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Thread: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Now how does this tie in with Joseph Moshe?
    He was the guy that said an outbreak would occur in the Ukraine and he tried to get in to see Obama but was surprisingly resistant to tear gas.

    See subsequent posts....


    Ministry of Health has not established the exact diagnosis of the epidemic disease in the western regions of Ukraine. Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevich has given information about spread of diseases in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions today at the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers.
    According to the Minister, the World Health Organization is ready to render assistance to Ukrainian experts and the Ministry of Health in order to establish the cause of death and development of disease flu in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.

    "We are working at receiving the vaccine against influenza A (H1N1) also", - said Vasily Knyazevich and asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to render assistance.

    Answering question of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko about the definition of the specific nature of the disease, the head of the Ministry of Health said: "The nature of infections is viral one. But at the moment it is not defined, is it the Californian influenza H1N1, or it is our seasonal influenza. To date, there is no precise diagnosis."

    In turn, First Deputy Prime Minister Olexander Turchynov urged "not to slow in the matter, and hold a conference tomorrow," and noted that preliminary information about the nature of infections will be received tonight.
    According to the Minister of Health, to date, 12 adults have died in the Ternopil Region. "There are problems, people of working age 20-45 years are sick, there is a problem with pregnant women (we have the death in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil Regions), 17 patients remain in the grave condition, 4 of them have artificial pulmonary ventilation", - said Vasily Knyazevych.

    According to the Minister, leading international experts, particularly from Russia and Europe, will be involving into establishing the diagnosis.
    He noted that the Ivano-Frankivsk region reached the epidemic threshold. 6 deaths are registered there which are related to this situation. Also, the Minister of Health noted that the climatic and temperature conditions in the Ternopil Region did not lead to the development of disease in these regions.
    In turn, Yulia Tymoshenko ordered before the end of today's meeting of the government to bring her all the data, the estimates associated with the epidemic disease as a draft form. She also ordered Oleksander Turchynov to consider the issue of informing the public through the video and broadcast that person should avoid work and study if he has signs of cold, and urgently appeal to the doctor.

    In addition, Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Health to send special circulars, which contain instructions for the doctors in this situation, to all hospitals of Ukraine, and to explore the amount of necessary additional funding to counteract an outbreak of viral diseases in the western areas.
    In connection with the spread of flu quarantine has been declared in schools in the Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk Regions.

    04:10 p.m. Despite the fact that doctors do not state that epidemic of swine flu has started in Ukraine, the facts speak for themselves: a man died in Transcarpathia. Precisely swine flu killed him.

    According to reports, a week ago the man returned from Saint Petersburg, where he was on a business trip, with symptoms of cold, but sought medical treatment only when the health condition was already critical: there were complications in the form of inflammation of the lungs and pulmonary edema.

    Doctors and specialists of the Transcarpathian regional sanitary-epidemiological station previously recognized swine flu as the cause of death, but in connection with the complexity of the final laboratory tests the cause of death of the man has not yet succeeded, reports Obozrevatel.

    Another patient with symptoms of swine flu has been hospitalized to regional infectious diseases hospital in Uzhhorod. The resident of Koritnyany village, Uzhhorod district recently returned from Moscow, and felt a deterioration of health. Doctors are confident due to the timely treatment the patient will recover.

    Today in Uzhhorod a press conference is planned to be held involving specialists of the Office of Health and State Administration. It will be held at 03:30 a.m. in the regional center of health.

    As correspondent has learned, a group of specialists of Transcarpathian regional sanitary-epidemiological station has left for investigation of a fatal case in Volovets village, whence the deceased comes from. Doctors say that it would be too difficult to confirm the presence of swine influenza in the region - in Ukraine there are no special methods and technical capabilities, Vitaly Logos, correspondent reports.

    An epidemic of A/H1N1 influenza may appear in November in Ukraine, told the director of the Ukrainian Center of influenza and acute respiratory infections Olexander Hrynevich. "Most likely, it will appear when the weather deteriorates. People will be cold”,- said Hrynevich.
    05:22 p.m. 21 people have died in three western regions of Ukraine, according to preliminary data, of pneumonia, ForUm reports. Swine influenza has not been found, but the final results will be known in two days, when the additional tests will be spent in London.

    Olexandr Hrynevich assured that Ukrainian epidemiologists have been prepared for the epidemic of influenza A/H1N1, reports ForUm. According to him, the state has reserves of disinfection means, necessary tests to identify A/H1N1 have been purchased, places for treatment of patients have been prepared. Hrynevich suggests that an epidemic of swine flu may start soon in Ukraine.

    Today, on October 29, it has become known about another case of death from pneumonia in Chernivtsi. Ministry of Health calls on all citizens if symptoms of influenza or other acute respiratory viral diseases appear, go to hospital immediately.

    Due to the epidemiological situation the trip of President Victor Yushchenko to the Lviv Region may fail, Glavred cites the chief state sanitary doctor of the Lviv region Roman Pavliv as saying.
    On Saturday, October 31, business trip of President of Ukraine to the Lviv Region is planned to be on the occasion of the establishment of the West Ukrainian National Republic.

    Three members of Ukraine’s embassies are being checked by doctors on influenza A (H1N1), Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko reported. "There was information that the three officials of embassies are suspected of being ill with virus A (H1N1). All necessary facilities were provided for treatment and diagnostics," - he said.

    Petro Poroshenko said that the Foreign Ministry established a fund for immediate disbursement of funds for treatment in cases where the health of members of diplomatic missions of Ukraine is under threat. The Ministry is also developing mechanisms for temporary insurance for diplomats working in countries where the epidemiological threat or an emergency for their social protection are declared, Ukrainian News reported.

    05:39 p.m. Doctors are calling on citizens not to vaccinate against influenza, because such vaccination in the midst of the epidemic may injure the health, coordinator of epidemic influenza in Lviv Miron Borysevich claimed at a press conference, reports.

    "When an outbreak of influenza begins, nobody is being vaccinated. From the point of view of epidemiology this can not be done because it is harmful. It may harm the patient," - he said.

    At the same time, doctors advise not to communicate with people who are sick. If you have to contact with sick people, use flu masks.

    A closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

    PNEUMONIC PLAGUE has an acute course than other forms, over and is accompanied by a very high mortality rate. The incubation period of primary pneumonic plague rarely exceeds more than 1-4 days. It begins, as a rule, suddenly - with shivering, fever, headache, myalgia, weakness, nausea. The symptoms of pneumonia - cough with phlegm, chest pain, shortness of breath - usually appear on the second day of the disease. Blood spitting, growing respiratory disorders, heart failure, respiratory failure, shock are being observed. In primary pneumonic plague phlegm usually is watery or mucinous, foamy, with blood or visibly bloody.

    A secondary pneumonic plague occurs as interstitial pneumonia. Phlegm is scanty and more dense and viscous than in primary pulmonary plague. It is believed that in this regard, patients are less contagious.

    As a reminder, yesterday, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions. By Yulia Makoveeva,
    Last edited by Malsua; November 3rd, 2009 at 13:27.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Take with a grain of salt...

    What moves me today? It appears that the massive biological pandemic that I have forecast for many years, most recently specifying this Fall (that's right now, folks), has arrived in the break-away Soviet republic of Ukraine over the past week. You say you haven't heard about it yet? You will. There has been no news coverage in the West so far, so near as I can tell, but this story is too big and moving too fast to cover up much longer. I have seen a number of Internet postings on the Ukrainian epidemic and, even, a few UTube videos already. I have heard the story developing since last week from correspondents of mine in Ukraine who have been witnessing things first hand. School and public offices have all been closed. President Yuschenko has declared a state of emergency and issued a plea for international help. Reports of up to 3,000 deaths (unconfirmed) already are leaking out.

    So far, the worst of this outbreak is in Western Ukraine, in and around the city of Lviv, but a few hundred kilometers to the East, in the capital city of Kiev, nearly half the people now stalk the streets wearing surgical masks. It would be an understatement to say that the people of Ukraine are moving into full panic mode. I can see why. So should you. I will explain why in a moment.

    Ukrainian authorities are unclear that this outbreak is the same as or, even, a close variant of the Swine Flu now sweeping over the planet. Maybe it is just a lethal mutation. Likely not, however. They are calling it both a viral pneumonia and bacteriological hemorrhagic fever. The symptoms mimic those of Swine Flu, though on steroids. People die with their lungs dissolving almost overnight, filled with fluids and blood. This is the exact, same pattern as followed by the 1917 Spanish Flu, which struck down the healthiest among the population, those with the strongest immune systems. The rampup over the summer has been identical to 1917, too.

    Here's why you are at special risk if you are young and healthy: Your vital and responsive immune system is the very thing that kills you, by overreacting to the infection via what is called a Cytokeine Storm. I wrote about this process earlier this year, in Flu Happens. A great many of the people now dying have underlying conditions as well, particularly those of a respiratory nature such as asthma, when they take ill.
    Now for the particularly interesting and sinister conspiracy twist (you just knew this was coming, didn't you?):

    Inckdentally, I have forecast in my Internet columns and my book, Defensive Racism, this very scenario, though I have not known where it would begin.

    Three months ago, Israeli Mossad agent Joseph Moshe, who specializes in biological warfare, was taken down by Los Angeles police, allegedly for "threatening the White House." What wasn't reported by the media at the time was that Moshe just had "called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." Moshe also claimed that Ukraine would be the country in which it first would be released. This was in early August. How did he know?
    Three months ago, Moshe stated that this pandemic would begin in Ukraine, a country free of the flu until last week. That is too much for coincidence. Maybe it simply is coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. And, suddenly, lots of people are dying in Ukraine from this flu outbreak - a much more deadly form of the flu than has been seen anywhere else.

    Baxter Pharmaceuticals has a vaccine development and production lab in Ukraine and in the past has been proven to have shipped dangerous live agents to other countries, notably AIDS in blood products that killed thousands of people a few years ago. This past spring, Czechoslovakia happened to test some Baxter vaccine and found live virus, something about which you may have heard.

    Baxter, the source of the flu vaccine now being distributed over there, cannot be trusted! The Ukrainian people are not being told any of this or about what this Moshe character said just prior to being arrested in August over here. I am forwarding this column to all my friends in Ukraine tonight.

    There is extreme danger from this flu pandemic in Ukraine right now and you should take especial precautions, wherever you live. Particularly, get a supply of Tamiflu, if possible, and start taking it at the first sign of symptoms (headache, fever, dry cough, aches/pains and extreme fatigue). It works. I have used it myself in the past. This flu operates very fast, often within just 3 - 6 hours, and is very deadly. You will not have time to get Tamiflu once you have symptoms.

    I predict that we will see this all over the globe by the end of the month. This could kill a lot of people. A lot, as in millions. Already, you can bank upon this infection being in many other countries, now going through its gestation period. It is infectious before symptoms really manifest. We will know by this time next week.

    Hang on, folks. I think this is just the crest. Now comes the plunge downward. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
    Last edited by Malsua; November 3rd, 2009 at 13:30.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    LA Standoff Explained--Moshe Was Going Public About Vaccine

    On a bleak island in the Aral Sea, one hundred monkeys are tethered to posts set in parallel rows stretching out toward the horizon. A muffled thud breaks the stillness. Far in the distance, a small metal sphere lifts into the sky then hurtles downward, rotating, until it shatters in a second explosion.

    Some seventy-five feet above the groud, a cloud the color of dark mustard begins to unfurl, gently dissolving as it glides down toward the monkeys. They pull at their chains and begin to cry. Some bury their heads between their legs. A few cover their mouths or noses, but it is too late: they have already begun to die.

    At the other end of the island, a handful of men in biological protective suits observe the scene through binoculars, taking notes. In a few hours, they will receive the still-breathing monkeys and return them to cages where the animals will be under continuous examination for the next several days until, one by one, they die of anthrax or tularemia, Q fever, brucellosis, glanders, or plague. These are the tests I supervised throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. They formed the foundation of the Soviet Union's spectacular breakthroughs in biological warfare.

    Between 1988 and 1992, I was the first chief deputy of Biopreparat, the Soviet state pharmaceutical agency whose primary function was to develop and produce weapons made from the most dangerous viruses, toxins, and bacteria known to man. Biopreparat was the hub of a clandestine empire of research, testing, and manufacturing facilities spread over more than forty sites in Russia and Kazakhstan. Nearly every important government institution played a role in the Soviet biological weapons program: the Ministry of Defense, the Ministries of Agriculture and Health, the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the Communist Party Central Committee, and, of course, the KGB. The System, as Biopreparat was often called, was more successful than the Kremlin had ever dared to hope.

    Over a twenty-year period that began, ironically, with Moscow's endorsement of the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972, the Soviet Union built the largest and most advanced biological warfare establishment in the world. We were among the 140 signatories of the convention, pledging "not to develop, produce, stockpile, or otherwise acquire or retain" biological agents for offensive military purposes. At the same time, through our covert program, we stockpiled hundreds of tons of anthrax and dozens of tons of plague and smallpox near Moscow and other Russian cities for use against the United States and its Western allies.

    What went on in Biopreparat's labs was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Cold War.

    Before I became an expert in biological warfare I was trained as a physician. The government I served perceived no contradiction between the oath every doctor takes to preserve life and our preparations for mass murder. For a long time, neither did I.

    Less than a decade ago, I was a much-decorated army colonel, marked out for further promotion in one of the Soviet Union's most elite military programs. If I had stayed in Russia, I would have been a major general by now, and you would never have heard my name. But in 1992, after seventeen years inside Biopreparat, I resigned my position and fled with my family to the United States. In numerous debriefing sessions, I provided U.S. officials with their first comprehensive picture of our activities. Most of what I told them has never been revealed in public.

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the danger once posed by our weapons work has largely diminished. Biopreparat claims that it no longer conducts offensive research, and Russia's stockpile of germs and viruses has been destroyed. But the threat of a biological attack has increased as the knowledge developed in our labs--of lethal formulations that took our scientists years to discover--has spread to rogue regimes and terrorist groups. [ed. note--the author has no proof that the Russian threat has diminished as he claims, and the rogue regimes and terror organizations answer to Moscow.] Bioweapons are no longer contained within the bipolar world of the Cold War. They are cheap, easy to make, and easy to use. In the coming years, they will become very much a part of our lives.

    Since leaving Moscow I have encountered an alarming level of ignorance about biological weapons. Some of the best scientists I've met in the West say it isn't possible to alter viruses genetically to make reliable weapons, or to store enough of a given pathogen for strategic purposes, or to deliver it in a way that assures maximum killing power. My knowledge and experience tell me that they are wrong. I have written this book to explain why.

    There are some who maintain that discussing the subject will cause needless alarm. But existing defenses against these weapons are dangerously inadequate, and when biological terror strikes, as I'm convinced it will, public ignorance will only heighten the disaster. The first step we must take to protect ourselves is to understand what biological weapons are and how they work. The alternative is to remain as helpless as the monkeys in the Aral Sea.

    Ken Alibek, Foreward to his 1999 book Biohazard

    Now, the information I received tonight.

    Joseph Moshe (Moshe is the man's middle name) is a bio-scientist. He works (worked?) for a unit within Mossad. He is an Israeli citizen.

    The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain him, or "bring him in."

    Moshe did not send a threat to the White House. Rather, he communicated that he intended to go public with information he had regarding the flu vaccine that is being prepared by Baxter Labs, an Austrian company.

    The information is this: The vaccine is being manufactured in Ukraine. It is not a vaccine at all, but rather an engineered genetically mutated bio-weapon meant to cause sickness and death. Moshe informed the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he became aware that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings in his car and set out for the Israeli consulate, located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. FBI pursuit kept him from reaching his destination.

    Mounted on top of the large black vehicle was a microwave weapon which fried the electronics in Moshe's car as well as any communication devices he had which might have been used to contact the media or others who could help him.

    Moshe did not suffer the same effects of the gas and pepper spray that others would have because he had built up an immunity to such weapons as a by-product of his Mossad training.

    Moshe was not handcuffed because he was not placed under arrest. After leaving police or FBI custody, he returned to Israel, where he is at this time.

    The information comes from one of my confidential sources. I have reason to believe it is accurate. If I receive more information I will post it.

    Last edited by Malsua; November 3rd, 2009 at 13:36.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Who is Joseph Moshe?

    Posted on August 24, 2009 by willyloman
    I am not sure what to make of this story, but here is what I know so far.
    Joseph Moshe was detained after an 8 hour standoff. The official story is that he had made “threats against the White House”, yet the story quickly died in the MSM. In fact, if you Google his name, you don’t find one single MSM report on the first page. That’s Odd because it was covered for the full 8 hours of the standoff by a Fox affiliate station.
    In a media culture driven by the creed that if it bleeds it leads, isn’t it strange that this kind of incident barely saw the light of day in the news?

    Moshe was able to resist massive doses of tear gas pumped into his car by a robot for hours on end. Even the police were astounded at that. How the hell did he do that?

    Notice the gas masks that the police are wearing? They also evacuated a local Federal Building fearing the wind could blow some of this their way and injure by standers. But Moshe is calm and relaxed? Well, there may be a reason for that.

    There are more great photos and some developing information at this thread.
    The real story may in fact go something like this:
    Less than 24 before this scene unfolded, Moshe called a call-in show claiming he was a microbiologist with information about the Baxter H1N1 vaccine being manufactured in the Ukraine. He said he wanted to hand over evidence to the State Attorney Generals office (is the State Attorney Generals office in that Federal Building?)
    Moshe reportedly was attempting to get to either the Israeli consulate or the Attorney General’s office. At this point details are sketchy. But we know that he did contact the talk radio show, and we do know that the Secret Service contacted the local police to get him detained. We don know what has happened to him since his arrest. There is word that he may have been sent to Israel, but I don’t know that yet. If you have any info about this case, let me know.
    ” The would-be bomber, Joseph
    Wed, 08/19/2009 – 21:16 — Anonymous (not verified)
    The would-be bomber, Joseph Moshe, called into the Dr True Ott Show on Republic Broadcasting and said he was a microbiologist who wanted to hand over evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 vaccines being produced by Baxter pharmaceutical. He claimed that that Baxter’s lab in the Ukraine was in fact preparing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He maintained that the vaccine contained both adjuvants designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 global pandemic. That’s it. He made no threat against Obama, nor said anything about bombs or any attack. The following day he was hauled out of his red VW beetle by a SWAT team and arrested. He was immediately extradited to Israel, where he has dual-citizenship, and hasn’t been heard from since. All this talk portraying him as being a rightwing nutcase is disinformation designed to keep his disturbing comments from alarming the public.”

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    I've been deliberately posting stories from no later than mid September. Stories that have come out in the past few weeks can be necessarily slanted by the recent outbreak in the Ukraine.

    Also, much of this stuff is floating around on the unreliable conspiracy sites. I think now that something has in fact occurred that meshes, it becomes worthy of reporting.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    This recent outbreak in Ukraine deserves it's own thread. I posted several articles yesterday in the H1N1 thread. There is rumor that this may be used for the up coming elections.

    WHO knows.

    H1N1 Swine Flu Or Something Far Worse? The Debate Over What The Heck Is Going On In Ukraine Rages On

    At this hour a team of experts from the World Health Organization is on the ground in Ukraine, but the search for solid answers about what in the world is going on there has not made much progress. Some sources are insisting that it is just the same old H1N1 swine flu that is found in the rest of the world. Others are speculating that the H1N1 swine flu there has mutated into a much deadlier form. Other sources are absolutely convinced that the H1N1 swine flu simply could not produce the kind of deaths that are being seen right now in Ukraine.

    The latest government numbers tell us that over a quarter of a million Ukrainians have developed flu-like symptoms, over 15,000 have been hospitalized, 235 are in intensive care and 70 people have died.

    Of those 70 deaths, 22 have tested positive for the swine flu, although Bloomberg is reporting that authorities are saying that it is "difficult to tell" whether the pandemic H1N1 virus is responsible for all the cases.
    Observers have noted that the death rate does seem to be substantially higher than in other European nations, so some are speculating that the H1N1 swine flu may have mutated into a more virulent form in that region.

    The World Health Organization team of experts plans to collect samples from patients in the Ukraine and send them to the WHO’s center in London for diagnosis. Preliminary data from that analysis should be available in a few days.
    Meanwhile, a retired biochemist quoted over on the Urban Survival website is extremely skeptical that the carnage in the Ukraine is being caused by the H1N1 swine flu.....
    What scares the **** out of me is that the bleeding in the lungs is exactly what killed a lot of folks in the 1918-19 pandemic. See the great book "The Great Influenza: The story of the deadliest pandemic in history ." People would literally fall dead walking across the street. The bleeding out of the lungs was most likely the result of a "cytokine storm" that so increased the vascular permeability in the air sacks that blood filled the lungs. The reason why the mortality in the 1918-1919 pandemic was concentrated in the 18-25 yo cohort was that they had the most active immune systems.

    Now I've NO conjecture as to who may have let this loose or why.

    But I do know that the technology is widespread to replicate the 1918-1919 virus that killed 2-4 million Americans and about 50 million world wide. And folks only traveled by ship in 1918. And there is NO vaccine for this flu type.

    Hopefully we will know in a couple of weeks the sequences of the 8 RNA pieces in the Ukraine virus. I'll bet the farm that it is a replicant of the "Spanish Flu." If so, the odds are totally infinitesimal that this was NOT a deliberate bioweapon release.

    I note that long haul truckers will simply go home and park their rigs if this flu reaches the USA. And exactly what reason do we have to suppose that it will be confined to Ukraine? The average city has 3 days of food. Connect the dots... please...............
    Other early reports indicated that the H1N1 swine flu had been ruled out as the cause for at least some of the deaths in Ukraine.

    So just what in the world IS going on over there?

    Hopefully the WHO will have some honest answers for us over the next few days. If the number of deaths starts climbing into the hundreds or thousands we may have a truly serious problem on our hands.

    Up until now, the H1N1 swine flu "pandemic" has mostly been a bunch of hype. World health authorities tell us that about 500,000 people die from the regular seasonal flu around the world each year, and yet only about 5,700 have died from the H1N1 swine flu worldwide so far.
    Hardly something to be worried about.

    But if the H1N1 swine flu mutates, or if this outbreak in Ukraine is something else entirely, then we may have something real to worry ourselves about.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Flu, Flu, And More Flu, Day 4

    Tuesday, November 03, 2009

    Image via Wikipedia

    Flu is all anyone is talking about in Ukraine right now. You hear the word on the street by people who are brave enough to be out on it as they hold conversations with each other behind masked mouths. Friends are calling each other to try and figure out what is going on. People are watching breaking news on the epidemic with every kind of attitude from genuine concern, to sarcasm, and to complete panic.

    The Ukrainian TV news programs talk of nothing but the flu. Statistics, documentaries, talk shows, news updates. Videos of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko dramatically meeting an airplane at Borispol Airport which unloaded boxes and boxes of Tamiflu. Ukraine has reportedly paid 50 million UAH for the medicine. We have everything we need here for a science fiction movie. As I sit in my flat writing this without any of the normal sounds of life outside my apartment building, I definitely feel a bit like I'm in one.

    What might be a bit of a relief to everyone is that the World Health Organization has arrived in Ukraine and is going to be studying the virus that's causing this epidemic. While they are here, they might want to share some statistics on the problem of TB and other infectious diseases which plague Ukrainians prisoners. In the country's panic to have everyone wearing a mask, Tymoshenko has ordered two million face masks to be made by Ukrainian prisons.

    The best news is that we have an ending date to the epidemic given by politician Volodymyr Lytvyn. He says the epidemic will end after the Presidential elections in January.

    Monday, November 02, 2009

    Flu Panic, Day 3

    It's Day 3 of the Ukrainian Flu Panic.

    Today the streets continue to be quiet. People only seem to be out if they absolutely have to get somewhere.

    Mashrutki (auto buses) are running but I noticed that there are only a few people sitting in the seats compared to their usual over stuffed capacity loads.

    I only saw one young child on the street. She was held tightly by her mother's hand. Her mother, of course, was wearing a mask.

    President Yushenko has called the flu epidemic "A national security threat" and has requested that other countries help Ukraine by sending medicines, supplies and equipment to help combat the problem.

    Blogger Moldov Ann related the story on her blog of her neighbor who called the paramedics when his temperature soared and was then told that they wouldn't come because they had no medicine for him anyway.

    What is a huge concern to everyone I talk to now, is that markets have been ordered closed. The closures will start tomorrow. These markets are where most people get their fresh meats, fruits and vegetables. Who knows how this will affect an already bad economy. My friend in Western Ukraine mentioned that the prices of fresh fruits and vegetables there had been severely increased over the weekend.

    So, the chaos continues.

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    So is it Biowar? Bioaccident? Neither?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Here is one of many hot threads you have to dig through to find good and sketchy information.

    reply posted on 3-11-2009 @ 08:46 AM by JJay55

    Originally posted by asen_y2k
    ----INSIDE NEWS----

    Just spoke to my my therapy(internal medicine) teacher who was in a meeting with Health Misnistry yesterday.

    He is a busy man so I did not get much details out, these are the words he used-

    Situation not in control, it is SERIOUS,

    We do not know what is going on,

    If you can leave the country it is the best option.

    We don't know when the situation will be in control.
    [edit on 3/11/09 by asen_y2k]

    Good advice. Good luck getting out now that the borders are locked. I feel bad for you. I wonder why you waited so long for word from authority.

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    That sounds absolutely "Captain Tripps"-a-licious.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    What does this say about the virus?

    US Patent Application 20090010962 - Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof

    Application Filed on June 1, 2005
    Application Published on January 8, 2009
    Abstract Claims Description Full Text

    View Application Images (PDF)

    Abstract text

    The present invention relates, in general, to attenuated swine influenza viruses having an impaired ability to antagonize the cellular interferon (IFN) response, and the use of such attenuated viruses in vaccine and pharmaceutical formulations. In particular, the invention relates to attenuated swine influenza viruses having modifications to a swine NS1 gene that diminish or eliminate the ability of the NS1 gene product to antagonize the cellular IFN response.

    These viruses replicate in vivo, but demonstrate decreased replication, virulence and increased attenuation, and therefore are well suited for use in live virus vaccines, and pharmaceutical formulations.
    Last edited by vector7; November 3rd, 2009 at 22:16.

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    One Flu Over the Ukraine's Nest

    November 3rd, 2009 6:32 AM
    by Edgar J. Steele

    What moves me today? It appears that the massive biological pandemic that I have forecast for many years, most recently specifying this Fall (that's right now, folks), has arrived in the break-away Soviet republic of Ukraine over the past week. You say you haven't heard about it yet? You will. There has been no news coverage in the West so far, so near as I can tell, but this story is too big and moving too fast to cover up much longer. I have seen a number of Internet postings on the Ukrainian epidemic and, even, a few UTube videos already. I have heard the story developing since last week from correspondents of mine in Ukraine who have been witnessing things first hand. School and public offices have all been closed. President Yuschenko has declared a state of emergency and issued a plea for international help. Reports of up to 3,000 deaths (unconfirmed) already are leaking out.

    So far, the worst of this outbreak is in Western Ukraine, in and around the city of Lviv, but a few hundred kilometers to the East, in the capital city of Kiev, nearly half the people now stalk the streets wearing surgical masks. It would be an understatement to say that the people of Ukraine are moving into full panic mode. I can see why. So should you. I will explain why in a moment.

    Ukrainian authorities are unclear that this outbreak is the same as or, even, a close variant of the Swine Flu now sweeping over the planet. Maybe it is just a lethal mutation. Likely not, however. They are calling it both a viral pneumonia and bacteriological hemorrhagic fever. The symptoms mimic those of Swine Flu, though on steroids. People die with their lungs dissolving almost overnight, filled with fluids and blood. This is the exact, same pattern as followed by the 1917 Spanish Flu, which struck down the healthiest among the population, those with the strongest immune systems.

    The rampup over the summer has been identical to 1917, too.

    Here's why you are at special risk if you are young and healthy: Your vital and responsive immune system is the very thing that kills you, by overreacting to the infection via what is called a Cytokeine Storm. I wrote about this process earlier this year, in Flu Happens. A great many of the people now dying have underlying conditions as well, particularly those of a respiratory nature such as asthma, when they take ill.

    Now for the particularly interesting and sinister conspiracy twist (you just knew this was coming, didn't you?):

    Incidentally, I have forecast in my Internet columns and my book, Defensive Racism, this very scenario, though I have not known where it would begin.

    Three months ago, Israeli Mossad agent Joseph Moshe, who specializes in biological warfare, was taken down by Los Angeles police, allegedly for "threatening the White House." What wasn't reported by the media at the time was that Moshe just had "called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." Moshe also claimed that Ukraine would be the country in which it first would be released. This was in early August. How did he know?

    Three months ago, Moshe stated that this pandemic would begin in Ukraine, a country free of the flu until last week. That is too much for coincidence. Maybe it simply is coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. And, suddenly, lots of people are dying in Ukraine from this flu outbreak - a much more deadly form of the flu than has been seen anywhere else.

    Baxter Pharmaceuticals has a vaccine development and production lab in Ukraine and in the past has been proven to have shipped dangerous live agents to other countries, notably AIDS in blood products that killed thousands of people a few years ago. This past spring, Czechoslovakia happened to test some Baxter vaccine and found live virus, something about which you may have heard.

    Baxter, the source of the flu vaccine now being distributed over there, cannot be trusted! The Ukrainian people are not being told any of this or about what this Moshe character said just prior to being arrested in August over here. I am forwarding this column to all my friends in Ukraine tonight.

    There is extreme danger from this flu pandemic in Ukraine right now and you should take especial precautions, wherever you live. Particularly, get a supply of Tamiflu, if possible, and start taking it at the first sign of symptoms (headache, fever, dry cough, aches/pains and extreme fatigue).
    It works. I have used it myself in the past. This flu operates very fast, often within just 3 - 6 hours, and is very deadly. You will not have time to get Tamiflu once you have symptoms.

    I predict that we will see this all over the globe by the end of the month.

    This could kill a lot of people. A lot, as in millions. Already, you can bank upon this infection being in many other countries, now going through its gestation period. It is infectious before symptoms really manifest. We will know by this time next week.

    Hang on, folks. I think this is just the crest. Now comes the plunge downward. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.

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    Joseph Moshe, the Ukraine Outbreak and the Whitehouse

    Okay, folks we got ourselves some international intrigue that is actually not tinfoil hat related. A conspiracy theory that actually has more fact than conjecture!

    What you are about to learn, though being viral via your usual suspect birther and truther sites this story cannot be easily passed on.

    You all may remember the standoff in California in August, the boring an rather anti-climatic 5 hour Los Angeles(westwood) non-drama was broadcast live by most of the cable news outlets.

    It was being reported at the time as an occurence of just a nutzoid acting out against the whitehouse. As reported by HUFFPO.

    Joseph Moshe, Man Suspected Of Making Threats Against White House, Leads Police On Chase In LA (VIDEO)

    But folks that was not the story at all. In fact it may turn out that Joseph might just be the greatest hero of all time?

    Anyways, the standoff had it's own drama not realized by me as I watched and that was the Little VW, Joseph was sitting in was lambasted with pepper spray and tear gas, that had absolutely no effect on him.

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    Here is a link to booking information.

    Enter last and first name:
    Moshe, Joseph

    Booking number: 2019293

    At one point, it looks as if he may have been sent to Patton State Mental Hospital in San Bernadino.

    Booking No.: 2019293 Last Name: MOSHE First Name: JOSEPH Middle Name:

    Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 12/05/1952 Age: 56 Hair: GRY Eyes: BRO Height: 511 Weight: 145

    Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)

    Arrest Date: 08/13/2009 Arrest Time: 1845 Arrest Agency: 4241 Agency Description: LAPD-METRO DIVISION

    Date Booked: 08/13/2009 Time Booked: 2355 Booking Location: 4273 Location Description: LAPD - JAIL DIVISION

    Total Bail Amount: 0 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 0.00

    Housing Location: TTCF

    Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 09/02/2009 Assigned Time: 1548 Visitor Status: 0


    Public Visiting Guidelines Facility Visiting Schedule

    For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.

    Next Court Code: M141 Next Court Date: 01/25/2010 Next Court Time: 0830 Next Court Case: 9WA0026501

    Court Name: LAX LA MUNI COURT DIV 141
    Court Address: 11701 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD. Court City: LOS ANGELESUPT

    No Information On Release Date.

    Case No. Court Name Court Address Court City Bail Amt. Fine Amt. Court Date Sent. Date Sent. Day(s) Disp Code
    SA07201901 LAX SUPERIOR DEPT D 11701 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD. LOS ANGELESUPT 0 .00 10/26/2009 10/26/2009 0 PAT
    9WA0026501 LAX LA MUNI COURT DIV 141 11701 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD. LOS ANGELESUPT 0 .00 01/25/2010 10/26/2009 0 OR
    9WA0206301 LAX LA MUNI COURT DIV 141 11701 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD. LOS ANGELESUPT 0 .00 01/25/2010 10/26/2009 0 OR

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Recombinomics Commentary
    19:54, November 3, 2009

    WHO Targets Hemorrhagic H1N1 Cases in Lviv Ukraine

    Work will initially begin in Lviv region, where reported numbers of cases showing severe manifestations of acute respiratory illness have been especially high. Two virologists on the team have started working at the National Influenza Centre and the laboratories of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Kyiv to provide diagnostic support.

    The above comments from the WHO update on Ukraine strike a more serious tone than yesterday's quotes from WHO spokespersons playing down the alarming number of hospitalized and fatal cases, as well as media reports spinning political considerations, or politicians claiming only 15 confirmed H1N1 cases. As the WHO update clearly states, the dominant influenza circulating worldwide is swine H1N1 and it is assumed that most cases in the Ukraine are swine H1N1. Since the official government website lists 19,189 influenza cases (in addition to more than 235,000 ARI cases), the willingness of politicians to cite 15 confirmed cases, as well as media support in the distribution of the propaganda, is unfortunate.

    The more severe manifestation of ARI cases are clearly hemorrhagic disease that fills lungs with blood and produces bleeding at all orifices, which are stark reminders of 1918 pandemic cases which were also linked to a swine H1N1.

    Samples have arrived at Mill Hill in London, and sequence data should be available shortly. Since current swine H1N1 produced lethal infections in previously healthy young adults, and produced hemorrhagic disease, changes in the viral genome may be absent or minor. Therefore, release of the sequences to the entire scientific community would be useful.

    Similarly, an update on the number of hemorrhagic cases would be useful. Rumors have suggested that such the number of such cases is significantly higher than the six described in media reports.

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    Ukraine Orders Mobile Military Hospitals for H1N1 Caseload

    Recombinomics Commentary 18:52
    October 30, 2009

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko ordered the Defense Ministry to prepare a mobile military hospitals.

    According to an UNIAN correspondent, he told reporters.

    V. Yushchenko said that today should provide the necessary number of places for patients.

    The president said the Defense Ministry order for the deployment of mobile mobile hospitals, which will be raised if necessary.

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has said that drugs to combat pandemic influenza A/H1N1 long enough, but he would ask the world community, if the need arises for additional resources.

    The above comments describe additional preparations for handling the growing number of hospitalized patients in the Ukraine (see map). Local television and radio reports describe a doubling of reported cases (from 37,923 to over 80,000) in a 24 hour period, potentially taxing health care delivery. Some health care workers have also been infected.

    Samples have been sent to London for analysis and a permanent link to WHO has been established. The situation appears to be quite fluid and transmission could be exacerbated by the upcoming holiday weekend.

    Sequence data is eagerly awaited.

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    "Ferret studies have show that if you infect a ferret with both seasonal flu (H1N1 or H3N2) and pandemic H1N1 then pandemic H1N1 dominates and is the only strain passed on to another party. So quite simply pandemic H1N1 is out-competing all other seasonal A type flu strains.

    As resistance builds up to pandemic H1N1 thanks to prior infection then possibly seasonal flus will become more common later in the flu season which is why health authorities are urging people to get the seasonal vaccine. .... "

    Swine flu has a free run. Those under 60 don't have antibodies, so the virus can run through the population. That is why it is spreading like widefire in schools. There is a little bit of seasonal influenza A in Asia and Africa, but in Europe and North America, its ALL swine flu with NO competition.

    Over 10 percent of medical personnel in Lviv have flu and acute respiratory infections
    Today at 17:06

    Lviv, November 3 (Interfax-Ukraine) - A total of 760 medical employees have come down with the flu and acute respiratory infections, chief of the healthcare department of Lviv city council, Volodymyr Zub, said at a press conference on Tuesday

    "Fifteen of them are receiving in-patient treatment," Zub said.

    According to him, in particular, 198 doctors, 312 nurses and 257 other medical personnel have flu and acute respiratory infections.

    He said that currently over 10% of the staff of the city's medical establishments are ill, and moreover, their number is growing.

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    30-10-2009 11:38
    Ukraine is restricting rail traffic

    Rail traffic in Ukraine will be restricted due to the epidemiological situation in the country, Health Minister Vasyl Kniazevych has said.
    Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said earlier that travelling between the regions and abroad could be restricted. Border guards also tightened controls, and if they find any symptoms of flu in people who cross the state border, they will immediately send them to local hospitals. Quarantine was imposed in the country's nine western regions due to the epidemic of the H1N1 influenza, commonly known as swine flu. It was also decided to declare a three-week ban on all mass events and introduce a three-week holiday period at all educational institutions.


    H1N1 Fatalities in Ukraine Generate Travel Restrictions

    Recombinomics Commentary 15:43
    October 30, 2009

    Ukraine on Friday closed schools, banned all public events and imposed restrictions on people's movements around the country for a three-week period after confirming its first death from H1N1 swine flu.

    "All educational institutions without exception ... will be switched on to a three-week holiday period," Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced. She indicated this period could be extended if it was deemed necessary.

    "Apart from this, we will take the decision to cancel all mass meetings ... for three weeks," she said at an emergency government session.

    "We will introduce a special system to stop unnecessary travel by people from one region to another," she added.

    The above comments describe restrictions in western Ukraine linked to an H1N1 outbreak. The government site lists 30 fatalities, but media reports suggest the number may be closer to 100. The fatal pneumonia cases are been described at multiple locations in western Ukraine (see map), but the total number of infections are unclear.

    Early reports cited 10,000 cases throughout the country, but the government tally includes 27,300 in the Ternopil Oblast alone.

    Thus, the case fatality rate is unclear, but the numbers appear to be rising and may be closer to 100 than the 30 listed in the official tally.

    More specifics on the number dead and hospitalized, and sequence data on isolates from the fatal cases would be useful.
    Last edited by vector7; November 4th, 2009 at 08:15.

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    WHO team arrives to assist with Ukraine flu probe

    Lisa Schnirring Staff Writer

    Nov 3, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – The World Health Organization (WHO) said its team arrived in the Ukraine last night and met with the country's health ministry today to discuss a dramatic spike in flulike illnesses and deaths, particularly in the western part of the country.

    The Ukrainian health ministry has recorded more than 250,000 flulike illnesses, of which 235 patients needed treatment in intensive care units, the WHO said in a statement today. As of yesterday, 70 deaths had been reported.

    The high level of illnesses activity and severe cases, combined with reports of hemorrhagic pneumonia cases, have raised some speculation that the virus might be behaving differently in the Ukraine, but further testing is just getting under way.

    Laboratory testing at labs in the Ukraine have confirmed the pandemic H1N1 virus in samples taken from patients in two regions, the WHO said, adding that because the pandemic virus has become dominant throughout the world, most of the Ukrainian respiratory illnesses are probably caused by the novel H1N1 strain.

    Though the highest illness rates have been seen in the western part of the country, illness activity is increasing rapidly in Kiev, the WHO reported.

    The WHO's field investigation team will start in the Lviv region, where the number of cases of severe respiratory illness has been especially high. Virologists from the WHO have started working with Ukrainian scientists at the National Influenza Centre and the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, both in Kiev.

    Ukraine's health ministry has sent viral samples to the WHO collaborating center in London, where laboratory experts will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus.

    The outbreak raises several questions and may provide clues about how the virus will circulate in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months, particularly in areas such as Eastern Europe that have healthcare challenges.

    The WHO commended Ukrainian officials for their transparent reporting and open sharing of viral samples. It also said border closures and international travel restrictions are not warranted.

    Lawmakers in the Ukraine today approved legislation freeing up $1 billion UAH (about $131 million) in reserve funds for flu response actions, according to a report from UNIAN, the country's independent news agency.

    The country's head sanitary inspector today, in a television interview, denied that the country was experiencing an outbreak of pandemic flu and said only 14 cases had been confirmed, including three deaths, according to another UNIAN report today.

    Meanwhile, two of Ukraine's top leaders, who are opponents in a January presidential election, scrambled to respond to the flu outbreak, UNIAN reported. President Victor Yuschenko instructed the military to prepare portable military hospitals, and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko promised to provide all of the country's residents with masks to reduce their flu exposure.

    An official from the Ukraine's flu and respiratory disease center, Oleksandr Hrynevych, today projected that pandemic H1N1 vaccination could begin in a month or two after regulators approve two vaccines that are undergoing testing, according to a report from the National Radio Company of Ukraine (NRCU). He said the vaccine supply will come from the WHO and from individual country donations.

    A warden message posted on the US State Department's Ukrainian embassy Web site said US officials are aware of the outbreak and are monitoring the situation. Though the country has imposed several social-distancing measures, such as a 3-week school closure, Ukrainian officials have told the State Department that no general quarantine is in effect.

    The US embassy said that, because of legal restrictions and lack of resources, it is not able to provide private citizens with pandemic supplies, medication, medical treatment, or medical advice.

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    Default Re: SHOCK! Epidemic of pneumonic plague in Ukraine?

    Hospitals under quarantine to prevent spread of swine flu

    All Romanian hospitals were under quarantine in order to prevent the spread of swine flu, health authorities announced today (Mon).

    A total of 128 new cases of swine flu have been registered in the last 72 hours, bringing the total number to 555, with no fatalities.

    Health Ministry Secretary of State Adrian Streinu-Cercel said the measure to place all hospitals under quarantine translated into fewer patient visits and fewer medical staff.

    The ministry will start distributing anti-viral medicines to the infections diseases units at county hospitals and assign 6.4 million lei (27 million lei) to hospitals in areas hit by the new flu for the purchase of surgical masks and disinfectant.

    Streinu-Cercel also said Romania had 400,000 doses of anti-viral medicine and would soon purchase another 1,375,000 doses.

    He added the ministry had scrapped plans to buy one million doses of swine-flu vaccine from foreign producers because they would have been ready only in the first quarter of 2010.

    Romania will begin a vaccination campaign against swine flu on November 26/27 using vaccine produced by the Cantacuzino Institute.

    The first 1.3 million doses will be given to medical staff and high school and university students in the eastern city of Iasi and capital city Bucharest.

    Other doses of vaccine will be given to border police staff deployed mainly along Romania's border with Ukraine.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- ... -2009/5694

    And in Romania today, a top health ministry official resigned after announcing on national TV that 20,000 people could die from swine flu in that one nation alone. Miles Ashdown has more.

    A Romanian presidential adviser said the Health Ministry Secretary of State caused a ‘futile sense of panic” and should ‘no longer appear in public.” Dr. Adrian Streniu Cercel said the 20,000 deaths would be the minimum. Citing personal reasons, the doctor resigned today -- just a month after being appointed. Before leaving his post, Streinu announced the health ministry would quarantine all Romanian hospitals from visitors and create separate emergency wards for people with flu symptoms. Additionally, hospitals will start vaccinations later this month of 1.3 million medical staff, and high school and university students in the capital Bucharest and the northeastern city of Iasi. Romania is one of eight countries in the world that can produce the vaccine. The Romanian president called today for the public and media to remain calm and to act responsibility. Last week, Romania’s interim health minister said the ministry is considering banning public gatherings. According to the Romanian health ministry, the country has 555 registered cases of swine flu. 174 were reported over the past week.

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