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Thread: Russia calls for World Government

  1. #1
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    Default Russia calls for World Government

    If taken seriously: This Will be a real movement of global agenda making.


  2. #2
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Doesn't the UN count as a "Chorus" of major nations? We all see how that worked out.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    The UN is a Western invention. The WG would be an open Socialist success story. Not a Good scenerio for freedom loving persons.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Well, communists want to rule the World but in order to get people used to it in advance, they had to start the UN first [Alger Hiss was a KGB agent] and they had to get American government involved in it so we would be tied up in nowhere leading diplomacy with these communist criminals, which any outcome will always only advance their deception and strategic plans.

    They have achieved a major victory by just being recognized as states, that is the gratest American and western blunder - this is the most important victory for the Russians and Chinese because it opens the door for them to conduct anything they need to do - and the outcome is always One World Communist government run by Russia and China.....

    If isolated completely [or even better run over as Gen. Patton wanted to do - God Bless his soul - and I don't think he was a Catholic so I am only saying.....], well, if communists were isolated and never allowed to get out of their cages, we would be lot safer.

    Their people would have no chance but these regimes would have been contained and no spread of communism would have been easy - but that requires first of all trust in God [and the only way is the right way - Catholic - and that's why these commies went first and most of all after the Church because the Church's influence and the true moral teaching of Christ.....]

    Once achieved, they had no worthy adversary and that is why we are where we are today.....

    I wrote little while ago Our Private Condemnation of Communism, please read it.

    Also the Holy Crusade against Communists is of interest.

    It is coming soon, I would say the most 4-5 months, that is when we hit Iran Russia and China will hit us back.....

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Their people would have no chance but these regimes would have been contained and no spread of communism would have been easy - but that requires first of all trust in God [and the only way is the right way - Catholic - and that's why these commies went first and most of all after the Church because the Church's influence and the true moral teaching of Christ.....]
    I still believe they have a long ways to go before they reach there final goal and many things can happen in that time frame, remmeber light removes darkness and that is what the Commies are "Darkness"

    Thanks Honza

  6. #6

    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Quote Originally Posted by falcon
    I still believe they have a long ways to go before they reach there final goal and many things can happen in that time frame, remmeber light removes darkness and that is what the Commies are "Darkness"

    Thanks Honza
    Well, and there lies the American naive perception - no offense to you Falcon, but I think on the contrary, they are ready to do it tomorrow.....

    Russians didn't sleep throughout the 1990s, they just continued with their plans, research, they most certainly murdered those 80 plus British and U.S. scientists [namely those working for the Marconi Institute in U.K. - Star Wars], Russians built those 200 plus nuclear bunker-cities-war production sites, advanced missiles etc.

    Why would you give them more time ?

    They cannot wait at all because they know that America is watching them now closely and we are producing weapons as well, and they cannot loose time and let us get to full strength.

    They don't want to loose their element of surprise, that is why they have worked so hard on the "Islamic terrorism disguise" of their own Spetsnaz terror operations, they [Russians] have invested lot of money and propaganda energy into this deception scheme so that Americans would really believe that Al Qaeda is a real deal.

    I don't believe there is a real Al Qaeda, to me this is just a name Russian commies are using to distract us from their own operations, Russians don't trust anybody, they didn't trust us when I was in the CZ Air Force.

    Russians hate Arabs, they wouldn't just "sell" them their nukes, bio-chem weapons and tell them go ahead, defend yourselves.

    That is not what these communist criminals are all about.

    All weapons are controlled by their agents, you can go back what Gen. Pacepa said what he was told from Andropov - Russian KGB and GRU controls all Islamic friendly countries' intelligence services.

    Al Qaeda is just a name they're using to cover up the tracks of Spetsnaz, plus the special training of these Spetsnaz soldiers has nor comparission with any type of "training" of any "Islamic terror group".....

    Don't give the Russians too much time, they simply don't have it !!!

    I think we may have most likely 3-6 months left, but it all depends on when we hit Iran, that is what the Russians and Chinese are waiting for.

    They will hit us back with all they've got and make it look like:

    1) America's fault
    2) "Islamic" [that is Iran's] retaliation
    3) Russian and Chinese citizens will be behind their governments because of the long-term propaganda against America - and that is why Russia and China are now in the UN against the military operation against Iran - Russians can come back to their citizens and say: see, we were against it but Americans wanted to do it anyway, we have to fight on the good side against them before they hit us also.....

    Of course there are many other possibilities but this should be the likelyhood how it will go down....

    God will punish those who live contrary to His Commandments and the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Smile as much as you want but this is the true reason why America and the heretical masonic and hedonistic atheistic World will be chastised by the Russian [etc.] communists - as Our Lady BVM told us at Fatima in 1917.

    Those who don't believe and are not true traditional Catholics should re-assess their options, but I wouldn't like to be in their place when we get hit by the communists.

    God protect you all, those who prevail in the true Apostolic Faith.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Interesting analysis. What is your opinion as to why the Pope and Vatican has continued seemingly withdraw from European morality? It seems that over the years the church has stood aside as the moral fiber of Europeans in general , has decayed. Why do they never warn the world of the dangers of Communism in an open public platform?


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Quote Originally Posted by Honza Malina
    Russians didn't sleep throughout the 1990s ... they most certainly murdered those 80 plus British and U.S. scientists [namely those working for the Marconi Institute in U.K. - Star Wars]

    No offense Honza, but there are no real facts to support this accusation. I am currently working here in the US in the very building where "Star Wars" [particle beam weapon] research was successfully conducted, and the rumor you are talking about is just that, a rumor. Worse, it could be more accurately described as an unfounded conspiracy theory. However, in deference to yourself, I very much prefer to use the label "rumor" in this instance.

    They don't want to loose their element of surprise
    You can implicitly trust me when I say that the Russian's and their allies no longer maintain any element of surprise in a strike against the US. American leadership knows at the highest levels exactly WHO & WHAT we are up against. We know for a fact that World War IV is in progress.

    that is why they have worked so hard on the "Islamic terrorism disguise" of their own Spetsnaz terror operations, they [Russians] have invested lot of money and propaganda energy into this deception scheme so that Americans would really believe that Al Qaeda is a real deal.
    Well, they may have tried to disguise some of their SpecialOps as "Islamic Terrorism" but I am here to tell you that this gambit is long exposed.

    Hard-core Islamic resurgence is for real; the terrorist and Jihad operations are no construct of sweaty brows emanating upon the world-at-large from within the basement walls of the Kremlim. A large amount of anti-American and anti-western propaganda comes from here, but core Islamist ideology and jihad operations do not.

    Islam itself is not the construct of Russian KGB - it is in fact the construct of the evil one who has been in opposition to and in conflict with God Almighty since time immemorial. We human beings who are alive today are a privilidged generation in that we are alive to be eyewitesses to the climax of this conflict -- indeed we are its physical world actors. Islam is a deception who intent and purpose has always been to violently oppose Judeo-Christianity. The Russian's can only dream they had the power to create such a danger to the entire planet and the humanity who dwells upon it.

    I don't believe there is a real Al Qaeda ...
    This is most unfortunate Honza. There exists an Islamist umbrella group known as Qaedat-al-Jihad headed by Usama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri just as there is a Hezbollah, a HAMAS, and several dozens more Islamist groups who are united in their cause for the sake of the false-moon god allah. ALL of these groups are unified of purpose and have allowed the Shi'a Hojjatieh Muslim's currently governing the Islamic Republic of Iran to take the lead as the coordinating authority.

    Russians hate Arabs...
    Not ALL Islamists are Arabs.

    Russia's role in one of the final acts of this conflict will be as a military ally of Iran and the host of additional allies as described in the Book of Ezekiel. This enemy confederation consists of a military alliance between Russia, her satellite nations, Iran and several Arab and Turkic states.

    Western Judeo-Christianity and the nations/land we occupy are their enemy.

    Russian KGB and GRU controls all Islamic friendly countries' intelligence services.
    Saddam is gone. Ba'athist Iraq no longer exists.

    Iranian (non-Arab Persian) intelligence is running their own affairs in close coordination with their Russian allies.

    Syria's Alawite minority works closely with their Iranian allies.

    Libya is playing possum and we know it.

    Egypt -barring a Muslim Brotherhood coup d'etat - is biding its time hoping to re-emerge as a Pan-Arab leader.

    They only true Islamic state Russia has an alliance with is Iran, but Russia does not control Iran - Russia works in concert with Iran.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; May 27th, 2006 at 11:08.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Dear Sean,

    I don't have whole lot of time to respond,
    so I remain where I am.

    The scientists of Marconi Institute were truly killed during the late 1980s [I have a copy of an article published during that time with the facts in it, including the names and data about these scientists], and it was happening at the same time where the Russians wanted to slow American and British research down, so they Russians and Chinese can gain the advantage in that field throughout the 1990s, which thanks to the treasonous presidency of the traitor and alleged communist mole Bill Clinton was achieved.

    Al Qaeda's leadership is none other than GRU agent Zawahiri.

    These are Russian and E. European explosives, weapons, training techniques, logistical support etc. plus the organizational structure is highly potent, which only suggests that, as it has always been the case, Moscow runs the whole deal.

    But as I remember, while having served in CZ communist Air Force, Russians didn't even trust us with anything, they had their own people among our leadership just to make sure their Russian plans were followed - which means no decesion was ever made without Moscow's pre-approval.

    Since the collapse of communism is a fraud, the Cold War is still on and the Islamic terrorism is only a extremely important disguise for the Russia's own military attack on America.

    As stated by Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa in his interview for Front Page Magazine [I am coppying from my own article
    Is Russia Behind 9/11 ? [ doubt !] :

    According to an interview published by Front Page Magazine
    former chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service Ion Mihai Pacepa explains
    about Russia:
    Pacepa: In the early 1970s, the Kremlin established a “socialist division of labor” for persuading the governments of Iraq and Libya to join the terrorist war against the US.

    KGB chairman Yuri Andropov (who would later become the leader of the Soviet Union), told me that either of those two countries could inflict more damage on the Americans than could the Red Brigades,
    the Baader-Meinhof group and all other terrorist organizations taken together.

    The governments of those Arab countries,Andropov explained, not only had inexhaustible financial resources
    (read: oil), but they also had huge intelligence services that were being run by “our razvedka advisers” [means our KGB espionage services....ed. note]and could extend their tentacles
    to every corner of the earth.

    There was one major danger, though: by raising terrorism to the state level we risked American reprisal. Washington would never dispatch its airplanes and rockets to exterminate the Baader-Meinhof, but it might well deploy them to destroy a terrorist state.

    We therefore were also tasked to provide those countries secretly with weapons of mass destruction, because Andropov concluded that the Yankees would never attack a country that could retaliate with such deadly weapons.

    Sean, don't buy into their "true sources", Russians have used such western media before, read for example the book by British author
    Brian Crozier "KGB Lawsuits".....

    I wouldn't trust what Russians clearly want us to believe - that their own operations will be done by "Ilamic terrorists"....

    Meanwhile, and I hope this makes logical sense, Spetsnaz is not watched, our budget is being wasted by watching the wrong people [to certain extent of course, there still be some on purpose visible "Islamic terrorists" to make sure that the bait is working.....Russians tend to bevery they are communist criminals.]

    I don't believe that American government knows what is going on, because if that would be the case, Russians and Chinese would've been put on notice and the American people would be notified.

    That is not done, and moreover, people scoff at the idea that the collapse of communism is a fraud.....

    But to me, as Roman Catholic, the most important information comes from Our Blessed Mother, BVM, who in 1917 Fatima and later in 1927 warned us about Russia:

    As a [traditional] Catholic I do believe in
    Our Lady of Fatima 1917 message, when Our Lady
    The Blessed Virgin Mary has said:

    ...To save them [poor sinners who are on the road to hell], God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

    The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse war will break out during the reign of Pius XI.

    When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and against the Holy Father.

    To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.

    If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church.

    The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

    Dear Sean,
    I wouldn't trust any Russian source at all.
    I wouldn't trust anything they say, always question it toward how it may serve their evil strategy.

    I wouldn't buy into the fiction that Al Qaeda will be behind the attack on America, Russians simply need America to follow the "Islamic terrorists" so the retaliation after the first strike against Russia [and China] is out of the question.....- BUT, and there is always but, if such American retaliation occurs against Russia, Russians have the excuse to hit us back directly, as their long-term anti-American propaganda will have its fruitful result...... and that is most likely exactly what they are banking on.....].

  10. #10

    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Quote Originally Posted by Segestan
    Interesting analysis. What is your opinion as to why the Pope and Vatican has continued seemingly withdraw from European morality? It seems that over the years the church has stood aside as the moral fiber of Europeans in general , has decayed. Why do they never warn the world of the dangers of Communism in an open public platform?

    You have to go back to the 1961 Vatican-Moscow agreement.

    The Popes have warned before that about the dangers of communism, for example one of the most briliant encyclicals comes from Pius XI

    Divini Redemptoris [I do suggest to everybody to read this, there are excellent ideas in this 1935 encyclical - and they are valid even more today than at that time].

    THe Vatican has been inflitrated and most likely fully taken over by communists, who have had their long term strategy against the Vatican in mind for long years.

    I wrote about this before, it is all on my website.

    This is nothing new, traditional Catholics know this full well.

    Once the Church's hierarchy has been taken by blackmail and communist infiltration, they [Russians etc.] can put in place their own agents to destroy the Church from within [at the end].

    There is a prophecy of sister Elena Aielo, I did coppied it on my website so it is still available on-line - the source is unclear but I have read this from my source before and it seems to be accurate.

    The Church had to be taken over by communists because if not, communism would have been condemned publicly and the Perestroika fraud wouldn't be posible.

    Russians at that point wouldn't stand a chance to implement anything because 600 million world-wide Catholics wouldn't trust them at all.

    But today, since this Modernist Catholic church has been so paralyzed and is no longer anti-communist, Russians were able to go ahead with the Perestroika deal no problem.

    Nuclear war only, which is clearly God's chastisement of the World, will solve the ready, spiritualy, physicaly, mentaly.

    This is not a joke.

    I am not afraid to die because I have access to the real Sacraments and follow the Catholic traditional moral teaching and doctrine, plus my time will most likely come soon, but that doesn't mean that I am not watchful, but there are lot of people who's soul can be lost, because precesely they don't know how serious this is and why it will happen.

    God Bless you all.


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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Quote Originally Posted by Honza Malina

    The scientists of Marconi Institute were truly killed during the late 1980s [I have a copy of an article published during that time with the facts in it, including the names and data about these scientists], and it was happening at the same time where the Russians wanted to slow American and British research down, so they Russians and Chinese can gain the advantage in that field throughout the 1990s, which thanks to the treasonous presidency of the traitor and alleged communist mole Bill Clinton was achieved.

    If you can find a link to that or something refering to it which contains the particulars -- I would love to see it.

    Al Qaeda's leadership is none other than GRU agent Zawahiri.
    I have no doubt whatsoever that Ayman al-Zawahiri is an FSB operative within the upper eschalon of Al Qaeda. However, the top tier leadership remains within Usama bin Laden's control. Bin Laden is actively advised and protected by intelligence agents from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan ans Iran. That's how he escaped Tora Bora and remains alive and in control to date.

    Sean, don't buy into their "true sources", Russians have used such western media before
    I do not utilize western media sources at the sole source of my assessment - they are quite well down towards the bottom of the ladder of my informational. My primary is word-of-mouth from tusted friends who are "in-the-know" (i.e. HUMINT).

    But to me, as Roman Catholic, the most important information comes from Our Blessed Mother...
    As a Christian your most important information should come directly from the Holy Bible. See Ezekiel 38/39.

    I wouldn't trust any Russian source at all.
    As a general rule, I don't.

    However, this statemen of yours urgently needs to be qualified, i.e.: you are incorrect to make such a general statement. Russian defectors are "Russian sources" and I see don't see anyone not implicitly trusting the words Anatoliy Golitsyn.

  12. #12
    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    I have no doubt whatsoever that Ayman al-Zawahiri is an FSB operative within the upper eschalon of Al Qaeda. However, the top tier leadership remains within Usama bin Laden's control. Bin Laden is actively advised and protected by intelligence agents from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan ans Iran. That's how he escaped Tora Bora and remains alive and in control to date.

    I've reviewed some of the Litvinenko information re Zawahiri. Interesting and illuminating stuff. However, is there a known discernable connection that establishes firm control of al Qaeda by FSB as a surrogate to the point that Bin Laden is directed by the Motherland even if it's done in a peripheral manner?

    I would imagine if this evidence exists that it's not an easy line to follow.

  13. #13
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russia calls for World Government

    If that information exists it would be quickly whitewashed even here at home. One wonders if the local media is similarly connected...
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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