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Thread: Our Escalating Border War

  1. #81
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Chooses Illegal Aliens Over America

    It appears U.S. Fish and Wildlife are aiding illegal aliens in this invasion. They are not only serving to establish additional provisions for those who are illegally entering the United States but they are engaging in what amounts to politically motivated dialogue by using terms such as “migrants” instead of legally correct terms such as illegal aliens or trespassers.

    Are members of the The United States Executive Branch and Congress fulfilling their oath of office by allowing any foreign entity or invader to control sovereign American soil and thereby effectively exclude American citizens from it?

    Notice of closure for part of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge.

    Notice the plans to not only provide but increase the provision of water for wildlife and “migrants”. What the hell is a migrant? In this nation we have citizens, those here on visas, green card holders and illegal aliens. The use of the word migrant by a Federal Government Official is ignorant and or politically motivated either of which is unacceptable and should be corrected immediately. In this particular case invader, trespasser or illegal alien should be used in place of migrant.

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials discussing “migrant” paths and support for humanitarian efforts by those who are aiding illegal activity. If a Federal Agency is aware of a “path” where illegal activity takes place on a continuous basis what is their responsibility to stop it by enforcing the law?

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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    Lawmaker Warns Parks Takeover by Mexican Cartels, Illegals 'Intensifying'

    Published June 17, 2010

    Jan. 9, 2008: A U.S. Border Patrol agent watches over a group of immigrants arrested after crossing illegally from Mexico through the Altar Valley in Arizona.

    Federal environmental laws are handcuffing U.S. Border Patrol agents to a foot-and-horseback strategy as they try to battle Mexican drug cartels and illegal immigrants who are turning wide swaths of America's border with Mexico into a virtual no-man's land.

    Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, ranking Republican on the House Parks and Public Lands Subcommittee, said the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in southern Arizona -- part of which was closed in 2006 because it was considered too dangerous for Americans to visit -- is just the tip of the iceberg.

    He said there's plenty of other parkland along the border that's either closed to the public or is considered too dangerous because of concern about drug gangs, human smugglers and illegal immigrants, and that the problem is getting worse.

    "You travel here in America at your own risk," Bishop told The reason the parkland along the border has become so hazardous, Bishop said, is because environmental regulations restrict Border Patrol from using vehicles to patrol in those areas -- except in special circumstances. In turn, he said, drug cartels are being funneled into those swaths as immigration agents get tougher patrolling private land.

    "It's intensifying," Bishop said. The Utah Republican is the author of a bill, H.R. 5016, that would allow border agents to patrol parkland without worrying about the environmental restrictions. He described that bill as the solution to the problem.

    "They're not allowing the Border Patrol to do the job that they know they need to do," he said.

    New attention has been drawn to the issue following reports about the Buenos Aires refuge. Signs have been posted warning Americans not to cross into the closed-off territory -- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service originally sent around a notice in October 2006 that about 3,500 acres were being closed to public use out of concern for public safety.

    "The Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge has been adversely affected by border-related activities," the notice said. "Assaults on law enforcement officers and violence against migrants have escalated. Violence on the refuge associated with smugglers and border bandits has been well-documented."

    The Interior Department has said that Secretary Ken Salazar is trying to work with the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to "meet the twin goals of protecting our national security and our natural resources."

    Asked about Bishop's bill, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said Thursday that the department does not comment on "pending legislation." But she said in a written statement that the administration has committed "unprecedented manpower" to the border region and that since 2006, areas like the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge "have experienced a significant decline in violent activity in the area thanks to ongoing cooperation between the U.S.

    Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

    But Bishop said the "irony" of the situation is that trespassers in the lawless zone are trampling the environmental habitat anyway. And he said the Obama administration's plan to send National Guard troops to the border will be inhibited by the restrictions on federal land.

    "I don't care how many troops you send down there -- until they have access to the land, it doesn't do any good," he said.

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  3. #83
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    Our national parks have been surrendered to the Mexican drug cartels (w/shocking video)

    A park ranger chopping down pot plants in Sequoia National Park.

    According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 3,500 acres in southern Arizona have now been closed to U.S. citizens because of the dangers posed in that area from Mexican drug smugglers. The area includes part of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge.

    Refuge manager Mitch Ellis told Fox News: “The situation in this zone has reached a point where continued public use of the area is not prudent.”

    Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said: “It’s literally out of control. We need support from the federal government. It’s their job to secure the border and they haven’t done it. In fact, President Obama suspended the construction of the fence and it’s just simply outrageous.”

    Babeu continued: “We need action. It’s shameful that we, as the most powerful nation on Earth, … can’t even secure our own border and protect our own families.”

    In addition to using U.S. public lands to smuggle drugs into this nation, the Mexican drug cartels are growing huge amounts of marijuana in our national parks. It is estimated that the cartels produce 30 tons of pot in our parks annually.

    Brent Wood, a supervisor for the California Department of Justice's Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, recently told the Associated Press: “Just like the Mexicans took over the methamphetamine trade, they've gone to mega, monster gardens. It's amazing how they have changed the way they do business. It's their domain.”

    According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, in 2008 alone, U.S. law enforcement agencies police across the nation confiscated or destroyed 7.6 million marijuana plants from 20,000 outdoor plots. Of course, the seized plants represent only a small fraction of the cartels’ crop.

    Large pot farms have been found from Klamath National and Sequoia National Parks in California, and Pike National Forest in Colorado to George Washington National Forest in Virginia and all points in between. Often, those farms are booby-trapped with trip wires surrounding the operations.

    Natural streams are diverted to irrigate the illegal crops, and the soil is severely damaged with harsh pesticides. When those operating the farms move on to another location, the areas more resemble a garbage dump, than a national forest. The harm being done to both flora and fauna is immeasurable.

    This is not a problem unique to the American Southwest, but now affects public lands across the entire nation, and the smugglers are becoming increasingly more destructive.

    In August 2009, investigators determined that the wildfire known as the La Brea Fire, in the Los Padres National Forest, which began on August 8, was actually started by a cooking fire being used by Mexican marijuana growers.

    The Santa Barbara County sheriff's office and the U.S. Forest Service held a joint press conference and stated that the raging wildfire was touched off by a "cooking fire in a marijuana drug trafficking operation ... believed to be run by a Mexican national drug organization."

    At the time, U.S. Forest Service spokesman Jim Turner said: "The suspects are still at large. We've closed the area to the public ... so if anyone is likely to encounter them, it would be the firefighters, and of course those people have all been alerted and are on the watch."

    The fire destroyed more than 130 square miles of forest and forced more than 2,000 residents from their homes.

    While the La Brea Fire may have represented the first time that the mainstream press reported on a fire which was set by illegal alien drug traffickers, this incident is only the latest and perhaps most costly fire. However, arson has actually become a favorite tactic used by those who now regularly invade this country.

    In May 2007, in Arizona, Border Patrol Agents chased five illegals back across the Mexican border. Once on the other side, the five began pegging the agents and their vehicles with rocks. The agents moved back and continued to observe, then a Molotov cocktail was hurled at the agents. It hit the ground and missed the Border Patrol vehicles. The agents then contacted the Mexican military for assistance.

    As usual, that help never came.

    About an hour later, an agent noticed a fire burning in a nearby wheat field. The San Luis Fire Department responded and fortunately the only property damaged in the extremely dry area was the field itself. A total of five fires were set that night by illegal aliens. The fires surrounded a Border Patrol observation post and were an attempt to burn the agents out. No agents were injured in the multiple blazes and none of the illegals were apprehended.

    The border area has become so dangerous due to Mexican drug smugglers and illegal aliens crossing into this country, that in 2007, firefighters battling wildfires in the Coronado National Forest had to be accompanied by police officers.

    For several years, the U.S. Forest Service has reported numerous accounts of encounters with heavily armed drug dealers approaching firefighters.

    On August 9, 2002, U.S. Park Ranger Kris Eggle, 27 was killed by Mexican drug dealers while on duty in Arizona's Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Park. Ranger Eggle was attempting to apprehend two drug dealers, after being notified by Mexican authorities that the two had crossed the border and were headed into the park.

    One of the drug dealers opened fire on Ranger Eggle with an AK-47. Eggle died before a medivac helicopter arrived on the scene. Mexican police officers shot and killed Eggle's murderer.

    U.S. Park Ranger Eggle left behind his grieving parents and his sister (also a U.S. Park Ranger).

    In 1905 President Theodore Roosevelt started the National Parks system, setting aside 194 millions of acres of pristine wilderness by the end of his presidency, so that all Americans could enjoy nature’s beauty and peaceful tranquility. He brought these unspoiled lands under federal protection so that they would remain that way forever.

    I would venture to say that never could TR could have imagined the day when American families could no longer venture into those parks because an invading army of criminals now use them for their own enterprises. Nor could he have ever imagined a day when his own government, sworn to protect those public lands, would sit by and allow such an atrocity.

    In a speech in Osawatomie, Kansas on August 31, 1910, Roosevelt stated: “I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use the nature resources of our land; but I do not recognize the right to waste the, or to rob, by wasteful use, the generations that come after us.”

    Unfortunately, we are all being robbed as our national parks become nothing more than marijuana farms, occupied by illegal aliens carrying automatic weapons and trashing once unspoiled national treasures.

    What use is a government which chooses not to defend its land and people?

    Harmful chemicals found on public lands in California

    View Slideshow »

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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

    Posted: 11:09 PM
    Last Updated: 9 hours and 16 minutes ago

    PINAL COUNTY, AZ - This weekend, JT Ready and a group of armed men plan to take Arizona's border battle into their own hands.

    "This is the Minutemen project on steroids," he said.

    Ready is a member of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, and he and his citizen's militia group are tired of waiting.

    "We're going to go all night and shut down the drug corridor that comes directly into Phoenix," Ready said. "We have guys that are going to be doing some covert stuff and we have some snipers coming out."

    Though some people call what this group is doing extreme, they are far from alone.

    As Arizona continues to be at the epicenter of the U.S. immigration debate, state law enforcement agencies and other departments are seeing a growing trend of people asking to help secure the border.

    "With calling and writing emails, probably 100 plus a day," said Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu.

    Babeu's county is one of the nation's worst for drug trafficking and human smuggling.

    And Patrick Bray with the Arizona Cattlemen's Association said his office has been receiving a lot of calls as well from people asking to help ranchers patrol their land.

    "It's been a pretty big response," he said. "We tell them 'Thanks, but no thanks.' This is something for the federal government."

    But that's why Ready said his group feels the need to act.

    He said the federal government is not doing enough, and that now is the time to act.

    "Defending our nation is dangerous," Ready said. "We have some brave patriots that are willing to put their lives on the line."

    But Babeu said he's worried about what could happen.

    "There's more to this than just going out there with a gun," he said. "People are getting killed out there, and we have drug cartels at war with each other."

    Copyright 2010 The E.W. Scripps Co. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    Best case scenario, JT Ready and his merry band of idiots and a well armed cartel group manage to eliminate each other from the gene pool.

  7. #87
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    Default After Teen's Death, Is an Intifadeh Coming to the U.S.-Mexican Border?

    After Teen's Death, Is an Intifadeh Coming to the U.S.-Mexican Border?
    Jun 11, 2010

    The killing of a 15-year-old Mexican boy by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on June 7, in the corridor between El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, has conjured an eerie as well as tragic image on both sides of the Rio Grande. The incident involved Mexican youths throwing rocks at U.S. border cops who were arresting migrants crossing illegally into Texas. But local leaders like El Paso City Councilman Beto O'Rourke fear it reflects - and could further stoke - larger, festering border tensions. "The rocks versus guns picture is not one we want here," says O'Rourke. "It looks too much like Israel and Palestine for comfort."

    O'Rourke is hardly the only border resident making that comparison this week. In the wake of Arizona's angry crackdown on illegal immigrants - and as President Obama plans to send 1,200 federal troops to beef up security along America's porous, 2,000-mile-long the southern frontier - border watchers fear the increasingly confrontational climate is encouraging U.S. border authorities to respond with heavier force. "I worry that officers may feel emboldened now to see themselves not just as law enforcement but as soldiers on a battlefield, defending the country against an invading enemy of Mexicans," says University of Texas-El Paso political science professor Tony Payan. Said Mexico's Foreign Ministry: "The growing frequency of this kind of event reflects a troubling trend in the use of excessive force by some border agents." (See the battle of Arizona: will a border crackdown work?)

    Monday's death of teenager Sergio HernÁndez, which U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday called "extremely regrettable," was indeed the second killing of a Mexican national by U.S. officials on the border in two weeks. On May 31 a Mexican illegal immigrant detained near San Diego, Calif., died allegedly after being beaten with a baton and shot with a taser gun when officials said he became combative. Both deaths are under investigation. (A cell-phone video of the HernÁndez shooting shows him and his companions running from U.S. Border Patrol agents and the boy later lying in a pool of blood; but it doesn't show how he was killed or if he was throwing rocks.) But Mexico, where President Felipe Calderon has expressed outrage over anti-immigration measures like Arizona's, claims that while five Mexicans were killed or wounded by U.S. border authorities in 2008, the number jumped to 12 last year and has already hit 17 in less than six months this year. (See pictures of the Great Wall of America)

    That complaint, of course, is vastly hypocritical given Mexican officials' far darker reputation for killing or abusing the hapless Central American immigrants they detain on Mexico's southern border. And U.S. officials argue that American border agents are also facing more assaults than ever, especially from the Mexican coyotes who smuggle migrants as well as drugs, but also from frustrated migrants themselves. In fiscal 2010, which began last October, border patrol agents in the El Paso sector say they've come under some 30 dangerous rock-throwing attacks, the most ever in an eight-month period. In March, an Arizona border rancher was shot and killed; and because local officials said the murderer may have been a Mexican coyote or illegal immigrant, it sparked the state’s draconian new anti-immigration law, which critics say blesses the racial profiling of Mexicans and other Hispanics and has spawned copycat bills as far away as Rhode Island. (See pictures of the Rob Krentz murder case in Arizona.)

    Almost 800 assaults against American border agents involving rocks or other weapons have already been recorded along the entire border in fiscal 2010, says U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which includes the border patrol. That's a more than 20% increase over the same period in fiscal 2009. "Working with Mexico, we've made the border a tougher, tighter place for these criminal organizations, and they're lashing out," says CBP spokesman Lloyd Easterling, "Compared to the number of assaults they're facing, the amount of restraint our agents are showing is astounding." (On Thursday, the U.S. Justice department announced that American law enforcement, in a 22-month long investigation into Mexican drug gang activity on the border, arrested about 2,200 people.) (Comment on this story.)

    Still, the May 31 and June 7 incidents raise questions about whether that restraint is loosening as "the country's toxic anti-immigrant gases keep growing in the air," says Payan. CBP insists its agents have the right to "use appropriate force" if they feel their lives are threatened. But allegedly shooting a teen in the head as he ran back to the Mexico side of the border after throwing rocks "appears to have been a grossly disproportionate response," says global rights watchdog Amnesty International.

    The tragedy also helps paint a disproportionately violent picture of the U.S. side of the border. The Mexican side, especially murder-ravaged Juarez, may be buckling under ever-bloodier drug-cartel warfare. But despite the Arizona border rancher's death, the U.S. side is actually one of the safest corridors in America, especially El Paso. "Militarizing the border the way Obama wants to will only serve to freak people out for reasons that aren't grounded in fact," says O'Rourke, a fourth-generation El Pasoan who fears that hysteria like Arizona's could ruin the border's important bilateral social and economic fabric.

    All of which makes it more urgent than ever that Washington take up its immigration reform obligations as soon as possible. The Hernandez shooting "simply reflects what a terribly broken border management system we have," says Payan, "and if the Obama Administration doesn't work to throw cold water on these passions, this kind of violence could escalate." The Israel-Palestine analogy, Payan adds, is apt. "There is no other border in the world except that one where you have the economically desperate squaring off against the economically powerful, with rocks against bullets." Both Mexico and the U.S. need to work harder to make sure that doesn't become a common sight on their own border.

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    Default Nightline News Piece (Video) of Escalating Border War

  9. #89
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    Default Re: Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

    Mexican Gangs Maintain Permanent Lookout Bases in Hills of Arizona

    By Adam Housley
    Published June 22, 2010 |

    Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents tell Fox News.

    The scouts are supplied by drivers who bring them food, water, batteries for radios -- all the items they need to stay in the wilderness for a long time.

    “To say that this area is out of control is an understatement," said an agent who patrols the area and asked not to be named. "We (federal border agents), as well as the Pima County Sheriff Office and the Bureau of Land Management, can attest to that.”

    Much of the drug traffic originates in the Menagers Dam area, the Vekol Valley, Stanfield and around the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation. It even follows a natural gas pipeline that runs from Mexico into Arizona.
    In these areas, which are south and west of Tucson, sources said there are “cartel scouts galore” watching the movements of federal, state and local law enforcement, from the border all the way up to Interstate 8.

    “Every night we’re getting beaten like a pinata at a birthday party by drug, alien smugglers," a second federal agent told Fox News by e-mail. "The danger is out there, with all the weapons being found coming northbound…. someone needs to know about this!”

    The agents blame part of their plight on new policies from Washington, claiming it has put a majority of the U.S. agents on the border itself. One agent compared it to a short-yardage defense in football, explaining that once the smugglers and drug-runners break through the front line, they're home free.

    “We are unable to work any traffic, because they have us forward deployed," the agent said. "We are unable to work the traffic coming out of the mountains. That traffic usually carries weapons and dope, too, again always using stolen vehicles.”

    The Department of Homeland Security denies it has ordered any major change in operations or any sort of change in forward deployment.

    “The Department of Homeland Security has dedicated unprecedented manpower, technology and infrastructure resources to the Southwest border over the course of the past 16 months," DHS spokesman Matt Chandler said. "Deployment of CBP/Border Patrol and ICE personnel to various locations throughout the Southwest border is based on actionable intelligence and operational need, not which elected official can yell the loudest.”

    While agents in the area agree that southwest Arizona has been a trouble spot for more than a decade, many believe Washington and politicians “who come here for one-day visit” aren’t seeing the big picture.

    They say the area has never been controlled and has suddenly gotten worse, with the cartels maintaining a strong presence on U.S. soil. More than ever, agents on the front lines are wearing tactical gear, including helmets, to protect themselves.

    “More than 4,000 of these agents are deployed in Arizona," Chandler says. "The strategy to secure our nation’s borders is based on a 'defense in depth' philosophy, including the use of interior checkpoints, like the one on FR 85 outside Ajo, to interdict threats attempting to move from the border into the interior of our nation.”

    Without placing direct fault on anyone, multiple agents told Fox that the situation is more dangerous for them than ever now that the cartels have such a strong position on the American side of the border.

    They say morale is down among many who patrol the desolate area, and they worry that the situation won't change until an agent gets killed.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    I renamed this thread about Mexican military incursions into the US to "Our Escalating Border War" to give a central place to post all of the events that seem to currently be escalating pretty rapidly along the US-Mexico border between Border Patrol, US citizens and Mexican military and smugglers.

    If any staff see any threads they think need to be here, feel free to move them in. If anyone has any suggestions for threads that should be moved here please post links so they can be moved by staff.

  11. #91
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Just saw this posted over on ARFCOM. A machine translation of a Mexican news article.

    Intrigue armed attacks against illegal immigrants in southern Arizona
    Mundo Hispano - Sunday 20 June (18:30 hrs)

    • In these incidents, about 12 immigrants were injured by bullets and at least three have died
    • The authorities said investigators still have no clues to the attackers

    The online Financial

    Phoenix, June 20 .- suspected illegal immigrants and drug traffickers are being attacked and killed by strangers in the desert areas of southern Arizona, in a series of incidents that remain intrigued to authorities.

    The Sheriff's Department Santa Cruz County, on the border with Mexico, has registered more than 50 attacks since April 2008 to date.

    In these incidents, about 12 immigrants were injured by bullets and at least three have died.

    The attackers were described as men armed with automatic rifles who wear camouflage clothes and are waiting to ambush immigrants on the U.S. side of the border.

    Farther north in Pinal County between Tucson and Phoenix, there have been another series of armed incidents against undocumented or suspected traffickers.

    On 11 June, two Mexicans, who had presumed drug authorities on their backs, were shot dead in an area of Pinal County, about 130 kilometers from the border with Mexico.

    Further south, the same day, a group of five illegal immigrants were ambushed by two men wearing camouflage clothing near the community of Rio Rico, between Nogales and Tucson.

    One of the undocumented, identified as Manuel Esquer Gomez, 45, was shot in the arm while running to escape the fire along with the rest of his teammates.

    The immigrants managed to get to a road for help. In reporting the incident to the authorities, immigrants reported seeing two bodies as they ran for safety.

    Agents from the Sheriff's Office went to the scene and found the body of a person of Mexican nationality and whose cause of death has not yet been clarified.

    The sheriff of the county of Santa Cruz, Antonio Estrada, said investigators still have no clues to the attackers.

    "It's disturbing to hear of people with high powered rifles and camouflage clothing. Wake up some red flags, "said the sheriff.

    Speaking this week at the television station KVOA in Tucson, Estrada said he did not want to speculate, but pointed out that in the investigations "will not dismiss any possibility, including that the attackers are U.S. citizens.

    "There may be individuals who might be hunting illegally. That is indeed a great concern for us, "he warned.

    The attacks differ from other incidents of violence at the border because the victims were not demand anything and are not stolen. Those affected are attacked by surprise when they walk and those who do not shoot your face and try to hide.

    Last November, a hunter found the body of an illegal immigrant who was shot to death in Santa Cruz County, a week after that in the same area other migrant asked for help in a house and reported having been injured by a sniper.

    The incidents are similar to several recorded during the past 18 months, in which victims are injured and killed in shoulders, arms or legs. (With information from Notimex / JOT)
    So, have some people decided to take border security matters into their own hands? Is this a Mexican media hit piece designed to stir up shit? Or is this something else?

  12. #92
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    June 21, 2010 — Police officers are being threatened for doing their job, even when off-duty. "Mind Your Own Business Or You Might Get Shot By Snipers".

    When do we consider this an invasion?

    WHEN will the border patrol be beefed up? When will we send troops?

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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Nuestras Voces Latinas

    Read the Arizona Petition:

    Tuesday, June 22, 2010

    Mexico Enters SB 1070 Litigation

    In an indication that the Arizona immigration statute has done serious damage to our nation's international relations, Mexico has submitted an amicus brief in the MALDEF/ACLU case, opposing SB 1070. Asserting that Mexico has a right to protect its citizens, Mexico contends that "SB 1070 creates an imminent threat of state sanctioned bias or discrimination, resulting not only in individual injury, but also in broader social and economic harms to its citizens, undermining Mexico-U.S. relations." Among other things, Mexico argues that SB 1070 will result in unconstitutional "racial profiling reminiscent of African-American discrimination." Mexico's amicus brief in support of plaintiffs is here:

    Read it here....Lav (

    Posted by George Martinez at 4:41 PM

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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Arizona Citizens Militia

    ACM's Pima County Unit has requested additional volunteers to deal with a rapidly deteriorating security situation along our southern border.

    All County Units are directed to prepare for tactical ground operations.

    Volunteers are needed on the border for all aspects of tactical operations, communications, logistics, medical, transportation, and construction.

    Donations of equipment would be gratefully accepted:

    Shipping address:
    ACM - LLC
    3141 N First Ave
    Tucson AZ

    Arizona Citizens Militia
    "Endorsed by the SPLC as Number ONE in Arizona"

    The threat of Martial Law has increased
    A Global Financial Apocalypse is bearing down on us
    Foreign military troops are inside the USA for "training"
    FEMA Concentration Camps are being readied
    US NORTHCOM preparing to attack US Citizens
    We aim to misbehave

    "Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy." - Winston Churchill

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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Does big Sis need to monitor the Arizona Militia?

    U.S. Predator Drones to Surveil Mexican Border

    Published June 24, 2010
    | Associated Press

    A Predator drone takes off on a U.S. Customs Border Patrol mission from Fort Huachuca, Ariz.

    WASHINGTON -- The Homeland Security Department will use unmanned surveillance aircraft and other technological upgrades in its ongoing effort to protect the southern border of the United States.

    The department said Wednesday it has obtained Federal Aviation Administration permission to operate unmanned planes along the Texas border and throughout the Gulf Coast region. Customs and Border Protection will base a surveillance drone at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station in Texas.

    Homeland Security also said it is working with the Office of National Drug Control Policy on "Project Roadrunner," a license plate recognition system designed to seek out possible drug traffickers.

    And the department is collaborating with the Justice Department to improve information sharing between state, local and federal law enforcement agencies.

    In a speech at the Center for International and Strategic Studies, a Washington think tank, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also announced a new partnership with the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

    The agreement would allow non-border cities to provide more assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies that are on the border.

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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Shots fired at City Hall prompt Texas AG to ask for more troops on border

    Times staff reports
    Posted: 06/30/2010 01:59:31 PM MDT

    Minutemen volunteers

    Members of the New Mexico National Guard, Spc. Rolinda Apodaca, foreground, and Sgt. Janilee Whiterock, look out toward the border just west of Columbus, N.M. (Times file photo)

    * Shots fired at El Paso City Hall
    * City reps distressed over shots fired at City Hall apparently from Juárez
    * Shots apparently fired from Juárez pelt City Hall, enter office
    * Updated: Several shots, apparently from Juárez, struck City Hall

    EL PASO - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today demanded that President Obama send more troops to the Texas-Mexico border and used the shots that hit El Paso City Hall as an example of increased violence on the border.

    Abbott said in a letter that the seven shots that hit City Hall in El Paso were an example of the violence that is plaguing the border area and that sending 1,200 National Guard soldiers to the entire U.S.-Mexico border is not enough.

    He also cited the violence in Juarez and said that Americans lives are at risk.

    "More than 1,300 people have been murdered in Juárez this year as a war continues relentlessly between the Juárez and Sinaloa drug cartels," he told Obama.

    He also said the "time for talk has passed."


    Here is the letter by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott:

    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President,

    Deadly violence from drug cartels and transnational gangs in Mexico is knocking on the United States' door with ever increasing frequency.

    Yesterday, gunfire from the cartels pierced that threshold and struck City Hall in El Paso. Fortunately no one was injured or killed. But that good fortune was not the result of effective border control - it was mere luck that the bullets struck buildings rather than bodies.

    Luck and good fortune are not effective border enforcement policies. The shocking reality of cross border gunfire proves the cold reality: American lives are at risk. As the attached news article notes: "More than 1,300 people have been murdered in Juárez this year as a war continues relentlessly between the Juárez and Sinaloa drug cartels." Americans must be protected as this deadly war bulges at our border.

    Law enforcement officials with the Texas Department of Public Safety and your own U.S. Customs and Border Protection will reveal the hard truth. Our state is under constant assault from illegal activity threatening a porous border.

    The time for talk has passed. The time for action is now. The need is urgent. Each day that passes increases the likelihood that an American life will be lost because of the federal government's failure to secure the border.

    This threat demands immediate and effective action by your Administration to secure our border. As the Attorney General of Texas, I urge you to make border security your top priority so that no more innocent lives are lost to border violence.

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  19. #99
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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Wow. nice letter.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  20. #100
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    Default Re: Our Escalating Border War

    Here's the video from Congressman Pete Stark's Town Hall meeting last Saturday (June 26, 2010).

    I used the border segment only (YouTube has a ten minute limit), the rest of the meeting was pretty tame anyway.

    He made some pretty dumb comments as he mocked me including "the borders are quite secure", but it backfired on him.

    Stark seemed medicated to me, had swollen ankles and could only sit on the edge of his chair for over an hour and a half. He's well past doing an effective job, but in my opinion, that's probably best for America anyway.

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