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Thread: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

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    Default Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    OK, I'm gonna throw this hypothesis out here, and let you folks chew on it.

    I really need to think on it for a bit.

    Did some reading here http://thefinalphaseforum.invisionzo...hp?showforum=3 yesterday and today, and I encourage you to do the same. I'm in way over my head there, and most of those folks are smarter and better educated than I can ever hope to be.

    The hypothesis: The Commies have advanced their agenda to a point they will not let it go, back down, relinquish the control they have, or retreat.

    Barry O. will be our last President, TSWHTF NLT 2012, etc.

    I've been a reader and mostly a believer of JRNyquist's posts.

    I posted the entire thing for context, but I think the important part is in red.

    Posted by JRNyquist:

    There are a few points I should make which I cannot disvuss in too much detail because of the sensitivity of the subject. I was told last year by a U.S. Expert that North Korea's nuclear program is possibly an EMP program, since the Russian scientists who made the most advanced EMP warheads on Earth, built by Russia many years ago, went to work for North Korea. Also, North Korea possesses ICBMs capable of delivering at least two EMP warheads over the middle of the United States. This type of attack would destroy North America's electronic infrastructure so that, according to the EMP commission up to 80 percent of Americans would likely be dead within a year. The advantage of feeding North Korean paranoia is obvious from Moscow's perspective. China's heightened alert status is also something to watch. Furthermore, the mystery missile launch off California suggests a warning shot fired by the American military toward China and Korea. This was done when President Obama was outside the country, and suggests a special type of warning from U.S. Military officers who will fight a war even if the president's resolve is called into question. I believe that our top strategic leadership have been preparing to repel the kind of attack NK would launch. I believe we are seriously getting ready at many levels, but the political climate prevents the military from communicating the reality of the threat to the people.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Since I've been "online" in various forms starting in the 80s, prior to an upcoming election I've heard the following statement. "President [insert current president] will suspend the constitution and declare himself president for life".

    Your statement is simply the latest version of it.

    There are too many people who have vested interest in the US government continuing on as it has since the beginning. These people control more power levers than the commies who might wish to concentrate power.

    There will be an election, Captain Zero might not be on the ballot, but he'll not win if he is.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency


    by J. R. Nyquist, February 19, 2004

    Providence: God, conceived of as guiding men as a race and as individuals to ends he has in view for them or as preserving individuals from danger through his prescience, loving care, or intervention.

    Once upon a time the United States had a president named George W. who was sometimes suspected of stupidity. It was alleged that George W. dozed during cabinet meetings, rarely read reports and didn’t write his own speeches. According to administration insiders, George W. “was, in general, an illiterate, intellectually incompetent cipher who was propped up in public by his staff.” (See Joseph J. Ellis’s account, The Passionate Sage, p. 69.)

    The president so described was George Washington and not George W. Bush. It is one of those odd coincidences of history that two presidents, with similar initials, should be similarly criticized. Whatever President Washington’s intellectual merits, he had something else to recommend him. A chieftain who fought against him during the French and Indian War, expressed the view that Washington was protected by the Great Spirit. The chieftain had singled Washington out in battle, ordering several braves to shoot him down. But the bullets were mysteriously deflected. We are told that Washington came through more than one battle with bullet holes in his coat. Whatever the truth of these stories, Washington believed in the protecting hand of Providence and he stated this belief in his First Inaugural Address, in which he said “it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect….” Washington further stated: “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.” Speaking of gratitude, Washington then added, “These reflections … have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed.”

    Is some supernatural agency in charge of history?

    There is a relevant story making the rounds today, documented by author Stephen Mansfield in a book titled The Faith of George W. Bush. According to Mansfield, the 43rd President, long before he became president, knew in advance that he would be president at a terrible moment in American history. This was told to persons in advance, and Mansfield interviewed those persons. Long before thousands died in the terrorist strikes of 9/11, George W. Bush knew that something horrible was coming and that he would be president. He confided that he didn’t want to be president. He knew it would take a toll his family. But he had no choice. It was providential. It was destined.

    The skeptics will laugh at this story. But presidential visions are not unknown to history. In fact, they are well documented.

    President Abraham Lincoln had several visionary experiences. After learning that he’d been elected president, Lincoln twice saw a deathly image of himself in a mirror. It was an hallucination and a premonition that the presidency would spell his doom. According to historian Stephen B. Oates, Lincoln also had a brush with synchronicity shortly before his death. After waking from a dream, Lincoln opened his Bible “and everywhere he turned his eye fell on passages about dreams, visions, and supernatural visitations.” Days later, turning to his wife and friends at the White House, Lincoln related the dream. During the first week of April 1865, as the Civil War was drawing to an end, the president was pacing the deck of the River Queen while waiting for good news from General Grant.

    “I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front,” Lincoln explained. “I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as though their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed.

    What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers. 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin!' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which awoke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it since."

    Oates tells us that Lincoln’s wife was upset by the president’s experience. “Well,” Lincoln said in an attempt to comfort her, “it is only a dream, Mary. Let us say no more about it, and try to forget it.”

    “Modern” thinkers, priding themselves in being free from superstition, will scoff at stories of this kind. They will deny that meaningful coincidences, precognitive dreams and Providence are real. But Providence itself has defied the skeptics by playing a joke of questionable taste upon their sad, materialist assumptions. Consider if you will the most astonishing synchronicity in American history. Abraham Lincoln was the not the only president to be assassinated by a shot to the head. One other president was also assassinated in this way. Now let us consider the following meaningful and inexplicable coincidences.


    Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were shot on a Friday, both were shot in the head from behind and both were assassinated by Southerners. Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy and Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln. Both had wives who lost children while living in the White House. Both had successors who were Southerners named Johnson. (Both had a vice president named Johnson.) The assassins in each case were known by three names comprised of fifteen letters. John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939. Booth ran from the theater where he shot the president and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Booth and Oswald were both killed before they could stand trial.

    Those who would laugh at President George W. Bush’s premonitions, as documented by Stephen Mansfield, ought to reflect on Lincoln’s experiences and the strange relationship evident between two assassinated presidents nearly a century apart. How is this to be explained except that the world is supernaturally ordered?

    There is an old idea that has been set aside today. It is the idea that all things are foreordained, that there is a divine plan. Perhaps we have been wrong to set this idea aside and forget the wisdom of our ancestors.

    Nyquist Dream

    In closing, I will outrage the skeptics further by mentioning a dream I experienced 23 years ago. In the dream I saw the future presidents of the United States. Their portraits were lined side by side from left to right. The first in order was Ronald Reagan who had just been elected. The second was George H. W. Bush. The next two faces I did not recognize. An old man was present in the dream and I turned to him. “Where are the others?” I asked, wanting to see the rest of the future presidents. “There are no others,” he replied. “After these the Republic ends.”

    I don’t know whether my dream was inspired by a higher power, or whether it occurred after eating a bad pizza. The latter interpretation is preferable. But coincidentally, while putting together this column, I stumbled upon the following quote from Arthur Livingston’s introduction to Gaetano Mosca’s masterpiece, The Ruling Class. According to Livingston, “The people’s of the Western world have for some generations now been familiar with systems where armies and navies are rigidly subject to civil authorities, and they are wont to regard the military rebellion as something exceptional and monstrous. Actually the human beings who have lived on this earth in security from the brutal rule of the soldier are so few in number, on the background of the whole of human history, as hardly to count.”

    President’s Day has just passed, but perhaps it is not too late to reflect on our good fortune.
    Appreciate what you have while you have it.
    © 2004 Jeffrey R. Nyquist
    J. R. Nyquist website

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Vision of the Presidents

    C. Alan Martin
    updated 6/01/97

    In 1971, I received a vision of the night in which I was shown a row of houses. It was not until 23 years later that the Spirit gave me a dream which held the key to the meaning of these houses. They represent presidential administrations, starting with Truman in 1953, and extending into the future for two more presidents (beyond Clinton).

    Linear Recounting of the Vision of the Night:

    "We were fleeing the persecution and calamity of the day. A brother was fleeing with me. He fell and I paused to help him up. We prayed "Lord Have Mercy". My friend vanished, and I looked around to see that I was at the top of a hill overlooking 12 houses. As I looked to the west, I noticed dark and ominous clouds gathering over one house (#10) and proceeding through to the last house (#12). I looked into the sky over #12, and saw an arc of what appeared to be 6 stars in the sky. One of the stars fell to the earth like a fig that was shaken off a limb. A voice came to me and said "look to the east!". I began to turn to the east, fully expecting to see the Lord coming in the clouds. The dark clouds opened up in two places and I saw the sun darkened and the moon turned to blood. As I looked to the east, instead of seeing the Lord in the sky, I saw an army. This army was made up of ancient armaments such as battering rams, catapults and siege ramps. I ran down and joined the army at house #5. Instantly I was transported into the future, and found myself before what I can only call a "temple fortress". The city was gray, in ruins, and desolate. A man had just emerged from the huge double doors of the temple fortress. He was dressed in a suit. A voice said to me "he says he is god, but he is of devil". The the vision ended.

    Significant events indicated in the vision:

    6th star falls to the earth. Understood to mean the fall of a ruler
    (or president).

    I do not believe this to be actual stars or a comet or any other such object. The stars appeared to be within the atmosphere of the earth, and there was not a huge explosion or calamity when the red "star" fell to the earth.

    The blood moon and lightless sun.

    More imagery that represents the fall of nations and change in the ages. The fall of a president is not enough to bring about changes on this scale. There will be great changes in the earth and alignment of nations.

    A wave ancient weapons of war, which I believe to represent the restoration the sign gifts:

    I waited for 23 years to receive a clue as to the meaning of these houses. In another dream in 1995, I was in the back yard of house #3. I looked down at my feet and saw a LIFE magazine, with a picture of JFK on the cover, and the words "In Memory of Dead Presidents". House number three is the house that represents the term of John Kennedy.

    The Houses
    As Stated above, each house represents a presidential administration.
    House 1 Truman:

    Nothing significant revealed about this house.

    House 2 Eisenhour:

    In a related dream, a model rocket was launched into the air and was drifting down into yard of this house. The rocket then turned into a glider and glided into the yard. My aunt used to refer to me as her "rocket boy" because of my early interest with model rocketry. It was in the Eisenhower Administration that I was born. (1954). It was during this dream that I ran through the back yard of house #3 (to retrieve the falling rocket) and was shown the Life Magazine with Kennedy on the cover. It was then that I knew that these houses represented presidential administrations.

    House 3 Kennedy:

    The yard in which I was shown the key to the meaning of the houses. The Life Magazine with JFK's face on it with a caption stating "In Memory of Dead Presidents" was in this yard. It has been suggested that all the presidents on this "street" must pass away before the events discussed in the remaining revelation can occur. This would mean all presidents up to Carter and maybe Reagan (his house is on a corner lot).

    House 4 Johnson:

    This house was occupied by a family of Jews named Levine. It was during the administration of LBJ that Jerusalem was returned to Israel during the 1967 Arab Israel war. Levine is a long form of Levite. This is a very significant event in the history of the world. With the retaking of Jerusalem, the temple can be rebuilt and the stage set for both the setting up of the anti-christ and the return of Jesus Christ.

    House 5 Nixon:

    It was into the yard of this house that I ran down and joined the army of God which was marching forward through time (the backyards of these houses). It was also in the Nixon administration that I was saved, filled with the Spirit, and had the vision I am now describing. Everything up to this point had already happened in time. However, everything recorded in the remaining houses had not yet happened. It is significant to remember this president, since it will be (according to the falling star and darkened house #10) the 6th administration after Nixon that will endure the beginning of judgment on America, including the fall of that 10th president.

    House 6 Ford:

    Nothing significant
    House 7 Carter:

    Nothing significant

    House 8 Reagan:

    A Major shift occurs in the time of this president. The house sits on a corner lot, and the row of houses changes direction TO THE RIGHT. It can be noted that the nations' politics took a sharp turn to the right during the Reagan administration. Right or wrong, This shift undoubtedly was in the plan of God for the series of events leading up to the last presidents and the fate of the nation.

    House 9 Bush:

    Nothing significant in this administration.

    House 10 Clinton:

    It is this administration that is the main focus of the vision of the night. Over the house was a very dark cloud, so dark that it seemed like night. The cloud was very low so as to almost touch the rooftop. There was something very significant about the "back door" of this house that may have some meaning. The lights were on in the house and they stood out brightly in the darkness created by the cloud. As I looked at this cloud hanging low over the 10th house, I ;also saw an arch of 6 stars in the sky to the west. The stars were of different colors, and the last (sixth from Nixon) of them fell to earth like a fig that was shaken loose from a limb. I have taken this to mean that this administration will preside over some very bad times in the USA, and that this administration will "fall."

    House 11 President:

    In the yard of this house is a large weeping willow tree. This tree represents mourning and sorrow. But under the draping limbs of this tree are children playing.

    House 12 President:

    This is the last house that I saw in this vision of the night. After this house was a dirt path that lead toward a collection of boulders arraigned in a semi circle which reminded me of a place where a trial was held and judgment rendered. In another dream which took place during the millennial age, I was standing among these rock looking at the ruins of a world rocked by the tribulation. In the ruins of these boulders I found a witch doll. I knew immediately that on of the reasons that the USA was judged was because she had gone after the occult and witchcraft.

    Across from the path after house #12 was a new row of houses stretching off into the distance. These I believe are the rulers of the land that Jesus will set up during the millennium.

    In the vision of the night (after I saw the star fall to the earth), I heard a voice say "Look to the east". I began to turn and fully expected to see Jesus coming in the clouds. As I turned I saw the clouds part and I saw the blood moon and the dark sun. Both of these are symbolic of judgment being levied on a nation and the fall of a nation. I continued turning to the east and saw the ancient army approaching from the east through the yards of all the houses of the presidents. It was then that I ran down to join this army in the yard of the house of Nixon. This was 1971, the year I was saved. Immediately the scene changed and I was in the middle of a city in gray ruins. I saw a man emerge from what I perceived to be a "temple fortress" who was dressed in a diplomatic suit and carrying a briefcase. A voice said "He claims to be God, but is of devil." Then the dream ended.

    Perhaps the greatest miracle concerning this vision of the night, and the hardest to conceive, is that the neighborhood described is an actual neighborhood from my childhood in Massena, New York!!!
    The street was called "Washington Street" ( for presidents?).

    The houses are just as I describe them, and were that way long before I had the dream.

    There really was a family of Jews named "Levi" in house #4.

    The street did (and still does) take a right turn at house #8.

    House #11 really does have a weeping willow tree under it, and children did play there... because I was one of them in my early childhood (early 60s).

    There really is a path leading up from house #12, and there really is a collection of boulders at the end of that path!

    There really is a row of houses stretching off into the distance on the other side of that path.

    These facts can be verified with little effort, as the streets and houses exist today as they did 25 years ago. Note this map of the area:

    Can you see the miracle that God somehow manipulated the houses, events, and even street names so as to coincide with this vision of the night!!! This in an undeniable, verifiable miracle where God used (and is using) an existing neighborhood to lay out His plan for America and the manifestation of the Antichrist. We are in house #10 now.

    Hold onto your hats, because the next dozen or so years are going to be a roller coaster ride!!!

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    I'm completely in Mal's court on this one. When Carter was in office there were people who actually WANTEd him to be President for life. Of course, Reagan came in and kicked him to the curb for the good of the country.

    When Clinton was in office, this is when I heard the biggest drum beat about "Clinton will suspend the Constitution and take over as dictator". The MAJORITY of this crap came from Anarchists (who really wanted to have an event like this happen), the Libertarians who would love nothing better than to have ANY president do this so they can start a revolution and the Extreme Right Wing (with whom I have NO connection because frankly people like Alex Jones are God Damned Lunatics)....

    Those people and the "Agents' Provocateurs" that live to help socialism become a main stay in this country - those who will say "We should STOP this!" and then wouldn't lift a finger themselves to do anything, only to get someone else to do the dirty work to start a fight are the people who push this idea that the current administration (whomever that might be) will do this.

    So - Honestly, Backstop, it's a load of nonsense. There are too many of us that WILL fight to prevent such a thing, call for the removal of any man or woman who declares themselves "President for Life". And I doubt seriously anyone in Congress with the exception of certain extreme liberals would go for it anyway.

    There would be riots in DC and it would be Congress leading the fray. The US Supreme Court would rule against the President and the constitutionality of such a decision.

    This would not be an Executive Order either - though a President with aspirations to such power might try, it would be an invalid order because it would require an Amendment to the Constitution which of course requires a lot of states to say yes or no.

    So - lets look at a couple of other things too.

    The first thing you can do is understand this is REAL LIFE not some science fiction book. Crap like this happens in FICTION, not in real life.

    Secondly, we can throw OUT any and all "Visions of the Future"... this is utter bullshit. Visions of the future, dreams and waking precognition are stupid. This kind of crap has nothing to do with reality, it's someones weird idea of "what might be" certainly, and I don't rule out the "gut feelings" people have, but ONLY on a tiny scale. Not in the overall, big picture.

    Basically, Obama is GOING to be a one-term President. He's OUT of here.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Nyqist is a smart guy... that's all I can give him. I can't see where he has been consistently right over the years. And Worldnet Daily is right 30% of the time usually. That's is only slightly better than simple guessing.

    So putting a whole lot of stock in either is not really good.

    You guys are collectively better at reading news and views and picking out the facts from the fiction.

    This group here, as a whole, has a better "guessing record" that WND and Nyqist as far as I am concerned.

    While I can believe (and even understand) his reasoning that the US Military WILL fight a war with or without the President - and I think they would - I don't think that missile launch was the US doing it.

    There's no logic in that reasoning, there's no logic for the US Military to launch a clandestine missile just off OUR coast toward China.

    For China to launch one in their OWN direction however is not an act of war. For the US to do it would be an act of war.

    I love how he tries to discredit the skeptics by saying how "outraged" we will be right off. I'm not "outraged" but certainly that much more skeptical. Just like when someone starts out with quotes about "Masonic implications".
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    I tend to agree with you guys.

    And for the record, I didn't use WND as a resource.

    The entire scenario seemed so out of whack compared to the rest of the stuff I've been reading over at TFP, figured I'd give you folks a chance to comment.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    I don't post everything I read but study everything and shelve it for later reference. As events unfold they weed out some of these possibilities but some parts could become reality in the future.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    The thread title kinda sucks as it was all I could think of.

    And just to be clear, this is the main thrust of my question:

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    The hypothesis: The Commies have advanced their agenda to a point they will not let it go, back down, relinquish the control they have, or retreat.
    The Commies have such a firm grasp now, they'll do anything (EMP us, nuke us, collapse our economy, etc.) to ensure they maintain a grasp.

    And Barry O. remaining as President is just the result of a massive TAA assault on the U.S.

    An assault where most comms are down, the country is fragmented, elections are about the last thing on folks' minds, etc.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    I don't post everything I read but study everything and shelve it for later reference. As events unfold they weed out some of these possibilities but some parts could become reality in the future.
    That is almost always the plan.

  11. #11
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    The thread title kinda sucks as it was all I could think of.

    And just to be clear, this is the main thrust of my question:

    The Commies have such a firm grasp now, they'll do anything (EMP us, nuke us, collapse our economy, etc.) to ensure they maintain a grasp.

    And Barry O. remaining as President is just the result of a massive TAA assault on the U.S.

    An assault where most comms are down, the country is fragmented, elections are about the last thing on folks' minds, etc.
    To address this question directly, with am Executive and Legislative Branch largely ignoring the Constitution and plowing ahead with directives, such as unwarranted search and circumventing legislative avenues through EO, it may be entirely possible that the far left will at least attempt to keep the ground they have taken. In fact, I'd bet on that. Would they go so far as to use weapons on our own country? Hard to say, but I will defer that to a logic that whatever is for the "greater good" is valid. Greater good being a defined statement based on ones agenda.

    If a sufficient attack were to happen here, elections would be harder to control for transparency, and as we know even in ease of control, there is fraud. Will O be the last President? I dunno. I am sure he will be a 1 termer so long as the electoral process remains relatively unscathed.

    My gut is another matter. No matter what happens with commanders in chief, I am certain we are headed for more troubling times. There are people with vested interest in keeping the US alive for their finances and they wield strength to lobby their will, yet it is unshakable for me to figure we are anywhere near a better outcome. Still, I push on and try to make the positive difference. It is my gut, but to me that means I must redouble my effort to prevent such a scenario.

    Ultimately, we do need to have the constitution respected by all lawmakersand executives, including the return of powers not enumerated to the fed, being that of the states. If that happens, we may be ok.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    It would make my freaking day to know the relationship (if there even is one) between Barry O., Ayres, Putin, the Commies, etc.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Look through these two threads for starters:

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Doubtful anyone would ever have a dream so explicit, so detailed, and lasting that long, thus generating the obviously postdream thoughts.

  15. #15
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by quartertiller View Post
    Doubtful anyone would ever have a dream so explicit, so detailed, and lasting that long, thus generating the obviously postdream thoughts.
    Welcome aboard...

    I agree. MOST dreams bring on other thoughts. Unless you write down the dreams right then and there, you forget most of it. Most people will "fill in the blanks".

    Though I can remember a couple as a child very clearly, they were nightmares though.

    I don't remember other dreams I've ever had (except a recurring dream, but it's not the same each time, the players in the dream are different, the situation is different, and the goal is different, but they all have one thing in common, the theme is the same... it's a survival dream). But each time the details a different and I don't remember any of them with great clarity, but I do remember having the dreams.

    So I tend to believe folks remembering dreams from 20+ years ago are adding an AWFUL lot of their own information to the dream...
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Well, he’s now saying it was an acft.

    Posted by JRNyquist:


    About the mystery missile launch. I am aware that WorldNetDaily is claiming the missile was a Chinese missile, and I have speculated that it was a U.S. launch. But after reviewing the video and listening to several aviation experts analyze it, there is no doubt it was a civilian aircraft. This may sound odd, but in fact missiles don't make turns, and they don't move so slowly. The idea that it was a Chinese missile is quite absurd. The technical capabilities of our side would have identified it as an illegal launch in coastal waters and the U.S. military would have been immediately tasked with locating the submarine.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    He don't know what it is he's talking about. Missiles DO make turns.

    After they reach a certain height they usually roll and head in the direct they are going to go, especially cruise-type missiles.
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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    He don't know what it is he's talking about. Missiles DO make turns.

    After they reach a certain height they usually roll and head in the direct they are going to go, especially cruise-type missiles.
    Thank you.

    I find it kinda odd Nyquist could be so far off the mark.

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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    He don't know what it is he's talking about. Missiles DO make turns.

    After they reach a certain height they usually roll and head in the direct they are going to go, especially cruise-type missiles.

    Just google ICBM launch for proof.

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  20. #20
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barry O. Will Not Relinquish The Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    He don't know what it is he's talking about. Missiles DO make turns.

    After they reach a certain height they usually roll and head in the direct they are going to go, especially cruise-type missiles.
    Exactly... Basic course correction to put them on their ballistic flight paths.

    Video proof:

    YouTube: ICBM Peacekeeper Launch

    Here is a great video with some Russian missile launches. Not only do you get to see course correction, but you get to see a Russian rail-mobile missile launch (I hadn't seen one before), AND you can see the difference between liquid fueled and solid fueled missile launches! Notice with the liquid fueled missiles' (from the silos) the distinct lack of plume versus the solid fueled (mobile) missiles' heavy plume. I'd also point out how well that coincides with the seeming apparent solid first stage and liquid second stage we saw with the California "missile" which, as I mentioned, is the same configuration as the Chinese JL-2.

    YouTube: ICBM Russian Missiles Launch

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