Middle East.
    DEBKA-Net-Weekly 372 of Nov. 14 disclosed that al Qaeda’s Yemen base, a reliable barometer for Osama bin Laden’s schemes, issued a Directive to All Fighters in Arabia on Nov. 9 presaging a major operation in the United States that will “change the political and economic world” and be “far bigger than 9/11.”
    To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly click HERE .
    The notice said “the operation is very near” and “precise instructions were in the hands of “the fighters, who are already on their way to America” armed with bin Laden’s orders. The pretext offered for the attack is the rejection by the US and Europe of al Qaeda’s four-year old truce offer whose original pre-condition was the withdrawal of their armies from Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The day after the new president’s election, al Qaeda issued a little-noticed statement declaring Barack Obama a murtad, i.e. an apostate whose betrayal of Islam is judged the most heinous. Believers have the duty to execute a murtad unlike other non-believers whose death sentence is optional.
    Thursday night, Nov. 14, Central Intelligence Director Gen. Michael Hayden said: “Al Qaeda, operating from its safe haven in Pakistan’s tribal areas, remains the most clear and present danger to the United States.” He was addressing a Washington think-tank.
    “Today, virtually every major terrorist threat that my agency is aware of has threads back to the tribal areas. Whether it is command and control, training, direction, money, capabilities, there is a connection to the FATA (Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas.)”
    Hayden also mentioned Yemen and Somalia as important al Qaeda theaters of operation.
    In private, most heads of the intelligence agencies fighting al Qaeda admit that an attack on the United States or major American interest outside is only a matter of time.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  6. #86
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Oh for Pete's sake! Our legal writer is now saying yet another suit is going to be seen as lacking standing...

    In other types of cases, however, standing acts more like that jurisdictional requirement seen in federal cases, and in those cases, California appears to look at the traditional federal doctrine--injury-in-fact, causation and redressibility--to determine questions of whether or not someone has standing to sue.

    Keyes' chances, in my opinion, boil down to whether the element of redressibility is included in the test for standing for this particular cause of action. Because he did in fact appear on the California ballot along with Barack Obama, it seems likely that Keyes could very possibly show the injury-in-fact and causation that Robinson--and Philip Berg, and others--could not, especially considering the "sliding scale" approach to injury-in-fact employed by Berg in his petition for writ of certiorari, but the question remains as to whether redressibility is a factor. Alsup expressed, in the Robinson decision, doubts that striking McCain from the ballot could have significantly helped Keyes in California and beyond -- if redressibility is figured in as an essential element of standing here, the Ambassador might run into the same problem.

    Considering what I believe will be the eventual outcome of this matter, as well as the final dispositions of the other related matters filed from coast to coast, I cannot help but be disappointed that none of these cases have been heard on the merits. Of course, I understand completely the reasoning behind the standing doctrine, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

    Hoefling, it seems, feels that the court systems' inaction represents a dangerous trend in this country, as he told America's Right that "the courts have become an oligarchy" and that continuing down our current path could mean disaster for the United States of America as we know it.

    "I saw the Ohio case, in which the Republican Party was not recognized as having any standing to assure that voter fraud wasn't occurring, as one more bit of evidence that government of, by and for the people is being destroyed," he said, referring to last month's decision in Brunner v. Ohio Republican Party, in which the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to uphold an order directing Brunner, Secretary of State in Ohio, to check for voter fraud. "If the people themselves, their electors, their political parties, or their candidates for public office, don't have standing - don't have access to the courts to have their grievances redressed - the Constitution is now, in practice, a dead letter."

    Without getting too complicated, the Court's decision in Brunner is important with regard to the eventual disposition of Keyes' action, as it essentially held that there is no private, individual right to sue unless Congress deliberately and explicitly creates the right to do so -- language similar to that employed by the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick when he dismissed Philip Berg's case against Barack Obama from the district court in Philadelphia.

    Personally, I wonder how much of the reliance on procedure, how much of the unwillingness to expand the pie when it comes to the standing doctrine, comes from an inherent reticence regarding election-related questions. In his dissent in Bush v. Gore, Justice John Paul Stevens famously expressed his view that the Court was treading on dangerous ground:

    Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner in this year's presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.
    Across the country after that decision, newspaper headlines confirmed Stevens' worry. The San Francisco Chronicle ran a piece entitled "Turbulent Election Taints Top Court's Reputation for Neutrality." The New York Daily News' lead headline read "High Court's Integrity at Risk." The Boston Globe chose "Supreme Court Compromises its Legitimacy." Confidence was indeed in low supply.

    Three years later, when the ACLU filed suit in California seeking suspension of the recall of former Gov. Gray Davis on grounds that an October 2003 vote--rather than a vote in March of 2004--would disenfranchise minority voters, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals echoed Stevens' sentiments when it held that the recall should proceed as planned.

    Interfering with impending elections is extraordinary, and interference with an election after voting has begun is unprecedented. Investments of time, money, and the exercise of citizenship rights cannot be returned.
    The judiciary was wary of the consequences of its decision in Bush v. Gore, and that uneasiness manifested itself in California a few years later. I believe that it is once again showing itself now. With regard to the questions regarding Obama and the second Article of our Constitution, it seems likely that the standing doctrine provides the courts with the perfect excuse to avoid forcing the return of those investments of time and money spoken of by the Ninth Circuit. The courts, it seems, want nothing of this pressing matter. If standing is to be granted to individual voters, they say, responsibility for doing so should fall onto the shoulders of Congress.

    Hoefling, however, feels that this is absolutely a matter for the courts to decide.

    "An impartial judiciary," he said, "sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, is ideally suited to settle election-related controversies -- particularly a case like this one in which it couldn't be clearer that this imperative sworn duty is central to everyone involved, including the judges who are deciding the case."
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  7. #87
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    [UPDATE: Upcoming Radio interviews with Leo Donofrio:
    Leo Donofrio will be interviewed on Plains Radio tonight at 9:00 PM EST.
    Leo Donofrio will be interviewed on the Alan Stang program, Nov. 18 at 8:00 AM EST.]

    On Friday Nov. 14, 2008, Leo C. Donofrio sent, by US Postal Express Mail, a letter, as required by Supreme Court Rule 22.4, to the Clerk of the United States Supreme Court - William K. Suter - requesting his Emergency Stay Application as to the national election by renewed to the Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas by right of law, specifically Supreme Court Rule 22.4 .

    As of 1:17 PM the renewed application has not been updated to the US Supreme Court automated Docket.

    According to Supreme Court Rule 22.1, the Clerk is demanded to "transmit it promptly" to the Justice it is addressed to. Please recall that on Nov. 3rd, Leo Donofrio originally submitted this same emergency stay application to the US Supreme Court. Despite the stay clerk - Mr. Danny Bickell - having assured Leo Donofrio that the application would be given to the Honorable Associate Justice David Souter that night, it was not transmitted promptly. In fact, it was not transmitted at all after Mr. Bickell, having made an illegal and improper substantive judgment of law, thereby denied the application on his own volition.

    The emergency stay application was eventually submitted to the Honorable Associate Justice David Souter, four days late, on November 6, after Mr. Bickell was forced to concede that his denial had been improper.

    The emergency stay application, having been brought to the US Supreme Court from a denial of the New Jersey Supreme Court, was required by Supreme Court Rule 22.3 to be submitted to Justice Souter as he is the Justice assigned to the Third Circuit which includes New Jersey. The application was denied by Justice Souter on Nov. 6, and such denial therefore triggered Leo Donofrio's legal right, under Rule 22.4 to renew the emergency stay application to "any other Justice." Mr. Donofrio has chosen to renew the application to the Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.

    Hopefully, this time, the emergency stay application will be promptly transmitted to the Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.

    The renewed application was delivered to the US Supreme Court Clerk's office at exactly 7:46 AM by US Postal Express Mail. (Click link for US Postal proof of delivery.)
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  8. #88
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    "transmit it promptly" - the main clerk can trash a stay or petition for cert on any technicality or any reason whatsoever, as long as it is not a frivolous reason.

    The justices very rarely wade through petitions for cert- they rely on their personal clerks to sift and channel.

    Supreme Court Rule 22.1,- lawyers lie and clerks are lawyers. Bama's a lawyer, no?

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  9. #89
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Leo C. Donofrio is in court this morning. The word I have is that there is a fax number to contact Justice Clarence Thomas who will be hearing the case (202-479-2971). There is no email that we can use to contact him, unfortunately. Please fax a short note to say that you are a concerned citizen who wants our U.S. Constitution to be upheld. If you don't know what more to say, at least say that along with mentioning the plantiff Donofrio so he knows which case you are writing about. Being firm is great, respectful is key. Thank you.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  10. #90
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama's Eligibility to be President

    As of 2:15 PM, Nov. 18, the US Supreme Court docket has been updated and the renewed application for an emergency stay of the 2008 national election is apparently now before The Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.

    I'm sure the people would want to know.

    Warm regards,

    Leo Donofrio
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  11. #91
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Here's something quite interesting...

    Obama Backs Law Helping McCain

    U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) wrote her legislative fix on a yellow legal pad, which she delivered to the Senate clerk, to ensure that any person born to U.S. citizens serving in the armed services while stationed abroad would qualify to become president of the United States.

    By Shailagh Murray

    FORT WORTH -- Sen. Barack Obama's campaign announced he would co-sponsor legislation introduced yesterday by his political ally Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) to ensure that John McCain can become president, even though he was born in the Panama Canal Zone.

    The issue of McCain's eligibility was raised in a New York Times article noting the constitutional requirement that a U.S. president be a "natural-born citizen" had never been fully defined.

    The McCaskill bill, submitted immediately after she scrawled it onto a notepad on the Senate floor in response to the Times story, would establish the eligibility of anyone born to a U.S. citizen who is serving overseas as an active or reserve member of the U.S. armed forces. The Arizona senator's father was a Navy officer serving in the Canal Zone when McCain was born there in 1936.

    "Senator McCain has earned the right to be his party's nominee, and no loophole should prevent him from competing in this campaign," Obama said.
    Posted at 12:15 PM ET on Feb 29, 2008
    Last edited by Aplomb; November 18th, 2008 at 22:14. Reason: added red to emphasis intent
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  12. #92
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    This week's question:
    Who verifies if a candidate is qualified to run for President?

    The Office of the Federal Register at the National Archives and Records Administration administers the Electoral College process, which takes place after the November general election. The Office of the Federal Register does not have the authority to handle issues related to the general election, such as candidate qualifications. People interested in this issue may wish to contact their state election officials or their Congressional Representatives.

    Because the process of qualifying for the election and having a candidate's name put on the ballot varies from state to state, you should contact your state's top election officer for more information. In most states, the Secretary of State is the official responsible for oversight of state elections, including the presidential election. Visit the National Secretaries of State web site to locate contact information and web addresses for the Secretary of State from each state and the District of Columbia.

    Under federal law an objection to a state's electoral votes may be made to the President of the Senate during Congress's counting of electoral votes in January. The objection must be made in writing and signed by at least one Senator and one member of the House of Representatives. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives debate the objection separately. Debate is limited to two hours. After the debate, both the Senate and the House of Representatives rejoin and both must agree to reject the votes.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  13. #93
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Boy, nobody wants to take responsibility in this regard. Letters having been sent out to just about all of the electors by now may have something to do with that being the question of the week
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  14. #94
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  15. #95
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    ALABAMA (R)*
    Hon. Beth Chapman
    Secretary of State - E
    ALASKA (R)*
    Hon. Sean Parnell
    Lieutenant Governor - E
    ARIZONA (R)*
    Hon. Jan Brewer
    Secretary of State - E
    A= Appointed 10, including DC
    (+1 w/ Puerto Rico)

    E= Elected 38
    (+3 w/ Guam, USVI & Am Samoa)

    LEG= Selected by Legislature 3
    Republicans= 24
    Democrats= 27
    Men= 33
    Women= 19
    *= Chief Election Official (39 total)

    Appointed Secretary
    CEOs= 4

    Elected Secretary or Lt. Gov CEOs= 33

    Legislatively Selected Secretary CEOs= 2

    Number of NASS Members= 53 (Hawaii & Wisconsin are not currently NASS members)

    NASS Headquarters
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    (202)624-3527 FAX
    Hon. Charlie Daniels
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Debra Bowen
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Mike Coffman
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Susan Bysiewicz
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Harriet Smith Windsor
    Secretary of State - A
    FLORIDA (R)*
    Hon. Kurt Browning
    Secretary of State - A
    GEORGIA (R)*
    Hon. Karen Handel
    Secretary of State - E
    HAWAII (R)
    Hon. James "Duke" Aiona
    Lieutenant Governor - E
    IDAHO (R)*
    Hon. Ben Ysursa
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Jesse White
    Secretary of State - E
    INDIANA (R)*
    Hon. Todd Rokita
    Secretary of State - E
    IOWA (D)*
    Hon. Michael Mauro
    Secretary of State - E
    KANSAS (R)*
    Hon. Ron Thornburgh
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Trey Grayson
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Jay Dardenne
    Secretary of State - E
    MAINE (D)*
    Hon. Matthew Dunlap
    Secretary of State - LEG
    Hon. John McDonough
    Secretary of State - A
    Hon. William Galvin
    Sec. of the Commonwealth - E
    Hon. Terri Lynn Land
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Mark Ritchie
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. C. Delbert Hosemann, Jr.
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Robin Carnahan
    Secretary of State - E
    MONTANA (R)*
    Hon. Brad Johnson
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. John Gale
    Secretary of State - E
    NEVADA (D)*
    Hon. Ross Miller
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. William Gardner
    Secretary of State - LEG
    Hon. Nina Mitchell Wells
    Secretary of State - A
    Hon. Mary Herrera
    Secretary of State - E
    NEW YORK (D)
    Hon. Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez
    Secretary of State - A
    Hon. Elaine Marshall
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Alvin "Al" Jaeger
    Secretary of State - E
    OHIO (D)*
    Hon. Jennifer Brunner
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. M. Susan Savage
    Secretary of State - A
    NASS 2008-2009
    Executive Board
    Hon. Pedro Cortes, PA
    Hon. Trey Grayson, KY
    Hon. Todd Rokita, IN
    Past President
    Hon. Matt Dunlap, ME
    Hon. Robin Carnahan, MO
    Hon. A. Ralph Mollis, RI
    VP Eastern Region
    Hon. Karen Handel, GA
    VP Southern Region
    Hon. Jennifer Brunner, OH
    VP Midwestern Region
    Hon. Brad Johnson, MT
    VP Western Region
    Hon. Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, NY
    Hon. John Gale, NE
    OREGON (D)*
    Hon. Bill Bradbury
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Pedro A. Cortés
    Sec. of the Commonwealth - A
    Hon. A. Ralph Mollis
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Mark Hammond
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Chris Nelson
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Riley Darnell
    Secretary of State - LEG
    TEXAS (R)*
    Hon. Esperanza "Hope" Andrade
    Secretary of State - A
    UTAH (R)*
    Hon. Gary P. Herbert
    Lieutenant Governor - E
    VERMONT (D)*
    Hon. Deb Markowitz
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Katherine K. Hanley
    Sec. of the Commonwealth - A
    Hon. Sam Reed
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Betty Ireland
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Douglas La Follette
    Secretary of State - E
    WYOMING (R)*
    Hon. Max Maxfield
    Secretary of State - E
    Hon. Stephanie Scott
    Secretary of the District - A
    Hon. Ipulasi A. Sunia
    Lieutenant Governor - E
    GUAM (R)
    Hon. Michael Cruz
    Lieutenant Governor - E
    Hon. Fernando Bonilla
    Secretary of State - A
    Hon. Gregory Francis
    Lieutenant Governor - E

    A=Secretaries Appointed 10 Republicans 24 CEO=Chief Election Official
    E=Secretaries Elected 38 Democrats 27 Appointed Secretaries serving as CEO 4
    LEG=Secretaries Selected by Legislature 3 Elected Secretaries serving as CEO 33
    Men 32 Legislatively Selected Secretaries serving as CEO 2
    Women 19
    Hon. Beth Chapman
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol
    600 Dexter Avenue,
    Ste. S-105
    Montgomery, AL 36104
    (334) 242-7200
    Fax (334) 242-4993
    ALASKA (R) (CEO)
    Hon. Sean Parnell
    Lieutenant Governor -E
    P.O. Box 110015
    Juneau, AK 99811-0015
    (907) 465-3520
    Fax (907) 465-5400
    Hon. Jan Brewer
    Secretary of State - E
    7th Floor, State Capitol
    1700 W. Washington
    Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
    Fax (520) 628-6938
    Hon. Charlie Daniels
    Secretary of State -E
    256 State Capitol Building
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    (501) 682-1010
    Fax (501) 682-3510
    Hon. Debra Bowen
    Secretary of State –E
    1500 11th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    (916) 653-7244
    Fax (916) 653-4795
    Hon. Mike Coffman
    Secretary of State-E
    1700 Broadway, Suite 250
    Denver, CO 80290
    (303) 894-2200
    Fax (303) 869-4860
    Hon. Susan Bysiewicz
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol, Room 104
    Hartford, CT 06105
    (860) 509-6200
    Fax (860) 509-6209
    Hon. Harriet Smith Windsor
    Secretary of State -A
    Townsend Building
    401 Federal St, Ste 3
    Dover, DE 19901
    (302) 739-4111
    Fax (302) 739-3811
    Hon. Kurt Browning
    Secretary of State -A
    R.A. Gray Building
    500 S. Bronough, Suite 100
    Tallahassee, FL 32399
    (850) 245-6500
    Fax: (850) 245-6125
    Hon. Karen Handel
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol, Room 214
    Atlanta, GA 30334
    (404) 656-2881
    Fax (404) 656-0513
    HAWAII (R)
    Hon. James “Duke” Aiona
    Lieutenant Governor -E
    State Capitol, Fifth Floor
    Honolulu, HI 96813
    (808) 586-0255
    Fax (808) 586-0231
    IDAHO (R) (CEO)
    Hon. Ben Ysursa
    Secretary of State –E
    304 N. 8
    th St, Suite 149
    P.O. Box 83720
    Boise, ID 83720
    (208) 334-2300
    Fax (208) 334-2282
    Hon. Jesse White
    Secretary of State -E
    213 State Capitol
    Springfield, IL 62756
    (217) 782-2201
    Fax (217) 785-0358
    Hon. Todd Rokita
    Secretary of State -E
    201State House
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
    (317) 232-6532
    Fax (317) 233-3283
    IOWA (D) (CEO)
    Hon. Michael Mauro
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol, Room 105
    1007 E. Grand Ave.
    Des Moines, IA 50319
    (515) 281-8993
    Fax (515) 242-5952
    KANSAS (R) (CEO)
    Hon. Ron Thornburgh
    Secretary of State -E
    120 SW 10
    th Ave
    Memorial Hall
    Topeka, KS 66612
    (785) 296-4575
    Fax (785) 368-8033
    Hon. Trey Grayson
    Secretary of State -E
    700 Capital Ave., Suite 152
    Frankfort, KY 40601-3493
    (502) 564-3490
    Fax (502) 564-5687
    Hon. Jay Dardenne
    Secretary of State –E
    P.O. Box 94125
    Baton Rouge, LA 70804
    (225) 342-4479
    Fax (225) 342-5577
    MAINE (D) (CEO)
    Hon. Matthew Dunlap
    Secretary of State -LEG
    148 State House Station
    Augusta, ME 04333-0148
    (207) 626-8400
    Fax (207) 287-8598
    Hon. John McDonough
    Secretary of State -A
    State House
    Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 974-5521
    Fax (410) 974-5527
    Hon. William Galvin
    Sec. of the Commonwealth-E
    State House, Room 337
    Boston, MA 02133
    (617) 727-9180
    Fax (617) 742-4722
    Hon. Terri Lynn Land
    Secretary of State -E
    430 W. Allegan Street, 4
    th Fl.
    Lansing, MI 48918
    (517) 373-2510
    Fax (517) 373-0727
    Hon. Mark Ritchie
    Secretary of State -E
    180 State Office Building
    100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
    King Jr. Blvd.
    St. Paul, MN 55155-1299
    (651) 201-1328
    Fax (651) 215-0682
    Hon. C. Delbert Hosemann, Jr.
    Secretary of State-E
    P.O. Box 136
    401 Mississippi St.
    Jackson, MS 39205-0136
    (601) 359-6342
    Fax (601) 359-6700
    Hon. Robin Carnahan
    Secretary of State -E
    600 West Main
    PO Box 1767
    Jefferson City, MO 65101
    Fax (573)552-3082
    Hon. Brad Johnson
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol, Rm.260
    Helena, MT 59601
    (406) 444-2034
    Fax (406) 444-3976
    Hon. John Gale
    Secretary of State-E
    1445 K St, Suite 2300
    P.O. Box 94608
    Lincoln, NE 68509-4608
    (402) 471-2554
    Fax (402) 471-3237
    NEVADA (D) (CEO)
    Hon. Ross Miller
    Secretary of State-E
    101 North Carson Street,
    Suite 3
    Carson City, NV 89701
    (775) 684-5708
    Fax (775) 684-5724
    Hon. William Gardner
    Secretary of State-LEG
    107 North State Street
    Concord, NH 03301
    (603) 271-3242
    Fax (603) 271-6316
    Hon. Nina Mitchell Wells
    Secretary of State -A
    P.O. Box 300
    Trenton, NJ 08625
    (609) 777-2581
    Fax (609) 777-1764
    Hon. Mary Herrera
    Secretary of State -E
    325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300
    Capitol Annex
    Santa Fe, NM 87503
    (505) 827-3600
    Fax (505) 827-3634
    NEW YORK (D)
    Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez

    Secretary of State -A
    One Commerce Plaza
    99 Washington Avenue
    Suite 1100
    Albany, NY 12231
    (518) 486-9844
    Fax (518) 474-4765
    Hon. Elaine Marshall
    Secretary of State -E
    P.O. Box 29622
    Raleigh, NC 27626-0622
    (919) 807-2005
    Fax (919) 807-2010
    Hon. Alvin (Al) A. Jaeger
    Secretary of State -E
    600 East Boulevard Dept 108
    Bismarck, ND 58505-0500
    (701) 328-2900
    Fax (701) 328-2992
    OHIO (D) (CEO)
    Hon. Jennifer Brunner
    Secretary of State -E
    180 E. Broad Street
    Columbus, OH 43215
    (614) 466-2655
    Fax (614) 644-0649
    Hon. M. Susan Savage
    Secretary of State -A
    2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.,
    Ste. 101
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105
    (405) 521-3912
    Fax (405) 521-3771
    OREGON (D) (CEO)
    Hon. Bill Bradbury
    Secretary of State -E
    136 State Capitol
    Salem, OR 97310
    (503) 986-1523
    Fax (503) 986-1616
    Hon. Pedro A. Cortés
    Secretary of the Cmwlth-A
    302 North Office Building
    Harrisburg, PA 17120
    (717) 787-8727
    Fax (717) 787-1734
    Hon. A. Ralph Mollis
    Secretary of State -E
    217 State House
    82 Smith St.
    Providence, RI 02903
    (401) 222-1035
    Fax (401) 222-1356
    Hon. Mark Hammond
    Secretary of State-E
    P.O. Box 11350
    Columbia, SC 29211
    (803) 734-2170
    Fax (803) 734-1661
    Hon. Chris Nelson
    Secretary of State-E
    500 E. Capitol Building
    Suite 204
    Pierre, SD 57501
    (605) 773-3537
    Fax (605) 773-6580
    Hon. Riley Darnell
    Secretary of State-LEG
    First Floor, State Capitol
    Nashville, TN 37243-0305
    (615) 741-2819
    Fax (615) 741-5962
    TEXAS (R) (CEO)
    Hon. Esperanza “Hope” Andrade
    Secretary of State-A
    P.O. Box 12697
    Austin, TX 78711
    (512) 463-5770
    Fax (512) 475-2761
    UTAH (R) (CEO)
    Hon. Gary R. Herbert
    Lieutenant Governor -E
    Utah State Capitol, Ste. 220
    Salt Lake City, UT 84114
    (801) 538-1041
    Fax (801) 538-1133
    Hon. Deb Markowitz
    Secretary of State -E
    26 Terrace Street
    Montpelier, VT 05609-1101
    (802) 828-2148
    Fax (802) 828-2496
    Hon. Katherine K. Hanley
    Secretary of Cmwlth-A
    P.O. Box 2454, Capitol Sq.
    Richmond, VA 23218
    (804) 786-2441
    Fax (804) 371-0017
    Hon. Sam Reed
    Secretary of State -E
    Legislative Building, 2nd FL
    P.O. Box 40220
    Olympia, WA 98504-0220
    (360) 902-4151
    Fax (360) 586-5629
    Hon. Betty Ireland
    Secretary of State -E
    Building 1, Suite-157K
    1900 Kanawha Blvd., E.
    Charleston, WV 25305
    (304) 558-6000
    Fax (304) 558-0900
    Hon. Douglas La Follette
    Secretary of State -E
    30 W. Mifflin Street
    9th and 10th Floors
    Madison, WI 53703
    (608) 266-8888
    Fax (608) 266-3159
    Hon. Max Maxfield
    Secretary of State -E
    State Capitol Building
    200 West 24

    Cheyenne, WY 82002
    (307) 777-7378
    Fax (307) 777-6217
    Hon. Stephanie Scott
    Secretary of the District -A
    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue,
    N.W. , Suite 419
    Washington, DC 20004
    (202) 727-6306
    Fax (202) 727-3582
    Hon. Ipulasi A. Sunia
    Lieutenant Governor
    Office of the Governor
    Pago Pago, AS 96799
    (684) 633-4116
    (684) 633-2269
    GUAM (R)
    Hon. Michael Cruz
    Lieutenant Governor
    R.J. Bordallo Governor’s
    P.O. Box 2950
    Hagatna, GU 96932
    (671) 474-8931x9
    FAX (671) 477-2007
    Hon. Fernando Bonilla
    Secretary of State
    Department of State
    Box 9023271
    San Juan, PR 00902-3271
    (787) 723-4343
    Fax (787) 725-7303
    Hon. Gregory Francis
    Lieutenant Governor
    18 Kongens Gade
    St. Thomas, VI 00801
    (340) 774-2991
    Fax (340) 774-6953
    Leslie Reynolds
    Executive Director
    Kay Stimson
    Communications Director/
    Special Projects Manager
    Stacy Fisher
    Executive Assistant/
    Events Coordinator
    John Milhofer
    Policy Analyst
    444 N. Capitol Street, NW
    Suite 401
    Washington, D.C. 20001
    (202)624-3527 – FAX
    NASS 2008/2009 Executive
    Hon. Pedro A. Cortés, PA
    Hon. Trey Grayson, KY
    Hon. Todd Rokita, IN
    Past President
    Hon. Matt Dunlap, ME
    Hon. Robin Carnahan, MO
    Hon. A. Ralph Mollis, RI
    VP Eastern Region
    Hon. Karen Handel, GA
    VP Southern Region
    Hon. Jennifer Brunner, OH
    VP Midwestern Region
    Hon. Brad Johnson, MT
    VP Western Region
    Hon.Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, NY
    Hon. John Gale, NE
    August 15, 2008

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  16. #96
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    This link is to an ad that will appear in the Washington Times tomorrow, 11-19-2008. This is something that all America needs to know about because it is a Constitutional issue.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  17. #97
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    It'll be interesting what happens if no original, Dr. Signed, vault copy of his birth Certificate is ever presented. If 0 thinks he can thumb his nose at the Supreme Court, he's in for a civics lesson.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  18. #98
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Thanks sami, excellent info. Now if everyone will just send off a letter to their states secretary of states that will help. You don't even have to get off of your lazy butts.

    In addition, that link that you provided...that is BIG NEWS!!! This is a journalist, finally, who has connections and understands the issue and wants to see what the big secret is all about. So let's get that out here for all the world to see.

    Where's the birth certificate?

    Posted: November 17, 2008
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2008
    Incredibly, we are just nine weeks away from inaugurating the next [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]president [COLOR=blue ! important]of [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]the [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]United [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]States[/color][/color][/color] and millions of Americans still have [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]citizenship[/color][/color] eligibility questions that have never been addressed by [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Barack [COLOR=blue ! important]Obama[/color][/color][/color] and his entourage.

    All that Barack [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Obama[/color][/color]
    would have to do to put this issue to rest is to release his complete birth certificate, revealing where he was born and who were his parents.

    It seems a simple thing.

    Personally, I doubt the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Democratic [COLOR=blue ! important]Party[/color][/color][/color] would be so stupid as to run an ineligible candidate for president of the United States. I doubt Hillary Clinton would have accepted defeat at the hands of a candidate ineligible for the job.

    So it would seem Obama is simply thumbing his nose at the Constitution and the concerns of millions of American people. After all, he has made it clear the Constitution doesn't mean what it says anyway. It's all a matter of opinion.

    Maybe his intransigence on this seemingly ridiculous matter is just his way of showing he will, as president, consider himself above the Constitution. I don't know any other way to interpret his behavior, do you?

    Until last week, no one in the Obama camp would even comment on the controversy surrounding his complete birth certificate, which has never been released publicly. That changed after much hounding by WND staffers who managed to get one official Obama representative to proclaim – anonymously, I might add – that seven lawsuits filed by citizens trying to secure the birth certificate are "pure garbage."

    Obama's record of non-cooperation and secrecy has now resulted in conspiracy theories that will plague him throughout his administration if he doesn't address them now with utter transparence. Do I expect him to do so? No, I don't.

    He not only thinks those lawsuits are "garbage," evidently that's also what he thinks of the people who truly believe the Constitution means what it says and those who believe there ought to be some controlling legal authority determining Obama's eligibility for the highest office in the land before he is sworn in Jan. 20.

    Count me among those who really want to see that birth certificate now.

    Imagine the level of secrecy we can expect from an Obama administration that guards his birth certificate with such tenacity.

    I'm calling on Barack Obama today to release the entire birth certificate. And just so there is no mistake about what I am calling for, I want the part of the birth certificate that shows which hospital he was born in and who his parents were. That is the only way to establish if he is truly a natural-born citizen. Further, I am asking as a journalist and pundit that if there is any [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]government [COLOR=blue ! important]agency[/color][/color][/color]
    or government official anywhere on the planet who has inspected the birth certificate and can provide those details to the American people, the time to do so is now.

    I'm also calling on all my colleagues, from coast to coast and around the world, not to let this matter drop. Apparently it is a point of real sensitivity with Obama people.

    Good. Let's rub it in. Let's demand he produce the birth certificate at every turn – at every press conference, at every appearance, on every talk show.

    Could anything be more important than enforcing the requirements of our Constitution?

    This is hardly a laughing matter. The longer this soap opera drags on, the more suspicions it will raise – the less credibility our electoral system will have, the more many people will believe the whole political system is rigged.

    Whom does that benefit?

    I honestly can't imagine.

    What possible motivation could Obama have for not producing this simple, innocuous document that every citizen must produce to get a passport, driver's license or Social Security card?

    Are you curious?

    So am I.

    Where's the birth certificate, Sen. Obama?
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  19. #99
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Here's additional info that you may find useful:

    State Laws and Requirements List of Electors Bound by State Law and Pledges, as of November 2000
    Source: Congressional Research Service
    The Office of the Federal Register presents this material for informational purposes only, in response to numerous public inquiries. The list has no legal significance. It is based on information compiled by the Congressional Research Service. For more comprehensive information, refer to the statutory provisions provided.

    No Legal Requirement
    Electors in these States are not bound by State Law to cast their vote for a specific candidate:
    ARIZONA - 10 Electoral Votes
    ARKANSAS - 6 Electoral Votes
    DELAWARE - 3 Electoral Votes
    GEORGIA - 15 Electoral Votes
    IDAHO - 4 Electoral Votes
    ILLINOIS - 21 Electoral Votes
    INDIANA - 11 Electoral Votes
    IOWA - 7 Electoral Votes
    KANSAS - 6 Electoral Votes
    KENTUCKY - 8 Electoral Votes
    LOUISIANA - 9 Electoral Votes
    MINNESOTA - 10 Electoral Votes
    MISSOURI - 11 Electoral Votes
    NEW HAMPSHIRE - 4 Electoral Votes
    NEW JERSEY - 15 Electoral Votes
    NEW YORK - 31 Electoral Votes
    NORTH DAKOTA - 3 Electoral Votes
    PENNSYLVANIA - 21 Electoral Votes
    RHODE ISLAND - 4 Electoral Votes
    SOUTH DAKOTA - 3 Electoral Votes
    TENNESSEE - 11 Electoral Votes
    TEXAS - 34 Electoral Votes
    UTAH - 5 Electoral Votes
    WEST VIRGINIA - 5 Electoral Votes

    Legal Requirements or Pledges
    Electors in these States are bound by State Law or by pledges to cast their vote for a specific candidate:
    ALABAMA - 9 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - § 17-19-2
    ALASKA - 3 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - § 15.30.040; 15.30.070
    CALIFORNIA - 55 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 6906
    COLORADO - 9 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 1-4-304
    CONNECTICUT - 7 Electoral Votes
    State Law § 9-175
    DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - 3 Electoral Votes
    DC Pledge / DC Law - § 1-1312(g)
    FLORIDA - 27 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - § 103.021(1)
    HAWAII - 4 Electoral Votes
    State Law - §§ 14-26 to 14-28
    MAINE - 4 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 805
    MARYLAND - 10 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 20-4
    MASSACHUSETTS - 12 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - Ch. 53, § 8, Supp.
    MICHIGAN - 17 Electoral Votes
    State Law - §168.47 (Violation cancels vote and elector is replaced).
    MISSISSIPPI - 6 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - §23-15-785(3)
    MONTANA - 3 Electoral Votes
    State Law - §13-25-104
    NEBRASKA - 5 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 32-714
    NEVADA - 5 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 298.050
    NEW MEXICO - 5 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 1-15-5 to 1-15-9 (Violation is a fourth degree felony.)
    NORTH CAROLINA - 15 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 163-212 (Violation cancels vote; elector is replaced and is subject to $500 fine.)
    OHIO - 20 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 3505.40
    OKLAHOMA - 7 Electoral Votes
    State Pledge / State Law - 26, §§ 10-102; 10-109 (Violation of oath is a misdemeanor, carrying a fine of up to $1000.)
    OREGON - 7 Electoral Votes
    State Pledge / State Law - § 248.355
    SOUTH CAROLINA - 8 Electoral Votes
    State Pledge / State Law - § 7-19-80 (Replacement and criminal sanctions for violation.)
    VERMONT - 3 Electoral Votes
    State Law - title 17, § 2732
    * VIRGINIA - 13 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 24.1-162 (Virginia statute may be advisory - "Shall be expected" to vote for nominees.)
    WASHINGTON - 11 Electoral Votes
    Party Pledge / State Law - §§ 29.71.020, 29.71.040, Supp. ($1000 fine.)
    WISCONSIN - 10 Electoral Votes
    State Law - § 7.75
    WYOMING - 3 Electoral Votes
    State Law - §§ 22-19-106; 22-19-108
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  20. #100
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    I wonder if there is no birth certificate how one can claim any citizenship to any country, and how would one know who one's mother is, after all?

    Seems to me, in light of this information, Senator Obama's mommy might not have actually HAD him and he's an illegitimate kid that was picked up on the streets someplace in Africa or something.

    I mean, hey, I'm just sayin'....
    Libertatem Prius!

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