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Thread: Town Halls Gone Wild

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Town Halls Gone Wild

    Town Halls Gone Wild
    Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress.

    On the eve of the August recess, members are reporting meetings that have gone terribly awry, marked by angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior. In at least one case, a congressman has stopped holding town hall events because the situation has spiraled so far out of control.

    "I had felt they would be pointless," Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) told POLITICO, referring to his recent decision to temporarily suspend the events in his Long Island district. "There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation."

    In Bishop's case, his decision came on the heels of a June 22 event he held in Setauket, N.Y., in which protesters dominated the meeting by shouting criticisms at the congressman for his positions on energy policy, health care and the bailout of the auto industry.

    Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.

    "I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold," Bishop said, noting that, for the time being, he was using other platforms to communicate with his constituents. "But I also believe no one is served if you can't talk through differences."

    Bishop isn't the only one confronted by boiling anger and rising incivility. At a health care town hall event in Syracuse, N.Y., earlier this month, police were called in to restore order, and at least one heckler was taken away by local police. Close to 100 sign-carrying protesters greeted Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Fla.) at a late June community college small-business development forum in Panama City, Fla. Last week, Danville, Va., anti-tax tea party activists claimed they were "refused an opportunity" to ask Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-Va.) a question at a town hall event and instructed by a plainclothes police officer to leave the property after they attempted to hold up protest signs.

    The targets in most cases are House Democrats, who over the past few months have tackled controversial legislation including a $787 billion economic stimulus package, a landmark energy proposal and an overhaul of the nation's health care system.

    Democrats, acknowledging the increasing unruliness of the town-hall-style events, say the hot-button issues they are taking on have a lot to do with it.

    "I think it's just the fact that we are dealing with some of the most important public policy issues in a generation," said Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), who was confronted by a protester angry about his position on health care reform at a town hall event several weeks ago.

    "I think in general what is going on is we are tackling issues that have been ignored for a long time, and I think that is disruptive to a lot of people," said Bishop, a four-term congressman. "We are trying, one by one, to deal with a set of issues that can't be ignored, and I think that's unsettling to a lot of people."

    Freshman Rep. Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.), whose event at a Syracuse middle school was disrupted, said that he still planned to hold additional town halls but that he was also thinking about other options.

    "I think you've got to communicate through a variety of different ways. You should do the telephone town hall meetings. You should do the town hall meetings. You should do the smaller group meetings," said Maffei. "It's important to do things in a variety of ways, so you don't have one mode of communication."

    "You're going to have people of varying views, and in this case, you've got the two extremes who were the most vocal," Maffei said of the flare-up at his July 12 event.

    On Tuesday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who handles incumbent retention duties for House Democrats in addition to chairing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, met with freshman members to discuss their plans for the monthlong August recess. While the specific issue of town hall protesters never came up, according to sources familiar with the meeting, he urged them not to back away from opponents.

    "He said, 'Go on offense. Stay on the offense. It's really important that your constituents hear directly from you. You shouldn't let a day go by [that] your constituents don't hear from you,'" said one House Democratic leadership aide familiar with the meeting.

    Some members profess to enjoy the give-and-take of the town halls, even if lately it's become more take than give.

    "Town halls are a favorite part of my job," said Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.), a third-term congressman from St. Louis who noted that a "handful" of disruptions had taken place at his meetings. "It's what I do. It's what I will continue to do."

    "People have gotten fired up and all that, but I think that's what makes town halls fun," said Perriello, a freshman who is among the most vulnerable Democrats in 2010. "I think that most of the time when we get out there, it's a good chance for people to vent and offer their thoughts. It's been good."

    "I enjoy it, and people have a chance to speak their mind," he said.

    Both Carnahan and Perriello said they were plunging forward with plans to hold more town hall meetings.

    Republicans, with an eye toward 2010, are keeping close track of the climate at Democratic events.

    "We've seen Russ Carnahan, we've seen Tim Bishop, we've seen some other people face some very different crowds back home," said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas). "The days of you having a town hall meeting where maybe 15 or 20 of your friends show up — they're over. You've now got real people who are showing up — and that's going to be a factor."

    Asked later how or whether the GOP would use the confrontations against Democrats, Sessions responded: "Wait till next year."

    But Democrats are quick to point out they're not the only ones facing hostile audiences. They single out Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.), who found himself in a confrontation earlier this month with a "birther" protester, and insist that Republicans face a backlash of their own if it appears the party is too closely aligned with tea party activists or other conservative-oriented protesters.

    "It's a risk that they align themselves with such a small minority in the party," said Brian Smoot, who served as political director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the past election cycle. "They risk alienating moderates."

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    The longer it takes the rest of Middle America to wake up and get unified against the lefts communist agenda from the "Radicals in Charge", this will only grow worse before it gets better.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    Obama Came to Raleigh

    By Bubba on Jul 30, 2009 | In Tea Party | Leave Comment »
    The average IQ dropped.

    Photos/Video Obama Town Hall Meeting Protesters In Raleigh, what the media didn’t show you

    July 29, 2009 by randyedye

    This second video of crowd is much better as motorcade went by and listen to the booing when it shows motorcade driving by. This was in front of the High School where he spoke at. President Obama did not look happy with us.

    Video provided by bubba who was also a protest organzier

    Interesting day at President Obama’s Town Hall meeting at Broughton High, but first just let me say ”We kicked the liberals’ asses in numbers, debate and behavior. Found it interesting how they send a agitator into our conservative groups. Then they say something really stupid or insulting, trying to get you angry and have cameras ready to get it on film. It was so obvious, we all started laughing and ignoring them. Then they started to get right in your face and asking bait questions. One of them kept asking what my age was? It really wasn’t none of their business, so I didn’t respond, got no time for those childish games. They were picking on a Vietnam vet next to me who was having a cigarette and yelling at him for smoking and using VA dollars to treat him. They set him off a little, but the conversation ended with this girl maybe in her early 20’s stating that she hoped he died of lung cancer.
    I would like to compliment law enforcement and their support of appropriate freedom of speech. The libs were the only ones that had to be asked numberous times to stay out of the street and quit blocking the sidewalks, yellow tape had to be put up around them.
    The turn out of conservative protestors was enormous, libs had a small group, plain and simple. Conservative Patriots lined the streets for blocks as Obama’s motorcade went right by seeing all of them. I saw him up close, maybe 15 feet away, he just looked straight ahead and ignored us. Helicopter circled above, Secret service was everywhere with local law enforcement. Our protestors remained vocal, but respectable at all times. Few photos below and more later today.

    Video of telling a young republican that he creates disease

 Pro Abortion Protesters, Police had to put up yellow tape to keep them out of the street

    David of NCFreedom and me holding old glory
    these photos provided by

    Local News Coverage
    gret sites to join and support

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    Posted in Conservative Politics, Current News, Economy/Financial, Government Health care, Health care, Obama, Tea Party | Tagged Health care, Obama, President Obama, President Obama Town Hall meeting Raleigh, protest in Releigh North Carolina, Protests, socialism | 90 Comments

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    OBAMA SECRET SERVICE Pulls Guns On Conservative Tea Party Protesters

    The Obama caravan drives through Bristol, Virginia this week.

    I wish the picture below was not blurred so much, because if it was, it would give more credibility to this article…Papa Mike

    Here’s a close up of the secret service vehicle with the guns drawn on the protesters

    This came in the email after Dear Leader’s town hall event on Obamacare in Bristol, Virginia:Hey Gateway Pundit.

    I attended the town hall event in Bristol,VA today. Though very few were allowed inside, there was an amazing turnout outside of people protest health care reform, among other things. I hope to send you pictures soon of some great signs I saw. It was expected that those in opposition to the bill would outnumber those in favor by 10-1, but I feel it was much, much more.

    I do have a question I was hoping you could answer. During the motorcade when the president was arriving, there were several vehicles following the limo that contained the secret service. All of the vehicles had all the windows rolled down, and back hatch open on the SUVs with the men holding their, I assume assault rifes, machine guns, drawn on everyone lining the streets. Needless to say it took my breath away at the sight of them, and made my friends and I dizzy with fear. I have seen the secret service before, but never like this. While they were intimidating, I never felt in danger. The guns were not drawn when the motorcade was leaving the event. But I turned on a local talk radio program as we were leaving and all the calls were about witnessing the guns being pointed at them and nothing else until the end of the program.

    Having said all that, my question is, is this normal protocol during such an event? It very well could be, but after I had to get over the shock of it, I began to feel offended. We were all there peaceful, and have no problems with Obama the man, we have problems with his policies and wanted him to know the opposition was there to be heard, and know that a strong opposition did indeed exist, and that so many people don’t approve of his policies, with this bill in particular.

    So, is this normal, and I’m making a mountain out of mole hill, or did they make an exception in this mainly conservative area?


    Destiny Baker

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    Sounds to me like the SS had special instructions to watch out for those evil crazy right wingers...

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    Ohio Representative Zack Space Democratic Rep just appeared on 640 WHLO's Matt Patrick’s radio talk show.

    Matt asked Space when he would be having a LIVE Town Hall Meeting. His response said it all:

    “I’m making a commitment to reach out to as many people as possible, but I’M NOT GOING TO ALLOW SOMEONE ELSE TO DICTATE WHAT I DO!


    CLICK HERE to hear the clip

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild


     /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/ [rep-ri-zen-tuh-tiv]

    1. a person or thing that represents another or others.
    2. an agent or deputy: a legal representative.
    3. a person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body, esp. a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a lower house in certain state legislatures.
    4. a typical example or specimen of a group, quality, or kind.

    5. serving to represent; representing.
    6. standing or acting for another or others.
    7. made up of representatives: a representative assembly.
    8. of or pertaining to a system of governance by chosen representatives, usually elected from among a large group: representative government.
    9. exemplifying a group or kind; typical: a representative selection of Elizabethan plays.
    10. corresponding to or replacing some other species or the like, as in a different locality.
    11. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of representationalism.
    12. pertaining to or of the nature of a mental image or representation.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    Right wing protesters steal progressives' thunder

    The right wing's teabagging protests underscore the superior coordination of conservatives and the apparent fecklessness of the Left.

    The right wingers are stealing the methods of the Left and, perhaps, winning at it. Or maybe the press simply gives the Right more coverage.

    As reported in Specter Supports Single-Payer, Sort of, At Teabaggered Town Hall With Sebelius on OpEdNews and in White House Isn't Concerned by Protests by the Wall Street Journal, right wing protesters are aggressively disrupting Democratic town hall meetings and shouting their talking points and distortions about health care reform. Expect more such protests when Democrats return home to their districts during the summer recess.

    The Right's manufactured, faux protests may succeed, unless progressives and the news media spin the story correctly.

    In contrast, years of anti-war, anti-globalization, and pro-health care reform protests have yielded meager results.

    Will the Left let the Right steal their methods (populist street protests) and succeed where the Left failed? Will the mainstream media report about the artificiality of the Right's protests?

    So far, it seems there's hope. Even the Wall Street Journal's report noted , "Briefing reporters Tuesday, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suggested that the opposition is being organized by a small group seeking to create 'manufactured anger.'"

    But the press sure seems to give the Right's protests more coverage.

    This could -- and probably SHOULD -- get ugly, because the Left needs to protest anew.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    August 4, 2009

    DNC: GOP 'inciting angry mobs' of 'rabid right wing extremists'

    @ 4:13 pm by Michael O'Brien

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) accused Republicans of fueling "mob rule" by way of encouraging conservative protesters of Democratic lawmakers and the Obama administration across the country.

    DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse brought out the heavy artillery in a lengthy statement issued late Tuesday blasting the GOP and enablers in interest groups for spurring the protests.

    "The Republicans and their allied groups — desperate after losing two consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill — are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across the country," Woodhouse said in a statement.

    The statement comes on the heels of townhalls and events in districts across the country, where House lawmakers are on August recess, at which conservative activists have often engaged in raucous protests.

    Woodhouse likened the crowds to those during the 2008 presidential campaign who accused then-Sen. Obama of being a "socialist," out of which he said the "birther" movement was born.

    He also accused Republicans of coordinating with interest groups.

    "These mobs are bussed in by well funded, highly organized groups run by Republican operatives and funded by the special interests who are desperately trying to stop the agenda for change the President was elected to bring to Washington," Woodhouse said.

    "The right wing extremists' use of things like devil horns on pictures of our elected officials, hanging members of Congress in effigy, breathlessly questioning the President's citizenship and the use of Nazi SS symbols and the like just shows how outside of the mainstream the Republican Party and their allies are," he added.

    Update, 4:35 p.m.RNC press secretary Gail Gitcho responds:
    It is remarkably callous and extraordinarily out-of-touch for the White House and the Democrats to call the genuine concern over President Obama's government-run health care plan "manufactured." American families, small business owners, doctors, veterans, and seniors have real and serious concerns over the president's risky and costly government-run health care experiment. And they should — taxpayers will pay for this costly health care experiment because it will raise taxes without decreasing costs, increase the deficit and lead to less choice and lower-quality health coverage
    Republicans are also pointing to a line contained with a Democratic memo outlining recess activities highlighting the party's coordination with HCAN, Families USA, AFSCME, SEIU, AARP, among other groups, over recess.

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    The Gathering Storm (vanity)

    Email ^ | Aug 5, 2009 | Unknown
    Posted on Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:37:05 AM by Islander7

    I received this in an email. I don't necessarily endorse all that said here, but there is food for thought.

    When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won’t just be us gun owners or Flat Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You’ll be right there next to us.

    You see, you all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. And you thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You’ll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television – it’s all good. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost – go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov 4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as “politics as usual” – “the same old stuff”.

    In the end, it’ll all be OK won’t it?

    Not this time.

    There are a growing number of citizens in the US that are ready to fight to shut down the government’s grab of personal freedom, it’s blatant abuse of the constitution, and it’s attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won’t start that fight, but when it goes down I will join it.

    As for you, why… you’ll be shocked because you didn’t see it coming.

    And eventually you’ll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You’ll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you’ll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.

    You know, McCain wasn’t much of a candidate. I’ll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don’t blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn’t know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way of life and he understood that you can’t negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members of the Greatest Generation.

    Mark my words friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America . They’re not militia groups, terrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe….. they are Americans, loyal to the constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause. But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it…get ready. It will happen.

    When that event happens, whatever “it” is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.

    Live Free or Die Fighting

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    And yet, the liberals, and the republicans in name only, and the independants, and the obama lovers refuse......ABSOLUTELY listen or take heed. they stand up and name call, and obfuscate, they claim those of us sensible people are fear mongering, and telling half truths, they say we are only out to attack Obama. well, i for one think obama is part of the problem, and needs to be voted out on his ear, but congress will come first. VOTE! form PAC's, raise money, speak out, speak up and be HEARD. write congressmen. repeatedly so they know your stance hasnt changed. flood their phones, inboxes and mailboxes. let it be so bad for them it is UNDENIABLE what the people's will is.

    Then, Vote the sleazy scummy peices of trash out of office.


  15. #15
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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard'

    Top White House aides gave Senate Democrats a recess battle plan on Thursday, arming the lawmakers with tips for avoiding disastrous town hall meetings while showing them polling on popular aspects of the reform effort.

    Senior White House adviser David Axelrod and deputy chief of staff Jim Messina told senators to focus on the insured and how they would benefit from “consumer protections" in the overhaul, such as ending the practice of denying insurance based on preexisting conditions and ensuring the continuity of coverage between jobs.

    They showed video clips of the confrontational town halls that have dominated the media coverage, and told senators to do more prep work than usual for their public meetings by making sure their own supporters turn out, senators and aides said.

    And they screened TV ads and reviewed the various campaigns by critics of the Democratic plan.

    “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,” Messina said, according to an official who attended the meeting.

    ...“They are just helping us understand the fringe that is trying to mess up our meetings,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    It begins... Obama Calls Out Union Thugs To "Directly Engage" Protesters

    Like Hitler's use of Brownshirts to attack and intimidate Jews and other non-supporting Germans of the regime, Obama has called on Union Thugs to escalate and intimidate those who have come to voice opposition to Obama's Health Care takeover at town hall meetings.

    If you thought all the Youtube videos of constituents getting angry at Congress critters who are ignoring their opposition was ugly, things are about to get a whole lot 'uglier'.

    As I've said before - Obama and the Marxists WANT a confrontation. A violent one.

    And once it starts - it's going to get ugly FAST, and it could end up with military taking to the streets.

    Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls

    The nation's largest federation of labor organizations has promised to directly engage with boisterous conservative protesters at Democratic town halls during the August recess.

    In a memo sent out on Thursday, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney outlined the blueprint for how the union conglomerate would step up recess activities on health care reform and other topics pertinent to the labor community. The document makes clear that Obama allies view the town hall forums as ground zero of the health care debate. It also uses the specter of the infamous 2000 recount "Brooks Brothers" protest to rally its members to the administration's side.

    "The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts," reads the memo. "We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing "Tea-Party Patriots" who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they've been trying to do to meetings for the last month. ...

    Last edited by vector7; August 7th, 2009 at 06:01.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    Apathy and inaction got us here....inaction is not going to make this go away.

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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    MY EXPERIENCE AT THE TOWN CALL MEETING – Lloyd Doggett-today at the Veterans Admin.and heat stroke

    personal experience today | august 6, 2009 | self
    Posted on Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:58:24 PM by bareford101

    BACKGROUND: I am a healthy white woman, 67 years old, 5’2” tall and weigh 115 pounds. Today, I attended another "town hall" meeting which Doggett set up.

    MY EXPERIENCE AT THE TOWN CALL MEETING – Lloyd Doggett It was on the news this morning that Doggett would be having another Town Hall meeting today at the Veterans Affairs Center. Since my husband has used that Center (as a retired General with 90% disability), I had my ID military card and proceeded to go in. I was not carrying any type of bag or purse - only my sign. In the sign in area, the clerk behind the counter looked up my card, found me on the computer, and told the policeman that it was “o.k” for me to go in to the small auditorium. I had my poster with me. On one side was a blown up photo of my husband graduating from West Point and shaking the hand of John F. Kennedy.. it’s a great picture! On the other side, I had written: “NO MORE LIES!!!”

    As I entered, at 1:30 p.m. there were about 4 police officers in the blue uniforms and a lot of other people walking around talking on their walkie-talkies and checking everyone before people were allowed in.

    I proceded the small auditorium, (more like a small movie theatre with 2 aisles) and sat down on the back chair facing 3 men who were my generation and had on their Army caps, as did I. And we began to chat.

    Within 5 minutes a police officer (blue uniform) came and got me and told me I had to leave with my sign because I was on FEDERAL property. I asked “where can I go?” His answer was “come on out with me and I’ll ask my supervisor”. So I did and a few minutes later (all the while people are coming in and I’m standing there in the lobby holding my sign), he came back and said “you will have to go outside”. I said “It’s 106 degrees outside”! I knew that because I had just seen it in my car which tells the temp. I couldn’t hear his reply so I leaned in a little and his response was: “back up, don’t get close to me”! Now, here I am trying to hear and do what I was asked and he is afraid of me! I backed up and asked him again where was the closest place I could stand and could I stay in the air conditioning”. His answer was “No, you have to go out on the sidewalk with your sign”. In front of the building there are several rows of cars and a wide cement area when you first come out of the building. Near one of the arches, I saw some shade and so I walked over there and stood with my sign. Within 5 minutes, another police officer came over to me and told me I had to go out on the street sidewalk. This is a very wide 4 lane street with an old sidewalk. There is absolutely no shade.

    I told him I would obey and for the next hour and a half I walked up and down along the highway in front of the building with my sign. The temperature was at least 106 degrees – which is typical for Austin in August.. For the first hour there was no one else walking or in the sun. Just me and then 3-4 people came out with small signs for Obama and they just wanted to fight… I’m too old to fight, so I just kept on walking. I got a lot of thumbs up and horns… and one car stopped with 3 people in it that I declare I have seen on the street panhandling here in Austin, and they called me a delusional old woman”. Since I’ve been called worse, I just kept on walking.

    At 3:15 p.m. when I arrived back at my home, I was still trembling and flushed from the heat and took my body temperature. Normally my temp. is 97.8. RIGHT NOW, it is the same degree that I was walking in for an hour and a half – 106 degrees Fahrenheit!!! That translates into a heat stroke.

    And my husband served our country, was terribly wounded and I couldn’t stand on federal property with my sign!

    Give me Liberty or give me death.

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  20. #20
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    Default Re: Town Halls Gone Wild

    The meetings are going to become managed if they have them at all.

    Expect the Marxists to fill the halls with Pro Obama stooges and Union thugs to support Obama's plan for socialized healthcare.
    Last edited by vector7; August 7th, 2009 at 13:55.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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