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Thread: Terrorism here in the US

  1. #281
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    Najibullah Zazi used Web to find bomb supplies, feds say

    File - Terrorism suspect Najibullah Zazi arrives at the offices of the FBI in Denver for questioning in this Sept. 17, 2009 file photo. Zazi plotted for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs in the United States, an indictment charged Thursday Sept. 24, 2009. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski, File)

    NEW YORK (AP) — Najibullah Zazi went from Pakistan to suburban Denver beauty shops in a hunt for the supplies and skill to make hydrogen peroxide bombs for al-Qaida, authorities charged in papers describing one of the most significant post-9/11 terror threats to the United States.

    The 12-page memorandum outlining the alleged conspiracy also used the repeated phrase "and others," evidence of a possible al-Qaida cell plotting a homemade bomb attack on U.S. soil.

    Zazi, a 24-year-old coffee cart owner in New York and Denver airport shuttle driver, was charged in New York with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. He was to appear in court in Denver on Friday.

    Since he was arrested a week ago on a lesser count of lying to terrorist investigators, investigators have fanned out over New York City, going to beauty shops, home improvement stores and neighborhoods Zazi frequented looking for possible accomplices, while the government issued national terrorism warnings for sports complexes, hotels and transit systems.

    Prosecutors said they have yet to establish exactly when and where the Zazi attacks were supposed to take place. But Attorney General Eric Holder said in Washington, "We believe any imminent threat arising from this case has been disrupted."

    A law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that Zazi had associates in New York who were in on the plot. Court papers say that during the summer, Zazi and three unidentified associates bought "unusually large quantities" of hydrogen peroxide and acetone — a flammable solvent found in nail-polish remover — from beauty supply stores in the Denver area, products with names like Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer and Clairoxide.

    Afghan-born Zazi searched a Queens home improvement store Web site for another ingredient needed to make a compound called TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide), the explosives used in the London bombings that killed over 50 people, prosecutors said.

    Zazi has publicly denied being a terrorist since his arrest. He left a Denver court Thursday without commenting.

    The government motion seeking to deny bail laid out a chronology of the alleged scheme, which prosecutors said had been in the works for over a year.

    Zazi — a legal U.S. resident who immigrated in 1999 — began plotting as early as August 2008 to "use one or more weapons of mass destruction," when he "and others" traveled from Newark, N.J., to receive explosives training in Pakistan, prosecutors said.

    Within days of returning from Pakistan in early 2009, he moved to the Denver suburb of Aurora, where he used a computer to research homemade bomb ingredients and to look up beauty supply stores where he could buy them, according to prosecutors.

    A second law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation said associates of Zazi visited Colorado from New York to help him buy the chemicals, using stolen credit cards to make the purchases before returning to New York.

    Security video and receipts show that some of the purchases were made near a Colorado hotel, according to court papers. On Sept. 6 and 7, Zazi checked into a suite at the hotel with a kitchen and a stove, the papers say, and tried to contact an unidentified associate "seeking to correct mixtures of ingredients to make explosives."

    "Zazi repeatedly emphasized in the communications that he needed the answers right away," the papers said. "Each communication" was "more urgent than the last."

    FBI explosives testing later found residue in the vent above the stove, authorities said.

    On Sept. 8, court papers say, Zazi searched the Internet for home improvement stores in Queens before driving a rental car for a two-day trip to the city. The visit triggered a series of searches in Denver and New York City over the past two weeks, and netted backpacks, cell phones and a scale at a home where Zazi spent the night.

    A law enforcement official said Thursday that authorities had been especially worried about Zazi's Sept. 10 visit to the city because it coincided with a visit by President Barack Obama, and considered arresting him right away. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation continues.

    Beauty supply store employees in New York and the Denver suburbs said authorities had been there recently asking whether anyone had come in buying a lot of hydrogen peroxide or acetone.

    At Beauty Supply Warehouse in suburban Denver, Paul Phillips said a co-worker told investigators he had sold chemicals to Zazi. Company president Karan Hoss said the firm turned over security video of a man matching Zazi's description to the FBI. A check of sales found that someone bought a dozen 32-ounce bottles of a hydrogen peroxide product in July. More was purchased in late August, Hoss said.

    Zazi's father, Mohammed Wali Zazi, and a New York City imam, Ahmad Wais Afzali, also appeared in court Thursday on charges they lied to investigators.

    Mohammed Zazi, 53, was ordered freed under court supervision in Denver until an Oct. 9 hearing. Afzali, who was accused of tipping off the Zazis to the federal probe against them in a tapped telephone call, was released in New York on $1.5 million bail.

    Afzali's attorney, Ron Kuby, denied his client knew anything about a plot.

    "Obviously, the government would not be consenting to bail if it thought he was involved in a terrorism conspiracy," he said.

    In unrelated terrorism cases elsewhere around the country Thursday:
    — Michael C. Finton, a 29-year-old man who idolized American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, was arrested after attempting to detonate what he thought was a bomb inside a van outside a federal courthouse in Springfield, Ill., officials said. FBI agents had infiltrated the alleged plot months ago.

    — A 19-year-old Jordanian was arrested after placing what he thought was a bomb at a downtown Dallas skyscraper, federal prosecutors said. The decoy device was provided by an undercover FBI agent. Federal officials said the case against Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, who is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, is unrelated to the Illinois case.

    — Two North Carolina men under arrest since July on international terrorism charges were also accused by prosecutors of plotting to kill U.S. military personnel.
    Last edited by vector7; November 11th, 2009 at 11:02.

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  2. #282
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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    Originally Posted by vector7
    Obama Has Guaranteed Us Another 9/11 Attack
    The Advocate

    By Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin

    Friday, April 24, 2009
    President Barack Obama has taken more steps to guarantee another 9/11 attack on America. He did that by forbidding enhanced interrogations that have already prevented a second 9/11 in Los Angeles. But it gets worse.

    He issued the interrogation memo but edited out everything that documented how enhanced interrogation works. So he not only guaranteed more terrorist attacks on America but, in a single stroke, also committed a massive fraud by censoring out the effectiveness information. If anyone ought to be investigated for actions that damage America, it is not the Bush administration, but none other than President Obama.

    And to further compound the crime, he calls for an investigation of those responsible for enhanced interrogation to be conducted by Attorney General Eric Holder. He’s the chap that, along with former Attorney General Janet Reno, created the wall between the FBI and CIA, which caused our failure to detect the 9/11 plot. Bill O’Reilly was on target when he said Mr. Holder was nothing more than a partisan and an incompetent … who distinguished himself by improperly sanctioning the pardoning of terrorists and a fugitive from justice.

    With that kind of activity piling up, it should be obvious to the most casual observer the Obama administration and the mainstream media have teamed up in a combination that is on an almost certain path to destroy America. The Obama administration is letting loose with every kind of radical program, and the mainstream media is providing them with perfect cover, translating the most dangerous radicalism into seemingly mainstream policy. They are selling the presidential fraud that is Mr. Obama. They were responsible for electing him, and are now using their biased journalism to sell his programs.

    The Obama moves so far have set us on a course to provide financial disaster, with unsustainable debt already here and back-breaking taxes in our near future. The Obama administration has already started to destroy our security, by displaying incredible weakness, and presenting Barack “The Apologizer and Appeaser” Obama. Most recently, the release of the documents relating to enhanced interrogation informs terrorists, destroys morale at the CIA and sets off a Banana Republic scene of criminalizing political positions and criminalizing lawyers whose opinions the Obama administration disagrees with. President Obama has, in effect, called for a witch hunt and show trial. The total insanity is demonstrated by holding lawyers criminally responsible for their legal advice and legal opinions. This means all of our lawyers are going to jail, but it also means that too many of our politicians have flipped their wigs.

    It means our intelligence service will be run by a bunch of lawyers instead of by spies. There will be the kind of intelligence paralysis we initiated in the 1970s that led to our being unprepared for the likes of 9/11.

    There is another disconcerting aspect of the famed Obama flip-flop on prosecuting those responsible for the memos on interrogation. President Obama’s prior theme was that we have to look forward and not back. His chief of staff and press secretary both said there would be no prosecution of the CIA personnel who carried out the advice in the interrogation memos and of the lawyers and others responsible for the memos. Then President Obama suddenly changed his mind and passed the matter to Mr. Holder for his disposition. This suggests President Obama is buckling under pressure from left-wing radical pressure groups, the base of the Obama support, who want blood from the Bush administration.

    The president is a total leftist and radical, and he is being nudged even further off the looney left cliff by the likes of, George Soros, and the rest of the most radical elements in American politics. This has turned into criminalizing the previous presidential administration and another senseless distraction from the major issues of our time, like the war on terror and the economy.

    Don’t expect Mr. Obama to stand up to his leftist supporters. This is the moral weakling who could not even stand up to the corrupt Chicago political machine when called to do so, and this is the same moral runt who sat quietly in the pews of the church of Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright for 20 years. And I should add, this is the guy who sat quietly while dictator Daniel Ortega went on for 40 minutes with an anti-American rant. He didn’t have the courage or sense to walk out in protest. Then he said he was glad that dictator Mr. Ortega did not criticize him for things that happened when he was 2 years old. This egomaniac thinks it is about him, when he should know it is about America. He thinks he is in a popularity contest and doesn’t realize he’s the president of the U.S. and the leader of the free world.

    The only thing that can stop the march of the Obama administration and the mainstream media from destroying the U.S. is a public uprising that generates irresistible public opinion demanding a change of course. And that brings us to the theme of this column — the mainstream media and its total distortion of the news. This has already led to decisions with disastrous consequences, such as electing a president who wasn’t vetted and whose radical record and associates would probably have assured his electoral defeat — if the public was given the facts, which it wasn’t due to the bias of the mainstream media.

    The public has to stop relying on the mainstream media, and get a full picture of the world by getting news and information from other sources as well. The mainstream media gives only one sliver of the news that conforms to its radical leftist bias.

    The public has to be aware of that looney-left bias of the mainstream media and act accordingly. For example, when we discuss media bias, we often think of electoral news and a small group of other issues. But the bias is pervasive. The radical left has an agenda, which is adopted and sold by the mainstream media.

    Here’s one area of bias you may not have thought of — the Second Amendment and the right of the citizen to bear arms. I’ve never found that matter the subject of extended treatment, even in the alternative media. About the only places you find it discussed are in the publications of the National Rifle Association (NRA). That came home to me when I was reading a copy of the NRA’s magazine Freedom (May 2009).

    The NRA’s executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, in a piece called “Standing Guard: A National Threat,” discussed media bias when it comes to the Second Amendment. He showed how the media has placed blame for what’s going on in Mexico on the Second Amendment. For example, he cites an ABC News story that was headlined, “U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs: Second Amendment to Blame!” The story was rigged to blame what’s going on in Mexico on the Second Amendment and presumably guns bought in America. But the pictures that accompanied the ABC story showed pictures of such weapons as M-60 machine guns and other strictly military weapons, which are irrelevant to Second Amendment issues. And it quoted a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms official as saying, “It’s virtually impossible to buy a firearm in Mexico as a private citizen, so this country is where they come [from].”

    This story was based on a series of lies as was a cited New York Times article, which claimed “American gun dealers along the border were busily arming the cartels’ murderous gangs…A vast arms bazaar is rampant along the four border states, enabled by porous to non-existent American gun laws…”

    Mr. LaPierre shows how the drug cartel routinely pays corrupt Mexican officials as much as $400,000 a month in bribes. With a virtually unlimited supply of money in the hands of the drug cartel, Mr. LaPierre thinks it is strange that they have to rely on American gun dealers to buy their weapons one at a time. He writes: “You would think that some responsible individual in the media would report that with such market power in dollars, the Mexican cartels buy massive quantities of illegal arms on the open, illegal international market. Or that organized crime kingpins with unlimited drug funding obtain military arms through bribes and payoffs internationally.

    “No way. The in-the-tank American media is sticking to the spoon-fed notion that some of the richest, most ruthless criminals in the world, who will stop at no act of barbarism or violation of international law, are obtaining firearms from licensed dealers in the U.S. — one weapon background check at a time.”

    The mainstream media wants to sell its gun control agenda and the facts and the truth be damned.

    Mr. LaPierre makes a convincing case that blaming the Second Amendment for what goes on in Mexico is just one more attempt of the Obama administration to take advantage of a crisis to achieve objectives not otherwise attainable. The objectives here are more restrictions on gun ownership and more impairment of the Second Amendment.

    You will recall White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s now famous statement, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

    So the bottom line, writes Mr. LaPierre, is, “Mexico is the crisis and banning our guns is their craven opportunity. We must have a single message to Congress and the media.”

    “Seal the borders. Punish the guilty. Use existing federal gun and drug laws to the fullest against violent drug syndicates here and in Mexico.

    “Bottom line: At issue is not the absence of law, but the political will to enforce the laws both nations already possess. In the search for solutions to Mexico’s ruthless criminal enterprise, American gun owners will stand resolute for enforcement of the rule of law against drug and gun traffickers.

    “But when it comes to our Second Amendment rights, we will yield nothing, nor should we.”

    You may or may not agree with Mr. LaPierre, but you should agree that something is wrong with the mainstream media when you have to read National Rifle Association publications to get some discussion of the point of view of gun owners and a point of view other than that of The New York Times and the other leftist, biased mainstream media outlets.

    I found reading the NRA publication valuable and informative because it gave me important information and persuasive arguments on matters, which the mainstream media automatically censors out of its publications. On the Second Amendment — as on the war on terror and on solutions to the financial crisis — I think the mainstream media is giving us one-sided information that is bringing us to many dangerous and mistaken conclusions and policies.

    Herb Denenberg is a former Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner, and professor at the Wharton School. He is a longtime Philadelphia journalist and consumer advocate. He is also a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of the Sciences. His column appears daily in The Bulletin. You can reach him at

    Obama Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border

    Thursday, September 24, 2009
    By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief

    A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer is seen from Mexico's side of the San Ysidro port of entry guarding vehicles involved in a shooting in Tijuana, Mexico, Sept. 22, 2009. Four people were injured in a gun battle involving an attempt to smuggle illegal immigrants from Mexico at the busiest border crossing in the U.S., authorities said. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

    ( - Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling confirmed this week--as I first reported in my column yesterday--that his agency is planning for a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.

    A Department of Homeland Security annual performance review updated by the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border to the Northern Border to meet the FY 2010 staffing requirements, with only a small increase in new agents for the Southwest Border in the same year.”

    Easterling said on Tuesday that in fiscal 2009, 17,399 Border Patrol agents have been deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border. In fiscal year 2010, the Border Patrol plans to decrease that by 384 agents, leaving 17,015 deployed along the Mexican frontier. At the same time, the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Canada border will be increased by 414, from a fiscal 2009 total of 1,798 agents to a fiscal 2010 total of 2,212.

    The Border Patrol is responsible for securing a total of 8,607 miles of border, including the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S.-Canada border from Washington state to Maine, and sectors of coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    Each year, the Border Patrol sets a goal for “border miles under effective control (including certain coastal sectors).” “Effective control,” as defined by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, means that when the Border Patrol detects an illegal border crosser in a particular area of the border the agency can be expected to succeed in apprehending that person.

    In the May 7 update of its performance review, DHS said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2009 was to have 815 of the 8,607 miles of border for which the agency is responsible under “effective control.” The review also said the Border Patrol’s goal for fiscal 2010 was to again have 815 miles of border under “effective control,” meaning DHS was not planning to secure a single additional mile of border in the coming year.

    However, Acting Deputy Assistant Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Todd Owen told a House committee in July that the Border Patrol already had 894 miles of border under effective control as of May 31 of this year. These 894 miles, Owen said, included 697 miles on the Mexican border, 32 miles on the Canadian border and 165 miles in the coastal sectors.

    Easterling said this week that as of now the Border Patrol still has the same 894 miles of border under effective control that it had under effective control as of May 31. He also said the agency would not relinquish control of any of these miles in the coming year. After the beginning of the new fiscal year, he said, the Border Patrol would reevaluate the situation and set a new goal for border miles under “effective control” for 2010 that would at least equal, and might exceed, the 894 miles currently under effective control.

    “The intention is to take back the border incrementally, and make gains that we can keep,” Easterling said. “We do not intend, nor will we give back, miles that we have gained control over.”

    Easterling said the Border Patrol would be able to maintain the current number of miles under effective control on the Mexico border with fewer agents deployed there thanks to “force multipliers,” including new fencing, roads and other infrastructure that has been built in recent years. He also cited the assistance the Border Patrol receives from local police and sheriffs departments and community watch groups.

    But even if the Border Patrol is able to maintain or marginally improve on the current level of security on the U.S.-Mexico border, most of the border will remain effectively open to smuggling both contraband and persons.

    The entire U.S.-Mexico border is 1,954 miles long, according to the International Boundary and Water Commission. While 697 of those miles are now under “effective control,” according to the Border Patrol, 1,257 miles are not under “effective control.”

    Reports from other government agencies paint a vivid picture of the massive drug and alien smuggling that takes place in these uncontrolled expanses and the national security problem created by unsecured border lands.

    Each year, the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center produces “drug market analyses” for each of 32 regions of the country that the NDIC describes as “high intensity drug trafficking areas.” Five of these areas sit along the U.S.-Mexico border. These include the California border region, Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas and South Texas. The latest reports, released in March and April of this year, use candid language in portraying the U.S.-Mexican frontier as wide open to drug smuggling and even vulnerable to penetration by potential terrorists.

    The California-Mexico border, the NDIC said, was “easily breached” on both foot and in vehicles.

    “The vast border area presents innumerable remote crossing points that traffickers exploit to smuggle illicit drugs, primarily marijuana, into the country from Mexico,” said NDIC. “These areas are easily breached by traffickers on foot, in private vehicles, or in all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) as they smuggle drugs between POEs [ports of entry], particularly the mountainous areas in eastern San Diego County and the desert and sand dune areas in Imperial County.”

    Arizona’s border was judged to be open not only to drug smugglers but also aliens with “extensive criminal records” and from “special interest countries,” which are defined as “countries that could export individuals who could bring harm to the United States through terrorism.”

    “Some criminal organizations smuggle aliens and gang members into the United States,” said NDIC’s report on Arizona. “These particular individuals typically have extensive criminal records and pose a threat, not only to the Arizona HIDTA [high intensity drug trafficking area] region but also to communities throughout the United States. Alien smuggling organizations reportedly also smuggle aliens from countries other than Mexico, including special-interest countries.”

    “Special-interest countries are those designated by the intelligence community as countries that could export individuals who could bring harm to the United States through terrorism,” said the NDIC report.

    The NDIC described the Arizona-Mexico border as “largely underprotected” in the areas between official ports of entry.

    “Large amounts of illicit drugs are smuggled into the area from Mexico, and bulk cash is transported from the area into Mexico,” said NDIC. “These trafficking activities are facilitated by several factors unique to the region, including the continuing economic and population growth in Arizona’s two primary drug markets (Phoenix and Tucson), the highways that connect major metropolitan areas in Arizona with major illicit drug source areas in Mexico, and a remote, largely underprotected border area between Arizona’s ports of entry (POEs).

    “Vast stretches of remote, sparsely populated border areas are located within the HIDTA region; these areas are especially conducive to large-scale drug smuggling,” said NDIC. “By the end of January 2009, 108 miles of the 262-mile shared border between Arizona and Mexico will have some type of fencing. However, few physical barriers exist in border areas between POEs, particularly in the West Desert area of the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Tucson Sector, to impede drug traffickers, chiefly Mexican DTOs, from smuggling illicit drug shipments into the United States from Mexico.”

    Part of the New Mexico border was described as “an ideal smuggling corridor.”

    “Southwestern New Mexico—specifically Hidalgo, Luna, and Dona Ana Counties—shares a 180-mile border with Mexico,” said NDIC. “More than half the length of this border is desolate public land that contains innumerable footpaths, roads, and trails. Additionally, many ranches are located along the border. These factors and minimal law enforcement coverage make the area an ideal smuggling corridor for drugs and other illicit goods and services— primarily alien smuggling into the United States and weapons and bulk cash smuggling into Mexico. Mexican DTOs smuggle multihundred-kilogram quantities of illicit drugs through this portion of the HIDTA region annually.”

    Like the California border, the South Texas border is also “easily breached,” according to the NDIC.

    “The combination of vast stretches of remote, sparsely populated land and extensive crossborder economic activity at designated ports of entry (POEs) creates an environment conducive to large-scale drug smuggling,” said NDIC. “Few physical barriers exist between POEs to impede drug traffickers, particularly Mexican DTOs, from smuggling illicit drug shipments into the United States from Mexico. Along many areas of the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas, the Rio Grande River can be easily breached by smugglers on foot or in vehicles, enabling Mexican DTOs to smuggle multikilogram quantities of illicit drugs, primarily marijuana and cocaine, into the United States.”

    In the West Texas sector, the NDIC again raised the possibility that terrorists could exploit the border to enter the country.

    “Moreover, the region’s location along the U.S.-Mexico border poses national security and law enforcement issues for the region, such as alien smuggling, weapons transportation, and terrorist entry into the United States through and between ports of entry,” said NDIC.

    While the U.S. government may be failing to exert effective control over most of the border, identical language in the NDIC reports for Arizona and West Texas said that drug trafficking organizations have set up “gatekeeper” operations that control smuggling into the U.S. and levy taxes on the smugglers they let through.

    “Gatekeepers regulate the drug flow from Mexico across the U.S.-Mexico border into the United States by controlling drug smugglers’ access to areas along the border,” said the Arizona and West Texas NDIC reports. “Gatekeepers collect ‘taxes’ from smugglers on all illicit shipments that are moved through these areas, including drugs and illegal aliens. The taxes are generally paid to the DTO that controls the area; the DTO then launders the tax proceeds. Gatekeepers sometimes resort to extortion, intimidation, and acts of violence to collect taxes from smugglers. Gatekeepers also reportedly bribe corrupt Mexican police and military personnel in order to ensure that smuggling activities occur without interruption.”

    “Gatekeepers generally operate at the behest of a Mexican drug trafficking organization (DTO) and enforce the will of the organization through bribery, intimidation, extortion, beatings, and murder,” said the reports.

    A Government Accountability Office report released on August 31 pointed out that the Border Patrol’s top priority is to stop terrorists and weapons of mass destruction from entering the United States and revealed that three person’s “linked to terrorism” and hundreds of aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints in fiscal 2008. These checkpoints, which act as a final line of defense for the U.S. border, are typically set up on highways 25 to 100 miles north of the Mexican border.

    “CBP reported that in fiscal year 2008, there were three individuals encountered by the Border Patrol at southwest border checkpoints who were identified as persons linked to terrorism,” said GAO.

    “In addition, the Border Patrol reported that in fiscal year 2008 checkpoints encountered 530 aliens from special interest countries, which are countries the Department of State has determined to represent a potential terrorist threat to the United States,” said GAO. “While people from these countries may not have any ties to illegal or terrorist activities, Border Patrol agents detain aliens from special interest countries if they are in the United States illegally and Border Patrol agents report these encounters to the local Sector Intelligence Agent, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Force, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Investigations, and the CBP National Targeting Center.”

    The GAO also said one illegal alien detained in West Texas had come from Iran.

    “For example,” said GAO, “according to a Border Patrol official in the El Paso sector, a checkpoint stopped a vehicle and questioned its three Iranian occupants, determining that one of those occupants was in the United States illegally. The individual was detained and turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further questioning.”

    There has been much discussion in the past week about whether President Barack Obama will heed the advice of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, to increase the U.S. troop deployment there. The administration, however, has already decided to decrease by 384 the Border Patrol agents deployed on our own southern frontier.

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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    FBI watching for ‘homegrown' terrorists

    By MEREDITH SIMONS Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

    Sept. 30, 2009, 8:59PM

    WASHINGTON — Eight years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — and just days after a terror plot was thwarted in Texas — the nation's top anti-terrorist officials told Congress on Wednesday that they are as worried about “homegrown” terrorists as they are about threats from abroad.

    FBI Director Robert Mueller said al-Qaida is recruiting longtime, legal residents of the United States to carry out terror attacks in the country, and the Internet is providing an avenue for people — who are otherwise not affiliated with anti-American groups — to “self-radicalize.”

    Testifying before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stressed that terrorism is a threat throughout the country, not just in landmark cities like New York and Washington.

    “These events can happen anywhere in our country at any time,”

    Napolitano said. “We cannot limit our efforts to a few urban areas.”

    Houston law enforcement officials said after the hearing that they have considered homegrown terrorism a threat for years and are working to prevent an attack on potential targets, including ports, oil refineries and the Johnson Space Center.

    “Too many local law enforcement people think the only way they can address homeland security is by being concerned about what's going on in foreign countries or what's coming to us from foreign countries,” said Bob Doguim, the chief of homeland security and emergency management at the Harris County Sheriff's Department. “But we address our homeland security from a different perspective.”

    Mueller said that while foreign al-Qaida operatives are still determined to attack the U.S., his bureau is devoting increased attention to the specter of “homegrown” terrorism perpetrated by American natives or legal permanent residents.

    “Several FBI terrorism subjects with no known connections to overseas groups have taken steps to move from violent rhetoric to action,” Mueller said.

    He said these “lone wolves” are more difficult to detect than terrorist groups because they operate quietly and independently. Often they get their inspiration and training online, rather than in person.

    But should they travel to Pakistan, Yemen, or Somalia for further training, their status as legal residents of the U.S. makes it easy to come and go.

    Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, chairman of the Homeland Security committee, said recent alleged planned attacks in Texas and Illinois were “quite haunting” because authorities said they involved independent individuals working outside the big, East- and West-coast cities “that we assumed were the primary target areas for terrorists.”

    In Houston, a Joint Terrorism Task Force includes personnel from federal agencies like the FBI and local agencies including the Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    So, the clowns they arrested this morning.....

    Terrorists. Jihadists... here in the US.

    The plan?

    Attack SHOPPING MALLS with guns. Kill as many civilians as possible. Kill first responders and cops. Go visit Allah.

    That was the plan.

    I wonder where I've heard that they would try this?

    I wonder....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Oh, well, here's some of it. I KNOW I have predicted it as well... somewhere on the site.

    Tenet, who served as CIA chief from 1997 to 2004, questioned how Al Qaeda hasn’t sent “suicide bombers to cause chaos in a half-dozen American shopping malls on any given day.”
    A Chicago black Muslim, Derrick Shareef, who allegedly plotted to blow up a local shopping mall.
    My thinking, if I were a bad guy would to be to stretch resources thin during certain times, and hit other targets, and not necessarily even in the same state, or on the same days.

    In other words, get the police in an unroar to guard a bunch of local schools and go down the road and hit three malls or something instead.
    Exclusive: FBI: Al Qaeda May Strike U.S. Shopping Malls in LA, Chicago
    ABC News ^ | November 8, 2007 | Richard Esposito and Vic Walter

    The FBI is warning that al Qaeda may be preparing a series of holiday attacks on U.S. shopping malls in Los Angeles and Chicago, according to an intelligence bulletin distributed to law enforcement authorities across the country this morning.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
    Libertatem Prius!

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    And more random quotes from our files here at TAA:

    "It would be easy enough to shoot up a mall, or set off a pipe bomb without particular effect other than to arouse the people again to the fact we are at war, which is - not something they necessarily want to do," he continued. "Instead, they are waiting and working toward something that will hurt us profoundly."
    Not only is a terrorist attack higher before Christmas in Britian but here in the U.S. as well. Take into account Derrick Shareef's planning to blowup a mall in Ill. and the guy in Rhode Island.
    When out in public, like malls or eating places:

    Make sure you KNOW where the exits are located.

    Make sure you know where there might be book stores (I'll explain this in a minute).

    Know where NOT to go in a mall.

    In a restaurant, sit in the back if you can, away from the front (Obviously this will depend on the layout).
    Where should we "not" go in a mall, Rick?
    Dead ends.

    If you're in a mall when the shooting starts, the best thing to do is to get out of sight first, get low and stay down until the mall is secured by police forces. Of course, depending on the circumstances the BEST thing to do might be to get the hell out of the mall.

    I look for the back ways when walking through a mall, usually the halls where bathrooms are located. However... some malls have security locks on doors and you can't exit from there. On the other hand there are halls that you can exit the mall from to escape.

    But, where you shouldn't go is into a bathroom. It's a dead end.

    Some hallways are deadends. You don't want to go into an area where you can be trapped.

    I mentioned "bookstores" and said I'd get back to that.

    Book stores are full of ARMOR.

    Books. It's difficult to shoot through a book. If you can dive behind bookshelves (assuming you're close enough to get into one safely) then getting behind books and bookshelves very well could save your life.
    My thoughts are this are not simple either. Every time I put a weapon in my holster, I'm considering my options. When I walk into a mall, or public place, I'm always, ALWAYS looking for a way out of the place, know the emergency exits, the "secret mall exits" (behind the stores) and where NOT to go to get caught in a blind alley.
    Given their inability to do something simple — say, shoot up a shopping mall or set off a truck bomb — it's reasonable to ask if they have a chance at something much more ambitious. Far from being plausible, argued Ohio State University professor John Mueller in a recent presentation at the University of Chicago, "the likelihood that a terrorist group will come up with an atomic bomb seems to be vanishingly small." (
    The idea of terrorist cells operating clandestinely in the United States, quietly amassing handguns and assault rifles, and planning suicide shooting rampages in our malls, is right out of Tom Clancy’s most recent novel. If not for the fact that the 9/11 attacks were also foreshadowed in a Clancy novel, I would have given the idea no further thought.
    Just recently, in Ulster, NY, a 24 year old man carrying a Hesse Arms Model 47, an AK-47 clone assault rifle, randomly shot people in a local mall. While the Justice Department did not label this murder a terrorist attack, all the signs were there. The Ulster, New York shooting is an ominous warning of what lies ahead. Terrorism can be a homegrown act committed by anyone with a gun and is not unique to a “Middle Eastern-looking man with a bomb.” As long as the public is allowed to own guns, the threat of similar terrorist attacks remains real.
    Churches, malls, and even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missions.
    When Sulejmen Talovic entered the Trolley Square mall in Salt Lake City Monday night with a shotgun, a pistol, and a backpack full of ammunition, he intended to “kill a large number of people,� according to Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    The Muslim Mafia in America

    Tom Tancredo

    November 2, 2009

    The recent indictment and arrest of Colorado resident and Afghanistan immigrant Najibullah Zazi on terrorism charges has again put a spotlight on the problem of Islamic radicals plotting acts of violence. But a book released on October 15th raises the question whether the FBI’s response to the terrorist threat is being deliberately undermined by US-based organizations whose mission is the eventual Islamization of America.

    The book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America hit bookstores on October 15th and is already gaining attention from national lawmakers. Four members of Congress have asked the House to investigate allegations in the book of double agents placed inside Congress itself by the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

    Such allegations will be dismissed as alarmist by many, but critics will have to confront the book’s extensive documentation. Its authors are two investigative reporters, David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, with national security backgrounds and solid reputations.

    The most controversial part of the book is the documentation of the relationship between the Washington, D.C.-based CAIR and the international Muslim Brotherhood, a relationship that has both financial and ideological aspects. The Muslim Brotherhood is highly organized and operates in both public and covert realms. One of its avowed missions is to bring Sharia law to America as one step in the destruction of Western civilization from within.

    The Council for American-Islamic Relations is well known in our nation’s capital and as a member of Congress, I had many run-ins with it. Until very recently it enjoyed a cozy relationship even with the FBI. Our nation’s news media often turn to CAIR for a “moderate Muslim response” to events of the day. Yet this book shows that the mask of moderation is only that – a mask covering its real mission.

    CAIR has a record of opposing all laws and measures that aim to deal effectively with the jihad being waged against the U.S. and Western democracies by radical Islam. How “moderate” is an organization that supports Palestinian terrorists, seeks to eliminate all obstacles to Islamic immigration to the U.S., opposes the Patriot Act, and accepts funding from sources tied to the Muslim Brotherhood?

    But that is not the most alarming part of the story. According to the evidence collected in Muslim Mafia, CAIR is only one part of a network of over 100 organizations in the U.S. that are serving as front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood. Their agenda is not to protect the civil rights of Muslim-Americans. Their agenda is a purely political mission – to neuter all opposition to the agenda of radical Islam.

    CAIR’s operatives and apologists try to paint all critics as “Islamophobes” and “McCarthyites” and seldom responds to specific charges. They are aided in this strategy of deception by the mind-set of modern multiculturalism, which serves as a moral umbrella of denial about the mortal threat posed by radical Islam. To these apostles of preemptive forgiveness, Islam is just another exotic religion, and we can all live together in peace and friendship if we will only put away the fears and slanders propagated by the “merchants of hate.” The problem is that the principal “merchant of hate” in the modern world is radical Islam and its jihad of violence, not those who are sounding the alarm.

    Fortunately, we are beginning to hear the voices of authentic leaders within Islam speaking out against the jihad waged by the radicals. The dividing line, however, between Muslims wanting to live within our democracy as Muslim-Americans and the radicals who want to replace it is not support or opposition to jihad. That dividing line, this book makes clear, is the choice of Sharia law over Anglo-American common law and the U.S. Constitution. CAIR and its allies are pursuing a plan to place civic loyalty and ultimately citizenship itself outside the Constitution and in the hands of radical imams.

    The articles of indictment against Najibullah Zazi say he attended terrorist training in Pakistan. The FBI and CIA have ways of monitoring such foreign travel and surveilling suspects who purchase the ingredients for bomb-making. But if the authors of this book are correct, we face a far larger problem than these foreign-trained terrorists. We may well be growing and training our own brand of domestic terrorist who know how to destroy our nation from within.

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    Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A.

    Posted by Ryan Mauro on Nov 3rd, 2009

    A battle in the war against radical Islam in Detroit was briefly waged on October 28 when the FBI engaged in a deadly shootout with an extremist imam refusing to be arrested. The imam was a leader in “Ummah,” meaning “the brotherhood,” a group said to consist of mostly African-Americans, many of whom converted in prison. This group isn’t the only one trying to create an Islamic state within the borders of the U.S., and this shoot-out should be expected, unfortunately, to be a sign of more violent conflict coming down the line in this country with Islamic militant groups.

    The gunfire began when the FBI tried to arrest Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, whose original name was Christopher Thomas, for his involvement in a crime ring along with followers of his. Abdullah violently resisted, and managed to shoot and kill one of the FBI’s dogs before falling to gunfire. The spiritual leader of Ummah is Jamil Abdullah al-Amin, a former Black Panther who is in jail for killing two police officers in Georgia that tried to arrest him. To Abdullah, he was just following in his leader’s footsteps and carrying out the “offensive jihad” against the U.S. government he had long preached about.

    The government also indicted 11 of Abdullah’s followers on charges including illegal possession and sale of firearms, conspiracy and theft of interstate shipments, mail fraud to obtain the proceeds of arson, and tampering with vehicle identification numbers. Some fled to Canada, including Abdullah’s oldest son, who was arrested in Ontario. His son trained about 60 youth in martial arts at the mosque and was part of what was called the “Sura team,” a group that carried guns to protect the mosque.

    Martial arts instruction isn’t the only form of paramilitary training that Ummah gave its members. The FBI affidavit said that “many” of the followers were armed and were encouraged to have guns. Some of the members were provided with firearms training.

    The group is very similar to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a group led by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a radical cleric based in Pakistan. The group has a branch in North America called “Muslims of the Americas” with dozens of sites and several closed-off communities in rural areas used as paramilitary training sites, some as large as 70 acres. Like Ummah, the group is almost entirely African-American, has many prison converts, many of its members engage in criminal activity, and is actively trying to create miniature Islamic states inside the U.S.

    Jamaat ul-Fuqra seems to share everything in common with Ummah, although no reports have come out to show that Muslims of America-affiliated mosques and communities are explicitly calling for war against the U.S. government. However, few, if any reports came out before the Detroit shootout about the Ummah’s preaching of jihad, either. The close parallels warrant an investigation by the FBI into whether Ummah has ties to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, given their common objective, type of recruits, and desire for their followers to receive guerilla warfare training. “Muslims of America” compounds would seem to be the natural destination of Ummah members seeking such instruction and camaraderie.

    There is no evidence out of a link yet, but at this early stage in the investigation into Ummah it should be noticed that Jamaat ul-Fuqra has an isolated community in Combermere in Ontario, Canada, the same province where Abdullah’s oldest son was arrested. And according to a federally-funded 2004 report by the National White Collar Crime Center, Jamaat ul-Fuqra had a training compound in Coldwater, M.I., about two hours from Detroit at the time of the report’s publication. The report also described Jamaat ul-Fuqra as having had “activity” in Detroit including murders and bombings, and having had operations elsewhere in the state.

    The Ummah has also had friends in the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the prominent Muslim advocacy group that claims to be moderate but was formed originally as part of Muslim Brotherhood’s networks. The organization was also listed as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity found to have acted as a covert fundraiser for Hamas.

    The American-Muslim Taskforce, an umbrella organization counts CAIR among its members, is demanding an investigation into the killing of Abdullah. One thousand people attended his funeral. The head of CAIR’s branch in Michigan, Dawud Walid, has also gone to bat for Abdullah, saying he was “chartiable.”
    “He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people…I knew nothing of him that as related to any nefarious or criminal behavior,” he said.

    Internal CAIR documents show that CAIR helped fundraise for the legal appeal of Jamil Abdullah al-Amin. Imam Abdullah’s rage against the U.S. government was also triggered in part by CAIR’s campaign to paint the War on Terror as a War on Islam. The complaint against him quotes him as saying, “CAIR and everybody send me all of this stuff. I get sick…I got some soldiers with me. … Brothers that I know would, you know, if I say ‘Let’s go, we going to go and do something.’”

    The threat from Ummah is not over. It is described by the FBI as a “nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group,” and the death of Abdullah will not end their spreading of radical Islam and the skills to turn that ideology into deadly action. With Jamaat ul-Fuqra potentially available to provide the training, a match between the two would create a force capable of waging guerilla war, inside or outside the U.S. as part of their goal to create a miniature Islamic state inside America. The FBI must make sure that such an alliance is not formed.

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    Got Muslims in your barracks?

    Consider yourself in a hot zone unless your gearing up to go after these redefined domestic threats:

    Oppose abortion
    Are returning veterans
    Oppose same-sex marriage
    Oppose restrictions on firearms
    Oppose lax immigration laws
    Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
    Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
    Are suspect of foreign regimes
    Fear Communist regimes
    Oppose a "one world" government
    Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
    Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more

    To read more:


    And lest we forget:
    Attorney general to classify pro-life, pro-gun americans as terrorists

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    White House Strips CIA of Terrorism Interrogation Duties -Zogby/O'Leary Poll Shows Majority of Voters Disapprove

    Most Independent Voters Think Obama's Plan to Take Over Terrorism Interrogations is a "Bad Idea"

    Washington, DC (Vocus/PRWEB ) September 8, 2009 -- The Obama administration stunned national security experts recently with the creation of a new terrorism interrogation unit that will be overseen by the White House, thus stripping the CIA of its oversight in interrogating key terror suspects.

    The new White House interrogation unit will be supervised by President Obama's National Security Council. According to a just-released Zogby International/O'Leary Report Poll, a majority of American voters, including a majority of Independents, think President Obama's decision is a "bad idea."

    The Zogby/O'Leary Poll surveyed 4,518 voters August 28-31 and has a margin-of-error of plus-or-minus 1.5 percentage points. The sample was weighted to reflect the exact outcome of the 2008 Presidential Election (i.e. 53 percent Obama voters and 47 percent McCain voters. The Poll asked:

    The Obama administration has moved the responsibility for interrogating terrorists from the CIA to the White House, where the National Security Director will oversee interrogations. Do you think this move is a good idea or a bad idea?

    A majority of American voters (52 percent) think Obama's move is a bad idea, while only 29 percent think it is a good idea (19 percent are not sure). A clear majority of Independent voters (56 percent) think the Obama administration's move is a bad idea, and just 25 percent think it is a good idea. A plurality of young voters age 18-29 (48 percent) think it is a bad idea, and 28 percent think it's a good idea.

    According to Brad O'Leary, author and publisher of The O'Leary Report ( the majority of Americans opposed to this recent move by the Obama administration also likely reflects their opposition to the Administration's decision to hire a special prosecutor to go after CIA interrogators.

    "These interrogators helped keep America safe from terrorist attacks for the past eight years," said O'Leary. "That the President and his administration would treat them like criminals, and go so far as to strip them from their duties, clearly doesn't sit well with most Americans."

    O'Leary is also concerned that putting a high-level terror interrogation unit under the direct supervision of the White House sets a bad precedent by injecting politics into a serious national security matter.

    "Though this new interrogation unit will be located at the FBI, the White House National Security Council will exercise direct oversight over the unit," O'Leary explained.

    "No longer will CIA experts be supervising crucial interrogations with terror suspects, but rather, President Obama's close advisors will be making those calls. Competency is certainly a big issue, but so is the possibility that high-level terror interrogations will now be subject to White House politics."

    Brad O'Leary is publisher of "The O'Leary Report," a bestselling author, and is a former NBC Westwood One talk show host. His latest bestseller on the looming threats to free speech in America, "Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech," ( is available now in bookstores.

    To see more poll results, go to To interview Brad, contact Shawna Shriner at (703) 272-1500 or shawnashriner(at)

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    CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg
    Exhorts Islamic faithful to target planes carrying '82nd Airborne'

    Posted: November 11, 2009
    1:48 am Eastern


    Imam Zaid Shakir

    A Council on American-Islamic Relations adviser and regular speaker at its events has suggested Islamic law permits Muslims to attack C-130 military transport planes carrying the 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg, N.C., according to a stunning new book exposing Washington-based CAIR's inner workings.

    Radical Islamic cleric Zaid Shakir, a frequent guest speaker at CAIR events, tells his Muslim audiences: "Jihad is physically fighting the enemies of Islam to protect and advance the religion of Islam. This is jihad."

    Acceptable targets of jihad, he says, include U.S. military aircraft.
    "Islam doesn't permit us to hijack airplanes filled with civilian people," Shakir once told a Muslim audience. However, "If you hijack an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne, that's something else."

    The 82nd Airborne Division's elite paratroopers fly out of Fort Bragg, N.C., which is part of North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw's district. Shaw is CAIR's new chairman.

    The recording of the lecture, which Shakir gave earlier this decade to a Muslim audience in the San Francisco Bay area, was obtained by the authors of the bestselling "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."

    The bombshell revelation comes in the wake of the worst military massacre at a domestic U.S. military base in American history, and the worst Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

    Last week, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly gunned down in cold blood more than 50 of his fellow soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas. Eyewitnesses say before opening fire, Hasan jumped up on a desk and screamed, "Allahu Akbar!" like the 9/11 hijackers. The suspect fatally shot 13, including a security guard. The death toll is actually 14 when a slain unborn child is counted.

    Imam Shakir also gives his blessing to the use of bombs as a weapon of jihad, as long as the explosives hit "select" targets and are not indiscriminate in their destruction. Civilians can be a legitimate target, he says, if "there's a benefit in that," according to "Muslim Mafia," co-authored by former federal agent P. David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration."

    Even "old elderly men" and "women who are conscripted" – including Israeli and American women in uniform – are eligible enemy combatants in jihad. "This is Shariah," Shakir asserts in a CD recording of one of his lectures in 2001, which the authors obtained from a radical mosque bookstore in Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Shakir, a black convert, has been portrayed as a moderate in the mainstream media, including the New York Times, which recently ran a positive profile of him. His pro-jihad statements revealed in "Muslim Mafia" have not been previously reported. CAIR has sued and obtained a temporary restraining order to censor the book's documentary evidence detailing CAIR's support of terrorism and obstruction of FBI investigations.

    Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir's interpretation of jihad.

    "If we go to war, brothers and sisters – and one day we will, believe me – that's why you're commanded [to fight in] jihad," the imam has told his flock in Brooklyn. "When Allah demands us to fight, we're not stopping and nobody's stopping us."

    World Trade Center bombing

    CAIR has invited Shakir back to speak at its events even after the FBI questioned him about a copy of one of his incendiary pamphlets found in the apartment of a suspect in the first World Trade Center bombing. The pro-jihad pamphlet lauded the "armed struggle" that brought about the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are dying in record numbers from Taliban and al-Qaida ambushes.

    Shakir, who recently confided to the New York Times that he'd like to see the U.S. "become a Muslim country" ruled by Islamic law, is a regular speaker at CAIR as well as Islamic Society of North America events. (Federal prosecutors say CAIR and ISNA are fronts for the terrorist group Hamas and its parent the radical Muslim Brotherhood, and the sister organizations were recently listed as unindicted terrorist co-conspirators in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history.) Recently, Shakir helped host workshops and delivered keynote speeches at banquets held at CAIR chapters in Chicago, Orlando and San Diego, among others.

    "Imam Zaid's speeches are very practical and bring the best out of his listeners," said former CAIR official Ibrahim Moiz, a close personal friend who invited Shakir to speak to Muslims in Maryland, according to "Muslim Mafia."

    The cleric has not tempered his jihadist views.

    "I don't regret anything I've done or said," Shakir has insisted.

    Shakir holds little, if any, respect for law enforcement, particularly the FBI, according to "Muslim Mafia." He constantly belittles the bureau in speeches to Muslims, even warning them that the FBI frames Muslims for terrorism – terrorist acts that he contends the FBI secretly commits.

    "The World Trade Center bombing of course was aided and abetted by our good friends at the FBI," the imam has claimed, in just one of the many wild-eyed conspiracy theories he peddles.

    'State within a state'

    The American Muslim cleric also preaches treason against the United States, according to the book, which hit No. 5 on's non-fiction best-seller list the day after it was released last month. It currently ranks No. 1 in books on terrorism and Islam.

    Shakir advises the Muslim community in America to wage a cultural jihad now, and a violent jihad later – once the proper "infrastructure" is in place.
    He says Muslims should respect American democracy insofar as it can be exploited to help the Brotherhood one day assume power here.

    And the only thing that could stop the Islamization of America, he notes, is if its people rose up and denied the subversive movement the unbridled freedom it's heretofore enjoyed.

    However, if Americans were to do that, Muslims would then be obligated he says to exercise their supposedly "divine legal right" to rise up and wage violent jihad, reveals the book "Muslim Mafia."

    "What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims," sermonized Shakir, who continues to be a marquee speaker at CAIR functions.

    For now, he said, following the radical Muslim Brotherhood playbook, Muslims must continue to "create a state within a state."

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    FBI: 10% of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:09 PM

    By: Ronald Kessler

    Imams preach jihad and extremism in 10 percent of the 2,000 mosques in the United States, the FBI estimates.

    That sums up the problem facing us as we ponder the meaning of Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s slayings of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas. Given his association with a pro-al-Qaida imam in northern Virginia and his preoccupation with radical Islamic Web sites, it’s clear that the radical element of Islam influenced Hasan.

    On the other hand, those who condemn Muslims in general because of the actions of Hasan and others like him are engaging in prejudice that has no place in America. Indeed, such stereotyping sets back the war on terror, because we need moderate Muslims on our side.

    The problem is not the Quran, which is no more incendiary than some passages in the Bible. (Deuteronomy, for example, prescribes stoning to death for those who “served other gods and worshipped them.”) The problem is the radical element that uses the Quran as an excuse to engage in terrorism and the failure of many moderate Muslims to condemn the extremists.

    About a quarter of the Muslims in America ages 18 through 29 believe that suicide bombings can be justified, according to a Pew Research Center poll. Generating those attitudes are imams who preach jihad and hatred in American mosques and postings on the Internet, according to FBI counterterrorism officials interviewed for my book “The Terrorist Watch: Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack.”

    Saying he is being conservative, an FBI counterterrorism official told me in interviews for the book that 1 in 10 imams preach jihad. Before 9/11, the number of mosques where imams preached jihad was even greater than today.

    “Those who actively support extremist causes, say America is evil and deserves what it gets, and celebrate the death of soldiers, know they may come to our attention,” an FBI official says. “So they don’t do it as openly now.”

    Before 9/11, he says, “There was much more of that because all of it was considered by Justice Department guidelines to be purely protected speech. We do not have incitement laws in America, but once an imam facilitates someone else taking action, he has crossed the line into material support and becomes our business.”

    An example was Ali al-Timimi, a spiritual leader at a mosque in Northern Virginia who preached jihad and provided contact information for those who went to Afghanistan for training in terrorist camps. Al-Timimi is serving a life prison term.

    The FBI has outreach programs to try to develop sources in the Muslim community and solicit tips, but FBI agents have found little receptivity.

    They find that Muslims often are in denial about the fact that the terrorists who threaten the U.S. are Muslims.

    “I had this discussion with the director of a very prominent Muslim organization here in D.C.,” a frustrated counterterrorism agent says. “And he said, ‘Why are you guys always looking at the Muslim community?’”

    The agent began laughing.

    “Okay, you know what I’ll do?” the agent said. “I’ll start an Irish squad, or how about a Japanese squad? You want me to waste my time and your taxpayers' dollars going to look at the Irish? They’re not killing Americans. Right now, I’m going to put my money and my people in a place where the threat is.”

    The agent tells them to take a look at the cells that the FBI has rolled up in the United States.

    “I can name the home-grown cells, all of whom are Muslim, all of whom were seeking to murder Americans,” the agent says. “It’s not the Irish, it’s not the French, it’s not the Catholics, it’s not the Protestants, it’s the Muslims.”

    In response, Muslim groups have told him he is rough around the edges.

    “I’m not rough around the edges,” he tells them. “You’re just not used to straight talk.”

    They respond by getting angry at him.

    Although Muslims occasionally condemn al-Qaida, “Rarely do we have them coming to us and saying, ‘There are three guys in the community that we’re very concerned about,’” one agent says. “They want to fix it inside the community. They’re a closed group, a very, very closed group.

    It’s part of their culture that they want to settle the problem within their own communities. They’ve actually said that to us, which I then go crazy over.”

    On the one hand, “They don’t want anyone to know they have extremists in their community,” the agent says. “Well, beautiful. Except do you read the newspapers? Everyone already knows it. That horse has left the barn. So there’s a lot of talk about engagement, but realistically, we’ve got a long, long way to go.”

    At one meeting, a Muslim group suggested having a photo taken of its members with FBI Director Robert Mueller to show their community isn’t a bunch of terrorists and that they are partners in the war on terror.

    An agent replied, “Let me make a suggestion: When you bring to my attention real extremists who are here to plan and do something, who are here supporting terrorism, and I work that based on your information, then I promise you, I will have the director stand up on the stage with you.”

    To the agent’s amazement, the answer was: “That could never happen. We would lose our constituency. We could never admit to bringing someone to the FBI.”

    “Well, we’ve just defined the problem, haven’t we?” the agent told them.

    To be sure, some individual Muslims have brought leads to the FBI. That led to FBI cases in Lackawanna, N.Y.; Lodi, Calif.; and Atlanta. But the FBI has found that imams and other community leaders are reluctant to do that.

    If the news media filmed imams preaching hated of America in mosques that are public, the number of imams publicly espousing jihad would dwindle to close to zero. Until that happens, Americans must learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

    “In recent years, U.S. soldiers have fought a common enemy on behalf of and often alongside Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Somalia, and elsewhere,” the Wall Street Journal pointed out in an editorial. “The U.S. is fighting a sworn enemy today, just as in World War II American Germans, Italians and Japanese fought sworn U.S. enemies of the same race and religion. Many American Muslims will do the same if we stay focused on the real enemy, and show we have the will to do what’s necessary to find them and stop them.”

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    CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg

    My thoughts:

    If it is OK for them to attack Fort Bragg, then it is just fine for us to attack CAIR. The stinkin dirt bags.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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    US Seeks To Seize 4 Mosques, Tower Linked To Iran
    Prosecutors Seek Forfeiture Of More Than $500M In Assets
    ADAM GOLDMAN, Associated Press Writer

    POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
    UPDATED: 8:26 am EST November 13, 2009

    AP Photo

    AP Photo
    The Islamic Education Center in Potomac, Md. on Nov. 12, 2009. The center rents this building from the Alavi Foundation, which owns the building but does not run the center.
    NEW YORK -- In what could be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in U.S. history, federal prosecutors sought to take over four U.S. mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a Muslim organization suspected of being controlled by the Iranian government.

    Prosecutors on Thursday filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets.

    The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and mosques in New York, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story Manhattan office tower. Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which the U.S. government has accused of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb.

    A telephone call and e-mail to Iran's U.N. Mission seeking comment were not immediately answered.

    John D. Winter, the Alavi Foundation's lawyer, said it intends to litigate the case and prevail. He said the foundation has been cooperating with the government's investigation for the better part of a year.

    "Obviously the foundation is disappointed that the government has decided to bring this action," Winter told The Associated Press.

    It is extremely rare for U.S. law enforcement authorities to seize a house of worship, a step fraught with questions about the First Amendment right to freedom of religion.

    The action against the Shiite Muslim mosques is sure to inflame relations between the U.S. government and American Muslims, many of whom fear a backlash after last week's Fort Hood shooting rampage, blamed on a Muslim American major.

    "Whatever the details of the government's case against the owners of the mosques, as a civil rights organization we are concerned that the seizure of American houses of worship could have a chilling effect on the religious freedom of citizens of all faiths and may send a negative message to Muslims worldwide," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

    It is unclear what will happen to the properties if the government ultimately prevails. But the government typically sells properties it seizes through forfeiture and sometimes distributes the money to crime victims.

    U.S. attorney's office spokeswoman Yusill Scribner said there are no allegations of any wrongdoing on the part of the tenants or occupants of the properties, which will remain open.

    Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp., illegally funneled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli. A U.S. Treasury official has accused Bank Melli of providing support for Iran's nuclear program, and it is illegal in the United States to do business with the bank.

    U.S. officials have long suspected the foundation was an arm of the Iranian government. A 97-page complaint details involvement in foundation business by several top Iranian officials, including the deputy prime minister and ambassadors to the United Nations.

    "For two decades, the Alavi Foundation's affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials, including Iranian ambassadors to the United Nations, in violation of a series of American laws," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement.

    There were no raids as part of the forfeiture action Thursday. The government is simply required to post notices of the civil complaint on the properties.

    As prosecutors outlined their allegations against Alavi, the Islamic centers and the schools they run carried on with normal activity. The mosques' leaders had no immediate comment.

    Parents lined up in their cars to pick up their children at the schools within the Islamic Education Center of Greater Houston and the Islamic Education Center in Rockville, Md. No notices of the forfeiture action were posted at either place as of late Thursday.

    At the Islamic Institute of New York, a mosque and school in Queens, two U.S. marshals rang a doorbell repeatedly, taped a forfeiture notice to the window and left a large document on the ground. A group of men came out and took the document after the marshals left.

    The fourth Islamic center marked for seizure is in Carmichael, Calif.

    The skyscraper, known as the Piaget building, was erected in the 1970s under the shah of Iran, who was overthrown in 1979. Tenants include law and investment firms and other businesses.

    The building, last valued in 2007 at $570 million to $650 million, has been an important source of income for the foundation over the past 36 years. Tax records show the foundation earned $4.5 million from rents in 2007. That money helps fund the centers and other ventures, such as sending educational literature to imprisoned Muslims in the U.S. The foundation also has invested in dozens of mosques around the country and supported Iranian academics at prominent universities.

    If prosecutors seize the skyscraper, the foundation would have almost no way to continue supporting the Islamic centers, which house schools and mosques. That could leave a major void in Shiite communities, and hard feelings toward the FBI, which played a big role in the investigation.

    The forfeiture action comes at a tense moment in U.S.-Iranian relations, with the two sides at odds over Iran's nuclear program and its arrest of three American hikers.

    But Michael Rubin, an expert on Iran at the American Enterprise Institute, said the timing was probably coincidental and not an effort to influence Iran on those issues.

    "Suspicion about the Alavi Foundation transcends three administrations," Rubin said. "It's taken ages dealing with the nuts and bolts of the investigation. It's not the type of investigation which is part of any larger strategy."

    Legal scholars said they know of only a few previous cases in which law enforcement authorities have seized a house of worship. Marc Stern, a religious-liberty expert with the American Jewish Congress, called such cases extremely rare.

    The Alavi Foundation is the successor organization to the Pahlavi Foundation, a nonprofit group the shah used to advance Iran's charitable interests in America. But authorities said its agenda changed after the fall of the shah.

    In 2007, the United States accused Bank Melli of providing services to Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs and put the bank on its list of companies whose assets must be frozen. Washington has imposed sanctions against various other Iranian businesses.


    Associated Press writers Samantha Gross in New York City, Juan A. Lozano in Houston, investigative researcher Randy Herschaft in New York City and AP photographer Jacquelyn Martin in Maryland contributed to this report.

    Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    Last edited by American Patriot; November 13th, 2009 at 14:18.
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    They aren't carrying this on Fox even this morning... wtf?

    US to seize mosques linked to Iran
    (UKPA) – 1 hour ago

    US Federal prosecutors are seeking to take over four mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a Muslim organisation suspected of being controlled by the Iranian government.

    Prosecutors have filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than 500 million dollars (£302 million) in assets.

    The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centres consisting of schools and mosques in New York, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story Manhattan office tower.

    Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which the US government has accused of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb.
    John D Winter, the Alavi Foundation's lawyer, said it intends to litigate the case and prevail. He said the foundation has been co-operating with the government's investigation for the better part of a year.

    It is extremely rare for US law enforcement authorities to seize a house of worship, a step fraught with questions about the First Amendment right to freedom of religion.
    The action against the Shiite Muslim mosques is sure to inflame relations between the US government and American Muslims, many of whom fear a backlash after last week's Fort Hood shooting rampage, blamed on a Muslim American major.

    "Whatever the details of the government's case against the owners of the mosques, as a civil rights organisation we are concerned that the seizure of American houses of worship could have a chilling effect on the religious freedom of citizens of all faiths and may send a negative message to Muslims worldwide," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

    It is unclear what will happen to the properties if the government ultimately prevails. But the government typically sells properties it seizes through forfeiture and sometimes distributes the money to crime victims.

    US attorney's office spokeswoman Yusill Scribner said there are no allegations of any wrongdoing on the part of the tenants or occupants of the properties, which will remain open. Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp, illegally funnelled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli.
    Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.
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    FOX isn't covering it, but CNN is??? We have entered bizarro world.

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    'Vibrant Response' Teams with Military Trains for Homeland Nuke Emergencies

    States News Service
    U.S. Army

    The federal emergency response exercise Vibrant Response taking place at Camp Atterbury and other sites in Indiana is training troops how to respond to an emergency on American soil.

    On Sunday, a building at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in southern Indiana was set up to portray a nursing home in an outlying area of Indianapolis following a nuclear blast. Fifteen role players were assigned to the building to act as residents of the nursing home who needed to be saved and cared for by Army medical personnel.

    "We volunteered for this because we wanted to experience it and see some cool stuff," said John McGill, one of six students majoring in Homeland Security at Vincennes University who took part in the vignette. "And we wanted an MRE [Meal Ready to Eat]."

    Each role player was given a different injury or affliction that the medical personnel had to attend to while removing the people from a possibly contaminated area. The role players also were coached on how to act toward the rescue personnel. The medical personnel arriving to help these victims, however, had no idea what to expect.

    As a husband and wife role-playing team walked around the building appearing confused and looking for the "Bingo Bus," a medical team rolled onto the scene with only one vehicle. They quickly discovered that they needed much more.

    Three more medical teams arrived to assist with the evacuation with the "injured" who remained in character until the very end.

    Ambulatory patients and nursing home residents were quickly placed into military ambulances while those who couldn't walk were cared for. Bandages were put in place where needed and the medical teams tried to calm the patients and residents who were shaken by their experience of living through a nuclear blast.

    But one resident could not be calmed. In her scenario, she could not be convinced that her "husband" was actually dead. In her role she believed her husband was merely unconscious and refused to let go of his body.

    Staff Sgt. Bryan Jimenez, a Muscatatuck Soldier playing the part of a local policeman, was impressed.

    "Wow, she was good," Jimenez exclaimed. "I actually felt sorry for her and started getting mad that the medic wasn't getting her away from her husband's body."

    At the end of the day, the Army medics left with a much better understanding of how to deal with people who are neighbors and friends.

    (Staff Sgt. Brad Staggs writes for Muscatatuck Urban Training Center Public Affairs.)

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    Homeland Security chief warns of threat from al-Qaeda sympathizers in U.S.

    By Spencer S. Hsu

    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Thursday, December 3, 2009 11:18 AM

    Al-Qaeda followers are inside the United States and would like to attack targets here and in other countries, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday night.

    The secretary's comments were her bluntest assessment yet of terror threats within the country, and they came one day after President Obama, in announcing his decision to send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, warned that extremists have been "sent here from the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan to commit more acts of terror."

    Addressing the America-Israel Friendship League in New York, Napolitano said a string of recent domestic arrests should "remove any remaining comfort that some might have had from the notion that if we fight the terrorists abroad, we won't have to fight them here," rebutting an argument advanced on several occasions by President George W. Bush.

    "The fact is that home-based terrorism is here. And like violent extremism abroad, it is now part of the threat picture that we must confront," Napolitano said. "Individuals sympathetic to al-Qaeda and its affiliates, as well as those inspired by their ideology, are present in the U.S., and would like to attack the homeland or plot overseas attacks against our interests abroad."

    Napolitano cited the case of Najibullah Zazi, a Denver airport shuttle driver arrested in September after allegedly training with al-Qaeda in Pakistan.

    Zazi allegedly tested homemade bombs, styled after those used in the 2004 Madrid transit bombings, before driving cross-country to New York from Denver. He faces charges of conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction.

    Separately, U.S. prosecutors in October accused David C. Headley, a Chicago businessman, of conspiring with members of Lashkar-i-Taiba, an extremist Islamic group in Pakistan allied with al-Qaeda, to plot attacks in Denmark and India.

    A U.S. counterterrorism official called Zazi "the first concrete case" since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks of al-Qaeda sending operatives to prepare an attack inside the country. Although intelligence analysts had long identified such a threat, they had begun questioning their assumption, the official said. "The surprising thing is Zazi is the first," the official said, calling Zazi's contacts with core al-Qaeda leaders "at most one step removed."

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    What we are witnessing here is kind of a brand-new form of terrorism. These home-grown terrorists can prove to be as dangerous as any known group, if not more so. —Special Agent Jody Weis, FBI

    Lynchburg, VA-Terrorist training camps are located thousands of miles from American soil and instruct men on how to kill American Infidels…right? The answer is terrifyingly wrong according to the never-before-seen video of Muslims of America (the Jamaat ul-Fuqra front in the U.S.) women armed with AK-47s training at the Muslims of America headquarters in Hancock, NY. This just-released video shows women on the compound engaging in paramilitary training.

    Christina Action Network (CAN) received this video, along with recordings of gunfire coming from a Muslims of America compound in York, South Carolina. This shocking 20-minute video reveals female members marching in military cadence, scaling fabricated walls, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, firing upon mock enemy locations, and other forms of training involving firearms and swords. The video was given to Christian Action Network by a confidential source.

    Martin Mawyer's Christian Action Network (CAN) is credited with exposing 35 terrorist training compounds located in America earlier this year. CAN meticulously researched Muslims of America for over two years and met with key government officials to show their exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of terrorist camps operating within the U.S. They hoped to have Muslims of America put on the State Department's Terrorist Watch List. The government's response was to do nothing.

    The first video created by CAN, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S., reveals terrorist training camps located throughout the U.S. that were preparing Soldiers of Allah to kill Americans. The documentary reveals that camps are fully operational and their behavior reinforces an utter disregard for American lives. The video has a chilling scene of Sheik Mubarak Guilani (the head of Muslims of America) telling his followers to "Act like you're his friend. Then kill him."

    The number of homegrown jihad plots has actually grown, which was proven by the increasing number of terrorist plots foiled within the past year in cities such as New York and Chicago. The terrorists are not going away- they are training men and women in backyards across America.

    The footage from Soldiers of Allah was confiscated by the FBI and locked away. The public would never have become aware of the tape. Even a 2006 Justice Department document exposing 35 terrorist compounds in the U.S. was marked "Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement." One copy was hidden by a government official and given to CAN so they could warn the public. CAN released the footage in a DVD entitled Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

    CAN' mission in exposing the terrorist training camps was two-fold. The first was to make Americans aware of the threat posed by Jamaat ul-Fuqra, and the second was to have Jamaat ul-Fuqra's training camps in the U.S. shut down by ensuring that they were placed on the State Department's Foreign Terrorist Organization Watch List. Although CAN met with the State Dept, FBI and Homeland Security, no action was taken.

    On January 31, 2002, The State Department issued a statement that explained why the group was no longer recognized as a terrorist organization. The State Department issued the following statement: "Jamaat ul-Fuqra has never been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. It was included in several recent annual terrorism reports under 'other terrorist groups,' i.e., groups that had carried out acts of terrorism but that were not formally designated by the Secretary of State. However, because of the group's inactivity during 2000, it was not included in the most recent terrorism report covering that calendar year."

    Jamaat ul-Fuqra has already been implicated in a laundry list of acts of terrorism including gun and drug smuggling, fire-bombings, murders and fraud. Even the death of reporter Daniel Pearl was attributed to Sheikh Mubarak Guilani. According to a law enforcement report by the Regional Organized Crime Information Center, "Today, Muslims of America has more than 35 suspected communes and more than 3,000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal: the purification of Islam through violence."

    In 2005, an internal Department of Homeland Security report warned that Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistan-based group, was linked to Muslims of America and had the capacity to attack the U.S.

    We must also work to protect our country against the next attack-terrorism spawned right here among us.
    -Senator Joseph Lieberman

    These home-grown terrorists may prove to be as dangerous as groups like al Qaeda, if not more so.
    -FBI Director Robert Mueller


    For more information, or to schedule an interview with Martin Mawyer, please contact Kristen Schremp at;
    703.928.5527 or visit

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    Default Re: Terrorism here in the US

    Breaking, Fox News, Chicago Man charged in Mumbai murders.
    Fox News ^ | Dec 7, 2009 | Mike Levine

    American Charged in Mumbai Terror Attacks December 7, 2009 - 12:59 PM | by: Mike Levine

    A Chicago man who was arrested in October for allegedly planning terrorist attacks against a Danish newspaper has now been charged for his alleged role in the Mumbai terrorist attacks that happened a year earlier, in November 2008, and claimed the lives of nearly 170 people.

    David Coleman Headley, 49, was charged in a 12-count criminal information with six counts of conspiracy to bomb public places in India, to murder and maim people in India and Denmark, to provide material support to foreign terrorist plots and another offenses.

    This latest development comes after federal prosecutors said months ago that Headley attended terrorist training camps in Pakistan in 2002 and 2003, and that he planned with the group Lashkar e Tayyiba to attack the Danish newspaper for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, which offended many Muslims.

    The planned attacks in Denmark never materialized. gs

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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