Aplomb, your fears are probably very real, and they should be addressed in a public forum.

Islam declared war on the world, essentially, long before Obama took office. I am not necessarily homing in on just the terrorists, which even to most Moslems is a terrible thing. This "religion of peace" is just as fervent in converting the world to the "right" religion as Christianity was during the Midde Ages.

There is an old Chinese saying: "Before one can become fast friends, he must fight the other." Respect of the other must be reciprocated. So, when we view a leader acting more like the other culture, we Americans feel like this leader is being un-American or kowtowing. When, in another perspective, it is building a two-way street where respect is both given and taken: leads to communication.

There will also be a continuation of debate and conflict over what is "right" within the Christian community. What I would like to see is: that the Christian community stop bickering and cooperating before claiming that the United States is going to hell in a handbasket because (and then fill in your favorite or the favorite immorality of the day).

I feel that the opinion that God will smite America because of its immorality is stretching at the least. Empires through history endured for long periods, and they were as immoral as they come.

I read too much rhetoric that expounds on the theme that if people do not worship or believe in God in a certain way, that this very God will send horrible punishments that will result in destruction. This is very Jewish in concept and was preached since the 8th Century B.C. as the reason why the Israel state was destroyed (and eventually the Judah state).

I was taught (and I still firmly believe this) that God will not be doing the destruction. People have that capacity to do it to themselves. But if one person prays, then God is there to act and save the situation.

It will not be because not enough people believe in God or follow a prescribed set of rules to identify oneself as God-fearing that will not bring down the United States.

It will not be one man (some like to create a human-like anti-Christ to depict such a scenario) that will change America from its very secular, capitalist philosophy to something very destructive, such as extreme socialism or a form of communism. It will be the very apathy of the people who populate the United States and call it "home."

So, you are very right in bringing up your fears. And, I have great hope in the American people that they will not just roll over and accept changes that are, in the long run, unacceptable. The police forces, the military forces, and others who have the power of the gun are people, too. I cannot imagine that the hundereds of thousands of Americans who are sworn to protect America and its people will suddenly turn into automatons and abandon the very principles of this country. [I'm thinking right now of those Germans who, like the proverbial Adam and Eve, simply blamed their hierarchy and were just "following orders."]