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Thread: Liberal Tolerance and Compassion

  1. #41
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    The Blaze: Ohio Democratic Chairman on Tea Party: "F**kers"

    September 22, 2010

    The chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party was caught using the f-word to describe the tea party during a union political forum Monday night.

    During a passionate speech about health care, Chairman Chris Redfern was attempting to supply supporters with a potential response to critiques of the president’s health care reform law.

    “Now he or she gets health care, your health care, while he or she looks for a new job. In the very base terms, we win these arguments and every time one of these [expletive] says – excuse my language,” Redfern said, using a variation of the f-word, according to a video clip posted by Wheeling, Ohio, television station WTOV.
    You can view the video here (WARNING: Explicit language).

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  4. #44
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Liberal Tolerance and Compassion

    More from Ohio...

    YouTube: 9-25-2010 Coffee Assault

    A Republican staffer (and Iraq War vet) has hot coffee poured down his back by a Strickland supporter while trying to videotape Gov. Strickland's remarks at a campaign event. The assailant later returns to make an obscene gesture. Authorities are trying to identify the man in this video. If you can assist, contact the Scioto County Sheriff's Office at (740) 355-8245.

  5. #45
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Wow, how sick... I know this is from 2008 but I just saw this and hadn't heard anything about it before.

    Sandra Bernhard Issues 'Gang Rape' Warning To Sarah Palin
    September 19, 2008

    Sandra Bernhard issued a blistering warning to Sarah Palin during a performance of her new one-woman show.

    The Republican V.P. nom would be "gang-raped by my big black brothers" if she enters Manhattan, Bernhard said. Palin is said to be making a campaign stop in New York next week.

    "[The gang rape comment] is part of a much larger, nuanced, and yes, provocative (that's what I do) piece from my show about racism, freedom, women's rights and the extreme views of Governor Sarah Palin, a woman who doesn't believe that other women should have the right to choose," Bernhard told the Daily News today.

    "Women deserve better," she continued. "I certainly wish Governor Palin no harm. I'd just like her to explain to me how she can hold such outrageous views - and then go back to Alaska."

    The controversial comedian targets Palin as part of her "Without You I'm Nothing" stage show this month at Washington, D.C.'s Theater J.

    "Now you've got Uncle women like Sarah Palin who jumps in this s*** and points her fingers at other women," Bernhard says, before launching into the several minutes' long diatribe against Palin, calling her a "turncoat b***".

    "Call the s*** in and tell them what I said tonight," she says, to laughs and cheers from the audience.

    Bernhard isn't the only celeb to speak out against Palin. Pamela Anderson, Lindsay Lohan, Matt Damon and Pink have all expressed their disdain for the Alaskan Governor.

    Damon called her candidacy "a really scary thing," telling CBS News, "I think the pick was made for political purposes, but in terms of governance it's a disaster."
    You know, this thread is perfect evidence that when people claim "there are extremists on both sides that need to tone it down", they are full of unmitigated bullshit. The left are a bunch of hate-filled, intolerant slugs that would just as soon line all us "right wingers" up against a wall and machine gun us. History bears this out.

    I think it is pretty safe to say those of us on the right would rather see the left discredited and fade into obscurity rather than commit wholesale genocide against them. The only lefties I want dead are those who wish to deprive me of my civil rights or want to harm me.

  6. #46
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    And yet, daily they scream and holler about "racism". You know the ONLY racism I have ever seen comes out of the mouths of Left wingers, and avowed democrats. MOST of them are red neck, blue collar workers from Detroit and I could name names.

    I hear the "N" word out of their mouths constantly, they are always talking about shooting or violence, and by the same token (did I use that word in this sentence?) the "black brothers" who live in the area, who ALSO ARE AVOWED Democrats and voted for Obama use the same kind of language.

    I live in an area that is White, Hispanic and Black with a few Koreans thrown in for good measure. I work in a place where we all get along JUST fine, speak to one another with respect and we have a wide assortment of differing backgrounds and politics and yet we're all friends and family to one another.

    The man at the liquor store I visit is named "Ali". He's of Lebanese Descent and I suspect him to be a "Christian" though I've never asked. His wife on the other hand will not eat pork and he has alluded to the fact she is a devout muslim. They live together and apparently get along fine. Ali sells alcohol and likes it himself. He was surprised and shocked when I greeted him in Arabic one day... /chuckles

    He has been a good friend and was aghast at what happened on 9-11. He was ready to join the US military to fight for "HIS COUNTRY".

    He's not an "Arab American" and isn't in the slightly any sort of racist. And yet, people call him names like "Camel Jockey". In fact, it's usually the Blacks and the Red Neck Whites I've heard use that term.

    Good old Democrats.

    I know a LOT of men and women who are Republicans and even Independents who lean Right - and never ONCE have I heard any of them use the "N" word or call someone like Ali a name.

    And yet, the Left points the finger at us, wishes us harm like Sandra Bernhard-up and call us names, like "racist". And we LET THEM. We quiet down and get back in line like sheep.

    It's about damned time to start knocking heads. Yep, VIOLENCE. If someone calls you a name like that a punch in the NOSE is just about right for them. I've never been a racist, I've never said "women can't have a choice". But I am damned sure right that Abortion is wrong, and that I should have my guns if I want them, that America is a place where we can ALL speak our minds without being gunned down on the street or against the wall.

    I won't stand for that kind of crap in my own backyard any longer and I swear the next asshole I hear use the "N" word in my presence or call another American "Camel Jockey" I'm going to let them have it.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    ‘Can We Get Someone To Shoot Sarah Palin?’: Twitter Users Call for Palin’s Death
    January 11, 2011

    he tweets are stunning, disturbing, and downright shocking.

    After the left shamelessly began its campaign to connect Saturday’s shooting to Sara Palin, Twitter users quickly picked up on the sentiment and responded with violent, hateful speech. Some were succinct: “I hope Sarah Palin dies.” Others were prophetic: “So…will everyone be satisfied then when Palin is assassinated? You know she’s next.” And some were downright vulgar: “Palin is a murdering bi*** who deserves a crosshair on HER house so Al-Qaeda can come shoot HER family. See how that feels, republican trash.”

    But they are all wrong:

    [CONTENT WARNING: Some of the language is extremely graphic and disturbing.]


    One of the Twitter users seen in the video montage (which The Blaze did not produce) claims she is a “Reagan conservative” whose tweet was taken out of context. Rather than wishing for Palin’s death, she says she was expressing her disgust over others blaming Palin and predicting that some radicals may now target the conservative politician. She’s written a blog post defending herself and her tweet, and explains:
    Thus, it didn’t occur to me that my tweet, made in conversation with someone else, in response to my utter disgust with the immediate blaming of Sarah Palin for Saturday’s shooting of a Congresswoman would be taken as a threat against Palin and/or a wish for her death. [Emphasis hers]
    The tweet in question, seen about 44 seconds into the video, is below:

    The following day, she re-tweeted the following:

  8. #48
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Facebook Group “I Hate It When I Wake Up & Sarah Palin Is Still Alive” Passes 2,000 Members
    January 11, 2011

    This is absolutely disgusting.

    The facebook group, “I hate it when I wake up and Sarah Palin is still alive” passed 2,000 members today.

    Don’t expect the state-run media to touch this.

    They’re only good at linking anti-war, anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, left-wing, pro-Marx, antiflag, “quite liberal” lunatics to the tea party.

    That’s as far as they’re willing to go.

  9. #49
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    Democratic congressman: Gabrielle Giffords shooting ‘the start of the revolution’

    By Jeff Poor - The Daily Caller 11:09 AM 01/13/2011gc3oQ

    Were the heinous acts that occurred on Jan. 8 in Arizona the product of an isolated deranged mind, or were they the spark of something scarier with more violent implications?

    According to California Democratic Rep. Bob Filner, it’s something on a much grander scale that people should take very seriously. On MSNBC’s Wednesday night airing of “The Last Word,” host Lawrence O’Donnell asked the U.S. representative for California’s 51st congressional district if there could be anti-Semitism involved in last weekend’s tragedy.

    “Congressman, this weekend when you saw what happened to Gabrielle Giffords, who you know well, you also know to be Jewish like yourself, you discover as the evidence unfolds that ‘Mein Kampf’ is one of the shooter’s favorite books,” O’Donnell said. “There had to be a feeling of this was coming.”

    As Filner explained, based on his wide-ranging experience – including being active in last century’s civil rights movement and more recent events, the Tucson tragedy was something that was inevitable.

    ”To me, I thought this was inevitable, Lawrence,” Filner said. “And to me, I had been active in the civil rights movements, the ‘50s and ‘60s. I have been in mobs. I’ve been beaten up. These people were intent on violence. You didn’t hear the words about anti-Semitic comments there.

    But only the intervention of police rescued me at that point. And my son and my granddaughter were scared to death. They were in the audience there just trembling. I went back to my civil rights roots to figure out how I would lay down and curl up.”

    Prior to President Barack Obama’s address at a memorial service paying tribute to the victims at the University of Arizona, historian Douglas Brinkley said the tragedy would rank up with the Civil Rights Era events in Selma and Birmingham in the historic overview. However, Filner made that prognostication pale by comparison.

    “The next day, Lawrence, and also right after Gabby’s shooting, there were blogs to say that clearly politics doesn’t work for us because Filner the sneaky Jewish guy obviously defrauded us, and we have to go to violence. And here`s some AK-47s; here`s how you do sniper work. And that was repeated a couple days ago with — when they said this is the start of the revolution, the shooting of Gabby Giffords. So this is not an isolated incident. Everybody who tries to put it off on a deranged individual I think is — that’s a political statement in and of itself, because they are absolving themselves of the responsibility of their words and their actions.”

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  10. #50
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    Where do these people get this stuff?

    Well, you know, it seems like the Left is really PUSHING hard to get something started and they use every excuse, every thing anyone says, every tiny little thing they can to incite the Right - so when a LEFTIST KID shoots a bunch of people they try to blame that on the Right and call it "Revolution".

    The Revolution such as it is, started with what they like to call "Tea baggers" - the Tea Party Movement - which is based on the BOSTON TEA PARTY you leftist assholes, not "teabagging" (sick assholes).

    And the country does NOT BELONG TO LEFTISTS. This country belongs to Americans. Conservatives, Republicans and Democrats. NOT SOCIALISTS.

    Socialists, this is MY COUNTRY. NOT YOURS. You're no longer welcome.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Leftist Protesters: ‘Hang’ Clarence Thomas, Kill Fox Execs, ‘Duel’ With Beck

    Posted on February 3, 2011 at 9:28am
    by Jonathon M. Seidl

    following video was taken at the anti-Koch brothers protest in Palm Spring, CA last weekend. What you’re about to see is shocking — “peaceful” leftist protesters calling for the torture and death of Clarence Thomas as well as the death of Fox News executives, and one woman challenging Glenn Beck to a duel with her “Glock.”

    You’ll also hear one person calling for revolution and another saying Thomas should sent “back to the fields”:

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  12. #52
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    Wounded Iraq Vet Gets Heckled During Columbia University Speech
    February 20, 2011

    Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.

    "Racist!" some students yelled at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after being shot 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008. Others hissed and booed the veteran.

    Maschek, 28, had bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday at the meeting to issue an impassioned challenge to fellow students on their perceptions of the military.

    "It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you feel about fighting," said Maschek. "There are bad men out there plotting to kill you."

    Several students laughed and jeered the Idaho native, a 10th Mountain Division infantryman who spent two years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington recovering from grievous wounds.

    Maschek, who is studying economics, miraculously survived the insurgent attack in Kirkuk. In the hail of gunfire, he broke both legs and suffered wounds to his abdomen, arm and chest.

    He enrolled last August at the Ivy League school, where an increasingly ugly battle is unfolding over the 42-year military ban there.

    More than half of the students who spoke at the meeting -- the second of three hearings on the subject -- expressed opposition to ROTC's return. Many of the 200 students in the audience held anti-military placards with slogans such as, "1 in 3 female soldiers experiences sexual assault in the military."

    The university has created a task force polling 10,000 students on the issue, but would not release the vote tally of the 1,300 who have already responded.

    In 2005, when the university last voted to reject ROTC's return, it cited the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

    That policy was overturned in December, but resistance remains.

    "Transpeople are part of the Columbia community," said senior Sean Udell at the meeting, referring to the military's current ban on transgender soldiers.

    Faculty members are divided.

    "Universities should not be involved in military activities," Sociology Professor Emeritus Herbert Gans told The Post. "Columbia should come out against spending $300 billion a year on unnecessary wars."

    A group of 34 faculty colleagues, including historian Kenneth Jackson and former Bloomberg adviser Esther Fuchs, plan to announce their support of ROTC tomorrow.

    José Robledo, 30, a Columbia student who commutes to Fordham University for ROTC coursework, said he found the treatment of Maschek abhorrent.

    "The anti-ROTC side has been disrespectful and loud. They hiss and they jeer," he said. "It's been to the detriment of the argument."

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    Man... where the HELL is that professor from "Starship Troopers" anyway?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Video: CWA Union Thug Strikes Young Female FreedomWorks Activist; Updated
    February 23, 2011

    This is Tabitha Hale, a young conservative activist/original Tea Party organizer/blogger who works for Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks. I know her from her great grass-roots work with Smart Girl Politics when the Tea Party movement was just emerging.

    Today, Big Labor groups took their Grievance March to the offices of FreedomWorks.

    Among the groups protesting: the Communications Workers of America. They’re one of the heavyweight labor biggies that have received a coveted Obamacare Waiver for Favors. CWA facts here.

    This is one of the CWA t-shirt-wearing goons who showed up at the protest at FreedomWorks today:

    And this is what the CWA t-shirt-wearing goon did to Tabitha Hale. Watch:

    Thankfully, Hale tells me she wasn’t hurt. But there is no doubt from this video that the CWA t-shirt-wearing goon should be prosecuted for assault.

    They said it: “Get a little bloody.” It’s the union way.

    Civility police, where are you now?


    Update: Tabitha Hale recounts the attack at RedState and smacks back at the Left’s blame-the-victim rationalization:

    I’m a 5′1 female in a dress, and he was standing up on a garden wall above me in the courtyard. He hardly felt threatened. I was stunned, because generally protesters are there to, you know, get their message out. They don’t normally shy away from the camera.

    I’m very much okay, and very appreciative of the support from my fellow bloggers and activists today. I am, however, shaken up by the level of sheer hatred I experienced today. The look of fury on his face in the close up is appalling. I had not exchanged a word with him. He didn’t know who I was. He didn’t even know my name, what I do. He had probably surmised that I was with FreedomWorks and that was enough.

    This just can’t be tolerated anymore. It’s one thing to be called a violent teabagger. It’s another to be called a violent teabagger while you’re being assaulted. They’ve been comparing themselves to the Egyptians ousting Mubarak. Looks like they’re not too far off, given that they share the tendency to assault women with cameras.

    In addition, it’s disgusting to me that the first response I received from the Left was rationalization. “You were too close, respect personal space” and “well he obviously didn’t want to be filmed!” – essentially, it’s the “her skirt was too short” defense. No one deserves to be hit. The concern from a bystander was that “You’ll get on the news, stop it!” Unfortunately for him, he did not know who he was dealing with. I will ensure that this happens.

    I was not asking for this. There was no confrontation between the thug and myself prior to this. He had not asked me to put the camera away. I was not as close as the video implies (it was cropped from a vertical iPhone video so it would fit on youtube). I was simply filming a protest, as I have done for the past two years. Amazingly enough, none of those crazy right wing extremists ever hit me.

    At this point, I’m grateful we moved to a higher security building last month. For a bunch of violent racists, the Left sure seems to be comfortable threatening and attacking us.

    We must really suck as bullies.

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    Wisconsin Dem To GOP Assemblywoman: "You Are F*****g Dead"
    February 28, 2011

    A Wisconsin Assemblyman issued an apology after shouting an obsenity-laced threat to GOP Assemblywoman Michelle Litjens.

    Democratic Assemblyman Gordon Hintz screamed "You are f*****g dead" after the Wisconsin Assembly voted to pass Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill Friday.

    WTMJ talk show host Charlie Sykes broke the news Monday morning, asking "would Hintz have apologized or even acknoledged the comment if I had not broken the story on my show/blog this morning?"

    According to a report at
    Litjens said she accepted the apology, but has asked the Assembly leadership to discipline Hintz.

    “Everyone was exhausted. We were on the floor 58 hours. (But) there is still no excuse for his comment,” Litjens said.
    Hintz, who was cited earlier in February for violating a "city sexual misconduct ordinance" blamed the outburst on shock after spending 58 hours in debate:
    “I believe my response was shock. The only way they were going to pass this bill was by ignoring and shredding rules of the Assembly,” Hintz said. “I apologized when I learned my comments may have been taken personally by someone.”
    According to a report at The Blaze, Hintz was among the Democrats who screamed "Shame! Shame! Shame!" after the vote.

    Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard notes the lack of reaction by the so-called mainstream media:
    In this post-Gabrielle Giffords world, with calls for a new civility, a man that was just busted in the middle of a prostitution sting says "You are f--king dead" to a woman on the floor of the Wisconsin assembly, and America's media couldn't care less.

    Despite this being reported no later than 10:43 AM, a Google news search identified that apart from Wisconsin outlets, only Fox and conservative websites thought this was at all newsworthy.

    As of 12:30 AM Tuesday, according to LexisNexis, no major news outlets reported this event. Closed-caption records for ABC's "World News," CBS's "Evening News," and NBC's "Night News" also found no coverage of this issue.
    Had Hintz been a Republican shouting an obscenity-laced threat at a Democrat, the reaction would have been much different.

    Sheppard observes, "Makes one think it's journalism that's bleeping dead!"

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    Detroit's Liberal Nightmare
    What happens when a city buys the liberal dream hook, line and sinker? Just take a look at the City of Detroit. The once-great city lost 237,493 residents over the last decade according to the 2010 Census, bringing it to 713,777 – a population plunge of 25%. That's its lowest population since 1910, and it marks the city's fall from a 1950s peak of two million, over 60%. And that’s just the people who can afford to leave.

    Detroit, once known as "the great arsenal of democracy," has made headlines of late for its notorious fall from grace. The "Big Three" automakers are no longer the biggest, falling behind their overseas rivals, and the Michigan economy lost 450,000 manufacturing jobs over the past 10 years all while Detroit lost population. And while the Motor City suffers unemployment from a decimated automotive industry, it suffers crime, high taxes, poor city services, plummeting home values, and a public education system in shambles with a $327 million budget deficit and a 19 percent dropout rate. Is it any wonder people are leaving in droves?

    But to understand why folks are really leaving Detroit, its worth looking where they're headed. As Detroit suffered a population loss, its neighboring suburban counties with lower crime, better schools and an improving economic outlook saw their population increase. One former Detroiter told The Detroit News, "Detroit just got too messy for me ... I was not getting the benefits of those tax dollars. The city services are poor and I could not use the school system. And you look at the cost of living and the corruption, we had to leave." In other words, bad government drove her out, and she's seeking greener pastures elsewhere.

    For the record, Detroit has been under liberal leadership for decades. And the city's big problem today is that its road forward is blocked by the very same political machine that helped deliver it to its state of ruin. Case in point: the state's powerful teachers unions. In 2003, a philanthropist pledged $200 million for the creation of 15 charter schools in the city. Despite the city's tragic public school system, the plan failed and the offer was withdrawn following protests by the Detroit Federation of Teachers. Little has changed, eight years later. A state-appointed emergency financial manager has proposed sweeping changes to the city's public school system, including a plan to convert 41 of the city's schools to charter schools. Guess who's opposed to the reforms? That very same union.

    The newly elected governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder (R), is finding opposition to his efforts at reform, as well. Following eight years of Democrat Gov. Jennifer Granholm's rule, Gov. Snyder has embarked on efforts to change the way the state does business, including tax reform, spending cuts and empowering emergency financial managers to tackle problems in cities and schools. Who's opposed to his reforms? Unions, once again, in Wisconsin-style protests. William McGurn of The Wall Street Journal writes:

    Michigan today is not a struggling state like California or New Jersey or even Wisconsin. It is a basket case, with worse to come if things do not change quickly—especially in the relation of the public to the private sector.

    "Many of the protesters seem to think the war is between rich and poor," says Michael LaFaive, director of the Morey Fiscal Policy Initiative at the Michigan-based Mackinac Center. "But the real class war today is between government and the people who pay for it. And the government's been winning."

    And the problems that plague Michigan and Detroit are the problems with liberal policies. The promise doesn't live up to the results. The Washington Examiner's Michael Barone writes: "When people ask me why I moved from being a liberal to being a conservative, my single-word answer is Detroit. The liberal policies which I hoped would make Detroit something like heaven have made it instead something more like hell."

    And now, after living in that liberal nightmare, Detroiters have voted with their feet in record number.

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    Obama Budget Adds $80,000 per Household to National Debt

    Race to the Top Anniversary Is No Cause for Celebration

    Deep divisions among President Obama's Libya coalition worsened today as the German military announced it is pulling forces out of NATO over continued disagreement on who will lead the campaign.
    Adm. Gary Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations, admitted yesterday that he has received no guidance on the path ahead for command and control of the Libya no-fly zone, no-drive zone, no-sail zone, arms embargo enforcement, and any other missions currently being managed by the United States.
    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday there was no "timeline" for when UN-backed military operations in Libya would end, and that the outcome of the conflict remained unclear.
    On the first anniversary of Obamacare, Crossroads GPS filed a lawsuit seeking transparency on the Obamacare waiver process.
    Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) predicted yesterday that the Supreme Court will find Obamacare unconstitutional,
    allowing him to push for single-payer health care.
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  19. #59
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Liberal Tolerance and Compassion

    2011 Boston TEA Party Rally Disrupted by Union
    Thugs (illegally?) enabled by Boston Police (Part 1)

    Uploaded by
    bluesmovers on Apr 16, 2011

    See youtube videos here...

    Part 1:

    Just as the 2011 Boston TEA Party rally was beginning, a group of Public Sector Union thugs marched in, planted themselves directly in front of the podium and blocked the speakers. They chanted offensive slogans on the 3 megaphones they had brought
    and continued to do so for the entire 2 hours!

    The Boston Police, also Public Sector Union members, came in and stood in front of them. The police did not ask the disruptors to leave, even after Michael Graham on the bandstand directly asked them to leave.
    We had a permit to have the rally at that location and the police enabled these people to disrupt our rally for the entire time. Do you think the Boston Police acted lawfully, allowing them to shout offensive slogans and engage in name calling for our ENTIRE RALLY? They did NOT have the permit to assemble at that location on the common, we did. What do you think?

    See youtube videos here...

    Part 2:

    Part 3:


    The media is reporting this as if nothing happened. The Police swept the bandstand with a K-9 unit before we began. Looks like the unions (police AND protesters) were trying to start and/or find some trouble for us. They didn't get it. We were successful in avoiding any bad press, they were unsuccessful. Had they been, the media and the Boston Police would have been all over us like flies on you know what. The press, as usual, did NOT report the facts honestly. Treating us like crap as usual.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  20. #60
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Liberal Tolerance and Compassion

    Liberal Website Mercilessly Mocks Down Syndrome Suffering Trig Palin On His Birthday
    April 20, 2011

    On Monday, Trig Palin celebrated his third birthday. Trig, as many of you know, is the youngest son of Sarah and Todd Palin. He also has down syndrome.

    Since Sarah Palin has come onto the national scene, as of several years ago, Trig has been subject to some vicious attacks. And on the occasion of his birthday, it was no different. On Monday, the snarky liberal website Wonkette “celebrated” Trig’s birthday by posting a malicious item about the toddler which left blogs like Newbusters and Mediaite reeling. The Wonkette item is titled “Greatest Living American: A Children’s Treasury of Trig Crap On His Birthday.”

    From Wonkette, about Trig:
    That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.
    The Palins celebrated Trig’s birthday by posting a poem by “Lynda” about Trig on their website–which Wonkette includes in its post.
    Sweet Angel Boy…

    Oh, little boy what are you dreaming about
    Candy canes and mom’s sweet hugs

    Oh, sweet baby boy what are you dreaming about
    Play cars…trains…planes and a daddy’s strong hands as he lifts you high and makes you laugh…oh, how safe you feel in those hands

    Oh, little boy what are dreaming about
    Sisters who play with you…and teach you new words

    Oh, as you sleep little boy what are you dreaming about
    A big bother that carries you on his shoulders…as he shows you the blue sky

    Oh, little boy what are you dreaming about
    A mother’s soft lullaby…the soft touch of her hand…the soft sound of her voice as she says “I Love You”
    Dream on little boy as the Angels stand guard
    The Wonkette blogger asks: “What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded.”

    Mediaite notes that Wonkette‘s insulting jabs are the result of Wonkette’s annoyance with “Palin’s tendency to use her son’s disability as a prop or a strategic tool to help win favor and further her political career.”

    Even so, Mediaite says that this is not an excuse to take aim at a young and innocent–disabled and vulnerable–child who never asked to be in the spotlight:
    We know how we feel about it, of course. Going after Palin for (arguably) using her son’s condition to her advantage is one thing, but the post wasn’t simply insulting to Palin. (Or to the author of that… rather interesting bit of poetry.) It was insulting to a young child who, while now in the spotlight, never asked to be. So why criticize that which you hate by becoming a part of it?
    Another Mediaite writer, White House reporter Tommy Christopher, went even further. Via twitter, he wrote, “Wonkette’s Reprehensible Birthday Greeting to Trig Palin is an Irredeemable Blight – I will never link them again.”

    Newsbusters hit Wonkette hard, as well, calling the post “disgraceful.” Newsbusters asks the million dollar question: “What has become of today’s liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?”

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