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Thread: Soros's Progressive Cabal with Democrats to Weaken America

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Soros's Progressive Cabal with Democrats to Weaken America

    If you think Cap and Trade is far from happening might want to re-think this.

    George Soros said: China should lead ‘New World Order’ and the Plan For Socialist World Government?

    Obama, Soros, Petrobras, Brazil & offshore drilling double standards

    By Michelle Malkin • August 19, 2009 09:22 PM
    Yes, it’s true.
    Barack Obama has chipped in $2 billion in loans to exploit offshore oil resources in hopes of extracting a major new source of petroleum…in South America.

    And yes, it’s true.

    There is a Soros link.

    Ed Morrissey has a round-up and notes:
    Is it a coincidence that Obama backer George Soros repositioned himself in Petrobras to get dividends just a few days before Obama committed $2 billion in loans and guarantees for Petrobras’ offshore operations? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
    Waiting for enviro-nitwits to chain themselves to gas pumps near the White House.

    Speaking of enviro-nitwits…EXCLUSIVE: Lies Revealed — Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration.
    Flashback: The Democrat Party platform’s hidden Soros Slush Fund

    The TAA has touched on this subject a few times already but never really connected the dots.

    Here are a few threads started with China and Petrobras connections.

    Crude Oil Prices
    China's Penetration in Latin America
    China's $20 Billion Bolsters Chávez
    Rise of BRIC
    Obama and the new Latin America
    China to drill for Oil off US coastline
    Chinese Army Nears USA's Borders
    China Roars in Latin America; U.S. Not Listening
    Che's Second Coming?

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Glenn Beck and John Galt Exposes Soros's Obama's Progressive Scam

    Glenn Beck exposed a massive Soros's Obama Cap and Tax Scam yesterday on his show if you missed it here it is posted below.

    This show gives basic understanding as to how this scam works, if you don't have access to Youtube watch it later (IT IS A MUST SEE) before going to the next level with John Galt.

    Glenn Beck-06-21-10-A

    Glenn Beck Exposes Soros's connection to Obama's Drilling Moratorium Scamming BILLIONS into Obama's Advisor's Company

    Glenn Beck-06-21-10-B

    Glenn Beck-06-21-10-C

    Glenn Beck-06-21-10-D

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Glenn Beck and John Galt Exposes Soros's Obama's Progressive Scam

    The Missing Link to Glenn Beck’s Crime, Inc.

    17:38 by Administrator. Filed under: Whatever

    by John Galt
    June 21, 2010

    Before I go proverbially “whole hog” into this discussion of what I disclosed this past Friday night, I must first post a disclaimer:

    1. I’m dead freaking broke, so if you can create a fictional lawsuit alleging I’m posting fiction about “your company,” well first screw you and second we’ll meet face to face in court because I don’t own enough to justify your lies and insanity, not that it has stopped TPTB in the past.

    2. I have nothing to lose by posting information that is readily available on the internet for all to see if they would get off their lazy butts and pay attention.

    3. Nothing stated here is a reach. You can pretty much read it and determine that the truth is out there but the MSM is too lazy and/or willing as accomplices to cover up for the corruption we are witnessing.

    On Friday night, June 18, 2010 your esteemed host and author of this website spoke about a subject apparently forbidden for the mainstream media or the talking trilogy of prime time and the other guy in not so prime time on Fox News could not discuss beyond flowery political platitudes. Glenn Beck, a somewhat famous talk show host who I met many moons ago when he was doing Tampa drive time at WFLA, stumbled upon one of the most important stories of the year which was promptly ignored by the very corporate media he is employed by and the various competitors who have only one agenda somewhat related to keeping their lips attached to President Purple Rain’s tuckus. This host however has no such obligations, interference, nor willingness to succumb to threats or intimidation as after all, when you have nothing else left to lose, you are truly free.

    Thus the program on which you can download for free and listen to at your convenience or via iTunes under JohnGaltFLA.

    I also attached the segments of his show pertaining to this subject below.
    John Galt on Glenn Becks Crime Inc Part 1.mp3
    John Galt on Glenn Becks Crime Inc Part 2.mp3
    John Galt on Glenn Becks Crime Inc Part 3.mp3

    Mr. Beck begged so many people to help with this project and after only taking two bites of the apple, I now understand why. There is a web of corruption so expansive, so terrifying, it makes the Sopranos look like a cartoon involving Mickey and Minnie, with hand axes and bad intentions mind you.

    Thus the following presentation with poorly made graphics, links, and discussion which is NOT, I repeat NOT that of Fox News Channel, Mercury Inc., nor Glenn Beck or his staff unless indicated otherwise.

    1. Glenn Beck: Crime Inc.

    The link above is direct from Mr. Beck’s home page and as I type at this late hour, the best way to surmise the angle he took is to extract two quotes direct from his home page and the April 30th link above:
    On Monday, we gave you a story and explained that you can’t have financial regulation done by the crooks and thieves we currently have in Washington, D.C
    Interesting, riveting, but not the hard core total I was looking for initially.
    So the question is: Why is it still being pushed? The redistribution of wealth and to enrich the corrupt.
    We did a little digging and followed the money and the answers tell a familiar story. And before we get going on this, I just want to warn you: If there’s one thing I’m learning about progressives, they really like creating groups. They’ve got tons of them and it seems they just pass the money from one to the next. It’s almost like money laundering. It’s why health care can pass: You don’t know what the hell anyone is talking about and everyone always sounds so happy. Words and names of groups mean nothing. Unfortunately for them, people’s faces still matter. We know them by reputation.
    Unfortunately for Glenn and without my stepping on to the tracks to catch the Woo-Woo Train, he’s about 40% of the way there with the April 30th commentary.

    The “Progressives” have rightfully become the politically correct term for the Marxists pushing a new order agenda parallel to but not 100% in conformity of the prior administration’s vision nor that of the other two leaders dating back to 1988. Unfortunately for the average American citizen, it has become quite obvious that the problems are far expanded though beyond the wing nut leftist extremist Marxist movements embedded in our universities and at protest sites around the nation.

    The new alliance they discovered under the likes of William Ayers, Van Jones, the Harvard and Princeton professorial brain trusts, and of course the various anti-American parasites like George Soros is that by using the principles of the Wisconsin Idea in coordination with the willing accomplices within our corporate hierarchy that the new ‘enlightened’ model of economic and political society could be made palpable for the “masses” to accept and in the end, demand.

    With the sudden burst of sunlight Glenn poured on the rats behind the creation of the Chicago Climate Exchange, power grid control mechanisms patented to the housing GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, plus the massive interaction between the radical Marxist movement with several key political and banking entities, it caused something to go “click” in my head and of course decide to see just who the banks and other corporations were tied to just to attempt to marry some of this web together. This past Friday night, I did some of it and thanks to the expose started under Glenn, the logic of their plans started to make sense to this writer.

    2. The Chicago Climate Exchange

    Now the question has to be asked, if Goldman Sachs, the allegedly largest shareholder in the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States with somewhere around 12-13% control, goes whole hog into sponsoring and establishing the CCX then there is obviously a future profit to be had somewhere or they would not have invested into the project as they have, especially considering the current trading prices for carbon as of Friday 6/18 (Quotes direct from the CCX):

    June 18, 2010 Updated end of day.

    Total Daily Electronic Volume: 50,000 mt CO2

    CFI 2003 $0.10 $0.00
    CFI 2008 $0.10 $0.00
    CFI 2010 $0.10 $0.00
    To view all listed contracts click here.

    CCX CFI Vintage 2010 (Quoted in mt CO2)

    At these prices you can buy all the carbon credits you would like but without a mandatory legal requirement to do so, why would you waste your company’s, state’s or personal resources to do so? Thus the desire to rapidly expand the legal requirements for carbon sequestration, credits, and market regulation. This clipping from page two of the Fall 2009 CCX Newsletter demonstrates that more trading houses were jumping into the action and hence the need for the cap and trade package to become law inside the United States:

    IMF Global and Macquarie are not small players in the international commodity trading world and that means that for some strange reason, the big players are confident they can buy enough legislative support to make this become law. The entire world and the financiers around the world are counting on the Obama administration, Nancey Pelosi, and Harry Reid to pass the law sooner rather than later to complete the foundation established when President Bush enacted the TARP legislation which codified regulatory requirements for carbon sequestration and taxation policies for carbon trading vehicles.

    The next thing to review is just who are the big players at the CCX and why do they care about enacting this program to essential perform a dual purpose to the Federal Reserve, printing money out of thin air to support a banking cartel with the approval of and profit enhancement of the mercantile class.

    From page five of the Fall 2009 CCX Newsletter you begin to understand the importance of seizing control of the discussion and passing the legislation in some form or another:

    If you control the food and energy supply, you control a nation. The large corporations invested in this project understand that they can manage the economy just enough to enact a mandate of minimum profitability by creating legal binding partnerships with the government and enhancing their authoritarian ideals of the political class while expanding their ability to create money out of thin air by imposing non-capital enhancing taxation policies like cap and trade and sharing in the booty. That being established as a highly likely potential outcome explains the large number of S&P 500 and Fortune 500 corporations either working with or to achieve a sustainable cap and trade legal framework. You can find a list of the companies affiliated with or participating in the CCX here:


    And for members of the European Climate Exchange here:


    For the sake of those too encumbered to click on links (just kidding), here are the two pages from the membership list which caught my attention with those corporations highlighted, even though there are many others that will catch your eye:

    Notice that the state of Ohio has an agency dedicated to helping the project as a “Financing Agency” but of even more interest as the thread weaves through this story is that Bank of America, an institution that has received sizable funding from the U.S. Government to survive along with allegedly being forced to acquire several flailing institutions such as Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. The list does not end there however.

    The list of Liquidity Providers is most impressive. And disturbing. When you see the tie in shortly you will understand that some of the world’s largest financial institutions are participating in the CCX either directly with trading operations or via financial assistance in various forms.

    3. The Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 and Climate Disclosure
    Standards Board

    The thread woven thus far is not enough to sit there and force one to scream “Oh my God” to some but as you begin to understand that the TARP legislation was the foundation for the current cap and trade legislation, you then can analyze why major multi-national corporations are engaging in and actively participating in the ideas supporting the enactment of a cap and trade taxation structure. For example, there is this gem of a letter from Bank of America’s Head of Americas Corporate and Investment Banking, Brian Brille:

    So a taxpayer funded corporation which has a controlling interest in much of America’s financial system is an active financing arm and participant not just in the Carbon Disclosure Project last year, but in the CCX and guess where else? More on that in the last section but if you heard the program Friday night 6/18, you already know the answer. What is disturbing about the CDP Members list from the 2009 project is just who is on the list and where they appear on other lists. Some of the most notable participants are:

    AIG Investments (Subsidiary of the US Treasury for all practical purposes)

    Bank of America (PD)

    CALPERS (The basically bankrupt California Pension system)

    Daiwa Asset Management (PD)

    Morgan Stanley (PD)

    RBS Group (PD)

    When you research the documentation available at the links above, you see numerous companies under the Supply Chain Project which includes such notables as Bank of America (again), Boeing, Conagra, Dell, Eaton, Google, H.J. Heinz, Kellogg, Pepsico, Sony, etc. Thus the list of companies that are active participants in these projects are beyond any concept for the average voter yet when you attempt to get your voice heard above the well financed lobbies of all of these companies along with the Global Partners who work also with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board in the UK (Accenture, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, CCX, Microsoft, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, and SAP) it does not take much imagination to figure out that they are manipulating the discussion and lobbying efforts worldwide to insure a profitable return for their investments all on the expense of the consumer. The list above with the “PD” though is the group I find most fascinating and what I term the missing link.

    4. The Missing Link to Glenn Beck’s Crime, Inc.

    The American people would like to believe that our financial system is established to create economic stability and fulfill the dreams of the economists that the business cycle can be managed without the series of devastating crashes which marred the development of the United States throughout the 19th Century according to their twisted “too big to fail” logic. The missing link which is going to permit the pursuit of a binding cap and trade taxation and carbon trading system though is best displayed with this list from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

    In the list above in section 3 (PD) indicates Primary Dealer.

    Let’s not kid ourselves. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States would not participate nor encourage its members to participate in the CCX, CDP, or CDSB if this were some extremist left wingnut operation which would risk return on investment, much less the return of their investment. When you note that the majority of primary dealers are either active participant members of the CCX, CDP, or signatories to the reporting guidelines and principles it does not take much to realize that the entire concept behind “Crime, Inc.” is not to actively engage in some sort of carbon sequestration or anti-global warming agenda. It is to create an alternate inflationary expansion of the monetary supply with a new taxation regime on the citizens of the world, not just the United States and the Federal Reserve wants to insure that their members get their cut of the action. Why else would this many banks and brokers with literally hundreds of billions of dollars in portfolios so actively participate in the development of the guidelines and regulatory framework for trading in what amounts to imaginary hot air credits?

    They want once again to print money on the backs of the consumer, to extract from thin air a reason to impose a further extraction of wealth from the average citizen. While I wish not to sound totally defeatist, they have a list of corporations with over $55 trillion in assets and earnings which to fight against the average citizen and this kind of money buys and sells governments like we buy groceries. They have envisioned a world where a regulatory system extracts additional funds from the citizenry and instead of their average paltry 2 to 7% returns via traditional Fed policies, they can double that by creating a false crisis and forcing mandatory participation by every citizen on earth. Thus the Federal Reserve appears to be the key and the missing link, the necessary part of the machine to insure cap and trade becomes reality, either under this President or his successor.

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    Default Re: Soros's Petrobas and Obama Cape and Tax Chicago Climate Exchange

    Left Strangely Silent on Petrobras

    Monday, June 21, 2010
    By Glenn Beck

    George Soros loves Petrobras

    All I could think about this weekend was one word: Halliburton.

    Everyone in the universe knows what Halliburton is. It's Dick Cheney's evil oil company.

    Yup, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, they're just puppets of the big oil companies like Halliburton. So, getting in bed with Big Oil is a touchy subject with the left. They won't stand for anyone with any sort of a connection with an oil company. Oil is evil!

    Yet no one knows the word "Petrobras." Suddenly the left's concerns with politicians and Big Oil seem to have dissipated.

    But you've heard George Soros' name before. He's the billionaire progressive activist who doesn't mind throwing his money around. His seemingly unending quest for big government control is kind of strange, considering he was born in Budapest, Hungary and his dad was a Hungarian Jew who was a prisoner of war in World War I. Soros eventually found his way to New York City in 1956 and, by 1970, had set up his hedge funds that would make his fortune. Yet he spends millions of that fortune on things like a progressive blog site called Media Matters, where bloggers earn six-figure salaries to sit around and distort conservatives' words all day long.

    Soros started the Open Society Institute (which seeks "fairness" and "justice") and the Tides Foundation, which among its many classics created the anti-capitalist "Story of Stuff" indoctrination video that was shown in schools across America.

    Soros is globalist and is one of those power players trying to establish a new world financial order:


    GEORGE SOROS, BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR: You really need to bring China into the creation of a new — world order, a financial world order.... So I think you need a new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it.


    He's also doing his best to implement the Cloward and Piven strategy of collapsing the system, so that a new one can replace it:


    SOROS: I believe that basically the system is broke and needs to be reconstituted.... The system we have now has actually broken down, only we haven't quite recognized it and so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it.


    He's pointed out the "bankruptcy" of market fundamentalists:


    I mean, it is effectively a bankruptcy — of the — of this market fundamentalist belief, which really came in with Reagan and Thatcher. Now, Reagan is still in the panoply of — of saints in — in this country. And — and we — we just have to recognize that we — something went very wrong and we need to reformulate our view of what — how financial markets work.


    But perhaps his most effective creation is the Center for American Progress. When the group formed in 2003, he promised $3 million, but that number could be higher as Soros admits to spending $500 million a year on his various foundations.

    Back in 2003, Democrats were floundering and on the verge of irrelevance. They needed an "intellectual coup" just like the conservative Heritage Foundation achieved in the '80s. Center for American Progress provided just that; it's a progressive policy think tank that believes in "government that champions the common good over narrow self-interest" and they have heavy influence on this administration.

    Bloomberg reported that the Center for American Progress "helped build the platform that triumphed in the 2008 campaign" and Time Magazine noted that "not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan's transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway."

    At the head of Obama's transition team was John Podesta. He's also the founder of Center for American Progress, a former Clinton administration official and the guy who not only laid out the plan for how the Obama team would be put together, he staffed the senior levels of the White House, Cabinet members and the top layer at government agencies.

    With that kind of influence — and we'll show you more evidence of that influence coming up — it's important to look at what Soros is investing in. Could there possibly be any, what do they call them, conflicts of interest?

    Through his Soros Fund Management hedge fund, Soros is heavily invested in many different things. But one that caught my attention (and seemingly no one else's) recently is Petrobras. What is that? It's Brazil's state-controlled oil behemoth. It's Brazil's version of Big Oil. They've netted $15 billion in profits during the last year. As of March 31 this year, SEC filings show Soros Fund has $637 million vested in Petrobras.

    Last December, the fund had $900 million invested in the company, making Petrobras one of its two largest stakes.

    What did Soros see in these guys that the rest of the world didn't? Is he just that much smarter than everyone else? Or is it possible because of Center for American Progress and all the other connections Soros has at the White House, he knew that the administration would be making a $2 billion "preliminary commitment" to Petrobras for "exploration," just days after he strengthened his investment?

    Or was that just another one of those bad luck situations for Obama?

    Because it certainly doesn't seem to pass the smell test: A billionaire investor dumps money into state-controlled Brazilian oil company and days later administration dumps $2 billion dollars into the same exact company? Now the administration is crippling the American competitors and the biggest winner in this is Petrobras.

    Mind you, this is a multi-billion dollar company that rakes in tens of billions in profits each year. Why in the world would these guys need a loan? And why are we investing in another country's offshore drilling while banning ours?

    — Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

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    Default Re: Soros's Petrobas and Obama Cape and Tax Chicago Climate Exchange

    Pelosi: Climate Change Legislation is a 'Moral Issue'--'We Have a Moral Responsibility' to Preserve 'God's Beautiful Creation'

    Monday, June 21, 2010
    By Jane McGrath

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

    ( – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last week that passing energy and climate change legislation is a “moral issue”—although, at the same time, she indicated that she is “agnostic” about what means should be used in legislation to reduce dependence on foreign oil and consumption of fossil fuels.

    Pelosi also said the issue was about "God's beautiful creation" which we have a "moral responsibility" to preserve.

    Pelosi was responding to a reporter who asked if she was disappointed that President Barack Obama, in calling for a new U.S. energy policy in his speech last Tuesday from the Oval Office, did not specifically advocated legislation that would limit U.S. carbon emissions, or so-called “cap-and-trade” legislation.

    The House passed a cap-and-trade bill last year under Pelosi’s leadership, but a Senate cap-and-trade proposal, pushed by Sens. John Kerry (D.-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), has failed to gain traction.

    President Obama is set to meet this week with a group of senators to talk about energy legislation in an effort to build momentum in the Senate for some kind of bill.

    In her Thursday press briefing, when asked about Obama’s failure to mention cap-and-trade, Pelosi said Congress had a “moral responsibility” to preserve “God’s beautiful creation” and reminded reporters that she had made energy and climate change legislation her “flagship issue.”

    “It is a defense, a security issue, a health issue, an environmental issue, it is an economic issue, and it is a moral issue for us to honor the obligation we have to pass this planet on to future generations intact,” she said. “And, if you believe, as I do, that it is also that this is God's beautiful creation, we have a moral responsibility to preserve it.

    “So, whatever achieves that result, Congress will work its will,” she said. “We will have a legislative process that sees what options work, that can pass, that honor the principles that the President set forth and that many in the Congress have been advocating for a long time. As you may recall, I called this my flagship issue when I became speaker.”

    She was “agnostic,” she said, about how to go about reducing dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuel use, but was intent on achieving those ends.

    “There is, as you may know about me, I am fairly agnostic about the means to the end in terms of what mechanism is used,” she said. “What we want, though, is to have a result. The job that the bill must do is have a result that we reduce our dependence on foreign oil as a national security issue, that we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels wherever they originate as a health and environmental issue, that we proceed with innovation so that we can be number one, continue to be number one in the world in innovation, competitiveness, by creating new green jobs for the future.”


    Sunday, June 20, 2010 ... /////

    EU banned heated family houses built from 2020

    The European Union has adopted a regulation that will ban the construction of ordinary family houses, starting from 2020. Only the so-called passive houses will be allowed:For example, page 33/71 of the PDF document above says that all new buildings have to be "nearly zero-energy buildings" by the end of 2020. It has to be true by the end of 2018 for all new buildings occupied by public authorities.

    One of the first passive houses in Darmstadt, Germany. The windows are obliged to go to the South. Also, it's not a coincidence that the house is ugly: ugly and "compact" houses are more energy efficient.

    A passive house is essentially an ugly cube that covers its energy needs by a perpetual motion machine or something that has the same carbon footprint. Also, it's super perfectly isolated so that the CO2 you exhale by breathing will never get out of the house. The EU apparatchiks see another advantage in the passive houses: if you fart thrice during a harsh winter, you will either suffocate or freeze which will reduce the population growth.

    At this moment, there only exist 15,000 of passive houses in the world, mostly in Germany, Austria, and Scandinavia. But they should suddenly become a majority. The construction of such an inferior passive house is 10-15 percent more expensive than the construction of a proper house. So what would you expect before 2020?

    Japanese passive houses use people and fridges - rather than perpetual motion machines - to heat themselves. Note that the aesthetic quality is similar to the German one.

    Well, people would realize that the ordinary houses will become a scarce, limited commodity and their price will jump at least by those 10-15 percent. Correspondingly, the construction of the classical houses will increase before 2020 because the developers will be able to sell a higher number of houses in a profitable way - because the price that the buyers will be ready to pay will increase, too.

    However, don't expect that the existing owners will be completely protected against the new insane policies. If they want to sell or rent their house or apartment starting from 2012, they will have to get a document about the energy efficiency of the real estate - something that costs $500 or so.

    Well, if this is the only problem for the existing owners, it is negligible and nothing changes about the scenario above. If this AGW-rooted reasoning (or the lack of it) manages to survive until 2020 and the regulation will be close to its activation, people will horde classic houses because they implicitly include the permission to use heating systems as we know them today.

    Everyone may expect an EU apparatchik looking into your kettle at least once every four years.

    Via Olda K.

    A nice villa

    This passive house looks pretty, doesn't it? Well, please accept my apologies, but it's because it's far from being passive. Instead, it's Al Gore's new villa in California. Click the picture to zoom in.

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    Default Re: Soros's Petrobas and Obama Cape and Tax Chicago Climate Exchange

    A continuation discussion about the depth of Soro's Progressive Socialist Machine that encompasses virtually all of the Democrat party, powerful foundations, Banks and large corporations.

    Glenn Beck-06/22/10-A

    Glenn Beck-06/22/10-B

    Glenn Beck-06/22/10-C

    Glenn Beck-06/22/10-D

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Glenn Beck - Socialists Tree

    Glenn Beck explains how Obama is setting up shadow organizations along side Government ones so when he collapses the Dollar Acorn and Ameracorp and anything Obama funds will rise to the top to control everything.

    Radical Left & Barack Obama with the Cloward and Piven Strategy

    -- If you have wondered why Barack Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" as the USA's economy plummeted to unbearable depths, let Glenn Beck introduce you to the infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy.

    Left-wing radicals and community organizer types love the Cloward-Piven strategy.

    Beck discusses the issue with former Democratic pollster Pat Caddell.

    George Soros

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    That is Best of Beck. If what he says is true, and everything says it is, I have to assume CRIME INC is alot bigger than just Soros. Where is the Intelligence Community on this? How can they organize such a network without Intelligence assistance?

    When a person such as Beck can uncover such a vast Crime Network , and is still alive to tell his take how hard could it be for these jokers to be jailed?

    I do have a little problem with this whole Crime thing.. Why Oil ? I mean these clowns have the ability to put billions into there Banks at the touch of a key board, they are it would seem a global crime network. Why fuck with oil?
    Don't they understand Fiat is dead and oil out dated?
    These crime genius' must not be so smart.
    Ab Urbe Condita 2761

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    One Month before the Gulf Oil disaster Ryan posted the article below in the China to drill for Oil off US coastline thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Obama Surrenders Gulf Oil To Moscow

    The Russians are coming - to drill in our own backyard

    March 18, 2010

    The Obama administration is poised to ban offshore oil drilling on the outer continental shelf until 2012 or beyond. Meanwhile, Russia is making a bold strategic leap to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. While the United States attempts to shift gears to alternative fuels to battle the purported evils of carbon emissions, Russia will erect oil derricks off the Cuban coast.

    Offshore oil production makes economic sense. It creates jobs and helps fulfill America's vast energy needs. It contributes to the gross domestic product and does not increase the trade deficit. Higher oil supply helps keep a lid on rising prices, and greater American production gives the United States more influence over the global market.

    Drilling is also wildly popular with the public. A Pew Research Center poll from February showed 63 percent support for offshore drilling for oil and natural gas. Americans understand the fundamental points: The oil is there, and we need it. If we don't drill it out, we have to buy it from other countries. Last year, the U.S. government even helped Brazil underwrite offshore drilling in the Tupi oil field near Rio de Janeiro. The current price of oil makes drilling economically feasible, so why not let the private sector go ahead and get our oil?

    The Obama administration, however, views energy policy through green eyeshades. Every aspect of its approach to energy is subordinated to radical environmental concerns. This unprecedented lack of balance is placing offshore oil resources off-limits. The O Force would prefer the country shift its energy production to alternative sources, such as nuclear, solar and wind power. In theory, there's nothing wrong with that, in the long run, assuming technology can catch up to demand. But we have not yet reached the green utopia, we won't get there anytime soon, and America needs more oil now.

    Russia more sensibly views energy primarily as a strategic resource. Energy is critical to Russia's economy, as fuel and as a source of profit through export. Russia also has used energy as a coercive diplomatic tool, shutting off natural gas piped to Eastern Europe in the middle of winter to make a point about how dependent the countries are that do business with the Russians.

    Now Russia is using oil exploration to establish a new presence in the Western Hemisphere. It recently concluded four contracts securing oil-exploration rights in Cuba's economic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A Russian-Cuban joint partnership will exploit oil found in the deep waters of the Gulf.

    Cuba has rights to the area in which drilling will be conducted under an agreement the Carter administration recognized. From Russia's perspective, this is another way to gain leverage inside what traditionally has been America's sphere of influence. It may not be as dramatic as the Soviet Union attempting to use Cuba as a missile platform, but in the energy wars, the message is the same. Russia is projecting power into the Western Hemisphere while the United States retreats. The world will not tolerate a superpower that acts like a sidekick much longer.
    With my follow up post:

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    I missed this thread in the news section.

    This is one more Axis country in the gulf.

    The Socialists will keep this up until we are destroyed.

    Here's part of another post I found on another board:

    By the way in addition to this information which relates to Natural Gas it was just announced by the administration that it is planning to place a hold on offshore drilling on the U.S. outer continental shelf until at least 2012.

    We have the Oil and Gas here but are not permitted to develop it. I wonder why are we spending our taxes to help other countries develop their oil and gas resources?

    1. August 2009 the U.S. Export-Import Bank begins process of providing $2 billion to Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned oil company.

    2. George Soros owns millions of shares of Petrobras. Petrobras is state owned but sells stock. He converted from common shares to preferred shares just before the announcement of the $2 billion.

    3. George Soros is a key founder of and a supporter of President Obama.

    4. Late 2009 and continuing into 2010 a tremendous amount of inaccurate information has been put out about Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale formation in Pennsylvania and New York.

    5. “This 60-year-old technique has been responsible for 7 billion barrels of oil and 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas,” according to Sen. James Inhofe, ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee. “In hydraulic fracturing’s 60-year history, there has not been a single documented case of contamination.”

    6. If Hydraulic Fracturing is not permitted to be utilized in the Marcellus Shale formation we will not be able to produce the huge amounts of Natural Gas that could go a long way towards making us energy independent as it relates to Natural Gas.

    7. We will not need LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) terminals on our coasts to be able to import Natural Gas from foreign sources.

    8. George Soros’ Fund Management holds a huge stake in Interoil and their recent GIANT Gas Field discovery in Papua, New Guinea.

    9. Interoil is planning to build a multi billion dollar LNG facility.

    10. If the development of the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and New York is permitted there will not be a U.S. market for Natural Gas from New Guinea.

    The dots and puzzle pieces appeared, but we couldn't put it together until looking at the Administrations reactions to the Gulf Oil Spill Crisis.

    Their actions are revealing their intentions.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

    The Interior Department had imposed the moratorium last month in the wake of the BP disaster, halting approval of any new permits for deepwater projects and suspending drilling on 33 exploratory wells.

    Start this Clip at the 9:00 minute mark and listen for about 30 seconds to catch the gravity of the situation.

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Peterle Matteo View Post

    You make the question and you give the answer too!

    "I mean these clowns have the ability to put billions into there Banks at the touch of a key board"

    With their clik on keyboard the decide what is dead or alive,i suppose.

    Yes if all those who have access to the money keyboard were on the same criminal page, than those person's could decide what is dead or alive. But this is supposedly a Crime Inc network that is working to steal the Oil production from others in the industry, so by implication these people are not in alliance.
    But yet they have established themselves even in the highest office of American politics , so my question: Who is covering for this network?
    And if they are in fact a network being covered by the Intelligence community than again by implication they have access to the money keyboard. Again something is missing in this Crime Inc story. Just a guess but it reads like a move by Americas enemies to cause a financial collapse and gain the power to control Gulf oil flow. Not just about the currency trader Soros and his band of mis fits.
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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Matteo.......... only thing wrong with this Illuminati theory . Bank credit , or the paper currency, regardless of it's issuer is Not 'money'. No..Money is Gold !!. Everything else is a product of the Fiat usury.
    The people who actually controls the real power in finance , the world, are not powerful through banking . Bankers in reality fear Gold , money, because they sell debt while gold , money, is stored there as wealth.
    What we have is a failed system and a reboot of the failed ponzi casino fiat system coming like a train , a system of usury , interest bearing instruments, that stores debt instead of real wealth. Buy Gold because Fiat is going to burn.
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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Chickens, in older times, were currency.

    You can get eggs and meat from a chicken. I knew a doctor in the 1960s in Kentucky who still made house calls, and he took chickens. I believe a laying chicken in those days was worth a couple of bucks alive. In lieu of chickens, he took cash (at the rate of a couple of bucks per visit).

    So... while "money" as in "cold, hard cash" isn't in some folks' views a form of currency, it is. If someone handed you a million dollars in cash, I find it hard to believe you'd turn it down.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    I generally agree., But banking is usury , charging interest. The problem today is the burden of paying the interest on debt. Central Banks when they create credit, or put currency in circulation charge a fee an interest rate, well from the state to the citizen the carrying cost of debt, monetary expansion has reached a level in the west that we cannot pay.. we as a society are bankrupt. China is really just a product of a gigantic western banking system built on the backs of debt to individual states and tax paying citizens. Sure we get cheaper products but we lose jobs and even less credit goes into circulation. Globalization is not workable without a level playing field.
    My vision of the future is alittle different than you'res. I see Gold as the only wealth, and those nations who are self sustaining or can balance domestic needs with production will be able to stay at the top of the food chain. This financial crisis will be the end of global socialism , simply because without gold at least in part backing a nations currency politicians and idealist can't take from the able and give to the weak.
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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Venezuela to seize 11 oil rigs from U.S. company

    Friday, June 25th, 2010 at 12:44 am | BNO News | Leave a Comment
    By BNO News

    ZULIA, VENEZUELA (BNO NEWS) – The Venezuelan government, through Venezuelan Petroleum (PDVSA), will seize and nationalize 11 oil rigs from Helmerich & Payne which have not been used in a year, Venezuelan Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez announced.

    The oil rigs will boost the national production of oil and strengthen the Venezuelan policy on foreign oil drilling. According to Ramirez, the unused oil rigs have been used by opposition groups in an attempt to disrupt the South American country's oil production.

    Helmerich & Payne (H&P), a U.S. company, said that they haven't been informed about this matter as of Thursday and demanded PVDSA to fulfill the payments owed to the company for its services. According to the company, PDVSA owes them approximately $43 million. In contrast, Ramirez declared that Helmerich did not want to negotiate with Venezuela and that they are asking for high amounts of money.

    "The owners of the company just simply don't want to negotiate and are asking for extremely high amounts of money, so workers decided to take into custody the facilities while National assembly reaches a decision," Ramirez said.

    The nationalization will save at least $300 million per year which could be used then for deep drilling tasks in the north of Monagas.

    H&P worked in Venezuela for 52 years. In the past, they have expressed their interest in continuing working there but only under favorable conditions. The Company expressed their dismay at Ramirez' remarks and said that they made several propositions including the sale of the oil rigs.

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Segestan View Post
    I generally agree., But banking is usury , charging interest. The problem today is the burden of paying the interest on debt.
    While I won't disagree here, I have to point out that banking is, like many other things, simply business. A bank can't be in business if it doesn't make money. The only way for a bank to make money is by charging fees for services and by charging interest on loans.

    I take it this is something that is "wrong" somehow in your view?

    Central Banks when they create credit, or put currency in circulation charge a fee an interest rate, well from the state to the citizen the carrying cost of debt, monetary expansion has reached a level in the west that we cannot pay.. we as a society are bankrupt. China is really just a product of a gigantic western banking system built on the backs of debt to individual states and tax paying citizens. Sure we get cheaper products but we lose jobs and even less credit goes into circulation. Globalization is not workable without a level playing field.
    "We" as a "society" aren't bankrupt, unless it is in moral values. I have "money in the bank". I own material things. I can sell all my things, including my home, and with the "money in the bank" (which granted if the current administration gets his way, they will try to take it from me) I would find that my "net worth" (in today's terms) isn't that great, but it is "enough" for my wife and I to continue to live comfortably and do those things we still wish to do before I die. By the same token, I am 53, very healthy, in fact at the moment I can work as well as any 20 year old (and perhaps do it better in some cases). So above all, I have my health. I can fend for myself and my wife if placed in that position.

    My vision of the future is alittle different than you'res. I see Gold as the only wealth, and those nations who are self sustaining or can balance domestic needs with production will be able to stay at the top of the food chain. This financial crisis will be the end of global socialism , simply because without gold at least in part backing a nations currency politicians and idealist can't take from the able and give to the weak.
    I think you and I see things differently on a lot of levels. For instance, I don't really CARE how well off a country is, or isn't. It isn't up to me, or you or other Americans to ensure that, for instance, Mexico continues to exist.

    It is however in our best interest that Mexico doesn't turn into a complete third world environment. You think we have a bad time with illegals NOW?

    On the other hand, let's assume a complete and total collapse of all economic systems. With our technology and science we can and will rebuild, certainly. But for a time, perhaps anywhere from a few years to decades, we might find ourselves in an even worse situation than the Great Depression (which affected the whole world).

    If that is the case, I hate to say this but gold is going to have NO worth. You might have gold, but it will cost you a vast amount of it for a loaf of bread.

    THAT is how things work. Gold isn't the only thing of value in the world. Other precious metals, stones, gems and items that are rare are worth something. Money, for all the evil it causes can cause as much good. And whether or not a bank is making money off of loans isn't as relevant as many people seem to think.

    In TRUTH, the stock market and other types of markets are also not any more important than each of us simply having enough food to eat.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Does The Gulf Oil Spill Smell Like Ivan?

    By Robert Jones

    In a memorandum to the CIA in February of 1993, the most accurate analyst and Soviet defector wrote these words on a parting note:

    'Ignore Russian and Chinese strategic designs against the United States at your peril'.



    [pg. 162 of “The Perestroika Deception”]
    There is entirely too much afoul in the Gulf of Mexico concerning the Deepwater Horizon disaster that seems to be consuming everybody’s focus and attention which makes me very suspect of who is really behind this. Considering what this is doing to everyone’s mind, I thought it would be a good opportunity to explore a contrarian point of view………………………………….


    The last month of peace, as in other wars, has an almost palpable air of crisis about it. Incidents, accidents, small disasters add to the tension.

    Two trains collide on a railway bridge in Cologne because the signaling system is out of order. The bridge is seriously damaged and there can be no traffic over it for the next two months.

    In the port of Rotterdam a Polish supertanker bursts into flames. Because of an error by the captain the tanker is far too close to the oil storage tanks on the shore, and the burning oil spreads around the harbor. For two weeks fire brigades summoned from practically the whole country fight a heroic battle with the flames.

    The port suffers tremendous losses. The fire appears to have spread at a quite incredible speed, and some Experts are of the opinion that the Polish tanker was not the only cause of
    the fire that the fire broke out simultaneously in many places.

    In the Panama Canal the Varna, a Bulgarian freighter loaded with heavy
    containers, rams the lock gates by mistake. Experts reckoned that the ship should have remained afloat, but for some reason she sinks there and then. To reopen the canal could well take many months. The Bulgarian government sends its apologies and declares it ready to pay for all the work involved.

    In Washington, as the President’s helicopter is taking off, several shots are fired at it from sniper’s rifles. The helicopter is only slightly damaged and the crew succeed in bringing it down again safely. No one in the craft is hurt. Responsibility for the attack is claimed by a previously unknown organization calling itself `Revenge for Vietnam'.

    There is a terrorist explosion at Vienna airport.

    A group of unidentified men attack the territory of the British military base in Cyprus with mortars.

    A serious accident takes place on the most important oil pipeline in Alaska. The pumping stations break down and the flow of oil falls to a trickle.

    In West Germany there are several unsuccessful attempts on the lives of
    American generals.

    In the North Sea the biggest of the British oil rigs tips over and sinks. The precise reason for this is not established, although experts believe that corrosion of main supports is the culprit.

    In the United States an epidemic of some unidentified disease breaks out and spreads rapidly. It seems to affect port areas particularly, such as San Francisco, Boston, Charleston, Seattle, Norfolk and Philadelphia. There are explosions practically every day in Paris. The main targets are the government districts, communication centers and military headquarters.

    At the same time terrible forest fires are raging in the South
    of France………….

    All these operations -- because of course none of these events is an accident -- and others like them are known officially in the GRU as the`Preparatory Period', and unofficially as the `overture'. The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy’s morale, create an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy’s armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack.

    The overture is carried by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is `grey terror', that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leaveother people's cards. The terror is carried out in the name of alreadyexisting extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, orin the name of fictitious organizations.

    The GRU reckons that in this period its operations should be regarded as natural disasters, actions by forces beyond human control, mistakes committed by people, or as terrorist acts by organizations not connected with the Soviet Union. The terrorist acts carried out in the course of the `overture' require Very few people, very few weapons and little equipment. In some cases all that may be needed is one man who has as a weapon nothing more than a screwdriver, a box of matches or a glass ampoule. Some of the operations can have catastrophic consequences.

    For example, an epidemic of an infectious disease at seven of the most important naval bases in the West could have the effect of halving the combined naval might of the Soviet Union's enemies. The `overture’ could last from several weeks to several months, gradually gathering force and embracing fresh regions…………………………..

    —VIKTOR SUVOROV, Chapter 15 of “Spetsnaz”

    In my opinion, the Deepwater Horizon seems to have a Russian hand it somehow. The reason I come to this conclusion was by way of this article that came out in the Washington Times on March 18, 2010. When this article came out I was expecting something along lines of Russia announcing building oil platforms, drilling, etc…….approximately a month later; the Deepwater Horizon rig explodes and goes down. Something is definitely out of whack here………….

    Does anyone remember this article?

    EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow

    The Obama administration is poised to ban offshore oil drilling on the outer continental shelf until 2012 or beyond. Meanwhile, Russia is making a bold strategic leap to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. While the United States attempts to shift gears to alternative fuels to battle the purported evils of carbon emissions, Russia will erect oil derricks off the Cuban coast………….

    …………….Russia more sensibly views energy primarily as a strategic resource.

    Energy is critical to Russia's economy, as fuel and as a source of profit through export. Russia also has used energy as a coercive diplomatic tool, shutting off natural gas piped to Eastern Europe in the middle of winter to make a point about how dependent the countries are that do business with the Russians.

    Now Russia is using oil exploration to establish a new presence in the Western Hemisphere. It recently concluded four contracts securing oil-exploration rights in Cuba's economic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A Russian-Cuban joint partnership will exploit oil found in the deep waters of the Gulf………………………..

    It seems that in my research of Russian long-range strategy for world domination that this would somehow makes since of being an effort of sabotage to disrupt the United States in an effort to exploit a financial depression that we are in and to make my point I will refer back to Anatoliy Golitsyn’s warnings when he gave this warning in his 1984 book ‘New Lies For Old’:

    “The Final Phase”

    Page 342
    "………Liberalization" in Eastern Europe on the scale suggested could have a social and political impact on the United States itself, especially if it coincided with a severe economic depression. The communist strategists are on the lookout for such an opportunity. Soviet and other communist economists keep a careful watch on the American economic situation…………. it could well be intended to conceal preparation for the final phase of the policy and to induce the West to underestimate the potency of the bloc's economic weapons.

    It is of note that Russia has exceeded the Saudi’s as the largest producer of oil in the world and as the editorial above correctly states—energy is surely a political weapon of the Russians. There have been some seriously ill-tides coming out of Russia since the beginning of April 2010 that have displayed some very serious strategic moves around the globe and have made continuous calls for a “new global order” and make proposals for replacing the United States Dollar with “a new world currency” along with their Chinese counterparts who are becoming the dominate world economic power at an alarming rate.

    To further my point, I will refer again to Golitsyn’s writings to the CIA about the Sino-Soviet threat:

    From “The Perestroika Deception”

    Page 132
    At that point, they will turn on the 'hated capitalist' and a new holocaust will result. The new holocaust will be based on class, not race. Its principal victims will be the western political, military, religious and managerial elites…….

    Present Soviet-Western cooperation is only temporary: the East-West alliance is only tactical. Soviet-style democracy is 'cuckooegg democracy'. When the chick hatches, it will display its true antagonistic nature and seek to dominate the nest. Blind to Soviet strategy, the United States will find itself increasingly marginalised in world affairs. To paraphrase an expression used by Marx, the United States will be left stranded in isolation to contemplate its own destruction and demise……………

    This point of view is entirely my speculation as what is behind the dilemma brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. However, it could turn out to be a valid one indeed considering all of the warnings from Soviet defectors that I have brought to attention. We very well could be in the “preparatory period” that Viktor Suvorov warned about in his writings so the Soviets can formulate an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy’s armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack”………….

    Having within its sphere an organization like Spetsnaz, and having tested its potential on numerous exercises, the Soviet high command came to the conclusion that Spetsnaz could be used with success not only against tactical but also against strategic nuclear installations: submarine bases, weapon stockpiles, aircraft bases and missile launching sites.

    Spetsnaz could be used too, they realized, against the heart and blood supply of the state: ie. its source and distribution of energy - power stations, transformer stations and power lines, as well as oil and gas pipelines and storage points, pumping station and oil refineries. Putting even a few of the enemy's more important power stations out of action could present him with a catastrophic situation.

    Not only would there be no light: factories would be brought to a standstill, lifts would cease to work, the refrigeration installations would be useless, hospitals would find it almost impossible to function, blood stored in refrigerators would begin to coagulate, traffic lights, petrol pumps and trains would come to a halt, computers would cease to operate…………………………..

    I admit upfront I could be entirely wrong in my suspicions of the origin of the Deepwater Horizon disaster; but then again, as Anatoly Golitsyn warned in his memorandum to the CIA: 'Ignore Russian and Chinese strategic designs against the United States at your peril'………………

    Weekly Editorial By Robert Jones ™ exclusively at

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    The Russians most like DID have a hand it in, but it was up the ass of a puppet North Korean submarine.

    I don't doubt this was caused by someone making it happen. I don't think it was an accident AT ALL.

    My gut feeling says it wasn't an accident, and I don't think ANYONE can prove it one way or the other.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    June 24, 2010
    George Soros: "We Have Just Entered Act II" of the Global Financial Crisis

    By Jason Simpkins
    , Managing Editor, Money Morning

    George Soros gained global recognition when he co-founded the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers in 1970. That fund generated an average annual return of more than 30% while he was at the helm.

    Soros hasn't quit making timely market calls since: From his $10 billion bet against the British pound sterling in 1992 to his April 2008 prediction that we had not "seen the full effect" of the recession and that the situation was "more serious than the authorities admit or recognize."

    In February, Soros called the euro's viability into question, and the currency has plunged some 10% since that time.

    Now, as Europe's fiscal woes worsen and governments are pressured to curb budget deficits, Soros says " we have just entered Act II" of the global financial crisis.

    "The collapse of the financial system as we know it is real, and the crisis is far from over," he told a conference in Vienna late last week."

    Indeed, we have just entered Act II of the drama, when financial markets started losing confidence in the credibility of sovereign debt."

    The world economy is "eerily reminiscent of the 1930s," Soros said, with governments under pressure to narrow their budget deficits at a time when the economic recovery is weak.

    "Keynes has taught us that budget deficits are essential for counter cyclical policies, yet many governments have to reduce them under pressure from financial markets," he said. "This is liable to push the global economy into a double dip."

    Soros has been outspoken on his economic beliefs for decades. He feels that financial markets are unstable by nature, and that the main goal of public policy should be to stabilize markets rather than promote over-leverage and facilitate bubbles - essentially the opposite of the tactic employed by global policymakers.

    According to his funds' latest filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), gold remains Soros' preferred holding. Some 10% of his assets were invested in the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD) exchange-traded fund (ETF) as of March 31.

    Soros also has been adding to his already large overweight positions in the oil & gas sector. His largest stock remains Brazilian oil giant Petroleo Brasileiro SA (NYSE ADR: PBR), more commonly known as Petrobras.

    Additionally, Soros built upon his positions in Canadian energy producer Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE: SU), and Houston-based oil & natural gas producer Petrohawk Energy Co. (NYSE: HK). All told, Soros has about 30% of his long investments in the oil & gas sector - more than twice the weighting of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.

    Smaller positions that saw buying during the first quarter include Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (NYSE: GT), Lawson Software Inc. (Nasdaq: LWSN), CVS Caremark Corp. (NYSE: CVS) and DirecTV (Nasdaq: DTV).

    Consumer stocks remain the lowest weighted sector in Soros' holdings, but Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT), Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE: BBY), Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) and True Religion Apparel, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRLG) all made the cut.

    Ultimately, Soros' holdings paint the picture of someone who sees a future with weaker currencies, higher inflation, and higher energy prices - something Money Morning has been warning readers of for months, if not years.

    George Soros said: China should lead ‘New World Order’

    Obama and the new Latin America

    China to drill for Oil off US coastline

    Meanwhile, Here Are 20 Signs That China Is Cornering The Global Oil Market


    $1.3 billion to buy 45% percent of an Alberta project

    Image: The Globe And Mail

    Deal signed May 2010: China Investment Corp. paid $817 million to take a 45% share of a Penn West Energy Trust project, worth up to 50,000 barrels per day. They also paid $435 million for a 5% stake of Penn West, according to Globe And Mail.

    Background: Canada has the world's second largest oil reserves, with relatively minuscule production. It needs foreign capital to fund major new developments in the Alberta Oil Sands, which include shale oil projects.

    Gus Lubin and Gregory White | May 28, 2010, 9:54 AM | 57,535 | 17

    In response to the BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster, President Obama has launched a 6 month moratorium on new deepwater exploration contracts and other oil drilling restrictions.

    But China isn't stopping.

    Just this month, state-owned Chinese companies have signed contracts worth over $50 billion in Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Venezuela, and Nigeria.

    Most deal include an export clause, locking down energy supplies for the growing Chinese economy. If America's demand ever increases, these deals would present a serious problem.

    And Beijing has no qualms about offshore drilling.

    Click to see China's biggest deals >

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Florida Sees New Threat to Its Beaches

    Deepwater Drilling Project in Cuban Waters Set to Launch Next Year Could Kick Off a Spate of Exploration in the Region

    JULY 2, 2010

    Florida has long fought to prevent oil drilling anywhere near its white sandy beaches. But as the state continues to deal with oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill washing up on its shores, it faces a new threat: deepwater drilling in nearby Cuban waters.

    Maria Ritter, a spokeswoman for Spanish oil company Repsol YPF SA, said it plans to drill off Cuba, about 60 miles south of Key West, Fla., early next year. If successful, this would likely kick off a spate of exploration. Only one deepwater well has been drilled in Cuban waters, by Repsol in 2004. The effort found oil but not enough to justify commercial development.

    Since then, the U.S. Geological Survey has said there could be a substantial amount of untapped oil off the Cuban coast, whetting the appetite of several global oil companies that have signed exploration leases.

    U.S. companies won't participate because of a longstanding trade embargo against Cuba. Repsol plans to use a floating drilling rig being refurbished in a Chinese shipyard, similar to the Deepwater Horizon rig leased by BP PLC that caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Mexico in April. Almost all parts and components in the rig to be used by Repsol are from non-U.S. companies.

    The Obama administration has sought a six-month ban on deepwater drilling in U.S. waters to reassess risks and establish new safety procedures if necessary. But any new rules wouldn't reach Repsol's project in Cuban waters.

    A spill there, even one significantly smaller than the continuing BP spill, could turn into an economic and environmental nightmare for Florida. Some oceanographers say the oil would likely be carried up Florida's Atlantic Coast, the heart of its tourism industry.

    "We have one of the world's largest coral reefs and a protected marine sanctuary there," said Dan McLaughlin, a spokesman for Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) "We should not be drilling there."

    Cuba's state oil firm, Union Cuba Petroleo, could not be reached for comment. Ms. Ritter, the Repsol spokeswoman, declined to comment on the project beyond confirming plans for the rig. Repsol has operations in many parts of the world, including the U.S. portion of the Gulf of Mexico.

    Drilling off Florida in U.S. waters has been banned by federal moratorium for decades. To protect the state's tourism-based economy, Gov. Charlie Crist, who is running for the U.S. Senate as an independent, is floating a proposal for an amendment to the Florida constitution to ban offshore drilling there permanently.

    It's not clear what U.S. or Florida officials could do to stop oil exploration in Cuba. The U.S. controls coastal waters up to 200 miles from its shores, but under a 1977 treaty it agreed to divide the Straits of Florida equally with Cuba. That means Repsol can drill a deepwater well about the same distance from Key West, Fla., as the Deepwater Horizon was from the Louisiana coast.

    The rig headed for Cuban waters has five rams in its blowout preventer, each designed to help shut off an out-of-control well. The Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer had only four.

    In the event of a spill in Cuban waters, many ships, equipment and personnel from the U.S. Gulf Coast could be prevented from helping because of the embargo. But that may be changing. A Treasury Department spokeswoman said some U.S. firms involved in oil cleanup have been issued licenses to travel to Cuba in case oil from the continuing spill hits beaches there.

    Cuba's efforts to promote offshore oil exploration appear close to paying off. Cuba imports about 110,000 barrels of oil daily and produces an additional 52,000 barrels, mostly from onshore and shallow-water fields, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    Ms. Ritter said Madrid-based Repsol plans to drill a new well near the 2004 well as soon as the rig—called the Scarabeo 9—is ready. Construction of Scarabeo 9 is expected to be complete at the end of 2010 or early 2011, said a spokesman for Enis SpA, an Italian company that controls the rig. Repsol's partners on the well include Norway's Statoil ASA and the overseas arm of India's state-run Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Eight other foreign oil companies hold offshore leases in Cuban waters.

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    In 2006 for not being nominated to the WTO... Putin plan to shut out US oil giants and Obama now says U.S. will support Russia's WTO bid.

    Putin's plans are coming to pass.

    Breaking: Obama shuts down 33% of the country’s oil refining capacity

    July 1, 4:22 PM
    Phoenix Conservative ExaminerGil Guignat

    Whereas Obama is trying to crush Arizona by suing it into the ground to prevent it from defending itself from illegal immigration, and it is preventing any clean up efforts in Louisiana after 71 days, it has just been learned from one of our conatcts in Texas that Obama by way of the EPA has just shut down today 33% of the country’s refining capacity.

    While Obama was unsuccessful at putting a moratorium on oil drilling, he was able to accomplish the same thing by putting a stranglehold on oil refining which accomplishes the same thing. With 1/3rd of the country’s oil refining gone what do you think this will do to the economy? this was the inherent threat that Obama had presented for months. either give him Cap and Trade or we will shut everything down through the EPA.

    What do you think this will do to the economy of Texas?

    Let's recap what has happened in the last 90 days:

    • Obama is going after Arizona and trying to cut off all border security aide while suing the state.

    • He is making no attempt to stop the oil leak in Louisiana. This is now affecting the economies of Louisiana, Texas, Georgia and Florida.

    • He is going aftre Texas and with this double whammy of shutting down the refineries and the oil spill the sate that was doing the best in the country is now being taken down.

    So far Obama has completely trashed five states and is in the process of destroying their economies. What chance do you think there is of a recovery
    Hope and change!

    Totalitarianism is here!

    “EPA overturns 16-year-old Texas permit program

    Associated Press

    HOUSTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday officially overturned a 16-year-old Texas air permitting program it says violates the Clean Air Act, leaving some of the country's largest refineries in a state of limbo.The move comes after years of backdoor bickering, negotiations and public arguments between the EPA and Texas. The argument recently escalated from a battle over environmental issues into a heated political dispute over states' rights.

    He has been using it to drive home his contention that President Barack Obama's administration is overreaching, saying in a statement Wednesday that "Texas will continue to fight this federal takeover of a successful state program."The EPA's decision, announced in a statement, will force some 125 refineries and petrochemical plants to invest millions of dollars to get new permits. Many of the plants may also have to invest in updates to comply with federal regulations.” More…

    EPA Rejects Texas Flexible Air-Quality Permit Authority

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday rejected air-quality permits for refiners and other industrial plants issued by Texas, saying they didn't meet federal environmental standards.

    The federal agency proposed striking down the so-called flexible air permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or TCEQ, last September, saying they violate the Clean Air Act. Under the act, all states have to develop a state implementation plan to meet federal requirements to protect public health. The move won't require oil refiners, chemical and plastics makers, and others to shut their plants immediately, but will force companies to meet stricter regulations in order to earn new, more detailed permits.

    "EPA has determined that this program does not meet several national Clean Air Act requirements that help to assure the protection of health and the environment," the agency said in a press release Wednesday. "Those plans must include an air permitting program to set pollution levels for industrial facilities."

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    Default Re: Soros's Progressive Cabal Machine to Socialize America (CRIME INC)

    Time for the states to stand up and say, "NO MORE".

    Texas needs to continue drilling.

    Florida and Louisiana need to stop the oil themselves (and then sue the US Government).

    Arizona needs to flip off the Feds and continue to shut down the border.

    I'll simply quote the Liberals... "America is spread too thin to join in another war with North Korea or Iran. This is nonsense if you think America can fight another war...."

    Ok... fine. Then they can't fight Americans either, can they?
    Libertatem Prius!

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