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Thread: Scenarios of a nuclear war

  1. #1

    Default Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Hello to you all,
    I was finally able to write something, it is probably not good,
    but that is the best I can do for now, time permitting.

    It's been a struggle what to say, when so much was already said anyway,
    so I hope and pray that this simple piece will raise some eyebrows
    and perhaps make people think what is the most important thing in their life
    and also why it is so.....?

    Of course there is more in it, there could be some mistakes, but it was not my intention to portray the situation accuratelly [for this is impossible as only God Himself knows that], nor I would even try to attempt to undertake such not at all humble task, but I want to give some general idea of what will come, and that I think should be mentioned the best way possible.....

    Please pray for this country and the sinners in it, for they really don't know what horrible times are coming, please pray and be ready.

    God Bless you all.

    In Christ and Mary

    Honza Malina

  2. #2
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war,2933,201215,00.html

    Report: Vatican Delegation in Beijing Wires
    Tuesday, June 27, 2006
    BEIJING -- Two senior Vatican officials were in Beijing Tuesday for talks on re-establishing diplomatic relations with China that were severed more than five decades ago, a Hong Kong newspaper said. ...

    I think the nuclear scenario will be limited to a high altitude burst, EMP, perhaps from N. Korea, God only will know, affecting half of Mexico and the southern US.
    Wish it warnt so, but looks like we're lookin at this year. Oct-Nov revolution. Any calendar. The Mexican revolt at communism,19teens to 40's during the same period as the Spanish was pacific- ordered by the pope. The tortured imprisoned clergy, and lay martyrs prayed and received sacraments in secret, most bishops were exiled. The Churches were torched, burned, turned into barns, teachers took commie pledges and did uno dos ain't no Dios.

    Thus you can see the maestros guile, exuberance and zeal in splicing up the natural and Christian bonds amongst US and Mexico with the red drug money, the false border war trap and the pupeteering of politics.

    I think we're well into the overture, but the symphony will end when the lights go out from Sonora to Tamaulipas, California to the Carolinas.

    It's like waiting for Godot. Back to the rosary.

    Underground churches will survive in my opinion. Flee, disperse, disappear and reappear- like bilocution saints.

    Trying to kill off commie invasions, is a bit like flirting with the devil. Get's him riled up- that's what he wants.
    Doesn't make sense, but imho, that's when Russia will be converted- whatever that means- after the emp and the invasion will not occur. Nations have already been annahilated.

    The 3rd and 4th books of Esdras- included in the vulgate appendix and the canonic Russian Orthodox Bible have an interesting allusion to Russia as the beast with 12 rulers- the 7th of which would be Putin- maybe I'm wrong here. (Kerensky)Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev, Gorbachov, Yeltsin and Putin- Zherensky?
    In any case, God can smite the beast with a twinkling of his eye and if he doesn't- well He works all things out for good.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    It's like waiting for Godot.
    That was the worst play I ever saw in my life.... I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with a short attention span. lol

    As far as nukes go... I don't foresee there being anything other than a limited exchange between the US and ANYONE ELSE.

    The Russians have the most nukes, and the most to lose. They know that we will target them and decimate them, if not, destory them outright.

    The Chinese on the other hand, have a lot of nuclear weapons as well, and they aren't as keen on destroying America's resources, since they would more than likely prefer to occupy the land. IF they exchange nukes with us, it will be limited at first, to major cities. We will do the same to them. They will eventually wish to occupy the land and take us over, and probably could if they wanted to.

    Other countries to worry about would be North Korea if they can successfully launch a missile, and prove they can hit us, we will be watching them carefully, and closely and will do whatever it takes to stop them. North Korea probably has 8-10 actual bombs. If they launch ONE, they MUSt launch them all, because they won't have anything left when we're finished with them.

    Iran... if they get nuclear weapons, they already have access to missile technology, supplied by several countries, including Russia, North Korea and China. There won't be much of afight there.

    Nuking Washington is completely out of the question for Nation States like those I mentioned. A nuclear war has to be 'called off' at some point and if there is no one "in charge" to do it, then you're going to have a rough time calling Americans off of invading armies, or even Americans invading a foregin country that nuked us.

    On the other hand, a terrorist attack on DC is not out of the question in my opinion and certainly IS an option the terrorists would use, perhaps obtaining nukes through IRAN. Thus... we watch, and wait for the signs that we need to take action.

    I DO foresee us going to war with China and a limited exchange taking place, but it will mostly be a conventional ground war, complete with a "Red Dawn" type scenario taking place. That is the ONLY way such a war can and probably will be fought. Otherwise, what good would there be in China trying to "take over" the US?

    But, I DO think that time is coming, and soon.

    Libertatem Prius!

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  4. #4
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Waiting for godot. My (86) grandma took me. What a coincidence. The first show was cancelled. Problem at the theatre. Second time it started late. We walked out before intermision.

  5. #5
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Both Honza's and your potential scenarios are plausible. I lean toward your
    they aren't as keen on destroying America's resources, since they would more than likely prefer to occupy the land
    analysis and see an EMP gutting the top half of Mexico and lower US as perfect cover for the Russkies and Chinese to get invited to parachute in by Mexico, maybe even US. Pure pink terror. No need for tanks, nukes or red terror. No carnage, no blood at first. Pleasant humanitarian propoganda for the friendly commie invasion. Very minimal risk of nuclear payback by US. What right would US have to nuke anybody for a terrorist cessna in Chihuahua?

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    Well I tell you the way things are going lately, the backbone of this country is going down hill fast, at least with the GOP they will not even go after the NYLA Times, so I don't think they would go after any country with a nuke. God help us.

    The Pink terror will be the trick in the total game plan the KGB has put all the process in place now just waiting for when the Left to take this country down to nothing then the hit will happen. Mostly EMP types, then Putin will ride in on the White horse.

  7. #7
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    First, I think that everyone should read this article by Joel Skousen that was posted at NewsMax in 1999. While we have made advancements in the ABM field, as far as I know, most everything else mentioned still stands. Especially a number of the items dealing specifically with PDD-60…

    Second, here is what I foresee…

    I suspect that a limited nuclear strike will be launched against America. This strike will include our missile fields, our SSBN pens, nuclear stockpiles that could be used to retaliate, our major C3 targets (NORAD, etc.), Washington D.C., and perhaps a major city or two.

    I don't believe that any large number of major cities, industrial, or infrastructural areas will be hit with nuclear strikes because, as was mentioned, our enemies would love to get these intact. Washington D.C. will be an exception because it would succeed in decapitating our national government and handicap our last line nuclear response – our subs – as detailed in that article above. The Axis will negate any need to "call off" the nuclear war simply by striking or otherwise attempting to neutralize/paralyze our nuclear forces. I couldn't begin to guess which major cities would be hit but, I suspect that two or so would be so as to make an example of them. This isn't to say that other cities may not have enhanced radiation warheads or CBWs launched against them but, the infrastructure in most major cities is far too valuable to just "glass".

    In short, I believe that most hits will be against military targets and very few directly against civilian targets. Other civilian targets might be collateral damage to the military strikes but, that will be limited.

    I would not be surprised if the Russians and Chinese use their silo based missiles in a first wave. After all, they know these are most vulnerable to reprisal attack and would want to use those first rather than risk losing them in retaliation. The next most likely to be used, I suspect, would be bomber launched cruise missiles and bombs as bombers cannot stay in the air indefinitely. Third would be submarine as they have very good staying time and can remain hidden for quite some time before needing resupplied or refueled. And last would be their mobile (rail and road) ICBMs. I suspect they will keep these mobile missiles for last because of their innate ability to remain almost completely hidden until use and then, somewhat even after. They are probably the most survivable of all nuclear weapons since they need minimal resupply, refueling, infrastructure, and oversight.

    The majority of this strike will come from Russia as they have the most extensive nuclear forces of the rest of the Axis members. China will indeed play a part but not to the same degree as Russia. And, there is also a distinct possibility of ICMB/IRBM launches from rogue nations such as Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and perhaps other Central American sites to throw mass confusion into the mix. This confusion could buy valuable time for the more major Axis players.

    Fallout from these strikes will not be as bad as many would have you believe with their "On The Beach" and various other "Doom and Gloom" scenarios. Hardened targets (silos and bunkers) will receive ground bursts that will produce fallout but, other softer targets such as sub pens and cities would be likely to receive air bursts which will produce minimal fallout. Remember, the Axis wants to deal with contaminated territory about as much as we do. It would hamper their progress and deny access to infrastructure if it is too severe.

    As for EMP, I suspect that it will fall into the same category as the rest of the nukes. A good portion of our infrastructure is technology based. A massive EMP strike would destroy that and make it useless. Thus, if there are any EMP strikes, they will be limited to certain areas to disrupt military communication and operations.

    With regard to our retaliation, I think that we'll hit them back fairly hard where it counts (Moscow, Beijing, major nuclear weapons sites, etc.). But, I think that the actual damage we inflict will be much less than many predict! The major reason being that I believe we will be taken by surprise by the effectiveness of Russia's national ABM shield. They have had decades to work on it by flouting the 1972 ABM treaty, by developing and deploying the newest interceptors (S-300 and S-400 systems), and by using nuclear tipped interceptors for maximum efficiency (as opposed to our kinetic kill interceptors). Right now, China is mass producing these S-300/400 systems on license from Russia. The other reason it will be less effective than forecasted is that Russia and China both have engaged in extensive Civil Defense sheltering and stockpiling programs.

    Rick and falcon both bring up important variables such as nuclear terrorism and our national will to actually use nuclear weapons. There is no telling how these will pan out but, I suspect that they will indeed play a role.

    As for the religious aspect that you bring up Honza, I believe we can see the beginnings of the repression that is in store, right now. We have a major assault underway against religion (except Islamofascism) by the irreligious left. One need only magnify what is going on now to get an idea of what is to come. China is a good example of where this religious persecution is ultimately headed.

    All I can say is, it's going to be a bumpy road!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson

    As far as nukes go... I don't foresee there being anything other than a limited exchange between the US and ANYONE ELSE.

    The Russians have the most nukes, and the most to lose. They know that we will target them and decimate them, if not, destory them outright.

    Not correct.

    These are communists no matter how they disguise themselves.

    They have no problem with their own people dying in a nuclear war, these people have built underground nuclear cities for war-time production
    [read for example Russia's "peaceful" nuclear bunkers ]
    and they have never cared about the Russian people, war is war to communists and they don't mind being hit as long as at the end they win - and their evil plans are all set up that way.

    I wasn't going to touch the issue of Russians taking over Rome and the Vatican because of the consecration, but I am still thinking about it.

    But I am also working on something important to explain why this hasn't been done.....yet.

    Do not think as Americans, with regard to human life, when you want to grasp how the communists plan things, you must think as they do - which I understand could be difficult for people who have never lived under communism.

    Be thankful to God for it, but it may [or rather will] come here as part of the chastisement, because of the immorality, hedonistic liberal lifestyle which is offending God as was Sodom and Ghomorrah.

    They tested their concentration camp scheme in Czechoslovakia in 1987-88 Operation Norbert [data], so they know what to do and how to do it.

    The only safety for your soul is in becoming traditional Catholic, praying Rosary and protecting your immortal soul from being destroyed by these servants of the devil.

    God Bless you all.


    This World is not our true Home, only Heaven is.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; August 12th, 2006 at 21:09.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Quote Originally Posted by samizdat
    Underground churches will survive in my opinion. Flee, disperse, disappear and reappear- like bilocution saints.

    Trying to kill off commie invasions, is a bit like flirting with the devil. Get's him riled up- that's what he wants.
    Doesn't make sense, but imho, that's when Russia will be converted- whatever that means- after the emp and the invasion will not occur. Nations have already been annahilated.
    In any case, God can smite the beast with a twinkling of his eye and if he doesn't- well He works all things out for good.
    Well, the Holy Crusades wouldn't then make sense.

    But thanks to Catholic Faith and resolve to action [Pope Urban II] the Muslims were at least checked and not allowed to come to Europe and take it over.

    According to Anne W. Carroll's book “The Crusades.” In Christ the King: Lord of History. (Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers Inc., 1994), we can read the following:

    [Pope] Urban's [Urban II] main achievement was convoking the Council of Clermont, November 1095, which called the First Crusade. The Byzantine Emperor, Alexius Commenus, had sent a desperate appeal
    to Urban for armed knights to defend Christianity against the Moslem enemy.

    When the Pope laid the Emperor's pleas before the knights in Clermont, the main concern of the noblemen there was not so much the defense of Byzantium as the rescue of the Holy land from Moslem domination. Palestine had been under Moslem control since the days of the Caliph Omar, but at least the Arab Moslems had allowed Christian pilgrims to visit the places made sacred by the life of Christ. The SeIjuk Turks, now the dominant Moslem power, had, on the other hand, closed off the Holy Land.

    Thus the Pope concluded his speech to the council with these words: “Men of God, men chosen and blessed among all, combine your forces! Take the road to the Holy Sepulcher assured of the imperishable glory that awaits you in God's kingdom. Let each one deny himself and take the Cross!” With a shout — "God wills it” — the Assembly rose.
    This is what has to be understood, our human life means nothing but we must protect our immortal soul - and that takes action.
    For myself, no matter that people can say that I am a "religious fanatic" [and I bet some are saying it now], I am not going back to communism, I've been there.......I'll rather die as a free man fighting them to the last shot.

    You don't stand a chance to win against them but then you have to read the Bible and the Apocalypse, where it is explained.
    And to learn from the Prophets, through whom God speaks to us also.

    In Christ and Mary


  10. #10
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    The only safety for your soul is in becoming traditional Catholic, praying Rosary and protecting your immortal soul from being destroyed by these servants of the devil.

    Let me start this by saying, "God helps those, who help themselves."

    Becoming a Catholic, or for that matter ANY religion is NOT a promise that we will survive anything.

    I think that it is certainly your right to believe as you wish, but please, don't tell me how I should "survive".

    Secondly, I am right, very right. I've been living in this world for nearly a half century now and I've seen the rise and fall of the Iron Curtain. I've personally dealt with the Russians and the Chinese. Yes, we are "at risk" from nuclear weapons, certainly. We are less at risk than you you think though.

    What is more important right now isn't that we stand around waiting for the "End times", but rather to realize that the life you live now is the life you chose to live. If you want to preach, you're welcome to do it. But, understand that some of us are pretty set in our way, whether it is the choice to CHOSE religion or NOT to chose religion.

    Let's make this a serious discussion. Data is fine, and dandy, but when you start trying to roll religion into the discussion as the "only way" to get out of a situation, well... I'm sorry to say, you're dead wrong.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking your beliefs. I just think that your way of doing this is misguided.

    Folks aren't going to survive a nuclear attack by praying. They will survive one by DOING. If there IS going to be one, then they should be preparing to protect themselves from fallout. If you stand there and pray, and let the fallout land on you, you're gonna die. Period. Sure, miracles do happen. Shit happens too.

    So... learn to prepare while you pray. Ok?
    Libertatem Prius!

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  11. #11

    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Dear Rick,

    you need to read the whole thing what I said.

    I will fight these bastards to the death, I am not going back to communism.

    What I am trying to say is that they are stronger than us in the military way because they continued to produce weapons while we trusted their "word of honor", which communists don't have any honor.

    It is the question of religion, because otherwise Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary wouldn't say it about Russia in 1917, in Fatima Portugal.

    The Rosary works, the devil hates it.

    Praying is good, action is needed, that is precisely what I am arguying here. I'm sorry it didn't look as such from my posts.

    You can find what I am saying precisely in the piece I wrote called
    Holy Crusade against Communists.

    And yes, religion plays the most important role in this saga because when people choose their ways before God's, that's when the problem starts.

    Ezechiel 39 explains it well, so does other parts of the Bible.

    I am not trying to change anybody's mind, I am only being witness to the truth and so I have to say it as it is, according to my Catholic Faith.

    I think this shows the ultimate mercy of God to those who "think themselves wise, so that they may become fools so that they make become wise ...." [quoting St. Paul].

    And another useful quote:

    20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

    21 For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world, by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of our preaching, to save them that believe. 22 For both the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles foolishness: 24 But unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
    Note: 25 "The foolishness"... That is to say, what appears foolish to the world in the ways of God, is indeed most wise; and what appears weak is indeed above all the strength and comprehension of man.

    In Christ and Mary

    Last edited by Sean Osborne; August 12th, 2006 at 21:14.

  12. #12
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    One of my favorite quotes. And thanks for the dr link, Honza.

    I don't reckon Jesus or Mary's Immaculate hearts are intent upon killing off communists, islam or the like with material weapons. What applied in the 11th century is not practically or materially akin to the 21st century, but spiritually- the same. Offering one's material life- as a soldier possibly to die in battle killing soldiers from another camp- is not the same as how Jesus offered His life. He is God, and easily could have and can now send Herod, Pilate, Satan and evil to the eternal chambers. I think He wants us to imitate Him, in the humble sense- accepting the sacrifices we are confronted with and living and prophetizing God's word each day as long as we can.
    Fighting with weapons can at times be the easy way out- a quick death instead of long decades in prison, persecution or adverse circumstances, yet always with the opportunity to live and preach the eternal life.

    As for strict doctrinal disputes. I very nearly refused 1st communion, at 7, in a pre-vatican Catholic Church. I didn't agree with the strict doctrines about how one must receive the sacraments to enter heaven. I wanted no part of this Church or God that would condemn to hell, most of the earth, for not having received the "knowledge and opportunity" to partake in the Body and Blood of Christ. A rather saintly religious explained to me that Jesus was God and all-powerful, no? Then He could certainly baptize muslims, give Holy Communion and Reconciliation to Protestants, and even forgive mortal sinners who didn't quite make it to a real priest.

    St. Theresa explains this well in the first portion of her autobiography- how all souls are different- as flowers- wildflowers, etc.

    As for the emp strike as opposed to a dual nuke battle- well Satan, who engineers SCO Soviet strategy is not all powerful. A limited blackout would be reasonable in their strategy- dividing and reaking chaos in two partly Christian nations, with the goal of gaining full convergence- not conversion. My hopes are that the local distress will get a lot of folk rolling in the aisles, with no cable, tv or "diablo" as I call it to distract them. Hopefully the distress and chaos will evoke true charity in the hearts of many who long for God's peace, but are lost in the mod, and modes of the fast world. A lot of Baptist, evangelist and pentecost Christians practicing charity would be a greater holocaust for God to accept than the clanging bell of "kill for the right to say Mass publicly" and in this or that manner, or perish eternally. Even Jesus had to hide his first Mass, and didn't last long afterwards. The current Chinese Catholics preserve their faith, but not with weapons. The Mexican Catholic church survived communist persecution, not by fighting, but by running underground, and the blood of martyrs who died fighting the good fight. And running... the right race.

    Just to clarify this- God is the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We receive God. However, all me having sinned, we are not capable of perceiving the Whole Truth. So no two persons perceive the same Truth in exact manner- or in the truth. Until we all are one.

    Just in case you don't agree with me, which is probable, and we get cut off by an emp- try at least to remember Augustine and Aquinas guidlines for a just war. I don't agree with them, but they are practical and cited in catechism. Basically if you're bound to lose anyway, or get a lot of other people killed- it's sinful to do a suicide-martyr mission for a principle that dying in battle is better than living in adverse circumstance. Stretching that- one could say- Thou shalt not kill. But 99.9% can't agree with that. 99% would agree that endangering others and fighting only for glory or out of hatred is sinful, and gravely so- close to suicide.

    It could come to that- I know you're a thinker, bound by conscience and love Jesus eternal life and the Church more than you hate anybody or anything.

    Any day of the week, like St. Paul, I can't choose- rather be with Christ in heaven, or rather do His work? I don't have that choice. I'm a friend, but also a servant- slave if you will of Jesus and Mary-

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war


    I'm not arguing with you about those points at all. I would agree with you that America tends to "go to sleep" -- See the quote on the main page of the web site by Gorbachev if you don't believe me.

    I was simply arguing the point that, while you're making a point, rolling it around with religion in some form tends to dilute the message.

    I specifically pulled out the one POINT you made that I have an issue with.

    I certainly DID read the rest of your material. I don't agree with all of it, but I do not at all agree with the premise that "the only way to survive" is through religion. Of course, you can say what you will about "the soul" and "being saved" etc, but that doesn't make it true.

    It also does NOT make it so that prayer is the way to survive attacks. Being PREPARED for them does. Prayer might make one feel better, and you might get yourself a miracle out of the whole thing. But, knowing that an attack is coming and doing something to protect your family BESIDES SIMPLY praying is the ONLY way to ensure you have a chance of survival in my personal opinion.

    When you begin to mix the emotions of religion with anti-communism, you tend to dilute the message that "communism is bad". Why? Because your religion is a personal thing, as is mine and anyone elses. Communism will effect us all, regardless of our religions.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  14. #14
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Honza has done a lot of research and has a profound understanding and justified fear- as I, of a communist regime's ability to thrust an "all-encompassing humanitarian" religion upon the Masses, as well as masses- with a human, selfish interest- not a Christ centered humble adoration. Prayer, as he recommends is useful for eternal survival. His knowledge about religious and faith machinations is valuable, but I suggest any further comment be switched to the religion thread.

    The religious discusion is pertinent here in a crucial not peripheral sense, since I'm sure we all agree that communist world domination includes the destruction of charity, Christ adoration, the Catholic Church, true faith in the Word of God.

    here ends religious discusion- sure- it is impossible to separate my self from the mind of Christ.

    OK. The commies 1st and best game plan is not to kill and destroy people and property, since they have greed- love of money and the devilish favors that follow. They want war, confusion and chaos between two partially Christian nations, with the capability to withstand even all-out nuke warfare and invasion. Abundant NWO conspiracies have been thrust upon the Mexican and US American public, along with the communist onslaught and infiltration of the Churches, courts and media since the teens & 20's in Mexico and the 50's in USA. They have won the moral battle, both societies are basically degenerate and practically at arms due to red cocaine, MTV, (tie elections, commie presidents- Clinton dem-rep same, pri-pan same. All levels of daily life are scourged with fear- Islamic threat- Bin Laden himself has himself- sailing or flying into the belly of the beast on a martyrdom mission. This to me would indicate that as a good commie lapdog- he may ram the nuclear plant of laguna verde in Vercruz mexico, or perhaps take a parachute out of a high flying nuke laden cessna above tamaulipas, Coahuila or Chihuahua- how cute. Al-quadia takes the "glory" US loses Mex oil, lights are out from mex city to Kentucky, and Hugo Chavez comes to th rescue, along w/ castros dumbunnies, and Chinese ports (already owned, Soviet support- all to bring water to the poor.

    This is my understanding of the "evil design". The bible makes it clear that it is not good to dwell upon evil, and even in revelations there is a reference to the good continue good while the evil do evil. One must turn the cheek, but toward God and good, and not be afraid to turn both cheeks (of the rear) and run. Underground churches and underground wells are and should be all over the map in planning and construction.

    Prayer is a primary tool. A seed of faith. Let us pray for the conversion of Russian, Chinese and N. Korean leaders. Nasty suckers, no- holding nations in spirit-bondage. And the world in fear, anger, indignation, torture, sadness, and worry.

    God bless enemies.

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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Quote Originally Posted by Honza Malina
    The only safety for your soul is in becoming traditional Catholic, praying Rosary and protecting your immortal soul from being destroyed by these servants of the devil.

    God Bless you all.


    P.S. I want to say one more thing - I have a brochure telling the story of a Protestant minister who by just studying the Bible realised [and it was during the 1950s before the Vatican II fiasco], that the only religion correctly interpretting the Holy Scripture is the Catholic Church - Real Presence, The Sacrifice of the Mass, The Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Baptism etc.
    So when Protestants claim that we Catholics don't follow the Bible, we have 5 more books in the Bible than the man-made religions.

    I am curious about this.

    I am a Christian, but not a Catholic. I sent you an email, but I am not sure if it went through. Can you PM me or email me and explain to me why you believe that only traditional Catholics can be saved? Thank you.
    Last edited by SAdams; July 7th, 2006 at 18:49.

  16. #16
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Originally posted by Rick Donaldson:
    Of course, you can say what you will about "the soul" and "being saved" etc, but that doesn't make it true.
    Not believing doesn't make it false, either. What measure and in what way that someone holds their religion is a matter of faith. We all have our own beliefs about God. Some believe more, some believe less, some do not believe at all. No matter what, Christians of any sort will be targets. Some things are not easy to believe, but the evidence does suggest that if Christians and Jews are a constant target for persecution throughout history, there is one author for that script which is played out all around the globe, the evil one who wars against God.

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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    A theology professor of mine taught that God will allow we humans to destroy ourselves. However, if people pray for deliverance, then deliverance may be at hand.

    However, the same professor also taught that if a person stands in the middle of a street with a truck bearing down upon him, there will be no miraculous hand descending from the sky to prevent the inevitable collision.

    While prayer is indeed recommended, people have to get into the act of making the deliverance. Like Rick posted: God helps those who help themselves (Ben Franklin). If people all stand around on a hillside, for example, awaiting God to deliver them from the bomb descending rapidly upon them, I suppose that they will be mightily displeased with the Almighty. "Why didn't you do something?" they will cry. "I tried," God will say, "but you all just stood there like a pile of dumb rocks!"

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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Quote Originally Posted by SAdams
    ... explain to me why you believe that only traditional Catholics can be saved?
    If this is what has been stated then it is as divisive and incorrect as anything I have yet seen within these forums. I will have to re-read what has been stated on the record and move forward from that point.

    In the interim, I wish to make it perfectly clear, as Rick has very correctly pointed out, that religious beliefs are intense personal matters and are taken or not taken by the free will of the individual.

    To specifically address the point of SAdams question, allow me to quote the Bible on this subject. Being ever mindful of the fact that no organized church existed when Christ walked this earth; the bedrock concerning individual salvation comes from within the Biblical text, and there is no reference within the Biblical texts to proclaim either Protestant or Catholic beliefs as having a "greater than" or "more than" or "other than" or "only way" regarding the gift of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

    “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

    John 3:16

    The above says absolutely nothing about "Protestant" or "Catholic" or any of the many Judeo-Christian faiths. However what it does say is the core of the Judeo-Christian belief system and it is up to the "whoever' individual to accept or reject by his/her own free will.

    I strongly suggest we leave this specific issue right here and move on with the purpose of this thread topic.

    Finally, the Religion forum is the ONLY truly correct place within the many TAA forums for any discussion of a religious nature.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; July 8th, 2006 at 21:38.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
    John 3:16 -- actually.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  20. #20
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    Default Re: Scenarios of a nuclear war

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson
    John 3:16 -- actually.
    Yup. Exactly. I was remiss not to cite chapter and verse but figured everyone knows that specific verse by heart. Post above edited for this purpose.

    Getting back to the topic of "scenario's of a nuclear war" on this earth - well, quite frankly, after all due consideration, I find it impossible for myself to discuss it without pointing to Bible prophecy -- which I believe accurately descibes such as a future eventuality and reality.

    However, in keeping with my own admonition, I will do so within the Religion Forum; within my 'Current Events and Bible Prophecy' thread. I will post the Biblical prophecy references I believe pertinent there.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; July 8th, 2006 at 19:50.

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