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Thread: A Warning from the Past....

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default A Warning from the Past....

    Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery

    By Matt Smith, CNN
    March 22, 2010 10:59 a.m. EDT


    • 30 years after dedication, Georgia Guidestones have attention of conspiracy theorists
    • Mystery man had granite slabs built to instruct survivors of civilization-ending cataclysm
    • Some say it has fingerprints of a shadowy "New World Order" bent on subjugating humanity
    • Stones have been target of vandals; town delaying commemoration


    Elberton, Georgia (CNN) -- In the beginning, there was the stone.
    The blue-gray vein of granite that courses through northeastern Georgia spawned jobs in the quarries and finishing sheds of Elberton, where generations of stonecutters have turned slabs of rock the size of refrigerators into statues, tombstones and tile.

    And one day, it brought a visitor who gifted the town with a landmark that leaves visitors scratching their heads decades later.

    The nearly 20-foot high series of granite slabs known as the Georgia Guidestones are inscribed with a series of admonitions for a future "Age of Reason." Billed as "America's Stonehenge," it's an astronomically complex, 120-ton relic of Cold War fears, built to instruct survivors of an Armageddon that the mystery man feared was all too near.

    The identity of the man who called himself "R.C. Christian" is a secret that Wyatt Martin, the banker who acted as his agent in Elberton, vows to take to his grave.

    "He told me, 'If you were to tell who put the money up for this, it wouldn't be a mystery any more, and no one would come and read it.' That had to be part of the attraction, to get people to come and read his 10 rules that he came up with," Martin said.

    People in Elberton, about 100 miles east of Atlanta, are proud of their eccentric landmark. But 30 years after its dedication, it has drawn the attention of a new generation of conspiracy theorists with very different fears.

    "There are a lot of people who don't feel about it the same way we do," said Phyllis Brooks, president of the Elbert County Chamber of Commerce.
    The four vertical slabs that dominate the Guidestones are inscribed back and front with Christian's 10 principles, each side in a different modern language. The capstone is inscribed in the alphabets of early human civilizations -- Egyptian hieroglyphics, Babylonian cuneiform, Sanskrit and classical Greek.

    The center column has a slot through which the transit of the sun throughout the seasons can be observed, while a hole higher up focuses on Polaris, the north star. Another hole in the capstone focuses a beam of sunlight onto the central pillar at noon. Those features would allow the survivors of Christian's feared apocalypse to reproduce three of the basic tools of civilization: the calendar, clock and compass.
    Loris Magnani, an astronomy professor at the University of Georgia, questions how useful the Guidestones would be to survivors of civilization-ending cataclysm. The devices incorporated into the stones are "relatively easy stuff" that most human societies have developed early in their histories, he said.

    "Don't get me wrong. As a monument, it's fine. There's nothing wrong with doing that," Magnani told CNN. But he added, "Every decent civilization going back to a couple of millennia before Christ has figured this out. How to make gasoline? Now that would be useful."

    But it's the written messages of the Guidestones that have drawn the most criticism.

    Most are innocuous, calling on readers to rule their passions with "tempered reason," avoid "petty laws and useless officials" and "prize truth, beauty, love ... seeking harmony with the infinite." They end with the advice, "Be not a cancer on the Earth -- leave room for nature."

    But the first two -- which call for limiting human population to half a billion, less than 10 percent of today's numbers, and guiding reproduction "wisely" -- have led some to call the Guidestones a call to genocide and the "Ten Commandments of the Antichrist."

    In recent years, the monument has been hit by vandals who see in it the creed of a shadowy "New World Order" bent on subjugating humanity. It has been tagged at least three times since 2008, leaving scrawls of "God is stronger than the NWO," vague threats of destruction and various crudities across the granite.

    "The worst was they put a two-part epoxy over two faces," said Mart Clamp, whose father helped carve the stones. "You just can't pressure-wash it off, you have to get in there with a hammer-type tool and beat it off."

    Christian left behind a 1986 book, "Common Sense Renewed," that is still for sale at the Elberton Granite Museum. Many of the concerns he lists in it wouldn't be out of place at a modern Republican gathering: growing entitlement spending, stifling regulation, the breakdown of the traditional family.

    But he also warned that the world's problems were symptoms of overpopulation, turning civilization as we knew into an "atomic tinderbox," and requiring some limited form of world government to save mankind from annihilation, he concluded.

    It is that kind of talk that disturbs people like Van Smith, who has written extensively about the Guidestones on his Web site. Contacted at his home in Arkansas, said the future that Christian describes in his book "is totalitarian."

    "It's Platonic in many ways, but it's extremely oppressive," Smith said.
    And he says encoded within the dimensions of the stones is the height in feet of Dubai's Burj Khalifa, now the world's tallest building. To him, that suggests the builders knew of plans to build a new Tower of Babel, ushering in "the dawning of a new era in which man can become God."

    "I'm not a conspiracy lunatic who spends all my time researching Freemasonry and things like that," said Smith, a computer industry analyst.

    But he told CNN, "This evidence is extremely real, and it's disturbing."

    The locals don't buy it.

    "I know the men who put this up, and they were all good men," said Clamp, who is working to clean up the stones ahead of their anniversary. "My father was one of those men. If this had been anything satanic or demonic, they never would have had anything to do with it."

    Brooks said that most in Elberton view the stones as "a work of art" that draws tourists, and "we don't get wrapped up so much in what they say."
    "But they do still have a draw to" -- she pauses -- "to a different sector of people."

    And the chatter from that sector has made Elberton leery of celebrating their landmark's 30th birthday.

    "With the damage that had been done to the Guidestones and a lot of things that were out there on YouTube, it was just decided that maybe we might wait for another year to do it," Brooks said.

    The mystery man is dead now. Martin knows this because the man's son got in touch with him recently. Only two people in Elberton met him face-to-face -- Martin and Joe Fendley, the contractor who built the monument.

    Fendley, who went on to become the town's mayor, is dead now, too. But Martin, now 79 and living a few towns down the road, said he remains bound by his pledge to keep the secret.

    "That was a gentleman's agreement between us, and he lived with it and I've lived with it," he said. "When I'm dead and gone, nobody will ever know who put it there."
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: A Warning from the Past....

    rick, you've been getting some sun!

    i've read about these stones. very interesting stuff. i honestly doubt it means anything other than someone's (1 or more persons) idea of life. it's still cool to wonder though.

  3. #3
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Sun? What's that? It's been freakin' snowing here for weeks.

    I'm getting DAMNED TIRED OF IT too

    I saw that and thought it was interesting
    Libertatem Prius!

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    lol you definitely look like you are a little tan in that pic. lol.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Warning from the Past....

    There is this man-made message that everybody is interested in. But there is also a genuine miracle window in Georgia that isn't getting much interest at all. This was not created by human hands and so doesn't it make sense that this is the thing that people ought to be paying attention to?

    The Virgin Mary 'window into heaven'

    Icons are sacred images usually associated with Eastern Orthodoxy. These holy and marvelous works of art were created, in part, to combat heresy. Icons teach religious beliefs and Biblical principals. Everything about them--the lines, the colors, specific added details, and their flat look all contribute to the teaching, and are a part of the Divine Liturgy. Icons are used not just for adorning Churches, but they facilitate meaningful and special devotional prayer. More here:

    Jesus, saints, angels, and Mary, the Holy Mother of God, are the subjects for the beautiful icons. The creations are stylized without brushstrokes and do not appear 3-dimensional for good reason. They are meant to be contemplated on as if from God's perspective, who is within, than from our own human perspective. Most of them make use of triangles, too, symbolizing the Holy Trinity. Reverend Michael O'Loughlin, from Holy Protection of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church in Denver, said that icons are "windows into heaven."

    With the Virgin Mary image in the Sapp family's (Jesup, Georgia) window in mind, I asked Father Michael what he might think about an icon that miraculously appears, that wasn't made by human hands. He pointed out a replica of the Mandylion or the Holy Face of Genoa near the front entrance of the church. He mentioned that there are several other holy icons that were divinely created, including the Our Lady of Guadalupe tilma and the Shroud of Turin. The veil of Veronica is another. A unique, divinely-created icon is called an acheiropoieta.

    Photographs and video viewing of the icon image of the Virgin Mary in a window right here in America are available at

    Larry Jahn, a 3rd degree Knight from St. Joseph's parish in Southeast Georgia, spoke with me recently about his experiences viewing the Virgin Mary window. He explained, "It's there. There's no denying it. It's the Blessed Mother." Larry stated that he can see a veil, and an outline where the eyes would be. "If you look deeply, you can see the cheekbone."

    A devoted Catholic who desires a third viewing, Mr. Jahn stated, "There's a host. I could see the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. Around the top, I can also see a halo. I can see a crucifix in it, and a rosary. Look deep on the right-hand side, with her hands folded, you can count the fingers." He also has a photograph of the Virgin Mary image window that he spends time looking at, fascinated and awe-inspired, stating that he notices something more each time he looks at the image.

    The Virgin Mary icon image window is a holy "window into heaven" indeed.

    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Here's the link to the website in Jesup, Georgia with lots of photos of the miraculous Marian window. I have personally seen several rosaries in this window, many hands folded in prayer, and more.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    The guidestones were defaced, one scrawl being "" left out the FO so we wouldn't link there.

    Anyway, did you read the socialist pap written on them?

    A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (Eugenics)
    2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity. (Diversity)
    3. Unite humanity with a living new language. (Destroy English, endorse Esperanto?)
    4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason. (Moral ambiguity?)
    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. (and worship unicorns with rainbows shooting out their asses?)
    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. (Subjugate the USA to a world court)
    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. (no argument there)
    8. Balance personal rights with social duties. (Social Justice = Redistribution of wealth. Give up personal rights. GFY)
    9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite. (and eat some more psilocybin and become one with god, MAAAANNN)
    10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature. (Gaia is alive maaaaan, farmer, farmer put away the DDT, I don't care about spots on my apples, give me the birds and the bees)

    I just vomited a little in my mouth

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  8. #8
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    Companion Thread: Our Final Invention: How the Human Race Goes and Gets Itself Killed

    NASA: The End Of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013

    Published on Jun 26, 2013

    This is a very important video with Deborah Tavares and Trevor Coppola discussing the newly revealed NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT. People need to be informed at least given the chance to see this information and make the decision themselves to believe and act on it or not. Please circulate far and wide and make sure you download the pdf document.

    Printable Copy:

    NASA - Future Strategic Issues / Future Warfare [Circa 2025]

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Warning from the Past....

    I can not (*as usual) see the videos. But the slide show is a PDF, not a slide show.

    The NASA logo isn't right.

    It wasn't properly converted or it was a faked logo.

    I'll try to look over the videos tonight.

    In all seriousness, I think this is a FAKE slide show. Looking through it, there are mistakes all through it, and coming from a government environment, commas out of place, and no spaces after is an obvious mistake that wouldn't be tolerated in a high level briefing like that.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: A Warning from the Past....

    Deagel Documents Reveal CIA Depopulation Plans for the US

    "Forecast 2025" US stats from 321mil down to 61mil.

    America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at the latest.

    Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly desire. Ninety percent depopulation is the goal.

    The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. To do that, a devastating world war will be needed and the world’s march toward depopulation will begin right here in the United States. The means for this devastating destruction will be the result of losing World War III.

    Following America’s devastating defeat, what is left of American society will be garrisoned and divided into 11 mega cities in a style befitting of the Hunger Games movie trilogy. Documents have emerged which clearly supports these assertions.

    America to Lose 90% of Its Population In World War III

    For three plus years, The Common Sense Show has stated that World War III will begin in Syria.

    Most court cases are decided by circumstantial evidence, alone. Both circumstantial and direct evidence demonstrate that the United States is destined to lose World War III along with 90% of its people. There are two smoking guns which conclusively support this assertion.

    1. The emergence of the mega-cities concept which will replace our present societal structure. In this post-war America, 90% of the people are unaccounted for.
    2. The release of the CIA controlled Deagel documents which demonstrates that both the US and the UK lose most of their military before 2025. As is the case for the mega-cities concept, the Deagel documents demonstrate that the United States will have lost 90% of its people by the year 2025.

    The remainder of this article will expose the links between the Deagel and the Mega-Cities plan, known as America 2050.

    Mega Cities

    On August 27, 2014, I exposed the megacities concept in revealing something called the America 2050 plan.

    The enslavement of America has taken center stage and it is indeed called “America 2050“. The plan for America 2050 is to herd Americans into 11 megacities consisting of six million people each totaling 66 million people. Under this plan, there are no provisions for any other population developments. After reporting in the August 27, 2014 article, I thought the target date for the implementation of the megacities plan would be the year 2050 as indicated in the title of the organization which is behind the planning of this concept (the article can be read here).

    316,000,000 million Americans will change to 66,000,000 megacity dwellers which equals 250,000,000 missing Americans!

    It appears that the timetable for the implementation of the megacities concept and the 300 square foot stack and pack apartments is a lot closer that the year 2050.

    Our future homes under the megacity concept.

    The picture of Obama and Mike Krulig, the founder of Building One America and America 2050, that the White House does not want you to see.

    Krulig was Obama’s community activist adviser. He now runs point on many Agenda 21 plans for the White House including the America 2050 website and the Build One America Sovietization of America’s local governments.

    The CIA Front Group, Deagel, Brings Clarity to the Megacities Concept

    Being a front group for the CIA, Deagel, is predicting that we are less than a decade away from this hellish nightmare.

    Just who or what is Deagel? The power and influence of the corporation that you never heard of, is staggering. This is the modern day Zapata Oil, which was a CIA front corporation run by George H. W. Bush which in turn facilitated much of the Air America “drugs for guns” program in Latin America in the 1980’s.

    My sources tell me that Deagel is the same exact kind of organization as Zapata Oil. Deagel ran guns through the late Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them to al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens’ death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in a later article. Deagel is not just a gun running/drug running/child sex trafficking organization, they are also intimately connected with the business as “Open source intelligence links”. This means that Deagel and their partner (affiliations listed below) serve as marketing companies for the CIA and sell intelligence information to the highest bidder. Stratfor and Deagel provide the CIA with a minimum of two degrees of separation from nefarious operations which could taint the U.S. government and in particular, the CIA. These activities will be the topic of a future article. The focus of the remainder of this article is the destruction and depopulation of the United States.

    Deagel is a group that gets their hands dirty and they play both sides of the fence. Please note the publicly available list of Deagel partners, listed below. They do business with the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, but they are largely an American contractor with ties into the U.S. Navy, the NSA and the CIA, through Stratfor. If anyone wanted to make the case that I have, the “Bastard Banksters from Basel” control both sides of the coming WW III for fun and profit, the data trail of Deagel exemplifies this point. From the following information, we get a strong indication of how the U.S. is going to be depopulated. To further examine this possibility, take a look at a partial list of Deagel partners. The following list clearly shows that Deagel is “locked in” when it comes to the power centers on this planet.

    A Partial List of Deagel Partners

    National Security Agency –

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO – OTAN) –

    Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) –

    OSCE –

    Russian Defense Procurement Agency –

    Stratfor –

    The World Bank –

    United Nations (UN) –

    In the beginning of 2014, Deagel published a projected demographic shift of every nation on the planet. The projections are noteworthy. As one of the most prolific arms dealers and sellers of intelligence information on the planet, Deagel would be in a unique position from which to make projections with regard to coming world events as well as being able to anticipate dramatic shifts in global power. Not surprisingly, Deagel has made such a projection and the news is not good for the United States. Below is a list of projected changes for the United States during the time frame covering 2014-2025.

    United States of America Projected Changes from 2014-2025
    Year: 2013

    Population: 316 million

    Gross Domestic Product: $17 trillion
    GDP per capita: $52,838
    Budget: $5.8 trillion
    Military Budget: $726 billion
    Forecast 2025

    Population: 69 million

    Gross Domestic Product: $921 billion
    GDP per capita: $13,328
    Military Budget: $8.0 billion

    Please note how the changes in U.S. population covering an 11 year period mirror what I wrote in the America 2050 article. The projected and dramatic downward shift in America’s population are nearly identical when one compares the America 2050 documents and the Deagel projections.
    There is another striking projection which should alarm every American. In 2013, the U.S. military budget was $726 billion dollars. However, the projected 2025 projected budget is only $8 billion dollars. This clearly points to the fact that the CIA, through Deagel, is projecting that the United States is going to be militarily conquered within the next 10 years. The mere $8 billion dollar projected 2025 military budget speaks to a domestic martial law type of occupation force. With this kind of budget, the U.S. would not even be able to engage in regional conflicts.

    The Deagel documents clearly speak to who the winners and losers of the coming global conflict will be. In the Deagel document, Russia, China, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and India maintain their respective populations or increase their populations by the year 2025. The United States and Britain undergo severe population reductions.

    Common sense dictates that in a global conflict, with its advanced weaponry, that the U.S. would be able to devastate the populations of the aforementioned countries. However, the Deagel projections do not indicate this. Therefore, the only thing that makes any sense would be that the U.S. will fall victim to being sold out by treasonous leadership, thus precipitating its demise. Does this statement bring anyone to mind?

    The Method of America’s Demise

    With everything I have uncovered over the past two years, I have concluded that America will be thrust into martial law prior to fighting in WW III. Martial law is usually preceded by a false flag. There is no shortage of false flag possibilities and choosing the manner, the time and the place is a fool’s errand. However, there are a definitive 17 elements of martial law that we can analyze in order to gauge the progress America is making with regard to to being under total martial law. The 17 elements of martial law are:
    1-Mass roundup of political dissidents
    2-Dusk to dawn curfews
    3-Rationing of essential resources
    4-The seizing of personal assets such as food and water
    5-Control over all food and water
    6-The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives
    7-The confiscation of property, homes and businesses
    8-Arrests without due process
    9-Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches
    10-Forced relocations
    11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military
    12-Outlawing of free speech
    13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs
    14-The total control or elimination of religion
    15-Control of the media
    16-Executions without due process of law
    17-Total suspension of the Constitution

    How many of these 17 elements are in place, or, are being put into place? I am in the midst of preparing a detailed and multi-part analysis of these 17 elements of martial law and their relative progress in America.


    The conclusion which can be drawn from this article, is an article unto itself. Suffice it to say, that American is being set up to be destroyed in WW III as a result with the coming war with the BRIC nations along with some very timely and treasonous help from the inside.

    Further, we have major think tank organizations as well as a prominent CIA front organization publishing data and projections which reinforces all the Agenda 21 claims that have been made for 20 years.

    Namely, the United States is going to experience a series of major depopulation events as the landscape of this country will change forever as we will be moved into the hellish Agenda 21 projected cities of the future. The data sets that I am presently working on strongly suggests that we are much closer to these realities than many of us would have anticipated.

    There is now clear evidence that the America 2050 plan is already taking place. This will be the topic of tomorrow’s article.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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