Bush: Elites “Didn’t Think I Could Read a Book, Much Less Write One”

by Autria Thuman | October 08, 2010

In a rare public appearance, former President George W. Bush talked about life out of the limelight and took a jab at what the "elites" might be thinking of his upcoming book.

"I have written a book. This will come as a shock to some of the elites. They didn't think I could read a book, much less write one," Bush quipped.
Speaking at the University of Mobile in Alabama Thursday night, Bush talked about his memoir "Decision Points," set to be released next month.

"It's about the decisions I made as president, and it's very anecdotal. Here are the stories, and you can decide what you would have done," he was quoted as saying in the the Press-Register of Mobile. The 64-year-old said the tome gives some understanding to the decisions he made on tough issues like the handling of 9/11 and the Iraq war. The president, who has become a target of both Democrats and President Obama since he left office, refused to comment on the current state of political affairs. "You're not going to see me out opining or offering my critique. Frankly, I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president criticize his successor," Bush said.

President Obama has repeatedly blamed the "Bush-era policies" for today's lethargic economic condition.

"I loved being your president. But frankly, I'm having the time of my life not being your president," Bush said. "I do not miss the limelight. I have zero desire to be in the press. I have zero desire to be on your TV screens. Eight years is enough of that."

But the former president will likely be back in the spotlight once his book hits bookshelves. The book, published by Crown Publishers, will be released November 9th with an initial run of 1.5 million copies. That's the same number of copies given to Former President Bill Clinton for his autobiography, "My Life." A statement from Crown Publishers claims the book will not be a conventional narrative, but rather a reflection of important decisions and moments in Bush's life.

As he reflected on his days at 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bush said there are certain things he definitely misses. "The dessert chef was awesome," he joked.

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